Electrolytic Resistance in Evaluating Protective Merit of Coatings on Metals R. CHARLES BACON, JOSEPH J. SMITH, AND FRANK M. RUGG Bakelite Corporation, Bloomfield, N . J. * against the passage of corrosive material from the environment to the corrodible metal surface. Since this combination of barrier properties determines the protective life of the coating, a thorough study of underwater coatings for metals should be centered on the complete system metal-coating-aqueous environment. I n this system the ionic mobility within the coating was believed to be related to the ease of passage of corrosive constituents through the coating to the metal. As a result, the electrolytic resistance due t o the cbating was thought t o be a measure of protection. To test the validity of this idea experimentally, the coated metal and aqueous environment were incorporated in an electrochemical cell aa follows: In the examination of over 300 test systems the electrolytic resistance of organic coatings on immersed metals has been found to be reliable for following protective behavior and for predicting coating life, generally, in less than one fifth the time required by the usual exposure tests based on visual observation. These results are consistent with the assumption that the protection offered by underwater coatings is determined by the ease of passage of corrosive materials or ions through the coating to the corrodible metal surface, and that this diffusibility is in turn related to the electrolytic resistance of the coating. In measuring coating resistances the standard method for the determination of the internal resistance of batteries was employed, the voltage being measured by means of an electronic potentiometer. As only exceedingly small currents are drawn and these only during the seconds of measurement, coating failure is not accelerated and significant polarization is precluded. metal/coating/aqueous environment/HgCl/Hg The standard technique for determining the internal resistance of a battery waa then employed. This method consists in measuring the open circuit potential, EO,of this cell and then the potential, E,, obtained when a n appropriate known resistance, R,, is momentarily connected across the cell terminals. From these values the internal resistance, R,, can be calculated from the following equation: A NEED of long standing has been a satisfactory laboratory test for predicting the corrosion protective merit of organic coatings on submerged metals. In considering t h e development of such a test, a study of the possible significance of various measurable properties indicated the likelihood of a correlation between the electrolytic resistance of the coating and corrosion protection. To test the validity of this concept, a suitable apparatus was constructed and a series of experiments carried out in which both coating resistance and extent of visible substrate corrosion were followed. The purpose of this publication is to show b y means of representative data the reliablity of electrolytic resistance values as a measure of coating protection and as a means of predicting protective life. Wirth (4) appears to be the only obher investigator to report specifically on the electrolytic resistance of submerged protective coatings. He measured the galvanic currents which flowed from steel to zinc and t o silver electrodes through films, both attached to the steel and unattached to any substrate. From these current values and the cell potentials obtained by opening the circuit momentarily, the film resistances were calculated. The results were used as an aid in constructing a theory on the mechanism of coating protection. RI = R, (2 - I) The resistance due to the presence of the coating can be determined by subtracting from resistance Ri the resistance obtained using a similar cell in which the coating is absent. This latter correction is often negligible, since the resistance due t o the coating is usually of a much higher order of magnitude than that due t o the remainder of the cell. Only the small currents which flow while obtaining the closed circuit potentials E, are passed through the test cell. Since the time involved in obtaining this value is very short (less than 5 seconds) and the measurements are not made frequently, no Bignificant cell polarization or galvanic breakdown of the coating occurs. INSTRUMENT USED A detailed wiring diagram of the instrument used in measuring open and closed circuit potentials is shown in Figure 1. This instrument, referred t o as the Protectometer, is divided functionally into three sections: the potentiometer, the cell and switch circuit, and the null indicator. The null indicator registers zero when the voltage supplied by the potentiometer is equal, but opposite in sign, t o the voltage across the test cell. This indicator is a slightly modified Leeds & Northrup thermionic amplifier (No. 7673) together with a Leeds & Northrup enclosed lamp and scale galvanometer (No. 2420~). Since the modification of the amplifier consists primarily in changing the values of certain resistors, Figure 1 includes approximate values of all resistances. The utility of this amplifier depends largely upon its stability and the low grid current (less than ampere) of the Westinghouse RH 507 tube. This low grid current permits voltages to be measured to the closest millivolt in systems having an internal resistance up to 10,000 megohms. A detailed discussion of the thermionic amplifier and the behavior of this tube has been THEORETICAL BASIS Metallic corrosion, whether an electrochemical or a direct chemical process, is a surface attack on the metal resulting from contact with certain constituents of its environment. It is generally accepted that organic underwater coatings, such as paints, retard corrosion primarily by reducing the amount of corrosive material which gains access to the metal surface. Accordingly, a coating should be continuous and should remain, throughout extended periods of immersion, reasonably impermeable, coherent, and adherent t o the metal. Furthermore, many underwater primers contain inhibitive pigments which further retard corrosion, presumably by interposing an impervious passivating film over the metal surface. The combination of these properties in the coating, then, enables it t o serve as a barrier 161 162 INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Vol. 40, No. 1 curve designated. “good” in Figure 2 is typical of such variations. The cause of the initial rise and subsequent variations in coating resistance designated as “repairing tendency” is not known with certainty. However, since measurements of the resistance of immersed detached resin films do not as a general rule show this repairing tendency, this behavior appears to be due, a t least in part, to processes occuralv ring a t the metal-coating interface. The following mechanism appears to explain this phenorrenon. The initial decrease in resistance is due to the permeation of water and the tiansport of conducting constituents within the coating. As a result, corrosion product barriers form Switch Circuit a t the metal-coating interface and perFigure 1. Schematic Wiring Diagram for Protectonieter haps in the pores and interstices new this interface. These barriers-for exK~ (ohmli) = 10,000,Rz = 5 , & = 10-20 depending o n the floating grid bias for the particular RH 5017 tube used, Ra = 10,000, Rs = 5000, Rs = 10,000, R7 = 15, RE = 20, Rs = 10,000, RID= 150, ample, gases, oxides, passive filmR I I = 50. Rn = 3500. El = t w o EverReady air cells, A2600; Ez = one EverReady air cell, A2600. block the passage of conducting particles Care must be taken to Pnsure adequate insulation in the selection of switches Sc, s2) Sa, Sd, to the metal surface, and this leads to the and S o . increase in resistance. As the corrosion proceeds at a retarded rate beyond this presented by Cherry (1) and Hayes (3). I n order to determine point, the pressure due to increased amounts of corrosion products the cell resistance (E,) from Equation 1 it must be possible t o produces localized ruptures in the film structure. These permit a less hindered transport of conducting constituents and henre connect a known resistance (Re)across the cell when desired. This is accomplished by switches 8 2 , 8 3 , and 8,. The purpose lead t o a decrease in resistance. The cycle may repeat itself many of the auxiliary unit i,s to permit the connection of a low resistance times before the complete breakdown of the film. In conformity with this mechanism, microscopic examination of unpigmented source of voltage (+1.5 t o -1.5 volt) in series with the test cell. coatings having high resistancrs during immersion revealed This arrangement allows good accuracy ( * 5%) in resistance black spots under the coating which are presumably manifestadeterminations when the voltage supplied by the test cell is tions of one type of corrosion-product bariier formation. less than 0.1 volt. The resistance contributed by this potentiometric auxiliary unit is negligible in comparison to the resistances normally determined. EXPERIMENTAL PRQCEDLRE BEHAVIOR OF COATING RESISTANCE The resistance technique was developed as an aid in studying snd evaluating coating compositions being considered for use on the hulls of seagoing vessels. As a result, the experimental work has been concentrated on the test system mild steel/coating/ sea water. In order t o avoid contamination of, and junction potentials with, these test half-cells, a special reference electrode Hg/HgCl/sea water, was used. When coating resistance determinations were first undertaken the values for 1 square centimeter of submerged surface were f m n d t o be as liigh as 1OLl ohms shortly after the beginning of the immersion, and as low as lo3ohms after a number of months of exposure. As a result, it has been more convenient to represent the data graphically in the form of logarithm of resistance us. time instead of resistance us. time. Figure 2 gives representative resistance behaviors for three classes of coatings, those giving poor, fair, and good protection, respectively. Most coatings, if continuous, have resistances in the neighborhood of log R = 9 during the first 5 t o 10 minutes of immersion, followed by a decrease in resistance which may vary considerably in steepness and duration. The resistance of poor coatings continues to decrease and leads to failure during the first thirty to sixty days of immersion. Fair coatings may level off or even rise slightly in resistance after the initial decrease. However, a subsequent decided decrease in resistance heralds coating failure in approximately six months of exposure. With good coatings an initial decrease in resistance is followed by an abrupt rise to approximately the original value. Thereafter the log R value may remain substantially unchanged or increase and decrease irregularly in the high resistance region. The After having observed in preliminary experiments that coatings which maintained higher electrolytic resistances during immerIO r; u $ P 2 2 B E I2 P 6 9 8 7 g3 6 ; B 3 P 5 6 4 I/ s 3 0 30 60, 90 17.0 150 TIME IN DAYS ~i~~~~2. schematic~~~i~~~~~~ ~ Immersed Metals ~of coatings h ~~~ ~ ~ INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY January 1948 Hat i.up. Thc rudn u C I C ihcn sanii-bli mirig IL dopiin (:hat of 10 to 60 niesh in gril nud a i l nir prcssurc of 72 pounds per square Xicroscopic measuieinents (450 x ) revealed t,Iicsc smdhlasted srirfacc.; had maxixiwn i p s i o n u uf appruximstely 1.5 mils in di Immcdiately afl,iv sandblasting, t h e rods sorubbed with 8% dry hand brush t o I C U I O Y ~ nrntrll pmticlt:~of sand from lhc sirface. I3 r:uating, cach d w i wdt. ivas washed in BCC atxi w c i g h d I';xcq?t for 1 inch at tlic Aat top end, eacl IVHS unifwmly cowled by 3 t o 6 applir:at,io:is using IL p ~ s e l < c l r m d TBLC of fmni 0.021 t o 0.075 inrlr sceonrl. I)rying t,ook ~ I B C with B the ~ o ~ l . t suspended, hemisphcrieal t.ip down, in controlled :it. 25" ('. and 40": relative liiinii t.ha drying time WAS 1 to 2 hours betwen mat.ing and 48 hours betweeii tho aypliestb the first mitt and tiic tmt, irnnicision. Tnenty-fuur hours, t,lie npplicat.iun of ttie la1boai thc rods were given B find W I ing. T h e average coating t h i was calculated from density of the dry film, tho inw weight due t o the prcr of tha Iwotecbive film, arid t2ic R ~ coalcd L (50.7sq. an,), aa ing asrnootb s u b t r a t c surface. At the beginning of tho work it wss found that a e a k spots o f t e r r obt,ainrd at, the hemispkwrieal t,ip of thc cloctrodes. led tu prernat,ure failure at t h e x aicm itrid mid;ieading resiit, values. To eliminaie this difficulty, the hemispherical ti each clt.ctroiio was given a thick reirrfuorcing dip coating 01 test mnterinl being used, irnmodiafcly after thr final wig1 This reinfomd mea w a s always the litiit t o sliow m y sigr eodting failure and thedore \*BY not believed to enter si6 cantly into the resistance behavior of the submerged I Cortsequently, the &ED of the hcmispherieal tip w m elimin from thc calculatioii of ttrc resiutsnre value8 (ohms for 0110 sq ceetimeber o f submerged surfme) used in giving results. For the test irnmemion each coated rod WN-' suhinerged tieally to a dept,h of 5 cm. (erpmd area = 17.4 sq. cm. cluding the hemispherical tip) in a I-pi,int Mason jar mntai .. : I I I I 0 IO 20 30 . ..- . TIME IN OATS ... ... I 40 50 I 0 0 I I I i I IO 20 30 40 50 T l M F IN "A"? INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY 164 300 ml. of natural sea water. This sea water had a pH of 8 and was filtered before use. A No. 30 cork stopper with a hole for the coated rod and another for the reference electrode bridge w w used in each jar. The reference half-cell contained Hg, HgCI, and sea water in t h e flask, and an agar-sea water gel in the glass tube bridge. This reference half-cell has a constant potential of +0.299 volt, assuming the volta'ge of the normal hydrogen electrode t o be zero. The coated panels used in the test cells of type B were prepared by members of the New Jersey Zinc Company Research Division in Palmerton, Pa. This was done so that the results in the resistance studies on this paint system could be correlated with osmotic studies performed a t the New Jersey Zinc Company laboratories with the same coating combination on identically prepared panels (3). The primer (U. S. Navy specification 52 P 18) was allowed one week of air drying before application of the low gloss, alkyd hull paint top coat (made from 52 P 25 base). The test exposure was begun two weeks after the application of the top coat. Two days before the test exposure was started, a glass cylinder (5 X 1 3 / 4 inches) open a t both ends was attached to the central portion of each coated panel by use of a rosin-wax mixture applied in the molten state. Each cylinder contained 100 ml. of test aqueous environment during the exposure period. The test environments employed were distilled water and aqueous solutions of 0.780, 2.31, and 3.77% sodium chloride by weight. Measurements were obtained by using the specimen steel substrate as one electrode and a platinized platinum electrode as the other. At the time of measurement, and during the intervals between measurements, all the test cells were kept in a constant tcmperature room at 25" C. and 40y0 relative humidity. The results given for any particular test system were obtained in duplicate. VARIATIONS IN IMETAL SURFACE PREPARATION Maintenance of good adhesion between the substrate surface and the applied coating is obviously desirable in obtaining a durable protective barrier. I n order to effect good adhesion of the primer coat, the metal substrate is often given an inorganic surface conversion treatment-for example, Parkerizing and Bonderizing-prior t o primer application. The idea was developed in this laboratory that a conversion-type coating which 12 I I 1 I Vol. 40, No. 1 contained an organic binder could provide an improved base for adhesion of the primer. In order to test the practicality of this idea, a phosphoric acid-zinc chromate-vinyl resin conversion coating system was formulated. By use of this wash primer significant increases in adhesion and protective performance were effected with a number of vinyl resin marine primers for mild steel in test exposures. As a result, experiments were undertaken to determine whether resistance values could be used to detect the improvement in protective performance due to the presence of this wash primer. A representative set of resistance results is given in Figure 4. After the first thirty days of sea water immersion this vinyl resin-red lead primer, coated on untreated sand-blasted mild steel, displayed a gradual but steady decrease in resistance. This represented a more progressive decrease in barrier effectiveness than was indicated by the higher and almost constant resistance values obtained during this period when the wash primer was used. Even though no visible signs of coating failure could be detected in either case after fifty-six days of immersion, the differences in resistance became quite pronounced-that is, by a factor of 1000-as the system without wash primer approached the resistance region (log R = 6) indicative of the onset of failure. The validity of this resistance evaluation was confirmed by visual observation of the test specimens after six months of exposure. At this latter time the primer applied over the wash primer showed no signs of failure, whereas in the case of the primer applied directly over the sahd-blasted mild steel localized rusting and some film peeling was readily observable. A consideration of the resistance-time curves given in Figure 4 also suggested that the difference in protective performance between these vinyl resin-red lead primers, with and without wash primer, was traceable t o differences in adhesion well before this could be confirmed in the subsequent visual examination of the test specimens. A relatively small difference in barrier effectiveness was indicated from the very high resistance values obtained with both of these coatings during the f i s t twentyfive days of immersion. This indicated very little difference during this period in the low rates of transmission of the corrosive materials through the protective systems because of the presence of the wash primer. In conformity with this indication a coating of the wash primer alone, like conventional conversion coatings, v a s seen to offer very little protection (Figure 4). Therefore, the significant differences in resistance behavior observed after the f i s t thirty days of immersion appeared to depend upon differences in the ability of the coatings to prevent the spread of corrosion along the coating-substrate interface. Such a spreading of corrosion would bring about a gradual loss in film integrity and lower the observed resistance. For these reasons this difference in resistance behavior was interpreted as being due to the difference in adhesion obtained at the substrate-caating interface by use of the wash primer. Differences in protective merit due to an improved adhesion produced by the wash primer treatment were detected by use of resistance determinations with other vinyl resin marine primer formulations on sand-blasted mild steel. I n addition, other experimental results indicated that differences in protective performance due to other variations in rr-eta1 surface preparation or in the nature of the substrate metal can be predicted and followed by resistance determinations. VARIATIONS IN COATING TIME IN DAYS Figure 6. Effect of Variations in Pigment Composition on Protection 3-AMilpolyvinyl butyral primers, sand-blasted mild steel aubstrates, sea water immersion It is well recognized that, for a given metal surface and a given aqueous corrosive environment, differences in the binder composition and in the pigmentation of the coating can lead to large differences in the protection obtained. I n this section results are presented which show how the effects on protection by these and other variations in the coating can be studied and rapidly determined from resistance values. After the first twenty days of immersion the gradual decrease in the resistance of the polyvinyl acetate-chloride k s during a six-month exposure. The results with polyvinyl butyral coatings presented in Figure 6 illustrate how resistance values may be used t o predict differences in protection due to differences in the nature of the pigment used. The rapid drop in the resistance of the coating pigmented with titanium dioxide revealed that this coating was poorly protective. Considerable substrate rusting and coating blistering could be observed on this specimen after two weeks of immersion. The unpigmented and red lead-pigmented polyvinyl butyral coatings maintained approximately the same high resistance values during the fist month of testing. Thereafter, the higher resistance values obtained with the red lead coating revealed the improved protection attained through the incorporation of this pikment into the polyvinyl butyral vehicle. This improvement stands in contrast t o the detrimental effect obtained when titanium dioxide was used, After four months of immersion some localized rusting was observed on the specimen containing the unpigmented coating, but no significant signs of failure could be observed with the red lead coating after a sixmonth exposure. Another coating variable which is probably of more importance than is often realized is film thickness. Interest in the use of thick marine coatings of the hot plastic type prompted resistance determinations with different thicknesses of a rosin-amorphous wax coating composition. The results obtained are presented in Figure 7 as an illustration of how the effect of coating thickness on protection may be determined from resistance values. It is seen that the resistance values for this rosin-wax formulation are consistently higher with increasing coating thicknesses. The visible protective ratings on these specimens after immersion periods up t o fifteen months have been found to conform with the relative order of merit which was predicted from the resistance values obtained during the first two months of immersion. The initially low resistance values obtained with the 2-mil coating suggested the presence of discontinuities, or only very thin protective films, at the peaks of the sand-blasted substrate surface. This indication and the subsequent rapid decrease in resistance during the first day heralded early failure. Considerable localized rusting occurred with this specimen during the second week of testing. Appreciable localized rusting of the steel could be observed shortly after three months of exposure exposure. No significant signs of failure could be observed with the &mil coating of this rosin-wax composition during fifteen months of immersion. The specimens used in this latter experiment were carefully prepared and were not subjected t o any impacts or abrasions during the test immersion. The coatings were applied by successive dippings of preheated sand-blasted mild steel rods in the molten water-white rosin (25y0)-amber amorphous wax (75%) mixture at 105" C. Immediately after application of the coatings the specimens were placed in an oven and allowed t o cool gradually from 90" C. t o 35" C. during a two- t o three-hour period. Such a technique had to be used t o avoid the formation of a very thick (50-100 mils), cracked, porous, and poorly adherent coating which is obtained when an ordinary hot dip procedure is used. Therefore, although good protection is indicated for the 8-mil coating under the experimental conditions used, the brittleness of the coating and the difficulty of obtaining continuous adherent films of tnis formulation under service conditions militate against its use in practice. The results on .the effect of coating thickness indicate that a coating formulation which gives at least reasonably good protection at the usual test film thicknesses may give a markedly improved protection at greater film thioknesses. This brings out the value of applying thicker primer coatings (greater than 3 mils) than are often used in service and the importance of considering film thickness as a significant variable in obtaining comparable results in laboratory and field tests. Good protection cannot be expected with a formulation which is known t o be poorly protective with thin but continuous coatings-for example, the polyvinyl acetate-zinc tetraoxychromate system (Figure 5)simply by using thicker coatings. I n Figure 8 the drop in the resistance of a 2-mil copper oxide antifouling coating, applied directly t o the steel surface, to below a log R value of 6 during the first ten days is indicative of poor protection. Since the resistance values for this coating were as high as log R = 8 during the first two days, a poor water impermeability waa not indicated. The continued decrease of the resistance indicated the rapid spread of corrosion along the metal surface, which was probably accelerated b y the presence of galvanic cells formed by copper being transported in solution from the pigment t o the metal surface. It ivould be expected, 166 INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Vol. 40, No, 1 surface of an organic coating may then be expected to lead to a decrease in the protective merit. In Figure 9 resistance values are seen to reveal this effect with a polyvinyl butyral-zinc tetraoxychromate primer. The curves show conc MIL^ ur UN I iruuLi NU ~ U RI I u OVER 4 MILS OF PRIMER sistently lower resistance values for the ! system in which oxygen was bubbled into sea water. Localized substrate rusting became visible shortly after two weeks of immersion on this latter specimen, whereas similar signs of failure did not appear until after four months of exposure with the specimen immersed in sea R-ater under static atmospheric cona L ditions. These results not only illus84 v) trate that resistance determinations are P reliable in coating evaluations under these two different environmental cons 2. ditions but also show how great may 0 20 40 GO 80 100 120 140 160 be the effect of such variations in oxygen concentration on the protection obTIME IN DAYS tained. Recent studies by Kittelberger and Figure 8. Effect of Copper Oxide Antifouling Coating on Protection Obtained with ZTO Chromate-Polyvinyl Butyral Primer Elm (3)showed that the water absorption and blistering of a coating combiSand-blasted mild steel substrates, sea water immersion nation made up of a zinc chromate primer (Kavy specification 52 P 18) and a low-gloss gray alkyd top coat (made from 52 P 25 base) applied to then, that the presence of a suitable thickness of primer would give an improved bond a t the metal surface and prevent dissolved mild steel decreased with increased sodium chloride concentracopper from reaching this surface. Under these conditions the tion in the aqueous environment. In order t o obtain some idea of the correlation between the results of such studies and coating antifouling top coat .could serve as an additional barrier in proresistance determinations, identical test panels and envirgntecting the steel. This appears to be the case, since a high resistments were used in resistance studies (Figure 3 B ) . These ance is maintained longer when 2 mils of the antifouling top results afforded informatidn regarding the reliability of coating coat are applied over 4 mils of a zinc tetraoxychromate-polyresistance determinations for studying and rapidly evaluating vinyl butyral primer than when either the antifouling coat or the differences in protective behavior due to differences in environpiimer is used alone (Figure 8). mental salt concentration. The coating resistance values presented in Figure 8 are in The curves obtained in these studies during four and one conformity with the visually observed protective merits of the coatings after prolonged sea water immersion. With the 2-mil half months of immersion are given in Figure 10. During this test period the resistance values are consistently lower, the lower antifouling coating alone, rusting of the substrate became the sodium chloride concentration in the aqueous environment. readily visible after seven weeks of exposure. After seven months The marked decrease in the resistance values during the first the 4 m i l primer coating showed some slight localized failure, five t o eight days corresponds to the rapid diffusion of water into whereas the 2-mil antifouling coat-4-mil primer coat system has the films before coating saturation is approached. Thereafter, given perfect protection for more than two years. In addition t o the variables discussed in this section, the effects on protection of other variations in the coating may be studied by use of resistance values. Experimental results show that film discontinuity and the effects of variations in coating drying schedule can be rapidly detected by resistance determinations. Resistance values have also been used in the laboratory determinations of the highest permissible and optimum pigment concentration for marine primers. Obviously this technique STATIC ATMOSPHEFqlC CONDITIONS 10 lends itself to the prediction of the relative merit of commercial formulations provided the proper service conditions can be approximated in the laboratory testing. e VARIATIONS IN AQUEOUS ENVIRONMENT The third major source of variables which may affect the protective behavior of an underwater coating on a metal is the nature of the environment. Two of the more important factors in this regard-namely, the concentrations of dissolved oxygen and of salt in the aqueous environment-have been selected to demonstrate the validity of resistance values in studies involving differences in the corrosive environment. That oxygen is ordinarily an accelerating constituent in the corrosion of mild steel immersed in sea water is well recognized. An increase in the concentration of dissolved oxygen a t the v) 2 K Figure 9. 4 6 8 IO TIME IN DAYS Effect of Environmental Oxygen Concentration on Protection 2.5-Mil coatings of v i n y l resin-ZTO chromate primer, sandblasted mild steel substrates, sea water immersion January 1948 INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY- 167 m 0 20 40 60 80 100 I20 140 160 TIME OF EXPOSURE IN DAYS Figure 10. Three-Mi1 Coatings Composed of Navy 52 P 18 Primer and Low Gloss Alkyd Hull Paint Exposure in aqueous solutions varying i n NaCl concentration, smooth mild steel panel substrates the almost constant resistance vilues are due to the maintenance of film integrity. Since the water absorption of this coating has been shown to increase with decreasing environmental salt concentration (S),$he results given in Figure 10 indicate that during this test period the dissolution of water by the coating is a more important factor in determining protective behavior than the imbibition of environmental salt by the coating. The prediction of protective merit from the resistance values obtained during this test period are in agreement with the visual protective rating of the specimens after extended exposure. After ten months of immersion the coating exposed to the distilled water was appreciably blistered, although no substrate rusting was observed. At this time slight blistering of the coating and a small amount of substrate rusting were noted with the specimen exposed to the 0.78% sodium chloride solution. However,*no signs of coating failure were observed after the ten-month immersion with the coatings exposed to the 2.31% and 3.7’7y0 sodium chloride solutions. EXTENSION TO OTHER SYSTEMS A satisfactory cell for determining resistances of coatings on metal panels which have been immersed in laboratory tanks or in the field can be set up as follows: With the panel substrate serving ae one electrode, electrolytic connection is made between the calomel half-cell and the coated surface by placing four to eight layers of filter paper (for example, 5.5 cm. in diameter), which have been saturated with sea water, on the coated panel. The end of the salt bridge is then brought in contact with this wetted paper, and the method previously described is used to determine the resistance of the coating under the filter paper. A modification of this latter technique should also be applicable to systems exposed t o the afmosphere or in laboratory weathering units. In this manner a quantitative meashre of protection at the time of measurement as well as a prediction of relative merits from the trends of resistance values with time should be possible. The choice of substrates is limited only to sufficiently conducting materials. Satisfactory work has been carried out in this laboratory on aluminum (anodized and unanodized), Alclad, magnesium, and galvanized steel. resistance behaviors during immersion have always conformed with the visual protective ratings assigned to the corresponding test specimens after prolonged laboratory exposure. These results indicate that the resistance due t o the presence of the coating is a measure of protection, and that resistance determinations evidently have considerable value in the laboratory evaluation and fundamental study of underwater coatings on metals. There are variables other than those already studied which, under practical conditions, may affect protective behavior-for example, abrasion, erosion, galvanic coupling, radiation, effect of inhibitors, and chemical deterioration of the coating. However, there is no reason to believe that these impose any limitation on resistance values as valid measures of protection. I n so far as these factors influence the barrier properties of the coating, they should be reflected in the resistance values obtained. I n fact, all results show that the resistance values are sufficiently sensitive in this regard to allow a determination of the relative importance of such variables for a given set of practical conditions. Therefore, it appears that laboratory resistance values can be used in the practical rating of underwater coating formulations for metal surfaces. However, since the protection obtaineq may differ appreciably with variations in the substrate, the coating, and the environment, care must be taken to duplicate closely the proper service conditions in the laboratory testing if results are to be applicable. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The assistance of V. H: Turkington, L. R. Whiting, and L. A. Micco (at present with Ansco Laboratories) in this work is gratefully acknowledged. This work was initiated under a contract between Bakelite Corporation and the Office of Research and Development, and completed under a contract between Bakelite Corporation and the Bureau of Ships, Navy Department, which has approved this publication. The opinions presented here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Navy Department or the naval service a t large. LITERATURE CITED CONCLUSIONS e This resistance technique has been used, to date, in the investigation of over 300 test systems involving coated metals immersed in aqueous liquids. As is illustrated in this paper, these tests covered a wide range of the variables which influence the’protection afforded the metal substrate. I n every case good protection was obtained at resistances greater than log R = 8, and poor protection was obtained a t resistances lower than log R = 6. In addition, the predictions of coating protectite merit from the (1) Cherry, R. H., Trans. Electrochem. SOC.,72,33 (1937); Sutherlin, L.,and Cherry, R. H., Ibid., 78,11-20 (1940). (2) Hayes, W.A.,Proc. I.B.E., t o be published; paper presented before Inst. of Radio Engrs.,Jan. 26,1944. ENG.CHEM.,38,695(3) Kittelberger, W.W.,and Elm, A. C., IND. 9 (1946). (4) Wirth, J. K.,Chem. Fabrik, 11, 455-7 (1938); Korrosion u . Mstalschutz, 16,69-76, 331-8 (1940); Angewandte Chemie, 54, 369-73 (1941); Korrosion u. Metalschutz, 18,203-9 (1942). RBCEXVED May 8 , 1947. ,