(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (43) International Publication Date 7 April 2016 (07.04.2016) §IJ ~ WIPO I PCT (51) International Patent Classification: AOIN 63100 (2006.01) A61K 35174 (2015.01) (21) International Application Number: PCT/US2015/053239 (22) International Filing Date: 30 September 2015 (30.09.2015) (25) Filing Language: English Illlll llllllll II llllll lllll lllll lllll llll III Ill lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111 (10) International Publication Number WO 2016/054222 Al AO,AT,AU,AZ,BA,BB,BG,BH,BN,BR,BW,BY, BZ,CA,CH,CL,CN,CO,CR,CU,CZ,DE,DK,DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, VA, VG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (26) Publication Language: (30) (71) (72) (71) English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, Priority Data: GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, 62/057,667 30 September 2014 (30.09.2014) us TZ, VG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, Applicant: AUBURN UNIVERSITY [US/US]; 570 TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, Devall Drive, Auburn, AL 36832 (US). DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, Inventors; and SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, Applicants : LILES, Mark, R. [US/US]; 710 Sanders GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Street, Auburn, AL 36830 (US). KLOEPPER, Joseph [US/US]; 735 S. Gay St., Auburn, AL 36830 (US). Published: (74) Agents: MCBRIDE, Scott, M. et al.; Andrus Intellectual Property Law, LLP, IOO East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite l IOO, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (US). = = ------- with international search report (Art. 21(3)) with sequence listing part of description (Rule 5.2(a)) (81) Designated States (unless othenvise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (54) Title: USE OF PECTIN OR PECTIN-RELATED SACCHARIDES TO ENHANCE EFFICACY OF PLANT GROWTH-PROMOTING RHIZOBACTERIA (PGPR) STRAINS FOR PROMOTING GROWTH AND HEALTH IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS (57) Abstract: Disclosed are compositions and methods that include or utilize plant growth promoting xhizobacteria (PGPR) for improving growth and health in plants and animals. The compositions and methods include or utilize a plant growth promoting rfiizobacteria (PGPR) that expresses a protein associated with pectin metabolism, and a saccharide comprising pectin or a pectin -re lated saccharide. WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 USE O.F PECTIN OR PECTIN-RELATED SACCHi-\RIDES TO .ENHANCE EFFICACY OF PLANT GRO\VTH-PROJ\'10TlNG RHIZOBACTERIA (PGPR) STRAINS FOR PROlVIOTlNG GRO\VTH AND HKALTH IN PLANTS AND ANll\lALS CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED A,PPLICAT£0NS [0001] The present application dairns the benefit of priorit,y under 35 lJ.S .C § 119(e) to U.S. provisional application No. 62/057,.667, filed on September 30, 2015,. the content of which is incorporated herein by reference in its ~mt.irety. FJELD [0002] The presently disdosed subject 1natter relates to the field of plant grov.·th- promoting rhizohacteria (PGPR). In particular, the present subject t.natter relates to the use of pectin or pectin-related saccharide to enhance the efficacy of PGPR in regard to promoting growth and heahh in plants and aninrnls_ BACKGROUND [0003] Pl.ant-associated microorganisms have been extensively exarnim.~d for their roles in natural and induced suppressiveness of soilborne diseases. Among the many groups of such organisms are root-associated bacteria, ·which generally represent a subset of soil bacteria_ Rhizobacteria are a subset of total rhizosphere bacteria \.vhich have the capacity, upon re-introduction to seeds or vegetative plant parts (such as potato seed pieces), to colonize the developing mot systen1 in the presence of cmnpeting soil rnicroflorn_ Root colonization is typically examined by quantifying bacteiial populations on root surfaces; hcnvever, some rhizobacteria rnn also enter roots and establish at least a !irnited endophytic phase. Hence, root colonization may he viewed as a continuum frorn the rhizosphere to the rhizoplane to internal tissues of roots. [0004] Rhizoba<.:teria \Vhich exert a beneficial effect on the plant being coloniwd a.re tenned "plant-grrn.vth promoting rhizohacteria" or "PGPR." PGPR may benefit the host by 1 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 causing plant gro\vth promotion or biological disease controL The sa1r1e strnin of PGPR may cause both growth promotion and biological control.. Among the soilborne pathogens sho\vn to be negatively affected by PGPR are Aphanomyces spp., Fusarium m:mporum, Gaeumannon1yct.w graminis, PhJ'tophthon.1 spp., f>ythium spp., Rhizoctonia solani, Sclero!ium ro(t:~·ii, lhielaviopsis basicola, and Verticillium spp. In most of these cases,, biological control results frmn bacterial production of metabolites \vh1ch directly inhibit the pathogen, such as antibiotics, hydrogen cyanide, iron-chelating siderophores, and cell ·wall-degrading enzymes. Plant growth promotion by PGPR nrny also be an indirect mechanism of biological control, leading to a reduction in the probah1!ity of a plant contracting a disease 'Nhen the grmvth promotion results in shortening the time that a plant is in a susceptible state, e.g. in the case ,.vhere PGPR cause enhanced seedling emergence rate, thereby reducing the susceptible time fbr pre-ernergence damping-off An alternative n1echanisrn for biological control by PGPR is induced systemic resistance. PGPR and uses thereof are disclosed in the prior art. (See. e.g., tLS. Patent Nos. 8,445,255; 6,524,998; 5,935,839; 5,640,803; 5,503,652; and 5,503,651; the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety). [0005] In addition to their observed association in naiure \Vith plants, PGPR also rnay be utilized as probiotics for animals in order to improve animal gro\vth or animal health. For example, Bacillus amyloliqinf(u.·iens subsp. plamarwn AP 193 has been described as a prnbiotic for fish. (See U.S. Published 1\pplication No. 2012/03285 72). [0006] In swine, probiotics have been used to have a positive influence on gut microbiota balance, intestinal epithelium integrity and maturation of gut-associated tissue. (See Corcionivoshi el al., Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 20 l 0, 43(1 ))_ In poultry, prnbiotics have been used to maintain digestive microbial balance and to reduce potential pathogenic bacteria ·1Nhich results in improving grmvth., egg production, and teed conversion_ (See id). In cattle, prohiotics have been used to prevent and combat digestive disorders such as diarrhea during lactation, to influence ruminal metabollsm of nutrients, \vhich helps maintain health and improve productive performance. (See id). In sheep, probiotics have been used to prevent and combat pathological conditions that aiise from digestive balance. (See id). 2 WO 2016/054222 [0007] PCT/US2015/053239 Therefore, ne\v compositions a11d methods of use for PGPR m promoting grmvth and health 1n plants and animals are desirable. SUlVlM,i\RY [0008] Disclosed are compositions and rnethods that include or utilize plant grnwth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for improving gro\vth and health in plants and animals. The cornpositions and methods include or utilize a plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that expresses a protein associated 'vith pectin metabolism, and a saccharide comprising pectin or a pectin-rdawd saccharide. [0009] The disclosed compositions may include inoculants which comprise: (a) a plant gnJ\.Vth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that expresses a protein associated \Vith pectin metabolism; and (b) a saccharide comprising pectin or a pectin-related saccharide. Suitable PGPR may include Bacillus species such as Bacillus amylo!iqu<c:fhciens subspecies planlanun. The pectin or pectin-related saccharides may include pectin-derived saccharides such as hydrolyzed pectin, D-galacturonate, D-glucuronaie, or mixtures thereof Optionally, the pect1n or pectin-related saccharide fi.1nctfrms as a carrier for the PGPR and.ior the inocu!ant includes a carrier other than the pectin or pectin-related saccharide. [0010] The disclosed compositions may· be used to treat plants, seeds, and soils in order to i1nprove plant growth or plant health. The disclosed compositions may be fommlated as a plant treatment composition, a coating for seeds, or a soil amendment composition. [0011] The disclosed compositions also may be administered to animals in order to improve animal gr<.)\.Vth or anirnal health. The disclosed cornpositions ma)/ be .formulated as an animal feed, such as a pelleted animal feed. [0012] Also disclosed are inetlmds of using pectin or pectin-related saccharides to improve the efficacy of PGPR in regard to promoting i:,•rowth or health in plants and animals. The disclosed methods for i1nproving plant growth or plant health may include: (a) treating plants, seeds, or soi! \.Vith a plant grmvth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that expresses a 3 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 protein associated with pectin metabolism and (b) treat1ng the plants, seeds, or soi! "\Vith a saccharide comprising pectin or a pectin-related saccharide, \vhere the plants, seeds,, or soil may be treated with the PGPR ai1d the sacchadde co11currently or are treated \vith the PGPR and saccharide non-currently in either order. The disclosed methods for improving animal gro\:vth or animal health may include (a) administering to an animal a plant grO\vth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that expresses a protein associated with pectin metabolism and (b) administering to the a11imal a sacchari<le comprising pectin or a pectin-related saccharide,. vd1ere the animals may be administered the PGPR and the saccharide concurrentl.y or are treated \Vith the PGPR and saccharide non-currently in either ordeL [0013] Also disclosed are methods of using pectin or pectin-related saccharides to prepare compositions and inoculants as disclosed herein. The methods may include cornbining PG PR and pectin, vd1ich has been extracted from pectin-containing plant 1naterial, or pectin-related saccharides to prepare the disclosed compositions and inoculants. Optionally, a carrier may be combined with the PGPR and pectin or pectiiH·elated saccharides to prepare the disclosed compositions and inoculants. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES [0014] Figure I. Phylogeny of PGPR Bacillus spp. evaluated in Exmnple 1. (Panel A) Neighbor joining phylogenetic tree based on gyrR sequem:es using B. cereus ATCC l4579T as an outgroup. (Panel B) J'vlaximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree of the 25 B. subtilis group strains based on 729,383 bp sequence of core genome. Tw·o dusters belonging to H amyloliquefaciens snhsp. plantarurn and H. wnyloliquejaciens subsp. amy!oliquefaciens are indicated by brackets. [0015] core gt~nomes Figure 2. The distribution of difforent subsystem categories of four different specific to genus Bacillus (n=8 ! ), B. suhtilis subgroup (n=53), species H amylo!iquefaciens (n=32) m1d subsp. plantarum (n""28). (Panel A) The total counts for genes within difforent subsystem categor1es for each of the core genomes. (Panel B) The 0..{i relative abundance of the genes within different subsystem categories tor each of the core genomes. 4 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 (Panel C) Categories of functions encoded by the 73 B. amyloliqutf'aciens subsp. plamarwn- spedfic genes present il1 the B. am.yloliquefaciens suhsp. plantarum core genome but absent in the B. amy!oliqucdcK'iens species-level core genome. The number beside each subgroup of the pie figure represents fae number of genes encoding the function. [0016] Figure 3. Antilnicrobja] actjvities of Bacillus sp. AP l 93 and .its mutants l\,'i1_f4A, defoctive in surfactin expression, t\c{fi1D, defocfrve in difficidin expression, and A4j1_. defective hi the expression of multiple secondary metabolites (including diffic1din) against plant pathogens Pseudornonas .~yriuge pv. tabaci, Rhizobium radiobacter, .){anthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria and )(anthomonas axonopodis pv. l'.ampestris as demonstrated \.Vith an agar diffusion assay. [0017] Figure 4. LC-i'v1S spectra for metabolites from cell-free supernatants of (A) wild-type B. amyloliqm..;li:wiens AP 193,. and (B) its isogenic <:f.fnD mutant, \·vhen grovm in TSB for 72 hours. Note that in negative ion niode that only the dcprotonated fonn of oxydifficidin \.Vas detected in bacteria! culture supernatants at a m./z 5593. [0018] Figure 5. Expression of a pectin l.yase m:.:tivity by PGPR Bap strain APl93. Now the ckared halo around the growth of the Hap strnin due to pectin degradation. [0019] Figure 6. Use of l ci/o pectin as a sole C source by PGPR st.rains AP143 and AP 193 in TSS medium. The small increase in ODr;i~; by the non-PGPR strain HD73 vrns due to residual nutrients present from the previous TSB culture. DETA lLED DESCRIPTION [0020] The disclosed subject matter of the invention may be described using various terms as described belo-.;.v. [0021] Unless othenvise spcdfied or indkatcd by context, the tcnns "a", "an'·', and "the" mean "one or more." For example, "a sugar" should be interpreted to mean "one or more sugars" unless othenvise specified or indicated by wntext 5 WO 2016/054222 [0022] PCT/US2015/053239 As used herein, "about", "approximately," "substantially,'' and "significantly" \'-'ill he understood by persons of ordinary skill in the art and •vill vary to some extent on the context in \vhich the),, are used. ff there are uses of the tenn which are not dear to persons of ordinary skill in the art given the context in w"hich it is used, ''about" and ''approxhnately" \:vil! mean plus or minus :S l OO.··r1 of the particular tenn and "substantially" and "significantly'' ·\viU mean pl us or minus > 101hi of the particular term. [0023] As used herein, "about", "approximately,'' "substantially," and "significantly'' 'vii! be understood by persons of ordinary skill in the art and will vary to some extent on the context in \Vhich they are used. If there are uses of the term \vhkh are not dear to persons of ordinary skill in the att given the context in which it 1s used, "about" and "approximately" will mean plus or minus 5:10°,...ii of the particular term and "substantially" and "sit,>nifica11tly" \-viii rnean plus or minus > 100.:{, of the particular term. [0024] As used herein, the tenns "include" and "including" have the s;m1e meaning as the tem1s "comprise" and "comprising." The tenns "comprise" and "comprising" should be interpreted as bt~ing "open" transitional tem1s that permit the inclusion of additional components further to those components recited in the claims. The terms "consist" and '"consisting of' should be interpreted as being "closed" transitional terms that do not permit the inclusion of additional components other than the components recited in the claims. The tem1 "consisting essentially of' should be interpreted to be partially closed and allowing the inclusion only of additional cornponents that do not fundamentally alter the nature of the claimed subject matter. [0025] The term "plant" as utilized herein should be interpreted broadly and may include angiosperms and gymnospem1s, d:icots and monocots, and trees. Examples of angiospem1 dkots may include, but are not limited to tomato, tobacco, cotton, rapeseed, field beans, soybeans, peppers, lettuce, peas, alfa.lfo, dov,~r, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts), radish, carrot, beets,. eggplant, spinach, cucumber, squash, melons, cantaloupe, and sunflowers, Example of a:ngiospenn monocots may include, but are not limited to asparagus, field and sweet com, barley, ·wheat, rice, sorghum, onion, pearl millet. rye, oats, and sugar 6 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 cane. \:Voody plants nuiy include, but are not limited to fruit trees, acada, alder, aspen, beech, birch, sweet gum, sycamore, poplar, willow, fir, pine, spruce, larch, cedar, and hemlock. [0026] The term "anirnar' as utilized herein should he interpreted broadly and may include mammals and non-mammals. f'vlamrnals may include human and non-human mannnals, such as cows, pigs, sheep, and the like. Non-mamma!.s may include birds (e.g., chickens, turkeys, ducks, and the like) and fish. [0027] The present inventors have identified a collection of plant grm.vth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that are capable of improving the growth of plants, and also have disease- and pest-controlling activ1ty. From an analysis of genome sequences from the hestperforming Bacillus amyloliqut;f(-1ciens subspecies plamarum PGPR strains, the inventors identified some genetically encoded fi.1ncth-ms that are always present \Vlthin these Bacillus PGPR strains and are not present in other Bacillus species that are not plant-related. In p<trticular, these PGPR strains can use sugars derived from plant pectin as a carbon m1d/or energy source. By supplementing pectin on plant seeds that are inoculated with Bacillus spores, or by supplementing the an1ount of pectin available for Bacillus PGPR strain postseed germination, this \viii result in an enhancement of l) the Bacillus strain colonization of the plant rhizosphere and/or 2) better p('rsistence of Bacillus v.dthin the plant rhizosphere and/or 3) better plant grO\vth performance in response to PGPR strain + pectin adm.inistration amlior 4) better biological contrnl of disease (e.g., bacteria, fungi, viruses) or pests (e.g., nematodes) as a result of PGPR strain + pectin adminisirntion. [0028] [0029] The term "plant gnnvth promoting rhizobacteria" or "PGPR" reJers to a group of bacteria that colonize plant roots, and in doing so, promote plant growth and/or reduce disease or damage from predators. Bacteria that are PGPR rnay bdong to genera including, hut not limited to Actinobacter, A!ca!igenes, Bacillus.. Burkholdcria, Buttiauxel!a, Enterobacter, K!ebsiella, Kluyvera, Pseudomonas, Rahne/la, Ralstonia, Rhl.zobiwn, Serraria, Swnotrophomonas. Paenibacil!us, and Lysinibacillus. The PGPR utllized in the disclosed 7 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 methods and composition nrny be a single strain, speCH.$, or genus of bacteria or rnay comprise a mixture of bacterial strains, species, or genera. For example, the PGPR may be selected from genern including, but not limited to, Aclinobacter, Alcaligenes, Bacillus. Burkholderia, Buttiauxefla, Enterobacter, Klebsiel!a, Kluyvera, Pseudomonas, Ralmel!a, Ralsionia. Rhizobium, Serratia, Stenotrophomonas, Paenibacil/us, and LJwinibacillus. [0030] The genus Bacillus as used herein refors to a genus of Gram-positiv~\ rod- shaped bacteria which are members of the division Firmicutes. Under stressful environmental conditions, the Bacillus bacteria produce oval endospores that can stay dormant for extended periods. Bacillus bacteria may be characterized and identified based on the nudeotide sequence of their 16S rRNA or a fragment thereof ( e.g, approximately a 1000 nt, 1100 nt, 1200 nt, 1300 nt, 1400 nt, or 1500 nt fragment of l 6S rRNA or rDNA nucleotide sequence). Bacillus bacteria xnay include" bui are not fonited to B. acidiceler, B. acidicola, B. acidiproducens, B. aeoli11s, B. uerius, B. uerophilus, B. agaradhaerens.. B. uidingensis, B. akibai, B. aicalophilus. B. algicola, B. alkalinitrilicus, B. alkalisediminis, B. alkalitelluris, B. altitudinis, B. alvazyuensis. B. amyloliq1wfi:1ciens. R anthracis, R aquinwris, B. arsenicus, B. 1.uyahhattai, H asahii, B. atrophaeus, H. aurantiacus, B. azoNd(mnans, B. hadius, H. harbaricus, 13. hataviensis. B. bet;ingensis, B. benzoevorans, H bevericz<z,ei, B. bogoriensl~, B. bomniphi/us,. B. bwanolivorans, R canaveralius, B. carboniphihts, B. cecembensis, B. cellulosizvticus. B. l·ereus. B. c:hagannorensis, B. chungangensis, H cib/. B. circulans. H c!arkii. B. dausii, B. coagulans, B. coahuiiensis, B. colmii, B. decis{fhmdis. H. deco/orationis, B. drentensis, B. farraginis. B. fastidiosus . B. jirmus, B. ./lexus, B. fhraminis . B. j(wdii, B. fiN·tis, B. jiunarioli. B. jimicu/us, B. galactosidizyticus, B. galliciensis, B. ge/atini.. R gibsonii, H. ginsengi, B. ginsengihumi, B. grarninis, B. halmapalus, H. halochares, H. halodurans, H. hernicellulosi(vticus. B. herbertsteimmsis, B. horikoshi, B. homeckiae, B. horti, B. humi, IJ. hwqjinpoensis, B. idriensis, B. indicus, H if?famis. B. it!lemus, B. isaheliae, B. isronensis, B. jeotgali. B. koreensis, B. korlensis. B. krihbensis, B. krulwichiae, B. lehensis, B. lenius. B. licho1{fhrmis, R lilora/is, B. locisalis, B. luc{/('rensis, B. luteoius., B. macauensis, B. ma(.}'ae, B. mannanizvticus. B. nwrL~flavi, B. marrnarensis, 8, nw.Ysiliensis, B. megaterium, H. methanolicus, B. meihylotrophicus, B. tn<~javensis, 8 H. rnuralis, B. murifnartini, B. tnJ'Coides, H. WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 nanhaiensis, B. ncmhaiisediminis, B. neat:'>onii, B. neizhouensis, B. niabensis, B. niacini, B. nova/is, B. oceanisedirninis. B. oshimensis, Ol~lwse_yi, B. okhensis, B. okuhidensis. H oleronius. H B. panacilerrae, B. paragoniensis, B. persepo!ensis, B. p/akorti<.:fo', pocheonensis, B. po~ygoni. B. pseudoalcaliphilus, B. pseud(~finnus, B. B. pseudomycoides, B. psychrosaccharof_viicus, B. pumilus, B. qingdaonensis, B. rigui, B. ruris, B. .wknsis.. B. sa!arius, B. saliphi!us, B. schlege!ii, B. selenafw:~·enatis, B. selenitireducens, B. seohaeanensis, B. shack!etonii, B. siamensis, B. simplex, B. siralis. B. smithii, B. soli, 8. solisalsi, B. sonorensis, B. sporothermodurans, B. sfrato,~phericus, B. subterraneus, B. subtilis, B. taeansis. B. tequilensis, B. 1hermantarcticus, B. thennoarn.vlovorans, B. thermocloacae, B. fhermolactis, B. thioparans, B. thuringiensis, B. fripox.ylicola, B. tusciae, B. vallismorlis, B. vedderi. B. vietuamensis. B. vireti, B. >vakoensis. B. weihensiephanensis. B. xiaoxiensis, and mixtures or blends thereof [0031] The PGPR and inoculants thereof disclosed herein may include H am_y!oliq1u.'.fi.r.ciens or a Bacillus species that is closely related to /{ amyloliquefaciens. A Bacillus species that is dosel:y· related to B. amyloliqm:'.fhcieus may be defined as a species having a 16S rDNA sequence comprising SEQ ID N0:26 or comprising a 16S rDNA sequence having at least about 98~/!} or 99%.i sequence identity' to SEQ ID N0:26. The PGPR preferably is B. arnyloliq1u.faciens subspecies plamarwn or a Bacillus species that 1s closely related to B. mnyloliqur;:fhciens subspecies p!antarum. H amylo!iqu,fl-Jciens subspecies plaiHannn 1s a subspecies of B. amy!oliqu4hciens which is colonizes plant roots and typically exhibits axny'lase activh:y, Suitable PGPR stra,ins for the disclosed rnethods and compositions may include PGPR strains having a gyrB gene that exhibits sequence identity to the gyrB gene from strains of Bacillus mnyloliquefaciens subspecies p!antarum. In some embodiment, the PGPR strain utilized in the disclosed methods and co1npositions has at gvrB gene having at least about 80~'o, 90%, 95 1J...ii, 96t:.o, 97~{1, 98 1l.·ii, 99% or I OQtl,/(, sequence identit)" to the polynudeotide sequence of SEQ ID N0:25,. \vhich is the polynucleotide sequence of the gyrB gene from strains of Bacillus amyloliqmfaciens subspecies plan/arum. [0032] Suit.able st.rains of B. amyloliqw(/{:.1ciens subspecies plantarwn for use in the disclosed cmnposiHons and xnethods rnay include but are not lilnhed to Bacillus 9 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 a.myloliqu4hciens snbsp . p!antarum AS43.3, Bacillus amy!o!iquejaciens snbsp, plantarum TrigoCorl 448, Bacillus amyloliquefac:iens amyloliquef(:1ciens subsp. pkmtarum plantarwn EBL l l, Bacillus suhsp, UCMB5 ! 13, arnyloliquejaciens p/antarum UC:rv1B5033, Baci//u,<;.· Bacillus amyloliqutfaciens subsp. subsp. plantarum \\/2, Bacillus tnnyloliquefdciens subsp. plammwn lJCf\·1B5036, Bacillus runyloliquefaciens subsp. planlarum IT-45, Bacillus amy!oliq1ufi.lciens subsp. plantarwn UASWS BA 1, Bacillus atnJ1oliquef(u.·iens subsp. pfantarum LFB ! l 2, Bacillus amyloliqm.faciens subsp, plamarum CAUB946, Bacillus amy!oliquf:.fi.~ciens subsp. plantarum lVl27, Bacillus amyloliqut.fl:tciens subsp. plan ta rum B 1895, Bac:i/lus amyloliquefaciens subsp. p/cmtmwn SQR9, Bacillus an1yloliqw.:f'acie11s subsp_ planiarum AH! 59-l, Bacillus amyloliqut;fcJciens subsp. plan/arum DC-l2, Bacillus amvlo!iauef(.1cien~· ..· } ~ subsp. p!cmtarum YAU B9601-Y2,. Bacillus amyloliq1.1r:.:fc1cie11s subsp. plamamm Y2, Bacillus amyloliquefl".tciens subsp. plamarum EGD ___AQ14. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum NAU-B3, Bacillus amyloliqmfaciens subsp. plantarwn FZB42, Bacillus amyloliqtt(faciens subsp. phmtarum CCl 78, Bacillus amylolique,/aciens subsp. plantarum AP79, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum AP7 I, Bacillus amyloliquefi.Jciens subsp. plan ta rum AP 143, Bacillus mnyloliq1R:fc1cie11s subsp. plan/arum AP193, Bacillus amy!oliq1ufilciens subsp. plantarum ABOl, and Bacillus amyloliqur:.;{i.lciens suhsp. plantan1m GB03. [0033] Suhable PGPR strains and inoculants thereof for the methods and compositions disclosed herein may includ(' PGPR strains that express one or rnore proteins associated with pectin rnetabolisn1. ln some ernbodhnents, the PGPR strnin may express one or more proteins associated with pectin metabolism, \Vhich may include but are not limited to proteins encoded by a gene selected from the group consisting of uxaA (a!tronate dehydratase), uxaB (a!tronate oxidoreductase), uxaC (uronate isomerase), uxaA fmannonate dehydratase, uxuB (D-mannonate oxidoredm.:tase), kdgA (4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate a!do!a.se), kdgK (2-dehydro-3-deoxyg!uconokinase), exuR (hexuronate utilization opemn transcriptional repressor), exuT (hexuronate trnnsporter), and cornbinatfons thereof In some embodiments, the PGPR strain may express one or more pectinase enzymes selected fron1 a group consisting of pectin lyase, pectate lyase, polygalacturonase, and pectin esterase, 10 WO 2016/054222 [0034] PCT/US2015/053239 The uxaA gene encodes an ~mzyme whk:h is an altronate dehydratase (EC:4.2. L 7) \vhich converts D-a!tronate to 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate and \vater. Therefore, suitable PGPR strains and inoculants thereof for the rnethods and composition disclosed herein may include a PGPR strain that expresses altronate dehydratase. SEQ ID NO: l provides the polynudeotide sequence encoding fbr altronate dehydratase. SEQ ID N0:2 provides the amino acid sequence frx altronate dehydrntase. [0035] The uxaB gene encodes an enzy1ne which is an aim.mate oxidoreductase (EC:5.3J.12) which converts D-altronate and NAD; to D-tagaturonate and NADR Therefore, suitable PGPR strains and inoculant:s thereof k)r the rnethods and cornposition disclosed herein may include a PGPR strain t11at expresses altronate oxidoreductase. SEQ ID N0:3 providt$ the polynudeotide sequence encoding for altronate oxidoreductase. SEQ ID NOA provides the an1ino acid sequence for alironate oxidorednctase. [0036] The uxaC' gene encodes an enzyme \Vhich is an uronate 1somerase (EC:! 3.1.12) \vhich converts D-glucuronate to D-fructuronate and w"hich converts D- galactnronate to D-tagat.uronate. Therefore, suitable PGPR strains and inoculants thereof for the methods and composition d1sdosed herein may include a PGPR strain that expresses uronaw isomernse.. SEQ lD N0:5 provides the polynndeot1de sequence encoding for altrnnate oxidoreductase. SEQ ID N0:6 provides the amino acid sequence for altronate oxidoreductase. [0037] The uxuA gene encodes a11 enzy.111e "vhich is a mannonate dehydratase (EC:4.2. L8) vd1ich converts D-rnannonate to 2¥dehydro-3-deoxy¥D-gluconate. Therefore, suitable PGPR strains and inoculants thereof for the r:net:hods and composition disclosed herein may indude a PCJPR strain that expresses mannonate dehyd.ratase. SEQ ID N0:7 provides the polynudeotide sequence encoding for mannonate dehydratase. SEQ ID N0:8 provides the amino acid sequence for mannonate ckhydratase. [0038] The uxuB gene encodes an enzyme \Vhich is a D-rnannonate oxidoreductase (EC:LLl.57) which converts D-rmmnonate and Nl\.D 11 to D¥fructnronate and NADH. WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 Therefbre, suitable PGPR strnins and inoculants thereof for the m(~thods and composition disclosed herein may include a PGPR strain that expresses D-mannonate oxidoreductase, SEQ ID N0:9 provides the polynm::Ieotide sequence encoding for altronate oxidoreductase. SEQ ID NO: 10 provides the amino acid sequence for altronate oxidoreductase. [0039] The kdgA gene encodes an enzyrne which is a 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase (EC 4. L3, l 6) \.Vhich converts 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate to pyruvate and glyoxylatc, and \vhich converts 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphate-D-gluconate to pyrnvate and Dglyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. Therefore, suitable PGPR strains and inoculants thereof for the methods and composition disclosed herein may hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase, includ(~ a PGPR strain that expresses 4- SEQ ID NO: 11 provides the polynucleotide sequence encoding for 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglmarate aldolase. SEQ ID NO: 12 provides the amino acid sequence for 4-hydro.xy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase. [0040] The kdgK gene encodes an enzyme \>Vhich is 2-dehydro-3-deoxyg!uconokinase (EC 2. 7.1.45) \vhich phosphorylates 2-keto-3-deoxygl.ut:onate (KDG) to produce 2-keto-3deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG). Therefore, suiiab!.e PGPR strains and inoculants thereof for the methods and composition disclosed herein may include a PGPR strain that expresses 2-(khydro-3-deoxygluconokinase. SEQ ID NO: 13 provides the po!ynudeotide sequence encoding for 2-dehydro-3-deoxygluconokina.se. SEQ ID NO: 14 provides the amino acid sequence for 2-dehydro-3-deoxyglnconokinase. [0041] repressor. The cafR gene encodes a hexuronatc utilization operon transcriptional Therefore, suitable PGPR strains and inoculants thereof for the methods m1d composition disclosed herein may include a PGPR strain that expresses a hexuronate utilization operon transcriptional repressor. SEQ ID NO:l5 provides the polynncleotide sequence encoding for a hexuronate utilization operon transcriptional repressoL SEQ ID NO:l6 provides the arnino acid sequence for a hexuronate utilization operon transcriptional repressor. 12 WO 2016/054222 [0042] PCT/US2015/053239 The exuT gent~ encodes a hexuronate transporter whkh exhibits hexuronate transmembrane transporter activity. Therdbre, suitable PGPR strains and inoculants thereof for the methods and composition disdosed hereiu may iudude a PGPR straiu that expresses a hexuronate transporteL SEQ ID NO: 17 provides the polynudeotide sequence encoding for a hexuronate transporter_ SEQ ID NO: 18 provides the amino acid sequence for a hexuronate transporter. [0043] In son1e en1bodiments, the PGPR strain may express one or more pectinase enzymes selected from a group consisting of pectin lyase (EC 4.2.2. l 0), pectate lyase (EC, polygalacturonase (EC 3.2.L"l5), and pectin est.erase (EC 3.1.1.ll). SEQ lD NO:l9 provides the polynucleotide sequence encoding for a pectate !yase precursor. SEQ ID N0:20 providt.$ the amino acid sequence for a pt.•ctate lyase precursor, SEQ ID N0:21 provides the polynudeotide sequence encoding for a pectin-lyase like protein. SEQ ID N0:22 provides the amino acid sequence for a pectin-lyase like protein. SEQ ID N0:23 provides the polynudeotide sequence encoding for a pectin lyase. SEQ ID N0:24 provides the an1ino acid sequence for a pectin lyase. [0044] of equivalent "Percentage sequence identity" may be determined by aligning t<.vo sequences k~ngt.h using the Basic Local Ahgmnent Search Too! (BLAST) available at the National Center for 81otechnology lnformation (NCBl) website (i,e., "'bl2seq" as described in Tatiana A. Tatnsova, Thomas L !'vladden 0 999), "Blast 2 sequences - a new tool for comparmg protein and nucleobde sequences", FE!vlS !v1icrobiol Lett. 174:247-250, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety), For example, percentage sequence identity between SEQ ID NO: 1 and another sequence for cmnparison tnay be detennined by aligning these tviiO sequences using the online BLAST software provided at the NCBI \Vebsite. [0045] "Percentage sequence klentity" het\veen two deoxyribonucleotide sequences may also be detem1ined using the Kimura 2-parm1K~ter distance model wfoch corrects fr)r multiple hits, taking into account transitional and transversional substitufom rates, \vhile assuming that the four nucleotide frequencies are the same and that rates of substitution do not vaxy an10ng sites (Nei and Kmnar, 2000) as implemented in the lvlEGA 4 (Tmnura K, Dudley 13 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 J, Nd l'vl & Kumar S (2007) Jv1EGA4: Molecular Evolutionary G1.~n1.~t1cs Analysis (JVIEGA) sofrware version 4.0. Molecular Biolo,·sY and Evolution 24:1596-1599), preferably vers1on 4.0.2 or later_ Tht~ gap opening and extension penalties arc set to 15 and 6.66 respectively. Terminal gaps are not penalized. The delay divergent sequences s\vitch is set to 30. The transition \Veight score is 35 set to 0.5, as a balance benveen a complete mismatch and a matched pair score. The DNA \Ve.ight matrix used is the IUB scoring matrix where x's and n's are matches to any lUB ambiguity symbol, and all matches score L9, and all mismatched score 0, [0046] Pectin and [0047] The disclosed con1positions and methods include or utilize pectin or pectin- Pectin~Related Saccharides derived sugars in order to sugars to enhance the efficacy of PGPR in regard to promoting plant grmvth and plant health. "Pectin" is a heteropolysaccharide found natively in the primary cell \·Valls of terrestrial plants having a typical molecular \'i·'eight of 60··· 130,000 g/rnol, wfoch varies based on the origin of the pectin and the extraction conditions. As used herein, ''pectin" is meant to include extracted pectin that has been extracted trorn its native condition (e.g., extracted pectin from primary cell \'Valls of terrestrial plants). [0048] The pectin or pectin-related saccharides utilized in the disclosed composition and methods may be isolated or substantially purified. The terms "isolated" or "substantially purified" refers to pectin or pectin-related saccharides that have been removed from a natural environment a11d have been isolated or separated, and are at least 6m"'o free, preferably at least 75°/!1 free, and more preferably at least 90% free, even more preferably at least 950..{, free, and most preferably at least 100% free from other components •vith which they \\'ere naturaHy associated, \.Vhich other co1nponenis may include but are not limited to cellulose. [0049] Although the composition of pectin may vary among plants, pectin typically has a composition in whkh D-ga!acturonic acid is the main monomeric constituent (i.e., typically D-galacturonic acid represents >50~{, of the monomeric constituents of pectin), The D-galact.uronic residues of pectin optjonally inay he substituted \vi th D-xylose or D¥apiose to 14 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 fom1 xylogalacturomm and apiogalacturonan, respectively, branching from a D-ga!actunmic acid residue. So-called "rhamnogalcturonan pectins" contain a backbone of repeating disacchmides of D-galacturonic acid and L-rhamuose. [0050] In nature, the majority of carboxyl groups of ga!acturonic acid in pectin are esterified with methanol (i.e., >50Ch1 and as much as 800.1(i of the carboxy! groups of galacruronic acid in pectin are esterified vvith methanol). During extraction, this percentage may decrease \vhere ex.irncti<Jn inay result in hydrolysis of the ester bond, and extracted pectins may be categorized as high-ester versus lmv-ester pectins having <50?0 of galacturonic acid residues being esterified. Non-esterified galacturonic acid units can be either free acids (i.e., carboxyl groups) or salts with sodium, potassium, or calcium (i.e., galacturonaw salts). [0051] In nature, D-ga:lacturonic acid may be sy11thesized from D-gluconoric acid derivafrves (e.g., from UDP-D-glucuronate via 4-epimerization) and conversely, Dgalacturonic acid in pectin may be metabolized to form D-gluconoric acid derivatives (e,g., 5dehydro-4-deoxy'-D-glucuronate v.ia ohgogalacturonate lysis). As used herein, pectin-related saccharides include pectin-derived saccharides such as hydrolyzed pectin, D-galacturonic acid (or D-galacturonate sails), and D-gluconoric add (or D-gluconorate salts), or combinations thereof [0052] The compositions and methods disclosed herein may include or utilize a saccharide that is a substrate for an enzyme or transporter encoded by a gene selected from the group consisting of uxaA (a!trnnate dehydratase), uxaB (altmnate oxidoreductase}, uxaC (uronate isomerase), uxuA (mannonate dehydratase), zcad? (D-rnannonate oxidoreductase)., kc~gA (4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase), kdgK (2-dehydro-3-deoxyg!uconokinase), exuR (hexuronate utilizat1on operon transcdptional repressor), exuT (hexuronate transporter}, and combinations thereof The compositions and methods disclosed herein rnay include or utilize a saccharide that is a substrate for a pectinase enzyme (e.g,, an pectinase enzyme selected from a gronp consisting of pectin lyase, p('Ctate !yase, polyga!acturonase, and pectin esterase). 15 WO 2016/054222 [0053] PCT/US2015/053239 Substrates as such may include but are not limited to sat:charides derived from pectin such as D-ga!acturonate and 0-g!ucuronate. The saccharide may comprise a mixture of sugars or the saccharide may comprise a heteropolysaccharide. In embodiments in whkh the saccharide lS heteropolysaccharide, a heterogeneous preferably mixture of sugars D-galacturonate or monomenc the saccharide units, is a D-glucuronate mcmorneric units, or the smn of D-ga!actun.mate monomeric units and D-g!ucuronate monomeric units represent >50~{i, >60%, >7M·&, >80~-'o, >90~··o, or >-95~··o of total monomeric units in the heterogeneous mixture of sugars or the heteropolysaccharide. [0054] The disclosed pectin and pectin-related substances may include synthetic pectin. Synthetic pectin may include pectin synthesized by pol;'merizing pectin monomers (e.g., uronic acid) in vitro to form pectin-like substance referred to as synthetk pectin. (See. e.,g., U.S. Patent No. 2,156,223. Fmtherrnore, the disclosed pectin and pecti1H·elated substances may include naturally and non-natural1y occurring polyurnnic acids. [0055] Inoculants [0056] The presently disclosed PGPR may he formulated as an inoculant for a plant The term "inoculant" means a preparntion that includes an isolated culture of a PGPR and optionally a carrieL lnoculants comprising PGPR and carriers are known in the art. (See, e.g., Bashan, "lnocnlants of Plant Gro\.vth-Promoting Bacteria for use in Agriculture," Biotechnology Advances, Vol. 16, No_ 4, pp. 729- 770, 1998)_ PGPR inoculants may be administered to plants {e.g. to the roots of plants), to seeds (e.g., as a coating for the seed or at the time that the seed is planted), or to soi I (e.g, to soil surrounding plants to be treated} [0057] A PGPR inoculant may be described as a fi_mnulation containing one or more PRPR spedes il1 a carrier material, which may he an organjc carrier, an inorganic carrier, or a cmrier synthesized from defined molecules. Optionally, the carrier may be sterile or sterilized prior to be fonnulated \vith the PG-PR to form the PGPR inoculant Preferably, the carrier is nontoxic, biodegradable and nonpolluting. In the disclosed inoculants comprising a pectin 16 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 saccharide, the pectin saccharide optionally may function as a carrwr or optionally the inocu!ants may comprise a carrier other than the pectin saccharide. [0058] The carrier of the PCi:PR inoculant is the delivery· vehicle for the live PCiPR to the plant, seeds, or soil. The carrier represent is the major portion by volume or weight of the inocnlant. Suitable carriers may include liquids, po"\.vders (e.g~, having an average effoctive particle diameter of 0J)75 to 0.25 nun), granulars (e.g., having an average effective particle diameter of 0.35 to 1.18 nun), and slurries "\Vhich have the capacity to deliver a sufficfr:~nt number of viable PGPR. cells to tlle plant, seeds, or soil. Preferably, the carrier extends the shelf-lite of the PGPR (e.g., such that the PGPR has a shelf-lite of at least I or 2 )"ears at room temperature). Examples of carriers include but are not limited to peat, coal, days, inorganic soil material, plant \Vaste materials, composts, fam1yard manure, soybean meal, soybean oil, peanut oil, vd1eat bran, inert rnaterials such as vermiculite, perlite, phosphate, polyacrylarnide, alginate beads, oil-dried bacteria. In some embodin1ents, the PGPR may be encapsulated by a carrier, for example, \vhere the caJTjer is a carbohydrate that forms a matrix around the PGPR. [0059] The inoculant includes a suitable an1ot1nt of PGPR relative to carrier. In some embodiments, the inoculant includes 102-lOn cfo PGPR per ml carrier (or per gram. can"ier), or 104-10 10 cfu PGPR per ml carrier (or per gram carrier}, or 10 6 -10~ cfo PGPR per ml carrier (or per gram carrier). The composition may include additional additives including buffering agents, surfactants, adjuvants, or coating agents. [0060] The PGPR utilized in the disclosed composition and methods may be isolated or substantially purified. The tenns '';jsolated" or "substantially purified" refers to PGPR that have been removed from a natural environment and have been isolated or separated, and are at least 6(YVii free, preferably at least 75'Vii free, and 1nore preferably at least 900.,.o free, even more preferably at least 950.-'o free, and most preferably at least l 000...-;) free from other components with \\'hich they were naturally associated. An "isolated culture" refors to a culture of the PGPR that does not include significant amounts of other materials such as other materials "\vhich normally are found in soil in \Vhich the PGPR grov•ls and/or from ..-vhich the PGPR nnrmaHy may be obta.ined. An ''"isolated culture" rna,y be a culture that does not 17 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 include any other biological, microorganism, anzi.ior bacterial spt~cies in quantities sufficient to intertere \.Vith the replication of the "'isolated culture." Isolated cultures of PGPR may be combined to prt~pare a mixed culture of PGPR. [0061] J\,fothods of Treating Plants. Seeds, or Soil [0062] Also disclosed are methods of using pectin or pectin-related saccharides to improve the efficacy of PGPR in regard to promoting growth or health in plants. The disclosed methods may include administering the above-described inocu1ants comprising a PGPR and a pectin saccharide to plants, seeds, or sol!. In sorne embodiments, the disclosed methods for improving plant gro\vth or plant health may include: fa) treating plants, seeds, or soil \vith a plant grcnvth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that expresses a protein associated \'-'ith pectin metabolism and (b) treating the plants, seeds, or soil \.Vith a saccharide comprising pectin or a pectin-related saccharide (e.g., hydrolyzed pectin, D-galacturnnate, D-glucuronate, or mixtmes thereof), where the plants, seeds, or soil may he treated \Vith the PGPR and the saccharide concurrently or in either order (i.e., the PGPR may be administered before, concum.~ntly •with, or after the saccharide is administered). The PGPR and pectin saccharide may be formulated as an inoculant and administered concurrently to treat plants (e.g., administert~d to the roots of plants), to seeds (e.g., as a coating for seeds), or to soil (e.g._, as a soil amendment). [0063] The disclosed methods may be utilized to improve plant growth or plant health by controlling soil-borne pests, Soil..:borne pests controlled by the d.isdosed methods may include hut are not lilnited to nematodes and herbivorous insects. The disclosed 1nethods mav,· be utilized to improve plant growth or plant health by controlling or treating a disease. Disease controlled or treated by the disclosed n1ethods may include but are not limited to a bacterial disease, a fungal disease, and a viral disease. [0064] The presently disclosed PGPR and pectin saccharide may he administered as an inoculant for treating plants. The methods of t.reatmt~nt conternp!ated herein may include treating a plant directly including ireating leaves, stems, or roots of the plant directly. The 18 WO 2016/054222 methods (lf treatment ccmteiriplated PCT/US2015/053239 h(~rein may include trnating seeds of tlw p!aut, e.g, coating the seeds prior to the seeds being planted to produce a treated plant. The rnethods contemplated herein also may include treating a p!aut indirectly, for exarnpk, by treating soil or the environment surrounding the plant (e.g., in-furrmv granular or liquid applications), Suitable methods of treatment may include applying an inoculant including the PGPR and the saccharide via high or low pressure spraying, drenching, and/or injection. Plant seeds may be treated by applying lo\v or high pressure spraying, coating, immersion, and/or injection. After plant seeds have been thusly treated, the seeds may be planted and cultivated to produce plants. Plants propagated from such seeds may be further treated \vith one or more applications. Suitable application concentrations may be determined empirically. In some embodiments \'i,.here the PGPR and pectin saccharide are applied as a spray to plants, suitable 6 application concentrntions may include spraying 10 -10 18 colony tbrming units (cfu) per hectare of plants, more com.monly Hf-10 15 cfu per hectare, For coated seeds, in some 2 8 embodiments, suitable application concentrations may be bet\-veen l 0 - l0 cfo per seed, 4 7 preferably 10 -10 cfu per seed. In other embodiments, the PGPR ;md pectin saccharide may 2 be applied as a seedling root-dip or as a soil drench at a concentration of about 10 -10 ' 1, (>fu/m. 12 6 8 10'1- 1ow c f'.u/m. ' 1, or ab out 1c , 1. • > - 10 c t'wm [0065] l'vlethods of Treating Animals [0066] Also disclosed are methods of using pectin or pectin-related saccharides to improve the efficacy of PGPR in rega.rd to prnrnoting grn\vth or health in animals. The disclosed methods may include administering the afore-described inoculants comprising a PGPR and a pectin saccharide to anirnals (e.g., in the fcmn of an animal feed composition such as a pelleted feed composition comprising the afore-described inoculants), ln some embodiments, the disclosed methods f()r improving animal e,-.rmvth or animal health rnay include: (a) administering to an animal a plant grmvth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that expresses a protein associated with pectin metabolism and (b) administering to the anirna! a pectin saccharide comprising pectin or a pectin-related saccharides (e.g,, hydrolyzed pectin, D-galacturonate, D-glucuronate, or mixtures thereof), '.vhere the animals may he administered 19 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 the PGPR and the pectin saccharide concum.•ntly or in either order (i.e., the PGPR may be administered before, concurrently with, or after the saccharide is administered). [0067] Feed compositions comprising the PGPR and pectin saccharide may be administered to animals orally. Ora! administration includes, but is not limited to, delivery in feed, 'Nater, by oral gavage or aerosol spray. If supplied in an animal. feed, the feed may 9 comprise ben:veen l 0 4 and 10 cfu PG PR/gm of finished feed. Suitably the feed comprises bef\veen 10 5 and 5 :< .10 cfu PGPR/gm feed. The PGPR and pectin saccharide ma~{ be added to 7 the feed during production, after production by the supplier, or hy the person feeding the anirna1s, just prior to providing the food to the anin1a!s. [0068] The disclosed methods for promoting growth or health in animals may be practiced in order to increase overall gastrointestinal health, improve production pedbnnance, and reduce enteric bacterial pathogens of importance to both animal health and human food safety. These PGPR and pectin saccharide may be added tn anin1a!. diets at the rate of about 4 10 to 1<P PGPR per gram of finished feed for optima! inclusion rate, if the bacteria or probiotic compositions being administered continuously, and a higher inclusion rate may be necessary if the PGPR or the compositions are provided intermittently. \Vhile administratlon though the ft~ed is a preferred route of administration, the PGPR a11d pectin saccharide may also he administered via drinking \vateL. through course spray, through aerosol spray, or through a1Ty other means by which the agricultural animals may ingest these PGPR and pectin sacdmride. [0069] JVlethods for Preparin_g the Disclosed Comr)Ositions and lnocu!ants [0070] Also disclosed are methods of using pectin or pectin-related saccharides tu prepare compositions and inoculants as disclosed herein. The methods may include combining PGPR and plx:tin, \Vhich has b(•en extracted from pectin-containing plant material, or pectin-related saccharides to prepare the disclosed compositions and inoculants. Optionally, a caffier may be combined \Vith the PGPR and pectin or pecdn-re!ated sacchaddes to prepare the disclosed co1npositions and inoculants. 20 WO 2016/054222 [0071] PCT/US2015/053239 In some embodiments, th!;.~ methods may include combining l 02- ! 0 12 cfo PGPR 4 per ml carder (or per gram carrier), or I 0 -10 10 cfu PGPR per ml carrier (or per gram can'ier ), or l 06-10 3 <.:ft1 PGPR per ml carrier (or per grain carrier). In some embodirnents, the methods may include cornbining pectin, \.\/hi.ch has: been extracted frorn pectin-containing plant material, or pectin-related saccharides may be combined \Vith PGPR and optionally a carrier to prepare the disclosed compositions and inocu!.ants, \.vherein the pectin or pectin-related saccharides are present in the prepared compositions and inoculants at a concentration of at "'bc·,t1t " 0'/ o, te""t '•" <» ' ' c·i· • 1~/ '0, 0 ·-· 0 1• . 0°/ / 01· ~. ? 0°:/ 'o, ·1....~ 'o, . Q f,.,,fvt \" " c1r \' 1/\t) to 'abot1t () '>. . ~G/o, , •. , l .()~/ 5°/o, 'o, 1.... ? ~. 0°/ 'o, or 5.0~/Q (v·i/\v or \v/v). ln some embodiments, the methods may include combining PGPR and 4 · at a concemrnt1on · o f.· al)OUt t. t. pectin at 1east <wout ll)~-, .to·~", l o , 10 11 , t 0 12, lOn, or 10 104, 105, 106, HI 14 w-, · -~ 6 )9 H· ) 10, l 0 , .to'·, i oj(·, ·It·, 3 cfo PGPR per gram pectin or pectin-related saccharides, to about 10 , H/', 109 , 1010 , lOu, 10l2, 10u, 10 14, 10 15 cfu PGPR per gram pectin or 7 pectin-related saccharides (e.g., ranges such as 10 to l Ou cfu PGPR per grmn pectin or pectin-related saccharides are contemplated herein). In the rnethods,. additional additives including buffering agents, surfactanis, adjuvants, and. coating agents 1nay be combined \Vlth the PGPR, pectin or pecti1H·elated saccharides, and optional carrier in order to prepare the disclosed compositions and inocnlants. Compositions and inocu!ants prepared hy the aforedisdosed methods also are contemplated herein. EXAMPLES [0071] The folkJ\.ving Examples ;.u·e illustrative and are not intended to limit the scope of the claimed subject matter. Reference is made to Hossain el al., "Deciphering the conserved genetic loci implicated in plant disease through cmnparative genomics of Bacillus amyloliq11lfi:wiens subsp. plcmtarum strains,'' Frontiers in Plant Science,, 2015 Aug I 7;6:63 I doi: 10.3389/tt)Js.2015JJ063L cCollection 2015, (hereinafter relerred to as "Hossain et al., Frontiers Plant Science 2015), the content of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, [0072] Example 1 ~ Deciphering the conserved Qenetic loci implicated in plant disease thrnu£h comparative genomics of Bacillus anv·to!iquefdciens subSJ3. plantarum strains 21 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 [0073] Abstract [0074] Tu understand the grov·lth-promoting and disease-inhibit1ng activities of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains, the genomes of 12 Bacillus subtilis group strains \Vith PGPR activity \.Vere sequenced and analyzed. These B. subtilis strains exhibited high genomic diversity, \Vbereas the genomes of B. amylo!iq11E.fhciens st.rains {a member of the B. subtilis group) are highly conserved. A pairwise BLASTp matrix revealed that gene farnHy similarity among Bacillus genomes ranges from 32- 90%, \\ lt11 2,839 genes within the 1 core genome of /3. amyloliquef'aciens subsp. plantan1n1, Comparative genomic analyses of B. arnyloliq1R:fc1ciens strains identified genes that are linked \Vith biological control and colonization of roots and/or leaves, including 73 genes uniquely associated with subsp. p!amarum strnins that have predicted functions related to signahng, transportation, secondary metabolite production~ and carbon source utihzMion. Although B. amyloliquej(:1ciens subsp. plan/arum strains contain gene clusters that encode many different secondary metabolites, only polyketide biosynthetic clusters that encode diffiddin and 1nacrolactin are conserved within this subspecies. To evaluate their role in plant pathogen biocontrol, genes involved in st.~condary metabolite biosynthesis \Vere deleted in B. amyloliq1.1t:'.fdciens subsp. p!antarum strain, revealing that difficidin expression is critical in reducing the severity of disease,. caused by )tanlhomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria in tomato plants. This Example defines genomic features of PGPR strains and links them with hiocontrol activity and \Vith host colonization. [0075] Introduction [0076] Bacteria associated with plant roots that exert beneficial effects on plant gro,vth and develop1nent are refe1wd to as plant growth---promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) (Kloepper and Schroth, 1978;K1ocppcr et al., 2004), Bacillus and Pseudomonas spp. are predominant among the diverse bacteria! genera that have been !inked -..vith PGPR activity (Podile and Kishore, 2006), tvkmhcrs of the B. suhtilis group, including B. suhtilis, B. lichentjbrmis, B. pumilus. B. amyloliquefaciens, 13. atrophaeus, B. mqjavensis, B. va!hrnwnis, B. sonorensis, and B. tequilcnsis have been identified as PGPR strains for their capacity to stimulate plant growth and suppress pathogens within rhizosphere and phytlosphere 22 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 (Kloepper et al., 2004;Hao et aL, 2012;Kim et al., 2012). Strains of B. arny!o!iqutfhciens art~ \.Videly used for their positive effects on plant gnnvth (Idriss et aL, 2002). Reva et at (Reva et al., 2004) rt~port.ed that seven Bacillus isolates from plants or soil are closely related yet distinct from B. amyloliquef'ac:iens type strain DSJVlfr. In addition, these strains are more proficient for rhizosphere colonization than other members of the B. subtilis group. GB03 (Nakkeeran et al., 2005} INR7 (Kokalis~Burd!e et aL, 2002) and FZB42 (Chen el aL, 2007a} are PGPR strains \Vithin the Bacillus subtilis group that have been \videly used in different commercial formulations to promote plant gro'wth. [0077] In addition to promoting plant growth, PGPR strains tnay exhibit biological contrnl of plant diseases. Antibiosis, through the production of inhibitory bioactive compounds, and indtKed systemic resistance are widely reponed biological control inechanisms of Bacillus spp. PGPR strains (Ryu et al., 2004). PGPR Bacillus spp. strains produce diverse antimicrobial compounds including antibiotics (Emmert et at, 2004), volatile organic con1pounds (VOCs) ('{uan et al., 2012), and lipopeptides (Ongena et aL, 2007) that are associated with the observed biocontrol activity against plant pathogens. For example, B. 1.unyloliq1.u:fc1ciens NJN-6 produces 11 VOCs that provide antifungal activity against Fusarium O,\ysporum f sp, cubense (Yuan et aL, 2012). Similarly, B. sub!ils strains produce tipopeptkks (e.g. surfactin and fongycin), that induce systemic resistance in bean plants (Ongena et al., 2007). PGPR strains usually need to colonize plant roots extensively to exert plant gro\vth promodng effocts using both direct and indirect mechanisrns (Lugtenberg and Ka1nilova, 2009), extensive root colonization is not required for induced S)lSte1nic resistance (JSR) (Kamilova et a!., 2005). In some PGPR strains, root colonization is a prerequisite for biocontrol activit.Y through antibiosis (Chin et al, 2000). For example, H amyloliqmfaciens subsp. plantmwn FZB42 exerts gr0\vtl1 promoting activities through efficient colonization of plant roots (Fan et al., 20 t 1). Previously, it has been demonstrated that over~expression of genes involved in phosphorylation of DegU, a hvo-cornponent response regulator of B. an1yloliqw.:f'acie11s strain SQR9, positively influences root colonization as well as other gmwth-promoting activities by PGPR strains for controlling cucurnber \'<lilt disease (Xu et al., 20 ! 4 ). I\foreover, the root colonization capacity of a poor root colonizer can be improved by 23 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 cloning genes that are required for efficient mot colonization (Dekkers et aL, 2000). Competitive root colonization by PGPR are controlled b:v many genes andior genetic clustt~r(s) (Dietel et al., 2013), so identification of these genetic loci involved in competitive root colonization are challenging if genome sequences are Jacking for those PGPR strains (Lugtenberg and Karnilova, 2009). Analysis of additional PGPR strains will help elucidate the med11u11sms of competitive root colonization, antibiosis and JSR of PGPR strains and form a foundation for genetic engineering and other strategies to increase the plant-growth promoting capacity of these bacteria. [0078] In this Example, w·e sequenced the genomes of 12 Bacillus suhlilis group isolates from diverse locales. Comparative genomic analyses of PGPR strains and control strains of tht~ B. subtilis group withuut m1y report<.":li biocontro! activity against plant pathogens provides insight into genomic features involved in PGPR activity. PGPR strain AP193, which inhibits grm.vth of plant and animal bacterial pathogens (Ran et al., 2012), is an ideal candidate to evaluate the relative contribution of genes that me predicted to be involved in the biosynthesis of bioactive secondary metabolites that could contribute to biocontrol activity, specifically difficidin (lffnD mutant), surfoctin (sr/AA mutant), as \vell as all polyketides and !ipopeptides produced by non-ribosomal peptide synthesis, including difficidin (4jJ mutant), \fotants \vere then tested for their ability to inhibit plant pathogens in vitro and control bacterial spot disease in tomato, [0079] ~4aterials [0080] Bacterial strains, plasnrids and gro\\,.tb conditions. and Methods Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this Example are listed in Table l. E. coli and Bacillus strains \·Vere grmm in Luria-Bertani (LB) medium: hmvever, for electrocornpetent cell preparation, Bacillus amyloliqu~1(lciens suhsp. plantarum /\P193 was gro\vn in NCivl medium (17A g K::;HPO.h 11.6 g NaCl, 5 g glucose, .5 g tryptone, l g yeast extract, 0.3 g trisodium citrate, 0.05 g !\..fgS(}r 7H20 and 9 L l g sorbito! in 1 L deionized \vater, pH 7. 2). For production of secondary metabolites, Bacillus cultures \Vere gro\vn for 48 h at 3(Y"::C in Tryptic Soy broth (TSB). In addition, ampkiUin (100 pgiml), chlormnphenicol ( 12.5 pgirnl) or erylhrornycin 24 WO 2016/054222 (200 ~tg/ml PCT/US2015/053239 frir L coli or 5~1g/ml for Bacillus) were used as selective ag,~nts in grov·.rth media as required. [0081] Sequencing, assemblv and annotation. Next-generation sequencing of Bacillus spp. genomes v.:>as performed using Illumina and Roche 454 sequencing platfom1S. Indexed l!lmnina libraries were prepared for sirains AP71, .AP79, and A.BO l using Nextern DNA Sample Prep Kit (Epicentre, l\.1adison, \V!) and sequences were generated using an lllumina l\!'liSeq with a 2 x 250 paired end sequencing kit Ba.rcoded lHumina libraries for strains AP143, APl 93, and AP254 were constmcted using a NxSeq@ DNA Sarnple Prep Kit (Lncigen, r....tiddleton, \iVl) and sequenced at EnGenCore (Univ. of South Carolina) using the 454-pyrosequencing platform. Genomic DNA library construction and sequencing for Bacillus subtilis GB03, Bacillus pumilus INR7, H. nwiavensis KCTC 3706T, H. tequi!ensis KCTC l3622T, Bacillus siamensis KCTC l3613T, and. B, .smwrensis KCTC l3918T were conducted at the National lnstrnment Center for Environmental l'vlanagernent (Seoul, Republic of Korea), using the Hlumina HiSeq 2000 sequencing platfonn. Sequence reads 'vere trimmed for quality then assembled de novo nsing the CLC Genomics Workbench (CLCBio, Cambridge, .~vlA )_ Gene prediction and annotation \Vere perfbnned using Genel\.fa.rk (Lukashin and Borodovsky, 1998) and the RAST annotation server (Aziz et aL. 2008), respt~ctively. The identity of ind.ividual open reading frames (ORFs) frorn secondary metabobte biosynthesis gene clusters \vas confirmed hy BLASTx against the GenBank database. ( ··o _1u{)"' .> Genomt~ sequence reads for strains ABOl, AP71, AP79, AP143, AP193, AP254, 1 • et a 1· ., ·-io14· (·c·'_.1.101 ,_ ' ), IN·-1> ·"' -· 13·11 ·. '· ~/ {··1 eong et a1., "'0·14· .:. · ), E:-,.7 C"-f'(' __ __ ,i7{)"··1·· ..J _, KC"I-'C' .. ___t .>6 _ (-. 1·eong et al., 2012), KCTC 13918T, and KCTC !3622T \Vere deposited into the Short Read Archive (SRA) at NCBJ under the accession numbers SRRl 176001, SRR1 l 76002, SRR l 176003, SRRI 176004, SRRl 176085, and SRR l 176086, SRRl 034787, SRR 1141652, SRR 1 l 41654,. SRR 1144835, SRRl l 44836, and SRR 'I 144837, respectively. [0082] Determination of average nucleotide identity. Average nucleotide identities - {AN[)- bet\veen genomes \\'ere calculated using an A.NI calculator that estirnates AN! ~ according to the methods described pre·viously (Goris et aL, 2007), 25 WO 2016/054222 [0083] PCT/US2015/053239 Phvlogenetic anall'sis of Bacillus SQ~ck~s. For phylogenetic analysis, the gyrB gene sequence for each strain (a list of the 25 strains is presented in Figure 1) \Vas retrieved from sequence data. Strains AS43,3, FZB42, YAU B960l-Y2, CAll B946, and 5B6 ..-vere used as representatlve strains of B. amyio/iqzu.fi.u::iens subsp. and TA208 plantarum~ \Vere used as representative strains of R strains DSM?, LL3 amyloliqutfi.~cicns subsp. amyloliqut:J<.:1ciens. The gyrB phylogenetic tree \Vas inferTed with l'Vl EGA5 .05 (Tamura et al., 2011) using Neighbor-Joining (Saitou and Nei, 1987) and Ivfaximmn Likelihood {fvIL) methods (Felsenstein, 1981 ). All positions that co11tained gaps or missing data ..-vere eliminated from the final dataset. resulting in 1911 bp positions of ,gyrB sequence. \Ve used 729,383 bp of DNA to represent the conserved core genome kmnd across 25 strains oft.he B. sublilis group, to generate a phylogenornic tree using RAxrvlL ( v 7 2. 7) (Pfeiffer and Stamatakis, 20 l 0). The phylogenomic tree \Vas then visualized \Vith iTOL (ltttu;L~i1£olLQIUQLgg) (Letunic and Bork, 20.11). [0084] BLAST matrix. The BLAST matrix algoriUun was used for pmrw1se comparison of Bacillus PGPR strain proteomes, using r:nethods described previously (Friis et al., 2010). The BLAST matrix detem1ines the average pen.:ent s1n1ilar1ty between proteomes hy measuring the ratio of conserved gene families shared between strains to the total number of gene familit$ within each strain. The absolute number of shared and combined gene families for each strain \vas displayed in matrix output This matrix shmvs the number of proteins shared benveen each proteome. [0085] Corc-g:cnome analvsis. The core-genome of 13 Bacillus spp. strains \Vas generated using coding and non-cod.ing sequences. \Vhole genmne sequences fron1 these strains were aligned using progressive JVlauve (Darling et al., 2004), \\ hich identifies and 1 aligns locally collinear blocks (LCBs) in the XlViFA fi)nnaL LCBs from alignments \Vere collected us mg strip Subset LCBs {J1!J;ii;L'.g~1Jt!m.h;L~~:i~iLJ;_~it1Lm_mnJ,~l~m112B.hf21fu".), us mg minimum kne.rt.hs of 500bp. AH LCBs were concatenated and converted to nrultifasta format using a per! script. The same protocol \Vas used to obtain all core sequences, with the exception that the minimum lengths of LCBs \>i-'ere 50 bp, instead of 500 bp. The Bacillus spp. 26 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 core genome was obtained from the comparative allgnment of a!l compkte Bacillus spp. genomes available in the OenBank as of August 2014 (n=81 genomes). The core genome of tht~ B. sublilis group \Vas obtained from comparative analysis of 53 "\Vho!e genomes of B. subtilis strains that included 41 genomes obtained from GenBank and 12 PGPR genomes sequenced in this Example. B. amyloliquefaciens species-level and B. amyloliq1.u;laciens subsp. plan/arum-level core genomes \Vere generaied from 32 B. amyloliquefctciens and 28 subsp. pion/arum genomes. Core genomes \Vere exported to the CLC Genomics Workbench (v 4.9} for evaluation of alignments and annotation using the RAST server (Aziz el al., 2008)_ The hst of Bacillus spp. strains used for core genome determination is provided in Table ? . Additionally, to identity GPR-spedfic core genes, ra\\' sequence reads of PGPR strains sequenced in this Example vvere sequentially reference rnapped against the genome sequence of non-PGPR strain B. subtilis subsp. sufuilis str. 168 a(~cording Lo methods described previously (Hossain et al., 2013}. [0086] Identlfication of core genes uniguelv present in B. <.mu!foliqut;{ju:iens subsp. plantarum strains. The aligned genome sequences of 32 11. amy!oliqw,faciens strains and 28 B. amyloliquefc1ciens subsp, plantarum strains (\·Vhich \i,.rere included within the B. amylo!iquefaciens strains) \vere analyzed using CLC Genomics Workbench to obtain the respt~ctive species- and subsp, -level core genomes. Trimmed sequence reads of subsp. plan/arum strain i\Pl 93 \Vere reference mapped against the subsp. plantarwn core genorne to obtain cort~ genome-specific sequence reads. The parameters of reference mapping were as follows: xnisnrntch cost ===2,. insertion cost ===3,. deletion cost ===3. length fraction === 0.5,. and ~ similarity = 0.8. Sequence reads mapped ~ to the subsp, plamarwn core genome were then mapped against the species amyloliqut.:fi.1ciens core genome w obtain unmapped sequence reads. These unmapped sequence reads, represent the subsp, plantarum core genome that is absent in the arnyloliq11(/i1ciens species-kvel <.:on.~ genome, \Vere assembled de novo using CLC Genomics Workbench then the resulting contigs were uploaded to RAST for gene prediction and annotation. Each ORF, exclusively encoded by the plantarum core genome, ,.vas fortl1er confinned for uniqueness using BLASTn analysis against the genome sequences 27 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 of 28 B. amyluliqu,:.A:tciens subsp. plan/arum and four B, c.nny!o!iquej;:1ciens subsp. amyloliquefi.Kiens strains listed in Supplementary Table L [0087] Prediction of secondarv metabolite biosvnthesis gene clusters in PGPR strain AP 193. Secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters for strain AP I. 93 \.Vere predicted using the secorn.iary metabolite identification tool anti SM.ASH (Bhn et al., 2013). Pri.rner~ \Valking PCR \Vas used to fill gaps between contigs containing gene dusters encoding secondary metabolite biosy11thesis. Gene prediction and annotation \.>./ere can"ied out hy Gene!vtark (Luka.shin and Borodovsky, 1998) and BLASTx (NCB1), respectively. [0088] DNA manipulation and plasmid construction for PGPR strain /\PJ93 mutagenesis. Chromosomal DNA was isolated \Vith the E.L N.A. Bacterial DNA Isolation Kit (Omega BioteL. Atlanta, GA) and plasmids \vere isolated •vith the E.Z.N.A. Plasmids l'vfini Kit U (Omega Biotek). Primers used in this Example are listed in Table 2. Gene deletion constmcts were assembled using splicing through overlap extension PCR (Horton et aL, I 989). The assembled products •vere gel purified \Vith Gel/PCR DNA Fragments Extraction Kit (JBl), digested \Vith appropriate restTiction enzymes, and doned into a pNZTl vector to construct the delivery plasmids for gene replacement [0089] Jn vi1ro plasmid methv!ation usilrn cell free extract of Baci!ius arnvlolique/C1ciens subsp. p/antarum AP"! 93. To rnethyla.te plasmids prior to transformation into 8- arnJ·!oliqu(faciens suhsp. plantarum AP19J, ihe method developed for Lactobacillus plantarum \Vas used \Vith minor modifications (Alegre et at, 2004). Cells from a l 00 ml overnight culture of strain AP193 (ODr;1~J === 1.3-1.5) were pelleted hy centrifogation (8000 xg). washed \Vith 100 ml of chilled PENP but1er (10 n1ivI potassium phosphate, 10 111iv1 EDTA, 50 mM NaCl and 0.2 mM P~ASF, pH 7.0), and then re¥suspended to a final vo!mne of 4 ml. Cells \Vere disrupted by performing t\vo bursts (amplitude 50, pulse 3 and vrntts 25<30) for 5 n1in each \vith a pause of 2 min, using a Vibra-Cell sonicator, and cooled \Vith ice to prevent overheating. Cell debris was removed by centrifogation (8000 x g) at 4"'C and the extract \Vas <.:ollected through decanting. Three ml aliquots of extract 1vere mixed \vith 3 ml of glycerol ( 1OO~··o v/v) and 0.6 rnl of bovine serum albmnin ( l tng/ml), then stored at -20''C. 28 WO 2016/054222 [0090] PCT/US2015/053239 The DNA modification assay \Vas perfom1ed in a final volume of 100 pl of the following: 53 ~d TNE buffer [50 mi\.·1 Tris (pH 75), 50 mivf NaCL lO m~vl EDT/\], JO ~ti Sadenos·ylmethionine (0.8 ml'vi), 2 ~ti BSA (5 mg/ml), 25 ~tl cell free extract derived from strain AP 193 and 10 p.I plas1nid DN/\ extracted from E. coli K 12 ER2925 (0. 5-l pg/pl}. The mixture \:vas incubated at 3r··c for 16 h. :\kthylated DNA \Vas extracted ·with a DNA Clean & Concentrator Kit (Zymo Research, CA}, then re-suspended in \Vater and stored at -20'"C. [0091] ElectrQtransfiJrmation of B. amvlolique{aciens suhsp. pianrarmn .AP 193. For preparation of electrocompetent cells, strain AP193 \vas grown overnight in TSB, then diluted 100-fold in NC~4 to inoculate a subculture. The culture was grmvn at 3T'C on a rotary shaker until the OD600 reached 0.7. The cell culture \vas cooled on ice for l 5 n:1in and subjected to centrifi.1gation at 8000 x g for 5 min at 4c·e, After \vashing four times \Vith ice cold ETM buffer (0-5 l'vl sorbitol, 0.5 M ma1mitol, and JQO,.·~i glycerol}, electrncmnpetent cells \Vere resuspended in l.ilOO volume of the origina.J culture (Zhang et at, 2011). For electroporation, J00 pJ of cells \Vere mixed \'iii th JOO ng of plasmid DNA in an ice-cold eledroporalion cuvette (l mm electrode gap). Cells vvere exposed to a single 2 l kV/cm pulse generated by Gene-Pulser (Bio-Rad Laboratories) with the resistance and (:apacitance set as 200 Q and 3 ~tF, respectively. The cells \.Vere immediately diluted into l ml of recovery medium (NCl1v1 plus 0..38l'vl mannitol) (Zhang et al., 201 l) and shaken gently at 30°C or 3r·c for 3 h to allow expression of the antibiotk resistance genes. Aliquots of the recovery culture \vere then spread onto LB agar supplemented \vith appropriate antibiotics. [0092] Tw·o-step replacement recombination procedure for the modification of the strain AP193 genon1e. A two-step replacement recon1binationwas perfonned as previously described, \vith minor modifications (Zakataeva et aL, 2010). To integrate the plasmid into AP 193 's chromosome, a single crossover between the target gene and the homologous sequence on the plasmid must occur. To do this, AP193 that contained a delivery plasmid '\Vith theddetion constnKt 1.-vas first grmvn in LB broth for 24 h at 37'-'C (a non-permissive temperature for plasmid replication}. Next,. the culture was serially diluted, plated onto LB agar plates \Vitl1 erythromycin, and incubated at 3r''C. Clones \vere screened by colony PCR 29 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 using nvo sets of primers. Each set of primers aimeals st;quences specific to one of the homologous fragments and to the chromosomal region just outside of the other homologous fragmt~nt. If PCR products had a reduced size, relative to the \.vi!d-type genotype for either primer set. this indicated successful chromosomal integration of the plasmid. In the second step, clones of the integrant \Vere cultured \Vlth aeration in LB at 3<J~c for 24-48 h to initiate the seccmd single-crossover event, resulting in excision of ihe plasmid, yielding erythrornycin sensitive (ErnS) clones \Vith either a parental or a mutant allele on the chromosome. Colony PCR was used to examine the presence of desired mutations by primer sets that flank the deleted sequence. [0093] Constmction of strain AP 19 3 mutants defective in secondarv metabolite biosynthesis. AH mutant st.rains generated in this Exaniple are indicated in Table 1. The disruption of the dfnD gene was achieved as follov,.'s: DNA f:ragrnents corresponding to positions -867 to +247 and +643 to + 1570 \.Vith respect to the l{fhD translation initiation site \·Vere PCR amplified using AP193 genornic DNA as a ternplate. The 1.\VO fragments \Vere then assembled hy fusion PCR. A frameshift mutation \vas introduced during fusion to ensure complete disruption of the gene. The deletion construct \Vas digested with XhoI and Spel, then cloned into pNZTl ,. yielding pNZ-dif The plasmid was methylated in vitro as described above and introdtKed into strain API 93 by electroporation. Once introduced into strain AP I 93, plasmid pNZ-dif generated the 1sogenic mutant AP l 931\dfitD by tv,..-o-step replacemt~nt [0094] m;.:ombination. To generate the ,~/]1 deletion mutant, DNA fragments corresponding to positions -781 to +29~ with respeci to ihe ,sjj) translation initiation site, and +95 to+ 935, \vltJ1 respect to the 4jJ translation tem1ination site, \Vere PCR ar:nplified using AP193 genon:ric DNA as template, assembled by fusion PCR, digested 'vith Hindlll and Pstl, and cloned int.o pNZT l to construct pNZ-sfp. The plasmid pNZ-sfp was used to generate rnutant AP l 93A4}J using procedures described above. [0095] The A~1fAA mutant was obtained as folknvs: DNA fragments corresponding to positions +5375 to +6091 and +6627 to +7366, ,.,.,.'iih respect to the s1:1AA translation initbtion 30 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 site, \Vere ?CR-amplified, fused by fusion PCR, digested whh HindUI and Pstl and cloned into pNZTl as pNZ-srf Similarly, a frameshift mutation \vas introduced during the ftision of tht~ upstream and do\vnstream fragments of the target deletion sequence to ensure complete disruption of the gene. The plasmid pNZ-srf \\'as used to generate mutant AP l 93,\stfAA using procedures described above. [0096] In vilro antimicrobial activities of PGPR strain AP 1.93 and its mutants .:urainst plant pathou.ens. Plant pathogens Pseudomonas .\Jringe pv. tahaci, Rhizobium radiobacter, )(anthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria,. and ){anthomona8 axonopodis pv. campestris \vere grov/n in TSB until the OD{;oo reached LO. The \vild tyJ)C strain AP193, as \vdl as the three isogenic mutants A<{fhD, /1.~fj.J, and l\s1./AA developed in this Example, \Vere gro\v11 at 30''.·c in TSB for 48 h at 220 rpm. Cultures \Vere then centrifuged at I 0,000 supernatant was passed through a 0.2 f1Hl ;v: g for 2 min then nylon filter (V\VR, PA). For antihiosis assays, 100 p.I of an overnight culture for each plant pathogen •vas spread onto TSA plates (Thenno Scientific, N'{) separately then sted Ie cork borers ( l 0 mm diameter) \Vere used to bore \Ve lls in agar plates. Filtered supernatant of AP 193 and its three nmtants \vere separately added to fill \veils. Plates \),.'ere aHc.nved to dry and then incubated at 30°C overnight Zones of inhibition \Vere measured and compared bet\veen mutants and wild-type strain /\Pl 93 to determine tht~ir ant.in1icrobial activities against plant pathogens. [0097] LC-!v1S analvsis of bacterial supernatants, Bacteria! cultures were grmvr1 in 2 inl TSB for 72 hours and then cells were ren1oved by centrifugation at l 0, 000 x g for 10 min, foHovled by 0,2 ~ml filtration of the culture supernatant. Samples were analyzed by direct injection from m/z 50-1200 on a ultra-high pressure Liquid chromatography/QTof'.-mass spectrometer (\Vaters Acquity UPLC and Q-Tof Premier, tviilford, 1'v1A) operated at a spray voltage of 3. 03 kv and the source temperature of l OtY'C, The !'v1S analysis \Vas conducted in negative io11 mode with a nwbile phase of 95(!/o acetonitrile, 50.··o \.vater and 0.1 (~lo formic ac.id. [0098] In vivo antibiosis of strain AP 193 and its rnntants a!.!a.inst a plant pathogen. Rutgers tomato seeds (Park Seed, USA) \Vere S0\\.'11 in Styrofoam trnys. Three weeks after planting, seedlings were transplanted into a 4.5 inch square pot \Vith cornmercia! potting 31 WO 2016/054222 substnm.~ PCT/US2015/053239 (Sunshine mix, Sun Gro Horticulture, Agav>'am, 1'v1aine). Three days aft.er transplanting, plants were sprayed \vi th sterile water or PGPR eel I suspensions ( J0 6 CFU/ml) that had been \Vashed three times prior to being resuspended in stcrlle \Vater and nom1a1ized at an ODMHJ = LO before being serially dilute& PGPR-inoculated plants were placed into a de\v chamber at l 00%1 humidity in the dark for two days at 24'T then transferred to the greenhouse. One day later, plants \Vere chaHenge-inoculated with x: axmwpodis pv. 7 vesicatoria by spraying approximately 10 ml of a 10 CFU/ml pathogen suspension over each plant. Pathogen-inoculated plants were placed in the dew· chamber for t\vo days then placed in the greenhouse. Plants \Vere watered once daily, Disease severity ratings and harvest \Vere conducted after 14 days of diallenge-irmculation. For disease severity rating, four compound leafo:; \Vere selected from the bottom of each plant The disease severity of each of the cornpound leaves was dctennincd by rating the dis'-~asc severity of each leaflet and calculating the average rating for the cmnpound leaf. Leaflets "vere rated using a 0-4 rating scale, \Vhere O=healthy lea.flet, l= <20?.··(, necrotic area of the leaflet, 2= 20-500./Q necrotic area of the leaflet, 3==== 51-80 0,.(, necrotic area of the leatlei, 4=== 80-100 % necrotic area of the leaflet. ln addition, dry shoot and root \Veights \Vere determined. The experirnenta1 design \vas a randomized complete block \1>-'tth ten replications per treatment. The experiment \.vas conducted t>vice. [0099] Data analysis. All data wen.' a11alyzed by an analysis of variance (ANO VA), and the treatment means \Vere separated by using fisher's protected least significant diffort~nce (LSD) test at P=0<05 using SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute, Gary, NC, USA). [00100] Results [00101] Genome Statistics and genetic relatedness of Bacillus spenes. Genome sequences of 12 different PGPR Bacillus spp_ strains were determined using next-generation sequencing. The summary statistics for each Bacillus spp. genome sequences and their assemblies are presented in Table 2. The approxi1nate sizes of Bacillus spp. genomes ranged from 2.95-4.43 \.fop with an average genome size of 3.93 Mbp, \vhic.h is similar to the 4.09 l\ifbp average gt~nome size of complete B. subti!is genomes available in GenBank (April, 2015). The percent G+C content of the 12 PGPR Bacillus spp. strains ranged fron1 41.3- 32 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 46.6%, averaging 45.15°.{i , \Vhich is similar to the average percent G+C content of the B. subtilis genome sequences ava1!able in GenBank (43. 72~·(,) (Ivtarch, 20 l 5 ). Painvise average nucleotide klentltk$ (ANl), a newly proposed standard for species definition in prokaryotes (Richter and RosseH6-JV16ra, 2009), were calculated for 13 Haci/lus PGPR strains to determine their interspecies relatedness among Bacillus species. The ANI 'Values fiJr PGPR Bacillus spp. st.rains ABOI, AP71, AP79, AP!43, AP!93, and GB03 against B. atnJ1oliq1w/aciens FZB42 (Chen et aL 2007a) \Vere greater than 98'}(i (data not shown),. indicating that these PGPR strains are affiliated \Vith the B. arnyloliqu(:filciens species. The 98.88~/Q ANI of PGPR strain AP254 to B. subtilis suhsp. suhtilis strain 168 suggests that AP254 is affiliated \1>-'ith B. subti!is (data not shtw.m). The pain.vise ANI comparison of PGPR . r·N'R strams · . ...,i, K"('"'"'('('"' · .. . otlH.~r "'7{ .,.I,, J· 1 )6. ·K··c··1·c· · . . t'"l .. 1 _,() l"'J' ,) .. , K···c'·l'(' · .·. .· j""'( .;) 18''.l' .· . , 1·">,C'J·!"I• • an. d.K.("["(' . . .... )O..:..-. aga.mst eac11 produce ANI values kss than 95°10 (data not sho\vn) suggests that they are distantly related to each other and represent diverse Bacillus species. [00102] Phylogenetic relationship of Bacillus st.rains. A phylogenetic mrn1ysis based on gyrB gene sequences shmved sufficient resolution among Bacillus taxa and \vas consistent \\iith ANI comparisons. Strains AP71, AP79, AP143, AP193., ABO!, and GB03 \Vere grouped togetl1er \Vith reference strains of R amyloliquej(wiens suhsp. plantarum \.Vith h1gh bootstrap support, indicating thm they are affiliated \Vith subsp. p!antamm. The three strains of B. amyloliquefi1ciens subsp. amy!oliquefaciens DSM?, TA208, and LL3 clustered as a single clade, separated from strains of subsp. plantarum, supporting the division of t\vo subspecies in B. amy!o/iqw.j(.Kiens (Borr1ss et al., 201 l). The placement of strain AP254 with B. subtilis subsp. subtilis strain 168 as a single clade \l.tith strong bootstrap support suggests its affiliation ivvith members of the B. subtilis group (Fig. lA) ..A gyr!J gene based phyl.ogenetic tree constructed using J\faximum Likelihood (rvlL} methods was also concordant with the phylogeny constructed using Neighbor-Joining methods (data not sho•vn). ln addition to the gyrB-based phylogeny, \.Ve constmcted a phylogenomic tree using 729,383 bp of core genorne sequences present within the genome of 25 H. subtilis group isolates to provide a more refined phylogenetic place1nent of PGPR strains. The topology· and allocation of strains to clades in the gyrlJ phylogeny \Vas similar to the phylogenomic tree (Fig. 1B). One notable difference is 33 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 that the wpology of the tree regarding the position of strain B. siamensis KCTC 13(')'! 3 diffhs significantly bet\veen the gyrB-based tree and the phylogenomic tree, \vith the gyrB based phylogeny placing KCTC 13613 in a separate dade whereas the phylogenomic tree included it \Vi thin a monoph;,!etic group that includes strains of J{ amyloliquefi.:tciens subsp. p!antarum. [00103] BLAST matrix. Genom.e \Vic.le proteome comparisons of 13 PGPR Bacillus strains using an all-against-all BLASTp approach demonstrated that PGPR Bacillus spp. stTains are highly diverse, as indicated by gene family similarity betv./een PGPR Bacillus spp. genomes ranging from 32-900,·(i (data not show·n). Consistent ,,.,..·ith the phylogenetic analysis, high similarity was found among strains AP71, AP79, APl93, ABOl, GB03, and FZB42, i.vith prnteomic similarity ranging from [00104] progressive Core-a.enome analysis. ~fauve 70-90~··0. Analysis of genome sequence alignment usmg determined that the core genome of 13 PGPR Bacillus spp. strains contains 1,407,980 bp of genomic DNA which encode 1,454 ORFs (data not shown). Comparison of core genome sequences of the genus Bacillus, subgroup B. subtilis, species B. amyloliqut.:f<.:1ciens, and subspecies plantarum demonstrated that as the number of genomes increases,. the number of d1ft'erent subsystems \Vithin each respective core genome decreases (Fig. 2A-C).. The highest mm1bers of subsystems in each of the core genome categories, except for the genus Bacillus core genome, was devoted to carbohydrate metabolism. These findings suggest that strains from the genus Bacillus nse diverse carbon smirct$. [n additiou, the core genome for the genus Bacillus has rnore subsysiems devoted to RNA, DNA, and protein metabolism compared to carbohydrate metabolism (Fig. 2A-C). [00105] The genome alignment from 28 different subsp. plantarum strains, including six subsp. plantarum strains sequenced in this Exmnp!e, identified 2,550,854 bp of core genome sequence that is predicted to encode 2,839 ORFs. The genome alignment of 32 B. {.nnyloliqlH;'.fiJciens strains, including 28 subsp. plantarum strains, idendfied 2,418,042 bp of core genome sequence predicted to encode 2,773 ORFs. 34 WO 2016/054222 [00106] PCT/US2015/053239 The genome alignment of 53 strains of H. suhlilis group, including the I 2 strains sequenced in this Example, identified 578,872 bp of core genome sequence predicted to encodt~ 674 ORFs. The number of protein coding genes present w1thin the genome of Bacillus spp. (--4,000J and the lmv m1mber of ORFs (674) encoded by their core genon1es suggests a large amount of genomic plasticity among Bacillus genomes that experience frequent gene acquisitions and losses. It \·Vas observed ihat ihe 8. amyloliqut.;f(..tciens core genome \Vas devoid of mobile genetic elements, such as prophages, transposable elements, and plasmids (data not shc.rwn). Furthermore, the B. suhti/is core genome \Vas also devoid of genes or genetic clusters !inked \Vith iron acquisition and metabolism, secondary metabolite biosynthesis, si6">1lal transduction and phosphorus [00107] rm.~tabolism (Fig. 2A-C). In this Example, the genus Bacillus core genome v•las also determined by analyzing all complete genorne sequences frmn the genns Bacillus cunently available in GenBank. \Ve determined that the genus Bacillus contains 194,686 bp of core sequence predicted to encode 201 different ORFs. The predicted functions present in all Bacillus strains are limited to the following subsystem foatures: cofactor synthesis,, vitamin synthesis, prosthetic groups and pigments biogenesis, cell \Vall and capsule biogent.$iS, membrane transport, RNA. metabolism,. nucleoside metabolism, protein metabolism, regulation and cell signaling, DNA metabolism, respiration, amino acids and derivatives, sulfor metabolism, and carbohydrate utilization [00108] Comparative analysis of core genes unique I)'' present in B, mrwloliquqfctciens subsp. p/antarum. Comparison of PG PR-specific genomes "vith that of non-PGPR B, subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168 did not identify any genes other than essential housekeeping genes that were conserved \Vithin the genomes of PGPR strains (data not shnw11). Comparative analysis of core genomes from 28 B. amy!oli.quef{:1ciens subsp. plamamm and 32 B, amyloliquf;/f:.1ciens species identified 193,952 bp of sequences that are present vvithin the suhsp. p!anlarum core genome but absent in the B. amyloliqmf1.1ciens core genorne. Among these genetic loci there \vere 73 genes shared by all 28 plantarum strains but \vere not present in any strains of subsp. amy!o!iqmfaciens, The putative functions of these genes includes transportation (7 genes), 35 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 regulation (7 gent$), signaling (l gt~ne), carbon degradation (I 0 genes), synthesis of secondary metabolites (19 genes), and hypothetical proteins (12 genes) (Fig . 2C). Sorne of tht$e gt~ne products may be involved in inwract1ons \Vith plants and rhizosphere competence of subsp. plantarum strains (e.g., pectin utilization). For instance, genes required for uptake and use of D-galacturonate and D-glucuronate are shared among genomes of B. amyloliqu(~fiiciens subsp. plantarum strains. These include uxuA (mannonate dehydratase (EC 42.1.8)), kdgA (4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase (EC 4. L3J 6)), k{}gK {2-dehydro-3deoxygluconate kinase (EC, exuT (hexuronate transporter), exuR (hexurnnate utilization operon transcriptional repressor), and uxuB (D-mannonate oxidoreductase (EC 1. l .1.57)). In addition, genes required for biosy11thesis of the polyketides difficidin and macrolactin v•iere consistently found in PGPR suhsp. plamarum strains, suggesting their relevance in the biocontrol activities of these strains. [00109] Gene clusters encodinu secondarv metabolite biosynthesis and natural competencv in strain AP 193. Due to our observations of beneficial interactions betvveen PGPR strain AP 193 and both plant and animal hosts (Ran et al., 2012), we selected this strain fbr more intensive genome analysis. Assembly of strain AP193 genome sequences de nm'o resulted in l 52 contigs larger than 1 kb, with a combined length of 4, 121,826 bp. Analysis of AP 193 contig sequenct$, using tl1e antiSlV1ASH secondary metabolite prediction program, suggests that gene clusters were present that are responsible for synthesis of three different polyketides: bacitlaene, macrolactin and dif1icid.i11. In order to provide cornplete sequences for these biosynthesis path\vays, the gaps hei\veen contigs 5 and 6, contigs 33 and 38, as v..·el! as contigs 27 and 28 \Vere filled using PCR, foUo,ved by DNA sequencing. Each of the gene clusters in A Pl 93 are collinear to their counterparts in B. cany!oliquej(1ciens FZB42~ a naturally competent plant root-colonizing B. c.uny!oliqz((Efi.Jciens isolate \vith the ability to promote plant growth and suppress plant pathogens (Chen et aL, 2007a), The percent amino acid identities of the proteins encoded by those clusters \Vere . . . . . ithin the range of 98-1 OO(~·o when compared with those of FZB4L Secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene dusters involved in non-ribosomal synthesis of cyclic lipopeptides surfactins, fengydn and bacillomycin D and of the antimicrobial dipeptide bacilysin present in FZB42 were also 36 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 detected in the AP193 genome. The perct~nt amino acid id.entities of the AP193 proteins encoded on those clusters to the FZB42 homologs ranged from 980.l!i to l 000.·o. The lack of natural compt~tency of the PGPR strain AP 193 prompted us to detem1ine the presence of competence-related genes \.Vithin this strain. We searched the AP 193 genome sequences for the presence of competence related genes fbnnd \Vithin the genome of FZB42, and observed that all of the genes required for encoding the structural. cornponents of the competence system found in strain FZB42 are present \vi thin the genome of AP 193 \.vi th 98 to 1000...-o identity (data not shmvn); however, genes comQ, comX, and comP are involved in regulating quorum-sensing in H mnyloliquejiu:iens FZB42 (Chen et aL 2007a) \Vere absent \Vithin the genome of strain APl93 (data not shO\-vn). The absence of comQ, com){, and comP may be responsible for the lack of natural competency for strain AP l 93, [00110] API 93 secondarv metabolites inhibit the grmvth of multiple bacterial plant pathogens in vitro. Antimicrobial activities of strain .AP 193 and its nmtants AP 193!\if,fhD (deficient in the production of difficidin), APl 93i\srfAA (deficient in surfactin production), and AP l 93/\.~_fj) (unable to produce polyketide or lipopepetide due to a deletion of sfj> gene encoding 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferas!;.~} \.Vere tested against Pseudornonas ,):yringe pv. tabac.i, Rhizobiwn radiobacter, Xanthmnonas vesic.atoria, and Xmtlwmonas axonopodis pv, campt~stris. demonstrated strong antimicrobial activity, \vhereas the inhibitory effi.~ct plant pathogens axonopodl~ pv, The AP 193 \vi!d type strai11 AP193A~'.fj> mutant \vas devoid of an against those plant pathogens (Fig. 3), underlining the contribution of lipopeptides and/or polyket.ides in the hioactivity of AP193. This also indicates that the d.ipeptide bacilysin, \.Vhose synthesis is independent of Sfp, was not involved in antagonistic activity expressed in ·vitro. The AP193..'.\!uf4A mutant conferred antimicrobial activity similar to \vild-type to P ..\)Tinge pv, tabaci, R. radiobacter, X axonopodis pv. vesicatoria, and J:.~ axonopodis pv. campestris (Fig. 3), suggesting that surfa.ctin has no putative role in the antibacterial activity of AP193 against ti1ose plant pathogens under the conditions tested in this Example. These findings also demonstrated that surfactin neither influences the antirnicrnhial cornpound biosynthesis in AP 193 nor does it inhibit antibacterial activities of the antibacterial compounds produced by APl 93. Difficidin acts as the im\jor antibiotic in 37 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 antagonism of A.Pl 93 against plant pathogens P. ,~yringe pv. tabaci, R. radiobacter, )( fft.:onopodis pv. vesicatoda, and .X ax:onopodis pv. campestris as indicated by the lack of the inhibitory effb;.t of tl1e AP193Ac{fi!D mutant against those plant pathogens (Fig. 3). [00111] We further confin:ned that the APl 93At!,f'nD and A~fjJ mutants lacked symhesis of difficidin by conducting LC>rv1S analysis of the cell-free TSB culture supernatants from \.Vild-type APl93 and each of these mutants. A.s reported previously, only the deprotonatcd fonn of oxydifficidin was detectable in hacterjal supernatants us.Ing 1vlS in the negative mode ([1vf --- HJ = 559.3) (Chen et al., 2006}. with a molecular mass of 559.3 detected in supenrntants of the \Vild-type AP 193 culture but not observed from Lhe culture of the Ae:(f!JD mutant (Fig. 4) or from the A.~lp mutant (data not sho\vn). The 1\sr/AA mutant exhibited difficidin syntht$iS as in the \Vild-type AP 193 culture (data not sh(nvn). These findings dernonstrate the irnportance of difficidin in i.he hioco.ntro! acfrvity of subsp. pian!arun1 strains against plant pathogens. [00112] axo1u.~mJdis Strain AP! 93 secondarv metabolites control bacterial spot caused by A~ P'-l. vesicatoria in tomato plants. To determine the role of bioactive compounds produced by strnin A.P 193 in providing protection against plant diseases, the AYJ 93 wild-type strain and its AP l 93A((ff1D, AP! 93/\.tfiJ and AP l 93AszjAA mutants \Vere applied to tomato plants several days before those plants \'Vere subsequently inoculated with plant pathogen .\:: axonopodis pv. vesicatoria< Both AP 193 \Vild-type and A.Pl 93As1i'4A significantly (P < 0.05) reduced disease severity of bacterial spot on tomato plants compared to the disease control (Table 3). Additionally, the application of strain APl 93 significantly increased the root dry \.veight of the plants (Table 3). Unlike AP 193 \Viki-type and its APl 93As1/A.A mutant, strains API93A~li) and AP1936c{/'1D neither protected tomato plants from severe bacterial spot caused by X axonopodis pv, vesicatoria nor improved plant gn)\Vth (Table 3), further supporting the importance of difficidin for plant disease protection. These findings are in agreement \vith the in vilro antfoiosis pattern of APl 93 wild-type strain and its APl93/\({.fhD, AP I 93A4j1 and /\P 19 3AwfAA mutants demonstrated against plant pathogen X axonopodis pv. vesicatoria. 38 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 [00113] Discussion [00114] PGPR Haci/lus spp. strains are used \VOrldwidt~ to improve crop yields ~md to protect against plant diseases. In this Example,. 12 PGPR genomes were sequenced, including B. subtilis, B. pumilus, B. arnyfoliquejcJCiens, B. tJl(~javensis, B. siarnensis, B. sonorensis, and B. tequilensis. These data \Vere analyzed using ANI, gyr.B-hased phylogenies and core genome-based phylogenies to resolve taxonomic affiliation of Bacillus spp. strains. Our findings demonstrate that half of the strains sequenced in this Example are affihated \.vi th B. amylofiquejdciens subsp. p!antarum, including strain (iB03 that vrns formerly designated as B. subtilis. Previously, B. siamensis type strain KCTC 13613T \.vas proposed as a novel species (Sumpavapo! et al., 2010), but a Bacillus core genome-based phy!ogenomic analysis (Fig. l) n.~'Vt~aled that B. siamensis KCTC l 3613T is instead affiliated v. ,ith B. amJ•lofiq1u-'.fi.rciens subsp. plantarum. This finding supports the results of Jeong et al (Jeong et aL 2012) that determined the close affiliation of B. siamensis type strain KCTC 13613T to B. amyloliquefaciens subsp. p!antarum based on ANl. These findings also support the continued use of core genome-based phylogenomic approaches to provide better phylogenetic resolution than analyses that use a single housekeeping g'-~n'-~ (e.g., gyrB). Phylogenies based on gyr8 and core genome sequences demonstrate that B. amyloliquef(.1ciens suhsp. plan!arwn are highl'y similar, but i;.:omparison of their prowomes demonstrates that they are closely related, yet distinct and may exert plant grmvth-prmnoting activities through different mechanisms. [00115] B. <w1..i·lo!iqulfin:iens subsp. piantarmn strnin AJ30 l \Vas isolated from t.he intestine of channel catfish (Ran et aL, 2012), but its affiliation \Vith plant-associated strains inay suggest transient presence v•iithin a fish gastrnintestinal tract; hmvever, given that the fish feed is soy-based it is likely that the plant-based diet \Vas also a factor in the growth of this strain \Vithin a fish intestine. Similarly, B. siamensis type strain KCTC l3613T was found to he closely affiliated with B. amy!oliquqfaciens subsp. plantarum and \Vas isolated frorn salted crab, rather than a plant-associated source. The efficm::y of strains A. BO I, API 93, and other plant-associated strains as prohiotics in fish shows the capacity for biocontrol of animal and plant pathogens as \veH as an overlap in host colonization (Ran et aL, 2012). 39 WO 2016/054222 [00116] PCT/US2015/053239 \Vith rapid advances in sequencing technologies it is no\v possible to extend genomic analysis beyond individual genomes to analyze core genomes (!vledini et al., 2008)- ln this Example, core genomic aimlyses \Vere conducted on PGPR strains from species affiliated v,..-ith the B. subtilis group. This analysis identified 73 genes exclusively present among all subsp. plantarum that are absent in subsp. amyloliquejhciens strains. This small munber of subsp. plantarum-specific genes agrees \Vith a previous report that identified 130 subsp. plantarum-specific genes using a limited number of genome sequences from subsp. p!amarum strnins (He et al., 2012). Of tl1es(' 73 plamanmH;pecific genes identified in this Example, many are predicted to he important for plant-associated and soil-associated funct1ons. For example, genes that are required for the use of D-ga!acturonate and Dglucuronate \Vere found in the pool of 8- amy!oliquefaciens subsp. p!antarum-specific core genes. This observation is consistent \:vith the absence of these genes in the genome of B. amy!o!iq1u~f2r.ciens subsp. am:vloliqtHfaciens DSlv17 (Ruckert et aL, 201 l ), a strain \Vithout any reported PGPR activityJ>ectin, a complex polymer found in plant tissues, is broken dmvn to D-i:z.lucmrmate and D-galacturonate \Vhich then serves as a carbon source for bacterial growth ..... ot.,.. -- (Nemoz et aL, 1976). This pectin could potentially serve as a nutrient source for efficient root colonization of PC!PR through competitive nutrient uptake. Therefore, the presence of genes that enable D-ga!acturonate and D-glucuronate utilization could be advantageous for H 1.unyloliq1.u:fc1ciens subsp. plamarwn for plant growt.h-prornoting activity through efficient root colonization. [00117] Since 1nany of the PGPR strains are fron1 the B. suhtilis group, the core genome estimation \Vas expanded to include a larger number of B. subtilis strains. Increasing the number of Bacillus subtilis genon1es analyzed to 53 resulted in a 579,166 bp core genon1e that is predicted to encode 674 ORFs. This smaller number of predicted genes reflects genomic diversity among the B. subti!is group. This finding demonstrates that the number of ORFs fr)tmd in the B. subtilis group core genome is dose to the number of B. subtilis ORFs that are considered as :indispensable for growth in complex media (610 ORFs) (htlp:/h'<-'V-i\V .n1inibacillus.org/proi(~ct#ge11es). 40 WO 2016/054222 [00118] PCT/US2015/053239 To ·validate a gene's involvement in plant-related processes, h 1s essential to construct isogenic mutants that are devoid of those genes, Therefore, \Ve deleted genes from PGPR strain AP 193 to evaluate tl1e role of secondary 1netabolitc biosymhesis gene clusters in the biologkal control of plant paihogens. To do this, a rnethy1ated shuttle vector pNZTl (Zakataeva et aL, 20 l 0) with gene deletion constructs delivered targeted genetic modifications to APl 93, demonstrating the effic.:acy of in vitro m.ethyhnion of plasmids by cell-free extract in circumventing a restriction system that \Vas presumed to have prevented transformation through electroporation. [00119] Difficidin is a highly unsaturated 22-rnembered macrocyfo.: polyene lactone phosphate ester \Vith broad-spectrurn antibacterial activity (Zimmerman et aL, 1987). Difficid.in e;9ressed by strain FZB42, together \.Vith the dipeptide baci1ysin, are mnagonistic against Fnvinia amvlovora --- the causative agent of fire blight disease in orchard trees (Chen ...... ....... ...... ~· et aL, 2009), This Example using an isogenic rnutant APl 93l'1t:{fl1D demonstrated for the first time that diliicjdin solely,, not in conjunction \vith Hny other polyketfrles or dlpeptides, exerts in vitro antibacterial activity against plant pathogens, such as Pseudomonas SJTinge pv _ tabaci, Rhizobium radiobacter, ){amhomonas axonopodis pv _ vesicatoria and Xanthomonas fft.:onopodis pv_ campestris. \Ve also demonstrated, hy using isogenic nwtant i\Pl 93/"~(tfh!.),, that difficidin expression is responsible fbr control of bacterial spot disease in tomato plants caused by .A~ .-o.:onopodis pv, vesicatoria. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that diftkidin is the most important strain AP193 secondary metabolite for biological control of plant djseases due to bacterial pathogens. In addition, the construction of the ,\/JJ gene deletion alk)\ved investigation of multiple secondary metabolites prnducz~d hy AP 193 and their individual contributions to biocontrol activity. The 4}J deletion mutant lost antagonistic activity against each pathogen that \vas susceptible to the AP 193 \vi Id-type strain. f\.fotants with the 4j:i deletion are expected to lose the ability to synthesize difficidin in addition to other metabolites. Because the lack of anthnicrobial activitv of AP193A~f.b is consistent \Yith ~· .. J A that of the APl 93/\l{fiiD mutant, this therefore suggests that difficidin is the prirnar.y metabolite responsible for in vitro inhibition of bacterial paihogens. In contrast, the surfactin mutant retained antimicrobial activity against an plant pathogens tested, demonstrating that 41 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 surfactin is neither cdtical for in vitro antib1otic activity nor 1ntlu~mces the synthesis or secretion of other secondary metabolite biosynthesis in this Bacillus spp. strain; ho\vever, surfric.tin may influence plant gn.i\vth promoting activity since it has been observed that smiactin of B. subtilis elicits JSR in plants (Ongena et aL, 2007) and is expressed in the plant cells colonized by FZB42 (Fan et aL, 2011 ). [00120] By studying the contributions of genetic 1oci that are conserved among top- perfonning PGPR strains Vile continue to uncover the relative contributions of genes in plant colonization,. growth promotion, and/or pathogen hiocontroL In particular, future investigation of genes related to the uptake and use of pectin-derived sugars \vill hdp determine the rdative importance of these genes for colonization of plants and persistence within this microhiome. Comparative genomic analysis of Bacillus spp. PGPR strains has led to a better understanding of gene products and provides a foundation to develop application strategies that result in greater plant growth promotion and biocontrol activity. [00121] Tables [00122] Table l. Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this Example. 42 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 ······················ Rekrnnt charncteristi~'<; S()(ir(:(;·(;i:i:(:!c~1·ei1c(:······················] E coh Kl 2 ER2925 dcm-6 dmu l 3 .. Jil9 N("»,· Eiwbnd B1olabs ,•.................................................................. ;~ ................................................................. :•. I51~:·'};:;3~;;r;·I<fo;;r;1;~; .......................1! [)t~«~il!~.~ii:.pl;1~1~1i~i~ i H a.>n).foliq.w.fociens sub:->p · plamarnm strain APl93 : {Department of rintomolugy • and Plaut Pathok1>rv. Auburn Wild type I ! J T::!1~i_\'~:r_s_il_yt............~:~...................... • (k:ficknt in li1w1K'.t)ti(k-:; •: . . 11. · c;tu·'v , · .t :ii • ·:111·! 1·1lvk·,.,;;,l··c; : 11· "" ''.. :------------------------------------------------------------------~--~---:~... L~_~:....~----~2:.:~:~::............................ ~---------------------------------------------------------------------~ · ~ defici<.:ni !n :->urfadin • !i APl93/1.s.>f4A : d ( . Thie; siudy .................................................................._l ................................................................... • \. , .)., \ .;;'n .. 1 ·1· ··· :h : · : " - 1 )..' : ................................................................ i. pr'} •. t1~.1l:>t1.. • APJ'} 3 \,.LliiD ..................................... '. ............................................ · deficient in diffiddin •This '>tudy ,............................................................. p1ycl1tt;~i1:11~ ..................................... ............................................... i l?acillu.~· an1yloli1..JU(;.j(icicns : i (·t-~· ., .:.,;~ .;,.)· ( ·1 )i}llll," 1 type • FZB42 ' \\"id • .._, ..1:,1 ' " ,1 ., _,' . ,,,. 1 ! I i j I :--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l; · : .E'. cofi~1J~:u.~illus shuttle · p~lK1 ! plasmid, rolling ('.irde BGSC ..................................................................1ypli~~1iiy~,.91~r~ .. ~ Rqllkution ! th<.:nno,,;ensiiiv<.: deri,·ntive pNZTl d' ihi;O' wlling-circk pla:->nud pV/VOl (po·•· t Xi<w:dwu Zkmg, Vu:gmia Tech rnlii:.~~1n .................................................................,..... l ....... :....c..FrnH) ::........ :............... . ~ pNZ.T 1 wi ih up::>trcam and •This studv ..................................................................L.~~~h~·ii:'~~Tiid~;~~;~.-i~~~;;~·;··················································································I • pNZ~s.rf pNZ~dif 1constrnd of sr.fAA This. study ···········································r·!)i\;'jji. \~:j{j1.k;};)~{~~)tii • ·11~i~·~~i1~l;:··········································1 .................................................................~ ~(~l1S:t1:1~~1.(~i'..(tri1P ............................................................................................ 43 ' ! ! WO 2016/054222 [00123] PCT/US2015/053239 Table 2. Summary of draft geno1nes of Bacillus specfos sequenced nsed in this Example ·l=l~t., . ,. :!:: . ~;~;::t~l···, ~:· 1·~~.~~:.::::i:;,;~.··1······~i~~i~;;;:~:········· ~1:~~···_1_.N_:_,_,_:_,1_,_:_;_;,_~_l_.~_.,_:_,_'._:_1_._._!',', '•(i (>{kb) asstmbly.) . Accession No. ABIJ1 20 3303 . 2l.16 46.4 A.P79 47 ,_ 45.8 ...i~ .. ..{\!'7..L... ....J?.L...... __4.;, _~;.~-.:_·,'.'.(~_'):-'.l:~t_ .:~j:..+ .. 4 s 7 ::T: . ~~:~: ~~; . : ~-~ ----·+· . , ~:~;~):~~~: .. , ... .PRJNA2393 l7 SRX475739 pRJNA23 9) l7 ..., ......\f<![~?~.Z~_()_______.. PRJNA.2:'9317 SRX475741 ~/) ',._>T{.!· .·,.:·' 44 3944 .........!?............. :::::4}{C:)_ 1;;} .·:·i~*::·~-~~:;:~·;~"{f; . .,. . . ;;~i~;;~;~; . :~I ;~ 4J6i'i . . . }{;}······1 '~~~~\'.F??~{~~:~~~------5<)""""""""''""':1}i:~;DfFY""""C""'TGf""'''~~~Ei~JB'.S?:~v~)T~~~:·~~~~~~~Fgay~};(j[~~~T~~~~~~~~~?V~~~~~~~T~~~~~~;1yrr~~~~1 GB03 26 :t849547 46 -s PRIN\!17787 "Rxu:nrnn "60 392!': : ~'''''''''''''''''''''~ ~ ~''''''''~''''''''''''~,,,,,,,,,-,~.":,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,~,.~,,,~,,,.:7~::.~.,-:,,,,~,,.,,~,,,,,,,,::,,,,:,,,~~.::.~.~::::.-~,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,:,,-~,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: .••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• . INR7 ~~~!~~: . 44 . }/-l~l)!l? l; . ~;335.582 ~ 41 :; .·.·.·_4_:_·_,_>_._•. . PRJN:\22778() . SRX447924 . 750 . 3857 ....................................... ·~ ....................................... ·:· ....................... ~· PRJNA16!489 SRX450083 500 3915 J·FiNA227 791 ; 4299 j ~.!_···················J~J·!.T~,,~;;;;.~~.i····! ·······~-~~~~;));~.;········ ·······~~;~·········· · · · · · · 4· ·.·_J_._4_· · ·(· •.~.·.·.·.·.·.·.1, , '· .................... ·:· ......................t...... :..................... ~ K.crc n 3.779,696 46.:> :. . ~~:;:1.r--l·-·······.~-~---······j····:~-,:~-;~,;~~-;····: . . ._;·;··~---·i . . i~i~~;~~-;~;-~·;;·~~----i·-······~-~~~~;~~~~-;~:;·······:········;·~~;~~~~---····j·······~;~~;~;·······I I ~~i~I ;": 1981302 ; 43 ') 44 SRX450086 " l ()OlJ " I WO 2016/054222 [00124] PCT/US2015/053239 Table 3. Effects of plant gro\vth~promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR} strains on severity of bacterial spot disease and plant growth Disea;,;e St'.verity ' Shoot Dr;./ \Veight {g) Root Dry \Vcighl (g) Disease Control 2.1 l a L07 he 0.378 c AP19J 1.30 b 2.18 b OASJ AP.l 931ls1jAA 1.48 b 2.16 b 0.423 abc /I.Pl 93l':>..~fj) 2.31 a 2.18 b 0.405 ahc AP 193/ld{l 2.06 a 2.00 c 0389 be O.OOc 2.38 a OA-35 ah 0-35 0.15 0.050 Ht.~althy Control LSD H Note: a. The experimental design \Vas n randomized cumpkte blnck \Vith ten n:p!icatiuns per treatmenL The CXJKTinient ·was conducted twice. Values fr.1lk)\\'t'.d by the smm'. ktkr ·were not significantly drffi::r.:.'.nt (Fb0Jl5) according to F1sd1er's p1uleckd LSD. b One plant 1vas in t~ach replication. P!nnts \\·1.:~re sprayed with PGPR susrKnsion (106 Cfl)/ml) one 1vcek atkr transplanting, and \Vere challenge-inoculated 'Nith pathogen solutions (1 o' CFUhn!) three days afk'.r inoculating PGPR. c. 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Enhanced control of cucumber \Vilt disease by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 by altering the regulation of Its DegU phosphorylation. Appl l·:'!1viron Microbio! 80, 2941-2950. doi: lO. I 128.iAETVL03943-l3. [00174] Yuan, l, Raza, \V., Shen, Q., and Huang, Q. (2012). Antifongal Activity of Bacillus arn_vloliqut;laciens NJN-6 Volatile Compounds against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp, cubense, Appl Environ },,ficrobiol 78. 5942-5944. doi: 10, 1128.iaem.01357-12. 52 WO 2016/054222 [00175] PCT/US2015/053239 Zakataeva, N.P., Nikitina, OS., Gronskiy, S.V., Ron1anenkov, D.Y, and Livshits, V .A (20 l 0). A simple method to introduce marker-free genetic modHkations .into the chromoson1e of naturally nontrnnsfi:m:nable 8acilius amyloliqrwfcu.:iens strains. Appl Aficrobio! Bioleclmol 85, 1201-1209_ doi: 10.l007is00253-009-2276-l. [00176] (2011 ). Zhang, G.-Q., Bao, P., Zhang,'\:'., Deng, A.. -H., Chen, N., and \\/en, T.-Y. Enhancing electro-transformation competency of recalcitrant Bacillus amyloliqu4aciens by con1bining cell-\val! weaken.ing and cell-rnernbrane fluidity disturbing. Anal Biochem 409, 130-l37. doi: http:.iidx.doi.on.v"l O. IO 16../Lab.2010.10.013. [00177] Zimmerman, S.B., Sch\vartz, CD., rvlonaghan, R.L, Pelak, BJ\., \Veissberger, B., Gilfillan, E.C, l\fochaks, S., Hernandez, S., Currie, SJ\., Tejera, E., and Et AL (1987). Difficidin and oxyd.ifficidin: novel broad spectmm antibacterial antibiotics produced by Bacillus subtilis. L Production, taxonomy and antibacterial activity. J Amibiot (Tok_vo) 40. 1677-1681. [00178] Example 2 ~ Grant Proposal for "Pectin Stimulation of Plant Gr(nvth ('k Disease Control bv Plant Grm.vth-Pronmting Rhizohacteria" submitted to i\labama Agricultural Experiment Station [00179] Abstract [00180] P!a11t gro\vth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been identified that control plant diseases and pn.nnote O"\i·erall plant grow·th. "Rhizohacteria" means mot-colonizing bacteria, and hence, root colonization is essential for pla11t grov~·th promotion by PGPR strains. Plant roots exmll~ various organic compounds, including sugars, and successful bacterial colonization hinges on nutrient uptake from the host plants through extracellular enzymatic activity. Strains of Bacillus amyloliqu(fhciens subsp. plan/arum (Bap) colonize plant roots, and have been used as biofertilizers or biocontro! agents during the past decades. Some of the best-perfom1ing PGPR Bop strains at Auburn have been subjected to a 53 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 comparntive genomic analysis, \Vhich indicates that tht~ use of pectin is a conserved trnit arnong these sequenced strains. As a stmctural component of the plant cell \Vall, much is knovm regarding pectin bkKhemistry a11d plant synthesis; hO\vever, !itt!e is kno\vn about the possible role of pectin in root colonization. In fact, the current scientific paradigm regards pectin utilization as a function expressed by plant pathogens, and not as a potentially useful characteristic expressed by plant-associated PGPR strains. \Ve no\.\,. have experimental evidence that our best-perfom1ing PGPR Bap strains can obtain carbon and energy via 1) productio11 of an extracellular pectinolytic enzyme(s) that degrades plant pectin into hexuronate sugars, 2) transpo1t of pectin-derived sugars, and 3) utilization of these pectinderived sugars for bacterial respiration_ While these PCIPR Rap strains consistently perfrKm ,.vell under lab or greenhouse conditions, field trials are more variable in PGPR efficacy, \Ve hypothesize that suppkrnenting pectin levels on s(~eds or in the plant rhizosphere \Vil! irnprove the efficacy of PGPR strains in stim.ulating plant growth and disease control. Our specific objectives to test this hypothesis are: i) Screen a large col1ection of Bap strains for pectin degradation and utilization as a sole C source, 1i) Conduct a cotnparative genomic analysis that includes Bap strains that lack the capacity for pectin utilization (see Example l above), and iii) Evaluate pectin supplementation along ·with Bap stJains (\vith and without the ability to use pectin) for soybean growth prornotion and disease cont:roL The informatfrm derived from this study will provide, for the first time, an understanding of the growth-promoting abilities of PGPR strains as int1uenced by pectin availability. The results of these experiments 'vil! provide the needed preliminary data in order to submit competitive proposals for extranmrnl funding to federal agencies, particularly the USDA and the NSF, in which we could extend these results to field settings \\-'ith multiple crop species. The practical use of this information could enable sustainable solutions for biocontrol of agricultural pathogens and in promoting plant gHnvth. [00181] Introduction [00182] There is a grO\vmg need for environmentally sustainable and effective alternatives to antibiotic use in agriculture, The US Food and Drug Ad1ninistrntion has been pursuing policies to reduce antibiotic usage in livestock, poultry· and crops ( l), and these 54 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 policies are expected to become more stringent in the US and other countries, This has prompted the search fbr sustainable methods, like the probiotic strategies described in this proposal, for the control of agricultural pathogens and enhancement of animal and plant grmvth 'l.Vithout relying on antihiotics. Plant grmvth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have proven to be promising as probiotic agents for the purposes of disease biocontrnl and biofertilizers (2-5). While many specjes of hacieria are classified as PGPR strains, Bacillus species have been closely studied due to their spore-frmning activity that confers a longer shelf life <.md greater viability in comm.ercial biocontrol formulations. \Vithin thjs genus, Bacillus anzyloliquejdciens subsp. plantarum (Bap) has recently emerged as an especially effective PGPR spet:ies that lack any potential fbr pathogenesis (6, 7). At Auburn Universit.y, Prof Kloepper has collected a large number (> 300) of PGPR isolates that show hiocontro! and.ior plant growth-prornoting activities, of \vhkh 59 have been identified as Hap strains_ Working collaboratively \vith Prof. Liles, specific PGPR Bap strains have been identified (thanks to previous A.AES and NSF support) to have the capacity to control disease in channel catfish (8) and are being used in controlled trials in catfish-production ponds this summer. Therefc1re, there is interest in using PGPR strains as alternatives to antibiotics in agriculturally-relevant crops and animals, thereby increasing their effectiveness in these agriculture and aquaculture applications. [00183] PGPR strains are considered biostimulants, in that they are microbial inocula11ts that have beneficial probiotic interactions \Vith their plant host (9), For example, inicrobial inoculants can solubilize phosphorus aml/or fix nitrogen that can then he absorbed by plant roots, directly stimulating pla11.t growth. There is a large literature on the use of bacterial inoculants for nitrogen fixation (10), and many Bacillus spp. strains have been identified as phosphate-solubil.izing bacteria \Vith commercial potential as hiofertilizers (11), In addition, PGPR strains have been fi:.mnd to produce many secondary metabolites that have antibiotic activity against bacterial and/or fungal pathogens O2-14 ), and can also induce control plant disease through production of compounds that induce plant systernic acquired resistance (SAR; rnediated by salicylic acid) and induced systemic resistance (!SR; jasmonic acid-dependent) mechanisms ( l 5-17), Tn fact, the collection of sequenced PGPR Bap strains 55 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 from the Kloepper laboratory includes strains that havt~ been found to induce both plant growth-promotion and disease control. [00184] The earliest reported studies of seed bacterization for agricultural purposes dates to the use of Rhi::ohium inoculants on lebrumes in 1895 (18), Yield increases for cereal crops afrer bacterial inoculants were applied 'Were observed in a vari.ety· of Soviet and Indian studies throughout the 1960s a11d early 1970s ( 18). Hc.)\vever, field studies consistently produced lo\ver yields than greenhouse studies, suggesting that the introduced microbial population declined rapidly after soil inoculation (l 8). This decline \vas likely due to an inability of the PGPR strnins to compete \Vi th the nonna! rhizosphere microbiota. Despite the inherent difficulties of using bacterial inoculants, the biostimulant market in North America is estimated to annually grO\\' 0 9). from $270 million in 2013 to $490 million by 2018, at the rate of 12.40..{i There is therefore strong interest in strategies that e<m enlumce the efficacy of PGPR strains to improve agricultural productivity and reduce diseases due to bacteria, fungi, nematodes and viruses. [00185] Our labs have conducted a comparative genom1cs study on our best- performing POPR Bap strains, and prest~nt \Ve were able to identify 73 genes that \Vere consistently \Vithin all 28 genomes surveyed (including some strains published by other groups), hut not present in other strains of R activity (Fig. 2C} Importantly, \Ve amyloliquqf(~ciens that \Vere known not to have PGPR found that genes related to the uptake (exul) and 116 lization (uxuB) of pectin-derived sugars ( 18) \Vere alv./ays observed \Vithin these PGPR Bap strains. This led to our key hypothesis that pectin supplementation could increase root colonization ability and metabolic activity of H amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum stn1ins, thereby resulting in improved efficacy of these PGPR strains in terms of plant growth and disease biocontrol. [00186] There is a significant knowledge base for pectin biochemistry and plant hiosynthesis that cai1 benefit this project Henri Braconnot discovered pectin in 1825., and pectin has been \vell charncterized as a major heteropo1ysaccharide of plant primary cell \vaUs, in addition to cellulose and hernicellulose (20). For exmnple, the priTnmy cell wall of 56 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 Sycamore is composed of 34% pectin, 24% hemkel!u!ose, 23%1 cellulose, and l 9~o hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein (21 ). Pectin is at its highest levels \vi thin the fhJ1ts, leaves, and roots of plants, so this is consistent \Vith the potential for pectin to provide a needed rootderived nutrient source for PGPR strains. Pectin is also found in the middle Jamel!a bet.,.veen cells, \vhere it helps to bind cells together, and the availability and structure of pectin varies arnong ph.mt species (22). Pectic materials are .frmnd in root hairs and have a thicker layer in loamy soils than in sandy soils, and the duration of pectin in roots may depend on bacterial enzymatic activity in the soil rhizosphere (23). [00187] Pectin degradation occurs through pectinolytk enzyrnes refen-ed to as pectin lyases that are found in bacteria, fungi and higher plants (24). Bacteria are known to secrete pectin lyases to degrade plant pectin. This patll\vay \Vas first reported in E. coli (25) and later described in Bacillus subti!is (26), but besides our cmnparative genomics study (rnanuscript in revie\v) and tw'o reports of Bap genome annotations (27, 28) there is no experimental evidence for pectin utillzation by Bap strains or the ilnportance of pectin in their efficacy as PGPR. Pectinolytic activity has been sh(nvn in the following bacterial genera: Achromohacter, Atthrohacter, Agrobacterium, Bacillus, Clostridium, L'nvinia. l\·eudomonas. and )(anthomonas (29, 30). Many of these bacteria are recogn1zed as plant pathogens, and the degradation of pectin is a characteristic of soft rot disease a:s caused by Envinia spp.; therefore, the competition for pectin as a nutrient source within plant rhizospheres could be one of the mechanisms by \Vhich PGPR Hap strains antagonize plant pathogens \.vithout themselves causing dmnage to plants. We have experhnental evidence that our sequenced Bap strains encode and express a pectin lyase activity (Fig, 5), Additional experiments are needed to detennine \vhether pectin lyase expression is a common trnh among all of our available PGPR Bap strains (see Approaches). [00188] By producing and secreting pectin !yases, bacteria can degrade pectin and uptake the pectin-derived sugars D-glucurnnate, D-gala,:turonate and D-mannose (31 ). The sugars glucuronate and galacturonate can be taken up by bacteria via a hexuronate transporter (end) system that encodes a hexuronate permease, From our comparative genomic study •.ve have f()tmd that the exuT gene is conserved an10ng all sequenced PGPR Bap strains (n===28 57 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 with draft genome sequences). YVe subsequently designed a PCR pr1ll'.H,~r set targeting the exuT gene in Bap strains and used this prin1er set to screen the 59 knmvn PGPR Bap strains in the Auburn colkction (based on a phylogenetic analysis using both l 6S rRNA and ltrrB gene sequences): of these 59 Bap strains,. 57 strains \Vere found to he PCR-positive for ~~xuT. The presence of this transporter among a large percentage of these strains supports the hypothesis that pectin uptake is a cr1tical function for Bap strains. It is possible that the negative PCR result for n:vo strains \:Vas a false negative (although this vvas repeated 3 times) or represents exu T ge11es that are not recof,•11ized by the primer set. For th1s reason it is important to evaluate actual utflization of pectin as a sole C source (see Objective 1 in Approach section). [00189] Besides pectin-derived sugar uptake, it is also critical for bacteria that utilize pectin to have the degnH.lation pathway for using hexnronate sugars as a C and ener1:,1y source. The uxuB Qene encodes a D-fructurnnaie oxidoreductase that is one of the enzvmes ~ ~ responsible for degrading intracellular glucurnnate and galacturonate into 2-keto 3- deoxygluconate (KDG) in E.coli and Fnvinia cfn:vsanthemi bacteria (32), and KDG is later metabolized into pyruvate and 3-phosphogl:yceraldehyde. As \·Vith exuT, we identified uxuB as a gene that is universally conserved among the 28 S(~qu~mced PGPR recently screened the larger collection of 59 Auburn PGPR Bap strains. Likewise, \Ve Bap strains for the presence of the uxuB gene and found that 54 strains were found to be positive for uxuB. \\le do not know i.vhether the 5 strains found to be PCR-negative for uxuB lack the capacity for pectin utilization as sole C source (see Objective 1 in Approach section). Identifying specific PGPR strains that lack eh:her the capacity to uptake or use pectin as a sole C source will be helpful because i.ve ca11 then use these strain(s) as a negative control that presumably would not respond to the availability of additional exogenous pectin. [00190] Glucumnate, galactmonate and mmmose can he used as prinrnry carbon and energy sources by bacteria such as Erwinia cluysanthemi (3L. 33). Since the acquisition of carbon is essential for bi:K:terial energy generation and biosynthesis (34), \'VC hypothesize that increased availability of pectin could promote the survival, persistence and n:ietaholic activity of PGPR Bap strains \vithin plant rhizospheres, leading to improved plant growth and disease control. Perhaps better PGPR efficacy is con-elated with the arnount of available pectin within 58 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 the roots or seeds of pardcnhff plant species? Iu this proposal \Ve an~ focused on the 1ssne of \.Vhether exogenously supplied pectin can induce better PGPR efficacy, and in subsequent extramnral proposals we could explore the differences among plant species pectin content (e,g., in Arabidopsis thaliana genetic mutants that lack pectin synthesis compared to \Vildtype plant pectin levels) and whether this correlates with PGPR efiicacy in promoting plant gro\vth and disease control. There is only one report in the literature concerning the use of exogenously supplied raw pectin to stimulate grovdh of plant-associated bacteria, in the case of nitToge11-fixing Azo.~piril/wn isolates that had increased abundance in soils supplemented \'-'ith pectin (35). However, in this research there was no attempt to evaluate any benefit to plants in terms of growth promotion or disease control. Therefore, the amendrnent of pectin along with a PGPR strain onto seeds or plant roots could be an innovative \vay to promote plant gro\:i;.. . th and reduce disease, and reduce the variabillty inherem in field trfals of PGPR strains. [00191] Rational and Siunificance [00192] There is a gn:.wving impetus to find sustainable means of irnproving animal and plant health in agrk.ulture v{ithout resorting to the use of antibiotics. Recent federal initiatives to reduce antibiotic usage and find alternative methods of improving animal and plant health are highly synergistic ,.vith this research proposaL Prior to submission of federal funding proposals, we need to test the hypotliesis tlmt pectin supplementation can increase the efficacy of PG PR strains in inducing plant grmvth and disease controL This AAES proposal is therefore essential in being_able to progress this research to a stage that it is competitive fix extranmral support. There are nrnltjp!e ways that knmv!edge of the roles of pectin in bacterialplant interactions can benefit the practical application of PGPR strains: 1) The supplementation of pectin onto seeds could e11hance PCIPR rhizosphere colonization which could lead to rnore significant benefits in plant growth and disease reduction 2) The persistence of PGPR strains within plant rhizospheres could be enhanced by periodic rhizosphere drenches v,tith pectin, 3 .l Disease control mediated by PGPR strains occurs through multiple mechanisms (direct antagonism, SAR and lSR), 'Nhich could be enhanced 59 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 through <.:alibrating PGPR and pectin inoculation timing to best reduce dist~ase pressure fo.)111 plant pathogens. [00193] Approach [00194] Our experilnental approach will first focus on expanding ou.r kno\vledge of pectin usage to all of the 59 PGPR Bap strains in the Auburn collection of Prof. Kloepper. Our prelilninary PCR -based screen supports the hypothesis that pectin is m1 irnportant source of C and energy for the majority of PGPR Bap strains, and the experiments in O~jective l will provide direct evidence f(ir pectin utillzation by these strains_ Importantly, Objective l is also expected to indicate a fe\v Bap strains that do not have the capacity to utilize pectin. \Ve predict that these pectin-incompetent strains wiU be at a competitive disadvantage for root colonization,. and these strain(s) \V.ill then be important to include as negative controls in Objective 3 for comparison vvith pectin-utilizing strains. To understand the genetic basis for pectin-incompetence, in Objective 2 we will pick a representative Bap strain that is negatlve in pectin lyase activity and/or pectin utilization as a sole C source (output of Objective I) for genmne seque1icing and genomic comparisons \Vith other Bap strains. Thls will prov.ide useful information on the specific genetic changes that have occurred in the small minority of Rap strains that hKk the capacity to use pectin, aud indicate what other plant-derived carbohydrates are being utilized in these strains. Most importantly, Objective 3 vviH test the overarching hyJ)Othesis that supplementing pectin levels on seeds or in the plant rhizosphere ·will improve the efficacy of PGPR Bap strnins in stinrnlating plant grmvth and disease control. V/e \:vil! use multiple Bap strains, including at I.east one strain that lacks the ability to utilize pectin, and ·will apply a range of pectin concentrations as either seed amendn1ents or rhizosphere drenches. [00195] Objective 1: Screen a large collection of Hap strains for pectin lyase activity and pectin utilization as a sole C source. [00196] Hypothesis: The majority of Rap strains \Vil! express pectin lyase activity and be able to use pectin as a sole carbon source. 60 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 [00197] Methods: [00198] Objective t .1: Test Rap strains for pectin Ivase activity: Pt>t:tate-agm· media '.viU be used to determine the pectin lyase activity of Bap strains. The bacteria \viii be grcn:vn from cryostocks in the -80')C on Tryptic Soy Agar fTSA) at 28')C overnight, and an isolated colony will be used to inoculate a Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) 2 ml culture that will be incubated at 28°C v..dth shaking at_250 rpm overnight A I ml aliquot of the overnight culture \.Vil! then be p1petted hito a 1.5 ml microcentdfage tube and the bacterial cells \vi!1 he \Vashed three ti1nes by subjecting the culture to centrifugation at 10,000 x g for 5 min and then re- suspending the bacterial pellet in 1 x phosphak~ buffered saline (PBS) and repeating the process. To provide a uniform inoculum the bacterial re-suspension l x PBS in a 2 1111 \Viii be used to inoculate culture tube and measun.' the turbidity of the bacteria! suspension '>'dth a spectrophotometer until the Optical Density at 600 nm is approxiTnately 0..5. This standardized bacterial suspension \.Vill be used to inoculate 20 microliters of suspension in triplicate onto a pectate-agar 1nedimn (36) used for detennination of pectin lyase activity. The pectate-agar medium plates \\dll be incubated at 28°C overnight and then a 1~(i cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) \),-'ill be poured over the surface of the plate, with a ckar zone present around the bacteria! colony (Vig. 5) forming after 30 min indicating pectln !yase activity. The magnitude of the zone of clearing will be measured in n1m and recorded in an Excel spreadsheet, \.Vith average zones of clearing being determined for each of the Bap cultures. [00199] Objective 1.2: Test Bap strains for the use of pectin as a sole C source: The capacity of each of the 59 Bap strains to utilize pectin as a sole C source will be assessed using a minimal Tris-Spizizen salts (TSS) medium (37) as the base medium supplemented with 1% pl.ant pectin (citrns source). Each of the bm.:terial cultures \.v:il! be prepared as for tlw pectin !yase assays 'with bacterial suspensions \.Vashed in I x PBS, normalized to an ODoxi ''' 0.5, and then 100 microliters of a L too dilution \\'i!I be used to inoculate 1.9 ml TSS + 1°-'~ pectin cultures, in triplicate. Broth cultures \vill be incubated at 28('C with shaking and OD61i> readings \Vil! be taken over a 36 hour time period, In a preliminary experiment, \Ve have 61 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 observed that two of uur previously sequenc{~d PGPR Bap strains, AP 143 and AP 193, could utilize pectin as a C source for grrnvth (Fig. 6), As a negative control, a non-PGPR Bacillus thuringiensis sufop. kurstaki strain HD73 \Vas obtained frorn the USDA ARS culture collection (Ames, Imva) that \Vas identified as a non-pectin utilizing strain based on its genome sequence. This strain \Vas not observed to grmv using pectin as a sole C source (Fig, 6). [00200] Potential Outcomes: Bap strains that have been confirmed to contain exu T and uxuB genes vd!l express pectin lyase activity and grmv using pectin as sole C source. Some strains v.lill show a larger zone of clearing in the pectin lyase experin1ents, and any highexpressing strain(s) \Vil! be used in subsequent experiments. [00201] There may he strains that do not grmv using pectjn as a sole C source, and one of these strains can be used in Objective 2 for comparative genomics and in Objective 3 as a nel!ative control. .... [00202] Potential Problems: It is possible that despite hav.ing the necessary genes a strain may not phenotypica!!y express pectin lyase activity or pectin utilization under in vitro conditions. Based on preliminary results \\>e do not expect this to be a problem, and knO\·V that ,.ve have a !east hvo strains, AP143 and AP19J, that were previously identified as top- performing PGPR strains, \Vere subjected to genome sequeiKing and have been shtW.ill lO degrade and use pectin as a C source. [00203] Ohjecth•e 2: Conduct a comparative genonuc analysis that includes Bap strnin(s) that lack the capacity for pectin utilization [00204] Hypothesis: A Rap strnin(s) unable to use pectin \.vill have geno1rnc reammgemt~nts [00205] in tht~ pathways responsible for pectiu degradatiou and./or utilization. hfothods: 62 WO 2016/054222 [00206] PCT/US2015/053239 Obit!Ctive 2, 1: Determine genome seguem.:e for strain(s) lacking_ 12ectiq utilization: Based on the results from Objective 1, \Ve \Vil1 select Bap strain(s) for genome sequencing that do not have any evidence for pectin de.gradation andior pectin utilization. Based on the results of PCR-based screening of e),·uT and uxuB genes (see above), we do expect a fo\V strains to be negative for pectin utilization as a sole C source. Each strain wiH be grown in medium-scale (-· 100 inl TSB) at 28"C until the culture reaches an OD600 of 0. 5-0.8. Genomic DNA isolation \Vil! be conducted using a harsh bead-beating method (l\foBio, Cmlsbad, California) in order to achieve sufficient yield of gDNA from gram-positive bacteria. The gDNA ,,viii he quantified using a Qubit t1uorometer. If \Ve achieve > 50 ng of high-quality gDNA for each strn:in, then \VC \Vilt use a Nextera tagmentation kit (Il!umina, San Diego, CA) for preparation of bar-coded sub-libraries (otherwise, the Nex tera XT kit \Vill be adopted v./hich can use as little as l ng gDNA). We \.vill include no more than 5 strains per lllurnina MiSeq sequencing run (available in the Rouse Life Sciences building), and use 12 piVI final concentration of the pooled bar-coded libraries along ,.vi th l ~--0 spike-in of the PhiX internal control. The sequence daia \Viii be exported in .fastq fbrrnat frmn the MiSeq and imported into the CLC Genomics Workbench (CLC hio, Cambridge, ivlA). Vv'e ,,,.m trim sequences for quality (trim sett:ing 0.01), followed by de novo assernbly. If large contigs do not result from the assembly, we will then evaluate different assernh!y criteria using CLC Genomics, Ray, and VelvetOptimiser assemblers., in order to identity the largt.$t contigs possible for each strain. Based on our prevfrms experience with next-gen sequencing and assembly of bacterial genomes, \Ve expect excellent results \Vhen >80x coverage is attained. [00207] Objective 2.2: Analvze genomes for pectin- and carbohvdrnte utilization patlnvavs: The bacteria! genome sequences wiH be annotaied by exporting the entire set of contigs for each strain into the RAST server (http://rast.nmpdLt)rg/). RAST output 'Nill indicate the presence of pred:icted carbohydrate utilization patlnvays. In addition, \Ve \Vill manually compare the cornplete set of genome contigs for each strain \Yith the genes required for pectin lyase (pe!B), hexuronate transport (exu1) and hexuronate utilization (uxuB) obtained from Bap strain AP193 using pairwise tBLASTx comparisons al NCBI. These analyses will indicate the presence of specific genes if they are present in a genome even if 63 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 the previous PCR-based screening \\'as ineffec.:tive because of gene sequ~mce differences at the primer annealing site, Fmthennore, \Ve \viU compare the genomic archltecture of each non-pecdn ntihzing strain \Vith that of AP 193 and other sequenced Bap genomes to query the local region surrounding each pectin uti !ization pathway. This could indicate \Vhether the nature of the defect in pectin utilization is related to transcriptional regulation (change in promoter region}, point mutation(s) in specific genetic loci, or cornplete genetic deletion or rearrangement of the pectin utilization pathwa::,ts. [00208] Potential Outcomes: A draft genome for Bap strain(s) that lack the capacity to degrade and/or utilize pectin, and annotation of the genes and genotnic regions involved in each patlnvay. [00209] Potential Problems: \li/e have considerable experience conducting !vbSeq sequencing nms (>20 at Auburn), but there can be variability concerning the sequencing yield obtained per straiJL To 1nitigate that we \'•iill aim to achieve at least lOOx genome coverage on the strain, and also budget for nvo sequencing nms in case there is any problem \Vith the first sequencmg nm. [00210] Objective 3: Evaluate pectin supplermmtation along v.,rith Bap strains lbr soybean growtl1 prornotion and disease control [00211] Hypotl1esis: Supplementing pectin levels on soybean seedlings will improve the efficacy of PGPR Bap strnins in stimulating pl.ant blTOwth and disease control. [00212] fvkthods: [00213] Objective 3J: Determine pectin dose-dependent enhancement of PGPR strain growth: [00214] It is important to first det.ennine the concentration of pectin to use in subsequent plant grm:\irth experiments. In order to track strain colonization, \Ve V>..-ilJ select for rifampicin-resistant mutants (50 p.g/ml Rit) on TSA and select three independent RifR mutants 64 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 per strain to use as replicates. Soybean seeds (Park Seed, Hodges, SC) \Vil! be so\vn in Styrofoam trays and three \Veeks after planting seedlings \:vill be transplanted into a 4.5 inch squme pot \Vith a i;.:ommercial potting substrate (Sunshine rnix, Sun Gm Horticulture, Aga\vam, \.faine), Three days after transplanting, seedlings \Vill he drenched with lO ml of 6 either AP193 or HD73 spores (10 CFU.iseedling) applied in 1) sterile \Vatec. 2) 0.01% {\v/v) pectin, 3) 0 . 1i~.··(i pectin, or 4) .1 ih1 pectin, \·Vith each of the 8 treatment groups (2 strains x 4 pectin amounts) in quadruplicate for 32 total pots. Plants \Vil! be transforred to the greenhouse and watered daily for 21 da).tS. Pectin supplementation at the indicated concentrations will be conducted at ,.veek!y intervals . J\t 2 l days post-inoculation, 10 g of rhizosphere soil will be sampled from each of the pots, and the dry shoot and root weights 'viH be detennined. The 1 soil 'vill be homogenized in 90 inl of sterile \vater (HY dllution) and then serially diluted to 6 10-6 dilution and each of the dilutions from 1ff1 to 10- v.dll be plated_onto TSA plates In order to detennine the mnnber of RifR colony fanning units (CFU)/g of soil. The results of this experiment are expected to shm.v a significant pectin dose-dependent increase in strain AP 193 CFU/g of soiL, ·with no significant increase observed fi)r pectin-incompetent strain HD73. The !O\vest dose of pee.tin showing the strongest induction \Vil1 be used in Obj. 3 2. [00215] Potential Outcomes: Determination of tbe pectin concentration(s) that result in increased grov;..-th of the PGPR Bap strain \\.>hen amended into a potting substrate. [00216] Potential Problems: ldt~aHy this experiment would be conducted usmg an agricultural soil; ho\vever, it is exceedingly diJTicult to discriminate het\veen the indigenous rhizosphere microbiota and the inoculated PGPR strain in soils, We selected a potting mix because this is vd1at is conunonly used for greenhouse grown crops,. so it is relevant to conditions used by commercial grm.vers, \vhile also allm.ving the more facile recognition of the PGPR strain \vhich has a unique colony morphology. To confin:n that the CFC counts are due to the inoculated PGPR Bap strain AP 193, representative colonies \viii be selected to conduct PCR using an AP l 93 stra:in-specific PCR primer set that has been developed in the Lites lab (data not shO\'lin). 65 WO 2016/054222 [00217] PCT/US2015/053239 Obit!ctive 3.2: Evaluate i:;iectin-iuduction of PGPR-mediated ulant gro\\·th promotion: [00218] Soybean seedlings viiiH be will be smvn into larger 8 inch pots that contain a sandy loam soil potting soil to \.Vhich 497 mg phytate is added per kg, It has previously been shO\vn that Bap strnin FZB42 can mediates its plani gnJ"\.vth-promoting effects in part via phytase activity, and that the addition of phytate to soils can help to observe this PGPR- mediated plant grtwvth-pronwting effect (38). The treatment groups ,,,,,,.ill. include l) no spore treatment, 2) !06 CFU/seedling PGPR Bap strain APl93 and 3) 106 CFU/seedling of one other PGPR Hap strnin that shows strong pectin lyase activity (from seedlings in each treatment group Ol~jective l). The be drenched two days atl.:er transfer to the greenhouse \Viii with either sterile \\'ater or pectin (at a 0.. .;) to be determined above), using ten replicates \.vith a completely randmnized design There \\. ill therefore he 6 treat1nent gronps x lO replicates==== 60 1 total pots. Pectin addition \Vill occur at I \veek intervals and plants \\"ill be grown for 4 \veeks. Fresh and dry weight of root and shoot will be rneasmed at the cmnpletion of the greenhouse experiment Root morphology vvill be analyzed by root scanner. The fresh and dry \Veight of shoot and root variation of each treatment \.viH be con1pared and anal'yzed using ANO'v'A at 5~"ii level of significance (SAS 9.1 sofi.ware). [00219] Potential Outcomes: The addition of pectin to Hap-treated soybean seeds \v111 result in an increase in soybean root and shoot grmvth relative to non-pectin-treated plants. No pectin-mediated increase will be observed in the plants \Vithout PGPR strain inocu!um. [00220] Potential Proh!erns: There can he m1fbreseen issues, such as a disease outbreak, in experimental plants. V./e \vill take ample precautions to 1imit disease incidence, and plan to repeat this experiment at least one'-~ and more if necessary. The t.irning of the experiment may need to be extended to achie..,;1e significant differences among treatment groups. It might be useful to include other crop species (in extramural proposals), since pectin content cai1 vary il1 different plant species and pectin supplementation might be more useful in plants limited in pectin content 66 WO 2016/054222 [00221] PCT/US2015/053239 Obit!ctive 3.3: Evaluate Qectin-induction of PGPR-mediated giant disease control: [00222] We will evaluate pectin-induced plant disease control us1ng pathogens: 1-~rthium t\.'<iO difterent u!timurn that causes pre- and post-emergent seedling damping-off, and Rhizoctonia solani that causes root rot and hypocotyl !.esions on cucurnber and soybean, respectively. Hence, t\vo separate hrroups of experiments \Vill be completed, one with each 6 pathogen. The PGPR Bap strains '""ill be applied as l 0 CFU spores, a comrnon rate used i,vith PGPR as commercial seed treatments, to each cucumber or soybean seed in a Styrofoam tray, and a drench of 10 ml ofpet:tin at the dose used in Experiment #2 \vill be applied at time zero. \Ve wit! include at least t\VO PGPR Bap strains that are know11, from previous \vork in Klot~ppt~r's lab, to inhibit Pythium damping-off aud Rhi::octonia root rot and v..tere positive for pectin utilization in Objective #C along '>'Vith tw·o negative contxols: a non-PGPR strain HD73 and a pectin-incompetent PGPR strain identified frorn Objective #1 and sequenced in Objective #2. Therefore, each experirnent will contain 8 treatinents: 2 PGPR strains previously shmvn to control the respective pathogen and t\vo negative control strains, with and 'Without pectin supplementation. We vvill use ten replicates and the t~xperiments \Vill be conducted in a completely rn11domized design. After 3 days and prior to plant gem1ination,, a l~vthium u/timwn or Rhizoctonio sokmi culture, respectively, gro\vn on potato-dextrose agar \'-'ill he homogenized ,,vithin the agar, diluted \v.ith sterile \Vater and homogenized further, and 6 then used to inoculate seedlings \vith approx. l 0 cells/ ml in 10 ml. Inoculated plants ·will be placed into a dew chamber at 10oih) hurnid.ity in the dark fbr 2 days at 24'~C and then tra11splanted into a pot aud transforred to the greenhouse, Plants '>Vill be ·watered daily and mcmitored for damping off At 7 and 14 days post-pathogen inoculation the plant mortality count \Vill be determined for each treahnent group, and these data \Viii be compared and anal'yz.ed using ANO VA at 5ci/o significance kvel (SAS 9.1 ). [00223] soybean seeds Potential Outcomes: The addition of pectin to Rap-treated cucumber and \Vil! result in enhanced protection of PGPR strains against l)'thium ultimum and Rhlzoctonia so!ani-mediated damping off, respectively. 67 WO 2016/054222 [00224] PCT/US2015/053239 Pott~ntfal Problems: There ai-e several variables that could impact this experiment, in particular the timing of the inoculation of PGPR, pectin, and pathogen on the cucumber and scrybean seed.lings. Depending on the results of the experiment, we may need to change tl1e timing and/or concentrntjon of these factors in repeating this experiment. A !so, because these pathogens induce damping off at an early point in the plant lifo cycle, there may be snfiicient numbers of metabolicaUy active Hap cells present at early time points such that pectin amendments are less necessary. If this is observed then we may consider the use of an alternative pathogen i;.:hallenge [00225] References [00226] L \\'itl1 more mature cucumber or soybean plants. Kuehn Bl'vL 2012. FDA aims to curb fam1 use of antibiotks. JAJvV\ the journal of the American :tvledical Associatkm 307:2244-2245. [00227] 2. Raupach GS, Kloepper JW. 1998. !vhxtures of pl.ant grovvth-promoting rhizobacteria enhance biological control of multiple cucumber pathogens, Phytopathology 88: l.158- 1164. [00228] Adcsemoye AO, Torbert HA, Kloepper J\V. 2009. Plant :!$'Towth- promoting rhizobacteria allow reduced application rates of che1nical fortilizers. rvlicrohial ecology 58:921-929. [00229] 4. Yan Z, Reddy rvlS, Ryu C:rvL lVIcinroy JA, \Vilson r-vl, Kloepper JW. 2002. foduced systemic protection against tornato late blight elicited by plant grmvthpromoting rhizobacteria. Phytopathology 92: 1329- l 333. [00230] 5. Ryu Cf\·1, i'vlurphy JF,. Ivlysore KS, Kloepper JW. 2004. Plant growth- promoting rhizobai;.:teria systemically protect Arnbidopsis tha!iana against Cucumber mosaic virus by a salicylic acid and NPR 1-independent and jasmonic acid-dependent signaling path\vay. The Plant journal : f(_)r t:cll and molecular biology 39:3 81-392. 68 WO 2016/054222 [00231] 6. PCT/US2015/053239 Compaore CS, Nielsen DS, Smvadogo-Lingani H, Berner TS, Nielst~n KF, Adimpong DB, Diawara B, Ouedraogo GA, Jakobsen 1v1, Thorsen L 2013. Bacillus amyloliquefacit~ns ssp. plamarum strains as potential protective starter cultures for the production of Bikalga, an alkaline fonnented lhod. J Appl !V:licrobiol 115: 133-146. [00232] 7. Avdeeva LV, Dragovoz IV, Korzh Iu V, Leonova NO, lutinskaia GA, Berezhnaia AV, Kuptsov VN, i'vfondrik ~-JN, Kolomiets EL 2014, [Antagonistic activity of Bacillus amy!o!iquefaciens subsp. phmtarum Il'v1V B-7404 and Bl.l\.'1 B-439D strains to\vards pathogenic bacteria and micrnrnycetesj. \.likrohiol Z 76.:27-33. [00233] Klot~ppt~r 8. J\V, Ran C, Carrias A, vVi!liams l\tA, Capps N, Dan BC, Ne\:vton JC, Ooi EL, Bro\vdy CL, Terhune JS, Ules tv1K 2012. Identification of Bacillus strains for biological control of catfish pathogens. PloS one 7:e45793. [00234] 9. Calvo P, Nelson, L & Kloepper, J.W. 2014. Agricultural uses of plant biostimulants. Plant Soil. [00235] 10. Basha11 Y, de-Bashan LE, Prnbhu SR, Hernandez JP. 2014, 1\dvances in plant gro\vth-promoting bacterial inoculant tedmology: fi.mnulations and practical perspectives {1998-2013 ). Plant Soil 378: 1-33. [00236] 11. Z.,a1.d.i ,S,. F« ., ,,mg S. )!1 BR I '"::J "' )06. - . S. _._.mam. S, . , uMusarrat .... , 1gm"ficance of Bacillus subtilis strain SJ~ tol as a bioinoculant for concurrent plant grmvth promotion and nickel accunrnlat.ion in Brassica juncea. Chemosphere 64:991-997. [00237] 12. He PF, Hao K, B1on1 J, Rueckert C, Vater J, \fao ZC, Wu YX, Hou !\.-:IS, He PB, He YQ, Borriss R. 2012. Genome sequence of the plant grm.vth promoting strain Bacillus amyloliquefadens snbsp plantarum 89601-'{2 and expression of rnersacidin and other secondary metabolites, Journal of bioteclmo!ogy 164:281-291. [00238] 13. \.fariappan A, t\..fakare\vicz 0, Chen XH, Borriss R. 2012. Tvlo- Component Response Regulator DegU Controls the Expression of Bacilysin in Plant-Gro\vth- 69 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 Promoting Bacterium Bacillus amylohquefaciem.; FZB42. Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnology 22: 114-125. [00239] 14. Blom J, Rueckert C, Niu B, Wang Q, Burriss R. 2012- The Complete Genome of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp plantarum CAU B946 Contains a Gene Cluster forNcmribosomal Synthesis ofHrnin A. Journal ofbacterio!.ogy 194:1845-1846. [00240] 15. Raupach GS, Kloepper J\V. 1998. 1Vhxtnres of plant grm;s, t.h-pron10Hng 1 rhizobacteria enhance biological control of multiple cucumber pathogens. Phytopathology 88: 1158-1164. [00241] 16. 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Purification and propenit~s of a 1ow-molecu1ar-\ve1ght, high-alkaline pectate !yase from an alkaliphilic strain of Bacillus. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 63:65-72. [00262] ""7 .::>1 Shingaki R, Kasahara Y, lwano 1\.·1, Kuwano M, Takatsuka T, lmme T, Kokeguchi S, Fukui K 2003. Induction of L-form-like cell shape change of Bacillus subtllis under microculture conditions. rvncrobiology 149:2501-2511. [00263] 38. Ramirez CA, Kloepper JW. 2010. Plant grO\vth pronmtion by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB45 depends on inoculmn rate and P-rdated soil properties. Biol Soils 46:835-844. 72 Ft.~rt WO 2016/054222 [00265] It \Vill PCT/US2015/053239 be readily apparent to one skilled in the art that varying substitutions and modifications may be made to the invention disclosed herein \Vithout departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. The invention 11lustratively described herein suitably may be practiced in the absence of any element or elements, lilnitation or limitations \vhich is not specifically disclosed herein. The tem1s and expressions ·which have been employed are used as terms of description and not of limitation, and there is no intention in the use of such terms and expressions of excluding any equivalents of the features shown and described or portions thereof: but it is recognized that various modifications are possible Vidthin the scope of the invention. Thus, it should be understood that although the present invention has been illustrated by specific embodiments and optional foatures, modification and/or variation of the concepts herein disclosed may be resorted to by those skilled in the art, and ihat such modifications and variations are considered to be \Vithin the scope of this invention. [00266] Citations to a number of patent and non-patent references are made herein. The cited reforences are incorporated by reference herein in their entireties. In the event that there is an inconsistency bet\veen a definition of a term in the specification as compared to a definition of the tern1 in a cited reference, th"~ definit1on in the specification. 73 tenn should be interpreted based on the WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 CLAIMS \'Ve claim: 1. An inoculant comprising: (a) a plant e,Yfmvth promoting rhizobacteria {PGPR) that expresses a protein associated \vith pectin metabolism and (b) a saccharide comprising pectin or a pectin-related saccharide. 2. The inoculant of claim l, \vherein the PGPR is a Bacillus species. 3. The inoculant of claim 2, \.Vherein the Bacillus species is Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subspecies plantarurn. 4. The inoculant of clain1 I, \vherein the pectin-related saccharide comprises hydrolyzed pectin,_ D-galacturonate, D-glucuronate, or mixtures thereof. 5. The inoculant of claim l, wherein the saccharide is a polysaccharide comprising D-galact.uronat.e monomers. 6. The inoculant of claim I, \Vherein saccharide is a heteropolysaccharide comprising D-galacturonate monomers \.vhich represents at least sm·o of all monomers of the heteropolysaccharide. 7 The inoculant of claim 6, wherein the heteropolysaccharide further comprises one or more monomers selected from D-xylose, D-apiose, and L-rhamnose. 8. The inocu1ant of daim l , •vherein the saccharide is a heterogeneous mixture of polysaccharides or monosaccharides cornprising D-galacturonate monomers or Dglucuronate monomers, and the sum of D-galacturonatc rnonomers and D-gfocuronate monomers in the mixture represent at least soih1 of the total monomers of the rnixture. 9 Plant seeds coated with the inocu!ant of claim 1. 10. Animal teed cmnprising the inoculant of c !aim l . 74 WO 2016/054222 lL PCT/US2015/053239 .A 1rn.:~thod for improving plant gn)\·vth or phml health, the method comprising: (a) treating plants, seeds,. or soil \Vith a plant grmvth promoting rbizobacteria (PGPR) that expresses a protein associated \.vith pectin metabolisrn and (b) treating plants, seeds, or soi! \.vi th a sacdmride comprising pectin or a peciin-related saccharide. 12. The method of claim 11, \Vherein the plants, seeds,. or soil are treated concurrently 11vith the PCiPR and the saccharide. 13. The method of claim l ! , wherein the plants, seeds, or soil are treated first \.vith the PGPR and subsequently the plants, seeds, or soil are treated with the saccharide, 14. The method of da:im "I l, \.vherein the plants, seeds, or soil are treated first \vitl1 the saccharide and subsequently the plants, seeds, or soil are treated \vi th the PGPJC 15. The method of claim l l, \vherein the method improves plant grmvth or plant health by controlling soil-borne pests selected from nematodes and insects. 16. The method of claim l l, wherein the method improves plant grmvth or plant health by controlling a disease selected from a bacterial disease, a fungal disease, and a viral disease. 17. The method of claim l l, \.vherein the PGPR is a Bacillus species. 18. The method of claim l 7, wherein the Bacillus species is Bacillus a.myloliqlH;'.fhciens subspecies p!antarum. 19. The method of claim l L, \Vherein the pectin-related saccharide comprises hydrolyzed pectin, D-galacturonate, D-g!ucuronate, or mixtu.res thereof. 20. The method of dairn 11, \vherein the saccharide is a polysaccharide comprising D-galacturonate monom.ers. 75 WO 2016/054222 2L PCT/US2015/053239 The method of clalir1 I. l, \Vherein saccharide is a lwteropolysaccharide comprising D-galacturonate monomers \\'hi ch represents at least 500.-·o of all monomers of the heteropolysa<.:charide. 22. The method of da:im 21, wherein the heteropo!ysaccharide further comprises 011e or more n10nomers selected 11:om D-xylose, D-apiose, and L-rhamnose. The method of claim 11, \vherein the sacdrnride is a heterogeneous mixture of polysaccharides or monosaccharides c01nprising D-galacturonate monomers or D~ - glucuronate monon1ers, and the sum of D-galacturnnate monomers and D-glucuronate ~ ~ monomers in the mixture represent at least 50°,{1 of the total monomers of the mixture. 24. !\ method for irnproving anin1al growth or aniinal health,. the method comprising: (a) administering to animals a plant gn_)\Vth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that expresses a prntein associated vdth pectin metabolisn1 and (b) administering to animals a saccharide comprising pectin or a pectin-related sact:haride, 25. The method of claim 24, wherein the animal are administered the PGPR and the saccharide concurrently. 26. The inethod of claim 24, wherein the animals are administered first the PGPR and subsequently the animals are administered the saccharide. 27. The method of claim 24, \:1.rherein the animals are administered first the saccharide and subsequently the animals are administered the PGPR. 28. The meth1)d of claim 24, whereiu the PGPR is a Bacillus species. 29. The method of claim 28, \Vherein the Bacillus species 1s Bacillus amyloliqut.:f<.:u.:iens subspecies plantarum. 30. The method of claim 24,. \vherein the pectin-related saccharide comprises hydro!:yzed pectin, D-galacturnnate, D-glncmona.te, or mixtnres thereof. 76 WO 2016/054222 3L PCT/US2015/053239 The nwthod of claim 24, \vherein tht~ saccharidt~ is a polysaccharide comprising D-ga!acturonate monomers. 32. The method of claim 24, wherein saccharide is a heteropolysaccbaride comprising D-galacturonate monomers vvhich represents at least 500.··~ of all rnonomers of the heteropol.ysaccharide. 33. The method of cla.irn 32, \vherein the heteropolysaccharide further comprises one or more monomers selected from D-xylose, D-apiose, and L-rhamnose. 34. The method of claim 24, vvherein the saccharide is a heterogeneous mixture of polysacdmrides or monosaccharides cornprising D-galacturonate monomers or D- glucuronate monorners, and the sum of D-galacturonate monomers and D-g!ucuronate monomers in the mixture represent at least 50~>o of the total monomers of the mixture. 77 :.;; 0 N 0 r- 100 100 100 I 100 "'c "'=i OJ 81 -I c -I 100 m "'mm:::c -"' -I ;;c c 0.1 r m a> FIG. 1A CEREUS ATCC 14579 PUMILUS INR? PUMILUS SFR032 LICHENIFORMIS DSM13 SONORESIS KCTC 13918 ATROPHAEUS 1942 MAJAVENSIS KCTC 3706 I L.1QQ.... TEQUILENSIS KCTC 13622 B. SUBTILIS SUBSP. SUBTILIS STR. 168 AP254 B. SIAMENSIS KCTC 13613 B. AMYL. LL3 100 } B. AMYL. SUBSP. B. AMYL. DSM? AMYLOLIQUEFACIENS B. AMYL. TA208 96 98 AB01 B. SUBTILIS GB03 100 BACILLUS SP. 586 97 B. AMYL. FZB42 B. AMYL. CAU 8946 ,-B. AMYL. YAU B9601-Y2 ~ B. AMYL. SUBSP. AP 193 PLANTARUM AP143 I__ B. AMYL. AS433 AP71 AP79 a-, """ 0Ut B. B. B. B. B. B. B. ""' N N N liQQt --"""""" 0 ""d (""l g 00 N 0 """ Ut 0Ut ~ N ~ l.O :.;; 0 N 0 a-, """ I r------1.:....:.:0~0 { 100 I 100 -......:....::~ 1001 100 I 100 I "'c "'=i OJ 100 -I c -I m "'mm:::c -"' -I ;;c c -------0.1 r m a> FIG. 1B 1001 0Ut B. CEREUS ATCC 14579 B. PUMILUS INR? B. PUMILUS SFR032 B. LICHENIFORMIS DSM13 B. SONORESIS KCTC 13918 B. ATROPHAEUS 1942 - B . MAJAVENSIS KCTC 3706 B. TEQUILENSIS KCTC 13622 AP254 B. SUBTILIS SUBSP. SUBTILIS STR. 168 B. AMYL. DSM? } B AMYL SUBSP I 100 B. AMYL. TA20S AMYLOLIQUEFACIENS 100 ---=-=--=---- B. AMYL. LL3 100 - B. SIAMENSIS KCTC 13613 - B. AMYL. CAU 8946 -B. AMYL. YAU B9601-Y2 100 AB01 100 BACILLUS SP. 586 100 B. SUBTILIS GB03 B. AMYL. SUBSP. -AP143 PLANTARUM AP193 100 B. AMYL. AS433 B. AMYL. FZB42 45 100 ~AP79 AP71 ""' N N N --""" N 0 ""d (""l g 00 N 0 """ Ut 0Ut ~ N ~ l.O WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 3/10 S3cmrv3.:I ~31SA.ssns .:10 CJ3s~nN SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) :.;; 0 ~BACILLUS en 100% w ~ (B) :::::> ~ 00% u.. 00% w ~ w en >en :::::> en u.. 00% w z: W% W% 0 -I c (_) m <( "'mm:::c z: en <( w -I 0 -"' ;;c --""" ...... 0 ~· ~· ~· s· s' <--...' 10CS ~· ~· ~· s· s' ~~~ ~?~ ~~ # ~~&~.;f # ~~ # ~0~ ~~--\# ~~<v.$- <v~~ .f>~$-#' ~~~'q ~s~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r:::i~ ~· ~· ~· ~· ~· ~· s· s· ~· ~· s ~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ §>9 ~~~9~~~~~~~& #~fr~##~ -£?;. ~.::55 ~~s ~~ ~~OJ ~ s· P##~&~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o ~ ~· ~· ~&#~#s##~~#~##~~~g~~~###~~~ q~0~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~8~~~~~ ~ c;::. """ N N N 0%. s' w a> a-, 10% ~ ~ c r m ...... 0Ut ~% :::::> -I N 0 B. AMYLOLIQUEFACIENS (n=32) 00% en OJ ~ ro% I- "'c "'=i GENUS (n=81) ~ B. SUBTILIS GROUP (n=53) [SIB. AMYLOLIQUEFACIENS SUBSP. PLANTARUM (n=28) ~ c,}~ @ <:/..~~ ~ ~ ,- ~~$S & #''V ~ $ # ~--\ ~~s4;:-~.P ~ # <v'5 SUBSYSTEM FEATURES c}~~$'~s-#'0~~ #s ~~ ef'# &~ 0~ ~ ~<§~ ~ ~'5 ~ ~ ""d (""l g 00 N 0 ...... FIG. 2B Ut 0Ut ~ N ~ l.O Figure 2(~ :.;; 0 N 0 D a-, """ 0Ut ""' N N N fm· l'IY.".l:A"otbetical Proteins y; fm ~rransportatinn fm Second:arv•·' J\1et:aboUtes (:arbon usage fm I~egub1tion WI . '" ~ _.. 0 ~iJ.11·H')lh~u :.;.;,~~u·uh.ns ()the rs ""d (""l g 00 N 0 """ Ut 0Ut ~ N ~ l.O Pigure 3 :.;; 0 N 0 a-, """ 0Ut Pseudomonas syringae pv,. tabaci ""' N N N Rhizobium radiobader Xanthomonas campestris pv~ vesu::at ona +. .~ ""d (""l g 00 N 0 """ Ut 0Ut ~ N ~ l.O WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 7/10 ~ w t\l• ~'")· ,.,,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,..... ,,.. fl'i ~1 ({~ 0) .... ~-~ ·~ ~ N t~) t~") \~ WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 8/10 CQ ~ QJ ;... ·-= CJ) ~ WO 2016/054222 9/10 111• PCT/US2015/053239 WO 2016/054222 PCT/US2015/053239 10/10 ~ t'"' -= .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' " ~. ~ " < ~ ~ ~ ~ - ·~~ ~ .~ ·'.~..:.-: ~ ..... ::r; = ,.,.... ~ •'~ ' ~ .~.· ~ ;... ~ '~ ~ ~ " ~ ~· ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = z •• t~ ~''· ~' !J!! ·"""- ~ ~ '"''- "'~ ~< ~ '*'"' ~. • ...... · = ~ ............~ I \C ~ ;..,: ·-= ~ ~ ··«( ~' ~ ~:(,, • ~ ,. ®) _, 4 '""" M ~ ,.__;.;... ~ ~~ ~ [ -i INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No PCT/US2015/053239 A. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT MATTER INV. ADD. A01N63/00 A61K35/74 According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC B. FIELDS SEARCHED Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) AOlN A23L A61K Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) EPO-Internal, BIOS IS, EMBASE, FSTA, IBM-TDB C. DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT Category• x Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages us 7 422 737 Bl (NUSS I NOV ITCH AMOS [IL] ET AL) 9 September 2008 (2008-09-09) claims 1-27 x Relevant to claim No. 1,2,4-9, 11,12, 15-17, 19-23 - --- - us 6 280 719 Bl (SUH HYUNG-WON 1,4-9, 11,12, 16,19-23 [KR]) 28 August 2001 (2001-08-28) abstract; claims 2, 8, 16 column 2, 1i ne 48 - 1i ne 51 - --- - []] Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. • Special categories of cited documents : "A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered to be of particular relevance "E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international filing date "L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other special reason (as spec~ied) "O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other means "P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than the priority date claimed Date of the actual completion of the international search 17 December 2015 2 Name and mailing address of the ISA/ European Patent Office, P.B. 5818 Patentlaan 2 NL - 2280 HV Rijswijk Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040, Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 -/-- lRJ See patent family annex. "T" later document published after the international filing date or priority date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the invention "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone "Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the document is combined with one or more other such documents, such combination being obvious to a person skilled in the art "&" document member of the same patent family Date of mailing of the international search report 13/01/2016 Authorized officer Dumont, Elisabeth Form PCT/ISA/21 O (second sheet) (April 2005) page 1 of 3 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No PCT/US2015/053239 C(Continuation). 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Category• X,P DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages KAI WU ET AL: "Pectin Enhances Bio-Control Efficacy by Inducing Colonization and Secretion of Secondary Metabolites by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQY 162 in the Rhizosphere of Tobacco", PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 5, 21 May 2015 (2015-05-21), page e0127418, XP055236810, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127418 the whole document Relevant to claim No. 1-9, 11-23 2 Form PCT/ISA/21 O (continuation of second sheet) (April 2005) page 3 of 3 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No Information on patent family members us 7422737 Bl I 09-09-2008 NONE us 6280719 Bl 28-08-2001 Patent document cited in search report I Publication date AU AU CA EP ID JP JP us WO Form PCT/ISA/21 O (patent family annex) (April 2005) PCT/US2015/053239 I Patent family member(s) 735602 5882198 2279489 1015555 22852 3428658 2000513582 6280719 9835017 B2 A Al Al A B2 A Bl Al Publication date 12-07-2001 26-08-1998 13-08-1998 05-07-2000 09-12-1999 22-07-2003 17-10-2000 28-08-2001 13-08-1998