PIC32-MX460 development board Users Manual All boards produced by Olimex are ROHS compliant Rev. B, May 2009 Copyright(c) 2009, OLIMEX Ltd, All rights reserved Page 1 INTRODUCTION PIC32-MX460 is low cost development board with the new highperformance 80MHz MIPS-Based 32-bit Flash microcontroller PIC32MX460F512L – 100 pin general purpose and USB. This powerful microcontroller supports various serial interfaces such as USB Device/Host/OTG, UART. In addition you will find also audio input and output, debug interface, LCD, UEXT, mini SD/MMC, User Joystick, User Leds, RF Module area. All this allows you to build a diversity of powerful applications to be used in a wide range of situations. BOARD FEATURES • PIC32MX460F512L microcontroller • Audio input • Audio output • USB host • USB device • USB OTG • provisions for MRF24J40MA module • SD card • Reset Circuit • Power supply • UEXT connector for other Olimex modules like MOD-MP3, MODNRF24Lx, MOD-SMB380, MOD-RFID125 etc. • ICSP/ICD connector for programming with PIC-ICD2-POCKET • JTAG connector • RD232 interface with driver • LCD Nokia 3310 BW 84 x48 pixels • Quartz crystalls 8 Mhz and 32768 Hz • two status LED • Joystick • Reset button • Power plug-in jack with diode bridge can be powered with AC or DC power supply • 3.3V voltage regulator • Extension slot on every uC pin • Gird 100 mils • GND bus • Vcc bus • Four mounting holes 3,3 mm (0,13") • PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), solder mask, silkscreen component print Page 2 • Dimensions 135.9x101.6 mm (5.35x4.00") ELECTROSTATIC WARNING The PIC32-MX460 board is shipped in protective anti-static packaging. The board must not be subject to high electrostatic potentials. General practice for working with static sensitive devices should be applied when working with this board. BOARD USE REQUIREMENTS Cables: Depends on the used programming/debugging tool. It could be 1.8 meter USB A-B cable to connect PIC-ICD2 or PIC-ICD2-POCKET to USB host on PC or RS232 cable in case of PIC-ICD2-TINY or other programming/debugging tools. You will need a serial cable if not for programming, than for configuring the board. You will also need a USB OTG cable. Hardware: Programmer/Debugger – most of Olimex programmers are applicable, for example PIC-ICD2, PIC-ICD2-POCKET, PIC-ICD2-TINY or other compatible programming/debugging tool. !!!Warning!!! When you want to program this microcontroller with PIC-ICD2, PIC-ICD2-POCKET or PIC-ICD2-TINY, before connecting the programmer to your target board, you should first connect the programmer to your computer and open MPLAB. There, first from menu Configure – Select Device – choose the microcontroller you are about to program, then from menu Programmer – Select Programmer – choose MPLAB ICD 2, wait while MPLAB is downloading operation system, and after ICD2 is connected – check in menu Programmer – Settings – Power – there is option – Power target circuit from MPLAB ICD 2 – this option should be forbidden, you could not select it. Now it is safe to connect the programmer to your target board. PROCESSOR FEATURES PIC32-MX460 board use High-Performance 32-bit RISC microcontroller PIC32MX460F512L from Microchip Technology Inc with these features: – Operating Voltage Range of 2.3V to 3.6V – 512K Flash Memory (plus an additional 12KB of Boot Flash) – 32K SRAM Memory – Pin-Compatible with Most PIC24/dsPIC® Devices – Multiple Power Management Modes – Multiple Interrupt Vectors with Individually Programmable Priority – Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Mode – Configurable Watchdog Timer with On-Chip Low-Power RC Oscillator for Reliable Operation Peripheral Features: – Atomic SET, CLEAR and INVERT Operation on Select Peripheral Registers – Up to 4-Channel Hardware DMA with Automatic Data Size Detection Page 3 – USB 2.0 Compliant Full Speed Device and On-The-Go (OTG) Controller – USB has a Dedicated DMA Channel – 40 MHz Crystal Oscillator – Internal 8 MHz and 32 kHz Oscillators – Separate PLLs for CPU and USB Clocks – Two I2C™ Modules – Two UART Modules with: – RS-232, RS-485 and LIN 1.2 support – IrDA® with On-Chip Hardware Encoder and Decoder – Parallel Master and Slave Port (PMP/PSP) with 8-bit and 16-bit Data and Up to 16 Address Lines – Hardware Real-Time Clock/Calendar (RTCC) – Five 16-bit Timers/Counters (two 16-bit pairs combine to create two 32-bit timers) – Five Capture Inputs – Five Compare/PWM Outputs – Five External Interrupt Pins – High-Speed I/O Pins Capable of Toggling at 80 MHz – High-Current Sink/Source (18 mA/18 mA) on All I/O Pins – Configurable Open-Drain Output on Digital I/O Pins Debug Features: – Two Programming and Debugging Interfaces: – 2-Wire Interface with Unintrusive Access and Real-time Data Exchange with Application – 4-wire MIPS® Standard Enhanced JTAG interface – Unintrusive Hardware-Based Instruction Trace – IEEE Std 1149.2 Compatible (JTAG) Boundary Scan Analog Features: – 16-Channel 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter: – 1000 ksps Conversion Rate – Conversion Available During Sleep, Idle – Two Analog Comparators – 5V Tolerant Input Pins (digital pins only) Page 4 BLOCK DIAGRAM Page 5 MEMORY MAP Page 6 SCHEMATIC C41 100nF AGND C43 27k 3 47uF/6.3V/TANT 2 4 6 USB_DEV_DUSB_HOST_DUSB_OTG_D- +5V 8 7 6 5 L M35 26M-L (SO8 ) VBUSON Q3 DTC114YKA HN2x3 1-L AGND 3.3V 1 R39 10k R40 U6 MCP130T(NA) 2 VCC RESET 1 3 C27 RSTN RESET C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 75 65 45 36 15 T 1 107A (6x3.8x2.5 mm ) 100nF 3.3VA VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD C34 + C33 3.3V 30 100nF 1 0uF/6 .3V/T ANT 31 AGND 86 85 + C35 C36 100nF 100nF C37 C38 VBUS 100nF RSTN RST 1 0uF/6 .3V/T ANT DEBUG INTERFACE: 3.3V 13 R38 11 NC 9 TCK TMS 7 5 TDO 3 TDI 1 560R NC BH14S(PIN<12>-CUT!) VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS 25 24 #RF_MODULE_CS 23 22 A_IN 21 VBUSON 20 PGC2 26 PGD2 27 32 33 CS_SD 34 35 41 42 43 44 RB3 RB4 RB6 RB7 RB8 RB9 RB10 RB11 RB12 RB13 RB14 RB15 ICSP RSTN PGD2 PGC2 AVDD AVSS ENVREG VCAP/VDDCORE VUSB VBUS TMS/RA0 TCK/RA1 SCL2/RA2 SDA2/RA3 TDI/RA4 TDO/RA5 TRCLK/RA6 TRD3/RA7 PMA7/VREF-/CVREF-/RA9 PMA6/VREF+/CVREF+/RA10 SCL1/INT3/RA14 SDA1/INT4/RA15 PGD1/EMUD1/AN0/CN2/RB0 PGC1/EMUC1/AN1/CN3/RB1 C2IN-/AN2/CN4/RB2 C2IN+/AN3/CN5/RB3 C1IN-/AN4/CN6/RB4 VBUSON/C1IN+/AN5/CN7/RB5 PGC2/EMUC2/AN6/OCFA/RB6 PGD2/EMUD2/AN7/RB7 C1OUT/AN8/RB8 C2OUT/AN9/RB9 CVREFOUT/PMA13/AN10/RB10 PMA12/AN11/RB11 PMA11/AN12/RB12 PMA10/AN13/RB13 PMALH/PMA1/AN14/RB14 PMALL/PMA0/AN15/OCFB/CN12/RB15 Q2 RD2 RD3 RD4 RD5 RD6 RD7 RD8 RD9 RD10 RD11 RD12 CS_UEXT SCK1 BUT(D) USB_FAULT L3 FB0805/600R/200mA(201209-601) MICRO_AB GND C23 C24 39pF 39pF C25 27pF C26 27pF 3.3V R31 33k #RF_MODULE_RESET RF_M ODULE_WAKE #RF_MODULE_CS MOSI1 MISO1 SCK1 RF_M ODULE_INT QCT32 768(2x6)/6pF MOSI1 R32 33k R34 33k RF_MODULE 2 R54 5 7 6 4 0R(NA) 0R VIN #RESET WAKE #CS SDI SDO SCK INT 3 8 10 NC 9 GND GND GND 1 11 12 MRF24J40MA(NA) CS_UEXT SCK1 RE0 RE1 RE2 RE3 RE4 RE5 RE6 RE7 RE8 RE9 RF_MODULE_INT USER JOYSTICK RF0 RF1 RF2 RF3 #LCD_RES RXD1 USBID RXD2 TXD2 TXD1 #CTS2 #RTS2 3.3V RF8 RF12 RF13 R22 33k SD_CD SD_WE USB_D+ USB_DSCK2 MISO2 MOSI2 RG0 RG1 C58 C59 47pF(NA) 47pF(NA) RG6 RG7 RG8 RG9 #RF_MODULE_RESET RG12 RF_MODULE_WAKE RG13 LCD_D/#C RG14 #LCD_CS RG15 R20 33k BUT(L) R8 10k R7 10k J1 JOYSTICK_MT5_F R9 33k BUT(C) R21 330R BUT(D) LEFT LEFT UP A<1> B<4> CENTER R10 33k Common<5> C<3> D<6> DOWN RA7_BUT(R) R23 33k BUT(U) UP R24 COMMON E <2> Center push DOWN 330R BUT(R) RIGHT RIGHT 3 PIC32MX460F512L W U06S R33 33k RD15 90 89 57 56 10 11 12 14 96 97 95 1 PMD8/RG0 PMD9/RG1 D+/RG2 D-/RG3 PMA5/SCK2/CN8/RG6 PMA4/SDI2/CN9/RG7 PMA3/SDO2/CN10/RG8 PMA2/#SS2/CN11/RG9 TRD1/RG12 TRD0/RG13 TRD2/RG14 RG15 RD0 MOSI1 LED1 LED2 A_OUT BUT(L) RD5_BUT(R) BUT(U) BUT(C) 87 88 52 51 49 50 53 40 39 PMD11/RF0 PMD10/RF1 U1RX/RF2 USBID/RF3 PMA9/U2RX/CN17/RF4 PMA8/U2TX/CN18/RF5 U1TX/RF8 #U2CTS/RF12 #U2RTS/BCLK2/RF13 MISO1 Q1 Q8.000MHz/20pF/HC-49SM(SMD) 93 94 98 99 100 3 4 5 18 19 PMD0/RE0 PMD1/RE1 PMD2/RE2 PMD3/RE3 PMD4/RE4 PMD5/RE5 PMD6/RE6 PMD7/RE7 INT1/RE8 INT2/RE9 RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 MISO1 72 76 77 78 81 82 83 84 68 69 70 71 79 80 47 48 SDO1/OC1/INT0/RD0 OC2/RD1 OC3/RD2 OC4/RD3 PMWR/OC5/CN13/RD4 PMRD/CN14/RD5 PMD14/CN15/RD6 PMD15/CN16/RD7 IC1/RTCC/RD8 IC2/#SS1/RD9 IC3/SCK1/PMCS2/PMA15/RD10 IC4/PMCS1/PMA14/RD11 PMD12/IC5/RD12 PMD13/CN19/RD13 CN20/#U1CTS/RD14 #U1RTS/BCLK1/CN21/RD15 #MCLR 17 38 58 59 60 61 91 92 28 29 66 67 RA7_BUT(R) RB0 RB1 3.3V 1 2 3 4 5 6 TMS TCK SCL2 SDA2 TDI TDO RA0 RA1 RA2 RA3 RA4 RA5 RA6 RA7 RA9 RA10 RA14 RA15 TDI,TDO,TMS,TCK D4 1N58 19(SS 14) JTAG 14 12 CUT!!! 10 8 6 4 2 55 54 13 6 7 8 9 63 64 73 74 T2CK/RC1 T3CK/RC2 T4CK/RC3 SDI1/T5CK/RC4 OSC1/CLKI/RC12 OSC2/CLKO/RC15 SOSCI/CN1/RC13 SOSCO/T1CK/CN0/RC14 L1 FB080 5/600R/200mA(2012 09-601) 3.3V 100nF 3.3V U1 2 16 37 46 62 560R GND C57 2.2uF RF MODULE VDD_E CLOSE 2 3.3V 3.3V D5 1N4148 C56 VBUS DD+ ID GND AGND RESET CIRCUIT 3.3V USB_OTG +5V_OTG_PWR USB_OTG_DUSB_OTG_D+ USBID 3-R AGND USB_OTG 2 47uF/6.3V/TANT SHIELD USB_A FB0805/600R/200mA(201209-601) +5V_OTG_PWR USB_OTG_DUSB_OTG_D+ HEADPHONES SCJ325P00XG0B02G AGND 4 L2 USB 3.3V 3.3V GND1 GND2 + 100nF U4 TS4871(SO-8) 2.2uF 1 3 5 C49 C50 AGND AGND C51 + 5 8 7 2 C47 R42 33k USB_D- 10k 33k #ENA OUT_A FLAG_A IN FLAG_B GND #ENB OUT_B C22 4 1 2 3 4 USB_HOST +5V_HOST_PWR 1 USB_HOST_D2 USB_HOST_D+ 3 100nF R44 47k R43 R37 R36 U5 HN2x3 SCJ325P00XG0B02G AGND USB_DAGND C48 470pF +5V_HOST_PWR USB_HOST_DUSB_HOST_D+ USB 3-R AGND A_OUT AGND C46 2.2uF 1 3 5 USB_FAULT 6 1 AGND USB_D+ USB_D+ 1-L 2 AGND VCC R41 20k 33nF USB_HOST MICROPHONE 47pF 1k C9 USB_DEV_D+ USB_HOST_D+ USB_OTG_D+ SHIELD USB_B GND3 GND4 R52 NA C44 R49 100k GN D 1k 33nF 2 4 6 1 2 3 4 10nF C52 AGND C54 R47 20k AGND 3.3VA C11 +5V_USB_DEV +5V_HOST_PWR +5V_OTG_PW R + 100nF 4 R46 470k 2 4 6 HN2x3 2 AGND R35 1 3 5 47uF/6.3V/TANT 3 C42 1uF R25 VBUS VBUS 100nF C55 C40 Z2 BZV55C2V4 USB_DEV +5V_USB_DEV USB_DEV_DUSB_DEV_D+ 10uF /6.3V/T ANT C39 47pF C45 R51 10k 6 47pF Z1 BZV55C2V4 USB_DEVICE +5V_USB_DEV USB_DEV_DUSB_DEV_D+ 2 7 U3 MCP601-I/SN R45 560R A_IN USB R50 560R R48 100k 100nF C53 AUDIO 3.3VA USB 3.3VA + 3.3VA RD5_BUT(R) 1 RA7/RD5 TXD2,RXD2,#RTS2,#CTS2 MOSI1,MISO1,SCK1,CS_UEXT 3.3V R55 4.7k 3.3V R56 4.7k MISO1 UEXT 3.3V UEXT-1 UEXT-2 UEXT-3 UEXT-4 UEXT-5 UEXT-6 UEXT-7 UEXT-8 UEXT-9 UEXT-10 TXD1 RXD1 SCL2 SDA2 R53 220R/1% MOSI1 SCK1 CS_UEXT RS232 3.3V BH10S BH10S BH10S BH10S BH10S BH10S BH10S BH10S BH10S BH10S R16 33k C13 1 100nF C14 4 100nF 5 SD/MMC 2 3 6 4 5 7 8 1 SCK2 MISO2 R13 100k R14 100k R15 100k L4 CL470nH/0805/1.76R/250mA C10 + SD/MMC CS_SD MOSI2 C21 TXD2 #RTS2 CD/DAT3/CS CMD/DI VSS VDD CLK/SCLK DAT0/DO DAT1/RES DAT2/RES GND15 C12 100nF 3.3V 100k 10k 3.3V U2PWR 16VCC 3 R11 R12 LCD 3.3V R17 560R RXD2 #CTS2 11 10 12 9 R18 560R R28 33k U2 C1+ C1- V+ V- C2+ 6 T1IN T2IN R1OUT R2OUT #LCD_RES R19 C2T1OUT T2OUT R1IN R2IN 14 7 PC_RXD PC_CTS 13 8 PC_TXD PC_RTS RS232 NA PC_CD PC_RXD PC_TXD ST3232(SO16) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G2 NOKIA_3310 USER LEDS DB9-F LED1 LED2 LED1 GYX -S D-TC0 805S YC(YE LLOW) POWER SUPPLY C1 470uF/16VDC GND 1N5819(SS14) 3.3V 2 1N5819(SS14) D3 IN R4 240R/1% 100nF 10uF/6.3V(NA) C4 47uF/6.3V/TANT 1 GYX -S D-TC0805SURK(RED) R5 390R/1% C6 R6 560R 10uF/6.3V(NA) 2 3.3VA CLOSE PWR C5 100nF 3.3VA_E OUT ADJ/GND C3 C2 3.3V_E CLOSE VR2(3.3V) LM1117IMPX-ADJ 1 1N5819(SS14) +5V R1 220R/1% R2 330R/1% R3 330R/1% D1 +5V_OTG_PWR D2 + ADJ/GND + 6VAC 9VDC + YDJ-1134 +5V_USB_DEV OUT C7 C8 47uF/6.3V/TANT 5V IN DB104(SMD) R26 560R 3.3VA +5V VR1(5V) LM1117IMPX-ADJ G1 PWR_JACK 100nF GND_ COPYRIGHT(C), 2009 1 http://www.olimex.com 2 AGND CLOSE AGND Page 7 PIC32-MX460 Rev. B AGND_E VDD SCK SDIN D/#C #SCE GND VOUT #RES PC_RTS PC_CTS MICRO 3.3V + 1uF/16V/TANT LCD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 G1 47uF/6.3V/TANT VIN C20 100nF R30 33k SCK2 MOSI2 LCD_D/#C #LCD_CS C15 100nF C16 100nF 2 R29 33k LED2 GYX -SD-TC0805SGC(GREE N) R27 560R BOARD LAYOUT Page 8 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT PIC32-MX460 can take power from three sources: - PWR_JACK where 9V DC, or 6V AC is applied by external power source. +5V from USB DEV +5V from USB OTG The board power consumption is: about 110 mA with all peripherals and microcontroller running at full speed. RESET CIRCUIT PIC32-MX460 reset circuit is made with R39 (10k) pull-up, R40 (560R) serial resistor and RST button. CLOCK CIRCUIT Quartz crystal 8MHz is connected to PIC32MX460F512L (OSC1/CLKI/RC12) and pin 64 (OSC2/CLKO/RC15). Quartz crystal 32.768 KHz is connected to PIC32MX460F512L pin 73 (SOSCI/CN1/RC13) and pin 74 (SOSCO/T1CK/CN0/RC14). JUMPER DESCRIPTION 3.3V_E Enable 3.3V board digital power supply. Default state is closed. 3.3VA_E Enable 3.3V board analog power supply. Default state is closed. VDD_E Enable PIC32MX460F512L power supply. Default state is closed. AGND_E Enable board analog ground. Default state is closed. RA7/RD5 Gives user opportunity to select between RD5 and RA7 BUT(R) connection. Default state is RA7. Page 9 pin 63 USB_D+, USB-, VBUS USB_D+ USB_D- VBUS DESCRIPTION: 1-2 1-2 1-2 USB_DEVICE is active! 3-4 3-4 3-4 USB_HOST is active! 5-6 5-6 5-6 USB_OTG is active! Default state is 1-2. INPUT/OUTPUT User joystick with name J1 – this is 4 directions plus center button, in the schematic the joystick four directions switches are connected: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and CENTER - through 33k resistors to 3.3V also RIGHT is connected to PIC32MX460F512L pins – 92 (TRD3/RA7), when JMP RA7/RD5 is in position RA7 and 82 (PMRD/CN14/RD5), when JMP RA7/RD5 is in position RD5. Status LED (yellow) with name LED1 connected to PIC32MX460F512L pin 76 (OC2/RD1). Status LED (green) with name LED2 connected to PIC32MX460F512L pin 77 (OC3/RD2) Power supply LED (red) with name PWR – indicates that external power source is applied and board power supply is applied. Reset button with name RESET, connected to PIC32MX460F512L pin 13 (#MCLR), ICSP pin 1 and through R38 (560) to JTAG pin 11. LCD black/white 84x48 pixels Page 10 EXTERNAL CONNECTORS DESCRIPTION JTAG #Pin Signal Name #Pin Signal Name 1 NC 2 GND 3 TDI 4 GND 5 TDO 6 GND 7 TMS 8 GND 9 TCK 10 GND 11 Through R38 to RSTN 12 Removed 13 NC 14 3.3V ICSP #Pin Signal Name 1 RSTN 2 3.3V 3 GND 4 PGD2 5 PGC2 6 NC PWR JACK Pin # Signal Name 1 Power Input 2 GND Page 11 RS232 Pin # Signal Name 1 PC_CD 2 PC_RXD 3 PC_TXD 4 NC 5 GND 6 NC 7 PC_RTS 8 PC_CTS 9 NC UEXT Pin # Signal Name 1 3.3V 2 GND 3 TXD1 4 RXD1 5 SCL2 6 SDA2 7 MISO1 8 MOSI1 9 SCK1 10 CS_UEXT Page 12 USB_DEVICE Pin # Signal Name 1 +5V_USB_DEV 2 USB_DEV_D- 3 USB_DEV_D+ 4 GND USB_HOST Pin # Signal Name 1 +5V_HOST_PWR 2 USB_HOST_D- 3 USB_HOST_D+ 4 GND USB_OTG Pin # Signal Name 1 +5V_OTG_PWR 2 USB_OTG_D- 3 USB_OTG_D+ 4 USBID 5 GND Page 13 MIC Pin # Signal Name 1 AGND 2 NC 3 MIC HEADPHONE Pin # Signal Name 1 AGND 2 IN1=IN2 3 IN2=IN1 SD/MMC Pin # Signal Name 1 Pull-up 2 CS_SD 3 MOSI2 4 VDD (power supply) 5 SCK2 6 GND 7 MISO2 8 Pull-up 9 Not connected 10 Not connected 11 Not connected 12 Not connected Page 14 EXT (Proto area) Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name 1 3.3V 2 3.3V 3 GND 4 GND 5 5V 6 RST 7 RA15 8 RA14 9 RA10 10 RA9 11 RA7 12 RA6 13 RA5 14 RA4 15 RA3 16 RA2 17 RA1 18 RA0 19 RB15 20 RB14 21 RB13 22 RB12 23 RB11 24 RB10 25 RB9 26 RB8 27 RB7 28 RB6 29 RB4 30 RB3 31 RB1 32 RB0 33 RC4 34 RC3 35 RC2 36 RC1 37 RD12 38 RD15 39 RD10 40 RD11 41 RD8 42 RD9 43 RD6 44 RD7 45 RD4 46 RD5 47 RD2 48 RD3 49 RE0 50 RD0 51 RE2 52 RE1 53 RE4 54 RE3 55 RE6 56 RE5 57 RE8 58 RE7 59 RE9 60 RF13 61 RF12 62 RF8 63 RF3 64 RF2 65 RF1 66 RF0 67 RG1 68 RG0 69 RG7 70 RG6 71 RG9 72 RG8 73 RG13 74 RG12 75 RG15 76 RG14 77 3.3VA 78 3.3VA 79 AGND 80 AGND Page 15 RF_MODULE Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name 1 GND 2 #RF_MODULE_RESET 3 RF_MODULE_WAKE 4 RF_MODULE_INT 5 MOSI1 6 SCK1 7 MISO1 8 #RF_MODULE_CS 9 NC 10 3.3V 11 GND 12 GND SPI – Master and Slave Modes Support – Four Different Clock Formats – Framed SPI Protocol Support – User Configurable 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit Data Width – Separate SPI Data Registers for Receive and Transmit – Programmable Interrupt Event on every 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit Data Transfer – Operation during CPU Sleep and Idle Mode – Fast Bit Manipulation using CLR, SET and INV Registers I2C The PIC32MX460F512L microcontroller has two I2C interface modules, denoted as I2C1 and I2C2. Each I2C module has a 2-pin interface: the SCLx pin is clock and the SDAx pin is data. Each I2C module ‘I2Cx’ (x = 1 or 2) offers the following key features: – I2C Interface Supporting both Master and Slave Operation. – I2C Slave Mode Supports 7 and 10-bit Address. – I2C Master Mode Supports 7 and 10-bit Address. – I2C Port allows Bidirectional Transfers between Master and Slaves. – Serial Clock Synchronization for I2C Port can be used as a Handshake Mechanism to Suspend and Resume Serial Transfer (SCLREL control). – I2C Supports Multi-master Operation; Detects Bus Collision and Arbitrates Accordingly. – Provides Support for Address Bit Masking. Page 16 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS All measures are in Inches. Page 17 AVAILABLE DEMO SOFTWARE – PIC32-MX460 Demo software - includes Audio demo, USB device demo. LCD/joystick demo Page 18 ORDER CODE PIC32-MX460 - completely assembled and tested. How to order? You can order to us directly or by any of our distributors. Check our web www.olimex.com/dev for more info. Revision history: REV. B - create May 2009 REV.C February 2011 – change picture Page 19 Disclaimer: © 2009 Olimex Ltd. All rights reserved. Olimex®, logo and combinations thereof, are registered trademarks of Olimex Ltd. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others. The information in this document is provided in connection with Olimex products. No license, express or implied or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Olimex products. Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in or the product described in this document may be adapted or reproduced in any material from except with the prior written permission of the copyright holder. The product described in this document is subject to continuous development and improvements. All particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by OLIMEX in good faith. However all warranties implied or expressed including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose are excluded. This document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. OLIMEX Ltd. shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document or any error or omission in such information or any incorrect use of the product. Page 20