MAY i B I rE tULES and MORTON GAOV o lOulk Rate U.S. Pontage ILES PUBLIC LIBRR 6%O OKO ST. lII, city for user 36 years ned bringins the police department nie the nem millennium. Rey will effecloot ytolieu On Muy 19,2000. Giavoneell toue horn cod Montee Ocaso pelice haoe i 95 i joitted oihsr local law cebe' rotton his lernt! yloeve t te Nitos. icmnt officers io Ihr seurc'h fon a Ilion mini idennihod himself 15 a çcslUc. werber to gaio entry to a Rey uoeeded NOon Toisnohip Nigh Suheol. Aller high soirhol, Di asueno lii Was dretied into the United Steten Anoy and served in the Eiret Infuetry Dioiuiou knoms us "Tho Rig Red Olio.' n 1963 afire recuioiog an bon' oeable discharge. Giovanoelli joined ho Nues Police Dopeom- iigutieoo DisiOiens, As he was adnuncias iheuugh the rooks, Oionansslii hold so penniso ry po- From the Left Hand bp Bad Besser Buglabitu 'teming eut el the closet" is a new and wrlcume culturel phenotsoeun which ltgdou well lot sit cents millennium, Wheo humesesualu opened the closet dent ¡t became upre- ursol for ether door upesLaut warb New Yerk Maysr Gisliasi easoaoccd ho hind proulato cuncee, Wenn sure arelegisln trulias'widb had their Eatophesos cisging oli the honk altee the Mayor's unlt increused naueuemeet. uwasruoss of o diseuse mltich euu ho canttelled cod pessibly elitrtinated if it in caught io tts early stages. Osee in its_litter ..,_._, Càittstsirditit Fet* 04 iaate siapurimeot. The m asean g iba doorbell of liii ,tp,tniment io tho 0500 bleak il Waukegas ,,md idoeiil'tod h trine lt ils ,nacela e worker. WhL'oiltc 27'ys-on' old nacImos operad tite deor, the mao forci. riti oetitta Il three divioians of Ire p titis O departmcot. VOL, 43r NO.47 lltyc'stale st ti reapanit nons, pulice Hr hectoto , Acci,tdreg io police, the men ChiCi of Police in 1568. Daring in coule'et ChitfelPolicu, Ray w-'taje tiselp inrolved with many iittd risotean eeaggled' and orgasieetiert end bounds. Illinuis Presideot-Neeherr ltltrtticti. No oeopeoa were eh- C oetieaa d se Pegs 04 he tOttiltit n tOtS chie to lease the being wtthout opoelstosn . 'l'Ire man it detu;ibed an black Burger King denied at Mil & Touhy with a mediate semplrsiss, upprooirnutoly 30.35 yaorse f 05e, 5' lO" tall; hetmOee I 00 and 170 ptinttttn, minh u medium baild. C sneteue S ne Page 54 eighbors fear homes lose value to Przybylo condos . by Lise Ashknrmce Crabe Mike Kent isomerI to moho it pltoiogtaph he homes en Percit View, iher scperierpoaed a pliapoiot. 10 eider to deantaiiae the con. to cf r coodomioiem hailding saw ei Nitos ronittonto whtrse hetriud the huenee. While ho holos demeosteate nrnglefamily hot cusco Porast Vtew Lara bender tite conmover- clint the stew brow the hemnu sial tavos-aieey cundaminism weald tuck like Cutio5 so feet caniplrn preponed fon don'elep- fnoittiihs 5tO5Y budding, ho meet iteog 6759-6777 Milweu- actual snrsctcne would be two' C cetinas à ea Page 54 bac A nuoae , Konn hod a friced Ûaeps folluwed by thaedeeeus applaoto followed thu ISles Plan Comertasien und Zoning Bound of Appeals' denial el a peepoeil io build u 24-huer Mebilu venveniest ulano/ges station, ente- matie car wenh, and a Burger King os tIte Seotbeesr corner of Touliy tuO Milwaukee. The sorretto deecisiOe wes Ceetieead eu l'age 53 Communities sound off against train horns Despite the denim to keep rail' roud cnacstsgs its sube us p0551- hie. sabanhan ctteitttcnities de eut 1c'o I tItas traut wiristlos una tite hay to ge. colta atteailcd a eugittsal tearIng by she l°ederel'Ruilruitd Adetintntriv iou liti teualh spuks ugoieut the ' Rail Dcoelopweet Act, Swift . - Ceatlleled ea Pegs 54 da ' ' -- "' ,,-. "' 'a+ ' ' geodnmlnslunrta planned fer Fureue New ¿ceta rasidaatn astperinttpaeed a phrie et the proposed 55759 Milwaukee Mee, ta illustrato the egeel t mclii huso on stets tarnen. Q The attack romas aftarseveeel nroiilur cssults in the surround-, itt0 arOatc hero a man manliog Photo mock-up ofPrzybylo condos shows impact on community by Lieu Anhkrue.a Cruke lfetitlusts and ufhctala s Rape suspect still at large; MG woman attacked Chcf Raymond Giovrn&I has announced his retirement boni tile Nues Police DepurimeniAllerservi ng the commu- net at the Animal Control 010 ver. Ho tested for nod uchigoed the posilioo of Police Ofhcer in 964. While Gìeoaseeiii mea uo officer, he wea oppnisted to posi' lions le hoihtho Petrel asd tenon- 'F ElogIe News Suspect posed as census worker during attack; Suburban police departments mobilize for manhunt Police Chief Giovannelli retires robed in Chicegu until PA I D 607t4 TISUOSDAYr MAY 08, 2000 7400 VAUKECAN RD, NILITS, IL 60714 . IL 511ES k PAlIE TSiRBUGI.E,TlItlit.SDAY,MAYI$120M flIEßUGLE TIIURSDAY MA 1B,ZON PAGE2 Mayor proclaims 'Homes for the Aging Week' Unique Discovery Park breaks ground Epicureandeffghts await Black Forest Deli shoppers byLrnrieMtIin An enticing mng1ig of Sausage smells filio ones nostrils On night be forgiven for mo- 'l'bn Meyer of MonIes Grove, soon aftor tilo tinglo of ihn front i000sarily believing shot oho lias riopposi intoaqaaistAuotrioa vil- Daniel D. Suades, boo pen. claimed the weak of May 14 doorannoonoos a now orabal. togo ioorket, hiuroagh May 20, as "Homos fer Hooramsilo stradol tits in sito Biack Forait Doii and Morkat, lije Agieg Werk." This doubla' Oase next so the German nowspa- 8840 N. Woukogao Road in Mon- pero sitting of tho moot dosk. ion Gravo, is soUring if cot on- lins woe made lo honor and "ere. ogeieo Ihemany rusiderlo, volas' Pucopoostiokol brood Sits across tilL-litio , Cia la its sinto-hoti000d saccogomokingtotsditiooe. leers und employers of naming hemos and levine hessiep com. the culo. Englisit spoken with o tdistiocticoiy Gcrtnoo odgo car Ito Hairy Viezothuto, who has hoord moos behind the moat case hoidiog o ocnioty of hosoosoada s0050gos. To get to the in 001005e , howL'can . 000 iitsSt posa paneling cards nasillas oscissiocly io Cormoo assi pass by ho posten of his mcii. J L und good limes with creeyere. A said Mayor Scarino, Bathany ocaso people shoal spilt0 uod Teeeaee Nursing Centra, locahrd old, scrubbing pOts and p-anseftan 1011001 at Pactisa Market io Ciii- al 8425 N. Waahngan Ed,. has been seromef the Morton Grsvc naesisg hemn.noiatod issues . EnparIs io Ihn finido ei luealsis cane, cago: Ho baagtit lijo Biack Fosost nommonity for 35 pears, ssd has oboes Is solees the theme fon ihn Notionol Nursing Home Week of Find most if a State Fnrrni Seiect-20 or Setealt-30 Tens-no Life right for you. Bulhany Tcarao o boo oroolod o srnien al Crests lo celebrute and henoe ils residents dakog ibis Viaaethsai hs cansad the trade, working sideby-sido withmosternxansgr mohYo.ansaisca , Os titis day. muster snutsogo sicher Attira Ancis is behind Ihn scorri positing hnotwunss, weiss. wIlsi sed hoch wonst into its ost. ist, showing Iron pride of woaknsorsiiip wtiiio hastening josiuiiy far ¡afr irsonasannno Bili Sabmidt LUTCE, Agent Str Faner ca rhnre Cnn I5k ucith bis boss. 'Wore fussy. Vieaaihom esplains. Wo coniioca the leadilions is lito std-fashuoned way. liso nigtit way, whom Wa lake prisa is the qcatity ofasr faoda. s S699S23 e s VAMESTO MItt ALL COLORS - ALL STYLES - ALL MILLS -7n%, Ø s s e Manland - TaSen - Mohawk - Cos.-tnrn - MiltIkan CuisgamWeave - WundaWeaae - Avalan - Pataralt Expressive DesIgns - Oceans - finitas - WarN Skala - Atadstta - Gxtxey - anti att ailler majan mItteilt os r 20P 000 yd ALWAYS Is ta k and Oit SALE NEXT DAY tevtallatlae at NO EXTRA CHARGE SPECIAL IIl PE ROO . s s s s HEAVY. . PLUS s3ö . h.ln.te&mIiM s e--.nakxels* nxji s .5 s NO TRICKS - NU GAMES - NO SURPRISES s CARPET MILL OUTLET INC s I 5ITJYOOR,ilciSitlt?isdll reiln,oar, 1'11 res lias L Barningioc s - SIIOPATHDME in o. a lc,xaa, . ins iii - S. ko Lotit Chasg 0555*11 5r,rps5r °. snalivua -6515 Marion Er000 iiaiazt . 040-0000 S sai,tO,-i,ai -5 spnntenl. wireer scheilzel, and conned beef xitd cabbage cnn cmssg many homemade meals uvoitabin. Far Ihn ednnrsaroas, shene orn also opImos of ostaii, rabbit, iamb shank, muninipon Ten Star All Star Basketball Camp and cuises' livor. On special sccasiors. ho doti makes available goarmot woals Final applicalion onu sow beIng evutcutod for The Ten Siso and panly trays and other colored dishes. Snsuknd lackeys and hem, Ali Slnr Snmmnr Basketball pools include: Michael Jardasu, snorkel offers hoaiuieado priieo nib roasts cal frass prune toms the mnrket parchases and pr000ssol. iuicladn hsiacssade cherry aild appia stradols, pias, and cieaa- Cone-lcd beef is ased for cloaks, isctuding biack asgas steaks and soanieclod ssoeks. The market otan ases a spociat otilk-fed ceni sud free-range chickors. White a good ncmhan of Ihn deli's caaiamers sie German on Poiisii, nervoa stamens arr lindingthoirwsy la the stern based cx ihn qaaiity and oariniy of tho nIhnie foods asaflnliia. A vanioty nf "hoos-snd-sarvn" ethnic meats. geared tawand fasicanaenienon-erineted pacnd, nan apply. Players ara salrclod Tim Deseos, Vince CaOce, Janno giactlhoasn, Orase Hill, Bobby Htlrtny, Asiown Jamisox, Clinslion Lnnelrer, Tom Gagiielsa, and Trojan Lssgdss. Camp loca- liess inclstdrl Chsnnpuige, IL; Risarside, CA; Babsae Park, Thastara atsacannies tansy its- poils ircladingcandint, chocslates, caoUas. osutrzipan assi Onrastliner waten, special meek, hogiosirg with an elegant Mother's Doy Tea. Other 000055 melado se ice ceosm or- "Il alight cosI as a few costs iesre has it's seseE il ta buon the beni ingnndinsts,' Vinzntham as- finies in between gwsting ropatao castite/ers willi a friendly hei-, Satardays from 9 n.m. la ê' . lisias In Os Siseas ta sa sEul lOSing . 5115155 Wedding a talion 001IURO Cates .: BAKRY 'Where Every Day is SpeciatPn 7633 N. Mitwaukeo Ave. Mies 847/967.9393 spesigiti Singt.. Skonti. twiste t Torni - COUPON - GRADUATION or IST COMMUNION + CONFIRMATION CAKES Eaptnnc 5123/05 COUPON- POUND CAKE PLAIN, MARBLE or NUT $395 PER POUND Expiro, 5/03/00 A ground-breaking ceremony tar Phase I coesirsuclian of she Psask Haca Di scores y Pack woo hold or May 4 behind Golf Mid' dio Scheel. 9401 North Waukugar Road in Morion Osavo. Thu park and ivaceisgceelnn, lacatad buhiod Golf Middle Schnol, is lie hiaiiuciiild of Iwn furman Golf alamsi, Scoli Schianiar assi Mark Hoeoicho, wIle envisioned a ariqaa naninonmesl for lecroing, filnoscord recnnaiies in 100cr of their forloon clitietic direcier. Frank Hrns, ovile died io 99/. The goat us to citorge Ilse odacalino end "lifestyle" paradigm far sludenis aed amanes idesls alike, bniaging now asocs- canning and family upyostcoilins to thu anIme nnnsma- Faask was a vnmmasily tend' ei as well co a fonema pnircipol at KY; Neethfintd, MN; Raleigh, NC; Boiling Springs, NC; Rack- Golf," scid Sehicmen, wlia now aesids'su n Arienne. "He mus a rater, NY; Nonth Contes, ON; fumi Csnimencn, TX; Faesaivilio, VA. CollegO Basketball Sehotonahips Icormog, hlouss, falisity saFyOil ted self-respect. We fell il filling so inoprato Frank's baliafs isle orn possible for players noised lo The All.Amenican Team, For an enaluatiun facs cali i7S4i 372.861Ó ANYTIME. dcli is spas ' Tarn/ny thnonghPriday feom IO am. In 6 The t'tonto by Larry Zimmerman SlaIn ReprosneTnlices Leale Lang, STale Snnaioi Wa/icr Dcdycr, Caddy Cemmisoioiler Polar Sii' veStfl, Moflan Grave MayrorDao Scanlun aedoeoieu-eoecativas from Avon wornpresantat Iba groundbu'eahingcaremany. FL,; Aliaren, GA; Pena Wayne, IN; Atchison, KS; Georgolomo, Heidi's 20% OFF 5 Tiro snorkel can ho coached by coiling 96/-3 t I 3. Castsmcrs also con pbro orders and gel mann isfonsaatioo by shopping on line nl wwm,bluckfoneslmarhnl.coin. by irailalise only. Past partiel- s RE RB E R esaiiabir in thr refrigeraled case. Os Ibis doy, chicken schnitzel in lash ano available by roqaesl. FEATURED CARPET . um. 10 2:30 p.m. The iosnkee is closodos Mosduy. Wild goce also may be ana/labIo. Cheeses range from Aanenlcan lo Fresclt brie, assi paetnias might s 0e° is s s s s [it Ihn back of lite mnrknl and Cuanp/ Beys cod girl sages 7-19 io addition io sausages. his MARBLE CRANITE TILE HARDWQWJ 4:30 psi. nod Serday from IO families, aro made in Ihr kitchen fnrsh genou, ducks and tarhoys, Beof Reaindea, Deaf Sanenbna50e, Beef Slrohgaaaff, asd gas- We uso osiy top-isatch elects and isgasdianle.' s and...thteie "Tho Slant Amoog Us: A Celobratior of Age." Ors such as Miohsni Ccx nod Eric Criai who is retirad balsdut works aLone dad as Biack Pnrest Doli. Insurance poitcy is .. tre ix Iraly a part of the Morton Drone commanily, and soaks to share informotios, ospenmneee, feen lontano series is offered leed- 30 years! tpn%, Chicago urca. Bethory Tenneco Nansieg Ces. generess for upto 20 or even s lief. Their extension asponience Isas positioned Belhooy Tanraue uts ene oflhe mesI hrswledgeckle healsh caao argosinaiisss is tite cenlriholions loeareommosily," manilles Guaranteed premiums... r . owned thodoti tinco 995, cIanosi in ho dcii and scasaga-naakiog basinoss when he was 13 yesos Doti Irons his asole wiso owood tie oiankc silice 985. In stia Bavaninn Alps hangiog na tisa iS bctiivecInesenaiagisg - - ahratrs dus lake nest. Il shosid 'fhc Fecok Hann Faasdalies, whìoh was farmed by Schienen look beuatifal by 5051 rpnisg." chance la gel boned witit oli the Beth Schienen and Fionawile hopo thaI lIso cesidenls of Mortar Goose and adjaceol eabsebs will lend their capped io fand-raisung butsita ofachivilins! The Mayan's pccctamaliOO rocegnizos Eolttosy Terravo's costO- tite pask, was hauled is los-s of Aver's prartaw and tewaida the baildiag of the yarh. The first 525,005 way penses led ta Iho Fesuedutior al the groand break. ing ceremony. Don irtemoling aspect cf Phaan I io the building e/an muonorl-raudy gazebo by Jim Keoh, a tnnacinss teenager in Menos Gnose who look un Ihn lash os a Irreindi t onuns his Sagte Sesos budge. Not only is ho coordinaiing Iba ucqaisilos of the maloriais, fnnm cemrni o hoedwaro, he is also dooaiirg his time oloog with his father and grandialhrn (both cnp enseno i asd ils friends la hoOd Ihn udire structure. fields, celislrsrlion of as islrred-ready gancho. uuisd lasdscop- Cajik Iilioiaiv Dipl. cf Public Heallls (IDPi-li Coassy. The lias ronked Des Plaines, Cicero 'coding hoc a $100,500 grani cud Skakic os 1ko top Ihnen cities freni Aran, assi a siate gruel srcased by Stale Repscarslaliro I_cois Lang. Daca DiPaalo, of Giconiers-based Dipanlu Coo- leading suharbes Cook Country an ub crc alnsis cates (ruina Çi)3 Ill a letton to Siate Ropr050llta- juco Lea Laog, lOFtS Dircclon Sos. 5 Sn ' i pa. obste nononn COUPON BUTTERCRUST Once Iba rcioainder of the il O "seamos public iardv'cloral'sed froseu hin uf/asic of çoommanity used anna salse- iinalh stuc" ossi litas the inencaso itt TB canut io Ike Gaited Icons, Phase II mill begin cas- Sucios cae he foatid pnisrocily hililing pctiplu hcrt aausidc of . BREAD SMALL 1 .35 . LARGE 1 .75 ca. tapIres scusino WE SPECIALIZE N IST COMMUNION w GRADUATION CAKES siracliss. Tisis will melado an anbus-laos, Gnnrk.slyta aaldaur Ikrealur. peeenhnase, scssnrp gardesi, lmu.slory cascossios building and classruam, waikiog asdjapgiagpallso, playgrounds. a slraighlascay Back1 ercirnomnet unlike coy othen ir Ihn slate. if nel lie e500lny," said Horowitz. "SenIl and I look fanmord ta marking wilh Ihn loaders and eitiness io Marlos Greve und adja005l naburhs Io complete this incredible facilily." Fer iruforsnialies buhan lo Ib 050ievar ding vomKoluch, Ken wavily. edmisistretor of Budiany Tomado Marring Centre. said. "I lItio 055 a glealdeal t cuslon000iOe this ree' ognitios from Ihn Mayor. The Village ofM000n Glove has always bees sopportino of ose faoilily aed its residests, and Ibis pmctsmotioe serons le neisforca our residents, skein families, Oar Beihasy Tonruco Nursing Con. tre is lccalod ai 0425 N. Waullegas Rd. io Monies Gouve, voulu Foe mole iofonosaiiao abeal Bathany Temuco Macslag Conten, Memorial Day Parade in Morton Grove TIto unvuai am caban 'Legion Pool I 34 Parode and Memorial Service will ho hold an May 28cl I p.m. 'fluo parade will fono in lisa parking loi, 6140 Dempater 01 pst. Panada ruote io DeepI olor Oust te Auntie, righl co Aun- lis to Liessln. Lineolo ta tito iibruly. A slv0 pnOgeam mill be held at lilo library. Joveph Bathigiiu, parI 7th Dislricl Commander, will be Iho p nod pat speaker. The posh asisiliony lviii osedoci their erra- members nf lb ecominos uy al l'ho penado mill cefeen, march 00 Georgiuva IO the pari mheie Fraiih Hresl Discovery Park. yeiu cao iel'iie 101 Frailk Hresi Feuil. ulalioii, P.O. Ba.o 1485, hfoi'leis longe." refroshmonts will ho servad. Genoa, ¡L 60y53, or cull (847) ideato with thu hast and mosl odvasseed cam io a bottle-like sol- emgloneen and volunteers as rital ahouut 16e yóli-flS0000l. 399. l)n. Jeisiu Lauupktit slalrd that laby'ICI ii 1105 li airease u "dc-ace ased shighlly" fnool 117 casos in os io 1998. 980 io f) cas- Bothury 'fcnnaeo iiuo niwoyt breo committed to pnauidlrf loa- iii.' Coslilry. t_aisipkun icrele tisaI in lit years, tite naisiben if foicigit- h juaneas as iticreaveul frejo'itt canoa 66 coxes by 1990. while Ihr 000lber. of,.Uaioed,Sluutcs- pock of 69 Ivroigo-boro vases is 1992. Avccrdieg ho lila IDPH uiinoc- Dcc Plumee, sehiab leads TO coses to niuhiunbar Cook CessI7, toe's loller, TO 0cv'casiiro sI fío- ncplrilcui O total nf 28 foleigs- Coilstrp rosideols hum in India, ijuni ClISOs between 1993 and Tatcnieo and Ihn Phiilipines. 998. lii Cicero, 25 forcigs'hoie Casos licuo h onnrcporlc'd for iba Io 19911. siroetieti, donated his socalces for situ preparatius and grading. 0/on Tttoi.'Fsi. 5:30 aa-E pn SOL i orsI pa; aciividus en thaI Phase II aun begin in the near falune. "Area maisirote baso as entroerdiecry npas ornate to portanily s-peel os 1ko svbjeu1 ofleng 101111 Arpono miohiog tu panioiparo in Iba purotin may contact Phil Hcbehirs l847-9b5-306'i) for addltiosul luiforriutlias, TBon the rise in suburban Cook County 'tite recent eire ei lahercotcaic fl'Oi ouuh rooks thncaghoai lito coulitry has etude it's earL io log. Safflcienl foods mane ruised lo being the puase, scith 101IJOr . ali cgos. and yloaawitu tu raise mosey foe The resi icdlala, scheduled fon Wodnerday, May 24 aI 7 pin. at Sotiiary Tos-ceo, mill feature George T. Cineco. as 000ry050. PI nasac all 047.963.0100. suape cerlain areas of the park in Iba fall so that Ihn I raes,, sd room" axil became s hab for dem- Sahinasen. "We will thee land- 1111g. '01050 I coloro s sue iipoo la efDnmps halar si 5001k of Gahias, manly sad family aclisities for rnsineemert is desigsnd lo lake ihn "classroom aus at Ihn doss- "The pion in loe the park land la ko prepared by September," said smenqanstiOns is ax informal sot- and us Hawaiian luau, comptoIr widu iooslad pig However, ibis uhuodaree of achirily is 001 oscamInan la Bethasy Terrase nestdenls. Evuny day al Bothasy Ton' race Ihom alu countless aol/ritiro planead, inciadi,ng cooking elansen,00000ttO, suosuepregiumr, necrodios, 701 Iherepy, and eeligisos services. Resideoto ranoty hove e sped, and bnskelbott coons. The Phase I montons the grading aitd drainage of Ihn 9 ocres, peepacetico ofehe baseball sud onceno vial, pal show, ants and elafls fain. long leen cuco, aod innorlinco shoes Ibais koowiedge and oc- s-joie portad; Skokic iluI report' nui 2-1 casos. Mi. Praspecs (24), Pulatire (lii. aiid Schulastheng (IS) Isuva hill) Soc's sipnBcusil iocerases iii lilo five OlI5 beteveno 993 aitd i996. jhs uf 1993. tiene cf iluasc sish' ulks cud rcperscd none hotu (unce fesueigtt.hern 'IB casos. TIuc tuilaI number a' eases jo saiiarhas Cook Coansp irctcasvd front 157 io 1985 ha 40 os a( loss. yrar, dan/p (lo/Il a Iloestly is Ike sakunhar Cook dol peonIo Io addness the peob- Residents in Ihe Neelbwess suburbs dan volitad the TB Clinid io Fornai Punk 01 (708119751100 fon inh iritualiuu tu as Ituiremui usiner ho seltadaiv' ail leiliol Ir 1908, there mele eight ro' 1ijiitcd 'rS cocol of nosidools Read,,; luerii is each uil ihuso cavoiries. Illevult years latee, ClISOs vif revu- dnnls haro io Meaivo isdrnass'd Io I I . s011ile nesideels hors in Iodio inported ir iscr005e sif 2-b ' Phiiippinc.b 055ev'Siii -ills rellOtlOd a deecoaso to f cc cases THE BUGLE , fuir the same poriiud. Tite IDPH Itas bees wuinkieg witbt Ike Suburban Conk Cesety Tabeeealosis Sanilanisie District to soeces feecigs'buen eesideluts far TB, aad Iwo auti-pinflt cepanioaliolss hare received Bisas' ' THE NEWSPAPERS THATDELI VER I North Shore Faucets: A new Township Clerk's office new staffer crosses language barrier _t - r 1 one of four omlloog faca Visitors to he T0onship C!OIkS offioe oil! bO g,oeod and assisted by Stoklosa, Clerk Go'y K. Warner, Chief Deputy across tOo 20201er. PrOm oft: Deputy Clerk Morge Clerk Margie Blaicrak, usd oew Deputy Clerk Wi000 Tytko. dent nf Katowicc, Poland is murIn this cauntry.' Maine Tnwnship Cterk Gary The Maine Township Clerks rind, flaw a Meant Praspact restK. Warner is excited that ene uf office acreen a aanobined pepadent and is Mom ta una the offices new staff members io lotion nf approximately 130,000 aise able ta better communicate . teaaagnd sas. Friar ta hen tamo. nrtidants, mith oxen 20,000 at ship bideg, Wieso warked in a with aaathrn group of iawnrlsip those in xaincarpanatcd arcos. law nolan hero in Stia US, and nnnidanta in meen thna ase tao. White ama msaicipoi Clank ufwas emplayed as a physical thangaage. 'Wa hava ciaff mambans Ocas psavida aypical nntnirrs far their awn municipalities, tha Tawoship offian also fills a large apitt in Poland. 'The latiguage capability was not a pnimory faatoe io hiring Wieaa, but we tater faund it to be nary helpfol, nxid Wanner. Warnen. laming loo Clerks afIlen ntaf f'Wnlnana ed thai mnny nesidenta Polinh chants have found an car fat their laagnage as well, said onincarporated area that nivain ilse flier nf many mid-arced lIli- ç---Best In Town Donuts AMYJOY I $100 SMALL Coffee 990 I & Donut 9o255tr I &200NUTS ¿ I 990 I 02 MUNCHKINS - I 18DONUTS5 Extra FIlled S99 Asti AsaUt Oar Oísrnants On BIO Ondoso E Party Catering I HILES CHICAGO I 724f IL NllROnknR uoos H. iu5I at Higtn A FnBO) 15ES PstsInn \fl_ (773) 467-9946 no I I I Toan, t Woakejon) FREE Parsitrig' DiSCOUnstn "Wiana fils tete that grunve nei, mvii, and hetpr essend dio qsatit' af oho service mn peavo Maar Tamroship Cierk'n aftice is npen meakdisys und Sat' unday mareingn aad ir nested as the Moine Tawanhip Tnwn lin)), 1700 Baltard Raad, Park Ridge. Ths pIsana number is 1847) 2972510. (847) 647-9818 g65 & . Tsesdny 9-5532 Wadnariny 9-5s30 fl9si6Sg00mDnewoJ iliuredey 9'8 t'siday 9-5530 Sniordny 9.5 Sardey By Apyuiotsntiii kkW nos 946 / Carian Cihnoltan Caivtom Cahinoln Camplrle Ki)elirtt & Orth retnadelit Cnnnoltatisin. Design, A )astullalian Serviers 0 tub disptuyed in their freni win- omm ta make the perfect match. Nanlh Shosa Paacain is an oslhnrieed Mona, St. Thnmas Creatians, sad Craoe dealen. aed Kai- dow. Tire md 5' "tab on legs" pans for $2,100 bat can be porctaosed al Nanti Shane Pauonin foe st 750. As nice an Iba paine saningn it the fans thni Oho "tab on Whan asked how a pnvataiy owsod business Cus compete snutce nf casiomess one cafeecals from Hume Drpat and Menons." North Sb onaxpea iaiizna in wadiliana t andaiitiqaefrstunesand tite anusoal or hand-ta fiad itoms. An example io a seicatian cf faucet stems wttick go as far bank xv 0901, Of couine mainstteom items ann readily available. Aed they acta yonaOtrnsi ve library of mariflvaeioiy banks af nuturcr 's (abaat OSI from which ountamers nao plans ordern. Orders are asa- oily hued in 3-10 working days. dcpeoding on 0ko maaafactorerv' availability. Anything in stock can be dntivercd in 24 haars. Nantit Ohnm mïii alun huid a paid for tinas antii din cavtamnr is ready la insioll ii, o- nos. 00EE SINK 6 FAUCET' n.. / o- sells everything in Sntaran far hr huchee and kath in an rrnrsaaan range of sopies. sines and colors, Any sien maw con be accamma- doted. And any incur can be ackiaved, With paulesial sinks far evample, sanerai caters oar anaïl- I law cnnsaioption cibO which a I LB. HAM FODUGE 3 98 LB. SWIFTPREMIUM to CHOICI 929 G.ATORAOE ThIRST QUENCHER 0*, 2 $999 iUlk 30 PKG 12 OZ. CANS VERMOUTH WOLFSCHMIDT . 750ML s 1,79 LiTER ECCO DOMANI WINES 750ML (PERONI or ØMORmI BEER 6 PKG 12 02. BTLS DEANS ORANGE JUICE 99 250 CT. SWEET BABY RAY'S BARBECUE SAUCE s 49 2W OZ. MARCONI EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 4noi. BAGS 14.1/2 OZ. MILWAUKEE $Q99 VODKA GALLO SILVE RC U P NAPKINS DORITOS PER POUND STROHS BEER . 64 02. NECTARINES ç; CHEES KIEV SWEET JUICY awn cesan d icodecs, $298 LB. CHICKEN 99' OZ. WISCONSIN LB. B 02, YOUR Conculco is une cf mate than agarney-memhens 3,000 Wisconsin )ilinais, thoaughags and Indiana who belong lu ATO. 98 iflOC 3 LB. BAG SplC $ LB. HARD SALAI VELLO ls ONIONS haued scenico orgonioatïan mkul provider title insaranon la heme- ainraps seesssa lo br cossfsdestt Lis oi)llsts.9n. LB. s -Ii Pand, Inc. IATOI, a lawyer- 'l'ion LIrE5055 relie knsosns ìoaliiiisg gaifbails ai anac ($i33l. Oïopo- MORES Ridgn law firm cf Seilen th Wachowaici, kan heaume a member of A000meys' TiLle Dauranly markel with the pawer la lash IO PATTI ES $%89 49gV0-_ 3LBS Pleines, u iawyer at the Park lion only non ai its kind os the SIRLOIN TENDER GROUND CHUCK LONDON BROIL OR 4- MILD HOT X.HOT LB. LEAN Vicki M. C'oneoleo, uf Des son, Wir. FRESHMEATS MINELLI'S HOMEMADE 98 $ LB. - with ATG ladiana and Wiscoehin olircagli iln eflices in Champaign, Quisoga.O:tk i3rnukTertocc. Mi. Pros' pact, andLnmhard, IL. and Modi- SALE ENDS WED., MAY 24TH ROLLED PORK ROAST ITALIAN SAUSAGE 98 $ resident partners valved ie real estate mnannaodans funihe bcnefimafthe client. pruiecis insurance Title againni lesa ifadeiccs in ioaod in the tilie iopraponty. ATO serucs lawyers in litivoin, °'°° EXTRA LEAN BONELESS BUFFET ROAST g''*k Des Plaines Throogh its aaamcysaembar5. :.':=== 0*05 U.S.D.A. CHOICE & PARTY TRAYS . .- FRESH MEATS gun inlaumnsian. VISA, MantesCand and Discnuun. . :ØEL' SANDWICHES-, Dempslrls inno une blush wons of the Ednns Eopreosway. Crtl g47_ 475.0306. erchock their Webnttc and Sandsy t i-2. tiuslh Shorn Faucets ioOrptn cash, checks, . ::'..DELI-FRE H'SAI.ADS..: -: .. :PRQDUCE wons comer nf Parkoide and atop )hnac. Customers cae npt far carrion somr onion itnais hOop ana panticaitirily happy to sunna miarmotion ahuot. Like tine i .6 gallan . . NortOn Share Faaoets is lucated at 5620 W. l3empsmnr, din aortbl Their hasta one MandoyFniday'fsSS'óp.m.. Salarday 0-4, SUB SANDWICHES - - ser sed Kilimnik plan to dcubla ATO strives ta knep luwyats to- afin af many bond pointed de- L thnt needs ta ha replaced nia thu able. ha) the selrciioe dnes eat ttnaislra ynne baaic plambing iiiscututy Noelia Sham Faacct KITCHEN RtMOOEL lap to $700.50 nolan) Fauoctu fi n is tics WITH COMPLETS ç' Share aiglon, und tison thry car costaadca Ilse specific an/eff lisiaren, is o wide selactias uf notais and I C nan it e Lam nate Voit lies Spenialiring je Itniacie ces be sure to being tine old pince I- 2 Sat Koiarr adaiaes thai custom. ThcinsaaailpeioanarehifhiYansnpauline. An ananspte in Ihn both- Nnrnh Sgtororaa,rn ¡Iottra: Macdsp 9.9 Ìtce(l 9'° Thoy sell whalenalr aed entail. cartridges. Any piecc yaa arc laakïrg far cao be fuand here. with the iikns cf Name Dapat, lloiuer explained "Cae biggest ri;i.on Citiness I oioeg with the geonral pabiie. Clerks of Cank dnaety and the Tewenhip Olt'saials of lilinnin, Clerk's Division, sops Wtaaa ijr rin11 hoi"...alraadv 'hnakerrnntook good aoany day' he said. 'The Clnrk'v office in pie Ase enntaat nan affine, hoi te 'freon' them the best we cae." IFREE PARKINGI signers, oaohiirotn, aod donigners whn alarmed sat nrliing replaceasantpac)afarfaacatoand tailess. 8475B3-1962- a0thaK00.atlthUriL COMBO #1 SPECIAL I MED COFFEE 5 09 I molada plumbers, interian de- auaordingiy. 9021 N Milwaukee Nues INEAR BALLARD) any come iwnginsbln nnd ar enteesinc nalectino ofceraooic siren awards from both the Tewnahip contact with. We bava a policy out ta jsnt 'pot up with' thr peo' Regular Price of OneDozen Donuto I 000 used toiiat tunIc uds te mutais oven the musid. Their nastnmans meni far twe yasng plumbers asly faon of local ganemment mary residents earn coton se GRAND OPENING OFF* and Kilitvnik tsve shipped oil S_5', oc 0' long. The priae changes uny oommanity is nomatioiav tite --. sause repaie center where thry can echab yane nId ilsinrea, user legs" can be contusi ordered 5'. Wanner, who bss rrcniued tant Ociaban, new Deputy Clenk speak the languogu. and that Wiesa (prnnosnend vea-ay'pruned te encampase even morn nhalsl Tytka was bora in Poland alieeia -. sama af township and han bren lining is the US fur Tin fnmer reni- whom h avenenen tv. immigrated ,",.--------.. o -- VALUABLE COUPONS Alsheugh maxi cuxtamern I cxxx with thnirpunahoses. Kaiser Lheir io ltnaoe.vnisme by the end afire prar. Quite an accumplish- nain tewns. from uouattiet rsaaa Patond atoe by DnrirFiunrgas' the cody 805 two yOoflg nain ratigo from $lO0la $450: nrc te poriinaiar model miaus for $300 plumbnns patay o4' o 9' pegboard asad raes withnol ciecteinitp, Ityandbegon selling plambingpaets. drnalicoiiy. This medo) makes ai. Ninainnn yaart Inter Aaron Kai. ment nc raise and will grind sar and Simne Kilimnik ore stili benes hot won't uttew year silverpontoons. Thin pant Octnhne they wnoad ihain nine ynnr nid boniware. Water faanlnins and parfiSorn, urinals , sed bidats, shower irosi, flartli Ottone yaocets feam thaiS t,7O0Sqa00 fooL Skaitie ladean, und an eedlnos aciendan of hardware to pal io yaor shawnn ontian to tlreir new 6800 nqoare acalme. Mosten Crane ara availablo as ore drain and tuifoot They bili tlieinneives as haviiig let iittings and tuais fer anybedy. The uw0000' years cf rspaeianan the "Longest Selection nf Replacement Plumbing Partn an the wake pambosing Lhe perfect ham Nnrth Sisare." 955 their sesritney easy far esce the esosi inenpanenpasda fee boyard Ckmcaga's coced cnstomne. North Shore i°sanct has an in Nonits Eastnstbsrbs. 7780 Milwaukee Avenue, Niles HOURS (847) 9651315 Mon. thon. Sat. 8n30 . 6:00 P.M. SsiondWg 8 30 2 00 PM MEAfo-. RESH ea fixture in Mortoïi Grove i' that can ansist wìih alleato in Spanish already, but flaw ose PAIS lE REGLE, TIITIRSDAV, MAS Il, 2000 TUEBULE,TIfliRSDAY MtY l8 2000 PAGE 4 BOLLA WINES 750ML 92 $399 - çii.s-- 24120Z,CANS CARLO ROSSI $799 - I JWINES 4 LiTER COKE PRODUCTS 12 PAK 12 OZ CANS LIMOT 4 s PAGE 6 TIlflGGL1,TUURSDAYMY 18,2ß00 III-t.R-. , u Plastic Surgeon appointed Resurrection to staff at Grogory A, Wcncr, M.D., hs . becn appoifltd lo the mdieaI tff t Rourretio Medical Are You at Risk of Stroke? Are yea nl dnh nf streket Take this qaick quiz In had coli Yoa ccc reduce year cmb nf Breko. SInn by bnaeming amere fa year nah facrnrs .. the percanal characterislics and habtla that may inciense year chancee Centee, 7435 Wel Teleoll Avenue. Dr. Winner, of Chicago recvived his bachelorn degree frein Lnlrigh University, Bethlehem, of lravicg a ttreke. Some yea can't change er control; neme PO.., and his medica! degree from the University ofKansas Medical changer in year daily habits or you car, l'ha following fadem tnry iocinese your riuk. Check all hex' et that apply to yea. If you aaegeey nl Rash-l'resbyteden-St. Lake-v Medical Coaler, Cleicagc, and a tendency in plastic and roceesleuclire sargrey al Ilse Univeraily oflllieeiu, Chicago. Ho a cttcck 2 er mece haves, ace a henitheare prnvider foe a corn. GrrgoryA. Wiener, M.D. I rasaspooiO I interest in goeoe el plastie and recoenlroctive surgery and hued nargery. Dc. \Vioner is in practice with David A. Ravdolpls, M.D. Their Chicago oftioe iv located in Saite 451 of Ihr Resurrection Medical Center Profeasienal Building, 7447 Wont TalentI Avenen. Appoictllrrntn can be etude by calling (773) 763-3990. Total joint replacement information - ledividualu io ceod ei total joist reptoccmcrtkcee er hip-tre encouraged Icattend fece total jairt prO.OperotiVn infomialier sessions al Lrtheran General blonpital, en Wodnenday eìghle,6 te 7 p.m., Inpatient Rehabilitnlioc Sercicec, GroaedFlocr. The nne-hoornesnienn are cee- dueled by a team of orthopedic a few taking medicine as penserihrd. Scheel, Kansas City, Ken. l-te completed a residency in ferri gory, his vpeoialty. Dr. Wiener by matting carves, phynicat therapiutc, eccapadovat therapinla and secinl.cer- vice stoff mcwbrrs who review madly what the patientc enperionce willbe fromnergnry lhrnugh pact.op tcOOvnny. Family canin. hoes ave welcomc. For ioformatiac call 847.7237054. pIde asaeasrnnot cf year rickal Age and Sex... Yna are a man over 45 yema old, nr yea em woman 00er 55 yearn old, er ye have pause d wneopnuse er hod ycat cvcrins mwoxcd and are col tokiag entregan. Family Hiatory... Your mclh nr, father. titter, brelhet 0e grocdpaaeel tad o cerche, o ycur father ce broUter hod a Iteart attack hoforz ago 15, a yost mother er tiulee had s heart regalarly. Yen Have Dinlsetes... a fane. ing blond sager nf 126 mg/dL er higher, er yea need medicine te control ynar htaed sugar. nf the leg arteries, a high red tilned cell eoaot er nickte cell I enlree I level. Yaor Physical Activity... levcl iv leas than a letal nf 30 mir- ucd no will your laved enea. Fer drehe infeanalion, call un 24g mg/dL er higher, ne yea dent knew year level. Year ROL... ("gend") cha- tesleect is lens than 35 mg/dL, er yea dore knew ynar ROL cite. Yea Ace Overweight... by 25 yoacds nr more foe peur height Ycga dariitg Peognancyc I UDII io I I 30 n.m. Soturdoya, American Anaaciatice. May 27 throagh July I. Yoga fer Conosr/RrcIcratias - t la y p.m. Solsedays, May 27 lhncagh July t . This class it foe 1h osean dergoing chemotherapy Or is caececreean rey, an well as pesI celbcpedic nargory pariente and theuc with aehniliu ce timilcd rengo nf motion. All clanucc tcd build , - Medical Hininry... Yea llave bere told thrt you hove coralid actesy discuto, or you have had a nlreke or flA (tearvient nebenio attach), or you boce a disease Meant Yea cas alno Viril 55 online at www.SlrokoAtvnciation.Oeg. Per infoentntion on life after stecke, pIetre call dur Stroke Femily "Waenlicr" at 1-SW' 553-6321 . Lutheran General Fitness Center offers water aerobics meet twice 613g. bough July 2000, ix decigued fer indisidauls leching fer a high.iatonsily workeat and in- Overnight camp for special needs children and teens part of a free serian fer the pabtic, caregivecu, physicians. earsos and health cale peafouvionals, lviii be held in Scam 159 af Ihn Victor Yachtman Ciiitdraae Pavitian o) Lalheear Daterai Chil. deans Hospital. Foc molo infar. canaLes funerals t:! The Piteous Ceder in laculed adjaceot to the hospilal with a fase-tane, 25.yaed swimming NW AGE HERBS youl; av well as an arcohic por. lcemsncr room. feataring e vaciely cf eardionaucular exercise rqaipmeel; and a slenriglh nahsecemrnt enom with a fall catnplemecl of speoialierd, pro- 6356W. DEVON, CHICAGO grenvivo revislance weighl equip- ancient accestarn trave mown far yearn. (10% DISCOIJNT W)THIS AT» 773-775-9611 The Fitness Ceetee offeer a prefernionala. A week.lang, ovecnighl sammer comp fnr all children with special needs is nffered from Saly 16 to 22, at Heaver Gol. doer £stooatien Ceatee, Yorkaille, by Latheran General Chitdem's Honpilal. The catey is pant uf the heepital's Special Outdoor Adaptive Recreation Peageoms IS OAR.), "Thom aro very few acemighl rcereeiional oppertanitien fee children with special needs." said Nancy Keck, M.D.. disoctar nf dnsntepment pedialrios. Lstheran General Childeecu Hespi. Ial. "This camp it 00 oppocsaeily Dr. S. Tsipursky, M.D,, Ph.D. foe a special needs child re de. velop salt-esteem and corSdeace io a new way. Il aise Laser Visofl Correc1on Eyelld surgery Ultrasonic Cataract Removal given parents a mach needed brook from the earegiure role that is requited fer s speoirl eeeds child." Camp aclivities include swim. Progressive Glaucoma 'neatment Adult & Children Trealmeni Contact Lenses In Tite TallSfltafl Cettler al Washington B. Golf Rei. ming, tels and crafts, outdone goner and cOrer aeticitien. .Wheelchairs Hsme Medical Suppl)es Hospitaf Beth Oxygon LargroenonOit te aet-etv..amnll esonse¡h te rare 773-631-6316 6425 N. SlrtwakìL chicago. IL 60H51 Bach child ir assigned their Own cump ecesseler and eecam. modulions are ie handicapped accessibla cabins. Medical staff willbe on site lheeaghnat the Per iefersrsutien and to regia- 15e (ne ths gaurp, cull lngeid Thnmpsau, RN., st (847) 723. 9444. %L;2Non-Surgical TUNNEL SYNDROME Dr. 'Robert L. Richart \ Is pleased to ennoanne the avaitubttlty of NEW, STATE OF THE ART EQUIPMENT &THERAPY PROTOCOLS for quick and elfentlee resolution of ARM, WRIST or HAND NUMBNESS, PAIN aad/or TINGLING. CALL RICHART CHIROPRACTIC Don't Miss This Oppo!tunity For A' Dcwpvter, Fcrk Ridgo. This pcefeaw, which runs incESte Now there is an effective treatment for Joseph Vasil, Ph.D., edecationol puyahologitt, Latherer Gencra) TIII1 MIND, BODY, AND SOUL --' ment, and a strength eahance- CLINIC tnday to be eaaluated and find oat lt this renolntlonarp treatment can help yuul Childrao's Honpilat. The preeertnticn. which « nfuardianovcolcn ecercinc equip- holing ho School Sysiem" ai 8 ow. Friday, Hoy 19. fceleri'og NEW AGE BRBS therapists and ether health cinc FREE SCREENING EXAM re realty SIBS I ludes a 1h p dl in Th u ampreb nulo I gi e d cele pin tic t r IB evalcales a palieol al the Eaprono Care desk al flecorrectien Madical Ceuler, 7435 West TalentI Acbuire, Chicago. Eopreav Care is eowopee dailyfrom 10 ere. le 8p m. lo earn (orpatieeta wilh mieorinjarieoandillnenueu. Ravaterottan Medical Ceslcr'n Ecyreas Core Emergency Departlernt .sarvice , intccdoccd a little i iveeayearagii. ii cow ccaitablc ti.-va o days ,'iced k--from IO a.m. ta f p.m. Patients scith minor iltrenves liraij sncsss'hocowe iota Resarlv'C lion's Emcrgoecy Department .,irouarci.'d in ehe ucyarnto Enpross' Cota tecol tito st arca. Titis arco, iloffad by Emaegavcy Deport. error t pbyuiciacs and surtas. hoc its o ivirearving 51011515 arid pa- tice liv' lince ado, md srcattnert eootcsupc ci,illy dccigvcd far or. tlicipcdicv oiid eye. cor, ni,ce and firinil. l'oticn taure soon by a pItyvicien noch l'aster Stuc 'lit atrasltlicitaI L iltaego cey eoont becaste 111cl' dort n'all behind eiaeo celtioilily ill at nj lira d yaiicces. "l'li tianex treated ir Express Coto y Iris'.illy speed 1cm lItan ati trotte iii tite Upcaatief tapien ore: bru 16 . 'Radicsarfcry is the Pediolria Popalolien;" Jaly 21 - "Effeclivo Cemaranlcatier Strategies;" Au- fusi If . "fico Chemctheropcatic TnialclSieatcgies;" September IS - 'Caeicg fer Siblings;" Getahrn JO - "Management of Primi- Medi eier ai Resanecclior, "Ea- tice Ncaeoeatedemtal Tamars;" larent Cara p.Shoals hace the sumo macvu, ifnradcd, io our fuit rango Ns eve ethor IT - "Adoocalieg lar Your Rightu u'ittt Issaronce Companies;" aad Docembor IS "Patht1ieircofCNS Tumors." cf hospital ucraicas. tacit an Xrapt and bloodwerk.' II t I Il tI st atari y fil re sil a p) Member efAmerican Chiropraclic Acuecialiorr, Participating prnslder fur üse lutlawIng FIcen. Blue CeunslBlac Ski Id Alf d hI M dl P I t H 11h Ca Synt m ed 1h lthSte H RICHART CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC aeon o 8933 W. Geil Rd. ir Nues (acreas lInen Velue Cily) reilsc O5cuarrecre 847-827-8686 . u. . ie\ "M.T»1. IO-SO SeL lb-6 s Seas Deep Tissue : : 9330'Wàukegan Rd. Mortón Grove (847) 663-0616 Massage I I g 'y5 e k pa i nSspedjsh j j .Steam Bath j ' 1-5 t riarLrmsj p j Sports j i Give A Gift Everyone Needs... ' t u i Hour Session An,fA,r $lfl Bask,l°,.. Saw shad a /.p.i pie? . ihthaGrhf recOrs 50055 iittiorgcvcy Deport- irle! li._' soid Michael Rilvonliorg. 9'! D.. Cisriririoli. Siets'efeiicy Da II Dr. Robert L. Richanl is a Palmer Graduete Cerlilied ir impairmenl Ralìog and Disability Eoalvalien Pantgrodacln Sludy Chiropreetio Orthcpedics, Neutolegy and Sperls lejuttea, lecIti 05, call 1847) 723-5105. Michael Roconberg, M.D., Chairman, Emergency Mediciee, lied mvasregc therapists asd nIhen hcolth cam preforcicruls. Seraicus inctsdc erwaylhing from irdicidoal lolling and concahotions, matsago ihceapy aud spocts medicina lo nslnilicr soansolief, hoaltlr ociorot and special sventa. es a faor.lane, 25-yord swimming ycel, an aernbic parfcrmanca room factaeirf avon y Tumor Cecter al Latheres Gen- Por mere iefaewalion about AqacPil, an fers, cell 547-723- HERRn , Located in the Porknide Cre. Irr odjaeerm io Laiheren Ganarat Hespilal, she Otrcrs cesIos lions Hospiiol will jaraytcsaniairo I Children's e i raiceo On "Nego. witte waatrr'e dcgeeen, regivteeed dietitiens, aertiSed massage TIen fitness eerIer is staffed by exercice phyniologinls with manIer's degrees, athletic lenin. ars, reginlesed dietiliors, sorti- ness Crnirr am l-847.723-6 I 3f. Pliysicion appravcl requitcd, The Midwoni Childrnn'n Brain conior, Latberon General Haspil573 tul, Parkside Center, Experience reday what ear Suite 120 Glenview a mont cf speciotined, p)agrcusine ecaicla acawe ighi cqaipmasr, Ridge. Tho curt is $48 far the sis sessions. Par rente infermoItar or te regidor, cali the Fil. 'Negotiating the. School System' weekly from fr15 to 7:15 p.m. Mendays and Wednesdoyn ne Tarudays and Thursdays, al the . depreuxico, negativity. rincertactics & alt preblems of life. 2640 Golf Road i marl roam nub a fell ccnrpte- ene taaglml el Loiheran General lOaspilal, 1775 Demepster, Parh ond tncutat lenin cacticd io acuens e deep and naclaining ereefy. Yoga for lia Beginner - I 45 am. te 12:45 p.m. Satardoyn, May 27 lhroagh July t. Advanced Beginners - 7;45 io fr45 p.m. Wedsendoys, Hoy 24 thenagh Jure 25. yorsdrinlkttow what your bloc blood peextere is Ice high, e Remcning the elements of MOSI Insurances. Medicare, Medicaid Accepted perticiyoiits lite phynicat 7653) at conlact pear nearest AqoaPil. Classer owen Evening Hours Available (847) 724-0101 body fer hosting aed cte gino at l.g58.STISOKE 11.885.478- healt)t profossioct) has unid you in intImation from a cenlifled yoga inntmcter. Yega prepiseen Ihr ates on ment days. 140195 mm Hg oc higher, er Year Bleed Prrsnstre... The tEnets Center nf Lslheror Grnernl Hospilal effers fesr Oriqee sin.wcek yoga scusiner. Each class client perscnaliecd had u heart attack. Takenbarge nf yerre health! Ute thin qoie la learn whnee lo focas year effects, Then, werk with porn healthcaen provider ta redare, contrat nr peevent as many rink faders as yna cta. Yea wilt hr glad pea did... Year Taint Chenlerterol,., is Reduce stress through yoga Resurrection Medical Center's Express Care Service Yea hone attirI frbritlalins, caeonaey react dimane ce ether heart eoedilion(n), or yea have voricty al membership opeens The Lutheran Gereral Fitness Conter offers a challenging wa-.. - ta ceci your Omens needs. lt s staffed b yeaerc ise physialogistr Irr aerabics pregrem celled ottoch before age 65. DEALING & GIFTS FOR Advanced Eye Care, Ltd1 Van Smoke... nr live er werk with peeple who ameke tahaina POOP, S -nip; BUGLE, TIlURntaA'tt, MAY 15,1995 E 7F I : .1 Titel sUGs,E, UJIIRSIi,tiY,MAY IS, 10991 Itt flIEBVOhE,TISVPSDAYi MAY 18, 2000 PAGE8 I.i::» iwb - It woo 65 years go thor I'ronk- tie R000volt ignod tho law that created SacaI Security - perhapa the singlo groatnst act of social policy in Americanhistoiy. Sinco sties time, Social Sacooty has oui- badind sor fundamental commitment to piotoctiog Amenicos old- crlf from pocenty dopeodoncy, arddotpaìr after a lifotimr al Yottadsy Sociol Sncsrity io at -a craosroads. Our nosier populotian icdooblingovorthnooxt thir- .°i1A4 41 Rose's 7 Dreary Salon 7502 N. IIARLEM 9' ty years. As the boby boamors reSorrdty foros tiro, Social inuriconcy. I heliaco that Social Socurity is, at heart, o moral reoponoihility and that is why soring nod atrosgthoning Social Sccsrity io eno of the fordne000tal commitments of my campoigo forthr Prrsidnncy. Bocasso olear s000d monogrment of the American economy there past oevoe years, wo hove hr opportonity to malin Social Security soong and sootaineblo forderodea to como. I hove luid out o plan to save Srrinl Security tttet it hoittoo sI tropoevibility end debt mdsctiro. I will commit ihr foderai surplus to seso Sociol Security lirul. I will 0005cc that rho beerfits of debt roduclion go toward koopiog Social Snoodty solvent arid ut least 2050. And I will fight soy attempt to dip into the Sociut Security runt fand for coy psirpOnr - ripociully to pay for tao cuts forthe few. a Perms If wo our nor prosperity wisely, w scorn stonly soseSociel Se- . Cut/Style e Frosting . Color curity, we ton also impr050 it. Right sow, Sudai Sorority io e lifsliee fee millions of elderly Spretaliatng is Ussliree t'eroroierts svomen in Amorire, Ost here um wuyc is mhictt Social Security trocti momos unfairly. Tb crocsO momeo who mock horst all tiroir lives, and leko sos- (773) 774-3308 P-r-vi oral yesos away fraio rhoir joho bate aboattho futuro ofSecial So- ucd careers - worbingjaol ou hard curity io this election - bocoese tiere aro pmfound difforenceo between George W. Bosh end to rau, their young children. Yet boccate Ihnte yours rairirg chittIren do not cenas tewmdthrir So- c0000 O Women sobro time est to ¿toveeaer Bosh's major proponul io thu campaign is o $2.1 telllion tao out the tearer do the available noeplutes by nearly $1 roito tier childroe decant meen trillion. Fer this reaten, Senator cial Seoosily comiege, they cao lese thnusaedo of dellato in Sn- rial Sorority breetitt. Suit brshe deserves e harder fimo io retiremoot, I'll tight lo end this motherhood penoity, and ellow pomelo to lake crodil for up to floe years efeoroingo ifthry one that time to raise childros, For the avreoge working woman who takes Ibis credit, this mill add eheut $600 to hot annusi Social Security beneThem aro elso millions of oldoily women who ertoplueged into poneety whce akusbuoddirs - becosse widows can have their go doms - - hut their brecflio cae bècat in holfovoreight, ilseoutreing thnicveey obitity to muks ends That's why fIl fight lo raise widows hesufits to Ihrerqoarrors oftlrr ooepio'u combisod benefit, which would help mil- scheme of this magniludo could forca o raid on Social Soutity ilself. Governor Bath has aaggestod would actually butt Social Scour- Os March 12, Ihn fifth bislhdoy of Girl Sonotu of the U.S.A., the Girl Sceuts - Illinois Creasroads Couvrit honored eight younf momee who have tarred ihr Girt Soest Geld Award do,ttg Ilse past yaw. Thr pmooataStan of their Gold Ama,dv took is5 stid socsice contor is Veeneo cuitent' screIral program, teats- F'Aii LI I! E y'AS,'El Iö Wolneft Trained at Charles Ifergan Salon 2 Yrs. Experience at Gallery of Hair 847-509-8550 - 73iíL?m $ÇJc Off 847647-4OO8 Any Sotolce Wllh Ad HouRs: T-F lOsm-6pm; SAT. gAM-spM; (uppor lecci, veer io Morsisoll Field's) SUOnA-I SPECIAL OccAgios ONLY BLACK FOREST DELICATESSEN AND MEATS, INC. 584g N. WACKE500 ROAD MutMaitet & HUF 'ioi ar-', T s Sliection Of Specially Imporli Frozet Htilitmadt Mtalo ç PRIME STEAKS, CHICKEN, Ñ1R.Ç (7HÛPS.. iso,. BlackAogii \ 2) ...Pr;;rrr'c;,so For' Barbrcuing I ;/ '_,Ji IIAIP.&SIWO CARE SALON STUDIO MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 J1 ')fleK Cuts, Colors, Highlights, Iipdo's, Eyebrow Threading, Perms, Relaxers . (847) 965-3113 www,glacbFore$tMarket,CO5u & DAY SPA 7750 N. Milwaukee Ave,, NUes, IL 60648 (RÀS'YAN PLAZA) We loo nell omorlcon & european cosmelicu: MURAD, REpECHAGE, MATRIX ESSENTIALS; BIOLAGE, VAVOOM MURAD __ity, I'm ageiast Ropobliono psi- vatieution schemes that could bankrupt she trott fond by drainjog money lote private occeanto. Ard I believe it is wreeg le cuite she roliromeat age and a,k hard' working Americaos - especially trote io hoed, physical jobs - to worbantil the ago of 70. I believe we need o tlretogy io ,ovo findet Secutity that is grounded in fucol responsibility, while atthnsamo time making the modest by impactant changes ne thatittreato wemoo muer fairly. By making Social Saoudly seond for the forero, by molting il fuieor fer wilmon, I believe we cas hero, the generations that came boforeTho, while making America slroogee foe those mho will foltaw, Eight young women Earn Girl Scout Gold Award .poserlyued make ondo mort. I bourse we nord u oerioas do- in Town! Northbrook Court Mall am olse 0000emrd that a tao lient ofriderty womrs slay oct00 Best Birthday Parties Call lo resorve your porly eeionpoyrell toses in the feroce," I placo at u special coromsey at the Walk-ins we!come Moms shop while kids paint y Oosemoe flush is "agreeing to combierd honeSto cur in helf. Their rent end sillily bills dido't Paint and Take Ceramics . John MuCcio bus wemed that "by net sheriagop the Social Security system...witb surplus fondu," other "enlomes" that I believe - Sta. PAINT-N-PARTY STUD(0) - l'AnEla r e Saving Social Security, and making it fairer for Women by AI Gore t it The latest huir canting Coloring Permhtg Highlighting, EuiopwsiiPuciaIo, SUini fago lift Waxing fllecnolyoio Manicure & Pgdicure (847) 9658383 ciocca, T,,soyei, 9 ,e t 0,21. Sut. ii 0.55. 504 P.M. CLOsED OUtS, S MON. Hills. Thy GisI Soeur Geld Award is the highsst achievewont is GIrl Scouting. It bus fico requiromoelo, noch uf which demeeds rffloieet organiaurienal, time mao'agomret and loodorohip rkilis. Tose hoeoeed for liscirasievonivel moro Megas Huvtmus, Katic I-Interesso and Katherine Oskerka, alt of Gloesiew; Cocrtney Wiilogal, Wauhogue. In order t oroco iso Itrio Girl Scoot Gold Atcerd, the yooeg wowoe ltad to ems fpus interest yrojocs patches, Ihr Career 0e. plorutive pitt, the Girl Scout Loedorship Awsrd, und ho Scvvr Girl Scout Ch.sllongo. They else bud to ylee and implomeor a Girl Scoot Gold Award project requiring at laust 50 heure of work. Thesr aro arrojen projects which mustbodeaignnd ta ideenfy and mori n oommsnily ercd. For the rocogeitieo ceeomooy rho young wumee roch emoted o display illoatoatiog Iheir Gold Awerd uorsioo project and also described fer rho oudinece the ceyrnirncet they had aed what they lourveddotieg the pecras of oars- ir0 Ihr eward. Polish Womens Civic Club Installation Luncheon Polish Women's Cielo Club to e eenpsoflt atgueicsdev rutchlitlred over 75 years ago lo perform philesthropic endeavors, principally prende ochalarships to qastifled collego studenti. Why estate p tanning is a woman's issue lit u italico covaumod willi tceulth-bvildivg, it's easy te ferget that earring toosoy is only half ho finevcial tncvnity boitte. Squally imyortoen ja protecting our hard-woe financial bounty with a woll-denigeed celata plan. For wemre, be importunen of piavning ja porumouni, brcauso most nf women must cepo whre loved ones become di,ublod ee A rocoot study by Porn stato Ueivrssity found that wtvon tiers ihrer tinten mere likely to hove io cope with a mate's Itveas or iojury. The study also rosvuicd that few husbaodr had prepared tire hind sí ociare plan. ritig documente thu mould toce rosod hoi, mivos' burdeos. Por roumpir, o Living Will , will he toar to enlate rasos, Retomber thaI (or voloiO tuo perposes, she goveremont indudes your uomo, mtieornont pion, and nbc drotlt benefit of year life insorasec policy. To' gnthre the snoasrea th $65150go ooeotptjoe plan. tho The good news is thai thorn to the event of an oteergeocy. Without hour tools, misen tul guisos tusco now. Entubo piasniog rae holy sscosor up' tituot oitduro rho yrocoss of lie- ing probare, else knows os o gcurdiuoahip pcvcrediog, e tshich u Irasbond mey bo doelurrd ircempotonr, and u probote judge decides who shoold be rooponsibte for his poeaonol caro cod ft ocrciu I affaite. Whilc he sctfo is often granted tisis rolo, 1h croaron o gucro sinos hut she will ysovo it. lodges tuve mide diterotien oso, whom thvy huy'appoSer, uttd the jcdge nay duevi ihvt on oonsidrr or proUvaciOovl gUardtae inch ho huller euitod to Ihr task. According Io ho U.S. Cossus B creso , oid osvvesor ho oge cf 65 vctecwbor tcidOWurs by Ovo to oso. Aed whos woleer loco their heohonds, they cre ohm Iras t ittta yovcrty. Sul il you think iotpesrrshed scidowhvod 5 ovvtothing only the olderly roycrtovco, think uguin. Thu 05cr.Igc vgc ut rvhtch u seife becenios Lt svidvtv is juil 56. fistule pien- irteg Can't do arytkteg io wirtpule ike loss uf o ivscd eve. Bui it Ccii llelp 005050 that rho suecluing vpOotO is fisorcicily pro. ioctod. Vhrs u husbord dits wilhsut u plan, his ostato is adosioistrrod by a prebtre ocurt. Deeth probute is costly, tinin-corsaming sed publie piovose 1h01 muy udd months, 0e osen prost, iv u widem's ometivoal stroto. Ask moat mo,vicd iodirjduulv abort they wart to inherIt thrtr wonlly goods, und bey will ovo. oily voy Itch sp vuieshou Id routteo 1ko lìor'v churo. Unfortu. cutely. OtOaistateo use a rigid fo,u=wulo for dictriboting rIto Rjdgrmoac Cesotey Club, tOSI W. Guenisee, Chicoga, Illinois. Ceckrails 11 um. followed by a iOh'clic qulil shcrc 'fito rtvoll could ho Ilias 'rtvcttCItìldratt tcl lustre htiti ociolly tedryordurt delicloas Ineeb aed oelertaio- Could res ct CC'cese is litaI tItule ¡rata n itlu cdc tittu. 774-OSSI. Ottern lux-froc. Wins proper planning, o married couple coo protect from I ooe,o sorts worth s t .3 million. Assois ever thai Omouni, h owceor miii br bemol from 37 te 55 yoreont. Soy lucI u husband ovd wifa llano a Sl.3 itlilliOn cr1010. Bei es e rosult el pon estate ploonieg, they rheller only 3650,505. About $200,ggo uro ways to not osly reduce pout d000atod's 050015. Ir ivuny sIclos, ho .corsIvi ng s;ruosc ro' Members, ftigeds ood gentlemen are invited, Denattoti i) $35 per pentue. Por reserva' rt005 contact Monja Ciesla (7231 pont mielo worth up to $6y0,gOO sill a I-lecitI, Care Puiser of Atiornn y gi remiso s ihr legal clout to ret en their hasband'o brholf Tho PWCC Spring Installotien luuchaoo will br held Thursday Muy 25, 2000 al the meet. ylololy avoid nstutr loses. Teday, ereb luspayor io ontitlod lo enivo s boil, tcilh chitdro rrccc is' When Ainclieurs fart to plus, the govcrlvooei io) vices . Thor's hocuasc cupo yrrscrs' lttsirg uyutcv,sl' ptintsniiics Iv rcdace 051cm lions ir deciding ir wltom, muco and tow your lagocy pasero, il coo alte help redore or slimieoie ostato t000s, purioeiiics te prrsre 'Cr yror log. ocy for honed osos, not ho genoromeet. Bol yoc musi choose tito proper pits. Fer inttoeo, if O mil lisitt tIto lossduiioe ol your rubio pioo, which atmregics oro boil suited te year nmds antS yea consolI with u ksomlrdgoabie rsiato plosning attomey. Per molero, the sood fer offretive rabote plonoing (ohms os 4sii ccli CCDPH Monday- Frtdcy, 11:45 attI. - 4t IS pot. II 17001 492-21 14. IDO itt, specchi Iroanittg titipt tIro dt 17(181 492' 2ght2. Cureln Tinner Geei Kenny 61 RosrmuryMjrchnll Jar Reyrl 76 CarvI Omtsiegc, Lindo Fohoy HIGHSERIES CuruloTiseco 000ry Lotlow Fritajo Zubioroo4cr 346 479 GoriKessy 231 195 Igl 177 172 171 168 tua WRID CABBAGE 69 2 FO1 RED RIPE REDONIONS 4 LBS. FOR TOMATOES $100 FRESH LEAN CENTER Clii' FRESH BONELESS & SKINLESS FROZEN ALASKAN PORK CHOPS CHICKEN BREAST PO1OCK EftIETS $1 $189 LB, , SWIFT CHEESE WITH HARD SALAMI CARAWAY $999 $799 lt. IB, AROMA FIlIAR ROCIO PINK COFFEE SALMON ItisOZi $599 EACl0 ij $159 I kB. EACH 1t4.75001 LB, p- I, . HAVARTI - $100 4- LB, SWEET Spring into good health isleeto, 5g 44 29 HIGH GAMES 52 55 GRAPES A Living Trust anvidv "death probote' afIre yoc'ro govv or O ltniitg psobulo" sltoold yvu Ire' romo diselbicd. Nut only dyes a oeca. Soreic'rs is loo novh sahorbs inclsdc. Ecusslos Hospital, Eouitstor; und Nortisteeci Corn. rilceily Floapital, Arlington Hoights. Por isft,onutioo oto ioconim guidelines cod oltgibility enquire' 42 495 LETTUCE temono why u giowing esinbor omloct o Living Trust or their os' luts pias of choice. is iho scbsrbuo Cook Counry 63 53 Marilyn Getetsger NAPPA Theec oro jutt some of ihr CCDPH prunides Well Wowascos Ojeos tltrosfltuut coot,uctv with peisoto httspiittlu urtI clinics 29 RED SEEDI.ESS Also, u mil cost cmeurs through Ihm Well Woman Program. 7h 474 466 GREEN LEAF OR RED LEAF protect you from a guardioeohip proereding. Women 4S years of ago and oldet who have limited iocclon usid limircd or no medjeut josarance may oblais fece mummogeams, h reast050insos d Pap C.M.S. Cundiolight Jwlr Clocsio Bowl GmcedNat'l Bosh T. Droedo, DOS Jan Repol We Make Party Trays: Meat, Fruit & Cheese mere ihoa roo siclo, yeer botet will nedurn a probote ir nach of oP Public l'lnolth (CCDPI1) is rhiekiog about your molI beieg, L PRODUCE ,',E,- probuto. If yac own prtrpodyis Although Ihr weather is still culd, spring promises so be right around th rccroer. Speieg is the 50050e ufeebttth, the timo of year thor wo 1kmh abost gctting healthy ard orcyisg healthy. The Cook County l2opaelmont GorbioSottoito W S kaj o To eecc o tpocioi urgoecy. Considering the meny edeonteges thet o Linio0 Trast-basod Ouate plan provides, thorn's re good reoson set to beve ose. y moren tute will still go Ibrough 1h ocostatos . Wed., April 12, 2000 TEAM You muet know lue liobility in the fulcro, but io rnteimiee incesto urd cap' Catholic Women's Bowling League Lisitig Trsolofffor greutreoy. LOUIS RICH OVEN ROASTED TURKEY BREAST $799 I LAND OtLAKES VITAMIN D BUTTERMILK MILK GAL 1k i/S GALLON ' PRIMAQUALITY WHOLE TOMATOES 2 Muller's FOI i0O 114.5 021 RI BA SPRATS IN OIL 6 9bb bHOgROsIS 8800 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, LUNOIS ICOBNeR Or wauKeGoN & DEMPISEOI (847) 581-1029 Hours: Moe-Fri B-9, Sat. 8-0, Sun, g-7 SAIE DATES GOOD 3/1 11/00 TO 5/24/00 GEROLSTEINER MINERAL WATER 99 PER tOGlI $9.99 CASE .l w ThE flUGLeTR1JESDAYr MAY IB, 2000 PASE IO . Stroke and Women Stroke kilI more then 97000 women each year. Stroke is a leading casse of 60.0 pnrcent -- smnng wemrn so and momee mho hnve a stroke 39.2 poren nt -- omoog teno, dic within right years; long-term sorvival is ganasen in women eppesod te 62,504 draths -- or trrieos long-term disability among women; taking oli age Of tiro estiotated 4,4 tnitlioo strok osurviversotive today, 2.3 thon io ssno, groops combined, it claims more than twico as many female lives noch yoer as breast cancer. 0er is five fomalrs have some form of brass er blood errsci disease. toillioo oro femalr. of heart dieeose and stroke by sot smoking, coeteolling their More wemne dir from stmke thon men. Final strokn mortality in 1997 was 97227 dnaths -- or For wotoen (arid mm) over 55, the iooidencn of strokn mom tian doubles in eath soecnssivn decade. Overall, the morbidity of stroke is equal omong men and Morn than 50 percent of mee Womna coo reduce their risks vhoinstneol levels, controllieg high blood pressare, being plsny- caTty active aod meietoieing a tseolthy wnighl. Soorco: Amneicos Head As. socio tien- 2000 Haret aod Stroke StetintirslSsppinment. k' . z_17 a Fernily Hab-Contera That Yoursclï To A Day of Beauty! Give A Gill Certificate FULL SERVICE SALON NEW CLIE1'JT SPECIALS PERMS 1000 OFF ACRYLIC NAILS COLOR $500 $1000 01-F 11110ff (Mention Ad) SI-IAMPOO RoLLER SET . ' .Shampoo i1 ei Coontit ne Aloalsoliem and Dreg Dnpeedeecn (NCADD) depends on tho itmang hin 0005e nf montai mtoedatioo. to 12,050 babies ora bers each year with FAS and many thoosonde more with rho semnwhat ' IN HOME MANICURE! I-lAIR $16.00 CARE gromth ertaedatioo, dysfunction Io tite control s arvaua' system, asd facial abeormatitian. Cogni- FREDERICK'S COUFFURES 5390 SL MILWAUKEE AME. A CHICAOO, IL (773) 631.0574 . ww.,.. I-bevy driobing dariog plegnanay caouas FAS. Physical symptvms of FAS ioctadr - dvr and other afgavin can in. dude davnlopmastal dalays, intetlectual impaimanat, bahavioe peablams, and difficulty wills caoodieatiao, alsontian, memory, Icursieg, impolac control, prvblasa solving, speoub, and hearlag. Children with FAll display soma bat not aS cf the symp- URHAUSEN GREENHOUSE Established in 1922 toms associated wills FAS. Daspita pablia adacotios .com- - (847) 675.1573 19 paaccst (751.0551 neportad drinking. 25 peccant (025,505) drinkisg. 1f you 0nd that pas can't slop drinking, snob irnaimoot. More information about FAS is avoilabla theoagh NCADD (IMIlS-622-2255) aad Haceldea Il055-535-9485). . GERANIUMS - Non Stop Begonias, New Guinea Impaliens . MATURJO PERENNIALS Conlainer Grown Over 150 Varieties . POTTED ROSES In Bud . HERBS & VEGETABLE PLANTS CMS Cundlnlighsjwlr GaoodNat'l. Bank Classic Oowt T, Drocdo, DDS Skaj a Terrace 79 67 57 53 47 33 33 45 55 59 65 79 lIGIO SERIES Linda Fatsny Gori Knosy Pam Kenssy Jan RapaI Canelo Tinnas , L HIGh GAMES PamKesny 494 490 479 472 467 titilAmaIs S tim hin: mmmtmdc Caroto Tisses Lindo Fehep Kay Pevaraea Geli Kaooy 177 175 175 171 Ketura Hadassah luncheon Joyce Scheagnr mill give a Middle Basi Updaia apostolo4 by Kesura Hadossob ai IS naos on May 35 al Tample Beth Is- vemom- i tIme ing their firmI palicoms of timo day. ,,mninlraor 01 dImora wlmich'simtenn A fc-meo dulls ait iv he main unit. timo momrih so putients comisootty see mviial'c Imaypesung asido their intesi lechOOlcgy, irrtuding schootors huno found their way ta a kids' rvemo, watching aidacs io a 11100111v 't'ho d 05515550 lao spocial- sopara moceo lavo. If one didn't knens it boforecomiag into misc cf- ing bonding, porcelain veneers, Dr, Fata is Gr. Petar Goldoni. Dr, Jimmm ma Dr. Jamas Martini. 't'o- gathar Ihr mee dm4115 moka up Merles Gravo Dental Aasmmeiames, tocosed et 9 t 33 Waukogan Road. and far 7 yeses before ihat just dowo ihn block. "We look al oar placa as loom and pop," Dr. uni noplaies, puraslcf IO mho himt.frieodly woiliog t caricom piole wimb famcs nod nc moities foe palierrls mho bric6 chitdlaa. "Wo hava a lot of fanailies hero," ha esplains. "Whul's uciqoc obsat cire proctice is that we'll do fuil-moosh rcImsb as av adult aad also sor a lililn kid far imis gral timslc. Wo pretty macis do oit phosea afdastislry." ice i ncasmoalm'o dermismey, lactad- and tuerb wimitcnisf, "Wtsut I think is ceay mmripormsns iv the s aliti, aliar," Dr. Jim co- croperalmena. For the pasisee es yaacs, Iba prachiae Itas also prom4dod free doatal casa far Maryvilla acsideals who arriva iv bosas ossatly evory other Tuasday. "We thought il was imOporianI ta give hack to Ilse cammimaursisy," Dr. Peto caplaiss, "Wo soy mo meal.'am'I a gved capa- riesce for everyone," Dr, hem add r. Thc prucsicc has hic abilmly to Str eleesronie etaimen direemly with once 200 insurance eoespmm- nies. The practica also has stuff omesohcns wile spunk balli Folisk 004 Spaeish. hoc mcdicice by ireomiog pvobtaris early. Somoafth050 pacunojachada aIr lino son010000 ahr,msimmn which is a "drill-lass" A mabmito regoediog Ihn proclice is available ai rnortaagn000dcatal.amnitewoohs,com, Ap- muy of sandhiasting doasy old saalisg il with coaling mvhielm calhiag Ihn afIlen ut (047) 476- ictannation call 047-673-702M. goad adsian paiatmnnls can be muda by OSSI. progrom ,sosa i celan I fromam Jale 19 111500gb August 3, Party birui segislrohioc deadtive ir Mop 24 and the oogmsiarloum of district segiare1mlinn deodliec is Muiy 3t M.NASR cIao ccmmdacts a Horimebvand l'rograrms, for vili- wolcomac aod needed '0110011 y of na) programs. M-NASR's 510ff wilt trail ovil offer gaidonvo,ic make ya arvalantorr onyc:ieava roworOing. Wllliamos Pl ease call Shchiy al 847196f-9522 IO colonIces pose selnices. Por mora ivfvnvotiomi or pro- ridmutmir WI mimo arnot 0110e ilmoir i imimrmc u doe Ic physical imr mumertol groins offered by Moire-Nibs ch:illcuugou, ned cOors inctuvion 1105, PIlOsO call 847-966-5322. 5e 15mo s for illuse (olmo wimim Ansooiimticv of Spooint Rococo- tim embed p osgrariso I limoms tecol park dIn irle t 011001e aliolI agoir. M.'snisnsa do akdusi, alud dont , tImol isstnnls sss lucIDelsassd. 9, 2000 lo heoa6m mho Atooiamer'o Alsociati:mc; Sinoe 196K The society docuirs 0 111,0611 onvoolty fosmosoa reh, li yhio alo 1101 able iv, aimood 1111v lOOdlfll5lO 50500 t, PlOOSO manko duuoa h:iva,umu it ms,dl i la N.C,S.F. 350 S Solmotmi Si. Mousi FritsIlL'0 I. Ank for ,nreco ipi fao Ira pLm:pOiemu fromm yoor dommotios IlL 1111110 1. Come hopc and Iseip -- you clIn hr port of ii -- fer li is in givirf 1h01 S0O nsili Income. Chamber hosting second annual Night Golf Go lone 9mb, 2000 51mo Mo:lae Grove Chamber of Commerce will ho hosnI9 oar S000nd AvosaI Nmghl Golf al Tam Golf' C 0015° located nr 6765 Hnward ¿ant west of CaIdwell 'io Nues. Tha casI of Nighm Golf will be Left lo right - Commiltn'o members Idaluoflat CaihdSe SocleS'oiy of Fci'eolem'a: Karen Krecger, Chairpor000.' Cormee maske, Livdo Zoco) Kdoiioo Wiodorl. Relive the Fun of the past... 895 por person. Those vvmll ho 9 holes of Nighu OnIf uciih Oiouo LcaSoile Bank Morton Grovc/Wusskcgan's io Ihr Dark Golf Salta, a ballot 11th Annual Antique diimsmcr and 2 frca boors of free boar & wino ularming ot 730 p Cant is $25 ioctading lasch. Fer Dampalee, 1:1 Muy em ofehocks aed batomucos lo follow slalom smeodards lar inlachion cosleol, including up-to-dote slarslmeassor manisoring - and sp eroIca ing which ansaros prop- to M- ami p.00 Too Timo sviti ho or 8:30 The practice atreusrs plenos- 3651 upOOnolimif piasrs, showing an 0m bacola s»'. Skok:e. ruaI 5v ' , Ore vtt:ml NASA's wmmrk used ase liiwoys cmrmpiryoc Alocir000's k'ara go iaIe fcracwica live pracrica jitar miaulas before ace- fice, ir sloiehly hacemos door that ibis atAca ihm familias. Orb'ilium/a holm falmesis Sole lbrh, 260g. rrris urn zos rl renne d for alesiiioi. io The pracuico also mak cuavec f Vat oamcorn , Natloral Cohirotic Socirly of h-lcrrirbarg al 161 5) 253-3700. ii 1dm io6 roem-white o ceapic of pro- 00101m mor camp malin Irons Jose t 2 tlmreogls July Si Wiltmentovded oulop dotea offeeed July 24 iimmoogh Asgast 4, Tuo svnllloi' Fores:1cm, a Fr,sivrral Icuoravee Oroces Timamb'm ctcma lmfûco'r mir doodtivc PAGESI: Garage Sale to benefit Aizeimers hero of Commerce er by ctmtlmcf he Laarir Mattin bi celisoor lb of Domysler Slrcem 17M lievI Oldest Worker of 2000. Thy linlitig of sum vice psogronms mu almo irvicuted. Ss:mu- thu corsssmarity. dr.servin f of Itot hours permvcc t, mcd lias lime certi. oc IVelIf libio himli: d:mte. Noomi. autlomi filims lc,r botti caleflmrìes camm be ehmaiecd am local Ch:me:. al the Wuokagac lecadon a few DddtiaSchulti" Aaaaplissg 170 plome ser wimo iv elmmlelcycmi al ic,mui 2t1 placl:cL'4 logcltscr tua two ycars' ' W icr Dialrict'for she pall Ii) yoamv, alesg w:llm his st-ruin e and car. ou-ru tlrr000m ve awards si rime lIlilait OIdor Workers Awards Da, Jim ucd Dr. Pete smi bank an hairo, talking :mbmicm timoim Oolavdo, 110 amoog thu'apeoioi L'nom: il hmr the numnres, A 00th- wmtl mdcci up ro to scaldo- wia- . porkmrmmuavoc itt Worm Slits' Slmmro mod a Smmmr d,my Irip, Soplemm:hrr 6 thrmmogim IO, ii: Dusoeywimrtd in micos mf mime Hcsroepisr Public bOn- l'bis award mviii f0 mv 16e Geaduatos cf Layela's DestaI School sa 990, Ihn swa mace Catholic Women's Bowling League TEAM mmc, 71, trois Hcsvcpiv, lltiseia. Ksshac'a position ml Superivtcv- Family-friendly dentists offer high-tech prevention proauls la alcohol and othar drug stituta on Drap Abaun faond thor WerL, April 19, 2000 Oaiat:msdiag Olmiec Worker waa M,mrisrs Kutm. dcpc:mdesl pane i of judfaa am'hmm Ivisrier w:tt bu sctccicd io amlemsd Gscemm TI mcmli b's natiovct Frime T:m:mc A aval dv g:mlo io Wcchinglev D C. o'hmclm highlmylrmv the during pregoascy on Ihr safest coorar." Whan drivksvg oc other drag ase stops, tha potential su damoga the fetes stops too. Sa stoppsy gasedsas y paint dsvisg Iba pregnancy wsll dacreusa sagalive offacls. Sanho sommoeieed what she foals is the best ap- And cul yoa ara paagoaot. slap comiemmtiona cviii Laaehroo hosted by the Illinois 'Deparlercet ev A9isg me Seplenrbcr. Froom hove feue, oso should raaotnmaod nos-drisking 1f yea are prognose or pias- pr acces', bu'rom' iewed md bred by cv iv. lavais ero nat oatablishvd, wo (1 BLOCK EASTOÊ CR/a WFORD cl VENUE) From The Popular Begonias, Impotiens, Etc. "To The Obscure. Nierembergia. Brachycombe, Gypsopltilia, etc." iimmlm donan of barer, asd b000asa safo 6973 N.E. Prairie Rd., Lincoinwood Pots & Hanging Baskets ti000l levels. to the Ilote votec- aloohol is sal snorasary to life or health dariog refnorvy, bec005a thorn is reov000blc ovi- age: . ANNUALS - ALL COLORS - IN FLATS. cca'ards at bolli the 510mo and vr- sucia se ran Ctirm Stock, Wirmmette'r Oitmsov Pork ttumovi fo: mwardv h'avstuol. Iltimmoin' 1999 Iv cddiiioo ta secmm 'mime.i:mg the Oaslaodivg Older Werke) from cactm amulc, the Fri5c Tioma Awards aise rece faiccs misc na-. st Iba Sarodmorfes) in MiIwsahec, Ra- a gaia Ail oomoim:cas will ha alsgmble fer sor farwaman uf cltildbearivg psegnasay. lmld ¿if . m tite Wtmitv Hmmase. Amnoeiatirmn matings, Ilips te Luke Cmvmmccii, macalive svish congresviena! ret lleve emotivos, tour of mmmarkc, ya:lr't Oulmta::di:mc Older Wmmm k- ines aboat se tasiss g alcohol daring pragoanay, womav continua illicit dmg al least anca danieg souri nicol it 110e clitvrea, Nominecs louai he 65 yemsra of ago or Moive-ySlas Spoatal Sacroalios'v (M-NASR) soascimal brocisaro fur iba usaisoar source is nomo nvaiImhte, Frogromss are offarcd Nr mil aces mrd disahri litios Adapted Spurts Awaamla Tsmmma ru: brochure available coco ktcag avassis will includo os evemsism g saur of ha airy's lavd- m,lder, a resident cf Illisois, ucd work ai least 25 hours per wach. niag a pvagssnay, doer deich. 1f pas hava boon driohivg aod ALLPLAÑT.S GROWN IÑ OUR LINCOLN WOOD GREENHOUSE lar lllmvoir' OatOlder Worker of 2000 N:momimmecc pt:mcea of week. Tire Frime t M-NÄSR summer cm:otrshaliommn older Acicricos's mImitkc to our comsmm005imies nsJ So how mach is too macIs? paigna shot hava saludad wars- smobad cigarettes, and mora than 5 pareras (221,550) osad an ief000atien te its low birth weight. Studios trovo strewn coalliating rasulls rclotnd so ose alcohol, illicit dtags, and nieotise. A I 996 alady of pragsant women by tIsa Nosinool In- Mon-Fr, 8A.M. -811M.;Sal. & Sun. 8A.M. -5P.M. misil scmiaaliemm s,rodimm t'roveot Fatal Alcohol 5yvdeoma," De. Shnila Blame offars Ihr fnilowing advica: "Sacuasa fools en Iba falo0 and sowbees. itmù Ittianin Choalbor ealwm,ek cf local diuseibused fmrrnmt hnsw hew much dumag aoven one drish o day cas do." ta hoe pamphiat, "What You Cur Doto sure, which aise hou knowsi el- cimomohars, sca hast policy becaose wr dosI de sot matada nicotioc aspo- tu lime mohrrs cad husmeasen mad the c:mn:mlionitics they carca VAS, said, "Abatiaenca Mees Peg. Hai: Shirt 55.205 Up 'Ibrough te twa drinks doily) and thoss who smoke dorisg prngssascy aro likely re hava bobina with tbnough mataroot ose uro bore each yner, 0e one to I t percent of uil tien births. Theta stadstics .5 JoImmiog Green Ttmcmab is its coarcts milis year is Ihr lttisvmie Clm:mmnbcr of Comomcrcc. to nffccla on Ihn fatua aapmrd to minimal or occasional drinking. less disabling fatal alcohol effect (FAD). Though asdtoutou ronge employees trttiim tltimmoie basioesscs Women who drsnk bnavtly (on overoge nf Ove drinks per doy) con hoer babins who have withdrawal problnms, obnomaal ne. finora, sleeping, and othne problama. Those who drisk Iron loss Amamsrsn Wach (May 14-20). Not vnincidertally the wnek begist with Mother's Day as an atrompt ta bring marc attnetiee ro fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), ha leading und 00cl pervento- older :10 tvt,im: ding amount of alcohol aessumod. spossnea Alcohol and Othnr DeugRelatad Birth Defects bias vaponed to illicit drugs , is mm owlicco p111mg lmalisieaiinvs of and $3.00 & Up ., h. k The omesni of domago coasad by maternal alcehol ose Each peor in May tha Nation- Suaba, o snothnn wtsoen sos boo EVERYDAY EXCEPT SUNDAY h. To celebrata the aisgoing vestrihaiioiis 054 occaiaptishisserstn III 'tiler werkars, Groan Thumb widely, 40,005 to 375,000 ha. ' Sr. Men's Cilppert9ting StOSS Up l Prevent alcohol and other drug-related birth defects NCADD mtimstns that 4,050 ! Green Thumb search for outstanding older workers &Set.... $2.50&Up 5 Haircut OFF 7164 DEMI OTIiR STREET 965-9000 MORTON GROVE (LONORE PLtZA) SENIOR CITIZENS TIsa aUGLETIMB5IIAN, MAv't0i tesso huso ves already seat in _0000 paymavl, you may boisg a check hal 000nieg, Tuoi golf 00015t rocommends at 10051 050 . Sovhtighl iv the group fer "pas- hag" and a eon cf bag syrayl Ijast io Cosa). Lisaisrd fellers altoavsd. Hope to sac yea vIl ibero. Alzheimer5s Support Group The Gro1rser Chieogotommd Cliaptor of Tho Aleisoimce'a Associatiomi, Monthly Atahaimcr'v Fatnity Saypart Groa1r Maalimug will ho hold al Regency Narviag Cosriro, 6631 N. Mitwaakec A0erue in Nibs the last Wedrsesday ofcvary nronth al 7 pmo, Titis [mec support group us affnuad turismossa- Vehicle Exhibition Dioplccyitsg 3 Categories of Carsu . 1954 & Earlier . 1955-1974 Sports Cars Ssaadasy. lOjasy 21 lltOO í's.M-2mOO EM. at LoSailc ISsoslu, 6740 Wumuslaungast Ryasl tsr Morbo Gros-o FREE MMISSION! t0rcc gIft snOs eossspletsrsl sssortgssgo a1apllcatlosa forsss Sssssdap', Muy 25 assly. bars of stia Nibs commaniry and the Chicogolocd'orea. Caregivers, family ssmcsabess tied frierds are wntcoma to 0110usd. Por momo issfoseahioa 00 thIs group aad albas opeasniag psogeauss pInosa call Kathy Clyde. Aleheimer's Uait Mossgcras (5471647-7444. nvsw,lanalIoIsanIs,snm ::;EI I '-n.a-. i-I:' Skokie Posts observe Memora1 Day Journey north to Alaska on an Oakton tour 15-flay, 14-oght cause offered er stays on your cruiso includo Skagway, un old fmnlinr town, Glncier Bay, heme of ebandent theaagtt.Oaktoe Cototnanity Cotlegos traoetfstudy program. Five marine life and breathtaking glueiern; Seward, e quiet saapuet vil- tripa aro planead in 2000: June 2-27; June 26-July t ft July 1025; July 24-Aug. 8; und Aug. 7- luge teeming with wildlife; Val- Expericuèc the extraodinary beauty of the Atask oncees t on a 22. TIte Alaakan adventure hegios in Vancouver, Britinh Columbia, where yaull viait the Uaineesily al British Columbia Museum of Anthropology, home of ace of Ihr world's Ouest collectiooa of Pacific Nortbweat tudieu Art. A tout through the oity includes Ihr Sunkeo Cerdeen, Stanley Park ucd Histurlo Gautown. Lotee tholday you'll orrberk on tho S.S.Univrrso Exyloeoe Io journey north lo Alaska. Year first crop in Wrongell, ano of the oldest and mont hintorioolly coloeful lomos in Alaska. A slorlieg paint foe hopeful wioees un their way io the Klendike gold rauh, Wrungell wan on the fur-trading Cuate of Ehe Tliegit lodiaes for Dey, he Village of Okakic togclltae wills Skekie'u Veterans' Organirationu will held a acmsnOoy on: Monday, Muy 29 al 10:30 usc. This wilt luke yluor ut the Vetoranu' Monsuriel io dea, the "Smilaerland of Alauka,' with ils unaw-cayyod yoaks-aod groen troadowa, Yahulat Bay and front of the Vitlar Statt, 5127 lIte 70-mile-bag Hubkaed Glu- W. Oektun, Skakir, Participar- eier; and Kftthikaa, u picta- iug will ha: Skokir Pent #529 of the Awrricae Legion. rauque port ofuall that beasts the world's largest collection el Io- Oknkio Post #3954 of The uf Feerign Warn Veterans TlrrJely 24-Aug. 8 toar will ho cancelad by David Rodgcru, profevaur ofgrography and envimn- IVPWI. Shekia POsI #328 ofTlta Save- ivh Wer Veterans of Iba USA contai aludius ut Oakóloo, und will teclado a lcctaro cheat RobOrt Kesaicutt 11035-Gobi, a Glroviaw yionror and nuturelint. lJl. Tisa Kayecle Syrakor mill be l-lis family's h omostru- d, ha Koirnicott Grovr, is aNalional Hiatuc- the Honorable 0000ge Van Duuds, Meyer of Skokie, A Vetosatt Chaplain wilt gire lite loco- io Lusdmork. Kansicotl wade cahots. Remarks will be forthcoming from ro probeta - rives uf the Vetrrunv' groups as two auploralory tripa to Atoake, collecting uprciwrou for Ihr Smithsonian InstituIr, and spear ltoadrd the purchase uf Ihr Alas- wrIl us wreathe. A Rifle Tram thncruiue to Alaska, cell Sra Cor- Daocera will bdeg their pant to nelisuro at (8471 635- I 012. show nur rrupecl ced- gcadlede to our fellow Comrades and our peidn in Bag and noantry. The public ie cordially ievirdd end ore moat welenmo. All Vo ternes - Hammering hardaits sleet, but crurubles putty - ears yea tuba At J aurea Alattua'c capital city, you can step out un your , and huir fnmilius are urged te own orjoin an optional toue. 0th. attcrd. Exhibitors - OSioe 199g 5B00 Dempgtgr Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Business 847-9675500- * Toll Free 800-253-0021 . - eup&,u a www.hedrice,cum REALTOR e UNEN men, und bio wife, Sliaubelh. The Bcardstoyv rained their new toossso after huir ottly child, Rollt, wlso diod str infancy. Designed by notable Ctsicago amltitect ISneck Hill TurInak,Rcthmeee feulueou silk mall ccv- ¿405v, intricately paintrd oeil. irlos and mahogany paneling thecagout Ihr boone. The builder also inoorporaled aeveral inno- votive feoturre, including a flee pralectios nyutem and e uniqee Lincolv, Skohtr. Edwin Osnitlt, cil; Lihrqty Berk, 0600 N. Lincclv, l.inoclnwecd. r nl 1rraoaed te Iba S. Ray Miller An- seam fuoluras an nuteenivo colaward-winning ludion of violuge cars did eadialot aulo omblarol, at well an vintugo Luthoeau O cacee I Houpirul is offnring un eight-hour American Rnd Cress baby-siltct training coscar this uemmer, 'rho cost cf Ihn cc seseis $40 cod all classes arotroldat Lutheran Oeneeel NospilaI, 1775 Dempeter, Perk Ridge. Tire courte is dinided lela Imu . 2 Tueudayu, August I cnd 8, 9:SOlo2p.m. Ynueg people arc oligibla to take the cousue. Purlicipcetn thoatd be claven ycurs old und abuoe, Ihr falluwing okitts will- be taught: babysilting henics like kandling nmor- M MAY iOTH 11-5 PM w»&ItI- SUN. MAY ZIST g PM 6 PM $80.00 Sn up by May 15fb - (S47 641-1460 . I. tinuticu in the eenrinenlal US, his event slmnuld conrees Mary Courtesy efAmeriean Airlinee ce a 5 dny/4night clay at tile Edge- Swanoon at 588-8420 by Juno Florido. Many more enoilieg rafgntickotvuro$tSmnr l2inad- Oboe money for Lifaliok's under nance 0e St euch daring the fasta- Seooced health-care rasideols es inn uhew. Pur more information 0e ta plane un order foe tiokels, call Lifntinkal 635-521-0954, Lifolink is a nol-fee-peofil and Heed SIerI peogeams. TO neven t fealneet o gift bou- liqile, Ihr Swoet Pic inslanl Wirflee game ovd fashions fIons ZZAZZ Productions. Thema will also b ragras d priae raffle wilh 1h eclsnscr lo wie rouvg-lrip aie charitable health and 1maicau ser- vice erogante atine rolalrd lo lIra Uniled ChaechafChriul, Lifulisk has servo d childror, families and Ilse ogieg since 1595. Auditions for Peter Pan 1er, catI -I-SOS-ADVOCATE Il050-323-8622), Monday thraugh Thearro 219 will be kolding Priday, Spece is limitad lu IO partioipante. Oper Role Audilienu far thiu yammer's pr'cduclirn 'al Pelar Regency sponsors Pan. All auditions will ho held al Nileu Went High Ochool, 3701 West Oaklon Stood al hic Odenu Parkinson's Support Group meeting bilitatian CroIre will beupansorlog a Parkinson's Scypnrl Creep mocling on Sunday, May 2 t, at 2 p.m. Whee e loved une is stricken with Parkinson's it can become vary aaerwhalming far the peoplc who take core of Ihem. You ere invited me become e pus cf thiv special group to share year enperineec with others erjest lis1er in while olbers nItre Iheirslaries. The fueilily lu located at 6651 N, Milwaukee Avenue io Nues. Pee tanker infnrmotioo, contact Beck Binkloy, Oeccpahenal Therapist, at (847) 647- 12. All purlicipants thusl huso u valid fishing licoesa. A pochen of Ihr ollney fno will be doectod to Ihn W ascall du Livas Club irr mrmory uf Bab Lisilurrom, durer so pio usowear comforluble a IcI has Saturday. May 20, PItOnne Rilen oahlortor wiii pay ap In $2;5g5 for ana er a hind nr a whole cailadlien et Swords, Saggaw. Modula. Unitonno Gane or Hehrrrela MASTERING THEFUNISAMENTALS 01° POOL U I 847 390 6883 lt's time for your Air Conditioning Safety and Efficiency Inspection! 111111'u Bilge ugo gt00rptInJ A pmuprsly performed nie cutmdihiamem eddy and elflsiancy medeers h eohnnlr atemsiossepoir... 'Ills is s i:nirod sltsr. Ficen esa toaste sdatlnnei I recessa ru. nitrrosmd 55es tpo Masirorhrnuoh FritSy Oit oWls dufls a's g.a.o. sIero ciii boaeald'it:snaisiarssI oraltasante somanta seat,aalass. - uif Mists, PO. Box 1326, Patalina, IL 60078 neby callitmg (847) 991-474g. glet nnre 5g poems ycueg ro Admissias of $5 covers casaplinrantary baffel, drinks helf gather he Ihird Sunday uf aveny munth al Ike O4tlt Area Sqaadren, 1070 South Milwaukee Ananua, Whanling, (847) 458-3300 paico al Ihe cash bar, nahe foe dauciog aeder Ihn minored ball, liutening, or sucialicing induoes ne cul en the lovely patin match- frem 5 ta 9 p,w, vn Oanday, ing the pleurs, We can also May 21; Sneday, Jane IB; and bring nur own Invento CDs or Snip IS. cauanllas, - - lgghnytctonol" Wilt lu resycuti'ae II OOJISONAII 91110 OIR CIn101IttIttIl 15111M e asarasso Ir. eeliabtr opoluliun, EWash the Cundonser Clii seduces yeas ouatina bills asd ECteas Oho Cuedeseale DraIn Aol ist Action will be included 'w tIte chow with nome of tIlo 0t5bihitaev woekiug/demanstealillg dominas dmesdurieg tIlo skew, Addittitnial infortuation may be obtained from Atnerictsit Saciely Service ,° ExDens'- H11NG &AIR coÑDmoNlNG .. SINCE 1504 eeueme/shuw listitlg helpful. Get-together at the 94th COC Singlar ace mailed sin- School, Whnv - GBF1MAN JAPANESE Ip Medical Scheel; Profavnar, Nouretegy, Cell und Molecular Biology, Nortliwentern Medical Mastering IhePasdamoeluts ofPeol srarte or I p.m. Tharsday, Muy I 8 and con lieues rhecagh luor22. Cost: $12.50 30&Augusl5. slidelpkmrtageaph of 0101e display ramp, a vetl-uddeossaul, utlanped, heuimiesu-aire (Nr, 10) envelope - four slides er phatageaplls of teIllE eepeeseutalioee of thaI WAR SOUVENIRS WANTED BONSAI RESTYLING peefarmancen will ha baldos July ed te aree aerials end cruffvpeople lo ha aususmg tIte onhibilors iu the Paleillial entlibilces in this floe jaeiod event ara invited la sabmil rinnt (847) 729-0000. Bounui Ranlyliog im Tkera,, May IO el I p.m. Pcepaeo your Bonnoi plante fee Ihm grumin osreu ou, Costad Mary Swanson if s eowcomoe. Registeation Rcqnirrd. Evening performances of Pelee which tlsy wish Io eahihil, one 20 S. Ponmpec PaekRidga, Salueckty,Muy2O thonu 9 um, 105 pm, Chicago; Member, North- HUMANITIES IN ACTION Pan will be held an Jaly 28, 29, und AugesI 3, 4, & 5, Marinee A special ievirutioo iu entend- cf the Park Ridge Public Libras', Questions? Call Diene Burdu, Dirrorar uf Cammonily Rala- western Medical Faculty Foundesinn, Inc., Chiungo; Member, Ncethwantaen Univorsiny InnmilaIe of Neara toleren',, Focally Member, Inegeoted Graduele Pragram,Nralhweutens Uoivaesi- nh'ald peepuer la sing mmmcm bara of a song feom Ihn chow (an Wodnelday, May 30 & 31 lIarsing el 7 p.m. Trocs und adulls shocld schedulr en audition limo by calling (847) 960-8280. Audilions for Childeoo ogre 6. 2 will be held on May 31 teem 3:30-5 ship cegemdautiont, uts the grauem In the publie. All ralee are opes und Theaton mill be held on Tuesday cod oenaame, unleetuaed eruftsukawto he paenenited by American Smileey,of atistv, a natieual member- Otenview, IL 60025, (Sautheaet comer nf Milwaukee Avenue & Glunview Reed) (547) 329-0005, Thin macOrg is fme and npess ZIO in socking e wide eange of a&rs asid elkoicily. Participante accompeniut mill be presided). Additinners mill be oskod to 9m Armueut Au Arto & Crafls Ad- tel, Gleuviow Rood, 5mw, 3901 Special Ounut: Dr, Tropa Siddique, Direolnroftha Neumomflucalar Dinnedars Prageam ut Noethwestcen University Mediont School, Sema nf his impersnine oredretials: Attending Stuff, Norlhmeutem Memorial Hospi- Hamuaitins in Action ehallengeu your mind through morrrl asaco ihre, Discussion tapie foe Wed., May 17, 10:30 AM.I 1:30am, isFalktamo,Mylhalngy andTreditioe. Reg, Roq An Arts & Crafts Adventu rö I I 16. a long limar renidnot and business owsee in Waucande. Timo: 10:30a.m. Whore: TheAhiegtau nf Glen- P.m. (na appuintmant uccesseey), Auditions foe Teens Jo Adalls Es peesuw ay to Skokte. RagescyHealthcorr und Relso- Flea or Antique Mall Space Info: (847) 524-9590 water Bench Hotel in Neplea, ' emonies for the event that will perna #3. denale Ihair lime and beat foe luecheen and fashion show titled Ihorc al 5:30 p.m. For more isfoemntirs, eclI (847) 982-9008, PAGE 13 2000. otear Palsy (PSP) Seppeet Group - Meeting ulTImo Abinglan of Glen- fee nf $10 which inoludet peieos and leech. All Cubing will be from heats, Assigned cooling en heats mitt br ennilable bat cee limiled. Boat rrnnnls uro also nouitablo, Anyone winhing In purlicipato or taannpnelelian fee Itou Io any den- well un Ilse adoplice, foulor-cum . and oIdor, The Derby will be held no Boneu Land al Lindy's Landisg loentod at Peek Ava, and Mats St. in Wauconda titinein. All participants will puy a Tickets cre still asaileblé foe Lifelink's 17th annuel hrnofil 9000 Lawler, Skokie, and relues - Illinois resident SS yearn of age pairen oro uvuiteblo. Tiekels uro $35 per person cod of Nitos Nerth High Schonl, Indoor/Outdoor Over 300 Vendors 2031 N. Mannheim at Mannheim & North Aves in Meirose Park Every Saturday and Sunday 8:00am to 4:00pm 23 from 7 am. - 12 noce. TIre Deeby it upon Io any Northern 10m n 13th time es Mantee of Car- - . Memrseial 3 el Drury Lane, 100 Drury Lenc, Oekbroak Tenace. ABC7'n Dick Johnsnn wilt re. Wolff's Flea Market 2 Locations! ' Outdoors - Over 400 Vendors Allstate Arena On Mannheim between Higgins & Touhy Free Parking Everysunday 7O0am to 3:00pm Liedstroes "A Summe Holiday," held Juno ctallstng and cthoe mereceabilia. Tire cosI foe the toue, includleg Iranspoetatlee cod lunch, is $71. Parlicipasits board she but ut 8 cm. cl Ihe north parking loi Bah Clmicago Progeosnivo Supeanu- Fishing Derby en Pridny, June Lifelink to hold benefit fashion show American Red Cross baby-sitting course the choking child and infant, peoventing ucciderla, understanding paront instlUctiutto end caring foe shildron cfdiffarunlageu, Poe information ucd to regis- FgL MAY 19111 4-10 PM Wiles dqae Aulo Maneum, The ma- geneien, eeacun brealbing, caen uf Liecoln, Chicoge. originel glamour and oponed so Ilse publia is 1973, Ruthtnaee a holed - on 1ko Nallanal Rogisler cl Hislceio Places. in IO IS, this ntulely renidenee vley,u uucceaufal local buvinetu- neWamen 55 years of age aed eldarl Cnme end enjoy Ihe challengn nf fmnhing al lita InI Anne- no slittI il nevar Irad te be backnd aal of the garage. Reatceed Io bu ' PSP Support Group meeting - Coiling alt Snlmennetr and fish- -. o ist Annual Bob Lindstrom Memorial Fishing Derby to be held awed the baller la lure the cnr Aller a buffet lunels al a delighlfut country inn, the lout will mas the heme of Albert Beard- s lurulable in Ihn geragn, which al- vtcey mansion built along Ilse hank nf the Saint Joseph River e Elklruet, lndicva, Completed Rachat PSYCHIC FMK 7507 Milwauk Sulurday, Jure 3. Rathmare io an elegeul, thece- Liberty Frdrrnl Savings, 5755 INSIGHT PSYCHIC FAtlY ott . 2 Oelurdeys, Jano 17 und June2d,8:30e.m.In I pm. Slotnik, oil; Bank One, SOOt 199g Leerning fALL) TI leout 005 of Guild torsoberu ouhibitiug io Muy and Jane ace: Joyco Ghouls, wulti mcdiat McDuoatds, 4830 W. Orsupslar, Skokie. Antonio Raymuodo, oil; Bask cf Liocalnwood, 4433 W. Touhy, Liocoluwaud. Peg KarliItou, multi seedia; LaSalln Bunk, 7OfS Carpenter, Skakia, Kerbelina & Ruboet Slubodu, acrylic; N. - Ottire Lifelong diffnmel nausions en Fattowu: Marino Realtorsø nc. Joseph R. 1-ledrick, CRS - Skokie Art Guild (r) Fax 847-965-5600 Residence 847-965-1774 you join a deyloeg tour upennaced by Oeklcn'a Allieoee far Thiv in a doy la honor end Por more inluneation about FI Go back in time to histOric Indiana 'lake a stop back in lisce with e vialI to a histeria Inensian and an enlique nera museum whon mill fire Ihr Saluto cod Ihn radihenal "Taps" will be sounded. ka territory. hundeedu of yeatu. A performacce by Ihn Sliknoe Native fifa. Is nbseenattca cf Memorial 1. THEBUGLE,TUVRBDAY,MAYIB,2080 : WEABECOI4MITTEO TO BETTER PRACTICES We wear shus enauriugn In portent puer Itnnrnl IS We pmellcs Customer Chulee - It's etwupu tsar dectolun! ... W Wo wIll answer isar qamullons and krsp yau lelnemned al alt tImoni W Wo wIll psauldo woshmanshlp tatuo Ihal wIll LB ECksoklhe Relays, Capagilaru, Crelactsrs and Probare swItches MChrek te Freon und lporattng Fr050urru Blerpair any Loose Cusnootlnrs lucido echt BlCbeck lbs Cumpressor hmprrago BChsck ho Csndsnaer Fas and Mular SAdluol the Ilowos Dolt bedon ElCheah F111015 Blghnuk the P.00rlsIs and Labrhoalo an 500101 OlChrak bhormnulal Cahlbmathses Blotormirs lt lhenr is n nesS lar additianal parts to esturo salo, rohiahte astI 0050amicah oporallun 8liRe a FREI Onnas, we will aback yuan Imnme'r 5es Cunnrclsrs to dutermlus il hoy are sahtoled and reell ropia00000t escood tIrs trilognu payl W li you're nno happy wIth nue technIcIan's punlarmanos, callarme backaudlbs Ike Work again ofllhlyaa',e calidad. EXTCB Save with our NW Exfra Privilege Ask for Agreement! Details ,4to I NOes/Park Ridge 847-647-9612 800-261-8875 'rilE BUGLEi TIWRSPAY MAY Il, lelo PARE 14 ThE flUCLRT1IUflSDAY, MAE 08, 200E _ .-w c -* *- Veterans making poppies for May 25 distribution.. The Morton Grove Americen Lcgión Au,itiMry Unit #134 cr111 slt their Legion Pest of 604E Grrrrpstcr. irr offering poppien Io Oho 6oblic on Thurodoy May 25. This annual drive is conducted during Ohr mentIr of mmcmbracco and memorial ta the forroer service perSofl000 who did nos retors. Auoilìaey PreoidsnlMrs. Fotw- cia London soyithe hoopitatiard FINM4ILY..1I AFFORDABLE HEALTH velo, ospeeially ut the Hirco VA Hospital, near Maywcod, actualp wake titeon lItIo rod flowers. TIte peppy is well known for ito Ftondero t°iold beginnings. Mrs. Jordan indicates Ihn for. wer tervi0000rn and wosoon coottnrd to Ihn VA facilily, rapeciol'p the bedridden enea, are paid a swalt owount - to assemble the Ileweru. Doctors say this is good therapeutic valse to the confined fonr war ponesse t. The cash given av pay eaabl0 Ihn putionts who otherwise haoe liwited fuodr, Io ocre o littte ectw mosey to use fee the vorioao outlets they seed to upend mossy or whim tos600d. Mombets of Ihn Auvihiusy uro volunteering to assist Ihn Post #134 togiosnairrs by storiuoing themselves Isow sunrise to sunset at various ivtnrlcctiOns is Ihn cil: Ingo, the italo stotioO, restaucroto FOR THE und shoppiO gcootsis . Plnuso look SE1P.EMPLOYED for those tadics with their blue liche end 00ko O dooation and WecruPoppy foi Rcmrwbronco. . CALL sw Hillels of Illinois IRS announces non-filing season assistance hours The IsIersIlil Recesse aervico will eantinon to offne tacpayer walk-in assistance throughnut the year at 9 Illinois leoolionn, Non-filing season hours will be in effect from April lO, 2000 through December 30 , 21100. Locstisns ned hours are: MorIon Gnose (650531 0125 Nortls River Drirc, Scion IRS; por peIsOn,'$lSS per person Ive 444-2867 fee re armors'ens and furlherieformuliao. tIto SIete of 111ienia. Monday lhroogh Friday, 8 erst. - This year'r Benefit wilt tenor Drocic W. Coellon, a lueglime membre of the Gevossing Cow. whalen ofThn Hillntsoftllisais 4:30 p,rrc. Vernon Hills (6056E) 945 Lnkrricw Parkway, Suile ISO; Thorsdcy und Friday, S um. - Lisecoinwood Chamber nf Cnminctca ttstsiaesa Espa The Liocelnwued Chumbar of go. Dt. Carlino, u rasidort cf Olrocce, iv a professor of reo- Raiñbows Charity Golf Classic - Town Conter. Aree basisessec sviti srl op lhrnoghcut thu wall cuso und lin psosidcei of Loenccii, Inc., ou oc000wics consult- oc occorso . Admiesirin la froc. Call 10471 679-5760 (un mnrc isIcenralies 'tt'he Rabbi Dcniel t. Louer Award for Prpfoesienol SoucI- anneal charity teurnurnort honeIlt5RAINBOWS, coco-profil or- MALLPeRKS 'Gift with Parchase - Docing May, Inece will be presented to Mcrlo fanie0000 helpisp children and mecos linpucted Ap divorco, death Baker, director of ihn Williuni and irauwauic fawily chargon. locohor Coaotey Clob. Ployres tir MALLPcRKS mnwhers ei ihn Liiiculniveod Town Contar cuir R rcoivoafere Cewc On Forado cowweeiecctivO pester wiih he purchase ei SISO or wnic and tord Mildred Levino Hillel Cootnr ihn University of lllineiu ai Chicogo. Ms. Ocker bus bonn o awarded cowplitnontOiy ProSelccr driver, gclf liai und wore. booted irrowbes of the prefccvionu I stoff cf The ylillelc of tIll. troia lcr 9 yceis. Choisieg ihn '2000 RennE taue Profqscor Daniel Fiucbcl uf High. end Park; Carl Levine, Wieset- thdit! director ,X,/Afl Stars 5Qve up to 80% Teorsu High School in Decelur, CALL FOR FREE MARKET ANALYSIS great seecfipn of cookies & LORE ZORIC1IOpdalnd 3 005,1112 As. crackers thru 5/2/OO. 2 cul sr. ahechad. CntrnintlRanah. sboashiIin o noOsl -Mcaturn. BAKERY THRIFT STORES, WHEOE SaOtI'IO 00540V nu aLWays so coas teure' 9030 MHWAtiKEEAVE. r plae. Mnat uee, llnstepandantiv Osuead g Operatadl #tOoTBOo(ReiI Ii nIg GARAGE WORLD o LB 1614 DEERIELD RD. College. i -4*1Gaaektldfl SINCE 1959_ OVER 3R000 - f Liisit L Good ooly st PoppssidgoPsrw-ThrilI Sbire sup To 85010FF MANUFACtURERS SSGGIISTIIO ESTAIL PRIER, J OP000LYSA WELK $0000GB!! OFÚ!JC400LMD 000WW100MWA Id F, F kEE OSTIMATO 1.A.R.A.G.E.S DIAL (31 2 or 847) 427-2437 Clilc000tanhis 001 tOaracle EOtIItefI . For ' I OF $25.00 OR MORE. MUST BE FILIEØ OUT COMPLETELY. ONE COUPON PERVISIT ONLY. NAME ADDRESS. PHONE Mondáy Thru Friday: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 3:00 pm CLOSED SUNDAY IN PRICE, QUALITY g SERVICE! fflYourOl ¡foot SteeIOvetfloafltO!l LEIIASLAESPANOL MODELO 0110IOPIAYLB 000WOLED MOLE W4W000400KO(MRD rd .300 WIE SHIP u-P-S- . 2° 2° 2° 2° 2° 2° 2° . Gift Baskets 0 Sugar Free Hard Candy Ideas e Sugar Free Buttercremes e Variety Of Hard Candy Everyone . Many Kosher Items Store Hours REEeot OrCasbRRÌjia!eDlr 300 300 300 300 300 300 ---'- WUGLE EBESTUU. WOO purchase Drill t rake cor r000. . U I. <SimpIV WillI addilionat 'i Il BUILT! Chocolate Fudge Layer Cake 19,6oz. 1 - SrOO A Reg. Sale Price Price * ,".** *Gift Giving WITH YOUR PURCHASE go, und et Oaktoe Community (847) 296-0121 "BONUS VALUE' STORE COUPON . . Roasted Nuts e Salt Free Nuts . Chocolate Covered Nuts a Dried Fruit f Snacks & Trail Mixes r ucd were reocnuly, au libeariair ai Ihn C.D. tong teslitulO cf Chiu.a ' L_ Come see our variety of products brariar. Her previous employwest includes four years at St. - HfGHLAND PARK (847) 831-3040 NILES HIS-Well (847) 319-8555 IS .'--, ea. . fir. TABLE VARIETY OF PRODUCTS - 2-1/2 ba. 2 cOr gar. attached, Excellent RESEOENTIAL - COMMERCIAL . - maintained 4, briE Over 20 Vro. Professional Service AAL. * California Mix Trail Mix Student Mix Nik Naks Spicy Pub s Kellin Plyne lu ihr now libeory director ofihe Liecolnwced Public Library. Prior to acuuwieg her peso ce April 7, sho crus rho AV Depariweni Hend 01 the Cook Mcnreeiol Public Library in Liberlyvillo. She has bree a uccial worker, ac Englinh seachee, o seuchre ci 4th graders cud u high nchccl li- TOP PRODUCER ff* NEW VARIETY ON Kellie Flynn named library -rii-i We'd rather seil ¡1 Health Mix Party Mix 25 MALLP0RKO points. The offor i Ilivited lo IWO pee rnemhrr, while supplies luci. RF/MIX -r'.. . .** Cowwwnrcr will pmsest tIen usnual Mcninrsc Expo the weekend of May 20 - 21 ut Lincolnwuod copitcu 01 tIre Graduale School of Soci vesuv, t the University ofClri. Meuduy, tono O. S1reutscncd by LuSulle National flank, the 21h CANDY&NUT ** MANUFACflJRER -- us well oc a icrtobrr,of the Hillel Board nl the UsIinreiIy of Chics- 4:30 p.w. Is Memo . i wt L1ay Snack Sale ilsene under 30. Please call (3021 Lincoinwood Town Center Event ------ ' ,w_ $i***** t_r ko; lIa 1. Lewis, Glenvee; end De. Macc H. alatsky, HIghland Park. CouceO Por the BemOl is $250 The Ancaul MonellI of The tiilteIc eflllioois bss been sched. uled for Toerday evening, June lo ut the Palmer House Hiltoe is Chiengo. Proceeds , will go towords the sapporo cf Hillel's proglomt fer Jewish stodests at seiucrni ties end colleges throughout ho grnaler Chicugulnod aree and - 'X annual benefit All incluviito ticket: $500 - irladeucocktail rccrplioo anddicnor. Rrgiviroiicc le um I t u.n. Golf Shetgcv iv at I 2:35 p.m. CalI(8471952-l770 lidE BUGLE ADS FOH '10DB SHOPPING NEEDS 800391iOO5 i .- . u i L'V Visli Our Retail Store - Skokie 7500(Between Linder Touhy & Howard oat Lindel) (847) 677-NUTS * VISA PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED -I - rAQEÌ6 fllflIsuaLlt,nmMsnAy, MAY 18, 2000 TH WJGLE.TIU)RSDAY, MAY 18, 2O . u. . 'One Sweet Night' . Make s dsto wilh yesr family Let she sommes begin. lt's Oho aea000 of straw hala, unen dress- and friends to Teor Amenons OhitslTeWiia st Oho Nibs Histor- es, baseball, beach picnics und the retaco of she popalue Keblee ical Moseom on Sunday, Mey 21, 2 p.m.; s onilccline el oecedotes and lsistoty of America's pest; gore but necee te be fer- Village C000eet Series in Raoien Park. This year. Iba auñes wetcomes back a pemoniat favorisa und ietrndaons a vnesaiile perfarmer whose mnnioal dioeesity esas the gamut foam pop and gellen. TIra . sìdeo peeseetatioe I I cilios inclsdieg Grana Volley sod Maophys in will corer Califoroiio, Boebnkio Joe, Colo- rado sod Voltato City in Aricona, Doors open at I, cerne early, loot lIte Mogosie, 500 the noto displays se all Ihece Poses, changing eshibiin, hisloey, thon fer Saturday, May 20, fron', 8-1 I p.m. in Ihe pirla gym at Mai00 East. Skokie Art Guild Thred Fiscs - $55 - Helen Alee, Américas Cestary; Honorable Mention - $25 - Jessica Fine, lee Storto; Honorable Mention - $25 - Tea Stelaneie Kaplan, Hay- lines of Gig Bond standards. mo also led hïm to 000lrihote labe, Iho nohrdaled lineup for Ibis - sammee's sacies iocludes; Frack Stell000, Soodoy May 28; Soanu Cooceri, Tsesday July 4. To aecourogo a loinurely ma- socializo aod reins. Pion lo stay for rofeenhisenis and emit. Admission is fece but donati005 One welcome. Plenty gotowo y, The Americor Club in offering a 5g% disoeset nicol on Siaedned, Delano, ned Saper- of poebisg. ion gsest rooms for overnight The Hiles 1-fistseicel Msseom in opoo eseyr .Wednendcy and Friday iO3O am. - S p.m.; olhor aimes by appointment only. Call 847.390-SiPS fon more isfoona- Memsetul Doy_ May 29, sod tedapendoeee asays foe eesoeosd Day, faly 4. Reserautina infarmolina is aooilubtn by cailiog i- liO. Wo loaf) ferwon d lo teeing The award recipients fee the Skekie Act Gsild's hleeilage Show srs First Ptaco - SIGO Mat Sots, Rscieg Skies; Secend Piece - $75 - Feed Vyshhind, Uobekiststc Old Viltags; rack to muaienfst vocal rendiKebler, Kohlar Co., Tito Fornacicoo Clob,.ond siso len on Wood- y Tooting Amnsicu's Ohosl Tornos - Sonday Msy 28, 2000; 2 pse. Hiles Histoeicul Museum, 8970 Milwoiïkeo Accoue. stscks e C tI I MONDAY SPECIAL! Any Pizza.112 PriceAfter 5 pni . Dineln Only PAfY ROOM AVAILABLE 57 PACKAGE 2.00 OFF 3OO OFF ONANY PIZZA . DINE-IN ONLY lronatstht sis.) ic.aps.rnrs.irreestr,p;ehe erre n 6881 0orl t. ue 7DAYnrt LOVE ENTERTAINMENT 5 NIGHTS A WEEK Sundays - lady Rnbertn aussI Greg Thiemann . 5 pm ta B pm Thesdayn ' Sank C.srr. Pianint-Susuer - 7 pm ta 00h30 pm Wndnr slayn - Jerry Owinga5 Pianist singer - 7 p55. 50 1uo30 pm Th 0g -JasaJm,J iras sl,CkelssO g m&DstsStrhie-9 minIno Satnrslny Lose DiGangi, Swing Bnnsl S pm Sn 12n30 am May 59 - flab C antans. 9 pIn tn 5am Friday. Prrday. Slay 26 lOony Smith S pm 5e O am ALWAYS OPEN LE BREAKTAST LE BIUJNCII LE LUNd-I Jfl{M{RS PeSTAURANT' SPEêIAL - BUSINESS LUNChEON *MELROSE SPINACH OMELETTES - SCRAMB[ OVER EASY OR GEl BASTED SUNNYSIDE UP. 99 î . You gel brnaklasl the way isisares), niant e si LustS Ouy 0es Eerier Piitn n OoiOsurteaorl Irises Of yos like el Le Peep Eggs parfisses, Equni Or Lessnrvalun For Just 550 I prepared Iwo dozen ways. I nesn Cace Monday- CatutO Y asia. Paocakns, OJ, 100% I Oser 0000 Onisas Rau!. eraste LiaseS. Liflut no. Otter Pen Cnupen. Colombins coffee, Crispy II lut Vtid WiWssl Other 00er. bAcon sod 5500% saosage. Mss-ecl. sf90 anse 0:10 pto e A greal brealslast, at a lair I 1.5.-Sun, lemtcOfIIpm Oser Fopire. Malle, 2090 price, sewed with a smile. . . Ill Clatab lIne EsUaloe galera PARK RIDGE tul s. lustig. lamais O5spp5 lentos 1471 sta-leso (Elli 318-7131 EVANSTON "As Big as A Baseball Mitt & Pope)ed with Enough Spinach la "BUST A MUSCLE PAf 0111300 - bas Tasas soups Malio BIll Chicken Broth Sweet & Sour Cabbage Fresh Fish Daily WE SPECIALIZE IN PASTA& STIR FRY DISHES 7201 N. Caidwell, Nues, IL (847) 588-1500 8233 N. Broadway, Chicago. Illinois 60557 (773) 327-2060 maieriala anod to 000slroos rhone werks -- ineioding ateob, limostone, broker glass and Cadillua Our purIn --atoasespron nine sed dicorne os rho arfinia who created Ibow. '-r Ire aculptares, nolocled lost full or Pion Walk '98, ihn iatgest - coiienre by ho Sosas Feanda- Aniseeicoo CIaba heritage. Tire reooet hotel in designseed a Scusa Poanda- lion Historic Sire-io eocagoitioe ofa e nacer t Sousa condùclrd os Ihr Rolana Tasban Fon Collory on the second fleet. The Oubton mt.oeilrctien includes. aeepne- General Molona World Hoadqueetorn is Detnoil, and Iho Clsiouge Chudross Musoaro. uf peocariossly on the edge of os airar, sywholiaisg aoonikce, Rmhedded n Ihn figane oro coboned gima yireon,000h bearing the oawe ofa Holocuast visum. The pince mnmonioliees Karsrelinochr vr "Night of Oho Broker Clans," o nigiti of abject terror io 1935 whoa Nazi atomo perfoomed in tho Village Kohlon Rain er Slsinn Conoces gores ere oeeooeognd to bring blankets and lome chaira far 1ko oatdaar potfarmanoeo. to ihn ' eyed - of rain, Ihese fece c0000etn wili be reid io she Roblar Memanial Tliaotoo, dinoosly aenosn she rrneoi from - Raoioe Furls. Parkiisg will be auailsbie in IhO let behind KobIce Public School. Refreshments will be anailáblo fer purcituso ei bosh eooeroa. Fon nero information co ihr Kablee Viilago Concçnt Serios, pItone l-800-344-2838, soi 55180, The Airrarican Club io o member of bbc ldalieoal Trais foe Historic Peoneeaoiios'n Hislodo Hatnis of Amadou sud s the only AAA Pine Dismood resots hotel in ihn Midwusi. 'ISic Viliage of Kohber is looui0d wilitie an irocn's drive el Milwuakea and Groan Bay Il-43, cois 120f. beatiog sod touedodsg Sown and -dosfroying their properly. Nightingale (19991 by Desee Kirk. Aftorrarer ng a hoobrlor of fine ans dogme fmw ihn School of Ihr Arr lnnlil500 of Chroogo in l996, ibis Aluskao salivo rooted a garage is Chicago ood begsn 000alirif acoiplaron froto he body parlo of as old Cadillloc "BI Corado," Nighnintgale, libe msoy of her piecer, it fashioned as a ilowor ucd represents lire diffareot mooda ofa woman. Oracle (1998) by Jim CalInoci. This feoe-siaodisg nirel gore is ne prosee lativo of lIso ourroos archilecttrnol forms that hsoe al- ways boor pont of Gollseci's roalprores. Moni eoconlly, gsios hove nervo d as ce inspirutiseal olomeot, syoibolieiog fon ibis Noerlr Crinolina onivi both or es' Vrvitors to the Don Plsinen tians ofsho sosiptueen. as wall an the Collego, yeiwcriiy on the first fleco io tito oasI wistg and in sonlalion of works by modern aed o errent porory western. Foe mete ittfotmutioe aboet Oakteos Soalytano Park and indoor orn colleclrne, call Nathsr Haeyoo, dirocror of Cabrons Williant A. Koehnlire Gallrny, at 1847) 635.2633. Motherns Day Choral and Piano Program Tho Polish Womer's Alliarco IPWAI Geoup 819 in hosfreg a free chonal nod piano peogram hrglrlighting songs honoring moutons On Thanuday, May 25, rit 0:30 p.m. ir the Moderno Catic Room at haie nuli000l headquorlots 205 5. Nortlrroosl Higlt- 'lro orusical progress mill feorire sill ovoca' is by Adriasa Wrrjcik, rl mettobor l'o lIre choral froup 'Talus Toso" busod on St. Jclrv Snchevl'v Chanch is Nibs, - rsiìth pirres accawpanimcnt by Mrrleoo Gill. Thu ruent will hure a "toothur-rlouglstor lea" heme so eneey. paya berbata io Oho enebatiaoaey place. 763-5587; Kenneth P. Gill, % Porongo Park School, Room 124, 5330 WosI Bortees Asenso, Clttoogo. Ibiinors f0041 MR3S. prioen fon sesond arid third placo wioreel. Wiorern will be an. Poe moro informotior call nerloc od ir lIto IFA nowalotlor 17731 25d-777l or 11500)-TO POLKA. and vs Ihn IPA radio show. All 'iluL' a SCHLEGL'S BAKERY - "Peaily OakirrgSiasr till" M to a a urd fawoan, playwnighh. Tlrongh Nues NoCh han delighted asdi' L scevovor the younn with a wide solecrion of dramas, eomodioa, and musicals, thin is the lient atlOtoph al slagistg a piny writron by rho Seed. Poe thin occasion, 10% OFF Heart Cakes wjlh Fresh Slrgwberrjgs Toiles Pastrjes Cupcakes & Cookies On Cakes & Tortes coy. s/Jo/co Not Velrd 50515 Aoy Other OtlorConpens MuSI 50 Pseseoto 391$, , Touhy Ave,, Linscoinwood S47.$68.1750 , Director Timalby Ortmann has' ohoner "A Midsawmer Night's Dream," which many coosidee to be the ployweighn's best 5001k. yarfaononoan ace al 7 p.m. on May I 9 ard 20 io ihe auditorium ai 9800 North Lowbor, Skokic. 'l'rckets ate 85.75, sod aradoels red seni oroiti000s- recoivo a Il diococnl. Advance tirbct sobes necorvo SI off -- call Ihn Nibea Nnrlh Thoolee Bon Office or 18471 551.3424 A no ohorgo preview performance opett to iba georna I public will ho vtagod or IO a-os. on Thoesdey, Moy 18. For moro infootrorraht, pbeano curiaL i Prank Moyfiold ut lfl47) Sh8-3451. Tm&kL G Th Ghccsnor Fr&am Do you remember Iba old ea' dia shows? Ya aoanonjoy a ro. rmuiion of ssmo of those shows ai oho May 24 IliOrhiOg of thu Norwood Park Hirroticul Socio' N D siswong$ (Osoclados Sossp, Salud, fr Ton) 8353 W. GolfRd Nfles, IL - ruus orirny sitonasnud by Cback SIrs- scnipel sudylt cf bbc oclaul chflr;otobor, Wednesday, May 24, 7 p.m., at ihn Cespyos House, 5624 N. Nonook, Far in' lomlotion call 273-63 l-4h33. RESTAURANT gkoi Oaktsr St., Ills,, IL 047.557 9785 Reserve Now! For That Special Graduation Celebration l'Ire - fonios "My Favorise l'lhtsbund," 'Ymn 500eku," and "TIro SIck- 847-583-1212 Fax 847-583-0808 I rl"Noeoidfe 'fltnve Werc rire Doyt Rrrdio Playora" will pro stills koiohcr frein sowe al iIi,,'tattu t popular oldies of ihe 50 or NPHS provides nostalgic trip back to the 40's der of "Show Wore 1ro Coya" progrrw or radio siaiian WNIB. '[Ho grirup mocha fnrw Iran- plaonirtg, please conIdI Grasp filO Pos'sr deol Mary Sioinari at 11471 965.6337 to maoroa a al tho 2000 POrlinel en s peono , Ihr woeld's most popular, your beni lIaI! Kaso. Consleactad nl separate, irdioidsrally fobnicaled slool ola' meola baited logethoe, this work rladonls aro orcoonaged Io aIrIer Ibis loleroeti000l Ant Coslrut. Thu deodlino for lIte OrI work is luoc I S. Arr sltnaid be senI to oiIhre of Ihr eddresses: Kentnolh P. Gill, % IFA Radie Sltriw, 7551 Woul Palatina Ave,. Clnicaga, Illinoin 60031, 17731 Suirday August 6. TIre arr work will be dinplayod et the fmtival. 'lIlo Brst pbro minore will rueri soasas ings hoed atrd a fewiy paso for the Family Cop OIt Aoglrss fi. There snill ho special fono n ploy by William Shake- Lr4.Howidge gnoop is 000 of Tcanoe eonndrntt I I 999) by Say ooctl Fer he fienI lime in its 40 peer 000 5 erieeanagerl la hrieg a Irtotily toombor on friend and fool lìko a "lady" by doseitsg TIro plognam il fete and opon ro rho pablic. Rofeeslrororrtv will Is 010nue d; io antler lo fasililase red a hurrier ro colny, built oonfioemort anil robalo. lay 1 yrrel tltsie rrawo, oddrons sed photo rataber. TIte pioisrei-.wili ho jadged on edgirolity, eeootioity sod 1ko winner wtll be han' repnoncntlomoaspoe O of Polka Maste. Piolorer manI ho placed er 8 112 X I i popnr. Gr tIte back of the piciaw it it roqaìrod hat lire siudoras altosld naiional Aieoiont, the Hitler yaulh rampaged wilh impseity rhreagboat Germany, - bureo should be sueilten on Olio pruraroar d Ihr pritoroslould there of Oakion'n 05500vioe inde onarso oll&otion. Abost '10 works ano on display indaann al 0005Pens, meosboes nf lhe SS sod Paek. poirEs er cIller nratonioln). 'fIre love. Searff, a Chicago residrnl, 55 u famous seen soalptoe wids ysblrc noulpisros isnialled ei t'Joerhrno Illinois Uninorsity, ihn United Tenoisal as O'Hare Inico- ibo betel lawn in 1919. Sesso a smond limo in i925 at Ravier was sappoeliog, In a momnor of arlislie inspirulion, Ike artist roversed the posilion of the scalptune, creatiog a ligIrl-haselad woosmoet in oaroee d to longh el cae efforls and oar iotroliens. Tho thonro of the ondosI is "Pelko Manic in Hsppieem." Stadesln ano lo drew a picture aeitrg airy modiaw lCrayoov, lory or at the lefoemelien Dosk. The goideboak gi505 Ihe loca- atondiog of The with the weight of whatever ha fer students age l4 nnd ander, of u classic waeeior, the piero honors wen aod women who have dofeeded Ike ones dsoy p.m. perfoemaeco wilt ho fol- pact standiog nadly bowed, bsedeeod Aol Coirtenl. Thin will ho held Itisioly, Nibs NadIr will pee- yeeform wtlh Oho hood. Tisa 830 - bogan "righlnide up," a figaro 32ed Intoevalianal Polba Pooh. val ovd Cotirettliorr at lito Woolin Hotel in Rosowoni, Anguot 3. 6 will condsol tn soonttd Annaal book, "ArIWalk al Oabtoo," al the William A. Kooholine Gel- floraelizl Gny,ieopan (19991 by Siovee Penen, feoiaees a figure npcci000)ur fire- aoparated from sseioty heraane of Alnhnimrn'n diseose. Upnidadroens Maot (l999) by Randall Jewuet. This 12-loor limestone ocalylsee origisally cialier in conjltrrciion willI the oamytrn eon piob ap a foro guide- Rriasallssae/rr: ¡nu Memory duest soloist Lindo Lau will rapeenrni an individual who is physically nod pnyulr010gically Tito lv lernst tonal Pnlkst Asso- Chicago's Nuoy Pier, inclodo; The Fighter (1999) by Thoman Scorff. A modenn asiempO to captaeo ihr strength sod ierOiocis annsal outdoor sculpture show Ensartal'niof with a soloccee p008055 nf lilo's joareey that yre ovprrienced by all, Vies' (0999) by Miohael Woe. rick, C005lod Preis painlod 51001, Vieto was ceoetod by ihn artist to i u- International Polka Association annual art contest 'A Midsummer Nightes Dream' at Nues North in rho world hold ouch yew ai nf mischen, show taros end ceotemporary fuonriies, dtissaSoooily recognized rommanity reesert easneshie has boce aweedod Otre Sadler Scroll foe musical es- been Frisol PasItos Up To 100 People r Li humorous so the hintorical. The Band celaron wilh site dintisciivo swing and vigor that moebs the works display. The Osant Coocont. has. beg N. Mi!w ukee Av aug, Njlgg 60714 847/647-8282 Collego, ono displayed at curiosa siles thraughout ihe campus and asynnns motifs shot range feem On Independence Day, Toos- lowed by o 5e° suerou aliens, 0e bog-term loan to ihr day, July 4, the Kiel Muoicipal Philip Sousa. d7 Seni Golf Road. The tow insOal- All-American Fanarits 'Memada! Day Weekend Concert Wish broad oepeainnces in playing io enOhusiasOic crowds JOIN US FOIS LUNCH ORDoNNER lego_a Des Plaines compas, lOGO Ha has Ova seto albums and onore than 200 pabtished seogs 50 hin rendit, inulading the Deammy-nsmioaied single, "Poe Proas Over" from Iba frOm 'Staying Alien." 100-344-283 8. r rase joined osinsiog weeks io ornate us imyeosnior ScalpOseo Perk al Oeklee Community Cet- oeiginnl songs io she vouodioack of lbs Orso three Rooky Otms, ail of which nsaeeod bis brother, Spiventeo Slailase. wark of ihe 'March King," Jebe from Los Angeles ta Loodos, Feosh Stailoso and his fase- Sovon now onideor scalplares. piece hand sake cosine alago on Mnmeninl Day wmkend mida a penfomsnnen on Sunday, May 20 et 7 pse. $tailoee'e mcsrding career han iseludad coliaboratians with nach logondany componeer end neeangera rs llneeJr Niinssrr, Sill Ceeli aod Sammy Flestleo, formerly the Count Obole Cochesten. His love al manie and cine- Sponnored by tho Vitiagn of pnognattte seo open to the poblic; osoeyooe in ieciled. nf Morton Grove and Grace Che of Des Plaines -- premise 'One Sweet Plight" will be special for Ihn Class sf2001. Ifs sat Take a walk in Oakton's new. Sculpture Park Popular summertime' musical tradition returns Tour America's Ghost Towns Junior dass officers at Maine Last -- (from left) Christina Carbonara of Das Plaines, Jessica Hahn niDos Plaines, NalaeKmnt .-a t - u--a: m PAGE 17 and For FAThER'S DAY . ARVEY DAILY DINING SPECIALS- COMPLETE DINNERS LUNCH CIISCKESO vsrsaucnu'z,.,..,..,. Inns uaelnsnneisfC hots neaoi ,nsMr[d saisIrrcnsolril I OaiyioClaidrrcorrssts Iseesats I5OSTtrI5, ..,,,,,...,...,,,, 95.55 otri, Mssbocoea, Osean, Choose Orsoadsriioccgolaaap snub Isbn supnsisr mInIs plat ,,Sn,nn HIeSs,, Vassals,...,,.,.,..,.,....,,.,IO,n5 st,maImer t Bulsy naos lObe,. .555.55 101os uirshl tirria des Sour. C sesanon Tosscd 5aIaJ,charIcots'eratocnasrsreo - P,GlS 11IB'oBStEÇTTIttRaDuy;MAy'l9g5 Morton Grove ThnIO NUes Criminal damage to auto Bctwccn 5/1 and 5/12 in the 8500 bteek of Mitweokee e cee otncr arrived home at 2:20 am. ctteck orti lanes. The wallet eontamed twoureditcurdr,deiveen ticenso,ond$140. wititoat paying. After pampina fas. tIte auspect dropped the ono. aie Ottto the ground. Tine licanna tata nutoberwat taken down. Counterfeit money and discovered damage to the rear windew of Iría 4-door 89 Grey Cheorotet CeohrUy. A broken bottle of beer was found io tite hook scat. Theft At a fart food rantourant ir the 71 hObtoek ofDensptterwhìio tile mtttugerwur erecting the euch io the 010cc, a counterfeit $10 hut Attempted theft of vehicle woe faced. Thu bili war toutsported to Nibs Pouce Depart- 7900 block nf Milwaukee. The driver left hin our and wool ta thu teat of a I 999 Feed 10200 oenspo- nontood inveisteried. On 5112 et t :45 o.m o womur ny var, puncitL d io tite locked io u peuduce stem n the 7900 Gasollnetheft block of Mitevaukee nobuod l,or Ac uobttow.í offender fitted a hrowtt minivan With $11.45 wettet missirg from her purse For o hREEEsI/rîicI . tupe snrncillanoe Video sitouned two sucpcctn drina isto en alucine cuospony lot ut the tutte door, and coked into tite cull, The cuspoct then pueettud io . Call Now Her ttngAtr Canditioning -lueridlfi ereAir Cleonere Balines Water Heaters Space Pak/l.intca Systems Sheet Metri Preventatioe Maintenance Enperis say gesund itt tappcaing teure attd mace fecqaonlly. i_oukittg for u raw place lo live cult ho' escililtg. isst ask Pcltìtolor, 13cl When she nvttreltad fur ar apanlmsel, Jean htuttd ssuch tttoru Iban sIte bar. gained lcr. Semeune lud stolen hoe identity - und svulsl tane lutin hulla d hue life, ttto lock nf u 2ed company van Dceieg her upertmotl search, snitich tie suspect enteted and eu- itod entpty itunded. Fatica soy titey believe ttic intent was to Soon decided In fol u eepy of bet vrcdo topeo. "What I didn't kttvw was Itsol steal the volsiotcn, ont their eon. I tents. toits nuns huno burnett behind hr deis'ce'a seat prevertisg au. uosc to Iba driving eroe. The sac- und var contained teals and equipesetit, hut suthing wut luk- liad soitto muird stsff os my credit rupert, lib castras go tu lIc ,tddecnn and falsa omplcytitcdt lttsloey. Oven that, Jean didn't pay nach atlantica 10 those diserop- aucias cclii u feicod told Itee, "Snmrbndy is using peur sanee." *i!' Chicago Crime Commission 2nd annual golf benefit Total Home Comfort Systems 0 . Bryaat praduets offer motsey-savisg, high efficiency prrîarmanre. The Chicogo Cesce Commis- Sinn mill bust ils 2nd Antnsai Cult ltenehl 0e Mocdoy, May 22, ut Wynstnoa (101f CIsh in . Depradahteeampaeents provide dependable, tong tasting Oparatioa. , r-- - North Bunsington. This premiue, ptivul eCoarse mill net the stage fue or ruuiting event. Tisa CamInission hupeu la rujan oece $25,000 to support its ousserous . Designed. beilt, and baaknal by the mast trusted name in heme comfortBrYant. Chb,,tottar2ttl i snbstm et 24 Hour Service r ure All Makes & Models Finoncing Available & HEATING COMPANY Call for Details Oathe (att/o9 Edge effreetfog Confort Showroom Lgatledin Mor/co 6rovg Vent pengrums designed le impauSe the quality of public sufely und justice in the greater Chivugu meteupolilun community. Price pur gaifer it $550 will isetede The oneri brunch, u rasad uf golf. and a bsffol reception, as mull us o sileal usd line aucliun. Wynslonn Calf Club man designed by tngesdary geIfer Sack Nicklans and is knuwn as use uf the toast a/5631 Damps/er Si. Just I i/ark Maul ofEdeoa . = Morton Grove (841) (!) 5838 88 (847) 933-0108. OIL cHANGE: $ _95 TIRE ROTATION' OIL CRk!kGB & , CHECI Flaums. &,n'ts AND . Icen new feand herslf u oielime cl lose idaalily Ilteft, Somaoso ted geIles her name and aced hen persunul isfunealiun lo ccqaite credit cueds und luars, locos peefocl crudir hislury, with u lapse in tiara vospioti ymca bat last ctedtl upplicatico. sudo her un rasy tanget. And identity theflisoasien lo accampush than credit card fraud because the crtmisels dosI reed lu stool ylsuecarde, just ycername Suas cccnidurnd herself lucky lItaI the fraudulent churges cnly came 10 t i .500, hal tito nightmure didn't and there. "They sell your neme le semonce else." site raid, and far a eladenl lean. The bank as mechas e thunder riarse, SUMMER SPECIAL: . AC $59.95 1ncludes . . . Inspectioh,ofHoses and Belts Prssúrthg Systttt. . Most Cars tuttI u - und htsd ulteady ubtujaad two credit curds in her noose. .. . , INCLUDES: . ettcvkod lo Ond cat hut some. vue bud indued hunt using hue . Not Your Typical Auto Repair . No Fine -Priait . No Surprises . No Pressure SA.1ETy INPÉCTION . was A dear drap duos Ilse taUt of Cud 8356 SKottm Bwu. SKOKIE, IL 60077 . site please enti Ihr eansulliag linees nf MAIN Au!oMonvE, Ic4 r cnmpcniue, four maclbs later, anethee per. nur used hen neme es en-signer tee. 55 18471 9495g7g, OPEN7DAYS By lIte time Jeun culled hen credit challenging courses in the Chicafolund crea, For morn infarmation on tise ecent, un to eccelse un levitation, Ans Matie Arte W Assaeiates, Vacuuming System . Most Cam A laaasntain bicycle nailed tI 5400 mua leben Mtty IO frum Iito'frcel cf a home in the 7800 isicuk cf Backwitlt. Thu bicyeles owoer rode the bike to itis Can Someone Steal Your Identity? tvoeth of gas ut tite gas station in tito 81 Pt) black eíOaktao and icft when stre walked tosvaraï tite I FrçonLeal DetèctionExtra disin'l chech lone's credit before Ihay issued a cisuck for 527,055 in bee name. Al this pomi, 'ieee went te lise polico lo Sic a semplaiet, taaittly because nbc wan concurtled anar the take tas returns hut tu campunied tIle leus applicutiun. "I mus lerky. By lite timo masy people fied out, heir credit can be ruined, If t hadal fcuad nel early, wile knews how long it wculd'nc laboc mc to clear il ap. ti t had chuckud my erudil repon earlier, I cnsld'co slopped Iba cl sargal then." Like must Ameeicunt, lesa had boro doing ail the tisingt siso thuuglst she could do tu fight identity Iba/It Sho aven turc ap all her aid credit curd ecuordu sed mail, iocludirg credit appli- The only thing she dide'l du was chock her credit rupert. "Iva atwuyt bras very custicus about eserything, und il still didn't dc mc uay gccd," sho said. tkow, Jean adnites hut au. clients, especially counting Ihase with good credit, lu check their enperin 05 a regalos benin lu cescre hot nc une is usisg Ihehr cantes foc fnuadaleol punpuses. "CrIese yua chack puar credit rep aeteega tuely" says lean, "you .lttay out knam about identity Ihefl until it's tan lato." esel's ha usele hate he luft lite bi. c'yvtc'i n front of the hoaaasnhiic ite wer inaide oppronitnately 20 hIrco Wulkmns eadhca, sutsad ut 5122, wree laker Muy 9 from lite Walgreon's 0mg Stono, 9300 block of Waskagan Raed, Pulice acid Ihut u llera video contero ceught a purtial hew of the wallon who laudad u sisalspiog bankei ard efs the llore in tlean driver by a second wemun. A 39-year.ald Civeta mus wer arrostod May 8 after he cul sers ceseece ity tttgu off soma utotites ilams and thert leO ho T.J. Mons Store, 7250 Wust Dompnler, wilh the items hiddar io ilis punts. A security aSicar stopped the m unoats ido Ihe A young collego a ge women itas huas gehng doer to doce soticidng reuguaina noies cvilh liac lit be toni te nuedy children. 'rita young lody advised u eusidant io Ihn Palet ntcgco litt S Hnighlv steli Ihel ehe wuv with hune s plestic 1,0, wish their stame and a Cummeece Department seal, police seid, There u'tll he au phulu un il, police warn, but workers cott previde a phunn number fue restdrsts tu call le verify if they ace Irgitimata, Pu- lice caution that criminals can werk in teams, mhhch could make it passible for aralhnr seam mom- ber tu ha ea the athrr end al the phase number, Titas, rosideats ura urged tecali the pelice depurI. trIent if there are any dcubts lo a voraus worker's iderlisy. Thu cullava b usraac'un be reuclted at i-88g-325-7733. Tite Mulles Grove Pollua DepurImonteur be reached ut 470-5208. Census wuakeru will else carry a clollt briefausa wilts "Cencas" waillen an Ita side. Cansas weekrss mill ncsae ask la euwu isaide, titnugla lhry oar enter if you is' vite Iltom, puller said, tite bal gretthed citatige, the delay end run net of he ulero. Burglary A llcetay Dunidsun mulareyria, naised el .925,000, was sto. loe feam e slorago slaed io tile 88h10 black uf Weukegus Roud. Tito incident occurred rumalima between lila uflarnccn cf Muty b ltd the morning cf May 8. Palico seid 1h01 lite sIted dear. which bud a hauvy steal lech, itad been pelad Opel. dane which had bean pried oper, The hantas ewnecs mere leekieg Ihrnitglt the home te deternier if any items ware lakes, The emecen indicated to palier 1h01 they hod received sanerai GOLF MILL SHOPPING CENTER ¿Next to JC Punney) hung-np pitase eutin over the Inst few weeks. Fnrgery (847) 299-5380 A 29-peon-old woman repoeted lisat her IRS retend uilach bed beatI tneged and cashed el e currane y enehenga in the 6100 Internet biuck nf Dempilar SIract. 'l'ha mcmttr leid police that tito ceilod lite IRS about hue refund und acecicud back iefurmutins bel her cheek bud alece/y boos cashed Match 21. Thu Depuclment of Iho T reasar y indicated $4 Ready 00 Computers Speakers + Microphone + Mouse = 1h11 the cheek mes rashed el the DowpstrrfAualio usera acy en- $995 ch enge. A hnnte in lita 5000 bleck cf Criseieal Damage ta Praprrty Cltuech SIred wev rasseubed mhiio the omnara mora awey Ihc ueewight heurs cf Muy 9. daein8 tito avening of Muy b. Pciicr said 1h11 ihr hnrglue uppurcell yacIere d lhecofh u euer slelaenaeta. A cee windew wcs smashed in The van mus parked io Ihn 8300 black of Perknide, Felice found a chunk cf aenctola irnido the eehirlo, A Iteed ornametl also bud baas becken off esaneeeod ear parked el Iba residence, Pessensien uf Cannabis A 17-year-old Skekie man mus arrested on chueges cf pos- Vance la noei/y Iba uceueuey cf Ihair IBEX COMPUTERS Legilhunute ubtiellian und bone-tide campoairs 1h01 do muekot vs a disevl nailtog hante will calce peat de- nahes and/ct business es mech tewertew es they de le/uy." NEW & USED SYSThMS . UPGRADING . REPAIRS . ON-SITE SERVICE - NETWORKING - WEB DESIGN/HOSTING I. w/20% OFF sassier nf eesnuhi.safteracu'lizen celled le aomplutn abed le eneas coking pot ioucer parkell is the 5800 blcvk et ANY SER VECE Knenny. Pulivo feavd u Pupe end u substance mhiuli luter leva- ad puviltne as bring concubin in Ihn cue. A court duta mus sel bee Jane 19. 1 Vii with luttI lIlt. Ltil 18110111, L I) tr ttl 6/30/2000 cuilteg Ihet tambre, thu Batter Bssiness t ureau delaeminod that titis number was listed lo a pet- poLice warn msodteg the uummuaity shut lesna artists siso may take adnanlage ufannsillirg residents. Lugitimule ceasus markers change fon two $20 hills. When tltc Ottlpleyoa beasgltl out lIta 5111 'etc lupliano nawbor cf the vom perysc ith us 810 peotie. lo 01cc infonnrd lb ceost dreI Ihal humes that bane ret completed Itteit forms, But tisa Mortal Gravo Pulire Deparlmeet s ea- said thaI a tutloilter mqsosled 'World Wide Circulation" sed caleces dance und 1haownae will ho guing dcue-ta.dcar ta Robbery Eursy delluen was lakett at a MuDurald's io the 83go block of Dempnter SIred May III. Palica Door-to-door magazine seller a phony Watch out for census scams, Year 2500 censes takers roen store nrd hold bins aetil pnlico vteSeSi 19 i NILES TOBACCO OUTLET hod no knuwldege of a eompuny 7746 N. MILWAUKEE culled abc Wueld Wide deuda. sha was dcicg Ibis es putt of e close prnjavl fcc the commanivu- lices und Secuduasting class ut ltnse'oeuily of illinvis, Chieagc Lowest Prices-On Brand Namé Çigarettes Ciecle Camttvs. The Botter Bush. . nulv Durada eltueked with Iba University uf Illinois end mus infuetnad that nu such eluse prajacl cells beieg osdeetukon. When Ihu reetdcttt tvtlh oeinqat'rod abcui (AT RAYYAN PLAZA) 847-965-91.00fie-w-4 tillo. Tb entugaa ira nelivilar had NEWPORT' , ' 26.96, , ' , s_vy_ u +.TAX : the iitsittivn cf tite seilees tesidonve, by'te us infurmed hot lice is lila acighbuehood" which latee hr lerenod was "ureend 72nd Asuren," al laust S mure frttm tehoro 1h esulicila lien luck picco. This nc'u's calcase is olcont tu 11h15 pvitple that oryoec selling otcichundisv u'itli schielt they ii tant, t fantil lles htteld liest ha shocked cul st'ith Iceit tuticielitas tinti/itt the Bullar B a ecc S ercea . Suwo tttsnicipolili area' hules'ilcue -tu-duce stilicticce tu ht tcgisscrcut aida tli 'lev ily i,r u ulitige heil. Ftcqseolly, quostivntihto ctiliviitutiuns eppour je itittitcit rp itt.tiv 4 tIrets. witivit Iv is lIete il tice ittitaci tcnk plouc. lt via o E lhituttthiutl, 5510 Presi' luttI/CItO stctvd. "Net'cr give 1115e Itillicy, 01111cv IO the fluent uul stIllt, dtsch ut ueedil caed lit alyitte that you dc nul lt newer tlt,it you vietaI check usi its ad' VICEROY DORAL MAVERtCt( GPE 22.95 -r TAX ' 22.68: +TAX CAMEL, WINSTON SALEM, KOOL 26.04 + TAX AA c o u p ON SIOFF This Woeks Special MERIT ' BENSEN & HEDGES On any carton purchased 30.18 + TAX Limit (1) coupon per customer; coupon not valid with any other promotional offer Expires 5-31-00 Prices subject to change without notice llIgBOtSZTIUtI!5t)AV! MSYIR 2GO PAC2O TIne RUGIE, TIIIIRnOAY; MAY IR, JBSI ' .-' c:I Clergy welcomed to Senate Chambers st. I I i-VI bids farewell to youth minister The Sesiot Activo Committee nl Coogrcgatioo B'noi Jehoshno 11db Elclrim, (BIBE), íllnnvisw, onnouncet on-going pmjectu for Ttrd Sunday, May 2t5, tho of SL Lukos Christian C000nusity Church, cssgregatios 9233 Strcmscr Rood, Morbo tIro chutaIs tinco September, 999, tn tIroir '(cutIr Minister. Durit will prosaic the sermon, ond a special coffee tour will be 0:25 orn. woruhip nercïco. Darin is u second yew student Feed The Onmelens, whorc over 8go begged Innches arr made rnnnlhly for dinrrihaticn to Ilse ltacrcicss, 00 Ihn 4th Sunday of An annuel winter blood drive allows the oetrgregution to do mitai il ass lo slisciate the short- every roonth, at 9 0m., O frOU of vrrttjoleors meats le propane the lanchas fordistribatico. age efblood foecmcrgeeoy uso. . at tim Moody Bible Institute in Chisnge, preparing fer tito Citrìntian tcieiulry. During hin faut year sr bc'altura h Ira Iras taaghl tirs chrldrcn/youth Sort- Catholic Cemeteries to honor veteran dead day Sciroci, atrd iron led hr lunoc Churelt werslrip sereine. The See. Raymond W. flypester cf Lukon St. Special uuldooe bold Mastoc und pro grams avilI heoor the Church, will lead tire warship r crviso mrd esprenn the congregerlant grulitudc ice tIrs turc Majority Leader Walter Dudycr (R7thChicago) adState Sen. fra Sllvrstin (D9thChiago) we!Assistant come three members of the c/orgy to the illlno,s Senate Chambers an Feb. 23. Pictared here are (hem left to right) Sen. Dadyer, Rabbi Ha,vey Welt nf Chica5o. S!sfmp George Lanas s! Springfield, Rabb!LeanardMatankyafChlcags, andSes. Surerstein. rttomory of veterunt buried io sevcn North osee oemetories on Momorial Day, Manday, Muy 29. Momoriel Day Moss programs eno o Colholie Cemolorion radi- work thai Conic Iras donc with tiro chitdrcn ond youttr. Everycrer iv h ccotrtrnus ity wire tus Ito cirorch howe is eerdialtb is. vitrd to Oltontt this sfociai ncre.ioe end le join in tire celnbcand tics cf thanksgiving gratitude. SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME 7812 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE NILES, ILLINOIS (847) 966-7302 MICKEY SKAJA JACK SKAJA tinted by Deacon Raymond E. Cisic aod y utintra rgasicul:ues in Word, St. Jerome Fariatt, ClIicago Tho proconnico to Iba Mass guarda br tIro Mossea. grado students ortI Religiosa Edasubies sacIan Isro easIly atrottd- The public iu cordially issircd to joie with the mom thee bOSh rd o day tong Confirmadas RsIront et tre Rescrreclion Retract poepbo ospsslod te almsed llar soc- dents departed from Ihr Des Ploiner lcaia ntstiOn irr ttacir ewe fricote cOt and traveled tcCrynrst Loke where shoy boarded bsrrn rhattrtsk lhrts to th ccnstor whicts is os the groatrds oían old nresan- BUID SKAJA ing wit!, groups from Velerue, Iy-fieo c000cils s orso as hsoor flauto is Woedrleok. Tire stu THE SKAJA FAMILY fnicodu cfdoeoarod eeterorrn jots- e ttror trrteunin glut ohs ensartas of M ornsrie I Day. Pemmrth Dogrce Kergtats ofColamobus loots woo st. John Brebeuf Confirmation retreat tety. TIse day incladrd ossivrtics thus cctsbruted ths youtag adalId giftn und blech oasI shoir dcci- tien to be osnhrmed. Tlrey orjoyed u fuerity ntyln meal Ihst isolndod the retreot house's (amour brcwnios. Thom was sIso time to get ocquaintcd, enjoy a snowball light and rtortding down ths hills nnnssaadicg the estrsat rosso. viocs st Ihn seven Nortit orne osmotones. Ceremonies, iecladirg the cssroreory petado Io tite Mans sites mill begin ut IO am. followcd by the held Mosa et 15:30 am. Comolerion hasìeg Meroed- FUNERAL HOME 3060 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS JOHN SKAJA (773) 342-3330 will ho folbowod by hr held Maus at 0:30 uts. Milit acyso raice a at bbc cemotcey llagpola will cesciado the es rrrrr untes. Maryhiil Cathelic Cormrctary. Nilas, hot Most Rev. GanaN f. Kicunou, D.C., Acsil:cny Eisirap ogChisago ou rho calebrart, Concolebrotiog thr Maas with Oiairep Kicavua will br 15cv. 'fi:amn:o I. Karoioskm, Pastor. St. Helana tri rho Crass Parislm, Chicagmm. hoy. Cro:rgh, Fmter, Holy Resary f orish, Chiooge, will be the cobobranl of bbc Mass. Coecnlebeatiog witlr Res. Ceeugh will be Reo. George 1. Korn, Pastor Emeritus, Church of the Holy Spirit, Sshaatmbucg. Also assiatir g aailh lbs Maus will ho Crosne James Ssofard of St. Eroily Perish, Mt. Prospect, Dea- Grove Vill:mgo und Sea. Cas'imsm,r l:rlttr A. Rohioscs, Associato l'astor, Qanco af ho Rosary, 131k Soatkcwcki, Adte vms anator. St. yloeisn P:mrish, Chicago. St: Arluihert Catholic CL'tttr. lorI', filer, will move Mort lIeu. Jahn R. Maos. Aun liar Oiahsp of Chicage os Cebebrorrt of tIra field Moat. Concelebrariog lbs Mass wilh Bishop Masa will ha Sou. Miahoel Osach, CR.. P:rs. ter, St. Hyacterl: PuerIlI, Chicago, M.J. BUD SKAJA JR site is schedulod fer IO: C um. ThoPlagCcnewsey al 10:25a.m. ut Day Field Moss programs oro: Alt Saints Catlmotis Comotory, DcsPlainsa, Res. Riolsued C. JIM SKAJA SKAJA STANLEY con Poter Loggen, SI. Zaahary Purisls, DesPlumes und Doucor Jock Swirls, St. Zachary Parish, Desflainea. Calvary Cotlsolic Cnrrmctery, Evanston, will hase Ros. Themas J. Bradley, Adminislrator, St. Jeratee Fanisir, Clricago, astha solebrunt of the Mass. Ho will he os- lice with tamilim, relutiveu and Tim Si. John Drcbouf oigttttr FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED I'FLAG, n cenlidrntiol meet- Cenitdential Alcoholics Anonyrstcus meetings are held esery Tsoudey roofing or 7:30p.m. The corotcunity is encouraged Arrntl tores -going project is to yurlicipato in rhone projects tiro Russiuo C0050rsalios Club ssltiel trIms rs osety Wodneadsy - und tony oait 1947i 729-7575 fer ltotrt 7:30 p.trr.-9 p.m. to assis tre-or ose inkrrrrratron. hold e Iris horror fellowing Ihr quint, aentemigros with their English. ing for percetn, friends, sod fomily members cl goya and lenbions, meotr on the Sed Suoday of cash muntb frortr 2-4 p.m. the cornmarrity which irolede Cosys, mill say goodhys to Corin Weil, svlro hou served I%J&w. U' BJBE On-Going Community Programs Luke's Church Suerth Funeral Home Ray. Peasoiu Rag, CR., Aosociato Faster, St. Uyacimrtlr fue:ah, Chicago and Res. Nocher: I Zswistsoewioo, Pastar Emoriras. Imreucalats Heorr cl Mary Par' ish, Chicoge. St. luliaca Parmah Cheirand Sm. Marycfrho Weods Choir asdor tIrs altreclias of Mary Anne Sichore wut load Iba sing' ERIC SKAJA SKAJA BACHMANN FUNERAL HOME GORDON WOJDA 7715 ROUTE 14 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS MARK CIOLEK (815) 45J-2233 Same tarnst 055155 5 5927 FamIly eWnsd and oparatnd DENNIS S, KRAWZAI( DONALD R. KRAWZAK N5HC9 K, HARMI PETERT. HEREGHAN 6754 Northwest Htgssmay -'Saharben-- (847) 023-6540 ' -COInage- (773) 631-1240 PASSE '21 St. Iosdpls Catholic Ceerotery, Riser Creso, will hssa lOca. Rab. erl I. Hsiatavreich. Pastor. SI, BenedicI Parislt, Chicago us the Cetehrost. Betmeos IO am. and 10:30a.m. a concert efaacscd aod potriolia music will be presented by the St. Cyprion Paeish Adult Choie under Ihe direction of Lais DrFelicr. OBITUARIES THOMAS ADAM HRVCENKO JOHN C, WADMAN EMERITA MAURICIO Jobs C. Wadmen, 73. oiNibcs, Emerita Maaricisr, 53. of 5kokic, died Sararaioy, AphI 22 it Hospice eftlto North BI sera , 5kokie. SIre won hers May 22, 1945 in the Philippiocs. Losing daugh. ter ci Dee und the lote Felisa GIgalo. Bolosod wife of Saboador "Baddy". Bnb000d 001150e cl Joano and Jases. Serviccr wore Thomas Adam Hrycesko, 29, nf Wheeling (forronrly of Nilcal, died Mesdey, March 3 al Hmmly Pssoily Hospilal, Don Pleines. He Wer baro Augart 17, l97li in Perk Ridge. Bebesert ron cl J,rrtr slow (Lillian) Heycoeko. Ilobesad lamband of Elienbelir yltyconko. died Monday, Merch 20 at LuIberer Genersl Hespilel, Park Brother of Peter and Drmona Heycenkc. Seroicen mero held MarcIr resol Wadmun, Jacatnoline (Michecli Klaeceik, Puoieia BoRer!risi, aol T. Roan Ronelto. Grardfashee of 16, Services were hold Taocdry, Apdl 25 o: SI. tensest mas to Msryhill Casto- hold March 24. Areongemenln tory, Nues. iraodlrd by Sbaja Tornase Funeral Home. Islemsoot was is St. Adal- beleosaset wan is Maeylrill Contatery, Niles. 17. Arrangements haedied by Skajo Terrore FaneraI Home. le. MADELINE MONACHAN Medelino Mosoghan, Ob, nf Eilen, died Friday, Match 17 at Forest Villa Nursing Noms. Shs was horn Jase 8, 908 ie Chica- go. Eslesed mother of Mike Manogitas. Sorciers werr.held March 21 at St. Ncebo ChancIr. Arrargcmetrls brandied by Skaja Treraoc Poncral Home. Istennena wan in St. Joseph Cotnoleny. MARVIN GUST LARSON Marvin Goat Laman, 70, cl Eilen, died Friday, Marcir 17 at Lethcros Geoueat Hospitol, Park Ridge. Ho was hoes Dcccnabcr Id, 1921 in Chicago. Eclovod hashand of Marçella Larson. Bo. loved falber sf02 iSally) Larson, Linda Larsen, and lobe (Elmsriso! Larror. Grandfather of h. tiurat-graadfolher of 4. Scroiscs wons held March 25 at Mossiah Luthery. Chamh. Aerangomorts handled by 'iaajsTorrace fencral Hama. Interment was is Aaaoio Pank Cemetery. CLARA SKURKA Claro Skurka, 95, cl Nilcs, diedMeerlay. March20 as Rosarrection Medical Cantee. She wan breo Jaly 29, 959 in Chicago. Bebcaod rasthan of Jamas Skorka uodJ050ph fScnoral. GroedmalitcroiS. S orsic osascen held Match 24 at St. Jobo Brebaaf Chorab, Niles. AenongomrOtn hosdlnd by ShejaTeccace Fanned Honre. Intentooct was in All Saints Cemetory, Den PlaInes. HENRY C. ZIIILAZNY Henry C. Zieloany, 82, sí Chmcago, diad Wednosday, Murait IS er Rcssrrac hun Modisat Certur. Hcwashamlsly IS, 1911 inClrm- cago. Estovad fartsee st Mary Zieluony. Balooad brotharafflal' es StttOrt. Sareicru wcra mall March lb. Arraegamnerts Imandlad by Skajo Tcrraco fenced Flcn:c. Iotesaocot was in Maryhill Ccma. cry. Nilas. Ridge. Ho was bots April IS, 1926 in Chicago. Bnlooeal fsther el Timothy (Liodai Wodmon, Kathleoo iStepheol Lnitlee, Robeel (Rita) Wadman, Barbara (Jobs) Farelln, Konnetb (The- boo Cemotery, Nibs. Lambed Claurclt. Areaogenmcetv handled by Colonial- Wejciechowski Funeral Homo. EMMANUEL SYMIAKOS WILLIAMJAMES Emmennol Sywiekos, 78, of Mnrtos Gmso, died Sttnday, Willicm Jamos MeQaillon, 70, cl Ntles, died Masday, March 6. born April 8, 922 io Decree. Br- MuQUILLAN Ho was ham Jonc 16, 1929 in Chicogo. Beloved honbard of Chaalatte MeQuillan, Eeloscd ía- lhoroíCharlca (Marias) MyQailloo, William MeQaillar, and Jay (Miobuol) Radboff. Greedfalhcr of 12. Brerhor of Ano (Iba lato Doe) Koily, Palnicia (Gavel Klirg, Barney lKathlrcnl McQaillae, Michael McQaillas. Beolhcr-ie-luw ei Je000tto (the lare Ken) Piorke, Seroirea were hrldMarch 9. Arrungooranto has- dIed by Skaja Torroco Fsreral Home. Istoneast was io Macyitibi Cemetery, Eilen. GREGORVJ. CANNIZZO Gregory I. Canriaao. 0h, of filas, diad Wcdoeaday, Mcccis IS al R esame ctias Mcdical Coo1er. Ha was hem May 19, 933 in Chiaoga. Beloved husband a:f AsIna Maria Cuerioro. Beloved fatlrer of Grogary R. Caonirro, Mory Ja (Christophrr( Muhor. arr! tossiva iR(chard( Gbrcy. Gr,undfalh erelJae,m h, Nutirarm, Borjarnirr, Mmles, anal Zachary. Beothar cf Jcaaph (Kanon> Cureioaa. Sas-is-I:aw mmi' Mary GatttIrso. Sorsicos ware hold Mawh 2g. Arrangomants Imandlod by Skoja Terrace Fa tor'si Herrin. lo' tonnant tOas itt Matyhill Cemolery, Nibs. ZYGMUNTCHRZASZCZ 'Lygmast Checavace, 88, of Dru FIemos, died Wadresday, April 20. He was born April 9, April 50 at Lutheran Gcnreal Hospital, Perk Ridge. He was loved husband cf Roela (nec Rnrakis). Seesicos were held Thnrnduy, May 4. Aenosgoments hasdbod by Coleniol- Wojcieebnmski FuseraI Howe. Interment mes in Ridgewood Celametot y, Das PIamos. MARY SCHIEFFER Mary Schicîfer (neo G'Aomonie(, 81, of Morton Gecue, died Saturday, April 29 at Lutheran Genorol Hespitot, Pork Ridge. Sbo woo boro March 22, 1919 in Italy. Esboond wife of Arcold. Balaved mother of Nanay Iren) Lommu, Dm0 (Jahn), Doanno ovil Robert ted rho lato Domieick ILari) Lomma. Greatgrasdmothor of 5. Sister of Jastino Roche, lean Reselle, Arthony (Athul D'Anleeio, Angie (the lolo Sow) Galine, and the lote Dootiniyk, Altri (Cina) Calico, Jamen (Comli and Roso (the luta Wally) Zajac. Foed sant ro easy siren aol cephrwu. Services mero told Wednesday, May 3 al Si. Isnac Jogaro Charab, Eilen. Arrangements handled by Coleniol'Wejcievhownki Faeoeal Hswe. Istrrmont was in Meunt Cannel Cemetery. Hillside. Grandfather ofkobort and Nicole mor bore Novembre 8, 1921 is Misiarewaki and Gregaey Chicago. Bebneed wiir aftbe lab Stanley. Beloved mothee cf Sasao (Josephi Lyvy. Stnsee IRa- Eric, Siales tri Julie lLrooarsll Delito ucd I_altre iJuorplil Maliecwski. Fond aunt cf many. Ser- svora Ranstrio Ci rare Ir, Nilas. Arr:msgairy Carimmni,mttrIo em:. hasdiod Wojcmccta:wski r'tiria till Eta tre. Irmteor ranteuss itt All Saìmmis Cc- lsaldMareh9. ArrIngammo.-trIs Isar- Ilma mary, Das l'I,'rim mas. Memmaanials died by Skaj:m Ts'cru ce funeral Heme. Inlermeet was io AcacIa Ridge. She war bares July 5. 1923 is Cisicaga. Balacad tratlmee of Gary Munacit. Sarcicas Park Cemetery. HENRYJAROSZEWBKI Henry Joeevrewshi, 77, of Eilen, died Salurdop, April 29 et Rrgancy Nonnisg Heme. Nibs. lic was beer Septomhce Id, 1022 io Chicago. Beloved husband nf Soplric (oar Waryclr). Babosed father of Kennern IRobani Ge- siski and Lorry (Kasaol Saris. Geandinlhne of Jantes, Mark. Scott ond Resin. Brother of Sister JunelMuric, Sisiot Mary Vietoda and lbs lola Aothoey, Cancy, Slapitanic apd Reggin. Losing War I Salselion Army "bestias" who prepared donata fee tissa- in Chicogo. Behaved has. thee of LaVeree (Emil) Gdppo. Graedfather of Cyslhia (Anlhosp) Situa, Cheryl (Michael> Vechalut nod Ronce (loftray) Veocoolant. Grrat-grundfather cl Sristooy, lasen, Kylar, Brandon, Remi, and Chase. Beolber of Tony Marrie. Uncle of wary Oiecer and rephewe. Scrvicov wrrn held Monday, Mey I ut NnrthwesiArsewbly ofGimd. Arrsegomcntn hondlod by ColonialWsjcicclmowski forereI Home. Interment mes ir Memory Owdoen, Arlieglee Hoighto. night coderas Army roof Acaordmng to LI. Colonel Withum Roberts, Solvalioe ArmyDicisiueel Cetnoterdcr in this treo, s vernccoor cry. We oak donors to gisa their dollars ro denubn bea-tusocec ny dollar woroaet'ee sand Sabvulion Arwy workoru will previde DossI Doy donors raully is needed!" milhpciper'dasutn. Tha Salvation Aeiwy cordacts y mejer progrowo bosully io ira colisuingefleels lo assisI albeso. The orgonieurion helped mare hun one red a holfwillioo people hecughoai Ike Chicago nretroolitan oras last yror. Io Ihn metre s'rs'a, mora thmn one aed n ball emillios people ro- Par Ihn nighmocolh aoraesur- tisa year, arca Deokin' Donut Shops will again join with The Satsatios Army is psomeimling "DensI Day." A actIon mora as nodeem o Do- tul Day paper donut far nie froc donuts when purcirwing cee doeen deoutv or mho rogsl:mr prica am purlicipaliog Duskitr Dosai Shops lera limmited iwo. CHARITY AOC1O 2000 S P.M. SUNDAY, MAY 21 Ezra-Hsbogim The MOos TBwBIhip Jewish Con9regaIion 4500 Dompster 847-675-4141 CHEF FOR A DAY WITH CHARLIE TROTTER GET AWAY WEEKEND - OWNER CUB TICKETS Silent Auction . Lige Auction with Oueef Auclionsep Chicago Rears grout Doug Buffone voice of Score Radio Supper end Wine Included Public Invited ¿lId N. Narthtecvt Higtrway, Suila I-IS, al Hirwc. Iotcneee lasaut'n St. : P:trk Ilidga, IL 61111b0. Adalbret Crwetery, Eiter. Io; 91 I band sfIbro late Roar. Bnlasnd fa- sands elsoldierodaring that war. TIsis year, mora than five thou- ciass osta bald Wedsasday, May S am SI. Isaac Jaguas Clsureh. Nues, Aenangowosts Imoodled by Ctrlunial.Wojaiccltowski Ponce- Ratnbumo' Hoop lea , Peek. He mou horn Aagovt 6, Salvation Army 'Donut Day' is June 2-3 CECILIASTREAD Cecilia Mcccl (ncr Golam- Salarday, April 2') att Dur Lady irt Steplranie Lucille Msenctt, 711, Interment was in Breilung TownsboipCrmetesy,Qnioncscc, Mich- colto Zarabeth, Michael ferri- ly mncmrnba nv,Scrsicc s cari: imcld alfiles, liad Sunday, Mooch 5 aI Lotitar:te CaneraI Hospital. Park Wnjeiecbowski Funeral Home. Pest, died Wednesday, Aprml 2hoI Gotilieb Memorial, Moleose 'Many peepl cresa ice help Pram thsAnmyevery day thut005ereapeel thcy will seed noch help. We stondmnady toprovide hslp when- Nursing Howe, Des Plaines. Situ und rangeweols hardled by Coleniul- Saturday, lune 2-S. Tito rag day was estubliolmrilin 193g te hoeor the work oîWe'bld Lemma and Roben (Fully) RaStop mother of ParesIa (Paul! Misaeik, Saune (Eagenal Chang. Grandmothee uf Aetei- Satoeday. Aptil 29 at Bollard Many nieces Services were iteld May 2. Ar- JOE FATA Joe Pala, 88. mf Moent Pees- ilote. hay cf Magdabona Misiceowoki smoplrewo, L'cmtrs ins ucd mmtrcr ((remi- lote Kenneth E, Bebend wollten of Kenneth J. and Jean Palees. Graodmnthrr of James Rodgers. Yost. Newly 805 will speird to' ucd bray (I'Iatioai Chreaveac. Ctmnr,a-ace z. io Chicago. Beloved wife of the coi Osotau Is frcm lito Army nach sellai asd Scott lleuen(. Grandosothar cf Stuart, Jeffrey, lilI aol Jettntlan. Gncal.grandntclher of STEPHANIE LUCILLE MURNCH Ist 00005100 Hospital, Svanotoc. SIre ares besn December 2H, 929 held Satueday, May b al SI, John BnrbnefClreesh, Eilen. Amorgomerlu bundled by ColonialWojaicchawrki r'accru I Home. Intersnentwav ir St. AdnlbertCsmolery, Nibs. Whibo Ike Salvation Army biowski), 76, of Glcosiow, died Cheislsphec Cirrauvace. Orolhu'r vi Wludyslua' (lIto latte Halimma) 7g, ofDes Plaines, diad April28 muy sol bose invented Ihr fmrvl donut, il con tube seodit for the popalarityafdoeutv today. The 62nd anruol Salsutian Arery DossI Goy is Friday ucd 1912 in Poland. Bebosad hasbord ofMario(noe Pakaul. Bel miau d tic- mrd anale lo rrrany. S erumees were MARYJANE PETERS Matryjarma Pelees (neo Scimaltal, , 1000 DBnation ., : Tilo eUGLEoUUaSoAR, M.SS IO, O8 st' Ir PAdÌ . a w cmi,,au Recreation rece" of Spnoial Rccroatian (MNASR), has recnived a donnfton of $7,OO froto ha Danini I, and Ada L. Riaa Faaodation. A poivale family foundation ornatnd in bn Rico Poandation a hoadqaantarnd in Skokia, Tua 1947, funds wara granted to be asad for fha M-(tASRa inclusion prog Inccnian isdntiaad au 'provid. ing Ihn soaomnsodulianu ta siloco for successful inclusion of iodiulduntu with dissbilitiou io angcloo park dintrict aoliuitino.' Canroolly M-NASR io Iba only agcaay Ihn lpraoidns rho support cumpanoot far inclusioo io itu urnmbrr pork districs prognatomiog. mn participants ia thnuo programs huyo beco diugoound with aoanio sp ofdioabling candi- lions, A 005-Ia-ann staff ralia is maintained und iolorpsntars aro praoidnd far 1ko deaf aud Isard uf scoring Shally Williaosu,M-NASR' u toclasios Macogno rnmaskod an IhOrapidly gtowingouiubcs of inclusions io Ihr past months. "Our inclusion stoff o,cmbnrc ara busy pracidiog utrcicasrcnglog Cram altarnchacl pmgsama to swilumiuf and icc skasiog oucaos all yaalraood," Sho woolen to say, "The succeunofiocluototi '-....... ,-------i.,-t --,,, r', ism who lanes to synod is frne aims icc skating. TIsis nolinity is Doct Edidorf RK P. Gardner's laIton is 1511 BatIr 1Mev 4 20W). Cordant (t mr Itrststmtno ttaerr will hone la dc) eharaeierizcd made passible by no maintins Icy angina1 laster as sousding aide and hat pnocsd sa banebdal hai bebas gear toatiend sowIntmmngclass at bis park dismal an his oms. This t Ita doni rasait of lirsowdmngofÍsofl- aun mnclaciau nffasts." Tho Mama-Nuns Ausacisitun ofSpccisl Rossanticuoffess sodisidauln tuittt ditobilitint o widn rango afopponluoltics for noam oc ticitir u. Thraagh odvacacy std uwsI000sSo, M-NASR promatan a s accote fai leisure lifestyle. If yac wauld libo la réccice a brcchuta, knawsomr onrwbacou Id oso M- NASR'o terniecs or mood liko furlbcr oformatics about MNASR, pInoso call (847) 9k6- off co fuserai praccssioits. - ;, costai noagatiso Innings mn tir render and I ralbar ahjrci lo hisihar Osa cf that phcane t dcsosibing my loiter. Rallier lIsas "unasdiog nfl", I fr11 that i wan stying ta sourd sr 0155555, aac look sr, oduostine caaple again, ATI'ISNTiON (Gerdompbosisl nl all limos On il 5522. CoDependefltS Anonymous Gerdnor's Only paint in keeping fssscrnl praacssìoflu a pert of ads semi-urban irslfic scone. tolmo Sc ha "stsyiog icgrtlsrr Gsrdnrr asks 'Wiles hop- Ca-Dapardaslt Asaaym000 a 12 slop gsaup 1h01 procidgs haya and hcip s scoviog bcyanct old postores lt aolatscos WiIh admis scoots mnschly on Mondays cl dho Koaloc Boildiog, 9100 N. Kan- lot. Skokic, Ircm 7:30 p.m. Io 9 p.m. 547.498-4864 Irca. docidod ta 'prolccl' cvrryaflr (rosa lasa, or Ibais ama 505100lion or siupidiiy......i aproo. wo all'i olscsys protect inollostioc, IcI alcen nlultid (dart libo We're professuonal. we delivnr what we nur premise, and ene proud ofskilled und QUALITY PRODUCTS INSTALLING ABILITY! 1h01 word oithco) p00mb (sum tirassi- sobos, Or focos tata, bot i'd like to 5cc cor toms at tassi iry la fr05001 MB grant THEM. ThaI's 1tOïoI. Many norm lo miss is... ils 001 Item from Shorn, st's ham l'ram ma. Goedoar g arson la ask "Why coot WO instead, lise Your Finances Nl/idi ori IMsransl Jeitos Fall Srrvieo Ancotnisl, yoc 0055 sake ado,'irs lago of a OasSce sus'nILO 000rdkarpirsg systoos 1er elI ycar hicasdsnrsio arid rs,CoisO dusse uroiregis: I Ansoast srstentlsn np la WO milItan I Easy-tornod nnnsttslr CALL us TODAY and . ntennmrntO I Consolidated year-erd tax lislarnsaUeu Ask about nun NO MONEY DOWN payment On completion plan. ENJOY a warmer home in winter and a cooler e Tenable nr tan-free sensor snarknl fassIs I rastunsatis ulIenttan home io summar. dialdards end lrssme I Oeil nears nsa to osar llbItr and relssaettnsont 5f inurstrsieato nod tInelo marini srm (anGora» Trust! Call ACustomer NameSrrnirn YouOurCan Gaol Pl 500 Ness llames Pamily Osoond and Operatcd . Builder OfOorf . Member Montun Grasn/NileS Clssmkar cl Conasiacce . Relessaccu Anaileblc On Enqueul n sg.,: , :' s liane asen hrn cowing. wills 1ko sticks nsid nlhnr Isrgn nehialss nighl band laos traffic would posad io sur cullarrwhcnmr Looking For Vinyl Replacement Windows? ystffcssctaa sr 555 1 çaalst coasoustlss hat aso 5505tahsdlacc inli050. Ic uIs eít1z)rnp1krZ' Call sr statt Isp tedayJEFFREY L. CARDELLA 0141 MILWAUKEE NILES, IL 60714 (847) 470-8953 Memuer Stpo oesr,s,learsljosea.00555 s EdwardJone 5rrsiegi,,0isistaatlnOs0555C5tl5 victo, t could aoly 515151 1h51 ihn also ha sroppnd br Ihn sod lighl, She dido'l, Sho had ro iotoolioo of doiog it. She was past of n fa- rarel pmeOstien snd had casto blaorhr 5e ran lbs rod light. The cat goadpipo and ths ocmrtsry hyrs." Stnying tagclknr through collision WOO OOY fuall, noon goad-byac ara fina, bot be cae input Dons u dangssaus lies of cals going Ibsaugh slap signs ara and fool-heady lam, Yra through Ilse snrviccs. lIon she sernicaS and Ihr cr1011517 und Iraffio lightu molly gins ihr family al 1ko drernsrtl catolost? i coald perhaps sor toboso ronding s bou lar Ihn immndialc lasoily atd Ihn m00000es might pronido a 'degree el rogeshcronss. hat how dora trying io nidr on roch aIliers hampers offro soy comfort? I w Incrocino olord io a calli' sien, it my peno lilsIr compadl car, by a driner in a hsg SUV whst was cupposod io ho parI of u funeral p0000uuies. Appdrslty, uhr Wdsn wooing t gcod Isalf io hole- qnarlers. of u block brhind lhc 5051 nl lita proccsslnn lIllo hod a couple itt csnall kids ir Ilmo nrhiolc lilt rho wan foalìtg asroand wills). I oaaldn't poraibly Is acravertla I her bocease che seas io ihr sighs lone heading sooth, and i1sfgc was nloppod (mostly backs, vast and guy's) il sttr scuthb000d loft hnod lana (bodusno Ibais ligh 110055 od>, I wan hrcdad snort tlsmuglr tito so' termos lice wish a graos IsgIsI (willi ti sotos I of ho fanosal prosassmnrr alsootly woll pnsscd) oed snirls sho stopprd traffic blocking .50y possiblo ItrIo of ho sighs kaird lana. An I orostod Ihr islassection, hoe SUV istmo hcosoling dowa oso ma (rho war apparrotly tryirg Io soekr op fue last time st thai painli, hislinf rip tight roar 9005100 O0Ol OS I crossed 0050 tilo siguo lane. Fcrtuootrly, sIso dido'l impost my mid rigkl sido I e n SENIOR SEASONS ably drinos dghl 05cr my poor liltic car, Thr point hors is 1h51 Ih000 wen sa muy 1h51 I could tnrnsl u coupla cf pnnngrapks aniemnisg howl Wr'd lnsn to claw loas secarlly mhco ho wut ktlllod od hs mas participattng is a fsoaral yaacrttiaO. A work Ialer, Bud Bastar agraad milk ma ill hit 'From iba Lefi [land" aolomIs, going to maks u brand likc Ikut, ai Ins t fall renco, skn would hoer psob- io Ihr loft lane blockisg my 1h01 unforlusatciy had fatal condoquenons lus at mati ann Gino- YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD BUILDERS - REMODELERS IOR 45 YEARS - duablihs5 amItos ftc Orpllìs Ofislmi dtsr SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT ssggctddOo 4DiMaria Bailders Carborsptrnsst -i--- Letter writer: "negative feelings conveyed" Maine-NilesSpecial The Maine-Niles Association ; . thoagh I had sr "mol fusil' in Ihn uiluatiOst. Il's a manafentuced farlI hato pari of a Iraly dangor- can drino as dsfonricoly as pas' tibio, fsnm s psootioul strsdpomI, und nos anticipato 00molining likn this. And yes folks liko Gardnor dofnod it. Il brass nsr row Shut mokas soy 55050 Sir orroly, Placid F, Millen Niles Gas prices headed up again Il yca lhocghl lIso pdoau at loo pomp hod Isradod up again, fon 10050 righo. Thr AAAClsoago Motar Climb May lao) goofs'duro 0 fon May skews 51551 psI00'-.' hosc ins souse d oosass Ira board Mctsnísls in IllInois noti rosthem lodiaro alo 05Of atrases tIfO el Is 4 coolS moro les cccli fallar of gcsolisr rhss 0001k. lo Clsiodgo 004 Cook County, I gOflOO of arlf-rorco aoleadcd nogalas tow as'orafns $1.626, up I conto front 1151 ososrh and up 37.7 cents from luci ynar. Self' sorso anlradnd sogulor io Illinois outside of Cook Coansy ross h t .524. This ir up 4.7 is costs from April's yntor tssd op lI.n, 000m from loll yoon 55 tIsis A t'itil le tIlo pO5Op los soItsorno onloodod rogolsr it Nonlhens Iodions will oasI asly 3.5 costs orces par gallor Ihm morth, sp 33 00555 from lost GARDENS I fukctØf;.92 6t,.actoi Condos e Apartments Business Commercia! Homes New Construction Low Pricns I-Ugh Quality e Guaranteed loTee Estimates e No Hidden Charges Complete Weekly Maintenance or One-Tima Service e e 847-436-8195 II -\RE-\ ('Ïl\I"F1IS S1INI()R D1SCOL'Nl"S SI'ECIAI. SLR\'ICES SENI(I)R NL%VS - _ - II UI UI UI_ UI UI' Uil UIl Il i" Il' Poilu 23. - PAGe 2- PAG2 With intrt Fte I hktorcal lows homooWOors oro flocking to fincociol iflOtitutioflO and obtaining oans for homo rollovarions - tiro FHA orvoroc mortgage program io no 0000prnoo. ftomoowflrrs aro ovcrwhetmiofl'y ìntrrcstrd io 50mg their now disponobte cosh for homo tooprovotntrflto The ocyorse mortgogo o a oponial type of loso that cUoteo parüciponto coor the age of 61 to convert a pornioO of their lookod-ap homo oqoity ¡oto pertioipanls sod Oho heme valar opeodoirlo dome. Io is special lo this promo® older homo- brcauoe a rovoroc mortgage roqoirco 00 moothly mpayment. llto program works much like moot offre loto is rrqcircd unitI a traditions1 mortgage -- bot o recOrto Rather thon mukiog moothly poyoorootO to Oho lender, the loodrr mokyo loor diotriborioos to the bcorewor The amueflo of Oso-treo income that Oho homeowoor moy roceivr os bnsnd prieomily co tho age of rho Îb5HICflGO alaauu seau. at GOVERNORS PARK All Levels . IndividuSlized Rehabilitation Programs e Respiratory/Ventilator Services 1420 S. Barringtop Road aarrington, IL 60010 847.382.6664 Fax 847-382-6693 Holy the home is on longer occapied os Oho prisleipol rosidooco. Eligi- bility reqOtitnOesra are qteiOr simple and do COO itoposo soy standards haurd un income, soovos, ceciliO or empley00000. In addiOien ta home improvemeets end repoiro, many portici- roer Fami Eff° olios, To Icario moie, individloals c0000cr Joffroy MeulOon of Welts Perga Homo MorogOge on 0go-950-3291. Wed., April 26, 2000 2.Ccllcro&C000ino 3. CandlclighOietrelern 4. SkajsTcoraeo#2 s. 512 Malee& Sono PH h #15 SkojuHl 7.#HStateFarro-WAS BubSchaob Jahn Zuwiotewulci SdPasdiara Aody Andre-co Larry Irasdiuru Dove llurtdlrr looKacue 9, #7 Colccial PH lO.Prooya I .010 Ocho Solle 12.4th Mire-Oli Bros. 3.444 Hcatmoarors I 14.55 Culooial 15.#2 Alliance 595 573 365 559 553 547 539 gram and refreshments are iseluded. The class sido is limited. l-500-2To register, null ADVOCATE (I-505-323-6622). The cunese holpo drivres rofoco oxis6ng sIdIlo and devolop safe, defensivo driviog techoiqaeO. Topics corerS inclode ago-calato6 physical ehongea (roSino, hearing, reocOico time) cod WOYS tu compoosoto foe troue changco, OmfSe safeOy roles nf lOra road. new lawn, hazacd005 driving vitaatiaen, effects cl und peopur oso und muiotenaoce cf vuhicico. GOLDMAN CENTER Poutre 55 Aliso ore-lees wilt ho held no Lnlhrrac CenereI HutpiOal on the third und fcae000 Saturdoys cfcvery m000lr. The 55 AIme progrum, mlooch woO dovelaped by the AARO' too 1979. is Ohc hoot ned most re-ngoired ecmpreloeooive nuOioowtdc ensene created esp00001ly for Skilled Oe Intrrmdiate Nursing Care 6601 WeSO Touhy Ave. NOes, IL 65714-4562 (847) 647.9875 eItler driucrs. Upen suscoanfal aten of 55 Alive may ho eligible 00 receive s se-to-mandated mxlOi.yeac discount on their cero e- During Our Renovation lle1th Center Kosher Dietary Laws Oboe-ved Medicaid Certified "The fluent io nuoviopg caro cinco l95O USE ThE nudE ti encouragement grani our entire staff at Holy Family Health Center C, otter the been treatment and care far the most valued membees in the witlo reOosv scOoeduled fur 3:15 p.m. loppron.). Rogiuleutiec is required sed cao he doce at Ike Liocelowood Recreativo Deportment. MotOlIta Mullet displays #e-jaehPct. -t s at Isolde Blvd. ved Dull Road on Skckie. Luech in "no your own." lt you a roietorcooed ioj000ing us lee tueclt pIcare caOt the Recreo- tier Depertmunt sr (847) 677974ltbyMay 17. Juin on ce Setardey, May 27,00 soo"Oo Dotdeo Food' asthe Pire- Waller8000nOta l'PS hic luck ev Oho elul o,ach,lrOO. uVvryuve uIwoys kos nido RosI,voran O mud Thoaloc Ou- n Tire ocsiduntv nf Forest Villa Nursivg C 0500rrucec Oly gumbled the doy away et the Hullyweed Canine io Slgiu. Par000 Villo, levo adito Nile-, pleca co atril Icaot Ow acuOicgseau h week, and rasidvo 00050,1v area humo with swatl suinsiegst uaOod in Pt. Aticiasuv,Wt.' '51ro canI of the oip in $60 1er members und $#S 1cc gnesls In- Activity Dire-Ice Olivia Carey. Residrort taub lite blesIl' 51t55 faciltly vue ru the curino. evlarch ccmplime011S el Hollywood Cosine, und a low cloden the uhew, leech, and deluxo mntnronaeh trannpoctatieo. Deportare time is 8:30 ore. ood jayed the riverboat tri peematO s a fasuriOu 000nof the recidoete. Wo Accorte Wabioh (100) sod Kolherivo Kerker (Mght) oejuy " For two generations, our family has chosen Holy Family Medical Center. Oothtul CustOrm oar healthonun Jareo For wore OhoeSOOe°o, 01 lamily host000odonlyl°eOilO vichOhe dort Itose d 000000 cored poroto,. llltole I unu helloS mt' alt ehild Ohio. O coald100l toanduoghoroehou ta huso thrio about oo.T000yl000etllPPuOOi°° ovd tumlodivg.ThOt'OOhY my chit tourie t Ilaly FaoilyOtedeat Center. hralthcarO cardo, ivotudivg ea Siesor Ihre loe gone telloly Foe-to Olsthcat Cnetorht mooOalvy 20-year-old lasghlor lauod a mammography on raro! ogo.thkev my molest eitelkeIt nid regeler could OvarAn 1ooplr at Only Fucilo Iledicat Corteo. tsovp vhoohroaut, Itsuca I otutloalivod vo mner000 aFOSI Caildessi '9ttho5vlh io tee-d oat O Oat coNoS 10500 roebuvt, tri kiridonut titoli) 000r00000000e , sa the nargeoyaotehelkrd ivoith nu otter I suvtkone.Thtit l'ain moose choldooe. itaancnlovato!05l laudO chonta tIdy levity OrdiraI Covlst cotre phoelo Ceotrotar ouyotmakndth000 north." I bel ge-I knuatvgthot O loo! nolyot Itoh 00060 bt000st Olevaaoa00000 luce anisom kuatlhoatr oecdu, Ooly Fuoilyl1c'diut CevtoroftOountdr 01010000000 ostumity anomoohealthoirOicMom udastingthe Neo, B,hnihife° 00dpsouiltrAddtttorsa" dol ytogoulnt,the B555CC5 cmmo,aedo0euoe51 aod roeoimode'PtOY Holy Family RediraI CesO,?r Women's ItesItIO Saa'aieeeo C Ceoneosloestiwtrayse C Civnoetsd l0000uu'lanOO bollo C CoomlOteS tcunm000 trouas Por more ¡flfOflttation cali: (847) 297.1800, neI. 1110 C C' a' htop'J/cIrlregotriboene.eulis0tlyfboitY "Fami!y' our patients and residents" s rh 2350 O300epater SOreS au,CO'n!wOhololer!50,05, De. PisSera, IL, 50016 (847> 296-3335 Tcaro auallabtnldsys o week spmrOrrd by nro Osten at Uro Holy FeerOY or Nomme Cool-n lit O ft L il taet,eOedla Ot#athrilyrt,drilbo1,ot00nidhnlmoM0 CI ' 000 e O°0a,'000 erodeawlor 06.0 rc,9O 000,15 Fa,rtlesOedleatCero Oareur o 'acorre, lOi Oho'oodlitu rFe0 (omilae 0' rOt'dotto. OS sos N. River Reali Den Plaines, IL 6516. Cols-t P l'orl000 OIL C.Ol1 fl I L IL (I JCAHO Accredited With Commendation Oho estimated releen 6mo is 6 p.m. booboO the cantee. go te Otte rivvobeat Owico a yoae. Holy Fannily Medical Center -550CM Eifr.teO0,tdastrlaecftt Cvinbcutc May Birthdays er May 25, at Windows Renocarant lavutrd iv lIre Double Tree Hotel nitro ton®tdIstu65vlP05n00d nolofort OrO5O. 't' 'Ihr experience, expeetise and Hull, 690e N. Lincoln Asceso, o)r000ieg IWO slayn. The seSorens will be- held front 9 aso. to I GEORGE J. & HANNAH New Admissions Welcome Cr000100 PmmI50 Depurture time io t ll3 am. from 0ko LiocuOnweod Village . The eight-hour recreo io íoxght in 1mo, four-hour cousions cu000plrtioo cf the conrac. geniOs- oniOns owroatl000l000oOUOlt!eS PostOl Cow O SSppOO eve-h te000p00100ioo. o rvcdicutiono no dririog ability. 0000ro a Shot Iron Stays OdOatIaO O F5050 oreS1® and $46 for gnosis irclndes Ohe ohew, lUnch, and dotane meter- There io a SOS fec for the port- lo ornee of baby S Creus PeinO/Hado ruade) Quality comentia Coro The sono of $41 feo roenobeen the Americen Atoueiudotl 0g Rooircd Pre000t (/oAR?) ¡u offorisg 55 Alive, a Owo-0000icu Safe driving refreohur 000cm for oxpeeirocrd moOoriolo 50 sod old- cor irnura100p raOaO. 'B0OT SHOTS" O. #17 FEiN Pent 923 culnshire 'Ibeotse te ree the "Piraoenoll'ceouovu." Ltilhorao Control 1-tospitoln Senior Adverare program end maul utrood both dates 00 become eligible for u reduction on 7.53 Tromror 15.51 MocorchBmglueAlamr llO.#ISMCH 20.521 Minoro 21.#lSlFSurbornhop 22.40 North Shore Meter FINALSTANDINGS The Liocoleweud Serien Club invites the commnoity to join Obere oc Wederuday, May24 (nr u trop tu tloeMa6ri001'n Loo- floue of Lothor000 General Herpitol, Pork Ridge. PorOicip000n 1h51 t ROSMAX The Lincoinwood Seniors Club 55 Alive p.m. Sotoedays, Muy 20 mod May 27, n the Special Feuehava Dining Room on the 10th CivicCenter Sr Men Nues Brunswick Bowl t. Cafe Bravo EXCELLENCE IN NURSING CARE dt. Eohvatoe o hdo soda (1Oa5a'WO owooro e000iVO mom Uros their youogrr c000tOrpsrOS. Ne repay- psoe- have ssod Oho noto pmecedo Oc payoff Ohne ooiaOtlg moetagro, lo psy their prcproOy teseo or medical cojeemos und to poyoff e-edil curdo. Revene roongsgr proceeds do not affect Soeiol Secarity 01 Medicate hen- e -- Forest Villa residents visit the Riverboat Lutheran General Hospital offers "Reverse" repairs are booming with seniors . . . - - ¡ I ,-: MOR 27 TSIEWtiGLRdoIIUPHDAtRiAVhI,2100 PAGK26 - . - - . - Three Centenarians celebrate the Millennium at Bethany Terrace Nursing Centre - New assisted living residence holds Open House SatUrd from Loonlod only u mito from Tho proSt provider of housing ond sopportino SerOi005 for oidor 3, 2000 Jo I pm. to 4 p.m., Unilcd Methodist Homes & Services (UMH&S) wifl hose sei open odatis, house at Hertwcfl Hoone, a now assisted living residence for oidor adulCe. Locotodut 5520N. Poohna, jost mliO1os freni Lake Shorn divi [-iomns & Sorviont in nsoirrd Drive on Chicogos north side, i-iartwoli House oflnrv a vibrant non, "Whim Hariwoll Home, Motlsodiul Home resides is she huilding shut formerly Itousod thu CamOnes Eon "ltaoryonn et United Mntho- St. Gregory's Church. While the enConen nf lite building buon'I ohsngod, Che mienen bus boon oompletoly reeooalod, Now heal. ing, sir oondilioniog, plstnhtng, spnisklenu, phonr sod cable systoms huso here installed. An ole- oboul hiunwell House's grand opening," Bill said Lowe, UMH&S Chief Oprrasiog OuiChis is our lust homo for oidor adulto that isn't located 00 oor muir, oumpus 01 1415 W. living cøeimUnhiy for oidor oduits valor hou brun uddnd Io allow Postor Avesue, Hsrtwnil House is still close onoogh to tuke od- ir rood of voice ossisl0000 wish 001ivitiOs of daily living tJlaf[-I&S hou o 00-your history no Chicago's north vide os u ndo- noordinOs. Servín Maine Township .' seniors into the ¿ 21St Century! N Senior Acliviliet R Croft Classes & Wookohops sied more 847/297-2510 15g Yoanf2orrioo 1700 Bollard Road Park Ridge, IL 60068 . . , irdepend000e and prioaoy, whIle I olio pmmolisg' componienship aud now nopnni000ns. Somv Ostsee oasistod living programs eeqoiro rooidoeia io puy ontO or endowment tees, on putchuse "packogosj' of survie Ou. At Hantmelt Homo, ueo moolhly foe inolsdos: ohoiao of ptivato unirnos, ott of mhioh boor isdinidool bathn000is nquippod wiih either a shower oc tub; a complote nrsnuonanl-styln dining progrom with doily encra p. .apI Pi . a, poioiod sitting r000as 00 onoh Ilour invito fellowship. The gesund 0oar footanov e dining onenlouks Hueswoll flouser tosoly000rtyuod grades. Huntmull Housn'S 8losiblr ussioted icing progenie 0000unoges , L1 a S 50 tone-iS's, s gnoasrr lifu sopeo- dnno...she real of whom lived so Iaecp when compuend with a he leads bss always bann cosueneed obeat heipise others und Ioni her suppurI lo the Red Cross and Sr. Josopha Hospilal, where sits suid-45s soenagn nf the end of she lAth ccnsssry, Mem peuple could cerlainl yohsrosonrun ob' abb kOuIIh sconcIo with us aIE ann eolnhnudngthnin 155W birth- Nor family roo a general usuro io day, which is quiln rar adoom- lome, which pranidod dolioeny plishment. Bnlhaey - Tenace Nanaiog Centro, located as 8425 N. Waokegan lSd. io Morton senvico by bonn and wagen. Olgn mooed into Bnlhsny Ter- $ Registration is now andotway fnoohmonra will ho offoned, aed one lucky sininor saill miouwoo. denfol door piled Hootmoll House is sponsorod for Ihr Spatng Eldnrhoslolo offinid by An Jnnsirh Cnmmusilp by linitod Molbodisl Homes A Coolers uf Chioago oonduslesf at duo Peelsleis Resort and Confer- ,orViCOO, a nonprofit und noosoc- ence Castor iu the Winoaosie Orion pnooidcn uf hoosieg cod Dells. ICC's Eldeshostel piogeom offots adulO ages SS und oidor offordable shaeO.ineo 000uiiuO op. peilonitiro thor seo desigocd Icho educationally slimalofieg aod so. oIdor Unitod Mothodiot Homomukot Seroices pregrovt provides of- .00rd r SahaceS So00dNess$gfaos foldable, in-150mo onoroinosa who assist oidor udolts with saoh s PoS-Baspilol Rohuhilitadtn lominis tasks as light hosisekonpirif, osca1 Organdy Inopuced Menti Soloedutu AffotduhlefiirdniuleÑcm "E I ' ° 5 . Grandparenting SyncioïtodMnitnimon'tkniU class offered S 5 SUBURBAN 22 S SORE Eslonoioc Weted Cure Fuviyaod l'odenl CeorneOng and Soppottim Sondons s 08liOitttOtt0hl.dtegllwpt ' 510M DISCHARGE; P000rialiaed Fotloie-IJp Care GIenCHIW at Home f847) 674-7174 sed Shysiduot cHICAGO NORTHWEST - - - MEDICARE MEDICAID INSURANCE HMO'A PPO's musy manioul programs al Besbssy Terrace. Besbony Terrace's y ounges t is quile a leog lime, pruvidiug all nf its rendossa with the bosl sod ernst odococed oore in u humelike nolling fon 35 years. This entocuyo osporierco bus posihoned Rethosy Terrace us eno of iba 10051 knuwlodgoakle health cace ntgaoioaniooi iu Ihn groator Chicogu erro. And Donhony Meskodisu Coeporoden, a pflhhh Eldoehoslol season, piense call f Phyllis Phillips at (047) 6752200,csl. 129, - For mora infonmolton aboliI Bathnny Temoco Nursing Ceolec, Privahe sfudio, one Ccaunfry 510Cc WillI . & two bedroom aparhments . available with the - freedom ost renting, New Iherapy Oc rehab facilities. New clinic with physician's offIce Priority acceSs to tiusished living and nursing care. Housekeeping service. grill & ice ceeom fountain, Resltsurunh style meal daily in our renovated Fireside room, Daily Mass ins 16e lovnly Villa Chapel. Friendly star. TransportatIon lo shopping and speciul eveSis, Completo Healthcare Available Comefor a tour and receive airee gift! A Quality Rated Retirement Community 555 Mc Henry Road Wheeling, Illinois 60090-3899 Call Kathy Woods - (847) 215-5531 - Founded by the Sisters, Serronilo of?4ory t sposraarod by lIte Frurtciocoii Siowio cfCltïcugc Bethany Terrace Nursing Centre Pinsidoutial Glonulooss: How When Vero talks abcsat liSe at Bolharty Terracc Nursing Centre, she unes words like cheorful, cnlhuskastic, caeiug, sstp'portivo. Kale; Bihlicul Nansulisoa Thol Speak In Us by Rahbi Kassnl Abelson; "The whole slaff, lhcy're like falSityt" ait Lioely, Dyossnia Arts of Helping Vera embrace ouch day-and enjoy lier tifo lo (ho toilent is what the interactioo and support are all about, tunnll-IS,2500 s 00mo od onpèctaot gmudpa000iv. Paoticipaots tvill share thom devo and quesriosa abost grundporovl' ieg, disomm childbirth and p0000n' ing precOces cod caracol chtldcane aod leodiog philurophine. The doss isTtsarsdoy, Jorro IS, .7 In IO p.m., 05 l..uiheran Douerai Hospital, 1775 Dorsrpstot, Pork Ridge. To register, coIl l-650-323- "And in between all the activities, three always scoots to someone around to give a listen, or a hog," she sayo. he Moie Than a Family lolollon by Dr,PhyllisNeir000; und Wkss's Happening In the For' wir CcrnmriOisl Caaosdes uf oun Saropi'? by Dr. Richcrd For- Providing 1ko oylieroro in cano aod voarmlb rshitc d;iilg mroliog Ihn medicol, gardons, dntigeed ho Ihe Chicagn ilolanic Cardeur. To idrim mure' aboal Itelharty Tinaco an lo anoaagc u vieiS and camlrliroenlary vare ass055mosl, call Sozo,'toa' Croit' in admirsitiits at 8470065-8100. physical, amvli000l cod tyirïloul nords of oacls vi our enliais IS what Dothany gresshp Do. Julie Sleaass; Legends of Crenal Coniposers: Tenrcco does bosl.,.00erl' hour of avons, lialltaoy Temuco and its Alohnimnr's Cano Ccotce rlccreditalions zcilh Comintotidot/on, the kighosl award a day. hoallhoono facilily cae earn. hennan; und Thr Vativan and Ihn Jews: A 2500 Yeae HinteD by David Ohcichne, For rsginloaiicn infurmuliur or sa rcqsesn u brochare fer the 20110 JL ir Roaidents love pon bouutilal thetapulie 'fho Joint Comwissiuu on Accreditation 01 hlcolhhcare Organiaulions awarded lase2S-30, 2500 Warring I°onioers, tedispoosabio Rivals; Poeoideol and Cao- Vnndi asd Pisucini by Bobs Lei. - 'Where You Can Feel At Home" pleuoe vail 847-965.0100. Classics of the Silver Soneav. Cooled0 by Dr. Raymond Ciatoi; Juooph uod Nia Brurhono; Its effeting a rhren.houo clasa fon 0622. loves music and atlssds Iho Belbasy Terrace Naming CroWn ban also been around for Do Wo Craw? by Dr. Inning , Fee io SIS. A/I Homes Ne Joint Commission Accredited mayunojoyed dancing. a hobby which kept her young on kruns...ond in hody. Sho s011 ond ccc sirsee su much kuewl- edge wslh Iba poupIn heno." Chicago bylill Pnirdberg. atLGH L, thrnor, O onnuo I Hospitul Tlroy selniod on Ihn noCh sido of Chioago, sahoro hoy noised rhoïr dasghlon, Dario. Madeline al- lImon rnmmkable wnmcn. '11sep bad such incredible eopenrnans Çanrlinrring Care Retirement Comsenorgi lions. Qoros und lapiosinalados Máy 21.26, 20012 SpoechThtrspy Rnipitototy/Vtntil0onCOO 920, eno long und full lions. Admtniulenlur lEan Knlruh, nord, "We hune a gmus deal lu leans fram ('t' pool und modem accommode- linyorksui (773)275-2400. &001d-WiOtleg?h)dESi . Occupeineti dunce aud mere maensed se She is en unimul bone, and par sioulury loses coddling sosih Huiler, Belhany Terrace's ohneulule LubradueReloinvan, Temuco Nursing Bnlbnsy Centro has proudly pursicipslnd in the oelebeasion al dross wnm. * ADDOLORATA Bracos ceotau, aoldhonswimmrnf pncpunuliorn, gr000ry shoppinO, pnnvOu al cano and companionrhip. Fon mono isfuonretion cheat Hoetwoll Noose, or to acticdrilo a private Iusr. ptouun contuol Roso- S 6titodthOOdOS5fotY50d&001tY Modetino and WaIte root or a volaolnemd fun ever 40 yours. NurSing Home & Apartment Living" cially gnatifyisf. Piognoms foutIteo high'oulibrr iosleaotors, iorpaoaior oioff, bosliag. fiahiirf. huotn ut 1415 Wont Poster, sod its S Pristary2ne flt5ddCOOSOtilOhlOS4 lIOSO sony in 1998 cl Beskony Tnnnaon. . yeur.uld Gorinode Mtrorn. 17er- Spring Ekierhostels udults fon moro thue ISO ynons. Unilod Molbodisl Homos k Sonvices also operaros Thn Motho. disC Home, a skìllcd nuesìng rN(n\l8dJO 1999 al Ihn age of Igl, celnbrulod ihn, 75th wedding anninor- JCC's host 3, 2000. Valor parking nod ro. Proviarng. . - This family hunbuird, WaIler, mhu died in presidnoliol nonos, mid buon snos fashion rmndn ceme and go and como sgaio soveral timnsl Bethsoy Teanueo's oldnat cent- Pteasrjcin or doning cur Opon House as blantmell Honte from I p.m. su 4 im. on Solaeduy, taon to 905. Sn Moroh 4, IRMA. Sko and ken ssalf. mop haue hood sbeoagh Iwo World Woes, mom Iban 25 poagnomS. services Ihoin Modnlier Cmlson won hem rira with follew residents and social, udueatiunal, end oultsrol ir rane al the ugo cf R9, md nene thea lias hoes an integral mcmber of dro nommanily. wisnesord a len of hislory in Ike waking and shaee lhrse memo- nolecliono; cli mOintonanOO, utilitios, linon, und housekeeping arr. viens; schodnled tronspontolion-, emong000y nnaponsn cod security syssoms; iodividoal nublo und letnpkoonhook-ups; and avariesy al uupponsivn I Porn, Illinois, ore of fose dlii- ing Centro. Thnae residents hove lion und olisrm. Strguotly op. off thn first Soon lioing rooro lonoory ISsIr. Oigo was, horn in Madelino Carlson, sod Desloado Marew huye alt colnkrated heir momeoluau biobdeys with friends and family al Bothany Torneo Nues- A oozyloongn welcomouvisilote toHaTlW&llHOU0S. noum suoviood by s full-v000ico kitchen. A Spacious living nonni 00 the first Soon reataras a tango 505000 tntovisioo and a beautiful upright pisse. Pur Itose mho oniuy boiag ootsido, o largo poroh u "Optieos 55" Trips R Widowed 8e Siegle Activitios . mol- - Liivarioosly corpotod hollwoys Soit grocefolty throogltuot ho birildiog and docorativo lighnivf lix loros proaido ampIo illqmieu' the Centeneninn Club in lOS risme cnrnsniest Olfa Whisnnnok, comou visitano at hoy estor tic ciii oiitrOflOn toliantwolt Noose. I Information aodAnoiolisnco Sorvices - A b000iifal Stoplaen onaniar, Olfa Whirrsssk, colo. brateol her 152nd hirrhduy un Groor, is the pmud heme of linen mnidosls, whu hune nos only mudo ir 10 Ihn ISO yeur mark, bas have also lined in ousy actonS to all four floors. Bat what iatprosem visil000 the moot iv the worm and comlonsoble sor- vantage vf000 orgtflizOtiOo'S full vor tinaur o vfsorvìcos," According Io acleooific dam, poupin line longnr and healthier linos diere dsys. The ourrrns 5vorage life onpectasey is the mid aacelebrafing Tile 10th Annipersary of olor øethany 'rerrusce Nursing Centre, 8425 Norhh Woekegan Road, Morlott Grovo, Ilisaors 60053 niE ISSJGLEìTRVPSØAPsMAY a 2O8 PAGE 2 nm: BUGLE,mURS»AyMAV IS,2000 N- PSN s . NPSN receives $80,000 in state funds f corn unity outreach pkSenw%s e o of Cnnceen ti cammotity meatingt_ taking ptO in publia dit- A "Golden Agna" horsotf, 'Dorothy ,Ottrn nf DetPttiees Ort Wan Itosorod by tito Cuy Piainrt with a "Snutnict Rund Spirit et OrrPtnitan Awerd." oosainnt nod explaining the work ofttse Dentar," Mas. Sohneder unid, "Whctevnr trakt Doro- and vntcntrnen at o DesPlainas oicmenloey ,rchooi, belying ato- -"Of our many vnlnrateees ma chote to nnmilanla Domthy he-ooaso of tIns topor commitment dents with dnnie rauding shills. lo unngctteing the Socruaar Center. "As part of her woohly saroico or a volaelone ro. Norridgn. The awuedn urn pm- Norwood Park Home schedules Open House Cerror of C000rrn olIno namerOot renviera te Ihe people of DotPloioot, hsvistg begun morn thon 22 yearn aga io nornico to older residosts of Meine Twp. and Cnn ho çovtoctod 'by calling 8471823-0453. ceptionitt cad ctericoi onaisluat, Dcrolhy mohos lelophnoe roas- noraIlco coils to homebound resiThe Ihn Nino Ayo.. Chicago won dunn uf ihn arta, the updates PatkHOrflO (NPH) goigao N. andnstpPoeted by State Sou. Wafter Dudyuz. oua Computer flics, ted is utC. Capparelli in the Huuoo secured by State Rep. Ralph uheck (from left) are: Stale Sen. WaltOt DudycZ; Ways willing In taha os other Joining in the pro000lotiOfl of a symbolic overuizod WPSN director; Macula Hagnp,an-MattuOd, NPH presi- tntho os rcnadcd. On top of ail Stato Rap. Ralph C Cappatelll Helen Murphy, m500ger. mo fundo will be used lopurch000a nom- Ata, Ooenthy shopped far hntidentand CE0 andjatlie Russell. yfPSNprugratO ofNetwork members and NPH reuldenlO. Other mo- day gifts fue one clients last foco fur tranupoctation merciaI Van willI wheeluhahlift frenhlypreparadhOpd011Vatofme&5Pr05r0m The NaPNorkprOVtaS a and heipod me in ocgatieing nor . nias willbe uned to fuhdlto maintananCe referral, oUtlngn and noti VIlles, annuel holiday panty. "Outsido of the oflroo, Dornvariety of additional 090IiCeO, lnciudinp handyman and alo visiting barber formen. Formore ,nforand tIce newtyaddedser4Ce thy often reproseetu the Codeo emergency responne$Yntem 9arferivqulflngabOnl00d05S59mices calt(773) 631-5673. mstionunjoining the An Open Hnane nl Nnnwnnd Parh Homo, 0016-20 N. Nino, Chieugo, wilt be hatd from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., na Wed., Moy 3t, Vititoro will haue the oppnrasoí- ty to tour tito Assisted Liciag Units rod Suites along witla dbor fueilihoa, meet msidrnts and tauft memboes and erjoy ncftonhmeots. 15 it s Inisaroly and infor- True alaoritp in liar dcnira ta ha ntefal to sturm call 773f63t-5673. Roy ond Shirloy Schoate, of on r000fnilinO Tor os individual ne grnsp "for onion bonn g to help seoiort moho ho trannition t? Ootdno Age' a positinc otpono!ai Schuedor, en ocoduc dinactnr cf iiit1 fundo - "Golden Ago Awdrd" autsgnry coud usait toten WillI O nudely of life's choilaogon," arid MIsty a oommunityoutíeachpíogtamsP00a0m9YN000d Coatty Sheriff Michael F. Sheahan. mono boo omento t pictuend iecioda Miynoa and Joch ICetmotto, of Albaay Preh, ond DesPtaintt mayer's niftoc dosceibnd the purpose uf ho hot demonttratod no cor urea-mide work on bohoif of golden ogonn ucd euters cubo she Progrum Manager,' red Conk Rand Spirit, umeed program, thu she donar ir their hnmot. Naewaod Park Hamo it it itt 154th year of aerniog the eommsnity as n quality mtimmatl ratidnoce. Pnr moro ittformation nr 1ho Norwnnd Parlo ' Seniort Neaworh, Park, gathered foe r'phato with formar DePaol basketball cnaeh and pmt-disiinguinhod honoree Ruy Meyer, Jatia Rostet, NFSN The Cerstar of Cerceen, Mrs. Otneo it a ta-onice of tile Elk Grove, Twp. Pico Proteolinn Dirteict Paolo Ridge, nominated Mrs. 01- rocvdirg commonitioa, is an earncoch paogerns of Noewoed Parlo Homo that provider a oraigty of services aimed al anninling oesiots in mninlaieing indopon- Noewoad Purh Home, and Halen Sinocdbeeg (ranter), nl FInewond In additian to her service at clot servite agency mentad an Caarty. Norwuod Perk Soniera Network, which roroicor oliontr in Nnnwood Park and the sor- (tecnvd freer teftl, u msidast of for oncrilenee," city't volantear encogOitson dinnrc on Friday, April 7. The Cantor of Caocoen, a no- and prioste ngtneiot io Cnrh reni pnesnonsti4O, Betty Ohtgmn thy taker na, the alwayr rtrivat She rocaivad the tmaod to the "Golden Aga" eategnryat the täré.'fOi SeiiOtic jnt tentod aneunily to tominaled onlonteera crer aga'SO who provida innaloabir service lu pubtic huai dra Norwood Pnrh Seniors Network (I'IPSN) and Nnrwond Pnrhliome (04FR> wem on htnd ta torrico their Serine Madnit nf Monoe et tpooiat crmmoeian hold rorrotly at ihr Chicago Coitarot Cantee. Patlowing thu fon- Dorothy Olsen honored modvo woy to onamirrn,etieemoat facility und haoa your rvitlsnttt tian thnaghtcfreeatrtpènae qontdnns answered, Noowond Pork Homo it a 2 II bed-fooility abat is folly lìcaoand NURSE ADVICE LIlIE to att000te 55 Assisted Liviag ' und Skilled Nsosicg Cern. Nurwood Pack Homo atoo it oorti- Bud ta handlo Modiesre and Mrdicuid eosideols and has opeciti prOgrammitig for rosidrntv neediag Detornito Cwe. Lindo Kreot, Dieectcr of Manheting, aloeg with other "My son hes e rush on his chest and back. Could lt be chicken pox?' staff members wilt conduct the tones ned answer quantiunt. Af- í- Atrl1tiOflOftCelleitC "When lUd the rush uippear? Rus he had u fever?' ' s licio iht5 retirecoest cont:. *dePlf Mitt. "P15W ettyle you've -watlbUfor. FIrm Dlattrtetisrly ,aM,olntrd rrccfstials CALL 877-RES-INFO c737-463&) 1011 ftc.Ak for our Nurse Advice Line. Our cog stete d ourrescan help. Using clinical expertise und n new medically spprnned cnncpnrer psogram rhcy ecalusle pourri Suction sed help you decido Great diathag- Delicioot meals and oatulandiog comice uro ali pant of The bolgtal convertibles and inuely one or twa bedroosn apartsneftta. ThE RKERS ltesw-recttòn PodU fIt04Oafttwbfr aataWa//f&Ì 8975 GalfRnad Fliles IL 60714 (847) 296O333 Acrotr,L,/nyiotyaorurfo cetsaplimtntnry coifeo mag. Pero hlacd peennaee rerttng the Nnnth Shorn Witte selection allying chokes. Choose leom stadion,' .I Baoltls Care home two caapnsn fnr o fme dinner lionohi at o fatter dato will be providod by Hnsptoa nf to join ynn fur ictocis ordiaaeeo. O un'twa tre tinte wneeysng.Tlcc Nuwo Advnco Une froto Ret naerc lion Hesltic Cneciasvuilnble froto 8 um to 8 pm, sturo dt power k co usower all ofynor otedical quortinns. nade, und reifer, sod thea tako ucdvitieu program, an atteative stoff, bannlhtuh- COMPASSION AND COMFORT... CLOSE TO HOME. ' hoe you nerd nkilled cursing 'unte for t loved one, you looh for a facility dono ea homo - und Inopo you choose the brat With Glrovirw Terrace, yon gee ehe bess. Par once 211 yrars, oar level efonperrtae, commiemrnr and compaunion have braaghe yna and poor fomity the nro' host io akitled oursins, erhabiliruciso aocI Alnhrimne'a coro. era sweet tea, icr aold lomo- and u Strokers Tradition, Yon'li'bn pootsd lo itsoite frioods and family what nction in talco. terwaod, oiait orate ill celebrate Ihr opeomivg arrivai nf nsmmee with oppir pio nia conde, nouth- ynu'Il find the bout in rodwmeot livinp s foil icg architecture end heontitut gmoods, PhBE 19 'and Norwood Park Home volunteers receive Medal of 'Honor Two nf Iba riO roloeteres w ' Per moro infnootriot aboat the Opon Hoarse er Norwood - Park Home, eau with unique and special needs, Sock nfnae lrvrls nfcoee .- roneemeclsarr, shiited, sah arare, rnrrpeional und Aiolaeiw*'s - enable att no offre ehe precise modicui sen-icen needed foe ony ssrtraeloe. . (7751 631- 4836. Ketura Hadassah meeting Sumare Hairs wilt speek an wonton hora 01 ha tom of the centaty ai Kotaro Hodasrub't mossthiy meeting at t2OS p.m. at Tnnsday May 23 aal the Libreay Brtk, 6686 LincOln Aoe. Lrncolnwend. Callee and dansent will be tersad. For iafnemottOe And, Gleoriew Tremer has rrcéivrd alte highonc Irvel ofardrrdteuesne from ehe Joint Commistion na Aoctrdinanioo nfHralalscaer Orgaaiaaet005 Acrredieaeion wiah Cnmmrodasion. Only the rep four peccent of ail 'lerniw C/rrOcQ nursing hamos chroaghoot rite e actoerycrc otoc thu recogniesoc. You need atoccompromise compassion und comfnea stc char ynor toned cae is clase to home. Cali Glenniew 'lorrace sss (8471 729-9090. NURStNG CENTER Care with the human touch,m 1511 Grnan000d Road Gltncirw, Introit 6c025 Trtnphorw R471 7es-nana Membres cati 847-674-1379, lean. Onests $3. oStr ssnntttrn,Ir. Cnnepnc ti lassants sri-nets Veruotiera at a (adt is gerter5lIy trame al a leali their the broie liseS, Oar philorophicul app000cit, "Caer with ihr hurtan tacad," garn beyond ucy seaoe-nf-ahe-uee technology focosi ac Glrsvrrw Terrace ra she heart afose raro - oar drdicrcral sod lsihLy 1,rofenaioaul senffwino ateos ouch eensdena s att sodsnsdual ' - '' JctittO Ace,ol,te,l. Sled' ocra Sp p'so 'a, Metiicsid i.icco,a'al, ytsoacod Coni, t e,uunne , VA yjjjg5TggIIRsDAY!JrrAVI1r;250S ;, - Financial Assistance Network helps seniors & disabled struggling with debt kiting the Debt tOritoS lOi, c0050irines lilt sot o simple cred- Do you mow u senor citì000 0e disabled pecosa Iboi is stauS- une listing sheet and send 1 bach for precessieg. "EveryOne's bills gus0 wìlh debí and receiving threotesieg niait or harassing are difterenl, on coesoeters will recebe iheii own pni0000l debt 'redactieo proposai fer their paesiaolar oitsalten," says Paul NaodIad. foaoder ef pieaneial Assittonce Network. The hit otre contains infermatirs about a special olloe9ey sapoeviurd debt ussnsl0505 pro gruir] for seniors and the phene colto? 1f so. iof0000tteO is lise neW 'Debt Relief Kil' from Financial Assistance Notweek is Washington D.C. mop help - NetPinoeciol the reweib. hoe juIl sneeaeced . ASsiosa000 - toe5 of their debt relief kil. The kit 000iaias eseeytliing recesurn to help censuwert cembiee disebtod. "Tirio program helps their buis isIs ene coa500iesi >_ people with o fined secerne hem socio1 secUeiiy or disability who monthly paymsets. In many cases. creditore reduce Or weise ioterrít cempletely in 0O effort lu help ceosnmerS avoid filing tar .Ire0000ivre g theeatensog wait or harasring ph000 eolie from astecared creditors sech os credii bank.rsptCY. - Senior Breakfast -Club meeting The Lutltoios Generai Senior greokfustClob witt peosnetapro- gnom from 8;3Oto tO am. Fraday. Ma 19. 00 StoyiegPit." - Ciub westirgo, spoesOied by Lathoac Orseret Otdeo Adult SorVoers. oro held osco o mouth is the IO Eastcafeteria ofthe hespitat. cod frotare presenietiens by health amo professioncti. free costinootal bwokfort and social timo. Scot]ng is limited and esserVatiass O]u mauired. Te sigo ap. lors and horpildia Orcarlrn your only ncomc is from social security Or leoni disubility ohecks, tire low protects you, cnplorncd Nuvestud In a group of seniors anti disabled people. Your credtors will be:ceetacted and nocifled that yra are sow being cep. resented by as- attereeY. 1t is -, ameciflgtO see how your health sed outtdek os life non impeove just bncssse these theealeeiflg lettera and harassing phone calls trave stepped. Aller a one ttme sot up fee, oegeirg rrprerenla- tice by es utineiry in onty 55 pet moeth. Tito preparasien ofdic poroosal debt eedoetiOn piopotat is froc of charge. Conrumees cor rooniVr a debt rrlirf kil by nrodiog riot AosistoflocNelw0 coil 1-000-3-ADVOCATE (I000-323-0622). Upcoming lopics in the 2000 Seoior Breakfast Ciob oerier iociado; 'Family Carrgioerr Updete' departmCflt Companies, card stores, colleCtiOn agencies, doc- 00 tuer IO; 'Am Yea Stooping?' on July 21; Cootroll;ngYaueflteod Feossher" es Acgosi lii; 'Osoecisieg Year Mcmory' ea Sepinwhnr 15; 'Looe Tema Corn I000rarCo" os Oatober 20; Mona Therupy 0O Novowber 17. cod a holiday celebratien on Etocombar IS. - Debt Rnlicf Kit Offdr - Dept. DIf KSR0428 - I'D. Boo 50944, Washington, -OC 20039-0944Cossuisrers con also get informahoe from Fiosocial Assisteece Networks lsleeoet web sito; www.FineeoictAiaiSia0ceNdt0 rkorg or toit free bollire; t-800- 940-901. lt's hotteC to creep aleng slowly iglal road, then Is Ois Ilse aiarel. eoeltdrnily along tire s _I_ ThORML1tÖCKWL CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIIOTY they Joie the Prairie VieteTrovei CIoh on Fetday, Mey 19 ar and the Norman toUr die new Foggy Netebliert Notare Macearn Rockwell exhibit at lite Chicago Historical Sociely. The Notebaori Maneam is or enciliiig heeds oc, interoclioc place te rsRiver Pbro the world of science oed calore. Pied the Chtcsgo arbre river. esplodog a 40' model ofan gem backwards while to2O apecirn Stroll thmagh tire gloso atrium nlive wish sorne IS Restonelet al will br ai the Big Sheoldotl of butterflies. Lorch cf the the Flistoricel Socioiy rod ofior looch esjey o geidetl tear Normas Rockwell picruros for the ARencar People. The bos will IrIse Ihe Pmirio View Commonly Cnernr at fer residrets. 930 a m., end rotore about 4 p.m. The cerI is $37 cell Catheand $44 foe non-muideets. For fsrthrr isformattea. r;rrDroo aitheMneton OronaprekDislr]Oi, 905-1200. hEALTH SMART SEMINARS br prentis senor of special Fleolth Smort Srrnioors' will Commorai the FroirroVinw nested et I 2;30 p.m. on Mnsdays ty Conter; - . Cholrltrrol -The KitlorWithie' osMey 22; . Momory, Aging asd Aloirrimers Diocese" eniuno 12; . 'ProstetrCencer" withoonZieglrr,PhD. en Jano26 bloc et 10:43 am. in thrVillafOH011 Senior Ceolse). DmTo mgisicreoll CathedroD000 os the Morton GeovoPoik iriatfldS-l200- mf ofoats end bmìses; and deewnirosS Free diobetro screeniefr ore aneilebir from 9 te 10 am. on Toosdoy, Mey 23 in the Morcoming ir fer the ron Dm00 Viliogo Hull Sreier Cretor. People meal ofthr oïghibrfeee. ncmeoingsttostd font from 1h rever! ng PHOTO IDENTIFICATION CARDS Stelo oflitisoin Phate ldenri005tiorCardn" mitt ho issued by hr Soemtury of Slate ut the First Nsiì000l genL of Morton Geese, 6251 Dcmpuler Stroot, betw000 9:30 a.]o. and 2:30 p.m. und fer er Wodoesday, Mry 24. CerdO ace fece rocitioren 05+ volìd form of pori oraOc 1h dirabilitien. The nord ir accepted an o Documents mquiiod for ideniikcotioojOit like odrioors Itce050. SecurIty Cord, plan two acceptaiiv00000 of Ehe caed ore Scalai bic formI ofidooti000tiOe the] pnovide name, dote ofbirth, resi- "MEDICARE AND LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE" 710 lisis hoc lontane wilt ho prerostedhy George Ctrese frew s p.m. 0I Wederodoy, Mop 24 or Bethany Terrace Noesisg Cesbot roo Forest Viecv Room. The public is welcome te attend, p100cc cofirtorbynoliinfSOS) IOU. DEAD SEA SCROLLS ' 4YDAflOS'* Bring the whole family for the Summit Square - 3-mile GENERATIONS WALK benefiting The Center of Concern, work is assisting seniors. focus of whose community organization a SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2000 Residence Registration ß:30 am at Summit SquareRetirement $10Adults $5Seniors, Teens, Children First 200 entrants will re'eive a T-shirt. . lo N. Summit (at Touhy) 5Park Ridge 847-525-1161 *x108 For more information call NILES SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION Tho Hiles Serine Cooler - 999 Civic Cooler Drive, behind Viilege Hall, serves Viltege ofNilon msidonls, 0go 62 ord over, and their 500050e spoonen. Te registri fee olorser, trips, poiclirse hobelt, ele,, yoa musi 10 be a member of-tho Ceelor. Por sddiiireet infoemetioO - or FREE mowbovahlp - please call or vieil end boplonod or Ihr nailing list. SENIOR CENTER WILL RE CLOSED MONDAY, MAY 2SEOR MEMORIAL DAY VOLUNTEERS HEEDED - Trase i to Ike Field Moscow oc Thurcdoy, Moy 25 to see Ihn Dead Sra Scrolls, ose of tito worlds greatest arehoeolegicei Onds Morn thon 2050 yeers old, tiroir scrolls include the cochent sarviving copies cf the Oid Tentowoot and other trsts that toil us in "co about tifo e 000 OncioOt ooiiare. Picone noto thot lovnh fee ynor owr. Thron is allo O fece trolley beiweos maneams ll!OiO who wish to rsprri000e thc Aquarium or Flaoetaeorn ladroinnion fern noi included). The hun will beve the Froide View Comtnasity Center cl 0:30 um., and telero eboet 3 p.m. The 0051 5 517 for renidorts, and $20 fon oee-rcnidonis. Foe foeihrr infoonotion, coil Cathoeire Deoo atthr Morl090r000 parkoislr!ct, 965-1200. AVEERNOON DELIGHT SoirSolo CiOO senior grOapi fee the encanl Norlh_Northwell Chme ior CrnlOc aelebresicc a! the cewly ecnoao!rd Chevy C000try Club os Wodeesdoy, lotse 7, A vorloly ofdciighlfal esteeteinmeri mili highiighO 1ko afters000, A goaellc t ctdaken lancheosmill be servedasd ofcoarse there will ho p000ey roIgeas wnll0000rcutg000ial raffle. Ii The bon will louve rho Froide View Cumllruolty Conter 01 far roi!eppeonimutoly 3 p.m. The ces! Is $30 ow, end celum cl Cnlhodosis and forroce-eeaideetu. Foe fortheniefomlOt!O5, coil siunfleasultheMnrteo GroveFork Oluirlct,9h5- 1200. WESTRRN.PRANX AND HIS COUNTRY BELLES Enjoy o fan-filled afte00000 srurdrg al I p.m. er Woderaday, Jase 14 io tile Prairie View Colomun!ty Cooler. Wontero Frenk & Hin Ceanlry Belles, a fabulous liso dancing group fcntn tIe L000iog Tower YMCA will ostenuio. Feel wIll be tapptef durardïnhanoeofFleg005 wrareed, wh!ic end ieg thingreol chew; bloc. Please regiater Wilh Calheriee Dean or the Mutton Greve PrnkDislrict, 965' 1200. 'What You Should KnowAbout Medicare and Long Term Care Insurance' The seasch for propre herllb core fer s byrd cro reqeiring eng loom core can be difflesli 000eginerr. TIre cowplon Modicom and ins000neo nystoms foe arc often confosicf. Ir rs effort THIS WEEK Is SENIOR CENTER WEEK mOISt pccptn err coawore. lo my PIerre Call For Ticket Availabilits' fono J_ire Lornh end Sfocio is Wedoeoduy. foros 7eo iS e000. Today oo will rojoy ce ItoliasSabmaeifle Scodwich nod Chops fcllovssdby lhcwevir.NOiiOOg 1011(1999, FG-l3i. en rsjnyoklr nomooticeomOdy nnoeïegisliakoberls ondHogk Graot. .sanday se ihr Corroo - Come Vosee miih Ur in Socdoy, Jane I I. I 1 orso. to 4pm Guvaftern005 mill bogie withemrei frotar- in0 Roast Pork Luie wilh Apple De055irg, Vl000050 Fried Chinksn, Fetuley flatternd Pataleos, 00000 Bears Aimoodiod, Rolls cod Brownien. (Meni served 12 noon to I p.m.) 'floro pur onyoaedrsningnhuesO5 Din Poni sod Erteec epis all ynor favoritct000n.Cont: $8. Enoning ut the Center . "Seek flop" io Toeadoy, Jane 27, 5 1)2 slab p_0]]. io 8:30p.m. Let's steel with eh0000y orool frutuveg Cclr Slow, Buhad 50005 of BBQ Ribi, Fried Chicken, Cneo, aod Drnsonl Thor cojoy the g000i monis cithe Flfoirs au we hens cOs00000 ear liest ever "sock Hop." Special cortosts inaludiog o n sonco ties brnurer 105g bem care end ins arance of which 00mo ci the brenne pIs OS well as dirprovo romr cowwoo mioconnoplioro.' Me, Cirose loot 55-cao d es a colos repr000rtat!cr in Ihn iona000ne industry for rho pos! 23 yrert. Ils hes onpersoelronco cernpoeim, sueb ou Cortiverrai Cosoalby C000pnsios, MsIaoi of Omoho, Pionooc LiOr, Skoirie AAEP Chapter #3470 meeting Skokie AAlS.?. will hold ion rIco! mOOlirg 00 Toeodoy, Soon 6, e! I p.m. et Oho Forty Aoditoriom efdre Skokin LibreO, 5215 Oaktoo S!., Skokie. Ms. Ricki Noednseyer, of Ihr Skokie Fnblie Libruey, wIll Feosoriorev irW of ercer] hook thonagh mosto1 Humonities io ActIon chall0000s yoor mind 17, lS:50 encroises. Di Ioula os icpic tor Wodoesday, Msy Rogist000ins 11:35 n.m. in Polkl000, Mythelegy and Traditone. rrgoiecd. BONSAI EESTYLING pmFura your Boesci Rratyliog is Thursday, Muy 18 al I yb Mary Uwa0500 if Bonsai plOoto lcr the growing season. Contact ooeWCemer. Registeolicnecq0000d. MASTERING ThE FUNDAMENTALS OF POOL at i pon. Thaisdo) Monroriegthepoedamoetrni cfPeol storto Mey IS st1dceoticsas Ibmugh Jonc 22. CosO; $12.50. WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING AHI) LUNCHEON Jejooday, Moy 22 et Womos's Cish Meericg & Losch000 is fat)nanodby Porti Eck- 12 ceOe. Slam aoodmichco wilt be served er entIre gaitOr. Coot; $2. CURRENT EVENTS DISCUSSION GROUP sccond 10:30 aIS., the Correos Events Dìseassier Group is of each ritorih, The sent treelrne is aed feeoh Wedaesday Wedeerdey,M1y 24. i05 reqoirod. cog ooroe . This free locluec series is perI of nhnie 3Slh 00015ernosy celobeolion, which ircludes soneto rd000liOeeI programs dosigoed for rendons as wril so Ills nurroacdirg cemmurity. 000000e 5 welnomr In ob' lend thin special Isntsre end dis' ossiios. Bcthooy Temono Nomiog.Contrr in bnceted at 5425 N, Rd. io Mortes Wachegun Grovc, nooth ol Drmpster end advaceod core ir a home-like sorriso for 35 yoOrs, Thin estesnivo nspOiiOsOo bon posiritreond Brthosy Terreno or ens et lire . o001h ob Ookloo. Pon moro infer- molino about Oho pregeow or to atbcsd, Floats coli 847.900,8 ISO. Care That Is Tailor-Made! TheAbington of Glenview customizes its care to your neècts, whether it's Short Term Rehab or Short artd Long Term Skilled Nursing Care, This even Innudel a secure Special Care Unit for Dementla and Aishelmers. The Abington is the perfect fit for both professional and personalized care with years of invaluable experience you can trust. There will he ro meeliof ro Joly don tailooiuiy 4 holidoy. Fir,Serna li Oid Sanie, Presi- dont for broker ieformolíos ut 847-063-OSt 5. Call today for a tour of our beautiful facility anytime 7 days a week, Ectrcnhmrola will be nerved atIco the meetinf. Wo welcome A.A.E,P. mowbore and poesIa to 0kehiooedssm0OndirgOiat. CJE Weliness Day c 051551w ill bnheid. $10. SIUMANIT.IES IN ACTION 001551 knowledgooblc heollb nary ongasieatiOns ie tite gloatce Chi- CO50ve bus boce preaod000 its resideoLs with lite brst and 10011 Aecoeding to Cirose, "Three rd wouy woll-respreted iota- S;osdoy at ihr Correo - Spris'ert io Sundoy, May 21, ¡1 ant. ro 4 pro. Colebruto Sprinfi o! Spvingfeor with Bref S teogon off, Satlrerd Noodles, Broccoli, Solad und Denrert. (Losch io noon re I p.m.lRrlasOOPalOYWe000ktekosthrstafb $10. "Heo/oodero FiohingoI MvHerey Oumie Taordoy, Mop 3,9 uni. re 3 pro. Ilojoy a dey of Osiris0, priora fer oho Sob cooght asdchiekcn bedo. $5. Coepoo 115go ed flohiogoquipwestcceda hie. Reginoatiosneqoitod. Fovinformalioc,neniOctMarlt S. lovev it Ihrle, The people el Sethony Trrrocn have become like frmity te hoi.' Belhcny Torrone Nornieg arc wery isnoci cogording Ihr LOCAL SPELLING BEE TO BE HELD MAY 31 GENERAL TICKET SALES dont there. He seid, "She Juil d]!i]ry and iceg term 0000. prnlcOtntiOe. I hcpr to clorify Ali seniors cro welecoin tcpootinipOtOin osrionel spelliog boo scheduled fcrWedrrsday,Mry SI cl 10 am. Slody list IO avorIo' bIo attimo ofreinleotiOO. The wicreresd Istro oeersapw Ill 00Er0000i our cooler oto regional 05001. Isis rnothne-in-iaw hocome a resa- -' ship between the i050rsenc in- MAYO4-bIAY2O Seriar Conree Week ir o speniol week culminating with oct ormai Celobealien ofSosiors where wo boner those resin!500 yeuro ond0000andseni0000Upies who carried is 955. Refreshmonts and Daily R.fgOr will br hold! Ibis, ond others. Hin fonos hoc mostly ncniernd on hnolth ood tifa i050000tce. Mr, Cirese Oint smiled Betheny Terrece when Oolhoey Terrace Noising Ceetsr, booted 01 0425 N, Wookegas Reed is Morbo Greso,witl hr hcnhrg the tifOs is its Over retores soviru Oc Wodnerdoy, May 24rh e] 7 p.50. George T. Ososo, en copeo 00 the sobject nl long term varo i snorooce , will ha spoeking eboaO the rolation- . iliacCrOsn RlorShirld of lIli- to edonato the community un the mavy Ospeots of beg tnrm n000, COMPUTER MIS VOLUNTEERS rna seeded co sonst other hider adults is learrisg to 050 cOmputers, opproxinrntely 2 to 4 boors a week. Ccwputor onporicece required. Trasoreg will be provided. PIcote ncoioalMarySwers050i 500-0420. MEALS ON WHEELS 12RPVEOS ore rooded to dolinor meals 10 Nileit!OmOhpOsdnidnrlY, o'ookda5she!ra000 I i urn. te 12:50 p.m. PlcosenOotaal Krlly al 588-0420. DIABETES SCREENING Nesiorolie_drpe5dnetdi0brtet is gradual soorseland 05001ly occurs io adulto oser ege 40. Seme of the waeorsg signs ore: blurred crosS charge in vision, tinglirger itchy sloe; slow heel- dooay aed ogoOrure. d'ì Niles Senior Ctizens 588 8420 588 8000 - PArIE SI Walleero Dey al DidactIc Place: Cit is s1reoseriog a leeirr welincsc day, fnom 9 am. to 3 p.m. 00 Wodsosday, May 24, et Gidwite Piace, 1531 Lehr Cook Road, Deerflrid. Blood pwssare sc0005000, Osrooporonisocreeoing ferisomca, blond oopgeo level, und progIcIel of ictereai oclodiog hoodliog sIrene, So000r HeolIh 10501000e Prog0000, cod honefoliog Ihr well from bianco acliciliec err effoeed. F0000s0000Iienr,c011 17731 558-ISOlI. I A Healtbeare Convalescence Residence "ExCellESt Carg itt the Ft'negt Homg-Likg linvimnment." 3901 Glenview Road Glenview, Illinois 60025 847-729-00,00 Tour the Abinglon on Ilse Web: ww-w, .11,, iilll/I(.11 USE t ThE , BUGLE MSDICAIIE APpROVED /JCAllO ACcRIIOrrEgI PAGE 32 BUGLFTlIvRs)s1+. 1W2000a 'o s I' . - - - Bethany Terrace staff goes the extra mile The Summit Square Generations Walk Durbin votesto repeal the Social Security test For Seniors - U_S. Sen. Dick Drsrbin today voted to repeal the Social Sonority earNings Inst foe ouatine aidnests bntwneo Ihn ages of 65 and 69. ecioes botonan the agar of 65 and 69 10 entait an estimated acorase of $8,100 io Social So- marl enlioqinll St of liscio Social Soçurity benafil far ecery $3 by lurily-beenlils this yero. Currently, snoiar niti000s ages noroings limil, 65 to 69 who naso mote than According to the CongrusrimaI Bedgot lCDO), Ihr repeal mill ellow 625,000 noo-disublnd $17,000 por yene in oilhne weges 0e tolf-omploymnos i500mo Locotiont The Genarutioss which their mages exceed the WuIh will begin and end at 50mmit Square Retiremoet Reni- "Tb etere ingo limit bes keen widely eritiaizud in 000001 years as mote citizens hace msnaised donan IO N. Summit (at Tosby), Park Ridge. Parkiugn Poekiog will be ovuiloblo io the Summit lqnaee io Ihn werleforao,"l7oobio asid. "Seni orsmhao honre to contitud working aRtur the noonal ration- let across from City' Hall ne Ar earedrgr limit nf $1058g would onwain io efleel foe odividuals between the ages of 62 - Couellaed. Sehesloter 8:38 ow. -- Regiolralioe lut Sumroil Squaro). 9:15 to 65 who claim Social Seeoeity and 000liouo 10 week, The Sociel Socueily Adnsieiedratieo re. doers benefits for these indicidunIr hy $ I f000ve ty $2 even lIce uscii hal th000 individuals earn. n.m. -- 3 mile wolk starts. IS I I 35 ase. Refreshmools will be Cowpletioo presentad us finish. First Aid/Water Stastinse Le- ealod ut Ihn Park Ridge Seoieo Cesser ou Wealero 7731 583-5OOO Stntiao. Regtntrsstinn Fers: All fees Coluwbudam Niches will benefit the ContRe of Ceootro. Feo includes "Generations Walk" T-shirt. Cash or chocho RemtiR,lLandscuped Gredeos Monumetsa - Markers - Badal Vaults - Avenue. Nurses from Regency - Heme Health will stuff the First Aid C000Liíiiay Mausolturn and 847) 864SO61 feo wslh purtieipoels. Ceslifiaulr of No v-Se cl a an 9900 Gross Point Rd. SKOKIf Ascessftc,, O/d Òvlord at Samwit Square second Sewing the NoDI. Sbore Conimunity fur oser 80 years lIn l,MloOl of l'rr iii rangen! o , Lot, Ihn Triangle Lea adjacent to the lusi stand, and in the church only. Privare Estate M trim leuos - Wnn't You Juin Us? Summit Square Resiromees Subs SanEn al Pm-Arrangement Discounts Now Available' Residence in Park Ridge is Welcome to Hartwell House nice the salunhln services ponvidnd by Iba Cnoler's poafemiauul staff and vnlusntorrs: phohing Iho hemnbound to gino noceurugement, visiting lonely seniors, mooning someone Io the dootse, hrlpisg feuil nldnely with laousebeeping nr greonry thupping. As provideos of eetirnmnnt snrsioes nurnalves, we sor hew just a littIn help with daily aclicition aus oloko a major difference ir: Ihn quality nf life for a senior. Summit Sqowo ir plensed lo 000int The Cenler of Concern in its Continuing miysins tu nane thn enlier ausnrouoity oeil stoloes te partioalrr. We escaunage Ihr parlioipiatien of estire families red walkors ie nil age grospn tejois so in the Summil Sqoaré Geneooliuon Walk. Participants should walk on the aidoevulk rod obsomso ali urgísc signals. - Progress begins seith gettiug u elenr,viesvoftlsr obstacles. The Finest in Assisted Living for Older Adults - choice ofpeivule suites, all ofwlsich hive iodividual baths enipped with either u shower or lnb, Additienal amenities include u restaurant' slyle dining peugram, providing those meals peoday, and a variety afsucial, educotional, and cultural pregrums. . .Ftaetwntl Reuno in sponuared by United Methodist Homes & Services, n nonproftl ofhonsing and supportive services far elder adulta for more than tOO years. For more infoetnation, or to schedule a loor ofFlarRwell House, please cull (773) 275-2400. Çprovider - II I would like çmure information ou Hartweil l flouse. St. ndre'vv SIICUI&lFY IE-II orne StaId Telephone: I Q*_s. - I AITR)lRl)AItll.tlY zipi I flariwell House, 5520 N. Paulina Chiasgo, IL 60640 ,,,, Terrace, but aIro to their Christian faith. "We orn mey proud ta hove so soany employees bring the OpinI and dndieatien nf the Ordnr of Goad Shepherds ido the lises of aun reoidrots," suid Balbany Teneco Nursing CRoCe Admiostrutee Ren Kalioh, The Goder of Good Shepherds (GOS) wut developed um prato ego to ercognize, nffinm and earlure line 000anotion ernploynru mnkn between their faith end Ihoir work. Betheny Tenore Nsrsssg Cnntsn wen one of fire pilot silno selected to irnptemeiol us 005 program in 995. Cor. wetly, Sethary Terrece has 17 members of Ihr GOS. Members went ollao u month to plan sersier promets foe Beshany Tre- ,'' ,,$,«..'r': , Reverend Chueg Saeg (ae000d Pram IrS) 0f Boll acry errace Nursing Confíe In MaCan Grave eaegralelaten fellow alaffotnwfsnro (left to right) Diano J. King, Mi/a Gallardo, and Jannn We/bet no their intact/no ta the Order ni Send Shopherds COGS). These iedeeteeo have pwven Iheir ceormitment Rot nely In ßethooy Terrace heI abo In their Chriotiao failh. The Order of Good Shnphnrdo aran develeped six yeam ugo te recOgnize, affirm act narinre the onnoeeti005 Ihut eonptoyeeu make toela'eeo the/r failh and their work. According lo Reverend Suooy Lopez, coerdioatnr nf OGS, "Bethaoy Terrace Nursing Cooke und ito staff are dedicated ta providigg reaidentn with e eartoring andophitual ersriranrneot. Their asnacialian wilh OGS nhoavo their deep social aed re//gioca eommmitmeot, ' Belhaoy Terrace, laeated at 0425 N. Wachegare Rd.,- in celebratiog ile 35th aonivemary of providing the beetandmeotperuoroal cam forila ranideoto. - Expert, one.onone, caring, compassionate, friendly patient oriented health care. This is our clinic's mission. Call us for your complimentary consultation with one of our expert doctors to see how you can reach your health care goals. 847-470-1177 eneirly of ways. In keeping with Brthuoy Terrueca philosophy, the Onder nf osco. GOS Sloff membees ge ahoco and beynsd the mtl of Good Shephordn respects matheutlural end mulli-faith Cadi- duly, taking residents on special Iripo, holding fuedraisena, and peosidieg support for other ateff al Berhuny Tosraer. Thorn nilsployosa ase reodnln of misisiry so the workplace and shorn their lioso whose fanndolians rest en o spiritual, sociol, and porsooal cemmitmont te the rOinitlrics nf fairh with those they serve in a -tio/filllii with OGS. Io oddities healing rod coring, Sothasy Toc- reos Nursing Costee is pruad to oseare h a bog-onesiogroln- ta a 51000g commilmesnt to Ihn Chrianiar faihh, Snthosy Toneace welcomnn people uf att religioun uffaliutineo cod bnokgrausds and holds o variety of religinas seeviens no n oegulue hnsis. - Tu loans more about tho Ordorof Gond Shepherds program as Belhaoy Terrace, please cootech Rosecund Dr. Sunny Lepre at /773) 989-1349. HO MEDICAL CoNreo Chiropractie Medical Relsabilitatiou Nutritinu . Massage Yogu - Herbal Medietne The Best tu Alternative Sa Traditional Mestiei,sn 5818 W. DempstorMorton Grove, IL 60053 lincated 3 bIts from the Edens onpwy) Parking Available %OFF i st Month's Rent Otto, suad Io, s iirnllnd tilos oeil. VasI 0,111 ooatrcr, 0,1:1. 700Go N Nowirk Avers ttt' Nil \ (ThLÍhy a MlIsN-s.tIsLL) A caring communiiy ofolder adulEs - Rehala tarsiens 6 days/week . lu hasse dialysis - Pain martagement - Wound management - Succal recovery - Medically complex care - st. Matthew offers quality care and servkes tailored to the needs of individual people. * Long-term nursing care * Short-term rehabilitative care . Singlo Iloniarn Wilts Prinato BulhreowìSltewoi . 3 Nutrllinas Meals Served le Dining Romo . 24 Haue Security Seeoicn Full Aclioily Program . Deily Muss Astd Deoolinirs . No Applicolintt Fee Or Enlraocu Fno - 06118 - - Address: Cilyt mitment not only to Baltrany st. Matthew Lutheran Home - Iv therapy - Secured Alzlseimee/dnmrntiu unit Ae.Imisninss 24 lsuusn a day I 7 days a week CALL-TODAYFOP ANAPPOINTMENT Nene: whnlo have pmonen them corn- When it conies to skilled nursing care or rehabilitation, you want quality. Look no further than Forest Villa Nursing Center. Our !ciIity is accredited with commendation by thejoint Commission on Accreditation ofHealthcare Organizations OCAFIO). Now that's quality that shows. ander lite Auspices of Cal/bbc Citar/lies - Diana J. Smith, und Jason Woihet, all of Staffed by lito Feiicion Sisters .9-t . An integrated office with doctors of medicine, chiropractic, naprapathy, and rehabifitation all working together to provide yon with all the modern health care options. of Gent Shepherds. This aeonwoof marked the aahiesemenls Gollurdo, yOtlJlJFs so HEALTH CARE Grove so enlebente the induction nf titeen addilionut selhony Terrace oIsif members te Iho Ordne of Mila The fuif;ure of lyS artwell flouse is un elegant assisted living renidenee lacaled at 5528 N. Paulina, just minulks froto Lake Shore Drive ata Chicago's north nidd. 1-lartwell Flouse offers a Ilexible nuuislcd living program thai eec000ages peivacy and independence, white also peomoting companionship and new experiences. At l-taetwell Flouse one metsthly fee covers yeur t3ethuny Tenace Ceutre, 8425 N. Celebrating Our 40th Anniversary! A Caring 11tice to Cafl aE_loMErr - stiff, and clergy nt Wunkegan Avenue in Motten . tot of Concern;- ta local enmoto- oily oeguniealiOn. Although Ihn Crntee helps olI agos Ibrough ils 27 peograms, Ihr major fucus nf work is assislieg dte nldeely. We ut Summit Sqoare meng- gnroge, on Summit and. taleschum Stroets, in Ihe Resorouir oetitlnd Io today." Nursing peoud lo spussee Ihn Geoerutieso Walh benefiting The Ces- Datetlntaeduy, Jute S, 2800. most age should ens be penoliced by losing hooe6ln they ore e Reuldoslo, goihemed I I Forest Villa Nursing Cetaler 6840 W. Touhy Ave. Niles,IL 60714 FOREST VILLA NURSING CONTER IL 1,167 I t www.famllgcaremgmt.cum Come visit aur outstanding facility today! For mere infntmatisn or to asoange a taur, please cailt 847 647 8994 * Joint Commission Accredited, Medicare Certified and State Licensed Located in a peaceful residential neighborhood adjacent to Lutheran General HospitaL 1601 N. Western Ave. * Park Ridge, IL 60068 For further information, call Admissions at 847/825-5531 A program of Lutheran Social Services of Illinois TUE inste pAd» a our ¡e. mues an ave Screenings at Introducing..Health the Leaning Tower and Lattof YMCAsI For people at Half of all deaths from heart disease are sudden and unexpected. risk, prevention is the only hope. AmericanHeart Association xamdalry for ho young at heart, Ozzie and Harriet and , Baby anank, and Daddy witt ap. piar at (ha Lincnlnwnod Pabtin LibraD at 2 p.m. as tha last ptaomm in the CUttant nanday at 1Tiohein erare qairad und am frac al thc cirunlaiina cab three weeks befcm to Linresidents and ana Cctnwcad weak bafarn to nan-residents. . Adt! Body Fat Composition. . . only $5 more! TWTD Radio P!aynra in a mv°p nf ama!aar radia actora Liacolnwood Public Library's Traoal Thraugh Time nanas an mations cf aid radin ncripts far audirnaas interested in vintaga bene ceras nf the aepilal Caine; Unto ara ihn highiightn on nohal'a hnppaning at Iba Skokiç Pob!ic Library jo Ihn nact Paw wnaks. Ali nvnnts ala faon and "Heart Profile" Blood Screenings opaca io the public, thaueh aomn rnqaira registaaiiOn nc nniad. The pabilo a wnicamc la cali Thyroid Panel T3,T4&TSH Add Body Fat Composition . . .only$5 more! wih qaastiona. na Sa,rdoy, Mey 21 and wahn a fan craftl Yaaag abjidnon nhaatd hava a pandit Io asnisi tham. Lactures Shori Story Doms - Profcsnianal short sinD caadar Natalia Ncwborgrr wit! mad oatstaadiag storia by warld.viass authors foiowed by a shari dincansina. Na Homocysteilie Test :s$ advance Osteoporosis! Bone MinetI DTest Prostate Cancer Screening .A PSA test to detect prostate cancer. For men over 40. - Family Earn Sanday Craft Club - Drop n any lima betonca t 30 . O pot. Unexplained weight loss, hair loss, sweating, insomnia, fatigue, and constipation can ïndicate thyroid problems. Find out if your thyroid is functioning properly. Stroke & Heart Disease Ultrasound test measures osteoporosis risk. aacdingts. mqanrad. Tharadny, May 10 pro gaaaa wilt faaiaaa marks by LOngsinn Hsghan and Raed Richards Caapea. mn program will Can. ciada vo May 25 with acadegs fram Eanasi htnmingway srd May Sanno. Aniiqans Appraisal - Ari histonina Pradvatok Dosn will give a loctorr/drmonstraiinn on ihn art nf appnaiaingoe t. RagiltaaliOn iv For The More Complete Evaluation I, $48 $75 Colon/Rectal Cancer Screening Sélf-Test Kit $12 For an appointment or to learn more, call i -800-253-1181 Professional medical technicians conduct scretnings. PhysicianreVivWed resulto and summary mailed within ten days. at 7 p.m. latradanlian to ihn Waald Wida Web - Winh y nawana ta the tnfnaanatian Oaprrhighwoy, baa dava know hnw ta malva? Di sconce how Ea accass thin amaairg rarcoeCa without gailias mn ovaat Maaday, May 22 on a "Heart Blood Screening when you present this coupon L The Leaning Tower YMCA is located at: 6300 Touhy in Nifes. piraya rail 847-h73- 7774, s2127. Tharvday, May le Save $10 Profile" Ask For These Vital Tests... Arthritis Profile lJ Menopause Profile for Women raqaieaat, 1 COUPON Saafard Ice Citedal of Seladin hagian ir 1176 to peepoae for the caosud- nra; the Mesqar of Abated the Friday marning, May 19, Ha will take his audience sa 1ko Toma, ihn oldast insaot aaaaqttc to Gioa, hante of the pyeamids and lite famoan apttina, and haynod hut to Memphin, the Old Kivgdo vtcopt ial of Egypi. were his trademarks. la Japoleae with English nabtitins. Wodnos- day, May 31 Ii 2 p.m. and 730 p.m. Ratod P17. Clussie Music NOW OPEN! (fi9Lattof YMCA 300 E. Nohwest Hwy. Des PIanes Saals act an-bare no a Inmota Ivstand as o maniai aaaraciior. Oui ihair Ceahtars get mixa than they baruain for. Wndncsday, May24 ai 2 pot. and 73O p.m. Raird PC-13. Akira Karaonwa'a Dreaots - A mantago of ihr draaans cf hit iegesdwy dìrceiar, fall cf 1ko vivid calcen and images ihot No aegietealidn in raquimd fnr thin pragraat , end aaating is hmitad te IZO patrona. The Librmy mili oct held or renerva eay acats. No foad dr driakn may he cnrsumad daring ihm prcaaala- unlcsa olherwine noted. Maya - lion. Autlsnr Shares filtrata' Gendiacunsios is Alioc MuDraacta'u leeteal Htstary asad Retare! navel Charnirirtg Billy an Meadey, May 22 at 7 p.m. The Lihreny's Evanieg Sank Diacoaaioe affars a neeiaiy of beaks cunging from ctanniou ta Wanders Dineaner Itlinais' gcnlagiaal arcunsees .. nosriaf chiffo, great einer nyalame, seoiadcd canyons iondacapn lhai ha.saiituuta d gan- ihr hua wiaeevofNiiaaPublieLibrany Dìstvicl's Miilaaaiel Tern aaatinfls of Icreorro, wrvots, oíl 0613. barcal, fnaail onlI actors. und soiestilia. Wigguro, aoahveu f Chivago, hua oathorrd titruc geoingboraoieal houka, iraI end "Flaco," and lacot Amrlio Fcdt, aiid Rev DAqcila. whcreeoivod Saint Sobe Bechouf, woo Iba toan poetry ootiaat for her paam "Tiver," und Nil osras ideat ambulo bio mattina in iba adult yanlry eOOtoai far bee pnom "Paure Of- faeing." Giber wi mots iooladod Stella Seam premiare Don't miss abo Aendnwy Aovaod nominated Sixrh Soaae co Taarday, Map 23 ut 2 p.m. al Nitea Publie Librory Ditiriul. Ototting Sraoa Wiltia cad Hotcy Intl Camant, Sloth Setice talla tha chilling 510171 of u ohild pay- chalogisl who iabas a pelada1 p.m. ut Niles Pabhie Library Distriat. Dutieg this informative slide loctoac, autivor Enymoad Wig garocs plaint Illiocin diCerna gaclufic Itistory and ita adorai wonders. Di.oettva r how arriad foeoascroe toit a wodaro iactsding e beni.00liiof guidabnah, Geclogy Uridrifoei ill lilinoia. RaginlrOiinn i stoqairl d fon Ibis prcgrcm. Pl acaarogiator ci Iba Libaury tnfoenuiiun Gosh or call 047/b63-;234. Kcriie !Oaìpvioh, who you Ihr aduli puetry carIcai foe bar 00at ii Cauca bin wenaicor. Tha,enntal contusi was hcld ie tauofniaan of Naiionnl Puatry Muoih, which la obnarvcd dory April. Tha Lihraey reunivad avor 25honiriet loom coal wnitcrs. One-Stop Shopping For Kitchens & Baths Wc iocrc datightcd with the oawb crofpor tioipalito who onoecd this year," said librarian Kola Wcliubi. "Tho judges bada tough tiwn satauaing winners tltareWctc macF ootstaudisg cao Wasilawaki cad Raipdoh aach wceivod a bcakoa poetry, uertiheotoae 4 josanol, und thcir poem will ha prititad in lbtousledttior uf Cltopioi' One. the Libenry's carried teday. 50% Off Premier Cabinets Pollina Landscape Co. [, Jaeanair Park - Av the PiaR Manavam canina 'Sac' lite dinntaue, ciijoy thin cianato aatacn ably by Stcnan Opcilharg, Doto- 13 and in 11711 miaulas lone, Raadoa'n Advianrs et e47/hb3- from 5 . 9 pm, Satarday, luoc iv from 9 am. - 5 p.m., und Ooedsy, Juro I I Irom loor - 5 p.m. A prrfoct opporiavity io stock up av tamaree rending ni 73O p.m. Pitase raginiar, 047073-7774, s2127. SOnar Ssreeu Enpires: June 30, 2000 Di acomida I Tha Euaeìog Boak Diacassiar macia Iba fourth Mcnday afoach montia at 7 p.m. el Miles Pahhic Libree3' District, te dircaecr Per more infentetion, uall ho Mctideinnh nrcoaa ved an banato- tamarrsw are tse heavy ta te brary Dinlaici's Ovaniag sank tryaeg Two Nues rasidarts waao emcag Library announces poetry contest winners p.m. Ms. Floras mill porlorm Iba sawn CnOOtlt in Ncw Yvak City io early lana. Bash Salol Tha notad antd book note will toka picar Cv Fridny, luca The Ranblcu at yentarday. added to the marries of versdlion doriag 1171cv Publio Li- ir what'a rriggcriiag a yaneg hop's niaiasa. This movie la retad PG- Geologic Ftighlightu of Illinois na Wadaaodoy, Mey 24 ut 7 Waaiiotvohj, a Nilav atadeat at tu iba publie Mueday throngh Ptiday iroor O n.m. to 9 p.m.. soturday faam 9 oto. io b p m., and Sondoy trum 2 tm. to b p.m. Join foitcm putmnn far came gand acediag und dyitumic cao- iatoeeat and ida age iosadmarba daring and Adala Poclry Contest, Laaea opon Evening Boak Dioeusstan Creep Depending an the bank er topic acab wcnth, the format may ocenist cf efarenal, fraa-flawiag discasnina 01 a brief presania' lion aboui Ihr hoak'n theme, aloty lina ned cha ralbes at woil as ihr eathov'n woiting oiylo. Stop by he Raud&a Advirney drab far the bock of iba month. Aal Ooegn . Liso Picota will give aonRcrev iial ol act noves by Mncuot and Strcaas, among othata, ca Scedey, Roy 21 at 3 whilc rapponiivg iba Libratyl Skokiv Publie Libtaay will be donad on Memorial Doy, talonday, May 29. Tho Skokic Poblie Libaoiy, tocalad ai 5215 Ookiott SIted, it Nues Public Library ana.facliaa to papoter tictioa. is Euypt hegon in 577, and tha heaatifal barer cf De, Gayer Aadernan, phynicien to Iba royal family feam 1932 to 1942. Coffoc at IO; fete ttragtaw fciiaws, Skokie Pub!je Library or all three 1er $991 Thia teat includes everythiny in the Heart Check' pIsa a cornpreheflaivs blosd chemistry and complete blood count, irrctuding more thon 20 teats ta detect: diabetes, leukemia, anemia, bleeding disorders and diseuses 5f the heart, liver and kidneys. adnartaaer Goldman will praaont a sudo pmgrem about Egypi foe the radin program These Wora the Dayn" whch in hoard ca WNIB Only $40 each - Recent studies Show a link between high homocysteiae levels and heart/stroke. Measure your levels - especially if you have risk factors such os: smoking, overweight; diabetes; high blood pressure or family history. Truoel radja. Tise gronp S spnnsarcd by Chock Shadcn who prndaacra iba ankle brachial index Abdominal aorta aneurysm ankhaman; the Tomplc nf Hams, ihn faleoe-hesdcd gad; Ihn Teatpia nf lain ut Phitac Iba spcctsus_ Talk nu Egypt who oajay deine braadcaat ano- l: Cartoid artery test, ultrasound, to detect blockage in the neck L Peripheral arterial disease test; The Heart Check measures total cholesterol, LIDI, blood -IOL, triglyerideS and glucoae Also includes o pressure check and personal Coronary Risk Lifestyle Repart which saromariZea your dab tos coronary banif disease. Towpie cf Hatahepsai, Egypt's any female Pharaoh; tite Vullay of the Kings wheco three dea moro ihae 60 tamba incladiau Roso nf Taahmnuin Il! and Tat- The library is iaaated ai 4x00 W. Pralt ave,, phnae 547-677-5277, din etayara perfnmt twa clan- "Heart Check" Iood Screenings wok; the Lsaor Temple; tho aveilablc when Thoan Were he Days Ra- Disease Screenings atid new silos in lire presenaatine ate Ilse moeumanaal caac, ICor. a the Library arrien an May 2! Stroke & Vascular Among tata mnay moro ata nd Hrret, naby ' ed WNIZ.PM 97 an Satuedoy Oio .- - h5. uihrarv Lincoinwood Puh1ii , -...--- I--I -- Snooks FAGS 35. m!JiRS/Y1.Ahy !,,2, 847-698-6868 al tSe Fretare 0h. UflLCPC( ,-. FibbING STOS'Eti Design . Installation - Maintenance Plus Extra 15% Off Plus FREE Dovetail Drawers 06er Espires Mao 31 , 2000. taaludes Precisos Paraha,es & GIbar Genre, e 9Jf Your Neods From Flour To Coiling Estellont Seroica e Qenlitp Products . Installation By Oar SaporI Craftsmen Call NOW"For Your In.Home Consultation ø8 led2î25"7OO eanw Or Visit Our Snunfifol shawraam At The 5W Career Of Dundee b Milwaukee in Wheeling Shnvaroam Maulst WiTh 10t Ta W P sat ao-s s.l ThBB000KflWI800AY,MAy 18, sano mt BOGLE,ThURSDAYMY IS.20110 PAGE. = I- : I ll ALL offers Summer Computer Courses School Keep op with tito latett corn- putr twnds by entollbtg in a oototo offotod by Oaktons AHianoo tor Lifelong Looming (ALL). Noo-orodi tcouosota to oftorod at timot aod ptcos 000000ioot to your summor tchod- u. how to add, wEt md doloto dota; how to uto formt ond autoform; ood tow to dotorotino boy fioldo also toaro how to Otooto wailing (IJPR A83), Excol 97, Patto I & abois und how to customize Offico 97 (DPR A82-3t, TnUch-Tnoo t5064) in dotigtrnt- sorting and uumwariziog data. Ctnau prornquiuitou non cowpto- od lcr ntadontn wino know the tino nf Windowt, Part Il (COR A81) and a typing tpnrd nf at "ins nod oats' of Ihn Windows 95 operating syntnm and who toast 30 wordt por minute. This want to familiarizo tlsnthsotvos four-work ctasn mnetn from 5:45 with Exeat, PowenPniat and Mi -- 9:30 p.m. on Wodnotdays, hoginoiog Jane 14, ut Oahtnaa Don croncit Word auftscuro appticalions. Tha chuogot iocuepneatod ylnioca cumpas, 1600 0. Golf in ho Windows 08 upneatisg Road, Ihn caaean fon is $190. nystom witt be di ncasne d. Typtoinroct & Wab Page Design, io0 apood of at toast 30 words Part t (DPR AOl-31. Toschpoanu sate and w'oeking hnowlTune 15029) pronouns the conodgo uf Windows 95/98 is roceptu uf thc tntornot foe tIse layqairod. Thin two-work clans nOnata (rum I - 4:45 p.m. on presos, highlighting inn nnrvicoa and fon saros This "hands-no" Tuosdoys nod Thursdays, beginsing lana 3, an Duktna'a Ray t1aeratoio Campas, 7701 If. Lincoto A rouer , Slnohie. Tino canoso truchos ntadents hum ta plan Ihn cuonoan, atraotaec and layout of a Wob pago. Coarun Accoua 97, Parte I & II (GPO A-31, Tonch-Tunc 15030) d 9f g dw nu skills und OtIlo un no databaso hoowludgo. Studcntn will Irnos tino basic 0000apt nf relational . prnmqunanto in fawilicniny with the Winduwa envieonmont. Thin coursa monts from 4:30 - 7:45 p.m. us foar Tuoaduyn and throo Tb ¿1 g y cuacan fan is $190. Other ALL cam patoocuarsen bagsnnnsg sa oaely Jasa anclado BON SAI . A22), Windowt 95/98, PorO I & aod inking ftotdt. Studonts will fornou and reporta by grouping, chicugorgnd Only .FUIS0rYiCe ßoiisaShop : TrpI I a dH dypl rIt lttparrrd mrd Oa,rtratk faras) .. MiflitImh D'sf5 tard Woyrr PIreO . Th'1n 8ha Por6odksb, A) sod Co ly,',. nft,t1ms Fcy(teem Cbcmnsal n Ms(otmasnn and fournil,0 Sornare Cleaner eod War*thnpa . . ti (DPR k84), Quicken 2000, Bude Skills (DPR A07), Upgoadn and Repair Your Own can cersswer your questionsc arad o on filo may ocgintne by nning tho Tuants-Tente nyntom at (847) 635-1610 0e by FAX at (847) 635-1448. Bath mothodn onqairo payment aanag u wajae eeedtt caed (Vina, MuatnoCuod ne Dissavor). Fur mora information abuat these and other nummne coarnoa offeend by the Allimnca loo Life- tong Learning, call (847) 9829888, presa option #3. ArtlPhotography students dsp1ay at local shows Socond nomostcr Mamo Rant andphotography stadants hayo "gana co Ihn ruad" panticipaniug n snseeal local orn shams. Thoac shuws give students who racel in painting, drawing, deaign, und phntcgeapiny Ihn chance 5e display thom work. Within a few days Maiso Rann artlyhotography will be foasacad nl the Onicklan Arr Cantar, 147 10-6 Tuesday-Friday 9-5 Salsrday-Sueday Clcaed Monday Maine Saal coaoh L7ao Wiluas shams bio slrotogirn asd "(av' nf Iba game wily member of the Ovaran eorslly gids' leIsem team, which ended the '99 season wilh or 8-7 overall record. Aftcn teaching mulh br 33 yosas ut Maine Easn and coach- ing tose,'5 far 55 arasons, Gao Wilsoa firally dncidnd lo "gnadauto" with rho Class of 2000. In fact, Isla ralirensenl will ha aGiciatty recogrierd Thursday eye- sing, May 25, at Mamo Rast's ansaal tolitament pacly to nay goosl-byn tu cloven vrtrrott staff chanco tu do samethiug also.' Huwocor, whos asked if ko would change one thing abusa his rachis gcorenr , Wilson quickly eeuposdn, "I wouldn't chooge arylbing a bis," Grodsotisg from Camoll Ccl- logo la Iowa mill, a bacholars' dogroc is math, ho coma io Maiun Rant and taaghl compalor scie000 AP fur 25 yema and from City Hall. Thn work will math all nf hin 33 yours. Pur 3 years he also 1aug01 a dislasco be fratura ni Iba last Iwo wnnks uf lcarnittg math doss, which had a May dsrin0 ho hoaru of Moo- c:dro irk with att lhrro Maica day Isroagh Friday 12 cuan tu 6 P w.; Setasdays from IO am. to 4 p.m. closed Sundays. Pur addiliosal ìofarmaliuc, call Iba schools. Frame Up art show cnmpatilins at 7919 Golf Rand io Murtas Grove. EnhIlad 'The Canalise were: lin Kim of Glcnciew io Painting, Sammy Ocumpa of nl tracking fricods will hood off foc a Iwo-mark sacaban omise Io Eaoopc. Aftcr this, ha wilt spoud Iwo macks io Canada_ca000iog sod fishing, and prior la cisiting Madrid und Coste del Sol, Spola, is Oclebar, he has uu and Viogisia risking hisloric Wilson wan also oshed if he will rolam ta work in asy other SeId. Hr noplios 1h01 ha plans lo osynod what bogan ahana sis y000s ago -- onmely, leaching tenais al carmas Caribbean luland casarla . Hr mighl anruidor Inachieg u a foroign 00000y, 05pecially Germany, bal hir "dream" jab arnold ho costalaing work in tho oumpotor field widn a company Ihut souda him worldwide a.vacunas Itaca la ial- Ancthor jab al Malee East nail and support the company's programa. Huwesne, he quickly adds Ihut Des PIamos will romain his banne so his wife and that Wilson hua rojayed as much os caching incuso biog sonnis. I-la's had 24 seasoss as Ihr girls' ho con apood lime wilh their two graudshildren, Rotircmnnl means ahnt Witaata varsity coach end 31 semana with aba bays' loam. Ho took will no loufer hsvn In faca the "Sunday eight crunch" teping In acer Ihojab af coaching Ihn raramy bays' team lIais year uflar grade papoos Ihat uno don the math aulleagan and long-lime olI of Ihn cladeels sod Ihn chaag- fined Aol Belmonte anhand last nest day, but he will miau taring as ahoy moko while attandiag Maine East. DeVry open house An opon Ososo an comar appanlsnitiea in leaknnlogy-hanod business and oloclranics fields, as well as abo oducatinnal programa ufforad at DoVry loslilata cf Tocltsulogy, is schndclod for I p.m., Saaaday, May 21 , at GoVry's Chicogn compas, lacated at 3300 Ncnth Cawpboll A000ao. The somiaar will includo a fils, DoVoy offera hachelofa degrao prognatns is elecleusios enginnerieg tochnolugy, cnwpalee infoenati Onsysla mu, Iolecawmanicalicos maaagaa000t, technical roer opporlanilios ucd DcVny carriasle, financial aid aod carnee Ourkowski, Ravir Brown, Zocaltuc Dltoocca , Hnath- or Gotrity, Konnotls Schahow, Ntkolrta Toamplis, Zaohney Zockermus, Julio Bathos, Dacid Sommas, JasaRon Eromia, 5korin Kolopparayil, 'l'aepas P0101, Aaima Ali, Hollia Andernon, Grcgony llaguen, Victoria Chao, Lois Kwco, lori Palet, Patrick Ryen, Iemmy Svhmarla, Aakroti Shells. Yuasg Mir Aba, Joaon Aug, Nutollo Caslilla, Carolyn Cher- Manico Stanhia- wirr, Abs 'Tojoda, Riowao AltnaoS, Zaki Ali, Monika Bah, Jo. son BaMoung, Erik Granlssd, White HvnnrRail Grade 6 Albor Ablead, Elica firomie, admiatiocs oflico at 77319298550. dorotsuoic, Libby SpiccA, Nisa Tibari, Gdait Sobo, Stocey Doro- dotoor, Dana K-actor man, Micltetlo Knctgh, Payai Pcndya, loon Qoinn, AsltlayZcpoda, Grade 7 Riotturd lfrnogor, Jonsifer Su, Hesethor formulas, Rocie Kam- bout, Glurya Sah, Chriotopor Toy, Jncnb tIrol, Natalie Jacobucdt. Lac Kalstotnu, lin Kang, Ashlay Krnnody,GrrascloMoeoro, Ornaste 8 Syod Ashan Ali, Sttwaiyo Stakoem, boson Zujoc, Zoonitats Zobib, Shtlnsukh Ali, Atoo Gecrgiecski, Mnhamtood Khos, Rstmnsa yaryren, Sorub S)sonoy, Young Sltik Chung, Nathaa Dios, Ronco Nowak, Christoyhor Ste. 00, Caemos Tono. 0CC offers summer accounting courses Y ancanc umplate lIon sornes- tors of college 00000sling Ihna suwtocv al Gakion Cummautly Collcgn. Enroll n Paiociplen nf Financial Accoastisg (ACC 153-lEI), which w eatsoac'h da1 from 8:35 um. - 12:35 p.m. durion Ilse Collage's istorim ses- sion, 'throagh June 5. Follow with Peinoiplaa of Macagorial Accoasting (ACC 154), which ir uffered al donvociOrl doy and ecant'ng dmas dariog 1hesosau- wock nommor session that brginsoaluur 12. Other oocooasio gcoursos cffreed this sammne molada Small Bacinass Acc000ting Procaduses (ACC tOOl, Computer Accounting Applications (CC 163), Cam paIerierd Spreaduheeling Applications far Pinoociol Accoasting (ACC 164), Paynoll Tos Accounting Applicotioen fer Financial Accoantiog (ACC 175), lncomc Tan Adouarling (ACC 244), Cast A000usting (ACC 245) und Adcnsocd Tau Aacoaaaiog (ACC 274). Fao timos and loratinau uf theco cl canoa , refor lo Duktus's Sorswer 2050 Claoo Scltedalo or cisil htlp:Ilwww.oaktun.rdu/odwiss/ closaos/nsdeu.html. Ouktu nolfornasannociuto te uppliod aci0000 dogme in accoastlog (03 condiI boum), os molt alloua ml crrliflcates: the Accaunsiog Associate CortilIOnto, a 42-orrdit-hoae program: the Buukkenping CnrtiSoaw, a 16-crndil-hnao poagram; Ihn In- 00mo Tau Propmotinn CortilIcala, a 25-credit-hour paogram. This fall, tho Collega mill mba duce a aew 25-oredit.hoar Profosnional Accuusatttg - ,CPA Prapararirs Cortiftoato program. Por mona iofoonatioo, contad Michael Milsleio, choilporaco nf Gakaon'a accounting yrafrom, at (847) 631-1778. 'Ton ofBooks' drive set The Gislridl 64 Community the drive is tu colInot a "Tott of formation, contuct Ihr DaVry is Three Dimcnsicru)/Rclinf, and Oria Placnk nf Morion Grade 7 Arce nloclrusica. uwce qansliants un lachnology ca- cousins sessions during which fray Spriugon. maaagrmenl, busisons udusinisteation and accounting as wall an au aaunciaro dogane program in DeVry reponsoalali s'at will ac- hound Solds as well os arcoral dis- Iba Srhrlor, Roshosi Shoth, lof- Relations Commiltan will spunSor a used book und magoeino DoVry lostitale afTcchnalagy in Chicago is parI of on iclerttali000l degroe-graetisg highor odacches system. Pun addittusal in- co uppeolanilica ir tochoalogy- Nilca in Druwiog, Charle Tytakiw uf Nitos in DcnignlMisod Media, Aarns Flaghas uf Nnles Gravo in Phatngraphy. Initially, rotieamnnt means Iraval. Thsea days aflor sckrnl is oat, Wilson, his wife, and savor- PIons to biOy through Penosylca- Whnn askod why ho was Catirjag, Wilson roplins, "It's a Ridgo -- in fact, only u few steps Tho wiuurrn fraw "TIra CraaSrlf-t(nprrssian 51,0w" t!vn 6061 Dempeter, Morton Grove (847) 9665142 www, MotthoW Vine Acosan, duwstnws puck wara theo nach p 1050,5to d with a $50 wontrtany oword. BONSAI GARDEN Kelly Gibbuon, Carolina Knaiba, Locrathana, borg, Aaif Rujabali, Lakaso Cmiok, Suhuir Dajcni, Staune laccio, Monos Kim, 00,50110 Nilti, Man- and ulsa jadgod in Oca calagutins. Tha lico catagaey wianres YASU KU NAI You Nu Park, HonaQaeaahi,Alnjanclea Ruota, Brandar Siono. 500, Volano Krystki, Nicholas curcos Sonial Sncaoity aambnr Wionin Wang, the students work was dinptayad 0cm MançIs l-Id co/ve your RedHnnvrRall Grade 6 loans Oialobrzamski, Adam Chombors, Sandy Gerrgiovski, Scynsoank, Foal Biatobreomabi, Michocl BoSniO, Line Derrick- goroki, Zabaie Ali, Jonaine Deaohrvbcrg, Stocon Rhiankia, Brick Pupocoi, Kajal Putol, Christopher ISotlku, Gold000 Ro. Garth, Missy Loa Mauro, and pro b! erras. seI, Planada Nilsi, Jacquolino Shiwuvacsky, Sara Turk, Thumas Banaaca, Amatie Dosilowahi, Colloco Kenrot, Natalio Noaborg, Natalie Nor- Self-Eapmasinn Show" utnd nrgasiaed by Mikn Manlealasardu, Maine Sass art load Ieschnr, nod ad/photography touchrrs Stoce Our expert slaff Cungratolatioss to rho following sludootn who toco qualifand far the 3rd quartor honor roll. Ta qualify far Red Honors, a studoel moat li,s0005ac000gn of 3.30 or laiglacr. To qoalify lnrWhitcHanuts, a stadana bassI Itaca an ayerognof3.50orhighor. Attn Loo, John Sohn, JenniforZa- Earliar ir second somnalno, 32 Maier Raen artlphntography sIs,dansa parlicipaled in The Genol . Washington borsa Lupa, Gonirlln Gwcou, 823-hOI I. FROM .: I cEs) JAPAN & OTHER DOMESTIC Culver Honor Roll Contputro (DPR A89) and Annnotion, Pato Il (DPR A90). Stadnntn who have registorod for Oakton no ALL ciarnos within tito tent Ovo years attd have a Bricktos Art CarIco at (847) Now SPRING Ass Maine East bicis farewell to dedicated teacher/coach Basic Cwwputcr Litcray (DPR H (DPR A76) httroduotion to PC & Wittdows 9519B (DPR A51), Word 97 Porto I & II alo. o narar foc in $190. ,,- databass OIhr topict includo I,J 'is, demo no Friday, Map IO sod Saaatday, May 20. Tha goal nf Banka" lo distsibata ta 000dy chïldren in Chicago area schools mho don't huso Ihn lanary of ownnsg their own backs. Donations uf aned childeon's books and mafaaions in good condition und appeupriato for tool preschool throcgh 8th grado will be occnpted. Thn col- Incline location will be in tIle Lincolo Middlo School poohtug lut as she cornee of Wanlera Acenue and Cnosoanl SImas, across team Castb000ial Park. Hoots of Ihn beak deico mo Fridtty, Muy IS from 4-7 pse. and Saturday, Muy 20 from 9 aw. - 2 pIa. Chicago Voice Exchange PhBE'57 'w Breeze through summer at Oakton's Kids' College March 24, 50 mouve Ihair speciul If poas children mous "There's ttaslsistg sa da!" nnty threc days into ihnis summor cacalmno, it's timo to essoll thorn in Kids' Cclloge, a sommer ereichwent pro- cartiers, Certeartittg, S/lark Soieeoc, Bagiaaoi,ag Staady SOlIta, Tae/seategylaedMateara!egp, Tuition is $95 pee 000rsu, pias a $5 registrsliun fan, Somo door- cocal megtc os the sladests, grani for ehildorn in grados K u roquiro an additional watorials Compared of Ove mala coloca, the Chicago Veico Esoltasga is through 6. Gffeeod shroogh alte Altianoc foe Lifolceg Looming (ALL) dirioioe of Guktas Cammssity College, roamos aro anailable at the DesPloman canapan. 1685 E. Gulf Road, and at The Chicago Vaiee Esehange cama to Woshiagtoa School ne Ilse Midmeul A Capelle Champian foe 1995, 1997 und 1999 sed tua performed on radio, TV sed masy cvcoto, indloding tIsa 1994 World Cap Bococe Oposing. 'l'hcy unnd lIbio flosible aod qctueishing ruidos to cr0010 rich, 6cc-pues hanounies, and asid musical humor 10 folly caplicatn chair youo gosdionoc . Bosidcs blass aod pop nuwboss l"Thense soSyidarsoun" was abitI) hayonplaised bIso hisse0 of u onpetla or acccccrcpaaied otugiog all iba way from Ihr sorlicot GOOd0I'nn chant through madeigols tu modcrIb basborshop soaods. The Chicago Voicr Ecohaaga cacto as posi uf tIto Cultural MIn program 01 Wwvhinglos, which has beso ap00500cti ovd fundod by Ihn Washington School VIA. abe Noethfseld nampua nl 7 Happ Road. Clasnaa are aneaegcd in nan-weok sourions Ibruaghoct blp and Augusl,' machog for Ikone hours us Macday through Thursday. Child r5000leria g kiodorgarter and Ort grado thts fall c,tn sigo uy forocor loty of 000rcos, incicdiogoiqaulio Biology, Writing Ewperieocer, ¡rtcegrating Mal/I end Seiessme, FrancIs, Spaania/s, Tise Ario Workelnap , srsdRcadiaagfertlne lot Graute, Claaoos designed f05 Ihosa clsild r000nloris g .10005 d and shied grado inclado ¡arum arad Skelals, MerItaI MatIn, Space Lash, Beauty & the Beast Third graders from Woshirgton Elomeetary School had bbc dnlightful cayedinlica of obtunding "Booaly and the Boasl" as the Macdolt Thoatle io Lioccloehise, Archnelegy, Geology, ileadicsg acId Qaeatioeieg asad Meaearirag Ti,ee, NocI fall's fourth, fillb and lOda' Collogo nIto oliamo Sont- mer Gall Cimice for boyo and girls, ages 7-14, al Gakrrs'a Dos Plainas nompus, Rich Bolindne, head golf coach al Oaklon, and 1mo asaitlanbs will foras os fan- damnolala as ihey warb wilh groapo ofalodontn (IS manimam pnrgeoap). All oqaipmc'olios up. pliod, nod otudoots mill rocoinn pou grossen p osrtunt t t cidro to rabo llamo. Poor clinic ocscicsa, moaling froot I I :31) litt.. I pto., ano 50110401011 Ibis sammos doting 2629 sad joty 17-20. Tho coat in S/S por 1005mo, with diocoosto ficas boo 12'IS,Jano 19.22, lova for multipla atgo-apa (in.. $15f fortwcacisiossf. Early rogislrationismc000l. mondod fus lttoao poyalar pro. grams. Foe more informatico nrd o csmylosr schodalo of Kids' Cttllo goclaosos ,tIt (947) 962-998/. . prosy #3. Pailla bogies milk anesperi- sixth grad ossoanchouso from allen t o dasnoc shot ocIado Squid Dio- osp oras ab e o. aald Nues School of The ssstdosls marveled ob how dracliro IF Ilse "Snooty ood Iba Beast" ttoey anfoldad lira on sinnE Iritis -''- Cosmetology) slogo. Tha costamos, yarliouloety tho "beasbo" w esoco ry roaliuttc. Moat onjoyabla mou the rod of the Flay wlsno our third gradornwcrc. ahle tu seo the "real" peoplo who pustraynd 1ko charactoes and ask MONTH SPECIAL 25% OFF IltenI quosliodu. Also, wo 0dm told obuat teobsalogy asad Io produco lito play, hum lb o noon- aep was oosslmctod, und whal modo ir moco. Third grudors than had o Itrely clas0000m dtucasaiosl ccwpdrisg tnd 000leautinf Iba ON ALL play poaduoliun to abc book. moois. uod t'idea. SERVICE & NEXUS PRODUCTS Nelson . WOMEN 1010051 . P00011NOIFOIL . . MEN HAIOCtIT DEEP CONEITIONINQ Look for Cinderella BHAMP000BE'I . CUT O SEI . EYEBROW 0/Ch The atoderts in Mes. Bsaan's second garde oloua al Nolnuo . CUT u BLOW009 . School ace asacclnieg fue Cìadc- . WOTER MANICURE odIa all odor the world. Thay . unonet PERM . alL MaNica/E hace faustd cernons uflhis papa' .PEOM5 TINTTOUCH-ap . PEancc/E . SCULPTURE NAILS loe fairy aulo io ocos IB ensntriss. Aher enjupiag the eeadiog of these tales, she childeco workod in 000pceulicc grdapa to relell osa ollheirfararilot. Their salol)ir gsmnro hoe placad on Iba Ittlernea. Thcp mo marking un this psoisct in 000p000IiOO wìlh Iba Numhwontoen Uniceesily Calla0050tusy Project funded by Amici lech. Tiac laeightr nf heppineaa arad ltelinrss are Iarrcisely the talon slopes. a,, BLOWDOY ONLY TINT )9IRGtN HA1RI . HOT WEt FACIAL . SCALP TREATMENT . LIGHTENER TOUCH-OP . OCOOPTREONENTWIIIIII1 F/ESIJIOCO . gSHTENEPTOaCH-kp wiosnv .WIs CCMBnUT . COLOn 0:050 .WIa BEl N COMOOT (847) 965-8061 8057 MILWAUKEE AVE. o! TIsE anGLE, ntustsitarn, MAY 55, 2000 PAGI 8 ThEISUGLSyTJIURSDAY, MAY H, 200 U'j w Oprab to speak at Roosevelt commencement 'Math Made Fun at Our Lady of Ransom' Opeab Winfeuy will deliorr rho at cemmencamant address Reosovelt Unionraity's 125th gredaation aeeamany bring held at t p.m. Ssnday, May 21, is the Aediteriom Titeotre, SB E. Casgross Parkway. Abaat gos trsdontn ara nappaIed te perticipele in the greduetion asurados, Oprah, who will ha thu keynote speaker, will morire an Itenaeary dogrea from Rannevolt University daring the ceremony. One afthe meat important figuros inpepularcalture, Oprah itar sharod her message naccoanfally witit iodlions worldwide through t,__ toievirinr, musics, booka aod -Z For Ehe second Consecutive year, Our Lady of Ransom's sEn- dents ace spending their afternoons eut at the mag or playing sidoe gnoses but ut Math club, Studonla from grados 4-7 upend oneuftor noon por week far 45 minutos being challengod end encited by logic puezles, geometric yeticms, algebral eequstt oes und veti ouncthor mathematical conce pit. The Math Club iaorganied and taught by fifth-grade macbce sovenlh graders meeten Wednas- day oftoronenr, while hr feurth and 5kb pradera meet Ott Theradey oftornenes. "Stcdestn maar leano le have fun with math itt order to bo succecofal ut math," rays Mrs. Bee- gos. A sign e? the ciaba success is tho stadonts' roqarst that werky nseodnga be asteodod from 35 te 43 minamos. Muidple requests for "jttrt eno more logic problem" often trace that utadm Ia smay wall keyord Ib nrupoelo d ftoirhing Mrt, Donne Borges. Sixth end Nues West essayist dines with Edward Albee Nuns WeaL High School sta- dont Maye Schoawaerucondy wen the essay purItan uf Ehe 999-2000 Literary Ciado Wadsg COmpOtitioo, sponsored by hr Nerth Suburban Library Foundatian. As a rraalt ofher essay, "Tito Child Ftguto in 'Who's Afmoid el Virgiaie Woolf'?". Maya and her English icaoharDanid Klìngonharfot distad with Ed- werd Albor, the Pslitnar-yriae wiooieg playwright, end writer of "Who's Afraid nf Virginia Interactive instructional materials donated to District 63 East Maisa Scheel District #63 eecaioad aa educatienel Woolf'?" Mayr's week muy br viewed an the North Subarbas Liheery Sy trw wohnte at httpt// aal I .nslsilns.orgiFeundatioo/ lit irc/coalnal.html, In additìea ta di ocr with the colebeelod playWa plat, Mayaalsn received Litreor Circle tickets for Athen's lactar , a plaque nf recognition, and th promatieo uf her weak on the wabuitr end nl libraries through- ea the North Ssburbvo Library Ey tom, Penny Swartz, medie sp vialist is tite lnforrantien Reso rua Cantor at Ntlea Went, sah- mi sod Maya's wincing essay to the Feandatian. (# boost from Sedosho Marriott ri - Seances, Iba District's fond services prnoider. Sadauhu Marriell tian donated 25E inalruatiesal CD-ROMa te holy atudonta in t gredas l-5 reinforce ectthcmaatics and reading skill s. Every prede l-5 clasuream munit/ad a Blaslar Learning Barias CD-ROM, Tite Blaster Laarniag Seeics asas iastrucriaaal, interec- ¡L Sadeshe Mundart Services alta presidas nateitianul informatian fer sledantu cad ceaperulas with alassroattt teachers to pee- vide natcitieesl pragrates and virils, Oprsh tino touches a gradoete Insel cearre in leadership with Stedman Oraham at Nonthwevtem University's IL. Kellogg Onudcete School of Manage- Student athletes volunteer Eighteen Mai00 East stadont athletes, aucompaniad by physieat odacatiaxisaraity foothell euach Daba Carey, deserve eraogniriun for having celunleared daring winter break at the Sunset Retirement Huma. They naIadod: Pam Sassier of Morton Oaovo, Jaakin lshaya el Des Plaines, Ricky Lapinski aP Nilnu, Ed Umeesky of Momos Oruro, Deanna Grace al Hiles, Kuthy Kuntar'elan efNiles, Alertin Gaido of Niles, Tania Lymparopaulou al Momos Grava, Adam O'Grady of Nues, Josnica Duke ofDen Plainea, Allines McMaoe- ntaa uf Niles, Cheryl Pueloy of ogomrnr and the mantre's degma in training and dnvelepmenl, Thsrrday,Junu 8. BachclernfGerrrol Studies fast Irack degme, which allows ntudantn 24 years or uldrr tu corn- pinte theiedegrer in err-third less runen and asdergradaate huai- All informeatien tramions will be held from fi p.m. to 7 p.m. al Rnnserelt Universily's Chicago arssdagroos, Maaday, Janey, . Public adminirtration?palivy Campus, 43SS. Michigan Ave. To ruginter for ary of 1ko nra- atadies and psychology, Tara- sinnt, call tIra Gfftvn of Admissinn at(312) 341-3313. dap,Juoe 5. Uoinrrsity's by baginningaslceprcaesru. awaadrd two gaautr totaling $35,000, by she Kauffman Center for Enreepraneanial Leadership, proneur lntcrnship Program supportgeant will support students in from the Ewing Marion Kauff- thr busboys school wlte islam man Fouodalicn. with nos-profil oredacerinaal ergasiaatians. Tite greCI amaant lo' Thu Kauffteaa lfntcaprcnaur Internship Pragrum Alumni gruut, in the amount nf $25,051) will spunaur Dominican Uttivec- D r lr hÀ% t' PI.$L1C WOt&KS) --- For more iafemratios about sily business students who serre inlerashi s with newly devel- gsto. Energy-Efficient Maintenance Free Custom Vinyl Replacement WindoWs 'All-Vinyl CustomMado 3Woodgralns Available Lowest AIr Infltts'atlon RatIng for Highest Energy EfficIency Transferable Warranty FusIon Welded Corners Casements Bays Bows Double Hung Sliders ,Lqti- GLASS ith any window 51'oøWMftbt---MAXIMUM SEGUR . 18 Gauge Steel Fra . Better Security MagnetIc A Comp WeatherstrIp SWoodgralns Avail 1 Prtlnt Cr,frrrrr Glusoiock WitiduWS Every 5th WIndow THE CLOPAY INSULATED STEEL GARAGE DOORS FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL _',,L_,;.a'.' SKVCS Dosoicicas Uoivaesity's Scheel of Basi neuaoonlao t (TESi 524- CARE 1708) 863-6255 a I tala $115,055. WITh LIFETIME WARRAtITY rÁu v,j, a FI I The Scalai Kauffman Entre- - .CORE CULTt5ATEON - opnd nr stats-up compeeins run School of Bsniaesr hen been Plaines, las Maliweaug of Des Plaises, Mustufa Satniwelu of Dea PIamos, asd Nicola KIn. mùndlafMortes Grave, OECP SOOT FEEDING .CAAB GRASS S WEED CONTROL .TRE0 SPRAVtNG .FERTtUZaG .INSECT h DISEASE CONTROL .FROE ESTINhIEB . INTERNET SALES DO NOT! entrepreneurial grants Olenview, Angel Colas of Hiles, Ronseilu Libucumb nf Des LAWNCARE (-?OLlC Dominican University receives Des Plaines. Aspic Wuod of j LOCAL SALS1 SUPPORT VILLAGE . Computer somare end reIn- commnnicaliars und istrgrated nsarhcting cotomunivatiuns and juuroelism,Ternday,Jnne 13. . Dominican SUPPORT . YOUR -NILEa time,Manday,Jannl2, . Risk m000gemcrl and joua- I - Honpitality and taunism man- Rooseoelr Univarnity han scheduled u nsmboe of informelineal sessions in luna far peenpcclivustadentu interealnd in ucadcmic rut Ihr pragmma university's Chicsgu Campan, 43BS. Michigan Ava. Prespcotioc ntederrn ore invii. od la lawn about- the foilawitig programs: College afflducatien teachiug caatificatinn and graduate educulian degrees, Thursday, Jene Amrrina's Nnigbtrnrhead Lane Cart Tram . tise games la eaceeraga students la uno mathematics end reading ukills, nageoires. 5ko recently debutad a wagaeine for wamav callad "O, Tho Oprah Mageaine" in pwlnortitip with Haarar Magaainen. Roosevelt to hold informational sessions I,, SUOI' 1H VOUV. HOME 1OWH ! sTO Shop WiTh V4aiIers You Kiiow aptd frust Save Shippiiiq! øaiidIiiq Charges , At? SPOt4SOP V THE VILLAGE OF WILES ECONOMIC PEVEOPMENT CENTER PAGl4G flIEB1JGLE,T1IURSDA,M4y18, . WANTED IN NILES, MORTON GROVE DES PLAINES, PARK RIDGE GLENV1EW, NORTHWEST CHICAGO WE HAVE MANY BUYERS WANTING TO MOVE TO THESE COMMUNITIES, BUT HAVE A SHORTAGE OF HOMES TO SELL OUR CLIENTS ARE GETrING TOP DOLLAR FOR THEIR REAL ESTATE CALL Summer Registration: Resident regiotration han bogue fer alt sommer progranto being offerod by rho Martas Oroya Park District. Dont miss out on saute of Ihr great progruws boiag ofFarad by tite Patk District, Daune Realtol: TIte annual Morton Groar Park Dislriat Daacn Racital will be held on Salurday, May 20 aI Nibs Watt Higlo School at 3 p.m. Ticket, may ho pMrahaard for reserved seating on a first come, firs: servo huais. Tl:o Tores in Chargn" membres will also he 847-967-6800 773-774-1 900 7609 MILWAUKEE, NILES Darer - "Pire Up et Ike Pire }loaoel" rook place. This ovost was held at Ihr Mottas Grove Fire Stalion lacated or Ihn nor0er ofLiacola Ave., and Celtic. The Marlos Grove ParbDinIrict laviles all ponI members o Ire Grard Rs-Oprnisg Dedicatian of GneIs Pool os Satardop, laso 3. TIro festivities will begin ill I t are. Peal opens nr 12 naos cod there will ha games and citai. step by the Park Dintrial nod bay yace tickets today. Any mom isfanoalion aoll 847-965- qaleations call 847-965-1205. 1200. 3 I, 2000. The Merles Grave Park District's Clab Filaras eon- ter bao slate of the art exorcise rqaipmeat from Qsiotas, Cyhrs, toanko, Rorbok, Paocor and toare. Wo also bevo a fall-sieo gym, indoor walkisglrunoiag teach, 3 racquetball caarls, leonan and wltirlpeol, Par mora in- deck race, gamat, and music by 92KISSFM. Halages Supply Ca., Isa., is oar official tporsor of Iba duck races. For mare isfarmatine call 847-965-1200. The Village of Marten Greva, MorIon Graso Park District and Gravo Hislariral Museum ra see Ilaoir scacesl eshibil entitled "Trao Begiorings: Martas Grove's Nalive Anoriaan PesI.' This achihil brings Iogalhor Ihr tarrouading orean wilt ha reacia- ing o special nawaad fr ano car Paak Police Officrra. Ttoin vary apacial psagrolo is brought la Treos in Charger All sta- Cambridge Bank piesentt 'A school grnaps are always wolcome, and shoald call sIsead far hOURS ucsflOO S&o-000, I 2,000 so. i'r. DESIGNER SHownooM . MANY ITEMS IN STOCK HYDROMATICtm (so tools required fer coeversion!) . Bag or mulch! . 5-year deck warranty residents with artifacts and itsPoemarios galhered from other osent wilt ho hold on Satarday, Jane IO at [terrer Park. Aalivi6es malade a Bike Safety Rodea, Cambridge Bash Antiqao 7850 N. MILWAUKEE FIlLES . Blade broke ClUICh . 4 in 1 versatility w/optianal attachments collodions and trenos of braI Maseams. 847 965.4444 enrlasjaf T,iin atad, Be nero la Visit ko Matron Day in Iba Park 2OSOJ This sew dvantage . Eosy-atart }oeda 011V engine . Rost-free Xenoy deck Club Fitnoun Sommer Spe. etat- 3 months for S59,9Sr Parchasing podad is May 1 to July Cltildren 'caught wearing :keir year helmets! . 3-spend, self-propelled 963-1200, formation call 847-965-1200. eral Bank. DonI forge: tonvaar toad, Attention Morton Grove Residents: II'S lione to rosow your, seasonal pool pass far the year 2000, Como in and sign sp bofom May 29 and lake advontage of oar early bird dinananl. Por moro infarmetian coil 847- Salarday, Jura IO at 12 sean. Opooirg day aclivilios iselado Wames's Club and SI. Paul Pod. Qs od ra C o t 847.965-1250. Ihe MorIon Grano Pank Distrial iovilos all pool merabrrs to Opooiog Day at Narrer Pool on yac by Burgar King of Nibs, lIT Sell & Gosants, Liberty Padaral Bank, Martas Grave Summer Pick.Me.Up Asta Show, aad a Big Rig Radeo. For more infannaliao call Commsoiby cod as appointment, 965-0203. Toronto Rail Tour Join Iba Prairie V:cta Tranol Club as wo jaaraay la tIse great Canadian city of Taraste Jano 5th thraagls Jena 9111. Tha toaron- coach will trece Praida View Conomanity Cerotee lo Ir.svob ta Witidsor, Orlano where wo mill Spring rain is coming! Is YOUR PUMP READY? night slay. A leer efthe cily, dinnor end e Ibralor pmduvlion aro iseladad. On Ihr foUrbIs day we will go la Niagara os the Lake la non rho beaclifal falls and eajoy Ihn lovely maccry. We'll jacroey hack la Wiridsar far an aversight HRB2ISSXA on Hydromatic Lawn & Garden Pumps t. WSA I is. . J u, = . Kitchens Vanities Whirlpools Baths Mcdieine Cabinote Floods Fans . Ileators Faucets Showers Counter Tops Day panIer ers renderings, ibhiah mcc, proadly displayed 01 the Hnword Leisure Cerstvr. Tha winnets, represesbing Paar difIrreal ago grasps, mill be maciaing U.S Soxings fln,ds as awards. Tise award taironrs ame es Pollows: 1st Pro-Seheol/tCtndergarteso: - Menioh Oilbrrb (Mdlatonl; 2nd - Tiffony Kwirks (Hiles Park Diolmicl). Ist/Sud Grotlrr tel - Ii Mang Len (Mark Twrin); 2nd - Gahsb Romroh (Nelsen); 3rd - Hiker Shah (MookTwoim(. 3rd/aSh Grader Ist - Mi- chable Oeturi lWoshirglar(; 2nd - Cbtritline Chao (Culver); 3rd basica Asg. Sth/6th Grodr Ist ' Sanie Kim,)Maoh Twainb; 2od - Ma' non ParaI (Washingtosl; 3rd yni)Iay Sminivasan (ApalIa). will carve toward light. How do yac dace for those braalies? More are sama tips faon Iba floral anperis al t-800.FLGWERS.CDMt . Tharacghby clean yace favacile c'cee arod fill 314 oflhe may with Inhewana svater and 1ko eanlerts cf floral paeservedvr package. . Pill viak milk waler cud sabmorge ends of tIra tolips' MIKE NITTI stems, On ao eagle, car a xhorp hsife arcalliag shears, dcl at leexl ose isch off Ihn kallam of Ihr CEMENT CONTRACTORS Slows, lakiog caro la remavo alt ofthe while panico uf Sloe slam. . Place tulips is the saxo immediately and keeptke Vase filled wiihfreslo water. . Display lowers away Pram direel sunlight cad deefis so l:ebp FREE ESTIMATES Niles, Illinois (847) 965-6606 ' prolong their froshurss. When solecliag Isbips far year Vete aereogornonb, cok frr tighr heads showing fall calar, with a straighl slrm andboigkt greco foliaflo. Click on l-800FLOWERS.COM lot more' spoing inspirarme. S}10'13 PALTcy., 0n:ç%l + 9- LARGEST SELECTION OF PLUMBIND 'REPLACEMENT PARTS ONTHE NORTH SHORE Custom Made Indoor Weather"" «CONTRACTOOrTIIE YEAR" o 4-. Ç' -a _..Os_. 'l5,i ' e':- ' ' . : i t_',v-.----- i ' licItaI irlarasalias cati Catllenisr ristures, Faucets d,a 'sccesssrigs , Featured Products . SL Thomas Creations . Barclay , . t' . W , ('rrsta. . Brss:stlsnay ,, " .. r Gcrber ._ v-e ' at 963- 1200. Blanco . l°' Ç,.,,. 5,-'r ' Grano. Tite cast aflhe Irip ix $649 per pesaan far e daable. Par addi- Complete Lines of Bath & Kitclten ,,,,J -i Ito Rebel, Ca It ton betet, 15015G SAMPLE5t We also stock Ihe Sump Pro WE CARRY ALL MAJOR BRANDS OF WATER HEATERS viewed and jrsdgod the Earth IwIt ischrs after beieg cal and I jamU. weuo.. ro elomostary salopais pantiaipnred. Al Iheir last meebirg Ihn Dpli0h51 CIrilo nf Hiles memhsrn re- Ikey will casImira lo gram ap la stay cad Il: osee turn ta Martas SPECIAL PRICES Carlest, Many nf rho Hiles aree kaawo feel abad Iclips is bal wo board rho brain far a pidarosqce Irip Ihrsaglr the gently ra Chelsea in Taranta far a Ima area school Eseh Day Pastbr dears milk o nsnaoiog display of tulips. Is ample supply Pram Janeary lhrangh April, talipv enma in mary eelnrs frem bract of red, pick, white. yellom, orange, parplo, and bicabars. They're eseeptionolly easy In display and have always boos a welcome gift for asp oecosine. Tulips eats brighben ap a room ordress np a ploie earreo, An ioberestiog and often as- liteo to cajay gambling nr see lIte roagic of the town. Tl:e orsi day Wo will he ahrckisg mIa Ike Del- Ir on effart 10 yraaide facas 00 Earbb Jay 2550, tIro Oplimist CIsh of Hiles spassnrod e bocel Sting ho beady cf spring in- spend Iba eight el ho Clatira Wiadoor Bald. Yac will have rallia8 hills cf saclharn Ontario. Optimist Club pro motes Earth Day , Spring Stand-Outs . Biryrte Helmrt Sufety Program: The Martas Oteve Pork Diotriol end Marlos Grace Paicc has began ils Bicycle Heiate: Safely Program arca agaia. bike helmals is aor parka and fCALLERO & CATINO REALTY dents is oislla lhroogh oighth grado are invited la jais the Trans is Charge graap, Os Moy 6 oar Sapor Salardop Special gtaaaWcys. Eaeryaoe mill have a ScrIin Ssfori good limo! For teflitog flower banquets e: the ro- 4'l , II «z m Morton Grove Park District HOMES FOR SALE With a Honda Hormony,a yaa'Il hear the sweot sounds of mowing all summer long. u pithgf 'eng mrfiÌÈ, Ê'iiislfdoAy,Mey Is, Satò ' 0 Ctsllct'lirrtt strd nsare,,, Tab; Av So,r 'ii 'Gpvrtr \Vtnlri'5' 15h rrass,,rrorr Ir Pl '(t WECAN II.) E)A) SuN [)LlILI(, (IL.) RFla\' 1)1 FSS ((FAItE' . P5' 1 s: 5 51 t ' . st . Il ' .1 Sb t , P1,1 SPItS htOO I I ' a SI b (847) 470-9306 5628 DI1MI'S'l LIO S r + M tIf HaN GRftVt' IL hbt(l'iJ The Carrier Weathermaker air conditioner offers a ten-year compressor warranty and it was rated a The Carrier Weathermaker ' ' Consumers ' ' '. I . ' '. ', . ;1 .; ,,,.. t Digext® Bent Buy, 800(tTS gas furnace provides two-spend teehnelogy to Improve indoor air circulation and overall enmfort while reducing operational noise, Cati today to schedule a free estinsate. Sç&:e '/atee ,4 T. 6310 W. Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove (647) 967.2200 EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAlLAS NO OBLIGATION FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING AVAILABLE Family Owned and Operated SERVING- CHICAGOLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS VISIT OUR ENERGY CONSERVATION SHOWROOM PAGE 43 'I-11E BUGLE, îiJtSøAV, MAY le, soue PAGE 42 mE I1UCLE, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2OO o e Nues Family Fitness Center Programs Sidewalk and driveway repairs Concrete and asphalt paving takv a boatìvg yvar in ar' 'vr ntts problems litaI lead to failum. }le(srvcr, hnrncnwners way out. BvLhmnlvrials - commonly lock tisaI cascrete and asphalt ro- used oround homes for walkWays palios and driveways - puits are beyond Ilteir skill, aod -way beynod tIteln strength. Bal you dnnl save lodo aloI of heavy . eventually show thairage. Crocks appeac, edges start to crumble, and slabs bevve and acIde os Wa, lilting or tonerde mixing, nor svnrk with hnlaaphall lo yotelt cracks and perfoma aliter preveo- r walks ils way under Ilse sur, The byes way se kacy cooìrele ucd aspirail io tap shape is lo rapair small cracks jaw as soon as they cccar le prevent more seri- aine leothpcsle dispevuer. Inc., Itas inlrodtvccd a line nf Houso & Flame Restare preduets thaI inelsde Sidewalk Crock Rel,ait fer eoseecle and Drivéway Crack Repair for anpholt. Both um oroilabld in easy-sn-ann, convynienlly sited sqaedee tobes - ravit vcith its nwn hails-in dis- Concrete ontl blacklnp are asoilobla io easy-ta-use squeeze sabea Sidewalk Crack Repair is u attI aluch bayer than u family- Tito Hilos Family Oilnens tusdvor enscrate surfaces, sock as wolks, barro, steps asd polios. Il can also ha used lo rtpaircracks One mosafovlurce, Red Devil livc teninlronnee repoits. Sullobic palohiog coloriaIs for both - gray instored acrylic sealant-that cvorks tite lame way en isdeoror Odo,e yac eeny thorn heavy, snisy, OaSI'einst eloIse sir cvnditi vvisgaciva y lic rascosetetaisse win .........................eßnU today catato ow catee na aoosun4 a ymca 4nw p We hart se It/ph officiant CENTPALAIC SYSTEM foryoar home elan nfferdnldepneet 1and ifyea hero e UCT WATER HEATINPI SYSrEM, : wi si5(:iAii-/_i': "j AI I IC ,\ STI M',/B VsI \II '. I SYSI IfIIS Call ea Iodnyfor o TREE IN-HOME ESTIMvITF HIGHEST QUALITY FENCING PRODUCTS AVAILABLE lte arcaanlil tkeaaalant liardons. i-UIL SEBvICE DEPARTMENT :- 1y I!I' I d '- ' vent fana traílla in Ike palehrd Driactray Crack Repair is a ymmism nerylic sealant, colored md tesscrnd to blend with blocktop. Snip off lita tip cf tite sake, and ElI Ilse cracks is Ihr suafaec of the blacktop to prevIos waler frcm aceping andatnootlt, wheac it will orodé Ihr nah-haue und eventuali yocuaacrcc kirg ottd Itottaing. Filling cracks itt cerorrto milk specially fnrsoulatcd acrylic sealont, calored and teslvsrnd to match 1ko sarface, can prenert water asd ice infillrotinn shot leads se farshcrdomage. :51. COME HELP US CELEBRATE VISIT OUR NEW SHOWBOOMAT OUR ÑEW LOCATIOÑ s4334 -N. CENTRAL AVE. Far mole isfannalian on haw so osa these produnsa ond where n buy skew, tante se Rad Devil al 2400 Vaaahall Road, Unica, NJ 07083. Yo acasalaov all the mil-froc Castntoer Sdrnicc nam- Guatanlend - Sl2 11.n WE WILL BEATANY PRICE! '. 1-IURRYI SPRING SALE H IN STOCK114114 enisne scrapbook that makes il allay lo cemmasicate with your sImone, builder, architect er de- OrgOul UPTO lox 12EITCHEN - AILINSTAUATI0N DONOBY 087.0101 EXPESIEIICOD INI87110PS . lIPERGO TRAFFIC ZONEnt MOHAWK INSIGNIA MAXNI10IOII; cONGOIEUMTNIKEIT (87100X010 FLOORING Wo iro sl,gffed with exps'rleticfu(J ,ioid declicaleai plop/c to .tcniat )'Uil with YOIIP lhrl(:ing ileegHo FREE ESTIMATES VISIT OUR INSURED @ír2c2em 5832 W. DEMPSTER MORTON GROVE (847) 583-1 770 laalanlkred'd aarNsrXLLERS Nalnlntealon Paytnesdalot l2onths I- I 'I. U)E01EGIMEITEI PI10OCIRTIFIED OlIAtO) .,. a i III -.. f i .,, sink, rofrigeeulnr, olean and cahincta. You ceo give itcucas le nIh- couPoN MUST UE pnEUElaTeg EXPIRES Mop 31, onto oaro.Taviarona,acm c.mvul I mTaolo,uns,aom I I -I 000iiioct Rasidanliat Spnciuival Ri-Lingual: English/POlIsh 18 goons oapvninncn Call for a free market evaluation direct: (847) each ogive indrpandanlly cwnOa and opuratOd ''('i' MARKET EVALUATION Ask ftc MORION OASVt OP SUN l-4 slit Sleundsr' unaIEu,asvsieaeuOaasuwc t-sut IS PitaR awls Fan es suerAS 01551Ml arioSa I' altarS zragnusdltadrcc nÇIrd Nil_tal FLOT NourrIce Carol or Rich ngnusar J lai I tOs, t nu ran cebad 1000 tirs Kl sic sII Cnapnr Ank o fiAn Unico & Space Pak Cooling Systems As Festered On uThts Old House" ass F4 IonI CerIta cc lu glu. it IwAWaroli (76531 MIKE'S HAULING WesICE Old Slums, Huasos, Asiles, and Garages Cleaned Oui. 18471 698-3550 We 5pecialize In Air Conditioning For Hot Water Heated Homes! (8471 251-0230 Carpeting Family Owned & Operated BUYOLOYI000ENEE000ESI WE HAUL MOST ANYTHIIIG ha CSlilliSiHItRSldlD INI litoitCIJPiJ 'I'hcca rehago will gist ail lItase cta Wing ynaa parsottal potlfalio (773) 645-3735 847-8279981 _1 0% OFF ALL CARPET SALES e Show Room or Free in Home Estimates s Installation . Repair s Cleanins il' (847) 729-7840 B & J's Touch of Beauty - ' :GLENVIEW - (87) 9655544 OR 293-SOLD MIKE'S HAPPY HAUL AWAY WE :''- /T1u4Tj\ __ßJ w SALFs FREE 9654286 mV/pager:(E47)817-4285 othco: (847(657-9100 gal. 47 SSl "Award Winning Owners Buying or Selling One Call Does Of AIl! Ita ita Ivital s, lila- i sartllt rtlty alpin. Cuuilssc'd an l'age 47 Broker S ers lucida your civiticon, like yettr inlarior deuigscr or apeula. Yvio can rata Iba Irraduvtn yea citcvtse for ya arito rayad penfo, Toni Brens 1 Cnrol Fimarra, CRS, ABR and yorilitlill itroflie, you will ha alfa li, reciew all yvar fusantes. Redein1 lita kitcheol Cuyana Iba ad Operaled NOT_VULIDWITH ANN OTHER OFfER WO il yero sting and spointaisiag u PRh mane. Call 1847) 58E-84X0 fas marc information, WM(5AllStarS stasI by creating ycar peraenal profile. Thin alicvca you lo gilva all lita prodacls you like os yna LAMINATE Fully, Satt N' Torf panly, -& lndnpevdeally Ownod 3224 West Lake Ave.GIenvieW, IL (847) 998-6160 M.F 6.5 Sat. R.12 wvuvu.itowcpotlfOlir catIt today witnro dtoams bocetvrhnwno' Hare's how it werkst Ce la Wvaw.itnntryorsfoiio.cem Pii Puny, Noam' A Boll Spotis RFiMtX Villager SERVICE CALL 'LI lt's ail right ai Visit ft0000ttpsi ' Porvosul Prrsfolinta _ a powerful day. Mey 25 franI A3E-9 p.m. A D.)., games, and endosas ars ali pa0 of Iba fan. Osadea 6-8 only. Must vitard a Miles School, be a Hiles Rvoidonl os o Filness CcviCr member. Patticipavls nay IL #se3g7 ON1HR. Istavo sing 5101Cl. liti Wily te dreatn, design and cl nose yttur fos'erilr products and orgusrinn them in ycur awn Birihday Parly Packages for ages 3 10 ovar. Chonso fram a Spiish Splosh Pool Panty, Kid . Teem Gym & Jam. Saliir- Plumbing Service & Repair aselal snivico pcvtaidars on luooteyortiolio.cOw. This 511e is O maul for otty possatt who worts to ctoula u hallali' ful home, baIjItSI dooan'lliuva dIo goograykic 1mb , tesouccas Or prutaimily IO apertd aflctsOcrs drctotn. wads and 51551-haces. if you ittico an ido,t foldoe at home, lltc in croc I saw glees you a laus. er, sIaviaco mpletc and mure uso- VANITYS 840W for toare tofeamalion or Io lacaba O cotvp uppitcaliOn form. 2tBIe1 IAjMo( Richard Hurcuak shop for yoar baton. Hamepccsfolio.cem is the fasiosi, easIest muy to find lia pcodticts ytta went. lela ycu FIv,mepvrsfoilona . Birthday Partito. Lei us woko ynor birthday oua io no' memborl The Hilar Family FilSass Cantor in now offanrng LICCNSED . BONDel . ulaunto tu SEWEP SERVICE INC retctict. Manufeut aroman 4 dvssga prefeciiottois con alan ftttd yuuut week prior) 55 us tise door. Humresidenl gucuin SS. PEARL pIumbin - , cvarch enfuso le fituul ycarnoarcsi lac buying oro or bvilding paar- CERAMIC TILE TiasledSinen 1878 VdIE self, you coed to animal your E MSTALL(4 DAY DELI VERO Aalbadzed Tlesbr Itomojtorllolio.cOni Bot doesn't slop lIeta. 'l'isole uro aylino baackuinn en Ivnme-daslgn Itlil duels from iigltting and rugs Ill f-Juco la avd toiranra, lud I Ibctuta days will ha livid thrnugirOUI tite summer lo idd io Ike eacilemeni. Weekly Ioulions el- 511051. Tickets uso $4 in od cenca il KOHLER GROHE mulct 1941 thedesigs paoceso. bVltore do ycu slart? Whetiter yea CUNTERTQPS 6) kay al Braahnre, The Hilas Family Pitnass Contar hou your lichai to castltnar (ant Oar Summer bniog one nass-rosidart Iba Filness Contar al 847-588- ichilo it's hotlI . Summer Sperm Advsnstiro Camp, The porfacl way for ynarolti'Id lo synod 1ko samnter! Acti'cudas includo spcita. caldoor fumas, crafts, uwimming, - bald irips, ond moro,' Special fesodu Jons l9-Auant I t. Call tar Svtsmer Brochare. Dei ii . Fiinmn Center Sumnsnr C Ontinae d frem enge 42 Dreaming nf o sew kamel KITCHEN CABINETS, CARPETMILLS 848g. atl ideo nf Ichal you like (or dosI iikcl. Whitl a greus way 5e camtivunicatn allis these involved 5 the Internet Featuring . hers Sarviarn Dapsrsmnnl. Pnr ndditiotlnl information, conIcal lila Filness Canlnr al t47-5Sh- Decorating Decorating your home via i: lege student sq qualify. Ficase brut8 proofofmsidenay und our- boned nr find ennther way Ic pre- bet, 1.8004-A-DEVIL, or visit Salis)actoS I»,_;.n._- b material bektm Elling. After EliIng a large crack, cocer il wish a yyping, yasa it or the crack and NO WAX LINOLEUM ':, wnl Slaslent ID, to ear Mom- tipon she sabe In a smell-diameter CARPET SALE! MEICHANTS METALS 'I lrcrsivip. Summer Sladenl heruhipn. Memberships ore flats an suie at Ike Hilas Fomily Pilneus Censor. Call (847) 967-9320 )iUr.lVÜlOS JJsff' '1t1JfrVc!t'd'i974J} O1IAK lktU J!lI L_.,.:_____iii.-.---t edges. heir Web vita wcaw.teddcvil.oeat.HP PREMIE!? I FENCECOUP. It l_" wish o putty knife, feathering the Lossoits, Latin dottca, Teen prégrumo sod mom. Classas sinn bc wach nf June 9, Call 8475N8-N4OII la receive poor copy of Ilse Nues Family Filnens Ceo- ly, remoelag tense, crumbling toodeu&4 1976 ,i:-,oi'..S.o:-:.:..:.:.!.N ho n oseront High Sekeol or Col- the gtnond, you cas cha sItio retir compound Io seal basement lleerjeislaonderaeks. To l'sII a hairline crack in concresa with acrylic sealant, vas 1ko THINKING OF MAKING A MOVR? Call VALI DEMOS, CRS (Certified Rsnidealial Specialist) for - a FREE NO t OBLIGATION Market Evalcotiost cf year home and reòeive a I year ccmpliweasary . schedule salados cloases for oil Oh'es and intarests, irciadtsgu Nonsalid rtcmbess, Call (8471 Osa-8455 foe qaonsinnn reguadisg Ike fyIlawitlg progrums or Clab rravm- . Sunsmer Student Mcm- - Renidcsss/$l20 rasidoals. Mambasuhip tumbling, campi, apeas, Swim Clean larger cracks sisoroagh- nest assay..--------.---------------------......Summer's ne la woyt Q.m,I is one direesien, and when Ike 595 June I-August 31, 2000, Musi where harnsial radon lo prances in aobacripsion Io nor BelIer Homes & Gardesa magazIne. is denen's mean, orients 'I hone CtnIrtildw Conato''netg inelolled ¡a year h oese,,,,,,,,,, Cosine is new offering Ike following new programs la 00e crack is cesered, smeclb Ike hood 7735 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. NILES - squeeze gently Io lay doms o hin bead. Pall tIse tip alnng the crock io fnaodosinn molla and se ill Cortar inlets io brick and blnch walls. And if yas lise in on oreu ICoach1ightBetter Realty,Jnc DON'T ,WAIT - - All Your Flooring Needs 8856 N. Milwaukee NIles i block north of Dempster g »ArMÀ4 SILTOdÓ - - .- u W u ! uWu Lß . - E ,9.t i..- - _-,_ - - u u! - - - 1° - - a ivi . EVA U aWsUu p*iÑtiNo £8000867180 A&D MERIT CONCRETE INC. Refrigeration Central AIr S lcomaknr. -- Call 'a 847-992-9927 RICE MASONRY CONSTRUCTION - __fr FREE WRITTEN ESTiMATES CenereIaMmeWn A Houllrg BebcoI Sarcles. CIV. -- Llaeened-Fully Innulod - 1773) 293-5877 . . MIKE NITTI CEMENT CONTRACTOR . Palio flacks . DrIveways . SIdewalks and VlrapIaces Glann Binok Panol . Cleaning & Watopnoofin Free Estimäter Insured FREE ESTIMATES (847) 824-2223 (847) 965.6606 BRICKWORK M I KWAY TaapoIutIng. urIaaWOk Licensed Fully Insured - CONTRACTOR European Contractor Marunry Cunareis ChIenrreys Rrpaireu nrbnHi Glass ubre IflsiaiIaiIOfl flee ideflilai-ComnrerulaiIrrdusiria I FREE ESTIMATES 'Fully reared. Free EstImules DCCI WIth Saner O Save luci) 503.2414 a CiEl 015.0570 CARPET CLEANING INSTALLATION SANDING AND FINISHING OP ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS Pagos (7081 551-WEV Ventor Olsacunt DECORATING FREE ESTIMATES] (847) 583.9978 (847) 966-4792 sit,a;IL : jJ.It. HANDYMAN SERVICE . P515115g. RaeIIrg .PtaarrrbIrrg .Ccrcrct,Wnrkcnrpecby VIEnen, R Voihracme.ElecVicet WEOOIFALE...N0JV8 FOcI SMALLORT000IO - HOME REMODELING OUR WORK IV GUARANTEED (047) 6740371 773) 792.3550 uci ALL HOME IMPEOV MERiTS 800 328-1456 Home Repair Service We Speolo)iee In SUole, Clsleem, DisumanE Free Estimates) LANDSCAPING STUARTS LAWN CARE k TREE REMOVAL 'Loon enlrlenaroc . Kltnb,se/Ootho/mnmla. Lawn Care Service et Spring E Fall Clnon-Up o Weed Contrat . D,y,anSl/WollpspnF . Ecteelee/EAE. PMlottaSg CALL EGIS 847-969-8859 7.73-889-1742 LANDSCAPING cuseuru B UPIIGLSTERY SERVICE .VetOd,Rsaaauu.r.el ' DESIGN DECORATING . QUALItY PAINTING $14.50 . EXPERT PAPER RANGING , WoOS FINISHING . PLASTERING 'W evíraun Eputlamuarebery' 1Q41) (a4ll 205-5613 520.8320 CATCH BASINS V SEWERS Carl Vn Free EstImeles Rel crentes HANDYMAN Low PrICeS B478O3-O92 p1r108861'2112 PAULII PAINTING CO. NEW CCNSTSUCTION VIEIl COTEIERCIALA RESIDENTIAL Suelily WELIFNPERINC SI VatAOS IN TIlE AVIlA FREE ESTIMATES JOHN'S SEWER SERVICE Oakton & Milwaukee NIles (847) 696-0889 Your Nolghborhoud S,Wer Man Nc Job rcA SorelO . PaintIng InlorIo,We,l0, . CarrIrO Milo, El,cS,IVsOPlAmblnq eooJ Repair Sul lOSt Ropair 6 Clnered o Deck - Fence sepal, Fr00 E.Ilneios (847) 805-8114 . FUElLING &OECORATP&P INTERIOR!EXTERIOR PAINTING 'Care AmericA - Pacer Raking . SprlaE 5 Fall Clean Up Erks Werk 'SollAr SASSaI DIAMOND DETAILING POWER WASHING We clean: S Wood DEcks/StalIng S Patlo-Carage Floors s Commercial Property Fusi presidCVl nf ihn Formar1715 Club IN Grand Kesighi Rich Zuproalkl. wishes in CVfl3ISIU laie he Ion now broiher Irr kn:1hls: Foiher Adler Gaiciv FA 1h11 Arihur Olsen Andrew WIr. Casimir Fubir. Pairick chec Theodore Lenarl, OCAVAOF Zyginurid Koziaru Srooks Johnson, Jaroes Joe quesen N Law- LANDSCAPING (773) 631-7847 LANDSCAPING Roy ThE HANDYMAN 'YOU NAME It-WEOV IT P alniln g-IntMrierIE e io SIA 1 wellpnpedfl.CDrnley Eisc 1115cl. Plumblca Dryonell . Rnpelsu Fluor M Wall TilleD .. VemcdMIlng FREE ESTIMATES (847) 96-641 HARDWOOD FLOORING ACORN LANDSCAPING Residenlial S Commercial PrOi,SMIAnAI TrImmers COBPLETE IJIIDECAPE SERVICE a Lane Uilnt.s&rru. a PstVlIIeklg IWesdEuvItul a Fleoe,& EbrIA PAsSIm a Seddle5 b 5,edAg - Amilos M Poets, SHAM . SpeW) a s.ii Cies, Up Rakk imasd çmuEoSnat,, 47 9. -1 LANDSCAPING SHRUBS! HEDGES! EVERGREENS ALL DEenIs 5ESOES CaLI FOR flVEE ESTIMATES DA TEARS EXPERIENCE (847) 966.7623 PAINTING EUROPEAN DESIGNFLOORING The parado WIll bo held on Mo- moriR DAy Moedoy, May 29, hogineiAg AI IO atri. The pAradV will fellow Ihn IlIdiliOnel naValI ap Cumborland Avenue from Saolh riVe Park lOdga City Hall. A welAorial r ervic o will ha held 01 rho Valerosa Masaraool In Hadgoa Park after the parade. Slrarily Iheroofler. rVrrrabcrs of . FIr RsSsIthIs k RepElo e 1011115118E e SenIle) e Cerumlo .Marle . fleaidwøal S CornSEcI6 flttY9SUR1E fllOtSIlVAItS 1141.2721010 olganirulieeS will MULCH 8e TOP SOIL SOLI lOUP IOUlE rEIOANIIA1OVEOr .SeeOdW ArWAW JUST CALLn condUct roraioes ai he Civil War rlaaaanaoAl In ike Town of MAiVI Cerreicey. "PAINT PROS" Tite Velceaac Memodul Day Ansocialion is comprived al wp- 5Ca VU .nMeuvsd VAnI Color SUSCuIS .CTprse505GCuYd .EodCndar4UCeYd .CeSatSS SOSTaNO Dyed Ned Muer 245Es TU NTOIepSot.05Vdee lAb MaSISonr CurrVAO SAO, SeAU. GresnU cIL ISEEOEINIIICIVOITCNI550K SURE-GREEN 847-aRR-9999 800-303-5150 IGrILAlGU EOCrL000A ruaeplalieas of Voiceans of Por- PATChWORK eins Wars Posi 3579 aUN Mol PROUE ESTIMATES CALL24 1105115 773.774-2874 aaRICKySe QUSUTA ROKKHEOIOONIEO FAlCI IIINWIS eNO 111510ES ConootuGutters Ceased 17731 622-7355 CDII Rick 113.775-6846 (lOBI 493-1605 Pager 312-232-9678 WINDOWS A.J. Construction Copeet Handymen Coanr Ycur Crans wIth -AlucInan SOTIUFACSIS Olayuosisolnum SidIng IT Kitchen, BelA Floor Tillog ElnotriVel Plambing Carpentry Paintlog, Ruplaoemoet WIndAwsISIdina eInst mildem. Nrerm Wln0000 a Orees Aiamissm AwnIngs Call 1er Pror E.lIn,r, Aennlnoc Iinmry POsI 247 ofihn Amoriron Legion. Volerass of Foreign Woes roprarenlaiires aanrisl of Ce,rrnlandorRiellard Nickels and v.l:.W. l°LllI Calnmanden Warren Wirgau Iella rvill ha ihr Clairf [r0 7015V Marshal. AmrricUo Lnglao rnpruscolulincc venoSi aT Past eammillor In rnbiom eAodidaies l'or nons frasenral yaar's offioorr. Any 3rd degree brelhee nierE- groe heVors IRAI day was Chicago i5schalieceaO Rishop Kicaoos. nlroald cansad sean, nod Jahn CAllins, Posi 247 Commander. droiTises at (A47) 986-5953_ Pirare call Rich il yoa'n inleae sled in helping us ros Ihr cesnail! PosI Presidorl Kan LeV soailes all broihor sir knighlS 50 jouis him al Ibis yEAr's flillinger RiValI Assembly Monreriul Mass & Sroakfasl 05 Toclssy, SL 0V SaeKm al (847) 967-11234 for morn mIarmalien ond resersorions, PleESr plan sa allecd Ibis hoaodfal cenomony honoring Ihr dacoasod doy, Muy 21. ConrAd brollare sir ksrighin. All brother sir kVighls arr in- Mora hon vixly aidas urr eSpactad sa poraicipaln in Iba parado. Srocrul musical DElls uro aitod IO psacido honor guord far espocaed lo pasoicipute iosladlng 29. AIl rormb Oosas V asked lo or- ihr Moira East and Mainn Soalh High School Sands AId Ihr nao by IS um. Pormere infonlilaiilin eanrucs Km loo us Mary, Seal of Wisdom Sclteol 1847) 967-6234. Band. Ploals marching ond rnaiori,rd Anus 010 aapacied from Pork Pidgoand eaighharing aeer. monjitas. Shriners oeils fraie oIl oval etalropoliian ChIcago wilt Ihr Mrnseriul Day Mnue al MAryhill Caweiary. Monday, May Oar sick und dllireslod orombers aleAr fatriila. vlan p:triicipalc tilia YOJi. Comeaoniiy cIrera il bAsiS und we sied your :otganiOaliOnS and ktuinrsscs slr:ìt haip! t Wa still saad al biSs 2 mono sow menahols IO jein! Picole help as by usksng yAur oình la sponsor a licol or oiarchmli 011A shaald casinos 1111 Voie- raes' Mamerial Day Asracialiali 01 IU471 69g-6664. Inviiolioes huyo item roEl IO oli orgaaizulines 11101 parlieipuled n' laos yeas's powdr. Orgariruiions ihni hreilter, 500, in-laws or 511gbbots la joirs she knifhlsl Mornhorshilr srlfars Caiholic fienIle- did noI nrCViVV On ineiloiian. an mira wtsh io purocipalar foc Ihn first liilIV should cevaocl ihr Volelans Memorial Day Assocsalion al (847) 698-6664, si al (ElI) 965-0920. Alois many adconiogrsl Por rlscoe iofortllalïOO - cesiacl Sob 011ao- 'Ibis is III rroirlh al aur hlrssrd voIlIer. Rrlrlolehor lo haror all aun niallrnrsI VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS (847) 966-1869 (312) 771-2417 Liroesod . 5snasd-insur Mecen Groan IL Storer earns second place Contest in Tab'e Topics Dick Slorer, a rosidnnr of Des 4mm und ogfneaiae p rasen latins PlomAs and amrmhor of Park Ridge Teaslmus 1ers club, has are key rlemesls of s ucla vs in this olteleul, TSr eannl also in- chided Ilse mnIAmAIIqnal speech corned 1h earcor d placa io Ihr cetilert where prepared spoaches raAslmaalars Noalh Diailioo 'rahleTapics SpeocllCanlesliOrld ' sann cines. Skekin Public Library or Salardich Siarar hua boce a seombrr doy April Ihn I el. of Ihr Purh'llidgo Toaeimesinrs Dick rrprrsos ted the club al club fon 47 yrors aed has served 16e divsion lancI efirn winning in wavy afAcen ioelsadllrg Area lIto dab aaelOss and Ola Voeu cAnijeacroon and Dieisioe Coconslost. The aanleslOSls os She dici- sins lAve1 see Ihr wiosors al lIla sia ama-level codesto iraladisgr alub is Park Ridge, Dee Plainer, Merles Graso,- Nilrs Lakoaiew Lincoln Park Deenlield. and Laarsinn. le 160 table sepias spacall eonlesi, she casiralassl.Saneas bed io Ipeak un a Itrpio Ihey didsi koom brfere. lise abillly la OPalO u sharI speecir en the way se iba ya- TousImesiErs lnirrmndunul se son_Pro01 edseulienol eegAsieaRae drdieeind SS mps000 16e aommuniealioO und leadership skills of Ils mernlress. The Park Ridge chapler in releo vary 2nd and 4115 Thursday cf 16e nronllr sed malcomes gAesIs. Por addl- tiosol infanoudes call 047-2963053. Reasons to choose Aniericats' #1 Choice for car donations Il. A tosasbln las dedsolic:l. I . 'l'ho Nriiosal Kidney Foun- PIenso 000linac la pray fer \ye ace cony close Io - 05,1115 Wark LicenSed A Bonded ind/araonrmiiior K. WESLEY REMODELING STOP PANTING seard in seraing us AV ofAcer Prachouko, aaha will verve as PArade Chose- OeM? 70.000 Satesnlod CuaEnenee. REMODELING April 29. Ala orealivic g dilt dr- Cnoimnednr John I -BOO-433-8796 Frs. RsVmasss Hove EOnEVIARS Cnrgralulalianr and welcome la all ihr new rie knighls. Orard F(righl Rich Zaprealku lias Appaioleai he oemloailsg SENIOR DISCOUNT . SoMmi nomodellng Insured...DepefldabIe IeEdNioaflMeúObiO uQ4osa. were 1h01 Hugomun ronco kerghlad 1mm out ooasml AI 511V nsaiopliAearion ceremeny on PeRE ESTIMAIS WIrd000.Doenors 773-631-0289 - aireo in ha held in ParkRidgn. PEER SNSPECTOMN Dock. CAVAreIS 4.800.302.5669 Memorial Day Parade in Park -Ridge Arnooiuiioo ofFark ICidgohaublgar ils planning Tor lIlo Mrcroniul Dey Forado and Carlrniery Ser- RECLAIM YOUR BASEMENT . FnAIO.Atirere. Perches FREE ESTIMATES . BUSHWHACKER'S .TuekpAIerlrQ . sIdIng ' 501115 Ccli undy 17131 491-4440 denk 1773) 491-4449 EIURISEIONOES Call 773-792-0433 PoWERWASH ING - - , EVERDRV WATERPROOFING E & S ROOFING e_ CONSTRUCTION RICK1S WIEIIOWSWSS)TVdV - -r WAT ER P RO O FlING t45S5 WSIIIr lidiO) F0580 FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED CALL GEORGE -- a '99 p0wERWAeIilN9 Knightly news & views LANDSCAPING BRANCATO LANDSCAPING, INC. -U U POWERWAEHINIS S2SGEON- !__'° uu ° .. PAINTINGS EEÇOVATINS Viri.-aera ians RICH -THE HANDYMAN U 847-825-9098 The Vniirruns MrmAriaI Day BERNHARDT U. OAaesASeeOTnedSaP '-.'-, esoaeanrHn tneiellsliuo V sud HANDYMAN uU (We Alto 00 Ecick raving) .Leadso,pod DeCIDI FREEES7IOATCS (847J 698.3738 JOHN'S LANDSCAPING 847-436-8195 H AN D Y LEO'S HANDYMAN r COMI'LETE DECORATING SERVICE GARDENS LAWNS TREES KITCHEN NO DARRI100MS All Heere Repolem WCdusr CealkIng.SuilnuCIearru (847) 965-2146 - - FLOORING . cruntvnr VeIa lloVeirftrn Fee Feas Easleesto colt: CONRWTEWORIC Bickoit & Now R,bIt CWn,nï . HARDWOOD irl000nEetWInr Inwoetlol Carreweelor - rÌoi<woK V -Slope. PallA, Walk, flOusa RcRrIønrmtorS u Fretoanra ForOprIng PiC Special Charlle'n Painting & Handiman UbblAbs lora . rrAçE:4t IIIEHIOÇILVI1 29U1191/AY,MWT 1L2MW - dualen is sRrseFiçala Rl C!loice (er cardonasions- Tb taco sed of Illisois kidney Help slunep oui kidney dis- IrIrtIs plant necipicels and decir ftseiilles berrío fr0111 Turn ysr old ear mb a life- our paiialii sonAjeen, cornnnslleily ealuatsrioe, and seediral ranctrch cuse. progrIsals 11101 Are fundod tlsraugh sacar. ' Il's agaaal caUse, Vas or sameOee yes knew lmdkidncydinelsoa. Clean sp posa yropcnly ai as l0ypl 55 hId F- lrla:nia lhkd lt5rasO er u iroiivp Oir liosun reId S.ìupUTrIoarcorrsnrsueiIyedu- caliorr or rrlrdlcal saseorch pro. groles. 9, Ilseasy atidlIussla frac. Ilse acorns'bu urn s frane our Kndnoy Cisns program. 'l'ho Is ' I I oar Iheolsale'ne by chaasis I lKd Hih of IRe Na- 0fI l 00001. Help su brIbe lires by dlroaling youreml If you uro inscnosind mr hsee clore qaauliaos pleaur callIacI Curai Aromn al (312)6633103 pÇeW1 r 'neEfluGIZ,TiaThsSDAZre'Res,OO, . Rotary Club of Park Ridge candidate chosen for exchange trip to Poland : .. A crn,didoto ominntcd by hr ltotary Club o Park Ridgo to partieìpOeoin tho Rotory Dirtrict 6440's annual group study nuchangn has benn sntcctad ea parS ticipato in the Muy 6-Juno 4 tnam trip to Poland. Dnidro Wnoblnwnki of Evanuton, design managnr for McDou- gal Littell, will join a tnooe of three other young professionals and a Rotarian trip loador for the four-wock- study tsar of poland. Tisis is ho (trat inno lin Park Ridge Rotary hou npoonored a I LEGAL NOTICE ¡ No tieoiu hosohy given, passa ant to 'Ao As inno lotion (s hr nm of or A ressent I O unloose Novo io h n sord acrorlraosae lion oftu astros sir tito Stato, os sosoodod, that a enroUes- liso wnr lisO by rho andornigsod with lisa Cousis Closk st Cook Coonty File No. D063n93 os Ita MAY i I, 2O. Joder the Assansrd Noose of WOMYN 4 WOMYN . Î With the h erbens bested al 9226 GOLF RD. 11200 DES PLAINES, ILLINOIS 60016. mn toto ratons) ie gatheristgs whoet they roture from Ihn study tour. Perk Ridge Rumanians involved in the ulub'n groap study euchange candidate nomination heim own profession. drootop rnlotionsleips aod 'exchange idoan, bert, Mt. Prospect; Mike Celahan, MerIno Goose; end Ed MoCehn, Perk Ridge. Roqairc- Sshanfer, Perk Ridge; Tony Tot- Transportation casto are paid by rho Rotaey l°eundptioo, and housing, mestI and travel in Poloted ero covered by the heut Re- meets for group uludy escheugn teem membors include being betrocen tIte ages of 25-40 pears, omplsyod in hein profession a mary district. Teem combers mill stay with winimnm of two yoorn, u U.S. Rttlanios fatoìlicn se well as study Ilmo vstion'e oeonvmie, no- uitienn, net a Retery suember or elonely rolated to s Roturiun, and buying u profonniunal attitudo end enrhasiántie about their vo- ciel atnd culturel sheracterislics lieroagh discussione and travel throughout Pe)end. Iv eddilione iIrary closed Memorial Day tito toatse will spemsd o oeiniseeotm of bco deyn 04th thoir profonsieeal and bueisous cousteepantu. Its her position el Meflougel LuIsIt, Wmoblemvski is responsi- heeLs and meltimedis materials. IRI c E call eJ" penienon at Rotary cIaba, Ihn Rnmany bislniet unnfnneece and cìv- effane this yuan ivuladed ties 015,0205, DES PlAINES, lLt6. AND-SEWER SERVICE "te in Dun's Flash , mill mobs prnseslvtinns te variaus groups during their stay in Pelused, and will relate their nu- will stody lito eeustny's instile1)005 sted way of life, obsorso SANDRA SHELTON, 9226 GOLF FLUSH PLUMBIIiG ueh ovohnngn team member , uoccossful ojndidato for titis anaal Rotary Poondstïon of Rotary lotornali000l program. The group study uuuhangu is a oolttiool, educational and sonohenal nspnniooeu thus promotes internetional understanding through organized travel and personal Cofleacth. -During Ihn omit to Polond, Wtohtewski sud Ihr rose of Ihr ouchange team bio for the design maoagnmool of social stadion cuonicolum dovelopemuet, which includes and sestd5005 addsonu of owvor)s I is MDA Summer Camp fàct ID i r ' Cuslotua Couteteulops for Kitchens & Baths, etc, Ltllthutt & Solid Surfaces Avuilable LICENSED BONDED .'IPISIIREII 847-827-1160 847-998-6810 Kitchen & Báth Corner . Pit-o5a Top Sleep, hic. (630) 307-878G Er De Ctteieest Cabittero, Ube! SKOKIE CARPET INSTALLERS I supponI and assinme000 ta oar nrsuioe at a monidential faoility in lite Chioagoband anna. When: Jane 3-IO, 21)00; June 1g-17, 2050. Whrre: MDA Sponsors 2 ses- tiren itt Metro Chieago at; YMCA Camp Eeustirgt b Lahr Ville, blliuoiu. Flow: Camp it sel up on e nec ) LEGAL NOTICE ¡ qli in hureby giveu, pamsuant tu duet er tsavsuetian ofBtvnfrirer iu der Statu," ut unesdod, 511cm u caOirscamiau nous SIod by the smodornigeed . ' Aminimos: Swimming, beatisg, fiuldeg, upsrls, aus and cruflu und doily evening aulivt- tien, We provide a "vononi" eue valuateeru. Cast: There in na cost te den cempoes .01 volunteers, vil nepusses ace covered by the leoni MDA Chspter. For Moro bnfevnnedun: M::vculaI Dystrophy Annoeintiov, 999 Jorio Blvd., Seite 250, Osh Brook, IL 66523, 6w-368-003g. ¡ LEGAL NOTICE Nemico it homeby given, pornaart tu "An Ast in maIntien te 19e 0w of an the besivoss Isoamod um dg49 OAK- SANDRA SHELTON, 9226 GOLP RD., #268,D6S PL5eINPS, tLkWl6. HESS. SOON RAE AUN, MATtHEW LEGAL NOTICE g)3.Zp-23 Gantha B. Limes Requesting a change io zoning 607 Pauline Buffalo Drove, IL feomR-t PUDIuR-1 PUG Wiltiiimu J. Brune 0566 Normal Nilea, IL Requesting a variatioo learn from bnildieg to neulaue misting briok dumpster ta storage garage al 7840 Milwuekee Avnoun, Alliance FSB Requestisg a ouriotios ta rear from 36' me 23,9e' mo construct a gecage aud roof fue patio at. 8560 Normal, ma redace the combined side yards from IS feet to 13 fool tu 847-692-2000 (847) 679-0953 i 00's Of Used Parts (847) 864-2828 047-966-8063 * 13121 155.1077 57n7 w. notos Aso. Cm,,eaaa, lilies:, 605W5 17731 595.5300 Chicego. Iltionis oouns INSURANCE ,IwFoeø*LE ' OtU5lt54.tMO 5.,lutinslnesO The Village cf Nilen mili comply meimh the Americuns With Disabilities Act by makistg neasanable aucomosudamians fan peepin wilh disabilities. lfyou or someone yce know with ndinsbilimy require accommodatino fee a Village servicu an hsvn any qunutiattn about the Village's compliance, please ceded Abe Selnean, Village Munagee, Igloo Civiccenmor Drive, Nitro, Illinois, 047/588-8000; VWEO Thomas J. Jankowskl Nibs 847/470-1950 SMtrta15t5 -os,ad.oaoso mp,, castes w aun, r" s. Fr,,, temt nImes SpUsfpct!pnQJaraflteed! $2500 oft with this adi CALLEYOU n.u,gln e5d hrnd, Is tIes s Io pla te bn.' s DONATE YOUR CAR Need help with computer setup? . PC need listel? Went basic computer knowledge? LI yt\ nr rz_i1 Get the most oui al your computer t MOTORCYCLE UOAT (ANY CONDITION) AMERICAN FAMILY THE 4RK TtlOtI;M'I a r. ,euqaoemcaanwnnvcatmum Peur IRS Tao Daduclibie Cgnlrthulioy at yoar used vehIcle will help The Ank help tIre Issoanands MARINA STANOJEVIC sacs NOISTE wp,viooE6N 60go, of nanay familles who depend an us, 2ND FLOOR SOUTH, SoleE a vILES. :Iiwo:u colta PHONE: 0FF. ua7.vov-2G4l (847) 291O94O TRUCK FAX. o47v052va5 tsflt mmes thrusla emIt,,, R ,r' In e reses Call (773) 973-1000, ext. 270 today! tsatheutWdl't',155n58eWB5'I na llL:NlSNlkPSSOSlACOa000 otros tres, :m,rF, 0,6 aut,sl lsss,este Ces ssl stO ttS ssOt:,:,,,s Osos elves . Mettes, W;, tells IO pi/nere.neunsa yLlgArlRS98tUI6ElW0H!l0l9AUOlto151lO G L Spnasial Use for video Sites at 9006 Golf Rued. tuwnhoasa baïlding al 7436 Waukegan Road. PARK RiDGE LAw OFimectw OH' CANNIZZARO & ASSOCIATES 39 5. La 5,11e Se., Suits SOC ßefore you invest ¡L.. Make sure you Inspect It! NUIS 6067k The toto n000)sI nod 100MG, 2545 W. CATALPA AVE, APT. #105, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS EO-ZP-22 Lawrence H. Chtum Alliance FOB 7840 Milmookea Ave. Hilero Illinois Law Firm Hypnatlsn/HypntJriteraPlSt, Certified Naliunal Gaul of HypnatlsrS Accredited Instructor & Practitioner 015:0e House ay Wpoivtroml gammon and eamardags ArelaBa I Absolute Care, Inc. BONDED & UCENSED I The Full-Service VideoNet Video Systems, Inc TON STREET, SKOKCE. ILLI- mmd nosidorea estebenn ofnwvee)sl is: Niles, IL FREE TOWING Walter E. Sala. CI-J- HOME INSPECTION SERVICE I PAK COMPUTER SERVICES Oa-ZP-24 Thomas P. Weskin Roqarmling s chango in rening 7501 Woskegan Road from B-2 la 16-4 and oanismiau Repairs & Laying of New & Old Carpet wmhupa@iv.untevm.00m Cvuomy. Pun Nu. D0u3666 vo Ar MAY 04, 2086. Urden the Atnowod Nanee cf CRYSTAL NAILS WIth Ooanttoct a 7 uleil oesdainimtiant 300 HIGGINS ROAD deW Nestim giver Bd., Suite 662, gnsnmost. IL (eWig (8471 u92.zSue Por 18431 692-9866 wirh Ihn County Clerk of Ceeh mend em:ee addmts cf 000nslulmt: 120-ZP-2t AUTQS WANTED FEATURING Liligstier Suppeg Stop Stress GaRn Relaxation Feel Great! the following marten/si: L Expires 6/9/00 J "WE/JO/TALL" Asdils,Cvenpi)show atol 1h-sinus l4er.PmSI Otysviratios EnlstePlomoisg COMPUTERS GOLF RD., asgo ogs PLAINES, ILLINOIS 60616. mr Ovo ouvrir) 500 OFF TOP$$$ PAID Tax PrepSratiou Individual, Corporation, Parineruhip & FiducIary s s Tho Plan Comminsien and Zoning Round of Appeals will bald a pah- Insured WITH THIS AD - L Certified Pesbile Auuuuntanit and Counaitoets lieu was 61mb by mho ssdsmnigvnd tie beaning on Mnndap, Japn 5, 2008. aL 7:30 P.M. ut mho Nilet Municipal Snildieg, 10go Civiu Center Geive, Nues, Illinois, to bane i s Wolf, Weis & Horowitz, LLC Asuowod BoeioetsNsmn in Av mn. dueler teausaetieo ufflssioese is the Sesto." av amrvdod, bel a veuigvo- PLUMBING & SEWER Randnd ' tompin genpeoiv-are titunks to I Running or Not Beaters & Overheaters DESIGN a SUPPLY INSTALL Who Attends; Children agud 6-21 with oso of the 40 nearsmuscular diseases çoverod by MDA. What Is Il: A eue week romp MAY I t, 20gO. Urdre Ao Assumed Nuomr et i SOLUTiONS POR YOU With Ihn b osiruls leouted st 15226 (847) 583.1858 Cesll For lotIr Free ßtiitttole und lacro skills that they sen enjoy yeoe.round. witit time Ceusty Clerk of Cook Ceot:ty. Pdn Ne. 0063992 on tino SAME DAY SERVICE AFFORDABLE RATES EMERGENCY SERVICE week of thoir timor to provide RELIANCE . Licere5ed DAY OR 23 1/2 HOUR NIGHT that an active life Itas lo offer ,Lvsumseed B usuvrnm News ie tise veo- : WHY WAIT? I CALL... Who Ta Needud; Yoang oreo end wumou age III and Loser threoghost mite crea, donale a , penienue Snsthusml the ploeuurcs hoary will be closed Sunday, Mey 28 evd Monday, May 29 in abano- c-ro Spec/aliziesg its.... viol plane -- a place u'here love and frienduhip abound... a pInce where haulers de nel ceint,.. a placo whnrn youngsterv. with muteoler dyntruphy and rebInd neuramsacalar disoaues cus eu- 'As Act in relAtos ta br ano of as May 3g et 9 am. COUNTERTOPS oiatiou sponsored camp is a spe- The Morton Grove Publio Li- canco ofMomeoial flay. The Librats wilt re-open on Tuesday, la 000 banin nu nauh Disabled camper has an able bodied volaalcsr Badily lhraaghvat the A Muueoiar Dystrophy Asu- I'AUE,47' . EDUARD VERNOV$KYI DD.S Cnrssnlaneg Levatad nr tIna Cnmnsr er Wli zod Miwauken 94 FAMILY DENTAL CENTER 8526-Q W. Golf Rd. N/lea, IL 60714 (847) 583-8181 DENTIST /1w(4#c-. Gefle,& DeneIy ELDERLY CARE BABYSITtING HOUSE CLEANING and onore 773.625-8421 847-226.8706 jj 7XV Supplements . Electrical (847) 675.3662 Pa9er: (312) 418.7001 SEC. a cvonIne AvIIbI Award Winning Service - Call Toll Free (1-888-400-7330) APNEA (SNORING) WE HgLpyOu LtOE Ue'ETO'THE FULLEST ' WAUKE0A*MQBTQN,nDvE, Il, 1tu. h*sà Inài,wUg, ce.l a-41 '. 967-616'? -A '. b. ed Of Pal rIt you fo my out now co-paysl Great RX Cards possible ForCeRie 500 nesurance Company EPAP F118 SLEEP Litt Chairs Corporate Style Benefits Including $15 LOW,LOWATES! :. OXYtN n Nutritional HEALTH INS,JRANCE pre-existing conditions . EOUIPNENT.SVPPLIES MEDICAL !NSURANCE 4244 West Dempster Avenue Skokie, IL. 60076 vor By AppoInenne Specialinlu 115 HòMe'M8DCt,' .-., . % Natubal pain Reliming Gel,, t' .. k9iit Vea io Iry OUI ptodstct armO b***fl8) .Ol2Of Irle ISOOS0005 Of uaSsfied e° . ' Tite etJGLE,11I0500AV, tit6Y to, soeo SELIVERES TO ALL 16000 lOMES N NOOS No MOSTOS SRSVEEVERV WEEK F nIE osos DELIVERED TO A11 10,000 OMLS IN NuES ANO MORTON GROVE EVERY WEEK OF THE VEAn' FULLIPÁI FULLJPART TIME TIME FULLIPART TIME BANKING OPPORTUNITIES ACCOUNTING CASH APPLICATION CLF.RK BANKING OPPORIUNI11BS cor CLERICAL/OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES Orear Op NAsiller 'loa Con Bank 0e.. ut AIRL!NES WeuNe ACCOUNTING UNITED EXPRESS ASSISTANT Opoated byAir Wisconsin North suburb nan-profit nnuuy rooks person le Aldinos Cenpon,tion Fuit S. Peri-lime Fieni Notlasni Bank of Mnrton Groan rasnrd perform creosoting tasks. Must have knowledge uf Meethmnennithnniunu operation area. The position requires Fa5Krreh2ra-etsr? chienge norpor-ute omen, 8,35500 tu 5:00 PM. t ytur Huni, ecoilninbeord enperienne, geai Pal-lioness- S:Søpnrlpm. Dept 0501 ,ernrnaninatiun mill,. Faiee,onut preFerred, but will train BENEFITS INCLUDE: n Medical Insurance n Dental Insurance n Life and Long Term Disability Insurance e Profit Sharing PERSONAL BANKER MM-Cita Notinnei eenk Mr. Prnepern nreSsor,mof umisning guuurol ledger, balance sheet, benofitsi income statements, At least Cernent O ninur at Monday - Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Chicugu's 011ero Airpurir t year relatad experience required Excellent benefits. ec,neucnohne/,ntn,eem4einIIeeneeh Adannniepcdrrn,LMFOI Clerifeorie nrnoeurerrnith MidCity Financial Corporation CAMP Must ho FLEXtD ta worin tst/2nd shifts, including wookencin sect hstidoys. Orchard Village Human Renources/BU 7670 Macmona Manor App tu Ann: 00-148h Air Wisconsin AlAnos Corp W6390 Chnllnrtgnr Dr SIn 203 Appleton, WI 54914-9120 Focs: (920f 749-4233 en at www.airwis.nom Skokie, IL 60017 Fax 847-679-3909 EOt/M/FID/V CAMP JOBS BANK OF LINCOLNWOOD 4433 W. TaWny Avenue Lincolnwood, IL 60646 Míe/vio Roo/AA For College A H.S. Sludents, You Can Bank On Us FerAG atOp ria ICy! cuostre, Sn ton OprniogefsnthsIetIeexn tenstiosr: MORTON GROVE -GLENVIEW Wo are Our JOBS pooplel The sSffln 5055:0 maESes mitions of people lo mitlions cl oSe, such co SAVINGS COUNuELOR MT-en-Sull w, ucelsebitgfethnl eçneeioipenu4 Corare1 Mema Township aniqee positien uvuileblo fors SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST bi-linges) u pfut. Send Rosacee, eerwth ion st rrnnw.hafrmudy.eern ROE M/F/DJV Marsha Warnick i 700 Bollard Road Park Ridge, IL 60068 ASSISTANT To The Director organiscH unser tes prsfesrisnnt persas te kundin Letet DATA ENTRY edininistrativu drOne, etneicut 847-673-3740 Reqeirns guari nummerinutiun und unifieg kitts. Mierssull u NCCI LifeScon Laboratory 5360 Fargo Ave. Skokie, IL 60077 Eepiensq Otio 7900 Milwaukee-finite 25B Nilese IL 60714 On Fox To (847f 966-761 Group Leaders & LWeguards tn,trestnrn Fers Swim, Deeoa,Ast, Cemento, G_, med Pnn-Stlnuolm Snag Luodno &Mebntnrsetea cRue, eeepatrr en dinle, purranat bote. Penises espedrem prrfnred tent ret rnqcbnd. 30-35 oar enrie E HrreICN Ansleble. Piense foe year reunen tu, (847) 827-8681 Or Apply In Person At: Richart Chiropractic ii1 OUStE CIIISSIFIfiD lIDS GET RESULTS I l,e cc e 're prempinaceiOrrntius nnOscs Bonnie: 630-794.8851 fax Rnsemu Inc 630-850-8319 Liberty Federal Bank Telephone Skill, Rnneaired. Saine-y por week. See how your mosey can work lar you by puttIng your recrultmeet ads In both edilions of The Bugle. Cali un toduy fur details. We wIll be happy to aaals( you In placIng your ads and In raservieg space for oar next Issue. We Offer twO deadlleao each week tor your eoncenlnnce. AND ALSO, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIALSI SIMPLY CALL (847) 588.1900, sed usk (or our classIfIed depurtmenl. Our traIned sluff rettI be anaItabln Io luke your orders. Reservation Sales Agents Now hiring indiviuuls wha em dedicated, relaie und cuorfeons. servian preferred. Fomiliodealise allie computer keyboard. Zack Electronics Semxitnr S Miirnoekne - Nilee ORDER/ENTRY Full/Pert-Time Oestre1 ORlen Ostie, Fineribta Huais fleeemoot Aine Celi For A pointtnerS 18471 671-1fl50- Ext. 105 Oar classified uds reach moie people per wnuk for the liant umuent at doliers. We cover the near northern sshorbs end tien nuelhslde of Chlcegu wIth 2 InsertionS por wnek. Son how Vo money can work Inn you by patting your ads io both editIons of The Bugle. und p(oeemeett Coli Soson or Ade st: 847-797-8200 CNA'S - eyenc5uciiy rrspkyrr Aol ,ulurs o diar,eily in the meiesian et wn,l,julorr. oneu.nosh,ulIb.eng. IS,mc,,n, 5c60 ti,el,hC,m St. Matthew Lutheran Home Must have excellent written, verbal, and organizational skills. professional appearance. Pleasant phone pnrs000lity o must. Hours 4 pm-Bpm. teceIent salary aoci benefits with frtendly office environment. Fax 847-657-8641 For immediata consideration apply in person, phono, aed fox or send resumes to: NOTICE Th. nasi. N.w.pepsrs denn ib Onu Meca, tI, Froneie tiorpilel, 305 Oidt, Ac,.. Ecoeeroe, 160202. Fan: 10471 316.2167. Wo Oro er nani Nursing Nome seeks apart timo energetic and friendly receptionist io handle phones and light computer rohes. Flavo Good telephone Skill,. All Clossilied Help Wanieri Ads Con Now ko Found On Ike IgIenicI! Fridey. t:3Ooro2:3Oprn: 25 houe Pnm nemek. Wo oller n ,e,npnlihnr snlsry end SeneSi, jee,kegr. Forward mrsucrr ro Arel eurbera HEALTHCARE l4orthbrnek Souk, A Costumer Service topresovtatioo. Muni oen}sssotadnernlesrs. sm,kicgcend dolos fc' our Onn,Iepemrinl Crrtrr. PortIir,, Posh1,,, ore OnOiliblO hued,y 847-869-9600 A Smell Instilo Marketing tiret io beet nr norme .d,.,tlsnwustS tsr th.Ir .cnhsrnlcinO red t.oltlnrees. tlsweo.r. W. cornet h. reunstut. tar .11 resue.. pruduu5O end Northbraok Area incentives. Call Ray Fax: 847-493-4590 Grout compon? and nier working environment. Poys $12.00 per hoar plus incentiveS, includ,ng enmpofly benefits. Immoclinte interview 841-966-5440 or nmeil Horthshore Growing has HVAC Company opening for o dispatcher. Good customer service and eompuinr skills required. Benefits ned Foci paced direct marketing firm specioliaing in grnup insurnnoe sains hoe on immediote enhy1evnl opening for o costumer seroice represontotive in their Claims Deportment. Qoolilied individuo1 must possess strong pinsrn tkills. Condidote mast eins be detail-oriented and highly organised. Light typing end computer skills heljefl und wo will Coin On in-houeu cowpuler 5yetem. Insomnen background a plus bot net required. We offer a competitive solary 05d on exce((ent benefit poekugo. For a personsl interview, piensa send or Inc year resanen to: SCHEDULE. Eue HEALTHCARE DISPATCHER CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE FLEXIBLE WORKING (847) 673-5872 R, su rnectieo tim, Hr0I IS SOcnicrs le Ceee,nr SenES Mondoy tlnrongh Sondoy. Or Fax Resume In: your effnrts. Benefits, saunaI work onvironmeet. DISPATCHER 847-375-3481 or 847-375-3483 cot M/I(l'/D Work 3n-40 hour, weekly onytime between SAlA-12 mideighi, (847) 673-7166 es bili Human Resources 31 50 River Rd., Suite 200 Des Plaines, IL 60018 (20) CoIl Cooler Operetare needed to handle 41 1 coIls fur Mf. Prospect lsaol,oe. ploa, a barry 65 bed AL/SNF loeility, is snohing CorSEad Dietary Moesgor, Dietitian 00 slat Tech. Fond sanitollue eartiliente und knowledge nf niel unii federal regs te $35,000 requirani. Up solory,baen a benefits. Cali tsndy AK Please fax resume to Fall er Pert-lime (847) 91-4200Ext. 305 Ihn Manar At Lincolnwea,I yo0 will be rewerd,d for Coetact CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER we!, frulfiftmeni. it you can help on grow oar bnsinosn, * Career growth opportunities Accessible by public transportation New classes forming now GENERAL OFFICE DIETARY with Peachtree, Act, tenet, Outlook und eventually Hotel Discounts Various benefits and travel perks - CUSTOMER SERVICE' We are (ookbrg foro mntivnted acuernes ,orviee roponiretelive product line. worin cemfertably * Paid Training * Competitive wages/incentive bonuses with pay increase at 90 days NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Plrnne, AR, AP, Dote Ertry Eapenianne A FIo,t FOOD SERVICE oso customer bene and r FT/PT AM/PM Shifts Ruth Sheinort JR Dessert Bakery 2841 W. Howard St. Altnnliu'e Of, CUSTOMER SERVICE profnssianol phane service, enter erdere, ipoickly grasp Muet hone enenient remmuninotise skills. Sa sooth, prenioos toslonser Wohlers/Seabury & Smith AWn: Brooke Hjelm 1440 N. Northwest Highway Park Ridge, IL 60068-1400 8933 W. Golf Roadjlej Suburbs and the north side ot Chicago with 2 InsertIons -a- SeIns And ISooeml ceje Daher. with Ab,I, A plienlions & Resumes o muons (Foil Time) 1ro Looking For Dalnil Oriented Eethae:sflic Fers n for Retail Cornmnnsureta snry InInndy 15es. ple5-rrs,itl, genrrai Regionof Warldwide Foil lime dula entry pnr:tions duties, und usent plueniug FULL/PART TIME to loin the next geeereiioe at a small, established screen printing business located in Marten Groyn. 0er newest team member wi(I: provide competent, )11arriott0 needed for dininsl Islnorator on north sido et Chiesga. 24 oar hacinen, & CUTnnlll oli shifts ore upen. Apply in pennon or nell: Our Clusnitled ads much more people per week 1er the leoni amount Of dollars. We cocer the near north W° SICuRE (847) 827-9910 mgsllanhnrenu-Frindy.non VitO Mid June- Mid August (847) 634-368 ASStSTANT OFFtCE MANAGER UNCOLN AVENUE cru lutait enperinncn For inlnrvitw rail: Motu, Pua, 773-Ml-3562, IC-neil, FRONT DESK! TAMARAK DAY CAMP SAVINGS COUNSELOR , office experience end hon WordPerfect end dole enhy ShnaId be MS eItlen litersta, cuns,inntiaUS, dntailcrinntnd; 3232 N. Racinent 5E, Chesge, il CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT serinsg e pnetumïooel, lis, sud * TOP PAY * Ihrnaghnsl &nk, DsPng., ned WI I Me: Ernpluyeo lenicen MG/St, Teachers and others Aim ADMINISTRATIVE cand,dote has 2 ynars Suieryolenas. Send Rcouenne lb: . Rump Actent . Airline Sirfe Manager and cuver letter tu: re,ornn te: H0FICIEDYM!g. Co. ne., Office experienen e plus. Coud . rohen/Gute Agent Mou or fire resuene Pinne eel), Fas sr n-exit year TALK WITH THE WORLDI Smell, friendly office uf e nat-fer-prafit organtsolion located near O'Hare seeks an individeal with gaed örganizotianol skills. Ideal FULLIPART TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE. OFFICE A,,i,tanan Dnpnrtunent hes a HU-FRIEDY roe Applications are accepted franI-cOlse neafrennunnl. Full-Time Humen Resusse, Duet. insurl ende nienvel nul WeO Madise.,, Reern 301 Chics , IL 60607 Fee,,, 3126330203 Enjoy worldwide mont - surtir9 nuit, flit8, und calling Scenico,. Ints entny/ing minieae 35 werd, per rtinete. Wo have o position available in our teller excellent communication and cu5tomer service skills. Cash handling Do yac rennt to ge piares? Switchboard Operotor/Receptionist- Øa60r, answering culte, aging, TELLERS TELLER Wo cnn huip guS yen. thnrnt trn.p$nest FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME Ca6arnn Sacie, GENERAL Operoter. SuOns mde,te grnnllr9 qualifind candidate. ACCOUNTING - - HUPRCEDY Mig. Ce. tar, bee en opening lui o Swinehbuurd UNIVERSAL Wo offer n competitive benefits package and business casual dress. Dept. DK, 6640 West Tuuhy, Nues, Illinois 60714 BANKING OPPORTUNITIES CLERICAL/OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES MidCity Financial Full Timo manufacturer, seeks individual For customer account reconciljatiotu, resnarch arid resolvu deductions and cash applicat;on. Quolifiest candidato will be o high schnnl graduato with coursns n businnsu, accounting and camputer appticaton. Will also have 2 years nxperienco, bn detail arinntnd, hava good written and verbal cnmmunication skliI5 and would lkn ta work in a fasi paced environment. Experiencn with JD Edwards softwarn opplicaflon hnlpful. WELLS LAMONT PULLIPART TIME -wo Wells Lamont Industry Group, c NW suburban Pbase send resumo with salary history to: FULLJPART TIME PULLJPART TIME y , R P0/410 l - - Melichsia Boss Human Resource Facilitator - Ste Matthew Lutheran Home 1601 N. Western, PosIt Ridge, IL 60068 847/825-5531 Fax: 847/318-6659 Kot mo Bugle NewepaPorn eTlsn Newepapons Thnt DelInni' l'AGE no TIlE BUGIAITm000AY, MAN 88,1000 fli01150eHy, MEV 18, 2000 IEDOiG PAGE SO DELIVEHED TO ALL 16000HOMES IN MIES 0GO MORTON 0500EEVEOT WEEK OF TISE YEAO TH E BU G LE CLPISSIFIE DS FUWPART tIME FULL/PART TIME HEALTHCAREI MEDICAL . SELIVESED TO ALL 16000 HOMES IN NUES UNO MORTON GROVE EVENS WEEK- OF THE YEAH PULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME I FULL/PART TIME MEDICAL I HEALTHCARE MEDICAL/HEALTHCARE TH E B. U G LE FULLIPART TIME FULL/PART lIME RESTAURANTS! FOOD SERVICE RETAIL I CLA FULL/PART TIME -- 500 MOSTON GROVE EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAR FULLIPART TIME FULl-WART TIME SEASONAL SALES GREAT SUMMER JOS HIthr ADMITIING REPS Ho'y FrnAIy MdkoI CSr kin0 NURSING Medkal Recepto&st LoIdn9 fora career n curing lacHte elderly then applrot Norwood Pork Home. Full-Time phsr RN - FT - NIGHT SUPERVISOR dMd& for th FAjwS,0 MI-fimO AiÇH registoling palienh cashioring, answeng phones, and ubig paent mfonnoiion. Seddog cancfelales with past CNAsFT&PT-allshifts . T30 orn, Io 7:00 p.m. . 3:00 p.m. to i 1,30 p.m. K,mwkJg o nmron. mo, mmi regulations, excell CnIclJS tomer eeeoIerk lie, 35 mpm on el Ieoetò months exp.roecerequlmd. MoiI/foeroome to: Homer Rmooror, HOLY FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER0 iDO North River Rood Do Ploirer, IL 60016. FAX: 847.29?. Ooroollonebeoettr Foil Time . hoolib, deeMi, violon, recoller, omerOrroy md 451k. ApIy MundeyFeidoy 9A0 o.m..4 p.m. dopo, toit health care or custom . Tel: 773-631 -4856 Fax: 773-631-2253 008 . Market Research Company Needs MALES & FEMALES of all ages To Participate in TASTE TEST or oo A nrmied br candidates should cantoct Dialysis Clinic Fresenius Medical Carel Neomeclica, Inc./HR Dept. 3 1 2-654-2790 Neomedica, Inc. Human Resources Dept./3 12-654-2790 000M/P A dno fron usuels pluoe/t0E M/F PERYAM a KROLL 6323 N. Avondale NORWOOD PARK HOME HEALTH CARE/HOME s. Signing On Bonus $ CNA's and Componiona Hourly omi tEnerle proSier. moellobin - lerChi000tm,nd losaD North . 7350 Waofl 6016 N. Nino Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631 (amar Northwest Highway & Hadern) ournooroliru whoA.. tegtob opookine. lnrrruimooiro ir Highlerd Perk (713) 774-3155 Tel: 773-631 -4856 Fax: 773-6312253 Coil lun er eppeierrrreet Aek 1er teeny or Urde vuco HEALTH SERV!CES (773) 774-9101 classified ads reacl more people por week fo Oui the lousE amòunt of dollars. We cover the fleur northern sioburbs und the northoide of Chicago. : MANAGER MEDICAL/HEALTHCARE Visits Will Em Made To diesEs Homes NW Chicago & Saborirs Cor & Imseramee Required BONUSII Gentle Home Services, lac. DIETARY Heoithoum COMPANIONS HOMEMAKERS MondeyFriduy 00E Ask Por tarir CNA's eppuetrJeity Fue edvoncemovt. Flexible full red pert fimo peoiti000 uneiluble, fur our 24 Embuto heur oporufire. irolude heopitolieutior dontol. vision life irsvrovco, pretina ned prolit rhmring pohl 847-432-9100 PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Mid-Size Laboratory Seekitg HOE Stort yooeuor mer todoy PItone a Iouury 65 bed Al./SNP Thi, oxoellont opportunity is Ou o b000tiful r empor.. Ml. íouility Iooility, io reeking Coe6fied Dietary Moonger, Dietiriar eri Diet Tooth. Food omeitetir, ceetitroom med koowlodge of leoni arti foderni reg. required. Up te $30.000 .olery+benos & beeoflts. Cmli SondyAc (847) 357-0348 peurided. R.quirem.etlur proSier I. o high oehool diplomo or .quio.Ionr. Wo provide o eery unmprtiHuo oiselA0 .dsry noiA oonrprrhenoiv. b.e.flto. Apply ir perseo o. sued retomo oh MISERICORDIA HOME NORTH . (847) 673-7166 (847) 673-5872 *WAITERS °WAITRESSES 00e KAPPY'S RESTAURANT Notice BUOI, N.00pape eurem eves the right et nny timo 00 010001M sit odoor. NooSmoking Feuility Enuflr,eto end (o abut any edvurtloleg deemed obleutlun,ble. Wo The Bugle Clannifiads Are The Way To Staff Your Business! Ca!l (847) 588-1900 NOW! Otarot On reeponoiblo tue oerbol otetome000 In oentilOt with our pullOlor. All Help Wonted ada muot tpeulfy 0h enCoure of the Work offered. goule Numepepora dono ree keuvelegly euuopt Help Wuerood edverti,lnO theo le nr? we yslul0000 Uro Humen f10084 Auf. Hoe torolner Intorn000l er uortuut Oho Popnrfw,nO et Humon RIghta, 32 W. fleedeiph St. Cnt esgo, IL 31 2-703.040e. BeociOs & iOlK Apply Meodey-Fridooy 10 AM 10 PM 6939 Golf Rd-MarIon Graffe Or Call (841) 4700990 7200 W. llompotor1dunlor Grove Or Call Mary AI: (847) 470-1900 DONT GET STUCKI GET HELP .. LOOK IN THE CLASSIFIEDSI . SALESPERSON J.C. Licht Co. Willing To Train Ftexibe Schedule 360 5. Waukegan Rd. Deertleld (847) 588-1900 Or Call (847) 272-2060 LOOKING FOR Ask For Jerry INSIDE SALES Somenek Pastries bowintodntoerWrhmorehOinu ition, e.roil orme Muor Ill oerror ir DolfMill. Poll.Sinr./51D412/Hour . PoulTime/ $8.SIO/huur. Computer Call 63O-8S07777 SUMMER HELP Nomi Full Timo M Purr Timo Lilo Guordo And Swim Ivolnuolono. 57.50.510.00 Pen Hour Duperdieo Or Eopoeieroo. Coli Polo SOCIAL SERVICES Are You a Caring Person? Do You Want To Make A Difference? Full lime and parI time pooiH005 avoiloble ir Skoki, urea lo sejuport adulte with developmn010l disohililies. Most have high orheol diplorno oeuf CASHIER/SALESPERSON fer movie/eidom oumpaoy im Morton Grove. Use your AHernoen orhonl hooro O wnokevdo. CalIt (847) 965-5680 valid Drivons License. Excellent beoofhs and movie knowledge to cell all Ste ir or send your resumo Io: 7905 fI. MiIwouler Aoo.Nil,s 00714 Mehr Dobtoll Mot troimirg provided $7.72-8.33/hoer In hotel gift nhøpr oeor north suburbs. 2 or 3 evooiegs per week, till 10:30. Will Traie. Fun lobl Call (847) 966-6620 RETAIL - ART FRAME The Great Frame Up o Gol ltd me tote. Acorto emllegeo neri other inotitotiono dey. Competer, oustomer dormira ned phooe experieroo e pius. Competitivo hereto.. Call Mr. Lomen poheor e lnlrv!y roolr. Wo rife IO loirE eSi o Emoh oolpo don 0?ro SaIe5 Clerk- Port Time AVON buLbo For Higher rouen? 847-470-8741 Muro PineAl. MOOO? . Irdependevon? Or Fax Resume lure Silk 847-470-8194 Aven Hue 00mW Teure Looluieg For rdrdprstouobh All Classified help Wanted Ado Can How 8e Found On The lotertoull (y73) 583.4400-dek for John TIRED OF THE USUAL DATA ENTRY POSITIONS Pol Your I O Key Skills To Wonk With ROIS Inventory Specialists Enro $9 Per Hour Coonlieg Inventory lo Reloil SInnes Intereotieg, Chnlleogieg Positon Moot Novo Access To Reliable Treesportotiee We Traio The Right Candidates (847) 296-3031 1 -888-242-RGIS Equol Opp04eityEmploynn Orchard Village 847-679-3501 Ex!. 1 TRADES SALES/MARKETING MANUAL MACIjNßT Centri, lito, p. menu. EM r Soles/MurloHee OUTREACH COORDINATOR Liroelewood plo,., Chieoaulondo premien Continuino Coro telirem000 0tneh Cnoedhontnr In Iorth.n deroleto nose unii CorwrorIV, °°'rO nuhifee nduherohipr with heritiouno end 1oruf.00ionol roinreot .00mm hr order fe eotno/mrArhre Peonios, 000upuery oroto. oohiese moothly oe000 huuoiog on LTC pr.fnnnd. Orot.trrdiro cerrrpurrodorr eeorw ir pork000, horeOto ned goewlir OPPOnIEAdIIorO with Mwfuuh perorime eeooe houdrguornpeey. 5e.jrL5rrt54oCOepeeO6OO.SOtd rm.ernoed .OIOOyInIOturSOOI EXOCtIIHO D)F8CIOF RETAIL INVENTORY Call Peter at 888 561-2866 irwdnokl knipormiro proton bruie. www.Chicogemetnojnho.cero rEnner holpiul, Will hair und rorlily. Iremedinte eppertunity for eotny love1 phone oeles to 847 966.8400 RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE reeo Meomerf. Pto PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE? pii AuiA hr pottEd RETAIL GOP 847-864-8445 ODE eO Night Shift Apply In Person At: Fax2 713-973-4292 eqoel opportunity employer er/I RESTAURANTS/ FOOD SERVICE heullh/domtal Foll-TTme & PorI-IVrno Or Fox Resume To: 2001 W. Dover Chiungo, IL 60659 Compefihive Weges Treioing Proarorn Quality .Concious Call: CI4AA/Hobililotium Aides. Teoiniru In Morton Grove Good Benefits The Macmr At Unrmlrwood trenne0 rhildmn ord .duIS with d000lepmontol disobilitios. We buon ukoll.eging und r.wodie0 rpportsritinr ,u,ilnbl, lue lo New Hiring ASSISTANT MANAGERS AND CREW MEMBERS For AM omd PM Shifts Must Be Exprienced! NA'S/HABIU1A1lON NDS Foil Time . All Shuts including FRIED CHICKEN . CERAMIST Fast Growing What oro you muSing Ion? Come joie ovr winning loom (847) 588-1911 ne000iOfl end fese meole. POPEYRS Apply in portar horre euprrienoo iv doe peiel nod/er weliroverieg industry or oro willing te learn dieto we ere the Compony br you! ieoermmce, 401k und coloterlo pion. Apply 0E erthgOtiu peuple. Evoellert oomrnunicafioo skills. Iotmresied candidates should coli: . Mondarrriday 9 orO. . 4 p.m. No oppoielmemo needod me dedicated, coremrorienled Wo ero looking fer hoppy Opening in Nues, is occhio Fall-Tome Diolyols Techo Paoilion reqeíroo o minimtirn of months medical experience. We provide a 2 week haloing class in dialydin & an eoccelleot beeeht pmukege. Qoralifled CALL: for 90 yeorsl If yo0 are Imoley. Gnou! benelit pockage Secretory. Responsibilities ieclude: typic9, hung, answeriog phones and collecting patient imfermation. Posiliam reqoiees Iping 35 words per tominote, cempoler literacy, and good Full Time, Sumdoy.Thoredmy. Work with dementia omit residoot.. Mort Ira able to load group progromo like simg-o-loegs0 000rOise, gamos und good writEr8 skills. Salary Plus Commission Fax Resume To: $6.75 io 90 days H.ulth Cero ACTIVITY AIDE J.C. link! Co. hes been sereleg Wisuonsin, Illieoio unti lodiamo Fax: (847) 295-1547 or call 847) 535-8081 HOE DIALYSIS TECHNICIANS - OUTSIDE I INSIDE SALES POSITION 7 Waukegan Road, Suite 900 Lake Bluff, IL 60044 Dialysis clinic localed im Nues is seeking n Unie Clerk/Medical EXTRA MONEY SALES PROFESSIONAL We just keep mo growing! $6.00 starting rote $6.25 io 30 deys $6.50 io 60 days o UNIT CLERK sss EARN S 7550 N. Herlom Ave. Chluego, IL HOLY FAMILY MARKET RESEARCH Auuoptirg Applioutiuro Dmil)r 10:00AM Im 6:00PM Deerpath Medical Association 6016 N. Nino Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631 {oeor Northwest Highway & Hadern) 1862. 80tH/F/DIV tervice expeoience. Send/Fax resumes lo: NORWOOD PARK HOME Lilegoand/peol ollonder! Oerteumnt Deeefdd h CulTafihly sedthi9 o Macteal a2ahs dade sdoeduflng opponhn00hr ¡ Ron)st. RNa & LPNS - FT & PT all shifts to 33O p.m. . 7OO . 0:30 rn,,. to ADO p.m. . DElIVERED TO AIL 16,000 HOMES IN SILES AND MOHTON 0505E EVEn'? WEEK OF THE YEAR' 7ÇJfl13 MtConmitk totlovaid, Utcoinwood, IL 60712 Or FAX B47-673-7185 Ne tollo lues.. tOE Our classified ads roach mono people per wreh for the least amoono o! dollars. We cover the toest nouth oubutho and the north sede of Chloago with 2 lesertlono por week. See how poor mar09 cor work ter yea by putting v°° recnuitmeOt sols le bath oditl000 at The 80gb. Call ou today for detallo. We wlllbe happy to aesfotyoU in placing peorado and In reseesSing space for 000 fleul lomee. We offer two deadli000 each week feryear convenience. AND ALSO. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIALS! SIMPLY CALL (847) 88-1 900. oed ask far our classified department. Oqrtrperly,. io seelurng an Irdlvf 00 wIb u ytinyltri pl 3 yçqro revtnre Moot p toirslton mIto roMp gIrd oroenoltoe 01 luth00 und millo. Bbueprrl reading a moot. Mori Rrsume Tie: Cozzini, Inc. AfIn: Maria 4300 W. BrynMawr Ave. Chicaqo, IL 60646 Fox: f173) 478-8689 tmei!: mluochesi@cenaini,cem New Fornitore Delivery E Warohaeoo Man - Full Time Monduy.Setendoy. MUST Spook fluoro Englioh. $9.00/Hour With Hof ideyo : 47-864-4092 NOTICE mo Bugir Ilewapoporn dson Ils best teeornno odvsrtlnomnnto our thntr outh000bolty ned togltleree?. Hormone, On cornet bore.poeo bIo 1er all ululera, produuln oed nenutuOs nl udv.00fsnrr. P5GB 53 TISE BUGLE, TIWIS5D,Vtt, MAY is, 2000 f, PAGE 52 ThE BUGLE, TIIIJRSDAV, MAY 18, 2000 00 1L tt,0000SMLS iN OILES atto Montas seo E EnERO WEEK 0F l'tiE vEan DELIOfOfC - - ALL tenne HOMES IN taLCs afin MOnTON anoog noERf WEfa 0F TE nnan FULLIPART TIME FULL/PART TIME - - MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Burger King APIS. FOR RENT . Looking for a great summer ob? l! GLENBRIDGE . - -t 5bi Balk Potrelosm predsess. Fall-Tine Peor Reaed Weds. MaoS Hens CDL Ask Fer Go Meedap-Fridoy - 8 -5PM piratory prebiems. Tavch-citcd tite Nues Zoning rot --,------ u verseases t AUTOS FOR SALE orlur, POWERFUL PRThR TO fil IIOLY SPIRIT 1847) 729 i900 I ah s Ir sil p rbI vn mhs Ighi CHILD CARE r 4 m , Deoon/Cretmn) Area Ca11 7 benefils ti,troorta, Io matlr,,a,,i e P retIrement Call Velarte H&N'' aatr SB - $10 I Hour N Eapeme Neo on p -- hr b ,0hy . fo oi claSsfmed ads rohen, reach COUNTER msre people per week for mth the leosg umsnnt of dsllors Wo cover the near northe n suburbs end Ehe narghnide of Chica o with 2 insertiens per week. See how your monep con work for peu by psttmng paar odo in both g°t Ma ton s°' OI thIS tense i ask. Sop title proper siso s dopiest a NOTICE i Rnn_o1 -KAYAK - . Yestrere dit io good with un, ed tsons of The Bugle '4 dt 111847 520-1005 ',' I eloy &p b) h BD Call Now!!! - WANTED IO BUY 1 « KOY k F I 01Je050,ptti1lfwae. $l,Thosooa, Child Ki.yo.k Paola is looking far , jODAniaoo-7ttos5n P5P55 e Yc, Hr)y Mar Mother HOMEOWNERS WANTED!! Oar j eeailtast tm wtt i weld w Insomor, Mast Serrad 8mg rS Jrsas - utatssa (847) 724-7920 Baume arid thai thorewero onoagh fast famI neetaUrastS, car washes mad canvaniavt stores te adequately sorviee ihr area. "Wo aodorstond the rights of iba prepeely mwnor," abc raid, "hai wo alto think it's on npportanisy to da soorrthing good fer rhn from the Chicago palier DrpartwrOt, foaasod en the impact of inasmasod trrffsa. which hr trid waatd joapandiar tho saftey both drivers and prdrstrions, an weil at ihm affects thai Ihm iscreata of carbon mononida svooid have am Ihr arnas pre- - . Mall owners will help fund traffic relIef . lo as effort to aas eaengOt tien. at hr Edens EspW,Y,ff rawp i000ivg io toc Retd, Urbam Shappiog Ceotars, isa., cmnamt al ihr Oid Orchard io widem the Skakie Rrpra srotaiivo t for the cowrany estimait that bbc prolral miii coni coot $500,000, and vsy thai ii is pori of a oavava ii wàli ovpunsiOn project, which will add nom frei actas IS and serravo the rumbar of screens al the oatdaor weil's eimeplav. At for widening Oid Oeahard Read, tise freiner aulle far add- iii5 a third lava lo the norilvi betwera the Edoos and Lavergom Avemua, The project sitoald begin uns nommer sind hr completed iii ahiiot iva months Hiiwer'am, usata mc- arc eoaearns that widoning Oid Orchard Road iciil iiOly provide a shortierte siilsiiita to 0m inc'receiiigiy raath-haand etmamt noi rt,eoer . t TANNING BEDS Day firent m5SAVE5 I fCrmnesdsl/Hese arito Ires $599.20 Myth SosedHeolfJsabn Part Or Full Tmm TRAFFIC - TANNING Noven Fail Novena 3128o73990 ivg tino practical nad legal rea- probes ttWl'O8tZeeiI 55m-5514402 . . Ansoaiatiaa peosrato d 5km Pian Commission with 54 lettera from Foantaio View residents, and a 34pagO arguaweet adito- hoiloruSm.' shopping atoll, pian la fend a P/' SlYl!lhmh I FOR SALE Red's Towing I t yes foryssumorsytseurds nosdsriso. Soy A5Jff0MLS step e rey eg mir, r ,t,r,motr, TOWTRUCK dmtlth r t A I u DISPATCHER SlOPerHoar dt S (847) 297-5434 2-B Heer, Per Doy f d tom h w dquaiyg o y retSmthni lasereorltsbe rspsrotedhee I MEN'S DIVORCE HELP! A D rs F Ireohe irtrinri, mnmraoatta oanth,realinutrenmhiyseno5sr.Rpmsme 0 FATHER'S RIGHTS mew oshsn tImol i s,, sbt,u, try gek. Veo, eke lI)fff t 1dlh 5lh ,, te thor) yoe Irr II birgt osd br tC5rli 6324 N. Central-Chicago 5.t oimo nnrrts, lair, Ase n itt Poui Tasvh, presideat ei the Foaniaim Viow Cosdominiuni ' ei , such o drvrlapt veatooa Id bniag to hr area. C the mrtsdlonshFrmto 20 hoe dl ''' I b The Boato Nowopo ero daoe I5o'--' bøostoe odaooemeo Ser their oashengctsy na logteseory. 000tOmer. WO nonnes be reoponot. bi 11sep d to d ro J5J BOXES St4M5st_ I 1430-non-2742 FOol 1430-088-BIOS rA5H PAID FOR ' ' USED AiR CONDmONERS iioai 788 3466 to rs "Tha bat this land coald ka put io soj h h b5k55Ie,I F I has b aenro forrod macted frottt aoy benefit ihat h sirs sobo oS troïotmn, olre.t0imss oli IJ 847 832 9580 p l) Littda Beiioo, presitivitt of tltv Cotrdvmioicnt MaSter Asvacialtott, aleo argod rho Cornmitrivv lo spprava de-celaproeni titar would better hersofit tinoinrereocti as, aslrtch Ronnaivsavoe deteriorating trWv rsyvtrrtt , da- i nPtry55sunett0i5so nyfnr afr POWSaPlftPUYmTOThIiIOIYWin life Medical J KERRYHairSaIon Jude membre nf mirat)ee prop Im as i851) holidays, vocation .and , :antOt -71 7 West le ibis thog pttyem Is Ihosk you for ihn prmÍss3 issue loedsy so thrsughsthewsdd,nswaedlwemn, glue uf o)) volermi u))atiasm, I with to br 11cuk the pablia streets." Tash, o rruinod 4lyear Vete- SI Jude's Novena il uceamplivlr its ansio by 'avoiditrg or losarais gaesgas tiett iv Galaway to Nibs." 'We' ratio i against ho area being developed," aaid Baum, donird. s iaga, and that it ir derigred ta argued that bake and canvasiones asido, the dangers of nemoting trafile te the already ovarburdesed inlorvrcliaa cam- been brans In foiL Psblbtoiiss ansI br jd comfort. marais, conveaietter and garerai welfare" of the Vil- atihetic mavoory facturas tat yet seen is Cisieagoy, tandease taon ecuty the pmopotol shoald be II vrw ni panpOae und irtettl is te 'premete tite publie healtir, safety. no'ndce stattoa and newly davigvcd Parpar King (avniaioing ' f005 fiOftS odd be osmeesd, fu Ist remet SsmrerJ Heed el Jeras, proy far as. St, ttfitrni)ulf From $8.33-$ 13.26/hour dependtng on education a F 1)0 P t-ire ' hum pmnyom sine lefsrqmtsIleai)sqnimmtoeendlstis oli instsstes of ny ))fe, fas so silh me, I CHILDCARE ASSISTANTS HAIRDRESSERS _ helples, FlOf fsm st. Ing pmsnistd. tlrssk psi Si lede. h sah iteoeE Ott Heod of St Judo nsçket of pryfttu I PERSONALS oc transi, fon, lr'r S a.r,. , coil George 773 622 6406 I 501 005 St 1620 Wsstkrgm.e Rsed, Gleselow CmOe,nil krmoO 0m; 5505 2 Dierks W. nf Harlem 8 g)stbfimd, )nmrd std pmetrmsed ihrsahout 9AJd4PM 7:2td - voO ,rt,iniiswlw Great Opportunity! G&GSrv D Boh the totted Iron of Jesus ho odorI, MORTON 15800E- fill Hmoehsld 20 A)lNw Ihre w3d; Jd1I°vena St j MECHANIC WAI°ITED p noe LOREN BUICK/i-lt'UNDAi (847) 2957800Ext. 225 6 5M-6 PM W bd - Wmno,sbh., oi. tó-2nMe.,oe,lg, -Eneetiieg New Pius )I1ILES t 12-5 5,rtrsvr, iv. isst, ny, tea. c/ItunOCwn, e MANAGER Wauken 3akIon s 212::Q121 Osdìraee which States that it's s tren t Item the prapoand stte to the west rttd seath, respectively. While rapta neotat ves froto (rlargct King fratscitiae) A rrtrrt ktog ted Midwrst peitoiiant Devaicptttrnt. inc. presented a iitasr prOpavLtia for t state-of-the art bisad tvids tito airais lo bita anaa'r lists s doyfem simedspm. Se ihmei5)Ih dry DEPARTMENT h I th. Cssts, essor, oto. pit, fries, kohls, te'. Meuh erntet 55t9 N Ottomo, Nitro Segen Delstse Center ' Fese Drtck 6 FIeS yo stcv.stats, nr urrtort, . . Hartem & Sortie r - ca1y85Pc:2924:29zS e -083-0985 Mtt°S Sot, . BY OWNERNILES ,' IN tHE clonait coceo se Treiler inperiasee. . - ' Aed 2 Poor, 1/orufloblo Tressor p GI5y Il,5 by 0?. Therese of tite dulld teem, proy fer sofl. Sig ht. Sleeono SUPER GARAGE SALE MISCELLANEOUS Wamtorf Fer 1mot Dolloeriro Of R I bi 11 8d7-297-2171 BUILDING FOR SALE oL'5 lop Pay 5m, 50 - h d Pn h GARAGE SALES Contact Cheryl Morris at 847966919O Or In Person At 8333 West Golf Road, Nues o A I 't si Los m-o NEW sfmmeteme redoselopnseni fomilies1, t7 ht, Nevoso sod bog yoro io osriwer sho °° Id and create as aimosphnre of fus, cartng and ove for our -,..--..-- ... NOVENA TO ST. THERESE St Th.rrro st Ihr fIliN 1mm rsd tho foso, I sasso holst. 00 to oIler LAND FOR SALE 555 VOitOOS departments Work aIrtg sude our profesitonol itaff - - I-847-965-4834 NURSING ,& REHABILITATION CENTER l'los immnd)ole openings forenfbuiastic persotsi/slosdenis lo assisI aSarrago gßg,4çj -. casta0a NIBS - S ml, i Salk, Wood F)rr. ' NO SMO4BNG, Nr Pos. Asn. hens $800/Ms. 847-965-8032 . C onfirn d fr9rn I'ge i domiralely saciar papulalian made after nearly twa hours nf many cf wltono saffrr Pram respresentali oes by prospective deocigirbotisi Rennaissasce etrd Fotltttuis View condoteistatn cotttttienet which sit acrosS lita PERSONALS FURNITURE FOR SALE ' First Suburban National Bank opens branch in Skokie ... ecloparS and residents frorst tite TRADES i ia/a rUcas priihiaro. 'liso village lias baos divoatslag uddirionai piresiltiisties with tibe Cook Coitoiy Olytimity Dopartira iii and tite lilimeis Departils'cirri FmurispiiriiiitiO. meladitig increasing tira ievgiti ci ute attitrait up and tuoi',siiivg apgcidcd tmssffic ssgsals. - the aommaaity." CnmmisSiaarr Angelo Tratani, who wade tite wotias ro deny iuta proposai, wamond nasidesiv ihot ihr lard iii qrjreti000d was ronod far battaoss uer and woaid evmoiaaily be deoriaped. "t undcrrrand the nesideats have rights, bat Ihm property awaar has tights ton," he said. Traiani alta let rosidenia kmow thai ihair hattie Wut not aver, vr the Pian Commission s anly a relating body, and tirai tIte Nibs Villano Bated of Trestreta eald ao;rtern the dosel- Nues PD gets funds for video equipment The Nilee Village Baatd approved $165,051) is now nqsipOteot fer the Nues Police Dmpanmeet. The badgctad feads will br ased IO purahasr nidmu esmeras fan sqoad case tod a siwslaiae tmioimg system for the firearms training rango. The now aidao camamas wìli . bu wouotmd on eilher the dash am coiling of method police cues. Paliao heui000 that t'idea mm- Bank ta a' trae acmmoflily w Dempvtar, located wed af the Sbabie Swill, Piral Sobarbao Naliooai the Chicagoiufld area, baok i/rat itas been in the fnaneiai entolan bamieenS ninem 1943, aeteiog adios iv the North Shore area, Borog The book awnmrahip aod Board of Directora are memoiy from OWOoro, au wolf ae resi. eommeoily affaira cod specializing fo meeting the oaedO of nwaii koaueoum dents' pmrsaOai needu bevo always been objeetiveo at the baob. prodaetO are deaignmd to meet the ooeds The baok'o most importuni asaete are its caatemera, Oar caalamara, and oer empiayeee are of our oostmwere, car ficare are sel In meet the needs at OCr is the tram wioarOO of hua hired to meet She oeedS of oar asotemera, High gaalily caotamer oetvice baoh. is the ccmmsoily sar- The staff at ISe'Skakie flraoeh 0005iOtO mainiy of people mba are hoawo uod Chairman of he roandiog ihe bank. Its offloera aie weui-estebiimhmd baohers. The President Baardhaee afines in Skoisie, aedare there an a regalarbanim. Gleodaie Heights and Mayovaovi. The bank iras loar other convenient localioos; Alsip, Braadview, Grand Opening Eeaei in nom taking Oar friendly steif atSkekie in anoioas to meet you. The bank's Baard, Kenneth Fienta, Previdmot, piece, mo nome aad meet Manolo Schatzman, Chairmen 01 the Join as for refreshments and ach os afloat oar opncral accaaet and Shaven Sac, Branch Manager. otfeniogo. er call as et g47-g74-t8911. founding Music Direcior of Ilse PRCD, Edgar Moonaer. The or- y25,uuuug for iba rmuioung simula- initliec Chief Gerry Shoe. tan a,uid liai ha dmpartwont pta00 io parchnse oquipwcnl of the basi ttotiuiy far rho basI turn . and Dempster S troclas d carlinuing doms Oompsrmr Sired Io Loakwead. At that poiet, 1ko 21 aamcnrt ta prmsmnl the award pabliely ta Ihn PRCO. The hirtonie Piekmiak Theatre it located at thn imtarsmcluon of Toahy. Ptorthwott Highway. and Prorpeat in Park Ridge. tI is nor - block nash of the mais Park Ridgo trois aralias fUsion Paaiha numthmesl lise). Smating is goneral udmistios; the theture is haodi Ridger Bavk Oso i I S. Northwest cour toma a and acmmr of Milwaskme Averse will be st hand during tho May abb for ihr Morton Groom's ofileors will ha tanning 3 1/2 stiles from the ehesura was tcaontiy sawed 'Otchosira of Iba Ymam" by ihm liiinais Coameit of Orahmstnat. Ra proton latines of Ihm Cosnail Tite cideo sitwalatar morning sysioio wiii serva la apdote the deparimevi't asrwvl training Si 411,01111 dmpanimosln 39 Joining amoasd ube arelt on Jano It, caricati will be aendsclod by i,'tindact. uppmeoed siate games, a daeen or mate Morton Grafio pouce ofhcomo wili be hoiping il oiong. errI of rho Park Ridge Cuoio Owhottms sisth acosos. The Tiekots ara $15, $12 far teriamslmladosts, SS foe aluildrnn. Village As the Special Oiywprcs larch wakos its way down ta iba formt Ihm Beethoven Violin Concorto is D Major ai rho limai ens- will sarao as valaabte estdance both io traffic cases and r ailegauiatsa against patica miv- Tite by Latsria Mattiti Vielissl Dsvid Tmylor pm- auppad aaaeseubie. uuueiheri of fining ai suaire largely. Adopt-A-Cop for Special Olympics torch run Violinist David Taylor to perform cordings of pail ovnis esd anroars -a.............. -.-.-- 5jhw, ' Shokie Breech al 5033 The Pirol Sobaeban Natiaoai Bank im pu'ood ta anoaunce the opeoiog of ita Check ancash only. Tickets accu- at Tiakei Contero io Park Higkwoyl, Cuy Flail, Modicivo Shoppo Pharmacy, Cammsoiiy Conter, Park Ridge ParkDistmial Admusisiration Office. and Pack gidgaCamoravity Bmnk. Tickets will also ko available fram 2 p.m. on the day cf tIte c0000rl at the Theatte. Subscriptions fat the 20115-fit sceme wilt he available at Iho caneen 55 wail. Phono 847- 692 77W, MarIés Grave poliao Dopanmort teme oser lila torch Io 1ko Skakia Police Departrnart. The gloup cf Morton G roac pallas ofhu_-eras tasi their poruuso irf ihe racor oued 0:45 am. The Law Emfoaaouoeol Torch Ran is an ommeot imtenolaic catty fanduaisot eondoetmd by ofhcerf mo presos tung esery broach allow cofonsonies I across rho state. esplamnod OlfiicamTim McClaskoy, The departmaol untonds la show its topport for saert000lly casses, inclading Spretal Olympies witish helps childnan and admIts with 500151 nalardelian lv patlicipste is athlauia compeli- tuve osaste. Soma of tIra Morbo Grava afficors pior ro haip ai rho Claus fOniOs ifl Normal misan aaotmrl gases-s begin Jsoa Ib, isv said, Sai tito depamimeull Is SIso loohiog lo raise totuacy fuir tIno averlI. 'rho depur Irlo st_s Adapi A-Cop raised llore iivao 53,IIOQ mr Special Olympics lost year aod is booking t oraiss uuroeep again lilie yaar. MoCloskay osplaiaed. Fao informalioO vo how ta Adopl-A-CoP un Morton Groar 55 bahalf of Special Olympics, plasto eall Gfhaom MaCleakoy at 847-470-5200. Friends of Nues Public Library District The Pmiends ofNiles Pablic Libtary District ate looking for row members io lead tito omflonieetiae into rho new milis, lreia w. Now members arc omoded la help ran book sales, pian isnchroes. dacide upon fulano encele smd farm 0mw feiaodsisipv. Meetings see hold tleoagluiuut the year ai the Li- braG dmpenditrg so camant projeers and needs, Dedicated to Itolping lito Lsblary serve its puitroes, ube Frimods aaiivaty Ireamota ammo- nous cf Library oiaiceiata, peligrams asd aervicea lloaughaal tisa cOmrsanily. By pnirviduof 8 tiatciul setP Ilicaagit memberaliip.dscs. fand-rssisittk'aslivilicv asS hoirk tala a accrue y, tIre Fricods help lite Library pancltasa new equipt trenta md farti prItgraoue. 'fut lsd rut barn pos cao hs amsrem e a Frtaurd, please call Valerie SImm as 1h47) bbs-6462. - PAGE SI Rebates offered for gas mower exchange From the Left Hand . Cónthuied from Page 1 stages il need not be terminal snee it can be meted end arretied. Last summer I was diagnosed with paaslsle cancer. Thirty pomvei of mes ever 70 yours etd wilt beve tite discam dsrieg their lifetimes. I had realty enjoy the gamo en the fietd (notjoet the ivy-covered watts) might watch a fcw oftnr-vchoot end Satrrrdey high scheel games during Ute upcoming State playoffs Games beiween teams whiets beve won fWs er there playeff games arc as welt-played as oigitt weoks nf radiation trootmeni pius receiving lsermer,r injactiovs. One year later I'm professional Class A miner deing wrll. Wo wons to civil rights lawpan ElmerGenia's funeral twa weckt ago. Ste won a satioeol- The message fer thin "cerning 005 of thn sieurs" ers is nil titan ever 40 years eid shculd lato problems: The direit eec- faued aigniftcael was thu notpnnring of offeation and love frombis 31 ynar aid grandsecu who spoke ametioeatiy about thoirgrnndfathvr. doctor fool the prostate gland and deierreive if there are abnonnoliijen. Thene two simple tesit ere as important for mee as breast esams ore fer wem- Radio stades WON han a sign ae Ihn toliway aukieg why we're paying sollt as Highway 294 sinon 40 und 50 cent collections have long age yold fon the read. Rotassions for Flifhway 355 aod obten tollways h overact ed ho cooiisord one ofthr #294 toile. As all ofus know o vcoataois ap. proved ii is seldom rod000d or olimieoicd. Mayers Cuacos in spnnsering u lawn mnwor bay buck prageam. Palku mba trade in their haie and o $20 rebate wilt be iscited for the psircltase of a eonmntoeiend mamar, - Consumers aro eskcd to bring ie their rebate cerlitioute from A feo yrarsa g owewrn t ta a memorial terrier for Bruno Betielheim, av ivicosatieeally.reongnioed ohild psyohoingist. Tkr two-hear service at Rockefeller Chapel had many 000domios and family measthe rnnuy - achievements eftitis Universiay of Chiouge scholar. Bai on like Gcerr's fsmily members, net ann academic or family membcrspoke ose word of uf. faction for Bvitelhcim, a man Clock was told cf Ilse differosco in ajar and distance ic tite yards. As reportad opmant yroponal. and ihm ouked hen vpjvioe [nom' n realtor's graphs at thnir May i meeting, . whore Comtoiusionoro were con- irooicd by asgty eauidnnis who orgcrd ikai iba Zoning Board had o rcopovsibiiily to deny appreval ir cases where devnlep. meet woald detract fram the property value cf homrowoers. Aflar iba Zoeingboond acarirsoovly approved tIto ceodomia- - ium development, Tito BugIr cliowod Kenu' photography to a photo suera ro 1ko cobol dovolpoint of ciew. "Well, it's not aesthetically pleasing os all, and it dofiniiety tutu kace a big impact of hemo owners," sha void. "lt wvatd moka far u tricky lolo, hoc there's a boyer fer anything at Ihn aighiconi." Flowevee, Clark said thai she coald also coo the developer's point of view. "Condo lis'isg it corp pepaiar right new cad people like living in thont." - "Wow" was 1ko initiai ro- cott domivism develop. ment cow awaits heal appcasal Membra- t30 pat. - Tea Off time. Dala: I°riday, Inne 9, 21100. Place; Torn GetfCeurse, 6700 Howard, Niles. . Cant; $50 per perunn, which Actively participated is the de- uniopmoni of Thy Northern lIticolI Majar Crimes Task ParveNORTAF aed the Autetratie Fis- grnpninl ldentiiicatioa Syuirm. APIS, which is currently udmintntored by tito Northern Illinois Crime Lob. , Partioipated in iba deveiop ruent of the nlaiewide Pon-hOto Police Legiuiaiion ikot bocume a malityio 199k. - ero Illinois University with o gmdcalr cf ihr PB! Notinnol Morton Grove'sMght Golf Ocr & Prao Doer A Wino Bar, Isoles cf Night Golf with Glow in litn Dark Golf Bails, Limiled Celfara Allowed Siga ap now far a Totally Pon Nightil! Far 0:350, Academy and the FBI Lass Enforcnmosl Esecutiva Development Anuaoiniicc-LEEDA. ChinfGiuvuceelli ic married tu Phyitic, and suc three altildran, Lasto, Shetly, and Scott, mho is o infarmatiass ault Acoerding lo u arpent isnoad by ike Park Ridge Police Deportmeni, nil cf tice suspect's victims hove bren of Asian daeuettt, A young Atine-American girl hetieves tha soaped rung her doaabclt of Itet fussily's Nitre home or May 9. Tisa girl und kor'mathar upahr 965- both io rumain uoidcniifsrd. - I' q; . Anon police Spaflmenia arc naehing fha ab ceceanpact tre Ilse recent noms break-Ins in loe anon, Ho Is described ca a brisk sala, psastbty u (net tall, sseig6- DEA agent. They also ura tite graedpurcetu uf 5. !ts;/f Ing ap te 180 peundn. the giat saw u news rapan an the anyone who oppreaches thnir '. p,,,,i theoght it wan weird, be- Maciou Grove attack. A police uketch of the suaycct aucOtnyacied tbr sivay. Horns ... i Flood Control Seepaqe'and Sewer \ ing the news with hoe parrots, doorbell ring juIl before 3;30 The average flòod damage costs a homeowner $6,000.00. By stopping it before it happens, Xpert Flood Control can save you THOUSANDS! - An Introduction and Graphic Explanation of the Internal functions of an I The giel's mother asid ibas her daughtrr boo hod u loss of opprtito and beco afraid te muye llar hause since last nighi. Local peliec departments ail have offscceu an canüeuaus poteat searching far the uospect. Nitre paticn say that residonts should be aware hut cot afraid, and aegneesidentu ta call 911 if thry urn nevemfoelabte with The girt said she hrand her ¶ - . 773-267-5000 i;; naJ pnEnENTEn POEtEN5ION tollen tpssTaLLlTtnN enTorne stIsnulLAntol lautEM Fon cuunolnnenan nr envase. seoP 2j5n&h' R5a$ * tt Cnnlioued from Pagel optccnn Act. Village Attorney coattA lIbio h armato il 01-grube laseph Asneanjo said that thry cnosnlngn. havenS heard osy cosnipluinta 301k group sogno ed ilsat lito fnom rrstdcalu, Iraiv wttinics arc mere of un anNeverthetms, Tmstna Lnuntta noyanog iban an effective aaEcy Prentec, who aise uerves w liaweasute, bat 01cv aejeciod the oea for ihr Village to the NeethFRAI olinanotiva praynsat nc west Monieipoi Canfcrecer , cId pnevide esnmptions Io calnscoIba Hilas Village Boand lost huid bol make ehccgos st mànth iban the Conferonec crossings aceending ta federal would also appena the recanore, . which would requIre laoios to . of Pene Beer & Wiac Ban, and 9 Trastera. Timo: 7:30 p.m. - Buffet Din- Screening Boord-Northoastarn Illinois Ucivorsity, includes Buffet dinner, 2 hours by ho Nibs Village Board 0f Pdison Park Roolty. The Macton Grane Ckamkor cf Cammorca & lodustay's Sca. and Aenstal Night Golf. Esecutive Board MomberNarlhweut Peljca Training Avod- Boahelar's Oegran in Crincicol Jsutioe sod in an activo usrmber of the National Honor Society. ALPHA CHI Chapter. He ulnu is a graduale uf the Noaikwrslom 'l'roffte lestitolcu Sohcai ef Patice Staff and Command, l'lo isa aponta from Patricia Clark al , woman 0e May 4, apA Ose attennpiod sesual asnuoll and reh' bory o Skckie wamuss oc Muy - Ruy graduated from Noriheoal- Tisa. noorby realtor. : rnbbnry and rape cf o Hilen One officer said. uy Canter, ciOtieo highor and (with the deccloprr'n revist ans) sit back 67 foot frote homeowoors' baok Appnals were slsown sien phot- by idrndfying himself us a palice afficar, 'fltn suspect in helirvcd io be rnspcnsibla fee the him, 'Dad, then ja the mac,' " she C nelissue d fesm Pugr 1 A Visit Our New Website at www floodexperts corn Police 'seek suspect Chief.. Eorcutiro Board Mcmbar Cook Coovty Children's AdunaI- Conhinurd frem I'agr 1 mincioe md Zoning Board of at- - "Muy dad asked me, 'Goes ibas look lika iba man?' t told Chinfu of Police, Esecutive . Beard Condos vctnhotc cl the Nibs Piao Coto. kan "DottI be nwboranued, don't b afraid thct you'll oes iota trashie. lt might jost he u delivery osun, bat tnt un figure that out," Lab, rabiot, tame drscriplivit temped to gain envy irte homes boll," uhr sujd. Nat reengciaing the mue, she didn't opac she door. Two nightn toter, while watch- Naniharn Illivaiu Police Crime bree tito the boy book te réceive the $50 disonad, 'pias the $20.000 rohate off at Feonk's. Far queltinos, vail (847) 900-2223. TIte Mayors Cascan hoy back takrs piooa oc Saturday, June 6 at Wkncliag Tabeufar Stalioc, 3 Providence in Gloaview an 10ver Road, nos'lh of Central. To get more infonmotian, cantaor Two et thr Ncrihwnst Municipal Confeceaca (8471 296-9200. they kvew fer fifty years or Baseball fon paritis whe ... Continued fr5550 Pagel sweeten ihn deal by giving an briefly with The Bugle when oddtiioeoi $50 off nf their Tora they meat to tite Nuca Police mowea, wtsich it corrently nell- . Department te file a rayon. ieg far $249. Tite mother wishes far thent var Pout Cnsrnp. What we ne000st WIole thrre will be alternativo mowers ut the buy hack lita gar cacscmrta in choone from, Fracht Lcwr Mower at 8 I I 3 N. Miiwauker Ace in Nuns mill Leopold and dnath row soevi- bets gsa mowers fer draina or bullary, maweru will ancoivo a $60 re- ly and intemutiveolty-known liberianas wtto fought for many years for the sahseqness retrase freot prises foe Nathan Rape suspect In oc effort te eliminate petIntacts omiltrd by gol powered town mawrrs, the Metrapaliton rugar games. grise anneal bland tesi and rocial evernisation. A PSA roadiog [roes dro blood lesi will iedioate ho liholy prat- ial oxamieaiine will let your . PAGE 55 TIlE BUGLE,I1ILJRSDAV,MAY 51,5105 THE BOGLE,TIWRSDAY, MAY lI, 2OO - g Mt. Paunycet Village Manager Michael beanie apposod ihr at- tarnotiuc, nayino thet adapting federal guidntians waatd plouc loo cocuy io o cammocity. Kamin Monau, u aopnouontatioe of Cluecos for a Safer Ccmtnuta je Anliegten Heights, agreed and aaid titat tite privalaly-awoed roitnaodn ahouisi ho rmpcnnibla lar ìoniailicg and mainleiciag saftay equipment. Park Ridga Alderman Sanen- nu Boll, 3rd Ward, usggottod thai laman wilk goad uofety nocarda be csprtnpt tram ihr wcadole. The meetiug come days often ike Macton Graue Board af Traded vated ononintoonty io luglio51 oc amendment la iba meosata, whielt would 111am stubs to work with the FRA is an effort to impletacat ecc000nical safoty mrcsuncs end cresta n "quiet none" whore trout whisleu could oat ha sounded, The Vilisga cf Hitas urems lo ho one of Ihr oety cummnoitien ir the area hut has nul bren dialorbrd by the Swift Roil Deaai laying 1h01 'not octy dues' the salame of Ihe tcuis barns nedoce ike quality of life far those who reside near crossings, bat that - cuideoce does noi support Ike or. gomect bat sounding Iho train - whistles mercasen safety. Itiisais hou 9,000 erossinga, 1,900 of thoun 0cc ikacoghoul tho Chiougotoad mrs. Presents TARDIS to be installed at Waukegan Airport THE DRY BASEMENT The PA,°, sviti install u Terni- sal Automated Rodar Display and Infomtotion Syulom (TAR- N DIS) at the Wsskngur Regienul Aiapars. tcsluliotivn is nopacted by August t. aemposed afcommrrcial aff.tkeshelfeompanents combined with asnitwuropoetsage, . lt pruvidos a display otrodur ofonaoticn an sirerafi in the nictnity cf en uinport using o cornputrr in the tewa'r cab, . TARDIS wan designed far ase allaw-lenel VPRlnwern, - OFF With Coupon On Any Complete Flood Control : or Basement Seepage System . 773.267.5000 XEg:13]: Flood Control & Seepé Inc $1O0 . TARDIS is a towns diuploy Our Commitment to Excellence 100% Customer Satisfaction Noi Valid With An Other Otter 3544 W. Montrose Chicago, IL 7' - fl O O THF Now Installing In Your Area! RAs' TIII DUGL,TIIVRSDAY, MtY l 2000 -, sow OPEN FOR LUNÖH Hours Mon Thurs lOam flpm FridaV &- Saturday lOam - I aro F NILES - 8166N. MILWAUKEEAVE. Sundayløam-lOpm, SOPing: Ni'Iè, Des Plaines, Park Ridgs, 825-5855 Ch/cago nd Morton Grove WSA SANDWICHES Chicken Parmesan Thé Cheef® im O,frll b1 ., I ,m h Dekixe 4.90 Sausage deiuxe 4.65 plain 3.75 dekoe 4.75 p101fl3.00 deluxe 4.00 p0n 3.30 deIue 4.30 Serles plain 4.65 de6x 5.65 Trim i9redient .75 fr1 d.. J n; jfl,1 )?() ;ZI I! &] dt.)! . .,&. 125 Pzw Breod i .25 3.20 2.50 2.50 2.50 GorRc Breod French Hes MozzoeIIo 5hck Breeded Mushroor, Breoded Zucchini Sreoded Cooliflowee ' Two huellen Thou spedissI lush edd'l inreieni 3.20 .10 3,20 .50 .50 3,25 . ' ' Cote Slow Pe pero (Hot or Sweotl Side , ioreno Peppers 0.75 9.95 8,,25 9,35 10.45 - ,, FABULOUS FOUR ,, .55, ,,,, "irre" r,r' r'pprorth Za,e)' ' d bood. 4.50 a.50 4.25 4.25 , ' , ' rl' I 17.25 .12 .65 ISO rrdir,I Sn,rI,eI saper)'r.'ri,a, a 17.30 '19.70 21.25 0.25 11' 8.00 14.00 5.75 9.25. DESSERTS ' We serve qualizy kG® ¡rodocts: Cheesecake' Cherry RC, Upper 10, Root Beer, .an9e, Diet Rite Ceonoli ' 17.00 52.00 luIre lo, S'lorge roe 52.00 emIro Ir X'lore Sl.5Ooslro fàr soolloodun, S irgo 52.00 001ro Sr Otorgo 14" ' 10,45 16" ' 18" ' 1465 12.35 17.25 - PASTA Ucdaoe,da a, e;Ircec Car SOlcastI B,caa - - Plot0 Speghelti/Mostacciol, Baked Mostcccinli. Monicniti 1.75 1.75 2 EIbolk or i 4.20 5.20 5.20 5.50 5.50 - Meat/Cheese Ravoomi 1-Inmemade Laiagna - 4,40 12.15 Sausage, onion, bacon and tangy BBQ sauce. le 7.00 13.00 4.75 8.25 - 4.15 .30- Sl.50 esta for inh. ar0am, E 12" oypn'5 o, dpfrid r, pwfr"i. - 2.31 1.20 S.O.B. SHRIMP ' 15.15' 51.50 101ro orIel11, nelue, E 5.50 9.50 ' BEVERAGES 3,35 I 1.55 8.75 STUFFED Hnlf Ib. - Jumbo Shrimp Full lb. - Jumbo Shrimp Half lb. . Perch Fall lb. . Perol - 14.25 11.15 Srar,o cperrpra Sc, w, 4 piece Fried Chicken 8 piece Fried Chicken - 12.75 12.05 ' I 0o, I , 12.15 - a rol 'qr pi.a''earaerr recAe Ta,y, 'thp q/'A'WIC()t) hil r,a R)Id',l ' 56 - 910 QII',p 'líe IA 'dc 're/r/,,,err (AA Il(ri,e,r b/ 'sIr¡reZaS! ear Ty a! A er r latI II rgOedicAa! 11.70 14.90 CHICKEN , 4.5 ' '., -''' - Morss'eeir PIZZA' OURlE CRUST 7.00 & rg .10- ,5fa'A,aa,,a, ,aiarr . a'r'ierie'p,a,'r 13.00 - - - 3,50 - ¿t dr realIce,?;b c,,IIZI 'r,Í:ogc, e,,/n,,,,i w licIf Slab Chicken Fiogero Bollato Winge : 1.10 ' Shrimp 16' 8.25 .50 8" (Seoir Pizzo lush uddilimeal iniredloel 14" 3-4 7.15 .95 Spinach Pie'eepplr Medium torne 1.15, 9.00 . Vcccic PIZZA Poll Slob fi0 , - lier Peppers, ' Garlic 7.10 fill prOies PIZZA FOR ONE GarIc Bre2d w/cheese bI'd ! 3h%' 80k R:L& Ij('h)! - Oro lrpeiecl 'RIBS o l-2 lIseur . FU» TO &P p Small 12" 2-3 - - Archoviec Mushroom Mini 10" grik brood 500 ISulion Serf Canudiuo BoceO 'Poppeeooi Slierd Totoufocs Black Olivro :-- -' - Ilomburgcr - - Bacon Green Peppers pIin 3.65 PIZZA Odor Grre Oliver INflRPfl20NTS 3.75 Onion Rg . Plain 4. 1 5 APPETIZERS . o 525 Any oF he obov w/ groen peppr ¡00 0x00 Any of th bov of the obove w/heoe 000 0y Od Id cole Iow ond frio Panzaroffi E? Deluxe I Italian Beef BBQ Beef Saisage MeathoH Combo . pk,n 4.25 FAMILY BUCKETS 6.20 6.20 6.50 6.50 rA-, r--i r--ir----i - Liter of RC or Dieo-Rite...$l .05 Prices sebjerl to change wilbosS notice 2Topping -T lncludesFreeLilerof I Soth & Free Delivery 5ia,rrari6,nhaoo6,6 I I ' + Tax PJCK-UPORDELIVERY - Delivery Chorge $1 .50 I $1300 n ' . . Large 2 Topping Pozza Plum , - Pcoj/tonIaccials 11.20 GETXÓÍIZZA I ¡j I (OfEqualOrLeauerValee i - I 11h I..JJ , . . Moaurltuonloeefra,g . . 13.20 2.50 4.00 [1' .i iioii ANY MÉDEUM LARGE OR XLAIGE PIZZA I WITH i TOPPING noOeArIrcj L JL mL'0=j MOmrÜaob0006,rg 600Iballo Dinner Salud I FREE Liter of Soda FREE Delivery PICK-UPORI9ELIVERY - Sr,'cra3aca SORRY NO CHECKS ACCEPTED- I THON CRUSTEOZZA ' I -. elivey $7.00 50d0..l 2 oz/ caos 600 Soda...6 pak $3.00 I X-Larg'18'4flfl I Miei,rroor I ., RoSaa, MocR(om.I R,rauo6ar,ueo,w