OPTIMAL ESTIMATION TECHNIQUE FOR SST FROM MTSAT-2 Yukio Kurihara, Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) / JMA, Kiyose-city, Tokyo, Japan yukio.kurihara-a@met.kishou.go.jp 4a. MTSAT-2 versus buoy MTSAT-2 SSTs are compared p with buoy y SSTs. To reduce the cloud screening errors and evaluate the effect of the new algorithm, robust statistics technique is adopted for the validation. Statistics are calculated from the 50% of match-ups centered at median. Though this comparison shows a good agreement between them, bias of -0.31 K in summer ((July y and August) g ) and +0.21 K in winter (January and February) are also shown. Furthermore, bias slightly decreasing in higher range of buoy SST is found. Problems with background values and/or calibration (MIttaz et. al, 2011) are possible for the reason of these biases. MTSAT-2 SST as a function of buoy SST. SSTs in July and August in 2011 are plotted in magenta and blue, and red and green show the SSTs in January and Februaryy in 2012. N July August total 26106 21757 47863 N January February total 37058 31910 68968 RMSD (K) 0.43 0.41 0.42 BIAS (K) -0.32 -0.29 -0.31 STD (K) 0.28 0.29 0.29 RMSD (K) 0 35 0.35 0.38 0.36 BIAS (K) +0 18 +0.18 +0.24 +0.21 STD (K) 0 30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Robust statistics of MTSAT MTSAT-2 2 SST by comparing with buoy measurements (MTSAT-2 minus buoy) for July and August in 2011 (top) and January and February in 2012 (bottom). RMSD, bias and STD were calculated from the 50% of match-ups centered at median. di Robust bias and STD as a function of buoyy SST ((left)) and satellite zenith angle (right) T10.8 -T12.0 is generated using annual observations and JMA NWP outputs from July 2010 to June 2011. Ta and UH2O are calculated from 10.8 and 12.0 micron radiance and buoy SST by solving simultaneous equation of (5). (5) Buoy SST and calculated Ta and U H2O are gathered into 3dimensional bins with a bin interval of 1 K for 10.8 micron brightness temperature corresponding to 10.8 10 8 micron radiation intensity, 0.1 K for the difference of brightness temperature (10.8 (10 8 micron minus 12.0 micron) and 1 degree for the satellite zenith angle. Then bin-averaged SST (Ts), ) Ta and T UH2O are compiled into a look up LUT of background values table (LUT) for the background values of analysis parameters. parameters 10.8 6) Error covariance matrix of background values (B) is generated from their standard deviations (STD) calculated l l t d for f each h bins bi off LUT. LUT It is i assumed d that th t the th error covariance between different parameters is always zero. Error covariance matrix of MTSAT-2 data (R) is generated using uncertainty of radiance which is 3) Sensor Planck function (Br) is an approximation assumed to be equal to radiation intensity function which takes into account the spectral response of corresponding to 0.2 K of brightness temperature. Error each channel and calculates radiance from brightness covariance between different channels is assumed to be -1 and R-1 in (1) are the inverse matrixes of B and zero. B temperature. R, respectively. 4) For the calculation of the atmospheric transmittance (τr), only the contribution of water vapor is taken into account. τr is calculated using (6) - (8) (Roberts et. al, 1976). To cut down the total number of variables, a parameter UH2O defined by (9) is introduced. Then transmittance is calculated using (10). 2) Sea surface emissivity (εr) is calculated with the Isotropic Gaussian (IG) model with the Surface-emitted S f Surface-reflected fl t d (SESR) emission i i b Masuda by M d (2006). (2006) In I the IG model, emissivity is expressed by a function of emission angle (satellite zenith angle) and surface wind speed. d 5) The background values (x ( 0) of Ts, Ta and UH2O are calculated from a match-up data set of MTSAT-2 radiance (10.8 and 12.0), buoy SST and surface wind speed. The surface wind speed is calculated from surface wind vectors forecasted by JMA NWP. This match-up data set 4b. MTSAT-2 4b MTSAT 2 versus MGDSST MTSAT-2 SSTs are compared with the objectively analyzed global daily SST product (MGDSST) by JMA. Monthly mean differences between MTSAT-2 SST and MGDSST (no robust average of MTSAT-2 minus MGDSST) have similar i il spatial ti l distributions di t ib ti t those to th b t between MTSAT 2 and MTSAT-2 d buoy b (MTSAT 2 minus (MTSAT-2 i b buoy) ) in i corresponding di month. th Mean differences are generally larger in summer (July and August) than winter (January and February). In the summer, large negative differences exceeding -1.0 K are found in the northern Pacific and positive differences exceeding +0.5 +0 5 K are found between Australia and New Guinea. Guinea These differences may be caused by cloud screening errors. In the large blank in the northern Pacific in summer, brightness temperatures from the 10.8 micron channel exceeded MGDSST. Contamination by very low fog or stratus, which has higher temperature than sea surface is possible to cause such high brightness temperatures, surface, temperatures but further examination is required. required In the meantime, differences are generally between ±0.5 K in winter. MTSAT-2 - B M BUOY 3. SST Retrieval from MTSAT-2 MTSAT 2 SSTs MTSAT-2 SST are retrieved i d with i h the h new algorithm l i h from f infrared 10.8 and 12.0 micron imageries by MTSAT-2 for July and August in 2011 and for January and February in 2012 CLAVR based 2012. b d tests t t are adopted d t d for f th cloud the l d screening. For the surface wind speed, JMA NWP output is used. Conjugate minimization method is used to minimize i i i the th costt function. f ti SST calculated SSTs l l t d for f each h cloud l d free pixels are gathered into bins with a bin interval of 0.04 degree both for latitudinal and longitudinal. Then maximum i SST in i each h bin bi is i selected l t d as the th MTSAT-2 MTSAT 2 SST for the corresponding grid. Note that SSTs are not estimated from 15 UTC to 17 UTC, because of significant biases in midnight MTSAT-2 MTSAT 2 SSTs. SSTs 2. SST Algorithm 1) 1DVAR method th d is i applied li d to t calculate l l t SST from f MTSAT-2 data. Equations (1) - (4) show the cost function. For the calculation of radiance in forward operator (H(x)), an atmospheric single layer radiative transfer calculation (5) is used. Here, εr shows the sea surface emissivity, Br shows the sensor Planck function and τr shows the atmospheric transmittance. transmittance Analysis parameters are SST (Ts), atmospheric layer temperature (Ta) and a parameter relating to water vapor absorption (UH2O). SST and other analysis parameters are calculated by minimizing the cost function from the data: radiance observed by the infrared 10.8 micron and 12.0 micron channels of MTSAT-2 and their observation errors, errors surface wind speed forecasted by JMA NWP and an empirically generated look up table (LUT) for background values of analysis parameters and their estimated errors. errors MTSAT-2 2 - MGDSSTT 1. Introduction MSC/JMA operationally retrieves Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) from MTSAT-2 radiance observations of the 10.8 and 12 micron channels. The retrieval algorithm is based on empirical method comparing between the satellite observations and buoy’s SST observations (Maturi et. al, 2008). To enhance the SST product, product a One-Dimensional Variational (1DVAR) method is planned to be introduced. To take into account effects of the sea surface emissivity, which varies with the emission angle and the surface wind speed, speed and the absorption of water vapour in atmosphere on the MTSAT-2 radiance observations, single layer radiative transfer calculation and the Isotropic Gaussian (IG) sea surface emissivity model is used. July 2011 August 2011 January 2012 5. References 5 Masuda, K., Infrared sea surface emissivity including multiple reflection effect for isotropic Gaussian slope distribution model, Remote Sensing of Environment 103, 488-496, 2006 McClain E. McClain, E P., P Pichel, Pichel W. W G. G and Walton, Walton C. C C, C Comparative performance of AVHRR AVHRR-based based multichannel sea surface temperatures, temperatures Journal of Geophysical Research 90 (C6), 11 587–11 601, 1985 Maturi, E., Harris, A., Merchant, C., Mittaz, J., Potash, B., Meng, W. and Sapper, J., NOAA’s Sea Surface Temperature Products from Operational Geostationary Satellites, BAMS, 1877 1877-1888, 1888, 2008 Mittaz, J. and Harris, A., The calibration of the broadband infrared sensors onboard NOAA satellites, GHRSST XII Proceedings, 270-276, 2011 Roberts, R. E., Selby, J. E. and Biberman, L. M., Infrared continuum absorption by atmospheric water vapor in the 8-12 um window, Applied Optics 15, 9, 2085 2085-2090, 2090, 1976 February 2012 Acknowledgements Calculation of sea surface emissivity with IG-SESR model was supported by Kazuhiko Masuda (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan). Buoy data, NWP outputs and MGDSST were provided by JMA.