Self-Referenced, Trimmed and Compensated RF CMOS Harmonic Oscillators as Monolithic Frequency Generators Integrating Time Michael S. McCorquodale, Ph.D. Founder and CTO, Mobius Microsystems, Inc. 2008 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Honolulu, HI Session B3L-A: Novel Oscillators and Modeling Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Outline • A brief history of frequency synthesis • Emerging integration technologies • Self-referenced, trimmed and compensated RF CMOS harmonic (LC) oscillators (CHOs) – Motivation and concepts – Simplified architecture – Published implementations • Performance benchmarking – Total frequency error – Single sideband phase noise power spectral density – Period and cycle-to-cycle timing jitter • Conclusions History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 2 of 41 A brief history of frequency synthesis History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 3 of 41 A brief history of frequency synthesis • Crystal oscillators (past – present) – – – – 1880: piezoelectricity discovered by the Curies 1917: XTAL resonance explored by Langevin for SONAR 1919: frequency control using XTALs by Nicholson and Cady 1919 – present: XOs proliferate • Phase-locked frequency synthesizers (present) – 1980s – present: PLLs developed to allow for multiple and rational frequencies to be synthesized from one XTAL reference – Degraded phase noise and jitter relative to fundamental mode XOs, but silicon integration becomes paramount • Integrated frequency references (future?) – Significant work toward realizing integrated frequency references begins a “race” to replace quartz – 1990’s – present: MEMS microresonators – 2000’s – present: CMOS harmonic oscillators (this work) History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 4 of 41 Emerging integration technologies History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 5 of 41 Emerging integration technologies • Surface and bulk MEMS microresonators have emerged as possible replacement for quartz technology as a frequency reference – Objective is integration: smaller form-factor, lower cost, etc. – Integration may enable advanced timing or carrier synthesis architectures as references become “free” [Discera] History Emerging [SiTime] CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 6 of 41 Emerging integration technologies • Fundamental challenges – – – – – – – New process technology Hermetic packaging Relatively high freq. temperature coefficient (fTC) Scaling resonator frequency Power handling High motional resistance complicates circuit design Nonlinear transduction incurs noise penalty • Current MEMS-referenced implementations – Low frequency MEMS resonator with fractional-N PLL where divider is dithered based on input of a temperature sensor for compensation of fTC – Synthesizes frequencies in the 10’s of MHz band History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 7 of 41 Self-referenced, trimmed and compensated RF CMOS harmonic (LC) oscillators (CHOs) History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 8 of 41 CHOs: Motivation and concepts • Achieve integration with a solid-state technology to realize monolithic timing references – Leverage advances in RF CMOS – Explore performance limits of CMOS oscillators • Conceive an architecture to achieve: – Low frequency error, low phase noise and low timing jitter • Develop with an eye toward consumer timing – Clock references for serial wire interfaces such as USB (±500ppm), S-ATA (±350ppm) and PCI (±300ppm) – Here bit error rate (BER) is paramount and dominated by eye closure due to total frequency error and timing jitter History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 9 of 41 CHOs: Motivation and concepts Measured eye-opening Specification template Period jitter determines the eye-opening and eye-opening determines the BER Commercial serial-wire interfaces have eye-opening specifications (USB test shown here) History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 10 of 41 CHOs: Motivation and concepts • Key concepts – Far-from-carrier phase noise is the most significant contributor to timing jitter – Linear frequency multiplication/division increases/decreases phase noise power quadratically – Total timing error is dominated by jitter, not frequency error • With these concepts is it possible to develop a monolithic low-Q RF LC oscillator and achieve low timing jitter as well as low frequency error? History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 11 of 41 CHOs: Motivation and concepts SSB phase noise PSD (dBc/Hz) 8 σp = ωo2 ∫ ∞ 0 ⎛ No ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ sin 2 πf mTo df m ⎝ Po ⎠ f m How does phase noise manifest into period jitter? σp = RMS period jitter ωo = fundamental radian frequency To = fundamental period fm = offset frequency from fundamental (No/Po)fm= phase noise at offset fm from fundamental sine square Offset from fundamental (Hz) History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 12 of 41 CHOs: Motivation and concepts Peak at fm = ½ fo -50dB at 10kHz Period Jitter sin2(πf To) Integration Mask Period Jitter sin2(πf To) Integration Mask Consider 10MHz reference 1 0.8 0.6 Linear to log 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Offset Frequency (Hz) Null at fo (fm = 0) History Emerging 10 0 10 -5 10 -10 10 -15 10 0 10 6 CHOs 4 10 6 10 8 10 Offset Frequency (Hz) x 10 Null at 2fo (fm = fo) 2 10 Close-to-carrier phase noise (<10kHz) is significantly attenuated when converting to period jitter Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 13 of 41 CHOs: Motivation and concepts Visualizing frequency multiplication and division effects and the typical net performance degradation in a phase-locked loop relative to the reference PLL VCO (unlocked) Close-to-carrier phase noise is attenuated and far-from carrier phase noise is amplified +20log10(N) -20log10(N) Phase noise PSD (dBc/Hz) Phase noise PSD (dBc/Hz) ×N Reference ÷N +10log10(N 2) XO/MEMS reference Period jitter integration mask sin2(πfmTo) PLL output path PLL loop BW fm (Hz) fm (Hz) History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 14 of 41 CHOs: Simplified architecture • Free-run a CMOS RF LC oscillator near 1GHz • Frequency divide by a large ratio • Implement high-resolution process trimming • Implement open-loop temperature compensation • Implement closed-loop long-term drift stabilization • Actively regulate the power supply History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 15 of 41 CHOs: Simplified architecture High-swing pMOS cascode bias 2.5 2.5 vac 2.5 + _ vbias Fixed thin film caps trim nominal frequency Cv(vctrl(T)) compensates LCO over T Amplitude detector Cf [12:0] Cf [12:0] MR[12:0] TR[12:0] MR[12:0] Cv [5:0] TC[5:0] TR[12:0] Common mode detector Cv [5:0] TC[5:0] TC[5:0] vctrl(T) 2.5 History Control loops mitigate drift Emerging TC[5:0] + _ vcmc 2.5 vctrl(T) CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 16 of 41 CHOs: Simplified architecture 3.3 3.3 vBG vBG _ + 2.5 3.3 + _ vctrl(T) IPTAT To trimming switches and programmable logic Emerging 96-bit MTP NVM I2C FLL SSCG NVM Control SDL SDA Logic for I2C interface, trimming, spread-spectrum clock generation and NVM Programmable T-dependent compensating analog voltage History CLK D2S CHO ICTAT Differential to single-ended converter, programmable divider and configurable output Regulated supply via bandgap-referenced LDO CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 17 of 41 Recently published implementations 1500µm 400µm Config. Dividers Test Structures vctrl(T) Generator I2C, FLL, SSCG, NVM Control LDO I/O + ESD 2.5-to-3.3V Level Shift Bias 96-bit MTP NVM Michael S. McCorquodale, et al., “A 0.5–480MHz Self-Referenced CMOS Clock Generator with 90ppm Total Frequency Error and Spread Spectrum Capability,” IEEE Int. Solid State Circuits Conf. Dig. of Tech. Papers, San Francisco, CA 2008. History Emerging CHOs –gm amplifier fTC cal. bus Bias POR ½ fo discrete calibration array CB<7:0> fTC open-loop temp. comp. A-MOS varactors D2S ½ fo discrete calibration array Cf [12:0] and M[12:0] 2 x Cv [5:0] and TC[5:0] Bias Generation & Distribution fTC open-loop temp. comp. A-MOS varactors I/O + ESD –gm Amplifier, Amplitude and Common Mode Control Loops Band-Gap Reference 550µm 1500µm Cf [12:0] and M[12:0] Process Control Structures Frequency dividers Michael S. McCorquodale, et al., “A Monolithic and Self-Referenced RF LC Clock Generator Compliant with USB 2.0,” IEEE J. of Solid State Circuits, vol. 42, no. 2, Feb. 2007, pp. 385-399. Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 18 of 41 Performance benchmarking History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 19 of 41 Performance benchmarking • Existing (XO/XO-PLL) – 24MHz 4-pin can crystal oscillator (XO) – 24MHz 2-pin passive crystal-referenced phase-locked loop (XO-PLL) – 12MHz 2-pin passive ceramic resonator + sustaining circuit • Emerging (MEMS-PLL) – 20MHz MEMS-referenced PLL (vendor #1) – 12MHz MEMS-referenced PLL (vendor #2) • This work (CHO) – 12MHz, 1.536GHz LC-referenced CHO – 12MHz, 960MHz LC-referenced CHO • Benchmarks – – – – History Total frequency inaccuracy (due to trimming, power supply and temp.) SSB phase noise PSD Period and cycle-to-cycle jitter Total timing error Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 20 of 41 Total frequency inaccuracy 3500 CHO trim occurs at 35°C Best CHO performance in Si to date shown Typical production yield is ±150ppm 25.0 1750 0.0 0 24MHz XO 20MHz MEMS-PLL 12MHz MEMS-PLL 12MHz CHO VDD + 10% 12MHz CHO nominal VDD 12MHz CHO VDD -10% 12MHz Ceramic -25.0 -1750 -50.0 Normalized frequency innacuracy, δf /f o (ppm) Normalized frequency innacuracy, δ f /f o (ppm) 50.0 -3500 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Temperature (°C) History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 21 of 41 Single sideband phase noise PSD 0 24MHz XO m SSB phase noise PSD, (N /P ) (dBc/Hz) o o f -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 Offset frequency (Hz), f (Hz) m History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 22 of 41 Single sideband phase noise PSD 0 24MHz XO 12MHz Ceramic Oscillator m SSB phase noise PSD, (N /P ) (dBc/Hz) o o f -20 Ceramic resonator is lower Q than XO so close-to-carrier phase noise is higher -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 Offset frequency (Hz), f (Hz) m History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 23 of 41 Single sideband phase noise PSD 0 24MHz XO 12MHz Ceramic Oscillator 24MHz XO-PLL m SSB phase noise PSD, (N /P ) (dBc/Hz) o o f -20 Outside PLL loop BW, phase noise tracks VCO (note PLL loop mult. is 1) -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 Offset frequency (Hz), f (Hz) m History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 24 of 41 Single sideband phase noise PSD 0 24MHz 12MHz 24MHz 12MHz m SSB phase noise PSD, (N /P ) (dBc/Hz) o o f -20 XO Ceramic Oscillator XO-PLL MEMS-PLL -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 Offset frequency (Hz), f (Hz) m History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 25 of 41 Single sideband phase noise PSD 0 24MHz 12MHz 24MHz 12MHz 20MHz m SSB phase noise PSD, (N /P ) (dBc/Hz) o o f -20 XO Ceramic Oscillator XO-PLL MEMS-PLL MEMS-PLL MEMS-PLL frequency multiplication increases phase noise inside PLL loop BW -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 Outside PLL loop BW, phase noise tracks VCO -160 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 Offset frequency (Hz), f (Hz) m History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 26 of 41 Single sideband phase noise PSD 0 24MHz 12MHz 24MHz 12MHz 20MHz 12MHz m SSB phase noise PSD, (N /P ) (dBc/Hz) o o f -20 XO Ceramic Oscillator XO-PLL MEMS-PLL MEMS-PLL CHO -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 Offset frequency (Hz), f (Hz) m History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 27 of 41 Single sideband phase noise PSD 0 24MHz 12MHz 24MHz 12MHz 20MHz 12MHz 12MHz m SSB phase noise PSD, (N /P ) (dBc/Hz) o o f -20 XO Ceramic Oscillator XO-PLL MEMS-PLL MEMS-PLL CHO CHO -40 Close-to-carrier phase noise is higher in CHO but comparable to MEMS-PLL -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 CHOs have much lower far-from-carrier phase noise than PLLs -160 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 Offset frequency (Hz), f (Hz) m History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 28 of 41 Single sideband phase noise PSD -100 24MHz 12MHz 24MHz 12MHz 20MHz 12MHz 12MHz m SSB phase noise PSD, (N /P ) (dBc/Hz) o o f -20 XO Ceramic Oscillator XO-PLL MEMS-PLL MEMS-PLL CHO CHO -40 -60 Project onto sin2(πfmTo) -80 -100 -120 -140 SSB phase noise PSD × sin2(πf To) (dBc/Hz) m 0 From ~30kHz all PLL implementations are noisier than CHOs -120 -140 -160 -180 -200 24MHz 12MHz 24MHz 12MHz 20MHz 12MHz 12MHz -220 -160 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 1 10 Offset frequency (Hz), f (Hz) Emerging 3 10 4 10 5 6 10 10 Offset frequency (Hz), f (Hz) m History 2 10 XO Ceramic Oscillator XO-PLL MEMS-PLL MEMS-PLL CHO CHO m CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 29 of 41 Single sideband phase noise PSD -100 -120 CHO, XO and Ceramic Oscillator all exhibit similar far-from-carrier noise -140 -160 Visualize on linear scale -180 -200 24MHz 12MHz 24MHz 12MHz 20MHz 12MHz 12MHz -220 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 XO Ceramic Oscillator XO-PLL MEMS-PLL MEMS-PLL CHO CHO 5 10 6 10 SSB phase noise PSD × sin2(πf To) (dBc/Hz) m SSB phase noise PSD × sin2(πf To) (dBc/Hz) m -130 -120 -140 -150 >15dB -160 -170 Projected CHO noise approaches XO noise but XO is at twice the frequency -180 24MHz 12MHz 24MHz 12MHz 20MHz 12MHz 12MHz -190 -200 0 3 4 5 m m Emerging 2 Offset frequency (MHz), f (Hz) Offset frequency (Hz), f (Hz) History 1 XO Ceramic Oscillator XO-PLL MEMS-PLL MEMS-PLL CHO CHO CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 30 of 41 Period and cycle-to-cycle jitter • Phase noise measurements show that far-from-carrier phase noise is very similar for XO, ceramic oscillator and CHO • Far-from-carrier phase noise for CHO appears lower than all implementations, except XO, due to higher power in LCO (but XO at double freq.) • Theory predicts that these three implementations should exhibit similar period jitter and CHO should exhibit the lowest jitter • Theory also predicts that the PLL implementations should exhibit comparatively higher period jitter History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 31 of 41 Period and cycle-to-cycle jitter 24MHz XO σp = 6.52psrms σcc = 11.48psrms 24MHz XO-PLL σp = 10.38psrms σcc = 18.89psrms Ceramic oscillator and XO have similar jitter; 1x multiplier in PLL degraded jitter in XO-PLL History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions 12MHz Ceramic σp = 6.52psrms σcc = 11.01psrms Slide 32 of 41 Period and cycle-to-cycle jitter 20MHz MEMS-PLL σp = 12.16psrms σcc = 17.60psrms Jitter for both implementations is much higher than XO and XO-PLL as expected History Emerging 12MHz MEMS-PLL σp = 36.40psrms σcc = 46.99psrms CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 33 of 41 Period and cycle-to-cycle jitter 12MHz CHO σp = 6.41psrms σcc = 11.25psrms CHO has lowest jitter and is directly comparable to high-Q XO because CHO has low far-from-carrier phase noise History Emerging 12MHz CHO σp = 5.73psrms σcc = 9.32psrms CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 34 of 41 Period and cycle-to-cycle jitter MEMS-PLL is >6x higher CHO has the lowest jitter History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 35 of 41 Fractional total timing error Introduce the concept of the fractional total timing error, or the maximum error in any period Basically, consider due to frequency inaccuracy and jitter the sum of the total v To ⎛ δT ⎞ ⎟⎟ max⎜⎜ ⎝ To ⎠ frequency error AND the maximum period jitter as a metric which is relevant to eye closure t ⎛ δT ⎞ ⎟⎟ = (To × max(δf f o ) + ασ p ) To max⎜⎜ ⎝ To ⎠ Maximum period error History Emerging Ideal period Maximum jitter for a bounding cycle count CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 36 of 41 This is the worst-case fractional period error and determines eye opening and BER fo max(δf/fo) max(|f-1|) (ps) (ppm) (MHz) XO XO + PLL 24 8 0.33 Total timing error σp (ps) ασp α = 14.1 (ps) max(δT/To) (ppm) ασp /max(δT/To) (%) 6.53 92.07 2218 99.6 8.51 120.00 2888 99.7 MEMS + PLL 24 8 0.33 12 α = 14.1 is for 10 cycles (a common specification) 20 37 1.85 12.16 171.46 3466 98.9 MEMS + PLL 12 9 0.75 36.42 513.52 6171 99.9 CHO 12 400 33.33 6.41 90.38 1485 73.1 CHO 12 26 2.17 5.83 82.20 1012 97.4 History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 37 of 41 Period jitter summary • A low-Q LCO can achieve period jitter much lower than high-Q implementations (including XOs and MEMS) by: – Exploiting frequency division – Exhibiting low far-from-carrier phase noise • High-Q MEMS oscillators do not achieve low jitter and phase noise due to loop multiplication and PLL VCO • A low-Q LCO can be implemented in a standard solid state process technology and achieve period jitter performance directly comparable high-Q oscillators • Power dissipation in the CHO is comparable to the XO-PLL and MEMS-PLL implementations History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 38 of 41 Conclusions History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 39 of 41 Conclusions • Self-referenced, trimmed and compensated RF CMOS harmonic oscillators (CHOs) were introduced as monolithic frequency generators realized entirely in a solid-state process technology • CHO implementations were benchmarked against incumbent XOs/XO-PLLs and emerging MEMS-PLLs where it was shown that frequency error was comparable and period jitter was superior for the CHO • CHOs are now entering the production phase History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 40 of 41 Questions are welcome History Emerging CHOs Benchmarking Conclusions Slide 41 of 41