FINITE DIFFERENCES - FINITE ELEMENTS - FINITE VOLUMES - BOUNDARY ELEMENTS (F-and-B'08) Malta, September 11-13, 2008 Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Motor with Skewed Rotor Teeth JAYKUMAR K. SOLANKI, NIMIT K. SHETH, MEMBER, IEEE, RAJAL H. PATEL MEMBER, IEEE Electrical Department Nirma University Sarakhej Ghandhinagar Highway, Nirma University of Science and Technology, Ahmedabad- 382481, Gujarat, India. INDIA Abstract: - This paper presents the results of three dimensional (3-D) finite element (FE) analysis carried out to minimize the torque ripple of doubly salient permanent magnet (DSPM) motor by skewing of rotor teeth. The effect of skewing rotor teeth on the performance of various characteristics like detent torque, average torque, torque ripple, stator pole flux density, magnet operating point have been presented. It is observed that by increasing skew angle of rotor pole flux density in stator pole is reduces. Results of harmonic analysis of detent torque and average torque at various skew angles have been presented from which it is observed that 3rd and 4th and its multiple torque harmonics are predominant ones for both type of torque. It also is observed that by skewing rotor teeth 6o to 9o will give higher average torque with reduced torque ripple. Index Terms: - DSPM, FE Analysis, Permanent Magnet Motor, Skewing, Torque ripple 1. effects of variation of rotor pole arc and rotor pole shapes on the performances of a doubly salient permanent magnet (DSPM) motor are reported [2]. Torque ripple can be minimizing from both design side and control side. This paper presents the results of three dimensional finite element analysis carried out to minimize the torque ripple of 8/6 pole DSPM motor by skewing of rotor teeth. INTRODUCTION The DSPM motor incorporates the merits of both the PM brushless motor and the SR motor. First, the corresponding PMs are located in the stator, eliminating the problems of irreversible demagnetization and mechanical instability, while retaining the merits of high efficiency and high power density. Second, the corresponding rotor is the same as that of the SR motor, hence, adopting the advantages of simple configuration and mechanical robustness. Similar to the SR motor, the DSPM motor exhibits severe torque ripples and that is due to the nature of doubly salient operation. It is present even at ideal conditions of operation. Although this DSPM motor possesses simple configuration, it does not imply any simplicity in design and analysis because of the heavy magnetic saturation in pole tips, the fringe effect of poles and slots, as well as the cross coupling between PM flux and armature current flux [1]. The ISSN:1790-2769 2. EFFECT OF SKEWED ROTOR TEETH ON THE PERFORMANCE OF DSPM MOTORS FOR ONLY PERMA NENT MAGNET EXCITATION Three-dimensional finite FE model of a 1 hp, 8/6 DSPM motor with rotor poles having no skewing and with different angle of skewing have been analyzed for two type of excitation namely; (i) only permanent magnet (PM) excitation and (ii) combined PM excitation with appropriate polarity of rectangular current excitation for windings. Fig. 1 show the three 91 ISBN: 978-960-474-004-8 FINITE DIFFERENCES - FINITE ELEMENTS - FINITE VOLUMES - BOUNDARY ELEMENTS (F-and-B'08) Malta, September 11-13, 2008 dimensional view of 8/6 DSPM motor when rotor is align with phase A. Table I gives the details of the motor analyzed. For the analyzed motor flux-linkage characteristics for various phases have been obtained for only PM excitation. Fig. 2 shows the flux linkage characteristics for phase A, phase B, phase C, and phase D. It is observed from the flux-linkage characteristics that flux-linkage with phase A and phase C are exactly opposite to each other and the same way phase B and phase D are exactly opposite to each other. Therefore it possible to connect phase A and C and Phase B and D back to back to make DSPM motor working as two phase motor drive. about the center point and detent torque cycle is 2π/S, where S is the least common multiple of Stator and rotor pole numbers. The maximum value of detent torque is reduces by increasing the skew angle. The harmonic torque component of the detent torque profiles are shown in fig. 4 from which it observed that 3rd, 9th and 4th and its multiple of it harmonic torques are the predominant harmonic torques. It is also observed that by increasing the skew angle the magnitude of harmonic torques is reduces. The fourth harmonic torque is the minimum for the skew angle of 9o other harmonic torque are also small at the same skew angle. Above 9o skew angle some of the harmonic torques is start to increase. TABLE I MOTOR DATA 128 75 75 0.45 20 4 8 6 22 26 13 10 250 2×(6×37.5×75) Flux-linkage (weber) Stator outer diameter (mm) Stator inner diameter (mm) Stack length (mm) Airgap length (mm) Rotor inner diameter (mm) Number of phases Stator pole number Rotor pole number Stator pole arc (degree) Rotor pole arc (degree) Stator pole depth (mm) Rotor pole depth (mm) ampere turns/pole Magnet volume (mm3) 0 D 20 C B 40 60 80 Angle (Degree) Fig. 2. Flux-linkage profiles for various phases with 0o skewed rotor teeth and for only PM excitation. 3. PERFORMANCE OF DSPM MOTORS FOR SKEWED ROTOR TEETH AND COMBINED PERM ANENATMAGNET AND APPRO PRIATE WINDING EXCITATION To get the average torque windings are excited with appropriate excitation pattern as shown in fig. 5. Here positive and negative sign indicates that the flux produced by the winding excitation supports or opposes the magnet excitation respectively. It is observed from the fig. 6 that with the increase in the skew angle the peak flux density reduces and also the flux density characteristics is getting shifted towards one side this is because the unstable equilibrium point for a particular phase is shifting by a half a skew angle in the opposite direction of the skew and this must be considered while designing the control circuit. Fig. 1. Three dimensional view of 8/6 DSPM motor when rotor is align with phase A. Fig. 3 shows the variation of the detent torque at various skew angles for the rotor poles, from which it is observed that the detent torque is anti-symmetric ISSN:1790-2769 A 0.450 0.400 0.350 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 92 ISBN: 978-960-474-004-8 FINITE DIFFERENCES - FINITE ELEMENTS - FINITE VOLUMES - BOUNDARY ELEMENTS (F-and-B'08) Malta, September 11-13, 2008 skew 0º skew 6º skew 7º skew 8º skew 9º skew 10º skew 15º skew 20º skew 25º skew 30º Figure 7 shows flux density plot when the rotor pole at align with the pole of phase A for a given excitation pattern at various skew angles of rotor poles from, which it is observed from flux density is not constant throughout the rotor core therefore three dimensional finite element analysis is required when rotor is skewed. Torque (Nm) 2.000 1.000 0.000 -1.000 0 20 40 60 80 -2.000 skew 0º skew 6º skew 7º skew 8º skew 9º skew 10º skew 15º skew 20º Flux density (T) Angle (Degree) Fig. 3. Detent torque profiles at various skew angle of rotor poles. 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 40 80 60 Angle (Degree) 0.6 Fundamental 0.5 4 Torque (Nm) 20 0.4 3 0.3 12 0.2 Fig. 6. Flux density profiles in the pole of phase A for a given excitation pattern at various skew angles of rotor poles. th rd 8 th 9 th th 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -0.1 Skew angle (Degree) Fig. 4. Variation of harmonic torque of the detent torque profiles at various skew angles of rotor poles. Fig. 5. Excitation pattern for phase A, phase B, phase C and phase D. ISSN:1790-2769 93 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) ISBN: 978-960-474-004-8 FINITE DIFFERENCES - FINITE ELEMENTS - FINITE VOLUMES - BOUNDARY ELEMENTS (F-and-B'08) Malta, September 11-13, 2008 skew 0º skew 10º skew 6º skew 15º skew 7º skew 20º skew 9º 0.9 (g) Flux density (T) 0.8 (h) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Fig. 7. Flux density plot for a given excitation pattern when rotor is aligned with the phase A at various skew angles: (a) = 0o (b) = 6o (c) = 7o (d) = 8o (e) = 9o (f) = 10o (g) = 15o (h) = 20o. 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Angle (Degree) Fig. 8. Magnet operation point for a given excitation pattern at various skew angles of rotor poles. Magnet operation point for a given excitation pattern at various skew angles of rotor pole is shown in fig. 8. It is observed that up to 15o skew angle there is no much variation in magnet operating point with rotor position and its flux density is 0.821 T but above 20o skew angle magnet operating point is reduces to 0.606 T and this is because of the increase in effective reluctance due to skewing. Fig. 9 shows the develop torque profiles for various skew angles from which it is observed that by increasing skew angle developed torque is reduces. Fig. 10 shows that 3rd and 4th and its multiple torque harmonics are predominant ones and by increasing skew angle all the harmonic torques is reduces. Torque ripple for the developed torque have been calculated using (1). Table II gives values of the average torque and torque ripple for motor with different skew angles. Skew 0º Skew 9º Skew 6º Skew 10º Skew 6º Skew 15º Skew 7º Skew 20º Skew 8º 10 Torque (Nm) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Angle (Degree) Fig. 9. Developed torque profiles for various skew angles. Fundamental 2nd 3rd 4th 8th 9th 10th 2 1.8 1.6 (1) Torque (Nm) ⎛ T max − T min ⎞ Tripple (%) = ⎜ ⎟ x 100 Tavg ⎝ ⎠ It is observed from the Table II that by increasing skew angle the torque ripple is reduces and average torque is also reduces. At 9o skew angle the reduction in average torque is 9.53 % and reduction in torque ripple is 18.30 %. Above 9o skew angle average torque is reduces but torque ripple is increases so one can skew the rotor pole up to 9o to get minimum torque ripple with higher average torque. ISSN:1790-2769 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 20 Angle (Degree) Fig. 10. Variation of harmonic torques for developed torque. 94 ISBN: 978-960-474-004-8 25 FINITE DIFFERENCES - FINITE ELEMENTS - FINITE VOLUMES - BOUNDARY ELEMENTS (F-and-B'08) Malta, September 11-13, 2008 [6] Frede Blaabjerg, Leif Christensen, Peter O. Rasmussen, Leo Oestergaard, Peder Pedersen,“ New advanced control methods for doubly salient permanent magnet motor” IEEE Conf. on Industry Applications, vol.1, Oct 1995, pp. 222-230. [7] Ming Cheng, K.T.Chau and C.C.Chan, “Static characteristics of a new doubly salient permanent magnet motor” IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 16, pp. 20-25, Mar 2001. Table II. AVERAGE TORQUE AND TORQUE RIPPLE FOR VARIOUS SKEW ANGLE OF ROTOR POLE Skew Average Torque Angle Torque 0o 6o 7o 8o 9o 10o 15o 20o 5.35 5.29 5.15 5.00 4.84 4.67 3.64 1.61 Ripple 97.17 85.18 82.32 80.06 79.39 79.60 87.95 136.59 4. CONCLUSION In this paper, the effect skewed rotor teeth on the various performance parameter of an 8/6 DSPM motor for only permanent magnet excitation and appropriate winding excitation pattern has been presented. It is observed that by skewing the rotor teeth flux density in the stator pole is reduces. Skewing the rotor teeth form 6o to 9o will result in to minimum detent torque. It is also observed that skewing the rotor teeth form 6o to 9o will give less torque ripple without much reduction in average torque. The magnet operating point is constant for at any the rotor position. 5. REFERENCES [1] Ming Cheng, K. T. Chau and C. C. Chan, “Design and analysis of a new doubly salient permanent magnet motor” IEEE Trans. on magnetics, vol. 37, No.4, July 2001. 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