Demonstration—an effective technique in teaching biology1 M. A. Maun and Teresa Winnitoy2 ABSTRACT The demonstration is a teaching technique which provides a synthesis between formal lecture sessions and personalized systems of instruction. It provides a valuable complement to lectures providing the opportunity for personal contact between students and professor and among students themselves. The active participation by the students in the learning process makes it an effective teaching technique. Additional index words: Display, Peer interaction. D URING the last decade the number of students in the biology programs in Canadian universities and colleges has increased. Enrollment of 500 or more students in each of the first and second year core courses is not uncommon. Due to this increase teachers have been using, with varying degrees of success, several new innovations and communication devices like television, computers; audio-tutorials, and group discussions. The most important change has been a deviation from the conventional lecture sessions to a personalized or grouporiented, self-help learning system. Dowdeswell (1971) pointed out that these innovations in teaching style are based on the realization that a higher priority should be given to the needs of a student rather than to "the attitudes and notions of the teacher". Both lectures and personalized system of instruction have merits and weaknesses. The basic theme of the personalized system of instruction is that a student is given more responsibility for learning. Postlethwait et al. (1969) and Postlethwait (1978) pointed out that a new concept can only be learned by the learner. A teacher can provide guidance, facilities, motivation, and an environment conducive to learning, but cannot make a student learn a concept. According to Keller (1968) a personalized system of instruction (P.S.I.) entails a course which is divided into 1 Contribution from the Biology Core Program, University of Western2 Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7. Associate professor and teaching assistant, respectively. units, each of which outlines the specific objectives and fine details of that concept. A student is allowed to proceed through the units at his own speed and can discuss and clarify any questions with a tutor. Protopapas (1974) provided evidence of the effectiveness and acceptability of P.S.I, by students. He pointed out, however, that some students may find it hard to pace themselves and may not work well independently, especially extroverts whose internal motivation is low (Dowdeswell, 1977). Lectures are valuable in awakening critical attitudes and in providing the latest advances in research not yet printed in textbooks (Powell, 1969). Lectures also provide the most efficient use of staff time, with a high rate of information transfer from professor to students. The lecturer, however, has been condemned by many educators for the lack of participation and personal contact with group members. The course, "Biology of Populations," has 500 students with two lecture sections of 250 students each (Table 1). It runs for a full academic session (September to May) and a student receives three course credits. Table 1. A comparison between the three methods of teaching; conventional, personalized system of instruction (P.S.I.), and the demonstration method used in "Biology of Populations'^ P.S.I. Conventional Demonstration Lectures Tapes (multiple sections) Section A Section B Section A Section B Labs Tutorials Audio-visual Labs Labs (26 per academic session; Sept. to April) Labs (12 per academic session) Demonstrations (12 per academic session) Field Trips (two field trips to examine local flora and fauna) t Calendar Description: Biol. 201. Biology of Populations. (A mandatory course in year two of B.Sc. in Biology). The distribution, genetics and evolution of populations and their growth, regulation, and interactions with other populations and their environment (2 lectures, 3 laboratory hours per week). Pre-requisite: One introductory course in biology. Co-requisite: One course in mathematics. MAUN AND WINNITOY: DEMONSTRATION-TEACHING There are 52, I-hour lecture sessions for each of the A and B sections (a lecture is repeated) and 26, 3-hour lab sessions per year. In lecture sections of 250 students there is a lack of communication between instructors and students. Exchange of ideas and answering of questions and arguments e:‘ highly inconvenient because of an indifferent attitude Jf a large majority. This drawback of the conventional method prompted us to develop a system which would provide a compromise between the conventional method and P.S.I. In this system we retained the formal lecture sessions as in the conventional method but replaced 12 of the laboratory sessions with 12 sessions which we have named “Demonstration” (Table 1). A “Demonstration” is a self-teach approach in which the instructor plays a supporting role. DESCRl PTlON Each demonstration presents material on a specific topic being discussed in lecture, e.g. adaptation, competition, world population growth, agricultural productivity, etc. Each topic is presented through a series of interrelated displays (about 9 to 14 in each demonstration) which include specific examples from books or research articles published in journals. Each topic receives thorough coverage and brings together the latest information relevant to the topic. Each objective is described, illustrated, and evidence is presented in the form of tables or graphs (Table 2). TECHNIQUE 81 neath each display case a desk top (30 cm wide) supported by storage cabinets provides space at which a student can study and write notes. The room has space for about 30 students. Displays are set up at eye level for either a sitting or standing student (Fig. 1). For a round table discussion tables are set up in the center of the demonstration room. Contents of a Display Each display consists of a visual presentation through the use of charts, tables, illustrations, and live or dried material (Fig. 2). Some organisms such as fish, small rodents, birds, and plants are ideal for use as live displays to illustrate principles such as organismal diversity, ecological isolation, covergence, competitive exclusion, etc. Students are provided with a written outline that explains the main points of the display (Box 1). The data presented are a synthesis of results from one or more research articles. Often the research article is simplified to make it more easily understandable for a student. Scientific jargon is clarified and only salient points from tables and graphs are presented. The written explanation of a display consists of one or two questions which allows a student to think critically. Some displays in a demonstration may be supplemented Demonstration Room The demonstrations are set up in a room designed specifically for this purpose (Fig. 1). Display cases have been installed along three walls of the room and a blackboard and screen are located on the fourth wall. BeTable 2. The objectives, and headings of displays in a demonstration on “Adaptation in 0rganisms”t Particulars Description Objectives To show a) adaptive value of some external characters of animals and plants, and b) variation among different individuals of a species in one area. Patterns for survival-shows cryptic coloration, warning coloration, Batesian mimicry, Mullerian mimicry, frightening coloration, and confusion syndrome. Adaptation to physical environment; roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus). Cryptic coloration and patterns; peppered moth (Biston Film Display I . Display 2. Display 3. Display 4. Display 5 . Display 6. Display 7. Display 8. Display 9. betularia). Energetics or crypsis? Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). Warning coloration; monarch butterfly (Danausplexippus). False warning coloration; viceroy butterfly (Limenitis archippus). Geographic variation of an adaptation; viceroy butterfly and queen butterfly (Donas gilippus). Mimicry in plants; Orchids and hymenopteran insects. Mimicry of vertebrate eyes; peacock butterfly (Inachis io). Sexual dimorphism and sec recognition; common flicker (Colaptus auratus). t This demonstration was written by Dr. D. M. Scott, professor, Dep. of Zoology who gives lectures in “Biology of Populations”. Fig. 1. A general view of the demonstration room. Display cases are installed along the three walls of the room. Blackboard and a movie screen are on the fourth wall (not seen in the picture). JOURNAL OF AGRONOMIC EDUCATION 82 by computerizedinstruction, slides, and films pertaining to the topic. Simple computer programs such as humanpopulation growth, diversity, and stability of populations are available. The course has three computer terminals. The instructor provides information on howto run a programand students take turns to see, for example, growth of populations with different intrinsic growthrates. Slides are illustrated by slide synchs and narrated with tapes madeby the instructor lecturing in the course. ternate weeks. The teacher-student ratio is 1:30 and a student meets with the instructor once every 2 weeks for 3 hours for the whole academicsession. If a student feels he knowsthe concept well enough and could use his time more efficiently elsewhere, he Table 3. Scheduleof lab anddemonstration sessions (16 sectionsof 30 studentseach)during workweek Operation Lab]" The demonstration room is open from 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mondayto Thursday. Students are free to come any time, but the instructors are present from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. each day. The course includes formal lectures, demonstrations, and labs. Demonstrationsare alternated weekly with labs (Table 3). Students cometo the demonstration and labs in al- Morning Afternoon 8:30-11:30 a.m. 2:30-5:30 p.m. Demonstration]" Lab1" Demonstration]. S-10 S-9 S-2 Monday S-I S-4 S- 12 S- 11 Tuesday S-3 S-14 S-13 S-6 Wednesday S-5 S- 16 S- 15 S-8 Thursday S-7 Changeof a lab or demonstration. Friday Preparatorymeetingsof instructors for discussion of a lab or demonstration. Students attending a lab this weekwill go to the demonstrationsnext weekand vice-versa. DISPLAY 1 Ae B o Energyinputs,outputsandenergy efficiency(kilocalo~ies) incorn productlc~. INCREASES IN PRODUCTIVITY OF SELECTED FARMPRODUCTS 1935--1967 Particulars t 945 1970 Labor Machinery FueJ Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Seeds for planting Irrigation InseCticides Herbicides Drying Electricity Transportation 12,500 160,000 543,400 56,000 1 O,150 5,000 30,464 42,000 0 0 4,000 32,000 20,000 4,900 420~00 797,000 896,000 44,950 60,000 59,136 76/300 11,000 11,000 120,000 310,000 70,000 Totalinputs 935,514 2,879,986 3,046.400 7,257,600 INPUTS OUTPUTS Cornyield ENERGY EFFICIENCY Output/Input ~Kcal) Adapted fromPimental et a/ (1975). FROM; U.S.D- A YEARBOOK. 1970. Fig. 2. A displayonfarmproductivityandenergycrisis. 3.26 2.52 MAUN AND WINNITOY: DEMONSTRATION-TEACHING need not attend the demonstration. In the demonstration room students proceed at their own pace, repeating a display which illustrates a difficult concept as often as necessary. If a student’s concentration is poor, he can take a break, leave, or return the next day. Since it is his own time, it is to his advantage to use it well. If a student is unable to answer a question, he usually discusses it with peers or the instructor. About one-half hour before the end of a demonstration period (11:OO a.m. or 5:OO p.m.), the instructor brings the students together and asks questions about any difficulties encountered in the displays and provides answers to questions in the handout. Students are tested on the material in the demonstrations with written examinations. T o ensure uniformity of instruction, a preparatory meeting of all instructors is held. Each display is reviewed and every question is discussed thoroughly. Strengths of Demonstrations a. Teacher-Student Contact. A student comes in direct contact with an instructor and is able to clarify points missed in lectures (see student response in Table 4). Acquaintance with the students helps the instructor tailor the course to individual needs, giving additional instruction to slower students and leading advanced students to further inquiry (Fig. 3). b. Peer Interaction. Students learn from discussions with their friends and classmates (Table 4). Generally two to four students work together. Frequently, a teacher explains a concept to one student, and that student explains it to others. There are three main benefits: the instructor is freed of repetitive explanations, allowing more time for other problems; the student learns the concept more thoroughly because he is teaching it; and TECHNIQUE 83 other students learn more quickly because of the peer relationship (Farley and Moore, 1975). c. Development of Skills and Background Knowledge. Students obtain practice in the interpretation and critical evaluation of data, especially the reading of graphs and tables (Table 4). They become familiar with biological and statistical terminology. An effort is made in the demonstration to improve the student’s knowledge of natural history-examples used consist of a wide variety of native flora and fauna (Table 4). d. Student Choice. Based on 204 responses, a high proportion of students (85%) said that the demonstrations were useful (Table 4). In the survey, we asked the Table 4. The response of students to the effectiveness of demonstration as a teaching technique Student response? Items in questionnaire Demonstrations were useful Learned to interpret a table or graph Peer interaction Got to know one instructor well Clarification of points missed in lectures Positive Negative Knew it already 85 69 78.5 82 76 15 31 11.5 18 24 __ t A total of 204 student responses were obtained. Box 1. Written description of graphs and tables presented in Fig. 2 Displuy 1. Farm Productivity and Energy Crises Increases in productivity of selected farm products from 1935 to 1967 are shown in Fig. 2A. Q1. What do you conclude from the graphs in Fig. 2A? Answer. Several fold increase in total production of agricultural commodities. The increase in total production resulted from an increase in output per unit area. For instance, from 1945 to 1970 mean corn yields increased from 34 bushels (1 bushel = 25.4 kg) per acre ( I acre = 0.405 ha) to 81 bushels per acre or 5,079.1 kg per ha (Pimental et al., 1975). This 2.4 fold increase in production per acre was due to 3.1 fold increase in energy inputs. An itemized description of energy input for corn production and output is presented in Fig. 2B. Q2. What do you conclude from Fig. 2B? Answer. a) Labour input decreased more than 60%. b) The energy used for machinery, fuel, fertilizers, drying, electricity, and transportation has increased several fold. c) Insecticides and herbicides were not used in 1945 but since the last 20 years their use has been increasing rapidly. The most radical change was observed in energy efficiency. The yield in corn calories decreased from 3.26 per one fuel kilocalorie input in 1945 to a yield of 2.52 kilocalorie in 1970 (Fig. 2B). 4 3 . Why is there a reduction in energy efficiency from 1945 to 1970? Answer. The law of diminishing returns. Q4. How is the current energy crisis related to the production of corn? Answer. Fossil fuels are directly or indirectly required for the items of energy input listed in Fig. 28. Fig. 3. A teacher discussing a concept with a student. 84 JOURNAL OF AGRONOMIC EDUCATION students to choose one method: demonstrations, labs, or tutorials. A majority (61 %) of the students wanted to keep demonstrations, 14% recommended the replacing demonstrations with labs, and 25% indicated that demonstrations be changed to tutorials. Other comments in favor of demonstrations were: stimulates participation, encouragement of personalized instruction, very interesting, visually appealing, large amount of material covered well, can work at own speed, relevant examples shown, encourages thinking, and facilitates outside reading. Weaknesses of Demonstrations A small percentage of students (15%) indicated that the demonstrations were not a useful technique. Reasons given were; charts and graphs hard to understand, answers to questions not readily available, boring material, instructor not enthusiastic, vague data, ambiguous questions, repetition of lecture material, not enough guidance, and demonstrations covered too much material. SUMMARY "Demonstration" is an effective technique which emphasizes interaction among students and teachers, and students themselves. Students are induced to think, reason, and argue their viewpoints. They also gain practical experience in interpretation of graphs and tables. This technique combines all the tools of communication emphasized by Postlethwait (1978). We use live or dead plant and animal specimens. We provide the students with a written description of the material presented in graphs, photographs, and tables in a display. Demon- strations are usually supplemented with films or slide synchs with tapes pertaining to the topic and, above all, we hold a round table discussion following each sesssion. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Miss Irene Krajnyk, teaching assistant, and Mrs. Teri Cseh, technical assistant, for capable assistance.