UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA BOARD OF VISITORS MEETING OF THE BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Friday, September 11, 2009 1:30 – 2:15 p.m. Board Room, The Rotunda Committee Members: The Hon. Lewis F. Payne, Chair Daniel R. Abramson The Hon. Alan A. Diamonstein Susan Y. Dorsey Helen E. Dragas Rahul Gorawara Robert D. Hardie Vincent J. Mastracco, Jr. Don R. Pippin John O. Wynne, Ex-officio John B. Morse, Consulting Member AGENDA PAGE I. II. CONSENT AGENDA (Ms. Sheehy) • Architect/Engineer Selection 1. Ruffner Hall Renovation 2. Newcomb Hall Repairs and Renovations ACTION ITEMS (Ms. Sheehy) A. Concept, Site, and Design Guidelines, College at Wise New Library (Ms. Sheehy to introduce Mr. David J. Neuman; Mr. Neuman to report) B. Schematic Design Approval, Rehearsal Hall III. SCHEMATIC DESIGN REVIEW ITEM (Mr. Neuman) • Schematic Design Review, Bookstore Expansion IV. MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS REPORTS (Written Reports) A. Major Projects Status Report, Future Design Actions and Planning Studies B. Architect/Engineer Selection Report for Projects Less Than $5 Million C. Professional Services Contracts D. Pavilion Occupancy Status 1 1 3 13 20 25 34 35 36 BOARD OF VISITORS CONSENT AGENDA 1. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SELECTION, RUFFNER HALL RENOVATION: Approval of architect/engineer selection A $20 million dollar project was approved in February 2007 to repair and replace major infrastructure systems in Ruffner Hall, built in 1973 and home to the Curry School of Education. The project includes replacement of the HVAC and fire suppression systems, electrical and plumbing upgrades, management of hazardous material removal, an elevator upgrade, general building improvements to achieve ADA compliance, roof replacement, and minor architectural renovations. The selected firm shall serve as the A/E of record. In conjunction with the building renovation, a stacking study is currently underway to review, evaluate, and improve current space use in Ruffner Hall for greater efficiency. We recommend the selection of McKinney & Company, of Ashland, for the performance of engineering services for the Ruffner Hall renovation at the University of Virginia. ACTION REQUIRED: Committee Approval by the Buildings and Grounds APPROVAL OF ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SELECTION FOR RUFFNER HALL RENOVATION: RESOLVED, McKinney & Company, of Ashland, is approved for the engineering services for the Ruffner Hall renovation at the University of Virginia. 2. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SELECTION, NEWCOMB HALL REPAIRS AND RENOVATIONS: Approval of architect/engineer selection A $15.2 million project was approved in April 2009, as part of the Major Capital Projects Program. The renewal of Newcomb Hall and its supporting infrastructure will revitalize the facility and support a growing number of increasingly diverse programs and activities. Extensive maintenance, repairs and systems up-grades will preserve a valuable University asset and ensure continued use of the structure. Renovations will respond to contemporary programmatic demands, improving the way the building functions. Aesthetic improvements will create a fresh and inviting atmosphere while restoring and preserving significant traditional elements of the interiors and 1 surrounding landscape. A comprehensive, interior finish master plan will provide a distinctive identity with a cohesive aesthetic that will help to unify the variety of spaces within Newcomb Hall. We recommend the selection of Cole and Denny Architects, of Alexandria, for the contract. APPROVAL OF ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SELECTION FOR NEWCOMB HALL REPAIRS AND RENOVATIONS: RESOLVED, Cole and Denny Architects, of Alexandria, are approved for the performance of architectural and engineering services for the Newcomb Hall renovation at the University of Virginia. 2 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA BOARD OF VISITORS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY BOARD MEETING: September 11, 2009 COMMITTEE: Buildings and Grounds AGENDA ITEM: II.A. Concept, Site, and Design Guidelines, College at Wise New Library $50 million – State General Funds BACKGROUND: This project will construct a replacement library for the College’s John Cook Wyllie Library. The library, which was completed in 1969, was upgraded in 1998 with a 6,500 GSF addition and a major renovation. The building is presently at capacity. Its student study areas barely met the required guidelines during the College’s last accreditation. Since that time, the enrollment has grown to over 1,900. In addition, programs requiring supplementary reference materials have been added to the College’s curriculum. The new library will provide sufficient capacity for the current enrollment target of 2,000 students and for a potential enrollment in the 2,500 to 3,000 range, as well as more than doubling the current volume capacity. Without this project it will be difficult to maintain accreditation in the future. The State has provided funding for a preplanning study to verify the project’s budget and scope. The study will be completed in mid-September so that the project’s funding request will be eligible for consideration by the 2010 General Assembly Session. DISCUSSION: The Office of the Architect has prepared the concept, site and design guidelines. Mr. Neuman will review the guidelines with the Committee. ACTION REQUIRED: Approval by the Buildings and Grounds Committee 3 APPROVAL OF CONCEPT, SITE, AND DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE NEW LIBRARY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA’S COLLEGE AT WISE RESOLVED, the concept, site, and design guidelines, dated September 11, 2009, and prepared by the Architect for the University for The University of Virginia’s College at Wise new library, are approved; and RESOLVED FURTHER, the project will be presented for further review at the schematic design level of development. 4 The University of Virginia’s College at Wise New Library Concept, Site and Design Guidelines A) Proposed Project Concept The University of Virginia's College at Wise is a publicly supported, baccalaureate granting institution providing undergraduate education for 1,900 + students based in the liberal arts. The College's mission is to prepare students for lifelong learning, for professional careers in fields such as business, teaching and health care, and for graduate study. The College at Wise serves a diverse population that includes traditional residential students, students who commute, and nontraditional students seeking lifelong learning opportunities or preparation for career changes. The College continues to build a diverse, talented, well-qualified faculty whose primary role is excellent undergraduate teaching. The present library is at capacity, and its student study areas barely meet the required guidelines of the College's last accreditation. Since that time, the enrollment has grown to over 1,900. In addition, programs requiring supplementary reference materials are being added to the College's curriculum. Without this project, it will be difficult to maintain accreditation in the future. The design of the new library must embody the values and aspirations held by the University of Virginia and the College at Wise. It will follow both the Board-approved 2006 Campus Plan and the 2000 College at Wise Architectural Guidelines in both “letter and spirit”. The 66,000 GSF facility goes to the core of the educational mission of the College at Wise in the form of academic support for the students and faculty, and will provide sufficient space to accommodate the College’s planned growth. The project will provide space to more than double the College's current collection and will provide study and instructional spaces to accommodate the College's needs of up to 3,000 students. 5 B) Siting Criteria The University of Virginia general siting criteria for all new facilities include the following components. Those highlighted are the most pertinent in determining the siting recommendation for the new library. Conforms with overall land use plan and district/area plans. Reinforces functional relationships with other components of the same department or program, and is compatible with other neighboring uses. Satisfies access requirements- pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular and service. Maximizes infill opportunities to utilize land resources and existing infrastructure. Minimizes site development costs, including extension of utilities, access, loss of parking, mass grading, etc. Minimizes opportunity cost; i.e., value of this use and size versus other alternatives. Provides a size that is adequate, but not excessive, for initial program, future expansion, and ancillary uses. Allows for incorporating sustainability principles in terms of solar orientation, reuse of historic structures, storm water management, etc. Avoids unnecessary environmental impacts, including significant tree removal or filling of existing stream valleys. Allows site visibility and aesthetic character as appropriate for the intended use and for the neighborhood. Minimizes time for implementation of project. 6 C) Proposed Site Strategically located between the Wise upper and lower campuses, the new library will be a physical, programmatic, and symbolic link between the two. The project site is also in a very prominent location and will be visible from the main entry to the campus. The site is in conformance with the Board of Visitors’ approved 2006 University of Virginia’s College at Wise Campus Plan. Proposed Site John Cook Wyllie Library The University of Virginia’s College at WiseAerial View: 2006 7 Site The University of Virginia’s College at Wise 2006 Campus Plan 8 Project Site View of Site from Main Entry Drive 9 Project Site View of Site from Lower Campus D) Design Guidelines Site Planning - The building will be sited to create a strong visual presence from the main campus entry drive. - The building and its site features will provide a critical pedestrian link between the upper and lower campuses. - Views to the mountains, natural areas, and campus features will be considered in the arrangement of both interior and exterior public spaces. - Maintain a minimum 30’ setback from Henson Hall. - Proposed slopes should not exceed 3:1 if they are to be mowed or 2:1 if they are planted. Circulation and Parking - New pedestrian walks and landscape elements around the building will provide safe and attractive access to the building and between the upper and lower campuses. - A 24 hour a day handicap circulation route between the upper and lower campuses will be provided. - Parking will be limited to service and delivery vehicles. - The impact of service access on pedestrian routes should be minimized. 10 - - The existing service area behind Cantrell will be redesigned as an extension of the pedestrian walkway between the Arts Center and Dining Hall to provide direct pedestrian access to the Library site. A new service road/fire lane will be developed behind Henson Hall. Architecture - The design and material/color palette will conform to the spirit and specific requirements of the 2000 Architectural Guidelines of the College at Wise and will provide a consistent visual quality and affinity with adjacent campus buildings that comply with these guidelines; e.g., Slemp Student Center. - The building will be visible from all four sides. Care will be taken to offer well designed facades for all elevations, as well as for the roof form/shape. - Massing to be four to six stories to address slope condition and to be topped with a hipped roof. - The building will provide 24 hour access (including handicapped) between the upper and lower campuses while maintaining the library’s need for controlled points of entry. - Evaluate and integrate the basic tenets of sustainable design to achieve LEED certification. Landscape - Walkways will encompass planting and paving schemes to achieve coordinated pedestrian scale and welcoming exterior public spaces. - Plantings will not impede views to the lake, natural areas or distant mountains. - Plantings will be low maintenance, non-invasive and not create safety or security concerns. - Preserve any existing trees and incorporate into design where possible. The University Landscape Architect will tag significant trees to be preserved. - Carefully locate and screen service loading area, trash/recycling area, and above-grade utilities: e.g., transformers, backflow preventers, with appropriate screen walls. Screen is not to be accomplished solely with vegetation. - Provide adequate pedestrian lighting and utilize campus standard light poles. - Landscape design must incorporate required stormwater quality and quantity controls and best practice standards. 11 Review and Compliance The Office of the Architect for the University is responsible for the review and approval of project compliance with these guidelines. 12 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA BOARD OF VISITORS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY BOARD MEETING: September 11, 2009 COMMITTEE: Buildings and Grounds AGENDA ITEM: II.B. Hall Schematic Design Approval, Rehearsal $12.7 million - Gifts BACKGROUND: In April 2009, the Board of Visitors approved the Rehearsal Hall project at a budget range of $10.7 to $12.7 million, from gifts. The Rehearsal Hall will provide rehearsal and support spaces for the University Band Program and for the McIntire Department of Music. This 16,400 gross square foot facility will be a two-story structure set into the hillside north of Ruffin Hall between Culbreth Road and the CSX railroad right-of-way. The building will include a large rehearsal room sized to accommodate the University Band (250+ musicians), small ensemble rehearsal rooms, band offices, and support spaces. The building and its associated site improvements represent another major step towards the completion of the Arts Grounds of the University. The project was approved in April 2009 as an addition to the Major Capital Projects Program. The Concept, Site, and Design Guidelines and the design architect, William Rawn Associates, were approved in February 2009. The project was presented for schematic design review in June 2009. DISCUSSION: At this point in the design, a firm budget for this construction project is recommended at $12.7 million in gift funds. William Rawn Associates has developed the schematic design in collaboration with the Architect for the University, representatives from the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, the University Band, and Facilities Management. Mr. Neuman will review the design with the Committee. ACTION REQUIRED: Approval by the Buildings and Grounds Committee 13 SCHEMATIC DESIGN APPROVAL, REHEARSAL HALL RESOLVED, the schematic design, dated September 11, 2009, and prepared by William Rawn Associates, Boston, in conjunction with the Architect for the University and others, for the Rehearsal Hall, is approved for further development and construction. RESOLVED FURTHER, that a budget of $12.7 million is established for the construction of the Rehearsal Hall. 14 Arts Grounds Master Site Plan 15 Proposed Rehearsal Hall Site Plan View of the Site from the Culbreth Road Garage with Ruffin Hall to the south. 16 Ruffin Hall Drama Building 17 Adjacent Buildings in Arts Grounds Rehearsal Hall Study Model Rehearsal Hall Study Model 18 Rehearsal Hall Renderings View from Drama Building to Site View from Drama Building with Rehearsal Hall 19 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA BOARD OF VISITORS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY BOARD MEETING: September 11, 2009 COMMITTEE: Buildings and Grounds AGENDA ITEM: III. Schematic Design Review, Bookstore Expansion $ 7.0 million Bookstore revenues $ 3.6 million University debt $10.6 million ACTION REQUIRED: None BACKGROUND: The project was approved by the Board in January 2007. The Architect Selection of Bowie Gridley Architects and the Concept, Site and Design Guidelines were approved at the February 05, 2009 meeting of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. A report on the schematic design will be presented at the September, 2009 meeting, with schematic design approval anticipated at the November, 2009 Board Meeting. The proposed project will construct approximately 16,000 gross square feet of space along the western side of the existing Bookstore facility, as originally planned. The additional space is necessary to meet the needs of expanding student, faculty, and staff populations desiring products and services not previously available through university bookstores. With minimum impact on day-to-day operations, the new construction will connect seamlessly with the existing building. The new floor area will be designed for long-range flexibility so that the Bookstore can continue to adapt to the ever-changing mix of products, services and consumer expectations. Product merchandising will benefit from an improved customer experience. The addition will make it possible to offer seating for reading, special events or University visitors enjoying the cafe. Cost estimates during design development will determine the extent of interior renovations within the approved budget. All exterior design details will be in keeping with the existing facilities. 20 DISCUSSION: The Office of the Architect has prepared a review of the schematic design progress to date. Mr. Neuman will review this design with the Committee. Site Location 21 Aerial View with Addition Overall Building Section 22 Existing View from near the Dell Pond View from near the Dell Pond with Bookstore Addition 23 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS Buildings and Grounds Committee University of Virginia September 11, 2009 24 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA MAJOR PROJECTS STATUS REPORT, FUTURE DESIGN ACTIONS AND PLANNING STUDIES AUGUST 12, 2009 Project Scope 25 UVA Foundation (UVa to acquire these projects at completion) West Main Street Development 150,000 gsf new Architect: Odell & Assoc./Stanley Beaman Sears up to 200,000 gsf Address: Richmond, VA Contractor: Kjellstrom & Lee Address: Richmond, VA Academic Division / Agency 207 Alderman Rd Residence Area: Phase II 241 bed, 70k gsf Architect: Ayers Saint Gross residence hall; 221 Contract Date: bed, 65k gsf Contractor: WM Jordan residence hall; 8k Address: Richmond, VA gsf commons bldg Alderman Rd Residence Area: Phase III 2 residence halls, Architect: Ayers Saint Gross 378 beds Contract Date: Contractor: Address: Baseball Stadium Expansion add seating, Architect: VMDO improve facilities Address: Charlottesville, VA Contract Date: Contractor: Address: Bavaro Hall (Ed School Building) 65,000 gsf new Architect: Robert A.M. Stern Architects, P.C. Address: New York, NY Contract Date: Jan 25, 2006 Contractor: Donley's Address: Richmond, VA Bayly Museum Renovations renovation Architect: Arch Et Al Address: Chevy Chase, MD Contract Date: October 10, 2008 Contractor: FM Project Svcs/Contract Mgmt. Address: Central Grounds Chiller Chilled Water Architect: Affiliated Engineers East, PC Loop Upgrade Address: Rockville, MD Contract Date: January 9, 2009 Contractor: Waco, Inc. Address: Sandston, VA Working Budget (Approved Budget) [GF Support] BOV Review Status (future actions are shaded) Concept/ Architect/ Project Site/Design Engineer Approval Guidelines Selection Schematic Design Construction Start Complete (TBD until contract awarded) $137.4M-$141.6M ($137.4M-$141.6M) [ $ -] Apr-09 n/a, UVaF n/a, UVaF review: Nov-09 approval: Feb-10 TBD $ $ Apr-09 Oct-08 Oct-08 review: Dec-08 approval: Feb-09 Jun-09 Apr-09 Oct-08 Jun-09 review: Jun-09 approval: Jun-09 TBD TBD Design of Buildings 3 and 4 in progress. TBD Pre-planning study complete. Fundraising on-going. CD's due Sept 2009. $ $ 69,431,000 (69,431,000) 52,500,000 ($65M - $78M) - $ $ 3,500,000 (4,700,000) [ $ -] Feb-07 10/1/2007 Baseball only; Softball TBD Feb-09 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact TBD $ $ 37,400,000 (37,400,000) [ $ -] Yes Mar-05 Jun-05 Jan-07 May-09 $ $ 2,000,000 (2,000,000) [ $ -] Oct-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact < $5M $ $ 4,975,000 (5,700,000) [ $ -] Apr-07 n/a, infrastructure n/a, under $5M n/a, renovation with May-09 no exterior impact n/a, infrastructure Feb-09 TBD Comments Project is in early schematics May-11 Demolition of Dobie and Balz is complete. Demolition of Watson House is nearly complete. Building pad preparation underway. Sep-10 Construction is 40% complete. Jan-10 Phase I of construction is 95% complete. Oct-09 Construction is 90% complete. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA MAJOR PROJECTS STATUS REPORT, FUTURE DESIGN ACTIONS AND PLANNING STUDIES AUGUST 12, 2009 (CONTINUED) Project 26 Central Grounds MTHW Upgrade Architect: Carter Burgess Address: Cary, NC Contract Date: January 9, 2009 Contractor: Waco, Inc. Address: Sandston, VA Claude Moore Medical Education Building Architect: CO Architects Address: Los Angeles, CA Contract Date: Mar 1, 2006 Contractor: Barton Malow Address: Charlottesville, VA College of Arts and Sciences Research Building Architect: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Address: Pittsburgh, PA Contract Date: April 24, 2008 Contractor: W. M. Jordan Address: Richmond, VA Garrett Hall Renovation Architect: Architectural Resources Group, Inc Address: San Francisco, CA Contract Date: June 2009 Contractor: Christman Company Address: Alexandria, VA Information Technology Engineering Building Architect: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Address: Pittsburgh, PA Contract Date: April 24, 2008 Contractor: W. M. Jordan Address: Richmond, VA ITC Data Center Architect: Hypertect, Inc. Address: Roseville, Minnesota Contract Date: Contractor: Address: Ivy Translational Research Building (MR-7) Architect: Perkins and Will Address: Washington, DC Contract Date: May 20, 2008 Contractor: DPR Construction Address: Falls Church, VA Scope Working Budget (Approved Budget) [GF Support] 3,400 lf of 18" pipe $ upgrades $ BOV Review Status (future actions are shaded) Concept/ Architect/ Project Site/Design Engineer Schematic Approval Guidelines Selection Design 10,200,000 (10,200,000) [ $10.2M VCBA] Construction Start Complete (TBD until contract awarded) Feb-07 n/a, infrastructure Jun-08 n/a, infrastructure Mar-09 Oct-09 Comments Construction is 91% complete. 58,500 gsf new $ $ 40,700,000 (40,700,000) [ $ -] Yes Jun-05 Nov-05 Sep-06 Nov-07 May-10 Project is 63% complete. 100,000 gsf $ $ 88,900,000 (88,900,000) [ $ -] Oct-07 Dec-07 Feb-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Aug-11 Construction is 11% complete. 25,200 gsf ren $ $ 14,000,000 14,000,000 [ $ -] Feb-08 Apr-08 Jun-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact TBD 100,000 gsf $ $ Dec-07 Feb-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 12,500 gsf $ $ Oct-07 Jun-08 review: Jun-09 approval: Jun-09 TBD TBD Construction documents in progress, to be complete October 15, 2009. 110,000 gsf $ $ Dec-07 Dec-07 review: Nov-09 approval: Feb-10 TBD TBD Design development is currently on hold awaiting further information concerning availability of funding. 76,300,000 Feb-07; (76,300,000) Rev. Project [$750K GF plan Oct-07 $38.5M VCBA $1.7M GF equip] 14,800,000 (14,800,000) [ $ -] Feb-07 120,000,000 Rev. Project (120,000,000) Oct-07 [ $ -] (pending state request of $78M) TBD Preliminary design documents received June 1, 2009. 95% contract documents scheduled for Sept-09. Aug-11 Construction is 12% complete. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA MAJOR PROJECTS STATUS REPORT, FUTURE DESIGN ACTIONS AND PLANNING STUDIES AUGUST 12, 2009 (CONTINUED) Project Jordan Hall HVAC Engineer: RMF Engineering, Inc. Address: Charlottesville, VA Contract Date: March 27, 2008 Contractor: DPR Construction Address: Falls Church, VA Klockner Stadium Expansion Architect: Address: Contract Date: Contractor: 27 Address: McLeod Hall Renovation Architect: Bowie Gridley Architects Address: Washington, DC Contract Date: October 23, 2008 Contractor: UVa Special Projects Address: Charlottesville, VA Miller Center Addition Architect: Cooper Robertson & Partners Address: New York, NY Contract Date: Contractor: Address: New Cabell Hall Renovation Architect: Goody Clancy Address: Boston, MA Contract Date: October 6, 2008 Contractor: Barton Malow Address: Charlottesville, VA Newcomb Hall Renovations Architect: Address: Contract Date: Contractor: Address: Pavilion X Exterior Restoration Architect: Mewick, Cohen, Wilson, Baker Address: Albany, New York Contract Date: October 31, 2008 Contractor: UVA Renovations Address: Charlottesville,VA Scope replace HVAC system Working Budget (Approved Budget) [GF Support] BOV Review Status (future actions are shaded) Concept/ Architect/ Project Site/Design Engineer Schematic Approval Guidelines Selection Design Construction Start Complete (TBD until contract awarded) Comments $ $ 28,884,500 (28,884,500) [ $ -] Yes n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Oct-07 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact TBD TBD CM providing design phase services. add seating, $ improve facilities, $ improve circulation issues 10,530,000 (10,530,000) [ $ -] Feb-07 Oct-07 TBD review: TBD approval: TBD TBD TBD Athletics Dept currently fundraising for project. 30,000 gsf ren $ $ 6,075,000 (6,075,000) [ $ -] Feb-07 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Jul-08 28,600 gsf new $ $ 24,000,000 (30,000,000) [ $ -] Apr-09 Nov-09 Nov-09 review: Feb-10 approval: Jun-10 TBD TBD Pre-design study by Cooper Robertson completed December 2008. Fundraising ongoing. 159,000 gsf ren, $ 80,000,000 incl. replacing the $ (80,000,000) south entrance [$2,529,000 VCBA; connecting to the $1,351,000 ARRA] South Lawn pedestrian crossing $ 15,200,000 59,838 gsf ren. 3,959 gsf new $ (15,200,000) [ $ -] Feb-07 Jun-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 TBD TBD Construction funding deferred pending state revenue improvement. Design will be completed Sept-09. Connection to South Lawn Pedestrian Crossing is 10% complete. Apr-09 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Sep-09 Feb-10 TBD TBD Schematic design kick-off early in Sep 2009. Construction management at risk with design services procurement now in progress. $ Jun-08 n/a n/a Oct-08 May-09 renovation 2,000,000 ($1.7M - $2.1M) [ $ -] n/a, renovation with Aug-09 no exterior impact Apr-12 Dec-09 Dorm room construction schedule for mid-August completion. Pavilion parapet scheduled for Dec-09 completion. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA MAJOR PROJECTS STATUS REPORT, FUTURE DESIGN ACTIONS AND PLANNING STUDIES AUGUST 12, 2009 (CONTINUED) Project 28 Rehearsal Hall Architect: William Rawn Associates (WRA) Address: Boston, MA Contract Date: March 27, 2009 Contractor: DPR, Inc. Address: Ruffner Renovation Architect: Address: Contract Date: Contractor: Address: Rugby Administrative Building Architect: Glave & Holmes Associates Address: Richmond, VA Contract Date: April 24, 2008 Contractor: Address: Science/Engineering Chiller Plant Expansion Architect: Affiliated Engineers East, PC Address: Rockville, MD Contract Date: June 13, 2008 Contractor: Martin & Horn, Inc. Address: Charlottesville, VA School of Medicine Focused Ultrasound Architect: Nalls Architect Address: Philadelphia, PA Contract Date: November 4, 2008 Contractor: Artisan Construction, Inc. Address: Charlottesville, VA Scott Stadium Score/Video Board Architect: 2rw & Dunbar Milby Address: Charlottesville, VA Contract Date: Contractor: Buckner Companies Address: Graham, NC South Lawn - A&S Building (Phase 1a) Architect: Moore Ruble Yudell Address: Santa Monica, CA Contract Date: Dec 12, 2005 Contractor: Barton Malow Address: Charlottesville,VA Scope Working Budget (Approved Budget) [GF Support] 12,900 gsf base building 3,500 gsf addition BOV Review Status (future actions are shaded) Concept/ Architect/ Project Site/Design Engineer Schematic Approval Guidelines Selection Design Construction Start Complete (TBD until contract awarded) Comments $10.7M - $12.7M ($10.7M - $12.7M) [ $ -] Apr-09 Feb-09 Feb-09 review: Jun-09 approval: Sep-09 TBD TBD MOU with Rawn executed. DPR selected as CM. 20,480,000 (20,480,000) [$250,000 GF; $1,100,230 ARRA] Feb-07 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Sep-09 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact TBD TBD Funding has been approved for detailed planning. Construction funding deferred until FY10 in Governor's proposed budget. Request for MEP professional servces has been advertised. TBD University reviews in progress. 100% CD's scheduled for end of 09/09. CM procurement awaiting University decision to proceed. 86,455 gsf ren $ $ 25,000 gsf ren $ $ 17,716,000 (17,716,000) [ $ -] Feb-07 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Apr-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact TBD (3) 1500 ton chillers $ $ 21,000,000 (21,000,000) [ $ -] Feb-08 n/a, infrastructure Apr-08 n/a, infrastructure Dec-08 Apr-10 Construction is 48% complete. Interior work is ongoing. Exterior work anticipated to begin Oct-09. blg to house focused $ ultrasound $ 1,750,000 (1,750,000) [$1M HEETF] Jun-08 Feb-09 < $5M review: Apr-09 approval: Apr-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Construction is 50% complete. 2,400,000 (2,400,000) [ $ -] Jun-08 Oct-08 Apr-09 Jul-09 Apr-06 May-07 replacement $ $ $ 105,000,000 (105,000,000) 114,000 gsf new $ 200-210 cars [$14.284M GOB/ JPA crossing, $2.5M GF] including connection to New Cabell Hall Yes n/a, equipment n/a, installation equipment installation Jun-02 Sep-05 Software configuration 8/10/009 through 8/25/09; Final inspection and sign off by UVA 8/28/09; system acceptance 8/28/09; demobilize sign installer 8/31/09. Nov-10 Construction is 76% complete. Connection to New Cabell hall is 10% complete. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA MAJOR PROJECTS STATUS REPORT, FUTURE DESIGN ACTIONS AND PLANNING STUDIES AUGUST 12, 2009 (CONTINUED) Project University Bookstore Architect: Bowie Gridley Architects Address: Washington, DC Contract Date: Contractor: Address: Scope 17,000 gsf new Working Budget (Approved Budget) [GF Support] $ $ BOV Review Status (future actions are shaded) Concept/ Architect/ Project Site/Design Engineer Schematic Approval Guidelines Selection Design 10,631,000 (10,631,000) [ $ -] Jan-07 Feb-09 Feb-09 Construction Start Complete (TBD until contract awarded) review: Sep-09 approval: Nov-09 TBD TBD Comments Procurement for CM design phase services underway. 29 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA MAJOR PROJECTS STATUS REPORT, FUTURE DESIGN ACTIONS AND PLANNING STUDIES AUGUST 12, 2009 (CONTINUED) Project 30 Medical Center / Agency 209 Clinical Office Building 3d Floor Build-Out Architect: Daggett + Grigg Architects, PC Address: Charlottesville, VA Contract Date: April 18, 2008 Contractor: DPR Construction Address: Falls Church, VA Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center Architect: Zimmer-Gunsul-Frasca Partnership Address: Washington, D.C. Contract Date: December 22, 2005 Contractor: Gilbane w/ H.J. Russell Address: Richmond, VA Hospital Bed Expansion Architect: SmithGroup MidAtlantic Address: Washington, D.C. Contract Date: December 6, 2006 Contractor: Gilbane w/ H.J. Russell Address: Richmond, VA Lee Street Entry and Connective Elements Architect: Zimmer-Gunsul-Frasca Partnership Address: Washington, D.C. Contract Date: March 9, 2009 Contractor: Gilbane w/ H.J. Russell Address: Richmond, VA Moser Radiation Therapy Addition Architect: HKS Address: Richmond, VA Contract Date: July 23, 2008 Contractor: Crenshaw Construction, Inc. Address: Culpeper, VA Primary Care Ctr - Bricks/Roof Replacement Architect: Whitlock Dalrymple Poston Address: Manassas, VA Contract Date: May 9, 2008 Contractor: R.E. Lee & Son, Inc. Address: Charlottesville, VA Scope Working Budget (Approved Budget) [GF Support] BOV Review Status (future actions are shaded) Concept/ Architect/ Project Site/Design Engineer Schematic Approval Guidelines Selection Design 21,325,000 (21,325,000) [ $ -] Cited in 2007 Long Range Plan Construction Start Complete (TBD until contract awarded) 20,000 gsf $ $ Yes n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Dec-07 150,000 gsf new $ $ Yes Oct-04 Oct-04 Jul-06 Apr-08 Apr-11 Project is 38% complete. 40,000 gsf new 60,000 gsf ren $ $ Yes Sep-05 Dec-05 May-07 Jan-09 Jan-12 Hospital Plaza and Colonnade $ $ Jan-06 May-07 May-07 Jun-08 TBD TBD 3,625 gsf $ $ 3,007,000 (3,007,000) [ $ -] Feb-08 n/a, under $5M n/a, under $5M Oct-08 TBD TBD Exterior brick façade Replace roof $ $ 6,581,000 (6,581,000) [ $ -] Feb-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Jun-08 74,000,000 (74,000,000) [$25M GF] Cited in 2007 Long Range Plan 80,178,000 (80,178,000) [ $ -] Cited in 2007 Long Range Plan 24,190,000 (24,190,000) [ $ -] Cited in 2007 Long Range Plan n/a, renovation with Apr-09 no exterior impact Comments n/a, renovation with Aug-08 no exterior impact Apr-10 Project is 18% complete. Project is 16% complete. CM providing design phase services. Feb-10 Project is 58% complete. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA MAJOR PROJECTS STATUS REPORT, FUTURE DESIGN ACTIONS AND PLANNING STUDIES AUGUST 12, 2009 (CONTINUED) Project 31 University Hospital - 1st Flr Radiology Architect: Perkins Eastman Address: Charlotte, NC Contract Date: April 14, 2009 Contractor: DPR Construction Address: Falls Church, VA University Hospital - 2nd Flr Heart Center Architect: HKS Address: Richmond, VA Contract Date: March 2, 2009 Contractor: DPR Construction Address: Falls Church, VA University Hospital - 2nd Flr ORs/MRI Architect: HKS Address: Richmond, VA Contract Date: March 2, 2009 Contractor: DPR Construction Address: Falls Church, VA University Hospital - 2nd Flr Surgical Path Lab Architect: HKS Address: Richmond, VA Contract Date: June 5, 2009 Contractor: DPR Construction Address: Falls Church, VA University Hospital - Elevators Architect: Smith Groups MidAtlantic Address: Washington, DC Contract Date: February 14, 2008 Contractor: Gilbane w/ H.J. Russell Address: Richmond, VA University Hospital - Bed Remodeling Architect: Multiple Address: Varies Contract Date: Varies Contractor: Multiple Address: Varies Scope Working Budget (Approved Budget) [GF Support] improve and upgrade radiology dept $ $ 20,500 gsf ren BOV Review Status (future actions are shaded) Concept/ Architect/ Project Site/Design Engineer Schematic Approval Guidelines Selection Design 21,212,000 (21,212,000) [ $ -] Construction Start Complete (TBD until contract awarded) Comments Yes n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Jul-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact TBD TBD CM providing design phase services. $ $ Feb-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Jul-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact TBD TBD CM providing design phase services. 2 ORs w/ Inter-operative MRI Room + Equipment $ $ Feb-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Jul-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact TBD TBD CM providing design phase services. 8,800 gsf ren $ $ Feb-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Jul-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact TBD TBD Bank of 2 elevators $ $ Feb-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact Jun-08 n/a, renovation with no exterior impact TBD TBD PCC Annex Apr-09; remainder is interior renovation n/a, multiple under $5M PCC Annex Jun-09; Remainder is interior renovation Jul-07 Jan-12 15,583,000 (15,583,000) [ $ -] Cited in 2007 Long Range Plan 14,294,000 (14,294,000) [ $ -] Cited in 2007 Long Range Plan 6,581,250 (6,581,250) [ $ -] Cited in 2007 Long Range Plan 7,594,000 (7,594,000) [ $ -] Cited in 2007 Long Range Plan Multiple projects in $ support of Hospital $ Bed Expansion. Includes PCC Annex 25,730,000 PCC Annex (25,730,000) Apr-09 [$ -] Remainder Feb-08 CM providing design phase services. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA MAJOR PROJECTS STATUS REPORT, FUTURE DESIGN ACTIONS AND PLANNING STUDIES AUGUST 12, 2009 (CONTINUED) Project Scope 32 University of Virginia / College at Wise / Agency 246 Arts Center (formerly Drama Bldg Addition) 30,000 gsf new Architect: Bushman Dreyfus Architects 10,000 gsf ren Address: Charlottesville, VA Contract Date: August 6, 2007 Contractor: Quesenberry's Address: Big Stone Gap, VA Dining Hall 20,500 gsf new Architect: Hanbury, Evans, Wright, Vlattas Address: Wytheville, VA Contract Date: April 1, 2008 Contractor: Rentenbach Contractors Address: Knoxville, TN Library 79,000 gsf new Architect: Address: Contract Date: Contractor: Address: Multi-Purpose Center 79,000 gsf new Architect: VMDO Architects Address: Charlottesville, VA Contract Date: Contractor: Quensenberry's Address: Big Stone Gap, VA Residence Hall III 116 beds Architect: Hanbury, Evans, Wright, Vlattas 30,500 gsf new Address: Wytheville, VA Contract Date: April 1, 2008 Contractor: Rentenbach Contractors Address: Knoxville, TN Science Building Renovation 27,000 gsf ren. Architect: VMDO Architects Address: Charlottesville, VA Contract Date: January 31, 2008 Contractor: Quesenberry's Address: Big Stone Gap, VA Smiddy Hall Renovation & New IT Building 21,524 gsf ren. Architect: Train & Partners 2,187 gsf add Address: Charlottesville, VA 6,000 gsf new Contract Date: Nov 4, 2008 Contractor: Rentenbach Contractors Address: Knoxville, TN Working Budget (Approved Budget) [GF Support] BOV Review Status (future actions are shaded) Concept/ Architect/ Project Site/Design Engineer Schematic Approval Guidelines Selection Design Construction Start Complete (TBD until contract awarded) Comments $ $ 14,420,667 (14,420,667) [$7.475M GOB $2.133M VCBA $813K GF] Yes May-03 Revised Concept May06 Sep-04 Jul-06 Aug-07 Aug-09 Construction is 91% complete. $ $ 9,600,000 (9,600,000) [ $ -] Yes May-06 Sep-06 Oct-07 Mar-08 Aug-09 Construction is 75% complete. Apr-09 Sep-09 TBD TBD TBD Feb-08 Jun-08 Oct-08 Feb-09 Jun-09 Sep-11 NTP issued 6/29/09. Site work has begun. Site ready for H-piles installation. $44M - $50M ($44.0M - $50.0M) [$250K GF] TBD $ $ 30,000,000 (30,000,000) [ $30M VCBA] $ $ 9,000,000 (9,000,000) [ $ -] Yes May-06 Sep-06 Oct-07 Mar-08 Aug-09 Construction is 98% complete. $ $ 13,435,000 (13,471,882) [$11.36`M VCBA $2.07M GF] Yes May-98 Jul-06 Oct-07 Jan-08 Aug-09 Renovation component is 97% complete. Overall project is 86% complete. $ $ 13,546,000 (13,546,000) [$12.9M VCBA $616,686 GF] Yes Jan-07 Apr-07 Feb-08 Nov-08 May-11 Construction on IT Wing is 25% complete and on schedule for Dec-09 completion. Smiddy Hall Renovation phase to begin Jan-10. University of Virginia Major Projects Status Report, Future Design Actions and Planning Studies August 7, 2009 Project Academic Division / Agency 207 Bayly Renovation and Addition Drama Building Additions, Thrust Theater and New South Wing Health System East Chiller Plant Expansion Housing Services Building Indoor Practice Air Supported Structure Ivy Translational Research Building JAG School Expansion Klockner Stadium Expansion Miller Center, Phase III Scott Stadium Garage Expansion SEAS Student Projects Building Intramural and Recreational Sports Center McCormick Road Bridge Replacement Medical Center / Agency 209 Clinical Cancer Education Building Health System Rehab & Recreation Building - 11th Street West Main Street Development Emergency Department Expansion University of Virginia / College at Wise / Agency 246 College at Wise New Library College at Wise Proscenium Theatre (1) Approved for study only. 33 BOV Project Approval BOV Concept, Site, and Design Guidelines Approval X X X X X X X X X X (1) X X (1) X X X X UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SELECTION FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS $5 MILLION OR LESS PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2009 Project Selection Date A/E Selected Description Historic Preservation Term Contract April 24, 2009 John G. Waite Associates (NY) Historic Preservation Term Contract April 24, 2009 Mesick Cohen Wilson $1,500,000. Baker Architects (NY) ($500,000/term) Historic Preservation Term Contract April 24, 2009 John Milner Architects (PA) $1,500,000. ($500,000/term) Historic Preservation Term Contract April 24, 2009 Frazier Associates (VA) $1,500,000. ($500,000/term) 34 $1,500,000. ($500,000/term) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Quarter Ended June 30, 2009 CONTRACTS Virginia Architects Virginia Engineers Virginia Non-Professional Total Virginia Contracts Out-of-State Architects Out-of-State Engineers Out-of-State NonProfessional Total Out-of-State Contracts 35 Total All Firms 2003-2004 45 59 2004-2005 35 43 2005-2006 30 55 2006-2007 38 40 2007-2008 80 131 104 78 85 78 211 7/1/2008 to 6/30/2009 95 147 7 249 Total 7/1/03 to 6/30/2009 323 475 7 805 Percent for each category 26% 39% 1% 66% 23 11 11 2 42 14 31 13 93 43 79 43 279 126 23% 10% 13 13 1% 34 13 56 44 136 135 418 34% 138 91 141 122 347 384 1223 100% Total 7/1/03 to 6/30/2009 $28,867,532 $12,771,219 $156,045 $41,794,796 Percent for each category 20% 9% 0% 29% FEES Virginia Architects Virginia Engineers Virginia Non-Professional Total Virginia Fees 2003-2004 $2,066,302 $934,695 2004-2005 $4,062,035 $1,472,970 2005-2006 $3,830,387 $2,938,803 2006-2007 $6,298,801 $1,537,366 2007-2008 $5,380,810 $2,881,163 $3,000,997 $5,535,005 $6,769,190 $7,836,167 $8,261,973 7/1/2008 to 6/30/2009 $7,229,197 $3,006,222 $156,045 $10,391,464 Out-of State Architects Out-of-State Engineers Out-of-State NonProfessional Total Out-of-State Fees $8,917,768 $1,240,291 $5,256,775 $842,261 $23,898,844 $1,694,436 $7,876,867 $1,132,659 $14,076,542 $4,867,814 $26,452,922 $3,393,392 $86,479,718 $13,170,853 61% 9% $10,158,059 $6,099,036 $25,593,280 $9,009,526 $18,944,356 $382,730 $30,229,044 $382,730 $100,033,301 0% 71% Total All Firms $13,159,056 $11,634,041 $32,362,470 $16,845,693 $27,206,329 $40,620,508 $141,828,097 100% UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PAVILION OCCUPANCY STATUS AS OF JULY 16, 2009 Pavilion Occupants Assigned Available Comments Assigned to Robert and Ann Pianta Fall 2009 effective Fall 2009 Pavilion has been assigned to Meredith Woo and Bruce Cumings Fall 2009 upon completion of renovations in Fall 2009. The Piantas will move into Fall 2009 Pavilion I I Vacant II Vacant III Robert and Ann Pianta Mar 2008 IV Larry J. Sabato Oct 2002 Spring 2013 V & Annex Patricia Lampkin and Wayne Cozart VI Robert D. and Margaret H. Sweeney VII Colonnade Club VIII Upper Sarah E. Turner Apartment VIII Terrace Pamela Pecchio Apartment Mar 2008 Summer 2010 Fall 2007 Fall 2012 Aug 2004 Summer 2009 September 2010 Summer 2014 IX Karen Van Lengen & James Welty Aug 1999 March 2010 X Carl P. & Charlotte Zeithaml Mar 2001 Montebello James H. and Sherry Aylor Summer 2011 April 2007 April 2012 36