Charter Oak Unified School District Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board November 20,2008 Thursday, 5 3 0 P M Board Room - District Service Center 20240 Cienega Avenue Covina, CA 91724 ATTENDEES: Joseph M. Probst, President Jane A. Bock, Vice President Brian R. Akers, Member Robert J. Cruz, Member David R. Rose, Member Jacqueline Sardegna, Student Representative to the Governing Board Dr. Clint Harwick, Superintendent Elias Jouen, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Gloria Cortez, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Dr. Mike Hendricks, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Lori Mikesell, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent VISITORS: 16 I. CALL TO ORDER- 5:30PM II. OPEN SESSION - Public may address Board on Closed Session agenda Ill. CLOSED SESSION a. The Governing Board adjourned to Closed Session to discuss: Pupil Personnel: Suspensions/Expulsions/Readmissions/Placement:lnterdistrict Transfer Appeals; Personnel: Public Employee AssignmenUReassignment/Dismissal/Discipline/Release/Employment/Leaveof Absence; Negotiations with CSEA, COEA, Gloria Cortez, spokesperson - b. Settlement Agreement Hawthorne Educational c. Denial o f Claim for Damages IV. OPEN SESSION- 7:OIpm V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - led by Mark Cook VI. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: - - Settlement Agreement Hawthorne Educational Services Approval of settlement agreement with Hawthorne Educational Services Unanimously Approved Denial of Claim for Damages - O n advice from legal counsel, staff recommends that the Governing Board Reject the Claim for Damages - File No. 1706.086, CorVel File No. 08-68262JW Votes Unanimously Approved - VII. ROLL CALL all present - VIII. PRESENTATIONS none IX. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT a. The student representative from Charter Oak High School, Jacqueline Sardegna, reported to the Governing Board on activities and events occurring in Charter Oak Unified School District. X. PUBLIC COMMENTS - a. Hearing Session Opportunity for Citizens t o Petition the Board Petitioner Mark Cook addressed the Governing Board to say thank you for his appointment to the Personnel Commission. Mr. Rose asked Mr. Cook to provide some information on his background. Mr. Cruz reiterated the support of the Board of Mr. Cook's appointment to the Personnel Commission. The President asked for unanimous consent for Mrs. Conner to speak to the Board. On a roll call vote, Mrs. Conner's request was denied on a 4-1 vote (Rose). Petitioner Anthony Portillo addressed the Governing Board regarding environmental safety. Petitioner Gregory Frotton addressed the Governing Board with a CSEA Update. XI. REPORTS a. Committee Updates: 7-11 Committee; CBOC Dr. Hatwick provided an oral report to the Board on the work of the 7-1 1 Committee. Elias Jouen, Assistant Superintendent Business Services, provided an oral report to the Board on the work of the CBOC. Mr. Rose asked why past meetings of the CBOC were cancelled. Mr. Jouen responded it was due to not having a quorum. b. 2007-2008 Personnel Commission Annual Report Lisa Gardner, Director of Classified Personnel, presented the 2007-2008 Personnel Commission Annual Report to the Governing Board. XII. ACTION ITEMS a. Public Hearing o n CSEA Initial Proposal As required by Government Code 53547, a public hearing was opened at 8:09pm. There being no comments, the hearing was closed at 8:l Opm. - b. Proposed Revision of Board Policy 4351.2 Classified Management Salary Schedule, first reading Approve salary placement recommendations for the new classifications of Director-Maintenance and Operations and Supervisor-Maintenance and Operations. Mr. Akers motioned to amend the recommendation to included adoption at first reading. Mr. Cruz seconded the motion Mr. Rose asked for clarification on what was taking place. Brian Akers Yes Jane Bock Yes Robert Cruz Yes Joseph Probst Yes David Rose No Return to main motion Motion made by: Robert Cruz Seconded by: Brian Akers Votes Brian Akers Yes Jane Bock Yes Robert Cruz Yes Joseph Probst Yes David Rose Abstain c. Final Approval of Out-of-Statelovernight Field Trips It is recommended that the Governing Board grant final approval of the trip to Paris, France and London, England by Charter Oak High School band students on April 4-12, 2009 and New York City by Charter Oak High School choir students on April 3-6, 2009. Motion made bv: Brian Akers Seconded by: Jane Bock Votes Unanimously Approved - d. Approval o f J o b Descriptions Review at first reading the proposed job descriptions for the listed job descriptions. Mr. Rose and Mrs. Bock commented on their positive experiences in the review of the job descriptions. Mr. Akers offered his thanks to Mrs. Bock and Mr. Rose for their work in the review Mrs. Cortez seconded that. Motion made by: Jane Bock Seconded by: David Rose Unanimously Approved Activities Director Asst Superintendent Human Resources Asst.Superintendent Ed Services Certificated Athletic Coach Elemenlary F ~ n e8 Performing Arts Teacher Elementary Instrumental Music Teacher Elementary School Asst. Principal Elementarv School PrinciDal E ementar; Scnool ~ e a c n e Graaes r 4 56 E ementan Scnool Teacner K~naerganenPraman High School Assistant Principal Hlgh School Counselor Hlgh School Foreign Language Teacher High School L~brarian High School Princ~pal High School Vice Principal Student S e n Athletics Mathematics Coach Middle School Assistant PrinciDal M.0o.e Scnoo Pr nclpa M a a e n gh Scnco App .en Arts Teacner MlddleIHigh School Engl~shTeacher MlddleIHiah School Fine Arts Teacher M aaleltro& Scnoo Matnemat cs Teacner M aalelh gn Scnool Prys cal Ea-cat on Teacner M a0 e1H gn Scnool Sc ence Teacner Moa e l h gn Sclool Socoal Scence Teacner Resource Speclalist Teacher School Nurse Schoo Psycno ognsl Speecn Therap st XIII. CONSENT CALENDAR Prior to approving the Consent Calendar, the President received unanimous consent to accept the addendums to the Personnel Assignment Orders. The following items were pulled for separate consideration: d. Certificated Personnel Assignment Order e. ApprovallRatification of Warrants k. Approval of Change Orders for Measure C Bond Modernization Projects n. Acceptance of Substantial Completion and Release of Retention j. ROP Educational Services Contracts o. Approval of the SELPA Local Agreement On recommendation of the Superintendent, the following items were approved on the Consent Calendar: a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 23,2008 b. Minutes of the Board Workshop of October 30,2008 c. ClassifiedlNon Classified Personnel Assignment Order CLASSlFlEDlNON CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT ORDER CL08-06 November 20,2008 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL Additional Assignment ABBOTT, Arlene Sub Health Assistant ARREDONDO. Dolores Campus Safety Assistant to attend Non-Violent Crisis Intervention training not to exceed 5 hours at staff development rate from ROMS School Safety and Violence Prevention funds DOMINGUEZ. Linda Sub School Library Technician I, Glen Oak GENNAOUI, Rima Instructional Assistant to attend Non-Violent Crisis Intervention training not to exceed 5 hours at staff development rate from ROMS School Safety and Violence Prevention funds HYDE, Diane Instructional Assistant to attend Non-Violent Crisis Intervention training not to exceed 7 hours at staff development rate from COHS School Safety and Violence Prevention funds MAZZARELLE, Stella Sub Instructional Assistant 10/01/08 - 06/12/09 PAPEZ, Kimberly Sub Office Assistant II 11/04/08 - 06130/09 TAPIA. Mart Campus Safety Assistant to attend Non-Violent Crisis Intervention training not to exceed 7 hours at staff development rate from COHS School Safety and Violence Prevention funds 10/03/08 - 10110/08 TELLEZ, Yolanda Language Development Assistant to assist with CELDT testing not to exceed 40 hours at regular rate from COHS EIA funds 09/02/08 - 06/12/09 BERGMAN, Helene DOMINGUEZ, Linda SANCHEZ, Sh~rleySMITH. Marcia ULLOM, Beth YLIZ, Emily Sub Noon Aide, Glen Oak 09/02/08 - 06112/09 ABBOTT, Arlene GARCIA, Jennifer PETERS, Tammy Sub Office Assistant II NADLER, Cecilia VARGAS, Carmen Language Development Assistant to assist with translation not to exceed 20 hours each at regular rate from Badillo Title Ill funds Establishment of Position Enrichment Program Assistant 1 1.5 hours, 9 months Cedargrove EDEP 11/21/08 New Hire/Replacement BAILEY, Patricia Food Service Worker I, ROMS Replacement CHAVEZ, llliana Food Service Worker I, Badillo Replacement GALLARDO, Christine Food Service Worker I. COHS Replacement GAUTHIER, Jennifer Food Service Worker I, Cedargrove Replacement HAVEMANN. Eileen Enrichment Program Assistant I, Cedargrove New Position 11/21/08 HUERTA, Clara lnstructional Assistant, Glen Oak Replacement (Special Education) 11/21/08 LAZARO, Dianna lnstructional Assistant-Parent Education, Adult Ed. Replacement 11/21/08 SEOANE, Teresa lnstructional Assistant, ROMS Replacement (Special Education) 11/21/08 SLATER, Heidi lnstructional Assistant, COHS Replacement (Special Education) 11/21/08 SMITH, Evelyn Joan lnstructional Assistant, COHS Replacement (Special Education) 11/21/08 Restructure Existing Position SERNA. Christina From: Enrichment Program Asst. I, Cedargrove 2 hours, To: 9 months Enrichment Program Asst. I, Cedargrove 3 hours, 9 months Termination QUINTANA, Christopher Custodian, Facilities Management Unpaid Leave of Absence LONA. Mayra Language Development Assistant, Arrow MANDALA, Mary Enrichment Program Assistant I, Glen Oak Working Out of Class FRAIJO, Sophia GRIEGO, Larry From: Custodian, Washington To: Senior Custodian I, Washington From: Senior Custodian I,Willow To: Skilled Maintenance Worker-General HOFF. Daniel From: Custodian, ROMS To: Senior Custodian I, Badillo VICARIO. Jerry From: Senior Custodian I. Badillo To: Skilled Maintenance Worker-General WILSON, Gary From: Custodian, Willow To: Senior Custodian I, Willow NON-CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL Additional Assignment CASTRUITA, Melissa Sub Enrichment Program Assistant II to substitute and to provide additional assistance as needed not to exceed 50 hours at regular rate from Children's Center funds FRANCO, Theresa Sub Office Assistant II STILLEY, Diane Sub Instructional Assistant STOUDT, Marsha Sub Business Specialist, Business Services TURNER, Cheryl Sub Office Assistant I to provide additional assistance with WorkAbility Program not to exceed 100 hours at regular rate from COHS WorkAbility funds Coach HENRY, Ken Assistant Baseball Coach, COHS KISSELL, William Assistant Baseball Coach, COHS MERANDI. Peter Assistant Football Coach unpaid to paid status, COHS POVEE. Mitchell Assistant Football Coach unpaid to paid status. COHS Noon Aide HUNNICUTT. Sharyn Sub Noon Aide. Badillo OSORIO. Marisela Noon Aide, Washington CHAN. Celina Sub Noon Aide, Glen Oak ERICKSON, Lori O'DONNELL, Christine O'DONNELL. Dawnette SERRANO, Ruby THURIN, Darlyn Student Worker 10131108 - 06/30/09 BRAUN, Heather CELESTE-KLASSY, Stephanie CERVANTES, Alfredo GONZALEZ, Bree JUAREZ, Ana LA FOND, Cody RAMIREZ, Jerrika WITT. Tiffany KALMAR, Eva KIMBELL, Karen MOORE, Mary PICKARD, Kathleen SALGADO, Shari SCHRIEFER, Sharon SOMERVILLE, Jamie ZERNICKOW, Laurie WorkAbility Student Worker to assist in WorkAbility program not to exceed 100 hours each at regular rate from WorkAbility funds Family Literacy Family Literacy Family Literacy Family Literacy Family Literacy Family Literacy Family Literacy Family Literacy Extra Pay Assignment TEN EYCK, Susan 716th assignment in PE at Royal Oak from 2008-2009 School Year Art, Music and PE grant funds CULBERTSON. Suzanne Drama Advisor at Royal Oak at stipend 9/1/08 - 6/30109 amount from Art, Music, PE Block Grant WALKER, Raymond 716th assignment in Physical Education in Bridges program BALDACCI, Karen Chairpersons for Child Study Team BOYLE, John LITCH, Sara PEREZ. Heidi meetings at Glen Oak at shared stipend amounts from Title I funds Resignation VOLPE, Crystal COHS Math Teacher - 20% resignation Assignment changes from 100% to 80% d. Certificated Personnel Assignment Order Mr. Rose asked for clarification on the Family Literacy Program and how it is funded. Dr. Hendricks responded that it funded by Adult Education and there is no cost to the district. Mr. Rose praised the program and the teachers who work the program. Motion made by:David Rose Seconded by: Jane Bock Votes Unanimously Approved CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT ORDER CE08- 6 November 20, 2008 EFFECTIVE DATE CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL Additional Assignments CAPONE, Angela Intervention teacher at Washington for Ed Services not to exceed 120 hours at certificated hourly rate of pay from lntervention Program funds HOTALING, Elizabeth KILE, Lindsey SCOTT, Kristin KOVAL. Roberta CASTANOS, Charlotte SCHROCK, Joanne FILLINGER, Deborah MILLER, Jennifer MORRIS, Lauren SCHRIEFER. Sharon PIRRAGLIA, Christopher FABELA, Mary lntervention teachers at Willow for Ed Services not to exceed 84 hours each at certificated hourly rate of pay from lntervention Program funds CPI Training for Special Ed not to exceed 6 hours at certificated hourly rate of pay from Special Ed funds Intervention Program substitute at Badillo on as needed basis at certificated hourly rate of pay from Intervention Program funds After School Intervention Program teacher at Cedargrove not to exceed 87 hours at certificated hourly rate of pay from Intervention Program funds After School Intervention Program substitute at Washington on as needed basis at certificated hourly rate of pay from Intervention Program funds Substitutes for After School lntervention Program at Cedargrove on as needed basis at certificated hourly rate of pay from Intervention Program funds Replacement teacher to plan Student Learner Led Conferences at Royal Oak not to exceed 12 hours at certificated hourly rate of pay from TllBG funds Intervention teacher at Washington for K-I students at certificated hourly rate of pay from Language Arts Workshop funds Adult Education BERNAL, Maria Victoria EISENBISE, Kelly HEISEY, Jennifer Family Literacy Family LiteracyFamily Literacy KALMAR, Eva Family Literacy KIMBELL, Karen Family Literacy MOORE, Mary Family Literacy PICKARD, Kathleen Family Literacy SALGADO, Shari Family Literacy SCHRIEFER, Sharon Family Literacy SOMERVILLE, Jamie Family Literacy ZERNICKOW. Laurie Family Literacy Extra Pay Assignment TEN EYCK. Susan 716th assignment in PE at Royal Oak from 2008-2009 School Year Art, Music and PE grant funds CULBERTSON, Suzanne Drama Advisor at Royal Oak at stipend 9/1/08 - 6/30/09 amount from Art, Music, PE Block Grant WALKER, Raymond 716th assignment in Physical Education in Bridges program BALDACCI, Karen Chairpersons for Child Study Team BOYLE, John meetings at Glen Oak at shared stipend LITCH, Sara amounts from Title I funds PEREZ, Heidi Resignation COHS Math Teacher - 20% resignation VOLPE, Crystal Assignment changes from 100% to 80% e. ApprovallRatification of Warrants Mr. Rose asked when he can expect to stop seeing Pro-West on the Warrant list. Mr. Jouen stated to his knowledge this is the last payment for this contract. Motion made by: David Rose Seconded by: Jane Bock Brian Akers Yes Jane Bock Yes Robert Cruz Yes Joseph Probst Yes David Rose No 2008-2009 "8" Warrants General Fund 01.0 Adult Education Fund 11.0 Cafeteria Fund 13.0 Deferred Maintenance 14.0 Building Fund 21.0 School Facilities fund 35.0 Special Reserve Capltal Outlay Fund 40.0 Special Reserve Fund 40.1 Enterprise Fund 63.0 Payroll Clearance Fund 76.0 f. ApprovallRatification of Purchase Orders Over $500: Under $500 43897 45197 45226 45263 45292 45331 45360 45407 45448 45486 45525 43977 45198 45227 45266 45293 45336 45367 45408 45449 45488 45526 43978 45201 45239 45268 45294 45338 45369 45409 45451 45489 45527 44568 45202 45241 45269 45295 45341 45372 45412 45453 45493 45528 45072 45204 45243 45270 45296 45342 45377 45414 45454 45500 45530 45125 45207 45246 45272 45299 45343 45381 45417 45455 45502 45531 45133 45210 45249 45273 45300 45344 45383 45419 45456 45503 45532 45145 45212 45250 45274 45301 45345 45384 45422 45458 45504 45533 45152 45213 45251 45276 45308 45346 45385 45427 45459 45506 45536 45153 45214 45255 45280 45314 45347 45387 45428 45460 45507 45537 45156 45215 45257 45281 45316 45348 45391 45434 45461 45510 45538 45163 45216 45258 45283 45321 45349 45393 45435 45466 45511 45547 45177 45217 45259 45285 45322 45353 45400 45437 45467 45514 45549 45183 45218 45260 45286 45324 45355 45403 45438 45473 45516 45550 45188 45220 45261 45289 45326 45357 45404 45441 45476 45521 45193 45221 45262 45291 45327 45358 45406 45443 45480 45522 g. Donations I I Site Amount Donor I I I I I I I I I Remarks I I Target $365.39 Royal Oak Middle School Target $169.23 Washington Elementary School ADP Charter Oak High School A donation of 10 Office Chairs. Renaissance Learning Educational Services NE02 lab equipment I I I I I Target's Take Charge of Education Program. Target's Take Charge of Education Program Total $534.62 h. Contracts Vendor Name I -p I l p Amount Not to exceed $4,100 L ~ ~ ~ Site Purpose Educational Services - - - 2008 through June 30, 20% i. Conference Attendance - j. ROP Educational Services Contracts providing for reimbursement to the District Mr. Rose motioned to amend the contract to remove Roger Graziani. Motion failed for lack of a second. Mrs. Bock asked if the teachers come recommended by the district or is ROP recommending the teachers. Dr. Hendricks explained that the contract allows reimbursement to COUSD by ROP, and removing a name would be the district taking action to "not accept the reimbursement." President Probst reminded the Board that personnel items should be addressed in closed session first to maintain employee confidentiality. Motion made by: David Rose Seconded bv: Jane Bock Votes Unanimously Approved k. Approval of Change Orders for Measure C Bond Modernization Projects Motion made by: David Rose Seconded by: Jane Bock Unanimously Approved Contractor Site IProject X COR # Description Amount Angeles Contractor, Inc. COHS 1114-05-06 Original Contract Amount Total for Previously Approved Change Orders COR #22R1 Bulldlng B Fleld Order added receptacles (Justlhcat~on Owner request) Bu~ld~ng E Tlme and Matenal for Fleld Order that added fire alarm dev~ces (Just~f~catlon Archltectural clarlflcatlon ) Tme and Materlal for F~eldOrder added flre alarm (Justlfication Archltectural clarlflcatlon ) Bu~ldtngF Tlme and Matenal Repa~rUIG maln (Just~ficat~on Unforeseen condltlon ) T~meand Materlal to demo electrlc to portables (Just~f~cat~on Owner request) COR #24 COR #27 8 34 COR # 30 COR # 32 0. la ng E - T me ana Mater a to ~nstala sconnect s* :cn to nev. nVAC COR # 36 ..J S tectdral car ficat~onj COR # 37 Bulldlng L - RFI#248 Mlsslng pull box (Justlhcatlon Archltectural clar~f~cat~on ) COR # 40 Bullding G - Fire alarm per CD-61. (Justificatron:Architectural clarificat~on) Building F -Time and Material to provlde cord reels per Field Directive. (Justlficatlon' Owner request ) COR # 41 COR # 42 Provide canopy lighting per field order. (Justlfication: Owner request.) Bullding K - Tlme and Mater~alfor added smoke detectors. (Just~f~cat~on. Architectural clanfication.) COR # 43 COR # 44 Bulldlng F - Tlme and Matenal for mfsc electrlcal (Justlficatlon Owner request ) COR # 45 Bulldlng L - T ~ m eand Material to remove and replace HVAC feed (Justlfcat~on Owner request ) Bulldlng F - T ~ m eand Mater~alto relocate electrlcal (Just~f~catlon Owner request ) Bulld~ngF - Tlme and Mater~alto safe off 8 reconnect power (Just~flcatlon Owner request ) Bulldlng F - Tlme and Materlal to demo drop cords from celllng (Justlhcatlon Owner request ) Bulldlng E Add smoke detector per IOR on T8M (Justlficat~on Archltectural clarlf~catton) Bulldlng K - Tlme and Mater~alto add several 65 lengths of condult overhead from ( E ) stub ups on Ihe noith slde of the bulld~ngto slgnal backboard on the Archltectural clarlflcatlon ) south s~de(Just~Rcat~on Bulldlng F - Tlme and Mater~alto remove and replace wlremold (Just~flcat~on Owner request ) Bulldlng F - Tlme and Materlal to demo wlremold 8 troubleshootlrepa~r receptacles (Justlflcabon Owner request ) COR # 46 COR # 47 COR # 50 COR # 51 COR # 52 COR # 53 COR # 54 Total Contractor's Change Orders for Board Action 11-20-08 Adjusted Contract Amount Contractor Site IProject X Hickman Mechanical Cedargrove / 005-06-07 COR X Description Amount Original Contract Amount Total for Previously Approved Change Orders Replace waste line. Bldg. M. and Cap off gas and water. Bldg T (Just~ficatlonOwner request) Total Contractor's Change Orders for Board Action 11-20-08 Adjusted Contract Amount Sandalwood Construction ROMS 1006-07-08 COR # l o Original Contract Amount Total for Previously Approved Change Orders Install publ~caddress and bell system wlth speakers In the Admln Bldg. Provide trenching and conduit from 900 Bldg, to 100 Bldg. (Justification: Owner request) COR #11 Provlde new budding identlficatlon slgns (Jushf~catlonOwner request) COR #13 Furnish and install new sinks in Bldg 500 and 600 (Justification: Architect clarlf~catlonof ADA) COR #14R1 Fire alarm ln Room A1 10A (Just~flcatlon: Architect clarification) Total ROMS Change Orders for Board Action 11-20-08 Adjusted Contract Amount Sandalwood Construction Sunflower 1006-07-08 Original Contract Amount Total for Previously Approved Change Orders CORdl.1 Bldg F - Addrtlonal Abatement (Jushficatlon Unforeseen condltlons) COR #Z Campus site underground pull box credits and extension costs. (Justification: Unforeseen wnd~t~ons) COR #3 Bldg. B - Conduit extension to side of bullding. (Just~fication. Architect request) COR #5 Three new slnks. (Just~fcatlon:Architect request) - Restroom ceillngs (Justification- Arch~tectclanflcat~on) - Electr~cal(Justification' Unforeseen condit~ons) COR #9R1 Bldg. E COR #10 Bldg. E COR #12 Negotiated Credit to apply to COR#l (Justification: Owner request) COR#13 Bldg. E - Credit for tackable wall surface (Justification: Owner request) COR #14 Bldg F - Cred~tfor tackable wall surface.(Justlf~catlon:Owner req) Total Sunflower Change Orders for Board Action 11-20-08 Adjusled Contract Amount I. Sale of Obsolete Items 2 Pianos 1 TV 2 DVDNCR 30 C o m p u t e r Monitors 50 S t u d e n t Desks 10 Printers 4 Cribs 20 Computers 10 O v e r h e a d projectors - m. Approval of Student Teaching Agreements Point Loma Nazarene University, Arcadia, California, and authorization of the Superintendent to approve the contract. n. Acceptance of Substantial Completion and Release of Retention Mr. Rose asked for clarification on "substantial completion." Dr. Harwick provided the clarification. Motion made by: Joseph Probst Seconded bv: David Rose Votes Unanimously Approved Charter Oak Unified School District Acceptance of Substantial Completion 8 Release of Retention November 20, 2008 Project # CONTRACTOR 111-05-06 Bid Release A COHS ASR Conslructors Commerc~alDoor Padua Glass Angeies Contracting Angeles Contracting Graphicllne West-Tech 117-05-06 Bid Release B Glen Oak/Wlllow TEGI LVI ASR Constructors Plyco Cornrnerc~alDoor 005-06-07 Bid Release C Cedargrove H~ckmanMechan~cal T R Mulllgan Perllte Plastering Pasadena Bu~lders Lambard Enterpr~ses Western Air Cond~tlonlng 001-06-07 Bid Release D Bad~llolWashington Pasadena Builders ATE Environmental Alliance Builders ORIG. CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER EXTENDED RETENTION Rocky Coast Commerc~alDoor Perllte Plastering Inland Paclfic Tlle Angeles Contractor Progresswe Floor Alvarez Englneerlng Custom Deslgn Enterprase Venco Electrlc Inland Acoust~cs Castlerock Env~ronmental 120-05-06 Eld Release 3 Angeles Contractor 121-05-06 81d Release 4 Progresswe Floorlng 001-07-08 Bld Release 8 Plyco 119-05-06 Exterior Washington 005-07-08 Abalement CA Custom Works 114-05-06 Slte alarm COHS Angeles Contractor CasHerock o. Approval of the SELPA Local Agreement Mr. Rose asked for a summary of the changes in the contract. Dr. Smith confirmed there are no major changes, but a review is required by the state annually. Motion made bv: David Rose Seconded bv: Jane Bock Unanimously Approved p. Student Services Expulsion Case #2-CO-2008-2009 On November 10, 2008, an Administrative Hearing Panel heard Student Services Case #2-CO-20082009. The recommendation from the Hearing Panel is to expel this student for the first and second semester of the 2008-2009 school year, effective November 20, 2008. The student may apply for readmission after June 2009, with counseling as a requirement for readmission. - q. Amendment to Master Contract With Nonpublic School McKinley Children's Center - Canyon View School r. Approval of Master Contract With Excelsior Youth Center, a Nonpublic School s. Approval of Interdistrict Attendance Agreement - with Fontana Unified School District t. Overnight Field Trips - Catalina Island Marine Institute - for seventh grade students from February 27-March 1, 2009, and for eighth grade students from March 27-29, 2009 u. Reimbursement to Parents (Compise, Browning) v. ** ADDENDUM TO PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT ORDER ** ADDENDUM TO CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT ORDER CL08-06 November 20, 2008 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL Student Worker ACEVES. Valerie CARRANO, Sandra CELESTE-KIASSEY, Stephanie CERVANTES, Alfredo DELGADO. Christian FORGEA, Joshua GARDUNO, Stephanie GONZALEZ, Bree JOYCE, Chase JUAREZ, Andrew LOHMAN, Michael OLIVA, Nicholas RAMIREZ, Jerrika REIMERS, Brandon RODRIGUEZ, Eric SPADARO, Yvonne VASQUEZ, Heriberto WITT, Tiffany WorkAbility Student Worker to assist in WorkAbility program not to exceed 100 hours each at regular rate from WorkAbility funds 11121108 - 06112109 XIV. BOARD UPDATE a. Board Update Mrs. Bock announced that the traffic light at Willow is in effect. Mr. Probst gave kudos to Mrs. Bock and Dr. Harwick for their persistence in enforcing the safety of our students. Mr. Cruz asked to present Chris Jeffers with a Good Apple Award for his work in conjunction with our school district. Mr. Akers asked if another Board member would accompany him to an upcoming Covina City Council meeting to provide a presentation on the crosswalk request. b. Board Action Calendar and Future Items XV. BOARDISUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS Mr. Rose said he needs time to review materials in reference to the question regarding the icon (3) at action item b. He asked to have the Williams form on the website. Mr. Akers talked about providing projects for the Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout candidates. He also expressed his excitement on the upcoming CIF playoff game. Mr. Cruz addressed the CTA event attended by Board Members, and a ROMS fundraiser. He and Joe attended a CSBA Delegate Assembly Meeting and liked seeing the hosting districts API scores in the lobby of the office. He also expressed concern on backup servers and money that can be well spent on technology. He understood Mr. Akers frustration on the crosswalk item and feels there is work they can do now. He also offered his thanks to a great staff and district; despite some negativity, it's a great place to teach kids. Mrs. Bock addressed the servers going down and her experiences having worked at the sites. The technology department jumped at the opportunities to assist with temporary patches while searching for long term solutions. She is excited to attend the PTA Holiday Luncheon which helps a local boys home and children in need. She enjoyed the CTA dinner to catch up and to see that the teachers union sees where the district is with the budget. Ms. Saldegna thanked the Board for a great meeting. She expressed her excitement at being able to vote. She wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. She also thanked the Board for the opportunity to be able to express to her fellow students that the people at this level care for them. Dr. Harwick shared the financial statements of ACORNS from January 2007 with a balance of $6000. He commented on the idea to work with students, as in the SDC program, as outstanding and a great show of citizenship, demonstrating the pillars of Character Counts. A great thing about Charter Oak is the cooperation that goes on to support each other, as shown when the servers were down. The Reflections program was fantastic, with incredible photography, which he will try to bring to the Board. He could not say enough about staff and principals who took another night from their families and to show their support for their students. Dr. Harwick described the poise demonstrated by a third grader who played the piano in front of a packed house. He encouraged others to see the student artwork from the daycare and their reasons for being thankful. Mr. Probst announced this as his last full meeting; this session being one of the most uncomfortable. He referenced the server issues and the dramatic change in cost factors. The CTA Dinner was delightful and enjoyable. He attended the CSBA Region 23 meeting where serious problems were discussed. At the state level, CSBA representatives have an impact. At the 7-1 1 committee, he asked about this "draft" which they still don't have; some motions that are still to be finalized at next meeting. He expressed concern about the Freedom on Information Act, and acknowledged that requests must be clear. He wished good luck to the incoming president, and commented that this is a great district. XVI. FUTURE MEETING - Next Regular Meeting: December 11, 2008 XVII. CLOSED SESSION-none XVIII. ADJOURNMENT - 9:12pm Respectfully submitted, Clint Harwick, Ed.D. District Superintendent