1 Ionic and Electronic DC Conduction • Electrolyte : a substance with ionic dc conductivity – Charge carrier = ion(ionic current), not electron (electronic current) in metals • Two current carrying electrodes in an electrolyte are the source and sink of electrons: from electrons of the metal to ions or uncharged species of the electrolyte. • The electrode is the site of charge carrier exchange between electrons and ions. • Migration velocity of – Electrons in metal = ~0.3mm/s – Ions in solution = ~10mm/s • Living tissue = electrolytic conductor : both intra- & extracellular liquids contain ions free to migrate Ionic and Electronic DC Conduction • Electric current flow – No transport of substance – Dc current flow without changing the conductor • Ionic current – Transport of substance – Externally applied dc current changes the conductor – First near the electrode, then spread to the bulk – Electrolytic long duration dc conductivity is a difficult concept in a closed system – Transfer of electric charge across the solution electrode interphase: electrochemical reaction at each electrode(electrolysis). – “We must keep the phenomena in the bulk of the solution separate from the phenomena at the electrodes.” 2 Ionization • Electrochemical properties – Determined by the inclination of an atom to attain noble gas configuration of the outer electron shell • Forces acting between atoms in a solid; – Ionic bonding – Covalent bonding – Metallic bonding – Van der Waals bonding • Electronegativity – Relative ability of an atom to gain electrons and become a negative ion – Useful to predict the strength & polarities of ionic bonds between atoms, and thus possible electrochemical reactions. Pauling’s scale of electronegativity for some selected atoms 3 Basic Electrolytic Experiment 4 Pt & Carbon – There must be energy barriers in the system – Nonlinear system, not obeying Ohm’s law – Bulk solution obeys Ohm’s law – Energy barrier is not in the bulk but near the electrodes – Without dc current, no electron transfer, no chemical reaction, no faradaic current At the cathode –Na+ ions migrate and are discharged ? (hint : Na+ has a very small electronegativity) –Two processes with non-charged species transferred by diffusion • Reduction of dissolved neutral oxygen : at small current • Decomposition of water molecules : at larger current 2H2O + 2e = H2 (gas) + 2OH- (base) • Na+ need not be considered but is necessary for the conductivity of solution, voltage drop in the solution is not too high – Ag+ ions are reduced, AgCl layer is decomposed, pure Ag appears 5 At the anode – discharge of Cl- : • chloride is highly electronegative, but less energy is necessary for taking electrons from the chloride ions than from water molecules – Neutral Cl2 gas reacts with carbon, not with Pt – Water decomposition 2H2O = O2 (gas) + 4H+ + 4e-(acid) – Ag is oxidized and forms more AgCl Redox process : the transfer of electrons oxidising or reducing species at an electrode “ the results indicate that if we are to apply large dc currents to tissue, and we are to use noble metals as electrode material directly on the tissue, the passage of dc current is accompanied by the development of H2 gas and a basic milieu at the cathode, and Cl2 gas and perhaps oxygen and an acidic millieu at the anode” Electrochemical Reactions • An electrochemical reaction is a reaction involving the transfer of charge as a part of a chemical reaction. • Typical electrochemical reactions in corrosion are metal dissolution and oxygen reduction • In contrast a chemical reaction, such as the precipitation of a metal hydroxide, does not involve a transfer of charge • Note that reduction and oxidation reactions have been shown going in one direction only. While the reverse reactions are perfectly possible, the reverse of an anodic reaction is a cathodic reaction and vice versa. 6 Electrical Double Layer Electrical Double Layer There is a tendency for charged species to be attracted to or repelled from the metal-solution interface. This gives rise to a separation of charge, and the layer of solution with different composition from the bulk solution is known as the electrical double layer. There are a number of theoretical descriptions of the structure of this layer, including the Helmholtz model, the Gouy-Chapman model and the Gouy-Chapman-Stern model. As a result of the variation of the charge separation with the applied potential, the electrochemical double layer has an apparent capacitance (known as the double layer capacitance). 7 Electrical Double Layer --perpendicular fields • Charge transfer – At the electrode-liquid interface the transformation from electronic to ionic conduction occurs – The electrode exchanges charges with the arriving ions or ionizes neutral substances – Oxidization of the electrode metal; the metal ion enters the solution • Electric double layer (EDL) – In the solution, at the electrode surface an EDL is formed as soon as the metal is wetted – In all interphases, such as metal of an electrode & the electrolyte, tissue or gel, or at a cell surface – There will be a non-uniform distribution of charges -> an electric potential across the interphase – Particularly pronounced at the interphase between a solid and a polar medium (e.g. water) – When the polar medium is liquid and the ion mobility high, the formation of an EDL will take place in the liquid phase. 8 General theory of Gouy-Chapman 9 10 Solid/Electrolyte Interface Double layer Surface charge Counter ion • Solid surface acquires charges in aqueous environment • Counter-ions migrate to the solid to form double layer • Electrically modeled as a capacitor Potential — Zeta potential: Potential across double layer: σλ charge ζ = ∝ ε Cdbl Cdbl = ε λ Concentration — ζ Counter-ion Co-ion λ y distance Double layer/Debye length Electroosmosis and Electrophoresis 11 Electro-Osmotic Flow (EOF) High voltages Bubble generation, pH gradient P. Mruetusatorn Several KV is needed. E~ 104 V/cm 12 Modulation of Zeta Potential Passive interface at channel walls Anode Cathode + - Reactions to conduct electricity Gate--Field effect, Capacitive charging, Induced ions can be externally modulated (+/-) Fluid Surface Velocity: u II = − ε ⋅ Δζ ⋅ E II μ double layer charge density x EII Mixer 13 Electrophoresis Applications 14 Capillary Electrophoresis Principle of CE 15 Microfabricated CE 16 DC Electrokinetics (EK) Fluids Particles 17 Four electrokinetic effects due to the electric charge of the double layer at the solid-liquid interphase – Electrophoresis : the migration of charged particles through a liquid – Electro-osmosis : bulk liquid flow through a pore caused by a migrating ionic sheath – Sedimental potential : potential difference generated by falling charged particles – Streaming potential : potential difference when a liquid is pressed through a pore – Body or podermotive forces : • Field-induced polarization will make uncharged particles move in inhomogeneous or moving electric field, • The resultant forces increase with the volume of the particle – These forces are the basis of phenomena & techniques such as “electrorotation”, “levitation”,”dielectrophoresis”, “pearl chain formation”, “travelling wave dielectrophoresis” Issues with DC Electrokinetics + • High voltages – Bubble generation, blocking channels, open reservoirs, losing pressure – pH gradients – Electric insulation – Impractical for large network • Poor mixing • Velocity scales linearly with voltage • etc 1 sec 3 sec Power supply DC EO Acid E Base Electrochemical reaction 18 Active Solid/Electrolyte Interface V + _ + Co-ions ~ + Reactions _ _ Charges induced by external voltages can be positive or negative. _ _ Counter-ions ~Capacitance + + DC/AC path V Electrode Rlead V by Reactions AC path only DC/AC path Rrct Fluid bulk, Rsolu Cdbl: Double layer capacitance Charge transfer paths: Ccell: system dielectric coupling AC Voltage Case – At high frequency (~1MHz) : back and forth migration process in the bulk electrolyte will take palce, no accumulation or reaction will take place at the electrodes – At low frequency (~0.1Hz) : result will depend on the dimension of the cell and the degree of reversibility of the reactions. Id the gas has time to bubble away, the process is certainly irreversible. 19 AC Electrokinetics • Dielectrophoresis (DEP) – Particle manipulation, positive & negative DEP • AC electro-osmosis (ACEO) – Fluid force exerted by electrode/sidewall charging • AC electrothermal (ACET) effect – Fluid force from thermal gradient in the bulk 20 Vac ⋅ exp( jωt ) u II = − ε ⋅ Δζ ⋅ E II μ E II = ∂ Δζ ∂x Δζ : voltage drop in the double layer AC EO Principle (con’t) —Surface Vortices and Stagnation Four vortices on an isolated electrode pair. FEA simulation of electric field distribution Electrode 0 Flow Flow x Electrode a 1 xstagn = ± (L + a )2 + a 2 2 a : half of electrode gap L : electrode width L+a Nulls of tangential field Stagnation point E-field + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Capacitive Charging Particle trapping at fluid velocity minimum 21 ACEO Features • Electric fields induce charge density on metal surfaces • Induced charges cause electric double layer formation • Electric field becomes tangential Bulk resistance • Electric field sets the double layer in motion Double layer capacitance V cos ω t − V cos ω t Induced-Charge Electro-Osmosis TODD M. SQUIRES MARTIN Z. BAZANT 22 Induced-charge electro-osmosis: Fundamental picture The evolution of the electric field around a solid, ideally polarizable conducting cylinder immersed in a liquid electrolyte, following the imposition of a DC field at t = 0 (a), where the field lines intersect normal to the conducting surface. Over a charging time, a dipolar charge cloud forms in response to currents from the bulk, reaching steady state (b) when the bulk field profile is that of an insulator. Steady ICEO around an uncharged conducting cylinder The steady-state induced-charge electro-osmotic flow around (a) a conducting cylinder with zero net charge and (b) a positively charged conducting cylinder. The ICEO slip velocity depends on the product of the steady field and the induced zeta potential. The charged cylinder (b) simply involves the superposition of the standard electro-osmotic flow. 23 Simple microfluidic devices exploiting ICEO 24 Induced-Charge Electrophoresis of Metallodielectric Particles Asymmetrical Particles 25 Nature Materials 6, 235 - 240 (2007) Remotely powered self-propelling particles and micropumps based on miniature diodes Lab Chip, 2008, 8, 117 - 124, Remotely powered distributed microfluidic pumps and mixers based on miniature diodes Orlin D. Velev’s group, NDSU •http://www.che.ncsu.edu/velevgroup/nmat1843_movies.htm 26 27