Wellness Commemorations 2014-2015



Furness Building. Corner Independence Square and Wrightson Rd, Port of Spain

Tel: 623-9005 Ext: 238; Fax: 624-4758; E-mail:promotinghealth4all@yahoo.com




Trinidad and Tobago, as the rest of the Caribbean, is in the midst of taking strong action to prevent and control Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) which are near epidemic levels nationally and which threaten the quality of life of our citizens, the productivity of the population and the economic outlook for the nation.

Trinidad and Tobago has the highest prevalence and high morbidity and mortality rates for chronic non-communicable diseases in the

Caribbean, and these rates have been steadily increasing over time. Heart disease, Cancers,

Diabetes and Cerebro-vascular disease or

Heart Disease

24.6% stroke, are among the top five (5) leading causes of deaths in Trinidad and Tobago.

Taken together, Heart disease, Cancers,




Diabetes, and Cerebro-vascular diseases

(Stroke), account for over 60% of all deaths


Mellitus 13.6% annually.

The results of the STEPS Chronic Disease Risk Factor Survey, (MOH/PAHO, 2011) revealed that the level of risk factors for chronic diseases in our population, are high. The survey results indicated that one in two persons (51.0 %) aged 25 to 64 years have three or more risk factors for NCDs, putting them at raised risk of early development of chronic disease according to WHO risk profile.

The survey report further indicated that:

More than half of the population, (55.5%) were overweight or obese

Over 40% of the population do not get sufficient physical exercise weekly

Daily consumption of fruit and vegetables was low

21.6% smoke tobacco products

41.3% population 25-44 years had at least 3 of the 5 risk factors for developing NCDs

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 1

The data from the child/adolescent population (5-18 years) showed a similar pattern, as approximately a quarter of school aged children 5-18 years, (24%), were overweight or obese,

(Evaluation of School Meals Options and Survey of BMI, MOH/CFNI, 2010). These figures indicate that there will be a continuation and escalation of the NCD epidemic, if concerted action is not taken.

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 2


Each year Caribbean Wellness is observed on the second Saturday in September. The Theme for

CWD 2014 is ‘A Healthy Workforce…building the present…preserving the future’. Planning for

Caribbean Wellness Day 2014 began in June 2014. Each Regional Health Authority (RHA) in conjunction with NGOs which collaborate with the Ministry of Health, were asked to plan and implement initiatives to commemorate Caribbean Wellness.



The purpose of the Caribbean Wellness Day 2014 is to have a Fun

Physical Activity Day for Children and Adults to jump start a ‘Be

Healthy Now… Love Your Body’ campaign.


The Ministry of Health of Trinidad and Tobago will spearhead the country’s wellness campaign with the implementation of a special Family Fun Day on September 20th 2014 … Be Healthy Now..Love Your Body. Special emphasis will be placed on participation of schools, youth groupsand youth sports clubs , as we seek to build new health skills of children for maintaining active lifestyles and healthy eating habits.

The Objectives are: o To bring at least 5,000 children and adults together to move for health using fun activities, and encourage the population to engage in physical activity as a new national commitment to wellness o To raise awareness of the threat of childhood obesity and promote new cultural practices that promote the health of our children... the future workforce of the nation. o To galvanise the support of all sectors, for addressing and reversing the epidemic of chronic diseases we are currently experiencing


 Saturday 20 th September 2014:- Launch of Wellness Campaign

 Time 10:30 – 6:00pm

 Venue: The Paddock, Queens Park Savannah.

Activities for the Wellness Fest 2014

The day’s activity will include activities for the whole family with an emphasis on healthy lifestyles for children as the future workforce for the country. This activity will be used to launch a series of National

Day of Play campaign that will mobilize children to be active and make healthier food choices. Leaders

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 3

from all sectors, public, private, community and NGOs are invited to join the Ministry of Health in a demonstration of leadership and commitment to reversing for the chronic disease epidemic we now face.

There will be three major activity clusters in this years Wellness Fair:


Three Aerobics Burnouts for

Primary School age children , 10-12 (beginning at 10:30am)

◦ Teens ,13-17 (from12:00-1:00pm)

Adults, (from 1:00pm-2:30pm)

Fun physical activities including Skipping,

Rock Climbing Wall, Bouncy Castle and more


Love Your Body Health Fair

Health Screening for Children and Childhood obesity prevention

Breastfeeding Promotion

◦ Immunization for HPV

Healthy Nutrition for Healthy Children

Trini Food Makeover-Food Demonstrations

Farmer’s Market

◦ Health Education


5K Fun Walk/Run

5K Walk Run

Zumba & Aerobics cool down

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 4


The Ministry in collaboration with schools, youth organisations and other government agencies will be hosting a series of four ‘Day of Play’ events through Trinidad and Tobago, commencing in

October, 2014. The day will be all about physical activity including:

 Ole Time Games

Hula Hoop


Hop Scotch

 Skipping

 Box Cart race and others

 Fun Sports

 Cricket

 Basketball

 Small Goal (Football) – inter

 school


 Gardening – starting a kitchen garden  Fun Races

 Tin-pan-alley

 Potato Sac Race

 Obstacle Course and others

 Treasure Hunt – learning about fruits

 at school

Aerob-a- fun burnout



& vegetables  Bouncy Castles


The Objectives of the Healthy Community Caravan include to:

• Raise awareness about the major chronic diseases, their risk factors, and prevention

• Build skills of community members for eating healthy and physical activity

• Teach community members healthy food preparation and methods for increasing use of vegetables and locally grown produce

• Create opportunities for the community to initiate health promoting behaviours in relation to screening and tracking key indicators of health, starting a back yard garden.

• Support communities to take action addressing local health needs and promote their health and well-being

The Healthy Community Caravan will comprise the following activities:

Love That Body: Health Education Displays:

• What’s In That Food– Sugar Sweeten

• beverages; High sugar snacks ; The

Fat of the Matter ( Fats and Trans

Fats in popular Foods)

Reading Food Labels – What’s good and what’s Not

• Snacking and Kids: Healthy Snacks v/s Sometimes Snacks

• What’s in that Lunch Kit

• Smoking Prevention

• Pap Smear, Breast Examination,

Prostate Checks

Nutrition Demonstrations :

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 5

• Promoting health cooking methods

• Understanding Portion Sizes

• Healthy Eating for persons with NCDs

Check Yuhself…Know Your Numbers. Basic Health Screening:

• Blood Pressure; Blood Sugar; • Fun Aerobics /Dance & Exercise for

Weight, Height (BMI); Cholesterol; the elderly

Pap Smear; PSA

• HIV Testing

• Vision Screening

• Immunization: HPV, HepB, Tetanus,

YF and other relevant vaccines

Move that Body: - Physical Activity (PA)

• Physical Activity Clinic – How to build

Plans for Continuity




• Identification on community health needs and projects


Formation of Health Education your PA Plan

• Child’s Play – Hop Scotch, Skip,

Lectures and sessions

Moral etc

Schedule for Healthy Communities Caravan

Date Community

October 11 th 2014 Fishing Pond Community


Implementation partners Ministry of

Community Development; Fishing Pond

Community Council; ERHA

November 1st Covigne Rd. Diego Martin Implementation partners Covigne Road

Improvement Committee

To be determined La Cuesa, Freeport Implementation partners Ministry of

Community Development

To be determined Guayaguayare

To be determined La Sieva, Maracas

Implementation partners Ministry of

Community Development

Implementation partners Ministry of

Community Development

To be determined Mango Rose, East Dry River Implementation partners Ministry of

Community Development

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 6


The Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) Program is one of the core program areas of the Health

Education Division of the Ministry of Health. This purpose of this program is to promote employee well-being, reduce absenteeism due to illness and increase productivity over the long term. It uses a settings based health promotion approach, which addresses the whole organization, its people, its environment, and policies, in promoting health of workers. It also includes disease prevention and management approaches, as many persons within the work setting already have risk factors of, or are actively managing a chronic disease.

Objectives of the Staff Health Promotion Program are to:


Provide health screening for staff regarding their health status


Increase awareness of health issues and build personal health skills of employees for healthy living


Increase the number of staff who engage in healthy lifestyles.


Support staff to achieve a healthy weight and normal blood pressure

Preliminary Project Scope: The project will:


Provide health screening for staff of the Ministry of Health Head Office, Divisions/Units at Sackville

Street Port of Spain, Furness Building, PAU Building, Blood Transfusion/Medical Library/ Queens

Park Counseling Center Building and Chemistry Food and Drugs.


Provide health screening for staff of the Ministries of government with referrals to public health facilities for persons with screens above normal range


Implement Health Education/ Disease Prevention workshops/seminars for staff a.

Men’s Health Seminar b.

Women’s Health Seminar c.

Nutrition Workshops d.

Family Health seminar


Conduct Health Promoting activities a.

Physical Activity interventions b.

Weight management program c.

Stress Management

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 7



The Eastern Regional Health Authority would be observing Caribbean Wellness Day 2014 with

Caribbean Wellness Day ‘Old Time Games’ to be held Sunday September 28th 2014 from 1-5pm.

The day’s activities will incorporate a partnership among a number of community groups; the

Manzanilla Village Council, Manzanilla Wellness Centre Committee, Manzanilla Chronic Disease

Support Group, Manzanilla Old Boys & Girls Association & Plum Mitan Village Council. This will serve as a catalyst to The Launch of Manzanilla Wellness Centre’s Zumba classes and to increase membership of the Manzanilla Walking club.

Caribbean Wellness Day ‘Old Time Games’

Logistics o Sunday 28th September 2014 o Time 1:00 – 5:30pm o Venue:- Manzanilla Recreation Ground.

Events include: o Walk - a – Ton within the Manzanilla area at 6:00am o Old time games o Zumba & Dance Presentation o Wind Ball Cricket o Aerobic Burn out

Workplace Health Screening : o Nutrition Displays o Dental Hygiene Education o Health Education o Ministry of Food Production - Home


The ERHA will continue its Lifestyle screening program implemented at selected workplaces within

St. Andrew / St. David. This will include screening activities for: o Blood Pressure o Nutrition (Healthy Eating) o Blood sugar o Nutrition Profile o o

Menopause / Andropause

Chronic Disease & Wellness o o


(Lectures) o Importance of Exercise o Cancer Breast & Lung o Heart Disease

The Healthy Weight Initiative:

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 8

The third part of this campaign will include: seek to assist persons with BMI in excess of 30 to achieve a healthy weight. To achieve this r eferrals will be made to:. o Medical Officer o Nutrition Counseling o Physical activity/exercise program (through aerobics, walking clubs dance, etc.) o Support groups




The North Central Regional health Authority’s initiative for Caribbean Wellness will seek to promote a supportive environment for Staff of the North Central Regional Health Authority to develop skills towards healthy living and reduce risk for chronic diseases.


Health Today for A

Better Tomorrow


NCRHA will visit the staff and clients of each of 19 facilities to promote wellness in one-hour sessions comprising four 15-minute segments (The

Importance of Screening, Healthy Diets &


Activity begins

September 15 th and continuing

Staff Wellness


Lifestyles, Exercise Today For A Better Tomorrow, and Stress Management). The programme will be carried out until the end of September.

NCRHA is also launching a Wellness Initiative for staff members that will begin with aerobics classes twice weekly at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences

Complex and the promotion of the use of Wellness

Centres at our various facilities. This initiative will

Begin in September and continuing be ongoing with the potential for expansion based on the demand.



From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 9

As part of the Caribbean Wellness Campaign, the NWRHA will seek to: o To create entry points for community dialogue in a non-threatening environment, between the NWRHA and community stakeholders.

o To introduce the concept of a community wellness board to stakeholders within communities.

o To disseminate health educational activities within the multiple staff community.

o To provide common ground for increased healthcare staff participation in Wellness


Health Works Here! - Workplace Health

Healthcare professionals as a unique community have long been ignored in favor of outwardly focused health promotions and behavioral intervention for public citizenry. The World Economic

Forum estimates that in excess of thirty-five (35) million persons of employable age will die of chronic non-communicable diseases if we do not curb the ever-rising tide of lifestyle related diseases to which the healthcare worker and layman alike are susceptible.

Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) programmes, promoting physical activity and healthy dietary habits, are effective in improving health-related outcomes such as obesity and diabetes as well as decreasing cardiovascular disease risk factors. Enhancing employee productivity, improving corporate image and moderating medical care costs are some of the reasons that employers are motivated and committed to initiating such long-term programmes. Employers can improve productivity and contribute to the economy, while promoting health and well-being for all.

Health Works Here – Healthy Worker Clinical Support

In recognition of Caribbean Wellness Day 2014 which will be observed in the month of September

2014 and keeping with the theme “Preserving the Workforce for National and Regional

Development”, Healthy Economy, the HPRP unit proposes to commence a range of activities due to commence on September 11, 2014, and continuing until September 17, 2014. The Selected

Institutions for participation are:

 NWRHA’s Head Office.

 Port of Spain General Hospital.

 St. Ann’s Hospital.

 St. James Medical Complex.

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 10

Healthy Workforce, Healthy Economy

To fulfil the MOH requirements of the thrust toward health workplace wellness improvements the

NWRHA’s Workplace Wellness initiative will continue at all organisations and are available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. from Monday to Saturday upon their request.

Invitations for this service have been extended to a wide cross-section of employers within the

North West Region and are inclusive of: o Blood Sugar Screening; o Blood Pressure Screening; o Blood Cholesterol Screening; o BMI & Nutrition Education; o HIV/VCT Screenings; o Vision Screenings; o o o o

Health Education Lectures;

Substance Abuse Education (Alcoholics





Health Screening

Preparedness & and

Water o Prostate Screening o Mental Health Screening and


Conservation (WASA)

Fight The Fat Healthy Communities Ii/Iii

As part of its initiative to empower communities to maintain healthy lifestyle practices and in support of the MoH’s launch of the “Fight the Fat” campaign in 2012 the NWRHA has and continues to deliver an enhanced package of screening services and wellness activities.

Services provided are inclusive of: o Blood Pressure Screening & Blood o Vision Screenings o Substance Abuse Education (Alcoholics Sugar Screening o Blood Cholesterol Screening o BMI & Nutrition Education o Dental Health o Adult Immunisation o Food Demonstrations o Physical Activity Demonstrations o HIV/VCT Screenings o Sexual Health Education Lectures

(Rapport) o Public Health Lectures & Feedback o o o o


QPCC&C representatives (Education on Sexually transmitted Diseases)

Prostate Screening & Pap Smears





Conservation (WASA)


Preparedness & and

Water o Kids’ activities – Face painting; Bouncy castle; Skipping; Moral; Hopscotch.


From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 11

Put Health In Your Basket

This commemorative activity continues on a scheduled basis in the form of screening services at the “Health in the Market Place” initiative, which is conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to

11:30 a.m. at the St. James Amphitheatre – St. James (1st Saturday in every month as a pilot project for six months); WASA Grounds – Diego Martin (2 nd Saturday in every other month);

Central Market – Port of Spain (3 rd Sunday in every month) and Croisee Promenade – San Juan

(4 th , Sunday in every month). Services provided are inclusive of: o Blood Sugar Screening & Blood Pressure Screening o Blood Cholesterol Screening o BMI & Nutrition Education o HIV/VCT Screenings o Vision Screenings o Substance Abuse Education (Alcoholics Anonymous)



Trinidad and Tobago Association of Nutritionists and Dietiticians

TTANDi will focus on “Preserving the workforce for National and Regional development” with a focal point on members of the healthcare team as part of the workforce in particular dietitians and nutritionists and possibly nursing staff. There will also be a focus on other members of the workforce specifically teachers. Special attention will be given to nutrition-related health concerns for men.

Key Activities will include: o Hosting training sessions for our members to equip them with new skills and approaches to treat with NCDs specifically in the male population o Hosting a health seminar for the nutrition and dietetics personnel as well as nursing staff with respect to managing their own health. o Health booth display at CWD celebrations that addresses topics of interest in a nontraditional way. o NCDs and Men

Men and Diabetes

Hypertension and Vision

Amputation and the Male

4. Primary school teachers will be targeted with a specific aim that the health lifestyle practices that the teachers adopt will help to influence their students towards a healthier lifestyle.

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 12

Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society (TTCS)

The Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society has recognized the need to dispel myths and misconception about cancer utilizing various communication infrastructures. In an effort to accomplish this the Society will use the platform of social media we will continue to share pertinent information as it relates to leading healthy lifestyles. In addition to their public outreach which includes the dissemination of brochures, facilitating lectures and attending health fairs articles, studies, videos and infographics will be shared though Facebook, Twitter and most recently YouTube.

 Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/TrinidadandTobagoCancerSociety

 Twitter- https://twitter.com/TTCancerSociety

 A Prostate Cancer Screening Challenge was recently issued for men over the age of 40 years to get screened. This challenge has become necessary due to the unfortunate stigma attached to screening procedures. To make an appointment or for more information please call 622-682.

 The mobile screening clinic will continue to visit rural areas of Trinidad and Tobago making cancer screening; Pap smears and PSA's more accessible and affordable. If you are interested in having the mobile visit your community please call 622-6827.

 The Society will continue to advocate for the signatures necessary for the Caribbean Cervical

Cancer E-petition asking heads of government to increase women’s access to affordable cervical cancer screening. We are asking the public to sign at www.endcervicalcancernow.org

 Our clinic located at 62 Rosalino Street in Woodbrook provides screening at a subsidized cost.

We facilitate mammograms, pap Smears, Ultrasounds, Biopsies, HVS and Prostate screening.

 Counselling Services- The Society offers free psychological counselling to clients, patients, survivors and their families by appointment only


Yvonne Lewis

Director Health Education Division

Ministry of Health

From the Office of Yvonne Lewis. Director Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Page 13
