Fire, Death and Serious Injury Review CIA

Comprehensive Impact
Version 1.0 – May 2015
Equality Impact Assessment
Safeguarding Assessment
Information Management Assessment
Community Safety Assessment
Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Refer to the CIA Guidance before completing the assessment
Please attach the related policy with this CIA to enable the DEAG to make
an informed assessment
Comprehensive Impact Assessment Template
Assessment being undertaken:
Name of Officer/s completing assessment:
Date of Assessment:
Why are you doing this CIA? – A brief explanation of
the reason. Is it for: new/change in policy, procedures,
strategy, function, service. (Please refer to the
guidance for the definitions)
What are the aims, objectives, outcomes, purpose of
the policy, service change, function that you are
Fire Death and Serious Injury Review
Community Safety and Protection
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service
Joe Garcia
14th April 2015
There is no statutory requirement for the ‘Fire Death and
Serious Injury Review’ policy that this CIA covers, and
has been introduced by the Group Manager for Prevention
Protection and Road Safety to reduce fire deaths.
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) have created a
new policy. Therefore a new CIA is required.
The ‘Fire Death and Serious Injury Review’ policy sets our
procedure for carrying out Fire Death and Serious Injury
Review, and the criteria required to carry out such a
The purpose of the Fire Death and Serious Injury Review
policy is to review every fire death and serious fire injury
to determine if the casualty was a vulnerable person as
described in the policy.
If the incident meets the criteria for a Fire Death and
Serious Injury Review, all agencies that have had contact
with the casualty will review their interaction and their
policies to identify areas that could be improved to
identify best practice, reduce death and serious injury to
vulnerable persons.
Who implements or delivers the above? State if this is
undertaken by more than one team, service, and
department including any external partners.
The outcomes of the review process will allow all agencies
to review, update and change any policy that could help
to reduce the likelihood of the incident occurring.
The Area Manager is responsible for operational response
and fire investigation for Cornwall and the delivery of this
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service have a number of
specially trained fire investigators and fire safety officers
who deliver the policy and will provide the initial
information required to make an assessment. This
information will be processed by the Community Safety
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Strategy Manager or in
her absence or one of the admin team from the Principal
Officer Group.
The Group Manager for Prevention Protection and Road
Safety (PPRS) is responsible for the management of Fire
Death and Serious Injury Review, and the management
and delivery of this policy. In his absence Station
Manager for PPRS will assume responsibility.
Other agencies and departments such as Adult Care,
Health & Wellbeing health and care workers, Cornwall
Housing and any other agency who has had contact with
the casualty is expected to assist in the delivery of this
policy (note this list is not exhaustive).
Equality and Diversity - Who will be affected by this
proposal? Is the proposal likely to result in positive or
negative impacts/risks? If so what are they? What
plans do you have in place, or are developing, that will
mitigate the likely identified negative impacts/risks?
Who will be affected by this proposal?
There are no identifiable negative impacts or risks caused
by the application of this policy.
Positively, the main aim of this policy is to identify best
practice for any agency that has contact with vulnerable
persons. For the purpose of this policy we have defined a
vulnerable person or individual as:
 A child (under 18yrs)
 An adult (18yrs or older) who is unable to protect him
or herself against significant harm or exploitation e.g.
has a physical or learning disability, sight or hearing
loss, mental health problems (dementia or confusion),
severe illness, old age and frailty
 A hoarder or rough sleeper or drug addict
 Where the incident give rise to concerns about the way
in which local professionals and services have worked
to safeguard the casualty
Note: The above characteristics are based on the
guidance from the ‘Risk Based Evidence Profile 2014
(page 20), Adult Social Care definition of who is a
vulnerable person and the risk assessment that
accompanies the ‘Fire Death and Serious Injury Review’
Safeguarding - Who will be affected by this proposal?
Is the proposal likely to result in positive or negative
impacts/risks? If so what are they? What plans do you
See Answer to section 4 above
have in place, or are developing, that will mitigate the
likely identified negative impacts/risks?
Information Management – What type of
information will be required to deliver this proposal? Is
the proposal likely to result in increased risks to the
information? If so, what are they? What plans do you
have in place, or are developing, that will mitigate the
likely identified negative impacts/risks?
What type of information will be required to deliver
this proposal?
Information required to delivery this policy
Personal information such as name, address, age,
disability and reason for vulnerability, events surrounding
the incident (fire) and the interaction each agency had
with the casualty will be recorded and discussed. Reports
from each agency and an overview report will be
presented to the Chief Fire Officer for consideration.
Information security and management
 All meetings regarding this policy must be held
where discussions can take place without
information being overheard or disclosed to a third
Documents and sensitive information must not be
left unattended and any hard copy information
must be disposed of in the confidential shredding
All internal emails that contain sensitive
information must include the words
the message as this will automatically block the
email from being sent externally.
All external emails that contain sensitive
documents sent by email must be transmitted
using ‘Cryptshare’. Cryptshare is a secure way of
making small ad-hoc transfers of information to
external organisations. External organisations can
also use Cryptshare to send information to you.
Corporate email is not a safe way to send secure
documents, files containing sensitive personal
details, intellectual property or other sensitive
information to external organisations.
Reports will be stored in X:/Fire Investigation
and access is limited to Cornwall Fire and Rescue
Service fire investigators and key admin staff only.
All recorded data will be stored with regard to Cornwall
Councils policy in relation to Data Protection Act.
Information sharing
It is vital for the success of this policy to share sensitive
information with internal and external partners.
Information sharing will be with regard to the Data
Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act.
The fire death and serious injury review and the
processing of personal data under schedule 2 of the Data
Protection Act meet the following conditions:
 The processing is necessary for administering justice,
or for exercising statutory, governmental, or other
public functions.
The processing is in accordance with the “legitimate
interests” condition.
The fire death and serious injury review and the
processing of sensitive personal data under schedule 3 of
the Data Protection Act meet the following conditions:
The processing is necessary to protect the vital interests
 the individual (in a case where the individual’s consent
cannot be given or reasonably obtained), or
 another person (in a case where the individual’s
consent has been unreasonably withheld).
Community Safety/Crime and Disorder - Who will
be affected by this proposal? Is the proposal likely to
result in positive or negative impacts/risks? If so what
are they? What plans do you have in place, or are
developing, that will mitigate the likely identified
negative impacts/risks?
Who will be affected by this proposal?
The Panel of the Fire Death and Serious Injury Review
must be mindful of any statutory commissioned
Safeguarding ‘serious case review’ and in such instances
‘The Safeguarding Serious Case Review’ will take primacy.
The incident (fire) may also be investigated by Police and
Crime Scene Investigators, Local Authorities, Health and
Safety Executive, Forensic Scientists and insurer’s
representatives. Therefore information should not be
disclosed to third parties.
Health, Safety and Wellbeing - Who will be affected
by this proposal? Is the proposal likely to result in
positive or negative impacts/risks arising
from: Individual lifestyles, social and community
influences, living, working and economic conditions,
Who will be affected by this proposal?
It is hoped that cooperative working with other agencies
and sharing information will help to make Cornwall safer
for vulnerable persons.
access to or quality of services or any other direct or
indirect effects on health, safety and well-being? If so
what are they? What plans do you have in place, or
are developing, that will mitigate the likely identified
negative impacts/risks?
Positive impacts:
 Identify best practice for agencies that interact with
vulnerable persons
 Improved fire safety standards
 Reduction in death and serious injuries
 Reduction in fires
 Reduce the impact of fire on the community
 Reduce the risk of fire to the public and responding
fire crews
 Financial savings due to a reduction in fires and
less severe fires
 Reduce the damage to the environment
Have the impacts indentified in Questions 4 to 8 been
assessed using up to date and reliable evidence and
data? Please provide a link to the evidence/data or
state what the evidence/data is. The data and research
page on the intranet is a useful resource.
Yes, guidance has been taken from the ‘Risk Based
Evidence Profile 2014 (page 20), Adult Social Care
definition of who is a vulnerable person and the risk
assessment that accompanies the ‘Fire Death and
Serious Injury Review’ policy.
Do you need to engage or consult with any
representative group/s?
Are our staff affected? Have the unions or staff forums
been involved? If not do they need to be?
What plans do you have in place to monitor the impact
of the proposals once they have been implemented?
The full impact of the policy/decision may only be
Cornwall Council strategic policies on Data
Protection, Data Security, information
management, safe guarding
 The completed draft policy went for 21 day
consultation. Persons included in the consultation
were both the RFU and FBU unions, the Deputy
Chief Fire Officer and other senior members of the
Fire Service and also Fire investigators.
The success of this policy can only be measured after a
number of Fire Death and Serious Injury Reviews have
taken place. Any changes to any policy or procedure as a
known after the proposals have been implemented.
direct result of this policy would indicate that it is having
a positive impact on improving the delivery of services by
any agency who interacts with vulnerable persons.
Are there other implications not covered by this CIA
that need to be considered? These can include:
staffing, procurement and contracts, property, climate
change, transport, waste and economy. If yes then
please explain.
None identified
Refer to the Committee Report Template Guidance
page for further information.
What course of action does this CIA suggest you take? More than one of the following may
apply. Please state the Residual Risk score. (Refer to the CIA Guidance regarding Risk
Outcome 1 - Green: No change required. The CIA has not identified any potential for adverse impact
or risk. (Residual risk score of 6 or less)
Highest Risk
Outcome 2 - Amber: Continue with the proposal but mitigate the identified risk/s. Despite the
potential of an adverse risk/impact continue but make sure you have suitable mitigation plans in place to
manage and monitor the risk or impact. (Residual risk score of 8 to 16)
Outcome 3 - Red: Stop and rethink. The risk and or impacts may not be acceptable even with
mitigation. (Residual risk score of 20+)
Summary of this CIA (Copy and paste into the report template)
What are the key risks/impacts – both positive and negative?
 Are there any groups affected more than others?
 What were the identified risks and their mitigation?
 Do you consider that the identified risks are cumulative? If yes make this clear in the Summary.
 What course of action are you advising as a result of this CIA?
The purpose of the Fire Death and Serious Injury Review policy is to review every fire death and serious fire injury to
determine if the casualty was a vulnerable person as described in the policy.
If the incident meets the criteria for a Fire Death and Serious Injury Review, all agencies that have had contact with the
casualty will review their interaction and their policies to identify areas that could be improved to identify best practice,
reduce death and serious injury to vulnerable persons.
For the purpose of this policy we have defined a vulnerable person or individual as:
 A child (under 18yrs)
 An adult (18yrs or older) who is unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation e.g. has a
physical or learning disability, sight or hearing loss, mental health problems (dementia or confusion), severe illness,
old age and frailty
A hoarder or rough sleeper or drug addict
Where the incident give rise to concerns about the way in which local professionals and services have worked to
safeguard the casualty
Positive impacts:
 Identify best practice for agencies that interact with vulnerable persons
 Improved fire safety standards
 Reduction in death and serious injuries
 Reduction in fires
 Reduce the impact of fire on the community
 Reduce the risk of fire to the public and responding fire crews
 Financial savings due to a reduction in fires and less severe fires
 Reduce the damage to the environment
Negative impacts:
 Resources required to delivery this policy
Mitigating the risks identified:
All recorded data will be stored with regard to Cornwall Councils policy in relation to Data Protection Act. Information
sharing will be with regard to Cornwall Councils policy and the Freedom of Information Act.
DEAG Sign Off
Name – Attending the CIA review, Mark James, Justin Mitchell, Julian Parker
Date – 18.11.2015
Comments from DEAG