International Experience with Single Buyer Models for Electricity Report to Contact Energy August 2013 Copyright Castalia Limited. All rights reserved. Castalia is not liable for any loss caused by reliance on this document. Castalia is a part of the worldwide Castalia Advisory Group. Acronyms and Abbreviations ANEEL The National Electric Energy Agency (Brazil) CCA Consumer Choice Aggregators (US) CCEE The Energy Commercialization Chamber (Brazil) ECNZ Electricity Corporation of New Zealand EPE Energy Research Council of Brazil FIT Feed In Tariffs IESO Independent Electricity System Operator IPP Independent Power Producer kWh Kilowatt hour MW Megawatt MWh Megawatt hour NZ New Zealand OPA Ontario Power Authority OPG Ontario Power Generation PPA Power Purchase Agreement RFP Request for Proposal VOLL Value of Lost Load Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction: Key Decisions on Electricity Sector Structure 1 1.1 Four Key Functions for an Efficient Electricity Sector 1 1.2 Range of Industry Structures to Make these Decisions 3 1.3 Purpose of this Report 5 Which International Jurisdictions Use The NZ Power Model? 7 Case Study of Brazil 13 3.1 Evolution of the Current Model 13 3.2 Planning 14 3.3 Procurement 15 3.4 Dispatch 20 3.5 Retail Sales 21 Case Study of Ontario 22 4.1 Evolution of the Current Model 22 4.2 Planning 23 4.3 Procurement 24 4.4 Dispatch 25 4.5 Retail Sales 27 Case Study of Vertically Integrated Electricity Sectors with Independent Power Producers (IPPs) 29 5.1 Evolution of Current Market 29 5.2 Planning 30 5.3 Procurement 31 5.4 Dispatch 33 5.5 Retail Sales 34 Case Study of Jurisdictions with Capacity Markets 35 6.1 Evolution of the Current Market 35 6.2 Planning 36 6.3 Procurement 36 6.4 Dispatch 37 6.5 Retail Sales 38 Conclusion: What Will Reduce Retail Power Prices? 39 Appendices Appendix A : Operation of Electricity Sector Affected by Physical Features 42 Tables Table 1.1: Risks in Each Function of an Electricity Sector 2 Table 2.1: Evaluation of nominated international comparators 8 Table 3.1: Characteristics of “Old” and “New” Energy Auctions 17 Table 3.2: Average volume and prices of regulated market contracts (2004 to 2012) 18 Table 5.1: Four Main Types of Retail Markets in Jurisdictions with Vertically Integrated Markets 34 Table 7.1: Lessons from International Experience with Sector Reform 40 Table A.1: Comparison of the New Zealand Electricity Sector to Electricity Sectors in Brazil and Ontario 42 Figures Figure 1.1: Physical Supply Chain for Electricity 3 Figure 3.1: Methods of Procurement in the Brazilian Electricity Sector 16 Figure 3.2: Convergence in “Old” and “New” Energy Prices 18 Figure 3.3: Link between Procurement and Dispatch in Brazilian Power Sector 20 Figure 4.1: Methods for Procuring New Generation Capacity in Ontario 24 Figure 4.2: Role of Long Term Financial Contracts in Ontario 26 Figure 4.3: Comparison of Retail Electricity Prices in Ontario and New Zealand 28 Figure 5.1: Common Steps in Electricity Sector Reform Overseas 30 Figure 5.2: Key Features of Power Purchase Agreements 32 Figure A.1: Size of Electricity Supply and Demand (MW) 43 Figure A.2: Sources of Demand in Ontario, New Zealand and Brazil 44 Figure A.3: Generation Mix in Ontario, New Zealand and Brazil 45 Boxes Box 6.1: PJM Reliability Pricing Model 37 Executive Summary The Labour Party and the Greens have proposed to replace New Zealand’s wholesale electricity market with a single buyer of wholesale electricity known as NZ Power. The key motivation behind the NZ Power proposal is to reduce retail electricity prices for residential customers. The Labour Party and the Greens believe this can be achieved through a single buyer model that carries out the functions of electricity supply more efficiently than the current wholesale market. This report investigates what international experience with various forms of single buyer models tells us about NZ Power. There is no ready-made single buyer model to emulate Our review of international experience shows that there is no single buyer scheme anywhere in the world that New Zealand can draw on as a model to emulate. Regardless of the arrangements that have been adopted, each jurisdiction continues to grapple with risks that make electricity supply difficult in their particular context. Our review also shows that single buyer models with a similar design to NZ Power are relatively rare. Many of the examples provided by the Labour Party and Greens policy documents are actually wholesale energy markets similar to New Zealand, while other examples are variants of vertically integrated national utilities with different degrees of contracting out (a kind of ECNZ model with generation and some aspects of the retail function delivered by the private sector under long-term contracts). This leaves two jurisdictions (Brazil and Ontario, Canada) that are sufficiently similar to the NZ Power proposal to warrant in depth investigation in this report. Other international examples also offer interesting insights into how various design and implementation issues can be resolved, despite having quite different features from the NZ Power proposal. The lack of international experience with single buyer models like NZ Power does not mean that the scheme cannot be made to work. In principle, it may be possible to assemble a reasonably efficient set of arrangements that draws on aspects of each of the actual systems found around the world. However, it is important to understand that in doing so, New Zealand would embark on a world-first. Since all elements of an electricity system are inter-linked, there a clearly significant risks in simply plucking the best features from each system and hoping that they integrate seamlessly. Lower power prices come from managing risks effectively The key to lower electricity prices is not adopting a particular structure for the electricity sector, but getting the risk allocation right. A framework that allocates risk efficiently will generally produce lower retail prices over the long term. Efficient risk allocation involves allocating risks to the party best able to manage and mitigate them—the party that has both the means and the incentives to manage each risk. All electricity systems require a number of key functions to be carried out, requiring trade-offs to be made about who bears risk: How much generation capacity do we need and when do we need it? What’s the most efficient way of procuring that capacity? Which generators do we run at what times to minimise the total costs of supply? How do we retail electricity to ensure efficient utilisation? Electricity industry structures differ primarily on who bears the risk that these decisions will not be made in the least-cost way—for example, because too much or little i generation capacity is procured at a particular point in time. In market based systems, generators and retailers bear most of these risks. If too much generation is procured, prices fall and investors bear the consequences. In the NZ Power proposal, these risks are transferred to the single buyer, but the costs are ultimately borne by customers if the single buyer recovers its costs or taxpayers if NZ Power suffers financial losses. When these risks are shifted to a single buyer, it is clear that private generators and distributors bear lower risk, and will therefore expect lower returns. This should mean that wholesale electricity costs will be lower. However, whether or not moving to a single buyer model results in lower retail electricity prices for customers depends on whether the single buyer can manage the risks better than the private generators and retailers. There is no evidence from our review of international experience that suggests that a single buyer in New Zealand would be able to manage key risks better than current market participants. In fact, the experience from Ontario and Brazil suggests that single buyers are unable to control prices if underlying industry costs are rising. ii 1 Introduction: Key Decisions on Electricity Sector Structure The Labour Party and the Greens believe that retail electricity prices in New Zealand are too high. To lower retail prices, they propose to replace New Zealand’s wholesale electricity market with a single buyer of wholesale electricity (called NZ Power). This report analyses international experience with a range of single buyer models to draw out the relevant lessons for sector reforms in New Zealand. In particular, we ask what international experience tells us about the effect of different sector structures on retail electricity prices. The electricity sector involves a complex series of trade-offs and risk allocation decisions. Internationally there are a wide variety of models and structures ranging from competitive markets through to regulated monopolies. All market structures aim to achieve reasonable retail electricity prices, within the physical, environmental and legal environment in which they operate. By reasonable, we mean prices that broadly reflect the cost of supply including compensating parties for the risk they take. There is no universally accepted “right” market structure for achieving those electricity prices. 1.1 Four Key Functions for an Efficient Electricity Sector The generation and sale of electricity to end users requires the following four key functions to be carried out, and the risks associated with each function to be allocated and managed. The key functions are: Planning. How much generation capacity is required, both now and in the future, to efficiently meet demand? Procurement. How are the decisions on the size, type, technology and location of the required new capacity made to ensure that future demand is met at the least cost? Dispatch. How do you dispatch your portfolio of available generation to ensure that the least cost sources of power are used within the physical and environmental constraints of the system? Retail sales. How is electricity priced and sold to end use customers to ensure efficient utilisation? Each of these functions involves taking risk. At the planning stage, who pays if demand is lower or higher than expected? At the dispatch stage, who pays if fuel resources are not efficiently used? Table 1.1 summarises the source of uncertainties in the electricity sector, and the related risks that need to be allocated when dealing with these uncertainties. 1 Table 1.1: Risks in Each Function of an Electricity Sector Source of Uncertainty Risk Event Planning Long term demand Who pays if demand is lower or higher than expected? Procurement The least cost supply option Who pays if we contract for supply that is the wrong size, built at the wrong time, in the wrong location or using the wrong technology? Dispatch Fuel availability Who pays if you do not use fuel resources efficiently? Retail Real time demand Who pays if demand is higher than expected in real time? In the current New Zealand electricity market, these functions are largely discharged through market interactions. The market involves a high degree of regulation and oversight by such bodies as the Electricity Authority and the Commerce Commission. Market interactions also need to be co-ordinated by bodies such as the Market and System Operators. The wholesale electricity market is therefore quite artificial, and requires a complex set of rules to function well. In the Labour and Greens proposal, these key functions will be carried out by an independent statutory body called NZ Power. This industry structure is commonly referred to as a “single buyer model”. In the broadest sense, “single buyer” means that a centralised agency has some degree of role in coordinating supply (generation) and demand (retail) of electricity. However, it is important to recognise that there are a wide variety of “single buyer” models in use internationally, with a reasonable degree of confusion about what the term actually means.1 The “single buyer” model does not reform transmission and distribution There are of course other functions that need to be carried out within the electricity supply chain—most notably transporting electricity from generation sources to the customers. Figure 1.1 provides an overview of the physical supply chain for electricity, and the contribution that each component of the supply chain to retail electricity prices. The Labour and Greens single buyer proposal only has the potential to influence costs arising in two components of the electricity supply chain shown in Figure 1.1: electricity generation and retailing. Suppliers in the other “monopoly” parts of the electricity supply chain (transmission and distribution) have their prices regulated by the Commerce Commission under Part 4 of the Commerce Act 1986. This suggests that the single buyer proposal relates to components of the physical supply that account for roughly half of retail electricity prices, and similarly do not explain all of the recent increases in retail electricity prices. 1 See Centralized Purchasing Arrangements: International Practices and Lessons Learned on Variations to the Single Buyer Model, World Bank, March 2006 2 Figure 1.1: Physical Supply Chain for Electricity Note: * Other supply chain costs not shown above are 2% for metering and 11% for tax Source: Electricity Authority, “Electricity in New Zealand” 1.2 Range of Industry Structures to Make these Decisions Internationally, there are a range of industry structures for making the key planning procurement, dispatch and retailing decisions. Three broad industry structures, two with features of a single buyer Possible industry structures can be conceptualised on a spectrum from a fully vertically integrated, price regulated monopoly (where a single entity owns and controls all generation, procurement, dispatch and retail); to fully competitive markets (where private generators bid to supply electricity to private retailers). In between these points on the spectrum, there are three main models used around the world: A vertically integrated monopoly that owns most generation but with some competition in generation, particularly for new capacity. Depending on how roles are allocated, this structure can have features of a “single buyer” model. This industry structure is explored in more detail in Section 5 Capacity markets where there are separate markets for generation capacity (MW) and the production of energy (MWh). This industry structure could also have features of a “single buyer” model, and is analysed in more detail in Section 6; and Energy only markets where generators are paid a single price for energy production (MWh), and are not explicitly compensated for providing capacity (MW). This model is currently used in New Zealand, and does not have any elements of a “single buyer” model. NZ Power is a hybrid model It is worth being clear about where the Labour and Greens’ proposal sits on the spectrum of possible industry structures. We see NZ Power as a hybrid approach that combines some aspects of a vertically integrated utility that procures generation by contract, with some aspects of a capacity market. The following bullets characterise the NZ Power proposal according to the degree of the level of central control of planning, procurement, dispatch and retail: 3 Planning for new investment is done centrally using demand forecasts rather than through price signals. A single buyer—almost always a statutory body and independent of generation companies—forecasts the generation capacity required. This means that the level of required capacity is administratively determined, and not the result of market forces. Under the NZ Power proposal, the need for investment in new capacity would be identified through a planning process that is centrally controlled. New generation is centrally procured through a competitive tender for long term power purchase contracts. The required generation capacity is procured by the single buyer through an open tender process with private sector parties. This is often described as competition for the market, without competition in the market. There is no reservation or allocation of new generation projects to government owned generation entities or incumbents. Generators are paid under long term contracts by the single buyer. The contracts are typically for the economic life of the generation plant and usually incorporate both capacity and energy payments (or have equivalent effect through mechanisms such as a predetermined load factor or take or pay obligations). Using this approach, the NZ Power proposal combines some elements of central control (requiring a central procurement process to be run), with elements of market competition (allowing project sponsors to compete for contracts). Dispatch of generation is controlled centrally, without reliance on market interactions. The single buyer dispatches all generation—usually in merit order according to the contracted energy price—but can dispatch out of merit order due to other considerations, such as optimising use of scarce fuel resources or achieving environmental goals. The design of the dispatch arrangements determines the extent to which generators’ offers determine whether their plants operate at any time. The NZ Power proposal implies a high level of central control over dispatch, with the single buyer having wide discretion to call on plants to run. 4 Retail of electricity to end-use customers is marked based. The single buyer sells all energy to one or more retailers and major customers—that is, there is no generator to retailer or customer contracting. In many jurisdictions, the single buyer sells wholesale power to regulated distribution and retail companies (involving a high degree of central control). However, the NZ Power proposal instead plans to maintain competition between retailers (a more market based approach). 1.3 Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to: Identify which overseas jurisdictions currently have electricity sector structures that are similar to the structure proposed by the Labour and Greens. The international evidence shows that only a small number of jurisdictions have a single buyer model that answers the four design questions in a similar way to the NZ Power proposal; and Draw lessons from each of these market structures for New Zealand. We look at how each of the overseas jurisdictions answers the four questions above on capacity, procurement, dispatch and retail. This enables us to identify lessons from international experience on the trade-offs involved in achieving reasonable retail electricity prices. Structure of this report Section 2 of this report identifies which overseas jurisdictions currently have electricity sector structures that are similar to the proposal being made by Labour and the Greens. We start by defining the essential characteristics of the model NZ Power model. We do this by reference to the Labour and Greens policy documents. Those documents refer to a number of jurisdictions that incorporate some or all of the characteristics of a single buyer model. We compare those jurisdictions to the NZ Power model to focus our research and analysis on the nominated jurisdictions that are similar to the proposal. In the next four sections of this report, we then analyse four market structures that are likely to hold lessons for the NZ Power proposal: 5 Section 3 provides a case study of Brazil, which has a unique structure that has many of the features of a single buyer model in a hydro-dominated electricity systems Section 4 provides a case study of Ontario, Canada, which is the closest international comparator to proposed NZ Power model Section 5 provides a case study of jurisdictions with electricity sectors that are vertically integrated, with competition for generation. These structures provide particular insights into the procurement of generation using long term contracts Section 6 provides a case study of capacity markets, which provide a different model for the central procurement of generation capacity and the dispatch of that capacity in real time. In each of these sections, we look at who is responsible for planning, procurement, dispatch, and retail, how these parties manage risk and therefore what impact the sector structure has on electricity prices. Finally, in Section 7 we summarise our review of the international experience with single buyer models. We summarise which characteristics of electricity sector structures have the largest impact on retail power prices. This helps to clarify what lessons can be drawn from other jurisdictions about how to achieve efficient and sustainable electricity prices in New Zealand. 6 2 Which International Jurisdictions Use The NZ Power Model? This section looks at the key features of the NZ Power proposal and then evaluates the international examples of the single buyer model as provided in Labour’s and the Greens’ policy documents against those key features. The opposition parties also claim that the proposal is “mainstream” internationally. In the NZ Power proposal, Labour and the Greens cite a number of jurisdictions that utilise the single buyer model—or variants of it: [From the Greens policy document] A non-exhaustive list of countries and regions that operate single buyer models: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Ontario (which returned to a single buyer model after the failure of a regulated market), South Africa, South Korea, Vietnam, EU (one of three market options EU members can choose from). Massachusetts, Ohio, California, New Jersey and Rhode Island have partial single buyer models called Community Choice Aggregation, which work on the same principle of aggregating consumer demand into one purchaser that has market power to drive down prices. [From the Labour Party policy document] Many states in the United States use similar models, including pricing models based on historic cost, plus fuel. Examples include California and Virginia… Other examples include South Africa and Brazil… This approach is common-place overseas. The 2011 World Bank report Electricity Auctions: an overview of efficient practices details many examples. In Table 2.1 we evaluate each of the jurisdictions nominated by the Labour/Greens against the four key features of the NZ Power proposal identified in Section 1. The key finding from this screening exercise is that many of the examples cited in the policy document do not have these features and several cannot be accurately described as adopting a single buyer model. The Ontario electricity sector is the only example that has three of the four key features that we identify (it does not have non-market dispatch by the single buyer). 7 Table 2.1: Evaluation of nominated international comparators Jurisdiction Who is responsible for planning? How is new generation procured? How is generation dispatched? Who retails electricity to customers? Type of Model NZ Power Competitive tenders run by NZ Power By NZ Power NZ Power sells to competing retailors Single buyer (owns no generation) with retail competition Brazil Government agency coordinates demand forecasts prepared by regional distributors Central agency coordinates capacity auctions held 3 to 5 years in advance Hybrid model, with market dispatch on basis of generator bids for thermal and optimisation model for hydro Large customers can buy directly from generators. Small customers buy from regional monopoly distributors Combination of a capacity market with a single buyer model China Central planning for all investments Non transparent Dispatch on On a regional basis Government controlled Sector dominated by government owned or process average cost basis vertically integrated controlled companies—high degree of monopoly, little private central planning and regulation sector involvement India Forecast on a state by state base by each distributor Some capacity allocated from Government owned generators Regional dispatch based on generator bids Distributors have state monopoly Vertically integrated monopoly with some competition for generation Distributors can self-generate, be allocated power from large government owned generators or tender to IPPs Central government also facilitates large IPP projects and allocates power to distributors Indonesia Central forecast by utility (PLN) Only selected projects tendered by PLN Utility dispatch But as an integrated utility Vertically integrated monopoly with some competition for generation PLN is a vertically integrated utility that enters into PPAs for selected projects to reduce balance sheet pressures and ensure efficient development and operations. IPPs currently buy around 22% of generation NZ Power 8 Comments Capacity auction and single buyer operate only for regulated market. Contracted generators execute contracts with each distributor in proportion to forecast load. Large customers contract independently with generators Jurisdiction Who is responsible for planning? How is new generation procured? How is generation dispatched? Who retails electricity to customers? Type of Model NZ Power NZ Power Competitive tenders run by NZ Power By NZ Power NZ Power sells to competing retailors Single buyer (owns no generation) with retail competition Italy Fully competitive market Fully competitive market Bid based market Single buyer only for some captive consumers Fully competitive generation and retail markets Not a single buyer model. The terminology “Single Buyer” is used for a default retailer for small customers that haven’t chosen a retailer. The retailer buys both from the wholesale market and through contracts Japan Forecast by 10 regional utilities Only selected projects tendered, depends on policy of utility Market based dispatch Through 10 integrated utilities Vertically integrated monopoly with little competition for generation 10 vertically integrated regional utilities with some independent generation and a market for trading between utilities Malaysia By government ministry Ministry allocates projects Utility dispatch on IPP price basis Single integrated utility Vertically integrated monopoly with some competition for generation TNB vertically integrated utility but significant (51%) generation by IPPs Mexico Forecast by utility All new projects appear to be tendered out Utility dispatch on IPP price basis Single integrated utility Vertically integrated monopoly with some competition for generation CFE vertically integrated utility with 23% generation by IPPs Pakistan Forecast by two utilities (NTDC and KESC) Only selected projects tendered Utility dispatch on IPP price basis Two integrated utilities Vertically integrated monopoly with some competition for generation IPPs around 45% of generation Philippines Comments Has a wholesale energy only spot market—not a single buyer model 9 Jurisdiction Who is responsible for planning? How is new generation procured? How is generation dispatched? Who retails electricity to customers? Type of Model NZ Power Competitive tenders run by NZ Power By NZ Power NZ Power sells to competing retailors Single buyer (owns no generation) with retail competition Ontario By independent agency Procured by single buyer Market based on generator bids Single buyer sells to discos and major customers Single buyer model South Africa Forecast by utility Eskom Tendered on a 70/30 ratio Utility dispatch Single integrated utility Vertically integrated monopoly with some competition for generation NZ Power South Korea Vietnam Comments Classic single buyer model where IPPs are 100% of generation IPPs around 2% of generation Vertically integrated utility with generation in six wholly owned subsidiaries—not a single buyer model By utility EVN Only selected projects tendered Utility dispatch Single integrated utility Vertically integrated monopoly with some competition for generation IPPs around 29% of generation Europe One of three options to deregulated market in 1996—no jurisdiction has adopted this option and, as noted above, Italy’s “Single Buyer” is their terminology for a default retailer that has no role in forecasting, capacity procurement or dispatch. US Consumer Choice Aggregators Not a single buyer model. The CCAs are retail aggregators that customers can voluntarily select on a community basis. They acquire energy by contract from existing generators. They have no role in forecasting, capacity procurement or dispatch. California Virginia Not a single buyer model. There is a wholesale market with regulated retail supply Not a single buyer model. Virginia is part of the PJM wholesale market—a capacity market—and has retail competition 10 Nine jurisdictions lack any elements of single buyer Of the eighteen jurisdictions nominated in the policy documents, nine do not appear to have any aspects of the NZ Power model: China’s electricity sector is dominated by Government ownership and control with few (if any) genuine private sector generation businesses Italy has a deregulated and competitive wholesale market. The term “Single Buyer” is used to describe a default retailer for small customers that have not chosen a retailer. The default retailer buys both from the wholesale market and through contracts Japan’s electricity sector has ten vertically integrated utilities with little independent generation and some wholesale market trading between utilities The Philippines has a competitive wholesale market that was modelled on New Zealand’s current wholesale market South Korea has a single vertically integrated utility with generation in six wholly owned subsidiaries. This was done as a step towards divestment which has stalled. The generators “trade” in an internal wholesale market European Union. The single buyer model was one option of a 1996 European Union directive on the reform of member country electricity sectors. It was effectively superseded by a 2003 directive where the single buyer model was only to be used in special circumstances such as impending supply shortages. It was never adopted by any member country United States. The Consumer Choice Aggregators (CCA) referred to in the policy proposals are retail aggregators that customers can voluntarily select on a community basis through a majority vote. They acquire energy by contract from existing generators. They have no role in forecasting, capacity procurement or dispatch. In effect they are a retail co-operative. The two states cited in the Greens document (California and Massachusetts) both have wholesale electricity markets where generators compete (CAISO and NEPOOL). California. California has a wholesale spot market with a number of franchise distributors that buy energy from the market, through bilateral contracts with independent generators, and from their own generation Virginia. This is not a single buyer model, it’s part of the PJM wholesale market—a textbook competitive capacity market—and has full retail competition Seven jurisdictions are vertically integrated Seven of the jurisdictions (India, Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia, Pakistan, South Africa and Vietnam) are classic Independent Power Producer (IPP) models where a vertically integrated utility (owning generation, transmission, distribution and retail assets) competitively tenders out some of the required new generation capacity to the private sector. The utility then enters into long term contracts with successful bidders. These contracts are commonly known as Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). The reasons for tendering out new capacity may be some combination of: Financial—involving the private sector may unlock additional sources of finance that aren’t available to the utility 11 Efficiency—on the basis that the IPP may have lowers costs particularly in development, construction and operation of the power station than the incumbent utility; or Sector reform—as part of a transition to a more competitive market—that is introducing competition for the market as a first step to competition in the market. In most of the jurisdictions mentioned and elsewhere, the utility still continues to develop additional generation capacity in-house. The basis for selecting which capacity is tendered out and which is developed by the utility is often arbitrary and non-transparent. For example, in many countries the national electricity utility will not tender out generation opportunities that are considered “strategic”. The IPP model therefore fails to provide useful insights into how to make good decisions on how much generation capacity is needed and of what type and location. While the planning decisions made by vertically integrated utilities are not directly relevant, the process of procuring IPPs is relevant and can provide useful insights for the NZ Power proposal. This is because the IPP procurement and contracting model has evolved over many years and is an efficient and well understood process in most parts of the world. We discuss the lessons from the generic IPP model further in Section 5. The two most similar jurisdictions are Ontario and Brazil Two of the jurisdictions—Ontario and Brazil—are single buyer models that have much in common with the NZ Power proposal. Section 3 presents a case study of the Brazilian power sector, while Section 4 looks at the Ontario power sector in more depth. While there are similarities in the proposed market structure, it is important to be aware that the physical features of these three markets differ. For example, while Brazil and New Zealand both generate the majority of our electricity from hydro, Ontario relies a lot on nuclear power. These physical features can affect the choice on the most efficient power sector structure, for example because nuclear power is typically more reliable than hydro power (which is affected by hydrological conditions). Appendix A summarises the differences in the physical features of the New Zealand, Brazilian and Ontario power sectors. 12 3 Case Study of Brazil This section describes the single buyer model implemented in Brazil. We begin by noting that Brazil is not a pure single buyer model in the form proposed by Labour and the Greens. There are three facets of the Brazilian model that differ from the proposed NZ Power model: The single buyer does not actually buy and sell electricity—it simply coordinates a central auction process on behalf of the franchise distributor retailers. In this process, all contracted energy is pooled and each distributor executes contracts with each generator in proportion to their share of the pool. The single buyer acts as a broker. The single buyer only covers 75 percent of the total demand. Customers with a demand of greater than 3 Megawatts (MW) are free to negotiate bilateral contracts with generators or retailers. These free customers represent about 25 percent of total electricity consumption; and The single buyer plays no role in dispatch: there is a spot market for dispatch with all generators participating. Despite these differences, there are useful lessons that can be drawn from the way that electricity is centrally procured in a hydro-dominated system like Brazil. 3.1 Evolution of the Current Model Until the late 1990s, Brazil’s electricity sector consisted of a series of vertically integrated and mostly Government owned utilities. In the late 1990s, sector reform saw distribution companies able to freely negotiate energy supply contracts with generators, and a spot market was established to coordinate this trading. The distributors were required to purchase at least 85 percent of their energy through wholesale contracts of at least two years’ duration. This requirement appears to have been aimed at establishing a contracting market so that sufficient capacity was available to ensure reliability. In 2001-2002 large scale shortages of electricity resulted in rationing, with energy consumption reduced by about 20 percent. This crisis was caused by a number of factors including2: Below average rainfall that severely reduced the output from dominant hydro generation capacity The market structure, with two large government owned generators, was felt to inhibit investment in sufficient new generation capacity; and The short term contracting arrangements were thought to create insufficient incentives to invest in new generation. The current industry model in Brazil developed out of this crisis. Initially, a pure single buyer model was proposed—one of the objectives of this proposed reform was to capture the “economic rents” of depreciated hydro plants (similar to the stated objective of the NZ Power proposal). However, analysis of the hydro plants revealed that: There is no universal agreement as to the contribution of each of these factors to the supply shortages. 2 13 Studies developed in 1998 proved that there were indeed depreciated power plants in perfect operating conditions – therefore with economic rent. However, there were also plants heavily stranded, whose “accounting cost” was as high as US$ 270/MWh. On the average, the accounting cost, on a full costing basis, for the entire portfolio of generation plants was about US$ 36/MWh, or very close to the long run marginal cost of expansion. Therefore, on the average, there was not too much economic rent to be captured.3 After an analysis of international experience with single buyer models, the current structure was introduced in 2004 where the single buyer acts as a broker between the distribution companies and the generators. The model also included separate procurement and contracting arrangements between existing and new generation. We describe this in detail in Section 3.3. Lessons for NZ Power With the benefit of hindsight, the decision to introduce the current single buyer model arose largely because the market design introduced in the 2002 reforms was flawed. The reliance on short-term contracting combined with dominant Government owned generators created little incentive for the private sector to invest in new generation capacity. The rationale for the proposed NZ Power model is quite different—focusing on the perception that retail electricity prices are too high. Brazil’s experience underlines that establishing the right model for the electricity sector is not easy, and there are many potential unforseen and unintended consequences. 3.2 Planning In the Brazilian model, planning for new generation capacity has three steps: Firstly, each distribution company is required to forecast its captive customer (primarily residential) load for a 5 year period. These are “net” forecasts in that distributors can purchase power bilaterally from embedded generators and small generators for up to 25 percent of their load Secondly, these forecasts are co-ordinated by an independent body—the Energy Research Council (EPE). The EPE is responsible for long term planning in the electricity sector Thirdly, distribution companies are required to contract with generators for sufficient capacity and energy to meet their forecasts. Distribution companies are heavily incentivised to make their demand forecasts as accurate as possible because they have to contract for generation capacity based on their forecasts. In other words, there are penalties for over- or under- forecasting the required electricity generation. Lessons for NZ Power Forecasting future electricity demand accurately is a difficult task. No matter who is responsible for preparing or approving the forecast, there is always a degree of subjectivity and error. The Brazilian approach to forecasting ensures that the party responsible for the forecast bears the cost if the forecast is inaccurate. 3 Centralized Purchasing Arrangements: International Practices and Lessons Learned on Variations to the Single Buyer Model, World Bank, March 2006 14 This approach clearly incentivizes distributors to forecast as accurately as possible because distributors directly suffer the consequences of forecast error. In this way, the Brazilian approach overcomes the usual problem of centrally planned forecasts where the planner bears no real consequences for the forecast. In contrast, if NZ Power contracts for more power than is actually needed due to inaccurate forecasts, then additional costs will be passed on to customers (or taxpayers through NZ Power). Alternatively, if NZ Power under-forecasts—leading to a shortfall in generation capacity—then reliability standards will fall and customers will be exposed to blackouts. This is likely to be more damaging to NZ Power than the additional cost of contracting for more capacity than needed. As a result, the incentive for NZ Power—and any central planner—is to be conservative and over-forecast demand. The Brazilian approach to managing the risks of under- or over- forecasting demand would be difficult to apply in jurisdictions like New Zealand that have a competitive retail market. The approach works in Brazil because distributors are franchise monopoly retailers, which means that the task of forecasting relates to the entire consumption within a particular geographic area. In a competitive retail market, retailers would not only have to forecast the average demand of existing customers, they would also need to forecast their market share and customer composition up to 5 years in advance. This type of long term forecasting in a competitive retail market is carried out successfully in capacity markets—see Section 6. However, in these markets the capacity commitments made by retailers are freely tradeable. This is not a feature of the arrangements in Brazil, where retailers are committed to contract for their forecasts and have only limited opportunities to adjust those positions. 3.3 Procurement The process for electricity procurement in Brazil differs depending on: The size of the customer: customers consuming more than 3 MW are allowed to procure their electricity supply on what is termed the “free” market—that is outside the single buyer arrangements. Customers consuming less than 3 MW are known as “captive customers” because they do not have a choice of supplier (they must be served by their local distribution company). Local distribution companies are required to procure electricity supply through regulated auction markets; and Whether the generation comes from an existing or from a new plant. When new generation capacity is required the national regulator, the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), runs auctions for a set number of MW in a certain location. Potential generators bid into this auction, competing on price. Figure 3.1 distinguishes between the main methods for procuring electricity supply in the Brazilian system. The functioning of regulated and free markets is explained in more detail below the figure. 15 Figure 3.1: Methods of Procurement in the Brazilian Electricity Sector “Free” Market In the free market, the purchase and sale of electricity through bilateral contracts is undertaken with conditions, prices and quantities freely negotiated between generators, traders and customers. Free market customers need to be contracted for 100 percent of their energy consumption and are subject to penalties for failing to maintain sufficient cover. The costs of being under- or over- contracted arise because any differences are settled in the weekly balancing market—see Section 3.4. Regulated Market Three quarters of all electricity is procured through the regulated market. There are five main players in the regulated market: The Energy Research Council (EPE)4 determines where and when new generation is needed. This is done on the basis of the demand forecasts from the distribution companies (as explained in Section 3.2). In other words, EPE decides when to run an auction for new generation capacity. It determines the type, size, location and technology of this new generation. The Energy Commercialization Chamber (CCEE) runs the auctions. The objective of these auctions is to provide the lowest possible price of electricity for captive customers. ANEEL regulates and supervises all electricity supply services in the country including oversight of the procurement process. Regional distribution companies are required to contract supply for their regulated customers through regulated auctions—they are the counterparties to generation contracts co-ordinated by the single buyer. Generation companies bid into these auctions to sell their available generation capacity under long term contracts. Procurement is conducted through “regulated auctions”. There are two main types of auctions—for energy generated from existing (or “old”) capacity and for energy generated from new capacity. “Old” capacity is procured for shorter contract terms with a shorter lead time than new capacity (see 4 EPE is coordinated by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) 16 Table 3.1). There are also “adjustment” auctions for 1 to 2 year contracts with delivery 4 months ahead. These auctions allow distributors to revise their contracted positions. This adjustment process only allows distributors to adjust their positions if their forecasts are wrong. The other mechanism for rebalancing distributor supply and demand is the weekly balancing market, which is more costly and risky because prices are more volatile. Table 3.1: Characteristics of “Old” and “New” Energy Auctions Old Capacity New Capacity Adjustment Auctions Desired basis for price from regulator’s point of view Short run marginal cost (as assets should be fully depreciated) Long run marginal cost (as prices cover fixed and variable costs) Opportunity cost (what else you could do with the energy if not sold through an adjustment contract) Contract Term 5-8 years 15 years 1-2 years Delivery date One year ahead 3-5 years ahead 4 months ahead Number of Auctions held since December 2004 10 12 9 Old capacity is never eligible to participate in new energy auctions. However, if owners of old capacity do not sell their capacity in the old energy auctions, they are allowed to sell to large customers on the free market. New capacity can participate in the old capacity auctions after the expiry of their initial 15 year contracts (or can choose to sell their energy to large customers on the free market). The procurement process for both old and new energy starts with a reverse price auction. The EPE sets a starting price that is designed to create excess supply. Generators bid in the quantities (MWh) that they are willing to supply at the stated price. EPE then reduces the price, and generators bid in quantity they are willing to supply at the lower price. The EPE continues to drop the price until there is no more excess supply. The outcome of this auction effectively sets the price cap for long term contracts. In auctions for new energy, generators are allowed to negotiate prices with distributors following the reverse auction. The negotiated price may not exceed the final price in the reverse auction. In contrast, the reverse auction for old energy is followed by a second round of bidding. Instead of using a reverse auction (where the regulator sets price and the generators bid quantities), the second round involves a single pay-as-bid auction (where the regulator sets a quantity, and the generators bid prices). The regulator sets a quantity that is deliberately below the capacity that was successful in the reverse auction to create competition for the remaining generators to bid low prices. Generators make a single bid to supply quintiles of their generation at different prices. The regulator then selects the cheapest combination of bids to meet the capacity required. Difference between “old” and “new” energy prices The auctions have resulted in some differentiation between the prices paid for existing and new capacity, as shown in Table 3.2. New generation is roughly a third more expensive than old generation. This was clearly intended as a way to ensure that old capacity (such as hydro plants that were built many years ago) did not receive the price paid to the developers of new capacity (such as thermal plants with higher running costs). 17 Table 3.2: Average volume and prices of regulated market contracts (2004 to 2012) Auction Type Average volume (MWh) Average Price $US/MWh No of contracts Existing (“old”) generation 19,987 $45.46 1,612 New generation 22,478 $61.90 6,728 900 $74.05 1,146 Reserve generation 2,189 $72.83 176 Total 45,554 $59.17 9,662 Renewable generation Source: Castalia from “Evolution of Global Electricity Markets”, Fereidoon P. Sioshansi (ed), pp350 While there is still a significant difference between “old” and “new” energy prices, there has been considerable convergence between prices since the market was first introduced (see Figure 3.2). New energy prices have stayed reasonably constant at around US$54 per MWh. This aligns with the expectation that competition to supply new energy will keep auction prices at the system long run marginal cost, which is likely to be relatively constant. However, prices for “old” capacity have been steadily rising. Figure 3.2: Convergence in “Old” and “New” Energy Prices Source: “A Perspective of the Brazilian Electricity Sector Restructuring: From Privatization to the New Model Framework”, Melo, de Almeida Neves, Da Costa, Correia The convergence between old and new energy prices has given rise to the claim that the owners of “old” assets are making excess profits. In economic terms, these firms are alleged to capture the “infra-marginal rents” between the short run costs of operating (hydro) plants, and the long run marginal cost of new forms of electricity generation. 18 In response to these concerns, in 2012 the Brazilian government pledged to reduce residential electricity prices by around 20 percent. To reach this target, the Government has intervened in the market for “old” energy to push prices back to the short run cost of operating existing plants. The Government has decided to set old energy prices at a reference point that allows for operations and maintenance costs, plus a 10 percent margin, and has made the renewal of operating licenses contingent on existing hydro generators signing new contracts at these lower prices. Existing generators that do not want to accept this lower price must hand their assets over to the Federal government. This somewhat radical intervention is less controversial than it would be in New Zealand because hydro plants in Brazil are almost exclusively owned by the State and Federal Governments. Lessons for NZ Power Brazil’s attempt to achieve different prices for “old” and “new” energy holds some important lessons for New Zealand. Brazil’s experience suggests that regular government intervention is needed to keep “old” energy prices lower than “new” energy prices. Initially, the Government tried to lower the price of generation from existing plants by creating an artificial surplus of capacity in the auction. However, this illusory surplus capacity was eroded over time as more and more generators sought out the higher prices for their output on the free market (serving industrial customers). In a country like Brazil with significant electricity demand growth, imposing an artificial sense of surplus capacity is highly unlikely to work. Owners of existing capacity in repeated auctions will respond to the rules of the game to maximise their returns. In Brazil, existing generators that did not sell through the regulated auction were able to contract with customers on the free market. These customers were willing to pay generators higher prices than were achieved through the auction. As a result, existing generators had less interest in participating in the next auction for “old” energy and resulting prices were higher. Subsequent auctions for old energy have accentuated this trend—with more energy sold on the free market, and less competitive tension in the regulated auction. Despite the attempt to separate prices for “old” and “new” generation, Brazil’s procurement process is also unlikely to consistently lead to the lowest cost generation capacity for two reasons: For new capacity, the contract term is significantly less than the economic life of the asset. This creates a revenue risk for the owners of generation: at the end of their first contract, the private firm has to re-auction the asset in the regulated market for existing capacity (where the ceiling price is set by the Government). This would likely see investors seeking to recover the full capital costs of the investment over the shorter new contract period, with any cost recovery after that period representing an economic gain. As shown in Table 3.1, generation assets that were already operating when this auction based procurement model was introduced in 2004 do not receive new entrant prices as a result of the price ceiling on short term contracts. This may mean that investors are not receiving a commercial return on their investment. Because most of the existing generation is owned by either the Federal or State Governments, this may not be seen as a serious issue in Brazil. However, the impact on existing investors and any resulting chilling effects for new investment would be an issue for the NZ Power proposal. 19 One positive feature of the Brazilian auction market that might help to reduce prices is using a reverse price auction for a total number of MW (procuring a “portfolio” of generation capacity, rather than requiring all the capacity from a single plant). The auction process ranks projects by cost and selects a portfolio needed to meet the capacity need. 3.4 Dispatch Brazil uses a hybrid system to dispatch generation consisting of elements of both central control and market pricing. The central control element is used to dispatch electricity from hydro generation assets through an optimisation model. Market pricing is used to dispatch thermal generators. The hydro dispatch optimisation model takes into account forecast demand, reservoir levels, expected inflows and the Value of Lost Load (VOLL). The model aims to minimise the use of thermal generation, and therefore the cost of fuel. Hydro generation accounts for almost 80 percent of generation, and the difficulty in valuing water is seen as a major reason for using an optimisation model for water, rather than a market based approach that relies on generator bids. Brazil uses a spot price market to balance any power that is not dispatched under long term contracts. Figure 3.3 shows the interaction between long term contracts for capacity, and the spot market: First, all long term contracts for power supply are fulfilled Then, any excess is cleared through the spot market. For example, in Figure 3.3, generator A has generated 110 MW, but is only contracted for 100 MW. This generator provides the 100 contracted MW at the price specified in the long-term contract. The generator is then able to sell the extra 10 MW on the spot market to Distributor Y, who presumably has a consumption of 10 MW more than provided under its long-term contracts. Figure 3.3: Link between Procurement and Dispatch in Brazilian Power Sector 20 The spot market in Brazil is run on a weekly basis: any additional power traded within a given week is settled at the same price. Having a weekly average price clearly blunts price signals. If a generator has extra capacity at peak times, then they receive the same price as a generator who has extra capacity at off-peak times, even though extra generation at peak times is more valuable. The spot market is regulated, with a floor price set as the operations and maintenance costs of hydro generators and a ceiling of the highest cost thermal generator.5 While the spot price is therefore quite artificial, it does not have major financial impacts because all loads and generation is fully contracted. The role of the spot market is, therefore, only to balance out any differences between the fixed contract levels and actual consumption. Lessons for NZ Power The Brazilian dispatch process is a mix of cost based market dispatch for thermal generators with an optimisation model for the hydro plants. The model aims to set an appropriate value for water—given limited storage—and to optimise situations where chains of hydro stations exist on one water source with multiple owners. Both of these are problems are faced in New Zealand. In many ways, the Brazilian dispatch process is the same process employed by ECNZ and its predecessors before the wholesale market was established in 1996. This illustrates that the centralised dispatch of hydro assets is not a guarantee against dry year shortages. The key issue in dispatch is to achieve an appropriate risk allocation—dispatch by a centralised body may be able to optimise many variables, but may or may not be superior to more limited optimisation carried out by multiple parties that actually face the financial consequences of their decisions. 3.5 Retail Sales Electricity retailing in Brazil is carried out by around 50 distribution companies, each of which have a regional monopoly over customers consuming less than 3 MW. In addition, retailers are able to compete for large customers: a quarter of the market (by consumption) that has no interaction with the regulated “single buyer”. Lessons for NZ Power A key component of the Brazilian single buyer model is the non-competitive retail market. This makes the forecasting process somewhat incentive-based for distributors, but also limits its applicability to New Zealand. The single buyer model is not used for large customers, who are free to negotiate supply with generators on individual terms and conditions. This accounts for 25 percent of the market, and since participation is voluntary this suggests that many large customers believe they can purchase energy on better prices, terms and conditions than those available through the single buyer. We note that the business community in New Zealand has expressed concern about the single buyer model. 5 There is some regulatory oversight of the thermal generators costs 21 4 Case Study of Ontario This section describes the single buyer model implemented in Ontario. This case study is particularly relevant to the NZ Power proposal because it shares many of the features of the model proposed by Labour and the Greens. Ontario is also the only jurisdiction that has reverted back to a more centrally controlled electricity supply after having implemented a wholesale market (albeit for a much shorter period of time than in New Zealand). 4.1 Evolution of the Current Model Until 2002, Ontario’s electricity sector was structured as a single provincial government owned utility (generation, transmission and rural distribution) and 300+ municipally owned distribution utilities in urban areas. There were some independent generators supplying the distribution utilities. In 2002, the vertically integrated utility was split into three separate companies—generation, transmission and rural distribution and a system operator. The monopoly elements were regulated and a competitive wholesale market was established. The resulting generation company, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) owned around 90 percent of the total generation capacity. Prices in the wholesale market rose sharply after these reforms, doubling in the first few months of the market’s operation. There were a number of possible reasons for this price rise, including an especially hot summer, a reduction in domestic generating capacity, and an increasing reliance on limited capacity to import power from neighbouring states in Canada. Most residential customers were exposed to this volatile and rising spot price. Residential consumers (who are also voters) voiced concerns to politicians about the impacts of these price rises, and the wholesale market in Ontario was closed after only six months. A retail price freeze was imposed—and the current single buyer model was developed and implemented in 2004. There were two major flaws with the way that the wholesale electricity market in Ontario was introduced: Small retail customers were exposed to spot prices without any transitional arrangements or protection from price volatility. This was clearly unsustainable and destined to cause political problems Creating a wholesale market when 90 percent of the generation was in the hands of one party was always going to create difficult market dynamics. Furthermore, because the dominant party was the previous government owned monopoly generator (OPG), this would likely have inhibited private sector entry into the generation market. We note that OPG still controls around 70 percent of Ontario’s generation capacity. Lessons for NZ Power In a similar manner to Brazil, the single buyer market in Ontario resulted from a failed market reform process. Again, like Brazil, the market had serious design flaws including exposing residential customers to spot prices and having a dominant Government owned generator. Both Ontario and Brazil’s experiences with sector reform underline that establishing the right model for the electricity sector is not easy, and there are many potential unforseen and unintended consequences. The relationship between electricity reform and electoral politics in Ontario is also relevant. The wholesale market in Ontario began life shortly before a State government election. Wholesale market prices could then be used by the political opposition party to 22 point to failures in the existing arrangements, and propose an alternative to “solve” the issues. In much the same way, the NZ Power proposal in New Zealand comes from a political desire for change, rather than from government officials or industry. 4.2 Planning Planning for new generation capacity is centrally controlled in Ontario. The single buyer—the Ontario Power Authority (OPA)—is responsible for all forecasting and planning. To quote from its website: The Ontario Power Authority develops integrated electricity plans that look forward several years, with the purpose of providing sustainable electricity solutions to Ontarians well into the future. The plans take a long-term, province-wide perspective, examining possibilities for future electricity demand and how it can be met through conservation, generation and transmission options. The aim is to enable the electricity system to meet technical standards and public policy objectives in ways that are acceptable to the community. These plans form the technical basis of the advice the OPA provides to government to inform policy priorities, including: • making Ontario efficient in its use of electricity; • phasing out the use of coal; • increasing renewable energy sources; and, • deploying information and technology to improve customer service. The OPA therefore acts as a central planner with responsibility for electricity demand forecasting. OPA then prepares a 20 year plan for generation and transmission to meet those forecasts, and ensures that adequate generation is contracted through the procurement process. The OPA also provides broader advice to the Government on energy policy. Lessons for NZ Power The OPA is accountable to the Government to ensure adequate, reliable and secure electricity supply. Its legislation sets out the following objectives: 1) To forecast electricity demand and the adequacy and reliability of electricity resources for Ontario for the medium and long-term. 2) To conduct independent planning for electricity generation, demand management, conservation and transmission and develop integrated power system plans for Ontario. 3) To engage in activities in support of the goal of ensuring adequate, reliable and secure electricity supply and resources in Ontario. 4) To engage in activities to facilitate the diversification of sources of electricity supply by promoting the use of cleaner energy sources and technologies, including alternative energy sources and renewable energy sources. 5) To establish system-wide goals for the amount of electricity to be produced from alternative energy sources and renewable energy sources. 6) To engage in activities that facilitate load management. 7) To engage in activities that promote electricity conservation and the efficient use of electricity. 23 8) To assist the Ontario Energy Board by facilitating stability in rates for certain types of customers. 9) To collect and provide to the public and the Ontario Energy Board information relating to medium and long term electricity needs of Ontario and the adequacy and reliability of the integrated power system to meet those needs.6 It is also subject to direction by the Minister for Energy. Directions have been issued to OPA to procure power through standard offer and feed in tariff arrangements. OPA’s clear responsibility to ensure adequate, reliable and secure electricity supply and there is no mention of least cost. These obligations are likely to create incentives for over capacity, rather than under capacity of generation. Given that the responsibilities of NZ Power are very similar to the OPA, we would expect the same dynamic to play out in New Zealand if the proposed reforms are implemented. 4.3 Procurement The OPA procures capacity differently depending on whether it was in use at the time of the 2004 reforms, or whether it has been procured since. The OPA also uses different procurement methods depending on the type of generation that is being procured (see Figure 4.1). Figure 4.1: Methods for Procuring New Generation Capacity in Ontario Existing generation owned by OPG (the stated owned generator) is contracted at regulated prices. Existing generation owned by private parties is contracted through long term PPAs. The OPA procures new capacity through three basic mechanisms, depending on the type of capacity being procured: For small scale renewable and cogeneration projects, OPA has standing offers of standardised contracts with Feed In Tariffs (FIT). These are technology 6 From “The Electricity Restructuring Act”, 2004 24 specific and are based on the cost of the technology—for example wind $115/Megawatt hours (MWh) and roof top solar $549/MWh7 For unique situations (particularly for renegotiating contracts for OPG’s large nuclear power stations), OPA conducts sole source negotiations; and For large-scale new capacity, OPA runs a competitive tender process starting with a Request for Proposal (RFP). The competitive tenders are generally technology specific, but are not limited to a certain size. For example, in 2004 the OPA issued a RFP to tender for 2,500 MW of new capacity that could not be oil or coal fired. The tender accepted offers of all sizes; ranked them in cost order and selected a number of projects that accumulated to 2,500 MW. That tender utilised a location adjustment to try to encourage generation in appropriately unconstrained areas of the transmission system. That approach was not seen as a success, and later tenders have tended to specify location (at least broadly). For example, in 2008 the OPA issued a RFP for “up to approximately 850 MW of generation in the South West Greater Toronto area”. That need was met by a single gas fired plant. No RFPs appear to have been issued since 2009. This is partly due to falling demand for electricity in Ontario in the past few years following the global financial crisis, and partly because of the additional renewable generation capacity added through the various standing offer programs. There have also been capacity increases at OPG nuclear stations that were directly negotiated. Lessons for NZ Power There are aspects of the OPA procurement process that could be incorporated in a successful single buyer model and would lead to lower costs such as procurement through a competitive tender process that uses long term contracts that match the economic life of the assets to acquire a portfolio of projects. However, the key lessons from the procurement are: It is very difficult to manage location factors and the costs imposed through transmission augmentations in an open tender process—that is to co-optimise location, transmission and generation. While mechanisms such as locational incentives may help the process, the OPA experience shows that this will always involve a degree of central planning and prescription. While technology neutral procurements are likely to result in lower costs, central procurement can lead to carve outs that lower overall competitiveness and efficiency. Through these mechanisms the OPA has implemented Government objectives such as the phase out of coal and increased use of renewable energy more easily than would be possible in a market but with less transparency about the cost. 4.4 Dispatch Dispatch in Ontario is determined through a spot market. The spot market is run by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), with generators offering capacity and price every 5 minutes. The spot market in Ontario is similar to the one currently operating in New Zealand. In New Zealand, retailers and generators use long term financial contracts to hedge against spot market price fluctuations. These contracts agree a strike price per Kilowatt hour 7 Rates are higher for projects with aboriginal or community participation 25 (kWh). If the spot price is above the contracted strike price, then the generator pays the retailer the difference. If the spot price is below the contracted strike price, then the retailer pays the generator the difference. This is similar to the interaction between long term contracted prices and spot market prices in Ontario (see Figure 4.2). Figure 4.2: Role of Long Term Financial Contracts in Ontario Price (cents per kwh) Spot price on day 2 Day 2: Generator pays retailer the difference Contracted long term price Day 1: Retailer pays generator the difference Spot price on day 1 Day 1: spot price below contracted price Day 2: spot price above contracted price In Ontario, the OPA has long term contracts with generators based on net monthly revenue requirements. Generators also state a monthly energy cost. At the end of each month, the amount that the OPA pays to each generator is calculated in two steps: Firstly, OPA calculates the spot market price for all periods where the spot price exceeds the generator’s stated energy cost. This incentivises the generators to be accurate in stating their energy cost, and to bid into the spot market at their energy cost Secondly, this spot market revenue is deducted from the monthly net revenue requirement and the balance is paid to the generator. If the generator earns more on the spot market than their stated monthly revenue requirement, they are only allowed to keep 5 percent of this excess (the remaining 95 percent surplus is kept by the OPA). The main goal of this payment structure is to incentivise the generators to be available for dispatch. It assumes that a generator will run when the spot market price exceeds their stated energy cost. Lessons for NZ Power The dispatch process used in Ontario is aimed more at providing incentives for generators to be available than necessarily ensuring least cost dispatch. The process ensures that all contracted generators will bid at the contracted short run marginal cost so that they will be dispatched and earn their deemed market revenue. This is efficient only to the extent that the contracted short run marginal cost represents the generator’s actual short run marginal cost in each and every dispatch interval. 26 The approach to dispatch in Ontario is the main area that is quite different from the NZ Power proposal. NZ Power will be given the power to dispatch plants based on a centrally determined order of priority, and has the ability to call on plants for dispatch. The approach in Ontario is thus more market based and is similar to the current New Zealand wholesale market with the exception that dispatch occurs on the basis of a generator’s contracted short run marginal costs rather than generator offers. The Ontario approach of cost based dispatch would not be appropriate in a system like New Zealand where the dominant generation is hydro with almost zero marginal cost but with water availability constraints. In such a system, water needs to be valued explicitly—in a market—or implicitly—in a central optimisation process—to ensure efficient dispatch. 4.5 Retail Sales Ontario’s retail market is divided into two sections: Small customers (including all residential customers and small business customers) who are served by retailers Large customers (including all commercial and industrial consumers and large business customers) who can buy directly from the OPA. Both of these groups pay regulated tariffs. Tariffs are set at the OPA’s average wholesale price. The average wholesale price reflects: Average spot market prices The regulated rates paid to OPG’s nuclear and hydroelectric base load generating stations Payments made to suppliers that have been awarded contracts through the OPA such as new gas-fired facilities, renewable facilities (like wind farms) and demand response programs; and Contracted rates administered by the Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation paid to existing generators. Figure 4.3 shows a comparison of retail electricity prices in Ontario and New Zealand over the last 10 years. 27 Figure 4.3: Comparison of Retail Electricity Prices in Ontario and New Zealand Note: Prices indexed to 2003 prices These are real prices—that is, the impact of the different inflation rates in each country has been removed. Ontario’s demand for electricity has fallen by about 10 percent since 2005. The price rises from 2008 represent the costs of phasing out coal fired generation and the continued uptake of renewable energy. The combination of falling demand and increased capacity has seen Ontario’s reserve margin reach 48 percent in 2012. Lessons for NZ Power Ontario’s retail prices have risen and continued to rise under the single buyer model largely because, while demand has been falling, additional generation has been procured. While it is clear that much of this additional generation has been driven by environmental objectives, some rise may also be due to the primary objective of the OPA to ensure adequate, reliable and secure electricity supplies. The key lesson for NZ Power is to ensure that the central buyer is simultaneously accountable for both reliable supply and at the least cost. Since reliability is easy to measure and least cost is not easy to measure (due to the absence of an obvious counterfactual), it’s much more difficult to ensure that the single buyer is held accountable for a least cost outcome. A further lesson from Ontario is that in a single buyer model, the scope for large customers to benefit from competition between retailers is limited by the fact they all pay the same wholesale price. A similar issue will arise under the NZ Power proposal, where competing retailers all face the same wholesale price. The only area to compete on is customer service: the good they are selling (electricity) does not vary in quality or price. 28 5 Case Study of Vertically Integrated Electricity Sectors with Independent Power Producers (IPPs) Many jurisdictions have some form of vertical integration combined with IPPs. From the list put forward by Labour and the Greens, this includes India, Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia, Pakistan, South Africa and Vietnam. Many other countries could be added to this list. Obviously there are a number of country specific nuances in the specific design; however most of these jurisdictions have the following features in common: Planning is run by a central agency—usually the utility—who forecasts demand, rather than relying on market signals Procurement of new generation is normally run by the vertically integrated utility. Often the vertically integrated utility builds and owns certain generation projects, and tenders out other generation projects to private parties. The tender process is normally competitive, with private firms competing to supply a certain amount of electricity over a certain time period. Electricity supply is governed by long term Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) whose term matches the economic life of the generation asset Dispatch of generation is normally controlled by the vertically integrated utility. IPPs are indifferent about whether they are dispatched or not, due to capacity payments that cover all fixed costs under the PPA Retail is normally controlled by a vertically integrated utility, either with a single national retailor, or with regional monopoly retailers. In certain countries, retail competition is allowed for large industrial and commercial consumers, who are allowed to buy electricity directly from IPPs. 5.1 Evolution of Current Market Most countries in the world developed their electricity sectors through a vertically integrated state owned utility with responsibility for planning, procurement, dispatch and retail. Many countries in the world have retained that sector structure. Introducing private participation in electricity generation is typically the first step in the process of electricity sector reform: the vertically integrated state owned utility retains control over transmission and retail. We examine this sector structure in more detail to understand the role of the “single buyer” in this market structure. Figure 5.1 shows four common steps in electricity sector reform internationally. Introducing competition for generation is generally the first step away from full vertical integration. After this, a common next step is to break up the vertically integrated company into separate divisions (focusing on generation, transmission and distribution). Often these separate divisions are partially or fully privatised at the same time. These sector reform steps often (but not always) lead to the establishment of a competitive wholesale electricity market. This is sometimes accompanied by the introduction of retail competition. New Zealand is one of a number of countries, including Australia, Great Britain, most European Union counties, and some states in the United States that have achieved a competitive wholesale electricity market with full retail competition—that is, where even the smallest customer has a choice of retailer. 29 Figure 5.1: Common Steps in Electricity Sector Reform Overseas Fully vertically integrated state owned utility with no private participation Vertically integrated state owned utility with private participation in generation State owned enterprise broken up and/ or partially privatised Introduction of retail competition + some form of wholesale market (New Zealand currently) Lessons for NZ Power Although not unheard of (as shown by the case of Ontario), it is unusual to move back from a competitive wholesale electricity market to a single buyer model. Many countries are currently trying to reform their electricity sectors the other way—from a model with a single buyer to one with a competitive market. For example, even in Africa where the push for sector reform has been relatively gradual, countries such as Nigeria and Kenya have recently split up their state owned utilities into generation, transmission and distribution companies and partially or fully privatised their sectors. It is important to understand the reasons that most countries choose to move towards a more market based system, lessening the role of a single buyer. As the experience in Ontario (and to a lesser extent Brazil) shows, some jurisdictions do “wind the clock back”. However, it is important to recognise the trade-offs that exist between a market based system, and a centrally controlled system. 5.2 Planning In vertically integrated markets with competition for generation, planning for new capacity investments is done centrally (as proposed in the NZ Power model). Responsibility for planning can be given to the utility (for example in Indonesia), a government ministry (for example in Tanzania), or the regulator (for example in Kenya). The planning organisation will develop demand forecasts to determine when and where new generation investments are needed. Lessons for NZ Power Accurately forecasting demand is a difficult task. Demand for electricity is affected by a wide range of factors, with the main determinants being economic growth (which fuels commercial and industrial growth as well as growth in demand per customer) and population growth (which fuels growth in the number of residential customers). It is difficult to project these variables accurately enough to determine the most cost effective time and location to invest in new electricity generation. 30 One of the main strengths of wholesale electricity markets like New Zealand’s is that they replace the centralised planning function that is found in markets with vertical integration and IPPs: prices signal where new generation is needed. When demand peaks in certain parts of the grid, supply is constrained so the spot price increases. New Zealand’s nodal pricing system also sends important signals as to where new generation investment is needed most (and where it will likely earn the highest return). 5.3 Procurement In vertically integrated markets with competition for new generation, procurement is generally controlled by the vertically integrated utility. This is because the vertically integrated utility will be the counterparty to the PPA. Other organisations (such as a government Ministry or independent regulator) will often provide some oversight of the procurement process to ensure that consumers end up paying no more for power than is necessary. Broadly, there are three options for procuring new generation capacity: Self-build: in most countries with a vertically integrated utility and competition for generation, the vertically integrated utility will build and own generation assets. So when new build opportunities are identified, the utility (or sometimes the Ministry or regulator) needs to decide whether the utility will build the new capacity, or whether a private party will build the capacity. South Africa has established a guide that at least 30 percent of new generation must be built by private parties, with the remaining 70 percent left to the vertically integrated utility, ESKOM Unsolicited bids: in some situations, vertically integrated utilities will be approached by private parties with a proposal to build a new generation facility. These approaches are known as unsolicited bids, because the utility did not solicit bids through a competitive tender process. In most countries, unsolicited bids are closely scrutinised by the sector regulator to ensure they offer value for money. Some countries forbid unsolicited bids altogether Competitive tenders: in most countries, generation that is not built by the vertically integrated utility is competitively tendered out to private bidders. The utility will normally identify the location and capacity required, and private firms will bid on a price for building such a plant. Both unsolicited bids and competitive tenders will require the utility to negotiate a PPA to purchase electricity over a defined timeframe for a defined price. Structure of Power Purchase Agreements PPAs have a well-defined structure, as shown in Figure 5.2 below. PPAs are long term contracts, normally for the useful life of the asset. This varies by technology: thermal plants normally have a useful life of around 25 to 40 years, whereas hydro assets can function for much longer time periods with appropriate maintenance. PPAs have a typical allocation of risk: Demand risk is borne by the buyer (as would be the case under the NZ Power model). In other words, the buyer contracts to purchase a certain amount of electricity, independent of whether demand actually exists for this electricity. This allocation of risk makes sense because the private party has no control over whether or not their generation asset is dispatched 31 Fuel price risk is almost always borne by the buyer. This means that changes in fuel costs—such as coal or gas—are passed through to the buyer under the PPA. In some cases, the buyer is directly responsible for procuring the fuel— meaning that the PPA effectively provides a tolling arrangement for use of the generation asset Inflation and foreign exchange risk. Again, this risk is almost always borne by the buyer through escalation provisions in the PPA Technical generation risks are always borne by seller (the private party), who is best able to control whether the plant is appropriately designed and functioning properly. The private party bears technical risks up until the point where electricity is injected into the grid: beyond that point, the vertically integrated utility is normally responsible for risks such as overloaded transformers or damaged lines. PPAs have a typical payment structure that is based on two types of payments: Capacity charges: cover the fixed costs of the plant, including all capital costs and fixed operations and maintained costs. This payment is made so long as the plant is available to be dispatched. Energy charges: cover the variable costs of the plant including fuel costs and all variable operations and maintenance costs. This payment is made only if the plant is actually dispatched. Figure 5.2: Key Features of Power Purchase Agreements Contract length: matches the useful life of the asset (such as 25-40 years for thermal assets) Risk allocation: utility takes demand risk, fuel price risk and foreign exchange risk; private party takes design, construction and operation risks Payment structure: private party paid “capacity payment” to cover fixed costs and “energy payment” to cover variable costs The combination of the risk allocation and the payment structure means that IPP projects are relatively low risk. In most cases, this means that IPPs are able to be project financed—which typically involves a high level of debt leverage and means that lenders do not have recourse to forms of security other than the asset that is built. Ultimately, these arrangements aim to make the cost of generation very low by ensuring that returns to the power station’s investors only need to compensate them for taking a moderate level of risk. 32 However, this low price comes at a cost because many of the normal risks taken by investors in new generation in other sector structures (such as the need for capacity, fuel costs and inflation) have been allocated to the buyer. This means that the price of purchasing power from IPPs can be deceptively alluring: to have an apples for apples comparison with other ways of procuring new generation the price needs to be adjusted for the risks that are being taken by the buyer. Lessons for NZ Power Procuring new capacity by running competitive tenders should achieve efficient costs as long as: The capacity being procured is needed (the planning process correctly identifies the size and location of new generation need) There is sufficient competition (two or more technically capable firms place bids that reflect efficient costs); and The PPA contract is well designed (resulting in a contract for the economic life of the assets that appropriately allocates risk, and contains a payment mechanism that reflects competitive energy and capacity charges over the life of the contract). 5.4 Dispatch In vertically integrated markets with competition for generation, dispatch is controlled centrally. Due to the structure of PPA payments, private generators are indifferent to whether they are dispatched or not. If they are not dispatched, their costs are covered by capacity charges. If they are dispatched, the additional costs of running the plant are covered by energy charges. The central agency needs to determine the merit order in which to dispatch available generation plants. Its goal is to minimise the cost of electricity to customers, given the long term PPAs they have signed up to. Merit order is normally determined by the energy payments under each PPA, with the plants with the lowest energy charges dispatched first. The central agency must dispatch plants within the system constraints. This may include constraints on the transmission and distribution systems, as well as constraints on hydro storage. Dispatching hydro plants effectively can be hard to model, as the central agency needs to factor in not just current dam levels, but likely rainfall in the catchment over the coming months. In some countries, dispatch of hydro plants also needs to consider the impact on other water users such as agriculture, industry and consumers. Lessons for NZ Power Dispatch according to energy charges is only efficient if the PPA payment structure accurately reflects the fixed and variable costs of generation. Because PPAs last for many years, it is important that capacity and energy charges are appropriately reviewed over time. This is achieved through fuel cost pass through, indexation for inflation and sometimes for foreign exchange changes. It is also important that the PPA payment structure creates incentives for the generator to reduce costs where possible. For example, a gas fired plant owner should have an incentive to renegotiate fuel contracts over time. These incentives are hard to create with fuel price pass through provisions, so the contract needs to share of benefits of renegotiation between the buyer and the seller. 33 Due to New Zealand’s reliance on hydro power generation, NZ Power has the somewhat unusual challenge of ensuring that the approach to dispatch optimises the use of water storage to avoid black outs in dry years. 5.5 Retail Sales In vertically integrated markets with competition for generation, the bulk of the retail market is not normally competitive. Rather there is normally either a single national retailor (as in South Africa or Indonesia) or a series of regional monopoly retailers (as in India and Japan). Some jurisdictions do have competition for some larger commercial and industrial consumers. Consumers who meet certain conditions are allowed to negotiate directly with generators for their supply. These conditions normally relate to the size of their consumption: the rationale being that, if customers are large enough, they have enough negotiating power to achieve reasonable power prices. Table 5.1: Four Main Types of Retail Markets in Jurisdictions with Vertically Integrated Markets Number Single national of retailers retailer Regional monopoly retailers All customers Small residential customers Indonesia, South Africa Rwanda India, Japan Ontario, Brazil Lessons for NZ Power Vertically integrated markets provide few direct lessons on retail sales for NZ Power, which will have a single buyer with retail competition. We are not aware of any other jurisdiction that has successfully used this combination of central control with retail competition. This is because the presence of a fixed wholesale price leaves little room for retailers to effectively compete. Without the ability to compete on wholesale electricity purchasing costs, retailers can only differentiate themselves through billing technologies and customer services. While this is still retail competition, it is clearly more limited than current market arrangements. 34 6 Case Study of Jurisdictions with Capacity Markets Many jurisdictions have capacity markets which combine some features of the single buyer model with market and market-like arrangements. While the exact form of capacity markets varies considerably across jurisdictions, the key feature is some kind of administrative oversight over the provision of capacity. Similar to the payment structure under PPAs, generators in capacity markets receive separate payments for capacity and energy. However, in contrast to vertically integrated markets, capacity and energy payments are not set by long term contracts, but rather by markets: Capacity payments compensate generators for their fixed costs—that is payments for being available. These payments can be made by retailers and large customers contracting for capacity, or by the single capacity buyer— usually the market operator; and Energy payments compensate generators for their short run marginal costs—essentially fuel—when they are dispatched. These payments are received by generators from some type of spot market for dispatch. Generators and retailers can also enter into contracts for differences between spot market prices and some contracted long term strike price. Capacity markets are thus a hybrid between the single buyer model and the fully market based energy only wholesale pool model. While capacity markets have many different forms, they all have the following features in common: Planning is usually decentralised in that all retailers and loads submit forecasts to the market Procurement of capacity is primarily the responsibility of retailors, however shortfalls are procured by the market operator as a last resort Dispatch of generation normally occurs through a spot market with generators submitting bids; and Retail can be competitive or regulated. 6.1 Evolution of the Current Market Capacity markets are common internationally, with possibly the largest and best known being the PJM market, which covers wholesale electricity supply to 14 states in the North Eastern United States8. In Australia, the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) in Western Australia is a capacity market. In this section we use PJM as a reference case for a capacity market but recognise that considerable variations exist. Capacity markets evolved as part of the general electricity market reform process to unbundle vertically integrated monopoly power systems and introduce competition and contestability. One policy junction was whether to have an energy only market (as in New Zealand), and whether to have a capacity market. Those jurisdictions that choose capacity markets did so on the basis that energy only markets produce volatile spot prices that may not provide incentives for appropriate investments in long term capacity to ensure reliability. 8 PJM market serves all or part of the following states: Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia 35 6.2 Planning In capacity markets, planning is usually decentralised in that all retailers and any directly supplied large customers submit forecasts to the market operator along with evidence of any capacity contracts they have to match that load. This means the risk of forecast errors lies with the retailers that bear the consequences of those errors. The financial consequences arise through either: Retailers being over contracted in capacity—that is paying for more capacity than is required; or Penalties imposed by the market operator when the retailers consume more capacity than they forecast. Those penalties are usually based on the assumed cost of new entry plus a margin to incentivise retailers not to game their capacity forecasts. A feature of capacity markets is that capacity is tradeable—that is retailers can continually adjust their forward capacity position. In essence this incentivises (or perhaps forces) retailers and loads to maintain the reliability standard set by policy makers by requiring them to contract for capacity and providing penalties and costs if they do not contract. Lessons for NZ Power The option of shifting forecasting risk to retailers and loads is attractive if they are incentivised appropriately through exposure to the financial consequences of that risk. This type of approach promises greater efficiency than a central forecasting body that may have different or lesser incentives—for example a responsibility to maintain supply security may lead to a bias towards over forecasting future capacity requirements. 6.3 Procurement In a capacity market, all retailers and loads are generally required to have firm capacity contracts with generators for their expected loads plus—importantly—an administratively determined reserve capacity margin. The capacity margin can also be implemented as a firm capacity requirement—that is generators are assigned a firm capacity rating, for example, on an N-1 basis, that they can contract. Typically the forward cover mandated in capacity markets is three to five years and thus provides a basis for long term investment in new capacity. To the extent that retailers and loads cannot contract for all of their required capacity, it is procured by a single buyer. The single buyer is almost always the market operator, who administers competitive tenders. The tendering process differs by jurisdiction, with varying degrees of neutrality with regards to the size, location and technology of the new capacity. In many jurisdictions there is a ceiling price set above which the single buyer will not procure capacity. That ceiling is usually set at the deemed fixed costs of an open cycle gas generator. The costs of the procurement process are paid by the retailors and generators who did not fully contract bilaterally for their needs. Box 6.1 describes the PJM procurement process—a typical capacity market approach. PJM calls its approach “reliability pricing” because capacity markets focus on having the capacity in place ahead of time to meet forecast demand peaks on very hot or cold days. The market therefore enables the system to deliver the planned level of reliability. 36 Box 6.1: PJM Reliability Pricing Model The Reliability Pricing Model (RPM) is PJM’s capacity-market model. Implemented in 2007, the RPM, based on making capacity commitments three years ahead, is designed to create long-term price signals to attract needed investments in reliability in the PJM region. The long-term RPM approach, in contrast to PJM’s previous short-term capacity market, includes incentives that are designed to stimulate investment both in maintaining existing generation and in encouraging the development of new sources of capacity – resources that include not just generating plants, but demand response and transmission facilities. The RPM model works in conjunction with PJM’s Regional Transmission Expansion Planning (RTEP) process to ensure the reliability of the PJM region for future years. The RPM includes the continued use of self-supply and bilateral contracts by load-serving entities (LSEs) to meet their capacity obligations. The capacity auctions under the RPM obtain the remaining capacity that is needed after market participants have committed the resources they will supply themselves or provide through contracts. The RPM provides: Procurement of capacity three years before it is needed through a competitive auction; Locational pricing for capacity that reflects limitations on the transmission system’s ability to deliver electricity into an area and to account for the differing need for capacity in various areas of PJM; A variable resource requirement to help set the price for capacity; A backstop mechanism to ensure that sufficient resources will be available to preserve system reliability. Source: Lessons for NZ Power We see two benefits of the capacity market approach to procuring new generation capacity. Firstly, the hybrid approach gets the best out of the market, while having a backstop of a centrally run process. It creates powerful incentives for both generators and retailers to negotiate rather than rely on the system operator tendering process for new capacity. For generators, failure to contract all of their capacity will ensure that either new entry occurs or they will be forced to participate in a competitive tender process. For retailers, it caps the price they are prepared to pay for capacity at the new entrant price determined by a competitive tender process. Secondly, capacity markets provide incentives for both retailers and generators to contract long term—that is for a term longer than the market’s mandatory capacity term. For example, the mandatory capacity term in PJM is three years. However freely negotiated contracts often have a much longer terms, as this lowers the costs and risks for both generators and retailers. 6.4 Dispatch Typically capacity markets use a spot market with competitive bidding on energy cost to ensure efficient least cost dispatch. Capacity payments cover all fixed costs of generation. Generators recover the variable costs of their generation through their bids into the spot market. The spot market for dispatch in capacity markets is far less volatile than in energy only markets, as generators are only seeking to recover their variable costs. In energy only markets, generators are seeking to recover their variable costs as well as their fixed costs. 37 They often recover their fixed costs through a small number of very highly priced spot market periods. Spot markets for dispatch in capacity markets typically have their prices capped. Prices are normally capped at the fuel costs of the most expensive generation. Prices caps of around $1,000 are typical. Having such low price caps substantially mitigates any market power concerns. Lessons for NZ Power The separation of the markets for capacity and energy make the energy dispatch market for capacity markets less volatile and in some ways more transparent. There is far less angst about whether price spikes represent genuine scarcity and thus recovery of fixed costs or evidence of market power. However, the energy dispatch market in a capacity market model does not provide any insights for New Zealand on the appropriate valuation of limited water resources for a predominantly hydro generation based system. 6.5 Retail Sales Capacity markets are well suited to either a competitive or regulated retail environment, provided that there are enough buyers and sellers of capacity to make a liquid and competitive market for capacity. This means that if the retail sector is regulated there should be multiple franchise retailers and or major customers that can contract with generators for capacity. As retail deregulation is carried out on a State by State basis in the United States, PJM operates across states that have both regulated and competitive retail markets. Lessons for NZ Power Of all the single buyer models, the capacity market model is most suited to a deregulated retail market. This is because the single buyer component is limited to two functions: Mandating that retailers and large customers have contracted adequate capacity to meet their loads; and As a last resort, procuring capacity to cover any shortfalls through a competitive tender process. 38 7 Conclusion: What Will Reduce Retail Power Prices? The key motivation behind the NZ Power proposal is to reduce retail prices for customers. Labour and the Greens have a view that the current wholesale market structure is not sufficiently supporting such an outcome. The opposition parties believe that a single buyer model would lower retail electricity prices. However, international experience shows that the key to lower electricity prices is not adopting a particular structure for the electricity sector, but getting the risk allocation right. If sector reform does not change the underlying costs incurred in the industry through better risk management, then all reform can hope to achieve is to transfer value between parties. NZ Power proposal has an unusual combination of common market elements Labour claims that the market structure proposed is commonplace around the world. This is misleading. No other jurisdiction combines the elements of NZ Power across the key functions of planning, procurement, dispatch and retail electricity sales. It is particularly unusual to have retail competition in a single buyer market. There is no perfect structure, so it is important to be explicit about the trade-offs when adopting a new sector structure All electricity system frameworks—whether vertically integrated monopolies, single buyers or wholesale markets—have the core objective of providing reliable supply at the lowest long term cost. International experience shows that there is no single model that universally performs better than others in achieving this objective—wholesale markets have worked well in some jurisdictions, and have failed completely in others, as have single buyers. Economic theory suggests that markets will generally work towards an efficient allocation of resources. However, since electricity markets are all highly artificial and imperfect regulated markets, it is less obvious that markets are always the best solution. Lower power prices come from managing risks effectively The key to getting the structure of the electricity sector right lies in risk allocation—a framework that allocates risk efficiently will generally produce lower retail prices. Efficient risk allocation involves allocating risks to the party best able to manage and mitigate them—the party has both the means and the incentives to manage each risk. There are many risks in electricity sectors, including who pays if there is over-investment in new generation, who pays if world gas prices increase, and who pays to manage environmental impacts. Market structures differ primarily on who bears each of these risks. Different market structures cannot remove the risks inherent in electricity generation, transmission and distribution. They can only allocate these risks to different parties. In market based systems, generators and retailers bear most of the risk in planning and procurement. They are responsible for having sufficient electricity supply to meet demand. If these parties fail to forecast demand accurately or fail to price their offers to market competitively, then they bear the cost. In the NZ Power proposal, these risks are transferred to the single buyer. If NZ Power forecasts demand incorrectly, it will either be left with idle assets, or customers will face blackouts. If NZ Power dispatches available hydro generation too heavily, it will be left with high fuel costs to dispatch thermal plants when lake levels get too low (or worse will require electricity conservation campaigns to manage combined water and thermal fuel resources). 39 When risk is shifted to a single buyer, generators and retailers will bear less risk, so should expect lower returns. However, the underlying risk still exists—it has simply been transferred to NZ Power. Whether or not moving to a single buyer model results in lower electricity prices for customers will therefore depend on whether NZ Power can manage these risks better than the private generators and retailers. To illustrate this point, we can look at the risks associated with procuring new generation. Procuring new generation centrally via a properly structured long term contract may well lead to lower generation costs and lower returns for investors. This is because many of the normal risks of developing capacity have been passed to the buyer. The single buyer decides the size, technology and timing of the capacity expansion, and takes risks such as future fuel price increases. This means that the apparently low cost of generation through a long term contract is balanced by the transfer of risk to the single buyer. If the capacity is not needed or is the wrong technology or location, then the single buyer—and ultimately customers—pays the financial penalty. It is therefore not surprising to see retail prices in single buyer and wholesale markets following a similar trajectory. Risks are either priced into the returns expected by investors in a competitive market, or are passed through to consumers when risk events occur under the single buyer model. What can we learn from international experience on trade-offs between different sector structures? Our case studies of Brazil and Ontario and IPPs and capacity markets provide some useful lessons to understand the trade-offs inherent in developing an efficient model for the electricity sector. Table 7.1 summarises the key lessons on managing risks in planning, procurement, dispatch, and retail sales. Table 7.1: Lessons from International Experience with Sector Reform Procurement Planning Brazil Ontario Capacity markets Lessons on managing risks effectively Positive: Retailers Negative: Creating political have incentives to incentives to maintain reliability is likely to result in over-investment forecast accurately Positive: Requiring retailers to contract for capacity gives incentives to forecast demand accurately Commercial incentives provide a valuable discipline to plan accurately Positive: Reverse auctions tend drive price down Negative: Contract length shorter than useful life increases price Positive: provides incentives to compete out long term contracts to lower prices, while having a market provides dynamic responses over time Competition for long term contracts can lower price Negatives: Cooptimising location of transmission and generation is hard. Decisions to favour renewable renewables drives price up Vertically integrated markets Positive: competitive tenders drive price down Negative: single buyer does not have strong financial incentives to identify the best location and timing 40 Brazil Ontario Vertically integrated markets Capacity markets Lessons on managing risks effectively Positives: Using Dispatch optimisation model for hydro dispatch tries to account for storage issue Using a spot market for balancing is a useful way to signal scarcity Positive: generators have incentive to be available for dispatch Negative: incentives for contractors to bid at contracted price dampens signals of fuel scarcity Negative: Long term contracts for energy and capacity mean that the price paid to generators may not reflect the actual costs of generation re either priced into the returns e Positive: energy only spot market allows energy scarcity to be reflected and responded to in real time Market mechanisms provide important signals of fuel availability. Dispatching hydro resources requires good modelling Retail Positive: allowing large customers to purchase directly from generators is efficient Negative: retail competition is hard with a single buyer who sets wholesale prices Negative: single buyer has no customer relationships through which to control real time demand NA: capacity markets can be used with single buyers or with competing retailors Wholesale prices need to incentivise retailors to contract for sufficient supply Stability in market structure is valuable: change should only be made to realise clear gains Stability in market structure has value in itself—there is benefit in evolution rather than revolution. Reforming a sector structure is risky and disruptive, as seen in Ontario and Brazil’s failed market reforms that lead them back towards single buyer models. Reform can create disruption for consumers. Reform can also discourage investment because private parties will not invest money if they think the market structure is vulnerable to future change that makes their investments unprofitable. In other words, there are costs associated with the reform process, even if the end result is marginally better than the status quo. This suggests that reform should only be considered in New Zealand if the current sector structure is clearly broken. Labour and the Greens are convinced that current electricity prices are too high. However, reform should only be considered if an obviously better sector structure is proposed. From our case studies of international experience, the single buyer proposal does not appear clearly superior for New Zealand. 41 Appendix A: Operation of Electricity Sector Affected by Physical Features The two jurisdictions that have the most similar structure to that proposed by the opposition parties are Brazil and Ontario (Canada). However, the physical characteristics of each market are quite different. Table A.1 provides an overview of the key features. Table A.1: Comparison of the New Zealand Electricity Sector to Electricity Sectors in Brazil and Ontario Brazil Ontario New Zealand Peak demand (MW) 71,000 (year 2011) 27,005 (year 2006) 6,654 (year 2011) Installed capacity (MW) 120,000 (year 2011) 34,276 (year 2009) 9,751 (year 2011) Load Factor (%) 59% 60% 67% Reserve Margin (%) 41% 21% 32% Total consumption (GWh in 2011) 369,000 141,500 39,005 Average annual consumption per capita 2008-2012 (kWh)9 2,381 15,137 (average for 9,566 Canada) Proportion of consumption from residential users 30% (year 2011) 36% (year 2006) 35% (Year 2010) Proportion of consumption from commercial10 users 20% (year 2011) 32% (year 2006) 29% (Year 2010) Proportion of consumption from industrial users 50% (year 2011) 32% (year 2006) 36% (Year 2010) Hydro 72% 22% 55% Gas 9% Oil / diesel 6% Coal 2% Nuclear 2% 55% 0% Geothermal 0% 0% 7% Wind 1% 1% 6% Biomass 8% 0% 0% Cogeneration 0% 0% 4% Imported 0% 5% 0% Overview Consumption Generation mix 9 16% 17% 10% 10 2% For New Zealand, “commercial users” include agriculture and forestry 42 Generation market players Number of generators 488 20 5 Share of generation produced by largest generator 9% 70% 32% Sources of data for Brazil: "Evolution of Global Electricity Markets" by Sioshansi (page 438-449) Sources of data for Ontario: "Evolution of Global Electricity Markets" by Sioshansi (page 366-373). Sources of data for New Zealand: "Evolution of Global Electricity Markets" by Sioshansi (page 649). “Electricity in New Zealand” by the Electricity Authority. Page 22: “Generating capacity as at June 2011”. The New Zealand electricity market is much smaller than either of the other markets, with a peak demand less than one tenth of Brazil’s peak demand, and less than one third of Ontario’s peak demand (see Figure A.1). Figure A.1: Size of Electricity Supply and Demand (MW) Sources: Ontario: "Evolution of Global Electricity Markets" by Sioshansi (page 366) and New Zealand: "Evolution of Global Electricity Markets" by Sioshansi (page 649) Brazil: "Evolution of Global Electricity Markets" by Sioshansi (page 438) The New Zealand electricity market has a similar consumption mix to Ontario, with consumers, industry and commercial users each consuming roughly a third of generated electricity (see Figure A.2). In Brazil, industrial users consume roughly 50 percent of all electricity, with residential consuming around 30 percent. 43 Figure A.2: Sources of Demand in Ontario, New Zealand and Brazil Sources: Ontario: “Single Buyer and Ontario’s Electrics Supply Structure” presentation by the Ontario Power Authority presented by Jan Carr. November 2006. New Zealand: “Electricity in New Zealand” by the Electricity Authority. Page 8: Estimated electricity consumption by section for year ended March 2010 Brazil: "Evolution of Global Electricity Markets" by Sioshansi (page 438) New Zealand’s generation mix is more similar to Brazil’s than to Ontario’s (see Figure A.3). Both New Zealand and Brazil rely on hydroelectricity for over half of generation. Whereas in Ontario, nuclear is the main source of generation, accounting for 55 percent. Fossil fuels are the second biggest energy source for all three markets. The secondary renewable energy in each country after hydro differs: in New Zealand, it is geothermal (making up 7 percent of total generation), in Brazil it is biomass (making up 8 percent of total generation), and in Ontario, it is wind (making up 1 percent of total generation). In terms of competition in the generation market, New Zealand has fewer market players than either Brazil or Ontario. However the New Zealand market is split more evenly between generators than in Ontario, where Ontario Power Generation accounts for 70 percent of all generation. In comparison, the largest generator in New Zealand, Meridian, accounts for around 30 percent of the market. In Brazil, the generation market is much more fractured, with nearly 500 generators, the biggest of which accounts for 9 percent of the market. 44 Figure A.3: Generation Mix in Ontario, New Zealand and Brazil Sources: Ontario: "Evolution of Global Electricity Markets" by Sioshansi (page 366) New Zealand: “Electricity in New Zealand” by the Electricity Authority. Page 22: “Generating capacity as at June 2011” Brazil: "Evolution of Global Electricity Markets" by Sioshansi (page 439) 45 T: +1 (202) 466-6790 F: +1 (202) 466-6797 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, 12th Floor WASHINGTON DC 20006 United States of America T: +61 (2) 9231 6862 F: +61 (2) 9231 3847 36 – 38 Young Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Australia T: +64 (4) 913 2800 F: +64 (4) 913 2808 Level 2, 88 The Terrace PO Box 10-225 WELLINGTON 6143 New Zealand T: +33 (1) 45 27 24 55 F: +33 (1) 45 20 17 69 7 Rue Claude Chahu PARIS 75116 France -------------