NO. 2016-152
June 2016
Capital Regional District
Integrated Water Services
479 Island Highway
Victoria, BC V9B 1H7
Tel: 250.474.9600
Fax: 250.474.4012
1. REQUEST FOR QUOTE ...................................................................................................... 1
2. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS............................................................................................ 2
2.1 CONDITIONS OF QUOTE ................................................................................................ 2
3. FORM OF QUOTE ............................................................................................................... 7
3.1 SCHEDULE OF PRICES AND QUANTITIES ........................................................................ 7
4. QUOTE FORM ..................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 TERMS OF QUOTE ........................................................................................................ 8
5. GENERAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................... 9
5.1 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................ 9
5.2 PAYMENT .................................................................................................................... 9
5.3 WARRANTY ................................................................................................................10
5.4 INDEMNITY AND RELEASE BY CONTRACTOR ..................................................................10
5.5 PRIME CONTRACTOR DESIGNATION .............................................................................10
5.6 INSURANCE ................................................................................................................10
REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................................11
5.8 BUILDERS’ LIENS ........................................................................................................11
5.9 RELEASE OF DISTRICT’S REPRESENTATIVE ..................................................................11
5.10 COMPLETION BY REGIONAL DISTRICT ...........................................................................11
5.11 DISPUTES ...................................................................................................................11
5.12 NOTICES ....................................................................................................................12
5.13 COMPLIANCE WITH LAW AND FEES ...............................................................................12
5.14 WAIVER......................................................................................................................12
5.15 CHANGE ORDERS .......................................................................................................12
5.16 PAYMENT FOR CHANGE ORDERS .................................................................................12
5.17 EFFECT OF CHANGE ORDER ........................................................................................13
5.18 SCHEDULE OF FORCE ACCOUNT RATES .......................................................................13
5.19 FORCE ACCOUNT W ORK .............................................................................................13
5.20 RELEASE OF HOLDBACK ..............................................................................................13
7. SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................................18
8. PRODUCTS ........................................................................................................................21
9. EXECUTION .......................................................................................................................28
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV & Chlorination
Capital Regional District (District) Integrated Water Services invites quotes from qualified bidders
for the supply and delivery of a diesel standby power generator for the Japan Gulch UV &
Chlorination Facility. Quotes will be accepted at the CRD Integrated Water Services Office, 479
Island Highway, Victoria, BC, V9B 1H7, until 3:00:00 p.m. local time, Friday, 15th July, 2016.
The work consists of:
The Supply, Delivery and Unloading to site (FOB Japan Gulch Facility, Victoria B C) of a three
phase, 600V, 800kW Standby Generator c/w sound attenuated and weathertight enclosure, with
a double walled sub-base fuel tank (minimum capacity 48 hours @ Full Load) and associated
access platforms. Reference the attached specifications for further details.
The generator installation will be completed and coordinated by the CRD, the supplier will provide
commissioning support along with the CRD Consultant (Stantec) and the Owner as discussed in
this document
All bids must be submitted on the form provided. Tender documents are contained within this
Request for Quote or may be obtained from the offices of CRD Integrated Water Services.
Electronic copies may be downloaded at no charge from
under reference “Request for Quote 2016-152”.
Quotes by Facsimile will NOT be accepted. However modifications to an original may be
submitted, prior to the deadline for submissions as detailed in these document. The CRD cannot
be held responsible in any way for lost, misdirected, illegible or obscured facsimile. It is the sole
responsibility of the submitting party to confirm a clear receipt of the transmission to the correct
facsimile number.
Enquiries of a general nature should be directed to Kevin Evans, Purchaser, 250.474.9674.
Technical enquiries should be directed to: Sean Lockhart, P.Eng., Stantec (604.587.8418)
The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. The CRD reserves the right to award the
projects in any manner that in the sole opinion of the CRD is in the best interest of the CRD.
Kevin Evans, Purchaser
CRD Integrated Water Services
479 Island Highway
Victoria, BC V9B 1H7
Telephone: 250.474.9674
Fax: 250.474.9659
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Conditions of Quote
See the "General Conditions", for definitions of the various parties named in
this Contract.
The Bidder shall, unless specified otherwise, supply all labour, materials, plant,
heavy equipment and small tools necessary to carry out and complete the work
as described in the Specifications forming part of this Contract.
The Bidder shall include in his quote sufficient amounts to cover the cost of
labour, materials and equipment associated with items not listed in the
Schedule of Prices and Estimated Quantities, but included in the
Specifications, either directly or by implication.
The submission of a bid shall be conclusive evidence that a Bidder has: Carefully reviewed and understood all of the provisions of this lump
sum bid; Ascertained the requirements of all relevant laws and regulations
affecting the execution and carrying out of the work; and Satisfied themselves as to the form and nature of the site, the nature
of the ground, the state of public services including access to and from
the site, and the quantities and nature of the labour and materials
involved in completion of the work under the Contract.
A bid may only be withdrawn prior to the scheduled time for receipt of the
The District may in its absolute discretion reject any and all bids.
Bids shall be open for acceptance by the District for ninety (90) calendar days
after the bids have been opened.
The successful bidder will be notified in writing by the District of the acceptance
of his bid and no other act shall constitute acceptance of a quotation.
The successful bidder shall execute the Contract with the District within thirty
(30) calendar days after the date of delivery of written notification of acceptance
of the quotation.
2.1.10 The successful Bidder shall, prior to execution of the Contract, deliver the
required Bonding to the District, together with written confirmation that all
premiums are paid in full.
2.1.11 The Bidder shall include in his quotation for payment of all applicable licenses
and all or any municipal, provincial or federal charges in connection with the
Contract and all freight and transportation charges where applicable.
2.1.12 The Bidder shall include Federal and/or Provincial sales taxes in the bid
amount in the spaces provided on the Form of Quote.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
2.1.13 The Bidder is deemed to have satisfied himself before submitting this quote as
to the correctness and sufficiency of the document and the failure or neglect of
a Bidder to receive or examine any form, instrument, or other document or to
acquaint himself with existing conditions shall in no way relieve him of his
obligations with respect to his bid and to the Contract.
2.1.14 Any alteration or interpretation of the Contract will be made in the form of a
written Addendum which may be issued by the District at any time up to five
(5) days prior to the bids being opened.
2.1.15 Any Addendum issued by the District shall be maintained in the Integrated
Water Services Department of the District and a copy shall be made available
to any bidder upon request.
2.1.16 Bidders are responsible for ascertaining the existence and contents of any
Addendum issued by the District.
2.1.17 Tenders are to be subject to all relevant provincial and other legislation.
2.1.18 The District does not adopt or agree to be bound by any procedures or
guidelines recommended, adopted or produced by any construction council or
association in the tendering and award of the Contract on this project.
2.1.19 Local bylaws pertaining to noise, particularly from vehicles traveling to and
from the job site will be strictly enforced.
2.1.20 This Contract, as well as any resultant studies and documents received, are
under the control of the District, and as such are subject to the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This means that they are subject to
requests for access, although items may qualify for non-disclosure under
Section 21 of the Act - "...Release harmful to the business interests of a third
party", or one or more of the other sections limiting access rights of requesters.
2.1.21 The terms used in these documents are non-gender specific and refer to both
the feminine and the masculine.
2.1.22 Quotes must be submitted in a clearly marked envelope and directed to Kevin
Evans, Purchaser as indicated in the request for quote. They must be
submitted on the Form of Quote provided. All spaces in the Form of Quote
must be completed and any alterations in the Form of Quote may render it
liable for rejection. The name and address of the Bidder must be present on
the face of the envelope. The envelope will also provide the required bonding
and Insurance documentation
2.1.23 Modifications to the original Quote may be made by FAX, to 250.474.9659
these modifications should show only the dollar amount to be added to, or
subtracted from, the total dollar value shown on the Schedule of Quantities and
Prices in the original Quote. The CRD cannot be held responsible in any way
for lost, misdirected, illegible or obscured facsimile. It is the sole responsibility
of the submitting party to confirm a clear receipt of the transmission to the
correct facsimile number.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Bid Security and Bonding
Bid Security
Quotes shall be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form of Bid Bond, issued
in the name of the Owner in the amount of not less than TEN PERCENT (10%)
of the TOTAL QUOTED AMOUNT. The Bid Bond must be issued by a Surety
Company licensed to conduct business in the Province of British Columbia.
Bids must be accompanied by a Consent of Surety in the amounts of:
a) Performance Bond in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the Total
Quoted Amount covering the faithful performance of the Contract and
maintenance of the Contract for one (1) year after the Notice of
b) Labour and Materials Payment Bond in the amount of fifty percent (50%)
of the Total Quoted Amount
The above bonds must be issued by a surety company licensed to conduct
business in the Province of British Columbia.
Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in the Contract Documents,
the Owner shall not be required to make any payment whatsoever to the
Contractor until the above bonds, duly executed, have been delivered to the
Submitting the Quote
All quotes must be prepared and executed on the forms set out in this
The Schedule of Quantities and Prices form must be completed in full in ink or
The signature of the Bidder shall be handwritten or if the Bidder is a corporation
the Tender shall be executed under its corporate seal.
Quotes must be submitted in an envelope to the address stated in Section 1Request for Quote, bearing on the outside the name and address of the Bidder
and plainly marked "Supply and Delivery of Diesel Standby Power Generator
for Japan Gulch UV & Chlorination Facility RFQ Number. 2016-152".
Quotes shall be addressed to:
Kevin Evans, Purchaser
Capital Regional District
Integrated Water Services Department
479 Island Highway
Victoria, BC V9B 1H7
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Quotes shall be delivered to the Purchaser of the Capital Regional District,
Integrated Water Services Department not later than the time and date
stipulated in the "Request for Quote" included herein. Quotes not delivered by
the stipulated time and date will be rejected.
Any request by a Bidder for an explanation of the contents of this document
shall be directed to the Purchaser, Integrated Water Services Department of
the District. If an explanation is deemed necessary by the District, an
Addendum may be issued pursuant to the terms stated in the "Conditions of
Acceptance of the Quote
Any Quote which is incomplete, conditional, obscure or contains erasures,
alterations, escalator clauses and/or irregularities of any kind may be rejected
by the District as irregular.
Quotes in consideration by the District considering this quotation, shall be open
for acceptance by the District for NINETY (90) calendar days after the closing
time for quotes and may not be withdrawn by the Bidder during that time. The
successful Bidder will be notified in writing by the District of the acceptance of
his bid as expeditiously as possible and no other act shall constitute award of
the work.
Qualifications and Evaluation Criteria
The Bidder is required to submit details of his previous experience with the
type of work proposed and demonstrate his proven ability to complete the
intended works within the scheduled period of time as specified in the Quote
Documents. No award will be made to any Bidder who cannot give satisfactory
assurance as to his ability to carry out the Works both from his financial rating,
and by reason of his previous experience as a Bidder on work of a similar
nature to that contemplated in the Contract.
The District reserves the right to reject any or all quotes; the lowest will not
necessarily be accepted. The District reserves the right to waive informalities
in or reject any or all quotes or accept the quote deemed most favorable in the
interests of the District. Awards shall be made on tenders that will give the
greatest value based on quality, service and price. In no event will the District
be responsible for the costs of preparation or submission of a quote.
Bidders will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
a) Performance of the Bidder on similar projects;
b) Compliance with all statutes, regulations, and bylaws affecting the
Bidder's work;
c) Lowest price to the District of having the work completed in accordance
with the Contract Documents;
d) The conformity of the quote to the requirements set forth in these
Instructions to Bidders; and
e) Conformance with the timing provided for in the Specification.
The evaluation process will be conducted solely at the discretion of the District
who may decide to utilize other criteria in the review of tenders other than those
set forth above and in particular, the price to carry out the work is not the only
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
or primary criteria which will be utilized by the District. The District reserves the
right to make inquiries regarding any or all Bidders.
The District reserves the right, at its discretion, to negotiate with any Bidder
that the District believes has the most advantageous quote or with any other
Bidder or Bidders concurrently. In no event will the District be required to offer
any modified terms to any other Bidder prior to entering into a contract with the
successful Bidder and the District shall incur no liability to any other Bidder as
a result of such negotiations or modifications.
Following receipt of quotes and prior to award of Contract, Bidders may be
required to provide the District with additional information concerning the
Bidder or his quote including, but not limited to, a further breakdown of relevant
components of the Schedule of Prices and Quantities.
The Total Quote Amount used in the evaluation of quotes will be corrected for
any arithmetic errors. The unit rates quoted will govern and the extensions will
be adjusted if there are any inconsistencies between the two amounts.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Schedule of Quantities and Prices
Supply & Delivery to site of 3Φ
(three phase), 600V, 800kW
Standby Generator c/w sound
attenuated and weathertight
enclosure, with a double
walled sub-base fuel tank
(minimum capacity 48 hours
@ Full Load)
Supply and Delivery to site
Access catwalks to generator
enclosure (including stairs)
Support Services (Factory
Acceptance Testing, Site
Acceptance Testing)
GST (Registration #)
(*include contingency)
Total Quote Amount
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Submitted to Capital Regional District:
Terms of Quote
The undersigned Bidder offers to provide, unless specified otherwise, all labour, materials,
plant, heavy equipment and small tools necessary to complete all the work as set out in the
Contract Documents for the following:
Request for Quote 2016-152, Supply and Delivery of Diesel Standby Power Generator for
Japan Gulch UV & Chlorination Facility
Total Quote Amount
(Carried forward from the Form of Quote)
(lawful money of Canada)
The undersigned Bidder agrees to complete the whole of the work specified in this Contract
within a timeframe as specified in these documents
The undersigned Bidder hereby agrees that the said Form of Quote includes and covers all
applicable freight, duties and handling charges incidental to and forming part of this
The undersigned Bidder hereby agrees to pay the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) as
liquidated damages to the Capital Regional District for each and every CALENDAR DAY
that he the Supplier exceeds the March 31, 2017 deadline, stipulated in Section 5.21 of this
document, to reach successful commissioning of the unit on site.
Name of Bidder
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Email Address
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
For the purposes of this Contract, the following shall apply:
"Contract Documents" or "Contract" shall mean the entire agreement between the District and
Contractor/Supplier and shall include all of those documents set out in the Table of Contents
including the agreement between the District and Contractor/Supplier, the general conditions,
specifications and drawings, and tender documents as well as any addenda incorporated
"Contractor/Supplier" shall mean the successful Bidder and the person who enters into the
Agreement with the District.
"District’s representative" shall mean the General Manager of the Integrated Water Services
Department of the Capital Regional District or his authorized representative as designated to
the Contractor at the pre-construction meeting.
"Insurance Policies" means those policies required pursuant these General Conditions.
"Overhead" means the percentage which the Contractor may add to the price of materials
supplied on a force account basis and shall include supervision, insurance, office
accommodations, clerical and all other expenses incurred by the Contractor in relation to the
"District" shall mean the Capital Regional District.
"Work" or "Works" shall, unless the context otherwise requires, mean the whole of the work,
equipment, materials, labour, matters and things required to be done, furnished, and
performed by the Contractor/Supplier under this Contract.
In this Contract, a reference to the District or the Contractor/Supplier includes their elected
and appointed officers, employees, servants and agents.
a) Payment shall be for the Items shown in the Form of Quote which shall include all
applicable duties, federal and provincial taxes, handling charges, transportation
charges and all other charges incidental to and forming part of this Contract. It is
also understood that the Items include all material, labour, plant, small tools,
supervision, overhead, profits and all matters and things necessary for the proper
execution of the work and cleanup of the site. Where unit prices apply, payment
will be calculated on the basis of the tendered prices and the units of work
completed as determined by the District’s representative. Where a lump sum price
applies, payment will be calculated on the basis of the District’s representative's
estimate of the percentage of work completed.
b) Ten Percent ( 10%) of each progress payment shall be retained by the Owner to
comply with the Builders Lien Act until payment is due.
c) Applications for payment on account shall be made after the final inspection and a
letter of certification is provided by a professional engineer.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
d) Schedule for progress payment shall be as follows:
a. Approval of Shop Drawings
35% Total Quote
b. Upon delivery/unloading
35% Total Quote
c. Upon Successful Commissioning
30% Total Quote
The Contractor/Supplier shall guarantee the work against any defects or damage arising from
faulty materials supplied or installed under the Contract five (5) years or 1500 operating hours,
whichever occurs first following date of satisfactory generator commissioning on site.
The Contractor/Supplier shall make all repairs or replacements necessary by reason of
defects in materials or workmanship supplied, or carried out under this Contract, and bears
the cost of any damage to other works resulting from such defects, which become known prior
to five (5) years or 1500 operating hours, whichever occurs first following date of satisfactory
generator commissioning on site.
Indemnity and Release by Contractor
The Contractor/Supplier shall indemnify, release and save harmless the District and District’s
representative from and against all losses, claims, demands, payments, suits, actions,
recoveries and judgments of every kind brought or recovered against either of them by reason
of any act or omission of the Contractor/Supplier, his subcontractors, agents or employees
arising out of the entering of the Contract or the carrying out of the work, whether on lands
owned by the District and whether arising from statutory liability or not.
Prime Contractor Designation
By submitting an offer, the offerer agrees to assume all of the responsibilities of a Prime
Contractor as outlined in the WorkSafe BC Act and Regulations. The Contractor/Supplier shall
submit to the Capital Regional District upon acceptance of the offer a completed Prime
Contractor Designation Form, which shall also be attached to and form part of the Agreement
between the Capital Regional District and the Contractor/Supplier
Without limiting the effect of the foregoing provision the Contractor shall at all times during the
continuance of this Contract maintain public liability and property damage insurance with an
insurer satisfactory to the District in accordance with the following terms:
a) Comprehensive public liability and property damage insurance in the amount of not less
than THREE MILLION DOLLARS ($3,000,000.00) inclusive per occurrence on an all risk
basis for bodily injury, death and property damage including loss of use thereof;
b) The Contractor/Supplier shall provide to the District prior to commencement of
work, certificates of insurance or other evidence which satisfies the District that the
insurance required herein has been obtained and is in force and the insurers shall
acknowledge in writing to the District that the insurance is in force and that in the
event of cancellation or material change in a policy affecting those insured, thirty
(30) days prior written notice will be given to the District by the insurer.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Workers' Compensation Board (WorkSafe BC) Coverage and Safety
The District requires the following specific to WCB coverage:
a) The Contractor/Supplier must be registered and in good standing with the Workers’
Compensation Board of British Columbia.
b) The Contractor/Supplier must ensure that all fees, charges and/or assessments levied by
Workers’ Compensation for the protection of the Contractor/Supplier’s work force, are paid
prior to the commencement of work.
c) The Contractor/Supplier must adhere to all applicable Federal, Provincial, Municipal and
District acts, regulations and bylaws.
d) At any time during performance of the work, over the term of the contract, the
Contractor/Supplier shall be prepared to provide evidence of compliance.
e) The Contractor/Supplier will supply all needed first aid resources at the worksite for the
number of workers and distance to a hospital as per the WorkSafe BC Regulation. (As
Builders’ Liens
The Contractor/Supplier shall immediately satisfy any claim made under the Builders’ Lien Act
as amended.
Release of District’s Representative
Approval by the District’s representative of any drawing, specification or method of work
proposed by the Contractor/Supplier shall be made without any assumption of risk or liability
by the District’s representative or the District and the Contractor/Supplier shall release the
District’s representative and the District from any claim arising out of any loss or damage
suffered by the Contractor/Supplier in reliance on such approval.
5.10 Completion by Regional District
Upon breach by the Contractor/Supplier of any term or condition of this Contract, or should
the Contractor/Supplier become insolvent or commit any act of bankruptcy the District may in
its absolute discretion by itself complete or employ such third parties as it sees fit for the
purpose of completing the Work or any part thereof and the District shall not be liable for any
loss which the Contractor/Supplier may sustain as a result.
5.11 Disputes
If any dispute arises between the District and the Contractor/Supplier as to their rights and
obligations under this Contract, either of them may give to the other written notice of such
dispute and may request arbitration thereof. The parties may agree to submit the matter in
dispute to arbitration and such arbitration shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions
of the Arbitration Act as amended.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
5.12 Notices
Where this Contract provides for written notice to be given by one party to the other such
notice shall be deemed to have been delivered on the third day following the mailing of the
notice by registered mail.
5.13 Compliance with Law and Fees
The Contractor/Supplier shall comply with all applicable statutes, regulations, by-laws and
orders made pursuant to law and shall be responsible for payment of all taxes, license and
permit fees applicable to the Contract. Local bylaws pertaining to noise, particularly from
vehicles travelling to and from the job site, will be strictly enforced.
5.14 Waiver
No waiver of the terms and conditions of this Contract by the District shall be valid unless in
writing and executed by the parties to the Contract.
5.15 Change Orders
The District’s representative may in writing by change order require any additional work, or
materials, or things, not covered by the Contract, to be done or provided, or the whole or any
portion of the works to be dispensed with, or any changes to be made which he may deem
expedient, in or in respect of the works hereby contracted for, or the plans or dimensions,
character, quantity, quality, description, location, or position of the works, or any portion or
portions thereof, or in any products or things connected therewith, or used or intended to be
used therein, or any other thing connected with the works, whether or not the effect of such
orders is to increase or diminish the work to be done, or the products or things to be provided,
or the cost of doing or providing the same, and the District’s representative may specify the
time or times within which such order shall be complied with.
5.16 Payment for Change Orders
Payment or credit for any alterations made pursuant to a change order shall be by unit prices
or combinations of unit prices listed in the Form of Quote, or by a unit rate or lump sum
acceptable to the parties, or if the amount of payment cannot be agreed upon prior to the
beginning of the work required in the change order, payment will be made for documented
costs of:
a) Material incorporated into the Work plus applicable taxes;
b) The actual cost of labour to perform the extra work required by the Change Order;
c) The cost of small tools, superintendence, clerical work, workers compensation, holiday
pay, unemployment insurance, pension payments and other overhead;
d) A schedule outlining all-found hourly rates for trades, labour, equipment and others must
be included in the tender package;
e) Any other cost to the Contractor/Supplier as authorized in writing by the District’s
representative; and
f) Fifteen (15) percent of the sum of Items (a) through (e) which shall be deemed to be ten
(10) percent for overhead and all other expenses and five (5) percent for profit.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
5.17 Effect of Change Order
No compensation shall be allowed to the Contractor/Supplier for any loss of anticipated profits
resulting from the issuance of a change order.
5.18 Schedule of Force Account Rates
Force Account Work
5.20 Release of Holdback
The Owner shall pay the holdback to the Contractor/Supplier within FOURTEEN (14)
CALENDAR DAYS of the expiry of the statutory time for release of holdback, provided that:
(a) The Contractor/Supplier has provided to the Owner a certificate from the proper office to
register liens to prove that, as of a date TWO (2) CALENDAR DAYS after the expiry of the
statutory period, no notice of lien or liens has been filed or other matters recorded to make
effective any lien;
(b) The Contractor/Supplier has complied with any conditions imposed by the Owner in his
acceptance of the recommendation of the Engineer to issue a “Notice of Partial
(c) The Workers' Compensation Board has, at the request of the Contractor/Supplier, filed
with the Owner a certificate that all assessments due to the Board by the
Contractor/Supplier have been paid, such certificate being dated after the expiry of the
statutory period for filing liens;
(d) If, under the applicable lien legislation, there is no person who can provide the certificate
referred to in (a) above, in which case the Contractor/Supplier shall furnish to the Owner
a Statutory Declaration, dated not earlier than SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS after the
expiry of the statutory lien period, stating why no certificate as is referred to in (a) above
is possible, and stating that all employees, subcontractors and suppliers used in
connection with the work have been paid and satisfied by the Contractor/Supplier and that
there is no claim outstanding or pending in respect of the work carried out and no lien has
been filed against the Owner's lands against any materials or equipment used in
connection with the work;
(e) The Contractor/Supplier has certified to the Owner that there are no funds owing by the
Owner to the Contractor/Supplier other than those funds held back; and
The statutory period within which liens must be filed is FORTY-FIVE (45) CALENDAR DAYS
after the Certificate of Completion was issued, and the statutory period for the release of
holdback is FIFTY-FIVE (55) CALENDAR DAYS after the Certificate of Completion was
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
5.21 Project Schedule
The following is the anticipated schedule for this project:
• Tender
o June 24 to July 15, 2016
• Notice of Award
o September 23, 2016
• Shop Drawings Approval
o October 21, 2016
• Delivery to Japan Gulch
o February 17, 2017
• Completion of Commissioning
o March 31, 2017
These timelines are intended to provide the Supplier with the required schedule for this
project. Approvals and Award are dependent upon budget and prompt receipt of submissions.
The Supplier shall provide a schedule with his quote that reflects the issues and dates above.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
day of
the Capital Regional District, herein called "CRD", and
herein called the "Contractor".
in the year 20
by and between
WITNESSETH: That the Contractor and the CRD undertake and agree as follows:
The Contractor shall:
Provide all necessary materials, labour, supervision and equipment and perform all work, and
fulfill everything as set forth and in strict accordance with the Contract Documents and Addenda
numbered for the project entitled "REQUEST FOR QUOTE NO. 2016-152, SUPPLY AND
The CRD will pay to the Contractor as full compensation for the performance and fulfilment of this
Contract, the sum or sums of money specified herein in the manner and at the times specified in
the Contract Documents.
The Request for Quote, Instructions to Bidders, executed Form of Quote, General Conditions,
Specifications, Appendices, Drawings and all Addenda incorporated herein, are annexed hereto
and form a part of this Agreement as fully to all intents and purposes as though recited in full
herein, and the whole shall constitute the Contract between the parties, and it shall inure to the
benefit of and be binding upon them and their successors, executors, administrators, and assigns.
No implied contract of any kind whatsoever, by or on behalf of the CRD, shall arise or be implied
from anything contained in this Contract or from any position or situation of the parties at any time,
it being understood and agreed that the express contracts, covenants and agreements contained
herein and made by the parties hereto are and shall be the only contracts, covenants and
agreements on which any rights against the CRD may be founded.
Subject to Article 3, this Agreement shall supersede all communications, negotiations and
agreements, either written or verbal, made between the parties hereto in respect of matters
pertaining to this Agreement prior to the execution and delivery hereof.
All communications in writing between the parties or between them and the CRD’s representative
shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee if delivered to the individual, or to a
member of the firm, or to any officer of the corporation for whom they are intended, or if sent by
mail, telegram or facsimile, addressed as follows:
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
The Contractor at:
(Fax No.)
The CRD at:
479 Island Highway,
Victoria, BC, V9B 1H7
Fax 250.474.4012
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year
above first written.
For individual or Partnership:
(Contractor - please print)
(Signature of Contractor)
In the presence of:
For Limited Company:
The Corporate Seal of
(Contractor - please print full name of Company)
Was hereunto affixed in the presence of:
Authorized Signing Officer and Position
Authorized Signing Officer and Position
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
NOTE: If the Quote is by a joint venture, add additional forms of execution for each member of
the joint venture in the appropriate form or forms as above.
For the Capital Regional District:
Ted Robbins
General Manager, Integrated Water Services
Barb Desjardins
Chair, CRD Board
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Related Work
Generating system consists of:
Diesel engine.
Alternator output breakers.
Supplied and wired load bank connection panel.
Gen-set control panel.
Steel mounting base.
Fuel supply system
External fuel transfer pump system.
Exhaust system.
.10 Engine cooling and enclosure ventilation air system.
.11 Weathertight enclosure
System designed to operate as emergency standby service to operate
automatically upon failure of utility service supply.
Standby Generator, double-walled sub-base fuel tank, sound attenuated and
weathertight enclosure, access platforms and all accessories to be supplied by
the Supplier. The equipment will be installed by the OWNER (Capital Regional
District), and the equipment will be commissioned on site by the CRD with
assistance from the Supplier.
All components to be enclosed in a weathertight enclosure, with appropriate
access platforms provided by the Supplier (access platforms to be permanently
installed by others, and will allow appropriate and safe access to all primary
components for maintenance and operation).
Generators shall be constructed to the latest revision of NEMA MG1. Overload
capability shall be as specified by the standard.
Generator shall be in compliance with local, Provincial and Federal emissions
standards for a permanently installed standby generator.
Automatic Transfer Switch (provided by others, and integral with the MCC
Subpanel feeder.
ISO 3046/1 Specification for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines:
ANSI/NEMA MG1, Motors and Generators.
ULC-S601-2007, Steel, Above ground Horizontal Tanks for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids.
CAN/CGSB 3.6, Regular Sulphur Diesel Fuel.
ANSI/API 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Shop Drawings and Product Data
Submittals are required to determine whether the specified material and product
are furnished and installed in accordance with design intent as expressed in this
technical specification.
Until submissions are reviewed, fabrication may not proceed.
Where the phrase "or reviewed equivalent" occurs in the specification, do not
assume that material, product or methods will be accepted as equal by the
Capital Regional District (CRD) unless the item has been specifically accepted
for THE WORK by the CRD in writing.
Identify each submittal and resubmittal by showing at least the following
.1 Project reference number, supplier name, address and telephone number,
and a name of an individual for contact.
.2 Whether an original submittal or resubmittal.
.3 Confirmation of prior review by the Supplier of conformance to the
.4 Date of submittal or resubmittal.
.5 Authorized signature of the Supplier.
Allow at least ten (10) working days for the CRD’s review after receipt of
.1 Engine: make and model, with performance curves.
.2 Governor type and model.
.3 Battery: make, type and capacity.
.4 Battery charger: make, type and model.
.5 Alternator: make and model.
.6 Gen-set control panel: make, model and type of meters and controls.
.7 Fuel Transfer System.
Load Bank Connection Panel.
.9 Continuous full load output of set at 0.8PF lagging.
.10 Dimensioned drawing showing complete generating set mounted on subtank steel base, including vibration isolators; exhaust system, drip trays,
enclosure and total weight.
.11 Dimensioned drawing of gen-set control panel showing all meters, switches,
lamps and labels.
.12 Description of set operation including:
• Automatic starting and transfer to load and back to normal power,
including time in seconds from start of cranking until unit reaches rated
voltage and frequency.
• Manual starting.
• Automatic shut down and alarm on.
• Overcranking.
• Overspeed.
• High engine temp.
• Low lube oil pressure.
• Short circuit.
• Alternator overvoltage.
• Lube oil high temperature.
• Over temperature on alternator.
.13 Remote emergency start and stop.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
.14 Flow diagrams for:
• Diesel fuel.
• Cooling air.
.15 Muffler and exhaust pipes.
.16 Fueling system.
.17 Enclosure ventilation system.
.18 Cooling air requirements in m /s.
.19 Loading Schedule confirmation (does not reduce 100% rated kW step load
Step 1: - Base load – 150kW, including motors <10Hp
Step 2: - Five (5) 90kVA UV Reactors
Step 3: - One (1) 90kVA UV Reactor
Step 4: - One (1) 90kVA UV Reactor
Step 5: - One (1) 90kVA UV Reactor
Close Out Submittals
Provide operation and maintenance data for diesel generator for incorporation
into an Operations and Maintenance manual.
Include in Operation and Maintenance Manual instructions for all supplier
components, including but not limited to:
.1 Operation and maintenance instructions for engine, alternator, control panel,
battery charger, battery, coolant and oil heaters, fuel system components,
lighting, power breakers and accessories, load bank connector(s), exhaust
system and accessories, to permit effective operation, maintenance and
.2 Technical data:
• Illustrated parts lists with parts catalogue numbers.
• Schematic diagram of electrical controls and power.
• Precise details for adjustment and setting of time delay relays or sensing
controls which require on site adjustment.
• Maintenance and overhaul instructions and schedules.
• Certified copy of factory test results.
• Flow diagrams for:
o Fuel System.
o Lubricating oil.
o Cooling System.
Extra Materials
Provide maintenance materials.
.1 Two (2) Fuel filter replacement elements.
.2 Two (2) Lube oil filter replacement elements.
.3 Two (2) Air cleaner filter elements.
.4 Two (2) Sets of fuses for control panel.
.5 Special tools for unit servicing (detail exact components within contract
submission to confirm equipment to be supplied).
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Diesel Engine
Diesel engine: to ISO 3046/1.
Standard product of current manufacture, from company regularly engaged in
production of such equipment.
Turbo charged, 4 cycle, radiator and fan cooled, rated speed 1800 r/min. Two
cycle engine is not accepted.
.1 Rated standby power to 800kW, after adjustment for system losses in
auxiliary equipment necessary for engine operation.
.2 Engine overload capability 110% of continuous output for 1 h within 12 h
period of continuous operation.
.3 Accept 100% of the nameplate standby rating in one step.
Governor with:
.1 Steady state speed band of plus or minus 0.5%.
.2 Speed regulation no load to full load 5% maximum.
.3 Electronic type, electric actuator, speed droop externally adjustable from
isochronous to 5%, temperature compensated with steady state speed
maintenance capability of plus or minus 0.25%.
.4 Governor packaged in the gen-set control panel is acceptable.
Starting system:
.1 Positive shift, gear engaging starter 24V DC.
.2 Cranking limiter to provide 3 cranking periods of 10 seconds duration, each
separated by 5 seconds rest.
.3 Calcium/Lead antimony acid, 24V storage battery with sufficient capacity to
crank engine for 1min at 0°C without using more than 25% of ampere hour
.4 Battery charger:
• Constant voltage, solid state, two stage from trickle charge at standby to
boost charge after use.
• Regulation: plus or minus 1% output for plus or minus 10% input
variation. Automatic boost for 6 hours every 30 days.
• Equipped with DC voltmeter, DC ammeter and on-off switch.
• Minimum charger capacity: 10 Amps.
• The charger to be completed with float, taper, 12 hour equalize charge
times and settings.
• All battery cables shall be clearly color coded on both sides.
• The battery charger to have the following visual indicators:
o Loss of AC power – red light.
o Low battery voltage – red light.
• High battery voltage – red light.
• Power ON – green light.
• Status for all of the above shall be monitored at the gen-set control panel.
Cooling Systems:
.1 Liquid cooled: heavy duty industrial radiator with electrically driven fan.
.2 To maintain Manufacturer’s recommended engine temperature range at 10%
continuous overload in ambient temperature of 40°C
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Fuel system: solid injection, mechanical fuel transfer pump with hand primer, fuel
filters and air cleaner, fuel rack solenoid energized when engine running.
.1 Fuel: Type A Fuel Oil to CGSB 3-GP-6c.
.2 Fuel Transfer Pump to external source: an electrically driven pump, 208V
three phase or 120V single phase, external to the fuel tank but internal to the
skid enclosure, with hose and control system, to allow operations to transfer
fuel out of the sub-base fuel tank. Equipment to have a safety lockout and
isolation valves to ensure safe transfer of fuel.
8.1.9 Lubrication system:
.1 Pressure lubricated by engine driven pump.
.2 Lube oil filter: replaceable, full flow type, removable without disconnecting
.3 Lube oil cooler.
.4 Engine sump drain valve.
.5 Oil level dip-stick.
8.1.10 Vibration isolated engine instrument panel with:
.1 Lube oil pressure gauge.
.2 Lube oil temperature gauge.
.3 Lube oil level gauge.
.4 Coolant temperature gauge.
.5 Coolant level gauge.
.6 Running time meter: non-tamper type.
.7 Instrument panel packaged in the gen-set control panel is acceptable.
8.1.11 Guards to protect personnel from hot and moving parts. Locate guards so that
normal daily maintenance inspections can be undertaken without their removal.
8.1.12 Drip tray.
Alternator: to ANSI/NEMA MG1.
Rating: 3 phase, 600 V, 4 wire, 60Hz, at 0.8PF, 800kW rating.
Output at 40°C ambient:
.1 100% full load continuously.
.2 110% full load for 1h.
.3 115% full load for 1min.
8.2.4 Capable of sustaining 300% rated current for period not less than 10 seconds
permitting selective tripping of down line protective devices when short circuit
8.2.5 Revolving field, brushless, single bearing.
8.2.6 Drip proof.
8.2.7 Amortisseur windings.
8.2.8 Synchronous type.
8.2.9 Exciter: rotating brushless permanent magnet.
8.2.10 NEMA MG1 class H insulation on windings. Actual temperature rise measured
by resistance method at full load shall not exceed 125 degree C.
8.2.11 Thermistors embedded in stator winding and connected to alternator control
8.2.12 Voltage regulator: Thyristor controlled rectifiers with phase controlled sensing
.1 Load from no load to full load.
.2 Regulation: 2.5% maximum voltage deviation between no-load steady state
and full-load steady state.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
.3 Transient: 25% maximum voltage dip on one-step application of full load.
.4 Transient: 15% maximum voltage rise on one-step removal of full load.
.5 Transient: 1 s maximum voltage recovery time with application or removal of
full load.
.6 Voltage regulator packaged in the gen-set control panel is acceptable.
.7 Alternator to handle proposed loading of eight (8) 90kVA UV reactors, each
with non-linear load profiles. Any concerns with the potential for significant
non-linear loads will be communicated to the CRD.
Alternator output Breaker #1 – Main Breaker to ATS
Alternator output Breaker #2 – Secondary Breaker to Load Bank Connection
Circuit breaker: molded case, temperature compensated for 40°C ambient with
solid state sensing and tripping devices.
Breaker shall match with the breakers in related distribution switchgear or
distribution panelboard, to 1000Amp trip.
Alternator output breaker packaged in the gen-set control panel in compliance
with CEC and specified Standards to be allowed.
Circuit breaker: molded case, temperature compensated for 40°C ambient with
solid state sensing and tripping devices.
Breaker shall match with the breaker #1 above.
Breaker to be wired from a splitter, downstream of breaker #1, to ensure
protection is maintained for the generator by the breaker #1.
Breaker to include a shunt trip. Intent is that operations would connect a load
bank to the receptacles, energize the secondary breaker, start the generator and
test the generator on a load bank. In the event of a Utility failure, a detection
system (by others) will be wired to the shunt trip, dropping out and latching the
secondary breaker, allowing the generator to energize and service the primary
load through the primary breaker.
Breaker to be wired to a supplied and skid-mounted “parallel Crouse-Hinds 400A
receptacles” contained within a separate lockable enclosure, to allow connection
to the Client Load Bank system. Reference attached Posilock Panel detail from
AC Dandy (Job #F3666, Serial #12-1809, Portable Load Bank Posilock Quick
Alternator output breaker packaged in the gen-set control panel in compliance
with CEC and specified Standards to be allowed.
Gen-Set Control Panel
Drip-proof, totally enclosed, vibration isolated from diesel generator.
.1 Microprocessor digital metering equipment measuring current, voltage,
power, PF both maximum and instantaneous values and kWH.
.2 Local Display to include Voltage, Current, Power (kVA and kW), power factor
as a minimum.
.3 2 % accuracy, rectangular face, flush panel mounting:
• Voltmeter: ac, scale 0 to 750 V.
• Ammeter: ac, scale 0 to 200% of generator rated ampere.
• Wattmeter: scale 0 to 200% of generator rated KW.
• Frequency meter: scale 55 to 65Hz.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
"Phase AB-Phase BC-Phase CA-Phase AN-Phase BN-Phase CN" on
either digital or analog meter.
• "Phase AB-Phase BC-Phase CA" minimum on other meter.
.4 Amperage indication:
• "Phase A-Phase B-Phase C- Phase N" on either digital or analog meter.
• "Phase A-Phase B-Phase C" minimum on other meter.
• Maintained contacts designed to prevent opening of current circuits if
mechanical switch used.
.5 Instrument Transformers:
• Potential- Dry type for indoor use.
• Ratio: As required.
• Rating: 600V, 60Hz, BIL 25KV.
• Current- Dry type for indoor use.
• Ratio: As required.
• Rating: 600V, 60Hz, BIL 25 KV.
• Positive action automatic short-circuiting device in secondary terminals.
.1 Provide audio and visual alarms in accordance with Section 46 of the
Canadian Electrical Code and the electrical inspection authority.
.2 Engine start button.
.3 Selector switch: Off-Auto-Manual-Test.
.4 Engine emergency stop button and provision for remote emergency start and
stop button.
.5 Voltage control rheostat: mount on the inside of the control panel.
.6 Solid state indicator and controller for automatic shutdown and alarms with
one (1) set manually reset NO/NC contracts wired to terminal block for
remote annunciation on:
• Engine overcrank.
• Engine overspeed.
• Engine high temperature.
• Engine low lube oil pressure.
• Short circuit.
• AC over voltage.
• Fail to crank.
• AC under Voltage.
• Under frequency.
• Emergency Stop.
.7 Solid state indicator lights for alarm with one (1) set manually reset NO/NC
contacts wired to terminal block for remote annunciation on:
• Ground Fault.
• Synchronizing failure.
• Low fuel level.
• Low battery voltage.
• Ventilation failure.
• Low coolant temperature.
• Low DC voltage.
• High DC voltage.
• Fuel Leak.
• Sender failure: Engine speed, oil pressure and engine temperature.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
.8 Lamp test button.
.9 Provision for remote monitoring.
.10 Communications to be provided, allowing for direct ModbusTCP/IP
communication between the site PLC and the control panel to monitor
generator system variables. Alternate acceptable communications is
Profibuss(RS485). Communications achieved through a protocol converter
is not acceptable, and the protocol must be native to Modbus.
.11 Supplier to provide all communication data mapping to CRD allowing the
CRD to integrate the monitoring system into the site PLC.
.12 The control system shall include sender failure monitoring logic for speed
sensing, oil pressure and engine temperature and be capable of
discriminating between failed sender or wiring components and an actual
failure conditions.
.13 The control system shall include an idle mode control which allows the engine
to run in idle mode in the Test position only. In this mode, the alternator
excitation system shall be disabled.
.14 The control system to have data logging and display provision to allow
logging of the last ten (10) warning or shutdown indications on the generator
set as well as the total time of operation at various loads as a percent of the
standby rating of the generator set.
.15 Five sets of NO/NC relays to be provided, one for fault, one for “trouble”
condition, one for the running condition, one for fuel spill detection and one
for low fuel condition.
.16 The controls shall include a load shed control, to operate a set of dry contacts
when the generator is overloaded.
Steel Mounting Base, Access Platforms and Enclosure
Complete generator set mounted on structural steel base of sufficient strength
and rigidity to protect assembly from stress or strain during transportation,
installation and under operating conditions on suitable level surface.
Assembly fitted with vibration isolators and control console resiliently mounted.
.1 Spring type isolators with adjustable side snubbers and adjustable for
Sound insulation pads for installation between isolators and concrete floor.
Enclosure to completely enclose all components of the generator, fuel tank and
control system. All access doors to be lockable. All panels to be durable and
weather tight to provide protection from the weather. All panels to be insulated
to control enclosure temperature and to mitigate equipment noise.
Total noise from the equipment to be limited to 72 dB(A) at 7m from the
A single electrical sub-panel will be provided located within the enclosure and
wired (but not limited) to the following devices (also supplied by the Supplier):
.1 Engine block heater for 120 V, single phase, thermostatically controlled to
maintain engine temperature to meet startup requirements of NFPA 99.
.2 Engine coolant heater for 208 V, single phase, thermostatically controlled to
prevent coolant from going below 4 °C.
.3 Lighting throughout the interior of the enclosure should be 120 Volt LED
vapor proof, Beghelli Model BS100 or equivalent.
.4 Receptacles throughout the interior of the enclosure for maintenance
.5 Fuel transfer pump system.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Supply all access platforms required to access any doors or generator
maintenance entries into the enclosure at an ergonomic height for the operator.
Product to be manufactured of steel or other suitable material for installation
outdoors in Victoria BC. Product to be installed by others.
The Supplier is responsible for supplying dimensional and quantity data for
anchor bolt locations plus supplying all washers, nuts, and bolt studs to be
welded to bearing plates and set into the concrete base.
Fuel System
Fuel storage tank: to ANSI/API 650, ULC labeled.
Fuel storage tank: Double-walled tank. Main tank shall be capable of supplying
generator for 48 hours at full load.
8.7.3 The tank shall be completed with drain tap and fuel gauge (mark in liters and %
full) for manually checking the fuel level.
8.7.4 Provide a tank level transmitter, appropriately selected for use to measure diesel,
non-contact preferred (ultrasonic), powered from the generator control panel,
and a 4-20mA signal wired to either the generator control panel (to be accessible
via the ModbusTCP/IP link), or, if not capable through the generator control
panel, available to be wired to the site control system by others.
8.7.5 The tank shall be completed with a locking (padlock) fuel fill cap.
8.7.6 Factory installed leak detection of tanks and leak alarm kit.
8.7.7 Four (4) level float switch type kit for connecting to fuel filling station, and
controls. Local display indicating if individual float is triggered, and include a high
fuel tank alarm, both with a local light and an audible alarm (buzzer). Alarm to be
acknowledged (stopping the horn) via an acknowledge button at the fuel station
(located at the fueling point).
8.7.8 Shut off cock, renewable cartridge filter, fire valve.
8.7.9 Low level alarm kit.
8.7.10 Electric Fuel transfer pump and all accessories required to transfer fuel from the
main tank to an external source, manually. Anticipated size of the pump motor is
1/3Hp. Equipment to be easily accessible through a lockable access port, or
installed separately from the generator enclosure, within its own stand-alone
lockable enclosure.
8.7.11 The main tank to be fueled directly through a secured access point at the
Exhaust System
Heavy duty “Critical” style exhaust silencer with condensate drain, plug and
flanged couplings.
Silencer to have 32-42 dB(A) noise attenuation.
Heavy duty flexible exhaust pipe with flanged couplings as required.
Fittings and accessories as required.
Expansion joints: stainless steel, corrugated, of suitable length, to absorb both
vertical and horizontal expansion as required.
Engine Cooling and Enclosure Ventilation Air System
Recirculating damper assembly with modulating motor.
Cold air inlet damper assembly with modulating motor.
Modulating thermostat.
Replaceable air intake filters.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
8.10 Source Quality Control
8.10.1 Factory test generator set including engine, alternator, gen-set control panels,
controller and accessories in presence of the CRD.
8.10.2 Supplier to schedule to finish all tests required within one-working day.
8.10.3 Notify the CRD fifteen (15) working days in advance of factory test schedule
showing each test activity and time scheduled.
8.10.4 All test results to be approved by Manufacturer’s Professional Engineer prior to
the unit leaving the factory.
8.10.5 The test results with the original seal and signature of a Professional Engineer
shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator.
8.10.6 Test procedure:
.1 Prepare blank forms and check sheet with spaces to record data. At top of
first sheet record:
• Date.
• Generator set serial no.
• Engine, make, model, serial no.
• Alternator, make, model, serial no.
• Voltage regulator, make and model.
• Rating of generator set, kW, kVA, V, A, r/min, Hz.
8.10.7 Mark check sheet and record data on forms in duplicate as test proceeds.
8.10.8 Manufacturer shall provide a Professional Engineer’s signature on completed
forms to indicate concurrence in results of test.
8.10.9 Tests:
.1 With 100% rated load, operate set for 4 h, taking readings at 30 min intervals,
and record following:
• Time of reading.
• Running hours.
• Ambient temp in C.
• Lube oil pressure in kPa.
• Lube oil temp in C.
• Engine coolant temp in C.
• Exhaust stack temp in C.
• Alternator voltage: phase 1, 2, 3.
• Alternator current: phase 1, 2, 3.
• Power in kW.
• Frequency in Hz.
• Power Factor.
• Battery charger current in A.
• Battery voltage.
• Alternator cooling air outlet temp.
.2 At end of 4 h run increase load to 110% rated value, and take readings every
15 minutes for 1 hour.
.3 After completion of 5 h run, demonstrate following shut down devices and
• Overcranking.
• Overspeed.
• High engine temperature.
• Low lube oil pressure.
• Short circuit.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
• Alternator overvoltage.
• Low battery voltage, or no battery charge.
• Manual remote emergency stop.
• High alternator temperature.
• Synchronizing Failure.
.4 Next install continuous strip chart recorders to record frequency and voltage
variations during load switching procedures. Each load change delayed until
steady state conditions exist. Switching increments to include:
• No load to full load to no load.
• No load to 75% load to no load.
• No load to 50% load to no load.
• No load to 25% load to no load.
• 25% load to 50% load
• 50% load to 75% load
• 75% load to 100% load
.5 Demonstrate:
• Automatic starting of set on failure of normal power.
• Automatic shutdown of engine on resumption of normal power.
• Operation of synchronizing controller.
• That battery charger reverts to high rate charge after cranking.
8.11 Warranty
8.11.1 For the diesel engine driven generator set, the 24 month warranty period is
extended to 60 months or 1500 operating hours, whichever occurs first.
8.11.2 The warranty shall include at no extra cost to the Owner: all parts, labor and
expenses to make necessary repairs and replace components as required.
8.11.3 Warranty to commence upon completion of satisfactory generator
commissioning on site.
8.12 Manufacturers
8.12.1 Acceptable Manufacturers include
.1 Cummins Western Canada
.2 Finning Power Systems
.3 Generac (Total Power)
.4 Kohler Power Systems
.5 MTU Onsite Energy (Cullen Diesel Power Ltd.)
.6 Simmax (Simson-Maxwell)
.7 or approved equal.
Delivery to Site
By the Supplier, equipment to be delivered to site and set in place to a prepared
concrete pad with conduit sleeves extending out of the pad (Japan Gulch Water
Treatment Facility, Victoria BC), Delivery Duty Paid (DDP, Incoterms).
Installation by others.
Supplier to provide direction to installer.
Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services
Request for Quote No. 2016-152
Supply and Delivery of a Diesel Standby Power Generator for Japan Gulch UV
& Chlorination Facility
Field Quality Control
The CRD to notify the Supplier ten (10) working days in advance of on-site test
CRD will provide fuel and load bank for on-site test
Demonstrate, in conjunction with the CRD:
.1 Unit start, transfer to load, retransfer to normal power, unit shut down, on
"Automatic" control.
.2 Unit start and shut down on "Manual" control
.3 Unit start and transfer on "Test" control.
.4 Unit start on "Engine start" control.
.5 Verify full operation in accordance with Electrical Low-voltage distribution
Operation Sequence in coordination with ATS and Distribution Equipment.
Run unit on load for minimum period of 4 hours to show load carrying ability,
stability of voltage and frequency, and satisfactory performance of dampers in
ventilating system to provide adequate engine cooling. Record following at 30
minute intervals during the entire test:
.1 Kilowatts
.2 Amperes
.3 Voltage
.4 Frequency
.5 Oil Pressure
.6 Coolant Temperature
.7 Room Temperature
.8 Noise level at 7m from unit.
At end of test run, check battery voltage to demonstrate battery charger has
returned battery to fully charged state.