TENDER ENQUIRY [ WEB TENDER ] Tender No : 8000000394 Purchasing Executive : P C WASULE To Telephone No: Fax No: Email ID: Department: Purchasing Executive: Telephone No:+91 Fax No:+91 Email ID: OTS(OUTSOURCING DEPT.) P C WASULE 23715059 23743198 pcwasule@mazagondock.gov.in Tender Number: Tender Date: Tender Closing Date Tender Closing Time RFQ Number: 8000000394 18.10.2013 08.11.2013 15:00:00 2100000475 Tender Fee: Rs 0.00 EMD Amount: Rs 30,000.00 Pre Bid Meeting Date Pre Bid Meeting Time Tender Opening Date: 08.11.2013 Tender Opening Time: Offer should be valid up to: Security Deposit: 0.00 % of PO value Perf. Bank Guarantee: 00:00:00 15:30:00 0.00 % of PO value ( Kindly read and refer relevant terms & conditions for further details. Do ensure to Quote Department Name, Purchase Executive's Name, Tender Number, Closing date & time and RFQ Number in your Quotation & related correspondence ) Dear Sir / Madam , SUB:- HIRING OF LOAD BANK (RESISTIVE AND INDUCTIVE LOAD) WITH SWBD AND ACCESSORIES FOR 1.0MW DA LOAD TRIAL SUITABLE AIR COOLED PORTABLE LOAD BANK DRY TYPE WITH ALL NECESSARY ACCESSORIES ON Y-12703 IN MDL Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL) invites Competitive - Bid from reputed suppliers for the following in TWO BID system (Part I Techno-Commercial Bid & Part II - Price Bid). Sl.No. 00100 Material/Service Details Quantity/Unit Delivery Date SUPPLY AND SERVICE OF LOAD BANK 1 Activity unit 11.11.2013 Service Description : LOAD BANK(RESISTIVE &INDUCTIVE LOAD) WITH SWBD AND ACCESSORIES FOR 1.0 MW DA LOAD TRIAL ON Y-703 in MDL. SUITABLE AIR COOLED PORTABLE LOAD BANK DRY TYPE WITH ALL NECESSARY ACCESSORIES.PERIOD OF LOAD TRIAL IS APPROXIMATELY 10 DAYS,THE PERIOD OF LOAD TRIAL MAY BE EXTENDED AS PER WOT/MTU REQUIREMENT. SPECIFICATION: Page: 1 of 4 Tender Number:- 8000000394 Sl. No. Tender Date:- 18.10.2013 RFQ Number:- 2100000475 Material/Service Details Quantity/Unit Delivery Date 1) POWER FACTOR: VARYING P.F. FROM 0.4 LAG TO UNITY. 2) LOAD BANK SUPPLY VOLTAGE: 380 VOLT, 50 HZ, 3 PHASE 3) LOAD FLUCTUATION: NOT GREATER THAN 10 % OF APPLIED LOAD. 4) CLASS OF INSULATION: 'H' TYPE. 5) CONTROL: RELAY/ PLC BASED CONTROL WITH APPLICATION SOFTWARE & (LAP TOP FOR REMOTE CONTROL AND MANUAL OPERATION) PROVISION OF MANUAL CONTROL IN CASE OF PLC FAILURE. 6) DUTY CYCLE: CONTINUOUS(6 HRS) 7) LOADING: GRADUAL LOADING UPTO 110% AT 0.8 PF & 125% AT UNITY PF. 8) MOUNTING: LOAD BANK SHOULD BE MOUNTED ON MOBILE TROLLEY. TROLLEY SHOULD BE SUITABLE FOR 5 KM/HOUR 9) STANDARD: BS-587. 10) PROTECTION: IP-21 FOR RESISTIVE AND INDUCTIVE COMPARTMENTS IP-52 FOR CONTROL PANEL 11) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: 50 DEGREE CENTIGRATES. 12) HUMIDITY: 95 % RH. 13) CONTROL VOLTAGE: 220 VOLT, SINGLE PHASE, 50 HZ AC. 14)Oscilloscope or OR100:01 no.for recording of step load waveforms and for printout of same. 15)All panel meters and test meter,Multimeters ,OR100 should be calibrated from recognized Test Lab and valid till complation of trials. 16) LOAD CABLE REQUIREMENT:300 SQMM ,QUANTITY-9 NOS FLEXIBLE CABLES(PER PHASE 3 FLEXIBLE CABLES OR EQUIVALENT ,LENGTH-100 METER EACH.LENGTH IS FROM OEM LOAD BANK/SWBD TO FORWARD SWBD.STORAGE ARRANGEMENT OF LOAD CABLE: STORING ARRANGEMENT SHOULD BE AVAILABLE IN CONTAINER ITSELF. 17)CONTROL STATION TO BE INSTALLED NEAR LOAD BANK. 18) LOADING BY PUSH BUTTON (INCREASING/DECREASING) 19) DETAILED ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM TO BE PASTED IN SIDE 20) TEMPERATURE CO-EFFICIENT OF RESISTANCE: 0.00027 21) VENTILATION: FORCED COOLED BY AXIAL FANS 22) SHEET STEEL THICKNESS: 2 MM 23) FLUORESCENT/CFL LIGHTING ARRANGEMENT TO BE PROVIDED FOR NIGHT OPERATION. 24) PROVISION FOR EARTHING CONNECTION 25) MONITORING & CONTROL PANEL TO BE PROVIDED IN PLC SCREENS & INDICATION LAMPS. 26) PAINTING: ALL EQUIPMENT FOUNDATIONS,SYSTEMS,CONTROL PANELS SHOULD BE POWDER COATED AND MOBILE TROLLEY TO BE PAINTED WITH ANTI CORROSIVE PAINTS. 27) ACCESSORIES: (I) MECHANICAL JACK - 01 NO. (II) TOOL KIT - 02 SET 28) COMMISSIONING: AT SITE(MDL) 29)Watch keeping/service: Minimum one qualified and experienced person (ITI/Diploma holder in electrical engg.) is required to be kept on duty for service attendance, taking the readings, maintaining hourly records in register and defect rectification during the operating time from 8 AM to 5 PM(9 hours) on all days of week for the entire duration of the contract(except sunday and Public holioday). 30) Installation and Commissioning: Page: 2 of 4 Tender Number:- 8000000394 Sl. No. Tender Date:- 18.10.2013 Material/Service Details RFQ Number:- 2100000475 Quantity/Unit Delivery Date (a) Time frame for installation and commissioning of Load Tank onboard shall not exceed 5 days from the date of notice to commence installation on board.(on receipt of order by the executing firm.) (b) The Load Tank including its major components such as compressors, pumps, fans, motors, etc. shall be properly installed in accordance with the latest engineering practices on adequately designed vibration proof mounting/foundation. (c) All electrical equipment and wiring shall be electrically earthed in accordinance with the latest Indian electricity Rules. The wiring shall conform to the latest IS code of practice for electric wiring installations with requisite system voltage.Junction boxes at wiring joints shall be provided at suitable places to allow for subsequent extension without undue dismantling of conduits. 31) Removal: On completion of the contract duration, the Load Tank, are to be removed. 32)Safety Precautions: The entire Load Tank system installation shall be carried out in accordance with the industrial safety regulations in force. 33)Guarantee: Contractor is to give guarantee for smooth running of the system for the period of contract from the date of start of job on board. He is to give list of requirements of standby units, if necessary. In case, no standby IN recommended by contractor, he should take full responsibility of replacing/repairing, malfunctioning unit within 05 hours of reporting of defect /deficiency.Firm to keep spares ready to replace the defective compartement with in 5 hours. 34) MDL SCOPE OF SUPPLY: 1) Power Supply at site free of cost. 2) Provision of light in Load Tank areas. 3) Crane facility for Loading and Unloading of machinery. 35) CONTRACTOR SCOPE OF SUPPLY Firm to confirm full load current requirement for their equipments. All the other items that are not included in MDL scope of supply.Deputation of engineer for 8 AM to 5 PM in their charges. Remote control and monitoring unit with a serial link connectivity to control the active and reactive load steplessly from 0% to 100% and also in steps like 0-25%,25-50%,0-75%,100%-0% load with pf of 0.4 lagging to 1.Firm to indicate running charges per hour and standby/Idle charges per hour seprately and mobilisation/demobilisation charges and service of engineers/operator and installation charges . 36) Octroi duties will be arranged by MDL. 0000000010 0000000020 The Line item 00100 covers the following services Service Number:10 DAYS Short Description:- Rate per running day(for 9 hours) Service Details:- Rate per running day(for 9 hours),Inclusive of operator. Service Number:10.0 Hours Short Description:- Rate for extra hrs(more than 9 hrs) Page: 3 of 4 Tender Number:- 8000000394 Sl. No. 0000000030 0000000040 Tender Date:- 18.10.2013 Material/Service Details Service Number:Short Description:- Rate per Idle day Service Number:Short Description:- Transportation to&fro charges RFQ Number:- 2100000475 Quantity/Unit 2 DAYS Delivery Date 1 Activity unit Terms & Conditions as indicated in Part A of this tender and other enclosures / annexures form an integral part of this tender document. We look forward to receive your most competitive and reasonable offer against this Tender. For Mazagon Dock Ltd Page: 4 of 4 MDL Tender No. 8000000394 Dt. 18.10.2013 Closing on Dt. 08.11.2013 Sub. :- Hiring of Load Bank (Resistive and Inductive Load) with SWBD and accessories for 1.0MW DA Load Trial Suitable air cooled Portable Load bank Dry Type with all necessary accessories on Y-12703 in MDL. MAZAGON DOCK LIMITED (MDL), INVITES ON LINE COMPETITIVE BIDS from reputed bidders in TWO BID SYSTEM (Part I-Techno-Commercial Bid & Part II - Price Bid), on MDL e-procurement portal (www.mdl.nprocure.com) for Hiring of Load bank (Resistive and Inductive Load) with SWBD and accessories for 1.0MW DA Load Trial suitable air cooled Portable Load Bank Dry Type with all necessary accessories on Y-12703 in MDL . For Submission of offer through e-tender, bidder should possesses a Class IIIB Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) . For details bidder should visit www.mdl.nprocure.com (Toll free no. 18002331010 / 18002337944) 2. SALIENT FEATURES OF THE SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 The detailed technical scope of work is attached herewith as Enclosure – 1. 2.2 Prices are to be quoted in the Rate Sheet only, as per Enclosure-2. 2.3 MDL’s Scope:i. Power Supply at site free of cost. ii. Provision of light in load bank areas. iii. Crane facility for Loading and Unloading of machinery. 2.4 Contractor’s Scope: I. Firm to confirm full load current requirement for their equipments. II. Deputation of Engineers for 8AM to 5PM in their charges. III. Remote control and monitoring unit with a serial link connectivity to control the active and reactive load steplessly from 0% to 100% and also in steps like 0-25%,25-50%,0-75%,100%0% load with pf of 0.4 lagging to 1. IV. Firm to indicate running charges per day and standby/Idle Charges per days separately and mobilization/demobilization charges and service of engineers/operators and installation and commissioning of load trials system i.e load bank , Transformer , Laying of cables etc is in contractor scope. V. Safety gears i.e., Personnel Protective Equipment, flameproof lamps, for his workmen while working at MDL work site and on boards the ship. VI. Any material, facility required directly or indirectly for carrying out the job, if not mentioned in MDL's scope, has to be arranged by the contractor at no extra cost. 3. INSPECTION 3.1 MDL-User Department 4. COMPLETION PERIOD I. II. The period of load trials is approximately 10 MDL working days i.e tentatively from 11.11.2013 to 25.11.2013. (However actual date will be intimated later after TNC/PNC ). The period of load trials may be extended as per WOT/MTU requirement at the same rates, terms and conditions. 1 of 10 MDL Tender No. 8000000394 Dt. 18.10.2013 Closing on Dt. 08.11.2013 5. MOBILIZATION: Contractor shall complete mobilization of his workforce, tools and equipment within Two week from date of award of Order / letter of indent or Intimation by ship manager . In mobilization period contractor should arrange entry passes for his employees & no excuse for delay in commencing work on this account will be entertained 6. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) & TENDER FEE: 6.1 Tender Fee of Rs. Nil /6.2 Bidders shall furnish EMD Rs 30,000/- (Rupees Thirty Thousand Only) in the form of crossed DD / Pay Order or Bank Guarantee (as per format OTS-F-05 available on MDL website) drawn in favour of MAZAGON DOCK LIMITED. EMD should be valid up to validity period of the offer. Either of these instruments should be drawn on Nationalized / Scheduled Banks excluding cooperative banks, payable at Mumbai . Crossed DD / Pay Order issued by Co-operative banks however may be accepted subject to its realization. Offers without EMD along with Part-I bid may be liable for rejection. 6.3 Bidders should mentioned EMD (DD/BG) details on MDL E-Procurement portal in Part-I Techno- Commercial e-bid. (Details to be entered :- BG/DD No. , BG/DD date , BG/DD Value, BG/DD issuing Banks’ name, address, Tel. no., Fax no. & E-mail ID, BG validity expiry date; etc) Bidder should also upload scan image of EMD on MDL e procurement portal in Part I bid. (DD/ Pay Order /bank Guarantee should be drawn on or before closing date of tender.) 6.4 Bidders Should submit the original EMD (DD/BG) offline to the dealing officer in closed envelope superscribed with Tender no., due date, time & addressed to HOD(OTS) Outsourcing Department , 6th Floor Service Block Building, Mazagon dock Limited Dockyard Road Mumbai-400 010 within 7 days after tender closing date. 6.5 Exemption From Submission of EMD: Following bidders shall be exempted from submission of EMD. a) State & Central Government of India Departments & Public Sector Undertakings. b) Firms registered with Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL). To qualify for EMD exemption, firms should necessarily upload scanned copy of valid registration certificate issued by MDL in Part-I e-offer /bid (Techno-Commercial offer). Firms in the process of obtaining MDL registration will not be considered for EMD exemption. c) Firms registered with NSIC under its “ Single Point Registration Scheme ” (Exemption will apply only to items/services for which they are registered.) To qualify for EMD exemption, firms should necessarily submit valid copy of the Registration Certificate alongwith the list of items/services for which they are registered, as issued by NSIC. Firms in the process of obtaining NSIC registration will not be considered for EMD exemption. Firms should upload scanned copy of valid registration certificate as issued by NSIC in Part-I e-offer /bid. d) Firms registered with Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE’s) participating in MDL tenders are to be exempted from payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) subject to their submitting the Registration Certificate from the competent authority regarding their Micro/Small Industry Status. e) EMD of the disqualified/Techno-commercially rejected bidder (s) will be refunded within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of approval for opening of price bids of the Technocommercially qualified offers. EMD of other unsuccessful bidder (s) will be refunded after placement of the Order on the successful bidder. The refunded EMD would be interest free. Page 2 of 10 MDL Tender No. 8000000394 Dt. 18.10.2013 Closing on Dt. 08.11.2013 7. BID REJECTION CRITERIA 7.1 Following bids shall be categorically rejected; i. The Bids received after tender closing date and time. (not applicable since e-tender) ii. Bids received without EMD (Other than those who are exempt from payment of EMD) as specified in tender. 7.2 Following bid rejection criteria may render the bids liable for Rejection. i. Bidder’s failure to submit sufficient or complete details for evaluation of the bids within Two Week. ii. Incomplete / misleading / ambiguous bids in the considered opinion of TNC. iii. Bids with technical requirements and or terms not acceptable to MDL / Customers / External agency nominated as applicable. iv. Bids received without pre-qualification documents where required as per the tender. v. Bids not meeting the pre-qualification parameters stipulated in the tender enquiry. vi. Validity period indicated by bidders is shorter than that specified in the tender enquiry. vii. Bidder shall necessarily quote for all the services tendered and listed in the rate sheet. In the event of any firm not quoting for any of the items/services, their offer may render the bids liable for rejection. However MDL during TNC at its own discretion may reject or accept such Bids. In the event of MDL accepting such bids, the ranking shall be done by loading the highest price received for those line items which are not quoted by the bidder. 8. QUALIFICATION CRITERIA :- As bid will required to submit online , the bidders requested to upload scanned copies of following necessary documents to enable MDL to ascertain their qualification status . 8.1 Bidders Company Profile and Shop & Establishment registration certificate or certificate of incorporation. 8.2 List of Equipment held by them with model/year and personnel with designation, qualification and experience to determine their capabilities. 8.3 Bidder should have average audited annual financial turnover during the last three years (for the Year 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13) should be Rs.15Lakhs /8.4 Bidders experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 years ending 31 st March 2013 either of the following. a) Three similar completed works of not less than Rs.6.00lakhs OR b) Two similar completed works of not less than Rs 7.50Lakhs OR c) One similar completed works of not less than Rs 12.00Lakhs OR d) Similar jobs completed in a span of 12 months, jobs of similar nature totaling to Rs.7.50Lakhs Note :- (i) The bidders need to scan and upload supporting documents (Signed & Stamped) in support of the Qualification Criteria viz Work order, work completion certificate issued by the party for whom the work is done. The concerned HOD or TNC has a right to verify/cross verification of authenticity of the said document whenever felt necessary. (ii) MDL reserves the right to demand hard copy of scan & uploaded document of bidder. 9. VALIDITY PERIOD: Offers shall have the validity period of 90 Days from the tender closing date. A bid valid for a shorter period will be rejected by MDL. 10. PRE –BID CONFERENCE : NA Page 3 of 10 MDL Tender No. 8000000394 Dt. 18.10.2013 Closing on Dt. 08.11.2013 11. ONLINE SUBMISSION & OPENING OF OFFER IN TWO BID SYSTEM: On-line Offer (e-bid) must be submitted in Two parts, Part-I Techno-commercial bid & Part-II price bid as appearing online:Part- I: Online Techno-commercial bid will be opened on the tender closing date/extended closing date shall contain the following:11.1 Common Documents: 11.1.1 Bidders should upload a scanned image of the EMD if applicable . 11.1.2 Acceptance of TEF, STACS & GT&C: Normally deviations to the tender terms are discouraged. However, If the bidder has any deviations, must be got clarified through dealing purchase officer before submission of Part-I Techno-commercial e-bid. The bidder must select “ACCEPTED” or “DEVIATION” from the drop down field in the TEF, STACS and GT&C formats available on MDL e-tender. In case deviation is selected against a particular clause no., it shall be mandatory to explain deviation proposed by the bidders in the adjoining text field. Any deviations mentioned elsewhere in the offer other than in said Format available on MDL e-tender will not be considered. 11.1.3 A replica of the actual price bid sheet (i.e Rate Sheet) form available in Part-I Techno-commercial e-bid which is required to be filled up by the bidder online by selecting QUOTED or NOT QUOTED from the dropdown field choices available, depending upon whether bidders has quoted for the particular listed service /item tendered. Therein bidder is also required to specify taxes and duties (if any ) quoted and the rate of taxes and duties. 11.1.4 Bidders should upload scan Copies of work Orders, Work Completion Certificates, and Performance reports for the job executed to meet the qualification requirement mentioned at Para -8.2. 11.1.5 Bidder should scan and upload Acceptance in firm’s letterhead of: a. Validity of Offer (Para. 9) 11.1.6 Bidder should upload scan copy of tax and duties certificate for which they are registered. 11.1.7 To meet the qualification requirement at Para. 8.1 , Bidder should upload scan audited balance sheet of last three financial years ( 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13) are to be submitted alongwith Part-I Techno-commercial e-offer. 11.2 In addition to the documents at 11.1, following documents will be submitted by bidder 11.2.1 Bidders registered with MDL should scanned and upload the following document :I. Bidder should upload Scan Copy of valid Registration Certificate issued by MDL. To avail EMD Waiver. 11.2.2 Bidders not registered with MDL should scanned and upload the following document :I. Track Record as per Format OTS-F-04 (available on MDL website) II. Bank details for payment as per Format – OTS- F-12 (RTGS/NEFT) (available on MDL website) III. Copy of PAN card. Please Note: Each and every page of the offer should be serially numbered and total number of pages to be mentioned on the 1 st page covering letter. 11.3 Part- II (Price Bid) :- Prices for the tendered services/Items and applicable Taxes and duties are to be quoted by entering the same online . Timely submission of the e-Bids is responsibility of the bidders and no reasons / excuses in this regard will be entertained. Page 4 of 10 MDL Tender No. 8000000394 Dt. 18.10.2013 Closing on Dt. 08.11.2013 12. 11.4 Opening of Techno-Commercial e-Bid (Part-I) Techno-Commercial e-bid (Part-I) will be opened online on the tender closing date or extended tender closing date or next working day if closing date happens to be holiday declared by MDL. The participant bidder can also witness opening of the bids online from their locations by logging on MDL E-Portal website with their Class IIIB Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) . 11.5 Opening of Price e-Bid (Part – II) After completion of Techno-commercial scrutiny, intimation for price e-bid opening will be communicated only to techno-commercially accepted bidders. Bidder (s) to note that such intimation may be given at a short notice by Fax, E-mail or even by telephone only to technocommercially accepted bidder(s). Techno-commercially qualified bidders can also witness opening of price bids online from their locations by logging on MDL E-Portal website by using their Class IIIB Digital signature Certificate (DSC) . L1 will be determined after taking into account loading factor if any . PRICING: a) No Price Preference shall be given to any bidder irrespective of their status. b) Quoted Price will remain firm and fixed during the currency of order/contract execution. c) MDL shall not be bound by any printed conditions or provisions in the Contractor’s Bid Forms or acknowledgement of CONTRACT, invoices, packing list and other documents which purport to impose any conditions at variance with or supplemental to CONTRACT. 13. TERMS OF PAYMENT: 100% will be made through RTGS/NEFT between 25-30 days for actual quantities of work executed and on submission of documents as given below: Set of Original + 2 Copies of signed Tax Invoice to be submitted to Receipt Sections. The bills should be preferably submitted within four weeks of certification of Work Completion Certificate ‘WCC’ to Receipt Sections adjacent to ARS Punching Station of South Yard alongwith service entry through SAP system from user department. i) Work Completion Certificate duly certified by Ship Manager,not below the rank of Chief Manager. ii) In case of delays duration will specified in this certificate to invoke LD Clause and effect recoveries from contractor invoice. iii) Installation & Commissioning of Load bank onboard to be done within 5 days from the date of intimation. Payment will be made at actual. iv) It is desirable that the bidder accepts the Payment Terms indicated above . Varied Payment terms quoted by bidders as compared to the terms stated in the tender document shall be normalized by applying S.B.I. Prime Lending Rate (prevailing at the time of opening of Price bid) plus 2% p.a. rate of interest for the period at variation for ranking of the bids. The value thus calculated will be added to the basic rate , for ranking purpose. v) Idle Period Payment definition: - Firm will not get payment for Idle/standby period when MDL is not working i.e on Saturday or Sunday but if call on this day payment will be made. Idle payment will be made when the system is not working due to MDL’s problem and no payment will be made if the system is not working due to the firm’s problem. 14. MODIFICATION/REWORK: - N.A. 15. SECURITY DEPOSIT: - N.A. 16. GUARANTEE :- The Contractor is to give guarantee for smooth running of the system for the period of contract from the date of start of job on board . He is to give list of requirements of standby units , if necessary. In case, no standbys are recommended by contractor, he should take full responsibility of replacing/repairing , malfunctioning unit within 5Hours of reporting of defect /deficiency. Page 5 of 10 MDL Tender No. 8000000394 Dt. 18.10.2013 Closing on Dt. 08.11.2013 17. PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE:- N.A. 18. 19. The bidder shall also abide to all statutory requirements, Official Secret Act 1923, Security and Safety Rules as per references, which are part of this tender. If contractors’ employees are not adhering to the health, safety and environment norms and the contractors are not equipping their workers with suitable safety gears, per day fine of Rs.10 per employee for non adherence to above will be levied to the contractor without prejudice to other rights to enforce the safety requirements. TAXES: The items/service-wise rates quoted in the Rate sheet should exclude Taxes and Duties. Bidder should indicate Taxes and Duties as applicable separately in the same Rate sheet, which will be paid extra based on tax invoice to the extent applicable. 20. Determination of L1 :- Taxes, duties and levis are excluded for the purpose of ranking of price bids to determine L1 bidder. There may arise a situation where overall cost (inclusive of taxes, duties and levis) of supply by the adjudged L1 bidder may be higher compared with any other bid(s) depending on the tax structure . Therefore it would be required that the adjudged L1 bidder has to reduce the price to make it competitive both before including taxes, duties and levis and after including taxes , duties and levis. If the adjudged L1 bidder does not agree to reduce the price to make it competitive after including taxes, duties and Levis, then the next ranked bidder will be afforded the opportunity so that procurement is competitive. 21. MODIFICATIONS TO THE BIDS: Bidder can change their submitted bid any number of times till the closing time and the last change bid shall be considered as the final bid. 22.WORKING ON MDL HOLIDAYS: Intimation for working on Saturday / Sunday / holidays if required, should be submitted 2 working days prior to the date of holiday indicating names of personnel to Personnel Department and Security through concerned Department. 23. TERMINATION & RISK PURCHASE If the equipment / article / service or any portion thereof be not delivered / performed by the scheduled delivery date / period, any stoppage or discontinuation of ordered supply / awarded contract without written consent by Purchaser or not meeting the required quality standards the Purchaser shall be at liberty, without prejudice to the right of the Purchaser to recover Liquidated Damages / penalty as provided for in these conditions or to any other remedy for breach of contract, to terminate the contract either wholly or to the extent of such default. Amounts advanced or part thereof corresponding to the undelivered supply shall be recoverable from the Contractor / Bidder at the prevailing bank rate of interest. The Purchaser shall also be at liberty to purchase, manufacture or supply from stock or utilise the services as it deems fit, other articles of the same or similar description to make good such default and or in the event of the contract being terminated, the balance of the articles of the remaining to be delivered there under. Any excess over the purchase price, cost of manufacture or value of any articles supplied from the stock, as the case may be, over the contract price shall be recoverable from the Bidder / Contractor. 24. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: Time is an essence of the contract. Therefore the job, as ordered, should be completed on the dates mutually agreed upon in accordance with the delivery schedule. In cases of delay not attributable to MDL beyond the agreed schedule, the Contractor shall pay liquidated damages, a sum representing 0.5% (Half per cent) of delayed part of services per day or part thereof, subject to maximum of 5% of order value of work. (b) Penalty of 0.5% per day of order value upto maximum of 5 % of order value will be levied for delay in mobilisation beyond two week from the placement of order or intimation of ship manager. Page 6 of 10 MDL Tender No. 8000000394 Dt. 18.10.2013 Closing on Dt. 08.11.2013 25. MDL will not be responsible for an error in downloading of tender documents from web by the bidders. The Version appearing on MDL website will be considered final and authentic. 26. MDL reserves the right to consider placement of order /contract in part or full against the tendered quantity or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. 27. Contractors shall not engage employees of other contractors presently working in MDL & recorded at Security Dept. The contractor can engage such employee if other contractor gives No Objection Certificate for such engagement & cancel the name of such desirous employee from his roll & accordingly convey to Security. The contractor engaging such employee without permission is liable for penalty including termination of contract. Such penalty can also be imposed if it is observed that supervisors/Workers deployed by contractor are not on their roll as per statement submitted by him at Security. 28. The contract will be governed by STACS and General terms and conditions while executing work. In case of discrepancy, clauses mentioned in Tender, Technical Scope and Rate sheet will override the clauses mentioned in other enclosures including STACS & GT&C. 29 Procedure for Entry Passes for the Contractor’s Employees: - A Detailed procedure is displayed on the website www.mazagondock.gov.in under →Work/Service Contracts. 30. In the event of placement of order on unregistered vendor, the firm will apply for registration through Shri D. A. Doiphode Manager OTS Dept, Tel No. 23715059 Ext.3289 within one month from placement of order. 31. NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT: - N.A. 32. PUBLIC GRIEVANCE CELL: A Public Grievance Cell headed by Shri. S.D.Kajawe General Manager(F-CA) has been set up in the Company. Members of public having complaints or grievances are advised to contact him on Wednesday between 10.00 hours and 12.30 hours in his office on 4th floor, Mazagondock Building or send their complaints / grievances to him in writing for redressal. His Telephone No. is 23762121. 33. In case of any clarifications/help required to participate in e-tender, bidders are requested to contact Mr.K.N.Jani CM(CIT) before the closing date of the tender. Bidders can also contact toll-free customer help line of e-procurement portalhttps://mdl.nprocure.com User guide is available on the home page of the above-referred web site. In addition it has 24x7 Customer Help Desk is available on Toll free number 1-800-233-1010.. However, training programme is arranged in MDL Premises on every working Fridays in two sessions (1000 – 1200 hrs and 1400 – 1600 hrs ) for prospective/willing Bidders. Interested vendors may forward their request for training to the following executive.SHRI H.M.Haryani,HOD (OTS): email ID hmharyani@mazagondock.gov.in. or Mr.K.N.Jani CM(CIT) email ID knjani@mazagondock.gov.in We look forward to receive your most competitive and reasonable offer against this tender. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For MAZAGON DOCK LIMITED, DEPUTY MANAGER (OUTSOURCING DEPARTMENT) Enclosures: 1) Scope of work 2) Rate Sheet. Page 7 of 10 MDL Tender No. 8000000394 Dt. 18.10.2013 Closing on Dt. 08.11.2013 References: Terms & Conditions (Available on MDL Website - www.mazagondock.gov.in/ →Work/Service Contracts or www.mazagondock.gov.in → tenders → shipbuilding → Outsourcing 1) Standard Terms & Conditions (STACS) 2) General Terms And Conditions while executing work. 3) Official Secrets Act 1923 4) Safety Code for Sub-Contractors. 5) Loading Factor 6) Procedure for entry passes Formats: (Available on MDL Website - www.mazagondock.gov.in/ →Work/Service Contracts 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) OTS -F-01 Tender Enquiry (TEF) Acceptance Format. OTS -F-02 General Terms And Conditions (GT&C) Acceptance. OTS -F-03 Standard Terms & Conditions (STACS) Acceptance Format. OTS -F-04 Track record. OTS -F-05 Bank Guarantee for E.M.D. OTS -F-07 Order acceptance Format. 7) OTS -F-12 RTGS/NEFT Mandate Authorisation Form. Copy To : GM (D) For D(Est.) PE (Plg-P15A) Page 8 of 10 MDL Tender No. 8000000394 Dt. 18.10.2013 Closing on Dt. 08.11.2013 Enclosure –1 Technical Scope Of Work Hiring Of Load Bank (Resistive And Inductive Load) With SWBD & Accessories For 1.0MW DA Load Trial Suitable Air Cooled Portable Load Bank Dry Type With All Necessary Accessories On Y-703 in MDL 1. Specification:1) Power Factor: Varying P.F. From 0.4 Lag To Unity. 2) Load Bank Supply Voltage: 380 Volt, 50 Hz, 3 Phase 3) Load Fluctuation: Not Greater Than 10 % Of Applied Load. 4) Class of Insulation: 'H' Type. 5) Control: Relay/ PLC Based Control With Application Software & (Lap Top For Remote Control and Manual Operation) Provision Of Manual Control In Case of PLC Failure. 6) Duty Cycle: Continuous(6 Hrs) 7) Loading: Gradual Loading Upto 110% At 0.8 Pf & 125% At Unity Pf. 8) Mounting: Load Bank Should Be Mounted On Mobile Trolley. Trolley Should Be Suitable For 5 Km/Hour. 9) Standard: BS-587. 10) Protection: IP-21 For Resistive And Inductive Compartments. IP-52 For Control Panel. 11) Ambient Temperature: 50 Degree Centigrates. 12) Humidity: 95 % RH. 13) Control Voltage: 220 Volt, Single Phase, 50 Hz Ac. 14) Oscilloscope or OR100:01 no. for recording of step load waveforms and for printout of same. 15) All panel meters and test meter, Multimeters ,OR100 should be calibrated from recognized Test Lab and valid till completion of trials. 16) Load Cable Requirement:300 Sqmm ,Quantity-9 Nos Flexible Cables(Per Phase 3 Flexible Cables or Equivalent ,Length-100 Meter Each. Length is From OEM Load Bank/SWBD To Forward SWBD. Storage Arrangement Of Load Cable: Storing arrangement should be available in container itself. 17)Control station to be installed near load bank. 18) Loading by push button (increasing/decreasing) 19) Detailed electrical diagram to be pasted in side 20) Temperature Co-Efficient of Resistance: 0.00027 21) Ventilation: Forced cooled by axial fans. 22) Sheet Steel Thickness: 2 MM 23) Fluorescent/CFL lighting arrangement to be provided for night operation. 24) Provision for earthing connection 25) Monitoring & control panel to be provided in PLC screens & indication lamps. 26) Painting: All Equipment Foundations, Systems, Control Panels Should Be Powder Coated & Mobile Trolley To Be Painted With Anti Corrosive Paints. 27) Accessories: (I) Mechanical Jack - 01 No. (II) Tool Kit - 02 Set 28) commissioning: at site(MDL) 29)Watch keeping/service: Minimum one qualified and experienced person (ITI/Diploma holder in electrical engg.) is required to be kept on duty for service attendance, taking the readings, maintaining hourly records in register and defect rectification during the operating time from 8 AM to 5 PM(9 hours) on all days of week for the entire duration of the contract(except sunday and Public holioday). 30) Installation and Commissioning: (a) Time frame for installation and commissioning of Load Tank onboard shall not exceed 5 days from the date of notice to commence installation on board.(on receipt of order by the executing firm.) (b) The Load Tank including its major components such as compressors, pumps, fans, motors, etc. shall be properly installed in accordance with the latest engineering practices on adequately designed vibration proof mounting/foundation. (c) All electrical equipment and wiring shall be electrically earthed in accordinance with the latest Indian electricity Rules. The wiring shall conform to the latest IS code of practice for electric wiring installations with requisite system voltage.Junction boxes at wiring joints shall be provided at suitable places to allow for subsequent extension without undue dismantling of conduits. 31) Removal: On completion of the contract duration, the Load Tank, are to be removed. 32)Safety Precautions: The entire Load Tank system installation shall be carried out in accordance with the industrial safety regulations in force. Page 9 of 10 MDL Tender No. 8000000394 Dt. 18.10.2013 Closing on Dt. 08.11.2013 Enclosure -2 RATE SHEET (Illustrative format ) Bidders shall quote unit rates online only . Sub: Sl. No Hiring of Load Bank (Resistive and Inductive Load) with SWBD and accessories for 1.0MW DA Load Trial Suitable air cooled Portable Load bank Dry Type with all necessary accessories on Y-12703 in MDL Description A B Quantity Unit Rate (Rs.) D C 1. Rate per Running day (for 9 Hours) , Inclusive of operator. 10Days 2. Rate for extra hours (more than 9Hours) 10Hours 3. Rate per Idle day 2days 4. Transportation To & Fro charges 1Nos. value (Rs.) E=(CXD) Total Applicable tax Grand total Note:- i) L1 will be determined as per Para.20 of TEF. ii) Your Quote should be inclusive of all expenses except applicable tax. Tax will be paid extra as applicable. iii) Quoted price shall be firm and fixed during currency of contract. Signature:………………………………. Name:…………………………………….. Designation……………………………….. Address……………………………………. Office Seal. Date:- Page 10 of 10