ELECTRONIC PACKET April 18, 2016 Commission Meeting RELEASED: Monday, April 11, 2016 COMMISSION MEETING April 18, 2016 Item 9 Resolution Commending Commissioner Lyle A. Balistreri for Meritorious Service and Leadership on the Commission of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District 16-050-4 COMMISSION MEETING April 18, 2016 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE REPORT FOR MARCH 2016 – PAT OBENAUF & SCOTT ROYER 16-004-01 PowerPoint presentation from Patrick Obenauf, Manager of Contract Compliance, and Scott Royer, General Manager, Veolia Water Milwaukee, LLC Item 1 COMMISSION FILE NO: 16-042-4 INTRODUCED BY: DATE INTRODUCED: Executive Director (Signature on File in the Office of the Commission) REFERRED BY COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON TO: RELATING TO: April 4, 2016 Operations Committee Contract P01005D01, Engineering Services – Interplant Sludge System Improvements Project SUMMARY: The Commission is requested to authorize the Executive Director to execute on behalf of the District Contract P01005D01, Engineering Services – Interplant Sludge System Improvements Project, with Donohue and Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $1,439,659. Donohue and Associates, Inc., was the highest scoring proposer, based on a qualifications-based selection method, between two proposals received. The Interplant Sludge (IPS) system allows for the transfer of biosolids between the Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility (JIWRF) and the South Shore Water Reclamation Facility (SSWRF). The IPS system is critical for processing biosolids and creating Milorganite®. An IPS system outage can potentially result in operational challenges, lost opportunities to create digester gas, and significant increases in operating costs. The IPS System consists of: • A pump station located at JIWRF and SSWRF. • Two 14-inch and two 12-inch diameter pipelines constructed of ductile iron pipe, each approximately 12 miles long. • 12 vaults along the length of the pipelines, located at the high and low points in the system. • A cathodic protection (CP) system to help protect the pipeline from external corrosion. ATTACHMENTS: BACKGROUND FISCAL NOTE S/W/MBE KEY ISSUES RESOLUTION OTHER OP_Award_P01005D01_Interplant_Pipeline_legislative_file.docx 03-18-16 COMMITTEE ACTION: DATE: COMMISSION ACTION: DATE: SUMMARY (Cont’d) Contract P01005D01, Engineering Services – Interplant Sludge System Improvements Project The IPS system has been in service approximately 25 years. The pipeline has experienced at least four breaks in the recent past. Any pipeline break results in the risk of a sanitary sewer overflow. Given that the IPS system is a critical District facility, the age of the facility, and the recent experience with pipeline breaks, the District completed an evaluation of the system condition and has identified the following issues: • Some components of the pump stations and pipeline need replacement or upgrade. These include some valves, piping, pumps, motors, variable frequency drives, instrumentation and controls, and support systems. • The pipelines have experienced a significant decrease in flow capacity. The capacity decrease is most likely due to the accumulation of air pockets at the pipeline high points and/or solids at the pipeline low points. The decrease in capacity increases the amount of energy needed to transfer biosolids between facilities. • The pipeline cathodic protection and corrosion monitoring system provides some protection, but needs major repairs and replacements. The overall purpose of this project is to restore the reliability, operational capability and energy efficiency of the IPS System. The general scope of work for this contract includes: • • • • • • • Design replacements and upgrades for pump station and pipeline components that have reached the end of their useful service lives. Evaluate alternatives and develop a bid package to remove solids from the pipelines. Evaluate alternatives and design a solution to upgrade the pipeline cathodic protection and corrosion monitoring system. Evaluate and recommend a construction implementation strategy. Develop construction sequences and constraints to minimize operational disruptions. Provide construction bid documents. Provide engineering services during construction. The consultant will develop multiple bid packages for the work, with the exact number of bid packages depending upon the nature of the work and project sequencing. The duration for this contract is approximately 79 months. 2 RESOLUTION Contract P01005D01, Engineering Services – Interplant Sludge System Improvements Project RESOLVED, by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, that the Executive Director is authorized to execute Contract P01005D01, Engineering Services – Interplant Sludge System Improvements Project, with Donohue and Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $1,439,659. 3 Capital Budget Fiscal Note Total Project Cost RELATING TO: Contract P01005D01, Engineering Services – Interplant Sludge System Improvements Project Capital Project Number(s) Impact of Requested Action on Total Project Cost: P01005 Increase Total Project Cost Analysis Decrease New Project X No Change Project Costs Adopted 2016 Total Project Cost $12,899,016 Previously Approved Changes $0 Approved Total Project Cost $12,899,016 Requested Total Project Cost n/a Requested (Increase)/Decrease $0 Action to be taken to Long-Range Financing Plan to address Total Project Cost change Transfer from Allowance for Cost and Schedule Changes Transfer from another project (specify in comments) Delay Project(s) (specify in comments) Delete Project(s) (specify in comments) Other Transfer to Allowance for Cost and Schedule Changes Comments Budget Review by: Date: Christine Durkin 3/8/2016 O&M Budget Fiscal Note RELATING TO: Contract P01005D01, Engineering Services – Interplant Sludge System Improvements Project Cost Center: Line Item: Engineering Services 661 - Repairs & Maint. to Structures, Grounds & Pavement Line Item Impact 2016 Original Budget $225,000 Carryovers or Transfers $0 Adjusted Budget $225,000 Estimated Annual Expenditure including Request $271,191 Anticipated Year End Balance ($46,191) Actual Year to Date Expenditures Through 3/11 $0 For unfavorable Year End Balance, identify funding source: X Absorbed within the Division Other Division Unallocated Reserve Anticipated Expenditure Timing Requested Expenditures Anticipated Savings/Revenues Net Fiscal Impact $46,191 $0 $46,191 Subsequent $274,495 $0 $274,495 Total Cost $320,686 $0 $320,686 Current Year (2016) Comments: At this time, the estimated impact to the O&M Budget is $320,686 for work related to evaluating alternatives and developing a bid package to remove solids from the pipelines. As the design contract proceeds, the District will have a better cost estimate of the impact to the O&M Budget. It is anticipated that the unfavorable variance can be absorbed within the Division; the Budget Office will monitor the variance throughout the year. Budget Review by: Christine Durkin Date 3/11/2016 Proposal & S/W/MBE Summary Information Contract P01005D01, Engineering Services – Interplant Sludge System Improvements Project Cost Center: 41 Proposal Receipt Date: February 22, 2016 Total S/W/MBE Local 934 376 472 No. of Proposals 2 0 2 No. of Acceptable Proposals 2 0 2 No. of Firms Solicited Proposals (listed by rank) (Name/City/State/Zip) Donohue & Associates Milwaukee, WI 53202 CDM Smith Milwaukee, WI 53202 Acceptable/ Conditionally Acceptable/ Unacceptable % SubContractor % S/W/MBE $1,439,659.00 [$1,439,659.00] Acceptable 44.4% 44.0% $1,496,094.00 Acceptable 40.3% 20.3% Negotiated Price [Submitted Price] Compensation packages for proposals rated Conditionally Acceptable and Unacceptable are not opened. 03/23/16 P01005D01 1 Low Bid Information Subcontractor MBE/WBE/SBE/VBE Firms Type of Work % Amount MBE: Eclipse Controls, Inc. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Control System Planning 2.5% $35,312.00 WBE P.A. Roeper & Associates, Inc. Milwaukee, WI 53216 CADD, Graphics Development 4.5% $64,944.00 O&M Services Cathodic Protection 34.7% $499,518.00 Process Engineering 2.3% $33,140.00 SBE: Corrosion Control Technologies, Inc. Sandy, Utah, 84070 AES Engineering Rubicon, WI 53078 VBE: Non- MBE/WBE/SBE/VBE Subcontractors Flowmore Services Houston, TX 77269 Type of Work % Pipeline Cleaning 0.4% List reason(s) if no MBE/WBE/SBE involvement: Local Office Preference: ____ _Y________ Proposal Comments : S/W/MBE Solicited: Complete Electronic Notification Listing is on file in Procurement. Media Ads: Yes Name of Publication: Daily Reporter 03/23/16 P01005D01 No 2 Amount $5,000.00 Information for Recommended Proposal (Over $10,000) Company Name: Donohue & Associates, Inc. Contact Person: Dennis D. Dineen, PE Phone: 414.431.5700 EEO DATA: a) Total Number of Employees: Total Percentage 2 2.2% Hispanic 0 0% African American 0 Native American Asian b) Minorities d) 91 Total Percentage 19 20.9% Hispanic 0 0% 0% African American 0 0% 0 0% Native American 0 0% 2 2.2% Asian 1 1.1% Labor Market Availability: Minorities: 03/23/16 P01005D01 c) Female 20% Females: 3 48% Item 2 COMMISSION FILE NO: 16-043-4 INTRODUCED BY: DATE INTRODUCED: Executive Director (Signature on File in the Office of the Commission) REFERRED BY COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON TO: RELATING TO: April 4, 2016 Operations Committee Contract TS-2628 for Resident Engineering Services SUMMARY: The Commission is requested to authorize the Executive Director to execute on behalf of the District Contract TS-2628 with Ruekert & Mielke, Inc., for Resident Engineering Services in an amount not to exceed $696,000. Ruekert & Mielke, Inc., was the highest ranked available offeror, based on a qualifications-based selection method. The District directly employs five Resident Engineers (RE’s) who manage and administer District construction contracts. Due to the constantly changing nature of construction contract activity and associated scheduling, where District staffing is insufficient, the District utilizes contracted consultant staff to maintain adequate construction contract management. Currently, forecast construction phase project spending within the District’s six-year plan shows considerable variability year over year. To avoid hiring RE’s (as District employees) and then having to consider laying them off in the event of project construction activity slowdowns, staff proposes instead to contract for RE services. The proposed Contract TS-2628 will supplement existing District RE staff to ensure adequate resources are available to manage the construction and post-construction phases of multiple projects. This contract focuses primarily on instrumentation, control and electrical work. ATTACHMENTS: BACKGROUND FISCAL NOTE S/W/MBE KEY ISSUES RESOLUTION OTHER OP_AW_TS2628_RE_Serv_legislative_file.docx 03-18-16 COMMITTEE ACTION: DATE: COMMISSION ACTION: DATE: SUMMARY (Cont’d) Contract TS-2628 for Resident Engineering Services Staff proposes Contract TS-2628 to provide resident engineering services for the following construction contracts, which are all instrumentation, control, and electrical focused contracts: • • • • • • K01012C01, SCADA Radio Tower Procurement/Install K01012C06, SCADA Communications Installation K01012C07, SCADA Communications Installation Phase II K01014C01, Replace Level Sensors ISS Structures Phase II J06068C01, Jones Island/South Shore Network Optimization J06066E02, Jones Island Power System Optimization Resident engineering services may also be provided for additional construction contracts as needs are identified by staff. In September 2014, seven consulting firms submitted 15 candidates to provide resident engineering services in response to a District request for proposals. The intent was to provide the District with a pool of individuals and firms from which the District would select to provide resident engineering services as the need arises. The following firms responded, and identified individuals, their technical qualifications, and their fully loaded hourly rates: Ruekert & Mielke, Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises, RA Smith National, Kapur & Associates, Himalayan Consultants, K. Singh & Associates, and Toki & Associates. Of the candidates submitted to the District, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc., was the only firm to submit an individual with electrical and instrumentation and control background and expertise. The hourly labor rate for resident engineering services provided via TS-2628 has been changed from the originally proposed rate to account for rate changes resulting from inflation. This is a multi-year contract. 2 RESOLUTION Award of Contract TS-2628 for Resident Engineering Services RESOLVED, by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, that the Executive Director is authorized to execute Contract TS-2628 with Ruekert & Mielke, Inc., for Resident Engineering Services, in an amount not to exceed $696,000. 3 Capital Budget Fiscal Note Total Project Cost RELATING TO: Contract TS-2628 for Resident Engineering Services Capital Project Number(s) Impact of Requested Action on Total Project Cost: Various Increase Total Project Cost Analysis Decrease New Project X No Change Project Costs Adopted 2016 Total Project Cost n/a Previously Approved Changes $0 Approved Total Project Cost n/a Requested Total Project Cost n/a Requested (Increase)/Decrease $0 Action to be taken to Long-Range Financing Plan to address Total Project Cost change Transfer from Allowance for Cost and Schedule Changes Transfer from another project (specify in comments) Delay Project(s) (specify in comments) Delete Project(s) (specify in comments) Other Transfer to Allowance for Cost and Schedule Changes Comments Budgeted funds for the contract are within various capital projects. Actual costs will be charged to the project utilizing the services. Budget Review by: Date: Christine Durkin 3/8/2016 Proposal & S/W/MBE Summary Information Contract TS-2628 for Resident Engineering Services Cost Center: 41 Proposal Receipt Date: September 15, 2014 Total S/W/MBE Local 739 286 384 No. of Proposals 7 5 6 No. of Acceptable Proposals 1 0 0 No. of Firms Solicited Proposals (listed by rank) (Name/City/State/Zip) Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. Waukesha, WI 53188 Negotiated Price [Submitted Price] $146/hr.* [$145/hr.] Acceptable/ Conditionally Acceptable/ Unacceptable Acceptable % SubContractor % S/W/MBE 0% 0% . *The total not to exceed request for this award is $696,000 Compensation packages for proposals rated Conditionally Acceptable and Unacceptable are not opened. 03/23/16 TS-2628 1 Low Bid Information Subcontractor MBE/WBE/SBE/VBE Firms Type of Work % Amount MBE: WBE: SBE: VBE: Non- MBE/WBE/SBE/VBE Subcontractors Type of Work % Amount List reason(s) if no MBE/WBE/SBE involvement: Five of the seven firms that responded to TS2628 with proposals for Resident Engineers have indicated 100% SWMBE participation; however, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (which indicated 0% SWMBE participation) was the only firm to submit an individual with electrical and instrumentation & control background and expertise. Local Office Preference: ____ _No________ Proposal Comments: An RFP was issued to determine the list of contracted on-call Resident Engineers that could be made available if our internal pool of Resident Engineers is fully engaged or specialized skillsets were needed. Requests such as this will be brought forward for Commission approval as needed. S/W/MBE Solicited: Complete Electronic Notification Listing is on file in Procurement. Media Ads: Yes Name of Publication: Daily Reporter 03/23/16 TS-2628 No 2 Information for Recommended Proposal (Over $10,000) Company Name: Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. Contact Person: Patrick T. Wohlers, P.E. Phone: 262-542-5733 EEO DATA: a) Total Number of Employees: Total Percentage 3 4.05% Hispanic 1 1.35% African American 1 Native American Asian b) Minorities d) 74 Total Percentage 16 21.62% Hispanic 1 1.35% 1.35% African American 1 1.35% 0 0% Native American 0 0% 1 1.35% Asian 0 0% Labor Market Availability: Minorities: 03/23/16 TS-2628 c) Female 20% Females: 3 48% Item 3 COMMISSION FILE NO: 16-044-4 INTRODUCED BY: DATE INTRODUCED: Executive Director (Signature on File in the Office of the Commission) REFERRED BY COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON TO: RELATING TO: April 4, 2016 Operations Committee Amendment Number One to Purchase Order Number 8865 for Material Capital Repair or Replacement Number 930, Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility Dewatering and Drying Recycle Bucket Elevator #2 Repairs SUMMARY: The Commission is requested to authorize the Executive Director to execute Amendment Number One to Purchase Order Number 8865 with Veolia Water Milwaukee, LLC, (VWM) for Material Capital Repair or Replacement (MCRR) No. 930, Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility (JIWRF) Dewatering and Drying Recycle Bucket Elevator #2 Repairs, in an amount not to exceed $8,678.46. At JIWRF, Milorganite® is produced within the Dewatering and Drying Facility. The Milorganite® production process consists of 12 rotary sludge dryers used to heat dry dewatered biosolids, producing Milorganite®. The dried biosolids are transported from the dryers to the classification and recycle process via a series of conveying equipment, including four recycle bucket elevators. These four recycle bucket elevators function in pairs, one pair serving the south six dryers and one pair serving the north six dryers. The belt in Bucket Elevator #2 failed and split apart, causing the belt and attached buckets to fall to the base of the elevator. As a result, Bucket Elevator #2 is out of service, unavailable to the process, and the north six dryers do not have a redundant recycle bucket elevator available. Under the terms of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement between VWM and the District, an MCRR is a repair or replacement with costs exceeding $10,000. Purchase Order 8865 was issued in December 2015 to VWM, which is responsible for managing and overseeing the repair work and startup of Bucket Elevator #2 under MCRR 930. VWM competitively bid this project, and The Price Erecting Co. (Price) was the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. ATTACHMENTS: BACKGROUND FISCAL NOTE S/W/MBE KEY ISSUES RESOLUTION OTHER OP_Amend_PO8865_BucketElev2_Repair_legislative_file.docx 03-11-16 COMMITTEE ACTION: DATE: COMMISSION ACTION: DATE: SUMMARY (Cont’d) Amendment Number One to Purchase Order Number 8865 for Material Capital Repair or Replacement Number 930, Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility Dewatering and Drying Recycle Bucket Elevator #2 Repairs The original scope of the repair work included removal and replacement of the following: • • • • Existing belt and splice kit Damaged buckets Head and tail pulleys and shafts Pillow block bearings on tail pulley shaft After Price removed the damaged belt, buckets, and mechanical components, an inspection identified additional necessary work as follows: • • • Remove and replace one pillow block bearing on head pulley shaft; Upgrade the belt to high-temperature and moisture resistant material; and Replace an additional 164 buckets. This additional work has resulted in costs that increase the contract amount above $100,000. Per Commission policy, Commission approval is needed when a contract under $100,000 that was originally approved by the Executive Director and an amendment causes the total contract value to exceed $100,000. In this case, the original purchase order was $93,014.79 and was approved by the Executive Director. Amendment No. 1 causes the total purchase order value to exceed $100,000. PURCHASE ORDER COST CHANGES PURCHASE ORDER Original PERCENT INCREASE OVER ORIGINAL PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT $93,014.79 Amendment No. 1 $8,678.46 9.3% Total Amendments $8,678.46 9.3% TOTAL $101,693.25 2 AUTHORIZED BY Executive Director Request of Commission RESOLUTION Amendment Number One to Purchase Order Number 8865 for Material Capital Repair or Replacement Number 930, Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility Dewatering and Drying Recycle Bucket Elevator #2 Repairs RESOLVED, by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, that the Executive Director is authorized to execute Amendment Number One to Purchase Order No. 8865, Material Capital Repair or Replacement No. 930, Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility Dewatering and Drying Recycle Bucket Elevator #2 Repairs, in an amount not to exceed $8,678.46. 3 O&M Budget Fiscal Note RELATING TO: Amendment Number One to Purchase Order Number 8865 for Material Capital Repair or Replacement Number 930, Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility Dewatering and Drying Recycle Bucket Elevator #2 Repairs Cost Center: Line Item: Office of Contract Compliance 671 - Repairs to Machinery and Equipment Line Item Impact 2016 Original Budget $2,057,000 Carryovers or Transfers $0 Adjusted Budget $2,057,000 Estimated Annual Expenditure including Request $2,057,000 Anticipated Year End Balance $0 Actual Year to Date Expenditures Through 3/8 $18,328 For unfavorable Year End Balance, identify funding source: Absorbed within the Division Other Division Unallocated Reserve Anticipated Expenditure Timing Current Year (2016) Subsequent Total Cost Requested Expenditures Anticipated Savings/Revenues Net Fiscal Impact $8,678 $0 $0 $0 $8,678 $0 $8,678 $0 $8,678 Comments: The additional work on the project and the requested amendment for $8,678 increases the total contract amount to $101,693.25. Per Commission policy, Commission approval is needed when a contract under $100,000 that was originally approved by the Executive Director and an amendment causes the total contract value to exceed $100,000. Budget Review by: Christine Durkin Date 3/8/2016 Veolia Procurement Bid & S/W/MBE Summary [For all bids over $20,000] Amendment Number One to Purchase Order Number 8865 for Material Capital Repair or Replacement Number 930, Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility Dewatering and Drying Recycle Bucket Elevator #2 Repairs Award of Contract Cost Center: OCC Bid Opening Date: Monday, November 16, 2015 Total S/W/MBE Local No. of Bids 2 1 2 No. of Responsive Bids 2 1 2 Bids Submitted to Veolia (listed low to high) (Name/City/State) Price Erecting, Milwaukee, WI (WBE) Marshall Erecting, Milwaukee, WI Price $97,482.92 Responsive/ Non-Responsive/ Not Reviewed Responsive % Sub-Contractor 64.7% % S/W/MBE 97.6% $106,200.00 Responsive 48% 47% % Amount Low Bid Information Subcontractor MBE/WBE/SBE Firms MBE: Mill Equipment Burlington WI Type of Work Equipment WBE: SBE: -1- 62.3% $60,812.92 Non-MBE/WBE/SBE Subcontractors Pieper Electric, Inc. Type of Work % Electrical 2.4% List reason(s) if no MBE/WBE/SBE involvement: n/a Local Workforce Participation Requirement: A. Sanitary Sewer Service Area Employment B. Target Area Employment: Apprentice Utilization As Bid: n/a n/a n/a Bids Non-Responsive: None Comments: None Media Ads: Yes No Name of Publication: Daily Reporter -2- Amount $2,300.00 Information for Low Bid (Over $10,000) Company Name: Price Erecting Contact Person: Jason Haas (414)778-0300 EEO DATA: a) Total Number of Employees: Total Percentage 1 3% Hispanic 1 3% African American 0 Native American Asian b) Minorities d) 30 Total Percentage 3 10% Hispanic 0 0 0 African American 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Asian 0 0 Labor Market Availability: Minorities: c) Female 16.2% Females: -3- 48% Item 4 COMMISSION FILE NO: 16-045-4 INTRODUCED BY: DATE INTRODUCED: Executive Director (Signature on File in the Office of the Commission) REFERRED BY COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON TO: RELATING TO: April 4, 2016 Policy, Finance, and Personnel Committee Award of Contract P-2668 for the Purchase of Laboratory Chemicals and Supplies SUMMARY: The Commission is requested to authorize the Executive Director to award a three-year contract (May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2019) for the purchase of laboratory chemicals and supplies with MG Scientific, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $800,000. A formal bid process was completed. MG Scientific, Inc. was the only bidder. This contract is advantageous to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) since the vendor offers substantial discounts from list prices, prompt deliveries are made with the supplier’s vehicles, and there is a wide variety of options to meet MMSD’s needs. MG Scientific, Inc., based in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, was the only firm that responded to the District’s invitation for bids to furnish and deliver laboratory chemicals and supplies. The prices quoted by MG Scientific, Inc., were reasonable and favorable to MMSD. MG Scientific, Inc., maintains a stockroom inventory at the MMSD laboratory, which has evened out the purchase of laboratory supplies and saves time for laboratory staff. This is a unique service (in the Milwaukee region) for this industry. The vendor has a wide supplier base, obtains goods outside its catalog, provides computerized price lists quarterly with both list price and MMSD’s discounted price, issues monthly usage reports with suggestions for alternatives and other savings, and maintains an accurate and timely procurement and delivery schedule. ATTACHMENTS: BACKGROUND FISCAL NOTE S/W/MBE KEY ISSUES RESOLUTION OTHER PFP_P-2668_Laboratory_Chemical_Supplies_2016-2018_legislative_file.doc 03-18-16 COMMITTEE ACTION: DATE: COMMISSION ACTION: DATE: KEY ISSUES Award of Contract P-2668 for the Purchase of Laboratory Chemicals and Supplies All items purchased throughout this contract period will be on an as-needed basis. A stockroom inventory for the most commonly used laboratory supplies has been established and will be maintained by MG Scientific, Inc., with weekly deliveries, supplemented by special deliveries as required. Delivery quantities are not fixed, but rather are based on the items remaining in stock. This “just in time” inventory will allow MMSD to better control purchases, avoid unneeded items or overstocking, and help to ensure that the laboratory always has the supplies that are needed to perform necessary testing. Many of the supplies and chemicals required will be the same as those purchased in prior years, but the quantities are indefinite. Laboratory needs are affected by the number of tests from client requests, regulatory requirements, and technology changes. In addition, it is undesirable to receive and keep in inventory large supplies of chemicals because of limited shelf life and safety considerations. 2 RESOLUTION Award of Contract P-2668 for the Purchase of Laboratory Chemicals and Supplies RESOLVED, by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, that the Executive Director is authorized to execute a contract for the purchase of laboratory chemicals and supplies from MG Scientific, Inc., for three years (May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2019) for a total not-to-exceed amount of $800,000 for the entire three-year period. 3 O&M Budget Fiscal Note RELATING TO: Award of Contract P-2668 for the Purchase of Laboratory Chemicals and Supplies Cost Center: Line Item: LAB 756 Line Item Impact 2016 Original Budget $312,000 Carryovers or Transfers $0 Adjusted Budget $312,000 Estimated Annual Expenditure including Request $312,000 Anticipated Year End Balance $0 Actual Year to Date Expenditures Through 3/1 $15,120 For unfavorable Year End Balance, identify funding source: Absorbed within the Division Other Division Unallocated Reserve Anticipated Expenditure Timing Requested Expenditures Anticipated Savings/Revenues Net Fiscal Impact Current Year (2016) $266,666 $0 $266,666 Subsequent $533,334 $0 $533,334 Total Cost $800,000 $0 $800,000 Comments: The proposed contract would begin May 1, 2016 and end April 30, 2019. The requested expenditure is for a not-to-exceed contract amount of $800,000. The contract includes discounted prices. Actual expenditures will depend on actual usage. The 2016 budget includes $312,000 for lab chemicals and supplies, which includes this contract and other chemical supply needs. Budget Review by: Theresa Zwieg Date 3/1/2016 Bid & S/W/MBE Information Award of Contract P-2668 for the Purchase of Laboratory Chemicals and Supplies Cost Center: 41 Bid Opening Date: February 17, 2016 Total S/W/MBE Local No. of Bids 1 0 0 No. of Responsive Bids 1 0 0 Price Responsive/ Non-Responsive/ Not Reviewed % Subcontractor % S/W/MBE $800,000.00 Responsive 0% 0% Bids (listed low to high) (Name/City/State/Zip) MG Scientific, Inc. Pleasant Prairie, WI. 53158 Low Bid Information Subcontractor MBE/WBE/SBE/VBE Firms Type of Work MBE: WBE: SBE: VBE: 03/23/16 P-2668 -1- % Amount Non- MBE/WBE/SBE/VBE Subcontractors Type of Work % List reason(s) if no MBE/WBE/SBE Involvement: Purchase of Chemicals and Supplies from Manufacturer, there were no subcontractors. Local Workforce Participation Requirement: A. Sanitary Sewer Service Area Employment: N/A B. Target Area Employment: N/A Apprentice Utilization As Bid: N/A Bids Non-Responsive: Comments: S/W/MBE Planholders: N/A Media Ads: Yes Name of Publication: Daily Reporter 03/23/16 P-2668 No -2- Amount Information for Low Bid (Over $10,000) Company Name: MG Scientific, Inc. Contact Person: Jim McKeown Phone: 262-947-7000 EEO DATA: Total Number of Employees: a) 20 Total b) Minorities d) Percentage Percentage 11 55% 3 15% Hispanic 1 5.% Hispanic 1 5.0% African American 1 5.% African American 1 5.0% Native American 0 0.0% Native American 0 0.0% Asian 1 5.0% Asian 1 5.0% Labor Market Availability: Minorities: 03/23/16 P-2668 c) Female Total 16.2% Females: -3- 48% Item 5 COMMISSION FILE NO: 16-046-4 INTRODUCED BY: DATE INTRODUCED: Executive Director (Signature on File in the Office of the Commission) REFERRED BY COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON TO: RELATING TO: April 4, 2016 Policy, Finance and Personnel Committee Revisions to Commission Policy 1-02.01, Commission Services, and Commission Policy 1-76.02, Records Management SUMMARY: The Commission is requested to approve revisions to Commission Policy 1-02.01, Commission Services, and Commission Policy 1-76.02, Records Management. The recommended changes clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Commission Secretary and the Information Governance Manager in managing the records of the Commission and the District, responding to open records requests under Wis. Stat. § 19.21, et seq., and establishing policies and procedures for the organization and retention of such records. ATTACHMENTS: BACKGROUND FISCAL NOTE S/W/MBE KEY ISSUES OTHER RESOLUTION Proposed Commission Policy 1-02.01 Revision, Proposed Commission Policy 1-76.02 Revision PFP_Records_Policy_legislative_file.docx 03-18-16 COMMITTEE ACTION: DATE: COMMISSION ACTION: DATE: BACKGROUND Revisions to Commission Policy 1-02.01, Commission Services, and Commission Policy 1-76.02, Records Management The District is in the process of updating its implementation of information governance strategies, including the management and archiving of electronic records, implementing a records destruction program, and creating the position of Information Governance Manager acting under the supervision of the Director of Legal Services. In conjunction therewith, the District has created an overall Information Governance Plan to govern the routine management and archiving of records, both paper and electronic. Current District Policies and Procedures need to be updated to reflect the District’s current practices of managing records, responding to requests under the Wisconsin Open Records Law, Wis. Stat. § 19.21, et seq.; to affirm the Commission Secretary’s role as the legal custodian of records; and to authorize the Commission Secretary’s delegation of the day-to-day management of records to the Information Governance Manager. Commission Policy 1-02.01, Commission Services, is amended to change the name of the Policy to “Commission Secretary” since the Commission Services cost center no longer exists; to affirm that the Commission Secretary serves at the pleasure of the Commission, is responsible to maintain the records of the District, and to authorize the Commission Secretary to delegate the responsibility to develop and maintain an information management system. Commission Policy 1-76.02, Records Management, is amended to affirm that the Commission Secretary is responsible to maintain all records of the District; to designate the Commission Secretary as its “legal custodian of records” in accord with Wis. Stat. sec. 19.33(4); and to authorize the Commission Secretary to delegate the responsibility to develop and maintain an information management system. Attached are redline drafts of these two Commission Policies showing the recommended updates. 2 RESOLUTION Revisions to Commission Policy 1-02.01, Commission Services, and Commission Policy 1-76.02, Records Management RESOLVED, by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, that Commission Policy 1-02.01, Commission Services, and Commission Policy 1-76.02, Records Management, are modified as presented in the attachments to this document and that said changes are effective on the date of this resolution. 3 Commission Policy Subject: Commission Secretary rvices Index: 1-02.01 Authority: Statute: Wis. Stat. 200.27(4) Page: Date Issued: 1 of 01/10/80 Date Revised: 7/22/02, 4/18/16 Resolution: 90-055-6(17)a-n, 77-149-12D(3)I, 02-136-7, 16-046-04 1 The Commission Secretary will publish public notices of meetings as required by law. For every official Commission and cCommittee meeting, the Commission Secretary will prepare a true, timely, and complete record of business transactions, and reports received. The Commission Secretary shall also maintain a record of Commission and committee proceedings listed by date and by subject in order to make possible ready retrieval of documents and actions and to comply with applicable statutes and public laws. Pursuant to State statuteWis. Stat. 200.27(4), the Commission Secretary shall maintain all records concerning the District. In order to carry out that duty, the Commission Secretary may delegate the dayto-day responsibility is required to develop and maintain an record information management system and provide for security, integrity, retention, and ease of access to all official records of the District. Commission Policy Subject: Records Management Index: 1-76.02 Authority Statute: Wis. Stat. 200.27(4); Wis. Stat. 19.33(4) Page: 1 of 1 Date Issued: 1/26/98 Resolution: 98-028-1(02), 02-136-7; 16-046-04 Date Revised: 7/22/02; 4/18/16 Pursuant to State statute Wis. Stat. 200.27(4), the Commission Secretary shall maintain all records concerning the District. In order to carry out that duty, the Commission Secretary may delegate, to the Information Governance Manager, under the direction of the Director of Legal Services, the day-to-day responsibility to is required to develop and maintain a records management system and to provide for security, integrity, retention, and ease of access to all official records of the District, in full compliance with the Wisconsin Public Records Law, Wis. Stat. sec. 19.21 et seq.. The Commission Secretary is designated by the Commission as the legal custodian of records in accord with Wis. Stat. sec. 19.33(4). Item 6 COMMISSION FILE NO: 16-047-4 INTRODUCED BY: DATE INTRODUCED: Executive Director (Signature on File in the Office of the Commission) REFERRED BY COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON TO: RELATING TO: April 4, 2016 Policy, Finance, and Personnel Committee Declaration of the Public Necessity and Approval of the Revised Acquisition Plat (Relocation Order) for the Underwood Creek Rehabilitation and Flood Management Watercourse Improvements, Projects W21005 and W21006 SUMMARY: The Commission is requested to approve the revised acquisition plat for the Underwood Creek Rehabilitation and Flood Management Watercourse Improvements, Projects W21005 and W21006, and to authorize the Executive Director to approve future minor changes to the identified parcels and the addition of new parcels where they have a minor impact on the overall project and land rights acquisition process. Approval of the acquisition plat also authorizes the Executive Director to execute easements, permits, licenses, purchase agreements, intergovernmental cooperation agreements, and any other related real estate documents with property owners and governmental agencies that have real estate that is affected by the project. Upon approval and within 20 days, the revised acquisition plat (relocation order) will be filed with the Milwaukee County Clerk’s Office as required by law, thereby allowing acquisition matters to proceed. The revision expands the area required for one permanent easement and includes acquiring temporary and permanent easements on five additional parcels. The Commission approved the original acquisition plat in July 2006 and revised it in April 2008 and October 2013. Since 2006, the District has divided the scope into two projects (W21005 and W21006). Project W21005 has been completed, and Project W21006 has undergone further design. The further design and construction permit requirements have resulted in the need to revise the acquisition plat. ATTACHMENTS: BACKGROUND FISCAL NOTE S/W/MBE KEY ISSUES OTHER RESOLUTION Acquisition Plat PFP_AcqPlat_Underwood_Ck_W21006_legislative_file.docx 03-18-16 COMMITTEE ACTION: DATE: COMMISSION ACTION: DATE: SUMMARY (Cont’d) Declaration of the Public Necessity and Approval of the Revised Acquisition Plat (Relocation Order) for the Underwood Creek Rehabilitation and Flood Management Watercourse Improvements, Projects W21005 and W21006 The updated Menomonee River Watercourse Management Plan, approved by the Commission on June 27, 2011, includes recommendations to perform 4,400 lineal feet of concrete channel lining removal and channel rehabilitation along Underwood Creek between the confluence with the Menomonee River and approximately 150 feet south of the Canadian Pacific Railroad. The concrete channel lining is a District asset that was installed in the 1960’s. The lining is significantly degraded throughout the project area and reaching the end of its useful life. The District has pursued and is finalizing a Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). USACE has determined a federal interest in this project. Under the proposed PPA, USACE will improve the channel by removing the concrete channel lining and rehabilitating the channel by installing a rock-lined channel with an expanded vegetated floodplain. The proposed rehabilitated channel will improve public safety by slowing down flood flows, provide long term streambank stabilization, and enhance the habitat value of the riparian corridor. Also under the PPA, the District will be responsible to obtain real estate rights for the project. Project W21006 requires permanent and temporary easements and permits to be acquired on 22 parcels. The 22 parcels are owned by Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, City of Wauwatosa, Canadian Pacific Railroad, two private property owners, one church/school, and two businesses. The property rights will allow changes in alignment of the channel bed and access during construction and for ongoing maintenance and will provide area needed to perform the construction. The expanded parcel and the two new temporary easements are needed to facilitate construction and future maintenance. The three permanent easements are a requirement of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Chapter 30 permitting process. The Chapter 30 permit allows the District to construct within the creek channel. As the project will slightly increase (0.7 acres) the 1% probability floodplain on three parcels, WDNR is requiring that the District obtain flood easement on the impacted land. Staff anticipates that the acquisition costs will be within the Executive Director’s authority (under $100,000). 2 RESOLUTION Declaration of the Public Necessity and Approval of the Revised Acquisition Plat (Relocation Order) for the Underwood Creek Rehabilitation and Flood Management Watercourse Improvements, Projects W21005 and W21006 RESOLVED, by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, that 1. The revised acquisition plat (relocation order) is approved and the public necessity is hereby declared for all the parcels that have been revised (Parcel 7PE) and added as now identified on the plat (Parcels 21A through 25). 2. The Executive Director is authorized to approve future changes to the identified parcels and to approve the addition of new parcels where they have a minor impact on the overall project and the land rights acquisition process. 3. The Executive Director may accept and execute, on behalf of the Commission, all project related easement documents, memorandums of understanding, intergovernmental cooperation agreements, jurisdictional offers, awards of compensation damages, leases, purchase agreements, deeds of conveyance, permits, licenses, or any other related real estate documents. 3 SCHEDULE OF LANDS & INTERESTS REQUIRED PARCEL NUMBER SHEET NUMBER 1PE 5-6 TAX KEY NUMBERS OWNER INTEREST REQUIRED 374-9999-06 374-9999-10 MILWAUKEE COUNTY PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE SIMPLE 1PA 5-6 374-9999-06 MILWAUKEE COUNTY 2PE 7-8 340-9996-02 374-9999-10 MILWAUKEE COUNTY 2PA 2-IS 3PE 4PE 7-8 340-9996-02 MILWAUKEE COUNTY 340-9996 MILWAUKEE COUNTY 5-8 7-8 7-12 340-0193-02 MILWAUKEE COUNTY 340-0193-02 MILWAUKEE COUNTY AREA (ACRES) 6.32 PERMANENT ACCESS EASEMENT 0.08 2.20 PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE SIMPLE PERMANENT ACCESS EASEMENT 0.08 FEE SIMPLE 2.00 PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE SIMPLE 0.48 6.81 PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE SIMPLE INTEREST REQUIRED AREA (ACRES) WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TCE/PERMIT 0.43 ACCESS AND STOCKPILE AREA (W21006) 340-9993-00 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD TCE/PERMIT 0.25 TEMPORARY STAGING AND STOCKPILE AREA (W21006) 7-8 N/A (PARKWAY) MILWAUKEE COUNTY TCE/PERMIT 0.03 TEMPORARY STAGING AND STOCKPILE AREA (W21006) 16 7-10 N/A (PARKWAY) CITY OF WAUWATOSA TCE/PERMIT 0.02 17 9-10 N/A (PARKWAY) CITY OF WAUWATOSA TCE/PERMIT 0.03 18 11-12 N/A (PARKWAY) CITY OF WAUWATOSA TCE/PERMIT 0.03 FEE IN LIEU OF EXISTING EASEMENT; FORMERLY PARCEL 6PE AS SHOWN ON PLAT FOR MMSD PROJECT ID W20004 "MILWAUKEE COUNTY GROUNDS BASIN PROJECT". (AQUIRED UNDER W21005) 19 11-12 340-9997-01 W. GRANT SCHMIDT 20 11-12 340-9998-01 SCHMIDT & BARTELT INC. PERMANENT EASEMENT AREA AT UNDERWOOD CREEK W/ ACCESS TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY VIA UNDERWOOD CREEK AND ACCESS EASEMENT TO UNDERWOOD CREEK PARKWAY AND/OR WATERTOWN PLANK ROAD (AQUIRED UNDER W21005) 21 13-14 341-9995-00 MILWAUKEE COUNTY 13-14 341-9995-00 MILWAUKEE COUNTY REMARKS PERMANENT EASEMENT AREA AT UNDERWOOD CREEK W/ ACCESS TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AT FISHER PARKWAY (AQUIRED UNDER W21005) PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE SIMPLE 6PE 13-14 340-9993-05 MILWAUKEE COUNTY PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE SIMPLE 7PE 13-14 341-9995-00 MILWAUKEE COUNTY PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE SIMPLE 0.78 8RL 7-8 340-9993-00 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LICENSE / PERMIT 0.21 8PE 5-8 340-9993-00 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD EASEMENT OR LICENSE/ PERMIT 0.52 7-10 N/A (R.O.W) WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SOUTHEAST REGION PERMIT 0.87 9T 5-6 N/A (R.O.W.) WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PERMIT 1.25 FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES; BELOW EXISTING STH 100 BRIDGE (ACQUIRED UNDER W21005) 10 11-12 340-0176-03 PAUL S. MILLARD TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 0.03 FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES ONLY; 14' WIDTH (W21006) 11 11-12 340-0178-00 CITY OF WAUWATOSA TCE/PERMIT 0.08 FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES ONLY (W21006) 11A 11-12 340-0178-00 CITY OF WAUWATOSA FEE SIMPLE 0.07 PARTIAL ACQUISITION (W21006) 12 11-12 340-0179-03 KELLY J. EICKELMAN TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 0.03 FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES ONLY; 16' WIDTH (W21006) REUSE OF DOCUMENTS VERIFY SCALES PM BAR IS ONE INCH ON B. SPECHT ORIGINAL DRAWING 0" 1" IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY. N/A (R.O.W.) 14 7-8 15 PERMANENT EASEMENT AREA AT UNDERWOOD CREEK W/ACCESS TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AT FISHER PARKWAY (AQUIRED UNDER W21005) 4 21A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PERMANENT MAINTENANCE EASEMENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMARKS PERMIT FOR UNDERWOOD CREEK CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ACROSS FISHER PARKWAY RIGHT OF WAY (W21006) PERMIT FOR UNDERWOOD CREEK CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ACROSS FISHER PARKWAY RIGHT OF WAY (W21006) PERMIT FOR UNDERWOOD CREEK CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ACROSS FISHER PARKWAY RIGHT OF WAY (W21006) 0.37 TEMPORARY STAGING AND STOCKPILE AREA (W21006) 0.34 TEMPORARY STAGING AND STOCKPILE AREA (W21006) 0.13 1.98 PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE FOR UNDERWOOD CREEK (W21006) TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR UNDERWOOD CREEK (W21006) 22 13-14 341-9993-006 SERAFINO SQUARE INC. JOSEPH SILENO PERMANENT EASEMENT 0.13 PERMANENT EASEMENT TO ALLOW A 1% PROBABILITY OF FLOOD WATER ON PROPERTY 4 23 11-12 340-9999-001 OUR REDEEMER LUTHERN CHURCH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 1.08 TEMPORARY STAGING AND STOCKPILE AREA (W21006) 4 24 5-6 374-9999-022 MILWAUKEE COUNTY PERMANENT EASEMENT 0.20 PERMANENT EASEMENT TO ALLOW A 1% PROBABILITY OF FLOOD WATER ON PROPERTY 4 25 5-6 N/A (R.O.W.) WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PERMANENT EASEMENT 0.31 PERMANENT EASEMENT TO ALLOW A 1% PROBABILITY OF FLOOD WATER ON PROPERTY PERMANENT EASEMENT AREA AT UNDERWOOD CREEK W/ ACCESS TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AT FISHER PARKWAY (W21006) PERMANENT EASEMENT AREA AT UNDERWOOD CREEK W/ ACCESS TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AT FISHER PARKWAY (W21006) LICENSE ACROSS RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY (W21006) FOR SLOPING AND VEGETATION MANAGEMENT INCLUDES RIGHT OF ENTRY (ACQUIRED UNDER W21005) PERMIT FOR UNDERWOOD CREEK CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ACROSS S.T.H. 45 RIGHT OF WAY (W21006) MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT 4 3 2 1 PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT OWNER 4 This Acquisition Plat Prepared By: DRFT R. CHAVEZ CHK D. TALARCZYK 7-8 15' WIDTH FOR ACCESS TO PARCEL 2PE (AQUIRED UNDER W21005) MILWAUKEE COUNTY THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN IS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND IS NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT. 13 PERMANENT EASEMENT AREA AT UNDERWOOD CREEK W/ ACCESS TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY VIA ACCESS EASEMENT TO UNDERWOOD CREEK PARKWAY AND/OR WATERTOWN PLANK ROAD (AQUIRED UNDER W21005) 340-9993-05 9 PERMIT TAX KEY NUMBERS 15' WIDTH FOR ACCESS TO PARCEL 1PE (AQUIRED UNDER W21005) 11-14 4 SHEET NUMBER PERMANENT EASEMENT AREA AT UNDERWOOD CREEK W/ ACCESS TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY VIA ACCESS EASEMENT TO UNDERWOOD CREEK PARKWAY AND/OR WATERTOWN PLANK ROAD (AQUIRED UNDER W21005) 5PE 0.24 SCHEDULE OF LANDS & INTERESTS REQUIRED PARCEL NUMBER REV. NO. 02-24-16 07-12-13 02-15-08 07-05-06 DATE ADDED PARCELS 22-25 ADDED PARCELS 10-21A ADDED PARCELS 2-IS, 8PE, 9T REMOVE PARCELS 13PE, 14PE, (MMSD OWNED) REVISION DESCRIPTION BY UNDERWOOD CREEK REHABILITATION AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT WATERCOURSE IMPROVEMENTS 02-24-16 ADDED PARCELS 10-28-13 ADDED PARCELS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION 04-21-08 REVISIONS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION APVD PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT 07-24-06 MMSD COMMISSION APPROVED DRAWING NO.: SHEET: S-1 2 DATE: FEBRUARY 2016 CONTRACT: W21005/W21006 MMSD FILE: UC102S.dwg 10 0 TH 16 17 10 NO RT S 9 PERMIT 11 18 H 12 AV EN U E 15 3PE UNDERWOODCREEK CANADIAN PACIF 4PE IC 8RL N 8PE 19 14 2PA 13 ILW AD N 20 11A CR EE 5PE K 20 7PE PARKWAY 6PE 1PA RO AI R IO SE CT IO N D OO RW 4S EC T 1 4 1PE 25 1 9T NW 22 AY DE 2-IS SW 23 RA UN 2PE 20 21 21A N K AN PL AD RO VERIFY SCALES PM BAR IS ONE INCH ON B. SPECHT ORIGINAL DRAWING 0" 1" IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY. This Acquisition Plat Prepared By: CHK D. TALARCZYK PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT TI ON 20 MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT 4 3 2 1 DRFT R. CHAVEZ 4S EC NEE RIVER SW 1 4S EC AN TI BO ON UL 20 EV AR D W TO ER REUSE OF DOCUMENTS THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN IS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND IS NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT. NE 1 AT W SE MENOM O STH 4 M 5 AY F 24 REV. NO. 02-24-16 07-12-13 02-15-08 07-05-06 DATE ADDED PARCELS 22-25 ADDED PARCELS 10-21A ADDED PARCELS 2-IS, 8PE, 9T REMOVE PARCELS 13PE, 14PE, (MMSD OWNED) REVISION DESCRIPTION BY UNDERWOOD CREEK REHABILITATION AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT WATERCOURSE IMPROVEMENTS 02-24-16 ADDED PARCELS 10-28-13 ADDED PARCELS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION 04-21-08 REVISIONS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION APVD PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT 07-24-06 MMSD COMMISSION APPROVED DRAWING NO.: SHEET: P-1 4 DATE: FEBRUARY 2016 CONTRACT: W21005/W21006 MMSD FILE: UC104P.dwg 8PE CANA DIAN 328.46' EASEMENT OR LICENSE/PERMIT AREA 0.52 ACRES 37.40 ' 9T SECTION LINE STH 100 PACIFIC 20.68' 363.20' 1003.00' RAILWAY 133.00' 600.00' 600.00' 24' 25 PERMANENT ACCESS EASEMENT L = AREA 0.31 AC. 14 7. 98 ' 67 7' = FEE AREA 2.00 AC. 6.7 L 2-IS 25 1 1 SW 4 - SW 4 396.85' CREEK UNDERWOOD .9 7 1PE ' PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 6.32 AC. 0 2.1 11 24 ' PERMANENT ACCESS EASEMENT (FORM 6PE MIL ERLY PARCEL WAUK GROUN EE COUNTY DS BA PROJEC SIN T) 0.70' L = 19 AREA 0.20 AC. L = 261 .87' 417.6 0' 1. 33 ' 1 16 LINE 12 1PA L = 632.61' 1 1 NW 4 - SW 4 PERMANENT ACCESS EASEMENT AREA 0.08 AC. ' OD UNDERWO 20.07' L= 82. 2 9' 15 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 7 150.08' MAYFAIR ROAD 24' 139.14' PERMIT AREA 1.25 ACRES CREE K LOT 1 C.S.M. 7371 DOC. NO. 8730753 O.L . 1 PA RK WA Y N 0 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN IS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND IS NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT. VERIFY SCALES PM BAR IS ONE INCH ON B. SPECHT ORIGINAL DRAWING 0" 1" IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY. 60 This Acquisition Plat Prepared By: PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT 120 MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT 4 3 2 1 DRFT R. CHAVEZ CHK D. TALARCZYK 30 REV. NO. 02-24-16 07-12-13 02-15-08 07-05-06 DATE ADDED PARCELS 22-25 ADDED PARCELS 10-21A ADDED PARCELS 2-IS, 8PE, 9T REMOVE PARCELS 13PE, 14PE, (MMSD OWNED) REVISION DESCRIPTION BY UNDERWOOD CREEK REHABILITATION AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT WATERCOURSE IMPROVEMENTS 02-24-16 ADDED PARCELS 10-28-13 ADDED PARCELS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION 04-21-08 REVISIONS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION APVD PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT 07-24-06 MMSD COMMISSION APPROVED DRAWING NO.: SHEET: D-2 5 DATE: FEBRUARY 2016 CONTRACT: W21005/W21006 MMSD FILE: UC105D.dwg AD ST RO 10 5 GARFIE LD AVE N MA YF AI R N 106 ST NW 1 4 16 PERMIT AREA 0.02 AC. PARKWAY 21.03' PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 6.81 AC. ' CREEK 187.3 6' UNDERWOOD PERMIT AREA 0.03 AC. L = 1700 4PE 49.61' 6' 213.9 17 58.27' L=29.37' L= 28.17' ' ' 50.00 23.02 21.41 ' FISHER 20.53' SW 1 4- 4 9 PERMIT L = 1580' PERMIT AREA 0.87 AC. PACIFIC CANADIAN RAILWAY LI N 1 16 1 16 LI N E 7' 87.3 L=1 E NE 1 4- NW 1 4 N 0 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN IS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND IS NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT. VERIFY SCALES PM BAR IS ONE INCH ON B. SPECHT ORIGINAL DRAWING 0" 1" IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY. 60 120 MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT 4 3 2 1 DRFT R. CHAVEZ CHK D. TALARCZYK 30 This Acquisition Plat Prepared By: PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT REV. NO. 02-24-16 07-12-13 02-15-08 07-05-06 DATE ADDED PARCELS 22-25 ADDED PARCELS 10-21A ADDED PARCELS 2-IS, 8PE, 9T REMOVE PARCELS 13PE, 14PE, (MMSD OWNED) REVISION DESCRIPTION BY UNDERWOOD CREEK REHABILITATION AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT WATERCOURSE IMPROVEMENTS 02-24-16 ADDED PARCELS 10-28-13 ADDED PARCELS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION 04-21-08 REVISIONS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION APVD PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT 07-24-06 MMSD COMMISSION APPROVED DRAWING NO.: SHEET: P-4 10 DATE: FEBRUARY 2016 CONTRACT: W21005/W21006 MMSD FILE: UC110P.dwg S87°08'21"W 284.00' S01°59'52"E 486.81' N 102 ST 564.94' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AREA 0.34 AC. 20 .69 ' .54 21 C2 2' 86.6 84. 170 11A 81' 0' 81.6 PAC S01°59'52"E 164.93' 69.18' N01°59'52"W 95.42' L = 893' N OD RWO E D N U PLE SIM FEE AREA AC. 0.07 AY 5PE RAILW 1 1 NE 4 - NW 4 C3 L= 95.67' CREEK 16' 35' 9"E °56'5 S1785.00' 42' 58. L= 0' L= S17°56'59"E 95.00' (S15°45'06"E DEED) 9"W °56'5 N17 85.01' R HE S I F C5 N17°56'59"W 95.01' (S15°45'06"E 95.00' DEED) 14' ' 89' 58. L = 917' C6 86.16' AREA 0.03 AC. .82' C4 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AREA 0.36 AC. ARY POR TION TEMSTRUCNT E N M O C EASE A R A E . AC 0.03 ARY POR ION TEM RUCT T S NT N CO SEME EA REA A AC. C1 0.08 RY R A ON PO CTIT TEMSTRU EN M N CO EASE EA AR C. 2A 0.0 18 PERMIT 12 23 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AREA 1.08 AC. N84°24'33"E 187 19 11 10 N01°59'52"W N 103 ST T 04 S N1 Y A PARKW 20 IFIC PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 0.24 AC. 0 30 60 120 4PE IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY. IA AD N This Acquisition Plat Prepared By: CHK D. TALARCZYK MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT 4 3 2 1 DRFT R. CHAVEZ PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT 1 1 NW 4 - NE 4 1" 4 LINE ORIGINAL DRAWING 0' 158 N CA VERIFY SCALES PM BAR IS ONE INCH ON B. SPECHT 0" L= 1 1 16 LINE REUSE OF DOCUMENTS THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN IS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND IS NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT. PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 6.81 AC. REV. NO. 02-24-16 07-12-13 02-15-08 07-05-06 DATE ADDED PARCELS 22-25 ADDED PARCELS 10-21A ADDED PARCELS 2-IS, 8PE, 9T REMOVE PARCELS 13PE, 14PE, (MMSD OWNED) REVISION DESCRIPTION BY UNDERWOOD CREEK REHABILITATION AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT WATERCOURSE IMPROVEMENTS 02-24-16 ADDED PARCELS 10-28-13 ADDED PARCELS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION 04-21-08 REVISIONS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION APVD PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT 07-24-06 MMSD COMMISSION APPROVED DRAWING NO.: SHEET: P-5 12 DATE: FEBRUARY 2016 CONTRACT: W21005/W21006 MMSD FILE: UC112P.dwg N87°56'32"E 944.86' N87°56'32"E 925.13' ME MO S02°03'28"E 631.90' NE E RIVE R 1 1 NE 4 - NE 4 1 S02°03'28"E 616.44' NO 7PE 28.18' 29.80' L = 893' L = 471.48' W 16.02' 26.97' N01°59'53" 75.84' CREEK L = 473.91' 95.53' ' L = 146.54 79 S36°30'01" 49.83' C3 C1 W 21 S 49 36°3 .83 0' ' 01" = S5 25 3°5 .06 6'5 ' 1 9"E 5.0 3' PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 0.13 AC. C6 C4 N 1 16 LINE UNDERWOOD 15.30' 0' .2 L N 49 36° .83 30 ' '01" PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 0.23 AC. L = 917' ' E 6PE C5 34 .00 1 1 NW 4 - NE 4 10 3.2 8' 71 .34 ' 1 PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 0.78 AC. C2 21A UCTION 5PE TEMPORARY CONSTR EASEMENT AREA 1.98 AC. CANADIAN PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 0.24 AC. 0 30 60 120 PACIFIC RAILW A Y 1 4 LINE CREEK PARK OOD W ER UND C1 L = 21.19' R = 322.45' CHD BRG = S34°10'05"W CHD LEN = 21.18' REUSE OF DOCUMENTS THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN IS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND IS NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT. VERIFY SCALES PM BAR IS ONE INCH ON B. SPECHT ORIGINAL DRAWING 0" 1" IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY. C2 L = 180.43' R = 324.00' CHD BRG = S52°00'15"W CHD LEN = 178.11' C3 L = 21.19' R = 307.45' CHD BRG = S34°04'34"W CHD LEN = 21.18' This Acquisition Plat Prepared By: PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT C4 L = 166.59' R = 309.00' CHD BRG = S51°29'42"W CHD LEN = 164.58' C5 L = 21.19' R = 282.45' CHD BRG = N33°54'04"E CHD LEN = 21.18' C6 L = 143.42' R = 284.00' CHD BRG = N50°31'02"E CHD LEN = 141.90' MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT 4 3 2 1 DRFT R. CHAVEZ CHK D. TALARCZYK WAY REV. NO. 02-24-16 07-12-13 02-15-08 07-05-06 DATE ADDED PARCELS 22-25 ADDED PARCELS 10-21A ADDED PARCELS 2-IS, 8PE, 9T REMOVE PARCELS 13PE, 14PE, (MMSD OWNED) REVISION DESCRIPTION BY UNDERWOOD CREEK REHABILITATION AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT WATERCOURSE IMPROVEMENTS 02-24-16 ADDED PARCELS 10-28-13 ADDED PARCELS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION 04-21-08 REVISIONS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION APVD PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT 07-24-06 MMSD COMMISSION APPROVED DRAWING NO.: SHEET: D-6 13 DATE: FEBRUARY 2016 CONTRACT: W21005/W21006 MMSD FILE: UC113D.dwg N87°56'32"E 944.86' N87°56'32"E 925.13' MO NE S02°03'28"E 631.90' E RIVE R 1 1 NE 4 - NE 4 1 1 NE 4 - NW 4 S02°03'28"E 616.44' ME NO 7PE 3.2 8' .34 71 15.30' CREEK L = 473.91' L = 893' 95.53' 29.80' 28.18' L = 471.48' L= 146.54' 79 S36°30'01" 49.83' C3 C1 W 21 S 49 36° .83 30' ' 01" L = S5 25 3°5 .06 6'5 ' 1 9"E 5.0 3' PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 0.13 AC. C6 C4 1 16 LINE UNDERWOOD 0' .2 W 16.02' 26.97' N01°59'53" 75.84' L = 917' N 49 36° .83 30 ' '01" E 6PE C5 34 .00 ' PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 0.23 AC. 1 1 NW 4 - NE 4 10 ' PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 0.78 AC. C2 21A UCTION 5PE TEMPORARY CONSTR EASEMENT AREA 1.98 AC. CANADIAN PERMANENT EASEMENT OR FEE AREA 0.24 AC. PACIFIC N RAILW AY 1 4 LINE U REUSE OF DOCUMENTS THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN IS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND IS NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT. VERIFY SCALES PM BAR IS ONE INCH ON B. SPECHT ORIGINAL DRAWING 0" 1" IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY. R NDE PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT REV. NO. 02-24-16 07-12-13 02-15-08 07-05-06 DATE ADDED PARCELS 22-25 ADDED PARCELS 10-21A ADDED PARCELS 2-IS, 8PE, 9T REMOVE PARCELS 13PE, 14PE, (MMSD OWNED) REVISION DESCRIPTION 60 120 WAY MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT 4 3 2 1 30 PARK OD WO This Acquisition Plat Prepared By: DRFT R. CHAVEZ CHK D. TALARCZYK 0 CREEK BY UNDERWOOD CREEK REHABILITATION AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT WATERCOURSE IMPROVEMENTS 02-24-16 ADDED PARCELS 10-28-13 ADDED PARCELS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION 04-21-08 REVISIONS APPROVED BY MMSD COMMISSION APVD PARTNERS FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT 07-24-06 MMSD COMMISSION APPROVED DRAWING NO.: SHEET: P-6 14 DATE: FEBRUARY 2016 CONTRACT: W21005/W21006 MMSD FILE: UC114P.dwg Item 7 COMMISSION FILE NO: 16-048-4 INTRODUCED BY: DATE INTRODUCED: Executive Director (Signature on File in the Office of the Commission) REFERRED BY COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON TO: RELATING TO: April 4, 2016 Policy, Finance, and Personnel Committee Authorizing the Transfer of Funds in the 2015 Operations and Maintenance Budget SUMMARY: The Commission is requested to approve the transfer of funds between divisions in the 2015 Operations and Maintenance Budget. District Commission Policy 1-15.01, “Operations and Maintenance Budget”, requires Commission approval to offset overruns in one division with a surplus from another division. The amount of requested transfers are based on preliminary financial reports for 2015. A preliminary analysis of the 2015 surplus, subject to final audit, indicates a year end surplus of $7,831,369. The surplus is to be used in the 2017 Operations and Maintenance Budget as surplus applied and a reduction to user charge billings. A two-thirds affirmative vote of the Commission is required for approval. ATTACHMENTS: BACKGROUND FISCAL NOTE S/W/MBE KEY ISSUES RESOLUTION OTHER PFP_Authorizing_Transfer_Funds_2015_Operatins_Maintenance_Budget_legislative_file.docx 03-24-16 COMMITTEE ACTION: DATE: COMMISSION ACTION: DATE: BACKGROUND Authorizing the Transfer of Funds in the 2015 Operations and Maintenance Budget Division: Community Outreach & Business Engagement Division Transfer Amount: $166,000 The transfer is needed to offset the unfavorable variance within the Community Outreach and Business Engagement Division. The unfavorable variance results primarily from the Marketing and Milorganite® cost center. In the Marketing and Milorganite® cost center, the unfavorable variance of $387,000 is due to packaging expenses. The 2015 budget for the cost center was created based on historical trends in the type of product sold, either packaged product or bulk product. In 2015, the District sold more packaged product to the retail markets than originally anticipated; therefore, the District had to package more product than what was budgeted. The $387,000 unfavorable variance in the Marketing and Milorganite® cost center is partially offset by favorable variances in the Division’s other cost centers. In addition, the net revenue from Milorganite® sales was $827,000 greater than the budgeted level. The Division’s total unfavorable variance is approximately $166,000. Division: Fringe Benefits Transfer Amount: $23,000 The transfer is needed to offset the unfavorable variance within the Fringe Benefits Division. The unfavorable variance results primarily from unfavorable variances in the following line items: $133,000 for the retirement contribution, $131,000 for active employee health insurance, and $36,000 for worker’s compensation insurance. The 2015 budget for the retirement contribution was based off a percent of payroll, and, in 2015, total salaries and wages was higher than anticipated. The District is self-funded for employee health insurance. The 2015 budget for active employee health insurance was based off the expected 2014 yearend actual expenditures with a 6.5 percent escalator based on medical cost trend. The District’s actual expenditures were higher than anticipated. The worker’s compensation insurance budget was based off historical trend data. In 2015, the District experienced higher expenditures than anticipated. The unfavorable variances in retirement contribution, active employee health insurance, and worker’s compensation insurance are partially offset by the other line items in the Fringe Benefits division. The division’s total unfavorable variance is approximately $23,000. Funds for the requested transfers are available in the Unallocated Reserve. 2 BACKGROUND (Cont’d) Authorizing the Transfer of Funds in the 2015 Operations and Maintenance Budget Commission Office of Executive Director Legal Services Finance Technical Services Planning, Research, & Sustainability Water Quality Protection Community Outreach & Business Engagement Fringe Benefits Unallocated Reserve Total 2015 Amended Budget 2015 Preliminary Actual 2015 Preliminary Variance $251,082 $219,757 $31,325 $251,082 $6,724,048 $986,781 $1,628,558 $59,270,175 $5,614,579 $909,024 $1,603,280 $56,175,043 $1,109,469 $77,757 $25,278 $3,095,132 $6,724,048 $986,781 $1,628,558 $59,270,175 $1,260,666 $3,792,262 $338,594 $3,721,344 $922,072 $70,918 $1,260,666 $3,792,262 $4,680,224 $8,287,521 $2,020,201 $88,901,518 $4,846,211 $8,310,367 $2,020,201 $83,758,400 ($165,987) ($22,846) $0 $5,143,118 3 Transfer From Transfer To $166,000 $23,000 ($189,000) ($189,000) $189,000 2015 Amended Budget $4,846,224 $8,310,521 $1,831,201 $88,901,518 RESOLUTION Authorizing the Transfer of Funds in the 2015 Operations and Maintenance Budget RESOLVED, by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, that funds from the 2015 Operations and Maintenance Budget be transferred as follows: 1. A total of $166,000 from Unallocated Reserve to the Community Outreach and Business Engagement Division and 2. A total of $23,000 from the Unallocated Reserve to the Fringe Benefits Division. 4 COMMISSION MEETING April 18, 2016 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 16-003-01 A. Monthly Reports B. Semiannual Economic Development Report (Jeff Spence) C. Annual Milorganite® Marketing Update (Jeff Spence) D. Private Property Infiltration and Inflow Program Semiannual Report (Jerome Flogel) E. Adopt a River Program (Kevin Shafer) April 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 5 4 Operations Committee-9:00 a.m. PF&P Committee9:05 a.m. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Commission-9:00 a.m. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30