Electromagnetic Fields Review: Time–Dependent Maxwell’s Equations ∂B ( t ) ∇ × E(t) = − ∂t ∂D ( t ) ∇ × H (t) = +J ∂t ∇ ⋅ D( t ) = ρ ∇ ⋅ B(t ) = 0 D( t ) = ε E ( t ) B(t ) = µ H (t ) © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 1 Electromagnetic Fields Electromagnetic quantities: Vector quantities in space E H D B J ∂D ∂t ρ ε µ © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series Electric Field Magnetic Field Electric Flux (Displacement) Density Magnetic Flux (Induction) Density Current Density Displacement Current Charge Density Dielectric Permittivity Magnetic Permeability 2 Electromagnetic Fields In free space: ε = ε 0 = 8.854 × 10 −12 [As/Vm] or [F/m] µ = µ 0 = 4 π × 10 −7 [Vs/Am] or [Henry/m] In a material medium: ε = ε r ε0 µ = µ r µ0 ; ε r = relative permittivity (dielectric constant) µ r = relative permeability If the medium is anisotropic, the relative quantities are tensors: ε xx ε r = ε yx ε zx ε xy ε xz ε yy ε yz ε zy ε zz © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series ; µ xx µ r = µ yx µ zx µ xy µ xz µ yy µ yz µ zy µ zz 3 Electromagnetic Fields Electromagnetic fields are completely described by Maxwell’s equations. The formulation is quite general and is valid also in the relativistic limit (by contrast, Newton’s equations of motion of classical mechanics must be corrected when the relativistic limit is approached). The complete physical picture is obtained by adding an equation that relates the fields to the motion of charged particles. The electromagnetic fields exert a force F on a charge q, according to the law (Lorentz force): F(t) = q E(t) + Electric Force q v ( t ) × B ( t ) = q E ( t ) + v ( t ) × B ( t ) Magnetic Force where v(t) is the velocity of the moving charge. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 4 Electromagnetic Fields Review: Electrostatics and Magnetostatics In the static regime, electromagnetic quantities do not vary as a function of time. We have two main cases: ELECTROSTATICS – The electric charges do not change postion in time. Therefore, ρ, E and D are constant and there is no magnetic field H, since there is no current density J. MAGNETOSTATICS – The charge crossing a given crosssection (current) does not vary in time. Therefore, J, H and B are constant. Although charges are moving, the steady current maintains a constant charge density field E is static. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series ρ in space and the electric 5 Electromagnetic Fields The equations of electrostatics are obtained directly from Maxwell’s equations, by assuming that ∂/∂t , J, H and B are all zero: ∇× E = 0 ∇⋅ D= 0 D=ε E The electrostatic force is simply F=qE We also define the electrostatic potential φ by the relationship E = −∇φ © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 6 Electromagnetic Fields The electrostatic potential φ is a scalar function of space. From vector calculus we know that ∇ × ∇φ = 0 This potential is very convenient for practical applications because it is a scalar quantity. The potential automatically satisfies Maxwell’s curl equation for the electric field, since ∇ × E = −∇ × ∇φ = 0 From a physical point of view, the electrostatic potential provides an immediate way to express the work W performed by moving a charge from location a to location b: b W = − F⋅d l a ∫ Here, l is the coordinate along the path. The negative sign indicates that the work is done against the electrical force. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 7 Electromagnetic Fields By introducing the electrostatic potential, we obtain b b W = − q E ⋅ dl = q ∇φ ⋅ dl = q φ ( b ) − φ ( a ) = q δφ a a ∫ ∫ [ ] NOTE: The line integral of a gradient does not depend on the path of integration but only on the potential at the end points of the path. The electrostatic potential is measured with respect to an arbitrary reference value. We can assume for most problems that a convenient reference is a zero potential at an infinite distance. In the result above for the electrostatic work, we could set a zero potential at the initial point of the path, so that φ(a)=0. Either choice of potential reference would give the same potential difference δφ. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 8 Electromagnetic Fields It is quite convenient to express also the divergence equation in terms of the electrostatic potential. If we assume a uniform material medium: ∇ ⋅ D = ε ∇ ⋅ E = −ε ∇ ⋅ ∇φ = −ε ∇ 2 φ = ρ This result yields the well known Poisson equation ρ ∇ φ=− ε 2 In the case of ρ = 0, we have the classic Laplace equation ∇ 2φ = 0 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 9 Electromagnetic Fields If the problem involves a non-uniform medium with varying dielectric permittivity, a more general form of Poisson equation must be used ∇ ⋅ ( ε ∇φ ) = −ρ Another important equation is obtained by integrating the divergence over a certain volume V ∫V ∇ ⋅ D dV = ∫ ρ dV V Gauss theorem allows us to transform the volume integral of the divergence into a surface integral of the flux ∫V ∇ ⋅ D dV = ∫ D ⋅ dS S Component normal to the surface © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 10 Electromagnetic Fields The volume integral of the charge density is simply the total charge Q contained inside the volume ∫V ρ dV = Q The final result is the integral form of Poisson equation, known as Gauss law: ∫S D ⋅ dS = Q Most electrostatic problems can be solved by direct application of Poisson equation or of Gauss law. Analytical solutions are usually possible only for simplified geometries and charge distributions, and numerical solutions are necessary for most general problems. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 11 Electromagnetic Fields The Gauss law provides a direct way to determine the force between charges. Let's consider a sphere with radius r surrounding a charge Q1 located at the center. The displacement vector will be uniform and radially directed, anywhere on the sphere surface, so that 2 ∫S D ⋅ dS = 4π r D = Q1 Assuming a uniform isotropic medium, we have a radial electric field with strength D Q1 = E(r) = ε 4 π ε r2 If a second charge Q2 is placed at distance r from Q1 the mutual force has strength Q1 Q2 F = Q2 E ( r ) = 4 π ε r2 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 12 Electromagnetic Fields The electrostatic potential due to a charge Q can be obtained using the previous result for the electrostatic work: b b Q φ ( b ) = φ ( a ) − E dr = φ ( a ) − dr a a 4 π ε r2 ∫ Q = φ ( a) + 4πε ∫ 1 1 r − r a b where r indicates the distance of the observation point b from the charge location, and a is a reference point. If we chose the reference point a → ∞ , with a reference potential φ(a) = 0, we can express the potential at distance r from the charge Q as Q φ(r) = 4πε r © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 13 Electromagnetic Fields The potential φ indicates then the work necessary to move an infinitesimal positive probe charge from distance r (point b) to infinity (point a) for negative Q, or conversely to move the probe from infinity to distance r for positive Q (remember that the work is done against the field). The probe charge should be infinitesimal, not to perturb the potential established by the charge Q. The work per unit charge done by the fields to move a probe charge between two points, is usually called Electromotive Force ( emf ). Dimensionally, the emf really represents work rather than an actual force. The work per unit charge done against the fields represents the voltage Vba between the two points, so that: b emf = E ⋅ d l = −Vba a ∫ © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 14 Electromagnetic Fields In electrostatics, there is no difference between voltage and potential. To summarize once again, using formulas, we have Potential at point “ a ” Potential at point “ b ” a φa = − E ⋅ d l ∞ b φb = − E ⋅ d l ∞ ∫ ∫ Potential difference or Voltage between “ a ” and “ b b (φ b − φ a ) = Vba = − a E ⋅ d l = − e.m. f . ∫ © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 15 Electromagnetic Fields In the case of more than one point charge, the separate potentials due to each charge can be added to obtain the total potential 1 Qi φ ( x, y, z ) = ∑ 4 π ε i ri If the charge is distributed in space with a density needs to integrate over the volume as ρ(x,y,z), one ρ ( x ', y', z ' ) 1 φ ( x, y, z ) = dV ∫ 4πε V r © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 16 Electromagnetic Fields In the magnetostatic regime, there are steady currents in the system under consideration, which generate magnetic fields (we ignore at this point the case of ferromagnetic media). The full set of Maxwell's equations is considered (setting ∂/∂t = 0 ) ∇× E = 0 ∇× H = J ∇⋅ D=ρ ∇⋅B = 0 D=ε E B=µ H with the complete Lorentz force F = q ( E + v × B) © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 17 Electromagnetic Fields It is desirable to find also for the magnetic field a potential function. However, note that such a potential cannot be a scalar, as we found for the electrostatic field, since H J Current density is a vector ≠ 0 We define a magnetic vector potential A through the relation A B H This definition automatically satisfies the condition of zero divergence for the induction field, since ∇ ⋅ B = ∇ ⋅ (∇ × A) = 0 The divergence of a curl is always = 0 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 18 Electromagnetic Fields The vector potential can be introduced in the curl equation for the magnetic field 1 1 1 2 ∇ × H = ∇ × B = ∇ × (∇ × A ) = ∇ (∇ ⋅ A) − ∇ A = J µ µ µ However, in order to completely specify the magnetic vector potential, we need to specify also its divergence. First, we observe that the definition of the vector potential is not unique since: ∇ × A' = ∇ × ( A + ∇ψ ) = ∇ × A + ∇ × (∇ψ ) = ∇ × A ψ = Scalar function © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series Always = 0 19 Electromagnetic Fields In the magnetostatic case it is sufficient to specify (in physics terminology: to choose the gauge) ∇⋅ A= 0 so that ∇ ⋅ A = ∇ ⋅ ( A + ∇ψ ) = ∇ ⋅ A + ∇ ⋅ ∇ψ = ∇ ⋅ A + ∇ 2ψ = 0 We simply need to make sure that the arbitrary function ψ satisfies 2 0 We can then simplify the previous result for the curl equation to 2 A J the magnetic equivalent of the electrostatic Poisson equation. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 20 Electromagnetic Fields The general solution of this vector Laplacian equation is given by J ( x ', y', z ' ) µ A ( x, y, z ) = dV ∫ V 4π r which is similar to the formal solution obtained before for the electrostatic potential for a distributed charge. If the current is confined to a wire with cross-sectional area S and described by a curvilinear coordinate l, we can write I = I = J⋅S with a final result dV = S ⋅ dl µ I dl A ( x, y, z ) = 4 π ∫l r (note that the total current I is constant at any wire location). © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 21 Electromagnetic Fields The solution for the magnetic field obtained from the vector potential leads to the famous Biot-Savart law: B 1 I dl I dl = ∇× H = = ∇× A= ∇× ∫ ∫ µ µ r 4π l r 4π l I 1 I dl × ir =− ∇ × dl = ∫ 4 π l r 4 π ∫l r 2 dl r I © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series ir (x,y,z) 22 Electromagnetic Fields The magnetic field can also be determined by direct integration of the curl equation over a surface ∫S ∇ × H ⋅ dS = ∫ J ⋅ dS = I S Stoke's theorem can be used to transform the left hand side of the equation, to obtain the integral form of Ampere's law ∫l H ⋅ dl = I In many applications it is useful to determine the magnetic flux through a given surface. The vector potential can be used to modify a surface integral into a surface integral, using again Stoke's theorem Magnetic Flux= ∫ S © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series B ⋅ dS = ∫ ∇ × A ⋅ dS = ∫ A ⋅ dl S l 23 Electromagnetic Fields Review: Time – Varying Fields In the dynamics case, we can distinguish between two regimes: Low Frequency (Slowly-Varying Fields) – The displacement current is negligible in the Maxwell’s equations, since ∂D ( t ) << J ( t ) ∂t High Frequency (Fast-Varying Fields) – The general set of Maxwell’s equations must be considered, with no approximations. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 24 Electromagnetic Fields In the low frequency regime we use the complete set of Maxwell’s equations, but the displacement current is omitted B E dt H J D B 0 D E B H F = q ( E + v × B) © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 25 Electromagnetic Fields The concept of low frequency and slowly-varying phenomena is relative to the situation at hand. Any disturbance (time-variation) of the electromagnetic field propagates at the speed of light. If a length L is the maximum dimension of the system under study, the maximum propagation time for a disturbance is Maximum Propagation Time L td vp Maximum Length Phase velocity of light We can assume slow-varying fields if the currents are practically constant during this time period. For sinusoidal currents, with a period of oscillation T , we have Wavelength Period Frequency 1 t d T f vp © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series and L 26 Electromagnetic Fields The electric potential is now by itself insufficient to completely describe the time-varying electric field, because there is also a direct dependence on the magnetic field variations. By recalling the definition of magnetic vector potential, we can derive a relationship between electric field and electric potential Time-Varying Fields ∂ B(t ) ∂ ∇ × E(t) = − = − ∇ × A( t ) ∂t ∂t ∂ A( t ) =0 ⇒ ∇ × E(t ) + ∂t ∂A ( t ) E(t) + = −∇φ ( t ) ∂t © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series Statics E0 E 27 Electromagnetic Fields We can also obtain an integral relation between electric field and magnetic flux, by integrating the curl of the electric field over a surface ∂B ( t ) ∂ ∫ ∫S ∇ × E ( t ) ⋅ dS = ∫ ∫S − ∂ t dS = − ∂ t ∫ ∫S B (t ) ⋅ dS Stoke’s Theorem Magnetic Flux Φ(t) ∂ Φ (t) ∫ E ⋅ d l = − ∂ t © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 28 Electromagnetic Fields In the electrostatic case, we do not need to distinguish between voltage and potential difference. The voltage between two points is always defined as b Vba = − E ⋅ d l = − e.m. f . a ∫ but in terms of potential φ we have Time-Varying Fields b ∂A Vba ( t ) = ∫ ∇φ + ⋅ d l a ∂t ∂ b = φ b − φ a + ∫ A( t ) ⋅ d l ∂t a © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series Statics b Vba = − E ⋅ d l a ∫ = φb − φa 29 Electromagnetic Fields Note that for time-varying fields the line integral of the magnetic vector potential between two given points depends on the actual path of integration. In general: b A ( t ) ⋅ d l ≠ A( b, t ) − A ( a, t ) a ∫ Consider now the integral of the electric field along a closed path: Time-varying fields ∫ E ( t ) ⋅ d l ≠ 0 Statics ∫ E ( t ) ⋅ d l = 0 The closed path could be a metallic wire which confines the current due to moving electric charge. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 30 Electromagnetic Fields The line integral of the electric field gives the work necessary to move a unit charge along the path of integration, under the influence of time-varying electric and magnetic fields. For a closed wire loop at rest, the work necessary to move a unit charge once around the loop is W = ∫ Force Charge ⋅ d l = ∫ E ( t ) ⋅ d l = ∫ ∇ × ( E ( t )) ⋅ d S ∂ B(t ) ∂ =∫ − ⋅ d S = − ∫ B (t )⋅ d S S ∂t ∂t S ∂ =− Φ (t) ∂t Magnetic Flux © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 31 Electromagnetic Fields As a more general case, consider a wire loop in motion. The complete Lorentz force must be considered: W = e. m. f . = ∫ Force Charge ⋅ d l = ∫ ( E ( t ) + v ( t ) × B ( t )) ⋅ d l = ∫ (∇ × ( E ( t ) + v ( t ) × B ( t ))) ⋅ d S ∂ B(t ) d = ∫− + ∇ × ( v ( t ) × B ( t )) ⋅ d S = − ∫ B ( t ) ⋅ d S ∂t dt dB ( t ) dt Flux Φ(t) If the velocity of motion is constant, note that ∇ × ( v × B ( t )) = v∇ ⋅ B − B∇ ⋅ v + ( B ⋅ ∇ ) v − ( v ⋅ ∇ ) B = − ( v ⋅ ∇ ) B 0 0 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 0 32 Electromagnetic Fields Electromagnetic Waves For fast-varying phenomena, the displacement current cannot be neglected, and the full set of Maxwell’s equations must be used ∂B ( t ) ∇× E = − dt ∂D ( t ) ∇× H = J + ∂t ∇⋅ D=ρ ∇⋅B = 0 D=ε E B=µ H © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series F = q ( E + v × B) 33 Electromagnetic Fields The two curl equations are analogous to the coupled (first order) equations for voltage and current used in transmission lines. The solutions of this system of equations are waves. In order to obtain uncoupled (second order) equations we can operate with the curl once more. Under the assumption of uniform isotropic medium: ∂ (∇ × B ( t )) ∂ ∇ × ∇ × E ( t) = − = −µ ∇ × H ( t ) ∂t ∂t 2 ∂ J ( t) ∂ E ( t) = −µ − µε ∂t ∂ t2 ∂ (∇ × D ( t )) ∂ ∇ × ∇ × H ( t) = ∇ × J + = ∇ × J + ε ∇ × E ( t) ∂t ∂t 2 ∂ H ( t) = ∇ × J − εµ ∂ t2 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 34 Electromagnetic Fields From vector calculus, we also have 2 ∇ × ∇ × E ( t ) = ∇∇ ⋅ E ( t ) − ∇ E ( t ) 2 2 ∇ × ∇ × H ( t ) = ∇∇ ⋅ H ( t ) − ∇ H ( t ) = −∇ H ( t ) 1 ∇ ⋅ B( t ) = 0 µ Finally, we obtain the general wave equations 2 ∂ E (t ) ∂ J (t ) 2 =µ ∇ E ( t ) − ∇∇ ⋅ E ( t ) − µ ε 2 ∂t ∂t 2 ∂ H (t ) 2 = −∇ × J ( t ) ∇ H (t ) − µ ε ∂t © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 35 Electromagnetic Fields In a region where the wave solution propagates away from charges and flowing currents, the wave equations can be simplified considerably. In such conditions, we have 0 E t / 0 J t 0 and the wave equations assume the familiar form 2 ∇ E(t) − µ ε 2 ∂ E(t) =0 ∂ t2 2 ∂ H (t) 2 =0 ∇ H (t ) − µ ε ∂t © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 36 Electromagnetic Fields When currents and charges are involved, the wave equations are difficult to solve, because of the terms ∇ (∇ ⋅ E ( t )) and ∇ × J (t ) It is more practical to have equations for the electric potential and for the magnetic vector potential, which contain linear source terms dependent on charge and current, as shown below. We saw earlier that the divergence of the magnetic vector potential must be specified. The simple choice made in magnetostatics of zero divergence is not suitable for time-varying fields. Among the possible choices, it is convenient to adopt the Lorenz gauge Time-varying fields – Lorenz gauge ∂φ ∇ ⋅ A ( t ) = −µ ε ∂t © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series Magnetostatics (d.c.) ∇⋅ A= 0 37 Electromagnetic Fields ∂ A( t ) E (t ) = − − ∇φ ∂t Starting from the definitions B(t ) = ∇ × A we obtain again the wave equation by applying the curl operation 2 µ∇ × H ( t ) = ∇ × ∇ × A ( t ) = ∇∇ ⋅ A ( t ) − ∇ A ( t ) = 2 ∂ A( t ) ∂φ = µ J − εµ − εµ∇ 2 ∂t ∂t = ∇∇ ⋅ A ( t ) With the application of Lorenz gauge 2 ∇ A( t ) − ε µ © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 2 ∂ A( t ) ∂ t2 = −µ J ( t ) 38 Electromagnetic Fields For the electric potential we have ∇ ⋅ D(t ) = ρ ρ ⇒ ∇ ⋅ E(t) = ε ∂ A( t ) ρ ∇ ⋅ E (t ) = ∇ ⋅ − − ∇φ = ∂t ε ∂ ρ 2 −∇ φ − ∇ ⋅ A ( t ) = ∂t ε After applying the Lorenz gauge once more, we arrive at the potential wave equation ∂ 2φ ρ ∇ φ − εµ =− 2 ε ∂t 2 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 39 Electromagnetic Fields In engineering it is very important to consider time-harmonic fields with a sinusoidal time-variation. If we assume a steady-state situation (after all transients have died out) most physical situations may be investigated by considering one single frequency at a time. This assumption leads to great simplifications in the algebra. It is also realistic, because in practical electromagnetics applications we often have a dominant frequency (carrier) to consider. The time-harmonic fields have the form E ( t ) = E0 cos ( ω t + ϕ E ) H ( t ) = H0 cos ( ω t + ϕ H ) We can use the complex phasor representation { jϕ E jω t E ( t ) = Re E0 e e © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series } { j ϕ H j ωt H ( t ) = Re H0 e e } 40 Electromagnetic Fields We define jϕ E = phasor of E ( t ) E = E0 e jϕ H = phasor of H ( t ) H = H0 e Maxwell’s equations can be rewritten for phasors, with the timederivatives transformed into linear terms jω E = phasor of 2 − ω E = phasor of © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series ∂ E(t) ∂t 2 ∂ E(t) ∂ t2 41 Electromagnetic Fields In phasor form, Maxwell’s equations become ∇ × E = − jωµ H ∇ × H = J + jωε E ∇⋅D = ρ ∇⋅B = 0 D=εE B=µH F = q (E + v × B) where all electromagnetic quantities are phasors and functions only of space coordinates. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 42 Electromagnetic Fields Let’s consider first vacuum as a medium. The wave equations for phasors become Helmholtz equations 2 ∇ E + ω µ0 ε0 E = 0 2 2 ∇ H + ω µ0 ε0 H = 0 2 The general solutions for these differential equations are waves moving in 3-D space. Note, once again, that the two equations are uncoupled. This means that each equation contains all the necessary information for the total electromagnetic field and one only needs to solve the equation for one field to completely specify the problem. The other field is obtained with a curl operation by invoking one of the original Maxwell equations. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 43 Electromagnetic Fields At this stage we assume that a wave exists, and we do not yet concern ourselves with the way the wave is generated. So, for the sake of understanding wave behavior, we can restrict the Helmhlotz equations to a simple case: • We assume that the wave solution has an electric field which is uniform on the { x , y }-plane and has a reference positive orientation along the x-direction. Then, we verify that this is a reasonable choice corresponding to an actual solution of the Helmholtz wave equations. We recall that the Laplacian of a scalar is a scalar ∇2 f = ∂2 f ∂x 2 + ∂2 f 2 ∂y + ∂2 f ∂ z2 and that the Laplacian of a vector is a vector 2 ∇ E = ix∇ 2 E x + iy∇ 2 E y + iz∇ 2 E z © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 44 Electromagnetic Fields The Helmholtz equation becomes: 2 ∂ Ex 2 2 ∇ E + ω µ0 ε0 E = ix + ω2µ 0 ε 0 ( E x ix ) = 0 ∂ z2 Only the x-component of the electric field exists (due to the chosen orientation) and only the z-derivative exists, because the field is uniform on the { x , y }-plane. We have now a one-dimensional wave propagation problem described by the scalar differential equation ∂2 Ex ∂ z2 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series + ω2 µ 0 ε 0 E x = 0 45 Electromagnetic Fields This equation has a well known general solution A exp ( − jβ z ) + B exp ( jβ z ) where the propagation constant is ω β = ω µ0 ε0 = c The wave that we have assumed is a plane wave and we have verified that it is a solution of Helmholtz equation. The general solution above has two possible components A exp ( − j β z ) B exp ( j β z ) Forward wave, moving along positive z Backward wave, moving along negative z For the simple wave orientation chosen here, the problem is mathematically identical to the one solved earlier for voltage propagation in a homogeneous transmission line. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 46 Electromagnetic Fields If a specific electromagnetic wave is established in an infinite homogeneous medium, moving for instance along the positive direction, only the forward wave should be considered. A reflected wave exists when a discontinuity takes place along the path of the forward wave (that is, the material medium changes properties, either abruprtly or gradually). We can also assume that the amplitude of the forward plane wave solution is given and that it is in general a complex constant fixed by the conditions that generated the wave A = E0 e jϕ We can write at last the phasor electric field describing a simple forward plane wave solution of Helmholtz equation as: E x ( z) = E0 e jϕ e− jβ z ix © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 47 Electromagnetic Fields The corresponding time-dependent field is obtained by applying the inverse phasor transformation { } { Ex ( z , t ) = Re E x ( z ) e jω t ix = Re E0 e jϕ e− jβ z e jω t ix } = E0 cos ( ω t − β z + ϕ ) ix The phasor magnetic field is obtained directly from the Maxwell equation for the electric field curl ( ) jϕ − jβ z ∇ × E = ∇ × E0 e e ix = − jωµ 0 H H=− ( ∇ × E0 e jϕ e− jβ z ix © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series jωµ 0 ) 48 Electromagnetic Fields We then develop the curl as ix iy iz ∂ ∂ ∂ jϕ − jβ z ∇ × E0 e e = ix = det ∂x ∂ y ∂ z Ex ( z) 0 E x ( z) 0 = ( ) ( ) iy − ( ∂ E0 e jϕ e− jβ z ∂z = − jβ E0 e jϕ e− jβ z iy © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series ∂ E0 e jϕ e− jβ z ∂y ) iz = =0 49 Electromagnetic Fields The final result for the phasor magnetic field is − j β E0 e jϕ e− jβ z H y ( z) = − iy = jωµ ω µ 0ε 0 = E0 e jϕ e− jβ z iy = ω µ0 ε0 ε0 jϕ − jβ z E x ( z ) iy E0 e e iy = = µ0 µ0 We define µ0 = η0 ≈ 377 Ω = ε0 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series Intrinsic impedance of vacuum 50 Electromagnetic Fields We have found that the fields of the electromagnetic wave are perpendicular to each other, and that they are also perpendicular (or transverse) to the direction of propagation. x E z H y © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 51 Electromagnetic Fields Electromagnetic power flows with the wave along the direction of propagation and it is also constant on the phase-planes. The power density is described by the time-dependent Poynting vector P ( t ) = E ( t )× H ( t ) The Poynting vector is perpendicular to both field components, and is parallel to the direction of wave propagation. When the wave propagates on a general direction, which does not coincide with one of the cartesian axes, the propagation constant must be considered to be a vector with amplitude | | and direction parallel to the Poynting vector. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 52 Electromagnetic Fields The condition of mutual orthogonality between the field components and the Poynting vector is general and it applies to any plane wave with arbitrary direction of propagation. The mutual orientation chosen for the reference directions of the fields follows the right hand rule. E( x, y, z) x y H ( x, y, z) z , P © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 53 Electromagnetic Fields So far, we have just verified that electromagnetic plane waves are possible solutions of the Maxwell equations for time-varying fields. One may wonder at this point if plane waves have practical physical relevance. First of all, we should notice that plane waves are mathematically analogous to the exponential basis functions used in Fourier analysis. This means that a general wave, with more than one frequency component, can always be decomposed in terms of plane waves. • For periodic signals, we have a discrete set of waves which are harmonics of the fundamental frequency (analogy with Fourier series). • For general signals, we must consider a continuum of frequencies in order to decompose in terms of elementary plane waves (analogy with Fourier transform). © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 54 Electromagnetic Fields From a physical point of view, however, the properties of a plane wave may be somewhat puzzling. Assume that a steady-state plane wave is established in an ideal infinite homogeneous medium. On any plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation (phase-planes), the electric and magnetic fields have uniform magnitude and phase. The electromagnetic power, flowing with a phase-plane of the wave, is obtained by integrating the Poynting vector, which is also uniform on each phase-plane. For a plane where the Poynting vector is non-zero, the total power carried by the wave is infinite plane P t plane E t H t In many practical cases, we approximate an actual wave with a plane wave on a limited region of space, thus considering an appropriate finite power. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 55 Electromagnetic Fields Review of Boundary Conditions Consider an electromagnetic field at the boundary between two materials with different properties. The tangent and the normal component of the fields must me examined separately, in order to understand the effects of the boundary. Medium 1 ε 1 ; µ1 Hn1 Medium 2 ε2; µ2 Hn 2 H1 boundary © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series H2 H t1 Ht 2 56 Electromagnetic Fields Tangential Magnetic Field Medium 1 ε 1 ; µ1 boundary H n3 Medium 2 ε2; µ2 H t1 H n4 Ht2 b a y . z x Ampère’s law for the boundary region in the figure can be written as H y H x H J z j E z x y © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 57 Electromagnetic Fields In terms of finite differences approximation for the derivatives H n4 Hn 3 Ht 1 Ht 2 J z j E z b a If one lets the boundary region shrink, with than b, a going to zero faster H n 3 Hn 4 H t 2 H t1 lim ( J z a j E z a a ) b a 0 for materials with finite conductivity H t 2 H t1 0 Tangential components are conserved for perfect conductors H t 2 H t1 lim ( J z a) Js a 0 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series (surface current) 58 Electromagnetic Fields For a general boundary geometry n (H t1 H t 2 ) J s n unit vector normal to the surface In the case of a perfect conductor, the electromagnetic fields go immediately to zero inside the material, because the conductivity is infinite and attenuates instantly the fields. The surface current is confined to an infinitesimally thin “skin”, and it accounts for the discontinuity of the tangential magnetic field, which becomes immediately zero inside the perfect conductor. For a real medium, with finite conductivity, the fields can penetrate over a certain distance, and there is a current distributed on a thin, but not infinitesimal, skin layer. The tangential field components on the two sides of the interface are the same. Nonetheless, the perfect conductor is often a good approximation for a real metal. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 59 Electromagnetic Fields Tangential Electric Field Medium 1 ε 1 ; µ1 boundary E n3 Medium 2 ε2; µ2 E t1 Et2 b E n4 a y . z x Faraday’s law for the same boundary region can be written as E y E x E j H z x y © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 60 Electromagnetic Fields In terms of finite differences approximation for the derivatives E n4 En 3 Et 1 Et 2 j H z b a If one lets the boundary region shrink, with than b, a going to zero faster E n 3 En 4 E t 2 E t1 lim ( j H z a a ) b a 0 E t 2 E t1 0 Tangential components are conserved For a general boundary geometry n (E t1 E t 2 ) 0 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 61 Electromagnetic Fields Normal components D n1 Medium 1 ε 1 ; µ1 ρs + boundary Medium 2 ε2; µ2 + + + Bn1 w + + D n2 Bn 2 Area y . z x Consider a small box that encloses a certain area of the interface with s interface charge density © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 62 Electromagnetic Fields Integrate the divergence of the fields over the volume of the box: D dr Volume dr Volume theorem D n ds Flux of D out of the box B dr 0 Divergence Surface Volume theorem B n ds Flux of B out of the box Divergence Surface © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 63 Electromagnetic Fields If the thickness of the box tends to zero and the charge density is assumed to be uniform over the area, we have the following fluxes D-Flux out of box = Area (D1 n D2n ) = Total interface charge = Area s B-Flux out of box = Area (B1 n B2 n ) 0 The resulting boundary conditions are D1n D 2n s B1n B 2n 0 The discontinuity in the normal component of the displacement field D is equal to the density of surface charge. The normal components of the magnetic induction field B are continuous across the interface. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 64 Electromagnetic Fields For isotropic and uniform values of ε and µ in the two media D n1 Dn 2 1En1 2 En 2 s Bn1 Bn 2 1Hn1 2 Hn 2 0 Even when the interface charge is zero, the normal components of the electric field are discontinuous at the interface, if there is a change of dielectric constant . The normal components of the magnetic field have a similar discontinuity at the interface due to the change in the magnetic permeability. In many practical situations, the two media may have the same permeability as vacuum, µ0, and in such cases the normal component of the magnetic field is conserved across the interface. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 65 Electromagnetic Fields SUMMARY If medium 2 is perfect conductor H t1 Ht2 E t1 Et2 H n1 H n2 E n1 E n2 ε1, µ1 ε2, µ2 ε1, µ1 ε2, µ2 ε1, µ1 ε2, µ2 ε1, µ1 ε2, µ2 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series H t1 H t 2 E t1 E t 2 1H n1 2 Hn 2 1E n1 2 En 2 + s n H t1 J s Ht2 0 E t1 0 Et2 0 H n1 0 H n2 0 E n1 s 1 E n2 0 66 Electromagnetic Fields Examples: An infinite current sheet generates a plane wave (free space on both sides) x Js -z +z y H Js ( t ) Jso cos( t ) ix Phasor J s Jso ix The E.M. field is transmitted on both sides of the infinitesimally thin sheet of current. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 67 Electromagnetic Fields BOUNDARY CONDITIONS n (H t1 H t 2 ) J s H t1 H t 2 Jso ix E t1 E t 2 E t1 0 H t 1 Symmetry H t1 H t 2 Jso Jso H1 H2 2 2 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 68 Electromagnetic Fields A semi-infinite perfect conductor medium in contact with free space has uniform surface current and generates a plane wave x Free Space Perfect Conductor Js -z +z y H J s J so cos( t ) ix The E.M. field is zero inside the perfect conductor. The wave is only transmitted into free space. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 69 Electromagnetic Fields BOUNDARY CONDITIONS n (H t1 H t 2 ) J s H t1 H t 2 H t1 0 Jso ix Et2 0 Asymmetry H t1 H t 2 H t1 Jso Ht2 0 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 70 Electromagnetic Fields Doppler Effect E zo H z Observer z zo vo t An observer moves along the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave, with constant velocity vo . Because of its movement, the observer will detect phase planes of the wave at a different rate than in stationary position, as obs t ( zo vo t ) t vo t zo © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 71 Electromagnetic Fields The observer detects an angular frequency vo obs vo vo (1 ) vp vp vo fobs f (1 ) vp The frequency deviation (Doppler shift) is v0 f f vp If the observer moves on a different direction, one has to take into account the projection of the velocity along the wave propagation direction. The Doppler shift becomes vo i p f f vp © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 72 Electromagnetic Fields zo Stationary observer z E Plane wave source H z zo vs t If the observer is stationary and the electromagnetic wave moves with uniform velocity, the true and the measured frequencies are related through the phase relationship obs vs t t obs t obs z obs t vs t obs ( t ) vp vp Frame of reference of moving E.M. source Frame of reference of fixed observer © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 73 Electromagnetic Fields vs obs (1 ) obs vs vp 1 vp The frequency recorded by the observer is fobs f vs 1 vp In most practical cases, the velocity of the source is much smaller than the phase velocity of the wave vs v p © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series vs fobs f (1 ) vp 74 Electromagnetic Fields Electromagnetic Waves in Material Media In a material medium free charges may be present, which generate a current under the influence of the wave electric field. The current Jc is related to the electric field E through the conductivity σ as Jc E The material may also have specific relative values of dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability ε = εr εo © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series µ = µr µo 75 Electromagnetic Fields Maxwell’s equations become ∇ × E = − jωµ H σ ∇ × H = σ E + jωε E = jω(ε − j )E ω In phasor notation, it is as if the material conductivity introduces an imaginary part for the dielectric constant ε. The wave equation for the phasor electric field is given by 2 ∇ × ∇ × E = ∇∇ ⋅ E − ∇ E = − jωµ ∇ × H = − jωµ(J c + jωε E) 2 ⇒ ∇ E = jωµ(σ + jωε)E We have assumed that the net charge density is zero, even if a conductivity is present, so that the electric field divergence is zero. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 76 Electromagnetic Fields In 1-D the wave equation is simply 2 ∂ Ex 2 = jωµ(σ + jωε )E x = γ E x ∂ z2 with general solution E x ( z) = A exp(−γ z) + B exp( γ z) σ + jωε 1 ∂E x = H y ( z) = − ( A exp(−γ z) − B exp( γ z) ) jωµ ∂ z jωµ 1 = ( A exp(−γ z) − B exp( γ z) ) η These resemble the voltage and current solutions in lossy transmission lines. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 77 Electromagnetic Fields The intrinsic impedance of the medium is defined as η = η e jτ = jωµ σ + jωε For the propagation constant, one can obtain the real and imaginary parts as γ= jωµ(σ + jωε ) = α + jβ 2 ω µε σ α= 1 + − 1 2 ωε 2 ω µε σ 1 + + 1 β= 2 ωε © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 1/ 2 1/ 2 78 Electromagnetic Fields Phase velocity and wavelength are now functions of frequency vp = λ= ω β 2π β µε 2 = = µε 2 f 1+ ( ) 1+ + 1 2 σ ωε ( ) σ ωε 2 −1 / 2 + 1 −1 / 2 The intrinsic impedance of the medium is complex as long as the conductivity is not zero. The phase angle of the intrinsic impedance indicates that electric field and magnetic field are out of phase. Considering only the forward wave solutions E x ( z) = A exp( −γ z) = A exp( −α z) exp( − jβ z) H y ( z) = 1 η A exp( −γ z − jτ ) = © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 1 η A exp( −α z) exp( − jβ z − jτ ) 79 Electromagnetic Fields In time-dependent form Ex ( z, t ) = Re { A exp( jθ ) exp( −α z) exp( − jβ z) exp( jω t)} = A exp( −α z) cos(ω t − β z + θ) H y ( z, t ) = = 1 η 1 η { } Re A exp( jθ ) exp( −α z) exp( − jβ z − jτ ) exp( jω t) A exp( −α z) cos(ω t − β z + θ − τ ) where the integration constant has been assumed to be in general a complex quantity as A = A exp( jθ) © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 80 Electromagnetic Fields Classification of materials Perfect dielectrics - For these materials σ = 0 Propagation constant β = ω ε rε o µ rµ o α=0 Medium Impedance µ rµ o jωµ η= = ε rε o jωε © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series Phase velocity ω 1 vp = = β µ r µ oε r ε o Wavelength 2π v p 1 λ= = = β f f µ r µ oε r ε o 81 Electromagnetic Fields Imperfect dielectrics – For these materials σ ≠ 0 but (σ/ωε)<<1 γ= σ jωµ(σ + jωε) = jω µε 1 − j ωε σ µ ≈ + jω µε + 2 ε σ µ α≈ 2 ε 1 ω vp = ≈ β µε jωµ η= = σ + jωε © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series β ≈ ω µε 2π 1 λ= ≈ β f µε σ jωµ 1 − j ωε jωε −1 2 µ ≈ ε 82 Electromagnetic Fields If (σ/ωε)<<1, the errors made in the approximations for α, β, vp and λ are very small, since only terms of order (σ/ωε) or higher appear in the expansions. The error is slightly higher fo the 2 medium impedance η since the expansion contains a term of order (σ/ωε). The simple rule of thumb is that approximations for imperfect dielectric can be applied when σ ≤ 0.1 ωε When the condition above is verified, the imperfect dielectric behaves in all respects like a perfect dielectric, except for an attenuation term in the fields. The quantity σ/ωε is called Loss Tangent. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 83 Electromagnetic Fields Good conductors – For these materials σ ≠ 0 but (σ/ωε)>>1 γ= jωµ (σ + jωε ) ≈ jωµσ = ωµσ j π 1 1 = ωµσ exp( j ) = ωµσ + j = πf µσ (1 + j ) 2 4 2 α ≈ πf µσ β ≈ πf µσ ω 4 πf vp = ≈ β µσ jωµ η= ≈ σ + jωε 2π λ= ≈ β 4π f µσ ωµ π jωµ = exp( j ) σ σ 4 ωµ 1 π fµ 1 = + j = (1 + j ) σ 2 σ 2 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 84 Electromagnetic Fields The simple rule of thumb is that approximations for good conductor can be applied when σ ≥ 10 ωε Note that for a good conductor the attenuation constant α and the propagation constant β are approximately equal. The medium impedance η has nearly equal real and imaginary parts, therefore its phase angle is approximately 45°. This means that in a good conductor the electric and magnetic fields have always a phase difference τ = 45° = π /4. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 85 Electromagnetic Fields Also, in a good conductor the fields attenuate very rapidly. The distance over which fields are attenuated by a factor exp(−1.0) is 1 1 =δ= = Skin depth α π f µσ A typical good conductor is copper, which has the following parameters: σ = 5.80 × 10 7 [S/m] ε ≈ εo µ ≈ µo © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 86 Electromagnetic Fields Copper remains a good conductor at extremely high frequencies. Another good conductor example is sea water at relatively low frequencies σ ≈ 4.0 [S/m] ε ≈ 80ε o µ ≈ µo At a frequency of 25 kHz σ ≈ 36, 000 ωε © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 87 Electromagnetic Fields Perfect conductor - For this ideal material σ → ∞ For this material, the attenuation is also infinite and the skin depth goes to zero. This means that the electromagnetic field must go to zero below the perfect conductor surface. General medium - When a material is not covered by one of the limit cases, the complete formulation must be used. We can classify a material for which the conditions (σ/ωε)<<1 or (σ/ωε)>>10 invalid as a general medium. are The simple rule of thumb for general medium is σ > 0.1 10 > ωε © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 88 Electromagnetic Fields Power Flow in Electromagnetic Waves The time-dependent power flow density of an electromagnetic wave is given by the instantaneous Poynting vector P ( t ) = E ( t )× H ( t ) For time-varying fields it is important to consider the time-average power flow density 1 T 1 T P( t ) = ∫ P( t ) dt = ∫ E( t ) × H ( t ) dt T 0 T 0 where T is the period of observation. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 89 Electromagnetic Fields Consider time-harmonic fields represented in terms of their phasors E( t ) Re E exp( j t ) Re{E} cos t Im{E} sin t H ( t ) Re H exp( j t ) Re{H} cos t Im{H} sin t The time-dependent Poynting vector can be expressed as the sum of the cross-products of the components E( t ) × H ( t ) = Re{E} × Re{H} cos2 ωt + Im{E} × Im{H} sin 2 ωt − ( Re{E} × Im{H} + Im{E} × Re{H} ) cos ωt sin ωt (Note that: cos ωt sin ωt = 1 sin 2ωt ) 2 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 90 Electromagnetic Fields The time-average power flow density can be obtained by integrating the previous result over a period of oscillation T . The pre-factors containing field phasors do not depend on time, therefore we have to solve for the following integrals: T 1 T 2 1 t sin 2ωt 1 = cos ωt dt = + ∫ 4ω 0 2 T 0 T 2 T 1 T 2 1 t sin 2ωt 1 = sin ωt dt = − ∫ T 0 T 2 4ω 0 2 2 T 1 T 1 sin ωt =0 cos ωt ⋅ sin ωt dt = ∫ T 0 T 2ω 0 © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 91 Electromagnetic Fields The final result for the time-average power flow density is given by 1 T P( t ) = ∫ E( t ) × H ( t ) dt T 0 1 = (Re{E} × Re{H} + Im{E} × Im{H} ) 2 Now, consider the following cross product of phasor vectors * E × H = Re{E} × Re{H} + Im{E} × Im{H} + j ( Im{E} × Re{H} − Re{E} × Im{H} ) © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 92 Electromagnetic Fields By combining the previous results, one can obtain the following time average rule { * 1 T 1 P( t ) = ∫ E( t ) × H ( t ) dt = Re E × H T 0 2 } We also call complex Poynting vector the quantity 1 * P = E×H 2 NOTE: the complex Poynting vector is not the phasor of the timedependent power nor that of the time-average power density! P( t ) = Re {P} ( don't try P( t ) = Re {P exp( jωt )} ) Phasor notation cannot be applied to the product of two timeharmonic functions (e.g., P( t )), even if they have same frequency. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 93 Electromagnetic Fields Consider a 1-D electro-magnetic wave moving along the z-direction, with a specified electric field amplitude Eo E x ( z) = Eo exp(−αz) exp( − jβz) Eo H y ( z) = exp( −αz) exp(− jβz) exp( − jτ ) η The time-average power flow density is * * 1 1 E −αz − jβ z o −αz jβ z jτ P( t ) = Re E × H = Re Eo e e e e e η 2 2 { } −2 α z −2 α z e 1 1 2e 2 = Eo Re e jτ = Eo cos τ η η 2 2 { } Power in a lossy medium decays as exp(-2α z)! © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 94 Electromagnetic Fields Consider the same wave, with a specified amplitude for the magnetic field H y ( z) = Ho exp( −αz) exp(− jβz) E x ( z) = η Ho exp(−αz) exp( − jβz) exp( jτ ) The time-average power flow density is expressed as { 1 P( t ) = Re η Ho e−αz e− jβ z Ho* e−αz e jβ z e jτ 2 1 2 −2 α z = η Ho e cos τ 2 } If α is the attenuation constant for the electromagnetic fields ⇒ 2α is the attenuation constant for power flow. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 95 Electromagnetic Fields If the wave is generated by an infinitesimally thin sheet of uniform current Jso (embedded in an infinite material with conductivity σ) we have for propagation along the positive z-direction (normal to the plane of the current sheet):I Jso Jso Ho = Eo = η 2 2 2 Jso η e−2αz cos τ P( t ) = 8 For this ideal case, an identical wave exists, propagating along the negative z-direction and carrying the same amount of power. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 96 Electromagnetic Fields Poynting Theorem Consider the divergence of the time-dependent power flow density ∇ ⋅ P ( t ) = ∇ ⋅ ( E( t ) × H ( t ) ) = H ( t ) ⋅ ∇ × E ( t ) − E( t ) ⋅ ∇ × H ( t ) The curls can be expressed by using Maxwell’s equations ∂H ∂E − σE ( t ) ⋅ E ( t ) − ε E( t ) ⋅ ∇ ⋅ P( t ) = −µ H ( t ) ⋅ ∂t ∂t ∂ 1 ∂ 1 2 2 = − σE ( t ) − ε E ( t ) − µ H 2 ( t ) ∂t 2 ∂t 2 Density of dissipated power Rate of change of stored electric energy density Rate of change of stored magnetic energy density This is the differential form of Poynting Theorem. © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 97 Electromagnetic Fields Now, integrate the divergence of the time-dependent power over a specified volume V to obtain the integral form of Poynting theorem ∫ ∇ ⋅ P( t) dV = ∫∫ P (t ) ⋅ ds = Power Flux through S V S = −∫ V ∂ σE ( t ) dV − ∂t 2 Power dissipated in volume © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series ∫ V 1 ∂ 2 ε E ( t ) dV − ∂t 2 Rate of change of electric energy stored in volume ∫ V 1 µ H 2 (t ) dV 2 Rate of change of magnetic energy stored in volume 98 Electromagnetic Fields Typical applications Pin ( t ) α=? Pout ( t ) 1 m2 L Pout ( t ) = Pin ( t ) exp( −2αL) 1 Pout ( t ) ⇒α=− ln 2 L Pin ( t ) © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series Watts 2 m Nepers m 99 Electromagnetic Fields Example: Watts Watts Pin ( t ) = 30 ; Pout ( t ) = 5 ; L = 20 m 2 2 m m Nepers ⇒ α = 0.0448 m Pay attention to the logarithms: Pout ( t ) ln = − ln Pin ( t ) © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series Pin ( t ) Pout ( t ) 100 Electromagnetic Fields SURFACE A SURFACE B Pin ( t ) Power IN A Pout ( t ) Power OUT B Power dissipated between A and B? L Area = Area(A) = Area(B) Power IN = ∫∫ P ( t ) A dS = P ( t ) A ⋅ Area A Power OUT = ∫∫ B P ( t ) B dS = P ( t ) B ⋅ Area P ( t ) B = P ( t ) A exp( −2αL ) Power dissipated = Power IN − Power OUT © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 101 Electromagnetic Fields Example 2 Area = 5 m ; L = 1.0 cm; f = 1.0 GHz; Eo = 10 V/m ε = ε o ; µ = µ o ; σ = 0.45755 S/m σ ⇒ = 8.2244637 General Lossy medium ωε η = 130.88∠0.725rad = 130.88∠ 41.534 α = 40.0 Ne/m; Pin ( t) = 0.286 W/m2 ; Pout ( t ) B = Pin ( t ) A exp(−2αL) = 0.12845 W/m2 ; Power IN = Area ⋅ Pin ( t ) = 1.43 W Power OUT = Area ⋅ P ( t ) B = 0.6423 W Power dissipated = Power IN − Power OUT = 0.7876 W © Amanogawa, 2001 – Digital Maestro Series 102