Vol. 6, 1097-1102, September 1995 Cell Growth & Differentiation Regulation of Ornithine Decarboxylase mRNA Levels in Human Breast Cancer Cells: Pattern of Expression and Involvement of Core Enhancer Promoter Element Paul S. Wright,’ Judith Doreen E. Cross-Doersen, Paula A. Chmielewski, Karen A. Streng, Marion Merrell Richard and Dow R. Cooper, Jerry A. Miller,2 1. Wagner, Margaret Research A. Flanagan3 Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio 4521 5-6300 Abstract Ornithine decarboxylase by growth factors through the cell cycle this study, a variant sequenced, and breast tumor elevated tumors (ER) in a wide human tumors of cell types. cDNA mRNA levels in human ODC mRNA was as assessed by quantitative analysis The pattern xenografts In was identified, in estrogen receptor-negative (ER1 ) when compared with ER-positive (MCF-7), experiments. is increased for progression variety ODC used to probe about 3-fold (MDA-MB-231 (ER) expression cell lines and xenografts. autoradiographic 231 (ODC) and is obligatory of in situ hybridization of ODC was mRNA polarized in MDA-MB- to the extreme periphery of the tumor, whereas the distribution of ODC mRNA was more evenly distributed in MCF-7 (ER) xenografts. staining have growth This patterns, correlates a differential factor in MDA-MB-231 in cell culture. with suggesting hematoxylin dependence supply. eosin xenografts on host vasculature for ODC mRNA was elevated 5-fold cells versus MCF-7 cells when analyzed These relative mRNA levels correlate with increased levels of “core” proteins in MDA-MB-231 cells MCF-7 cells. Introduction ODC4 is one and that ER4 and ER enhancer over that of the rate-limiting enzymes binding detected Results Isolation nuclear in in the biosyn- thetic pathway for polyamines, ubiquitous cellular components essential for protein biosynthesis and DNA replication (i ). Progression through the cell cycle requires biosynthesis ofthe pobyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine (2, 3). Elevation of ODC tissues after treatment at the transcriptional, levels (1 , 4). Elevated acteristic of cancer Received 4/18/95; t To whom requests Research 2 Present Institute, address: ter, NY 14623. 3 Present address: 02142. 4 The abbreviations receptor positive; hyde-3-phosphate assay. activity is an early event in cells or with mitogens and is tightly regulated translational, and posttranslational ODC and pobyamine bevels are charcells of nearly all types (5). Several revised 5/30/95; accepted 6/23/95. for reprints should be addressed, at Marion Merrell Dow 2110 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215-6300. Department of Biology, Fisons Pharmaceuticals, RochesOncogene recent reports have linked overexpression of ODC to malignant transformation of cells (6-9). Critical upstream regulatory elements have been identified for transcriptional control ofthe human ODC gene (i 0, i 1 ). Using nuclear extracts, it was found that protein binding to the promoter was more complex with transformed cells than in normal diploid fibroblasts and that this correlated with the level of ODC transcription (i 0). These data suggest that the elevated expression of ODC in transformed cells is regulated in part by qualitative and quantitative usage of regulatory elements in the ODC promoter. Previousby, the relative levels of ODC mRNA and gene amplification in various human breast cancer cell lines have been examined in vitro (1 2). In this study, we compare ODC gene transcript levels in two types of breast cancer cells, ER MCF-7 cells and ER- MDA-MB-23i cells in vitro and in vivo. ODC mRNAs were increased 3- and 5-fold in MDAMB-231 xenografts and cells, respectively, when compared with MCF-7 xenografts and cells. Significant increases in nuclear proteins interacting with the “core” enhancer sequence were detected in MDA-MB-23i cells when compared with MCF-7 cells. All other potential upstream regulatory sequences tested, including an Myc binding site, were unchanged with regard to binding of nuclear proteins extracted from these two breast cancer cell lines. Science, used are: ODC, ER, ER negative; dehydrogenase; Inc., 80 Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA ornithine decarboxylase; ER, estrogen nt, nucleotide(s); GAPDH, glyceraldeEMSA, electrophoretic mobility shift of a New Human ODC cDNA. A cDNA encoding human ODC was isolated from a human HepG2 cell Agti i library probed with a partial human cDNA, pODCiO/2H (1 3). The insert of the resulting clone, AhODC85, was sequenced (see EMBL accession no. X55362 for sequence). There are several differences between this sequence and the previously reported cDNA, as well as with the four human genomic clones that have been reported (14-17). The sequence reported here has T replacing C at nt -1 02, G replacing A at nt -39, and the deletion of GGC at nt i 725. These differences do not alter the sequence of the encoded protein because they are in the 5’ and 3’ untranslated regions. The 5’ end of this clone is 34 bp 3’ to the transcriptionab start site. The 1 800-bp EcoRI fragment of the human ODC cDNA was hybridized with mRNA prepared from both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-23i cells, yielding a 2.2-kb band on Northern blots (Fig. iA). This was identical to the size band detected with pODCiO/2H (10, i3). The relative bevels of ODC mRNAs were 5-fold higher in MDA-MB-231 cells when compared with MCF-7 cells and corrected for GAPDH mRNA levels in each cell type (Fig. 1 , B and C). In Situ Hybridization in Human Breast Tumor Xenografts. The 1 800-bp EcoRI fragment of the human ODC cDNA was also used as a template for synthesis of cRNA probes for in situ hybridization analysis of ODC mRNA levels in breast tumors. Emulsion autoradiographs from in situ hybridization experiments showed high levels of ODC mRNA in the breast cancer cells and not in host-derived 1097 1098 ODC Regulation A in Breast Cancer .. Cells 2 1 4.4 -*. 2.4 - 3 4 #{149} “:- 1.4-0.24-k B 1 4.4 2 3 4 -k. 2.41 .4 - :t 0.24-* C Analysis of Differences in Nuclear Protein-DNA actions with ODC Upstream Promoter Elements. MCF-7 10000 - MDAMB231 C,) C ci E ; were subtracted from gray values for adjacent sections hybridized with antisense probes (specific signal, see “Materials and Methods”). The specific signal image for an MDAMB-23i tumor hybridized with ODC cRNA probes is shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that the spatial pattern of ODC mRNA accumulation in these tumors is concentrated at the periphery of the tumors. MCF-7 xenografts have a more even distribution of ODC mRNA throughout the section (Fig. 4). This pattern of niRNA levels parallels the degree of necrosis in the two xenograft types based on hematoxylin and eosin staining patterns (data not shown). Other MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 xenografts were analyzed in this manner for ODC mRNA (Table 1 ) with similar quantitative and qualitative results. It is shown in Table i that ODC mRNA levels in the outer regions of the tumor sections were approximately 3-fold higher in MDA-MB-231 tumors than in MCF-7 tumors, while inner hybridization signals were about one-third lower. The calculated ratio of outer to inner expression was a net of approximately 4-fold higher in the MDA-MB-231 tumors. The mean value of the region of highest signal, the hot spot, was also about 3-fold higher in MDA-MB-23i xenografts. This difference in spatial distribution holds for other ER and ER- xenograft models as well. For instance, ZR-75 tumors (ER#{176}),like MCF-7, have an even distribution of ODC mRNAs, whereas MDA-MB435 and MDA-MB-468 tumors (ER) exhibit the extreme peripheral expression as that shown in MDA-MB-23i tumors (data not shown). 5000 10 RNNlane 20 (.tg) Fig. 1. Northern blot analysis of ODC and GAPDH mRNAs from MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. Total RNA was prepared from MCF-7 (Lanes 1 and 2) and MDA-MB-231 (Lanes 3 and 4) cultures and hybridized with 32Plabeled cDNA probes for ODC (A) and GAPDH (B) as described in “Materials and Methods.” Shown are images from phosphorimager files (Lanes 1 and 3, 10 pg total RNA; Lanes 2 and 4, 20 pg total RNA( used for quantitation. C, volume units for ODC mRNA corrected for GAPDH levels in each cell type. Inter- Several potential regulatory DNA sequence elements in the human ODC upstream region were tested by EMSA with nuclear proteins from MDA-MB-23i and MCF-7 cells (see “Materiabs and Methods” for obigonucleotide sequences). Only the nuclear proteins binding to footprint lB were significantly increased in MDA-MB-231 cells over MCF-7 cells (Fig. 5, upper pane!). The increase in the upper specific complex was 2.6-fold based on scanning densitometry. This upstream element includes the consensus “core” enhancer DNA sequence common to several normal and viral genes. Other footprint regions examined were footprints VI (Fig. 5, midd!e pane!), IA, IC, VII, or VIII (data not shown). Additionally, we tested the relative levels of protein binding to the ODC Myc binding site found in the first intron (MB-i; Fig. 5, lowerpane!). No cell-specific differences were detected in these other footprint regions. EMSAs performed with MB-i on extracts prepared from dipboid fibroblasts (IMR-90) yielded three major complexes in G0 and G1 phase cells (Fig. 6). Nuclear extracts from log-phase fibroblasts contained only the upper MB-i complex, which was similar in mobility to the complex detected in the bog-phase breast cancer cells. Incubation of the IMR9O log-phase nuclear extracts with mAbs directed against c-myc protein caused about a 50% decrease in the upper MB-i complex (data not shown). Discussion stromab cells, based on the relative number of silver grains (Fig. 2). Clusters of cells in the MDA-MB-23i tumors had high bevels of ODC mRNA, whereas the distribution of grains in the MCF-7 tumors was more uniform. To analyze mRNA bevels in the two tumor types, we used a combination of quantitative autoradiography and image analysis (18). Calibrated, linearized gray values for tissue sections probed with the sense probes (nonspecific signal) In this report, we have shown that tumor levels of ODC mRNAs were elevated in xenografts of MDA-MB-23i (ER-) versus MCF-7 (ER) cells using quantitative imaging of in situ hybridization in tumor sections. ODC mRNA levels were highest near the extreme periphery of the MDAMB-231 tumors (Fig. 4; Table 1). These cell-specific differences were also evident in vitro as shown here and previously by others (Ref. 12; Fig. 2). The ODC enzyme Cell A A Differentiation B . 4.. D C . , .- Growth ,‘-.--.- --- ‘, breast and tumor xenogratts. Methods.” II and ... a 24 : , #{149}. , Fig. 2. In situ hybridization with ODC rnRNAs in human were processed and hybridized as describer) in “Materials 50 pm. 12 I . Li,, 36 48 I I 7 L Fig. 3. A digitized image of the specific hybridization for ODC in an MDA-MB-231 tumor. In situ hybridizations were pertormed with sections from MDA-MB-231 xenogratts and quantitatecl as des ribed in “Materials and Methods.” Shown are the specific signals (DPM/mm2 antisense probe DPM/mnY sense prol)o’( across the tumor. The scale br specific hybridizalion ( DPM/mm2( is given at the bottom ot the tigure. Tissue sections from MCF-7 (A and B) and MDA-MB-231 (Cand 0) xenogratts 0, darkfield images of the tumor regions shown in A and C (hrighttield(. Bar, activity measured in extracts is approximately the same in these two breast cancer cell lines, suggesting that posttranscriptionab mechanisms significantly contribute to ODC expression (12). The different spatial patterns of ODC mRNAs in the two tumor types likely reflect the relative dependence of ER and ER xenografts on host vasculature for growth factor supply. MCF-7 xenografts, in animals supplemented with estradiol, do not develop large necrotic areas like MDAMB-231 xenografts, based on hematoxybin and eosin staining patterns. Possibly ER xenografts are not as dependent on paracrine growth factors due to production of autocrine factors in response to estrogens. ODC expression and polyamine synthesis can be induced by estradiol in MCF-7 cells (19). Polyamines and estrogens can additively stimulate MCF-7 cell growth in vitro (20, 2i). Additionally, a link between ODC expression and angiogenesis has been established by other investigators. For instance, DFMO, an irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (22), can inhibit tumor-induced angiogenesis in chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane assays (23). The polyamines, spermidine and spermine, can stimulate angiogenesis in chick embryo yolk-sac membranes (24). Previously, select DNA sequence elements in the 5’flanking region ofthe human ODCgene were implicated in the differential transcription of the gene in normal fibroblasts and transformed cells (10). The bevels of nuclear proteins binding to all but one upstream regulatory se- 1099 1100 ODC Regulation in Breast Cancer Cells 1 II 2 II , 3 4 56 II II :‘C ‘4 ‘4 Core 4.5 9.0 IS.e 13.5 22.5 ‘ Fig. 4. A digitized image of the specific hybridization for ODC in an MCF-7 tumor. in situ hybridizations were performed with sections from MCF-7 Xenografts and quantitated as described in “Materials and Methods.” Shown are the specific signals (DPtvVmm2 antisense probe - DPPWmm2 sense probe) across the tumor. The scalefor specific hybridization (DPM/mm2) is given atthe bottom of the figure. Table tumors 1 Arrow, the tumor Quantitation of ODC region of highest mRNA levels signal in MCF-7 (mean , . . FP VI intensity. and MDA-MB-231 Paraffin sections of tumors were hybridized with cRNA probes to ODC, and the mRNA levels were quantitated as described in “Materials and Methods.” The DPtvVmm2 are shown for the inner portion (-0.7-cm diameter circle in a 1 .0-cm diameter tumor section), the remaining outer portion, and the region of highest signal (hot spot) for each tumor. Mean values were obtained from triplicate adjacent sections averaged for three different MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 tumors. M/2 ‘ ‘4 MB1 ± SD) Tumor Outer MCF-7 6.4 ± 3.7 Inner 2.7 ± 1 .9 Hot spot 1 3.6 ± 9.3 Ratio (out/in( 2.4 . MDA-MB-231 18.9 ± 9.3 1.8 ± 1.7 42.9 ± 14.5 10.5 quences shown to differ between normal fibrobbasts and transformed cells were essentially the same for MCF-7 and MDA-MB-23i cells (Fig. 6). The major difference found was in the EMSA performed with FPIB (10), an oligonucleotide containing a “viral core” enhancer element (nt -72 to -65; 5’-CTGGTTTG-3’; Ref. 25). The nuclear proteins ....-,. that bind to this obigonucleotide were increased in MDA-MB-23i cells when compared with nuclear proteins from MCF-7 cells. These data suggest that increased occupancy of this enhancer sequence may be involved in establishing the elevated ODC transcript levels in MDA-MB-231 over MCF-7 cells. It was also shown that the nuclear proteins binding to the upstream Myc binding site were unchanged in the extracts tested. This negative result is of interest as the murine ornithine decarboxylase gene has been shown to be transactivated by c-myc (26), and c-myc protein bevels are higher in MDA-MB-23i cells than MCF-7 cells (Ref. 27 and data not shown). The sequence containing the Myc binding site, MB-i , was able to detect qualitative differences between extracts prepared from bog-phase, growth-arrested, and serum-stimulated IMR9O human dipboid fibroblasts (Fig. 6). This suggests that nuclear factors interacting with MB-i were sensitive to differences in the growth state of normal Fig. 5. MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 nuclear protein interactions with ODC transcriptional regulatory elements. Nuclear extracts were prepared from duplicate MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cultures and used in EMSAs as described in “Materials and Methods.” The indicated double-stranded oligonucleotide probes (notation to the left of each panel) were specifically competed with unlabeled oligonucleotides. The lanes represent MCF-7 nuclear extracts plus: ‘2P-labeled oligonucleotides (Lane 1), ‘2P-Iabeled oligonucleotides plus 100-fold molar excess cold competitors (Lane 2). or no oligonucleotide (one extract; Lane 3); or MDA-MB-231 nuclear extracts plus: ‘2P-labeled oligonucleotides (Lane 4). ‘2Plaboled oligonucleotides plus 1 00-fold excess cold competitors (Lane 5). or no oligonucleotides (one extract; Lane 6). Arrowheads to the right. the position of saturable complexes. fibroblasts during and just after growth inhibition. The similarity of gel shift patterns with extracts from bog-phase fibrobbasts to log-phase MCF-7 and MDA-MB-23i cell extracts suggests little qualitative or quantitative difference in protein binding at MB-i among these cell types. In summary, it is shown in this report that ODC mRNA bevels were elevated in xenografts of ER MDA-MB-231 cells versus ER MCF-7 cells. There was also a difference in the spatial distribution of ODC mRNA expression between the two tumor types. The quantitative difference may be due in part to a difference in the level of binding of a nuclear protein at the core enhancer element found 65 nt upstream from the ODC gene start site of transcription. No evidence Cell Growth g0 log Ii 2 3114 5 g1 6117 91 8 4 “4! 4 4 Fig. 6. IMR-90 nuclear protein interactions with MB-i . Nuclear extracts were prepared from IMR-90 cells that were either continuously incubated in medium plus serum (lo,’(. serum starved for 24 Ii (g(. or serum starved followed I)y a 3-h incubation in medium plus serum (g,(. EMSAs were performed with the MB-i oligonucleotide as described in “Materials and Methods.” All lanes contain extracts plus ‘2P-labeled MB-i oligonucleotide. Lanes 2, 5, and 8 contain, in addition, a 100-fold molar excess ot cold competitor. was found for a role of c-myc in elevated expression of ODC mRNA in MDA-MB-231 cells. The difference in spatial distribution of ODC mRNA in the xenografts likely reflects the relative dependence of ER and ER- xenografts on host vasculature for growth factor supply. Materials Isolation and Methods and Sequencing of a Variant Human ODC cDNA. A cDNA encoding human ODC (HSODC1 ) was isolated from a human HepG2 cell Agti 1 library (Cbontech) probed with a partial human ODC cDNA, pODC1O/2H (13). Partial and complete EcoRl digestions ofthe original bacteriophage clone, AhODC8S, generated 250-, 1 800-, and 2050-bp fragments. These fragments were cloned into the Bluescript 5K vector in both orientations (Stratagene). The resulting templates were sequenced using double-stranded DNA and T7 polymerase (Pharmacia; Ref. 28). The GC-rich 5’ end was sequenced using single-stranded template in the absence and presence of deaza-dG in order to resolve severe compressions. Northern Blot Hybridization. Total RNA was prepared from cells for Northern blot analysis using a single-step method (29). RNAs were electrophoresed in formaldehydedenaturing gels (1 .4%) w/v, agarose) and transferred to Hybond N (Amersham) as described (30). An RNA ladder was used for estimation of mRNA sizes (GIBCO-BRL). The blots were probed with 32P-labeled cDNA fragments of the human ODC gene (1 800-bp fragment of AhODC8S) and the rat GAPDH gene (31). A phosphorimager (Molecular Dynamics) was used to quantitate specific mRNA hybridizations. Cell Culture and Tumor Xenografts. MCF-7 (ATCC HTB 22) and MDA-MB-231 (ATCC HTB 26) were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (Rockville, MD). Both cell lines were maintained in improved MEM (Bioflu- A Differentiation ids) supplemented with 5 to 10% fetal bovine serum (GIBCO-BRL). Tumor xenografts were produced in female nu/nu athymic nude mice (Harlan) by injecting tumor pieces (i to 2 mm3 ) with a trocar near the mammary fat pads of the mice. Estradiob pellets (Innovative Research of America) were implanted in animals carrying the MCF-7 xenografts to support growth of the tumors. IMR-90 cells were obtained from the Corieb Institute of Medical Research (Camden, NJ) and cultured in MEM supplemented with antibiotics, 2 mtvi glutamine, and 10% fetal bovine serum. In Situ Hybridization. Tumors were removed from the host animals and fixed in ice-cold paraformabdehyde (4%, overnight), then embedded in paraffin. Sections (5 to 6 pm) were cut and mounted on 3-aminopropyl triethoxysibane (Sigma Chemical Co.)-treated slides. In vitro transcription of the ODC 1800-bp cDNA was performed using the Riboprobe Gemini lb system (Promega). T7 and T3 RNA pobymerases were used to generate the antisense and sense cRNA probes from linearized DNA templates. [35SjUridine 5’-(cs-thio) triphosphate (1 000-1 500 Ci/mmol; Dupont-NEN) was substituted for UTP to prepare the labeled probes. !n situ hybridizations were performed essentially as described by Simmons et a!. (32) with some modifications (1 8). Briefly, the sections were dewaxed, hydrated in decreasing ethanol solutions, postfixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, digested with proteinase K (20 pg/mb for 20 mm), refixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, treated with O.25% acetic anhydride, and dehydrated in graded ethanol washes. The hybridization mixture contained 50% deionized formamide, 0.3 M NaCb, 20 m Tris-HCI (pH 8.0), 10% dextran sulfate, 0.5 mg/mb yeast RNA, 5 m EDTA, 1 0 m sodium phosphate, 20 msa DII, plus approximately 300,000 CPM/pl of either the sense or antisense cRNA probes. Tissue sections were hybridized overnight at 55#{176}C, then washed as follows: (a) 5X SSC [0.15 M NaCI, 15 mii sodium citrate (pH 7.0)1-10 mM DTT at 55#{176}C for 30 mm; (b) 50’Y0 formamide, 2 X SSC, and 1 0 mM DTT at 65#{176}C for 30 mm; (c) RNase A 120 pg/mI in 0.5 M NaCI, 1 0 mM Tris-HCI (pH 8.0), and 5 ma EDTAI at 37#{176}C for 30 mm; (d) repeat step (b) wash; and (e) 2X SSC, then 0.1 X SSC for 1 5 mm each at room temperature. The slides were dehydrated in the presence of 0.3 s ammonium acetate. Autoradiography was performed using XAR film (Kodak) or labeled Hyperfibm (Amersham). Emulsion autoradiography was also performed using NTB-2 (Kodak). The slides were lightly stained with tobuidine blue (0.02%, 30 5). Photomicrographs (bight and darkfield) were taken with an Olympus BH-2 microscope. Quantitative Imaging. Plastic or tissue standards contaming known amounts of ‘4C were placed in film cassettes with slides containing sectioned tissue and exposed to Hyperfibm. After 1 or 2 days exposure, the film was developed in Dektol developer (Kodak, Rochester, NY). The autoradiograms were digitized using a C-Imaging 1 280 computerized image analysis system (Compix, Inc., Mars, PA), and a calibration curve was used to convert absorbance to DPM/ mm2 (33, 34). Various regions were outlined, and the density of the probe was measured. Images of specific labeling were generated by using the calibrated linearized images and subtracting the nonspecific hybridization (hybridization using the sense probe) from the total hybridization (using the antisense probe) as described previously (18). EMSA. Nuclear extracts were prepared from cultured cells as described previously (10, 35). Five pmol of each single-stranded oligonucleotide pair were end labeled with 200 pCi of [y-t2PIATP (3000 Ci/mmob; Dupont-NEN) and 10 units ofT4 polynucleotide kinase (GIBCO-BRL). After removal 1101 1102 ODC Regulation in Breast Cancer Cells of unincorporated nucleotides by spin-chromatography (Quick Spin G-25; Boehringer Mannheim), the single strands were annealed for 10 mm at 85#{176}C, followed by slow cooling (>3 h) to room temperature. Specific activity as assessed by liquid scintillation counting was 0.5 to 2.0 X i0 CPM/pmol. For each reaction, 0.01 pmol of probe was added to 8.5 p1 of incubation buffer (Stratagene), 4-8 pg nuclear extract, and 1 p1 unlabeled competitor DNA or H2O in a total volume of 12.5 p1. The reactions were incubated at room temperature for nucleotide sequence gene. Gene (Amst.), 18. Wright, Bitonti, A. P. 5., Cross-Doersen, J., and Miller, J. A. mm. Prior to loading on a 8.0 x 8.0 x 0.i cm 6% actylamide-0.5X TBE gel (1 x TBE = 0.089 M Tris-borate, 089 M xenografts with boric acid, and 0.02 M EDTA), 1 ml of 0.1% bromophenol blue was added to each sample. The nucleoprotein complexes were electrophoresed at room temperature in 0.5X TBE at 20 mA until the dye front had migrated 5 cm. The gels were dried and exposed to X-OMAT X-ray film with Cronex (Dupont- 1 9. Thomas, T., and Thomas, mRNA, enzyme activity, and 30 NEN) upper intensifying strand ofthe screens at -80#{176}C.The sequences of oligonucleotides tested were as follows from Ref. 26, all others from Ref. 10): (a) Core (FP lB), CCGATCGTGGCTGGT1TGAGCTGGTGC-3’; (b) FP 5 1 MB-i , 5 ‘-CGCCGCACACGTGCCCGGGGC-3 ‘ ; (d) IA, 5 ‘ ; (e) IC, 5’-TCCCGGCCGGAA-3’; ( f) FP VII, 5’-GCGCGGAC- the CAGTTCCAGGCGGGCGAGA-3’; 5’- and (g) FP VIII, 1(c) 5’VI, (c) FP FP References 1 . Pegg, A. E. Polyamine metabolism growth and as a target for chemotherapy. 2. Pegg, A. E., and J. Physiol., McCann, C. 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