City of Hamilton Council Minutes 16

MINUTES 16-007
5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Council Chamber
Hamilton City Hall
71 Main Street West
Mayor F. Eisenberger, Deputy Mayor D. Conley
Councillors T. Whitehead, D. Skelly, T. Jackson, C. Collins, S.
Merulla, M. Green, J. Farr, A. Johnson, M. Pearson, B. Johnson, L.
Ferguson, A. VanderBeek, R. Pasuta, and J. Partridge
Mayor Eisenberger called upon Anne Mackenzie Pearson, a member of the Spiritual
Assembly of the Baha'is of Hamilton, to provide the invocation.
The Clerk advised of the following changes to the agenda:
Correspondence respecting Item 7 of the Planning Committee Report 16006, Pool Enclosure By-law (PED12126(c)):
Steve Selinger, Oasis Pools Ltd.
Edward Matsumoto
V. Klassen
April Burk
Dana Simpson, The Pool Shoppe
Markus Brunner, Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada/Forest City
Pool & Patio Inc.
Tyler Stuart
Chris Switzer, Pioneer Family Pools
Council Minutes 16-007
Barry Justus, Poolscape Inc.
Bill Bell, President, Bud’s Spas & Pools
Gilles Bouchard
Harry Martyniuk, Pioneer Family Pools
April 13, 2016
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Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item
7 of Planning Committee Report 16-006.
Correspondence from Anna Roberts, Lakewood Beach Community
Council, respecting 98 Shoreview Place.
Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item
2 of Planning Committee Report 16-006.
Correspondence from Viv Saunders, Lakewood Beach Community
Council, respecting 98 Shoreview Place – Central Area – Green Millen
Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item
2 of Planning Committee Report 16-006.
Appointment to the Audit, Finance and Administration Committee
Resignation from the Audit, Finance and Administration Committee
Heritage Permit Application HP2016-008 to replace the expired Heritage
Permit HP2013-057 for 43 Mill Street North, Flamborough
Application for Amendment to the City of Hamilton Official Plan and for an
Amendment to the City of Hamilton Zoning By-law No. 6593 for Lands
Located at 155 Ray Street North, Hamilton (PED15136) (Ward 1) Denied
by Council on March 30, 2016
(Farr/A. Johnson)
That the agenda for the April 13, 2016 meeting of Council be approved, as amended.
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Councillor L. Ferguson declared an interest to Item 6 of the Public Works Committee
Report 16-006, respecting Report 16-001 of the Accessible Transit Services Review
Councillor L. Ferguson declared an interest to Item 3 of the General Issues Committee
Report 16-010, respecting Carlos Vasquez, President of the Colombian Refugees
Association, and Liliana Figueredo and Alexander Ramirez, members of the Colombian
Community, respecting Comments regarding the Colombian Community.
Minutes – March 30, 2016
That the Minutes of the March 30, 2016 meeting of Council be approved, as
That Council Communications 5.1 through 5.12 be approved, as amended, as follows:
Correspondence from The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation,
Science and Economic Development, in response to the City of Hamilton's letter
regarding the security of employee pensions and health benefits in the
Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act proceedings of U.S. Steel Canada.
Recommendation: Be received.
Correspondence from The Honourable Mario Sergio, Minister Responsible for
Seniors Affairs, respecting a request to proclaim June as Seniors' Month and to
bring attention to A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario.
Recommendation: Be received and referred to the Seniors Advisory Committee.
Correspondence from The Honourable Ted McMeekin, Minister of Municipal
Affairs and Housing, respecting the City of Hamilton's funding allocation under
the Community Homelessness prevention Initiative (CHPI).
Recommendation: Be received.
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Correspondence from The Honourable Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship,
Immigration and International Trade, respecting a request for nominations for the
Lincoln M. Alexander Award.
Recommendation: Be received and referred to the Committee Against Racism.
Correspondence from Frank Dale, Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer,
Region of Peel, to The Honourable Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and LongTerm Care, requesting support for the Region of Peel’s resolution regarding
Ambulance Communications and Dispatch Services Advocacy.
Recommendation: Be received and referred to Chief Sanderson for a report to
the Emergency & Community Service Committee.
Correspondence from Donna Wilson, Town Clerk, Town of Tillsonburg,
respecting the Town of Tillsonburg’s resolution regarding minimizing waste
generation and keeping it within the municipal area where it is generated.
Recommendation: Be received.
Correspondence from Susan Rosenthal, Davies Howe Partners LLP, respecting
the Greenbelt Plan Review and Municipal Comprehensive Review.
Recommendation: Be received and referred to the General Manager of Planning
& Economic Development.
Correspondence from W. Robert Wood, Executive Director, Pool & Hot Tub
Council of Canada, respecting the Planning Committee Resolution on Swimming
Pool Fencing Requirements.
Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 7 of
Planning Committee Report 16-006.
Correspondence from Jessica Gunby, Acting Clerk, Township of Georgian Bay,
respecting the Township of Georgian Bay’s resolution regarding Enforcement of
No Wake Zones.
Recommendation: Be received.
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Correspondence respecting Item 7 of the Planning Committee Report 16-006,
Pool Enclosure By-law (PED12126(c)):
Steve Selinger, Oasis Pools Ltd.
Edward Matsumoto
V. Klassen
April Burk
Dana Simpson, The Pool Shoppe
Markus Brunner, Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada/Forest City Pool &
Patio Inc.
Tyler Stuart
Chris Switzer, Pioneer Family Pools
Barry Justus, Poolscape Inc.
Bill Bell, President, Bud’s Spas & Pools
Gilles Bouchard
Harry Martyniuk, Pioneer Family Pools
Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 7 of
Planning Committee Report 16-006.
Correspondence from Anna Roberts, Lakewood Beach Community Council,
respecting 98 Shoreview Place.
Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 2 of
Planning Committee Report 16-006.
Correspondence from Viv Saunders, Lakewood Beach Community Council,
respecting 98 Shoreview Place – Central Area – Green Millen Subdivision.
Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 2 of
Planning Committee Report 16-006.
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That Council move into Committee of the Whole for consideration of the Committee
(Green/ Farr)
That sub-section (b) to Item 5 of the Public Works Committee Report 16-006, be
referred back to the Public Works Committee for further consultation:
Hamilton Strategic Road Safety Program Update (PW16027) (City Wide)
(Outstanding Business List) (Item 8.2)
That the Hamilton Strategic Road Safety Program’s Mission, Vision
and Goal’s be revised to include a third goal, “That the Hamilton
Strategic Road Safety Program supports the Principles and Values of
Visions Zero”
That the SIXTH Report of the Public Works Committee be adopted, as amended, and
the information section received.
That Item 7 of the Planning Committee Report 16-006, as outlined below, be
referred to the General Issues Committee to hear public delegations and obtain
further public input:
Pool Enclosure By-law (PED13126(c)) (City Wide)
That the By-law respecting the Pool Enclosure By-law, attached as
Appendix “A” to Report PED13126(c), be enacted.
That the appropriate notice be advertised in The Hamilton Spectator and all local
community newspapers.
Councillors Green and Pearson wished to be recorded as OPPOSED to the motion
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(Pearson/A. Johnson)
That the recommendation contained in Item 8 of Planning Committee Report 16-006
respecting Strathcona Secondary Plan, Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board,
Proposed Settlement of Appeal by 117692 Ontario Ltd. (c/o Agostino Mandarino) of
UHOPA No. 11,(LS16009/PED16102) be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the
following therein:
Strathcona Secondary Plan, Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board,
Proposed Settlement of Appeal by 117692 Ontario Ltd. (c/o Agostino
Mandarino) of UHOPA No. 11,(LS16009/PED16102)(Ward 1) (Item 12.1)
That the recommendations contained in Report LS16009/PED16102 respecting
Strathcona Secondary Plan, Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board, Proposed
Settlement of Appeal by 117692 Ontario Ltd. (c/o Agostino Mandarino) of
UHOPA No. 11 be approved and remain confidential until Council approval.
That the City of Hamilton settle the appeal of the Strathcona Secondary
Plan by 117692 Ontario Ltd. and the City Solicitor be directed to
implement the settlement as set out in the confidential Report
LS16009/PED16102; and,
That Report LS16009/PED16102 remain confidential, but that Appendix
“B” to Report LS16009/PED16102 be made public in the event that
Recommendation (a) is adopted.
That the SIXTH Report of the Planning Committee be adopted, as amended, and the
information section received.
That Information Item (f)(vi) of the General Issues Committee Report 16-009, be
amended by deleting the words “18-28 King Street East, Hamilton” and replacing them
with the words “the designation and retention of 18-22 King Street East, Hamilton
and the redevelopment of 24-28 King Street East, Hamilton, to read as follows:
(f)(vi) Tim Bullock, Legal Counsel, Simpson Wigle Law LLP; and, David Premi,
Architect/Director of DPAI Architecture Inc., respecting 18-28 King Street
East, Hamilton (Gore Park Apartments) (Item 6.7)
The presentation, provided by Tim Bullock, Legal Counsel, Simpson Wigle Law
LLP; and, David Premi, Architect/Director of DPAI Architecture Inc., respecting
18-28 King Street East, Hamilton the designation and retention of 18-22 King
Street East, Hamilton and redevelopment of 24-28 King Street East,
Hamilton (Gore Park Apartments), was referred to staff for review and a report
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back to the General Issues Committee on May 18, 2016 on a process for
Committee’s consideration.
That the TENTH Report of the General Issues Committee be adopted and the
information section received, as amended.
(A. Johnson/Farr)
That the FIFTH Report of the Audit, Finance & Administration Committee be adopted
and the information section received.
That the Committee of the Whole Rise and Report.
Council Appointments to the City’s Advisory Committees
WHEREAS, Council on July 10, 2015 approved the appointment of two (2)
members of City Council as representatives on each of the Advisory Committees
with a requirement for each member to attend at least one (1) meeting per year;
That the following members of Council be appointed to the following Advisory
Committees for a term commencing April 1, 2016 and expiring with the current
term of Council or until such time as successors are appointed:
Arts Advisory Commission – Councillors Farr and Merulla; and,
Councillors VanderBeek and Skelly as alternates;
Committee Against Racism – Councillors Conley and Ferguson;
Hamilton Aboriginal Advisory Committee – Councillors A. Johnson and
Conley; and, Councillor Green as an alternate;
Hamilton Cycling Committee – Mayor Eisenberger and Councillor Green;
and, Councillor Farr as an alternate;
Hamilton Mundialization
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Hamilton Status of Women Committee – Councillors A. Johnson and
Hamilton Veterans’ Committee – Councillors B. Johnson and Pasuta; and,
Councillor Conley as an alternate;
Advisory Committee for Immigrants and Refugees – Councillors Green
and Skelly;
Keep Hamilton Clean and Green Committee – Councillors Jackson and
Collins; and, Pearson as an alternate;
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Advisory Committee –
Councillors A. Johnson and Green;
Seniors Advisory Committee – Councillors B. Johnson and Jackson;
Housing and Homelessness Advisory Committee – Councillors Collins,
VanderBeek and Green; and,
Food Advisory Committee – Councillors Merulla and Whitehead.
Proportional Funding for CityHousing Hamilton
WHEREAS, the City of Hamilton has approximately 5,700 seniors, families and
individuals on the Access to Housing waitlist for social housing;
WHEREAS, the Federal Government has publicly stated it may create a National
Infrastructure program worth an estimated $60 Billion over 10 years;
WHEREAS, an estimated $20 Billion may be dedicated to social infrastructure
including affordable housing;
WHEREAS, from time to time, the Province and Federal Governments may make
other funding available for social housing;
WHEREAS, the City’s Strategic Plan and 10-year Housing & Homelessness
Action Plan references the need to invest and adequately fund social housing
capital reserves;
WHEREAS, the City of Hamilton lacks sufficient reserve funds and debt/levy
capacity to address the capital reserve deficit for social housing in Hamilton;
WHEREAS, the City of Hamilton is the sole shareholder of CityHousing Hamilton,
Hamilton’s largest and the Province’s third largest social housing provider with
approximately 50% of the inventory of social housing units; and,
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WHEREAS, CityHousing Hamilton has unfunded capital deferred maintenance
items estimated to be in excess of $100,000,000;
That Community & Emergency Services staff be directed to report to the
Emergency & Community Services Committee with a policy for allocating
intermittent additional capital funding from the provincial or federal governments
to CityHousing Hamilton in an amount that is proportionate to the number of units
in its inventory, subject to the terms and conditions associated with any such
Bill 181, the Municipal Elections Modernization Act
WHEREAS, amendments to the Municipal Elections Act have been introduced to
the Ontario Legislature through Bill 181; ‎and,
WHEREAS, the proposed changes are expected to be ready in advance of the
2018 Municipal Election;
That staff be directed to outline options of the changes to the Municipal
Elections Act and report to the General Issues Committee by
December 7, 2016 for consideration and approval, and implementation
as per the amended Municipal Elections Act; and,
That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Large Urban
Mayors’ Caucus of Ontario (LUMCO) and the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario.
Location of a Portion of Enbridge Pipeline Inc.’s New Line 10
WHEREAS, the existing easement that runs through Knollwood Golf Course
contains two Enbridge oil pipelines, being Lines 10 and 11;
WHEREAS, Enbridge proposes to create a new easement circumventing the golf
course and lay a new 20 inch Line 10;
WHEREAS, Enbridge will be de-commissioning the old 12 inch Line 10, leaving it
in the ground while continuing to operate Line 11 on its original easement;
resulting in the creation of a double easement, each with an operating pipeline
and both within the Greenbelt; and,
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WHEREAS, for most of the 35 kilometer route, the replacement segment
parallels and overlaps the existing right-of-way;
That the request of the Owner of Knollwood Golf Course to have Enbridge
Pipelines Inc. lay their new pipeline along the existing easement that runs
through his property known as Knollwood Golf Course, be supported; and,
That a copy of this Council resolution be sent to the National Energy
Board for their consideration.
Councillors Green and B. Johnson wished to be recorded as OPPOSED to the
motion above.
Appointment to the Audit, Finance and Administration Committee (Item 8.1)
(A. Johnson/Farr)
That Councillor Donna Skelly be appointed to the Audit, Finance and
Administration Committee for a term commencing April 13, 2016 and expiring
with the current term of Council.
Resignation from the Audit, Finance and Administration Committee (Item
(A. Johnson/Farr)
WHEREAS, due to time constraints, Councillor R. Pasuta is submitting his
resignation from the Audit, Finance and Administration Committee, effective
That Councillor R. Pasuta’s resignation from the Audit, Finance and
Administration Committee, be received.
Heritage Permit Application HP2016-008 to replace the Expired Heritage
Permit HP2013-057 for 43 Mill Street North, Flamborough (Item 8.3)
WHEREAS, 43 Mill Street North is located in the Mill Street Heritage
Conservation District and is designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act;
WHEREAS, the Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee was consulted on
Heritage Permit Application HP2013-057 for the erection of a new garage on
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September 25, 2013, and advised Council to approve the application, subject to
two conditions lettered (a) and (b);
WHEREAS, Council approved Heritage Permit Application HP2013-057 subject
to the two conditions on December 11, 2013;
WHEREAS, Heritage Permit HP2013-057 expired on December 31, 2015 as per
condition (b); and
WHEREAS, Council approval of Heritage Permit Application HP2016-008, which
is identical to expired Heritage Permit HP2013-057, except for a new expiry date
as per condition (b), is required to facilitate the Building Permit application for the
erection of a new garage as originally proposed;
That the Heritage Permit Application HP2016-008 for the erection of a new
garage, on the designated property at 43 Mill Street North, Flamborough (Mill
Street Heritage Conservation District), as shown on Appendix “B” to Planning
Committee Report 13-212, be approved, subject to the following conditions:
That any minor changes to the plans and elevations following approval
shall be submitted, to the satisfaction and approval of the Director of
Planning and Chief Planner, prior to submission as part of any application
for a Building Permit; and,
That construction of the proposed garage, in accordance with this
approval, shall commence no later than April 30, 2018 and if the
construction has not commenced by April 30, 2018, then this approval
expires as of that date, and no alterations shall be undertaken without a
new approval issued by the City of Hamilton.
Application for Amendment to the City of Hamilton Official Plan and for
Amendment to the City of Hamilton Zoning By-law No. 6593 for Lands
Located at 155 Ray Street North, Hamilton (PED15136) (Ward 1) Denied by
Council on March 30, 2016 (Item 8.3)
(A. Johnson/Merulla)
That, in the event that Council’s refusal of applications OPA 15-05 and ZAR-15010 respecting 155 Ray Street North are appealed to the Ontario Municipal
Board, the City Solicitor be instructed to support a settlement of a three-unit
revision to the application, with instruments drafted to the satisfaction of the
Director of Planning and Economic Development.
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Councillor A. Johnson introduced the following Notice of Motion:
Appointment to the Audit, Finance and Administration Committee
That Councillor Donna Skelly be appointed to the Audit, Finance and
Administration Committee for a term commencing April 13, 2016 and expiring
with the current term of Council.
(A. Johnson/Farr)
That the Rules of Order be waived to allow for the introduction of a Motion
respecting an Appointment to the Audit, Finance and Administration Committee.
For disposition of this matter, please refer to Item 7.5.
Councillor A. Johnson introduced the following Notice of Motion:
Resignation from the Audit, Finance and Administration Committee
WHEREAS, due to time constraints, Councillor R. Pasuta is submitting his
resignation from the Audit, Finance and Administration Committee, effective
That Councillor R. Pasuta’s resignation from the Audit, Finance and
Administration Committee, be received.
(A. Johnson/Farr)
That the Rules of Order be waived to allow for the introduction of a Motion
respecting a Resignation from the Audit, Finance and Administration Committee.
For disposition of this matter, please refer to Item 7.6.
Councillor Partridge introduced the following Notice of Motion:
Heritage Permit Application HP2016-008 to replace the Expired Heritage
Permit HP2013-057 for 43 Mill Street North, Flamborough
WHEREAS, 43 Mill Street North is located in the Mill Street Heritage
Conservation District and is designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act;
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WHEREAS, the Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee was consulted on
Heritage Permit Application HP2013-057 for the erection of a new garage on
September 25, 2013, and advised Council to approve the application, subject to
two conditions lettered (a) and (b);
WHEREAS, Council approved Heritage Permit Application HP2013-057 subject
to the two conditions on December 11, 2013;
WHEREAS, Heritage Permit HP2013-057 expired on December 31, 2015 as per
condition (b); and,
WHEREAS, Council approval of Heritage Permit Application HP2016-008, which
is identical to expired Heritage Permit HP2013-057, except for a new expiry date
as per condition (b), is required to facilitate the Building Permit application for the
erection of a new garage as originally proposed;
That the Heritage Permit Application HP2016-008 for the erection of a new
garage, on the designated property at 43 Mill Street North, Flamborough (Mill
Street Heritage Conservation District), as shown on Appendix “B” to Planning
Committee Report 13-212, be approved, subject to the following conditions:
That any minor changes to the plans and elevations following approval
shall be submitted, to the satisfaction and approval of the Director of
Planning and Chief Planner, prior to submission as part of any application
for a Building Permit; and,
That construction of the proposed garage, in accordance with this
approval, shall commence no later than April 30, 2018 and if the
construction has not commenced by April 30, 2018, then this approval
expires as of that date, and no alterations shall be undertaken without a
new approval issued by the City of Hamilton.
That the Rules of Order be waived to allow for the introduction of a Motion
respecting Heritage Permit Application HP2016-008 to replace the expired
Heritage Permit HP2013-057 for 43 Mill Street North, Flamborough.
For disposition of this matter, please refer to Item 7.7.
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Councillor A. Johnson introduced the following Notice of Motion:
Application for Amendment to the City of Hamilton Official Plan and for
Amendment to the City of Hamilton Zoning By-law No. 6593 for Lands
Located at 155 Ray Street North, Hamilton (PED15136) (Ward 1) Denied by
Council on March 30, 2016.
That, in the event that Council’s refusal of applications OPA 15-05 and ZAR-15010 respecting 155 Ray Street North are appealed to the Ontario Municipal
Board, the City Solicitor be instructed to support a settlement of a three-unit
revision to the application, with instruments drafted to the satisfaction of the
Director of Planning and Economic Development.
(A. Johnson/Merulla)
That the Rules of Order be waived to allow for the introduction of a Motion
respecting the Application for Amendment to the City of Hamilton Official Plan
and for Amendment to the City of Hamilton Zoning By-law No. 6593 for Lands
Located at 155 Ray Street North, Hamilton (PED15136) (Ward 1) Denied by
Council on March 30, 2016.
For disposition of this matter, please refer to Item 7.8.
Members of Council used this opportunity to discuss matters of general interest.
That the Bill List be amended by removing the following Bill and renumbering the
balance accordingly:
Being a By-law to Regulate Enclosures for Privately-Owned Outdoor Pools,
Repealing and Replacing By-law No. 03-125
That Bills No. 16-097 to No. 16-107 be passed, as amended, and that the Corporate
Seal be affixed thereto, and that the By-laws be numbered and signed by the Mayor and
the City Clerk to read as follows:
To Amend By-law No. 01-218, as amended, Being a By-law to Regulate OnStreet Parking
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Schedule 8 (No Parking Zones)
Schedule 12 (Permit Parking Zones)
To Impose a Sanitary Sewer Charge Upon Owners of Land Abutting Barton
Street from Approximately 120m East of Napa Lane to East Limit of 1361
Barton Street, in the City of Hamilton
Respecting Removal of Part Lot Control, Block 3, Registered Plan of
Subdivision 62M-1217, “Crossings”, municipally known as 18 Kingsborough
To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 53 to the Urban Hamilton Official Plan,
Respecting 1831 Rymal Road East (Stoney Creek)
To Amend Zoning By-law No. 05-200 Respecting Lands Located at 1831 Rymal
Road East (Stoney Creek)
To Amend Zoning By-law No. 3692-92 (Stoney Creek) Respecting the Lands
Located at 1831 Rymal Road East
To Amend Zoning By-law No. 87-57 (Ancaster), Respecting Lands Located at
1261 Mohawk Road, in the former Town of Ancaster, now in the City of
To Amend Zoning By-law No. 05-200, Respecting Lands Located South of
Bellagio Avenue and West of Swayze Road, described as Part of Lots 1, 2, and
3 – Block 4 – Concession 1, in the former Township of Glanbrook, now in the
City of Hamilton
To Amend By-law No. 07-170, a By-law to License and Regulate Various
To Confirm the Proceedings of City Council
(Pearson/B. Johnson)
That, there being no further business, City Council be adjourned at 6:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mayor Fred Eisenberger
Rose Caterini
City Clerk