INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS GENERAL INFORMATION All manuscripts must be submitted through Editorial Manager at The primary purpose of the ASAIO Journal is to act as a source of information, usable by those caring for patients with the need for organ replacement by artificial means and/or those at the forefront of research and development in the field. Although one of our primary aims is to assist the practitioner in his/her care of such patients, and to afford access to information which may improve such patients’ care, it is the Editors’ wish to function as a forum for that information which, while still experimental, may shed light upon current thinking of those active in the fields appropriate to the aims of The American Society for Artificial Internal Organs and the ASAIO Journal. To this end, original contributions are welcomed in areas of basic and applied, as well as clinical investigation. Contact Information: For information and questions about the ASAIO Journal, contact Michelle Gaffney, Managing Editor, ASAIO Editorial Office. Voice 443-685-5413, Fax 410‐321‐1456, E‐mail: ETHICAL/LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: A submitted manuscript must be an original contribution not previously published (except as an abstract or a preliminary report), must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and, if accepted, must not be published elsewhere in similar form, in any language, without the consent of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Each person listed as an author is expected to have participated in the study to a significant extent. Although the editors and referees make every effort to ensure the validity of published manuscripts, the final responsibility rests with the authors, not with the Journal, its editors, or the publisher. Patient anonymity and informed consent: It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that a patient’s anonymity be carefully protected and to verify that any experimental investigation with human subjects reported in the manuscript was performed with informed consent and following all the guidelines for experimental investigation with human subjects required by the institution(s) with which all the authors are affiliated. Authors should mask patients’ eyes and remove patients’ names from figures unless they obtain written consent from the patients and submit written consent with the manuscript. Compliance with NIH and Other Research Funding Agency Accessibility Requirements: A number of research funding agencies now require or request authors to submit the post‐print (the article after peer review and acceptance but not the final published article) to a repository that is accessible online by all without charge. As a service to our authors, LWW will identify to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) articles that require deposit and will transmit the post‐print of an article based on research funded in whole or in part by the National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, or other funding agencies to PubMed Central. The revised Copyright Transfer Agreement provides the mechanism. See below for information on the open access publication option. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: Authors must state all possible conflicts of interest on the title page of the manuscript, including financial, consultant, institutional and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. All sources of funding and all relevant conflicts of interest and sources of funding should be included on the title page of the manuscript with the heading ―Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding.‖ For example: Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: A has received honoraria from Company Z. B is currently receiving a grant (#12345) from Organization Y, and is on the speaker’s bureau for Organization X – the CME organizers for Company A. For the remaining authors none were declared. Copyright Transfer Agreement and Disclosures: In addition, each author must complete and submit the journal’s copyright transfer agreement, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ―Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals‖ ( The form is readily available on the manuscript submission page and can be completed and submitted electronically. Please note that authors may sign the copyright transfer agreement form electronically. For additional information about electronically signing this form, go to Manuscript Submission and Preparation: Criteria for initial consideration for papers submitted will be originality, statistical provability of all data, and applicability to the aims of the Journal as a whole. Additional weight will be afforded to those submissions that are concise and well written. All potentially acceptable manuscripts will be subjected to the process of peer review. NOTE: Manuscripts that do not comply with formatting requirements and length limits will be returned to the authors for changes. The complete list of article types and their formatting requirements are: Original article: Previously unpublished manuscript reporting research or clinical investigations/observations and providing comprehensive discussions and hypotheses. Title page, abstract, text, figure legends, references — 4000 words; combined total of figures and tables — 10; references — 40. Review Article: Critical presentations of broad topics of potential interest to those active in the areas of use and development of artificial internal organs. Title page, abstract, text, figure legends, references — 6000; combined total of figures and tables — 15; references — 100. Case Report/Case Series: Reports a case or a series of 2‐6 similar cases. The case(s) should be unusual and serve to enlighten or advance the understanding of the development, testing, or clinical use of artificial internal organs. Cases should provide a unique perspective on a challenging diagnostic and/or therapeutic problem with possible solutions related to medical devices or new therapeutic interventions to help clinicians manage these cases more effectively. Case series must include a comprehensive review of literature. Title page, abstract, text, figure legends, references — 1500(CR) and 4500 (CS); combined total of figures and tables — 4 (CR) and 10 (CS); references — 8 (CR) and 15 (CS). Letter to the Editor: Concise, thoughtful comments related to previous articles or editorials published in the ASAIO Journal. Title page, text, figure legends, references — 500 words; combined total of figures and tables — 4; references — 10. How to do it article: Article providing information on a new technique, process, or system for doing something. It should provide concise, logical, knowledgeable instruction. Title page, abstract, text, figure legends, references — 1500; combined total of figures and tables — 4; references — 8. Brief Communication: Brief descriptions of significant findings. In lieu of an abstract, the paper should begin with a referenced paragraph (limit 100 words) stating the purpose of the study and the main results without methodological details. Subheadings are not allowed. Title page, intro paragraph, text, figure legends, references — 1000 words; combined total of figures and tables — 2; references — 10. Brief Special Report: An expanded brief communication with format more similar to an original article. Title page, abstract, text, figure legends, references — 2000 words; combined total of figures and tables — 2; references — 20. Fast Track Submission: Fast Track Submissions have the same requirements as Original Articles, except they travel on a more rapid pace to publication. Authors should choose the Fast Track submission for cutting‐edge, groundbreaking, and high‐impact papers that are of highest importance to the field. Title page, abstract, text, figure legends, references — 4000 words; combined total of figures and tables —10; references — 40. Invited Commentary: An invitation to submit a commentary would come from the Editor after recommendation by the Section Editor and would provide additional insights into the data contained within a corresponding article. Commentary on a given article could be invited to touch on a controversial subject, to highlight a particularly important contribution that has the potential to change the field, or to discuss a debate or conflicting data. Title page, text, figure legends, references — 2000 words; combined total of figures and tables — 2; references — 20. Moment in History: Usually by invitation; however, an idea may be submitted directly to the Editor for consideration. These articles would relate an interesting story or event of interest to ASAIO J readership. Title page, abstract, text, figure legends, references — 3000 words; combined total of figures and tables — 5; references — 20. Symposium Presentation: Following the annual ASAIO meeting the editors may invite a meeting presenter to submit a report detailing the salient points of the presentation. Title page, abstract, text, figure legends, references—4000 words; combined total of figures and tables — 10; references — 40. Editorial: Comments by organizations or individuals, members of the Editorial Board, and invited contributors on topics relevant to the readership. Title page, text, figure legends, references — 1500 words; combined total of figures and tables — 6; references — 40. In Memoriam: Announcements of a loss in the ASAIO community. Reflections on the individual’s life and work may be included. Recommend 1000 words and 1 figure. Organizational Announcements: Announcements of pertinent forthcoming meetings or events. Manuscripts should be produced electronically in Microsoft Word using IBM format (MAC format is not accepted). Double‐pace all parts including tables and reference lists, using a standard sized typeface and margins of at least one inch. Tables must be formatted in MS Word (cannot be graphic images). Figures must be graphic images submitted in separate tif files; do not embed in manuscript document. (See below.) Statistical methods should be identified. Priority claims are discouraged. People named in the Acknowledgment section must give written approval; submit with Copyright and Disclosure forms. Grantors may be listed at the conclusion of the text. Manuscripts should be produced electronically in Microsoft Word using IBM format (MAC format is not accepted). Double-space all parts including tables and reference lists, using a standard sized typeface and margins of at least one inch. Tables must be formatted in MS Word (cannot be graphic images). Figures must be graphic images submitted in separate tif files; do not embed in manuscript document (see below). Statistical methods should be identified. Priority claims are discouraged. People named in the Acknowledgment section must give written approval: submit with Copyright and Disclosure forms. Cover Letter (submit as a separate document): A cover letter/e‐mail, indicating that the authors are submitting the manuscript for peer review and possible publication in the ASAIO Journal, must be submitted with the manuscript. Title Page (submit as separate document): Title Line: Title: Subtitle (if any); Author Line: first name, middle initial, and last name of each author, with symbol (*, †, ‡, §, ¶, &, #) for institutional affiliation; Institutional Affiliation Line: Name of Department(s) and Institution(s) to which the work should be attributed with symbol(s) matching those in Author Line. Disclaimer Line: Disclaimer(s) (if any); Reprint/Negotiation/Corresponding Author Line: Name, Title, mailing address, phone, fax, and e‐mail address; list and label separately if not the same author for all. Running Head Line (required): An abbreviated title of not more than 40 characters to be used as a running head. Keywords (required): List 2–5 keywords. Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding (required): Disclose funding received for this work from any of the following organizations: National Institutes of Health (NIH); Wellcome Trust; Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI); and other(s). In addition, conflicts of interest, sources of funding, and all sources of support, including pharmaceutical and industry support, should be listed. Authors must state all possible conflicts of interest, including financial, consultant, institutional and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. Abstract: The abstract should be unstructured and not exceed 200 words. It should summarize relevant information in the manuscript. Abbreviations: Use standard abbreviations and units recommended in the Style Manual for Biological Journals (Fourth edition, Arlington, Va., American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1978). Nonstandard abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear in the text. A list of abbreviations is available in ―Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biological Journals,‖ Annals of Internal Medicine 90: 95–99, 1979. Drug Names: Generic names should be used. Proprietary names may be given (parenthetically) with the first use of the generic name. Translation: Appropriate use of the English language is a requirement for publication in ASAIO Journal. Authors who have difficulty in writing in English may seek assistance with grammar and style to improve the clarity of their manuscript. Many companies provide substantive editing via the Web. Website addresses for these companies include:,,,, Please note that ASAIO takes no responsibility for or endorses these services. Their use does not guarantee acceptance of a manuscript for publication. References Citation in Text: References should be cited consecutively in the text as superscript numbers (Note: outside periods, commas, and quote marks; inside colons and semicolons). Reference List: References should be listed in the numerical order in which they are first cited in the text. The style of reference is that of Index Medicus, including end‐page and volume number but omitting number and month of issue. If there are six or fewer authors, list all; if over six, list first three. Accuracy of references is the responsibility of the author(s) and should be carefully rechecked before submission. Journal Articles: Vitinghus E, Mogensen CE: Graded exercise and protein excretion in diabetic man and the effect of insulin treatment. Kidney Int 21: 725–729, 1982. Books: Brownlee M (ed): Diabetes Mellitus. New York, Garland STMP Press, 1981. Articles in Books: Kohner EM: Assessment and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, in BrownleeM(ed), Diabetes Mellitus, New York, Garland STMP Press, 1981, pp. 117–212. Articles in press must state name of journal and, if possible, volume and year. Display Items Digital figures (publisher requirements): Electronic art should be created and submitted as either a TIF (tagged image format), or an EPS (encapsulated postscript) file. Color images must be created/ scanned, saved and submitted as CMYK files (extra cost for color print). Resolution should be set to 300 dpi for photographs, micrographs, and scanned images; 1200 dpi for diagrams, drawings, and graphs. Please note that artwork generated from office suite programs such Corel Draw and MS Word and artwork downloaded from the Internet (JPEG or GIFF files) cannot be used. Do not embed figures in the manuscript document. Detailed instructions for preparing publication-quality figures can be found at Tables: Tables should be typed double spaced on separate sheets, with numbers (Roman) and titles. Symbols for units should be confined to column headings. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum, and those used, explained. Tables must be included in the manuscript text document on separate pages after references. Acknowledgement Permissions: Any persons listed by name in the Acknowledgements section must provide permission stating that they approve of the mention of their names in the paper. Permissions should be emailed directly from the acknowledged individuals to the editorial office. Forwarded emails are not acceptable. SUPPLEMENTAL DIGITAL CONTENT: Authors may submit supplemental digital content to enhance their article’s text and to be considered for online-only posting. Supplemental digital content may include text documents, graphs, tables, figures, graphics, illustrations, audio, and video. A reference to the supplemental content should be made in the main manuscript text and a legend should be provided. Supplemental Digital Content Size & File Type Requirements: To ensure a quality experience for those viewing supplemental digital content, it is suggested that authors submit supplemental digital files no larger than 10 MB each. Documents, graphs, and tables may be presented in any format. Figures, graphics, and illustrations should be submitted with the following file extensions: .tif, .eps, .ppt, .jpg, .pdf, .gif. Audio files should be submitted with the following file extensions: .mp3, .wma. Video files should be submitted with the following file extensions: .wmv, .mov, .qt, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4. Video files should also be formatted with a 320 X 240 pixel minimum screen size. For more information, please review LWW’s requirements for submitting supplemental digital content: Editorial Office Contact Information: For information and questions about the ASAIO Journal, contact Michelle Gaffney, Managing Editor, ASAIO Editorial Office. Voice 443-685-5413, Fax 410-321-1456, E-mail: REVIEW AND ACTION: All contributions (including solicited articles) are critically reviewed by the Editors, members of the Editorial Board, and/or appropriate consultant reviewers. Reviewers’ comments are sent to authors to assist them in any revisions of the manuscripts. The decision of the Editors is final. REVISIONS: Authors should submit both a corrected version (e.g., using the track changes feature in Word) with additions underlined in blue and deletions crossed out in red, as well as a clean version of the revision without the corrections called out in the text. Authors must also provide a Response to Reviewers file that lists the authors’ responses to the reviewers’ comments in point-by-point style. Revisions that do not include a marked-up copy, clean copy, and point-by-point response to reviewers will be returned to the authors with a request for the missing item(s). AFTER ACCEPTANCE: Page proofs and corrections: Corresponding authors will receive electronic page proofs to check the copyedited and typeset article before publication. Portable document format (PDF) files of the typeset pages and support documents (e.g., reprint order form) will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail. Complete instructions will be provided with the e-mail for downloading and printing the files and for faxing the corrected page proofs to the publisher. Proofs must be checked carefully and corrections faxed within 24 to 48 hours of receipt, as requested in the cover letter accompanying the page proofs. Figures: Authors will be given the option to have figures reproduced in color in the online version with retaining black and white figures in the print version without incurring additional color charges. Reprints: Authors will receive a reprint order form and a price list with the page proofs. Fax or mail your order to Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Author Reprint Department, 351 West Camden Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. Fax: 410528-4434. Rapid Ordering can be accessed at A confirmation of your order will be e-mailed to you. Reprints are normally shipped 6 to 8 weeks after publication of the issue in which the item appears. Contact the Author Reprint Department with any questions. Publisher’s contact: Fax corrected page proofs, reprint order form, and any other related materials to Journal Production Editor, ASAIO Journal, 443-817-0913. Open access LWW’s hybrid open access option is offered to authors whose articles have been accepted for publication. With this choice, articles are made freely available online immediately upon publication. Authors may take advantage of the open access option at the point of acceptance to ensure that this choice has no influence on the peer review and acceptance process. These articles are subject to the journal’s standard peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit. Authors of accepted peer-reviewed articles have the choice to pay a fee to allow perpetual unrestricted online access to their published article to readers globally, immediately upon publication. The article processing charge for ASAIO Journal is $2,000. The article processing charge for authors funded by the Research Councils UK (RCUK) is $2,580. The publication fee is charged on acceptance of the article and should be paid within 30 days by credit card by the author, funding agency or institution. Payment must be received in full for the article to be published open access. Any additional standard publication charges, such as for color images, will also apply. Authors retain copyright Authors retain their copyright for all articles they opt to publish open access. Authors grant LWW a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Creative Commons license Articles opting for open access will be freely available to read, download and share from the time of publication. Articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommerical No Derivative 3.0 which allows readers to disseminate and reuse the article, as well as share and reuse of the scientific material. 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Additionally, all authors who choose the open access option will have their final published article deposited into PubMed Central. RCUK and Wellcome funded authors can choose to publish their paper as open access with the payment of an article process charge (gold route), or opt for their accepted manuscript to be deposited (green route) into PMC with an embargo. With both the gold and green open access options, the author will continue to sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) as it provides the mechanism for LWW to ensure that the author is fully compliant with the requirements. After signature of the CTA, the author will then sign a License to Publish where they will then own the copyright. Those authors who wish to publish their article via the gold route will be able to publish under the terms of the Attribution 3.0 (CCBY) License. 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