University of Minnesota Project Number 02-427-15-1433 Veterinary Medicine - Small Animal Wellness SECTION 23-7313 - MODULAR INDOOR CENTRAL-STATION AIR-HANDLING UNITS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This section includes specifications for indoor central station package air handling units. Included are the following topics: 1. 2. 3. PART 1 – GENERAL. a. Scope. b. Related Work. c. Reference. d. Reference Standards. e. Quality Assurance. f. Submittals. g. Operation and Maintenance Data. h. Design Criteria. i. Warranty. j. Qualifications. k. Safety Agency Listed & Certification. PART 2 – PRODUCTS. a. Manufacturers. b. General Description. c. Unit Construction. d. Air Handling Unit Installation & Delivery. e. Fans. f. Electrical. g. Cooling and Heating Coils. h. Filters. i. Additional Sections. PART 3 – EXECUTION. a. Installation. b. Owner Training. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. University of Minnesota Standards and Procedures for Construction. B. Section 23-0513 - Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment. C. Section 23-3300 - Air Duct Accessories. 1.03 REFERENCE A. Applicable provisions of Division 1 govern work under this section. 1.04 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AFBMA 9 - Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings. B. AHRI 260-2012 - Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning Equipment. C. AHRI 410 - Forced-Circulation Air-Cooling and Air-Heating Coils. D. AHRI 430 (latest edition) - Standard for Performance Rating of Central Station Air Handling Units. E. AHRI 435 - Application of Central-Station Air-Handling Units. F. AMCA 99 - Standards Handbook. 30 November 2015 [AD-01] BWBR, Comm. No. 3.2014303.00, MEP Associates, Proj. No. B26.15.01 Modular Indoor Central-Station Air-Handing Units 23-7313 - 1 University of Minnesota Project Number 02-427-15-1433 Veterinary Medicine - Small Animal Wellness G. AMCA 201-02 (R2011) - Fans and Systems. H. AMCA 203-90 (R2011) - Field Performance Measurement of Fan Systems. I. AMCA 210-07 - Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans For Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating. J. AMCA 210 - Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Rating Purposes. K. AMCA 300 - Test Code for Sound Rating Air Moving Devices. L. AMCA 500 - Test Methods for Louver, Dampers, and Shutters. M. AMCA 500-L-07 - Laboratory Methods of Testing Louvers for Rating. N. AMCA 611-10 - Certified Ratings Program – Product Rating Manual For Airflow Measurement Stations. O. ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Code. P. NFPA 90A - Standard for Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Compliance with University of Minnesota Standards and Procedures for Construction. 1.06 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate assembly, unit dimensions, weight loading, required clearances, construction details, field connection details, and electrical characteristics and connection requirements. Computer generated fan curves for each air handling unit shall be submitted with specific design operating point noted. A computer generated psychometric chart shall be submitted for each cooling coil with design points and final operating point clearly noted. Sound data for discharge, radiated and return positions shall be submitted by octave band for each unit. Calculations for required baserail heights to satisfy condensate trapping requirements of cooling coil shall be included. B. Product Data: 1. Provide literature that indicates dimensions, weights, capacities, ratings, fan performance, finishes of materials, electrical characteristics, and connection requirements. 2. Provide data of filter media, filter performance data, filter assembly, and filter frames. 3. Provide manufacturer's installation instructions. 1.07 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. All operations and maintenance data shall comply with the submission and content requirements specified under Section 01-7700 - Closeout Procedures. 1.08 DESIGN CRITERIA A. Furnish factory fabricated packaged air handling units complete with fans, motors, drives, coils, drain pans, filter sections, access sections, damper sections, meeting the configuration shown on drawings and/or as scheduled. B. Units to be tested rated and certified in accordance with AHRI Standard 430 and bear AHRI certification label. C. All material shall meet NFPA 90A flame spread and smoke develop rating requirements. D. Each fan and motor combination shall be capable of delivering 110% of air quantity scheduled at scheduled static pressure. The motor furnished with the fan shall not operate into the motor service factor when operating under these conditions. E. Consider drive efficiency in motor selection according to manufacturer's published recommendation or according to AMCA Publication 203, Appendix L. F. Where inlet and outlet ductwork at any fan is changed from that shown on the drawings, provide any motor, drive and/or wiring changes required due to increased static pressure or baffling necessary to prevent uneven airflow or improve mixing. 30 November 2015 [AD-01] BWBR, Comm. No. 3.2014303.00, MEP Associates, Proj. No. B26.15.01 Modular Indoor Central-Station Air-Handing Units 23-7313 - 2 University of Minnesota Project Number 02-427-15-1433 Veterinary Medicine - Small Animal Wellness 1.09 WARRANTY A. The fan and fan motor shall include a 3 year parts and labor warranty. The fan manufacturer shall agree to replace any failed fan or motor during this time period at no cost to the Owner. The warranty period shall begin upon start-up or 6 months after the air handler is shipped – whichever comes first. B. Provide a manufacturer’s parts and labor warranty against factory defects in material and workmanship for the entire unit for a period of one year after startup. 1.10 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing Air Handler products specified in this section must show a minimum five years documented experience and complete catalog data on total product. 1.11 SAFETY AGENCY LISTED & CERTIFICATION A. Air Handling Units shall be cETLus safety listed to conform with UL Standard 1995 and CAN/CSA Standard C22.2 No. 236. Units shall be accepted for use in New York City by the Department of Building, MEA 342-99-E. B. Air handling unit water heating & cooling coils shall be certified in accordance with the forced circulation air cooling and air heating coils certification program, which is based on AHRI Standard 410. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Daikin Applied 'Vision' Air Handler shall be the basis of design. B. Haakon. C. Substitutions: Refer to Section 01-6100 - Common Product Requirements. 2.02 GENERAL DESCRIPTION A. Configuration: Fabricate as detailed on drawings. B. Acoustics: Sound power levels (dB) for the unit shall not exceed the specified levels shown on the unit schedule. The manufacturer shall provide the necessary sound treatment to meet these levels if required. 2.03 UNIT CONSTRUCTION A. Fabricate unit with heavy gauge channel posts and panels secured with mechanical fasteners. All panels, access doors, and ship sections shall be sealed with permanently applied bulb-type gasket. Shipped loose gasketing is not allowed. B. Panels and access doors shall be constructed as a 2-inch nominal thick; thermal broke double wall assembly, injected with foam insulation with an R-value of not less than R-13. 1. The inner liner shall be constructed of G90 galvanized steel. 2. The outer panel shall be constructed of G90 galvanized steel. 3. The floor plate shall be constructed as specified for the inner liner. 4. Unit will be furnished with solid inner liners. C. Panel deflection shall not exceed L/240 ratio at 125% of design static pressure, maximum 5 inches of positive or 6 inches of negative static pressure. Deflection shall be measured at the panel midpoint. D. The casing leakage rate shall not exceed a 1% leak rate at 6 inches of positive static pressure. Additional field gasketing and field caulking are not approved in order to meet this leak rate. E. Module to module field assembly shall be accomplished with an overlapping, full perimeter internal splice joint that is sealed with bulb type gasketing on both mating modules to minimize on-site labor and meet indoor air quality standards. F. Access doors shall be flush mounted to cabinetry, with minimum of two six inch long stainless steel piano-type hinges, latch and full size handle assembly. Access doors shall swing outward for unit sections under negative 30 November 2015 [AD-01] BWBR, Comm. No. 3.2014303.00, MEP Associates, Proj. No. B26.15.01 Modular Indoor Central-Station Air-Handing Units 23-7313 - 3 University of Minnesota Project Number 02-427-15-1433 Veterinary Medicine - Small Animal Wellness pressure. Access doors on positive pressure sections, shall have a secondary latch to relieve pressure and prevent injury upon access. G. A 6-inch formed G60 galvanized steel base rail shall be provided by the unit manufacturer for structural rigidity and condensate trapping. The base rail shall be constructed with 10-gauge nominal. A round window inspection port shall be provided on unit section(s) as indicated on unit schedule and drawings. H. Construct drain pans from stainless steel with cross break and double sloping pitch to drain connection. Provide drain pans under cooling coil section. Drain connection centerline shall be a minimum of 3’’ above the base rail to aid in proper condensate trapping. Drain connections that protrude from the base rail are not acceptable. There must be a full 2’’ thickness of insulation under drain pan. 2.04 AIR HANDLING UNIT INSTALLATION & DELIVERY A. Air handler shall be shipped to the job site fully broken down and palletized. All pieces will be required to fit through a field measured door. B. The installing contractor will assemble the air handler and Fanwall Fans on site. C. The installing contractor is required to have one of their field technicians to attend a 8 hour air handler assembly course at SVL Inc. in order to understand how to re-assemble without the need for factory assistance. D. Factory start-up of fans shall be included. 2.05 FANS A. Fanwall Fans: 1. Each fan/motor assembly shall be dynamically balances to meet AMCA standard 204-96, exceeding category BV-5, to meet or exceed and equivalent Grade G.55, producing a maximum rotational imbalance of .022” per second peak, filter in ( .55mm per second peak, filter in.) 2. All fan and motor assemblies with 27” dia. And less shall be balanced to meet or exceed the G .55 residual unbalance. Fan and motor assemblies submitted for approval incorporating larger than 10 HP motors shall be balanced in three orthogonal planes to demonstrate compliance with the G .55 requirement with a maximum rotational imbalance of .022” per second peak filter in ( .55mm per second peak, filter in). All motors shall be standard foot mounted type TEAO selected at the specified operating voltage, rpm, and horsepower. Motors shall meet the requirements of NEMA MG-1 Part 30 and 31 section 4.4.2. Motors shall be manufactured by Baldor, Siemens, or Toshiba that can operate at varying synchronous speeds as driven by an approved VFD. 3. Copies of the certified balancing reports shall be provided with the unit O&M manuals at the time of shipment. 4. The fan array shall consist of multiple fan and motor “cubes” or “cells”, spaced in the air way tunnel cross section to provide a uniform air flow and velocity profile across the entire air way tunnel cross section and components contained therein. 5. The fan cube dimensions must be variable, such that each fan rests in an identically sized cube or cell, and in a spacing that must be such that the submitted array dimensions fill a minimum for 90% of the cross sectional area of the AHU air way tunnel. 6. Each fan & motor assembly shall be removable through a 24” wise, free area, access door located on the discharge side of the fan wall array without removing the fan wheel from the motor. 7. Wheels: Single-width-single-inlet construction with smooth-curved inlet flange; heavy backplate; hollow dieformed, airfoil-shaped blades continuously welded at tip flange and backplate; and cast-iron or cast-steel hub riveted to backplate and fastened to shaft with set screws. 8. A coplanar silencer shall be required so that discharge radial fan noise shall pass through multiple acoustically attenuated wall panels within the fan array. 9. WARRANTY: the fan and fan motor shall include a 3 year parts & labor warranty. The fan manufacturer shall agree to replace any failed fan or motor during this time period at no cost ot the owner. The warranty period shall begin upon start-up or 6 months after the air handler is shipped – whichever comes first. 30 November 2015 [AD-01] BWBR, Comm. No. 3.2014303.00, MEP Associates, Proj. No. B26.15.01 Modular Indoor Central-Station Air-Handing Units 23-7313 - 4 University of Minnesota Project Number 02-427-15-1433 Veterinary Medicine - Small Animal Wellness B. C. Back Draft Dampers: 1. Each individual cube or cell in the multiple fan arrays shall be provided with an integral back flow prevention device that prohibits recirculation of air in the event of a fan or multiple fans become disabled. 2. All fans in the multiple fan arrays shall be provided with a back flow prevention means that produces near no static pressure drop and/or system effect when that fan is enabled. 3. The system effects for the back flow prevention device(s) shall be included in the criteria for TSP determination for fan selection purposes, and shall be indicated as a separate line item SP loss in the submittals. 4. Back Draft Damper performance data that is per AMCA ducted inlet and discharge arrangements will not be accepted. Damper data must be for this specific purpose of preventing back floe in any disabled fan cube and that is close coupled to the entering face of the inlet cone of each fan. Motorized dampers for this purpose are not acceptable. 5. AHU Manufacturers that do not manufacture the fans being submitted must provide tested and certified performance data for fans as installed in the AHU unit including the back draft damper system effects introduced by close coupled back draft dampers at the fan inlet. Control Panel: 1. Each fan motor shall be individually field wired to a Control Panel that is supplied with the air handler. The Control Panel shall contain individual Motor Protection, motor starters, individual motor disconnects, and a single VFD to control all fans. 2. Each control panel shall have a single point electrical power connection. 3. Wire sizing shall be determined and installed, in accordance with applicable NED standards and local code requirements. 4. Provide internal ground fault protection such that a ground fault in any of the motor circuits does not cause a system shutdown. 2.06 ELECTRICAL A. The air handler(s) shall be ETL and ETL-Canada listed by Intertek Testing Services, Inc. Units shall conform to binational standard ANSI/UL Standard 1995/CSA Standard C22.2 No. 236. B. Wiring Termination: Provide terminal lugs to match branch circuit conductor quantities, sizes, and materials indicated. Enclosed terminal lugs in terminal box sized to NFPA 70. C. Manufacturer shall provide ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Efficiency equation details for individual equipment to assist Building Engineer for calculating system compliance. 2.07 COOLING AND HEATING COILS A. Water cooling coil shall be provided. Provide access to coil(s) for service and cleaning. Enclose coil headers and return bends fully within unit casing. Unit shall be provided with coil connections that extend a minimum of 5” beyond unit casing for ease of installation. Drain and vent connections shall be provided exterior to unit casing. Coil connections must be factory sealed with grommets on interior and exterior panel liners to minimize air leakage and condensation inside panel assembly. If not factory packaged, Contractor must supply all coil connection grommets and sleeves. Coils shall be removable through side and/or top panels of unit without the need to remove and disassemble the entire section from the unit. 1. Headers shall consist of seamless copper tubing to assure compatibility with primary surface. Headers to have intruded tube holes to provide maximum brazing surface for tube to header joint, strength, and inherent flexibility. Header diameter should vary with fluid flow requirements. 2. Fins shall have a minimum thickness of 0.0075 inch aluminum plate construction. Fins shall have full drawn collars to provide a continuous surface cover over the entire tube for maximum heat transfer. Tubes shall be mechanically expanded into the fins to provide a continuous primary to secondary compression bond over the entire finned length for maximum heat transfer rates. Bare copper tubes shall not be visible between fins. 3. Stainless steel double sloped drain pan shall be provided on cooling coil. 30 November 2015 [AD-01] BWBR, Comm. No. 3.2014303.00, MEP Associates, Proj. No. B26.15.01 Modular Indoor Central-Station Air-Handing Units 23-7313 - 5 University of Minnesota Project Number 02-427-15-1433 Veterinary Medicine - Small Animal Wellness 4. Coil tubes shall be 5/8 inch OD seamless copper, 0.020 inch nominal tube wall thickness, expanded into fins, brazed at joints. 5. Coil connections shall be carbon steel, NPT threaded connection. Connection size to be determined by manufacturer based upon the most efficient coil circuiting. Vent and drain fittings shall be furnished on the connections, exterior to the air handler. Vent connections provided at the highest point to assure proper venting. Drain connections shall be provided at the lowest point to insure complete drainage and prevent freeze-up. 6. Coil casing shall be a formed channel frame of galvanized steel. 7. Hot water coil shall be furnished as an uncased galvanized steel track to allow for thermal movement and slide into a pitched track for fluid drainage. 2.08 FILTERS A. Furnish combination filter section with 2-inch pleated MERV 8 flat pre-filter with microbial resistant Intersept coating and 4-inch Varicel II MH cartridge 85% efficient (MERV 14) final filter. Provide side loading and removal of filters. B. Filter media shall be UL 900 listed, Class I or Class II. C. Filter Magnehelic gauge(s) shall be furnished and mounted by others. 2.09 ADDITIONAL SECTIONS A. Plenum section shall be provided and properly sized for inlet and/or discharge air flow (between 600 and 1500 feet per minute). The plenum shall provide single or multiple openings as shown on drawings and project schedule. B. Access section shall be provided for access between components. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install all air handling units and accessories as indicated on drawings and/or as scheduled and according to manufacturer's installation instructions. B. Mount units at appropriate height above floor to ensure proper condensate trap depth and condensate drainage. C. Install air-handling unit to provide for adequate service access. Coordinate with other trades to assure air handling unit does not infringe upon access or service clearances of other equipment. D. Lubricate fan bearings. Verify fan isolators have proper deflection. E. Upon completion of installation of air handling units, start-up and operate equipment to demonstrate capability and compliance with requirements. Field correct malfunctioning components, then retest to demonstrate compliance. F. Furnish one spare set of fan drive belts and three reinforced nylon access door handles. 3.02 OWNER TRAINING A. All training provided for owner shall comply with the format, general content requirements and submission guidelines specified in accordance with the University of Minnesota Standards and Procedures for Construction. END OF SECTION 30 November 2015 [AD-01] BWBR, Comm. No. 3.2014303.00, MEP Associates, Proj. No. B26.15.01 Modular Indoor Central-Station Air-Handing Units 23-7313 - 6