Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Agenda item: 7 Report title: Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Report by: Sunil Kapur, Acting Assistant Director of Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement team,, 0161 923 6654 Action: To consider Executive summary At its meeting on 22 September 2015, the Performance and Resources Board approved the Quality Assurance Strategy. Aim three of the Strategy was to develop a Corporate Quality Assurance Programme. The Quality Assurance Programme 2016 adopts a risk based, proportionate approach to assurance and has taken account of assurance and management checks already in place across the GMC. Recommendations The Performance and Resources Board is asked to approve the Quality Assurance Programme 2016 at Annex A. Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Requirement 1 Aim three of our Quality Assurance (QA) Strategy is for the Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement team (QA&CI) team to ‘conduct corporate reviews to provide assurance to GMC’s management teams on cross cutting and high risk operational processes’. This will aid in providing assurance that our key operational processes and decision making meets specified requirements and standards, which are set out in our policy and guidance documents and our operational procedures. This work has now been planned and documented in our Quality Assurance Programme for 2016. 2 The Quality Assurance Programme adopts a risk based, proportionate approach to assurance. The programme is at Annex A. Approach 3 In developing the Programme we have considered operational processes and decisions which: a Are currently subject to assurance by the QA&CI team, the majority of which are conducted for the Fitness to Practise Directorate. b May be subject to future review by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). c Have been recommended for review by Internal Audit. d Have been requested for review by a senior, directorate manager (including Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS)) or appeared on a directorate assurance map. 4 Previous QA results and the level of assurance and management checks already in place were also considered in developing the Quality Assurance Programme. This is in line with our QA Strategy of adopting a proportionate and risk based approach to quality assurance. As a result it is proposed to reduce the frequency of existing assurance activity in Fitness to Practise from quarterly to six monthly. Previous assurance results and the implementation of peer review has shown that process controls are mature, well established and that the quality of decision making and case management is high. However, the reduction in existing assurance is balanced by the inclusion of new assurance activities for processes or operational functions that have not previously been subject to regular review within the directorate. 5 The QA team have also worked closely with the Assistant Director of Audit and Risk Assurance to ensure that operational QA activities complement the work of the Internal Audit team. 2 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 6 The methodology used to produce the Quality Assurance Programme is an interim approach for 2016. It is envisaged that future work programmes will be informed by the implementation of the QA Strategy; in particular the development of directorate QA plans and the results of our European Framework for Quality Management assessment, which will give the QA team a more holistic picture of key operational processes and future assurance requirements across all directorates. These results can also be used to determine the future frequency and type of assurance activity. 7 In developing the Quality Assurance Programme we have also considered corporate projects. The QA&CI team will provide support to the new corporate complaints process, the Investors in People accreditation process and it is also proposed that we will support the development of assurance processes for the MPTS. We are also aware of a potential requirement to adapt as the change programme is initiated. 8 The scope of assurance for some directorates is still to be determined, so a number of working days have been allocated in the Quality Assurance Programme. This is the case for the Education and Standards, Strategy and Communication and Resources and Quality Assurance directorates. QA Reviews 11 It’s envisaged that the QA&CI team will undertake two types of assurance activity; quality control audits and operational process reviews. Quality control audits will review the outputs (including decisions) of a process to ensure they comply with agreed standards and operational guidance. Audits will be conducted on a sample basis with a minimum of 85% confidence level. This means that 85 out of 100 samples will reflect the results of the whole population. Operational process reviews will involve an assessment of the maturity of a process, its controls and measures. Resources 12 It is important to ensure that we have the flexibility to vary the Quality Assurance Programme if new emerging issues are identified. However, amendments will need to be considered alongside the limited resources within the centralised QA&CI team. Any amendments to the Programme will be subject to approval by the Director of Resources and Quality Assurance, and significant changes will be reported to the Board at the next available meeting. Reporting 13 Final reports will normally be sent to an Assistant Director (AD). Where an audit or review reports on any decisions made by an AD the report will be sent to the Director. Summary reports on the findings and themes emerging from our assurance activity will be presented to the Board and the MPTS Committee as appropriate. We are currently working to develop our reporting requirements and ensure that our reporting arrangements are streamlined. 3 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 7 - Annex A Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review Source Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Scope Resources Frequency /days per audit Comments Fitness to Practise Directorate Triage decisions Case Examiner (CE) – Post investigation decisions Existing Fitness to Practise (FTP) quality control audit. Audit based on a sample of enquiry decisions made. Professional Standards Authority (PSA) area for review. Audit results recorded in Siebel. FTP request for assurance Quality Assurance (QA) and Continuous Improvement (CI) team to prepare report. Existing FTP quality control audit. Audit based on a sample of CE decisions made. PSA area for review. Audit includes review of first and second CE decisions. FTP request for assurance. 10 days x 4 Twice a year. Quality Q1 and Q3 Assurance Officers (QAOs) Audit at 85% confidence level *. Approximate sample size per audit is 162 enquiries. 25 days X 5 Twice a year. QAOs Q2 and Q4 Audit at 85% confidence level. Approximate sample size per audit 156 cases. Audit results recorded in Siebel. * Confidence level refers to the reliability placed on the sample result. An 85% confidence level means that 85 out of 100 samples will reflect the results of the whole population. A2 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review Source Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Scope Resources Frequency /days per audit Comments QA&CI team to prepare report Case Examiner – CE IOP Existing FTP quality control audit. Audit based on a sample of decisions made. PSA area for review. Audit results recorded in Siebel. FTP request for assurance. 8 days X 2 QAOs Twice a year. Q1 and Q3. Audit at 90% confidence level. Sample size per audit approx. 66 cases. 6 days X 2 QAOs Two per year. Audit at 85% Q2 and Q4 confidence level. Sample size per audit 48 cases. 6 days X 2 QAOs per audit Twice a year. Q1 and Q3 QA&CI team to prepare report Investigation Manager IOP Existing FTP quality control audit. Audit based on a sample of decisions made. PSA area for review. Audit results recorded in Siebel. FTP request for assurance. QA&CI team to prepare report Voluntary Erasure decisions Existing FTP quality control audit. Audit based on a sample of decisions made. PSA area for review. Audit results recorded in Audit at 85% confidence level. Sample size per audit 38 cases. A3 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Source FTP request for review Scope Resources Frequency /days per audit Comments Siebel. QA&CI team to prepare report Rule 28 decisions Existing FTP quality control audit. Audit based on a sample of decisions made. FTP request for assurance. Audit results recorded in Siebel. 6 days X 1 QAO Twice a year. Q2 and Q4 Audit at 85% confidence level. Sample size per audit 12 cases 2 days X 1 QAO Twice a year. Q1 and Q3 Audit at 90% confidence level Sample size 8 cases. New audit/process. QA&CI team to prepare report Notify employer decisions Existing FTP quality control audit. Audit based on a sample of decisions made. Possible PSA area for review. Audit results recorded in Siebel. FTP request for assurance. QA&CI team to prepare report A4 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review Adverse Information Case Review Case Examiner decisions Source Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Scope Existing FTP quality control audit. Audit based on a sample of decisions made. Possible PSA area for review. Audit results recorded in Siebel. FTP request for assurance. QA&CI team to prepare report Existing FTP quality control audit. Audit based on a sample of decisions made. FTP request for assurance. Audit results recorded in Siebel. Resources Frequency /days per audit Comments 6 days X 5 QAOs Twice a year. Q2 and Q4 Audit at 85% confidence level. Sample size 126 cases. 5 days X 2 QAOs Twice a year. Q1 and Q4 Audit at 85% confidence level. Sample size 30 cases. 15 days X 3 QAOs Twice a year. Q2 and Q4 Audit at 90% confidence level due to changes in process. Sample size to be determined. QA&CI team to prepare report Disclosure and Barring decision audit Existing FTP quality control audit. Audit based on a sample of decisions made. FTP request for assurance. Audit results recorded in Siebel. QA&CI team to prepare A5 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Source Scope Resources Frequency /days per audit Comments report. Provisional enquiry decision audit New request for assurance by FTP. Possible PSA area for review Thematic audit to review the 5 days X 1 process, guidance and a QAO sample of decisions. Once in Q1 Results will determine the frequency and type of future assurance activity such as peer review Flagged on FTP Assurance Map Case Review – AR decision Existing FTP quality control audit however this audit has not been completed since 2014 due to process changes. Thematic review Performance New request for review Audit at 90% confidence level due to new process. Sample size to be determined. Thematic review of the process, guidance and a 5 days X 2 QAOs Two per year. Audit at 90% Q2 and Q4 confidence level due to changes in process. Sample size to be determined. 10 days X 2 Once. Timescales to Review to be developed following A6 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Source Assessment – case review team, FTP from FTP Thematic review Health Assessments Rule 12 Scope Resources Frequency /days per audit Comments sample of decisions. QAOs be confirmed. completion of CI Estimate Q3/ project. Q4. Area highlighted on FTP assurance map. Recommended independent review following implementation of new process. Review of the new processes and assurances put in place within the Associates and Appraisal Team. 10 days X 2 QAOs Once in Q3. Review scope to be developed following completion of CI project. New request for review. Review of assurance requirements. 10 days X 2 QAOs Once in Q2 Review scope to include findings and recommendations following the recent CI project. 20 days x 2 QAOs Once in Q1 Links to request for development of peer review process for registration decisions; which will be picked up CI and QA support flagged in local system review. Registration and Revalidation Directorate Registration. Assistant Registrar (ARs) decisions New request from Registration and Revalidation Directorate. New area for possible Review of the current processes and decision making by Registration ARs. A7 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review Source Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Scope Resources Frequency /days per audit future PSA review. Specialist Applications - decisions New request from Registration and Revalidation Directorate. and supported via directorate QA plan. Thematic review. 20 days x 2 QAOs Once in Q1 Results will determine the frequency and type of future assurance activity such as peer review Review of the current processes and decision making by Registration ARs. 20 days X2 QAOs Once. Q2 Results will determine the frequency and type of future assurance activity such as peer review. To be determined. 20 days X2 Once in Q3 New area for possible future PSA review. Revalidation decisions New request from Registration and Revalidation Directorate. Comments Education and Standards To be determined A8 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review Source Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Scope Resources Frequency /days per audit Comments QAOs MPTS MPTS (subject to committee approval) New request from MPTS to support quality assurance development. Scope of QA review to be determined by MPTS committee in Feb 2016. 30 days x 2 QAOs (estimated) TBC. Work to commence Q1 To be determined. 20 days X 2 QAOs Once in Q3 To be determined. 20 days X 2 QAOs Once in Q4 Report to be presented to MPTS Committee. Resources and Quality Assurance To be determined Strategy and Communications To be determined A9 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Source Scope Resources Frequency /days per audit Comments Office of the Chair and Chief Executive Thematic review Corporate Complaints New process. Pre ISO review. Internal request from Project Manager/Head of Section. To be determined. Once in Q3 Review to follow ISO requirements. Timescale to support 2017 accreditation. Supports ISO accreditation. Corporate Complaints – peer review development cross directorate New process. Internal request from Project Manager/Head of Section. Supports ISO accreditation. Development of peer review 25 days x 1 for all directorate complaints QAO. teams. Corporate Complaints, Project Manager. Once Cross Cutting and Programme/Project Support Thematic review - Risk management framework – Internal audit Follow up on recommendation (June recommendations made by 2015) for risk management internal audit on risk 10 days X 2 QAOs Once in Q4 Changes to the risk management process will take place in the A10 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review crosscutting review. Thematic review English Language testing. FTP and Registrations. Source Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Scope processes to be reviewed as part of QA work programme. management processes. Internal audit completed in 2014. Focused on readiness for changes. Thematic review of guidance, decision making and local assurances for Registration concerns raised during the application process. FTP assurance map identified area for additional assurance. Resources Frequency /days per audit (estimated) first half of 2016 therefore it’s proposed the review takes place in Q4 2016. Thematic review. Review guidance, decision making and local assurances in FTP. Sample of decisions to be reviewed. Reported via excel. QA&CI team to prepare report. 15 days X 2 QAOs allocated (estimate) Comments Once in Q2 Review to be developed. The 2014 Internal audit was to obtain assurance that the arrangements put in place to accommodate newly received legal powers were adequate and the powers were applied in a fair and consistent manner. This review will look at the decision making associated with this guidance in Registration and FTP A11 Performance and Resources Board meeting, 17 November 2015 Area for review Source Agenda item 7 – Quality Assurance Programme 2016 Scope Resources Frequency /days per audit Comments directorates. Investors in People (IIP) – Quality Assurance support. Support to the project team on IIP with particular support to Quality Assurance. To be determined. To be determined. Ongoing from Q1 A12