E1564 Lessons Learned From An Arc Flash Tragedy Leader`s Guide

Lessons Learned From An
Arc Flash Tragedy
Leader’s Guide
Lessons Learned From An Arc Flash Tragedy
This easy-to-use Leader’s Guide is provided to assist in conducting a successful presentation. Featured are:
INTRODUCTION: A brief description of the program and the subject that it addresses.
PROGRAM OUTLINE: Summarizes the program content. If the program outline is discussed before the
video is presented, the entire program will be more meaningful and successful.
PREPARING FOR AND CONDUCTING THE PRESENTATION: These sections will help you set up the
training environment, help you relate the program to site-specific incidents, and provide program objectives for
focusing your presentation.
REVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Questions may be copied and given to participants to document
how well they understood the information that was presented. Answers to the review questions are provided
Mark Standifer received 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 40 percent of his body and was nearly killed when he was
engulfed in an arc blast while performing an electrical task at a wastewater treatment plant. While installing
relays on the door of a 13,800-volt switchgear, he made several crucial errors resulting in a tragedy that will
affect Mark and his family for the rest of their lives. In this powerful program, viewers will see the mistakes
Mark made and learn the lifesaving lessons from the incident. The importance of understanding all hazards of a
job task and taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself from them are stressed throughout the video.
Topics include always following safe electrical work practices, the dangers of complacency when performing
electrical work, hazards of jewelry and flammable clothing and the purpose of an arc hazard analysis. The video
also explains the reasons for arc flash regulations and the various clothing and personal protection required by
hazards zero through four.
Mark Standifer had spent six weeks installing and testing high-voltage equipment at the wastewater treatment
plant where he was employed. The job had been particularly tough on Mark because he had to be away from his
family, work long hours and deal with ill-tempered contractors. Because of these pressures, he decided to take a
new job that would allow him to spend more time with his wife Bonnie and son Rick. All Mark had to do was
complete a few routine tasks and he would be ready to start a promising new career.
After discussing the new job with co-worker Joe, Mark proceeded to install some relays on the door of a new
13,800-volt switchgear. He assembled his tools and opened the first high-voltage switch. Procedure called for
him to perform a visual inspection of the switch blades to ensure they had opened properly, but he was
interrupted by the general contractor Dale Jennings beforehand. Obviously upset that the relays hadn’t already
been mounted, Dale angrily told Mark to finish the job as soon as possible so the new control system could be
Had Mark remembered to inspect the switch, he would have discovered that one blade of the three-phase switch
had failed to open. He also didn’t have a functioning high-voltage tester, known as a tic-tracer. Without it, he
had no way to verify if the load side of the switch was de-energized (it wasn’t). To mount the relays, he had to
drill several holes in the cabinet door. As he stretched into the cabinet to plug in the drill, his right leg got close
enough to the 13,800-volt bus for the electricity to jump the air gap and enter his leg. The extreme temperatures
of the electric arc ignited the air around the arc into a huge fireball known as an arc blast.
Mark was badly burned over 40 percent of his body. He was transported to a burn unit, where he began his
battle for survival. His wife said Mark didn’t think he was going to make it; he didn’t think he could stand the
pain. But he didn’t die. At the burn center, he underwent the excruciatingly painful treatments necessary to
recover from his severe burn injuries.
• One of the first lessons to be learned from Mark’s incident was that it didn’t have to happen. He let his anger
and emotion distract him from his number one task, his personal safety.
• Another mistake Mark made was failing to test for energized parts. Had he done so, he would have
discovered that one phase of the switch didn’t open, which left the load side energized at 13,800 volts. Since his
tic-tracer was broken, he just assumed the switch did its job.
• As electrical workers, we must be committed enough to our personal safety to overcome the outside
distractions and complacency that tempts us to take chances or shortcuts.
• Another lesson to be learned from the incident is the importance of wearing proper personal protective
equipment designed to provide protection from the intense heat of an arc blast. At the time of Mark’s incident,
there were no commonly followed rules concerning clothing for electrical workers, but now there are.
As Mark dressed that morning, he put on blue jeans and a polyester shirt. He also wore a large metal belt
buckle, a plastic watch and his wedding ring. During the incident, the belt buckle burned a hole in his
stomach, the shirt diffused into his skin, the watch melted into his wrist and the wedding ring nearly severed
his finger.
• The electrical fault and resulting arc blast lasted for only one-quarter cycle (.004 seconds), but that was
enough time to set Mark’s clothing on fire. He received 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 40 percent of his body.
• His polyester shirt diffused into his skin, causing most of the damage and 3rd degree burns. To prevent these
types of burn injuries, regulations have been developed that require electrical workers to wear flame-resistant
(often called “FR”) clothing when performing tasks that carry an increased risk of burns due to an arc flash
• These regulations specifically prohibit the wearing of “flammable-meltable” fabrics such polyester, rayon,
nylon and blends of these materials.
• Also prohibited is metallic jewelry or conductive clothing that can not only conduct electricity, but also heat
that causes severe burns during an arc flash incident.
• The most obvious benefit to flame-resistant clothing is that once the initial heat of the arc blast dissipates, FR
clothing will not continue to burn.
• To better understand when FR clothing is required and how it may be properly selected, we first need to
discuss the heat energy contained in an arc blast.
• This heat energy is referred to as the “incident energy level” and can be determined through a detailed
analysis of the power system referred to as an “arc hazard analysis.”
• The arc hazard analysis will be conducted by your company and takes into account many factors, such as the
maximum available fault current and the length of time a fault will occur given the speed of any over-current
• At any given distance from a potential arc incident, the arc hazard analysis can determine the incident energy
level expressed as calories per square centimeter. While this is a measurement we may not be used to dealing
with, one way to relate to it is by understanding how much it takes to burn you.
• When unprotected skin is exposed to an incident energy level of 1.2 calories per square centimeter for just
one-tenth of a second, the skin is heated to 176 degrees. This is the onset of a 2nd degree burn.
• While a 2nd degree burn is painful, with blistering and some tissue damage, it is curable. A 3rd degree burn,
on the other hand, causes such massive tissue damage that the burn area cannot be healed and can only be
treated by the painful surgical process of skin grafting.
• The goal of current regulations governing arc flash protection is to limit potential burn injuries to the onset of
2nd degree burns.
• One method to limit workers’ exposure to the heat energy of an arc blast is to restrict their distance from a
potential arc source by establishing an “arc hazard boundary.” This boundary is defined as the distance from an
open arc where unprotected skin temperature is limited to the onset of a 2nd degree burn.
• This distance is determined by your company and will be communicated to you in the form of warning
labels, job briefings or site-specific training.
• Only qualified persons wearing appropriate arc flash protection and any required shock protection may cross
the arc hazard boundary.
• Before crossing the arc hazard boundary, you must know and understand how to select properly rated arc
flash protection for the job task you are performing.
• To simplify the process of selecting appropriate arc flash protection, the company has assigned a hazard risk
category for any job task you may perform.
• These hazard risk categories, ranging from zero to four, are based on potential incident energy levels
determined by an arc hazard analysis as well as additional risk assessment of the equipment located in your
• The hazard risk category of a job task determines the minimum level of arc flash protection required while
performing work in the arc hazard boundary.
• Flame-resistant clothing and other arc flash protection carry a rating from the manufacturer called an “arc
rating.” This is a measure of how much heat energy the material can withstand before the wearer experiences
the onset of a 2nd degree burn.
• Before performing any electrical job task, workers will be informed of the arc hazards associated with the
task and what level of arc flash protection is required. This may be communicated through a job briefing, sitespecific training or by warning labels located on the equipment.
• Your company may require more stringent protection than the minimum requirements. If so, always follow
your company’s regulations concerning arc flash protection.
• Job tasks with minimal risk of arc flash exposure are classified as “hazard category zero.” These job tasks
simply require long sleeves and long pants made of non-melting fibers such as 100 percent cotton or wool
• These natural fibers provide no protection from heat energy, but they will not melt into your skin if they do
catch fire.
• Category zero tasks also require non-conductive safety eyewear.
• One example of a category zero job task is reading a door-mounted meter while the door remains closed.
• Job tasks classified as hazard category one require protective clothing with a minimum arc rating of four
calories per square centimeter.
• This level of protection, commonly referred to as “level one,” can be accomplished by wearing a long sleeve
FR-rated shirt and FR-rated pants, or an FR-rated coverall.
• One hundred percent cotton jeans with a minimum of 12 ounces of material per square yard may be
combined with an FR-rated long sleeve shirt to meet the level one requirements.
• Also required is an electrically-rated hardhat and non-conductive safety eyewear.
• Removing bolted covers to expose live parts on panel boards rated 240 volts and below is an example of a
category one job task.
• Job tasks classified as hazard category two require protective clothing and equipment with a minimum arc
rating of eight calories per square centimeter.
• This level of protection, commonly known as “level two,” begins with an under-layer of 100 percent nonmelting fiber such as a 100 percent cotton t-shirt and long pants. This under-layer must be completely covered
by a long sleeve shirt and pants, or an FR-rated coverall.
• Category two also requires the addition of a face shield, which must also have a rating of eight calories per
square centimeter. An arc-rated face shield must be used because a regular face shield will melt when exposed
to the heat of an arc blast.
• As an alternative to wearing a face shield, an FR-rated flash suit hood may be worn instead.
• Level two protection also requires an electrically-rated hardhat, non-conductive safety eyewear, leather boots
and leather gloves. Leather protectors worn over electrically insulated gloves meet this requirement.
• Performing diagnostic testing, including voltage testing, on a 600-volt switchgear, is a common example of a
category two job task.
• Job tasks classified as hazard category three require protective clothing and equipment with a minimum arc
rating of 25 calories per square centimeter, while job tasks classified as hazard category four require clothing
and equipment with a minimum arc rating of 40 calories per square centimeter.
• Both level three and level four protection can be accomplished by wearing multiple layers of FR-rated
materials and is usually achieved by adding an additional appropriately rated fire-resistant layer to existing level
two protection.
• For example, wearing two pairs of 15 calories per square centimeter coveralls on top of an under layer of 100
percent cotton will provide an arc rating of at least 30 calories per square centimeter. For reasons of comfort
and simplicity, many electrical workers prefer to use a multi-layered flash suit for this purpose.
• For example, selecting a flash suit with a minimum arc rating of 40 calories per square centimeter provides
protection for both level three and level four job tasks, allowing the worker to keep up with fewer garments and
easily return to level two protection when appropriate.
• Levels three and four also require the use of a flash suit hood rather than a face shield. An electrically-rated
hardhat, non-conductive safety eyewear, hearing protection, leather gloves and leather boots are also required.
• Some tasks may require even more protection. When this is the case, flash suits and hoods are available up
to 100 calories per square centimeter.
• Sadly, Mark’s story is not unique. Many similar incidents happen to electrical workers each year. Make sure
you do not become one of them by always following your company’s procedures governing arc flash protection.
• Be sure you understand the required arc hazard boundary for any job task you perform.
• Understand that different job tasks present different arc hazards and that you must increase your level of
protection as arc hazards increase.
• Understand that once a task is completed and the hazard has been removed, you may remove excess layers of
• Don’t allow anger, discomfort, complacency or simply being in a hurry to become an excuse for placing
yourself at risk of a serious burn injury.
Review each section of this Leader's Guide as well as the videotape. Here are a few suggestions for using the
Make everyone aware of the importance the company places on health and safety and how each person must be
an active member of the safety team.
Introduce the videotape program. Play the videotape without interruption. Review the program content by
presenting the information in the program outline.
Copy the review questions included in this Leader's Guide and ask each participant to complete them.
Make an attendance record and have each participant sign the form. Maintain the attendance record and each
participant's test paper as written documentation of the training performed.
Here are some suggestions for preparing your videotape equipment and the room or area you use:
Check the room or area for quietness, adequate ventilation and temperature, lighting and unobstructed access.
Check the seating arrangement and the audiovisual equipment to ensure that all participants will be able to see
and hear the videotape program.
Place or secure extension cords to prevent them from becoming a tripping hazard.
Begin the meeting by welcoming the participants. Introduce yourself and give each person the opportunity to
become acquainted if there are new people joining the training session.
Explain that the primary purpose of the program is to show viewers the severe consequences of an arc blast
incident and to illustrate the procedures and personal protection required to prevent such a tragedy.
Introduce the videotape program. Play the videotape without interruption. Review the program content by
presenting the information in the program outline.
Lead discussions about specific job tasks that your employees undertake that involve arc hazards and what must
be done to prevent these hazards from causing injury or death. Use the review questions to check how well the
program participants understood the information.
After watching the videotape program, the viewer will be able to explain the following:
• The lessons to be learned from Mark Standifer’s arc blast incident;
• The hazards of jewelry and flammable clothing around arc blast hazards;
• The purpose of an arc hazard analysis and arc hazard boundaries;
• The levels of clothing and personal protection required in each hazard risk category.
Lessons Learned From An Arc Flash Tragedy
The following questions are provided to check how well you understand the information presented during this program.
What caused the most damage to Mark Standifer during the arc blast incident?
his shirt diffusing into his skin
his wedding ring
his watch melting into his wrist
2. The goal of current arc flash regulations is to limit potential burn injuries to the onset of __________ degree
a. first
b. second
c. third
3. The arc hazard boundary is defined as__________________.
a. the farthest distance from an arc where you can feel the heat
b. the distance from an arc where unprotected skin temperature is limited to the onset of a 2nd degree burn
c. the maximum air gap distance across that an arc could occur
4. Employees must wear appropriate arc flash and shock protection before crossing the arc hazard boundary.
a. true
b. false
Cotton and wool fabric are recommend as an under layer material because ___________.
they will not burn
they will not melt
they will not burn or melt
6. The amount of heat energy protective clothing can withstand before exposing the wearer to the onset of a 2nd
degree burn is called the ___________________.
a. heat rating
b. arc rating
c. hazard category
7. The heat energy contained in an arc blast at a given distance from the arc source is known as the
a. potential arc energy
b. arc hazard boundary
c. incident energy level
8. The detailed study of a power system used to determine the incident energy level of a potential arc blast is
known as _________________________.
a. a fault current study
b. an arc hazard analysis
c. a harmonic analysis
1. a
2. b
3. b
4. a
5. b
6. b
7. c
8. b