Active Upper-level Biology Lectures and Labs Lecture General Biology courses Lab Credits Prefix Number Title BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL L312 L313 L319 L323 L410 L411 S211 S318 BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL B300 B364 B371 B373 BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL L324 L331 L376 L417 L423 Z373 Z374 Z375 Z406 Z460 Z463 Z476 BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL GEOL GEOL SPEA SPEA L307 L326 L433 L453 L465 L473 L474 G341 X377 E455 E457 ANAT BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL MSCI MSCI MSCI PHSL PHSL PSY PSY PSY A464 L321 L328 L412 P451 Z466 Z469 M470 M480 M485 P416 P421 P466 P467 P473 Cell Biology lecture 3 Cell Biology laboratory 3 Genetics laboratory 3 Molecular Biology laboratory 3 Topical Issues in Biology 3 Epigenetics, Chromosomes, and Disease 3 Molecular Biology, Honors 5 Evolution, Honors 4 Plant-Related courses Vascular Plants 4 Summer Flowering Plants 4 Ecological Plant Physiology 3 Mechanisms of Plant Development 3 Animal-Related courses Human Molecular Biology laboratory 3 Intro to Human Genetics 3 Biology of Birds 4 Developmental Biology (formerly BIOL-L 317) 3 Brain Behavior and Evolution 3 Entomology (insects) 3 Invertebrate Zoology 3 Invertebrate Zoology laboratory 2 Vertebrate Zoology 5 Animal Behavior (Ethology) 3 Comparative Neurobiology of Animal Behavior 3 Biology of Fishes 3 Ecology and Environmental courses Biodiversity 3 Biodiverse-City 3 Tropical Biology - Costa Rica / Grand Cayman 3 Sensory Ecology 3 Advanced Field Biology 3 Ecology 3 Field and Laboratory Ecology 3 Natural History of Coral Reefs 3 Field Geo-Paleoanthropology (formerly GEOL-G 349) 6 Limnology 4 Intro to Conservation Biology 3 Anatomy/Physiology/Health Professions-Related courses Human Tissue Biology 4 Principles of Immunology lecture 3 Disease Ecology and Evolution 3 Analysis of Cancer Research 3 Integrative Human Physiology 4 Endocrinology 3 Endocrinology laboratory 2 Mechanisms of Human Disease 3 Molecular Biology of Cancer 3 Physiology of Human Disease 4 Comparative Animal Physiology 3 Principles of Human Physiology 3-5 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology 3 Diseases of the Nervous System 3 Lab in Molecular Neuroscience 4 When offered? (can vary) Fall/Spring Fall/Spring Fall/Spring Fall Fall/Spring Variable Variable Every Spring; every alternate Fall Spring Variable (Summer) Fall Variable Spring Fall/Spring Fall/Spring/Summer Spring Variable Variable (Fall) Variable (Fall) Fall Spring Fall/Spring Variable (Fall) Variable (Fall) Fall Variable (Spring) Winter/Summer Spring - next in Spring 2017 Variable (Summer) Fall Fall/Summer Spring Summer - in Tanzania Fall Spring Spring Spring Variable Fall/Spring Fall/Spring Fall Variable Variable Spring Fall/Spring Variable Variable (rarely offered) Fall Spring Spring NOTE: Some courses might not be offered in the semester(s) indicated. Course offerings may vary. BIOL-L 322, BIOL-L 490, BIOL-L 499, BIOT-T 301, BIOT-T 312, and BIOT-T 322 do NOT count as upper-level Biology lectures or labs. This is also true of some other 300/400-level Biology courses. Please check this list or ask a Biology advisor before assuming a class will count as a lecture or lab. Most courses have prerequisites. Always check the Bulletin and Schedule of Classes for course information before taking a course. Over for Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry courses Active Upper-Level Biology Lectures and Labs, continued – Lecture Microbiology courses Prefix Number Title BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL MSCI B351 B352 L472 M315 M350 M360 M380 M416 M430 M435 M440 M445 M460 M465 M480 M485 M375 BIOT BIOT BIOT BIOT BIOT T310 T315 T415 T425 T440 CHEM CHEM CHEM C383 C483 C484 Fungi lecture Fungi laboratory Microbial Ecology lecture Microbiology laboratory (formerly BIOL-M 255) Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry Microbial Physiology laboratory Microbiology of Infectious Disease Biology of AIDS lecture Virology lecture Viral-Tissue-Culture laboratory Medical Microbiology lecture Medical Microbiology laboratory Microbial Evolution (formerly Biology of the Prokaryotes) Environmental Microbiology Lab (formerly Biol of Prokaryotes Lab) Microbial and Molecular Genetics Microbial and Molecular Genetics laboratory Human Parasitology (also crosslisted as BIOL-M 375) Biotechnology courses Biotechnology lecture Biotechnology laboratory Theory and Applications of Biotechnology Lab Lab in Macromolecules Structure, Function, and Regulation of Biomolecules Biochemistry courses Chemical Organization of Living Systems Biological Chemistry Biomolecules and Catabolism Lab Credits When offered? (can vary) 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Fall Fall Variable (Fall) Fall/Summer/sometimes Spring Spring Spring/sometimes Fall Fall Spring - next in Spring 2017 Spring Spring Fall Fall Spring Variable Fall Variable Variable (Spring) 3 3 3 3 3 Fall Fall/Spring Spring Spring Spring 3 3 3 Fall/Spring Fall/Spring/sometimes Summer Fall/Spring NOTE: Some courses might not be offered in the semester(s) indicated. Course offerings may vary. BIOL-L 322, BIOL-L 490, BIOL-L 499, BIOT-T 301, BIOT-T 312, and BIOT-T 322 do NOT count as upper-level Biology lectures or labs. This is also true of some other 300/400-level Biology courses. Please check this list or ask a Biology advisor before assuming a class will count as a lecture or lab. Most courses have prerequisites. Always check the Bulletin and Schedule of Classes for course information before taking a course. Revised 1/13/16