November 1983 Effect of Reducing Atmosphere on Minerals and Iron Oxides Developed in Fired Clays With a static load time of 4 h, the fatigue limit was determined to be 1.25 at 1400” and 1.75 at 1200°C. Strengths were observed to increase with initial applied stress intensity at 12OO0C, indicating a stress-dependent flaw-blunting mechanism is operativc bclow the fatigue limit. For the as-machined sintered a-Sic, the fatigue limit was determined to be 1.75 MPaml/z at 1400” and 2.25 at 1200°C in a nonoxidizing atmosphere. The blunting behavior was found to be more pronounced at 1400” than at 1200°C for the as-machined sintered material. Crack-growth bchavior in the oxidized sintered material had prcviously becn explained by the viscous grain-boundary separation model of Lange,19 and it was found that the predictions of Lange’s model for the value of the fatigue limit agreed well with that determined. This crack-growth behavior, coupled with the blunting observed in the modified static loading tests, suggests that flaw blunting is the result of viscous relaxation near the crack tip. The process of crack growth and the prediction of a static fatigue limit for the as-machined sintered material is best fitted to a grainboundary diffusion model. The blunting mechanism may be the rcsult of diffusive creep deformation with grain-boundary diffusion along local stress gradients reducing the stress concentrations in the crack-tip region. References ‘ A . G . Evans and F . F . Lan e, “Crack Propagation and Fracture in Silicon Carbide,” J . Mater. Sci., 10 [lo! 1659;64 (1975). ’K. W . McHenry and R. E. Tressler, Fracture Toughness and High-Temperature Slow Crack Growth in Sic,” J . Am. Cerum. Soc., 63 [3-41 152-56 (1980). 3 K . D. McHenry and R. E. Tressler, “High Temperature Dynamic Fatigue of HotPressed SIC and Sintered 0-Sic,” Am. Ceram. Sac. Bull., 59 [4] 459-61 (1980). 4 M . A. Walton and R. C. Bradt, “Dynamic Fatigue of Oxidized Silicon Carbide,” Proc. Br. Ceram. Soc., 32, 249-60 (1982). 773 5E. Minford, J. A. Costello, I. S . T. Tsong, and R . E. Tressler, “Oxidation Effects on Crack Growth and Blunting in SIC Ceramics”; pp. 51 1-22 in Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol. 6. Plenum, New York, 1982. 6B. J. S. Wilkins and R. Dutton, “Static Fatigue Limit with Particular Reference to Glass,” J . Am. Cerum. Soc., 59 [3-41 108-12 (1976). 7T. E. Easler, R. C. Bradt, and R. E. Tressler, “Strength Distribution of S i c Ceramics After Oxidation and Oxidation Under Load,” J . Am. Cerum. Soc., 64 [I21 731-34 (1981). *S. C. Singhal, “Thermodynamic Analysis of the High Temperature Stability of Si N, and Sic,” Ceramurgiu Int., 2 [3] 123-30 (1976). $D.M. Kupp, “Behavior of Microflaws in Oxidized Sintered Silicon Carbide Under Static Load at 1200°C”; B. S. Thesis, the Pennsylvania State University, August 1982. ‘OFF.F. Lange, “Healing of Surface Cracks in S i c by Oxidation,” J . Am. Cerum. Sue., 53 151 290 (1970). ” A . G. Evans, “High Temperature Failure in Ceramics”; pp. 55-133 in Recent Advances in Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures. Pineridge Press, Swansea, U. K., 1982. 12E.J. Minford and R. E. Tressler, “Determination of the Threshold Stress Intensity for Crack Growth at High Temperature in Silicon Carhide Ceramics,” J . Am. Cerum. Soc., 66 [5] 338-40 (1983). ])A. A. Griffith, “The Phenomena of Rupture and Flow in Solids,”PhiL. Trans. R . Soc. London, 7221, 163-98 (1920);‘ I4W. B. Hillig and R. J. Charles, Surfaces, Stress-Dependent Surface Reactions, and Strength’; pp. 682-705 in High Strength Materials. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1965. I5C. E;, Inglis, ‘‘Stresses in a Plate Due to the Presence of Cracks and Sharp Corners, Trans. Inst. Naval Archit., 55, 219 (1913). I“B. R. Lawn and T. R. Wilshaw, Fracture of Brittle Solids, Ch. 7. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1975. ”8. R. Lawn, “An Atomic Model of Kinetic Crack Growth in Brittle Solids,” J . Muter. Sci., 10, 469-80 (1975). “R. Dutton, “The Propagation of Cracks by Diffusion”; pp. 647-57 in Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol. 2. Plenum, New York, 1974. I9F. F. Lange, “Non-Elastic Deformation of Polycrystals with a Liquid Boundary Phase”; pp. 361-81 in Deformation of Ceramic Materials. Plenum, New York, 1975. 2uB.C. Allen and W. D. Kingery, ‘‘Surface Tension and Contact Angles in Some Liquid Metal-Solid Ceramic Systems at Elevated Temperatures,” Trans. AIME, 215 [2\30-37 (1959). ‘K. D. McHenry, “Elevated Temperature Slow Crack Growth in Hot-Pressed and Sintered Silicon Carbide Ceramics”; Ph.D. Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, November 1978. 22J.D. Hong, M. H. Hon, and R. F. Davis, “Self-Diffusion in Alpha and Beta Silicon Carbide,” Cerumurgiu In?., 5 [4] 155-60 (1979). Effect of Reducing Atmosphere on Minerals and Iron Oxides Developed in Fired Clays: The Role of Ca Y. MANIATIS, A. SIMOPOULOS, and A. KOSTIKAS Nuclear Research Center Demokritos, Aghia Paraskevi, Attiki, Greece V. PERDIKATSIS Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Messogion 70, Athens, Greece The transformations induced in two clays differing in Ca content, by firing under reduced conditions up to 1080°C, were studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Mossbauer, and magnetization measurements. In the calcareous clay, gehlenite forms at lower temperatures (900°C) and, in addition, wollastonite forms at higher temperatures (1080°C). Ferric iron persists even under strongly reducing conditions and its presence is attributed to trapping in gehlenite. Extensive vitrification is observed in the noncalcareous clays. Ferrous iron, produced by dissociation of iron oxides, is partly dissolved into the vitreous matrix and partly incorporated into the spinel mineral hercynite. The key role of Ca in controlling the above transformationswas verified by studying the clays after removal or addition of calcite. The interaction of Ca with the clay constituents and its progressive Received March 8, 1983; revised copy received June 23, 1983; approved June 29, 1983. attack on the quartz grains forming wollastonite zones was observed with the electron microscope. The bulk magnetic properties of the samples depended principally on the amount of iron oxides present, which in turn were strongly affected by firing temperature and type of clay. Metallic iron was detected in strongly reducing atmospheres. I. Introduction A N UNDERSTANDING of the refractory properties of natural clays fired under reducing conditions is of great interest to brick and pottery manufacturers. Furthermore, understanding the transformations induced in the state of iron and the iron oxides under these conditions is of major importance with regard to the coloration of the finished product.’ Apart from the importance for modem industry, there is growing interest in the understanding of the ancient ceramic te~hnology,~ which involved primarily the use of natural clays fired under oxidizing, but also, for several characteristic types of pottery, under reducing conditions. Finally, deter- 114 Vol. 66, No. 11 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Maniatis et al. Table I. Illitc Chloritc Kaolinite Feldspars Quartz Calcite r-- Chemical and Mineralogical Analyses* of Raw Clays Karfi clay Connth clay 0.38% 2.40 20.80 54.20 2.45 8.70 0.98 9.90 99.81 0.60% 2.50 9.70 36.10 1.70 4.80 22.20 22.10 99.70 ++ ++ + + +++++ - + + + ++++ I I I - 38% * B y atomic absorption and X-ray diffraction, respectively. mination of the amount and kind of iron phases developed in fired clays in association with the bulk magnetic properties is of great interest to archaeomagnetism, which involves the study of the recorded history of the magnetic field of the earth in baked clay.5 Up to now the bulk of the investigations on the changes that occur in natural clays during firing has dealt with firing under oxidizing conditions. For example, Grim,6 Segnit and A n d e r ~ o n , ~ and Peters and Jenni8 studied the development or disintegration of the mineral phases for a range of different starting materials. The important role of Ca was investigated by Freeman' and West'" and its influence on the microstructure of ceramics by Tite and Maniatis." A detailed study of the iron phases which develop in natural clays during firing in oxidizing conditions was reported earlier (Maniatis et ul."). Firing in reducing conditions has also been studied, to a limited degree. Harrell and Russell13suggested that the mechanism which operates on the iron oxides in reducing atmospheres: (1) Fe2O3-tFe3O4+FeO+Fe produces, above 700"C, mainly FeO which is a very reactive flux assisting the solid state reactions. W e d 4 suggested that the reaction of FeO+CaO+A1,03+ SiOz produces black glass in calcareous clays under strongly reducing conditions, whereas calcium fcrrites are produced in slightly reducing conditions. Maniatis and Tite" showed that a low-viscosity glass with a lot of bloating pores develops in the microstructure of noncalcareous clays, whereas the effect is much less dramatic in calcareous clays. Heimann et uZ.l6 gave a range of iron oxides and iron-bearing minerals which are formed in a calcareous clay under various reducing conditions. Finally, Chevalier et ul .l7 studied the iron phases in a calcareous Fig. 1. Typical magnetization and hysteresis curves of (a)Corinth clay fired at 900°C and ( b ) Karfi clay fired at 900°C. Insert is magnification of region around zero field. clay under reducing conditions using Mossbauer spectroscopy and showed the progressive increase of Fez+ diluted in silicates at the expense of F$+ and of the poorly crystallized iron oxides. The available evidence, cited above, does indicate that Ca plays a dominant role in determining the ceramic properties end mineral phases in clays fired under reducing conditions, as it does in oxidizing atmospheres. However, the mechanisms operating on a microscopic level, from a chemical and mineralogical point of view, have not been investigated systematically. Furthermore, very little information is available on the transformations in the iron-bearing minerals in clays fired under reducing conditions and, in particular, on the iron oxides. There is no information on the possible interaction between Ca and Fe. Finally, there is no available information on the bulk magnetic properties of clays fired under reducing conditions at high temperatures and their cor- Table 11. Distribution of Iron Phases Derived from Mossbauer Spectra Karfi Cldy Corinth clay Fe'+ Oxides Fez+ Fe3+ Oxides 7 4 3 67 28 22 26 68 75 23 18 15 69 39 38 8 43 47 RT LN LHe 46 43 30 21 23 10 33 34 60 41 39 37 33 27 12 26 34 51 900 900 900 RT LN LHe 100 100 0 0 0 0 16 26 42 31 42 43 1080 1080 1080 RT LN LHe 100 100 0 0 0 0 42 46 36 53 44 26 5 10 38 Firing temp ("C) Temp of measurement* Raw Raw Raw RT LN LHe 700 700 700 Fez' *RT=room temperature (293 K), LN=liquid nitrogen temperature (80 K), and LHe=liquid helium temperature (4 2 K) Effect of Reducing Atmosphere on Minerals and Iron Oxides Developed in Fired Clays November 1983 relation with the presence of iron oxides. Therefore we have undertaken a detailed investigation, by a variety of experimental techniques, of two clays, one calcareous and one noncalcareous, fired under reducing atmospheres up to 1080°C. This study parallels an earlier investigation of these two clays fired under oxidizing atmosphere. 775 Table 111. Magnetization Results for Fired Clays Value Magnetic parameter Raw 700°C 900°C 900'C* 1080°C Karfi clay M , (Am2/kg Fe) 1.22 18.71 M , (Am'/kg Fe) 0.28 5.75 Bc (TI 0.0097 0.0119 0.31 M,IM, 0.22 11. Materials and Methods 1.0 0.33 0.0206 0.33 7.88 1.32 0.0400 0.17 0.24 0.07 0.0091 0.29 9.52 46.73 22.32 2.68 7.76 14.28 0.0130 0.0163 0.0371 0.28 0.30 0.33 4.14 1.19 0.0231 0.29 Corinth clay Two naturally occurring clays in Greece were selected for the present study: a calcareous clay from a bed near the archaeological site of Corinth and one noncalcareous from a bed near the archaeological site of Karfi in Crete. The results of chemical and mineralogical analyses of the raw materials are listed in Table I. In a previous study, these clays were found to be representative of two groups of calcareous and noncalcareous clays, respectively. The firing was done in an electric furnace with a heating rate of 200"C/h and a I-h soaking time at the top temperature. The cooling rate was also 200"C/h. A continuous flow of nitrogen provided a neutral atmosphere which, with the help of the organic matter in the clay, created reducing conditions in the clays. When stronger reducing conditions were investigated, the samples were placed in a boat filled with sawdust. The firing temperatures were 700°, 900", and 1080°C. These values were selected as characteristic of ranges where mineralogical changes occur. In addition, samples of the Corinth clay were treated for 30 min with 10% acetic acid (pH= 1.5 to 2 ) at room temperature in order to dissolve the calcium carbonate content. The samples were washed after treatment. Mossbauer and XRD spectra of the treated samples taken prior to firing showed that all iron and mineral phases were intact. Further chemical analysis of the treated samples showed a small decrease in Mg by approximately 6% and in Si by 3%. The decrease in Si could be due to loss of some of the larger quartz grains due to sedimentation during washing. However, there was no effect on Fe or Al, whereas CaO was down to 0.91 %, indicating complete removal of calcite. Fine-grained, chemically pure CaCO, was added to the Karfi clay in two ratios: 13 and 33%. Chemical analyses were done by atomic absorption and the water and organic content were determined using a thermoanalyzer. * X-ray diffraction analysis was done using a diffractometer' with a vertical goniometer. A commercial analyzer* was used to study the microstructure and for the microanalysis. M,v (Am'/kg Fe) 0.18 M , (Am'/kg . - Fe) 0.05 B, (TI 0.0099 M,IM, 0.25 I *Clays fired with sawdust The beam diameter, according to manufacturer specifications and our measurements, was 1 pm. Mossbauer spectroscopy was applied to identify the iron-bearing minerals and determine the iron distribution in the various phases. Spectra of 150-mg samples were obtained at room, liquid nitrogen, 50 K, and liquid helium temperatures with a conventional constant acceleration spectrometer. The source was 100 mCi 57Co(Rh)at room temperature. Finally, magnetization measurements were performed on a vibrating sample magnetometer.' 111. Results and Discussion (1) Karfi Clay This noncalcareous clay contains in its raw form basically the clay minerals chlorite and illite (Table I). The iron-bearing phases are determined best by liquid helium Mossbauer spectra where superparamagnetic phenomena have relaxed. These spectra show that 75% of the total iron is in the form of cr-Fe203iron oxides and oxyhydroxides, whereas the remaining 25% is in paramagnetic form as ferric (Fe3+)and ferrous (Fez') ions in the clay minerals" at a ratio of 7:1 (Table 11). The spontaneous magnetization ( M s ) , the remanence magnetization ( M r ) , and the coercive force are determined by room temperature (isothermal) magnetic measurements (Fig. 1). The values of the above three parameters (Table 111) for the raw Karfi clay agree well with hematite particles (a-FeZO3) which are magnetically unsaturated even at applied fields of 1.8T.l 9 On firing at 700"C, all the XRD lines of the clay minerals disappear (Table IV), indicating that dehydroxylation is completed ___ 'Mettler Inatrument COT., Hightstown, NJ. +Philips Gloeilarnpenfabrieken N. V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 'JEOL Super-probe 733, Japan Electron Optics Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan %Princeton Applied Research Corp., Princeton, NJ Table IV. X-Ray Diffraction Data Clay Karfi Corinth Karfi Corinth Karfi Corinth Karfi (sawdust) Corinth (sawdust) Karfi Corinth Corinth (no CaC03) Karfi (+ 13% CaCO1) Karfi (133% CaCO?) Illite ++ + Chlorite ++ + Kaolinite +- Quartz +++++ ++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +++++ +++ +++t Feldspars Raw clay + + at + + Fired Fired at - Calcite Hercynite Gehlenite Ca(OH), Anorthite - 38% 700°C - + 900°C - - ++ ++ - + - - ++ ++ - ++ - +++t +++t Wollastonite t ++ + 116 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Maniatis et al. Vol. 66, No. 11 Fig. 2. Backscattered electron micrographs of Karfi clay (A) fired at 700°C (elongated particle is mica flake and large particle at bottom is quartz grain), ( B ) fired at 900°C (large grain at top left is feldspar particle), and ( C ) fired at 1080°C (bar=10 pm). Fig. 3. Mossbauer spectra of K a f i clay (a) fired at 700"C, mcasured at room temperature (stick diagram indicates Fe'' component (I), Fe2+component (11), and iron oxides component (111)); (6) fired at 1080"C, measured at liquid helium temgerature (stick diagram indicates hercynite lines); (c) fired at 900 C under strongly reducing conditions (buried in sawdust), measured at room temperature (stick diagram indicates metallic iron lines). ncar this temperature.' A peak persists however at 0.449 nm, which may be attributed to the (110)reflection of illite arising probably from the dehydrated illite structure, an "anhydrous modification" which is only slightly different from the hydrated onc. Examination of polished surfaces by SEM and microprobe reveals that the microstructure is compact but not vitrified (Fig. 2(A)). It can be seen that there is a range of iron oxide particles (bright particles) of irregular shapes, varying in size from 5 p m down to much below 0.5 pm. Mossbauer results of this fired clay indicate that there is a general decrease in the amount of original iron oxides from 75% in the raw to 60% in the fired form and a corresponding increase in the paramagnetic iron forms from 25% to 40%. The Fez' component dominates, now giving an Fe3+/Fe2" ratio of 1:3. The room-temperature spectra (Fig. 3(a)) display broad magnetic lines, indicating a range of magnetic hyperfine fields and therefore oxide particles with varying sizes. An analysis of those spectra with two magnetic components gave isomer shifts and quadrupole interactions (Table V) which are similar to magnetite but with lower values for the hyperfine fields, indicating poor crystallization. The presence of magnetite in this clay is further supported by its magnetization data. The magnetization of the sample increases drastically from the low M, value of 1.22 Am2/kg Fe in the raw clay to 18.7Am2/kg Fe after firing at 700°C (Table 111). In addition the ratio M,/M,=0.3,which is near the value for pure magnetite." The M, value of this sample on the other hand is much lower than that of the pure magnetite, presumably due to poor crystallization. Poor crystallization and small particle sizes can also explain the absence of magnetite lines in the XRD data. The color of the sample is gray. Firing at 900°C produces much more pronounced changes in the clay body. The SEM picture (Fig. 2 ( B ) ) shows that the sintering is quite advanced and much vitrification has been produced. Within this glass matrix a network of fine bloating pores has developed, ranging in size from 0.1 to 5 pm. The comparison of the 900°C picture (Fig. 2(B)) with that at 700°C (Fig. 2(A)) shows a somewhat brighter matrix at 900°C.This indicates disintegration of iron oxides and diffusion of iron into the glass matrix, a conclusion that is clearly substantiated by the Mossbauer spectra (vide infra). The resulting increase of iron content in the glass could, in principle, be detected by microprobe analysis. In this particular case, however, the small size of a large fraction of iron oxide particles at 700°C 70.03 pm), which are dispersed in the matrix, prevents a differentiation from iron diffusion in the glass at 900°C in view of the cross section of the electroprobe beam (1 X 1 pm2). The distribution of iron and the changes in the mineralogy of the clay at 900°C are understood better with the Mossbauer measurements. They show that all the iron oxides have disintegrated completely and all the iron has been reduced into ferrous form. The spectra at temperatures down to 50 K show only a doublet with large linewidth. The best fit was obtained with three superimposed ferrous doublets (Table V), although it is possible that a distribution of more than three sites exists. When the temperature is decreased to that of liquid helium, a spectrum appears with magnetic hyperfine interaction typical of Fe2+ complexes and a ferrous doublet with quadrupole splitting of 2.2 mm/s and isomer shift of 1.1 mm/s. The fractional area of the two components is estimated roughly at 60 and 40%, respectively. The absorption peaks of the magnetic components correspond to those of the mineral hercynite (FeA1204),20which undergoes a magnetic transition at 8 K." This phase develops further by firing at 1080°C (Fig. 3(b)). The presence of hercynite in this sample is also verified by the XRD measurements, which show diffraction lines at 0.143 and 0.245 nm (Table IV). They show also a lot of quartz (which masks the rest of the hercynite lines) but no other minerals. The November 1983 Effect of Reducing Atmosphere on Minerals and Iron Oxides Developed in Fired Clays Table V. Component* Hyperfine Parameters and Relative Absorption of Fe Phases Derived from Room-Temperature Mossbauer Spectra of Karfi Clay Firing temp. (“C) SI Raw 700 900 1080 S? Raw 700 900 1080 DI (Fez+) D3 (Fez+) 777 H (T) eZqQ /4 (mm/s) 6’ (mm/s) r/2 (mmls) Fraction (%) 49.8 47.3 -0.12 -0.02 0.3 1 0.37 0.46 0.43 26 22 40.9 -0.06 0.60 0.42 11 Raw 700 900 1080 1.38 1.04 1.19 0.84 1.04 1.09 1.23 0.95 0.24 0.37 0.25 0.23 7 46 23 22 Raw 700 900 1080 0.31 0.48 1.10 0.52 0.30 0.36 0.94 0.95 0.27 0.33 0.24 0.27 67 21 13 49 Raw 700 900 1080 0.64 1.10 0.95 0.98 0.42 0.21 64 29 * S , and S, represent Fe oxides and D , , D 2 . and D, paramagnetic iron ions. ‘With respect to Fe at room temperature. lack of any other mineral phases suggests that the paramagnetic component observed in the liquid helium Mossbauer spectra consists of Fez’ ions diffused or diluted in the glass matrix. This component is probably responsible for the dark gray color that the clay achieves after firing at 900°C. It is worth noting that we have detected hercynite in the Mossbauer spectra of a number of ancient ceramics of a special group of gray pottery called “Grey Minyan” manufactured in Lerna of Argolis (Greece) between 2000 and 1600 BC. Also this mineral was found to be present in black decorations of Campanian pottery of the 4th to 1st centuries BC.” Further experiments under stronger reducing conditions, i.e. samples sitting on a layer of sawdust or buried in it and fired at 900°C, revealed again the formation of hercynite together with metallic iron (Fig. 3(c)). From the room temperature spectra it was observed that the amount of metallic iron formed was greater in the samples buried than in those sitting on sawdust. The presence of metallic iron indicates extremely strong reducing conditions inside the clay body of the order of =lo-’ Pa of oxygen.23 The magnetization data for the Karfi sample fired at 900°C show a sharp decrease in the values of M , and M , relative to the sample fired at 700°C (Table III), implying almost complete paramagnetic behavior. This result is consistent with the disintegration of iron oxides and the formation of paramagnetic ferrous iron and hercynite, which is paramagnetic at room temperature. The higher value of M , for the sample fired in a strongly reducing atmosphere can be attributed to the presence of metallic iron. The values of 0.30 for the ratio M,/M, for both firing temperatures indicates the presence of pseudosingle magnetic domains or a mixture of single and multidomain However, the value of 0.17 obtained for the sample at 900°C with sawdust approaches the clear multidomain value, which may indicate that metallic iron, the only magnetic phase here, has been crystallized mainly in a multidomain pattern. Firing at 1080°C results generally in an enhancement of the features observed in the sample fired at 900°C. The SEM picture (Fig. 2(C)) shows a pronounced increase in the amount of glass and in the size of the bloating pores which are now in the range of 5 to 100 pm. Higher brightness in the backscattered electron picture relative to 900°C (Fig. 2(B)) indicates further dilution of iron into the glass. The quartz grains are surrounded by glass and the small ones appear rounded, indicating their gradual fusion into the glass. No iron oxides are visible. The XRD results indicate a much better crystallization of hercynite, with most of the stronger diffraction lines present. Apart from quartz, this is the only crystalline structure detected (Table IV). The Mossbauer results show an increase in the amount of hercynite and a corresponding decrease of the paramagnetic Fez+ component. The bulk magnetic properties of the sample fired at 1080°C display clearly paramagnetic behavior at room temperature, the magnetization being almost linearly proportional to the applied field. This agrees with the presence of iron, mostly in hercynite, which is paramagnetic at room temperature, and as ferrous iron diluted in the glass matrix. Macroscopically the sample appears to be dark gray and swollen. It is worth noting that phases like fayalite (Fe2Si04) or iron cordierite Al3FezSi5AlOl8,stable at these condition^,^^ have not been formed in the Karfi clay, in contrast to the observations of Heimann et al., l 6 who reported the formation of these two minerals above 1000°C under strongly reducing conditions (fez< 10 Pa). The failure of this formation may be attributed to the high amount of A1203present in the Karfi clay, which does not favor the formation of f a ~ a l i t e . *On ~ the other hand, the very narrow space of the phase diagram occupied by iron cordierite makes the formation of this mineral rather difficult, especially under partial equilibrium conditions as they are in the present work. (2) Corinth Clay This is a calcareous clay containing initially 30% calcite. The basic clay minerals are again illite and chlorite (Table I). The iron is distributed almost equally between the clay minerals and the oxides. In fact it is found from room temperature and liquid helium Mossbauer measurements (Table 11), that 47% of the iron is in the form of oxides, of which 39% are smaller than 0.03 pm. The remaining 53% of the iron is ferric and ferrous paramagnetic ions incorporated in the minerals chlorite and illite, the ratio ferric to ferrous being 2.5:l. Comparing with Karfi clay, we observe that: ( a ) There is a smaller total amount of iron (Table I) and ( b ) there is a smaller percentage of iron in the form of oxides which now are predominantly of small particle sizes. The magnetic measurements (Table 111) of the raw Corinth clay show paramagnetic behavior which is justified by the superparamagnetic state of the iron oxides manifested by the Mossbauer Firing at 700°C results in decomposition of the clay minerals illite and chlorite. All lines disappear from the XRD spectrum (Table IV), with the exception of the second-order weak line of the “anhydrous modification” of illite, as in the case of the Karfi clay. Vol. 66. No. I1 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Maniafis et al. I18 Fig. 4. Backscattered electron micrographs of Corinth clay (A) fired at 700°C (lighter particles are calcite and darker ones quartz), ( B ) fired at 900"C, and (C) fired at 1080°C (bar= 10 wm). Table V1. Hyperfine Parameters and Relative Absorptions of Fe Phases Derived from Room-Temperature Mossbauer Spectra of Corinth Clay Firing temp. ("C) ff (TI eZqQ14 (mm/s) fit (mm/s) r/2 (mm/s) Fraction (%) SI Raw 700 900 1080 51.4 47.0 49.5 -0.06 -0.11 -0.06 0.25 0.30 0.32 0.29 0.79 0.37 8 26 20 S2 Raw 700 900 1080 0.05 0.33 0.86 22 Component* 45.0 D, (Fe") Raw 700 900 1080 0.31 0.52 0.57 0.47 0.21 0.37 0.30 0.43 0.27 0.45 0.40 0.41 69 33 42 56 .& Raw 700 900 1080 1.30 1.03 1.16 1.24 0.96 1.05 1.17 0.94 0.24 0.36 0.43 0.28 23 41 16 44 (Fez'-) "S,and Sz represent Fc oxides and D , and D , paramagnetic iron ions. +With respect to Fe at room temperature. Calcite is still present since it decomposes at higher temperatures. Thc micrographs (Fig. 4(A)) show clearly that the calcite particles are intact and they range in size from 1 to 20 pm. Iron oxides are rare and small, the visible ones being between 0.5 and 1 p m (sce small bright particle at bottom left side of Fig. 4(A)). It is evident that no solid statc reactions have taken place as yet. Comparing the microstructure with Karfi at 700°C shows that Corinth is generally a coarser clay. The iron oxide particles however, are generally finer. The Mossbauer results at room temperature (Table 11) indicate that the small amount (8%) of the larger iron oxides existing in the raw clay has increased to 26% at 700"C, but the effective field (Tablc V1) has decreased from 51.4 to 47.0 (T), indicating a change in the nature of the oxides. The total amount of the oxides has not changed significantly (liquid helium data in Table 11). Therefore, thc small change in the total amount of the iron oxides present implies that there is not a significant diffusion of iron from the oxides to the clay minerals, as is the case with the Karfi clay at 700°C. The amount of iron in the dehydroxylated clay minerals has rcrnained the same, but more than half of the ferric iron has been converted to ferrous (Table 11). As with the Karfi clay, it is difficult to identify the kind of iron oxides due to the broad features of the spectra. However, the decrease in the average hyperfine ficld, thc increase in the spontaneous magnetization of the sample (Tablc IIl), and its tendency to saturate at increased magnetic fields indicate possible production of magnetite. The sample is gray, similar to Karfi at the same temperature. Firing at 900°C produces dramatic changes in the Corinth clay. The SEM micrographs (Fig. 4(B)) reveal that solid state reactions are well under way. The fiberlike clay particles present at 700°C have now disappeared and much sintering has taken place. The calcite particles have practically all decomposed and Ca has diffused into the matrix, which appears brighter in the backscattered pictures compared to 700°C. Microprobe analysis indicates an average increase of Ca in the matrix compared to 700°C, although the large variation from site to site makes the analysis somewhat inconclusive. Some small ( ~ 0 . 5 pm) spherical bubbles have been formed, indicating the presence of low-viscosity glass, although they are not as extensive as in the case of Karfi clay fired at 900°C. The edges of quartz particles (Fig. 4(B)) appear to be brighter and the microprobe analysis shows a fine layer rich in Si and Ca. In fact qualitative energy dispersion spectra suggest the formation of wollastonite (CaSi03). The XRD results (Table IV) verify the complete dissociation of calcite and show two very weak lines of Ca(OH)2, which apparently is a postdissociation product arising from reaction of the remaining CaO with water vapor. The XRD spectrum also indicates the formation of a substantial amount of gehlenite and the beginning of formation of wollastonite, as indicated by the presence of its strongest line. Gehlenite must have been formed inside the sintered material after the reaction of CaO with the A1,03 and Si02 of the clay minerals. The crystals of gehlenite and wollastonite must be very small since they are not discernible by SEM even at higher magnifications. No iron-bearing minerals were observed with XRD. This may be due to the low iron content of this clay. The presence of components with intermediate spin relaxation in the liquid helium Mossbauer spectra (Fig. 5 ( a ) ) hinders a quan- November 1983 779 Effect of Reducing Atmosphere on Minerals and Iron Oxides Developed in Fired Clays titative analysis of the iron phases in this clay. Both room temperature and liquid helium spectra, however, show a distinct increase in the iron oxide phases, mainly at the expense of the Fez' component of the clay fired at 700°C (Table 11). The roomtemperature spectra can be fitted with two magnetic components. The parameters of this fit indicate nonstoichiometric magnetite with poor crystallizationz6(Table VI). The magnetic measurements further support the presence of magnetite since they show an increase in both the spontaneous and remanence magnetization. The increase in the iron oxide phases at the expense of iron in other phases, particularly Fe2+,and the appearance of phases with intermediate relaxation at this temperature indicate major alterations in the crystalline phases and agree with the XRD data, which show formation of gehlenite. Gehlenite can take some ferric iron in replacement of aluminum sites, thus explaining the presence of ferric iron under these reducing conditions (note that in Karfi there is no ferric iron remaining at 900°C). A small amount of ferrous iron probably still exists in the glass or other unidentified semiamorphous phases which cannot be picked up by XRD. The sample becomes a very light gray. Firing Corinth clay at 900°C in stronger reducing conditions (sample placed in sawdust) results in the reduction of the paramagnetic ferric iron and a large increase in the ferrous component, together with the appearance of metallic iron, indicating strongly reducing conditions inside the clay body. The XRD again shows only gehlenite (Table IV), which must be responsible for the ferric iron remaining even under these strongly reducing conditions. Metallic iron must be in fine aggregates since it does not appear in the XRD spectra. Also, the paramagnetic ferrous iron is probably either in the glass matrix or in some poorly crystallized ferrous iron-bearing mineral. The formation of metallic iron leads to strong ferromagnetic behavior with large spontaneous and remanence magnetization values as well as a large coercive force (Table 111). These values are the strongest encountered in the present work and they are probably due to the existence of magnetite together with the metallic iron shown in the Mossbauer spectra. The usefulness of the Mossbauer measurements in studying the changes in the iron phases and in explaining the bulk magnetic properties is emphasized since the XRD seems insensitive to the iron-bearing phases in the fircd clay, presumably because they are in the form of very small particles and/or because they are not well crystallized. Whcn fired at 1080°C the microstructure remains essentially the same as at 900°C (Fig. 4(C)), or slightly coarser due probably to the formation of more glass. What is much more evident is the diffusion of Ca into the quartz grains, increasing the wollastonite layer on the surface to a thickness of about 1 to 1.5 pm. The small quartz grains have almost completely reacted with CaO. To further illustrate the diffusion of Ca into quartz grains we obtained a Ca profile on a quartz grain at high magnification (Fig. 6). This picture shows a peak in the amount of Ca as the beam sweeps over the bright surface area of the grain and decreases continuously toward the center. Considering that the beam diameter is = 1 p m (see Section II), Ca can be seen diffused to a depth of about 2 pm. The XRD results (Table IV) show quite clearly the formation of substantial amounts of wollastonite formed at the expense of S O z , which decreases in quantity. This is the result of reaction of quartz grains with CaO. Gehlenite appears to be better crystallized but not much different in amount at this temperature. The possibility of small amounts of hercynite cannot be ruled out since its strongest lines, which coincide with gehlenite, appear stronger in intensity than would be expected for gehlenite. The Mossbauer results (Table 11, Fig. 5).show a strong decrease in the amount of iron oxide particles and their diameters relative to the 900°C sample. Since magnetic ordering is not seen at 50 K, but only at 4.2 K, we must be dealing with particle diameters of the order of 0.005 pm.2"-2* This form in fact accounts for 38% of the total amount of iron. The balance is 26% Fez+and 36% Fe", both in paramagnetic form. The ferric ion is probably in the gehlenite phase, which is well crystallized at this temperature, but the ferrous formation cannot be easily understood. Certainly it is not hercynite because this mineral is ordered magnetically at 4.2 K. It is worth pointing out the persistence of ferric iron in reducing conditions ..*. . 970 I I ~~ --t . _,-_-8 t----++ -.+ -4----C -6 -4 .z uELNCITY u L 4 6 0 10 !MM/S) Fig. 5. Mossbauer spectra of Corinth clay taken at liquid helium temperature for clay fired at (a) 900°C and ( b ) 1080°C. Fig. 6 . Calcium profile across quartz particle at high magnification (bar=l pm). even at these high firing temperatures, which contrasts with the behavior of Karfi clay under the same conditions. The fired clay body becomes a pale gray, lighter than the 900°C sample, which is consistent with the observed general decrease in amount and size of the iron oxide particles. The magnetization of the sample fired at 1080°C drops drastically to low values of M , and M,. (Table 111), which is consistent with the dissociation of magnetic iron oxides and the diffusion of iron into paramagnetic mineral phases observed in the Mossbauer results. Gehlenite and wollastonite were observed to form in this clay. According to equilibrium phase diagram^,'^ however, anorthite, hercynite, and fayalite should also be present in a system Ca0-Fe0-Al2O3-SiOZsuch as the present one. The lack of formation of fayalite and hercynite is probably due to the low iron content of the Corinth clay. These phases, however, were observed in a fired German clay16with the same iron content but with much lower amount of Ca. Peters and Jenni8 suggested the formation of anorthite and wollastonite at the expense of gehlenite according to the following scheme: (2) CazAlzSiO7+SiOZ-CaSiO3+CaAl,Si,O, The lack of anorthite in the Corinth clay and the stability or increase instead of a decrease of gehlenite on firing indicate that, instead of the above reaction, wollastonite is formed in this clay via the reaction: CaO +Si02+CaSi03 (3) Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Maniatis Fig. 7. Mossbauer spectra of treated clays taken at liquid hclium temperature. ( a ) Corinth clay without CaCO,, (b)Karfi clay+l3% CaCO?, and ( c ) Karfi clay+33% CaC03. Arrows indicate possible hercynite peaks. Similar to our observation is that of B r o ~ n e l l , ~who " also did not observe anorthite formation in a Ca-rich clay. The CaO and Si02participating in the above reaction come from the remaining unreacted CaO and the quartz grains. Indeed, from the cvidcnce obtained from the micrographs, it is clear that the amount of SiO, initially participating in the reaction is much lower than the total of 36% found by the analysis. This is due to SiO, present as large quartz particles which do not react initially. (3) The Role of Calcium So far we have seen that the two clays fired in reducing conditions are characterized by the following behavior: Both clays at 700°C contain very similar distributions of iron between the various phases. However, at higher firing temperatures, where CaO is being activated, there are marked differences between the two clays. In the noncalcareous Karfi clay only one mineral is formed (the ferrous mineral hercynite) from 900°C upward, together with large quantities of glass. In the calcareous Corinth clay the mineral gehlenite is formed from 900" and wollastonite at 1O8O0C,whereas the same minerals are formed under oxidizing conditions," indicating that their formation is independent of the firing atmosphere. Ferric ions, presumably incorporated in gehlenite, survive in this clay even under the most severly reducing conditions. There is also a marked difference in magnetization between the two clays, especially at 900°C. To clarify the role of Ca for the mineral formation in these two clays, we prepared their "mirror images" with respect to Ca by adding calcite in the Karfi clay (13% and 33% by weight) and removing the calcite from the Corinth clay, as described in Section 11. The appcarance of these two clays after firing at 1080°C was opposite to that of the untreated clays. The Karfi clay with the added CaC03 is light in color without deformation, like the untreated Corinth clay, whereas the decalcified Corinth clay is dark-gray, deformed, bloated, and double in size, similar to the et al. Vol. 66, No. 11 untreated Karfi clay. The role of Ca therefore seems to be very important even in the macroscopic properties of the ceramics (i.e. color, bloating, and deformation). The XRD results showed that the treated Corinth clay exhibited hercynite peaks together with the quartz peaks. The hercynite is well crystallized since practically all the lines are present. Note that in the untreated Karfi clay only the three stronger hercynite lines were observed. The Mossbauer spectra of the treated Corinth clay showed that most of the iron now is in ferrous form. At liquid helium temperature (Fig. 7 ( a ) )part of the ferrous iron is magnetically ordered, exhibiting the hercynite spectrum. However, the amount of iron present as hercynite is much less than in the untreated Karfi clay. These results, combined with the XRD data, indicate that the hercynite which is formed in the Corinth clay after the dissolution of CaC03 is much better crystallized than in the untreated Karfi clay but there is less of it. This may be due to different distributions of Fe and different particle sizes of the oxides in the original raw clay. The XRD results of the Karfi+l3% CaCO? (7.3% CaO) show clearly the formation of anorthite, with no other calcium aluminosilicate present. The presence of a small amount of hercynite cannot be ruled out. According to Mossbauer results, at room and liquid helium temperature iron is distributed between large and small iron oxides and paramagnetic ferrous ions from which a small amount is ordered at liquid helium temperature in the hercynite arrangement (Fig. 7 ( b ) ) .In this sample, therefore, we have anorthite, iron oxides, and hercynite. The XRD results of the Kar€i+33% CaC03 (18.5% CaO) indicate the formation of gehlenite in addition to anorthite, which is also present. The Mossbauer spectra (Fig. 7 ( c ) ) indicate that part of the iron is in the form of oxides and the rest is divided equally between paramagnetic ferrous and ferric ions. No hercynite was detected at liquid helium temperature. Thus, as in the case of the untreated Corinth clay, the ferric iron is again associated with the presence of gehlenite. These results produce further convincing evidence that gehlenite accommodates ferric iron in its structure, probably in A1 sites, and that the formation of this Fe-gehlenite phase is not inhibited by the reducing conditions. The experiments with the treated samples prove the essential role of Ca in the mineralogy, vitrification, and refractory properties of fired clays in reducing conditions. The elimination of Ca from the Corinth clay led to the formation of hercynite, together with a low-viscosity glass and bloating. The addition of Ca to the Karfi clay produced crystalline Ca-A1 silicate phases and hindered the bloating and formation of the hercynite. In addition, the formation of iron oxides in the naturally calcareous Corinth clay and in the artificially calcareous Karfi clay, as opposed to the total absence of iron oxides from the naturally noncalcareous Karfi clay and (partial absence) in the artificially noncalcareous Corinth, strongly indicate the effect of Ca on the iron phases. Summarizing, the foregoing results in conjunction with our previous work on clays fired in an oxidizing atmosphere," lead to the following tentative picture of the mechanism of the key role of calcium in the formation of iron oxide phases. In the noncalcareous clays, either in reducing or oxidizing conditions, there is lack of crystallization during firing and the destruction of the original clay minerals (which contain an amount of iron) is complete above 800" to 850°C. These minerals turn into an amorphous state, as evidenced by the glass which is produced in large quantities. '531 Under these conditions iron is released from the minerals and, if the atmosphere is oxidizing, it forms iron oxides and, specifically, a-Fe201. If it is reducing, iron is reduced to divalent form and the initially existing oxides are dissociated. The resulting ferrous iron is partly dissolved into the glass matrix and partly forms hercynite. In the calcareous clays the destruction of the initial clay minerals is followed immediately by the formation of calcium aluminosilicates which trap ferrous and/or ferric ions under either reducing or oxidizing conditions (ferrous ions are absent in the latter conditions). Thus, in calcareous clays iron passes directly into the new phases and can remain ferric even in reducing conditions. The openness and the low density of the microstructure of these clays probably let the reducing agents (i.e. organic re- November 1983 78 I Effect of Reducing Atmosphere on Minerals and Iron Oxides Developed in Fired Clays mains, CO, ctc.) burn away and so the semiferrous iron oxides, like magnetite, which are formed at low temperatures in reducing conditions, remain undissociated up to higher temperatures. In oxidizing conditions the calcium aluminosilicate minerals are probably better crystallized and greater in amount and therefore they can accommodate larger amounts of ferric iron supplied by the iron oxides which in turn become smaller in size and amount.” In the light of the above results, the presence of hercynite, observed in ancient pottery (Grey Minyan) and in black slip decorations,” is directly related to Ca-free low-refractory clays fired in reducing atmospheres at or above 900°C. This may suggest the deliberate use of such clays to obtain dark-gray, high-contrast colors. On the other hand, the consistent light-gray coloration of certain types of ancient pottery is due to the use of calcareous clay fired under the same conditions. It is worth noting that calcareous clays have not been applied for black slip decorations. Finally, an interesting result, relevant to archaeomagnetic studies, is the indirect effect of the presence of Ca on the magnetic properties, through the control of iron oxides. In the noncalcareous Karfi clay, the saturation magnetization (Ms) and remanence (M,.) attain their highest value at 700°C and decrease by factors of =20 and = 100 at firing temperatures of 900” and 1080”C, respectively. In the calcareous Corinth clay, on the other hand, the peak of M , and M , occurs at 900” and the decrease at 1080°C is smaller than It. is therefore possible in noncalcareous clays (a factor of 4) that, if ancient pottery fired under reducing conditions is used for archaeomagnetic studies, calcareous clays would be more sensitive as recorders of the magnetic field of the earth since firing temperatures are more commonly in the region of 900°C. IV. Conclusions The principal conclusions of this study are the following: ( a ) A clear relation was verified between Ca content and the iron phases developed during firing. It was found that the presence of Ca in increasing amounts (Corinth clay and Karfi clay with added CaC03) leads to the formation of progressively higher amounts of iron oxides in reducing conditions, whereas the opposite is true in oxidizing conditions. The absence of Ca on the other hand (Karfi clay and decalcified Corinth clay) leads to the dissociation of iron oxide phases, ( h ) In the calcareous clays (Corinth clay and Karfi clay with added CaCO?), ferric iron persists in reducing atmospheres and is associated with the mineral gehlenite. It persists even under strongly reducing atmospheres where metallic iron appears. Wollastonite is also observed in these clays and is attributed to the reaction of CaO with quartz grains. The combination of the XRD and the microprobe analyzer data indicate that gehlenite forms at lower temperatures (900°C) by the reaction of CaO with the breakdown products of clay minerals, whereas at higher temperatures (1080°C) the unreacted CaO attacks the large quartz grains and forms wollastonite zones around them. ( c ) Extensive vitrification is observed in the noncalcareous clays (Karfi clay and decalcitkd Corinth clay). Part of the ferrous iron, produced after dissociation of the iron oxides, is dissolved in the vitreous matrix and the remaining is incorporated in the spinel mineral hercynite. The formation of hercynite indicated that strongly reducing conditions were obtained inside the clay body although the samples were fired in a flow of inert gas. ( d ) The saturation and isothermal remanence magnetization exhibit a peak at firing temperatures of 700°C for noncalcareous clays, whereas in calcareous clays the peak occurs at 900°C. 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