.... 655 ' REPORT TO PLANNING APPEALS COMMITTEE till OF CAPE TOWN IISIXEKO SASEKm I STAb KUPSTAD PLANAP 12/02/12 193173 LM440B Tinus nvelele (02 Gregory (021) 400-6447 Media City 16 54 JP Smith 27 January 2012 TlON NO I FILE AL THOR PHONE NC I HEAD PHONE NO I WARD WARI ~R DATE INTERVIEW REQUESTED I I I IT OTHER PARTY YES I , I I I NO I I v APPEAL AGAINST DECISION OF SUBCOUNCIL 16 TO REFUSE THE APPLICATION FOR CONSENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 15 OF THE ZONING SCHEME REGULATIONS, ERF 329, 17 BICKLEY STREET, SEA POINT EAST APPEL TEEN BESLUIT VAN SUBRAAD 16 OM DIE AANSOEK OM VERGUNNING INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 15 VAN DIE SONERINGSKEMAREGULASIES, ERF 329,17 BICKLEY STREET, SEA POINT EAST ISIBHEMO ESICHASENE NESIGQIBO SEBHUNGANA 16 SOKUKHABA ISICELO LWEMIQATHANGO NEMVUME NGOKUNGQINELANA NECADELO 15 LEMIGAQO YENKQUBO YOCANDO,ISIZA 329, 17 BICKLEY STREET, SEA POINT EAST 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Property description Jonas Sandtrom (Cape Holidays Accommodation ccl Registered owner Applicant 1 agent Rod Palmer Architect Appellant Rod Palmer Architect Site extent 721m 2 Applicable Zoning Scheme Cape Town Zoning Scheme General Residential (R4) Current zoning Dwelling House Current land use Yes No Title deed restrictions I I I Application components 1 The proposal is for the change of materials from concrete and brick structure to timber structure from previously description (state briefly) approved plans (04038/2008). Application submission date 31 May 2010 Special 1 Conservation area Yes Subject to PHRA 1 SAHRA Yes, Approved by the Heritage Western Cape on the 30 April 2010 Any unauthorised land use 1 Yes, wooden construction already started. " Appeal Report Eli 329,17 Bicley Road, Sea Point East(Oct 2011) ..... 656 building work? (for background info; not to form part of consideration or basis of decision) Notification date of MSA 05 October 2011 appeal rights Appeal submission date 26 October 2011 Appeal deemed valid? Yes No ..J Grounds of appeal (state The applicant believes that the plans were previously briefly) approved and Heritage Resources Management supported the change of materials. One of the objectors responded to the appeal from the Appeal circulation result applicant and the objector concurs with Sub-Council 16 recommendation to refuse the application. No Policies 1 plans applicable Does appeal include new No Yes ..J information 1 amendments? Appeal supported? No Yes ..J 2 REASONS FOR ORIGINAL DECISION Reasons for the original decision were listed Annexure 0) as follows: • 3 In Council's decision notice (see The proposed structure is undesirable as it will denigrate a historical building in a declared Urban Conservation Area that was one of the first houses built in the area around 1860. SUMMARY OF APPEAL The appellant's grounds for appeal (see Annexure 8) may be summarised as follows: • • • • • The plans submitted by "Plan-it" in May 2010, were rider Plans to previously approved plan no. 4038/2008. The 2008 approval was for for a concrete and brick structure and was supported by Heritage Western Cape and the City's Heritage Resources Section for the proposed building in an Urban Conservation Area. In April 2010, Heritage Western Cape and the City's Heritage Resources Section approved the Rider Plans, ie. For the proposed timber construction. The application is for a "change in materials" only. The extent of the envelope remains the same. The Sub-Council inspections were of the partly-completed structure, which is clearly "work in progress". The Heritage authorities have agreed that the "light weight drywall construction .. is reversible without compromising the historic structure". Appeal Report Eli 329.17 Bicley Road, Sea Point East (Oct 2011) '" . ..... 657 4 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Comments Advertising Outcome Appeal circulation 5 Press Gazette Notices Ward councillor On-site display Community organisation(s) Public meeting .,j .,j 01-06-2010 01-06-2010 Objections .,j One objection was received 01-072010 Objection petition Support I No objection Comments Ward councillor response Other party(ies) Ward councillor .,j .,j ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS Does the proposal involve any significant environmental im lications? 6 COMMENT ON THE APPEAL 6.1 Ward councillor No comment received. 6.2 Other party(ies) Comments by opposing party(ies) (see Annexure C) may be summarised as follows: • • 6.3 We originally informed you of our concern about the wooden construction on 21 st April and 28 th April 2010. Therefore, we support the resolution made without additional evidence to support it and, therefore, there is no ground for appeal. Other line departments None Appeal Report Erf 329, 17 Bicley Road, Sea Paint East (Oct 2011) 6.4 6S8 P & 80M department The following matters are reiterated I points are emphasised, The departmental reports dated January 2011 and June 2011 to the SubCouncil 16 is attached as further reflection on meritorious issues, 7 ANNEXURES Annexure Annexure Annexure Annexure Annexure Annexure A B C D E F Locality plan I Public participation map Appellant's grounds for appeal & Appeal questionnaire Opposing party(ies)' comment on appeal Subcouncil 16 I report & resolution Decision letter issued HWC Record of Decision Comment 121 Report compliant with Council's System of Delegation, policies, by-laws and all relevant legislation relating to the matter being considered o Report non-compliant Comment Tel no Date o">/ro2....J~ , I J 2.. Appeal Report Erf 329, 17 Bicley Road, Sea Point East (Oct 2011) 659 PLANNING AND BUILDING DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT ANNEXURE A LOCALITY MAP I PUBLIC PARTICIPATION MAP P .' ~B.i ", ". ;; ""fn ," ," "> '" " , " n " " , IS,'},; $ " •" ,-~ '» 1~9P " 105>0 ,.' 2<) " '" ", " '" '" " "'- .- ,> ", '>, ,. " ~ .' 'fu ",:;- lSflffi Jssro I",;,.),J;> It" w ,,')IQ2 '~ 194A '" " '" n lIlt; '" ' .. /~/ "" '" >', ,*, '" # lA' " '" SJ~ ., >" '" '" '"' '" s.); $.).,> ~ '" '", &Ii;' n3 " ',"' " ~ 2iJ; • ,e, m >" '" ;;oJ JS"(i 15,;;> " , c...:'-""./191; ;.)$ ·',s;,.o '" '" "> , " ". '" P 'f,,'rCi ,Ob >', 00" >" •< no '" District 2)1 Erf: 329 Allotment: SEA POINT EAST Suburb: SEA POINT District: A Ward: 54 Sub Council: Subcouncil16 $ Scale: 1:1000 Notices Served Petition Signatory Generated by: Tinus Nyelele • • Support Received Objections Received Date:03 February 2012 File Reference: LM440B (193173) CITY or CJ!'lTOlII~ ISIIElOSlS!KIPl SllnKIiPSun THIS CITY WORKS FOR YOU '" . ...... 6&0 CITY OF CAPE TOWN DEPARnlENT OF PlANNII>lG & BUILDING DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT APPEAL QUESTIOWAAlRE. ,..... , \ (Appeal in terms of SedJOfl 62 of the Munlcipal Systems Ad.., No 32 of 2000) Dear applicant Should you intend exercising your right to appeal in terms of Section 62 of the Municipal Systems Act, No 32 of 2000 against Council's decision mentioned in the accompanying decision let1er, kindly assist the Appeal Aulhority in considering your appeal by completing this questionnaire. Kindly complete / tick the appropriate boxes below, provide a short motivation / explanation of your answer, appernJ it to your letter of appeal and submIT il together wilh a copy of the original decision letter being appealed to Ms Nawaa! Adams, Private Bag X9181, Cape Town, 8000 Or if hand delivered to City Manager's Suite, 5~ floor, Podium Block, Civic cenlre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, 8001 or fffaxed to 021400 1332. '\'13 \"')3 \ App!icalio~ nO C.M.oIr40~ i Subjectpropertynol e~ ~2.9, ~e;;oo.. f'Oll-{I I$')cST 17 'Blc:.\l.C..£"( ~,sE:).- Po~'\ ~sr i Date:Oforiginal'deci~on "'" I € ' S ,2..0\ I iDateofreceiving noticeo! d~cisi"~ '13. \0 iStreetaddress WIlo,tOOklheO<jgim,idecision7 YES SU@.- ~Clv I~ V J2. 'AreYo~appealin!iagaihst Council's. decision to r~fuse yourappljcation~' N0'1 p!e~.e explajribelow. •" ,...' '. " . '. : I--Y~E_S_'i-1--o-l 3, Are NO V ,ZO 1, 'If.''Yes:;'' ':. you satisfed with CouncWs decision but appealing against Iheronditions Of approval imposed?,lf"Yes",please explain below, .' THIS on WORKS FOR YOU ESI SIXEKO SISE;ec'JZEl..A VIEN.4 HjEROIE $TAD WERK VJR JOU Ali cooespotldeflO! ;w..,ilable in Ainl'..aans and lsOOlo$Ol.on.,,-tt.en re~t . ~ 661 .... 4. Does YOll( appeal contain .any newioforim;tion (fur darmcation purp()l;ei) that wa.s not. Wbmitted-prior_to Counclrs decision on the application?:" lf~es-;- please "e'xplain below' what is new and why it was not submitted 'as part of your :original appliCation: ' YES 1-:--'--+----.1 ~o- ' ,. . . ,.': .- - .;: ,,". :": '~,-' . ' ..''''-'':, "-' " :~:; -,::<"" "--,, :,': ," appeal involve a revised developnnenfptopqsal which is pllf",ent fr.om ..)hat ~!ch Vfa:s cOnsidered . b)dhe'· ongiria,1 Clec;isiorl-maker?: ,: '.If "Yes\ kindly note, your_suD- 5. Does YES yOU! ~,.., ~.ro' re ""_.~'" __ ~ 00"""" •_ ",,~.. ~m ",'"" 00\ submitted in. -the norma.1~anner. ,KlOdly note, ,0.nl¥ aPPealS in.respett-,_of. the a p . ·PljCa.ti~.: already considered can therefore be accept~d.. . .. ,' ". .' : "., . __ ': .' .. '" ": '" , '. ' ,"- , "-," ' I ... ......( I, I Ie .... \>.0. SO)(, Poslal address ~'1 . Ph,/~no '3'" ?93.S"" . I Date I 2.-4 • \0 .2..0 \ \ Signature •... Naie : Completed questfOff1 ~ . e. to be accompanied by a copy of emma/'s decision letter being appealed. THIS Cl',YV'JORKS FOR YOU ESI SIXEKO SlSEBENZELA 'A€NA. HI~ROF- A!l1:OITe5p'lIldcr.oo 8Vailabie in 1J1ik3im:S and isiXAcIIia OJ! wIlDen SfAO WERK VR JOU requ~ WM014 662 Rod Palmer PLArch, B.ArcL (U.C T.), MIArcr..<-' 61 Lower Main Road, P.O. Box 36 (021) 448-5468 Telephone: (021\ Fax E-mail : rolla Member: CC No.: OBSERVATORY, 7935 448-555(~ f.L'S<i!",.(\r~1i R.K. Palmer 1995fQ05174f23 . -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:>""::'1.A.P. Reg No. 2251 CAPE TOWN ICITY OF RECEIVED 24 October 2011 The City Manager 5th floor Podium Block Civic Centre 12 Hertzog Boulevard CAPETOWN 800J I ZS OCT 2011 i" I PLANNING &BUILDING ATTENTION: MS. NAWAAL ADAMS iOEVELOPMENTMANAGEMENT Dear Sir, APPLICA TlON FOR COUNCIL'S CONSENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 108 OF THE CAPE TOWN ZONING SCHEME: ERF 329, No. 17 BICKLEY ROAD, SEA POINT EAST REF. APPLICATION No. LM 4408 (193173) APPEAL IN TERMS OF SECTION 62 OF THE LOCAL GOVEllNMENT MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT, No. 32 OF 2000 MOTIVATION With reference to the enclosed Appeal Questionaire, we submit the following motivation for our answers to the questions: Question I : "Is your appeal based on and primarily concerned with the process followed prior to Council's decision? YES A. The plans submitted by "Plan-If' in May 2010, were Rider Plans to previouslyapproved plan no. 4038/2008. The 2008 approval was for a concrete and brick structure and was supported by Heritage Western Cape and the City's Heritage Resources Section for the proposed building in an Urban Consenration Area, ie. approval had already been given in terms of Section 108 of the Zoning Scheme. B. In April 201 0, Heritage Western Cape and the City's Heritage Resources Section approved the Rider Plans, ie. for the proposed timber construction. C. In May 2010, the City's Planning & Building Development Management officials insisted that the Rider Plans had to be re-advertised to neighbours, and one objection was received (from erfna. 1508). This objection was based on the names of the rooms stated on the drawings, and raised queries about the number of parking bays to be provided - but did not mention the proposed Change in materials. The room names were corrected in Apri12011. D. The subsequent reporting process followed by the Planners resulted in several delays in setting our application onto an agenda for the Sub-council meeting. Sub-council 16 only reviewed our application in February 2011, and this was followed by an initial inspection in March 2011 and the second inspection on 5 September 201 I - after which the application was refused. 663 Question 2 : "'Are you appealing against Council's decision to refuse your application? A. The application is for a "change in materials" only_ The extent ofthe envelope remains the same as the initial approved plans,. and the only variations to the planning are internal wall positi(ln:- Section ]08 excludes ''', .. an intema'· wall or partition ... " ~ C. The Sub-council inspections were of the partly-completed structure, which is clearly "work-in-progress" - and we contend that the decision to refuse the "material change" was taken without due consideration ofthe anticipated end results. C. The Heritage authorities have agreed that the" ... Iight-weight drywall construction ... is reversible without compromising the historic structure .. and will blend in with the historic structure ... " A permit was issued, approving the alterations to the building. Yours faithfully, ROD PALMER ARCHlTECT ends copies: Planning & Building Development Management (Mr. Tinus NyeleJe) client Bickley.lstFloor.12 YES 664 Rod Palmer Pr.Arch, 8.Arch. (U.C.T.), MIArch 61 Lower Mam Road, P.O. Box 36 OBSERVATORY, 7935 (021) 448-5468 (021) 448-555:,E-mail: f(,dp u.,~~\ia.()rg ..-,:<Member" RK. Palmer CC No 1995/005174/23 S.A.C.A.P. Reg. No. 2251 Telephone: Fax 24 October 20 II The City Manager 5 th floor Podium Blocl< Civic Centre 12 Hertzog Boulevard CAPE TOWN 8001 ATTENTION: MS, NA WAAL ADAMS Dear Sir. APPLICATION FOR COUNCIL'S CONSENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 108 OF THE CAPE TOWN ZONING SCHEME: ERF 329, No, 17 BICKLEY ROAD, SEA POINT EAST REF, APPLICATION No. LM 4408 (193173) APPEAL IN TERMS OF SECTION 62 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT, No, 32 OF 2000 On behalf of Cape Holiday Accommodation c.c., I confirm that the owners of the property have instructed me to exercise their right of appeal against Sub-council 16'5 decision to refuse our application to change materials for the exterior of the proposed alterations to the building. The following documents are attached: L 2, 3. a copy of the original decision letter (Sub-council minutes dated 18 September 2011) the completed Appeal Questionaire our motivation supporting the Appeal, consisting of: a,) the objection received from erf 1508 (dated 12 July 2010) b,) the "supplementary reporl" received from Mr, Johan Cornelius (HKS-l dated 13 June 2011 c.) the report from Mr. Christopher Snelling. Heritage Consultant, received on 13 October 2011 ends. copIes: Planning & Building Development Management (Mr. Tinus Nyelele) client Bickley. IstFioor. 13 -... . 665 Cape Holiday Accommodation CC 12 Antrim Road Th:lee AnChor Soy POl"II, 8(X)5 Ccpelown South Afr,ca F'"!C'~lt'. +272: ~33 2 i 32/+:1.72: 433 L517 Fox: +27214332:33/+27 86D25959t VA) Reg. No .. 468020784< 22 October 20 I 1 io whom it may -;:or!cem 1hereby confirm 1hot L Hans jonas Sand~t;orr: (passoort no. 3.4495561 f gives Rodney Keith Palmer (i-D. no. 480203 5084 08! I authority to sign and SJbrnLt documents Clr; beh.alf Qi me and my company, Cape Holiday Accommodation Cc. iCk2003/003346(23J i~, relofio~; fo building plom. Your Sirleerely (/ :; =¥.",,'-,,)(,,"..::;~;<lf.JYG .::.(.cr: ir~".I>:; ;:,! fio:-!...: ,:.n-! ,Iemoti f: 0046 704452184 oeo!: 0 24 78098 ...... Director Planning and Building lVianagement 00 2 Floor, Media City Corner Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht Cape Town 8000 _ 666 c ,"I Erf 331 6 Firmount Road Sea Pont Cape Towr, 800:; TH 6 December 2011 APPEAL RECEIVED IN TERMS OF SECTION 62 OFTHE MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT 2000. APPLICATION FOR DEPARTURES IN TERMS OF THE LAND USE PLANNING ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1985: ERVEN 329, 17 BICKLEY ROAD, SEA POINT EAST Dear Sir, We are responding to the Appeal made against the decision of Sub~CDuncil16 on 2011~09·18, when it was unanimously resolved that the Application be refused fo' the following reaso~s Quote: The proposed structure is undesirable as it will denigrate a historical building in a declared Urban Conservation Area that was one of the first houses built in the area around 1860. End quote. th We originally informed you of our concern about the wooden construction on 21" April and 28 April 2010 (with photographs taken by our property manager Michal Mechant). We responded with a Statement (copy attached) on Case No 9850/10 in the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape) on 24th May 2010. We support the Resolution made by Sub-Council 16 on 2011-09-18 and wish for it to be upheld. It is our view that the Appeal is being made without additional evidence to support it and, therefore, there is no ground for Appeal. From our perspective, additional to the heritage aspects of the decision made by Sub-Council 16, we are concerned that the wooden construction presents a fire risk, not only to 17 Bickley Road and, thereby to the heritage site, but also to neighbouring properties. Yours sincerely, ~d..-~~.n.~~ ""_ ~~ Catherine M Bond and Robert CAshton crry OF CAPE TOWN RECEIVED 06 DEC 2011 Copies to: Mr Tinus Nyelele Mr Joerg Steffens Mr Frank Atherley PLANNING & ' DEVELQPME - BU!U)ING NT MANAGEMENT 1 667 From: michal@polka.co.za Subject: Pictures of 17 on Bickley construction Date: 21 April 20107:29:38 PM-' To: yusuf.cader@capetown.gov.za, william.kingwell@capetown.gov.za Cc: cmkatebond@msn.com Dear Mr. Cader / Mr. Kingwell, Following our earlier telephone conversation regarding the construction work taking place at the guesthouse No. 17 on Bickley please find the attached photographs I've taken from the yard of NO.6 Firmount Road. You can see it is taking quite a considerable chunk of blue skyline away and a total invasion of privacy if there are windows that will be installed. We weren't informed of any construction plans that were approved, so it was a total surprise to open the back door one morning only to be faced with workman looking directly at me. The first image was taken last week when the construction started and the second image I took this morning. Many thanks and kind regards, Michal Michal Mechanl Home: (021) 434 0842 Cell: 082 481 3540 Email: michal@polka.co.za I .......... -~- "-",.."".....--...... .......-,.~'<' ~~-" --~- . ..... 669 STATEMENT 1. In relation to Case No 9850110 in the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court, C2pe TO\\11) in the maner between Cape Holiday Accommodation CC (Applicant) and the City of Cape Town (Respondent) we, Robert Charles Ashton and Catherine Mary Bond, wish to provide information and make observation as follow, Background 2, Our permanent address is in Chester. UK, We are resident at 6 Fim10unt Road, Sea Point for a total of 6-8 weeks per year, spread over several visits, 3, We are co-owners of 6 Firmount Road (ERF 331), having purchased the property in August 2003, The boundary wall at the rear of the property forms part of the boundary wall of Bickley Guest House at 17 Bickley Road, Sea Point. 4, In April 2006 Jonas Sandstrom introduced himself to us as owner of Bickley Guest House, He was concerned about the security of his property following building modifications to 15 Bickley Road, which has boundaries with both our properties, We addressed his concern by having installed a11 electrified fence on the boundary between 6 Firn10unt Road and 15 Bickley Road, The interaction between Mr Sandstrom and us was neighbourly and amicable, He invited us to view his guesthouse, We were impressed with the style and spaciousness of the rooms, 1\11' Sandstrom was enthusiastic about the history and heritage of his property, He did inform us at that time of his intention to seek planning permission for extension of the number of rooms for guests, He was aware that the historical nature of his property could impose restrictions on any planning approval that might be granted. 2010 5. We were resident in Cape Town for the period 26 February to 13 March. Some time after our return to the UK we received an e-mail from our neighbour at 8 Firmount Road, Joerg Steffens, to inform us that significant building extension was taking place on the roof of Bickley Guest House. A photograph indicated the work was based on timber-frame construction. 6. One ofus (RCA) contacted the City of Cape Town to investigate the legitimacy of the work. It transpired that, unknown to us, planning permission was granted for extension work in 2008, but the permission was for a brick-based construction. Following our innocent request for information it became apparent that permission for a timber-frame construction had not been granted. This resulted in the City of Cape Town imposing a stop work order on the construction at 17 Bickley Road, which is still in force at the time of our writing this statement. Current Situation 7. We arrived in Cape Town for our present visit on Thursday 20 May to find the Notice of Motion and Respondent's Answering Affadavit relating to High Court Case Number 9850/10 at 6 Firmount Road. 8. Prior to our departure from the UK we had received correspondence from PLANit DESIGNS CC, Archirects to Jonas Sandstrom, for the building work at 17 Bickley Road. This was regarding a window in the extension overlooking the rear yard of our property. Our only knowledge of this window was following receipt of an e-mail from a Cape Town resident, Michal Meehan!. Mr Mechant manages 6 Firmount Road for us during our time in the UK. He had contacted the City of Cape Town Building Inspector, YusufCader, to enquire whether the window forms a part of the approved 670 plans. It was via this route that PLANit DESIGNS CC contacted us to request discussion relating both to the window and the in-place stop work order. 9. In telephone conversation at about 8-45am on Friday 21 May we agreed to a meeting with Charlene Payne, Architect of PLAN it DESIGNS Cc, and James Bunyan. Building Contractor. This took place at 9-15am the same morning. Michal Mechant was present at the meeting. This was the morning after our arrival in Cape Town. We had not been able. through both lack of time and tiredness after a long journey, to read the documents relating to the High Court Action 9850110. It became apparent subsequently, after reading these documents. that Ms Payne and Mr Bunyan wished us to take immediate action in relation to Paragraph 66 of the Respondent's Affadavit, which references Paragraph 25.6 of the Application. We refused, in the absence of all the facts and without legal advice, to sign documentation withdrawing our objection to the building works and, thereby, expedite removal of the stop work order. 10. Our 1D1derstanding is this: Jonas Sandstrom, owner of 17 Bickley Road, failed to approach the City of Cape Town at an appropriate time to obtain planning approval for a change of constructi 011 material from brick-based to timber-frame for the extension works. Charlene Payne, Architect, of PLAN it DESIGNS CC, was complicit in allowing construction work to proceed without the construction method change being approved. James B1D1yan, Building Contractor, assembled a workforce and materials and undertook construction work without planning approval in place. In view of the above we are not able to withdraw our objection to the construction work, as so doing would render us accessories to an illicit process. We believe that the future of the building work at 17 Bickley Road should lie with the City of Cape Town and the due processes it is empowered to 1D1dertake. 11. We confIrm that the above statement is a true summary of the interactions and processes which have led to the building work at 17 Bickley Road being subject to the on-going stop work order. Signed Dr ROBERT CHARLES ASHTON, Chartered Chemical Engineer and CATHERINE MARY BOND, Accredited Psychological Therapist 24th May 2010 671 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT TO SUBCOUNCIL (14-03-2011) Application No. : File Reference Author: Signatory District: Ward: Sub Council Ward Cllr: Date: 193173 LM4408 Tinus Nyelele 400-6455 Gregory September 400-6447 Table Bay 54 16 June 2011 ITEM NO. APPLICATION FOR COUNCIL CONSENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 108 OF THE ZONING SCHEME REGULATIONS, ERF 329, 17 BICKLEY ROAD, SEA POINT AANSOEK OM RAADSVERGUNNING INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 108 VAN DIE SONERINGSKEMAREGULASIES, ERF 329, SICKLEYWEG 17, SEEPUNT ISICELO SEMVUME YEBHUNGA NGOKWEMIGAQO YECANDELO 108 LEMIQATHANGO YENKQUBO YOKUCANDWA KOMHLABA, ISIZA 329, 17 BICKLEY ROAD, SEA POINT Dear SirlMadam After consultation with the Heritage Resources Section it was confirmed that concerns were initially expressed regarding the building on Erf 329, 17 Bickley Road, Sea Point East This supplementary report must be read along with the contents of the e-mail dated 15 April 2011 which is the branch initial response. The property concerned enjoys the general protection in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999) because it is older than 60 years. To satisfy Section 34 of this act. any alterations to such a structure must be approve by Heritage Westem Cape (HWC) by means of a permit issued by them. HWC may ask for comment prior to the issuing of the permit which in this instance, Environmental & Heritage Management's comment supported the alteration on the following basis. * * The alteration is in the form of an addition manufactured in a light weight, drywall construction. It does not penetrate the historic fabric but it is built on a deck which in turn is suspended on top of the perimeter walls of the historic structure. * The intervention is reversible without compromising the historic structure. * The dry walling will get a plastered and painted finish with parapets and plaster mouldings to blend in with the historic structure. Following the above, Environmental & Heritage Management provided HWC with comment of support and after their own evaluation, HWC concur with the comment and issued a permit Environmental & Heritage Management has therefore no locus standi to question the approval after this branch's support already given. 672 Erf 329 falls inside the Sea Point Urban Conservation Area and regarding Section 108 of the Zoning Scheme Regulations, the delegation of Environment & Heritage Management is to ascertain whether the alteration will be detrimental to the protection andlor maintenance of the architectural, aesthetic and lor historical significance of the area. The historic building sits far back on the er' and Environmentai & Heritage Management has decided that the proposal will have no n;gative impac: or, the area. It was therefore recommended to LUMS to grant the special consent to built inside the urban conservation area. We trust that both our sets of comment will clear al of the Subcouncil's uncertainties. Section Head: Land Use Manageme~t Name Tel no Date c; ~ 8a?TF~(d2.­ (jjj/ 11..(10 64f..t.-1 I4-LOb(lP/l Comment ....... 673 REPORT TO SUBCOUNCIL 16 Application No. : File Reference : Author: Signatory: District : Ward: Sub Council Ward ClIr: Date: 193173 LM4408 Tinus Nyelele 400-6455 Gregory September 400-6447 Table Bay 54 16 January 2011 ITEM NO. APPLICATION FOR COUNCIL CONSENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 108 OF THE ZONING SCHEME REGULATIONS, ERF 329, 17 BICKLEY ROAD, SEA POINT AANSOEK OM RAADSVERGUNNING INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 108 VAN DIE SONERINGSKEMAREGULASIES, ERF 329, BICKLEYWEG 17, SEEPUNT ISICELO SEMVUME YEBHUNGA NGOKWEMIGAQO YECANDELO 108 LEMIQATHANGO YENKQUBO YOKUCANDWA KOMHLABA, ISIZA 329,17 BICKLEY ROAD, SEA POINT 1. DECISION AUTHORITY Recommend Decision SPELUM SUB-COUNCIL PLANNING PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE "' "' MAYCO COUNCIL PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT: WESTERN CAPE Delegations 59(30) To grant, with or without conditions, or refuse an application for the Special consent of Council, consent of Council or a conditional use referred to in the Zoning Scheme Regulations in operation in Council's area of jurisdiction in relation to land that does not extend beyond a Sub-council boundary and in cases where objections have been received. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 Application: It is proposed to permit alterations and additions to an existing Dwelling House into a Residential6uilding (Guest House). Tile proposal requires Councils Consent to permit work in an Urban Conservation Area. 674 2.2 BACKGROUND The property is located at Erf 329, 17 Bickley Road, Sea Point East, and has a General Residential, R4 zoning. The building on site is two storeys in height and is currently used as a Residential Building. The application was previously approved as a Residential Building on 20 June 2008 (Plan No. 4038/08). The applicant approached the surrounding neighbours, Ratepayers and Ward Councilor with the letters of no objections through advertising. However, the applicant was not successful in this regard. The application was formally advertised by Council and one letter of no objection was received. 2.3 Recommendation It is recommended that the application be approved. 2.4 Property & general information Erf 1Farm no Extent Registered owner Applicable Zonin~ scheme Current zoning Current land use Title Deed no Any unauthorised land use 1 building work Previous approvals granted Special I Conservation area Subject to SAHRA I PHRA Applicant Application submission date 2.5 329 721m' Jonas Sandtrom (Cape Holiday Accommodation cc Cal'e Town Zoning Scheme General Residential (R4) DwellinQ House See An nexu re D Yes, notice was previously served. Yes, 20 June 2008 Yes Yes, Approved by the Heritage Western Cape on the 30 April 2010. Jonas Sandtrom 31 May 2010 Public Participation' YES Advertised Response Interview request 2.6 Press Gazette Notices Ward Councillor Community Organizations Public Meeting Objections Support Petition Applicant Objector v v v _v Annexures: Conditions to be imposed if any Locality plan Copy of Title Deed SDP/Site plan Heritage Western Cape Records of DeciSion : Annexure A : Annexure B.1 : Annexure B.2 : Annexure C : Annexure D : Annexure E NO Dates I No received I Com ment v v v 01-06-2010 01-06-2010 01-06-2010 One ob,Lection - 01-07-2010 "v v v , &.0 • • • 675 Address list of affected property Owners External comments Comments by applicant on objections Copies of Plans : Annexure F : Annexure G : Annexure H : Annexure! 3. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS A Consent The application requires the Consent of Council in terms of Section 108 to permit work in an Urban Conservation Area. B. The application was advertised in accordance with the amended version of the Notification Policy dated 2009-08-17. 4. STAFF IMPLICATIONS None 5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS None 6. SUMMARY OF APPLICANT'S MOTIVATION o o o o 7. The indented renovation approved plan specifies masonary brickwork. The house is more than 60 years old (Heritage). The use of timber is much lighter, reducing the stress on the old existing structures. The applicant does not want to inconvenience the neighbours with large transport trucks, delivering concrete slabs and bricks, and blocking the road while unloading these materials. The change of materials will also reduce construction time, thus alleviating the inconvenience to neighbours. SUMMARY OF OBJECTIONS I COMMENTS o o 8. The drawing shows it will be a three (3) bedroom guest house. It is not going to be what they state on the drawings, it is going to be a seven (7) to eight (8) bedroom guesthouse. The application therefore is misleading. A question is raised as whether six (6) on site bays are required in the event that application is allowed to go ahead with lim ited parking then it will mean overflow into Bickley Road, not only by guest cars but also by staff cars. SUMMARY OF APPLICANT'S RESPONSE o o o o Since 2004, several plans have been submitted to the Planning Department for approval of proposed building projects. In March 2004, an application was made for six (6) rooms upstairs, and after a lengthy process involving several "departures' these Sketch Plans were approved, but for only four (4) rooms upstairs. Full plans were eventually approveD in June 2008, also for four (4) rooms upstairs but the building work was not started at that time. Plans for the cottage (on the weslOOiJndary) were approved in 2008, and work was completed in 2009. Plans to convert the Laundry into another room were submitted in early 2010, but were subsequently withdrawn prior to approval was undertaken. 676 • • 9. In April 2010, the current plans (Application 193173) were submitted by another firm indicating a timber structure in place of the brick and concrete structure approved in June 2008. The number of rooms upstairs was reduced from four (4), on the 2008 approved plan, to three (3). Due to the anticipated demand for accommodation for the FiFa World Cu" the owner decidec in March 2010 that the building of the bedrooms upstairs was to go ahead, but that the material to be used should be timber so as to, amongst other things, shorten the construclion time. EVALUATION OF PROPOSAL Impact on surrounding properties One objection letter was received from one of the surrounding neighbours regarding the subject property. The objections raised are summarized above. In this instance, the application for Councils Consent in terms of Section 108 was advertised to neighbouring owners in light of the interest demonstrated to this development by neighbouring owners. The application is essentially for a change in materials from brickwork to timber so that the internal layout differs minimally from the previously approved except that the number of rooms had been reduced to three (3) from four rooms (4). The property is located within an urban conservation area and is older than sixty (60) years ir, age. The proposal has been referred to both the Director: Environmental Resources Management (Heritage Resource Section) and to Heritage Western Cape (HWC). These authorities have both considered the proposal and have subsequently offered no objections thereto. The proposal does not impact negatively on the existing heritage resource. Regarding parking, the proposed development does not trigger departures in terms of Section 77 of the Scheme Regulations. The proposed guest house consists of three bedrooms and it is required in terms of the Scheme Regulations to provide one (1) parking bay. Therefore, the parking issue is not relevant to this application. The objector stated that the plans are misleading in respect of the number of bedrooms. However, the plans have been assessed based on the Zoning Scheme Regulations and they do not trigger any departures except Councils Consent in terms of Section 108. Although the number of bedrooms are disputed, sufficient On site parking spaces exist for seven bedrooms. Therefore, this Department believes that the proposed development would not impact negatively to the surrounding neighbours. The change of building structural material does not affect the nature of the proposed Residential Building. The proposal does not pose any adverse impacts on surrounding properties. It is important to note that notwithstanding the re-classification of this building from Dwelling House to a Residential Building, the building and its continued use would not of necessity be different to a Dwelling House due to its low key nature. In light of the above, the application is recommended for approval. 10. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION • • The scale of the altered building is not out of character for the environment. Both Heritage Western Cape and the Director: Environmental Resources Management (Heritage Resources Section) has no objections to the proposal. 677 11. RECOMMENDATION 11.1 Accordingly, it is recommended that: 11.1.1 That the application for Council's Consent in terms of Section 108 to permit building work in a declared Urban Conservation Area be approved in respect of the Erf 329 and as referred to in the Annexure A. 11.1 Oaar word dienooreenkomstig aanbeveel dat: 11.1.1 Oat die aansoek Om Raadsvergunning ingevolge artikel 108 om bouwerk toe te laat in 'n verklaarde stedelike bewarea, goedgekeur ten opsigte van erf 329 soos na verwys in bylae A. 11.1 Ngoko ke, kundululwe ukuba: 11.1.1 Ukuba masiphunyezwe isicelo seMvume yeBhunga ngokwemigaqo yeCandelo 108 kulungiselelwa ukwenziwa komsebenzi wokwakha kwiNdawo ebhengezwe njengeGcinelwe iOolophu ngokuphathelene neSiza 329 nanjengoko kuchaziwe kwisiHlomelo A. Comment: DELEGATED OFFICIAL PRINCIPAL PLANNER NAME TEL DATE [2( REpORT COMPLIANT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL'S DELEGATIONS, POLICIES, BY-LAWS AND ALL LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE MATTER UNDER CONSIDERATION. o NON,COMPLIANT Comment: NAME TEL DATE I I 678 ANNEXURE A Application No: 193173 File Reference: LM4408 DEPARTURES GRANTED In this annexure: "Council" means the City of Cape Town, "The Owner" means the registered owner of the property, "the property" means ERF 329, 17 Bickley Road, Sea Point East "scheme regulations" has the meaning assigned thereto by Ordinance 15 of 1985 1,0 COUNCILS CONSENT GRANTED IN TERMS OF SECTION 15 OF THE LAND USE PLANNING ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1985 from: 1,1 Section 108: Consent to permit work in an Urban Conservation Area. PLANNING AND BUILDING DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT ANNEXURE B.1 LOCALITY MAP ." " " ~,;-' '" .~. ,. /', " l " ~~~ ,"' " ,', ~~" " District Erf: 329 Allotment: SEA POINT EAST Suburb: SEA POINT District: A Ward: 54 Sub Council: Goodhope t ~ Scale: 1:1000 '\ ;',., jF Notices Served • Support Received Petition Signatory • Objections Received Generated by: Tlnus Nyelele Date:27 January 2011 I------:..-----------t File Reference: LM440B (193173) I:m OF ~I'" JIIWIII ,5I1EKO 5ISfKl~ i, S118 UII'$TIO THIS CITY WORKS FOR YOU ... !'ROO PREPARED BY, DE8lS REGISTRATID-J SYSm1 rnsoa057 - DE8lS CPT PROPfRTY [flAIlS mINT Fffi romorl 8lF tt: T\WGlIP REG DIV 681 [YI1E, CAPE TCWl 20100503 IDE, 09,11)009.7 PACE , 1 (RIEl e 329 5CA POlNT EAST t-I.1T AVAIlPllLE I£STffiN CAPE PROVINCE PREV IJESCRIPTICtI FlR1 III ,999 FlR1 IlII'E , AKTT3WITllIll KAAPSTAD FILE tl'. ,PR=r FEE AM:l.tIT, R .00 OIArnA'I DEHl 00 EXTOO Cl.EAiW'lCI' 00 lI'ITffiDICfS OOCLI'ENTS 1!25343!2008 B4192lJ2(103 • OOlDER 0.. SHARE A'roH NE!IlI\II(LTD 'N8ll/II'I( LTD RB03876.00 O!P/A RSlOOOO.OO MICROFILM REF mD 2008 9435 0361 2008 6434 0913 9416 07311 M£R OCTAIlS RILL IW£ & SHARE CAPE Il:)LIDW ACC!lfoM:Xlo\TIOfl ( ( PIROl DllTE OIPIA - D - PtJLTIPLE MlER OIPI A lIJENTIIY 200300334623 P - I1JLTIPLE TITLE DEED mil T69543/2003 0730 Rl62OOOO. 00 20030419 • II'1:l.tlT/REASOfl f'R(Pf3!IY. A - I1JLTIPLE CWl!R PID PROPERTY . f'RlmMrs ..' " . , ;... PlEASE NlTE : TIE lNRR'ATIOO AI'PEJ\RlN; Ofl mrS RmISHED Fffi f'lIlPOSES OF lNRR'ATIOO 0flLY• Fffi IUlE .DETAILBl lNRR'ATIOO, PL£Ase REFffi TD TliE ~ saJlCE TXJIlloENTS •. , • * * *':"'B'[) OF "RE'P(f{T .'* * ~ .' . MIrnDfILM REF 2008 61134 9886 682 , '. / Ii /"\ ~UCh~n Boyes Inc Prepared by me (' / I (J, "T~coe", 1 Cornwall Place VlR ENDOSSEMENT" KYK BLADSY FOR END0RSEMEN'IS SEE P"'GE_--"i~"--"- I~V ~ynberg - '--/ C~VEYANCER SEElR~G OOl""< FOOl FEE FAiNSTEiN J R ..••..•.. __........ . 4X;OD R.···,·········t············· I MORTGAGED , VERBANO g\ :I~ A ........._._._ 0 .......... c.tr'.J..('{) .. _. • OR atiOO41921 12003 , 3 GJUL 2003 ~ \: - .L ~··-··Riai~TRATE:~im.G·1S-·TR·~~..,~· ;,&1 IT n00069543 12003 DEED OF TRANSFER .;,... .u c::: *\: ..... \ = S i- """ = U..l I~ lc:: ,= !, ...... z G:i -' = u..J ~ j z: .a: - 0:: 0 ..... = ....... = "'" <!'.,?:'i BE IT HEREBY MADE KNOWN THAT Elene Groenewald appeared before me, REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, at CAPE TOWN, the said appearer being duly authorised thereto by a Power of Attorney which said Power of Attorney was signed at WYNBERG on 9th June 2003 granted to him by ;:::> <.:..I ::E a:: = '..... ~~ ;:~.c = z '-'-' ....... -' ~ KENAU KARIN ALLAN Identity Number 630214 0157 08 6 Married out of community of property '. t ,n.nd the appeerer dedared thaI his said principal had, on 19 April 2003, tn..i!y and legally sold by Private Treaty, and that he, the s3:d Appearcr, in his capacity aforesaid. did, by tnese ore5eols, cede and transfer to and on behalf of: FUSION PROPERTlE~ 111 CC No. CK 2003/003346/23 or its Successors in Tit!e or assigns, in fuii and free property REMAINDER ERF 329 SEA POINT EAST, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN, CAPE DIVISION, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; IN EXTENT 721 (SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE) SQUARE METRES -'r..: i~ I, -~~. . .".,...- z- = ~-- e:t ?~;: c ~:.... = = <::> L.k c = = i, """ "'" .• f '.- FIRST TRANSFERRED BY DEED OF TRANSFER NO. T 596311920 WITH DIAGRAM RELATING THERETO AND HELD By DEED OF TP-ANSFER NO. T 6290212000 L~ ;:::::: :...,..,.; ,.... .:""A: ~-~ "-,., '';;'J :f"j .-:.";--~ ,'...... "-~~ ,~ .~~ ,.~ ,~ ~ i I! .-< , ! E = ,!,. <::> ".. i~ r;-...: I ::> ! :z: t.U "'-' -' -' =:t. I ! SUBJECT to such conditions as are referred to in Deed of Transfer No. T 18911917 and to the following special condition mentioned in said Deed of Transfer No. T 596311920: "That the walls lettered ef, fg, gh, hi and 1m of the house shown on the annexed diagram shall be common or party walls bel\.veen the above property and the adjoining house of the remaining extent" I, II I I -~ ., I, ' \ ".'" ~ '. • ~, ~ , ,~_ < , - : r~ _ ,_ ~ ~ '" . .. I' .:; _:' " \ _~:.;:;~~~_~:.. '_ :, ' " • _ ... '.' _ ' I WHEREFORE the said Appearer. renouncing all right and (ilfe which the said KENAU KARIN ALL~, Married as aforesaid heretofore had to the premises. did in consequence aiso acknowledge her to t·e entire;y dispossessed of, 'and disentitled to the same, and that by these presents. the said FUSION PROPERTIES 111 CC No. CK 20031003346123 , ~- i I• >- ::JC Z~ ;;:.":' --' i ',~ ;..:..~ l...;,., e.;,;. l- 5 .~ ;;:;r. • ~ = := - ;;Z; c..~;::; ~';..J; ,~;;:;;, 2 ! j I .:a::J I'. ,i... 1 (~, ~ ~ ~ ~ <:::: c' u.. ...... ;::) , a:> I- a:> •• t THUS DONE and EXECUTED at the Office of the Registrar of Deeds at Cape Town on lIc ~ f """ ..... f -' ::z: I.U -' «r 1 ~CCl~ ~~ ;.,,;... ,~,,: c IN WITNESS WHEREOF. J the said Registrar, together with Ihe Appearer, have sUbscribed 10 these presents. and have caused the Seal of Office to be affb,ed therelo. 1. = , .::::e: " • = = ?: ~,,;~ or its Successors in Title or assigns. now is and henceforth shall be entitled thereto. conformably to local custom. the State. however reserving its rights. and finally acknowledging the purchase price to be the sum of R1 620000.00 (ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND RAND). In my presence .. .- ~ , 4 \lA~ Of NAPJ!. . DIE, 685 11k ~IAI,I " . OF THe ...........................:t..c.::.1.t;.:,S.f-Cf.:?~ .. e. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . IS I'ERANDER )( ~ ;..~- .... - ~.....,.j i~ 2;' c;:: 0 ~3 ¢ ! r~_._ I to r~~ H,\$ 8::EN CHANGE!) TO /. . Bo:~;;:~~rJtl~J·1J ·,r.n8-L1' u't LUI.! ~ u i .........., .............................. :.':H)!STI.. I\TEGRI,!tEGlST~A!-J ,. \--,.,.-V-E-R-Bl-N":""D--~M-:-O=:A:::-::T-:::G-::A-::G:;E::-;:.0:-'"-1 ~ ::c j.r:-~ I l -..-: ~ - I ~. . ~~ R ......D..Q..3..... ~.:1 .. ~·t··(;;JO 19n~3~3 12008 2006-04-16 I ;' I l....:.:..;;...;...;..:;;~-----; • 21) 1) 8 -1)4- 1 :~ 11.800m Site 'Boundary i ~' "¢ i .... 686 C ro ! ",I "0 existing c "o courtyard <D ,n; I !~ I I Vl Ig I' 0 0 I~ "" ,I'"II' I'; ,II, :TIll'I, l,. : il~~"'r':!! JJrll~ , Ii illl I I .o9m 4.95011158 ~~~~~ pmp balcony PI'OP courtyard deck I 111111 111111 I I' I' I I h~JilM~lw~ ~ II i " I', I' ..' mmmn~111111 :Ji S.S60m SB g ~ en f'. 1 prop balcony L-.. I ITI existing patio Hr ITIIIIIIIII! I~j~' ~ ! Ii, jil'I"Iii ; existing courtyard ! N I PROP SUN DECK ~,~ (b = <=> o <=> N '" existing swimming pool • , , eE'!' , ~~~ __ _ ! , ! , , SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN , ! existing driveway , ! L _________ _ exist. c.w.c. - ~ 13.82m Site Boundary 25m TO FIRMOUNT ROAD BICKLEY ROAD ERF 329 17 BICKLEY ROAD SEAPOrNT 687 r . \./! \' Heritage \~'estern CapE herEwith informs. \\ '~ I' (' ... \\f... ,~.~'"i.... ~'.~::? .. JG~~.s "TWOV:-:./ \~ \S,c'~~ 9~,c~t i • ('*~n=::, , . . . . . . . .· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l .. \ \..--- ) ~~ .... '-! RECORD OF DECISIO" Of its intention to grant a permit in terms of Section 34 of the National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999) And Regulation 3(3)(a) of Provincial Notice 298 (29 August 2003) FOR: AL TERATIO"S AND. ADDITIONS ...... ' """, .......... 1.1 I I\ ' \, \ ~ \ L-~ J,----,--. \\ \ \~~~)'- r? , ~. ,y"""'''''''''' ,L U \ ---u\ AT: """""""""""""""","""""""""j""""""""""""""""""'" ERF: ,~?:1, DECISION, APPROVED: NOT APPROVED: 1 : CONDITIONS: GRADING: GRADE: UNGRADED CONSERVATION AREA: INSIDE: OUTSIDE: NOTE: • B This decision is subject to an appeal period of 14 working days. The applicant is required to inform any party who has expressed a bone fide interest in any heritage~related aspect 01 this ree decision. The appeal period shall be taken from the date 01 being informed. It should be noted that for an appeal to be deemec it must refer to the decision, it must be submitted by the due date and it must set out the grounds of the appeal. Appeals m addressed to the official named above and it is the responsibility of the appellant to confirm that the appeal has been ret within the appeal period. Work may not be initiated during this 14 day appeal period. 11 any archaeological material or evidence 01 burials is discovered during earth+moving activities all works must be sfoppe Heritage Western Cape must be notified immediately. This approval does not exonerate the applicant from obtaining any necessary approval from any other applicable sta authority. we STAMPED PLAN must be present on - - - - - - . co ra 0 the sile at all times and be produced on demand by a heritage inspector, bi.J ICliil, or any person duly authorized to do so. /-""~~ .. ~~!..!... ~·~':·l ~;tkHj\"-A.i·~Di:' ! -~i~~'Offi~~~:"H~';it~~~'R~'~~~;~~;'M~~'~'~~;;"~~;'S~rvices , Pp Heritag'e Western Cape __ ca~/cuIture_sport 688 ANNEXURE F Application No: 193173 File Reference: LM4408 AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS 689 ANNEXURE G Joerg Steffens 8 Firrr,Qunt Road Seapoint (ERF 15Gc:, Caps- Tm',.'n 80CI~, Application No: 193173 File Reference: LM4408 EXTERNAL COMMENT 2010-07 -01 City Of Caps Tow" Planning & Building Development Management Mr. T,nus r-Jyelele PO Box 4529 Cape Town 8000 Application No.1 93173 for Council's Consent: ERF 329. 17 Bickley Road Sea POint Dear Mr. Nyelele. As owner of ERF 1508, 6 Frrmount Roacl Sea POint, Wr,ICr, shares a boundary with ERr 329, I wish to raise objection to the Application on the following grounds The drawing shows it will be a 3 bedroom guest house It's not going to be what they state orr the drawings, it is going to be a 7-8 bedroom guesthouse. The application is trlerefore misleading. Misleading Drawings The proposed plan shows only 2 existing bedrooms at the ground floor ("convert into study" and "convert into dining room"). Currently there at least 4 rooms used as bedrooms. Therefore the drawing is misleading. The attached booking page printDut (Printout No.1, 25.6.2010) from the Bickley House website refers to 5 rooms A, B, C, 0, and F in the main house. The below table summarizes the mentioned rooms. Bickley House bedrooms Catego!}' Room Description No. Luxury Twin Room 0 Bathroom w. skylight Luxury Twin Room Luxury Double Room Luxury Double Room B Bath tub w. shower C Bathroom w. skylight F Room w. skylight A? Bathroom w. skylight Deluxe Double Room Location I Loc~tion Shares courtyard w. F Interleaded w. F I ;hares courtyard w. Interleaded w. A 2 Patio overlooking breakfast terrace Shares courtyard with 0 As a direct neighbour of Bickley House I know it as a fact Ihat the "Office" is currently used as a guestroom because I can see and hear guests using this room. According to Bickley House' own web page the "Staff Room" must be used as guest room to offer that amount of rooms. Therefore the drawing is misleading. On the recent printout NO.3 of their web page from 1" of July 261 0 Bickley House refers to even more rooms G & H!! 690 Non-viable business proposition ' - 0 \'I~-""'-','"'''' "I" ::.rir-,""S;,'"1'" te,e r\.',,''''-,prc:: ,,; p;,~'~'I-\' H-' :c::~ ;::> .. ...., p)'r,-..- ~,,.-,,..., ~:-,- .• ,c,.'!"I_. I=-cc. sr=,~ ;.~·I';::,r:>--.,.::::.r Bytne., '~:,)'L''-''~J'L.JI~';:;-",-,~v'=''--'::'~'C:'''-''''u'''='' ~_,,;, __ .. ___ ._~_I __ . newsletter (F'rinto;..Jl f",Jc_ 2. 27.5_2(1-IC) irorT, Dick:2Y House, V,,1Sb':.ile It is CJI/:UUS It i~ the 1:"llentIO:', ,C expand tCl mo~e bedroo:Tls hJ2~ICe the ext~a fioor ( I The drawing shows ~ ro:..ms on the giOUiid fIG:):- ·,.'.,'itt-, eli-suitE f2::.iLtiss 1. Office viith en-suite facilities 2 Study with en-suite i2cilities ("Ccmvertec" frorr: t'2::Jroon-'\ 0. Dining Room with erl-suite facilities ("Converted" hOrTl beO;O:JlTi,: 4. Staff-room with en-suite facilities The proposed alteration closes the existing bedrooms. ThiS would,leave the ground floor with 4 rooms suitable as bedrooms (en-suite facilitiesl:i_ but not using them a~ suc:h. It IS obvious that it is not t~12 intention to close the Existing ground fioor gUest roulTIS as thiS would not be expansion. hence the extra floo rl According to their plan the Bickley House wil! have only 3 bedroor:ls With en-suite lacill!les at the new first floor. This is not commercially viable, as It would mean a smaller' business. Therefore it can only be concluded that the rooms on the ground floor- wi!! be still ussd as gues: rooms~ This proposed alteration is based on misleading pians and is not a viable busineSS proposition. Therefore it must be considered s~spect It is suspected that Bickley House is in fact planning a 7-8 bedroom guesihouse (excluding the Cottage). Doesn't that mean according to the guidelines 6 parking places are required? If the application is allowed to go ahead with limited parking then it will mean overflow into Bickley Road, not only by guest cars but also by staff cars. This will add to the already at times very congested two ways Bickley Road. This application should be rejected plus consideration must be given to the original application that was based on misleading information i.e. that to do with the change of use of the ground floor rooms. Yours sinc~IY ,11 _ (Jl"'~~V ~ '---Attached Printout 1 from 25.6.2010 Printout 2 from 27.5.2010 Printout 3 from 01.7.2010 P.S. Please use my below details for any written communication Joerg Steffens c/o Sunshine Company 3 Roodehek Street Gardens Cape Town 8001 Fax 021-461 0575 ? 691 ANNEXURE H Application No: 193173 File Reference: LM4408 Comments by applicant on objections / 692 • Rod Palmer Pr.Arch, B.AfctL (U.CT), MlArch 61 Lower Main Road, P.O. Box 36 OBSERVATORY, 7935 I DG0'r~'~~', ;,; ,};'~ !!~~~~/.~ ~ ! I I Tbe Director: Planning & P.O.B ox 4529 CAPETOWN 8000 BUi~~~~I~;e;;~;:~~;:':t ATTENTION: MR. S.OWEN c Telephone Fax (021) 448-546P (021) 448-555: E-maiL:rodp(ci)saia.org.za Member: R.K. Palmer CC No.: 1995/005174/23 S.A.CAP. Reg No 2251 27 August 2010 shireen.owen@capetown.gov.za Dear Mr. Owen, PROPOSED 1" FLOOR EXTENSION TO "BICKLEY HOUSE", NO. 17 BICKLEY ROAD, SEA POINT EAST, FOR "CAPE HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION c.c.": ERF No. 329 APPLICATION No. 193173 FOR COUNCIL'S CONSENT Your registered letter dated 20 I 0-07-09 refers. On behalf of the owner of "Bickley House", Mr. Jonas Sandstrom (who is overseas) we submit the following responses to the comments made by Mr. Joerg Steffens in his letter dated 2010-07-01. Since 2004, several plans have been submitted (by ourselves and others) to the Planning Department for approval of proposed building projects, ie. A. • In March 2004, an application was made for 6 rooms upstairs, and after a lengthy process involving several "departures" these Sketch Plans were approved - but for only 4 rooms upstairs. Full plans were eventually approved in June 2008 - also for 4 rooms upstairs - but the building work was not started at that time. B. Plans for the Cottage (on the west boundary) were approved in 2008, and work was completed in 2009. C. Plans to convert the Laundry into another room were submitted in early 2010, but were subsequently withdrawn prior to approval and no building work was undertaken. D. In Apri120JO, the current plans (Application no. 193173) were submitted by another finn - indicating a timber structure in place of the brick and concrete structure approved in June 2008. The number of rooms upstairs was reduced from 4, on the 2008 approved plan, to 3. The plans for the rooms upstairs and the Cottage allowed for sufficient parking in terms of the Zoning Scberoe. The existing ground floor rooms (indicated as being converted to study and dining room) were to be converted once the new rooms upstairs had been completed and put into use. 693 Unfortunately, due (0 financial constraints, there was an unexpected delay in the owner's programme (0 build the rooms upstairs in 2009. As a result an urgent application had to be made to e>-"tend the validity of the 2008 approval for a further year (as permitted in the Local Authority's regulations). This allowed (he owner time to obtain fInances in order 10 commence the intended work at a later dat::. Due to the anticipated demand for accommodation for the FIF A World Cup, tbe owner decided in March 20 I 0 that the building of the bedrooms upstairs was (0 go ahead - but that tile material to be used should be timber so as to, amongst other things, shorten the construction time. Consequentiy, another firm, associated with the timber construction company, prepared n~w plans. These were "'rider plans" 10 the previouslyapproved plans - and the layout was essentially the same except that the number of rooms had been reduced (03, and the structural materials had been changed. As can be seen from point A above the owner's intention was initially to have 6 bedrooms upstairs and "convert" all the rOoms downstairs to "non-bedroolI1S". When the plans were approved for only 4 bedrooms upstairs, separate plans were submitted for the cottage (see point B above), which would result in the guesthouse having 5 rooms (ie. the minimum number ofroorus required for the guesthouse to be commercially viable). F" ""', The architectural technologist who prepared the drawings for the timber construction company inadvertently replicated the notes and descriptions shown on the original drawings (including the 2 notes to ground floor rooms, stating "converting bedroom ... ") - as was consistent with the status of her "rider plans". At no stage was there an attempt to mislead anyone and at all tbues, after the amendment of the pans to reduce the number of bedrooms upstairs to 3, the intention was to have 2 guest bedroOms on the ground floor, 3 bedrooms on the new first floor, and the cottage. Mr Steffens fails to take into account the outside cottage, which is part of the guesthouse. The Bickley House website referred to the additional rooms, but this was in anticipation of attracting bookings frnm World Cup visitors during June and July. The 8 roolI1S would have been for a limited period only - but due to delays in completing the timber structtrre the roolI1S were not ready for the World Cup anyway, and bookings had to be nxlirected elsewhere. The provision of parking on site has always been carefully considered - even though the vast majority of guests do not hire cars, preferring to use other transportation. According to the Zoning Scheme, there should be 3 bays for each 5 roolI1S, plus one for visitors - and there are 4 bays on site (two under cover and two uncovered). We trust that the neigbbollr's comments have been adequately dealt with, and look forward to the granting of the departures so that the timber structure can be completed. Please contact Mr. Rod Palmer if there are any points which require clarification. • y Yours sincerely, ROD PALMER ARCHITECT Bicldey.lstFloor.08 694 ANNEXURE I Application No: 193173 File Reference: LM4408 Copies of Plans 695 o¥o1:l A31}!"Ole r===\j?t>q ~ : z • ~. •o o " <S> I I i <S> <&l I i I i i ! I" i! , I II : ;11 'i',,"f:~~Fii~ ". I , I I I " • I1 ALL SlRUCH!RN. WORK TO E"G" ItER"S Dc:'GO~ OIMe,"SIONSIIND I.foUELS TO a~ av CCI'lmp,cTOR PRIOR 10 GOi'ISTR!!ClION r.IIE~·KED SPfCIF,CATIONS ""'_w,...u." .... ;:;.-.:: ... ... ...·'-·............ '_""" • ~~~-:.:..~.=-~"'-m.::."';;:.e -.---~, =~~.!.:;r ~:..-- " .... 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R1I)ER rcll" TO ~prRrJVW PllIN ~030/O0 MIlIERI"I.f:HA"GE ONERF3n I'ICI,l1,Y ROIID Srll PO,NT [' '....~.''"';~ .~ ELEVATIONS & CROSS SICCTIONS ,;.,,,,,,,"",,",, f!l.!.r {'Et f~ ~1I1-J~I~8" ,DII'"'' ~:\~; ~-.~~~- =-:::-':='':'':;;:;'' i~ ,~ r-;"'"CTO''''"'''''V" - .. ~\'1r: '.~:';/':-"' ... . , 'I) 'I" \$ .... .. -- D!. ~!, DO "".~, g~ [ PLASTER PROJECTION MOULDING DETAil. 1 ~ SO CArr: HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION CC ""''''''"'"''''"'' mtBJJ [ ,1.... e'A:K,' ~:;'::'"". t. . ~'ING~· . NORTH WEST ELEVATION 1 : 100 r=r':;::~! PU',:;::::..:-:r .. .... 8~~ ... CP 101121329 ",<Hon r-J[,m, I~ ,"S5HOWi< ;t~ ./ 697 / MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SUBCOUNCIL 16 OF THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN HELD IN THE COUNClL l::1-1AWlBERS, "T+lFLOOR, 44 WALE STREET, CAPE TOWN ON 16 SUB 18109111 APPLICATION FOR COUNCIL'S CONSENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 108 OF THE ZONING SCHEME REGULATONS, ERF 329, 17 BIC~LEY ROAD, SEA POINT An on-site inspection took place on the 05109111, Mr G September tabled two diagrams, (i) North East, South West and South East elevation, (ii) First Floor, Roof, Site and Ground Floor plan. See Annexure D, He also stated that the application is for change of material, from brick to wood, After discussion, concern was expressed thai the proposed structure would denigrate a historical building and Subcouncii 16 agreed as follOWS: UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the application for Council's Consent in terms of Section 108 to permit building work in a declared Urban Conservation Area BE REFUSED for the following reasons: (i) the proposed structure is undesirable as it will denigr<!te a historical building in a declared Urban Conservation Area that Was one of the first houses built in the area around 1860, J.CTlO'N: iNYB.'EL'E 698 Annexure E Decision letter issued .\'<:C_ilC:\/ He:u::JS O/;r.lla-larj & Hea.-en;r-a:::n' B:u:le;;rd !. l-...;.er&Egfil!:11\ Ca::lt TCWf\ !}jGl (:ll' po 8", ~5~ ::'--<iOE: '" 0<10:,' eGJ:' j{aa~:.:.ad I As~ lOT: Cape l.,,,r. BOOI FDoo)4:J5 Ca:>tTO'''m~CC£ Kaa;lst~ Po:.::.", &001 '~?9 alli:'-' Mr S tl'wtn G.tta: !Anti S OWen U:m~C~<l 021 ~C~73 fek~i' 02:421-4'x~ -:- e!: Co2, AGO-5-!r:! !: .:::'~- 'Jl~42' -t.65: :-<T.ail- ~hreer..O.>'en@:l.I;letrr••n glYl;;; 'I'\'ct:s~e: ilt1pJi_.·...ca:>elor.f gC'. ~_ Ap:::lcat:o~ za No UAd40!l :1!i3:D; S T RAT E G Y & P LAN 1\ I '" G - Oepartmfrnl Ptannmg & BUlldmg Development Management 2011-10-03 REGISTERED MAIL Jonas Sandstrom Cape Holiday Accommodaboo cc 17 Bickley Road SEA POINT 8005 Dear Sir/Madam RIGHT OF APPEAL IN TERMS OF SECTION 62 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT, NO 32 OF 2000: APPLICATION FOR COUNCIL'S CONSENT IN TERMS OF CAPE TOWN ZONING SCHEME: ERF 329, 17 BICKLEY ROAD, SEA POINT EAST =10 Your application submitted onJ.P'!1"-05-31 refers. Sub-Council 16 resolved on 2011-09-18 that the above application be refused in terms of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985. for the reasons set out in the attached minutes. In terms of Section 62 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, No 32 of 2000, you may appeal to the City Manager against the above Council decision (including any conditions imposed in case of approval) by giving written notice of such appeal, in which case you may upon request be given the opportunity to appear in person before the Appeal authority to state your caSe. A detailed motivated appeal with reasons therefore (and not only the intention to appeal), clearly stating in terms of which legislation it is made, should be directed to and received by Pumla Stofile, Executive Support, Office of the City Manager, Private Bag X9181, Cape Town, 8000, or if hand delivered, to 5'" floor, Podium block, Civic centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town or if faxed, to 021 4189009, witnin 21 days of the date of registration at the Post office of this notification letter (with SUCh registration day not included in the appeal period, provided where the last day for lodging an appeal falls eit~er on a weekend or public holiday, It shall be deemed to be the next wor1<ing day thereafter)_ Should you take up this right of appeal In terms of Section 62 of the Local Government MuniCipal Systems Act, No 32 01 2000, kindly complete the attached questionnaire and submit it together with your appeal. Also note. appellants are not permitted to canvass the Coy Manager or members of CouncIl's Planning and General Appeals Committee before or after the maUer is heard. Should no appeal be received within such appeal period, or upon conclusion of this appeal process. you (as well as any Objectors. if any) will be advised of a further right of appeal in terms of Section 44 of Land Use Planning Ordinance, No 15 of 1985 in due course. Kindly note the above Council decision is suspended and may therefore not be acted on until such time as the period for lodging appeals has lapsed, any appeal has been finalised and you've been advised accordingly. YOU!1\Jailhfully ...... ----. /" '~.;;;;-OR; PLANNtNG & BUILDING DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 699 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SUBCOUNCIL 16 OF THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 11TH FLOOR, 44 WALE STREET, CAPE TOWN ON 16 SUB 18/09/11 APPLICATION FOR COUNCIL'S CONSENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 108 OF THE ZONING SCHEME REGULATONS, ERF 329, 17 BICKLEY ROAD, SEA POINT An on-site inspection took place on the 05/09/11. Mr G September tabled two diagrams, (i) North East, South West and South East elevation. (ii) First Floor, Roof, Site and Ground Floor plan. See Annexure D. He also stated that the application is for change of material, from brick to wood. After discussion, concern was expressed that the proposed structure would denigrate a historical building and Subcouncil 16 agreed as follows: UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the application for Council's Consent in terms of Section 108 to permit building work in a declared Urban Conservation Area BE REFUSED for the following reasons: (i) the proposed structure is undesirable as it will denigrate a historical building in a declared Urban Conservation Area that was one of the first houses built in the area around 1860. ACTION: T NYELELE . ··3:9.\.\:)·4:/t~... ..... ..... Our Reference: HM/ .. ••••• • <-\" ',·<>.414 Ll-,~ .1....._ 'IIIiIL::' 700 . $.~~ . .'~~t:>.::':I:> ..\.S.~'i= ..~~j.. ~C_ runpL' ,'f?' IUfa leM"ell leNtshono Koloni Erfeni$ We5~Koop Heritage Western Cope 'lJ ..... ~.:' f Heritage Western Cape herewith informs: ··:~"··~F··S.·~5·~·':.:!·\J···\)·\c,~~\··~'~~nn::-F g ............ )....................................................................................... . Record of Decision RECORD OF DECISION HWC Of its intention to grant a permit in terms of Section 34 of the National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999) And Regulation 3(3)(a) of Provincial Notice 29B (29 August 2003) FOR: ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS .......................... ~ ................................................................ . AT: ..\}....~..\.t-:\:y~ ... ~~4..) ..... ~.: ...... ?\~.............................................................. ERF: ~~~ ..•....•...............................•...................••........•......•..........•..•............................ DECISION: APPROVED: NOT APPROVED: [] IN ACCORDANCE WITH DRAWINGS: No: Dated By ~~.Jq.t~.\.~1.} .................................................................................................... ... ~~ ....... .\9..................... HWC Date Stamped:.'1iJ.JO'(:f..~I.O....... .. .. ..?\~ . .~I.,.~-) ... \~s.\~~~~ .. Sk,\.. t .. yY.:~.t~} ... ~ ..... . .. .\r. . CONDITIONS: GRADING: GRADE: UNGRADED CONSERVATION AREA: INSIDE: OUTSIDE: NOTE: B This decision is subject to an appeal period of 1-4 working days. The applicant is required 10 inform any party who has expressed a bone fide interest in any heritage·related aspect of this Tee decision. The ;appeal period shall be taken from the date of being informed. It should be naled that for an appeal to be deemEI it must refer to the decision, it must be submitted by the due date and it must set out the grounds of the appeal. Appeals m addressed to the official named above and il is the responsibility of the appellant 10 confirm thai the appeal has been ret within the appeal pedod. Work may not be initiated during this 1.4 day appeal period. If any archaeological material or evidence of burials is discovered during earth~moving acflvities all works must be stoppe Herilage Western Cape must be notified immediately. This approval does not exonerate the applicant from obtaining any necessary approval from any other applicable sla authority. we STAMPED PLAN must be present on the site at all times and be produced on demand by a heritage inspector, b", co rQ 0 JCla1, or any person duly a uthorized to do so .- .,,-"-:..- ~~": .... ~~:!..~~~:.!...j lj::'Jk~.A:;n n· t\ . . ........••.....•..... "" I i I..•..........•......•.................•............•.............. ~ :-"ifiQ!~!4VJi!l . Officer: Heritage Resources Management Services Pp Heritag"e Western Cape