FSC Policy and Procedures Document

FSC Policy and Procedures
Revised Date:
September, 19’th 2012
Stock Prep Supervisor
Purpose: To obtain and maintain FSC certification for specific products.
Scope: Paper Segment - Mosinee Mill site.
Certification Contact:
Kevin Grunwald
715-693-2111 x3280
Purchasing and Receiving – Bleached Fiber
Procedures for purchasing FSC material.
{Required elements: specification of FSC-certified.}
The Director of Procurement prepares purchase orders on an as needed basis for FSC
credit material and for 100% post-consumer de-inked pulp. Purchase orders are issued
to only pre-approved/certified vendors. Purchase orders specify to vendors that all
supplied fiber is to be produced with either 1) FSC Credit Material, or 2) 100% postconsumer fiber that is also processed chlorine-free.
Procedures for verifying the FSC-certified status of material purchased.
{Required elements: Verification of the supplier’s invoice and shipping documents
that correspond to the material received. Verification of the supplier’s invoice for
their certification number and a description of the product as FSC-certified. Materials
are verified for on-product certification marks.}
Upon arrival, all paperwork is forwarded to the Mosinee Mill Buyer to verify that the
information on the Bill of Lading matches the purchase order specifications. (PO#,
Supplier, Certificate of Analysis)
Procedures for maintaining the separate identity of certified materials upon
{Required elements: materials are identifiable from non-certified. This may be
through on-product markings/labels or by unique storage procedures.}
As the 100% post-consumer pulp is unloaded, it is stored in a designated staging area
in the Pulp Warehouse by the hourly material handling staff. All product labeling
remains intact.
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Maintaining the separate identity of FSC credit materials is not applicable.
Procedures for recording quantities of certified materials received.
{Required elements: quantities/volumes of certified materials received are recorded
and available in summary format. FSC materials are tracked as a unique product
within the company records.}
All shipments are logged into the company receiving system which is included in a JD
Edwards E1 system. The Mosinee Mill Buyer enters the following information for
each received shipment:
A. Purchase Order number
B. Delivering trailer number
C. Number of skids and weight received
All information is saved indefinitely for verification, processing, reporting, etc.
FSC credit material information is recorded as purchases are made. This information
is available in summary format.
Responsible personnel for purchasing and receiving.
{Required elements: key people and/or staff positions are defined.}
Director of Procurement: Purchase Order processing and recording of FSC credit
Mosinee Mill Buyer: exempt salaried employee: Paperwork verification, data entry.
Material Handling Operator, hourly employee: Verifies shipment quantity and stores
material in designated area.
Forms/records used for purchasing and receiving.
{Required elements: summary of documents used and recordkeeping.}
All receiving paperwork (FSC credit material purchases, Bill of Lading, and
Certificate of Analysis) are stored in the Purchasing Department for a period of five
(5) years.
Purchasing and Receiving – Natural Fiber
A. Procedures for purchasing FSC material.
{Required elements: specification of FSC-certified.}
Procedures are described in policy 503 FSC Logger Certification With Amendment.
Procurement is performed by the Wood Fiber Planning Manager.
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B. Procedures for verifying the FSC-certified status of material purchased.
{Required elements: verification of the supplier’s invoice and shipping documents
that correspond to the material received. Verification of the supplier’s invoice for
their certification number and a description of the product as FSC-certified. Materials
are verified for on-product certification marks.}
Procedures are described in policy 503 FSC Logger Certification With Amendment
and 506 FSC Guidelines for Scaler. Verification is performed by the Wood Fiber
Planning Manager.
C. Procedures for maintaining the separate identity of certified materials upon
{Required elements: materials are identifiable from non-certified. This may be
through on-product markings/labels or by unique storage procedures.}
Procedures are described in policy 503 FSC Logger Certification With Amendment
and 506 FSC Guidelines for Scaler.
Once received in the yard, FSC credit round wood and chips is not segregated.
D. Procedures for recording quantities of certified materials received.
{Required elements: quantities/volumes of certified materials received are recorded
and available in summary format. FSC materials are tracked as a unique product
within the company records.}
Procedures are described in policy 503 FSC Logger Certification With Amendment
and 506 FSC Guidelines for Scaler
E. Responsible personnel for purchasing and receiving.
{Required elements: key people and/or staff positions are defined.}
Wood Fiber Planning Manager: Issuing wood and chip contracts, Inspection of wood
Scaler: Correct identification of FSC wood receipt tickets by correct contract number
F. Forms/records used for purchasing and receiving.
{Required elements: summary of documents used and recordkeeping.}
Records will be kept in accordance with FSC requirements.
Scale receipts 5 years
Contracts and attachments 5 years
FSC tracking records, 5 years
Field inspection records, 5 years
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*Note: this section should be deleted if company does not manufacture product. Finishing
should be defined in this section.
Procedures for separate production and identity of certified material.
{Required elements: separation through production lines and/or batch processing;
materials are identifiable from non-certified.}
Customer orders are entered through Customer Solutions and reference ordered
finished goods products using a grade code (eight digit code). Each unique paper is
assigned a unique grade code that follows through the entire manufacturing process.
The fiber furnish for these products is supplied using a batch process. The grade code
and grade specification is the key that is used to define the fiber furnish. FSC Material
or Controlled wood at a minimum will be used in these grades.
The products/grade codes targeted for FSC Mixed certification have been selected.
(Please see document “502 FSC Product Group Schedule”.) FSC credit material will
be purchased. We will use a summary group for the purchase of FSC-certified credit
material and post-consumer recycled fiber, and will allocate that fiber to the specific
grades as needed.
Because we are using the Credit System for FSC Mixed-certified products, we are not
required to directly track the usage of FSC credit material in the FSC Mixed-certified
Procedures for tracking certified materials within production.
{Required elements: use of a tracking system and/or records.}
Each product order that a customer enters is either filled from finished goods (stock
items) or scheduled as a custom order (manufacturing orders). Paper for use in either
finished goods or custom job production runs are always assigned a Work Order
number. The Work Order number follows the order through out the entire
manufacturing process whether the paper is used in making finished goods or fulfilling
a custom order. There is an accompanying Sales Order number with each Work
A summary grade list for all FSC Mixed brands has been established. The production
of each of these grades will be totaled each month. The MDS Raw Material Usage
System is used in the monthly Order Cost sheet. This report is used to determine the
exact amount of each fiber component used to make the grade. This usage will be
relieved from the FSC credits each month.
Once we have established our inventories of FSC-certified credit materials, we will
begin the process of claiming FSC Mixed certification on the items in the grade codes
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shown in “502 Product Group Schedule” by following the procedures shown in this
Documented Control System.
If further production of FSC Mixed paper would cause our FSC-certified credit
material balance to drop below zero, we immediately would either 1) purchase
additional FSC-certified credits, 2) discontinue FSC Mixed-certified production of
some or all of the FSC Mixed paper items.
If further production/labeling of FSC Mixed items would cause our FSC-certified
finished goods balance to become negative, we would suspend labeling of some or all
of the FSC Mixed certified items to be certain it would not go negative.
Procedures for tracking and recording quantities of certified and non-certified
material within a product (for use of the FSC percentage-based claim).
*Note: This item should be deleted if percentage-based products are not produced.
{Required elements: calculations of percentages for FSC content are done for each
type of product, calculation methods are confirmed with SCS, records are kept of
percentage-based products and the calculation.}
FSC percentage-based products are not produced.
Responsible personnel for production.
{Required elements: key people and/or staff positions are defined.}
Stock Preparation Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the required furnish for
each product manufactured is communicated to each operator, and that the operators
follow defined procedures as well as providing information for the calculations to
determine the percentage of FSC-certified credit material needed for each of the FSC
Mixed certified product groups/brands.
Director of Finance is responsible for maintaining the credit system account balances
for each of the FSC certified grades and all FSC purchased materials.
Forms/records used for production.
{Required elements: summary of documents used and recordkeeping.}
Records used include the Beater Furnish sheet for each paper machine line, as well as
the MDS production raw material reporting system.
Finished Product Handling and Sales
Procedures for maintaining the separate identity of finished certified products.
{Required elements: finished products are identifiable from non-certified. Describe
on-product markings/labels.}
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The products manufactured to the FSC standard will be identified with a unique grade
code. When labeling is utilized, the product packaging labels will contain the
appropriate FSC logo, FSC verbiage, and the FSC certification number.
Procedures for recording quantities of finished certified products in inventory
and sales.
{Required elements: quantities/volumes of finished certified products are recorded
and available in summary format. FSC materials are tracked as a unique product
within the company records.}
Finished inventory is tracked using the JD Edwards E1 Inventory Control program.
Using the unique grade code, the E1 Inventory Control program accesses both the
volume and location of each individual product. Reports can be generated for
invoiced or inventoried product.
Quantities/volumes of finished certified products are recorded and available in
summary format. FSC Mixed items are tracked as unique products within the
company records.
Procedures for invoicing and shipping of FSC-certified products.
{Required elements: FSC description, percentage-based claim when applicable,
quantity of each item, and FSC certification number are on invoice; shipping
documents should include FSC information that can be linked to product and invoice.}
Invoices have a description of the product including the appropriate FSC certification
number on all invoices. The purchase order will include the order number, grade
identification, and invoice number.
Each order acknowledgement, shipping manifest, and invoice will contain the FSC
description with the FSC certification number for Wausau Paper for each applicable
item. Examples of the information shown on each document are shown below (We
are limited to 30 characters.):
FSC Mixed-Credit SCS-COC-004333 and SCS-CW-004333
Responsible personnel for finished product handling and sales.
{Required elements: key people and/or staff positions are defined.}
PM Process Manager will insure certified products are inventoried in appropriate
locations. Customer Solutions will ensure that the correct system information and
paperwork are linked to customer orders.
Forms/records used for finished product handling and sales.
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{Required elements: summary of documents used and recordkeeping.}
The inventory control tracking program that resides in the JD Edwards E1 will be used
for finished product handling, and an Invoice containing the FSC certification number
will be used for sales.
Labeling / Logo Use
Types of labels or other marks that will be used on finished certified products.
Labeling is optional. Paper packages that are labeled will be marked with the FSC
logo and the Wausau Paper Mills LLC FSC Certification number on the roll label.
Each marking will contain the Wausau Paper Mills LLC FSC certification number and
the certified status.
Procedures for use of the SCS Global and/or FSC logos.
{Required elements: Submittal to SCS Global for approval prior to use, including onproduct marks/labels, brochures, websites, etc.}
On-product and advertising use of FSC or SCS Global logos will be submitted to SCS
Global for approval prior to use.
Responsible personnel for labels and logo use.
{Required elements: key people and/or staff positions are defined.}
Marketing Communications Specialist will be responsible for advertising, public use
of logos and labels, and on-product labels, and will seek approval from SCS Global.
Record Keeping
Procedures for maintaining records pertaining to certification.
{Required elements: records are kept for 5 years, including production, public
information, etc.}
All records pertaining to the purchase of FSC credit material suppliers and purchases,
post-consumer waste fiber suppliers and purchases, inventory of manufactured product
and Wausau Paper’s FSC-certified customers and total FSC sales will be kept for 5
Procedures for compiling annual audit data for SCS auditors.
{Required elements: quantity/volume summaries for purchases and sales are created,
certification documents are readily available at the time of auditing.}
Prior to the annual FSC surveillance audit a summary report will be prepared showing
purchases of FSC credit material purchases, PCW material purchases, and sales of
FSC products.
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