Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision DOV GABBAY, Department of Computer Science, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS. e-mail: GABRIELLA PIGOZZI, Department of Philosophy, University of Konstanz, 78457 Konstanz, Germany. e-mail: JOHN WOODS, The Abductive Systems Group, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1, and Department of Computer Science, King’s College, London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS e-mail: Abstract This paper provides algorithmic options for belief revision of a database receiving an infinite stream of inputs. At , receiving the input . The revision algorithms for moving to the new database stage , the database is take into account the history of previous revisions actually executed as well as possible revision options which were discarded at the time but may now be pursued. The appropriate methodology for carrying this out is Labelled Deductive Systems. 1 Background The present paper offers an algorithmic dynamic model of revision, as part of our dynamic approach to practical reasoning. This model contains the revision algorithm as part of the logic. The methodology that an essential part of a logical system is an algorithm for the logic as well as for additional mechanisms such as abduction and revision, has been strongly put forward in [8, 9, 11] and seriously developed in [13, 14]. The idea that formal modelling of an epistemic change cannot ignore the algorithmic approach, or other computational notions, is recognized also by other active researchers in the community (see for example, Shoham and Cousins [31]). A major component of any practical reasoning system is the representation of the epistemic change occasioned by the addition of new information to an existing set of data . When a consistent theory receives a non-contradictory wff as input, the new theory will simply be if it is consistent. A more interesting case is when the new piece of information causes inconsistency, in which case needs to be revised to a which consistently includes . The main application area for revision theory is commonsense "!#%rea$&$%$ soning, which involves a current database and a sequence of different inputs . The seminal work in this area is due to Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson (see [15] for an extended introduction to belief revision). The AGM approach does not, however, provide specialized algorithms for revision. Moreover, no special attention (in the form of properties) J. Logic Computat., Vol. 12 No. DMC1, pp. 1–21 2002 'c Oxford University Press 2 Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision is accorded to the iterated revision process. In order to choose which propositions to remove a system called epistemic entrenchment has been proposed in [17]. Intuitively, a total ordering is defined over formulas, so that less entrenched beliefs are retracted in preference to those more entrenched. The system, however, does not provide a mechanism which defines how the ordering should change after a revision takes place; nor does it indicate where the ordering itself comes from. The postulates for epistemic change proposed by Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson had the undeniable merit of having provoked formal reflections in an area which has been active in both philosophy and artificial intelligence since the early 1980s. It should be noticed that the AGM approach cannot be applied in computational contexts, since belief sets (which are deductively closed) are too large. For this reason, belief bases have been considered instead of belief sets. We share Friedman and Halpern’s view [7] that it is no longer sufficient simply to propose a new set of rational axioms for belief revision and to prove some consequences from it. Our approach attempts instead to fill the gap in AGM theory, providing a reasoned mechanism which selects the data to be removed. We suggest that, even in the simplest cases, it is hard to imagine that we can revise our knowledge set in one way only. Selection among several revision options is assigned to specific policies, some of which can be specified by the application area. Time is also encoded in our model, and the ordering among options derives in part from the history of past revisions, and partly from consideration of economic factors or the nature of the inputs (as, for example, when we receive the same input several times). This means that we need a richer structure for the set of data: and we find that Labelled Deductive Systems (LDS) theory [8] proves to be a framework in which these features can be implemented attractively, and an appropriate revision algorithm defined. We call the algorithm which takes account of all the above components Controlled Revision ( ). One of the attractions of a Labelled Deductive Systems approach to Controlled Revision is that the labels give us a logical means of control and representation, which facilitates the development of principles of Controlled Revision with relative ease and generality. The labels have multiple roles. One is to help define the properties of the selected logic, and the second to annotate and control the iterated revision process. In particular, when data are rejected from the database, labels allow us to retrace and to retract the consequences of the data which have been just rejected and which are not otherwise supported. Another notable feature of Controlled Revision can be seen as follows: In the literature, when is inconsistent, non-tolerant approaches to inconsistency assume two main forms: 1. reject the input which causes inconsistencies (non-insistent policy); 2. maintain , identifying the subset rejected, the consistency is such that, when restored (insistent policy). Then . We will show that in Controlled Revision both the options are possible and that the algorithm chooses the best option according to the parameters recorded in labels and the defined policies. Some work compatible with our approach to revision has already been done. We refer, in particular, to the Truth Maintenance System (TMS) approach, proposed by Doyle in [4]. The main idea of this orientation (and, at the same time, the main difference from AGM theory — see [5]) is that the set of data to be revised exhibits additional structure in which certain beliefs (i.e. wffs) are annotated as justifying other beliefs. Our own proposal shares with the foundations approach the aim of defining a procedure for identifying candidate wffs for Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision 3 consistency-restoring revision. As Gärdenfors and Rott have noticed [18], TMS performs belief changes differently from the way they are achieved in AGM. TMS executes a direct and procedural belief revision, in which no role is played by rationality assumptions and revision reduces to inference relations which are usually non-classical (e.g., paraconsistent and non-monotonic). One of the main difficulties with TMS is the handling of beliefs responsible for contradictions, known as dependency-directed backtracking. It has been criticized for insufficient control of identifications of nodes responsible for contradictions. One of the main advantages of our model is that it is able to find the best solution for the management of inconsistency problems, as they arise in their considerable variety. 2 Introduction This section explains the ideas and concepts of this paper through an example. Imagine a police inspector investigating some serious fraud case which has made headline news. He is expected to deliver a report outlining the details of the fraud. His investigations stretch over a period he accumulates the information sequence of time ! &during $ $ $ . Thewhich denotes which we denote by expression schematically the se &$ $ $ which is the batch of information he gets at stage . We quence allow for the same information to come from different sources, so may be equal to . However the news is so hot that, each time a new piece of information is uncovered, a new interim report is expected. In order to do this, the inspector has to perform three operations: 1. Evaluate the information at each stage to try and build the current coherent picture of what has happened. (For simplicity, let us assume the information arrives one well formed formula (wff) at a time.) 2. Send interim report to describe what he currently thinks has happened. 3. Keep full record of what piece of information came from where and at what time. therefore labels his information by double labels. Each item is labelled The inspector . identifies the piece of information with respect to identification tag of source, reliability, etc. and is the time it has arrived. At each time , a theory is formed (the interim report) being formally a consistent subset of all the information received up to time . The flow of information is then represented by a sequence of evolving databases. The initial state is called and it can be the empty set or it contains the set of fixed integrity constraints (a consistent set, not to be revised). In our example, contains some rules of commonsense knowledge the inspector needs to use in order to manage the information he collects. Let us assume the interim report is . Of course, information arriving at time may be rejected as unreliable (because of inconsistency with other sources) but a new information uncovered at time may not only be accepted but cause the acceptance of the previous information . Therefore, inspector labels his information as at stage" ! , the &$ $ $ . follows: , where is the stage when arrived (i.e. $# $% &!'%(! % % , indicates whether it was accepted ( ) and , for ) or rejected ( ) at *) . The above is the model of belief revision we are using. Since the inspector needs to keep a full record of the past and present information, the database will list all the wffs, both in and out at stage . When the investigator receives a new information at stage + , he updates the history labels of the formulas in the new database. An interesting consequence of 4 Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision the record of the history of past revisions, is that in our model we can allow the reinstatement of a formula. Consider the following case: . We get . 1. Start with input . Name it and let 2. comes in. Name it . It is inconsistent with ; so it excludes it. This gives: ! 3. ! $ enters. Name it . It is inconsistent with , but we want to restore . Thus: ! ! ! $ Here is reinstated at stage . The labelling allows us to remember what was rejected and when. Consider are we going to present it? If the inputs &$%$&$&again &$&the $%$& interim $ report $ $ , then . How were is a subsequence of formulas which &$ $ $ are in the database at stage in the history labels, say, , i.e. have $ , ! ! $ $ $ ! + ! & $ $ $ . We can present as , but we prefer to include the full full labelling with the all the wffs, both &$ $ $ Thus is presented , where as the list ofmeans information. in and out : that is the . information label of and gives the revision history of &$ $ $ % % % We call the label active at if (as opposed to ) is in the sequence. If we use our labels in the above form, we need to indicate how to propagate labels when we do deduction. The general modus ponens rule for LDS has the form: is a compatibility between labels (if it does not hold we cannot execute the predicate . modus ponens). gives the new label of as a function of the labels of and To simplify, we assume our tagging labels are atomic and so they accumulate and always holds in this case. We accumulate also our history labels in . means being active at the same time. Thus we let: " ! $ # % & ! '# # tagging labels by concatenation and accumulate history labels as pairs #We . accumulate This is just a convenient notation. We now need to explain . We already said that &$ $ $ is active all points for which is in the sequence. Let us define by ' # is atactive # and are active. induction that at all times such that both We define " () to mean () have some common active time. % % % We now need to explain how this labelling changes facing a new input. We explain it by example and, simplifying, we assume we&get $ $ $ one input formula at each stage. Suppose the database has the form . Under the assumption that at each stage only one well formed formula comes as input, and formulas&$ are # # # has the form # that $ $ tagged by# . different atomic names, then # is atomic name and $% , "! % ! , indicates whether # was accepted in ) or not. Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision 5 Suppose that ! comes Assume now that our revision policy accepts $ $ $ in as! a new input. &$ $ $ now , with as the report). # "new # consistent database # ,(interim ! ! Then in the new database we have wffs &$ $ $ , and , where is used for the accepted cases of and & to give us the new label, i.e. to take us from otherwise . We will use a function # # to the appropriate # " # . 3 Formal presentation of the model %$ $ $ Let be a finitary propositional language with and . are wffs, i.e., data or and beliefs. We can base our logic on Johansson’s minimal logic, with an intuitionistic with no special axioms for it. This means that does with an arbitrary absurd constant . If weadd not satisfy the axiom , for every this it would become an axiom intuitionistic negation. Negation is instead defined . Here does not necessarily mean falsity, but rather is an atomic symbol which not we do want to derive. We use it to indicate inconsistency conditions in the form which we indicate that is inconsismeans that should not be derivable. Similarly, with &$ $ $ , meaning tent. constraints of the form also We can $ $ $ specify integrity . We assume that integrity constraints are not to be revised in time and therefore they are specified in the initial theory . D EFINITION 3.1 (Labels and histories) 1. Let be an infinite set of atomic labels. The( elements ( %$ $ $ of are referred to as atomic resource labels. We also allow variable labels . # # &$ $ $ ! '! 2. Let where and be a set of sequences of the form ! % ! % % ) ( or . We say is the%starting time of the sequence, ) is either % is the set of active is the current time of the sequence and the set ) moments of . It will be convenient for the proof theory also to allow for variable labels # , which are active at only. , , . Let "! # . 3. An atomic label has the form 4. Complex labels are defined by induction: (i) Atomic labels are complex. "( ( and ') ) are complex labels, then "( ) '( ) is a complex la(ii) If bel. Assuming $% % ! and $& & ! are defined, let $% & '% & !! (% % !*) $& & ! . ,+-/.102+ gives the times in which the data with these labels are active. D EFINITION 3.2 (Databases) & &$ $ $ , where 1. A database at time has the form # # # is built up from atomic labels # , # and # is a wff of . Note ! !43 # is and that , , are the inputs at stage . We assume the starting time of # the end time is . The labels are all pairwise different. 2. We say is consistent if for each ! % ! , 3 %$ $ $ 3 ) , the set ) ) is active at m is consistent in with the integrity constraints of . 65 3. For the initial database contains integrity constraints. are always active and 17 They 87 , where 7 we shall see later that it is convenient to label them by is a special symbol, the empty label. 6 Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision D EFINITION 3.3 (Input and revision) &$ $ $ be all the new input formulas. Let be a consistent database and let %$ $ $ , ! ! ! $ $ $! ! Let , be a consistent selection &$ $ $ from . The selection is done by our revision policy to be described in a later section (see beginning of Section 4). We define a new database as follows ( depends on ): ' &$ $ $ ' &$ $ $ where the following holds: atom from and if is in and is a new 3 otherwise, for atoms are pairwise 3 , ."All thenew different. 2. For each , if and is in % " and depends otherwise. Note that depends on 1. ) ! ! % ! & ) ! ! ! ) ) ) ) on our controlled revision policy. D EFINITION 3.4 (Hypothetical input) follows at stage . Suppose we want to prove from it that Let be a database. This that can be proved from all the data which are active at . To show means , we need to add (input) A into the database and prove . We therefore need to define # ( the hypothetical input , using a new variable label to name the input . We let # be defined as: ( It is convenient to introduce variables # %$ $ $ which are active only at . Thus we can write: '( # and thus we need not to know what is the stage of . # R EMARK 3.5 1. Note the result of the hypothetical input of Definition 3.4 may be inconsistent. Given # that ( and a variable # simply puts in with a new name label active at . So the set of all wffs active at may now be inconsistent. 2. This same procedure be used for testing inconsistency. Suppose we are at stage %may & $ % $ & $ and new inputs come to us. How can we tell whether they are consistent making them all active with ? We can put them in with new test labels at time and using the proof theory to test for consistency. If they are consistent we can input them properly. Otherwise we define using our revision algorithm. All of this will be explained later. D EFINITION 3.6 ( rules) Let be a database. We want to define the notion of . First we need depends. Assume to define the elimination and introduction rules on which and with compatibility relation . Assumeisana labelling algebra for the language with (( "( ! '( and a binary function . Then Exit function on the algebra the elimination and introduction rules for this algebra are as follows: Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision 7 " " ' ( ( and prove # , the Exit In our example, since our labelling is a resource labelling and " ( ! ' ( ! " ( ( ( function is Exit # ! # which is equal (by definition) the result of deleting ! " ( ! # # 1 from . Similarly Exit . Assuming the above, here are the rules ! " ( : '( To show ! for a label ( , assume ( and '( ! for '( a new . variable depending on such that Exit for our Controlled Revision: # ' " # ' # says that both are active at . : To show , assume "( with new variables ( "! '( $ # with ( "( ! "( and # . Where # # # # # # and # and prove D EFINITION 3.7 (Proof Theory) % We now specify when (at a certain stage ) a set of wffs proves : with maximal number of applications of -introduction and maximal 7 -eliminations. For a wff or . 87 with the We give the integrity constraints in the empty labels 7 17 . The members of * are always active. We useunderstanding that and the notation 5 (for : 1. # : 6 # if ) and # is active at # . and both " . hold, then ! ' ! " ( ( " "( 3. -introduction rule: if ( '( where are new variables and we assume and hold as 2. # -elimination rule: If " and # ) # # ) # # ) ) ) ) # # # # # required. The logic we have defined so far is a logic with only and . However, the mechanism of Controlled Revision that we will soon define is applicable to any logic defined by LDS. ! " 1 The 1. 2. 3. deletion process can be formally defined as follows. Let . Then: denote the empty label, satisfying , 8 Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision D EFINITION 3.8 (Inconsistent Database) Let . We say that # active at some % be a set of labels we have: ) with .2 is -inconsistent if for some Assume we are at stage and we have a consistent theory . We get an input . What do we do? First we perform a consistency check: We insert the input as . is an label at and a new temporary name for it. Call the result active . Because of future references to this construction, we shall call it temporary input into , forming , to test for consistency. See item 2 of Remark of a formula 3.5. If this is consistent, then we proceed as in Definition 3.3, with equal the set of active elements of together with (of course will get a new label in as is inconsistent, this means specified in Definition 3.3). If for various . The labels tell us the possible candidate subsets of to be rejected (i.e. to be made inactive in the newly revised ) in order to make not derivable. The task of the Controlled Revision algorithm is to select the best option. We can use the labels to identify and choose these options. For simplicity assume inconsistency means proving with any label. First let us note that it is possible to have different proofs for a formula . For example, might be derived by modus ponens from different formulas, and it might also be obtained as a past input. Labels contain all such information: If the same formula can be proved with different complex labels, this means that it is proved from possibly different data and/or in different ways. Rejecting one of these proofs may not block other derivations of , in which the de-activated data do not appear. The labels used in Controlled Revision keep track of the history of each proof. Suppose, for example, that at a certain stage , can be obtained in ) , and the result of a rule with several ways ( is both an independent input with label , then we will have label from and ), and let that: ) ' " ) D EFINITION 3.9 (Inconsistent set of labels) be a set of labels active , where are labels for names and Let atwith are labels for the history. If for some , and we have that * , we say that is the set of labels showing the inconsistency. To maintain consistency we must block all proofs indicated by these labels. This means throwing out some of these data. The labels tell us exactly how many time and in what form this data was used to derive . Also we know the history of the data. This information can be used by our revision algorithm to decide which item to reject. To this purpose we define an option set of labels as follows:3 2 Note that the notion of inconsistency so far discussed was that is provable with any label. Definition 3.8 with only certain allows us to refine this notion. We may consider a database inconsistent provided it proves labels but not any label; for example from active labels which have always been active, but not from active labels which have been inactive in the past! In fact we can make dependent on the stage . 3 This definition calls to mind Reiter’s hitting sets [29]. See also [32] for the relation between hitting sets and Hansson’s kernel sets. Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision 9 D EFINITION 3.10 (Option sets of labels) For , we know that for some , * . Let be the set of all atomic names from in . Let be the collection of all sets of . An option set for is a labels and such that this condition does set such that for every not hold for any other proper subsets of . If we deactivate all data with labels in , then all proofs of at will be blocked. , 3 ) %$ $ $and are: ! In the above example, the option sets of labels 3 %$ $ $ ) . Every option set of labels ( ) identifies a set ( ) . We then have that whose elements are labelled formulas with names in , ) ) and ! ) ) . Having chosen what set to reject from the active part of , we can now try and reinstate some formulas rejected at previous stages. Here our Controlled Revision policy can again have a say. We may decide to reinstate first from rejections at , then at , etc or we can use some other criteria on all rejected formulas at all previous stage. The next section gives us some options. 4 Policies for inconsistency In the discussion at the end of the previous section, we have suggested the following outline for an algorithm. , consider and test for consisGiven and an input into as described in Definition 3.3 for being tency. If is consistent, put then use a selection is active in . If is not consistent, be what algorithm to reject some of the active elements of and let remains. some of the previously rejected formulas using We can now add to a reinstating algorithm to form a new which we will now use to define as done in Definition 3.3. We see that we need to specify two algorithms: The selection algorithm and the reinstating algorithm. This section will give an example to illustrate some of our options for these algorithms, as well as a proposal for such algorithms.4 It is important to emphasize that, depending on the applications, different policies can be adopted. In the following example we will show that it is often desirable to have a combination of different pure options. The first policy we want to consider is a very common principle in belief revision, namely, that new information receives the highest priority. This principle affect both selection and reinstatement algorithms. The selection must not throw away & $ $ $ and the reinstatement works backwards . We call this policy option the input priority option. If we accept this policy, the record of the history of every formula gives a priority ordering on the information in the database. We will show that this gives undesirable (in the sense of arbitrary) results.5 If we accept this, we can reject one of two labelled conflicting formulas and just comparing when just in case that is they first came into : we say that more recent than . To show that, using only this pure policy, we can end in counterintuitive for every couple of natural revisions, we assume that a3 linear ordering exists such that 3 number , such that . Furthermore, the problem to address is how we can select a 4 Inconsistency-management is also discussed in Gabbay and Woods [14, 13] and Woods [33]. a future paper we will show how this requires a deeper consideration of the AGM success postulate. The success postulate is problematic and has been discussed also in [2] and [7]. 5 In 10 Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision revision over another when the criteria are all partial. We then need a way of combining all partial options in a unique algorithm. Controlled Revision can do exactly this: Take into consideration several parameters and provide a unique tool for them. In this section we assume for simplicity to receive one input per time. E XAMPLE 4.1 Suppose that the initial knowledge base is: and the input stream is: After the first input we get: ! % # , consider Given and the new input to test for consistency. Since it is consistent we obtain: can prove: and therefore: We now address the third input. Let: " If we accept the principle that the highest priority has to be assigned to the most recent 3 , for every input, we should assume a linear ordering among labels such that . Therefore to block the derivability of we should reject and maintain and the new input. The labels of the history would have been updated, the new input is provided with new labels and the new database would then become: ! ! Note that we can still formally prove , but that there is no active proof of 6 It is interesting at ! :6 to compare this result from the perspective of a different revision policy: the compromise revision [9]. If gives inconsistency, we try to maintain and all the formulas whose presence does not imply is defined. Compromise inconsistency (even those whose proofs depend on ), and a new consistent set revision (which will not be used in the general model for Controlled Revision we want to introduce here, but can become one of the policies in future developments of the model) allows us to restore consistency by rejecting an inconsistency-causing formula . At the same time it compromises and keeps some of the consequences derived , namely, all those formulas that require in their proof, but do not lead to inconsistency. from & $ Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision 11 At the fourth stage the new input does not causes inconsistency, so we provide the new information of a name and we update the history labels of all the other data in the database to move to : ! 1 is ready to receive new data. After the inputs and , which are consistent, we get and . Let us write in detail: ! can prove: Therefore, is provable with different labels, depending on how it was proved. says that was obtained independently as an input, while from we know that or is rejected, was obtained via modus ponens. In this way, if in a future stage we can nevertheless maintain . To show that the input priority option (common in the literature on belief revision) is not as such the most desirable, and why we should into consideration the history of past also take revisions, let us consider now theinput comes the set of data. We test for with # . We find itinto consistency by forming to be inconsistent, so we have that can prove (to simplify, we don’t write the history labels): ! We have several options for removing the inconsistency: 1. Insistent input policy (which is the most natural for input priority input policies.) . To maintain consistency four options are available: We keep the input or . Other options are to could be rejected together with de-activate , or so that the proof of is blocked. Therefore, the options for the subsets of to reject are: ! 1 12 Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision We want to define a preference ordering among the different options. intu itively means that we prefer to refuse than . Which revision should we select? ! we also want to maintain contains formulas with lower priorities than the others but, since as many data as possible, it might be preferable to reject or rather than or . It is clear then that since policies such as input priority or minimal change do not receive a uniform treatment, it is not possible to decide on an ordering among the options. In our algorithm parameters, such as the persistence of a formula (how long a formula has been in the database), the number of changes +/- in the history each formula (in other ! for ofeach formula) determine developments of the model [27], a degree of reliability the best subset of data to de-activate. Depending on which set we choose to reject, (we adopt the principle to reinstate as much as we may be able to reinstate or will allow us to reinstate . It is important possible). In fact, choosing to observe that this intuitive principle is not considered in the traditional approaches to revision, since they do not record the history of beliefs. 2. Not-insistent input policy. Among the options to refuse, Revision algorithm Controlled considers also rejecting the new input , so that the choice between insistent and not-insistent input policy is automatized. Inputs conflicting with integrity constraints We now discuss the case where the input is inconsistent with the integrity constraints through an example. E XAMPLE 4.2 Let be a stage of the evolving database. There are basically two different kinds of conflicting inputs (let assume that an input cannot be itself contradictory): (a) A new input directly conflicts with some integrity constraints in conflict is the following: integrity input . An example of direct (b) A new input indirectly conflicts with some of the integrity constraints in is: integrity input . An example Resolution of the Conflict We now propose a resolution strategy for the inconsistency arising from conflicting inputs in the above cases. (a) When an input directly conflicts with an integrity constraint, we reject the input (it is commonly accepted that integrity constraints have the highest priority, and do not change over time), even if we have an insistent input policy. Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision 13 (b) In the case of indirect conflict, there are other formulas involved in the inconsistency besides the integrity constraints. Let the Controlled Revision algorithm decide what to reject. Going %back $ $ $ to the general case, where is inconsistent and we have a choice of , , to reject. How do we choose between them? The following are some policy 3 considerations. 1. The history was in or out allows us to know how many times $&$&of$% a formula . This is an important element to evaluate what we call the persistence of priority: The longer a formula has been in, the more reliable it is. In Example 4.1 we have shown that the input priority relation alone gives inconclusive results, which can be corrected by considering the whole history of a formula.7 2. The number of formulas one should give up in each option (economic policy). 3. The number of changes +/- in the history of data. It is clear that it is preferable to deactivate the data with higher number of changes, because less ‘stable’. R EMARK 4.3 Let us suppose that one revision and that is inconsistent of the policies is the compromise . Assume , and suppose that (for some reasons) we because of an input want to retain . Assume that we are using the insistent input policy. Then we maintain and look for a such that is consistent. Let assume now that does not prove . We could decide to keep defining a . The label tells us . In abyrevision that is derived from which accepts also the compromise revision (which we do not take into consideration in this general model for Controlled Revision), a further consideration would then be: 5. Whether is an earlier compromise. 5 The algorithms for Let us suppose now that, at stage , is inconsistent. We want to select a the algorithm ,3 %$ $ $ and among the possible subsets of , where &$ $ $ (recall that sets of labelled formulas are determined by option sets of name labels ). We use &$ $ $ as%$ $ the set of indexes of . Clearly, the data in each $ are only some of the formulas in + : we then call the set of indexes in , where . Among the there are sets containing data already in and a set with the new input. The algorithm decides to accept or to refuse the new input, comparing with the other available options. It is not an a priori principle, as in AGM, where the new information always receives the highest priority. The first step of the Controlled Revision algorithm sums up the number of stages the in each were in. We call this number the persistence of and we use : 7 It might be objected that such a policy can lead to counterintuitive results. Consider, for example, the case where is active in the database since the initial stage and it has always been active until a new input is obtained at stage . Why should we give higher priority to than to ? A possible solution is to assign a reliability , as in [27]. degree to each formula, i.e., a real number from the interval 14 Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision ! In the above example, the persistence of is , is , is while contains the new input (so we can assume that, in virtue of its ‘hypothetical’ persistence is just ). &$ $ $ Let be , the algorithm rejects the such that: In the above example, our selection algorithm would then choose to reject the new input. If there is not a unique , the algorithm rejects the set with the lowest cardinality.8 If two options have also the same cardinality, the algorithm would then look into the history of the data of each option and would count the number of changes +/-, keeping the option with the least number of changes. In case two or more options are equivalent, reject one of the ,9 or use the tree-revision, which will be introduced in the next section. Summarizing: 1. When at stage a database receives a new input , add to with labels and obtain . 2. If , then moves to providing the new input of appropriate labels and updating the history labels of all the other data in the database. 3. If the system verifies that the selection algorithm is activated. Algorithm of Controlled Revision 1. The option sets of labels are determined as defined in Definition 3.10, and from these . the sets of labelled formulas such that 2. For each calculate . . such that 4. If there is not a unique satisfying point , refuse the set such that the index set has the lowest cardinality . 5. If two or more have the same cardinality, reject the whose formulas have the greatest number of changes +/-. 6. If again there is not a unique such that the above condition is satisfied, reject one of the , or use the tree-revision. 3. Among all the de-activate the Once the consistency is restored, the system updates the history labels and, finally, reinstates as many data as possible in as described in the following reinstatement algorithm. Reinstatement algorithm &$ $ $ ) Assume we have . At each stage , , we call the set of the ) . Let formulas which was rejected from be an input. If it is consistent with , then is defined and . In this case the formulas active at are % 8 Which ! % ! is the economic principle that motivates most of the postulates in AGM theory. our algorithm the arbitrary rejection of a set appears only in few cases or at the initial stages of a database. This was one of the most serious critique to TMS where, in case of inconsistency, the process of dependencydirected backtracking could not exhibit a satisfactory control in choosing the data to de-activate. Depending on the applications, the last step can be substituted with the non-insistent policy. 9 With Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision 15 together with the formulas active at . If it inconsistent (i.e. is inconsistent), let be the selection to be rejected (we do not care what selection was used). Recall that &$ $ $ ).algorithm the selection algorithm chooses one of the sets We now a consistent set comprised of and the set of active wffs at have which we call . There is &$&$%$& now hope to reinstate some previously rejected formulas from . Now we can define our algorithm to reinstate. We first look at and we order the elements of according to some principle taking into account their history, for example according to when they came as input. Now we try to reinstate the elements of one by one after checking for as if they were new input to temporary add to the database to consistency (by forming test for consistency). Then we proceed with the data in and so on until . When we finish we get a consistent set which we will use to define 6 The tree-revision The tree-revision is activated when the algorithm cannot find a unique satisfying the conditions at steps , and of the selection algorithm. Imposing a linear ordering relation on formulas (common in the literature of belief revision) sounds too strong an assumption. Tree-revision is an attractive proposal for a revision which, in case of ‘equivalent’ , waits for incoming inputs. Every option is then associated with a possible revision, waiting for new inputs. The elements of such a hierarchical structure are called nodes. The root node (the initial database ) is the node occupying the top level of the hierarchy. Underneath the root, there can be multiple children. Every child may in turn be the parent of other children, thus branching like a tree. Nodes without children are leaf nodes. No node can have more than one parent. #&$%$&$ We have previously defined a database under revision as a sequence like . Tree-revision makes the structure more complex, since from a step multiple possible revisions can be considered, and we want to provide each node with its own name. The initial database is , where is the empty sequence. The databases after the -th input are indexed by sequences of numbers % % . When comes in, if there are several options, they become % % , % % , etc. Thus, if in our notation there is always one option, the sequence becomes , ! , ! , ! , ... which, in our old notation we $ $ $ . To make the two notations similar, let would write denote . For ! becomes , or even if there is no possibility of confusion. example, ! two and . They are consistent, Suppose that at the first stage we receive inputs: so our knowledge is then . At the next step, we . If we choose the insistent input policy, we receive a new piece of evidence : have two possible revised sets which consistently include The data in have the same history, so the algorithm cannot select a unique solution to resolve inconsistency. In case of equivalent revision options, we can either reject one of the candidates, or we can wait for If %$ $ $ the ) next one or two inputs (to avoid complexity). , we represent the is inconsistent and there are option sets of labels to revise #%$ $ $ ) 5 ! % databases options ! 3 ! % as branches of a tree. Each ) ( ) corresponds to a ( ), i.e., reject the wffs in . We recall that each contains a set of labels of wffs to de-activate in order to restore consistency. We call these wffs option formulas. When a new input comes, it is added to each branch, and the revision machinery 16 Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision starts checking for inconsistencies. We explain this using the above example. Our set is: comes as a new input and we want to accept it. Suppose that is inconsistent and we have two options to restore consistency (maintaining the new information). We assign a new name to the input, we make it active at stage and we consider the following two options: and $ $ $ $ $ $ mean that the input added at stage caused inconsistency and the algorithm could not decide a priority over the two option sets. So at we have two possible revised is rejected, while in is% and database, one the other is . In the first one % . we reject and$ are option formulas. We keep record of the branching also in the history labels: means the formula is rejected in the first branch of the second $ step. Similarly, means the formula is active in the first branch of the second step. We also need to specify that a$ database ) actively prove when all the formulas involved in % the proof are active at . Let us consider the following example to explain these notions. E XAMPLE 6.1 Let us recall the scenario in [26]: Assume that a suspect tells you that he went to the beach for swimming and assume that you have observed that the sun was shining. Further, you firmly believe that going to the beach for swimming when the sun is shining implies a sun tan. If you then discover that the suspect is not tanned, there is an inconsistency to resolve. ([26], p.57) Let: B = “going to the beach for swimming” S = “the sun is shining” T = “sun tan” After the first step, our database would then be: ! In his example, Nebel has already in mind a prioritized base ! ! : Then, revising by we will infer that the suspect is a liar. Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision 17 But do the prioritized bases approaches provide a mechanism to modify the ordering after a revision process has been run? Unfortunately, not. As noticed also in [7], the effect of a revision operator may change over time. Friedman and Halpern also claim that a revision operator can be defined as a function only if the language is “rich enough to express relative degrees of strength in beliefs”. That is something we can certainly agree on, but how can the degrees of strength in our beliefs be decided? In this example we are a detective who wants to find the person guilty of a terrible murder. The database we are considering is only a piece of information regarding one of the suspects (Mr X) and we are assessing his alibi. Labelling the data as usual: ! Then: ! ), we have: When we observe that Mr X is not tanned ( ! ! ! ! In order to restore consistency, the option sets are . Since we have no strong evidence to the, guilt of Mr ,X, we decide and, finally, to keep our mind open and search for information. Formally, this is equivalent to say other that in order to accept in (we are in the insistent input policy) we are prepared to remove , or , but we still do not know which one of these. We accept the new input, provide it with a new name and update the labels of the other formulas making explicit the options. We can think of this as three branches departing from , each branch being one different option: ! ! $ $ $ $ $ $ ! $ $ $ $ ! $ $ 18 Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision ! by some authoritative source that the sun After further careful searches, we are persuaded was really shining the day of the murder. Since is already in the database, we do not need a new name for it. But we want to mark that we got again the same information as an input at the step of the database, so we enter into the labels. This provides a way to deal with iterated inputs of the same information . Intuitively, the repeated observation of the same fact increases the reliability of the fact itself. Also, when an inconsistency between two formulas (which have been active for the same length of time) arises, the one with more occurrences of in its history will be retained. This is called repeated input policy and is a special feature of our model. It shows also that even a “beyond controversy” [30] axiom such as the vacuity postulate may not catch some important aspects of a revision ! ! process. The new evidence about the fact that the sun was shining leads to close the branch (because ! ! of the re-activation of the option formula in : ! ! ! ! ! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ! ! now that in talking to Mr X’s doctor we discover that he is affected with a rare Suppose ! skin and, after some that this kind of illness prevents him research, we also discover from tanning . Let: ! I = “skin illness” But, when we add to our knowledge base does not give inconsistency. , and become respectively : $ $ $ $ ! $ $ $ $ ! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision 19 ! $ $ ! $ is inconsistent: ! ! $ $ $ $ The Controlled Revision algorithm rejects and reinstates . The new inputs will determining the closure of be then added only to the remaining . The new database will be obtained providing the last input with appropriate labels and updating the other history labels. Whenever the Controlled Revision algorithm cannot find a unique solution for the inconsistency in , tree-revision is an alternative to random choice rejection (as in TMS). Whether to opt for one of the option sets or to wait for new inputs, depends on factors such as the number of . This kind of revision seems to capture a typical feature of practical reasoning according to which, when undecided, we keep our mind open while waiting for new information. In particular, the implicit risk in refusing any of the sets responsible for inconsistency is reflected in the idea of iterated revision. If previous revisions have some influence on future states of belief, rejecting the wrong set might compromise future revisions. This nicely captures Gäardenfors pithy observation that information costs. Therefore, we should not only give up the least possible information, but it should also be the right information to give up! 7 Conclusion We have proposed an algorithmic approach to the revision of inconsistent databases. We have shown the special role the history of past revisions plays in devising a specialized algorithm . In future work we explore the idea that aspects of non-monotonicity arises from for the history of each formula and from the history of past revisions. We bring the present paper to a close with a brief explanatory sketch. Imagine a revision policy allowing for compromise revision and reinstatement priority. At time , the current database is . It is necessary to recognize the core part of , which is composed of all data except the compromise and reinstated wffs. We assume that in cases of inconsistency in the face of a new input, these are the first to be rejected. Write if logically follows from . Write if (i.e. the are the non-monotonic consequences of ). We now check to see whether the axioms for the non-monotonic consequence relation hold. Assume input . is updated to , in the manner discussed in the paper. 6 The core of input insistence, we get . Clearly we may have is . If we opt for but hence , but . However, if , this means that , hence that is consistent. Whereupon ( , and for all iff (which is restricted monotonicity). This is reminiscent of the Gärdenfors and Makinson observation [24] that given a theory we can get non-monotonic consequence by iff . Our conviction is that the dynamic dimension has been disregarded not only in belief revision, but also in other areas of knowledge representation. For example, one of the actual 20 Controlled Revision - An algorithmic approach for belief revision major problems in artificial intelligence is the aggregation of several databases, i.e., the combination of pieces of knowledge from different sources. This is a distinct issue, but related, to belief revision. In belief revision, we face the question of accepting or rejecting a new information which can contradict our knowledge base. In the case of aggregation, we want to merge information from different sources. The difference is that no one of these bases is the representation of our actual theory, but we need to fuse all the bases to obtain a unique theory (we may think of building an expert system from a group of human experts, for example). Furthermore, the final merged base is not necessarily one of the initial bases. It is not possible to define a fusion operator from a revision one without specifying how to combine the individual preferences. To collect information from different sources often results in opposite information from equally reliable sources. Our proposal is to develop an approach which, in this case, waits for more information. The next inputs will inform us on which source provides a better picture of the world, so that we can update our confidence degree on that expert. We leave further investigation of these aspects and their application areas for a future paper [12]. 8 Acknowledgments We want to thank David Makinson, Peter McBurney and Odinaldo Rodrigues who read a previous version of the paper for their valuable comments and questions. References [1] C. Alchourrón, P. Gärdenfors and D. Makinson. On the logic of theory change: partial meet contraction and revision functions, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 50, 510–530, 1985. [2] C. Boutilier, N. Friedman and J. Y. Halpern. Belief revision with unreliable observations. In AAAI 98, Madison, WI, pp. 127–134, 1998. [3] A. Darwiche and I. Pearl. On the logic of iterated belief revision, Artificial Intelligence, 89, 1–29, 1997. [4] J. Doyle. A truth maintenance system, Artificial Intelligence, 12, 231–272, 1979. [5] J. Doyle. 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