3a 46 ` { F793

Sept. 27, 1966
Filed May 17, 1963
Fig. /
22 m,
I 1"
/6 £2
{ F793
James J D0/fl', Sr.
[Ni 7;‘! [U];
United States Patent 0 "
Patented Sept. 27, 1966
tional view taken substantially upon the plane indicated
by the section line 3—3 of FIGURE 1;
FIGURE 4 is a perspective view of the adapter plate
of the instant invention; and
FIGURE 5 is an enlarged fragmentary side elevational
FIGURE 3 is an enlarged fragmentary vertical sec
James J. Dol?, Sr., P.O. Box 434, Torrance, Calif.
Filed May 17, 1963, Ser. No. 281,119
1 Claim. (Cl. 123-124)
view similar to that of FIGURE 1 but showing a modi?ed
form of actuator for the vacuum spoiler assembly.
Referring now more speci?cally to the drawings the
speci?cally to an apparatus designed speci?cally for the 10 numeral 10 generally designates an internal. combustion
This invention relates to a novel and useful automatic
vacuum spoiler for internal combustion engines and more
purpose of reducing the vacuum in an intake manifold of
an internal combustion engine and thereby reducing the
amount of liquid fuel drawn into the intake manifold.
The automatic vacuum spoiler assembly of the instant
invention includes an adapter plate which is adapted to be
interposed between the intake manifold and the mounting
?ange of a carburetor supported from the manifold and
engine to which an intake manifold 12 is secured in the
conventional manner. The intake manifold 12 has a
downdraft carburetor 14 mounted thereon and an adapter
plate 16 of the vacuum spoiler of the instant invention
is interposed between the base mounting ?ange 18 of the
carburetor 14 and the intake manifold 12.
The vacuum spoiler of the instant invention is generally
designated by the reference numeral 20 and further in
the adapter plate is apertured in a manner to conform
cludes an air valve assembly generally referred to by the
to the passages formed in the base of the carburetor.
The adapter plate includes a bore having one end corn~ 20 reference numeral 22 and including an actuator assembly
24. An air conduit assembly 26 comprising a pair of
municated with the apertures formed in the plate and the
elbows 28 and 30 interconnected by a straight section of
other end opening outwardly of the plate and adapted to
tubing 32 and an extension tube 33 is utilized to com
be communicated with the air valve of the vacuum spoiler
municate the interior of the adapter plate 16 with the
assembly. The air valve of the vacuum spoiler assembly
is utilized to admit air from the ambient atmosphere into 25 ambient atmosphere by way of the air valve assembly 22
of which the elbow 28 comprises a part. One free end
the bore formed in the adapter plate and thus into the in
portion of the elbow 28 is provided with a pair of dia-'
take manifold of the internal combustion engine and
metrically opposite and transversely extending slots '34
includes an actuator operatively connected to the internal
and 36 and a plate-like gate valve member 38 is slidingly
combustion engine for actuation to open the air valve
in direct response to given engine operating conditions. 30 received through the passage de?ned by the slots 34 and
36 and is provided with an aperture 40 for registry with
The main object of this invention is to provide an auto
the interior of the slotted end of the elbow 28.
matic vacuum spoiler assembly for an internal combustion
engine which will be capable of admitting air into the
intake manifold of an internal combustion engine in re
sponse to various operating conditions of the internal
combustion engine.
A further object of this invention, in accordance with
A mounting bracket 42 is provided and is secured to the
intake manifold 12 by means of a suitable fastener 44
and has the air conduit assembly 246 secured thereto in
any convenient manner such as by welding 46, see FIG
URE 1. In addition, the actuator assembly 24 is secured
to one free end portion 48 of the bracket 42 and it may
be seen that the actuator assembly 24 comprises a dia
40 phragm motor and that the gate valve member 38 com
sponse to an increase of vacuum within the intake mani
prises an actuator arm of the diaphragm motor. The
fold beyond a predetermined point.
diaphragm motor 24 is operatively connected to the in
Still another object of this invention is to provide an
terior of the intake manifold 12 by means of a conduit
automatic vacuum spoiler for the intake manifold of an
the immediately preceding object, is to provide a vacuum
spoiler assembly capable of being actuated in direct re
50 and the operation of the diaphragm motor 24 is such‘
internal combustion engine which is operative in response
to engine speed to admit air into the intake manifold 45 that an increase of vacuum within the manifold 12 will
cause the gate valve member 38 to be pulled inwardly
of the internal combustion engine whenever the speed of
of the actuator assembly 24 and the apertured portion of
operation of the engine exceeds a predetermined level.
the gate valve member 38 to be disposed within the free
A ?nal object of this invention to be speci?cally enu~
end portion of the elbow 28 whereby the air' conduit as
merated herein is to provide an automatic vacuum spoiler
sembly 26 will communicate the interior of the adapter
assembly in accordance with the preceding objects which
plate 16 with the ambient atmosphere. However, when
will conform to conventional forms of manufacture, be of
simple construction and easy to install so as to provide a
device that will be economically feasible, long lasting and
relatively trouble free in operation.
the vacuum within the intake manifold 12 is below a pre
determined level, the diaphragm motor 24 will urge the
gate valve member 38 to the position illustrated in FIG
These together with other objects and advantages which 55 URE 3 of the drawings thereby terminating communica
tion between the interior of the adapter plate 16 and the
‘will become subsequently apparent reside in the details of
ambient atmosphere,
construction and operation as more fully hereinafter de
The extension 33 has its end remote from the elbow 30
scribed and claimed, reference being had to the accom
snugly received within a bore 52 formed in the adapter
panying drawings forming a part hereof, wherein like
plate 16 and opening into the centrally disposed and ad
numerals refer to like parts throughout, and in which:
joining apertures 54 formed through the plate 16. It is of
FIGURE 1 is a fragmentary side elevational view of a
course to be understood that the apertures 54 are of a
conventional form of internal combustion engine provided
size and shape adapted to fully register with the air pas
with a downdraft carburetor and with the adapter plate
sages formed in the carburetor base and the adjacent
of the instant invention interposed between the mounting
portions of the manifold 12.
?ange of the carburetor and the intake manifold of the
With attention now directed to FIGURE 5 of the draw
internal combustion engine;
ings there will be seen a modi?ed form of vacuum spoiler
FIGURE 2 is a fragmentary bottom plan view taken
assembly generally referred to by the reference numeral
substantially upon the plane indicated by the section line
60 which is substantially identical to the vacuum spoiler
2-2 of FIGURE 1 and with parts of the internal combus 70 20 with the exception that the actuator assembly 62 there
tion engine and adapter plate being broken away and
of comprises an electrical solenoid rather than a dia
shown in section;
phragm motor. However, the electrical solenoid 62 in
eludes an armature 64 which projects outwardly there
spaced circumferentially thereabout, an elongated plate
from and whose free end is substantially identical to the '
free end of the gate valve member 38. The solenoid 62
like valve member of a width less than the outside diam
eter of said conduit and of a thickness slightly less than
is adapted to be electrically actuated by means of a suita~
the width of said slots, said valve member extending
ble manually operated switch (not shown) or a small
source of electrical potential which increases its potential
as the operating speed of the internal combustion engine
10 increases.
In operation, the vacuum spoiler is actuated upon an
through said slots and being longitudinally reciprocal
transversely of said conduit, the opposite side edges of
said gate valve member and the portions of said conduit
de?ning the opposite ends of said slots being disposed in
slidable guiding engagement with each other and the op
increase of vacuum within the intake manifold 12 beyond 10 posite side faces of said gate valve member being disposed
in closely spaced relation with the portions of said con
duit de?ning the opposite sides of said slots whereby the
a predetermined point and opens the air valve assembly
22 thereby communicating the interior of the adapter plate
said conduit will have a shearing action on foreign de
posits accumulated on said side faces upon longitudinal
shifting of said valve member, said valve member includ
16 to the ambient atmosphere. The vacuum spoiler 60 on
the other hand is electrically actuated and may be selec
tively operated at the discretion of the operator of the
internal combustion engine 10 or may be automatically
actuated by a small source of electrical potential which
increases in its potential to a point suf?cient to effect act
ing an apertured portion and being selectively longi
tudinally shiftable between ?rst and second positions with
said apertured portion in and out of registry with the in
uation of the solenoid ‘62 ‘upon an increase of the operat—
terior of said conduit, and force means connected to said
ing speed of the internal combustion engine 10 beyond a
valve member and operatively associated with said engine
to selectively shift said valve member between said ?rst
and second positions in response to predetermined operat
predetermined point.
The foregoing is considered as illustrative only of the
principles of the invention. Further, since numerous mod
i?cations and changes will readily occur to those skilled in
ing conditions of said engine.
References Cited by the Examiner
the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the ex
act construction and operation shown and described, and
accordingly all suitable modi?cations and equivalents
may be resorted to, falling within the scope of the inven
tion as claimed.
What is claimed as new is as follows:
In combination, an internal combustion engine includ
ing an intake manifold, a vacuum spoiler for said mani
fold, said spoiler comprising an air conduit supported
exteriorly of said manifold and including inlet and outlet
ends, extension conduit means communicating the outlet 35
end of said conduit with the interior of said manifold,
the inlet end of said conduit being communicated with the
ambient atmosphere, said conduit being of one-piece con
struction and including a pair of diametrically opposite
circumferentially extending slots formed therethrough and 40
Singelyn __________ __ 123-424
Gutenberg ________ __ 137-483
V-oit ___________ __ 25l—129 X
Decker ___________ __ 123—124
Gallun ___________ __ 251—-129
Cover __________ __ 251—327 X
Skirvin ________ __ 123—-—124 X
Harmon __________ __ 123-124
WILLIAM F. O’DEA, Primary Examiner.
H. WEAKLEY, Assistant Examiner.