Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Analysis of the Potential of Gallium Nitride Based Monolithic Power Amplifiers in the Microwave Domain with more than an Octave Bandwidth Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades vorgelegt von M. Sc. Philippe Dennler Dekan: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yiannos Manoli Gutachter: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Ambacher Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Schumacher c Universität Freiburg, Juli, 2014 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Technische Fakultät Georges-Köhler-Allee 101 D-79110 Freiburg i. Brsg. To my wonderful wife Mirjam and enchanting daughter Loı̈s iv Abstract Broadband power amplifiers are regarded as key components employed in numerous applications such as test equipment, radar, and communication systems. Recently, there has been significant investment in the development of high performance microwave transistors and integrated circuits based on gallium nitride (GaN). Because of their high electron velocity combined with a high electron sheet charge as well as break down voltage, GaN based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are promising candidates to push the boundaries set by other semiconductor materials by orders of magnitude. The scope of this work is to theoretically and experimentally analyze the potential of GaN based monolithic broadband high power amplifiers with more than an octave bandwidth in the microwave domain up to 40 GHz with unprecedented power levels. The most fundamental theoretical limitation for reactively matched amplifiers is imposed by the Bode-Fano limit. This technology related figure of merit quantifies the attainable reflection coefficient for a matching network compensating the reactance of a single transistor in a given frequency band. A detailed analysis of the Bode-Fano criterion is performed for the input and output of GaN based HEMTs. The challenge in designing broadband amplifiers is to present the optimum complex load to the input and output of each transistor in an arbitrary interconnection in such a way that they deliver maximum output power or efficiency at all frequencies within a designated band. Because of the high output resistance of GaN transistors, the Bode-Fano limit at the output is aggravated dramatically as compared to lower voltage technologies such as gallium arsenide (GaAs). However, as calculations show, this theoretical limitation does not pose the dominating difficulty. The main limiting factor is the large impedance transformation ratio to be dealt with in the output matching network, attributable to large gate width devices. Since this limitation is not addressed by the Bode-Fano criterion, it needs special consideration and is addressed by reference to filter theory which allows to quantify the filter order of a matching network in terms of bandwidth and transformation ratio. The interplay between realizable quality factors and impedances on monolithic integrated circuits is exemplarily shown on designed and fabricated monolithic broadband power amplifiers with various reactively-matched and distributed topologies. The analyses imply that for the given technology and targeted upper frequency and power level, the critical realizable bandwidth ratio of the output matching network for reactively matched amplifier is around B = 3, e.g. 6 GHz to 18 GHz. Higher bandwidth ratios up to B = 6 are demonstrated by distributed ampli- v Abstract fiers, which are by nature not prone to the theoretical limitations affecting reactively matched amplifiers. In contrast to the output, the Bode-Fano criterion for the input is dependent on center frequency and device size. Calculations show that for reasonable device sizes, it poses a severe theoretical limitation in obtaining an octave bandwidth. Since in a multistage design two complex impedances face at the interstage, the problem becomes even more severe. In order to overcome this limitation, a novel power amplifier architecture is proposed, which evades the aggravated matching aspects introduced by designing multistage reactively-matched amplifiers. A dual-stage semi-reactively-matched amplifier (SRMA) which comprises a distributed active power splitter acting as the driver stage is introduced. In doing so, a purely real interstage impedance is obtained and therefore the proposed architecture allows wider bandwidth operation as compared to the conventional reactively-matched multistage topology. A 4.5 W 6 GHz–20 GHz high power SRMA is designed and realized. The bandwidth ratio is the largest ever reported for a reactively matched multistage monolithic GaN power amplifier at the given frequency and output power. This thesis targets upper frequency limits, which exceed one third of the transit frequency of the active device. As a consequence, gain is a limited resource for the broadband amplifiers within the scope of this work. A very attractive way to enhance the gain of an amplifier is to reduce the Miller effect by using dual-gate active devices. In order to be able to use dual-gate structures for amplifier design, an accurate model is needed. A method to accurately describe dual-gate structures is demonstrated up to 18 GHz using a distributed modeling approach. A scalable nonlinear model with varying total gate width and number of fingers was obtained. The proposed modeling approach is the first of its kind to accurately describe dual-gate transistors. The knowledge gained from studying the model is put into practice by proposing advanced dual-gate structures to improve the stability, gain, maximum output power, and efficiency of the devices. Designed and manufactured structures show improvements in all the aforesaid disciplines as compared to a conventional dual-gate design. However, dual-gate devices suffer from strong gain compression at high driving power levels and therefore are not suitable to be operated in saturation in power amplifier stages. Therefore, dual-gate transistors are preferably used in driver stages to boost the gain of the amplifier. A dual-stage 6 GHz to 37 GHz distributed amplifier with a measured S21 of (17 ± 1) dB, demonstrates the usability of this concept. Besides the enhanced gain, the said amplifier was optimized for maximum output power by applying a nonuniform distributed approach. With more than 1 W output power over the entire frequency band, the design shows the highest ever reported power for a monolithic solid state amplifier at this frequency range. vi Zusammenfassung Der Einsatzbereich von Breitband-Leistungsverstärkern reicht von Kommunikationssystemen über Radaranwendungen bis hin zur Messtechnik. In den letzten Jahren wurde erheblich in die Entwicklung leistungsstarker Galliumnitrid-basierter (GaN-basierter) Mikrowellentransistoren und integrierten Schaltungen investiert. Bedingt durch die hohe Elektronengeschwindigkeit in Kombination mit einer hohen Elektronen-Flächenladung und Durchbruchspannung versprechen GaN-basierte High-Electron-Mobility Transistoren (HEMTs) die durch andere Materialsysteme definierten Grenzen um Größenordnungen zu verschieben. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit soll das Potential von GaN-basierten monolithischen Breitband-Hochleistungsverstärkern mit mehr als einer Oktave Bandbreite im Mikrowellenbereich bis zu 40 GHz mit bisher unerreichten Ausgangsleistungen theoretisch und experimentell analysiert werden. Die grundlegendste theoretische Einschränkung für reaktiv angepasste Verstärker ist durch die Bode-Fano Grenze auferlegt. Diese technologiebezogene Kenngröße ist ein Maß für den erzielbaren Reflexionsfaktor für ein Anpassnetzwerk zur Kompensation der Reaktanz eines einzelnen Transistors in einem gegebenen Frequenzband. Eine detaillierte Analyse des Bode-Fano Kriteriums für den Ein- und Ausgang eines GaN-basierten HEMTs ist aufgezeigt. Die Herausforderung bei der Entwicklung von Breitband-Verstärkern liegt darin, jedem einzelnen Transistor in einer beliebigen Zusammenschaltung die optimale komplexe Last am Ein- und Ausgang anzubieten, sodass deren Ausgangsleistung oder Effizienz über ein festgelegtes Frequenzband maximiert wird. Bedingt durch den hohen Ausgangswiderstand von GaN-Transistoren wird die Bode-Fano Grenze am Ausgang im Vergleich zu Technologien mit niedrigerer Betriebsspannung, wie etwa Galliumarsenid (GaAs), drastisch verschärft. Berechnungen zeigen allerdings, dass diese theoretische Einschränkung nicht die dominierende Schwierigkeit darstellt. Die Haupteinschränkung rührt vom großen im Ausgangsnetzwerk aufzubringenden Transformationsverhältnis her, bedingt durch Bauelemente mit großer Gateweite. Da diese Limitierung vom BodeFano Kriterium nicht behandelt wird, erfordert sie eine separate Betrachtung. Dies geschieht mit Hilfe der Filtertheorie, welche die Filterordnung eines Anpassnetzwerks mit der Bandbreite und dem Transformationsverhältnis in Zusammenhang stellt. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen realisierbaren Güten und Impedanzen in monolithisch integrierten Schaltkreisen wird beispielhaft anhand von entwickelten und fabrizierten monolithischen Breitband-Leistungsverstärkern mit unterschiedlichen reaktiv-angepassten und verteilten Topologien aufgezeigt. Die Analysen besagen, dass für die gegebene Technolo- vii Zusammenfassung gie, angestrebte obere Frequenz und Ausgangsleistung, das kritische realisierbare Bandbreitenverhältnis des Ausgangsanpassungsnetzwerks für reaktiv-angepasste Verstärker bei rund B = 3 liegt, z.B. 6 GHz bis 18 GHz. Höhere Bandbreitenverhältnisse bis zu B = 6 werden anhand von verteilten Verstärkern demonstriert. Diese unterliegen von Natur aus nicht den theoretischen Limitierungen, welche reaktiv-angepasste Verstärker einschränken. Im Gegensatz zum Ausgang ist das Bode-Fano Kriterium für den Eingang abhängig von der Mittenfrequenz und der Bauelementgröße. Berechnungen zeigen, dass das Kriterium für sinnvolle Bauelementgrößen für Bandbreiten von mehr als einer Oktave durchaus eine ernstzunehmende theoretische Beschränkung darstellt. Für mehrstufige Verstärkerentwürfe wird das Problem noch einschneidender, da in der Zwischenstufe zwei komplexe Impedanzen aufeinandertreffen. Um diese Einschränkung zu überwinden wird eine neuartige Leistungsverstärker Architektur vorgeschlagen. Diese umgeht die verschärften Anforderungen an das Anpassnetzwerk in der Zwischenstufe von mehrstufigen reaktiv-angepassten Verstärkern. Ein zweistufiger semi-reaktiv-angepasster Verstärker (SRMA) mit einem verteilten aktiven Leistungsteiler, welcher als Treiberstufe fungiert, wird vorgestellt. Auf diese Weise wird eine rein reelle Zwischenstufen-Impedanz geschaffen. Dadurch erreicht die vorgeschlagene Architektur größere Bandbreiten als konventionell reaktiv-angepasste mehrstufige Topologien. Ein 4.5 W 6 GHz bis 20 GHz Hochleistungs SRMA wurde entwickelt und realisiert. Das dabei erreichte Bandbreitenverhältnis ist das größte jemals publizierte für einen reaktiv-angepassten mehrstufigen monolithischen GaN-Leistungsverstärker bei der gegebenen Frequenz und Ausgangsleistung. Die in dieser Arbeit angestrebten oberen Frequenzgrenzen überschreiten einen Drittel der Transitfrequenz des aktiven Bauelements. Als Konsequenz daraus ist die Verstärkung eine streng limitierte Ressource für die Breitbandverstärker dieser Studie. Eine attraktive Möglichkeit, den Gewinn eines Verstärkers zu erhöhen, ist die Reduktion des Millereffekts durch den Einsatz von Dual-Gate Transistoren. Um Dual-Gate Strukturen für die Entwicklung von Verstärkern einsetzen zu können, ist ein exaktes Modell erforderlich. Eine auf einen verteilten Modellierungsansatz gestützte Methode, die es erlaubt, Dual-Gate Strukturen bis 18 GHz präzise zu beschreiben, wird aufgezeigt. Ein skalierbares nichtlineares Modell für eine variable Gateweite und Fingeranzahl wurde erlangt. Der vorgeschlagene Modellierungsansatz ist der erste seiner Art, um Dual-Gate Transistoren akkurat zu beschreiben. Die durch das Studium des Modells erlangten Erkenntnisse werden anhand von Vorschlägen für die Weiterentwicklung von Dual-Gate Strukturen in die Praxis umgesetzt. Sie verbessern die Stabilität, Verstärkung, maximale Ausgangsleistung und Effizienz der Bauelemente. Fabrizierte weiterentwickelte Strukturen zeigen im Vergleich zu konventionellen Dual-Gate Transistoren Verbesserungen in all den obengenannten Disziplinen. Dual-Gate Bauelemente haben allerdings den Nachteil erhöhter Kompression unter hoher Aussteuerung und sind deshalb ungeeignet, um in Leistungsverstärker Endstufen in Sättigung betrieben zu werden. Aus diesem Grund werden Dual-Gate Transistoren viii Zusammenfassung vorzugsweise in Treiberstufen eingesetzt und deutlich unterhalb der Sättigung betrieben, um die Verstärkung des Sytems zu erhöhen. Ein zweistufiger verteilter 6 GHz bis 37 GHz Verstärker mit einem gemessenen S21 von (17 ± 1) dB demonstriert die Nutzbarkeit dieses Konzepts. Neben der erhöhten Verstärkung wurde der besagte Verstärker durch den Einsatz eines nicht uniform verteilten Ansatzes auf maximale Ausgangsleistung optimiert. Mit mehr als einem Watt Ausgangsleistung über den gesamten Frequenzbereich zeigt die Schaltung die höchste je publizierte Leistung für einen monolithischen Halbleiterverstärker in diesem Frequenzbereich. ix Zusammenfassung x Contents Acronyms 1 Introduction 1.1 Solid State Broadband Power Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 The Potential of Gallium Nitride . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 State of the Art Solid State Broadband Power Amplifiers . 1.3.1 GaN Based Solid State Broadband Power Amplifiers xxiii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 2 3 4 5 2 Gallium Nitride Based Monolithic IC Technology 2.1 Semiconductor Technology for AlGaN/GaN Transistors . . . 2.1.1 The Conventional GaN HEMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Degradation Mechanisms in GaN Heterostructures . . . . . . 2.3 250 nm MMIC Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 250 nm GaN Technology Performance . . . . . . . . . 2.4 100 nm MMIC Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Scaling Properties of HEMTs Regarding Gate Length 2.4.2 100 nm GaN Technology Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 11 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 17 17 19 21 22 24 25 26 29 29 33 34 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications 3.1 Figures of Merit of Broadband Active Devices . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Two-Port Power Gain Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.3 Transit Frequency and Maximum Frequency of Oscillation 3.1.4 Drain Efficiency and Power Added Efficiency . . . . . . . 3.2 DC Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Power Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 RF Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Load Pull Device Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 The Common-Source HEMT as a Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Small Signal Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 The Bode-Fano Criterion Applied on GaN HEMTs . . . . . . . . 3.5.1 Bode-Fano Criterion for the Output of a GaN HEMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Contents 3.6 3.7 3.5.2 Bode-Fano Criterion for the Input of a GaN HEMT 3.5.3 Conclusions on the Bode-Fano Criterion . . . . . . . Dual-Gate and Cascode GaN HEMTs . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.1 Definition of Cascode and Dual-Gate Devices . . . . 3.6.2 Stability Considerations of Dual-Gate HEMTs . . . Advanced Dual-Gate Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7.1 Fabricated Advanced Dual-Gate Structures . . . . . 3.7.2 Advanced Dual-Gate Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7.3 Conclusions on Dual-Gate HEMTs . . . . . . . . . . 4 GaN Dual-Gate HEMT Characterization and Modeling 4.1 Layout and Realization of Dual-Gate HEMTs . . . . 4.2 Distributed Dual-Gate HEMT Model . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Stability Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Large Signal Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Dual-Gate HEMT Power Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 41 42 43 44 50 50 52 57 . . . . . . 59 59 61 63 63 64 66 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level 69 5.1 Bandwidth Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5.2 Review of Various Broadband Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 5.2.1 Reactively Matched Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 5.2.2 Traveling Wave Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 5.3 The Broadband Amplifier Design Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5.3.1 Design Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5.4 Theoretical Limitations for the Design of Equalizers . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.4.1 The Kramers-Kronig Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.4.2 The Bode Gain-Phase Relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5.5 Impedance Level Transformation for GaN Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5.5.1 Constant Q Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5.5.2 Chebyshev Impedance Transforming Networks of Low-Pass Filter Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 5.6 Reactively Matched GaN Power Amplifier MMICs . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5.6.1 Dual-Gate HEMT Reactively Matched Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . 86 5.6.2 Bandwidth Limiting Effects in Multistage Power Amplifiers . . . 88 5.7 Distributed GaN Power Amplifier MMICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.7.1 The NDPA Approach for GaN Based Distributed Amplifiers . . 91 5.7.2 Design Limitations for GaN Distributed Amplifiers . . . . . . . . 92 5.7.3 Ku Band Distributed Dual-Gate HEMT Power Amplifier . . . . 97 5.8 Millimeter-Wave Distributed Power Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 5.8.1 Single-Stage NDPA MMIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 5.8.2 Dual-Stage NDPA MMIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 5.8.3 Measured Large Signal Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 xii Contents 5.8.4 Dual-Stage NDPA with Dual-Gate Driver Stage . . . . . . . . . . Semi-Reactively-Matched Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9.1 Introduction of a Novel Amplifier Architecture . . . . . . . . . . 5.9.2 Distributed Active Power Splitter Driver Stage . . . . . . . . . . 5.9.3 Reactively-Matched Power Amplifier Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9.4 Broadband High Power Semi-Reactively-Matched Amplifier MMIC 5.10 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9 103 107 107 108 109 110 114 6 Conclusion and Outlook 117 A 123 123 123 123 124 A.1 Relevant Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1.1 Effective Dielectric Constant of a Microstrip Line A.1.2 Characteristic Impedance of Microstrip Lines . . A.2 Detailed Overview of the Designed MMICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References 127 List of Publications 137 xiii Contents xiv List of Figures 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Illustration of the benefits of a broadband power amplifier design over a narrowband solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IEEE frequency bands for electromagnetic frequencies for radio and radar. State of the art GaAs pHEMT based broadband PA monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs). Center of ellipses = center frequency and output power on the x-axis and left y-axis, respectively. Horizontal axis of ellipses = bandwidth, vertical axis = gain. . . . . . . . Schematic cross section of a conventional 250 nm AlGaN/GaN heterostructure and simulated conduction band diagram and electron concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output and transfer characteristics of an n-channel depletion-mode field effect transistor (FET). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schematic cross section of the full IAF AlGaN/GaN HEMT MMIC process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph of a fully processed 4 × 100 µm GaN HEMT and cross section scanning electron micrographs of the gate area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simplified layout of an eight-finger HEMT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Common-source HEMTs in various via configurations. . . . . . . . . . . Definition of the K-point on the example of an 8 × 75 µm GaN25 device. Simulation of the dependence of the K-point on total gate width (TGW) by means of scalable 8-term small signal HEMT models. . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Simplified shorted equivalent circuit of an intrinsic HEMT for the determination of the transit frequency fT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Simulated fT and fmax of an 8 × 75 µm HEMT using a small signal model. 3.7 DC equivalent circuit of a HEMT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Measured normalized DC I-V characteristics for a 2 × 50 µm HEMT. Vgs is varied from =2 V to 2 V, the saturation current is 1130 mA mm=1 . . . 3.9 Measured normalized DC transconductance gm and drain current Id for a 2 × 50 µm HEMT at Vds = 7 V and Vds = 30 V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10 DC output characteristics with loadline and quiescent point Q for class-A operation of a HEMT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 5 8 9 10 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 xv List of Figures 3.11 Simplified RF equivalent output circuit of a HEMT. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12 Frequency trajectory of the generator reflection coefficient Γgen of a 1 mm HEMT from DC to 20 GHz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.13 Iso-contours of output power obtained by load pull (LP) simulation of a 1 mm device with dependence of ΓL,opt on frequency from DC to 20 GHz. 3.14 Measured output power of an 8 × 125 µm HEMT with 0.8 µm shield at 10 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.15 Load pull frequency sweep of a 6 × 75 µm HEMT from 6 GHz to 18 GHz (3rd -order polynomial data fit). Output power, gain, and efficiencies are measured at a load tuned for maximum power added efficiency (PAE) (Vds = 30 V, Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.16 Small signal equivalent circuit of a HEMT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.17 Two-port network representation using Y parameters. . . . . . . . . . . 3.18 Comparison of the approximated maximum stable gain (MSG) after (3.33) and the exact MSG after (3.32) versus frequency for an intrinsic 8 × 125 µm HEMT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.19 Reference planes at the gate and drain of a HEMT for model extraction. 3.20 Illustration of the meaning of the Bode-Fano criterion; note that the Smith chart is normalized to 15 Ω. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.21 Definition of τ and Γ for Bode-Fano networks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.22 Illustration of the Bode-Fano criterion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.23 Equivalent circuit of the input of a GaN HEMT in common-source configuration and simplified configurations with complex input impedance Zg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.24 Simplified schematic of the cascode topology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25 Photograph of a 6 × 75 µm discrete cascode structure. . . . . . . . . . . 3.26 Layout of an 8 × 75 µm dual-gate HEMT. Yellow = METG, red = MET1, brown = OHM, orange = GATE (see Fig. 3.26 for layer definitions). Gray = MET1 + METG metal stack, blue = airbridge. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.27 Equivalent circuit configuration and schematic cross section of a dualgate HEMT in GaN25 technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.28 S22 versus frequency of an 8 × 100 µm dual-gate HEMT. . . . . . . . . . 3.29 HEMT in common-source and common-gate configuration with feedback elements critical for device stability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.30 FET with open source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.31 Equivalent circuit of a FET with open source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.32 Two-port network representation of the FET with open source. . . . . . 3.33 < {Yeff } as a function of frequency for the simplified intrinsic equivalent circuit (neglecting Rgd and τgs ) of an 8 × 125 µm HEMT. . . . . . . . . 3.34 < {Yeff } as a function of frequency for the complete 8-term intrinsic equivalent circuit of an 8 × 125 µm HEMT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 43 43 44 45 45 46 46 46 47 49 49 List of Figures 3.35 Layout of an 8 × 75 µm advanced dual-gate (ADG) HEMT. Green = MET1 + GATE metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitor, red = MET1, brown = OHM, orange = GATE, gray = MET1 + METG metal stack, blue = airbridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.36 Detail extracts of ADG 2 to ADG 5. ADG 2 to ADG 4 = gate bus G2 as electrode of the MIM capacitor CRF . ADG 5 = identical to ADG 1, but without the ohmic metal strip between the gates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.37 Photographs of two variants of 8 × 75 µm ADG HEMTs with GATE + MET1 MIM capacitor CRF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.38 Small and large signal comparison of two ADG structures with and without ohmic metal strip between the gates (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.39 |S22 | of ADG 2 and ADG 3 without and with source connected capacitor (S cons), respectively (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). . 3.40 Small and large signal comparison of two ADG devices without and with source connected field plate (SH) (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.41 Constant output gain circles and optimum output power loads at 18 GHz of an ADG HEMT without and with shield, ADG 3 and ADG 4, respectively. Red = w/o SH, blue = w/ SH, step size = 1 dB, green = optimum power loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.42 Maximum stable gain and maximum available gain of the different investigated 6 × 75 µm cascode structures versus frequency from 1 GHz to 50 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . 3.43 Magnitude of S22 of the investigated cascode structures versus frequency from 0.1 GHz to 50 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). 3.44 Power sweep at f = 18 GHz for the investigated cascode structures (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Equivalent small signal circuit of a dual-gate HEMT. . . . . . . . . . . . Chip photograph of an 8 × 100 µm dual-gate HEMT with stabilization resistor and radio frequency (RF)-capacitor with enlarged dual-gate region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simplified block diagram of the dual-gate slice model for a total number of nF gate fingers and nS slices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simplified equivalent circuit of a GaN dual-gate FET. . . . . . . . . . . Measured and modeled critical small signal parameters of an 8 × 100 µm device in the 0.1 GHz to 25 GHz range (Vds = 30 V, Vg1 = =2.2 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulation of the effect of Rstab on |S22 | for an 8 × 100 µm device. . . . Measured and modeled gain and K-factor of two 6-finger devices in the 0.1 GHz to 25 GHz range (Vds = 30 V, Vg1 = =2.2 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 51 52 53 53 54 55 56 57 57 60 60 61 62 62 63 64 xvii List of Figures Measured and modeled power sweeps of V1 and V2 of an 8 × 100 µm device. (Vds = 35 V, Vg1 = =2.3 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 , f = 16 GHz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Photograph of the microstrip line (MSL) single-stage Ku band high power cascode amplifier MMIC (2.75 × 2.25 mm2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Simulated and measured small signal parameters of the single-stage dualgate power amplifier (PA) in the frequency range 14 GHz to 18 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Vg1 = =2.4 V, Vg2 = 6 V, Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . 4.11 Simulated and measured power sweeps of the single-stage dual-gate PA at f = 16 GHz (Vds = 35 V, Vg1 = =2.4 V, Vg2 = 6 V, Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). 4.8 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 xviii Schematic diagram of a reactively matched amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . Simplified schematic of a traveling wave amplifier (TWA). . . . . . . . . Illustration of the broadband power amplifier design problem. . . . . . . General design procedure for a power amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input and output signal for a system with impulse-response function g(t). Illustration of the broadband power amplifier design problem. . . . . . . Resistive and reactive matching networks after [67]. . . . . . . . . . . . . Frequency compensated matching network after [67]. . . . . . . . . . . . Illustration of the concept of constant Q matching. . . . . . . . . . . . . General form of low-pass impedance transforming structures with definition for normalized prototype element values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normalized frequency response of an 8th order low-pass Chebyshev impedance transforming network (r = 12, B = 3, αmax = 0.4 dB). . . . . . Contour plot to determine the filter order required for a certain bandwidth-impedance ratio pairing for αmax = 0.4 dB. 2m = filter order, r = transformation ratio of the matching network, B = ratio bandwidth, αmax = maximum ripple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chip photographs of two versions of the broadband 18 GHz dynamic evaluation circuit (DEC) (2 × 1.5 mm2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured small signal parameters wafer mapping in the frequency range from 0.1 GHz to 26 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Id = 100 mA mm=1 ) of 22 out of 24 cells of the 18 GHz DEC V2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured frequency and power sweep of the 20 GHz DEC V2 (Vds = 30 V and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chip photographs of the two versions of the dual-stage dual-gate power amplifiers (4 × 2.5 mm2 and 3.5 × 2.5 mm2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured small signal parameters of the dual-stage dual-gate PAs in the frequency range from 5 GHz to 25 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured power sweeps of the dual-stage dual-gate PAs at f = 16 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Vg1 = =2.4 V, Vg2 = 6 V, Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . Illustration of output reflection coefficient traveling over frequency. . . . 65 65 66 67 71 72 73 75 77 78 79 80 80 81 82 84 85 86 86 87 87 88 89 List of Figures 5.20 Schematic of a conventional reactively-matched dual-stage power amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.21 Illustration of reflection coefficients between two consecutive stages traveling in opposite directions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.22 Simplified schematic of the basic NDPA topology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.23 Layout of the tapered drain line of an NDPA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.24 Microstrip line with substrate parameters for the GaN25 and GaN10 processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.25 Microstrip line width as a function of impedance for the GaN25 and GaN10 MSL processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.26 Flattening of the loadline by increasing Vmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.27 Quadratic increase of the maximum output power with increasing Vds in a distributed power amplifier (DPA) for multiple minimum characteristic impedances Z0 ,min with corresponding line widths Wl for the GaN25 process (Vknee = 6 V). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.28 Photograph of the advanced dual-gate HEMT nonuniform distributed power amplifier MMIC (4.5 × 2.75 mm2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.29 Measured small signal parameters of the dual-gate non-uniform distributed power amplifier (NDPA) in the 0.1 to 25 GHz range (Vds = 15 V, Vg1 = =1.4 V, Vg2 = 6 V, Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 Measured frequency and power sweeps of the dual-gate NDPA (3rd -order polynomial data fit, Vds = 20 V, Vg1 = =1.6 V, Vg2 = 8 V, Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.31 Photograph of the single-stage NDPA (2.5 × 1.5 mm2 ). . . . . . . . . . . 5.32 Simulated and measured small signal parameters of the single-stage NDPA in the 0.1 to 60 GHz range (Vds = 15 V, Id = 300 mA mm=1 ). . . . 5.33 Photograph of the dual-stage NDPA (5 × 1.5 mm2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.34 Simulated and measured small signal parameters of the dual-stage NDPA in the 0.1 to 60 GHz range (Vds = 15 V, Id = 300 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . 5.35 Simulated and measured frequency and power sweeps of the single-stage NDPA (Vds = 15 V and Id,DC = 200 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.36 Simulated and measured frequency and power sweep of the dual-stage NDPA (Vds = 15 V and Id,DC = 200 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.37 Schematic and photograph of a 4 × 45 µm dual-gate HEMT structure. . 5.38 Photograph of the dual-stage dual-gate NDPA (5 × 1.5 mm2 ). . . . . . . 5.39 Simulated and measured small signal parameters of the dualstage dual-gate NDPA in the 0.1 GHz to 50 GHz range (Vds = 15 V, Id = 300 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.40 Simulated and measured frequency sweep of the dual-stage NDPA at Pin = 20 dBm (Vds = 15 V and Id,DC = 300 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . 5.41 Measured power sweeps of the dual-stage NDPA with DG driver-stage (Vds = 15 V and Id,DC = 300 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 98 99 100 101 101 102 102 103 104 105 106 106 107 xix List of Figures 5.42 Simplified schematic of the basic semi-reactively-matched power amplifier topology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.43 Conventional parallel circuit of two HEMTs and arrangement with short drain connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.44 Schematic of the layout of the semi-reactively-matched amplifier. . . . . 5.45 Schematic cross section of a double-deck MIM capacitor with indicated odd-mode suppression resistor Rodd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.46 Photograph of the semi-reactively-matched dual-stage high power amplifier MMIC, RFin is at the bottom, RFout at the top (4.5 × 4.25 mm2 ). . 5.47 Photograph of an 8 × 90 µm individual source via (ISV) HEMT with RF pads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.48 Small signal parameters of the semi-reactively-matched PA in the 0.1 GHz to 30 GHz range (Vds = 30 V, Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . 5.49 Simulated and measured frequency sweep at Pin = 24 dBm (Vds = 30 V and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.50 Measured power sweep at the upper band edge (f = 20 GHz, Vds = 30 V and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 xx State of the art GaN based broadband PA MMICs in contrast to the designed and manufactured MMICs in this work. Center of ellipses = center frequency and output power on the x-axis and left y-axis, respectively. Horizontal axis of ellipses = bandwidth, vertical axis = gain. Red = this work, blue = other work, green = other work on IAF GaN25 process. . . Ultra-wideband transmit module demonstrator for multi-function defense AESA applications. Photograph courtesy of Airbus Defence and Space, Ulm, Germany [88]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simplified schematic of the three-stage semi-reactively-matched power amplifier topology with distributed interstage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulated small and large signal performance of the designed 10 W SRMA MMIC (Vds = 35 V and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). . . . . . . . . . . 108 109 110 110 111 112 112 113 113 118 119 120 121 List of Tables 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 5.1 5.2 Typical small signal equivalent circuit element values, extracted from 3 different 8 × 125 µm GaN HEMTs at Vds = 30 V and gm = gm,max : 2-via no shield, 2-via 1.3 µm shield, and ISV 1.3 µm shield. . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of load pull data and Bode-Fano bandwidth for GaN and GaAs technologies. IAF ISV is an 8 × 125 µm GaN25 device with 0.9 µm shield, TQ GaN and TQ GaAs are Triquint 10 × 125 µm GaN and 16 × 75 µm GaAs devices, respectively [100, 103]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of small signal intrinsic input element values and BodeFano bandwidth for GaN and GaAs technologies. IAF ISV = 8 × 125 µm GaN25 with 0.9 µm shield, TQ GaN and TQ GaAs = Triquint 10 × 125 µm GaN and 16 × 75 µm GaAs, respectively [100, 103] (Vds = 30 V, gm = gm,max ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Designed 8 × 75 µm structures ADG 1 to ADG 5. ADG 1 = basic structure according Fig. 3.35. ADG 2 to ADG 4 = gate bus G2 as electrode of the MIM capacitor CRF . ADG 5 = identical to ADG 1, but without the ohmic metal strip between the gates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compared 6 × 75 µm HEMT structures. CAS = discrete cascode structure, dual-gate (DG) = conventional dual-gate structure, ADG = advanced dual-gate structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview of the designed MMICs. Topologies: RMA = reactivelymatched amplifier, NDPA = non-uniform distributed power amplifier, SRMA = semi-reactively-matched amplifier. Devices: CS = commonsource, DG = dual-gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ranges of realizable line widths and characteristic impedances per mm gate width, for GaN25 and GaN10 technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 37 41 51 55 74 95 A.1 Detailed overview of all designed MMICs discussed in this work. Topologies: RMA = reactively-matched amplifier, NDPA = non-uniform distributed power amplifier, SRMA = semi-reactively-matched amplifier. Devices: CS = common-source, DG = dual-gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 xxi List of Tables xxii Acronyms 2DEG Two dimensional electron gas ADG Advanced dual-gate ADS Advanced Design System AESA Active electronically scanned antenna AlGaN Aluminum gallium nitrid AlGaN/GaN See AlGaN BBPA Broadband power amplifier CG Common-gate CL Coupled-line CS Common-source CW Contineous wave DA Driver amplifier DC Direct current DE Drain efficiency DEC Dynamic evaluation circuit DG Dual-gate DPA Distributed power amplifier DUT Device under test ECM Electronic countermeasure EW Electronic warfare FCC Federal Communications Commission FET Field effect transistor GaAs Gallium arsenide xxiii Acronyms GaN Gallium nitride GaN10 IAF 100 nm gate length gallium nitride HEMT technology GaN25 IAF 250 nm gate length gallium nitride HEMT technology GND Ground HB Harmonic balance HEMT High electron mobility transistor HFET Heterojunction field effect transistor HPA High power amplifier IAF Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IC Integrated circuit IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IMN Input matching network ISMN Interstage matching network ISV Individual source via JM Johnson’s figure of merit LP Load pull LS Large signal MAG Maximum available gain MESFET Metal semiconductor field effect transistor MIM Metal-insulator-metal MMIC Monolithic microwave integrated circuit mmW Millimeter wave MN Matching network MOCVD Metal organic chemical vapor deposition MODFET Modulation-doped field effect transistor MSG Maximum stable gain MSL Microstrip line NDPA Non-uniform distributed power amplifier NGF Number of gate fingers OMN Output matching network PA Power amplifier xxiv Acronyms PAE Power added efficiency pHEMT Pseudomorphic HEMT RF Radio frequency RMA Reactively-matched amplifier Si Silicon SiC Silicon carbide SRMA Semi-reactively-matched amplifier SS Small signal SSPA Solid state power amplifier TGW Total gate width TWA Traveling wave amplifier TWT Traveling wave tube UGW Unit gate width UWB Ultra wideband xxv Acronyms xxvi Symbol Convention and Constants Symbol Lg tbar Cgs , Cgd , Cds Ri , Rs gm , gds τgs Ls S11 , S22 S12 , S21 h21 MAG MSG Vgs , Vds Ig , Id Id,DC Pin , Pout DE, PAE λ fT fmax ω Q n B r ε0 µ0 εr , µr Description Gate length Barrier thickness of an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure Gate-source, gate-drain, drain-source capacitance Intrinsic gate resistance, source resistance Transconductance, drain-source conductance Gate-source time constant = Ri Cgs Source inductance Input, output reflection coefficient Reverse, forward transmission gain Short-circuit current gain Maximum available gain Maximum stable gain Gate-source voltage, drain-source voltage Gate current, drain current Quiescent drain current RF input power, RF output power Drain efficiency, power added efficiency Wavelength Transit frequency or current gain cutoff frequency Maximum frequency of oscillation Angular frequency or radian frequency = 2πf Quality factor Filter order Ratio bandwidth Impedance transformation ratio Permittivity of free-space ≈ 8.854 × 10−12 Permeability of free-space = 4π × 10−7 Relative permittivity, relative permeability of the material Unit nm nm pF Ω mS ns nH dB dB dB dB dB V mA mA dBm % mm GHz GHz rad s=1 F m=1 H m=1 - xxvii Chapter 1 Introduction Wideband1 power amplifier (PA) monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) are key components that are employed in numerous modern commercial and military applications such as instrumentation systems, digital radio, electronic countermeasure (ECM) and general use components. As an example, the development of satellite communications and TV broadcasting requires amplifiers operating at frequencies from C band to Ku band and further to Ka band. To date, systems covering a wide frequency range require multiple narrowband power amplifiers, e.g. an amplifier for each band. These amplifiers are connected by means of switches or triplexers. In either case, losses are introduced by the additional circuitry and therefore such a system is not favorable. An example of a system covering multiple bands is illustrated in Fig. 1.1. Being able 4 GHz–6 GHz PA 1 ZG Switch or triplexer 8 GHz–12 GHz Switch or PA 2 triplexer 12 GHz–18 GHz 4 GHz–18 GHz BBPA ZG PA 3 Figure 1.1: Illustration of the benefits of a broadband power amplifier design over a narrowband solution. to replace multiple amplifiers by a single broadband power amplifier (BBPA) to cover a certain frequency range reduces costs and system complexity. The BBPA in this example covers the frequency bands from C up to Ku band and is thus, for instance, compatible with C, X and Ku band satellites. A breakdown of the IEEE frequency bands is shown in Fig. 1.2. This work is settled in the frequency range from 4 GHz to 1 This term can be regarded as synonym for broadband in the context of this work. 1 Chapter 1 Introduction L S 12 C 4 X 8 Ku 12 K 18 Ka 27 V 40 Millimeter wave (mmW) W 75 110 f (GHz) Figure 1.2: IEEE frequency bands for electromagnetic frequencies for radio and radar. 40 GHz, where the main focus lies on the frequency range up to the Ku band. However, using a fast gallium nitride (GaN) technology, broadband amplifiers that reach into the regime of the Ka band and beyond are demonstrated as well. When discussing power amplifiers, inevitably five terms come to mind: output power, gain, efficiency, linearity and bandwidth. Improving power amplifiers with respect to one or several of the above terms has been a fruitful research topic in recent years. In the industry-driven field of mobile communications, substantial advances have been made in the application of linearization techniques such as digital predistortion to satisfy the requirements set by modern digital modulation schemes. Another area which drew a lot of attention recently is the enhancement of the efficiency of amplifiers using switchmode concepts such as class-D, class-S or inverse class-F power amplifiers to reach drain efficiencies of 70 % and beyond, [18, 62, 64]. By using GaN-based active devices, the output power and especially power density of such amplifiers could be dramatically increased as compared to other technologies. 1.1 Solid State Broadband Power Amplifiers As stated above, numerous electronic systems applications require generation, processing, amplification, and emission of signals that have a continuous broadband spectrum or modulated signals with a relatively narrow spectrum whose frequency may change in broad ranges. The first group of applications may include ultra wideband (UWB) systems for short distance data transmission, radar systems with UWB signals of different kinds (pulse, multi-frequency, or quasi-noise) and a number of others. The second group includes electronic warfare (EW) systems and universal measuring and testing equipment. Because of the increasing demand for wideband applications, focus has been put on transistor and circuit concepts able to cope with this new challenge. In the context of the work at hand, the term broadband is related to systems with a minimum bandwidth of an octave. 1.1.1 The Potential of Gallium Nitride Amplifiers with good performance over extremely wide bandwidths have been successfully realized in the past two decades in monolithic technologies. Hence, broadband PAs are employed in a number of modern military and commercial applications. Still, high power requirements at frequencies above the X-band are typically satisfied with designs 2 1.2 Motivation based on vacuum tubes. Considering that tube amplifiers such as traveling wave tubes (TWTs) require a high voltage power supply, typically require warm-up time, have significant aging related issues and are relatively expensive, the advantages that solid state technology offers over vacuum tube technology are significant. The requirement for high power and high frequency requires transistors based on semiconductor materials with both large breakdown voltage and high electron velocity. The Johnson’s figure of merit (JM)2 of GaN is about a factor of ten higher than that of gallium arsenide (GaAs) [72]. From this point of view, wide bandgap materials, like GaN and silicon carbide (SiC), with higher JM are ideal candidates to eventually replace the vacuum tubes by solid state transistors. The ability of GaN to form heterojunctions makes it superior compared to SiC. GaN can be used to fabricate high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) whereas SiC can only be used to fabricate metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFETs). The advantages of the HEMT include its high carrier concentration and its higher electron mobility due to reduced ionized impurity scattering. The combination of high carrier concentration and high electron mobility results in a high current density and a low channel resistance, which are especially important for high frequency operation. The best power performance for GaN transistors has been demonstrated on SiC substrate, mainly due to its excellent thermal conductivity [20,33,73]. Furthermore, the high breakdown voltage allows high operation voltages and thus high impedances are obtained, which are beneficial for broadband matching. A more detailed discussion on the GaN technology used in this work is given in Chapter 2. 1.2 Motivation The purpose of this work is to analyze the potential of gallium nitride based monolithic power amplifiers in the microwave domain with more than an octave bandwidth. One question to answer is to what extent the circuit concepts used in other material systems can be applied. Output power, gain and thus power added efficiency (PAE) have to be traded off against bandwidth. Because a GaN device will operate at roughly five times the bias voltage of a GaAs device, the optimum load resistance will be about five times higher. This inevitable impacts the Bode-Fano bandwidth at the output. The theoretical limitations for the design of broadband matching networks are examined in Sections 3.5 and 5.4 on device and system level, respectively. For total gate widths necessary to obtain output powers of more than 5 W, even GaN solid state devices have impedances much lower than 50 Ω and thus the required transformation ratios for broadband matching covering an octave or more in bandwidth are difficult to achieve. The situation gets even more challenging when upper cutoff frequencies are targeted that exceed fT /3 of the active device. A popular way to overcome the matching limitations of reactively matched amplifiers is the distributed or traveling wave approach. However, distributed amplifiers are limited in gain and output power. A very attractive way to 2 The JM gives the power-frequency limit based solely on material properties and can be used to compare different materials for high frequency and high power applications [50]. 3 Chapter 1 Introduction enhance the gain is to reduce the feedback capacitance by using dual-gate HEMTs. In order to be able to use dual-gate structures for amplifier design, an accurate model is needed. Because of the presence of parasitic RF-effects such as coupling between the fingers of the two transistors, this is a tedious task. A method to describe the extrinsic and intrinsic parts of the dual-gate structure separated from each other is demonstrated up to Ku band using a distributed modeling approach in Chapter 4. The interplay between realizable quality factors and impedances on MMICs is exemplarily shown on monolithic broadband power amplifiers with various topologies in a 250 nm and 100 nm gate length technology with upper frequency limits of 20 GHz and 40 GHz, respectively. The results of the designed and fabricated MMICs are presented in Chapter 5. 1.3 State of the Art Solid State Broadband Power Amplifiers Because of the increasing demand for broadband power amplifiers for civil and military applications and the obvious advantages of solid state power amplifiers (SSPAs) over TWTs, great efforts have been undertaken to build compound material based semiconductor amplifiers in the past two decades. A commonly used material combination is GaAs with AlGaAs [98]. A heterojunction which serves as the channel is formed by incorporating a junction between the two materials with different bandgaps. Using an extremely thin layer of one of the materials, allows the construction of transistors with larger bandgap differences than otherwise possible, giving them higher breakdown voltages and thus allowing higher operational voltages which ultimately leads to higher obtainable output powers. Field effect transistors obtained by this technique are called pseudomorphic HEMTs (pHEMTs). A standard design approach is to directly apply well known broadband impedance matching methods. Good results have been reported with this technique for MMICs that utilize pHEMT technologies. At the beginning of this work, amplifier MMICs providing 2 W to 4 W of output power have been commercially available for some time. Fig. 1.3 gives an overview of some of the most important commercially available GaAs broadband PA MMICs of three different global players. The x-axis represents the frequency from 0 GHz to 50 GHz, whereas the left y-axis represents the output power at the upper band edge from 0 W to 8 W. The center of the ellipses mark the center frequency and output power at the x-axis and left y-axis, respectively. The horizontal and vertical axis of the ellipses represent the bandwidth and gain, respectively. The gain is scaled to 10 dB per division on the right y-axis. The most interesting result in the context with this work is the TGA2501 PA MMIC from Triquint [101]. It is a 3 stage design with a bandwidth of 6 GHz to 18 GHz and an output power of 2.3 W at the upper band edge. The high output power is achieved by a rather complex matching and power combiner network to congregate a large total gate width (TGW). The gather up of gate width by means of transmission line power combiners is carried to extremes in the TGA2514 PA MMIC [102]. It is a complex 3 stage balanced amplifier design with a bandwidth of 13 GHz to 18 GHz and an output power of 5.4 W at the upper band 4 1.3 State of the Art Solid State Broadband Power Amplifiers 8 7 [102] 5 4 TriQuint Hittite Macom [101] 3 [71] [43] 2 Gain (10 dB/div) Pout (W) 6 [44] 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Frequency (GHz) Figure 1.3: State of the art GaAs pHEMT based broadband PA MMICs. Center of ellipses = center frequency and output power on the x-axis and left y-axis, respectively. Horizontal axis of ellipses = bandwidth, vertical axis = gain. edge. This circuit has a limited bandwidth as compared to the previous one but shows a much higher output power. It is a good example of what is technically possible in GaAs technology for limited bandwidth, i.e. below one octave. The PA MMICs [43, 44, 71] are distributed amplifiers which have a much higher bandwidth as compared to the reactively-matched designs, but also have lower output powers and gains. 1.3.1 GaN Based Solid State Broadband Power Amplifiers Since the circuits shown in Fig. 1.3 are based on a very matured technology, they represent more or less the maximum performance, that can be achieved by GaAs based MMICs in terms of output power. Further increasing the output power by simple scaling is not possible, because additional combiners would be necessary and therefore additional loss would be introduced. This additional loss would eventually ruin the power gained by the additional gate width. Another limiting factor is the low output impedance of GaAs pHEMTs, which leads to high impedance transformation ratios for large gate widths. Assuming the device output impedance is in the form of a parallel RC circuit, the parallel resistor for a device operated at 6 V is below 20 Ω mm. This is the point, where GaN comes into play. Because of its much higher power density, less circuitry is necessary to assemble gate width to achieve a certain output power. Furthermore, GaN can be operated at higher voltages and therefore smaller transformation ratios occur, which is beneficial for broadband matching. These benefits make GaN a very promising candidate to push the boundaries set by other semiconductor materials. 5 Chapter 1 Introduction At the beginning of this work, some promising results have been published in GaN on SiC technology. As an example for high output power serves the X band amplifier in [60]. This amplifier is a two-stage design with a measured pulsed output power of more than 10 W over a bandwidth of 8.5 GHz to 11.5 GHz and is a much simpler design as compared to the above-said [102], i.e. requires less power combining due to the higher power density of GaN. A comparison of 4 GHz to 18 GHz multi-watt PA MMICs implemented in AlGaN/GaN HEMT and GaAs pHEMT with common circuit technology is presented in [66]. Both GaN and GaAs MMICs were designed as nonuniform distributed power amplifiers and achieved approximately 4 W over the band. The paper nicely shows, that the circuit complexity of the GaAs circuit is much greater than for GaN as shown by the relative transistor output peripheries of 14.4 mm and 2 mm, respectively. These results are encouraging to pursue research in this direction. The next chapter provides an overview of the GaN based monolithic integrated circuit (IC) technology with its performance, as it was available for the fabrication of the active devices and circuits within the scope of this work. 6 Chapter 2 Gallium Nitride Based Monolithic IC Technology In the early 1990s, GaN was deemed an excellent, next generation, semiconductor material for high power and high frequency transistors based on the material parameters of bandgap, electron mobility, and saturated electron velocity. The lack of bulk GaN source material led to the need for GaN growth on lattice mismatched substrates such as silicon (Si), SiC and sapphire [86]. Wide-bandgap semiconductor technology for highpower microwave devices has matured rapidly over the last several years as evidenced by the fact that AlGaN/GaN HEMTs have been available as commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) devices since 2005 [72,80]. In this chapter, the principles of GaN based heterojunction field effect transistors (HFETs) will be given with focus on properties relevant for the design of monolithic broadband high power amplifiers (HPAs). Different AlGaN/GaN heterostructures are the basis for three radio frequency (RF) GaN process technologies at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF) using a gate length of 500 nm, 250 nm and 100 nm with full MMIC capability [11,41,113]. They were developed in strong collaboration with European industry partners and played a major role to develop a European commercially available GaN technology [132]. The technologies relevant for the present work are the 250 nm and 100 nm process, named “GaN25” and “GaN10”, respectively. The latter was achieved by scaling the 250 nm process regarding gate length to result in a higher cutoff frequency fT . Survey of GaN Research Activities in Europe The development of GaN for RF electronics in Europe was greatly promoted by a number of European research programs such as KORRIGAN, HYPHEN, UltraGaN and GREAT2 [82]. Another program worth mentioning is MANGA, realized by the European Defence Agency (EDA). The main objective of this five nation joint project is to sustain the industrial development of semi-insulating SiC substrates and prove the industrial capability of Europe to support GaN HEMT and MMIC foundries with state-of-the-art GaN HEMT epitaxial wafers on semi-insulating SiC substrates [70]. A systematic comparison of semi-insulating SiC substrates from Cree and SiCrystal on 7 Chapter 2 Gallium Nitride Based Monolithic IC Technology substrate, GaN epiwafer, and electronic device level is reported within the the project EuSiC [114]. EuSiC is aiming at establishing an independent, purely European sustainable supply chain for GaN based space technologies. 2.1 Semiconductor Technology for AlGaN/GaN Transistors Gate 2.0 µm Drain 3 nm GaN cap Ohm 22 nm AlGaN barrier Ohm 2DEG 1.9 µm GaN buffer AIN nucleation Conduction band (eV) Source 0.7 µm GaN channel & buffer 1020 1.5 1019 1.0 1018 0.5 1017 EF 0.0 -0.5 100 µm SI-SiC substrate (a) Basic 250 nm AlGaN/GaN device layer structure on semi-insulating SiC. GaN cap 2.5 Al0.22 Ga0.78 N 2.0 barrier 0 10 20 30 40 Depth (nm) 50 Electron density (eV) A GaN HFET consists of a thin GaN cap with an AlGaN barrier on a GaN buffer. The schematic cross section of a device with typical layer thicknesses for a typical 250 nm process is shown in Fig. 2.1 (figure is not drawn to scale). The thin AIN nucleation 1016 60 (b) Conduction band diagram and electron concentration. Figure 2.1: Schematic cross section of a conventional 250 nm AlGaN/GaN heterostructure and simulated conduction band diagram and electron concentration. layer lowers the lattice mismatch with subsequently grown III-nitride films relative to that with SiC [29]. A 1.9 µm thick buffer layer is necessary to reduce the defect and dislocation density and hence realize epitaxial layers with insulating properties. The ohmic contact between the metal and the two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is established by rapid thermal annealing [54, 55]. The obtained contact and sheet resistances are below 0.3 Ω mm and around 550 Ω/2, respectively [110]. The impact of GaN cap thickness on electrical and device properties in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures is investigated in [115]. The conduction band diagram and electron concentration for a barrier with 22 % aluminum content is shown in Fig. 2.1(b). 2.1.1 The Conventional GaN HEMT A two dimensional electron gas in AlGaN/GaN based heterostructures suitable for HEMTs, is induced by strong polarization gradients [3]. The electrical properties of the 2DEG are mainly influenced by the AlGaN barrier thickness and Al content. The 8 2.2 Degradation Mechanisms in GaN Heterostructures sheet carrier density increases approximately linearly with the aluminum content. The influence of the barrier thickness on the sheet carrier density however is nonlinear. 2DEGs with sheet carrier concentrations up to 2 × 1013 cm=2 can be achieved close to the interface, well in excess of those observed in other III-V material systems. The physical properties influencing the sheet carrier concentration and the confinement of the 2DEGs, such as polarity, alloy composition, strain, thickness, and doping of the AlGaN barrier, have been thoroughly examined [3, 4]. The HEMT is typically of depletion-mode, or normally-on type, i.e. the channel is conductive with zero gate bias and a negative gate-source Vgs voltage must be applied to turn the transistor off, as shown in Fig. 2.2. Although not relevant for the IAF process, Id Id Vgs = 0 V Vgs 0 0 Vds 0 Vgs Figure 2.2: Output and transfer characteristics of an n-channel depletion-mode FET. for the sake of completeness it is worth mentioning, that in addition to polarization induced carriers, the forming of the channel can be supported by doping of the widebandgap (high-Eg ) See AlGaN (AlGaN/GaN) material. Thereby carriers diffuse to the undoped narrow-bandgap layer. This technique is called modulation doping and therefore the name modulation-doped field effect transistor (MODFET) is also used for the discussed HFET in literature. As a result of this modulation doping, the channel carriers in the undoped heterointerface are spatially separated from the doped region and have high mobilities because there is no impurity scattering [95]. 2.2 Degradation Mechanisms in GaN Heterostructures AlGaN/GaN based microelectronic devices offer a variety of advantages like high breakdown voltage and high saturation velocity. However, AlGaN/GaN HEMTs are still facing reliability problems [26]. Reliability and degradation mechanism of 250 nm AlGaN/GaN HEMTs under RF stress conditions are reported in [28]. Trade-offs exist between performance and reliability of AlGaN/GaN transistors. In [109] it is shown that changes in epitaxial growth, transistor design and process may lead to an improvement in performance but are, at the same time, accompanied by a degradation of device reliability. By using a field plate electrode (also called shield“), the breakdown voltage ” of a GaN transistor can be dramatically increased. However, the presence of an additional electrode, besides the increase of breakdown voltage and output power density, 9 Chapter 2 Gallium Nitride Based Monolithic IC Technology causes other changes in the transistor characteristics as well. Most important, there are significant changes in the cutoff frequencies fT and fmax and the parasitic capacitances of the active structure. The dependency of various transistor parameters, such as the parasitic capacitances, on the length of the field plate is investigated in [61, 79, 121]. 2.3 250 nm MMIC Technology The epitaxial structure used for the fabrication of the active devices in this work was grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on 3-inch semi-insulating SiC substrates [2, 74, 111]. Fig. 2.3 shows the schematic cross section of the complete IAF GaN25 process. Again, the figure is not drawn to scale. It is a full MMIC process Source connected field plate Airbridge MIM Passivation METG MET1 MET1 OHM SiN MET1 OHM NiCr SI-SiC substrate SI-SiC substrate Au Backside metal GATE SiN Active layer Resisitor Au Via hole Figure 2.3: Schematic cross section of the full IAF AlGaN/GaN HEMT MMIC process. including, besides the active devices, resistors, metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors and spiral inductors. The silicon nitride (SiN) forming the insulation of the MIM capacitors has a thickness of 250 nm. The metal layer names METG, MET1, OHM, and GATE stand for galvanic metal, metal1 , ohmic metal, and gate metal, respectively. As mentioned in Section 2.2, the source connected field plate is an effective way for increasing the breakdown voltage of the transistor. It is implemented using the metal layer MET1 as well. Since the applied transmission line technology is microstrip line (MSL), thinning of the wafer to 100 µm and backside processing including front-toback substrate via holes are involved. The active devices are completely passivated. A description of the process technology with focus on general technology parameters and the corresponding design rules can be found in the IAF GaN25 design manual [49]. The active layer is isolated by ion implantation. It consists of a GaN cap of approximately 3 nm, an AlGaN barrier of 5 nm to 25 nm and a GaN buffer of 1 µm to 2 µm, as shown in detail in Fig. 2.1(a). The 250 nm gates are defined by electron beam lithography. 10 2.4 100 nm MMIC Technology In order to support the design of MMICs in the GaN25 process, a design kit including electrical models for the elements as well as the corresponding layouts is available for the circuit simulator Advanced Design System (ADS). A description of the design kit for active and passive microstrip components can be found in [45] and [46], respectively. 2.3.1 250 nm GaN Technology Performance The typical operational drain-source voltage Vds of the GaN25 process is 30 V. The gatedrain breakdown voltage is higher than 120 V, the HEMTs yield a maximum extrinsic DC transconductance gm of 300 mS mm=1 at Vds = 30 V and a maximum drain current of > 1.1 A mm=1 . The extrinsic transit frequency fT and the maximum frequency of oscillation fmax for small gate devices are 28 GHz and 40 GHz, respectively. 2.4 100 nm MMIC Technology The motivation for the 100 nm AlGaN/GaN technology is to develop a process, which is significantly faster than the 250 nm process, i.e. has a higher cutoff or transit frequency fT . The intrinsic transit frequency is given by fT ≈ 1 gm ≈ 2πτt 2π (Cgs + Cgd ) (2.1) and will be discussed in more detail in Section 3.1.3. Power amplifier MMICs based on high power AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN double heterojunction structures with gate lengths of 100 nm and 150 nm have been demonstrated in [68, 69]. The reported devices reach extrinsic transit frequencies of fT ≈ 90 GHz. In the equation above, Cgs and Cgd are the gate-source and gate-drain capacitors, respectively and τt is the transit time of the electrons from source to drain. Therefore, fT gives an idea of the intrinsic delay of the transistor. By assuming that the carriers are moving at the saturation velocity, the transit time is simply τt = L/υs , hence the transit frequency is inversely proportional to the channel length L. For the GaN25 process, Cgs and Cgd are about 1.5 pF mm=1 and 0.1 pF mm=1 , respectively. By assuming an intrinsic gm of 400 mS, a reduction of (Cgs + Cgd ) to approximately 0.6 pF would be necessary in order to achieve an intrinsic fT > 100 GHz. The increase in intrinsic fT by proper scaling the GaN25 process regarding gate length is described in the following section. 2.4.1 Scaling Properties of HEMTs Regarding Gate Length From (2.1) it is obvious, that fT can be increased by decreasing the channel length and thereby decreasing the transit time τt , which corresponds to a decrease in Cgs . However, as the gate length is reduced, the horizontal electric field increases and becomes comparable to the vertical field, which confines the carriers on the 2DEG channel. This two 11 Chapter 2 Gallium Nitride Based Monolithic IC Technology dimensional distribution of the electric field under the gate results in short-channel effects which degrade the device performance by shifting the threshold voltage, increasing the output conductance, reducing the transconductance and resulting in poor pinch-off performance [35]. These degrading effects can be significantly reduced by reducing the barrier thickness tbar by the same factor as the gate length, to keep the aspect ratio Lg /tbar constant (theoretical scaling rule) - which on the other hand increases Cgs . The barrier thickness is also the most important scaling parameter for the transconductance. By decreasing the barrier thickness, gm is increased [42]. This leads to an increase in fT as can be seen in (2.1). In simplified terms this means, that the effective increase in fT is achieved by simultaneously increasing gm while keeping Cgs constant. In the situation at hand however, the scaling is not exactly done according the theoretical rules, because the required barrier thickness would lead to an unacceptably high sheet resistance, i.e. the barrier thickness is not decreased by the same amount as the effective gate length, which leads to a decrease in Cgs . A small signal parameter extraction on a 4 × 45 µm GaN10 device at Vds = 10 V gives a Cgs = 0.55 pF mm=1 , Cgd = 0.13 pF mm=1 , and gm = 450 mS, which results in an intrinsic fT of 105 GHz. By scaling the transconductance and the gate length, the high parasitic capacitances of the gate metalization structure become a limiting factor at some point. Hence, efforts to minimize those parasitic elements by means of scaling and process optimization have to be made. A major hurdle to achieve good performance is the degradation of the intrinsic fT caused by the degradation of the transconductance, mainly due to the parasitic source resistance Rs [21, 95]: gm,int gm,ext ≈ , (2.2) 1 + Rs gm,int In order to achieve a high extrinsic transconductance gm,ext , the loss caused by the source resistance has to be minimized. The source resistance is the sum of the sheet resistance Rsh and the contact resistance Rcon , which in itself is the sum of the ohmic contact resistances: Rs = Rsh + Rcon . (2.3) As a consequence of this, efforts must be made to minimize Rs , which is achieved by minimizing the contact and sheet resistances. Both parameters are influenced by the quality of the hetero epitaxial layers and the barrier properties [40]. To date, the contact resistance is comparable to that of the GaN25 process, i.e. somewhere below 0.3 Ω mm. The sheet resistance has been successfully reduced to around 450 Ω/2. For a gate-source electrode pitch of 0.7 µm, this gives a source resistance of approximately 0.6 Ω mm. By applying (2.2), the intrinsic gm from above is reduced to 350 mS mm=1 to result in an extrinsic fT of about 82 GHz. These numbers illustrate the degradation of the transit frequency caused by the degradation of the transconductance due to the parasitic source resistance Rs . 12 2.4 100 nm MMIC Technology 2.4.2 100 nm GaN Technology Performance The schematic cross section of the full IAF GaN10 process is identical to the GaN25 cross section in Fig. 2.3, except there is no field plate. Due to the scaling discussed above, the barrier thickness is reduced to 9 nm. As for the GaN25 process, an ADS design kit including electrical models for the elements as well as the corresponding layouts is available for the GaN10 process. In the description of the design kit a more detailed description of the process technology is included [47, 48]. As a consequence of the reduced gate length and the thereby diminished gate-drain breakdown voltage, the maximum operational voltage of the GaN10 process is reduced to 15 V. The HEMTs yield a maximum extrinsic DC transconductance of 350 mS mm=1 at Vds = 10 V and a maximum drain current of > 1.3 A mm=1 . The higher drain current as compared to the GaN25 process is achieved by the decrease in the sheet resistance. The extracted extrinsic current gain cutoff frequency fT is around 78 GHz. This is somewhat lower than the estimation above due to additional parasitic effects. For small gate devices, fmax can get as high as 200 GHz at Vds = 7 V. In order to support the design of transmission lines at millimeter wave frequencies, the wafers are thinned to 75 µm. A detailed report on the development of the 100 nm gate length high transconductance HEMT can be found in [40]. The photograph of a multifinger HEMT and cross section scanning electron micrographs of the gate area are shown in Fig. 2.4. The represented device is from an early development stage and has a T-gate with a length of 150 nm. 50 µm 2 µm D S S 600 nm G S G Figure 2.4: Photograph of a fully processed 4 × 100 µm GaN HEMT and cross section scanning electron micrographs of the gate area. Conclusion on the Available GaN Technologies Two different AlGaN/GaN technologies were available for the fabrication of the active devices and circuits within the scope of this work. The GaN25 process with an extrinsic fT of about 28 GHz, suitable for circuit design up to the Ku band and the GaN10 process with an extrinsic fT of about 78 GHz, suitable for circuit design up to the Ka band and beyond. The former technology is typically operated at Vds = 30 V, whereas the latter uses a typically biased between Vds = 10 V to 15 V. The maximum current 13 Chapter 2 Gallium Nitride Based Monolithic IC Technology densities of the 250 nm and 100 nm process are 1 A mm=1 and 1.3 A mm=1 , respectively. Designed and manufactured power HEMT structures employing both of the technologies described above, are discussed regarding their key characteristics and suitability for broadband power amplifier design in the next chapter. 14 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications A number of reasons make GaN HEMTs superior for the use as active devices in broadband amplifiers. These reasons have been discussed in Chapters 1 and 2. Since the performance of the active device defines some of the core attributes of an amplifier such as output power, gain, and efficiency, a separate chapter is dedicated to power HEMT structures for broadband applications. Designed and manufactured power HEMTs are discussed regarding their key characteristics important for the design of broadband power amplifier MMICs. Various kinds of common-source and dual-gate structures are investigated regarding their suitability for broadband power amplifier design. The terminology used in the describtion of HEMTs is shown in Fig. 3.1 on a simplified layout of an MSL eight-finger HEMT. Active channels are formed along the gate fingers emDrain connection Gate finger Drain bus Source Via GND Gate width (GW) Airbridge Gate bus Drain Gate connection Figure 3.1: Simplified layout of an eight-finger HEMT. bedded between drain and source contacts. The width of a single gate finger is referred to as unit gate width (UGW) of the transistor. All gate fingers are collected by the gate bus. The drain bus connects the drains, whereas the sources are connected by airbridges. The source is ground connected symmetrically by vias to the ground metalization. The HEMT is connected to its periphery by the gate and drain connection. The TGW of a transistor is defined as number of gate fingers (NGF) times UGW, i.e. TGW = NGF×UGW, and can therefore be controlled by scaling the gate width and/or 15 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications number of fingers. The TGW is directly proportional to the drain current and thus defines the obtainable output power of the device. On the other hand, the TGW impacts the gain as well, because it defines the transition from the unstable to the stable region of operation, as will be explained in Section 3.1.2. The unit gate width and number of fingers have thus to be chosen carefully in order to achieve the demanded output power without sacrificing gain to an unacceptable extent. In order to examine the interplay between obtainable output power and gain, effort has been put into the modeling of GaN HEMTs, as discussed in more detail in Chapter 4 on the basis of dual-gate devices. Transistor layouts other than the one discussed above are shown in Fig. 3.2. All Drain bus Source Individual source via (ISV) Via Gate bus Airbridge (a) 2-via HEMT. (b) 4-via HEMT. (c) ISV HEMT. Figure 3.2: Common-source HEMTs in various via configurations. of these are used for the design of monolithic amplifiers in this work. An interesting structure is the individual source via (ISV) HEMT illustrated in Fig. 3.2(c). Instead of using an airbridge to connect the sources of the individual unit cells, each source has its own via, therefore the name individual source via. This approach decreases the source inductance of the device and thereby increases the gain. The influence of the source inductance on the gain parameters as well as on the stability is shown in [75]. On the other hand, due to the minimum required width of the vias for producibility, the structure becomes wider as compared to the 2-via or 4-via device and therefore is more critical at higher frequencies due to distributed effects on the gate and drain buses. ISV HEMTs find use in the high power amplifier MMIC discussed in Section 5.9.4. A comparison of extracted small-signal equivalent circuit element values of 2-via and ISV devices is shown in Table 3.1. The efficiency of the amplifiers in this work is of secondary concern. However, since power dissipation in transistors lead to thermal compression, the efficiency indirectly impacts the output power. As stated in Chapter 2, two technologies were used: the 250 nm gate length GaN25 and the 100 nm gate length GaN10 process. In the following, the data is referred to the GaN25 technology, unless stated otherwise. 3.1 Figures of Merit of Broadband Active Devices In order to classify active devices for certain applications in RF and microwave engineering, specific figures of merit are used. This section revisits the terms that are used throughout this work. 16 3.1 Figures of Merit of Broadband Active Devices 3.1.1 Stability In literature, two types of stability are defined: unconditional stability and conditional stability. A network is unconditional stable if |Γin | < 1 and |Γout | < 1 for all passive source and load impedances. A network is conditional stable if |Γin | < 1 and |Γout | < 1 only for a certain range of passive source and load impedances. This case is also referred to as potentially unstable. The range of values for ΓS and ΓL where the amplifier will be stable can be facilitated by plotting the input and output stability circles, [81]. A simpler way to determine unconditional stability involves the stability factor K, defined as 1 − |S11 |2 − |S22 |2 + |∆|2 K= , (3.1) 2 |S12 S21 | where ∆ is the determinant of the scattering matrix S, defined as ∆ = S11 S22 − S12 S21 . (3.2) A device is unconditionally stable if the conditions K > 1 and |∆| < 1 are simultaneously satisfied. This condition is called the Rollet’s condition. A criterion that combines the two separate parameters into a single parameter, µ, has been proposed by [31]: µ= 1 − |S11 |2 ∗ | + |S S | > 1. |S22 − ∆S11 12 21 (3.3) If µ > 1, the device is unconditionally stable. Larger values of µ imply greater stability. 3.1.2 Two-Port Power Gain Definitions In RF and microwave engineering, a vast number of different gain definitions exist. This section discusses the terms that are used in this work. A commonly used concept to describe the gain of an active device in terms of small signal (SS) parameters, is the concept of maximum available gain (MAG) and maximum stable gain (MSG). If a transistor is unconditionally stable, so that K > 1, the MAG can be defined as follows: MAG = Gmag = p |S21 | K − K2 − 1 . |S12 | (3.4) The maximum available gain is also sometimes referred to as the maximum transducer power gain or matched gain. If the device is only conditionally stable, i.e. K < 1, a useful figure of merit is the MSG, defined as the MAG with K = 1: MSG = Gmsg = |S21 | . |S12 | (3.5) 17 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications Definition of the K-Point A typical GaN device is conditional stable up to a certain frequency and then becomes unconditional stable, i.e. the device’s gain transitions from MSG into MAG, where it drops at a rate of 10 dB/dec and 20 dB/dec, respectively (obvious when plotted over a logarithmic frequency scale as in Fig. 3.6). At the frequency, where the device reaches unconditional stability, the Rollet stability factor becomes unity (K= 1). The “Kpoint” is dependent on the total gate width of the device. As an example, Fig. 3.3 shows the simulated MSG/MAG and stability factor curves of an 8 × 75 µm GaN25 device with a K-point at 17 GHz. In order to achieve sufficient gain, amplifiers are typically 6 Gmsg , Gmag K 25 5 4 20 K-point 15 3 10 2 5 1 MSG MAG 0 0 10 20 30 Frequency (GHz) Stability factor K MSG, MAG (dB) 30 0 40 50 Figure 3.3: Definition of the K-point on the example of an 8 × 75 µm GaN25 device. designed such that the active devices are operated at frequencies below the K-point. However, to obtain the targeted high output power of e.g. > 10 W in this work, it is inevitable to choose large transistor peripheries for the power amplifier stage, resulting in an operation above the K-point. The gain penalty can be compensated by using a multistage amplifier design. The simulated dependence of the K-point on TGW of an eight and a six-finger device in GaN25 technology and a four-finger device in GaN10 is shown in Fig. 3.4, where scalable 8-term small signal models have been used. In the model, distributed effects on the gate and drain buses of the transistors are neglected. As a result, the K-point is solely determined by the finger gate width of a transistor, i.e. the NGF does not affect the K-point. This explains the higher K-point of the 8-finger device as compared to the 6-finger device for the same TGW in Fig. 3.4. To minimize parasitic effects caused by the bus structure, a maximum of eight fingers are used up to a frequency of 20 GHz and a maximum of four fingers up to a frequency of 40 GHz. In order to achieve sufficient gain, amplifiers are typically designed such that the active devices are operated below the K-point. Thus, the gate width is limited by the 18 3.1 Figures of Merit of Broadband Active Devices 80 8 finger GaN25 6 finger GaN25 4 finger GaN10 K-point (GHz) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 TGW (mm) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 3.4: Simulation of the dependence of the K-point on TGW by means of scalable 8-term small signal HEMT models. upper band edge of the design frequency range. The dashed lines in Fig. 3.4 indicate the maximum TGWs in order to fulfill K < 1 at 20 GHz for the GaN25 process and at 40 GHz for the GaN10 process. The TGW yields 0.5 mm and 0.37 mm for an eight and six-finger device, respectively in the GaN25 process and 0.37 mm for a four-finger device in the GaN10 process. A typical transistor size to be employed in reactively matched power amplifiers up to Ku band in GaN25 technology is 8 × 75 µm and 4 × 60 µm for distributed amplifiers up to Ka band in GaN10 technology. 3.1.3 Transit Frequency and Maximum Frequency of Oscillation The transit frequency fT is an important figure of merit to assess intrinsic frequency response of transistors. Defined as the short-circuit current gain cutoff frequency, it is the frequency, at which the short-circuit current gain β becomes unity: iout β = |h21 | = = 1. (3.6) iin vout =0 The corresponding simplified equivalent circuit of an intrinsic HEMT is shown in Fig. 3.5. The output is shorted to satisfy the vout = 0 condition for h21 . Applying Kirchoff’s point rule at the input and output of the circuit yields iin = vgs jω (Cgs + Cgd ) (3.7) iout = vgs (gm − jωCgd ) . (3.8) and 19 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications iin vgs Cgd Cgs iout vgs gm Figure 3.5: Simplified shorted equivalent circuit of an intrinsic HEMT for the determination of the transit frequency fT . Dividing (3.8) by (3.7) gives h21 gm − jωCgd iout = = . iin vout =0 jω (Cgs + Cgd ) The short-circuit current gain is found by taking the magnitude of (3.9): q gm 2 + (ωCgd )2 β = |h21 | = . ω (Cgs + Cgd ) (3.9) (3.10) Since for the frequencies of interest ωCgd gm , β≈ gm . ω (Cgs + Cgd ) (3.11) fT ≈ gm , 2π (Cgs + Cgd ) (3.12) β becomes unity at which indicates, that the short-circuit current gain is inversely proportional to the frequency and can be expressed as β≈ fT . f (3.13) fT is a useful and reasonably unambiguous figure of merit that is convenient to measure and relates directly to the primary equivalent circuit elements in Fig. 3.5 that determine the device RF gain. Because of the low-pass behavior of an active device, amplifier design close to the transit frequency is challenging, e.g. for frequencies above fT /3. The targeted upper frequencies of the broadband amplifiers in this work lie around 2/3fT , which makes the designs very delicate due to the lack of gain margin. The GaN25 process has an intrinsic fT ≈ 30 GHz and an extrinsic fT ≈ 28 GHz. Since fT is defined via the current gain h21 for the case of an input current generator with infinite output conductance, it does not account of device input resistance. However, a device chosen for power amplification should have a low input resistance and high power gain. A figure of merit that addresses this requirement is the maximum frequency of 20 3.1 Figures of Merit of Broadband Active Devices oscillation fmax , defined as the frequency, at which the maximum available gain MAG becomes unity, i.e. the frequency, where the power gain becomes unity. The expression for fmax can be determined for the network of Fig. 3.16 and is given in (3.14) which illustrates the relative significance of the various parasitic components [108]. fT fmax ≈ p , 2 (Ri + Rs + Rg ) gds + 2πfT Rg Cgd (3.14) where Cgd is the gate-drain capacitance, gds is the output conductance, and Ri , Rs , and Rg are the input, source, and gate resistances, respectively. The optimization of fmax relies closely on the maximization of fT as well as on the reduction of the parasitic elements. As discussed in Section 2.4, the reduction of gate length is an important factor to improve fT and therefore fmax . Fig. 3.6 shows the simulated fT and fmax on a double-logarithmic scale. A difficulty with fmax is that there is no universally adopted approach to its determination and it is usually obtained by extrapolation of measured data. h21 , MSG, MAG (dB) 50 h21 Gmsg , Gmag 40 fmax 30 fT 20 10 0 0.1 0.3 1 3 10 Frequency (GHz) 30 80 Figure 3.6: Simulated fT and fmax of an 8 × 75 µm HEMT using a small signal model. 3.1.4 Drain Efficiency and Power Added Efficiency In microwave engineering, amplifier or device efficiency is calculated in several ways. The two commonly used definitions shall be discussed here. In a FET device, DC power is supplied to the drain. Drain efficiency (DE) is the ratio of RF output power Pout,RF to DC input power PDC . It is usually expressed as a percentage: DE = 100% Pout,RF PDC (3.15) Drain efficiency is a measure of how much DC power is converted to RF power for a single device. PAE is similar to drain efficiency, but takes into account the RF 21 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications power that is added to the device at the input. Again, PAE is usually expressed as a percentage: Pout,RF − Pin,RF Pin,RF PAE = 100% = DE − 100% (3.16) PDC PDC PAE is applied to amplifiers as a figure of merit, as well as to devices. If the gain of an amplifier is sufficiently high, PAE will approximate DE. 3.2 DC Performance Under DC consideration, a FET can be regarded as a voltage controlled current source with an internal resistance Rds , according Fig. 3.7. By presenting a load with the Iin Iout Vgs Rgs Vgs gm Rds Figure 3.7: DC equivalent circuit of a HEMT. same value as the internal resistance Rds , power match is achieved and therefore the output power of the active device is maximized. The DC output power is the maximum obtainable power. When the transistor is operated under RF conditions, the output power will inevitably degrade with increasing frequency due to parasitic effects such as trapping, which causes DC-to-RF dispersion. Trapping has rather long time constants associated with it, which lead to anomalous dispersion with onset at lower frequencies already. Pulsed I-V measurements, which visualize the dispersion can be found in [58], a modeling concept for the low-frequency dispersion aspect of large signal (LS) modeling of microwave III-V field-effect transistors is presented in [105]. In order to estimate the obtainable output power of an active device, studying its DC performance is essential. Fig. 3.8 shows the normalized current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a 2 × 50 µm device. The small transistor size is chosen in order to minimize thermal effects. The DC output characteristics were measured up to a drain voltage of Vds = 30 V, with a gate-source voltage =2 V < Vgs < 2 V. A saturation current of 1130 mA mm=1 is obtained. In order not to exceed a power density of 12 W mm=1 , the measured voltage range is reduced towards higher drain currents, to protect the device from damage, i.e. avoid P > Pmax . The earlier introduced transconductance, denoted by gm in Fig. 3.7, is defined as the change in the drain current divided by the change in the gate-source voltage: gm 22 ∂Id = ∂Vgs Vds =const. (3.17) 3.2 DC Performance 1200 Pmax Id (mA/mm) 1000 800 Vgs = −2 V . . . 2 V 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 Vds (V) 20 25 30 Figure 3.8: Measured normalized DC I-V characteristics for a 2 × 50 µm HEMT. Vgs is varied from =2 V to 2 V, the saturation current is 1130 mA mm=1 . Fig. 3.9 shows the measured DC transconductance gm and corresponding drain current Id for the same device sample as above for two different drain-source voltages. The transconductance shows an asymmetric behavior, i.e. a steep rise near turn-on independent on Vds and a smooth decay towards gm = 0 mS. A maximum gm of 360 mS mm=1 400 gm (mS/mm) 1250 at Vds = 7 V at Vds = 30 V 1000 300 750 200 500 100 250 Id (mA/mm) 500 0 0 -3 -2 -1 0 Vgs (V) 1 2 3 Figure 3.9: Measured normalized DC transconductance gm and drain current Id for a 2 × 50 µm HEMT at Vds = 7 V and Vds = 30 V. and 320 mS mm=1 was measured at Vds = 7 V and Vds = 30 V, respectively with a correlating drain current of Id ≈ 120 mA mm=1 . The complete channel pinch-off lies at around =2.4 V and is rather independent of the drain-source voltage. 23 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications 3.2.1 Power Density The obtainable power density of a GaN HEMT can be approximated by drawing a reasonable loadline in the DC output characteristics in Fig. 3.8, as shown in Fig. 3.10. The maximum current Imax is chosen to be 1000 mA mm=1 . By considering Fig. 3.8, Id (mA) Imax Q-point class-A Imax /2 Loadline 0 0 Vknee Vmax Vds (V) Figure 3.10: DC output characteristics with loadline and quiescent point Q for class-A operation of a HEMT. this is a reasonable value to achieve an acceptable knee voltage Vknee of 6 V. The knee voltage is the voltage drop over the open channel resistor Rds,on of the FET. It is defined as the voltage of the I-V curves transition from linear“ to saturation“. Since ” ” Vknee ∝ Imax /Rds,on , the knee voltage is independent of device size. By exceeding 1000 mA mm=1 for Imax , Vknee increases disproportionately and thus results in an unacceptable drain efficiency of the transistor. The maximum drain-source voltage Vmax is 60 V. This value guarantees a safe operation below the breakdown voltage of the device. In class-A operation, the maximum output power of a transistor can be calculated as follows: Pout,max = Vmax − Vknee Imax (V − Vknee ) Imax √ √ = max , 8 2 2 2 2 (3.18) √ where 2 are the crest factors for a pure sinusoid. For the values above, a power density of 6.75 W mm=1 is obtained. This is the theoretical maximum obtainable power density for a sinusoidal excitation. For a rectangular excitation, the power density would be doubled due to the drop out of the crest factors in the denominator of (3.18). However, a practicable FET would break by the massive overdrive at the gate caused by rectangular excitation and therefore this power density cannot be reached. A detailed discussion on amplifier operation classes can be found in literature, e.g. [24]. 24 3.3 RF Performance 3.3 RF Performance The optimum load impedance with respect to power of a HEMT depends on the frequency, the operation class determined by Vgs and Vds , and the input power level. According the DC output characteristics in Fig. 3.10, the optimum load resistance for a class-A amplifier results in RL,opt = Vmax − Vknee . Imax (3.19) The method of determining the optimum load resistance of an active device by considering the loadline is sometimes also referred to as “Cripps method”, based on [23]. The simplified large signal output circuit of a GaN HEMT is obtained by extending the DC equivalent circuit in Fig. 3.7 by an effective drain-source capacitance Cds,eff , as shown in Fig. 3.11. Together with Rds , Cds,eff forms the frequency dependent output ΓL,opt Vgs gm Rds Cds,eff Figure 3.11: Simplified RF equivalent output circuit of a HEMT. admittance of the transistor or generator admittance Yout,FET = Ygen = 1 + jωCds,eff , Rds (3.20) or expressed as output and generator impedance Zout,FET = Zgen = Rds 1 = . Yout,FET 1 + jωRds Cds,eff (3.21) The effective drain-source capacitance approximately has a value of Cds,eff ≈ Cds + Cgd ≈ 0.4 pF mm−1 (3.22) for a typical GaN25 HEMT as considered here. The frequency dependence of the generator impedance Zgen is illustrated in Fig. 3.12 for an 8 × 125 µm device. Cds,eff causes the generator reflection coefficient Γgen to travel along the red trajectory with increasing frequency. The maximum output power of the HEMT is obtained by compensating the effective drain-source capacitance Cds,eff and then presenting the optimum load resistance to the internal resistance Rds , i.e. presenting the complex conjugate of the generator reflection coefficient at the output terminal of the transistor ΓL,opt = Γ∗gen . (3.23) 25 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications 1 0.5 2 0.2 0 5 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 ∞ f = 0 Hz Γgen f↑ -0.2 0.4 pF 62 Ω -5 f = 20 GHz -2 -0.5 -1 Figure 3.12: Frequency trajectory of the generator reflection coefficient Γgen of a 1 mm HEMT from DC to 20 GHz. 3.3.1 Load Pull Device Characterization The standard procedure to determine ΓL,opt of an active device is load pull (LP). LP involves varying the load impedance presented to a device under test (DUT) and measure performance parameters such as output power, gain, and PAE as a function of load impedance presented to the DUT. In their most basic forms, traditional load pull systems comprise of a signal source used to generate a test signal, an output tuner to vary the load impedance seen by the DUT, and a power meter to measure the resulting power. As a result, iso-contours of, e.g., output power can be plotted in the Smith chart, as shown in Fig. 3.13 in blue. Caused by Cds,eff , the optimum load ΓL,opt travels along the red trajectory with increasing frequency. A more profound discussion on the determination of optimum RF operating conditions of GaN HEMTs is given in [58]. For the characterization of transistors for power applications, the LP setup is mainly used to match the DUT either for maximum PAE or maximum Pout . The maximum power density obtained by a fundamental load pull measurement of an 8 × 125 µm device with a source connected 0.8 µm shield at a frequency of 10 GHz and a drain voltage of 30 V is in the range of 5.5 W mm=1 . Fig. 3.14 shows the measured power sweep of the transistor. The device was load pull matched for maximum PAE in class-AB operation. However, the impedances for maximum Pout and maximum PAE are closely neighbored in the Smith chart. Therefore, the device delivers nearly maximum output power even 26 3.3 RF Performance 1 0.5 2 f↑ 0.2 5 f = 20 GHz 0.2 0 0.5 1 2 5 ∞ ΓL,opt 50 Ω f = 0 Hz -0.2 Tuner -5 -2 -0.5 -1 Figure 3.13: Iso-contours of output power obtained by LP simulation of a 1 mm device with dependence of ΓL,opt on frequency from DC to 20 GHz. Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) if matched for maximum PAE. The discrepancy in power density from the load pull measurement to the calculated value from the DC I-V curves occurs mainly due to 60 50 Pout Gain PAE 40 30 20 10 0 5 10 15 20 Pin delivered (dBm) 25 Figure 3.14: Measured output power of an 8 × 125 µm HEMT with 0.8 µm shield at 10 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). 27 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications DC-to-RF dispersion and, since the DC measurements were performed on a 2 × 50 µm device, thermal compression of the transistor. In order to investigate the behavior of the output power, gain, and efficiency of a GaN HEMT over frequency, load pull measurements were performed on a 6 × 75 µm device in the frequency range from 6 GHz to 18 GHz. At each frequency point, the transistor was tuned for maximum PAE and the power characteristics were traced at this point. The maximum PAE is a precisely defined point, since it peaks at a certain drive level, whereas the maximum output power is uncertain because of the compression behavior of the device. The peaking of the PAE arises due to the definition in (3.16) and the fact that from a certain drive level the compression of the gain is overproportional to the increase in output power and therefore the PAE starts to decrease. A third-order polynomial curve fit to measured data is shown in Fig. 3.15. The output power is ap- 70 Pout Gain PAE DE 3 60 2 50 1 40 0 6 8 10 12 14 Frequency (GHz) 16 DE (%), PAE (%) Pout (W), Gain/10 (dB) 4 30 18 Figure 3.15: Load pull frequency sweep of a 6 × 75 µm HEMT from 6 GHz to 18 GHz (3rd -order polynomial data fit). Output power, gain, and efficiencies are measured at a load tuned for maximum PAE (Vds = 30 V, Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). proximately constant, whereas the DE degrades dramatically with increasing frequency. One reason for the decease in DE is attributed to DC-to-RF dispersion, which reduces the saturation current and increases the knee voltage at high frequencies and bias conditions [22]. Another reason limiting the high frequency performance for devices operated at high voltages is the feedback effect caused by the feedback capacitance Cgd and resistance Rgd . At high frequencies, current is absorbed in the voltage dependent Rgd and thus the DE is diminished. A more detailed discussion on the impact of feedback on the PAE of a HEMT can be found in [58]. The spreading between DE and PAE becomes wider with increasing frequency because of the decreasing gain (low-pass behavior). 28 3.4 The Common-Source HEMT as a Reference 3.4 The Common-Source HEMT as a Reference The common-source (CS) configuration for a FET is one of three basic single-stage amplifier topologies. Because it provides both a voltage and a current gain, it is the most commonly used topology for RF power amplifier MMICs. The signal enters the gate and exits the drain. The terminal remaining is the source, which is referred to as common“. Another interesting topology used in this work is the cascode, which is ” formed by combining a CS FET with a common-gate (CG) FET. Cascode HEMTs are discussed in detail in Section 3.6 and Chapter 4. 3.4.1 Small Signal Model The small signal equivalent circuit of a HEMT is given in Fig. 3.16. It is a simplified Gate Lg Intrinsic shell Cgd Rgd Rg + vi − Ri Rd Cgs vi gm e −jωτ gds Ld Drain Cds Rs Ls Source Figure 3.16: Small signal equivalent circuit of a HEMT. model to an extent adequate to give an overview of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, used throughout this work. The intrinsic small signal model consists of eight components (8-term model). Cgs and Ri represent the gate-to-channel impedance, Cgd denotes the feedback capacitance with losses Rgd . Cds and gds represent the SS output impedance. Note, that due to the discrepancy between SS output impedance and loadline output impedance, 1/gds 6= Rds introduced in Section 3.2. The transconductance gm is defined as the ratio ids /vgs and the gate-drain time delay τ indicates the transit time associated with the carrier transport through the channel. It can be approximately expressed as the gate-source time constant τgs = Ri Cgs . Derivation of MSG as a Function of Frequency The equivalent circuit in Fig. 3.16 is a two-port network. A common representation of a two-port network is the admittance matrix as shown in Fig. 3.17. The admittance 29 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications i1 v1 i2 v2 Y Figure 3.17: Two-port network representation using Y parameters. matrix is described by Y -parameters which are defined as i1 Y11 Y12 v1 = . i2 Y21 Y22 v2 (3.24) The Y -parameters are calculated using short-circuit tests at the terminals of the twoport network defined as Ii Yij = . (3.25) Vj Vk =0 for k6=j By expressing (3.25) in terms of the elements of the intrinsic shell of the equivalent circuit in Fig. 3.16 and performing some algebraic simplifications, the admittance matrix Y is found as jω (Cgs + Cgd ) −jωCgd . (3.26) Y = gm − jωCgd gds + jω(Cds + Cgd ) For the sake of simplicity, Ri and Rgd are neglected in the equation above. The feedback resistance Rgd is vital when considering feedback loss mechanisms as discussed in Section 3.3.1. By considering Ri , Y is found as " jωC # gs + jωC −jωC gd gd gs Ri Y = 1+jωC . (3.27) gm 1+jωCgs Ri − jωCgd gds + jω(Cds + Cgd ) The maximum stable gain MSG is defined as MSG ≡ |S21 | , |S12 | (3.28) S21 and S12 can be expressed in terms of Y -parameters as S21 = − Y21 Y0 , ∆Y (3.29) Y12 Y0 , (3.30) ∆Y where ∆Y is the determinant of the Y -parameter matrix. Therefore the definition of MSG holds also true for Y -parameters: S12 = − MSG ≡ 30 |S21 | |Y21 | = . |S12 | |Y12 | (3.31) 3.4 The Common-Source HEMT as a Reference By using (3.27) and (3.31), the MSG for the common-source FET in Fig. 3.16 is gm . MSG = 1 + (3.32) ωCgd (ωCgs Ri − j) For ωCgs Ri 1 and gm /(jωCgd ) 1, MSG ≈ 1 − gm gm . ≈ jωCgd ωCgd (3.33) The approximated MSG (GMSG,app ) and the exact MSG (GMSG ) versus frequency for an 8 × 125 µm 2-via GaN HEMT without shield according Table 3.1 are shown in Fig. 3.18(a). Fig. 3.18(b) shows the deviation GMSG,app − GMSG . The approximated 30 0.35 GMSG,app 25 0.3 MSGdiff (dB) MSG (dB) 0.4 GMSG 20 15 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 10 0.05 5 0 0 10 20 30 Frequency (GHz) 40 50 (a) GMSG and GMSG,app versus frequency. 0 10 20 30 Frequency (GHz) 40 50 (b) MSG diff versus frequency. Figure 3.18: Comparison of the approximated MSG after (3.33) and the exact MSG after (3.32) versus frequency for an intrinsic 8 × 125 µm HEMT. MSG shows a deviation of below 0.1 dB up to a frequency of 25 GHz and is therefore a reasonable estimation for the GaN25 process. Numerical Values of Equivalent Circuit Elements Table 3.1 shows typical small signal equivalent circuit element values of three different 8 × 125 µm GaN25 HEMTs. Compared are two 2-via devices with and without 1.3 µm source connected field plate (shield) and an ISV device with 1.3 µm shield. The data was extracted at a drain-source voltage of Vds = 30 V. The drain current was chosen Id = 100 mA mm=1 to yield maximum transconductance gm,max . From the element values it can be seen, that the shield decreases the gate-drain capacitance Cgd but on the other hand increases the gate-source capacitance Cgs . The ISV HEMT features a lower gate-source capacitance Cgs as compared to the 2-via devices, because of the omission 31 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications Table 3.1: Typical small signal equivalent circuit element values, extracted from 3 different 8 × 125 µm GaN HEMTs at Vds = 30 V and gm = gm,max : 2-via no shield, 2-via 1.3 µm shield, and ISV 1.3 µm shield. Element Intrinsic gate resistance Ri Gate-source capacitance Cgs Gate-source time constant τgs Transconductance gm Gate-drain capacitance Cgd Gate-drain resistance Rgd Drain-source capacitance Cds Drain-source conductance gds Gate resistance Rg Drain resistance Rd Source resistance Rs 2-via no SH 0.58 1.46 0.85 313 0.10 30.6 0.179 4.66 0.45 1.68 0.67 2-via SH 0.46 1.86 0.95 331 0.07 31.8 0.364 5.05 0.45 1.68 0.67 ISV SH 0.56 1.17 0.66 330 0.08 21.8 0.223 5.13 0.33 0.98 0.40 Unit Ω mm pF/mm ps mS/mm pF/mm Ω mm pF/mm mS/mm Ω Ω Ω of the airbridge to connect the sources of the individual unit cells, as can be seen in Fig. 3.2. The main reason for applying the field plate in the GaN25 process is its ability to reshape the electric field distribution in the channel and to reduce its peak value on the drain side of the gate edge. As a consequence the breakdown voltage of the transistor is increased. The intrinsic circuit parameters in the table above were extracted from S-parameter measurements at various bias conditions for different device geometries and direct solvR ing the equations for the Y -parameters using the Matlab program TOP extra1“ [104]. ” Fig. 3.19 shows the definition of the reference planes for the model extraction of the HEMT. The reference planes are set back from the edge of the drain and gate buses Reference plane drain Reference plane gate Figure 3.19: Reference planes at the gate and drain of a HEMT for model extraction. by 2.5 µm. The connecting ports of the layouts in the ADS design kit are set back by 2.5 µm as well. Thereby, by connecting two elements, the reference planes match and a layout overlap is provided, which is relevant for the fabrication of the circuit. 32 3.5 The Bode-Fano Criterion Applied on GaN HEMTs 3.5 The Bode-Fano Criterion Applied on GaN HEMTs Bode-Fano criterion or Bode-Fano limit are terms often cited in research publications on broadband amplifiers. However, the topic is mostly discussed insufficiently. Calculations are done, if anything, for the output of an active device, and the input is glossed over. Because of its fundamental character, the Bode-Fano criterion shall be treated in more detail here. Numerical examples will be given for the GaN25 technology as well as for an industrial GaN process. The results will then be confronted with an industrial GaAs pHEMT process. Given an impedance, including at least one resistive and one reactive element, the Bode-Fano criterion answers the question: How low a reflection coefficient can a match” ing network achieve, in a given frequency band, with the only restriction that the matching network be physically realizable?“. The substance of the Bode-Fano criterion is illustrated in Fig. 3.20 in the Smith chart. The example in the figure states, that for a 1 0.5 2 1.6 pF Γmax 0.2 0 0.2 5 0.5 fb 1 fs 2 5 15 Ω ∞ fa -0.2 1.6 pF 15 Ω -5 -2 -0.5 -1 Figure 3.20: Illustration of the meaning of the Bode-Fano criterion; note that the Smith chart is normalized to 15 Ω. given parallel circuit of a capacitor and a resistor, the capacitance can be compensated within the boundaries of Γmax (red circle) over a frequency range from fa to fb . A perfect compensation of the capacitor, i.e. Γmax = 0, would be possible at a single frequency fs only. The illustration makes clear, that the Bode-Fano criterion discusses the theoretical limits for the compensation of the reactive element only, a transformation of the resistive part is not considered, e.g. say from 15 Ω to 50 Ω. The Bode-Fano cri- 33 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications terion is a technology related figure of merit. The discussion on theoretical limitations of matching networks, including the transform of real impedances will be carried on in Section 5.4. 3.5.1 Bode-Fano Criterion for the Output of a GaN HEMT The matching problem was first analyzed theoretically by Bode [10] for the simple case of a resistor shunted by a capacitor as shown in Fig. 3.21(a). This network is a valid Γ Lossless matching network Cds,eff Rds (a) Parallel RC as a model for the output impedance of a HEMT. Γ Lossless matching network Cgs,eff Rg,eff (b) Series RC as a model for the input impedance of a HEMT. Figure 3.21: Definition of τ and Γ for Bode-Fano networks. option to model the output impedance, i.e. the complex conjugate of the optimum load impedance of a HEMT, as discussed in Section 3.3. The lossless matching network (MN) is designed to match such a load into a generator generator having a purely resistive output impedance, typically 50 Ω. Γ is the magnitude of the corresponding reflection coefficient, Cds,eff and Rds are the effective drain-source capacitance and the output resistance of the HEMT, respectively. Bode showed that the reflection coefficient Γ is constrained by the integral equation Z ∞ 1 π ln dω ≤ , (3.34) |Γ (ω)| τp 0 where the time constant τp for the parallel RC circuit is defined as τp = Rp Cp . (3.35) Later, the theoretical analysis was expanded by Fano [32], who derived closed-form expressions for a number of special cases. The fundamental limit on the matching bandwidth is examined for cases with three and four elements in [51]. A simplified analysis of the Bode-Fano criterion is given in [90]. The goal of a broadband matching network is to achieve a Γ as small as possible within a specified bandwidth ωb − ωa . Therefore the contribution of the integral outside the bandwidth ωb − ωa should ideally be 0. The response of such an ideal matching network is shown in Fig. 3.22. It is indistinguishable from that of an ideal filter. The reflection coefficient of an ideal filter must be 1 outside the band and must remain below a maximum value Γmax within the band. By further assuming that Γ = const. = Γmax 34 3.5 The Bode-Fano Criterion Applied on GaN HEMTs R =0 |Γ| 1 Γmax ωa ωb ω Figure 3.22: Illustration of the Bode-Fano criterion. within the band, the integral in (3.34) can be rewritten as [90] Z ωb 1 ln dω. Γmax ωa (3.36) Solving the integral for ω yields ln 1 (ωb − ωa ) . Γmax (3.37) By recalling (3.34), the simplified Bode-Fano criterion can be obtained as ln 1 Γmax ≤ π . (ωb − ωa ) τp (3.38) 1 . 2 (fb − fa ) τp (3.39) Since ω = 2πf , (3.38) can be rewritten as ln 1 Γmax ≤ Rearranging (3.39) for Γmax and ∆f = fb − fa yields Γmax ≥ e and ∆f ≤ − 1 − 2∆f τ p 1 , 2τp ln Γmax (3.40) (3.41) respectively. According Fig. 3.21(a), the time constant is τp = Rds Cds,eff . The reflection coefficient Γ can also be expressed as a ratio in decibels (dB), called the return loss (RL), and is defined as 1 (3.42) RL = 10 lg 2 dB = −20 lg |Γ| dB. Γ 35 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications The return loss is the ratio of incident power Pin to reflected power Pref at a generatorload interface in dB Pin RL = 10 lg dB, (3.43) Pref and is therefore a measure of how good a generator is matched to a load. The Bode-Fano criterion can also be expressed in terms of the quality factor Q [84]: Γmax ≥ e − πQloaded Qof load , (3.44) where Qloaded is defined as f0 , ∆f (3.45) |BL | |XL | = . RL GL (3.46) Qloaded = and Qof load is defined as Qof load = |XL | and |BL | are the absolute values of the reactance and susceptance of the load, respectively and RL and GL are the load resistance and conductance, respectively. Rearranging (3.44) for Qloaded yields Qloaded ≤ − Qof load ln Γmax . π (3.47) The quality factor will be discussed in more detail in Section 5.5.1. By inserting (3.45) and (3.46) into (3.44) and using the relations |BL | = 2πf0 Cds,eff and GL = 1/Rds , the Bode-Fano criterion as formulated in (3.40) is obtained. Qof load will be referred to single letter Q for the subsequent discussions. Numerical Example for the Output of Typical GaN and GaAs HEMT Devices The optimum load reflection coefficient ΓL,opt of a transistor are obtained by load pull measurements. ΓL,opt can be converted in a parallel circuit of a resistor and a capacitor according the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 3.21(a). The Bode-Fano bandwidth can then be calculated using (3.41). Numeric values for the elements of the parallel equivalent circuit and the calculated Bode-Fano bandwidth are listed in Table 3.2 for various devices. The devices were load pull tuned for maximum power at 10 GHz. The table contrasts the load pull data and Bode-Fano bandwidth for a maximum return loss of 10 dB of an 8 × 125 µm IAF GaN device with a 10 × 125 µm GaN and a 16 × 75 µmGaAs device from Triquint [100,103]. The IAF GaN device was measured at a drain voltage of 30 V, the Triquint GaN device at 28 V and the GaAs device at 12 V. The load reflection coefficient of the Triquint devices includes the bond pad, whereas the value of the IAF device is de-embedded, i.e. does not include bond pads. The values of the parallel resistor and capacitor are normalized to a gate width of 1 mm. Since Rds ∝ 1/Cds,eff , τp = const over device size and consequently, the achievable 36 3.5 The Bode-Fano Criterion Applied on GaN HEMTs Table 3.2: Comparison of load pull data and Bode-Fano bandwidth for GaN and GaAs technologies. IAF ISV is an 8 × 125 µm GaN25 device with 0.9 µm shield, TQ GaN and TQ GaAs are Triquint 10 × 125 µm GaN and 16 × 75 µm GaAs devices, respectively [100, 103]. Parameter Load reflection coeff ΓL a Parallel resistance Rds Parallel capacitance Cds,eff Bode-Fano bandwidth ∆f b a b GaN IAF ISV TQ GaN ◦ 0.59∠119 0.64∠130◦ 59.5 62.1 0.42 0.43 16.6 15.6 GaAs TQ GaAs 0.56∠145◦ 34.3 0.43 28.2 Unit Ω mm pF/mm GHz Optimum ΓLoad for maximum power, not normalized Maximum achievable bandwidth for Γmax = 0.3 bandwidth at the output is independent of the TGW of the device. Because Rds ∝ Vds , the trend towards higher operational voltages in GaN leads to higher optimum load resistors. Therefore the Bode-Fano criterion gets more limiting for high voltage devices. A hypothetical operation of the IAF GaN device in the table above at 50 V, would yield a Bode-Fano bandwidth of 10 GHz. Therefore, it is obvious, that GaAs is beneficial over GaN in terms of maximum achievable Bode-Fano bandwidth. For the typical operation conditions as used to construct Table 3.2, the Bode-Fano bandwith of the IAF HEMT is 16.6 GHz and thus it is very difficult to cover 6 GHz to 18 GHz bandwidth with a return loss better than 10 dB by reactively matching a GaN transistor at the output. However, this theoretical limitation does not pose the dominating difficulty. The main limiting factor is the large impedance transformation ratio to be dealt with in the output matching network, attributable to large gate width devices. Since this limitation is not discussed by the Bode-Fano criterion, it needs special consideration and is addressed by reference to filter theory in Section 5.5. 3.5.2 Bode-Fano Criterion for the Input of a GaN HEMT Since the input of an intrinsic HEMT is of series RC nature, the considerations in the previous section are not straightforwardly adoptable to the input of the transistor. Fig. 3.23(a) shows the simplified equivalent circuit of the input of a GaN HEMT in common-source configuration. The three resistors Rg , Ri and Rs can be joined together to form the complex gate impedance Zg . This impedance has to be assumed complex because the currents trough the resistors Rg , Ri and Rs are not in phase due to the presence of Cgs . The simplified configuration is shown in Fig. 3.23(b). It is of the form of the Bode-Fano network in Fig. 3.21(b) and therefore useful to determine the Bode-Fano bandwidth of the input of a HEMT. By applying Kirchoff’s circuit laws on 37 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications igd Cgd igs Rg vgs + vi − ids igs Cgs igs gm vi Ri vgs + vi − Rs Cgs vgs (b) Complex gate impedance Zg . Cgs 0 Cgs Rg,eff Zg (a) Equivalent circuit of the input of a GaN HEMT. + vi − (c) Zg =Rg,eff + 0 1/ jωCgs . Figure 3.23: Equivalent circuit of the input of a GaN HEMT in common-source configuration and simplified configurations with complex input impedance Zg . the circuit in Fig. 3.23(a), the gate impedance Zg can be derived: igs = vi jωCgs + igd , (3.48) ids = gm vi − igd (3.49) vgs = igs Rg + vi + (igs − igd ) Ri + (igs + ids ) Rs . (3.50) and The gate impedance in Fig. 3.23(b) is Zg = vgs − vi . igs (3.51) By substituting (3.50) for vgs in (3.51), the gate impedance can be expressed as Zg = Rg + Ri + Rs + igd ids Rs − Ri . igs igs (3.52) By expressing the ratio ids /igs as complex current gain β, igd Zg = Rg + Ri + Rs β + 1 − Ri . igs (3.53) Zg ≈ Rg + Ri + Rs β + 1 . (3.54) Since igd igs , By applying (3.48) and (3.49) and neglecting igd , the complex current gain is expressed as gm β≈ . (3.55) jωCgs 38 3.5 The Bode-Fano Criterion Applied on GaN HEMTs Obviously, the gate impedance Zg can be regarded as an effective gate resistor Rg,eff , formed by the sum of Rg , Ri , and Rs , plus an imaginary part: gm Rs , jωCgs (3.56) Rg,eff = Rg + Ri + Rs . (3.57) Zg ≈ Rg,eff + with In order to obtain the simplified equivalent circuit according Fig. 3.23(c), (3.56) can be rewritten as 1 Zg ≈ Rg,eff + , (3.58) 0 jωCgs where 0 Cgs = Cgs . gm Rs (3.59) 0 and C The series connection of Cgs gs forms the effective gate-source capacitance Cgs,eff = 0 Cgs Cgs Cgs , = 0 C Cgs + Cgs 1 + Cgs 0 (3.60) gs and since 0 Cgs Cgs is valid independent of gate width, because gm Rs 1 and ≈ const., Cgs . (3.61) Cgs,eff ≈ Cgs 1 − 0 Cgs Substituting (3.59) into (3.61) yields Cgs,eff ≈ Cgs (1 − gm Rs ) . (3.62) As a result, the equivalent circuit in Fig. 3.23(a) can be expressed by the series connection of Rg,eff and Cgs,eff and therefore in the wanted form of the Bode-Fano network in Fig. 3.21(b). Furthermore, (3.62) implies, that the source resistance Rs has a scaling effect on the effective gate-source capacitance Cgs,eff . In order to find Bode’s integral equation for the input of a HEMT, the parallel RC output network in Fig. 3.21(a) can be expressed in terms of its series equivalent: Rp = Rs 2 + Xs 2 , Rs Cp = − Xs , ω0 (Rs 2 + Xs 2 ) (3.63) where Xs is the capacitive reactance of the series capacitance Cs : Xs = 1 . ω0 C s (3.64) The time constant of the parallel RC from (3.35) becomes τp = Rp Cp = Xs 1 1 = 2 = 2 , ω0 Rs ω0 Rs Cs ω0 τs (3.65) 39 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications with τs representing the time constant for the series RC circuit τs = Rs Cs . By plugging (3.65) into (3.34), Bode’s integral can be rewritten as Z ∞ 1 ln dω ≤ ω0 2 πτs , (3.66) |Γ (ω)| 0 where the center frequency ω0 is the geometric mean of the frequency band √ ω0 = ωa ωb . (3.67) By solving the integral and proceeding in a similar way as for the output, the Bode-Fano criterion for the input yields ω0 2 τs ∆f ≤ − . (3.68) 2 ln Γmax The time constant for the input of the HEMT is defined as τs = Rgs,eff Cgs,eff , corresponding with the Bode-Fano network in Fig. 3.21(b). The element values for Rgs,eff and Cgs,eff can be calculated after (3.57) and (3.62), respectively. It is interesting to note that the Bode-Fano bandwidth of the input of a HEMT is dependent on the center frequency, whereas the Bode-Fano bandwidth of the output is not. Furthermore, the time constant τ is now in the nominator, whereas it is in the denominator in the equation for the output (3.41). The consequences of this results for broadband amplifier design will be discussed in Section 3.5.3. The numerical example for the output of a typical GaN device on page 36 showed, that the Bode-Fano criterion is potentially limiting the obtainable bandwidth at the output of an amplifier. In the following, a numerical example for the input of a typical GaN HEMT will show, to what extend the Bode-Fano criterion limits the obtainable bandwidth at the input of an amplifier. Numerical Example for the Input of Typical GaN and GaAs HEMT Devices The intrinsic circuit parameters required to calculate Rgs,eff and Cgs,eff were extracted R in the same way as described on page 32, using the Matlab program TOP extra1“ ” [104]. The Bode-Fano bandwidth was then calculated using (3.68). Numeric values for the intrinsic elements and the calculated Bode-Fano bandwidth at a frequency of 10 GHz are listed in Table 3.3 for the same transistors as used in the output in Table 3.2. The table contrasts the extracted intrinsic small signal element values and Bode-Fano bandwidth for a maximum return loss of 10 dB of an 8 × 125 µm IAF GaN device with a 10 × 125 µm GaN and an 8 × 75 µm GaAs device from Triquint. The GaAs data are extracted from a 0.6 mm unit cell. The element values are normalized to eight-finger devices with a total gate width of 1 mm. The reference planes of the Triquint devices include the bond pads, as opposed to the de-embedded IAF device shown in Fig. 3.19. Because Rg increases with increasing UGW, whereas Ri and Rs decrease, Rg,eff and Cgs,eff do not scale linearly with gate width. As a result, Rg,eff 6∝ 1/Cgs,eff and thus τs 6= const over device size. The Bode-Fano bandwidth of the input is not independent of the TGW, as it was the case for the output, i.e. the Bode-Fano bandwidth increases 40 3.5 The Bode-Fano Criterion Applied on GaN HEMTs Table 3.3: Comparison of small signal intrinsic input element values and Bode-Fano bandwidth for GaN and GaAs technologies. IAF ISV = 8 × 125 µm GaN25 with 0.9 µm shield, TQ GaN and TQ GaAs = Triquint 10 × 125 µm GaN and 16 × 75 µm GaAs, respectively [100, 103] (Vds = 30 V, gm = gm,max ). Parameter Gate resistance Rg Intrinsic gate resistance Ri Source resistance Rs Gate-source capacitance Cgs Transconductance gm Effective gate resistance Rg,eff a Eff. gate-source capacitance Cgs,eff Bode-Fano bandwidth ∆f b a b GaN IAF ISV TQ GaN 1.02 0.98 0.56 0.33 0.40 0.16 1.67 1.43 0.280 0.216 1.98 1.47 1.48 1.38 4.8 3.3 GaAs TQ GaAs 0.40 1.04 0.30 2.85 0.305 1.74 2.59 7.4 Unit Ω/mm Ω mm Ω mm pF/mm S/mm Ω pF/mm GHz For the definitions of Rg,eff and Cgs,eff see (3.57) and (3.62) Maximum achievable bandwidth for Γmax = 0.3 and f0 = 10 GHz with increasing UGW. Because of its higher value of Cgs , GaAs again is beneficial over GaN in terms of maximum achievable Bode-Fano bandwidth at the input. For the typical intrinsic element values of the 1 mm devices in Table 3.3, the Bode-Fano bandwith of the IAF HEMT is 4.8 GHz. For a center frequency of f0 = 12 GHz, the Bode-Fano bandwith is increased to 6.9 GHz, and thus it is impossible to cover 6 GHz to 18 GHz bandwidth with a return loss better than 10 dB by reactively matching a 1 mm GaN transistor at the input. A remedy can be provided by relaxing the requirements for Γmax or using additional circuitry at the gate of the transistor, which sacrifices gain. Using devices with larger TGW is not an option for targeted frequencies above 11 GHz due to the limitation set by the K-point as depicted in Fig. 3.4. 3.5.3 Conclusions on the Bode-Fano Criterion The Bode-Fano criterion is a technology related figure of merit, which quantifies the attainable reflection coefficient in a given frequency band, when compensating the reactive element of a Bode-Fano network according Fig. 3.21 by a matching network of arbitrary complexity. For the input of a transistor, the reactive element to be compensated is represented by the effective gate-source capacitance Cgs,eff , for the output it is the effective drain-source capacitance Cds,eff . The Bode-Fano criterion does not give any information on the required complexity of a matching network in order to realize a certain impedance transformation ratio over a given frequency range. By considering the Bode-Fano criterion only, the following statements can be made: • GaN is not beneficial over GaAs for broadband amplifier design. 41 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications • The Bode-Fano bandwidth of the output of a HEMT in GaN25 technology for typical operation conditions is in the vicinity of 16 GHz. • The Bode-Fano bandwidth of the output is independent of device geometry and the center frequency of the matching network. • The Bode-Fano bandwidth of the input of a 1 mm HEMT in GaN25 technology is below 5 GHz and therefore more critical than the limit at the output. • The Bode-Fano bandwidth of the input is dependent on the total gate width of the device and on the center frequency of the matching network. • Since in (3.68) τs is in the nominator, increasing Rg,eff and Cgs,eff leads to an increase of the Bode-Fano bandwidth at the input. The last bullet suggests, that it is allegedly easy to design a HEMT with a high BodeFano bandwidth of the input. But according (3.32) and (3.12), high Rg and Cgs contradict the effort to obtain a high MAG and fT . In practical broadband amplifiers Rg can be artificially enhanced to achieve matching at low frequencies (f fT ), e.g. to 50 Ω. This technique is called forced matching“. It is applied, if the gain of the transistor is ” sufficiently high at the lower band edge. The Bode-Fano criterion poses a severe problem for the input matching network of an amplifier, which is even more critical in multistage designs, where two complex impedances face at the interstage. In Section 5.9, a novel power amplifier architecture is proposed, which evades the aggravated matching aspects introduced by designing multistage reactively-matched amplifiers. Because of the high output resistance of GaN transistors, the Bode-Fano limit at the output is aggravated dramatically as compared to lower voltage technologies such as GaAs. However, this theoretical limitation does not pose the dominating difficulty. The main limiting factor is the large impedance transformation ratio to be dealt with in the output matching network. In this regard, the high output resistance of GaN is beneficial, as will be discussed in more detail in Section 5.5. 3.6 Dual-Gate and Cascode GaN HEMTs Because of the high power requirement on the amplifiers in this work, active devices are chosen with a TGW as large as possible by still sufficing the condition K < 1, or at least not exceeding it excessively, i.e. at the upper edge of the frequency band of operation, the devices are operated close to the K-point. As discussed in Section 3.1.2, 8 × 75 µm is a typical transistor size to be employed in reactively matched power amplifiers up to Ku band in GaN25 technology. Because the K-point of such a device is at 18 GHz, and thereby at around 2/3fT of the technology, gain is a critical factor at the upper limit of the design frequency. A very attractive way to enhance the gain of an active device is to reduce the Miller effect“1 by using a cascode topology. Beneficial effects of dual-gate ” 1 The Miller effect accounts for the increase in the equivalent input capacitance of a transistor due to amplification of the effect of the feedback capacitance Cgd . 42 3.6 Dual-Gate and Cascode GaN HEMTs devices at a frequency of 2 GHz have been demonstrated in, e.g., [106]. This section treats the basic properties of dual-gate transistors and shows results of manufactured devices in a variety of different geometries. A method to accurately model dual-gate GaN HEMT structures using a distributed modeling approach is discussed in Chapter 4. 3.6.1 Definition of Cascode and Dual-Gate Devices The cascode is a two-stage amplifier composed of a HEMT in common-source configuration followed by a HEMT in common-gate configuration, where the former acts as a current controlling device. The schematic representation of a cascode is shown in Fig. 3.24. The gate, drain and source of the common-source FET Q1 are denoted G1 , D1 /S2 Q2 Q1 S1 G 2 G1 D2 Rbias Bias G2 CRF Figure 3.24: Simplified schematic of the cascode topology. D1 , and S1 , respectively, whereas G2 , D2 , and S2 denote the ports of the common-gate FET Q2 . The DC biasing of the CG device is done via the resistor Rbias . The capacitor CRF provides an RF-short. The photograph of a manufactured discrete 6 × 75 µm cascode is shown in Fig. 3.25. The cascode is formed by the concatenation of the CS on DC bias G2 CS HEMT Rbias CG HEMT CRF /2 G1 D2 CRF /2 Figure 3.25: Photograph of a 6 × 75 µm discrete cascode structure. the left and the CG device on the right. The bias resistor Rbias and the RF capacitor CRF are also indicated in the picture. By combining the two transistors of the cascode into one single active device, the dualgate (DG) transistor structure is obtained. The layout of such a structure with a total 43 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications gate width of 8 × 75 µm is shown in Fig. 3.26. The structure has two gate buses, one for the CS transistor and one for the CG transistor, where the gate fingers of both devices are interdigitated. In order to reduce the extrinsic parasitics, an ohmic metal area Airbridge Gate bus CG CRF /2 GND Via Gate finger Gate bus CS D2 Drain bus G2 CRF /2 S1 G1 Via Ohmic metal Figure 3.26: Layout of an 8 × 75 µm dual-gate HEMT. Yellow = METG, red = MET1, brown = OHM, orange = GATE (see Fig. 3.26 for layer definitions). Gray = MET1 + METG metal stack, blue = airbridge. (brown color) is placed between the gates and thereby forms the interconnection between the CS and the CG device. In the following discussion, for the sake of clarity, the layer names and colors are held consistent with the process layer definition in Fig. 2.3. Additionally, the stacked metal layers metal1 (MET1) and galvanic metal (METG), and the airbridge formed in galvanic metal, are introduced in Fig. 3.26 in gray and blue colors, respectively. Compared to the discrete cascode circuit, the DG structure is much more compact and thus the matching between the CS and CG device can be managed more efficiently. On the other hand, the description of such structures by a model is tedious mainly due to the RF interaction which can occur between the three accessible ports, i.e. the two gates and the drain of the common-gate HEMT. This problem is addressed in Chapter 4. The equivalent circuit configuration and the schematic cross section of a dual-gate HEMT in GaN25 technology with typical layer thicknesses and electrode pitches is shown in Fig. 3.27 (figure is not drawn to scale). Dual-gate HEMTs have been previously applied at the IAF for MMICs in GaAs technology, e.g. [97]. 3.6.2 Stability Considerations of Dual-Gate HEMTs A major challenge in dual-gate devices is to handle their potential instability. A typical phenomenon is that the magnitude of S22 exceeds unity at a certain frequency, as illustrated in Fig. 3.28 for an 8 × 100 µm dual-gate device, where |S22 | crosses the unity circle of the Smith chart at a frequency of 25 GHz. The origin of the effect causing |S22 | to exceed unity and thereby giving reason for the potential instability of a DG device can best be investigated when having a closer look at the cascode topology shown in Fig. 3.24. Figs. 3.29(a) and 3.29(b) show the two-port representations of a HEMT in CS and CG configuration, respectively. In a two-port network, the elements that comprise a common voltage or current of the inputs and 44 3.6 Dual-Gate and Cascode GaN HEMTs Drain 2 G1 0.7 µm Source 1 CG HEMT Ohm 4.7 µm D1 /S2 G1 G2 2.0 µm 3 nm GaN cap Drain 2 22 nm AlGaN barrier Ohm D1 /S2 1.9 µm GaN buffer G1 CS HEMT 100 µm SI-SiC substrate Source 1 (a) Connection of two single gated HEMTs. (b) Cross section of a basic AlGaN/GaN dual-gate HEMT. Figure 3.27: Equivalent circuit configuration and schematic cross section of a dual-gate HEMT in GaN25 technology. 1 0.5 2 0.2 5 0.2 f = 25 GHz 0.5 1 2 5 -0.2 ∞ -5 -2 -0.5 -1 Figure 3.28: S22 versus frequency of an 8 × 100 µm dual-gate HEMT. outputs are critical for stability considerations. In the CS configuration, these are Ls and Cgd and in the CG configuration Lg and Cds . In Fig. 3.29, the common voltages and currents are denoted v12 and i12 , respectively. In the following analysis, it is assumed, 45 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications v12 v12 Cgd i1 D D v1 G S i12 Cds i1 i2 v1 v2 S v2 G i12 Ls (a) Common-source HEMT. i2 Lg (b) Common-gate HEMT. Figure 3.29: HEMT in common-source and common-gate configuration with feedback elements critical for device stability. that the CS FET of the cascode topology in Fig. 3.24 is high-ohmic and thus the source of the CG FET is open. Fig. 3.30 shows the two-port representation of the FET for this scenario. The capacitors in dashed lines represent the intrinsic parasitic capacitance Lg Lg V2 V1 ≡ V1 Figure 3.30: FET with open source. shell. Fig. 3.31 shows the equivalent circuit of the FET with open source. We consider Cgd Lg V1 + vi − Ri Cgs vi gm gds Cds Figure 3.31: Equivalent circuit of a FET with open source. Lg as simply connected in front of the gate terminal of the FET and therefore neglect it in the further analysis. By using the admittance matrix representation of Section 3.4.1, the FET with open source can be described according Fig. 3.32. The voltage V and 46 3.6 Dual-Gate and Cascode GaN HEMTs V i1 i2 v1 I v2 Y Figure 3.32: Two-port network representation of the FET with open source. current I are defined as V = v2 − v1 , (3.69) I = i2 = −i1 . (3.70) In terms of Y -parameters, the two-port network is described by −I = Y11 v1 + Y12 v2 , (3.71) I = Y21 v1 + Y22 v2 . (3.72) By adding (3.71) and (3.72), we obtain 0 = (Y11 + Y21 ) v1 + (Y12 + Y22 ) v2 , (3.73) which can be rearranged to v2 = − (Y11 + Y21 ) v1 . Y12 + Y22 (3.74) Substituting v2 by (3.74) in (3.69) and (3.72) yields − (Y11 + Y21 ) V = − 1 v1 Y12 + Y22 and I = Y21 v1 − Y22 Y11 + Y21 Y12 + Y22 (3.75) v1 , (3.76) respectively. By using (3.75) and (3.76), the two-port network in Fig. 3.32 can be expressed in terms of I, V and Y as −V Y11 + Y21 Y21 − Y22 I= . (3.77) +Y21 Y12 + Y22 1 + YY11 12 +Y22 Simplifying and rearranging (3.77) gives [Y21 (Y12 + Y22 ) − Y22 (Y11 + Y21 )] Y11 + Y12 + Y21 + Y22 −Y12 Y21 + Y11 Y22 =V . Y11 + Y12 + Y21 + Y22 I = −V (3.78) 47 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications Inserting the Y-parameters for the simplified equivalent circuit from (3.26) (neglecting Ri and Rgd ) into (3.78) yields I=V [(−gm + jωCgd ) (gds + jωCds ) + (gds + jω (Cds + Cgd )) (gm + jωCgs )] . gm + gds + jω (Cgs + Cds ) (3.79) Dividing I in (3.79) by V gives the effective admittance Yeff of the common-gate HEMT with open source: Yeff = −w2 [Cds (Cgd + Cgs ) + Cgs Cgd ] + jω [gm Cgd + gds (Cgs + Cgd )] I = . V gm + gds + jω (Cgs + Cds ) (3.80) For f fT we have gm jω (Cgs + Cds ) and therefore the denominator in (3.80) can be approximated as gm + gds . Since all the capacitances in the nominator are positive, it is obvious, that < {Yeff } < 0 for f fT . When the frequency of operation f is approaching fT , the approximation gm jω (Cgs + Cds ) is no longer valid. The real part of (3.80) is given as < {Yeff } = ω 2 Cgs (Cgs gds − Cds gm ) . ω 2 (Cds + Cgs ) 2 + (gds + gm ) 2 (3.81) Having regard to the typical values for the intrinsic elements of an 8 × 125 µm GaN HEMT in Table 3.1, it is obvious that Cgs gds < Cds gm and thus < {Yeff } is negative, and the dual-gate HEMT is potentially unstable for all frequencies. When taking Ri in Fig. 3.31 into account and repeating the calculations above, the effective admittance is found to be Yeff = jωCgd − gm + gds ωCgs (ωCds − jgds ) . + jω (Cds + Cgs ) + ωCgs (−ωCds + jgds ) Ri (3.82) The sign of < {Yeff } is now dependent on frequency. Fig. 3.33 shows < {Yeff } as a function of frequency for an intrinsic 8 × 125 µm HEMT according Fig. 3.31. The values for the intrinsic elements were obtained from Table 3.1. A negative value for < {Yeff } means, that the device is unstable, i.e. the device is potentially unstable from 0 up to 150 GHz where it becomes stable for f > 150 GHz. The analysis with this simplified model shows, that dual-gate devices feature potential instability by nature. However, the measured trajectory of S22 of the 8 × 100 µm dual-gate HEMT in Fig. 3.28 suggests, that the device is stable up to a certain frequency, before it turns unstable. In order to investigate this behavior, the simplified equivalent circuit from Fig. 3.31 is extended by the feedback resistance Rgd and the gate-source time constant τgs , to obtain the complete intrinsic 8-term model as shown in Fig. 3.16. Due to the higher complexity of the circuit, the analysis to obtain < {Yeff } as a function of frequency was not performed analytically as for the simplified case. However, it was simulated in ADS, using the intrinsic element values of an 8 × 125 µm 2-via HEMT without shield, shown in Table 3.1. The result for < {Yeff } as a function of frequency is shown in Fig. 3.34. 48 3.6 Dual-Gate and Cascode GaN HEMTs 10 < {Yeff } (mS) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Frequency (GHz) 120 140 160 Figure 3.33: < {Yeff } as a function of frequency for the simplified intrinsic equivalent circuit (neglecting Rgd and τgs ) of an 8 × 125 µm HEMT. 8 < {Yeff } (mS) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 10 20 25 30 40 50 Frequency (GHz) 60 70 80 Figure 3.34: < {Yeff } as a function of frequency for the complete 8-term intrinsic equivalent circuit of an 8 × 125 µm HEMT. The value for < {Yeff } is positive up to 25 GHz before it turns negative at 25 GHz, i.e. the device is stable below 25 GHz. Above 25 GHz it is potentially unstable and becomes stable again at frequencies much higher than fT of the device. This result matches the observation for the measured 8 × 100 µm dual-gate HEMT in Fig. 3.28. A stabilization method for DG devices is described in Section 4.2.1. 49 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications 3.7 Advanced Dual-Gate Structures By using the distributed model described later on in Section 4.2 and the analysis from Section 3.6.2, it can be seen, that it is beneficial for the performance of a dual-gate device, to provide the RF-short to the gate G2 as close as possible, i.e. to minimize the distance between the capacitor CRF and the gate bus of gate G2 and thereby minimize the inductance of the interconnection. By doing so, the point where S22 exceeds unity can be moved to higher frequencies and therefore the stability of the device can be improved. Based on this knowledge, an experimental analysis to achieve this goal was performed. The resulting advanced dual-gate (ADG) structures are discussed in this section. 3.7.1 Fabricated Advanced Dual-Gate Structures As mentioned above, the motivation of the advanced dual-gate structures is to minimize the distance between the RF capacitor and the gate bus of the CG device. In the proposed structures, this is achieved by using the gate metal and metal1 to form a MIM capacitor. Fig. 3.35 shows the layout of an 8 × 75 µm advanced dual-gate HEMT. The gate bus in question is implemented in gate metal as well and therefore directly Detail areas see Fig. 3.36 Gate bus CG D2 Airbridge GND CRF /2 Via Gate finger Gate bus CS Drain bus CRF /2 S1 G1 G2 Via Ohmic metal Figure 3.35: Layout of an 8 × 75 µm ADG HEMT. Green = MET1 + GATE MIM capacitor, red = MET1, brown = OHM, orange = GATE, gray = MET1 + METG metal stack, blue = airbridge. connected to one electrode of the capacitor. The other electrode is ground (GND) connected by means of airbridges connected to the metal stack of the via hole. This arrangement allows for a closer placement of the capacitor as compared to the conventional dual-gate device in Fig. 3.26, where the capacitor is formed by the layers metal1 and galvanic metal. Since in this scenario the MET1 electrode of the capacitor is directly connected to ground, the gate bus of the CG device (also implemented in MET1) requires an airbridge to connect to the METG electrode of the capacitor. In addition to the conventional DG layout in Fig. 3.26, the green color is used to denote 50 3.7 Advanced Dual-Gate Structures the MIM capacitor formed by the layers gate metal and metal1 . Along with the basic ADG device in Fig. 3.35, four alterations of said structure were investigated. Table 3.4 gives an overview of the designed and fabricated ADG devices. To simplify the comTable 3.4: Designed 8 × 75 µm structures ADG 1 to ADG 5. ADG 1 = basic structure according Fig. 3.35. ADG 2 to ADG 4 = gate bus G2 as electrode of the MIM capacitor CRF . ADG 5 = identical to ADG 1, but without the ohmic metal strip between the gates. Device ADG 1 ADG 2 ADG 3 ADG 4 ADG 5 OHM 3.7 µm w/o SH w/o w/o w/o 1.3 µm w/o Gate bus G2 implementation Gate metal (GATE) Gate metal + metal1 (GATE + MET1) GATE + MET1, source connected GATE + MET1, source connected Gate metal (GATE) ing discussion, the five different advanced dual-gate structures are named from ADG 1 throughout to ADG 5. All devices have dimensions of 8 × 75 µm. ADG 1 corresponds to the basic ADG structure in Fig. 3.35, the detail areas of the four structures ADG 2 to ADG 5 are shown in Fig. 3.36. ADG 1 to ADG 3 differ in the way, the gate bus of (a) ADG 2: gate bus G2 (b) ADG 3: source con- (c) ADG 4: source con- (d) ADG 5: ohmic metal as capacitor electrode. nected GND electrode. nected field plate. omitted. Figure 3.36: Detail extracts of ADG 2 to ADG 5. ADG 2 to ADG 4 = gate bus G2 as electrode of the MIM capacitor CRF . ADG 5 = identical to ADG 1, but without the ohmic metal strip between the gates. the CG device (G2 ) is implemented. In ADG 1, the gate bus G2 is implemented in gate metal and directly connected to one electrode of the capacitor. ADG 2 to ADG 4 additionally use a metal1 layer on top of the gate bus G2 to form a MIM capacitor, i.e. the capacitor CRF is partially implemented in the gate bus. ADG 3 is identical to ADG 2, but with source connected capacitor GND electrode on the gate bus G2 via metal bridges. ADG 4 additionally has a source connected field plate or shield (SH) with a length of 1.3 µm for the CS device. ADG 5 is identical to ADG 1, but without the ohmic metal strip between the drain of the CS and the source of the CG device. 51 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications A photograph of a manufactured ADG 1 HEMT with GATE + MET1 MIM capacitor is shown in Fig. 3.37(a). Fig. 3.37(b) shows the photograph of an ADG 3 HEMT with gate bus G2 MIM capacitor and source connected capacitor GND electrode. (a) ADG 1 HEMT with GATE + MET1 capacitor. (b) ADG 3 HEMT with gate bus capacitor and source connected GND electrode. Figure 3.37: Photographs of two variants of GATE + MET1 MIM capacitor CRF . 8 × 75 µm ADG HEMTs with 3.7.2 Advanced Dual-Gate Results In the following, the performance of the five different advanced dual-gate structures is compared regarding gain, output power, PAE, and stability in terms of Section 3.6.2, i.e. the frequency, where the magnitude of S22 exceeds unity. First, the two simplest structures ADG 1 and ADG 5 are compared. The only difference between these two devices is, that ADG 1 has an ohmic metal strip placed between the gates, whereas ADG 5 does not. Fig. 3.38 shows the small and large signal comparison of the two devices. For the power measurements, the devices were load pull matched for maximum PAE in class-AB operation. The biasing was Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 . It is obvious from Fig. 3.38(a), that the ohmic metal strip between the gates of the CS and CG devices results in a higher gain due to a shift of the K-point towards higher frequencies. Thereby the overall performance of the device is improved, as can be seen in Fig. 3.38(b). Because of this result, only dual-gate devices using the ohmic metal connection between the gates are considered in coming discussions concerning DG HEMTs. The impact of the source connected MIM capacitor GND electrode via metal bridges according Fig. 3.36(b) on the stability of the DG structure can be demonstrated by comparing the magnitude of S22 of the two structures ADG 2 and ADG 3 over frequency. |S22 | versus frequency from 0 GHz to 25 GHz is shown in Fig. 3.39. ADG 2 does not have source connected capacitor GND electrodes on the gate bus G2 , whereas ADG 3 does. It is clearly recognizable, that the source connections on the capacitor GND electrode 52 w/ OHM w/o OHM 25 Pout (W), PAE (%) MSG, MAG (dB) 30 20 15 10 35 16 30 14 25 12 10 20 Gain 15 10 Pout PAE 5 5 (a) MSG and MAG of ADG 1 and ADG 5. 6 4 w/ OHM w/o OHM 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Frequency (GHz) 0 5 8 Gain (dB) 3.7 Advanced Dual-Gate Structures 10 15 20 25 Pin delivered (dBm) 2 30 (b) Power sweep of ADG 1 and ADG 5 at f = 18 GHz . Figure 3.38: Small and large signal comparison of two ADG structures with and without ohmic metal strip between the gates (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). 1 |S22 | 0.9 0.8 w/o S cons w/ S cons 0.7 0 4 8 12 16 Frequency (GHz) 20 24 Figure 3.39: |S22 | of ADG 2 and ADG 3 without and with source connected capacitor (S cons), respectively (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). improve the stability of the DG structure by shifting the point where the magnitude of S22 exceeds unity towards higher frequencies, i.e. from ≈ 25 GHz to > 30 GHz, by extrapolating the curves in Fig. 3.39. Therefore, in terms of stability, ADG 3 with source connected capacitor GND electrode is favorable over the structure without the source connection bridges (ADG 2). Compared to ADG 3, ADG 4 additionally has a source connected field plate or shield 53 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications 25 w/o SH w/ SH Pout (W), PAE (%) MSG, MAG (dB) 30 20 15 10 35 16 30 14 25 12 20 10 Gain 15 PAE 10 5 (a) MSG and MAG of ADG 3 and ADG 4. 4 w/o SH w/ SH 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Frequency (GHz) 6 Pout 5 0 5 8 Gain (dB) (SH) with a length of 1.3 µm for the CS device, see Fig. 3.36(c). The impact of the shield on the performance of the DG structure is examined by comparing ADG 3 and ADG 4. Fig. 3.40 shows the small and large signal comparison of the two devices. For 10 15 20 25 Pin delivered (dBm) 2 30 (b) Power sweep of ADG 3 and ADG 4 at f = 18 GHz. Figure 3.40: Small and large signal comparison of two ADG devices without and with source connected field plate (SH) (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). the power measurements, the devices were load pull matched for maximum PAE in class-AB operation. The biasing was Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 . Due to the higher K-point, the small signal gain of the device without shield is higher for frequencies > 15 GHz as compared to the device with shield, shown in Fig. 3.40(a). What is remarkable, on the other hand, is that for the large signal measurement at 18 GHz, the device with shield has a higher gain as compared to the device without shield, particularly at lower input power, shown in Fig. 3.40(b). The explanation for this behavior is found by looking at the constant output gain circles of both devices at 18 GHz in Fig. 3.41. Drawn are six circles for each device with a step size of 1 dB. The circles in red represent the device without shield and the circles in blue the device with shield. The green dots denote the optimum power loads, determined by load pull measurements. The gain circles of the device with shield are more fanned out as compared to the circles of the device without shield. As a consequence, the shield version is less prone to small signal mismatch occurring due to optimum power matching. The inner most circles stand for the MSG of 17 dB and 15 dB, in correspondence with Fig. 3.40(a). The gain values at the optimum power loads are 12 dB and 14 dB in correspondence with Fig. 3.40(b). Having significantly more gain and therefore a significantly higher PAE, especially at lower compression levels, the advanced dual-gate structure with shield ADG 4 is superior and perfectly suited to act as active device in driver stages. However, the structure with shield compresses stronger and reaches a slightly lower maximum output power as compared to the device without shield. Therefore, ADG 3 54 3.7 Advanced Dual-Gate Structures GnoSH = M SG = 17 dB 1 GSH = M SG = 15 dB 0.5 2 Γload,SH GSH = 14 dB Γload,noSH GnoSH = 12 dB 0.2 0 5 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 -0.2 ∞ -5 -2 -0.5 -1 Figure 3.41: Constant output gain circles and optimum output power loads at 18 GHz of an ADG HEMT without and with shield, ADG 3 and ADG 4, respectively. Red = w/o SH, blue = w/ SH, step size = 1 dB, green = optimum power loads. is beneficial when the last bit of output power is required and the device is operated at high compression levels. In a subsequent study, a 6 × 75 µm structure of the ADG 3 type was fabricated and compared to conventional and discrete cascode structures. Table 3.5 gives an overview of the compared 6 × 75 µm dual-gate and cascode structures. 6 × 75 µm is a reason- Table 3.5: Compared 6 × 75 µm HEMT structures. CAS = discrete cascode structure, DG = conventional dual-gate structure, ADG = advanced dual-gate structure. Device CAS DG ADG ADGsb Dual-gate type Discrete cascode, separate CS and CG devices Conventional dual-gate structure GATE + MET1, source connected As above but with 15 µm set back CS gate-bus 55 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications able device size, e.g. for the design of distributed amplifiers. The first device is a discrete cascode (CAS), formed by the concatenation of a CS and a CG device as already shown in Fig. 3.25. The second is a conventional dual-gate structure (DG) as shown in Fig. 3.26. The third is an advanced dual-gate structure according ADG 3 in Fig. 3.36(b) for improved stability performance. The last structure is equivalent to the ADG, but with an extended gap for the gate-bus of the common-source device, i.e. the gate-bus was set back by 15 µm. This measure decreases the gate-to-source capacitance. Fig. 3.42 shows the MSG and MAG of the investigated structures in the frequency range from 0.1 GHz to 50 GHz. In terms of MSG and MAG, the discrete cascode structure MSG, MAG (dB) 30 CAS DG ADG ADGsb 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 Frequency (GHz) 40 50 Figure 3.42: Maximum stable gain and maximum available gain of the different investigated 6 × 75 µm cascode structures versus frequency from 1 GHz to 50 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). is beneficial over the other cascode structures, because it has the highest K-point and therefore the highest gain. The ADGsb structure shows an improved gain behavior over the standard bus gap for frequencies below the K-point. In terms of stability however, the discrete cascode shows a much worse performance as compared to the dual-gate devices, as can be seen in Fig. 3.43, where again the magnitude of S22 is plotted versus frequency from 0.1 GHz to 50 GHz. For the discrete cascode, the frequency where the magnitude of S22 exceeds unity is at ≈ 20 GHz, whereas |S22 | of the dual-gate and advaced dual-gate structures exceeds unity at ≈ 26 GHz and 30 GHz, respectively. This shows the advantage of dual-gate structures over discrete cascode structures in general, and the improvement of the advanced dual-gate structure over the conventional dualgate structure in particular. The large signal comparison of the discussed structures is shown in the power sweep at a frequency of 18 GHz in Fig. 3.44. The devices were load pull matched for maximum PAE in class-AB operation. The biasing was Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 . The figure shows, that the advanced dual-gate device also has the best power performance of all the compared structures. The ADGsb 56 3.7 Advanced Dual-Gate Structures 1.2 |S22 | 1.1 1 0.9 CAS DG ADG ADGsb 0.8 0.7 0 10 20 30 Frequency (GHz) 40 50 35 18 30 16 25 14 20 12 Gain 15 Pout 10 5 PAE 0 0 5 10 CAS DG ADG ADGsb 10 15 Pin delivered (dBm) Gain (dB) Pout (W), PAE (%) Figure 3.43: Magnitude of S22 of the investigated cascode structures versus frequency from 0.1 GHz to 50 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). 8 6 4 20 25 Figure 3.44: Power sweep at f = 18 GHz for the investigated cascode structures (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). structure confirms the higher gain observed in Fig. 3.42. The high MSG of the discrete cascode, however, cannot be confirmed for large signal excitation due to a strong compression behavior. 3.7.3 Conclusions on Dual-Gate HEMTs Because of the high power requirement on the amplifiers in this work, active devices with large total gate widths are required. Designing at frequencies close to or above 2/3fT of 57 Chapter 3 Power HEMT Structures for Broadband Applications the technology makes gain a critical resource at the upper limit of the design frequency. The cascode topology is a very attractive way to enhance the gain of an active device, because it reduces the effective feedback capacitance of a HEMT. By combining the two transistors of the cascode structure into one single active device, the DG transistor is obtained. Compared to the discrete cascode circuit, the DG structure is much more compact and thus the matching between the CS and CG device can be managed more efficiently. In terms of stability, the dual-gate device shows an improved performance as compared to the discrete cascode, because the magnitude of S22 of a 6 × 75 µm device exceeds unity at ≈ 26 GHz, whereas |S22 | of the discrete cascode structure exceed unity at ≈ 20 GHz. Discrete cascodes show a significant compression behavior and therefore dual-gate HEMTs are also better suited for large signal operation. By providing the RF-short as close as possible to the gate G2 , the point where S22 exceeds unity is moved to higher frequencies and therefore the stability of the device can be improved. The minimization of the distance between the capacitance CRF and the gate-bus of the second gate G2 in a dual-gate structure is manifested in the advanced dual-gate structure by using the gate metal and metal1 to form a MIM capacitor. Several versions of this basic idea have been investigated and compared. They differ in the way, how the MIM capacitor is implemented, how the interconnection between the CS and CG device is realized and if a source connected field plate (shield) is applied. All fabricated versions of the advanced structures show an improvement in performance over the conventional dual-gate structure. The magnitude of S22 of a 6 × 75 µm advanced dual-gate device exceeds unity at ≈ 30 GHz, whereas |S22 | of the conventional dual-gate structure exceed unity at ≈ 26 GHz. Furthermore, the ADG has ≈ 1 dB more power gain at maximum PAE as compared to the conventional DG structure. Due to improved gain capabilities combined with a lower obtainable output power, the shielded ADG structure is beneficial for driver stages operated at low compression. This section treated the basic properties of dual-gate transistors and showed results of manufactured devices in a variety of different geometries. In order to make optimum use of dual-gate HEMTs for broadband power amplifier design, an accurate model is needed. However, the modeling of dual-gate structures is difficult due to the RF interaction which occurs between the individual gate fingers. The next chapter discusses a method to accurately model dual-gate GaN HEMT structures using a distributed modeling approach. 58 Chapter 4 GaN Dual-Gate HEMT Characterization and Modeling The concept of combining the cascode connection of a common-source and a commongate HEMT into a single dual-gate device was introduced in the previous chapter, where the basic properties of dual-gate transistors and results of manufactured devices in a variety of different geometries were discussed. The cascode topology reduces the Miller effect and therefore increases the MSG and MAG of an amplifier. Compared to the discrete cascode circuit, the DG structure is much more compact and thus simplifies circuit design. In order to understand the behavior of dual-gate structures and to make optimum use for amplifier design, an accurate model is needed. Because of the presence of RF interaction such as coupling between the fingers of the two transistors, this is a tedious task. In this chapter, a method to describe the extrinsic and intrinsic parts of the dual-gate structure separated from each other using a distributed modeling approach is demonstrated up to the Ku band. The proposed modeling approach is the first of its kind to accurately describe dual-gate transistors and was published within the frame of this work in [125]. 4.1 Layout and Realization of Dual-Gate HEMTs This section focuses on the realization of dual-gate HEMTs for high power amplifier MMICs up to 20 GHz. Reasonable devices for such MMICs have 250 nm gate length and dimensions of 8 × 100 µm and 6 × 50 µm to 6 × 125 µm. A DG HEMT consists of a HEMT in common-source configuration, cascode-connected to a HEMT in CG configuration, where the former acts as a current controlling device. The schematic representation of the dual-gate topology was shown in Fig. 3.24. Fig. 4.1 shows the small signal equivalent circuit of a dual-gate HEMT. Rmet represents the metalization resistance of the interconnection between the drain of the CS device and the source of the DG device. The DC biasing of the CG device is done via a resistor Rbias of 200 Ω. The capacitor CRF has a value of 2.1 pF and provides an RF-short. Due to its cascode nature, the dual-gate topology is often referred to as cascode cell in the 59 Chapter 4 GaN Dual-Gate HEMT Characterization and Modeling Cds,g gds,g Cgd,s Rgd,s Gate Rmet Drain + vi,s − Cgs,s gm,s vi,s Ri,s Ri,g gds,s Cds,s Source + vi,g − gm,g vi,g Rgd,g Cgs,g Cgd,g CRF Rstab Rbias DC bias, CG Figure 4.1: Equivalent small signal circuit of a dual-gate HEMT. literature. A photograph of an eight-finger dual-gate device is shown in Fig. 4.2(a). The gate fingers have a length of 250 nm and a UGW of 100 µm. In order to reduce the CRF /2 D2 CRF /2 2 × Rstab G2 G2 D1 /S2 D2 S1 Via G1 Via Detail S1 G1 (a) 8 × 100 µm dual-gate HEMT. (b) Detail of the DG area. Figure 4.2: Chip photograph of an 8 × 100 µm dual-gate HEMT with stabilization resistor and RF-capacitor with enlarged dual-gate region. extrinsic parasitics, an ohmic metal area is placed between the gates and thereby forms the interconnection between the CS and the CG device as indicated in Fig. 4.2(b). A reasonable biasing of the dual-gate structure under LS operation yields higher draingate voltages (Vdg ) at the DG device as compared to the CS device, i.e. the structure is operated asymmetrically. Therefore, the gate-to-drain separation at the CG device is larger as compared to the CS device. A typical biasing at Vds = 30 V, Vgs,CS = =2.2 V and Vgs,CG = 6 V results in Vdg,CG = 24 V and Vdg,CS = 10.6 V. 60 4.2 Distributed Dual-Gate HEMT Model 4.2 Distributed Dual-Gate HEMT Model The intrinsic and extrinsic circuit parameters of a FET can be extracted by performing S-parameter measurements at various bias conditions for different device geometries. After determination of the extrinsic parasitic elements, the intrinsic (i.e. 8-term) parameters are obtained by direct solving the equations for the Y -parameters, e.g. [6, 27]. In a dual-gate device, however, the extrinsic circuit parameters are more tedious to be extracted due to the presence of RF interaction between the gate fingers of the two transistors. To counter this problem, a distributed dual-gate model was developed. A major advantage of this approach is, that it helps in understanding the individual coupling mechanisms inside the dual-gate structure. By cutting the dual-gate HEMT structure in Fig. 4.2(a) in equidistant slices across the gates, one obtains a slice-model as shown in Fig. 4.3. The purpose of this distributed approach is to model the passive, extrinsic CRF /2 Via CLnF CL2 G1 CL1 Gate bus Passive slice 1 QnF Q2 Q1 Active slice 1 Via CLnF CL2 CL1 Passive slice 2 QnF Q2 Q1 Active slice 2 CRF /2 CLnF CL2 D2 CL1 Passive slice nS Drain bus Bias G2 Rbias Figure 4.3: Simplified block diagram of the dual-gate slice model for a total number of nF gate fingers and nS slices. part of the dual-gate structure separated from the active, intrinsic part. Therefore, each individual slice has to be divided into an active and a passive slice. An active slice consists of multiple cascode-connected intrinsic scalable SS HEMT models, i.e., one for each individual gate finger. A simplified small signal model for one finger is shown in Fig. 4.4. The intrinsic parameters were extracted by measuring common-source single gate devices and applying a procedure similar to [6]. The passive slices are described by frequency-domain analytical distributed coupled-line (CL) models included in the ADS design environment. The capacitor CRF is modeled using a parallel-plate approach. The gate and drain buses are modeled by separate slices. The obtained number of 61 Chapter 4 GaN Dual-Gate HEMT Characterization and Modeling G2 G1 Intrinsic HEMT Cgd Intrinsic HEMT Cgd + vi − + vi Cgs − vi gm Ri Cgs vi gm Ri gds Cds S1 D2 gds Cds D1 /S2 Figure 4.4: Simplified equivalent circuit of a GaN dual-gate FET. slices (nS) for a specific UGW is given by nS = UGW/SW, where SW is the width of a single slice. The SW chosen in this work is 10 µm for the 8 × 100 µm device. A finer resolution did not improve the accuracy of the model. The overall validity of the model is demonstrated in Fig. 4.5 for an 8 × 100 µm device. The most critical small signal modeling parameters, namely the MAG/MSG, Rollet factor (K), the magnitude of S22 and phase of S12 , are shown. The device was biased at Vds = 30 V, Vg1 = =2.2 V, 2 20 1 15 10 5 120 meas sim 100 1.5 80 60 1 40 20 0 0 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) (a) MSG/MAG, Rollet factor. 25 arg(S12) (deg) 25 2 mag(S22) 30 MSG, MAG (dB) 3 meas sim Stability factor K 35 0 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) 25 (b) |S22 | and arg(S12 ). Figure 4.5: Measured and modeled critical small signal parameters of an 8 × 100 µm device in the 0.1 GHz to 25 GHz range (Vds = 30 V, Vg1 = =2.2 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 . Good agreement between measured and modeled S-parameters over the entire frequency range from 0.1 GHz to 25 GHz is achieved, also for the critical stable region around 10 GHz. 62 4.3 Large Signal Model 4.2.1 Stability Considerations A major draw-back in dual-gate devices is their potential instability. The reason for the instability was deduced in section 3.6.2 by means of the intrinsic small signal equivalent circuit of a HEMT with floating source. The instability manifests itself in the form of the magnitude of S22 , which exceeds unity at a certain frequency, shown in Fig. 3.28. Because of this behavior, it is essential to precisely describe |S22 |, among K and arg(S12 ), in order to perform accurate stability analyses. Using the slice model for the 8 × 100 µm device as described in Section 4.1, it was found, that adding a resistor Rstab of 5 Ω in series with CRF prevents |S22 | from exceeding unity. This stabilization effect is demonstrated in Fig. 4.6 on an 8 × 100 µm device in the frequency range 0.1 GHz to 30 GHz. The location of the stability resistor in the dual-gate cell is indicated in 1.2 no Rstab Rstab = 5 Ω 1.1 |S22 | 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) 25 30 Figure 4.6: Simulation of the effect of Rstab on |S22 | for an 8 × 100 µm device. Fig. 4.2(a). For symmetry reasons two resistors with a value of 2 × Rstab were located at both vias. Because of the degenerating effect of Rstab on the CG device, the gain and output power of the dual-gate structure are reduced, as will be shown in Section 4.3. 4.3 Large Signal Model In order to describe dual-gate HEMTs under RF-power operating conditions, it is indispensable to have a nonlinear model available. Simulations using the distributed approach described in Section 4.2 are time consuming. In advancing towards a large signal model, it is essential to make simplifications and thereby avoid potential convergence problems. By applying the knowledge gained from the distributed model, an extrinsic equivalent circuit consisting of lumped elements was derived with a structure similar to the one described in [97]. The coupling effects between the CS and CG devices are described by feedback capacitances and mutual inductors. In the next step, 63 Chapter 4 GaN Dual-Gate HEMT Characterization and Modeling the intrinsic SS cascode model from Fig. 4.4 is replaced by a scalable intrinsic large signal state-space kernel described in [91]. The state-space approach allows to construct LS models from multibias S-parameter measurements. Such models are equivalent to the initially used model in terms of SS behavior and therefore good candidates for our purpose. The same LS kernel was used to model both the intrinsic CS and CG device. The validity and scalability of the LS modeling approach is demonstrated in Fig. 4.7 for two six-finger dual-gate devices at the two gate width extrema of 50 µm and 125 µm. The devices were biased at Vds = 30 V, Vg1 = =2.2 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 . 30 2 25 20 1 15 10 0 5 0 3 meas sim 2 25 20 1 15 10 Stability factor K 35 MSG, MAG (dB) 30 MSG, MAG (dB) 3 meas sim Stability factor K 35 0 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) 25 0 (a) 6 × 50 µm device. 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) 25 (b) 6 × 125 µm device. Figure 4.7: Measured and modeled gain and K-factor of two 6-finger devices in the 0.1 GHz to 25 GHz range (Vds = 30 V, Vg1 = =2.2 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). The measured and modeled S-parameters show good agreement for both gate widths over the entire frequency range. Again, the critical stable regions around 15 GHz and 12 GHz are precisely described. The validity of the model at large signal operation is demonstrated on a contineous wave (CW) load pull power sweep at 16 GHz in Fig. 4.8. The load was tuned for maximum output power. The impact of Rstab on the performance is shown for two versions (V1, V2) of the 8 × 100 µm device. Version 1 in Fig. 4.8(a) shows an unstabilized device and version 2 in Fig. 4.8(b) shows a stabilized device with Rstab = 5 Ω. The devices were biased at Vds = 35 V, Vg1 = =2.3 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 . Again, the measured and modeled power sweeps show good agreement up to the saturation region of the devices. 4.4 Dual-Gate HEMT Power Amplifier Using the LS model described above, a single stage 14 GHz to 18 GHz, 2.5 W MSL high power amplifier MMIC with a total gate width of 1.6 mm (two 8 × 100 µm DG devices in parallel) was designed and realized. All the designed power amplifier MMICs within 64 4.4 Dual-Gate HEMT Power Amplifier 40 Pout 35 Pout (dBm), Gain (dB) Pout (dBm), Gain (dB) 40 30 25 20 15 Gain 10 meas sim 5 0 5 35 Pout 30 25 20 15 10 Gain meas sim 5 0 10 15 20 25 Pin delivered (dBm) (a) V1, no Rstab . 30 5 10 15 20 25 Pin delivered (dBm) 30 (b) V2, Rstab = 5 Ω. Figure 4.8: Measured and modeled power sweeps of V1 and V2 of an 8 × 100 µm device. (Vds = 35 V, Vg1 = =2.3 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 , f = 16 GHz) the the the the scope of this work are presented in chapter 5. However, in order to demonstrate suitability of the developed dual-gate models for MMIC design, the discussion of above mentioned dual-gate PA is held here. Fig. 4.9 shows a chip photograph of designed and manufactured HPA MMIC. The DC bias is fed to both transistors Figure 4.9: Photograph of the MSL single-stage Ku band high power cascode amplifier MMIC (2.75 × 2.25 mm2 ). 65 Chapter 4 GaN Dual-Gate HEMT Characterization and Modeling symmetrically to the outer sides of the gate buses of G2 via 200 Ω resistors. The inner sides of the gate buses are connected by a short transmission line in order to suppress odd-mode oscillations. Besides the stabilization resistor Rstab = 5 Ω mentioned above, an RC high-pass filter was placed at the input of the amplifier in order to achieve unconditional stability. The simulated and measured small signal parameters of the amplifier are shown in Fig. 4.10. The small signal gain is an exceptionally high 10 dB at 15 Sij (dB) S21 meas sim 10 5 0 -5 S22 -10 S11 -15 5 10 15 Frequency (GHz) 20 25 Figure 4.10: Simulated and measured small signal parameters of the single-stage dual-gate PA in the frequency range 14 GHz to 18 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Vg1 = =2.4 V, Vg2 = 6 V, Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). the upper Ku band frequency of 18 GHz, which is a direct consequence of the reduction in Miller effect of the dual-gate topology. A power sweep of the HPA at a frequency of 16 GHz for a biasing at Vds = 35 V, Vg1 = =2.0 V, Vg2 = 8.2 V, and Id,DC = 150 mA mm=1 is shown in Fig. 4.11. The agreement between measured and modeled power sweeps prove to be excellent up to the saturation region. 4.5 Conclusion Using a distributed modeling approach, an efficient way to describe the extrinsic and intrinsic equivalent circuit model parameters of a dual-gate HEMT was presented. Based on this approach, a small signal model was developed. Focus was put on the parameters relevant for stability, namely K, |S22 | and arg(S12 ). Through introduction of a resistor in series to the blocking capacitor at the common-gate device of the dual-gate HEMT, an effective stabilization method was presented, which prevents |S22 | from exceeding unity. A scalable nonlinear model was derived by introducing an intrinsic large signal state-space kernel into the existing extrinsic dual-gate structure. The validity of the model was demonstrated on fabricated 8 × 100 µm, 6 × 50 µm, and 6 × 125 µm dual-gate 66 4.5 Conclusion Pout (dBm), Gain (dB) 35 30 Pout 25 20 15 10 Gain 5 meas sim 0 10 15 20 25 Pin available (dBm) 30 Figure 4.11: Simulated and measured power sweeps of the single-stage dual-gate PA at f = 16 GHz (Vds = 35 V, Vg1 = =2.4 V, Vg2 = 6 V, Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). HEMTs, for both small and large signal operation. A Ku band 2.5 W power amplifier with a small signal gain of 10 dB at 18 GHz was designed and realized to illustrate the suitability of the developed models for MMIC design. Having discussed designed and manufactured power HEMT structures regarding their key characteristics important for the design of broadband power amplifier MMICs in Chapter 3 and introduced a modeling approach for dual-gate HEMT device structures in the chapter at hand, the next chapter is dedicated to the verification of broadband amplifier concepts on MMIC level, i.e. the monolithic broadband power amplifier design challenge is examined from a circuitry point of view. Various broadband power amplifier MMICs in varying architectures are demonstrated using the GaN25 and GaN10 process technology introduced in Chapter 2. 67 Chapter 4 GaN Dual-Gate HEMT Characterization and Modeling 68 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level The motivation for Chapter 3 was to find, analyze and characterize appropriate HEMT structures suitable for the design of broadband power amplifier MMICs. The Chapter at hand examines the monolithic broadband power amplifier design challenge from a circuitry point of view. Specific theoretical limitations for the design of broadband circuits exist, among whom the most basic are the Kramers-Kronig relations which relate the frequency dependent real and imaginary parts of a linear response function. The impact of these relations on broadband circuit design are discussed in Section 5.4.1. Important figures of merit and broadband amplifier architectures are reviewed. However, it would be out of place, to discuss the basics of power amplifier design in detail. To gain insight into the basic design principles for power amplifiers, the reader is referred to literature at this point [24,37,81]. A thorough study of power amplifiers with optimized PAE for X band applications based on the IAF AlGaN/GaN HEMT process is published in [58]. The main focus of this chapter lies on the illumination of the correlation between theoretical limitations and real world results, exemplarily shown on designed and fabricated monolithic broadband power amplifiers with various topologies based on the GaN25 and GaN10 technologies at 20 GHz and 40 GHz, respectively. Thereby, the usability of the structures for broadband power amplifier design, as introduced in the Chapters 3 and 4, is demonstrated. 5.1 Bandwidth Definitions Bandwidth is a measure of how much spectrum a microwave system can respond to. In literature, various definitions of bandwidth are used. In order to avoid confusion, the most commonly used terms and definitions shall be repeated in the following. The absolute bandwidth is defined as Babs = fH − fL , (5.1) where fH is the upper frequency and fL the lower frequency of the passband. Dividing 69 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level the absolute bandwidth by the center frequency yields the relative bandwidth Brel = fH − fL Babs = . fC fC (5.2) The center frequency fC is defined as (fH + fL )/2 and therefore the relative bandwidth can be rewritten as fH − fL Brel = 2 . (5.3) fH + fL The relative bandwidth is usually used for narrowband systems. It can be expressed as a percentage and is sometimes referred to as percent bandwidth or percentage bandwidth B% = 100 % fH − fL . fC (5.4) The theoretical limit to percent bandwidth is 200 %, which occurs for fL = 0. Due to the compression that occurs mathematically with percent bandwidths above 100 %, the ratio bandwidth is introduced. It is defined as B= fH , fL (5.5) and is typically presented in the form of B : 1. Hence, a percent bandwidth of 100 % corresponds to a ratio bandwidth of 3 : 1. The ratio bandwidth is usually used for wideband systems. A term mainly used in UWB communication systems, is the fractional bandwidth. It corresponds to the relative bandwidth in (5.2), where fH and fL represent the upper and lower frequencies, respectively, at the =10 dB point1 . Per definition of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) [1], UWB is a signal with a bandwidth larger than 500 MHz or a fractional bandwidth of larger than 20 %. In this work, the term bandwidth will refer to ratio bandwidth according (5.5) unless stated otherwise. 5.2 Review of Various Broadband Architectures Recently, considerable efforts have been made in the realization of GaN solid-state power amplifiers in the L band and X band with power added efficiencies of more than 50 %. The improvement in power added efficiency has resulted from improvements in the AlGaN/GaN technology, e.g. by minimizing the trapping behaviour [60, 72, 112] and novel efficiency enhancing circuit concepts such as harmonic tuning [52, 122, 123]. Compared to the narrowband power amplifier, the broadband power amplifier’s poweradded efficiency performance is considerably lower, typically below 15 %. This arises due to the fact, that the emphasis placed on the design of such amplifiers is achieving maximum output power over a multioctave bandwidth, which comes at the expense of 1 The =10 dB point represents the power of a signal at 10 dB lower than its peak power spectral density. 70 5.2 Review of Various Broadband Architectures efficiency performance. A comprehensive reference on broadband microwave amplifiers including a discussion of amplifier theory and architecture, can be found in [107]. The following circuit techniques employed in the design of broadband amplifiers will be discussed in this work: • Reactively matched amplifier • Distributed power amplifier (DPA) or traveling wave amplifier (TWA) • Combination of the reactively matched and distributed circuit concept The first two techniques are well-established, the latter is a novel approach and will be discussed in detail in Section 5.9. 5.2.1 Reactively Matched Amplifiers In the reactively matched amplifier, the active device is matched by reactive matching networks at the input and output. Fig. 5.1 shows the schematic diagram of such an amplifier configuration. The reactive matching approach is often used for building ZG Input matching network ΓS Γin Γout ΓL Output matching network ZL Figure 5.1: Schematic diagram of a reactively matched amplifier. MMIC amplifiers with a bandwidth of up to 3 : 1 at maximum, e.g. in EW, where broadband HPAs are employed in the frequency range from 6 GHz to 18 GHz, e.g. for long distance jammers. As will be discussed in Section 5.6.2, 3 : 1 is about the maximum bandwidth, that can be achieved by reactively matched PAs at an upper band edge of 2/3fT for maximized power performance. The most popular technique to overcome the difficulties of reactively-matching involves the concept of traveling wave amplification, as discussed in Section 5.2.2. However, traveling wave amplifiers also have some substantial disadvantages. Unlike the multiplicative nature of a cascade of conventional amplifiers, gain is additive in distributed amplifiers. Therefore, they produce less gain and power per area and have a lower power added efficiency as compared to their reactivelymatched counterparts. For that reason, using the reactively-matched amplifier topology has still its eligibility when the required bandwidth allows its application. 5.2.2 Traveling Wave Amplifiers In traveling wave amplifiers (TWAs), the input and output capacitances of the active devices Cgs and Cds , respectively are absorbed in a distributed structure. Thereby, artificial transmission lines are formed. Traveling wave amplifiers are not reactively 71 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level matched in the sense described in Section 5.2.1 and are thus not prone to the BodeFano limitations investigated in Section 3.5. In practice, the number of stages is limited by the diminishing input signal resulting from attenuation on the input line. Means of determining the optimal number of stages are discussed in literature, e.g. [7, 19]. Bandwidth is typically limited by impedance mismatches brought about by frequency dependent device parasitics. Fig. 5.2 shows a simplified schematic of a conventional TWA. The input and output capacitances of the active devices Cgs and Cds , respectively TL TL TL TL TL RFout RT,d Cds Cgs Cds Cgs Cds Cgs Cds Cgs RFin TL TL TL TL RT,g Figure 5.2: Simplified schematic of a traveling wave amplifier (TWA). are indicated by dashed lines. These parasitic elements are absorbed in a distributed structure and thereby form artificial transmission lines. Due to their distributed nature, traveling wave amplifiers are often referred to as distributed amplifiers in the literature, e.g. [36]. A profound discussion on distributed amplification is given in [120]. By eliminating the drain line reverse termination resistor, all the current from the FETs is fed in the forward direction only and passes into the load. This is accomplished by tapering the drain line. However, in order to maintain realizable transmission line widths, the gate width of the first transistor has to be chosen larger than the one of the subsequent stages. distributed power amplifiers using non-uniform transistor sizes are called non-uniform distributed power amplifiers (NDPAs). The NDPA topology increases the maximum output power and PAE of the circuit by presenting an optimized load impedance or “Cripps load” (see Section 3.3) to each of the transistor sections. Since the drain line impedance is decreasing rapidly, there is a limit to the number of stages that can be employed. A more profound discussion on distributed power amplifiers using GaN HEMTs is given in Section 5.7. Recently, several GaN HEMT distributed amplifier MMICs using the NDPA topology have been published in the Ku band and beyond [15, 30, 34, 53, 87]. A Ku band NDPA using dual-gate HEMTs for enhanced gain capability is demonstrated in Section 5.7.3. Millimeter wave (mmW) GaN power amplifier MMICs, that pushed the NDPA concept using GaN HEMTs into the millimeter-wave regime, were demonstrated within the frame of this work in [126, 130] and are covered in Section 5.8. 72 5.3 The Broadband Amplifier Design Problem 5.3 The Broadband Amplifier Design Problem A broadband power amplifier is a circuit consisting of one or multiple active devices with an arbitrary total gate width and some sort of broadband matching networks or equalizers at the input and output of the active devices, whereas these networks may also include some kind of power splitter and combiner, respectively. The power amplifier design problem can be illustrated in the form of the block schematic shown in Fig. 5.3. Ak is the complex incident wave |Ak | ∠ϕk . |Ak | is defined by TGWk , ϕk by ΓL,1 ZG A1 IMN = A2 splitter + equalizer AN −1 AN TGW1 ΓL,2 TGW2 ΓL,N −1 Γout OMN = combiner + equalizer ZL TGWN −1 ΓL,N TGWN Figure 5.3: Illustration of the broadband power amplifier design problem. the electrical length necessary to achieve a desired phase shift. The output matching network (OMN) must be designed in such way, that for a given excitation |Ak | ∠ϕk the load reflection coefficients ΓL,k (f ) correspond optimally to the individual optimum load reflection coefficients Γopt (f, TGWk ) for all f and k, where Γopt is to be understood as an optimum power or optimum PAE match. The output reflection coefficient Γout is irrelevant at first. It can be taken care of later by using certain circuit topologies such as the balanced amplifier using 90◦ hybrid couplers [58, 59]. Solving the matching problem can be understood as optimizing the transducer power gain GT (f ) = 4RL (f )Rq (f ) Power to load = , Power available from generator |ZL (f ) + Zq (f )|2 (5.6) where ZL (f ) = RL (f ) + jXL (f ) is the real frequency load over the band of interest. Zq (f ) = Rq (f ) + jXq (f ) is the Thévenin impedance2 of the equalizer as seen from the load [76, 92]. For the output matching network, the FET acts as the generator. It is important to note that either Rq (f ) or Xq (f ) can be arbitrarily selected, but then the other is defined via its Hilbert transform. Were it not for this requirement, the 2 Any steady-state linear electrical network containing impedances, voltage and current sources only, can be substituted by an equivalent voltage source in series connection with a Thévenin impedance. 73 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level equalizer impedance would simply be chosen as ZL∗ (f ), and infinite bandwidth designs would be possible. In this sense, the requirement of the Hilbert transform can be viewed as the fundamental limitation in the design of broadband equalizer networks. These mentioned restrictions will be further discussed in terms of the Kramers-Kronig relations in Section 5.4. There are basically two possible possibilities to design an amplifier according Fig. 5.3: ϕk = ϕk +n , n=1...N and ϕk = 6 ϕk +n , n=1...N where a realization according the first condition yields a reactively-matched amplifier and a realization according the latter condition a distributed power amplifier. A third variant, which is a mixed form of the two approaches above is proposed in Section 5.9. This novel amplifier architecture for multistage designs was introduced by the author as semi-reactively-matched amplifier (SRMA) [127]. An overview of all designed MMICs using the three different approaches is depicted in Table 5.1. Table 5.1: Overview of the designed MMICs. Topologies: RMA = reactively-matched amplifier, NDPA = non-uniform distributed power amplifier, SRMA = semireactively-matched amplifier. Devices: CS = common-source, DG = dualgate. Circuit name Units DEC 18 GHz V1 DEC 18 GHz V2 1-Stage DG PA 2-Stage DG PA 2-Stage DG PA V2 ACADIA DREAM Beastie BeastieBoy NastyBoy 74 Tech. – GaN25 GaN10 Top. – RMA RMA RMA RMA RMA NDPA SRMA NDPA NDPA NDPA Dev. – CS CS DG DG DG DG CS CS CS DG CS BW GHz 16–20 16–20 14–18 15–18 13–18 3–16 6–20 8–42 8–42 6–37 |S21 | dB 11 11 10 ± 1 22 ± 2 22 ± 3 10 ± 2 18 ± 4 7±1 14 ± 1 17 ± 1 Pout dBm 34.7 34.7 34 31.9 33.5 35 36.6 27 27 32.1 Remarks – Shunt cap Shunt stub Rstab = 5 Ω Rstab = 5 Ω Rstab = 3 Ω 1-stage 2-stage DG driver CS PA 5.3 The Broadband Amplifier Design Problem 5.3.1 Design Procedure The procedure of designing RF or microwave amplifiers as applied throughout this work can be roughly summarized in eight steps, independent of the architecture or field of application of the amplifier. Fig. 5.4 gives a general overview of the design flow of a typical power amplifier. In the following, each of the individual design steps is examined Evaluate opt. HEMT size 1 Large signal simulation Find Gopt for each HEMT 2 Stability 5 considerations Design output 3 matching network Design input 4 matching network 6 Layout generation 7 Tape-out & processing 8 Figure 5.4: General design procedure for a power amplifier. in more detail: 1. The optimum device geometry is evaluated considering obtainable output power, upper frequency limit, gain and hence the location of the K-point, as described in Chapter 3 2. The optimum power load conductance Gopt is found by means of loadline considerations and load pull measurements, as discussed in Section 3.3, or using a large signal model, if available. 3. The task of the output matching network is to provide the optimum complex load impedance to the transistor, i.e. transform a purely resistive output impedance, typically 50 Ω, into an impedance to obtain an optimum power or optimum PAE match. 4. The task of the input matching network is to provide a conjugate complex match at the input of the transistor in order to optimize the gain over the bandwidth of the amplifier circuit. 5. In order to ensure the stability of the amplifier, a small signal stability analysis has to be performed by using concepts such as Rollet’s stability analysis or similar [31, 77, 78]. A global-stability analysis tool using harmonic balance (HB) calculation based procedures is proposed in [94]. In order to achieve unconditional stability of an amplifier, it may be necessary to apply stabilization mechanisms on device level, as shown for the dual-gate HEMTs in Section 4.2.1. 6. If large signal models are available, the complete amplifier is simulated to evaluate the overall performance of the design such as frequency range, Pout and PAE. 75 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level 7. The layout is generated using the ADS auto-layout“ function. The final lay” R out including the DC biasing networks and circuit labels is made in Cadence R Virtuoso Layout Suite, where also the process design rule check is performed. 8. In-house processing on the IAF GaN25 or GaN10 process. For multistage designs, the input matching network (IMN) in step 4 is the OMN of the previous stage at the same time. This obviously adds complexity, because two complex impedances have to be matched to one another by means of an interstage matching network (ISMN). A novel power amplifier architecture which evades the aggravated matching aspects introduced by designing multistage reactively-matched amplifiers will be discussed in Section 5.9. Because of possible space limitations on the chip, it might be reasonable to start the design procedure with some layout considerations (step ), 7 after the evaluation of the device geometry took place in step . 1 Generally speaking, the layout of designed blocks has to be reviewed constantly, in order to avoid structures with unrealizable dimensions. 5.4 Theoretical Limitations for the Design of Equalizers The freedom in the design of broadband equalizers or matching networks necessary to build an amplifier as shown in Fig. 5.3 is subject to certain theoretical restrictions. This section discusses the origin of these basic restrictions and the consequential limitations for the design of broadband equalizers. The most basic analysis of the relationship between the frequency dependent real and imaginary parts of a linear response function was done by H. A. Kramers and R. Kronig in the 1920ies [56, 57] and are now known as the Kramers-Kronig relations. They showed, that there is an inescapable relation between the real and imaginary parts of complex permittivity - if one varies with frequency then the other must do the same and the variations are not independent. This form of response in materials is found in many circumstances that are of technical concern. Electrical circuits too show such responses. In the 1940ies, H. W. Bode deduced an analogous connection between amplitude and phase [9], which is more informative for circuit analysis. 5.4.1 The Kramers-Kronig Relations The Kramers-Kronig relations connect the frequency dependent real and imaginary parts of a causal linear response function, g(t), which describes the response of a system at time t after being excited by a delta function at time 0. Fig. 5.5 shows a system with impulse-response function g(t). The fundamental principle of causality, that every physical model must respect, is expressed mathematically by g (t) = 0 76 for t < 0. (5.7) 5.4 Theoretical Limitations for the Design of Equalizers x(t) g(t) y(t) Figure 5.5: Input and output signal for a system with impulse-response function g(t). Linearity implies that the system output y(t) in response to a system input x(t) is given by Z ∞ x(τ )g(t − τ ) dτ. y(t) = (5.8) −∞ This integral is called convolution integral. From Fourier transforming and applying the convolution theorem follows Y (ω) = G(ω)X(ω). The input and output matching networks of an amplifier can be regarded as systems with an impulse response function G(ω). The derivation of the Kramers-Kronig relations requires some complex contour integration using Cauchy’s theorem, e.g. [93]. In carrying out the integrations around a contour it is necessary to make small detours around any poles of the function (where the function goes off to infinity) and then determine the contributions or residues arising from these detours, separately [39]. A rigorous proof of the Kramers-Kronig relations can be found in [38]. A pictorial proof is given in [116]. In order to obtain physically realizable equalizer impedances, their real and imaginary parts must be related by the Kramers-Kronig relation. This means that one of these can be arbitrarily selected, but then the other is defined. Were it not for this requirement, the equalizer impedance would simply be chosen as ZL∗ (f ), and infinite bandwidth designs would be possible. In this sense, the Kramers-Kronig relations can be viewed as the fundamental limitation in the design of broadband equalizer networks. In terms of a quantity Z(f ) = R(f ) + jX(f ), the relations are: Z ∞ 0 2 ω X(ω 0 ) R(ω) = P dω 0 , (5.9) π ω 02 − ω 2 0 Z ∞ 2ω R(ω 0 ) X(ω) = − P dω 0 . (5.10) π ω 02 − ω 2 0 Here ω = 2πf and the semi-infinite integrals are obtained by using the fact that R(ω) and X(ω) are an even or odd function of ω, respectively [17, 76]. P denotes the Cauchy principal value, which is defined by excluding from the integration domain an infinitesimal region, that is symmetrically distributed about the singular point, ω [5]. (5.9) and (5.10) indicate, that R(f ) and X(f ) in a matching network cannot be independently chosen. Mathematically, the Kramers-Kronig relations are closely related to Hilbert transforms, i.e. any one of them can be obtained by Hilbert transform from the other. 5.4.2 The Bode Gain-Phase Relation The Kramers-Kronig relations lead to an analogous connection between amplitude and phase. Bode deduced the corresponding relationships and gave them in a form that is 77 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level more informative for circuit analysis [9, 10]. The phase shift ϕ(ω) in radian is related to the amplitude response A(ω) as a function of frequency by [96]: π ϕ(ω) = 12 dA dµ ωc 1 + 6π Z ∞ −∞ ! |µ| dA dA ln coth dµ, − dµ dµ ωc 2 (5.11) where dA/dµ = slope of the attenuation curve in dB per octave, µ = ln(ω/ωc ), coth(|µ| /2) denotes the real part since it is complex for negative µ, W = ln(coth(|µ| /2)) is the weighting function. This result shows that the minimum phase change at any frequency ωc depends on the gain slopes over the whole frequency range, weighted by the weighting function W , which is plotted in Fig. 5.6. The shape of the weighting function changes in the Weighting function W 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.1 1 Relative radian frequency ω/ωc (s=1 ) 10 Figure 5.6: Illustration of the broadband power amplifier design problem. slope of the attenuation characteristic close to ωc make the major contribution to phase shift. These considerations provide a general constraint. The variation in gain will be associated with a related change in phase. This constraint accounts for all matching networks. All ladder networks are automatically of the minimum-phase-shift type, since it is impossible to form an all-pass filter section from alternate series and shunt impedances. Because equalizers are of the minimum-phase-shift type, there is always an attenuation and therefore a respective phase shift. Once occurred, a phase shift cannot be undone since it is not possible to build a transmission line with negative length (causality). 78 5.5 Impedance Level Transformation for GaN Devices 5.5 Impedance Level Transformation for GaN Devices The simplest way to connect two different characteristic impedances Z1 and Z0 is by using a resistive matching network. Fig. 5.7(a) shows a schematic of such a network with minimal possible loss. The minimum possible loss a in dB and the resistors R1 R1 Z2 jX1 R2 Z1 (a) Resistive matching network with minimum loss. Z2 Z3 −jX2 jB1 −jB2 Z1 (b) Transformation circuit with positive and negative X and B. Figure 5.7: Resistive and reactive matching networks after [67]. and R2 can be calculated as follows (Z2 > Z1 ) [67]: p 2 Z2 − Z2 (Z2 − Z1 ) − Z1 a = 10 lg , Z1 p p R1 = Z2 (Z2 − Z1 ), R2 = Z1 Z2 / (Z2 − Z1 ). (5.12) (5.13) The bandwidth of a resistive matching network is solely limited by its power class induced by the necessary dimensions of the resistors and thus maximum obtainable reflection coefficient. However, the loss is intolerably high for the design of power amplifiers. For example, in order to transform a 10 Ω impedance into a 50 Ω impedance, a purely resistive network according Fig. 5.7(a) would have a loss of a = 12.5 dB. A lossless transformation network is achieved by replacing R1 and R2 by the reactances jX1 and jB1 , respectively. However, non-reflective matching for such a network would occur at a single frequency only. A larger bandwidth can be achieved by concatenating another two reactances to the network with opposite sign and same transformation ratio r, as shown √ in Fig. 5.7(b). The two transformation sections are geometrically graded, i.e. Z3 = Z1 Z2 . If fa and fb are the lower and upper band edges, respectively, the center frequency is p fc = fa fb . (5.14) In order to further improve the compensation of the frequency dependence, the network in Fig. 5.7(b) can be extended by a parallel and a series resonance circuit, as shown in Fig. 5.8. A procedure to determine the values of the reactive elements including a table with normalized element values is given in [67]. 5.5.1 Constant Q Matching For the following discussion, it is essential, to introduce the concept of Q matching. The quality factor Q is used for several properties. To ease some of the confusion with 79 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level jX1 jB11 Z2 −jB11 −jX2 jX22 −jX22 −jB2 jB1 Z1 Figure 5.8: Frequency compensated matching network after [67]. these Q factors, they have been assigned distinct terms [37, 84]. In Section 3.5, the terms Qloaded and Qof load have already been defined in (3.45) and (3.46), respectively. In a similar way to Qof load , the unloaded Q is defined for an LC series resonant circuit: Qunloaded = ω0 L 1 = . RL + RC ω0 C (RL + RC ) (5.15) Plotting Qof load or simply Q as constant ratio on the Smith chart will define a constant Q curve, as illustrated in Fig. 5.9 for Q = 1. These curves are often used as guideline 1 0.5 2 Q=1 0.2 0 0.2 0.25 0.5 5 1 2 5 ∞ r=4 -0.2 -5 -2 -0.5 -1 Figure 5.9: Illustration of the concept of constant Q matching. boundaries for broadband transformations. For an n-section transformation where the resistive line and a constant Q of the load curve bound the transformation, the relationship between the Q of the load and the resistive transformation ratio r is given by [119] 1 + Q2 = 80 √ n r. (5.16) 5.5 Impedance Level Transformation for GaN Devices The equation shows that for decreasing Q, the number of sections increases and therefore the bandwidth increases. The example for Q = 1 in Fig. 5.9 shows, that with a two-section matching network a transformation ratio of r = 4 can be achieved. Note that Q should not be substituted with Qunloaded . Applying single Q matching by using the guideline boundaries does not yield the optimum broadband design [8]. Other topologies, such as the Chebyshev response transformation, have a significant bandwidth advantage. For this reason, Chebyshev impedance transforming networks in low-pass filter form will be discussed in detail in Section 5.5.2. However, single Q offers good transformation efficiency with smaller component values and design simplicity. This is an advantage for the design of MMICs, because complex matching networks are not realizable in practice. A discussion on basic matching concepts can be found in literature [37, 81, 83]. 5.5.2 Chebyshev Impedance Transforming Networks of Low-Pass Filter Form Chebyshev impedance transforming networks consist of ladder networks formed using series inductances and shunt capacitances, giving an impedance match between resistor terminations of arbitrary ratio. Fig. 5.10 shows the general form of the impedance transforming structures with g0 and gn+1 being the resistor terminations. The main g2 gn g0 g1 gn−1 gn+1 (a) Low-pass impedance transformation network for g0 < gn+1 . g2 gn g0 g1 gn−1 gn+1 (b) Low-pass impedance transformation network for g0 > gn+1 . Figure 5.10: General form of low-pass impedance transforming structures with definition for normalized prototype element values. difference between these structures and those of conventional low-pass filter structures is that the latter have termination resistors of equal or nearly equal size at both ends. 81 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level In the case of the filters used for impedance transformation purposes, the terminating resistors may be of radically different size. The transformation ratio is defined as r= gn+1 . g0 (5.17) 70 0.8 60 0.7 Transducer loss (dB) Transducer loss (dB) For example, a typical GaN HEMT with 4 mm TGW has an equivalent load resistor of ≈ 11 Ω. Therefore an impedance transformation network with a transformation ratio of r = 4.5 would be required to match the device to 50 Ω. Because of the different size of the terminating resistors, there is a sizable reflection loss at zero frequency (DC). The normalized frequency response of a Chebyshev filter of this type is shown in Fig. 5.11 for a transformation ratio of r = 12, a ratio bandwidth of B =3 and a maximum ripple of αmax 0.4 dB. 50 40 30 20 10 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Normalized radian frequency (s=1 ) 2.5 (a) f response in the range 0 ≤ ω 0 ≤ 2.5. αmax 0.2 ωa 0 0.6 0.8 ω0 0 = 1 1.2 ωb 0 Normalized radian frequency (s=1 ) (b) f response in the range ωa 0 ≤ ω 0 ≤ ωb 0 . Figure 5.11: Normalized frequency response of an 8th order low-pass Chebyshev impedance transforming network (r = 12, B = 3, αmax = 0.4 dB). The transducer loss in dB is defined as TL = −10 lg GC . (5.18) The corresponding definition of the transducer power gain of a 2mth order low-pass impedance transforming network is given as [124] GC ,in = 1 02 1 + Γ2 cos2 m arccos ω A−1 (5.19) for the operating band ωa 0 ≤ ω 0 ≤ ωb 0 , and 1 GC ,out = 1+ 82 Γ2 cosh 2 2 0 m arccosh ω A−1 (5.20) 5.5 Impedance Level Transformation for GaN Devices for the stop band ω 0 < ωa 0 and ω 0 > ωb 0 . ωa 0 and ωb 0 are the normalized lower and upper radian cutoff frequencies, respectively: √ ωa 0 = 1 − A (5.21) and ωb 0 = √ 1 + A, where 1 A= cosh 1 m arccosh √ 2 r−1 r(1−10−0.1αmax ) (5.22) . (5.23) The normalized radian frequency variable is defined as ω0 = where r ω0 = ω , ω0 ωa 2 + ωb 2 . 2 (5.24) (5.25) From (5.24) and (5.25) follows that ω0 0 = 1, as indicated in Fig. 5.11(b). The factor m can be calculated as r−1 arccosh √ 2 r(1−10−0.1αmax ) . m= (5.26) ωa 2 +ωb 2 arccosh ωb 2 −ωa 2 The minimum operating reflection coefficient Γ from (5.19) and (5.20) is related to the maximally allowed ripple αmax in dB as follows: p Γ = 1 − 10−0.1αmax . (5.27) By using the definition for the return loss in (3.42), the ripple αmax of 0.4 dB in Fig. 5.11(b) corresponds thus to a return loss of approximately 10 dB. By plotting the positive integer m in (5.26) versus bandwidth and transformation ratio, the number 2m of reactive elements required for a certain bandwidth–impedance ratio pairing can be determined. A contour plot for αmax = 0.4 dB is shown in Fig. 5.12. In order to obtain a real number for m, the conditions r > 1 and r−1 p ≥1 2 r (1 − 10−0.1αmax ) (5.28) must be fulfilled. The element values of the normalized impedance transformation network according Fig. 5.10 can be either obtained by look up tables [65] or arithmetic calculations [124]. The realizable quality factors on GaN substrate typically allow filters of maximum 6th order, i.e. m = 3. Assuming a realistic power density of 2 W mm=1 on MMIC level yields a necessary total gate width of 5 mm to obtain a total output power 83 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level 20 18 16 m=7 14 m=6 r 12 m=5 10 m=4 8 m=3 6 4 m=2 2 m=1 1 2 3 4 5 6 B Figure 5.12: Contour plot to determine the filter order required for a certain bandwidth-impedance ratio pairing for αmax = 0.4 dB. 2m = filter order, r = transformation ratio of the matching network, B = ratio bandwidth, αmax = maximum ripple. of 10 W. According Table 3.2, Rds is around 12 Ω for such a transistor, which gives a transformation ratio of r = 4. By consulting Fig. 5.12, the obtainable bandwidth ratio for a 10 W monolithic GaN power amplifier is between B = 3 and B = 4, e.g. 6 GHz to 18 GHz. Because Vds ∝ Rds and therefore inversely proportional to the impedance transformation ratio r, GaN is clearly beneficial over other technologies such as GaAs, because a lower filter order is required to build a matching network covering the same bandwidth. A similar procedure to find the element values for maximally flat impedance transforming networks can be found in [25]. 5.6 Reactively Matched GaN Power Amplifier MMICs As discussed in Section 5.2.1, TWAs have several drawbacks and therefore it is reasonable to build amplifiers using the reactively matched approach as long as the intended operational bandwidth allows it. The limitations of the reactively matched amplifier topology have been discussed in detail in Sections 3.5 and 5.5.2. A basic example of a reactively matched amplifier is the dynamic evaluation circuit (DEC). Fig. 5.13 shows the chip photographs of two versions of a DEC in GaN25 technology with a total gate width of 600 µm. The DEC is a single stage broadband reactively matched amplifier used to monitor the high frequency performance of the AlGaN/GaN process [131, 132]. The MMICs are fabricated in MSL technology and are operating in the frequency 84 5.6 Reactively Matched GaN Power Amplifier MMICs (a) V1 with matching network using capacitors. (b) V2 with matching network using shunt stubs. Figure 5.13: Chip photographs of two versions of the broadband 18 GHz DEC (2 × 1.5 mm2 ). range from 16 GHz to 21 GHz, thus they have a relative bandwidth of 27 %. Both versions have similar performance. However, they differ in the manner of the realization of the matching networks. The input and output matching networks of version 1 in Fig. 5.13(a) are realized using MIM capacitors, whereas the matching networks in version 2 in Fig. 5.13(b) are realized using shunt stubs. By doing so, the influence of the MIM capacitors on the frequency behavior of the circuit is eliminated which supports the purpose of the DEC, namely to monitor the active device independently of deviations in the passive components. Because of this advantage, the DEC with shunt stubs is placed on each wafer run to monitor the high frequency performance of the IAF AlGaN/GaN process. Variations in the technology can lead to shifts in frequency. To be tolerant to such shifts, the DEC is realized as a broadband amplifier. Fig. 5.14 shows the small signal wafer mapping of the DEC MMIC in the frequency range from 0.1 GHz to 26 GHz. The measurement proves the excellent homogeneity of the active devices across a complete 3-inch wafer. Power measurements were made over a wide bandwidth from 13 GHz–24 GHz using an on-wafer 50 Ω probe setup. The chuck was kept at room temperature. The amplifier MMIC was nominally biased at 30 V and 100 mA mm=1 current density. Fig. 5.15(a) shows the measured frequency sweep at Pin = 25 dBm input power. The corresponding power sweep at a frequency of 20 GHz is shown in Fig. 5.15(b). The MMIC delivers a power of more than 32 dBm with a corresponding gain of more than 8 dB over the entire designed frequency band from 16 GHz to 21 GHz. The circuit shows a PAE of 37 % with a corresponding saturated power and gain of 34.7 dBm and 8 dB at 20 GHz, respectively. The measured data provide information on the performance of the used GaN25 MMIC technology such as power density, gain, and PAE on circuit level. 85 Sij (dB) Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 S11 S21 S22 0 5 10 15 Frequency (GHz) 20 25 40 Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Figure 5.14: Measured small signal parameters wafer mapping in the frequency range from 0.1 GHz to 26 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Id = 100 mA mm=1 ) of 22 out of 24 cells of the 18 GHz DEC V2. Pout Gain PAE 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 12 14 16 18 20 Frequency (GHz) 22 (a) Frequency sweep at Pin = 25 dBm. 24 40 Pout Gain PAE 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 Pin available (dBm) 25 30 (b) Power sweep at f = 20 GHz. Figure 5.15: Measured frequency and power sweep of the 20 GHz DEC V2 (Vds = 30 V and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). 5.6.1 Dual-Gate HEMT Reactively Matched Amplifiers A 2.5 W single-stage dual-gate PA MMIC was presented in Section 4.4 to underline the suitability of the developed large signal DG model for MMIC design. In order to increase the gain of the amplifier, the design was enhanced to a dual-stage topology. Using again the LS model described in Chapter 4, two high power amplifier MMICs with two different total gate widths of the driver amplifiers (DAs) were designed and realized. Both versions have the same total gate width of the PA stage of 1.6 mm. 86 5.6 Reactively Matched GaN Power Amplifier MMICs Fig. 5.16 shows a chip photograph of the designed and manufactured HPA MMICs. The (a) V1 with 6 × 50 µm driver stage and Rstab = 5 Ω. (b) V2 with Rstab = 3 Ω. 8 × 75 µm driver stage and Figure 5.16: Chip photographs of the two versions of the dual-stage dual-gate power amplifiers (4 × 2.5 mm2 and 3.5 × 2.5 mm2 ). 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 S11 S21 S22 Sij (dB) Sij (dB) DC bias is fed to the gate buses of G2 via 200 Ω resistors. Version 1 uses a stabilization resistor Rstab = 5 Ω for all dual-gate HEMTs, whereas Version 2 uses a stabilization resistor Rstab = 3 Ω. The measured small signal parameters of the amplifiers are shown in Fig. 5.17. As was expected, the small signal gain is around 10 dB higher as compared 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) (a) 2-Stage DG PA V1. 25 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 S11 S21 S22 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) 25 (b) 2-Stage DG PA V2. Figure 5.17: Measured small signal parameters of the dual-stage dual-gate PAs in the frequency range from 5 GHz to 25 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Vg2 = 6 V, Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). to the single-stage design. Due to the smaller stabilization resistor, the gain of version 2 is higher than the one of version 1, but on the other hand V2 is also more prone to oscillation, as can be seen on S11 and S22 exceeding unity at around 18 GHz. A power 87 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) sweep of the HPAs at a frequency of 16 GHz for a biasing at Vds = 35 V, Vg2 = 6 V, and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 is shown in Fig. 5.18. The two amplifiers V1 and V2 deliver a 35 30 25 20 15 10 Pout Gain PAE 5 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 Pin available (dBm) (a) 2-Stage DG PAs V1. 22 24 35 30 25 20 15 10 Pout Gain PAE 5 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 Pin available (dBm) 22 24 (b) 2-Stage DG PAs V2. Figure 5.18: Measured power sweeps of the dual-stage dual-gate PAs at f = 16 GHz (Vds = 30 V, Vg1 = =2.4 V, Vg2 = 6 V, Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). saturated output power of 31.9 dBm and 33.5 dBm, respectively. The higher output power of version 1 as compared to version 2 is attributed to the higher DA- to final PA-stage total gate width ratio of V1. This relation is also manifested by the stronger gain compression of V1. A detailed discussion on the impact of the PA/DA TGW ratio on output power and PAE for GaN X band amplifier MMICs on the GaN25 process can be found in [58]. 5.6.2 Bandwidth Limiting Effects in Multistage Power Amplifiers In reactively matched amplifiers, the bandwidth is limited by the input, output and - for multistage amplifiers - interstage matching networks. Matching is necessary for the best possible energy transfer from stage to stage. In RF-power transistors the real part of the input impedance which is relevant for matching is of low value, decreasing with increasing size of the device, e.g. 2 Ω for an 8 × 125 µm GaN HEMT in the GaN25 process. This impedance must be matched either to a generator or a preceding stage. In a similar way, the output impedance of the transistor must be matched to a load or following stage. Fig. 5.19 shows the output reflection coefficient of a power amplifier Γout,PA broadband matched to a load Γload as a function of frequency. Since the load is purely resistive, i.e. < {Z} 6= 0 and = {Z} = 0, Γload does not move over frequency, whereas Γout,PA is complex, i.e. < {Z} = 6 0 and = {Z} = 6 0 and therefore travels over frequency. In order to overcome the decrease in gain of the active devices conditioned by the operation at microwave frequencies close to fT , the use of multiple stages in broadband 88 5.6 Reactively Matched GaN Power Amplifier MMICs 1 0.5 2 Γout,PA 0.2 5 Γload 0.2 0 0.5 1 2 5 ∞ f↑ -0.2 -5 -2 -0.5 -1 Figure 5.19: Illustration of output reflection coefficient traveling over frequency. power amplifiers is mostly inevitable. However, the challenge of broadband impedance matching gets more severe when designing amplifiers with multiple stages. In a multistage amplifier (e.g. dual-stage), the active devices of two consecutive stages have to be matched to one another. Therefore, complex interstage impedances occur. Fig. 5.20 shows the simplified schematic of a conventional reactively-matched dual-stage power amplifier. The input, interstage and output matching networks are denoted IMN, ISMN Power amplifier Driver amplifier RFin IMN DA Real, e.g. 50 Ω ISMN Γout,DA Γin,PA OMN PA RFout Real, e.g. 50 Ω Complex, = {Zint,i } = 6 0 Figure 5.20: Schematic of a conventional reactively-matched dual-stage power amplifier. and OMN, respectively. It is obvious, that the IMN and OMN only have to match a purely real impedance to a complex impedance Zint,i , whereas the ISMN has to match two complex impedances with a matching condition given by Γin,PA = Γ∗out,DA . (5.29) 89 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level Γin,PA is the input reflection coefficient of the PA and Γout,DA is the output reflection coefficient in the sense of the Cds,eff compensated Cripps load of the DA according (3.23). In the Smith chart, Γin,PA and Γ∗out,DA travel in opposite directions over frequency. This correlation is illustrated in Fig. 5.21, where increasing frequency is indicated by f ↑. The opposed traveling directions of Γin,PA and Γ∗out,DA is a direct consequence of the 1 Γin,PA 0.5 2 Γ∗out,DA f↑ 0.2 0 0.2 0.5 1 5 2 5 ∞ f↑ -5 -0.2 -2 -0.5 -1 Figure 5.21: Illustration of reflection coefficients between two consecutive stages traveling in opposite directions. Kramers-Kronig relations, discussed in Section 5.4.1. Consequently, even if by carefully designing the interstage matching network the two trajectories happen to be exactly congruent, a phase mismatch would result for all but one single frequency. Therefore, matching two complex impedances is much more cumbersome than matching a complex impedance to a purely resistive impedance. A novel power amplifier architecture which evades these aggravated matching aspects is presented in Section 5.9. 5.7 Distributed GaN Power Amplifier MMICs If bandwidth ratios of B > 4 are targeted, the use of a traveling wave amplifier topology is inevitable. For power amplifiers, typically the NDPA topology is applied, because it increases the maximum output power by presenting an optimized load impedance to each of the transistor sections. Furthermore, it improves the PAE of the circuit by eliminating the drain termination resistor. 90 5.7 Distributed GaN Power Amplifier MMICs 5.7.1 The NDPA Approach for GaN Based Distributed Amplifiers Fig. 5.22 shows a simplified schematic of the NDPA topology. G0g are the characteristic G0,1 Cg,1 Q1 G0,2 Cg,2 Q2 G0,3 Cg,3 Q3 Cg,N G0,N QN GL RFin G0g G0g G0g G0g GLg Figure 5.22: Simplified schematic of the basic NDPA topology. conductances of the gate line sections. GLg is the gate dumping load, GL is the output load conductance of the circuit. The optimum characteristic conductances of the drain line sections G0,1 , . . . , G0,N are given by [16] G0,i = i X Gopt,n (5.30) n=1 where Gopt,1 , . . . , Gopt,N are the optimum power loads of each FET Q1 , . . . , QN . The FET output capacitances are absorbed in the artificial transmission line. The idea behind tapering the drain line characteristic conductances G0,i is to better maintain an optimum load for all of the FET cells. This leads to a limitation in the achievable output power as will be discussed in Section 5.7.2. In order to meet the conditions of equal phase velocities on the gate and drain lines, the electrical lengths ΦG,i and ΦD,i of the corresponding artificial gate and drain line sections, respectively, must satisfy ΦG,i = ΦD,i ∀i = 1, . . . , N. (5.31) The capacitors Cg,1 , . . . , Cg,N in series with the gate of each FET increase the cutoff frequency of the gate transmission line by reducing its distributed capacitance. These series capacitors are also tapered to ensure equal drive levels on the transistor gates. A NiCr resistor is placed in parallel with each gate capacitor to provide a DC path for the gate bias. A detailed discussion on the design of distributed amplifiers can be found in [16, 30]. The challenge in designing NDPAs is to find the optimum G0,i for large signal drive conditions over bandwidth, especially at the upper band edge. Thus the optimum power loads Gopt,1−N of the FETs used in the design have to be determined by carefully performing loadline and load pull simulations for all frequencies over the bandwidth, e.g. up to 42 GHz for the mmW MMICs in Section 5.8. Omitting the Drain Termination Resistor As the signal travels down the gate line, each transistor is excited by the traveling wave and transfers the signal to the drain line through its transconductance. In the 91 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level conventional TWA, the waves traveling in the reverse direction are not in phase and any uncanceled signal is absorbed by the drain-line termination, as indicated by RT ,d in Fig. 5.2. In order to avoid RF power being absorbed, the drain termination resistor is omitted in the NDPA in Fig. 5.22. To maintain the RF performance of the circuit, the first active device of the amplifier acts as drain termination, i.e. in a 50 Ω system, < {Y22 ,Q1 } ≈ 20 mS. 5.7.2 Design Limitations for GaN Distributed Amplifiers The limitations for the design of reactively matched amplifiers originate in the theoretical limit of compensating the reactive element of a series or parallel RC circuit described by the Bode-Fano criterion discussed in Section 3.5 and the realizable transformation ratio over a certain bandwidth discussed in Section 5.5. Both limitations directly impact the obtainable bandwidth of the matching networks at the input and output of the amplifier. Since traveling wave amplifiers do not require matching networks by design, the limitations above do not apply. However, due to the need to present an optimum load for all of the transistor cells, distributed amplifiers are limited in power in a similar way as reactively matched amplifiers. These limitations will be investigated in this section. Power Limitations As discussed above, in order to better maintain an optimum load for all of the transistor cells in DPAs, tapering the drain line is necessary. Fig. 5.23 shows the layout of a tapered drain line. Z0 ,1 , . . . , Z0 ,N are the characteristic impedances of the individual drain line Z0 ,1 Q1 Z0 ,N Z0 ,3 Z0 ,2 RFout Q2 Q3 QN Wl,N Figure 5.23: Layout of the tapered drain line of an NDPA. segments, Wl,N is the width of the N th segment. For a substrate according Fig. 5.24, the dependence of Wl on Z0 can be calculated. A closed form approximate expression to calculate Z0 = f (Wl ) of a microstrip line including a correction to account for the non-zero thickness of the metalization was developed by [117] and is recited in (A.2) and (A.3). A graph of the resulting line width as a function of the characteristic impedance 92 5.7 Distributed GaN Power Amplifier MMICs Wl T h r GND (a) Microstrip line cross section. (b) GaN25 and GaN10 substrate parameters. Parameter Substrate thickness h Conductor thickness T Relative dielectric constant εr Relative permeability µr GaN25 100 7 9.7 1 GaN10 75 3 9.7 1 Unit µm µm - Figure 5.24: Microstrip line with substrate parameters for the GaN25 and GaN10 processes. and a table for some chosen impedances are shown in Fig. 5.25, LineCalc 3 was used to produce the data. For the following discussion a maximum microstrip line width of 400 µm is assumed. Line widths exceeding this limit are physically conceivable, however not feasible for MMIC design, because they are too bulky to handle and consume too much chip area. Therefore, according Fig. 5.25(b), the lowest characteristic impedance achievable is around 20 Ω for both GaN technologies. By using (5.30), this limitation can be expressed in terms of conductance as follows: Gopt,tot = i X Gopt,n < 50 mS, (5.32) n=1 where Gopt,tot is the sum of the optimum power load conductances of all the active devices in a DPA. However, exploiting the full line width of 400 µm and therefore ending up at an impedance of said 20 Ω at the RF output of the distributed amplifier, some kind of matching network is required to transform the output impedance to the nominal impedance of 50 Ω, which inevitably trades off bandwidth. The upper limit for the realizable impedance is defined by the minimum allowed width of the galvanic metal according the design rules of the process (10 µm for GaN25 and GaN10) and the maximum allowed current density for the metal stack. For the IAF GaN process, the maximum allowed normalized average DC current density J · T in the stacked metal layers metal1 (MET1) and galvanic metal (METG) (see Fig. 2.3 for process layer definitions) is 10 mA µm=1 . According Fig. 3.8, the 3 LineCalc is an analysis and synthesis program for calculating electrical and physical parameters of single and coupled transmission lines embedded in ADS from Agilent Technologies. 93 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level 104 GaN25 GaN10 Wl (µm) 103 102 101 100 10-1 0 20 40 60 80 Z0 (Ω) 100 120 140 (a) Line width Wl as a function of the characteristic impedance Z0 . (b) Sample impedances and corresponding line widths. Z0 / Ω 10 20 50 80 100 Wl / µm GaN25 GaN10 1000 760 422 320 92 71 24 20 9 8 Figure 5.25: Microstrip line width as a function of impedance for the GaN25 and GaN10 MSL processes. normalized output characteristics of a typical HEMT in the GaN25 process has a saturation current of Isat = 1130 mA mm=1 . In a practical circuit, such a device would deliver a maximum current of around 1000 mA mm=1 , yielding an average DC current of Isat /2 = 500 mA mm=1 . Therefore, the critical minimum line width for a GaN25 device operated under RF power is 50 µm per mm gate width. According Fig. 5.24(b), the conductor thickness in the GaN10 process is approximately half the one of the GaN25 process and thus the normalized minimum line width is around 100 µm per mm gate width. Empirical data showed, that the maximum allowed current density may be exceeded by a factor of two, yielding J · T = 20 mA µm=1 , without loss in performance or risk of damaging the metal layers. Consequently, the minimum line width for the GaN25 and GaN10 process would reduce to 25 µm and 50 µm per mm gate width, respectively. Table 5.2 shows a summary of the upper and lower limits for the line widths and impedances determined above for the GaN25 and GaN10 processes for both considered maximum current densities. For the following considerations the more restrictive 94 5.7 Distributed GaN Power Amplifier MMICs Table 5.2: Ranges of realizable line widths and characteristic impedances per mm gate width, for GaN25 and GaN10 technologies. GaN25 Current density 10 mA µm=1 20 mA µm=1 10 mA µm=1 20 mA µm=1 Wl Z0 50 µm < Wl < 400 µm 21 Ω < Z0 < 64 Ω 25 µm < Wl < 400 µm 21 Ω < Z0 < 79 Ω GaN10 100 µm < Wl < 400 µm 17 Ω < Z0 < 42 Ω 50 µm < Wl < 400 µm 17 Ω < Z0 < 58 Ω maximum current density of 10 mA µm=1 will be used, unless stated otherwise. The above restrictions induce limitations for the design of distributed amplifiers. There is a trade-off between maximum output power and obtainable upper band edge, i.e. the highest frequency in the design frequency band. The trade-off shall be illustrated by a design example of a DPA with an upper band edge of 20 GHz and a maximum obtainable power at this frequency. According Fig. 3.4, the maximum TGW for a six finger transistor is 0.37 mm, i.e. a 6 × 60 µm device. According to the load pull measurements in Table 3.2, Ropt ≈ 60 Ω mm. For the 6 × 60 µm device, this yields an Ropt = 167 Ω. According Fig. 5.25(a), this results in a line width below 1 µm which is not feasible because for one thing the process technology design rules do not allow such a narrow line and for another thing it violates the current density restrictions of the metal stack, because according Tab. 5.2, the minimum line width for a 6 × 60 µm device must be 18 µm. This problem can be evaded by using the NDPA approach, discussed in Section 5.7.1. By choosing the first device to be 6 × 125 µm in size, Ropt = 80 Ω, yielding an MSL width of 24 µm according Tab. 5.25(b), which is acceptable by applying the relaxed current density in Tab. 5.2. In this scenario, the maximum number of devices is limited to 7 to stay below the 50 mS required by (5.32). According (5.32), the minimum total resistance at the output of a distributed amplifier Ropt,tot = 1/Gopt,tot is restricted to Ropt,tot > Z0 ,min . (5.33) Z0 ,min is the minimum realizable characteristic impedance on the specific substrate. According Tab. 5.2, Z0 ,min ≈ 20 Ω for the used GaN technologies in order to stay below a line width of 400 µm. With (3.19) and (5.33), (3.18) can be recited as follows: Pout = (Vmax − Vknee ) Imax 8 where Vmax − Vknee > Z0 ,min . Imax (5.34) One obvious way to increase Pout is to increase Imax . This can be achieved by either improvements in the technology or by increasing the total gate width by concatenating multiple active devices in parallel, where the maximum TGW is limited by 5.33. The 95 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level other way to increase Pout is to increase Vmax . Here, the superiority of GaN as a widegap semiconductor becomes evident, because high breakdown voltages can be obtained. By keeping the current constant, i.e. keeping the TGW constant, Pout ∝ Vmax |Vknee =0 . However, increasing Vmax leads to a flatter loadline, i.e. Ropt ∝ Vmax |Vknee =0 , as shown in Fig. 5.26. Aiming for maximum power by keeping Ropt constant at Z0 ,min by increasing Id (mA) Imax Loadline 0 0 Vmax Vmax Vds (V) Figure 5.26: Flattening of the loadline by increasing Vmax . the periphery, considering (5.34), yields the maximum obtainable output power in a DPA: (Vmax − Vknee )2 Pout,max = . (5.35) 8Z0 ,min This means, that the maximum output power increases quadratically with Vmax , i.e. 2 | Pout,max ∝ Vmax Vknee =0 . Fig. 5.27 shows the output power as a function of the maximum drain-source voltage Vmax for various Z0 ,min with corresponding line widths for the GaN25 process as a parameter. The purple curve shows, that designing a distributed amplifier for Ropt,tot = 50 Ω means a severe constraint in obtainable output power. Therefore, for HPAs, it is reasonable to design an NDPA to drive a load with a lower impedance with a wideband impedance transforming network that brings the output impedance back to 50 Ω. Conclusions on Design Limitations for Distributed Amplifiers The power class of a distributed amplifier is defined by the used technology. A high drain-source voltage is clearly beneficial and therefore, GaN is the preferable material for the design of such amplifiers. GaN allows DC operating voltages of 30 V to 40 V up to 20 GHz, whereas GaAs does not reach more than 12 V [99]. Therefore, by assuming an identical maximum current and neglecting the knee voltage, a DPA designed in GaN delivers 6 to 11 times the power of a comparable DPA designed in GaAs. Similar considerations apply for reactively-matched amplifiers. By keeping the impedance transformation ratio discussed in Section 5.5.2 constant, the maximum out- 96 5.7 Distributed GaN Power Amplifier MMICs 60 Z0 ,min = 21 Ω Z0 ,min = 25 Ω Z0 ,min = 30 Ω Z0 ,min = 50 Ω Pout,max (W) 50 40 Wl = 400 µm Wl = 308 µm Wl = 234 µm 30 Wl = 92 µm 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Vmax (V) Figure 5.27: Quadratic increase of the maximum output power with increasing Vds in a DPA for multiple minimum characteristic impedances Z0 ,min with corresponding line widths Wl for the GaN25 process (Vknee = 6 V). put power in a reactively-matched amplifier increases quadratically with Vmax , i.e. 2 | Pout,max ∝ Vmax Vknee =0 . 5.7.3 Ku Band Distributed Dual-Gate HEMT Power Amplifier The NDPA topology as described in Section 5.7.1 was used to design a power amplifier MMIC in the 250 nm GaN technology. The MMIC is listed in Table 5.1 under ACADIA, standing for Advanced CAscode DIstributed Amplifier. The used advanced dual-gate HEMTs are of the type, where the capacitor CRF is partially implemented in the gate bus of the CG device with source connected capacitor GND electrode via metal bridges, as discussed in Section 3.7.1 and illustrated in Fig. 3.36(b). These dual-gate structures have an enhanced stability and power performance as compared to other cascode topologies discussed in this work. Small and large signal measurements of a variety of 6 × 75 µm DG devices justifying this statement were shown in Figs. 3.43 and 3.44. Due to the reduction of the feedback capacitance Cgd , cascode structures are well suited to design traveling wave amplifiers. The design procedure is simplified, because the drain and gate lines can be treated separately, i.e. without interaction. Furthermore, the gain of the amplifier is increased. However, grounding inductance in the commongate HEMT can cause serious problems, and distributed amplifiers have been known to oscillate at frequencies above the cutoff frequency of the amplifier [85]. The designed NDPA uses five dual-gate HEMTs with gate-widths of Wg = 6 × 125 µm for Q1 and Wg = 6 × 75 µm for Q2−5 , respectively. The larger size for Q1 compared to Q2−5 is chosen in order to fulfill (5.30) by maintaining a realizable transmission 97 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level line width for the first transistor, as discussed in Section 5.7.2. Fig. 5.28 shows the chip photograph of the designed MMIC. By obeying (5.30), the drain line ends up Figure 5.28: Photograph of the advanced dual-gate HEMT nonuniform distributed power amplifier MMIC (4.5 × 2.75 mm2 ). Sij (dB) in an impedance somewhat lower than 50 Ω. A matching network network is used to transform the output impedance to the nominal impedance. The measured small signal parameters are shown in Fig. 5.29. The amplifier was designed to operate in a 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 S11 S21 S22 0 5 10 15 Frequency (GHz) 20 25 Figure 5.29: Measured small signal parameters of the dual-gate NDPA in the 0.1 to 25 GHz range (Vds = 15 V, Vg1 = =1.4 V, Vg2 = 6 V, Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). frequency range from 5 GHz to 18 GHz, however, due to process variations, the obtained 98 5.8 Millimeter-Wave Distributed Power Amplifiers frequency range is from 3 GHz to 16 GHz. Due to stability issues at higher drain-source voltages, the amplifier was measured at Vds = 15 V instead of the usual 30 V. Even at this voltage, the amplifier obtains a high gain of (10 ± 2) dB, attributed to the use of dual-gate devices. Comparable designs using common-source HEMTs reach similar gains by using twice the cell number, e.g. [15]. Dual-gate HEMTs with a large gate width are more prone to oscillations than smaller devices. For that reason the large first transistor with a size of 6 × 125 µm is the most critical device. A way to avoid this problem is to use a common-source device for the the first transistor Q1 in the design. This approach has been successfully implemented in the mmW dual-stage NDPA described in Section 5.8.4. Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Fig. 5.30 shows a third-order polynomial curve fit to the measured frequency and power sweep of the amplifier. Again, the MMIC was measured at a reduced drain 40 35 30 25 Pout Gain PAE 20 15 10 5 0 8 10 12 14 16 Frequency (GHz) 18 (a) Frequency sweep at Pin = 32 dBm. 20 40 35 30 25 Pout Gain PAE 20 15 10 5 0 26 28 30 32 Pin available (dBm) 34 (b) Power sweep at the upper band edge (f = 16 GHz). Figure 5.30: Measured frequency and power sweeps of the dual-gate NDPA (3rd -order polynomial data fit, Vds = 20 V, Vg1 = =1.6 V, Vg2 = 8 V, Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). voltage of 20 V to prevent instability. The obtained output power is 35 dBm up to a frequency of 16 GHz. 5.8 Millimeter-Wave Distributed Power Amplifiers The NDPA topology as introduced in Section 5.7.1 was used to design three power amplifier MMICs in the 100 nm GaN technology. All three MMICs are listed in Table 5.1. The first two designs are common-source HEMT single-stage and dual-stage configurations, respectively. The third design is a dual-stage topology which uses dualgate HEMTs in the driver stage to boost the gain of the amplifier. The simplified 99 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level schematic of the NDPA topology, which is used as a basis for all the designs is shown in Fig. 5.22. G0g are the characteristic conductances of the gate line sections. The optimum characteristic conductances of the drain line sections G0 , . . . , GN are given by (5.30), the phase condition is given by (5.31). The HEMT model used for all designs is of state-space type, where the intrinsic and extrinsic circuit parameters were extracted by multibias small signal S-parameter and large signal measurements at various device geometries and temperatures [6,91]. The load pull verification of the large signal model proves to be excellent, e.g. [89]. 5.8.1 Single-Stage NDPA MMIC The designed single-stage NDPA uses five common-source HEMTs with gate-widths of Wg = 4 × 90 µm for Q1 and Wg = 4 × 45 µm for Q2−5 , respectively. The larger size for Q1 compared to Q2−5 is chosen in order to fulfill (5.30) by maintaining a realizable transmission line width for the first transistor. Fig. 5.31 shows a photograph of the fabricated MMIC. The corresponding small signal simulation and measurement results Figure 5.31: Photograph of the single-stage NDPA (2.5 × 1.5 mm2 ). are given in Fig. 5.32. Good agreement between the measured and simulated linear gain magnitude |S21 | is achieved over the whole operating frequency range from 8 GHz to 42 GHz. The input and output return losses are better than 10dB for most of the band. The resonance at 5 GHz is caused by the shunt on-chip MIM capacitors in the DC bias lines. 5.8.2 Dual-Stage NDPA MMIC The small signal gain of the single-stage design is given in Fig. 5.32. Under RF-power drive conditions, the power gain will be inevitably reduced due to the soft gain compression behavior of the GaN HEMTs and due to thermal effects based on the expected low PAE over bandwidth. The goal for the dual-stage design is to significantly increase the gain by simultaneously maintaining the saturation power and bandwidth of the single- 100 5.8 Millimeter-Wave Distributed Power Amplifiers 10 S21 5 meas sim Sij (dB) 0 S11 -5 -10 S22 -15 -20 -25 0 10 20 30 40 Frequency (GHz) 50 60 Figure 5.32: Simulated and measured small signal parameters of the single-stage NDPA in the 0.1 to 60 GHz range (Vds = 15 V, Id = 300 mA mm=1 ). stage design. This was achieved by properly choosing the active device geometries and a low interstage impedance of 32 Ω. Gate widths of Wg = 4 × 90 µm and Wg = 4 × 45 µm are used for Q1 and Q2−5 , respectively, in both stages of the NDPA. Fig. 5.33 shows a photograph of the fabricated MMIC. The corresponding small signal simulation and Figure 5.33: Photograph of the dual-stage NDPA (5 × 1.5 mm2 ). measurement results are shown in Fig. 5.34. Again, good agreement between the measured and simulated |S21 | is achieved over the whole operating frequency range with return losses better than 10 dB for most of the band. The resonance at 5 GHz caused by the effect described above is observed again. Both amplifiers, the single and the dual-stage, respectively, are unconditionally stable in the entire frequency range. 101 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level 20 S21 meas sim Sij (dB) 10 0 S11 -10 S22 -20 -30 0 10 20 30 40 Frequency (GHz) 50 60 Figure 5.34: Simulated and measured small signal parameters of the dual-stage NDPA in the 0.1 to 60 GHz range (Vds = 15 V, Id = 300 mA mm=1 ). 5.8.3 Measured Large Signal Results Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Power measurements were made over a wide bandwidth from 6 GHz to 42 GHz using an on-wafer 50 Ω probe setup. The chuck was kept at room temperature. The amplifier MMICs were nominally biased at 15 V and 200 mA mm=1 current density. Fig. 5.35(a) shows the measured frequency sweep of the single-stage NDPA at 23 dBm input power. The corresponding power sweep at a frequency of 38 GHz is shown in Fig. 5.35(b). As 30 25 20 Pout Gain PAE 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Frequency (GHz) 40 (a) Frequency sweep at Pin = 23 dBm. 45 30 Pout Gain PAE 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 Pin available (dBm) 25 (b) Power sweep at the upper band edge (f = 38 GHz). Figure 5.35: Simulated and measured frequency and power sweeps of the single-stage NDPA (Vds = 15 V and Id,DC = 200 mA mm=1 ). 102 5.8 Millimeter-Wave Distributed Power Amplifiers 30 Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) discussed above, the attained power gain is below 4 dB caused by gain compression of the GaN HEMTs. The performance of the dual-stage NDPA with significantly increased power gain is shown in Fig. 5.36 on measured and simulated frequency and power sweeps. The MMIC delivers a power of more than 25 dBm with a corresponding gain Pout 25 20 meas 15 sim Gain 10 5 PAE 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Frequency (GHz) 40 (a) Frequency sweep at Pin = 17 dBm. 45 30 meas Pout sim 25 20 15 Gain 10 5 PAE 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Pin available (dBm) 18 20 (b) Power sweep at the upper band edge (f = 42 GHz). Figure 5.36: Simulated and measured frequency and power sweep of the dual-stage NDPA (Vds = 15 V and Id,DC = 200 mA mm=1 ). of more than 8 dB over the entire designed frequency band from 8 GHz to 42 GHz. The saturated power at the upper band edge is 27 dBm (0.5 W). Good agreement between measured and simulated frequency and power sweeps is achieved. This illustrates the suitability of the used large signal transistor model. It proves the correct description of the power compression using the large signal loadline based design approach over the entire bandwidth. It is stated again that the large signal prediction proves to be correct especially at the critical upper band edge as shown in Fig. 5.36. 5.8.4 Dual-Stage NDPA with Dual-Gate Driver Stage In Section 3.6 and Chapter 4, the strong compression behavior of dual-gate HEMTs when driving a power matched load was discussed. The designed NDPA MMIC in Section 5.7.3 confirmed the problem; strongly compressed power gain data is shown in Fig. 5.30. Therefore, DG devices are not suitable to be operated in saturation in power amplifier stages. This section focuses on the application of dual-gate HEMTs in the driver stage of an NDPA in order to boost the gain of the overall amplifier. As discussed in previous sections, GaN dual-gate HEMTs are very attractive for wideband applications due to the reduction of the Miller effect and enhanced gain capability. Beneficial effects of dual-gate devices at frequencies up to 18 GHz have been demonstrated in Chapter 4. 103 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level Dual-Gate HEMT Layout and Realization The conventional GaN25 dual-gate layout from Fig. 3.26 was transferred to the GaN10 process. A dual-gate HEMT consists of a HEMT in common-source configuration, cascode-connected to a HEMT in common-gate configuration, where the former acts as a current controlling device. The schematic representation of the dual-gate topology is shown in Fig. 5.37(a). The DC biasing of the CG device is done via a resistor Rbias of G2 CRF /2 CRF /2 D2 Rbias D1 /S2 G1 Q2 Q1 S1 G 2 D2 Via Via Rbias Bias G2 CRF (a) Schematic of a dual-gate HEMT. S1 (b) Dual-gate (Wg = 4 × 45 µm). D1 /S2 G1 HEMT structure Figure 5.37: Schematic and photograph of a 4 × 45 µm dual-gate HEMT structure. 200 Ω. The capacitor CRF has a value of 0.5 pF and provides an RF-short. An adequate choice of CRF is essential in order to prevent oscillations in the device. A photograph of a four-finger dual-gate device, as used for the design of the MMIC in Fig. 5.38, is shown in Fig. 5.37(b). The gate fingers have a length of 100 nm and a width of 45 µm each. In order to reduce the extrinsic parasitics, an ohmic metal area is placed between the gates and thereby forms the interconnection between the CS and the CG device (D1 /S2 ). A reasonable biasing of the dual-gate structure under large signal operation yields higher drain-gate voltages (Vdg ) at the CG device as compared to the CS device, i.e. the structure is operated asymmetrically. A typical biasing at Vds = 15 V, Vgs,CS = =1.5 V and Vgs,CG = 3 V results in Vdg,CG = 12 V and Vdg,CS = 6.4 V. The MSG of a dual-gate HEMT with the above biasing is 15 dB at the upper target frequency of 37 GHz. This is a 3.5 dB enhancement in gain as compared to a HEMT with the same dimensions in common-source configuration. MMIC Realization The dual-stage amplifier consists of two concatenated NDPAs whereas each stage is designed according to the topology in Fig. 5.22. The photograph of the fabricated MMIC is shown in Fig. 5.38. Since it is cumbersome to reach unconditional stability for dual-gate HEMTs with device sizes larger than Wg = 4 × 60 µm, Q1 in the driver stage is chosen to be a CS device with a gate width of Wg = 4 × 90 µm. Because the first transistor in an NDPA does not contribute much to the overall gain, this is an acceptable 104 5.8 Millimeter-Wave Distributed Power Amplifiers Figure 5.38: Photograph of the dual-stage dual-gate NDPA (5 × 1.5 mm2 ). measure. Q2−5 are DG devices with gate widths of Wg = 4 × 45 µm each. In the power amplifier stage, all transistors are CS devices. Q1 has a gate width of Wg = 4 × 100 µm, whereas Q2−5 have gate widths of Wg = 4 × 60 µm each. The challenge of designing the power amplifier stage is to find the optimum G0,i for large signal drive conditions over bandwidth. Thus the optimum power loads Gopt,1−N of the FETs used in the design were determined by carefully performing loadline and load pull simulations for all frequencies over the bandwidth to 40 GHz. The focus in designing the driver stage is put on gain, i.e. finding the optimum G0,i to allow an operation of the dual-gate HEMTs at a high gain by delivering an acceptable output power. Measured Results The small signal simulation and measurement results of the fabricated dual-stage NDPA MMIC are given in Fig. 5.39. Good agreement between measured and simulated small signal parameters up to a frequency of 35 GHz is achieved. The shift of |S21 | towards lower frequencies arises out of an fT to be lower than expected for the current process technology. Still, an |S21 | of > 16 dB over a frequency range from 6 GHz to 37 GHz with return losses better than 10 dB for most of the band is achieved. The resonance at 3 GHz is caused by the shunt on-chip MIM capacitors in the DC bias lines. Nevertheless, the amplifier is unconditionally stable in the entire frequency range of operation. Power measurements were made over a wide bandwidth from 5 GHz–40 GHz using an on-wafer 50 Ω probe setup. The chuck was kept at room temperature. The MMIC was nominally biased at 15 V and 300 mA mm=1 current density. All measurements were performed in continuous wave operation. Fig. 5.40 shows the simulated and measured frequency sweep of the amplifier at 20 dBm input power. Good agreement between measured and simulated frequency sweeps is achieved. The MMIC delivers a power of more than 30 dBm with a corresponding gain of more than 11 dB over the entire designed frequency band from 6 GHz to 37 GHz. The power sweeps at a frequency of 28 GHz and at the upper band edge at 37 GHz are shown in Fig. 5.41(a) and Fig. 5.41(b), with 105 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level 30 S21 Sij (dB) 20 meas sim 10 0 S11 -10 -20 S22 -30 0 10 20 30 Frequency (GHz) 40 50 Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Figure 5.39: Simulated and measured small signal parameters of the dualstage dual-gate NDPA in the 0.1 GHz to 50 GHz range (Vds = 15 V, Id = 300 mA mm=1 ). 35 30 Pout 25 20 PAE 15 10 Gain meas 5 sim 0 5 10 15 20 25 Frequency (GHz) 30 35 40 Figure 5.40: Simulated and measured frequency sweep of the dual-stage NDPA at Pin = 20 dBm (Vds = 15 V and Id,DC = 300 mA mm=1 ). corresponding saturated powers of 32.1 dBm (1.6 W) and 31 dBm (1.3 W), respectively. At the time of publication, this was the highest output power achieved by a distributed amplifier at this frequency range [130]. The saturated PAE is > 10 % over the whole frequency range. With a measured saturated output power of > 1 W and a corresponding power gain of > 11 dB over the entire frequency range, this is an enhancement of 3 dB in power gain over the band and an increase in saturated power of 4 dB as compared to the dual-stage NDPA previously discussed in Section 5.8.2. Thereby, the PAE is 106 Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) 5.9 Semi-Reactively-Matched Amplifier 35 30 25 20 15 10 Pout Gain PAE 5 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Pin available (dBm) 18 (a) Power sweep at f = 28 GHz. 20 35 30 25 Pout Gain PAE 20 15 10 5 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 Pin available (dBm) 22 23 (b) Power sweep at the upper band edge at f = 37 GHz. Figure 5.41: Measured power sweeps of the dual-stage NDPA with DG driver-stage (Vds = 15 V and Id,DC = 300 mA mm=1 ). doubled, whereas the chip size of the initial design is maintained. This illustrates the suitability of using dual-gate HEMT devices in the driver stage of a multistage NDPA topology. 5.9 Semi-Reactively-Matched Amplifier This section discusses a novel power amplifier architecture which eliminates the complex interstage impedance induced by multistage designs and the thereby involved limitations discussed in Section 5.6.2. The topology allows the coverage of a wider bandwidth as compared to the conventional reactively-matched amplifier, while maintaining the benefits of a reactively-matched power amplifier output stage. 5.9.1 Introduction of a Novel Amplifier Architecture The idea of the semi-reactively-matched amplifier (SRMA) architecture is to eliminate the inconvenient complex interstage impedance by introducing an active distributed power splitter which acts as a driver stage for a reactively-matched power amplifier. The term semi-reactively-matched“ is given due to the traveling wave amplifier character ” of the driver stage which implies, that just half of the amplifier is reactively-matched. The MMIC is listed in Table 5.1 under DREAM, standing for Distributed REactivelyMatched, again referring to the distributed-reactively-matched nature of the topology. The simplified schematic of the basic semi-reactively-matched power amplifier is shown in Fig. 5.42. Since the NDPA topology involves the concept of traveling wave amplification, the input and output capacitances of the active devices Q1 –QN are absorbed 107 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level Power amplifier RFout OMN PA Q11 IMN PA Q12 IMN PA Rodd Dist. active power splitter = {Zint } = 0 G0,N G0,2 QN G0g G0,1 Q2 G0g Rterm G0,1 G0,2 Q1 Q2 G0g G0g G0,N QN G0g G0g Rterm RFin Figure 5.42: Simplified schematic of the basic semi-reactively-matched power amplifier topology. in a distributed structure and thereby a purely resistive interstage impedance Zint is created, e.g. 30 Ω. The input and output matching networks of the power amplifier IMN and OMN, respectively, transform the complex impedance of the active devices Q11 and Q12 into a purely resistive impedance. A patent on the concept of the SRMA was filed in Germany [128] and a patent request is pending in the U.S. [129]. 5.9.2 Distributed Active Power Splitter Driver Stage The driver stage is designed using the non-uniform distributed power amplifier topology discussed in Section 5.7.1, where a simplified schematic of the basic NDPA topology was shown in Fig. 5.22. G0g are the characteristic conductances of the gate line sections. GLg is the gate dumping load, GL is the output load conductance of the circuit. This topology increases the maximum output power by presenting an optimized output power load conductance to each of the transistor sections. As will be discussed below, it is beneficial to have two outputs at the driver stage. Therefore the driver stage NDPA is realized as a distributed active power splitter, i.e. a distributed amplifier with one input and two symmetrical outputs. The optimum characteristic conductances of the drain line sections G0,1−N are given by (5.30), the phase condition is given by (5.31). 108 5.9 Semi-Reactively-Matched Amplifier 5.9.3 Reactively-Matched Power Amplifier Stage In order to achieve high output powers, it is necessary to connect multiple active cells in parallel. By doing so, the total gate width of the power amplifier is increased and thus higher currents can be obtained. Fig. 5.43(a) shows the conventional arrangement of two parallel connected eight-finger HEMTs. It is evident, that the distance ddrain RFout Drain bus ddrain Via ddrain Gate bus RFout Source (a) Conventional parallel circuit of two eight-finger HEMTs. (b) Parallel circuit with short drain connection. Figure 5.43: Conventional parallel circuit of two HEMTs and arrangement with short drain connection. between the drains of the connected cells is rather large. However, in terms of broadband behavior, it is essential, to minimize ddrain . This can be achieved by connecting the two HEMTs in such a way, that the drain buses are facing each other as shown in Fig. 5.43(b). Each of the active devices Q11 and Q12 in Fig. 5.42 is realized as such a transistor pair with facing drain buses connected via a short transmission line. This layout offers the possibility, to place an inductance close to the drains of the active devices in order to compensate the effective drain-source capacitance Cds,eff . Compensating Cds,eff in close proximity to the drain of an active device is an essential measure in order to achieve broadband behavior of a matching network. Furthermore, the heat spreading of such an arrangement is beneficial. Looking at Fig. 5.43 makes clear, that close together drains means wide apart gates. However, since the driver stage is realized as an amplifier with two outputs, it is possible to feed the PA stage on the flanks and thereby dodge this problem. A 30 Ω resistor between the gates of the HEMTs in the power amplifier stage suppresses odd-mode oscillations. All the mentioned peculiarities of the architecture are illustrated in Fig. 5.44 on a schematic representation of the layout of the SRMA. The two capacitors Cbias,G in the middle are realized as one “doubledeck” device. The metal1 layer forms the ground electrode, whereas the galvanic and gate metals form the other two electrodes. Fig. 5.45 shows the schematic cross section of a double-deck MIM capacitor. The resistor for the odd-mode suppression Rodd is connected between port 1 and port 2 of the capacitor. 109 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level Cbias,G Cbias,G RFout Combiner & OMN IMN IMN Cbias,D Cbias,D OMN OMN Rodd IMN Cbias,G Cbias,G Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ RT IMN Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ RT RFin Figure 5.44: Schematic of the layout of the semi-reactively-matched amplifier. Port 1 Rodd METG SiN MET1 SiN GATE Port 2 Figure 5.45: Schematic cross section of a double-deck MIM capacitor with indicated odd-mode suppression resistor Rodd . 5.9.4 Broadband High Power Semi-Reactively-Matched Amplifier MMIC The semi-reactively-matched amplifier architecture is demonstrated on a dual-stage high power amplifier MMIC in 250 nm AlGaN/GaN technology. A photograph of the fabricated MMIC is shown in Fig. 5.46. As discussed above, the semi-reactively-matched 110 5.9 Semi-Reactively-Matched Amplifier Figure 5.46: Photograph of the semi-reactively-matched dual-stage high power amplifier MMIC, RFin is at the bottom, RFout at the top (4.5 × 4.25 mm2 ). amplifier consists of a distributed active power splitter and a reactively-matched power amplifier. The power splitter uses seven common-source HEMTs with gate-widths of Wg = 8 × 100 µm for Q1 and Wg = 4 × 50 µm for Q2−3 . The larger size for Q1 compared to Q2−3 is chosen in order to fulfill (5.30) by maintaining a realizable transmission line width for the first transistor. The power splitter is dimensioned to yield an interstage impedance of 30 Ω. For the power amplifier, the transistors are chosen to be two 8 × 90 µm for each Q11 and Q12 , respectively. They are of the ISV type, where each source finger has its own via. The photograph of a manufactured 8 × 90 µm ISV HEMT is shown in Fig. 5.47. As can be seen in Fig. 5.46, the power amplifier is fed by the active power splitter on the flanks. This is a rather unconventional layout. However, it has some significant advantages. It allows for a connection of the drains of each transistor pair Q11 and Q12 via a short transmission line. Hereby it offers the possibility, to place an inductance close to the drains of the active devices in order to compensate the effective drain-source capacitance Cds,eff , which is beneficial for broadband matching, as discussed above. The transmission lines of the input matching networks are of equal 111 Via Via Gate Via Drain Via Via Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level Figure 5.47: Photograph of an 8 × 90 µm ISV HEMT with RF pads. electrical length in order to maintain the circuit symmetry. Measured Results of the Semi-Reactively-Matched Amplifier The small signal simulation and measurement results of the fabricated dual-stage HPA MMIC are given in Fig. 5.48. The shift of S21 towards higher frequencies and the dis30 Sij (dB) meas sim S21 20 10 0 S22 -10 S11 -20 -30 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) 25 30 Figure 5.48: Small signal parameters of the semi-reactively-matched PA in the 0.1 GHz to 30 GHz range (Vds = 30 V, Id = 100 mA mm=1 ). crepancy of S22 arise from a slight deviation of the MIM capacitors from the target value. The increase in gain above 18 GHz is conditioned by advances in the used technology with the aim of shifting the point where the Rollet stability factor reaches unity (K-point) towards higher frequencies. These latest developments will be addressed in future model generations. The amplifier is unconditionally stable in the entire frequency range. Power measurements were made over a wide bandwidth from 4 GHz to 22 GHz using an on-wafer 50 Ω probe setup. The chuck was kept at room temperature. The amplifier MMIC was nominally biased at 30 V and 100 mA mm=1 current density. Fig. 5.49 shows the measured frequency sweep of the HPA at 24 dBm input power. The corresponding power sweep at a frequency of 20 GHz is shown in Fig. 5.50. Again, 112 Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) 5.9 Semi-Reactively-Matched Amplifier 40 Pout 35 30 25 meas sim 20 15 Gain 10 5 PAE 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Frequency (GHz) 18 20 22 Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) Figure 5.49: Simulated and measured frequency sweep at Pin = 24 dBm (Vds = 30 V and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Pout Gain PAE 5 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 Pin available (dBm) 22 24 26 Figure 5.50: Measured power sweep at the upper band edge (f = 20 GHz, Vds = 30 V and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). deviations above 18 GHz can be observed caused by the effect described above. The MMIC delivers a power of more than 30 dBm with a corresponding gain of more than 8 dB over the entire designed frequency band from 6 GHz to 20 GHz. The saturated power at the upper band edge is 36.6 dBm (4.5 W). The bandwidth ratio is the largest ever reported for a reactively matched multistage monolithic GaN power amplifier at the given frequency and output power, attributed to the novel amplifier architecture. 113 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level 5.10 Conclusion The analytical consideration of the Kramers-Kronig relations and the associated implications made by Bode show that theoretical limitations for the design of broadband equalizers exist. The bandwidth limitations cannot be eluded, no matter how big the complexity of the circuitry, i.e. even an impedance transformation network with infinite filter order n = ∞ is subject to these constraints. As a consequence, for a given bandwidth, the achievable return loss in a broadband amplifier is limited. Bode’s version of the Kramers-Kronig relations state that if gain changes with frequency then so must phase. Another criterion often stated in the context of broadband amplifiers is the Bode-Fano criterion, a technology related figure, discussed in detail in Section 3.5. The Bode-Fano criterion answers the question on how good the reactive part of a Bode-Fano network according Fig. 3.21 can be possibly compensated over frequency (in terms of acceptable reflection coefficient) only. It does not give any information on the required complexity of a matching network in order to realize a certain impedance transformation ratio over a given frequency range. The dominating limiting effect for broadband matching network design is the transformation ratio to be achieved. Because Vds ∝ Rout , where Rout is the slope of the loadline, GaN has an advantage over other technologies such as GaAs. An ideal approach for the design of impedance transforming networks is to use the Chebyshev filter approximation. Chebyshev filters are broadband and have a defined ripple. Ladder networks according to the Chebyshev filter structure fulfill the minimum phase requirement and therefore Bode’s rules apply. A contour plot was generated, that allows to determine the filter order required for a certain bandwidth-impedance ratio pairing with a defined maximum ripple. In multistage reactively-matched amplifiers, the trajectories of the input reflection coefficient of the PA and the output reflection coefficient of the DA travel in opposite directions over frequency in the Smith chart. This is a direct consequence of the KramersKronig relations. Consequently, even if by carefully designing the interstage matching network the two trajectories happen to be exactly congruent, a phase mismatch would result for all but one single frequency. For this reason, the interstage matching network is the bottleneck concerning achievable bandwidth. A novel power amplifier architecture named semi-reactively-matched amplifier (SRMA) was introduced which eliminates the inconvenient complex interstage impedance by introducing an active distributed power splitter which acts as a driver stage for a reactively-matched power amplifier. The designed and fabricated MMIC has a bandwidth from 6 GHz to 20 GHz with a saturated power at the upper band edge of 36.6 dBm (4.5W). The bandwidth ratio is the largest ever reported for a reactively matched multistage monolithic GaN power amplifier at the given frequency and output power, attributed to the novel amplifier architecture. If bandwidth ratios of B > 4 are targeted, the use of a traveling wave amplifier topology is inevitable. Traveling wave amplifiers are not reactively matched and are thus not prone to the Bode-Fano limitations. For power amplifiers, typically the NDPA topology is applied, because by eliminating the drain line reverse termination resistor 114 5.10 Conclusion all the current from the FETs is fed in the forward direction only and passes into the load. This is accomplished by tapering the drain line. However, in order to maintain realizable transmission line widths, the gate width of the first transistor has to be chosen larger than the one of the subsequent stages. It was shown, that because the drain line impedance is decreasing rapidly, there is a limit to the number of stages that can be employed which is directly proportional to the maximum output power that can be obtained. Increasing Vds by keeping the loadline impedance constant leads to a quadratic increase in output power, which makes AlGaN/GaN superior to lower voltage technologies such as GaAs. A number of designed and fabricated NDPAs using common-source and dual-gate HEMTs were discussed. Because DG HEMTs suffer from strong gain compression at high driving power levels, they are preferably applied in the driver stage well below saturation to boost the gain of the amplifier. A 6 GHz to 37 GHz dual-stage topology with a driver stage using dual-gate active devices was demonstrated. By properly choosing the device geometries and a low interstage impedance of 32 Ω, an output power higher than 1 W with a corresponding power gain of more than 11 dB was obtained over the whole operating frequency range. The obtained results on circuit level in the GaN25 and GaN10 technologies impressively illustrate the usability of the structures for broadband power amplifier design, introduced in Chapter 3. 115 Chapter 5 Verification of Broadband Amplifier Concepts on MMIC Level 116 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Outlook A recently published article in the IEEE microwave magazine is entitled “GaN takes the lead” [12]. The fact, that vendors are now producing GaN MMICs in volume and achieving outstanding performance, certainly prove the authors right. The superior characteristics of gallium nitride enable PA MMICs with 3 to 5 times the output power of GaAs alternatives or much smaller die sizes from L band through Ka band. In addition to power amplifiers, GaN proves to be beneficial in other circuits such as high power switches with low insertion loss up through 18 GHz [13] and low noise amplifiers with noise figures equivalent to gallium arsenide but with much higher input power survivability [63]. The market for GaN RF MMICs comprises commercial and military applications, including base station, cable television infrastructure, satellite communications and radar among others. However, the development of GaN based transistors is ongoing. Efforts are being undertaken to further increase the power density and to push the transition frequency farther into the millimeter wave regime. At the IAF, the advance towards higher frequencies is pursued with the 100 nm MMIC process GaN10. An impressive example to demonstrate the capabilities of the technology is given in this thesis in the form of a 6 GHz to 37 GHz non-uniform distributed power amplifier with an output power well beyond 1 W over the entire frequency range. At the time of publication, this was the highest ever reported power for a solid state amplifier at this frequency range [130]. The designed MMIC is a dual-stage topology which employs dual-gate HEMTs in the driver stage with a measured S21 of (17 ± 1) dB, which is a significant increase of 3 dB as compared to a driver stage using standard common-source transistors as in previous work of the author [126]. This demonstrates the usability of dual-gate HEMTs to boost the gain of an amplifier. The state of the art at the beginning of this work was presented in the introduction in Section 1.3. Some of the most important commercially available GaAs broadband PA MMICs were depicted in Fig. 1.3. In the meantime numerous good results have been reported in the field of broadband GaN PA MMICs by research institutions and industry alike. Fig. 6.1 contrasts exemplary GaN broadband power amplifiers published in recent years with the designed and manufactured MMICs in this work. The x-axis represents 117 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Outlook 8 [15] 7 [88] [34] 5 SRMA 4 ACADIA 3 [53] 2 [66] Gain (10 dB/div) Pout (W) 6 [14] this work other work other on IAF 2-Stage DG NastyBoy [87] BeastieBoy 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Frequency (GHz) Figure 6.1: State of the art GaN based broadband PA MMICs in contrast to the designed and manufactured MMICs in this work. Center of ellipses = center frequency and output power on the x-axis and left y-axis, respectively. Horizontal axis of ellipses = bandwidth, vertical axis = gain. Red = this work, blue = other work, green = other work on IAF GaN25 process. the frequency from 0 GHz to 50 GHz, whereas the left y-axis represents the output power at the upper band edge from 0 W to 8 W. The center of the ellipses mark the center frequency and output power on the x-axis and left y-axis, respectively. The horizontal and vertical axis of the ellipses represent the bandwidth and gain, respectively. The gain is scaled to 10 dB per division on the right y-axis. The circuits in this work are depicted in red, blue are circuits in other work and green are circuits in other work on the IAF GaN25 process. All the depicted amplifiers can basically be divided into two groups: reactively-matched and distributed amplifiers, with the exception of the SRMA, which is a combination of both topologies. This novel broadband amplifier architecture comprising a distributed active power splitter to function as a driver stage for a reactively-matched power amplifier eliminates the complex interstage impedance induced by multistage designs and therefore allows the coverage of a wider bandwidth as compared to the conventional reactively-matched amplifier. The concept of the semireactively-matched amplifier (SRMA) was filed as a patent in Germany [128] and a patent request is pending in the U.S. [129]. Nastyboy is the non-uniform distributed amplifier in GaN10 technology with dual-gate HEMTs in the driver stage mentioned above. BeastieBoy is its counterpart with common-source HEMTs in the driver stage and a somewhat smaller gate periphery. [15, 34, 53, 66, 87] are distributed topologies, whereas [14] is a reactively matched Ka band PA MMIC fabricated with a 150 nm process. Although it is not broadband in the sense as demanded in this work, it is mentioned here because it shows a benchmark output power in the Ka band. The rather 118 high output power of [15] results from a large total periphery of 3.2 mm distributed over 10 cells combined with a potent process technology providing a high power density of 6.2 W mm=1 at 40 V drain bias on device level. The MMIC shown in green was designed by Airbus Defense and Space in Ulm, Germany and manufactured at the IAF on the GaN25 process [88]. It is a reactively matched three-stage HPA, which delivers an output power of 10 W from 6.5 GHz to 15 GHz and then starts to degrade to eventually reach an output power of 5 W at 18 GHz. A detailed overview of all designed MMICs including their total gate width and number of stages is depicted in Table A.1. Outlook The MMIC designed on the GaN25 process by Airbus Defense and Space, discussed in Fig. 6.1, is part of an ultra-wideband high power amplifier transmit module for multifunctional next-generation active electronically scanned antenna (AESA) applications. A photograph of the demonstrator is shown in Fig. 6.2. Besides the chip set consisting Figure 6.2: Ultra-wideband transmit module demonstrator for multi-function defense AESA applications. Photograph courtesy of Airbus Defence and Space, Ulm, Germany [88]. of a driver amplifier MMIC driving two HPA MMICs in a balanced configuration, the module includes a DC part with a pulse and control circuitry. The work of the Airbus Defense and Space group serves as a motivation to build transmit modules using designed and fabricated broadband monolithic amplifiers demon- 119 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Outlook strated in this work. A promising candidate to be used in a transmit module is the SRMA introduced in Section 5.9.1. Since the distributed driver stage in the SRMA has a purely resistive impedance at the output as well as at the input, this architecture is predestined to serve as a basis for a three-stage amplifier design. The simplified schematic of the basic three-stage power amplifier topology with distributed interstage is shown in Fig. 6.3. The reactively-matched amplifiers in the pre-driver and the power Pre-driver Interstage DA Power amplifier RMA RMA Combiner RFin RFout RMA Real, e.g. 50 Ω Figure 6.3: Simplified schematic of the three-stage semi-reactively-matched power amplifier topology with distributed interstage. amplifier stages are denoted RMA, whereas the distributed interstage amplifier is denoted DA. The combiner is a passive network which combines the outputs of the two PA stages. The two purely resistive interstage impedances are indicated in the figure by the dashed red lines. Using three stages results in an increased gain performance, which allows to increase the total gate width of the power amplifier and thereby increase the output power. Such an SRMA MMIC using eight 8 × 150 µm devices in the PA stage has been designed but not manufactured yet. Small and large signal simulations of the designed three-stage topology are shown in Fig. 6.4. The simulations show a high small signal gain of (28 ± 3) dB over a frequency range from 6 GHz to 18 GHz. The rather low return losses, especially at the input can be accounted for by using a balanced amplifier topology on module level. For 20 dBm input power, the MMIC delivers a power of more than 10 W with a corresponding gain of more than 20 dB over the entire designed frequency band from 6 GHz to 18 GHz. The output power peaks at the center frequency at an impressive 20 W. This simulated data accentuate the potential of the SRMA architecture to out-compete today’s state of the art. 120 S11 S21 S22 30 20 Sij (dB) Pout (dBm), Gain (dB), PAE (%) 40 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) 25 30 (a) Small signal parameters in the 0.1 GHz to 30 GHz frequency range. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Pout Gain PAE 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Frequency (GHz) 18 20 (b) Simulated frequency sweep at Pin = 20 dBm. Figure 6.4: Simulated small and large signal performance of the designed 10 W SRMA MMIC (Vds = 35 V and Id,DC = 100 mA mm=1 ). 121 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Outlook 122 Appendix A A.1 Relevant Equations A.1.1 Effective Dielectric Constant of a Microstrip Line The effective dielectric constant of a microstrip line is given approximately by [81] εeff = 1 εr + 1 εr − 1 p + . 2 2 1 + 12h/Wl (A.1) The effective dielectric constant can be interpreted as the dielectric constant of a homogeneous medium that equivalently replaces the air and dielectric regions of the microstrip line. A.1.2 Characteristic Impedance of Microstrip Lines Harold A. Wheeler formulated synthesis and analysis equations based upon a conformal mapping’s approximation of the dielectric boundary with parallel conductor strips separated by a dielectric sheet [117]. For wide strips (W/h > 3.3): ZF0 Z0 = √ 2 εr Weff 2h + 1 π ln 4 + εr +1 2πεr ln πe 2 1 Weff 2h + 0.94 + εr −1 2πε2r 2 π ln e16 . (A.2) For narrow strips (W/h ≤ 3.3): ZF0 Z0 = p π 2 (εr + 1) · ln 4h + Weff s 4h Weff 2 1 εr − 1 π 1 4 + 2 − ln + ln . (A.3) 2 εr + 1 2 εr π Weff is the effective width, which is the actual width of the strip, plus a correction to 123 Appendix A account for the non-zero thickness of the metalization [118]: Weff = W + t 1+ 1 εr 2π ln s t 2 h 4e + 1 π W t 1 +1.1 2 . (A.4) ZF0 is the impedance of free space: r ZF0 = µ0 ≈ 377 Ω, ε0 (A.5) where µ0 = 4π · 10−7 H m=1 and ε0 ≈ 8.854 · 10−12 F m=1 . For wide microstrip lines, it is possible to excite a transverse resonance along the x axis of the microstrip line below the strip in the dielectric region because the sides below the strip conductor appear approximately as magnetic walls. This condition occurs when the width is about λ/2 in the dielectric, but because of field fringing the effective width of the strip is somewhat larger than the physical width. A rough approximation for the effective width is Wl +h/2, so the approximate threshold frequency for transverse resonance is [81] c ftran ≈ √ . (A.6) εr (2Wl + h) However, it is rare that a microstrip line is wide enough to approach this limit in practice. A.2 Detailed Overview of the Designed MMICs A detailed overview of the designed MMICs relevant for the work at hand is given in Table 5.1. The total gate width (TGW) is expressed as number of devices × gate width, where the devices of each stage are listed on a separate line for multistage designs. For the non-uniform distributed power amplifiers, the first device with the larger gate width is depicted separately. The three-stage semi-reactively-matched amplifier “DREAM 10 W” is the MMIC introduced in the outlook in Section 6, which is not processed yet. 124 NDPA RMA NDPA Beastie BeastieBoy NastyBoy SRMA DREAM 10 W GaN10 NDPA SRMA ACADIA DREAM Top. – RMA RMA RMA RMA RMA Tech. – GaN25 2-Stage DG PA V2 Circuit name Units DEC 18 GHz V1 DEC 18 GHz V2 1-Stage DG PA 2-Stage DG PA DG CS CS CS CS DG CS DG Dev. – CS CS DG DG 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 Stg. – 1 1 1 2 TGW mm 1 × 0.6 1 × 0.6 2 × 0.8 1 × 0.3 2 × 0.8 1 × 0.6 2 × 0.8 0.75 + 4 × 0.45 0.8 + 6 × 0.2 4 × 0.72 1 × 1.2 1.2 + 6 × 0.36 4 × 1.2 0.36 + 4 × 0.18 0.36 + 4 × 0.18 0.36 + 4 × 0.18 0.36 + 4 × 0.18 0.4 + 4 × 0.24 6–37 8–42 8–42 6–18 3–16 6–20 13–18 BW GHz 16–20 16–20 14–18 15–18 Pout dBm 34.7 34.7 34 31.9 33.5 35 36.6 40 27 27 32.1 |S21 | dB 11 11 10 ± 1 22 ± 2 22 ± 3 10 ± 2 18 ± 4 28 ± 3 7±1 14 ± 1 17 ± 1 Pub. [130] Simulation data, MMIC not yet fabricated Pub. [126] Pub. [126] Advanced DG Pub. [127] Pub. [131, 132] Pub. 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Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 52:08JN13, 2013. 137 List of Publications 138 Acknowledgments This thesis is a result of my work as a research associate at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF) in Freiburg, Germany. First of all, my genuine gratitude goes to my advisor Professor Oliver Ambacher, for his continuous support and for giving me the opportunity to do my doctoral thesis at the Fraunhofer IAF in conjunction with the University of Freiburg. Moreover, I would like to thank Professor Hermann Schumacher with the University of Ulm who agreed to act as second reviewer. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Michael Schlechtweg for supporting this work in his function as head of the department RF Circuits & Devices. My special thank is dedicated to Dr. Rüdiger Quay for his endless encouragement, all the valuable discussions and for reviewing my publications and especially this work. Moreover, I am deeply grateful to Dr. Friedbert “Mastermind” van Raay for putting tremendous amount of time and effort in mentoring my work. The various discussions with him contributed a lot to the successful completion of this work. Without the constant AlGaN/GaN HEMT process development, this work would not have been possible. Therefore, I am thankful to Dr. Michael Mikulla, head of GaN RF Power Electronics, and the staff members of the technology group, especially Dr. Christian Haupt, Dr. Peter Brückner, Dr. Wolfgang Bronner and Dr. Patrick Waltereit for their contributions to the IAF GaN25 and GaN10 processes. In addition, I would like to thank my colleagues from the RF department. Stephan Maroldt for the great time in the office, the many fruitful discussions and his assistance in writing the thesis. Markus Musser for spending valuable time with me on Freiburg’s nice singletrails and Fäbu for sharing the affinity for good McChrystal’s. Dr. Matthias Seelmann-Eggebert and Dirk Schwantuschke for providing transistor models. Sandrine Wagner for her relentless struggle for properly working software. Thomas Maier, Roger Lozar and Detlef Peschel for the many measurements performed to support the thesis. I also would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) and the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw). Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my wife Mirjam for her endless patience and tireless efforts to keep myself free of any obligations, especially in the last few months. 139