Feilding vii. m<vm^ v<>i. fINCOBPOBATED WITH THE FEILDI^S Star. (Published: Tuesdays, FEILDING, THURSDAY, NOYEMBIE 5, 1835. OTTABDIAK and) Thursdays, £ : $ Saturdays. " AiNJJ x&ijuuu. FACTOBY, ! SIMMONDS FURNISHING AND BEDDING . -:■ >: .;-.; - :I{SESTDTALi-I ■'="«".■; ? ' fc^. .■;--. n<t#%eiiad af-Feiiaihgioii: * IMPORTER, AND GOAOH AND WAGGON -' fiUItPEP, -- r ;26th DecSMbbb, 1885.^ '' 1 ; ptMS, SVeirmll - Me.isrsAr/^BrayZW.^BaUey* -Worafold, USm&h ;tfarfihcoomew,Bftb«rfprd .-pi 'B.*Lanßr;and ' f i s.r j-31...^ ;, .--./ -HaidL-.r, «.-:-" Treasurer::"Mr SherwilL '"""', ; MtEamuDd,Gfoodbehere. '" ; i J / l i^ 2nd'.lo>/3rd :T«i*S ■"="-'■- ri:;oi/-^;.-,-.,! -S&iae^lt. .. f :i '^®6it».— t J ...-. :..,-..... .. ." . - .. : :: : ■.. :'.^. ; ; ..Plain ,... Ids,: l«rprize 25»; ' 2nd f 1 : i; ( .... ■;--" — - 1 ;:4 ■■ "- "■ BOOTSi^- v - :i Ordersleft ,M> W% KG.XG. Haybittle's will ' .Ready ' J\Toney .'Sjor.e, m b|, J JAMES PUKEISS, j be promptly 'atteiid'eft to. . STANiWA^ KQA-DjiHAIjCOiMiR ' ' ARehtiat ganson-p:-'W;.' J.Itajrbitfcl^ j and'Fanoj!,GoQds ""■■". "i" ,-.j-.--'"! f ;r.- .'ii-v "»■: i ..-i ilmporterino 1 OliViiL E:N)GINEEB, ; : ABCHI[riEC*r. &c,' ~^^p^L^^^ . ■■■■"■ -j "."■-»■ "■ BOOKsiEJLLEB J All^he La^eßt' Periodicals. Also;'illustrated News .and Graphic. ~~ PHpTOGBAPHY. . G;W. ■ ; - ; '" ' "-" ■ ; ■) ■ 1 . oj ■ ! i^B,^'6». !J6fififktfco:»; '-r.i; \ '30i,'2n«l i 16-JTGooayF Handicap, 410'y«iSis.-fiTo; run under stinxo conv||tif»Bs. as -No. S[ ©Teat, except that haixdicaps"be.'dfcl»re4 lytj one fro^prtvidiiB,±,.1,toVace^VMiigrnn; 3rd< 30», 4(li 10* prize LlO/-> 2nd '■KutMgjy lO^.t^ -. -. r ":...,.", , r A R''o o- T ;BEUSxES iQgS'itp mtiimproved' preparatioii ,b(| will mate to the residentsof FeildThis s ; ; niany peYsoiis\b: and' siifrduhding"district that'he ' found to agree.' with Vdft : , deHcatfi.constiiu^ipp, wljo lire pbljged to will vfeif Feildnigs'on«^edneßda|r in abstain:from taking prdinarjr cofffoe. w ; Ytiung!Ladies!Journal, &lay No., is 6d. each Has sold all his Old Stock and> re- Photo,week? andwill give one Cabinet all.chsc\i?ts tins, ".VSpld.'ija Is and "'"' ~~x'" %s^ ' ' ',by " wtyii eyery; order of, one dpz or :i i:-: ■■■': '■■ .■ '.'Ui': ;.;.. ■':■.;" ' ■ ? , and grocers. ...-f .. , :. K ""'. *./■Something >r Kig^,.Quarterly .Divisions— ..yJsitQ..',.^D^fEpm ■i -■■'-: r .nabr^iClartes^des to Kead,' 2s ;Family Eeade^ prehished' with' 15a perdpz; 7.8 #dhalfd.9.z^ h.Cj,^inets 2s; 'Bby^ofEbglWn'J; 3sr6ajußoya' Paper,' 'from 25s per doz j ISsiper,hall dpz. .'2s;. Girls} Papennas.; QoittpanitßJ ;?fovel NEW SADDLES ;,u»: 1 ..■:,; w '. .; Photoß'can be enamelled- at', a small 2s; .Fpeside Com.-' j- ipi-HEMIBT. AND. BBUGGISM ist^2s-;/ Baya')^orld, ' j panion,'2sj \Boys' ptandara,Ss. extra cost. Addrass-r-G-IW. Shailer, ; "■■■;; TEPLDTNG; -! Mailisiireet,.PalmerstonN. Feilding "' " .■; I in: :;■,":!; ;Uo\J. , ,..,., $e w,,h : .,.". iI :; 'Stu'dio^MrO.W.Fowles\ Manchester AN-KATOES,' MaITINR,, ThUSSJeS.' (fe^ i^pozss|Uii(B:AHg Stationer WANGAKryi. strget* All pijde^ Tjapd' seapeßi and Viewftle'tt-with MrFpwles h -i)OMGS^©F ifHE A^O ,! .- bp ; . ■ 'SOM^TkING ; I Ta^ie.fCieanß^ds Affections . HanHicapi t mild.—; ' T ; i■■- ■ ' ;i j - TT CBEASE.'S TABAXACTJM pR DANJ \ DEI/IGN COFFEE. - - ' ' ... : " l3»."Mtfn<llliit«lit prus»;Ll5f Znfl.LS. * 3rd £1, 4th 15s-l .. ! Entrance,15s. : L'Btiji?~M&, ISO yards;' under iX i& - jwk-uiUfr'prixiiIXL, 2nd iHii, Ssd^Bß^ a -Ql .1 , '-■■! I Mt?*-2*A IS^Bunning i--o-T.-v\f Lonjt Jump.— lst prize i T>liAbTI ■" :; rpHTS ARTICLE is scienti6cally,T>rej '■-■'■""■> .. , j J ■ X pared so as to preserve thestomj ! acWc virtues of the'TaraxaenmBoob;.; | :;PALMEBSTON NOBTH. ,i i DANDELION; COFFEE is reijomj , . "■■-.■" ."■-■""" -=-. | ?authoiN by h ighest mended the: medical ■;'! .■....";■"" j ties as a imost infaluableibeverage^not only,for those who suffer from.Billiarj Disorders, Weak Digestion, Flatulency Order*}-left at-^the Star Office -will be .-..!■: >f -I'jf!; attended.:to.;; ■>■ H :<"i. Nervpuaness, and Dyspeptic ir-'.-\ ; .t'jil!.": JO- ;vo OiiJ J'!'i .: :■";",;■.,.■:."""-..".' but also for persons in.Health', as'a'meann ' Timar]a i Ofcautau, Gor3,-Riverßdale,,Oßmaru> r of warding off many of.the TO READ, : inpidentaljto sedentary■"oecupa^ipns.. , ■'" THE .. . '■ Pnsors£3v iEnftran^ IQ^each team.:._ i '9, 4)i»n QnarterMile Handicap. tst' ;"■:";;■ r>. "■■r-.-'-) --,]■ '.:■.['' )> prize 4S, 2ad'je2r3rii. m,'ftlii6s. Dunedin, Invercarg-ill, ' '* '"'■"■' TZn-i :::! '"ttiflc***--" ii:i ' ;{r ; .:...,../ Aphbiirtpn, Chr^stcliurpUi'and A-uc^tanfj. .'.'"".' may Mae2nd Ll, 3rd lOs.; (Competitors ■W^{W ifo««3i r*. ""■""*'■-■ I Catalogue of Impi^meDtS'^efonßppUcatioff. """lli CBampioni-Bace^. 200 yaraairr-listj £nt«!se/?.fiß.j . prme'XA>Pti£hAMWki ,lst p± tl 1,2. Three Leg|jed,Bace.— 'prize : 2nd iOe.Sr^ffs", Entrance 2k; ■ ■"' "'.;. : Barbed & to ;j : ... ■ i -'. : .'\ -■■ ■ : '■ Brd'6r. J'UnWaacfrSß.."- -'J- f T ">« ""/-■'.':»; r:fiLißf«fcrß»ee,.loQ yardg.-rl»t prize £I. 2nd 1Q«, 3rd-58- Entrance 2a. -"■ 6' ICibf' YaMs liah'aica^:— lst prize] .;.„:,,:,; ..,,"ri,. .;: 1 :4tliiOs. -£S SNF£li4Vii£itMatoh.Smileft.haßdica.p.i .., ..Always "\ . !on hand/ ' . rr?.---,-i T^iWiiliing ',' . '. ,"' ■■■■■■■■_* " "' i-'.-v '= :j .f- :>..- : 4th ■■"'■■ ■:"""" ": v vSrd \--' -T-l»^prj«e.£^ " £1, '" '" Ida.i ,' .'"'l £nirao6e7s. "V" --l©metfoneaoKaide; 7 fc'T«^ofWar : ;/ - .'io »i:-. ..'" . ..-: . . . ;. ..,.. ;y.- .■■;■' . . .'.-. . s:.« . ■. (Punched to siny Gauge) j/!,"'' ; . S. 200iXards Haniidap-^To be coin- ; petod forbj.persoag whe have beenresj52nt »r working in the Oroiia County dxiiiizffi*'HireeT indnthß pre^ious'tdtlie 308,- 3rd X)?. raeei ol»tipri«« .Batiance.ssi " ' .'"":■ ; : ■ at unp/ecc,dentedly low every description: ' the; trade, he,is -:BE^-; ST^DAUB MBO:N, vlnteJineeSSitj .;..., fbd^^rd^L - 2< Boys'.ORae?,, 200 yards, nnder 14 5l i—"jfS«.^B? J ■ better artiale' for iessmo^ej/thanaay other builder in the Province. HavT ( L ii ri -Q "mo- a.full staff offirstrctass mochanicH^efroh'mßncbeing kept- to his particular Fretwork, cut Brackets Wedding, Clfn6tenii^*i§ad Bir^i|ay ol h'fi yeianc|ah alid branch of the trade) is a fujrth'er Rubrautee that all work turned out ? . ...,.-, :to ahy;aesign.. _. y I, .t.^Cakesßiade on tbje.sshpr^ffloticoy tradesmaulike manner. . ih,a AU work doneby^iJie.TiatestImp*ovett Picnics,rFeßtiSal&andiPartieß supplied .;1 Shop will he finishea stylish^ndj , Machinery.' with every requisite. v. j Spring Carts from :^tß; DoVCaks <;ii'jr:-k*-ai\i jjiuaioj^A </ o.U ":; Wiaeciiapel and Pagilall Carts'from £28;. Single Buggies kom£27;. Double HAYBITTLE, j An Ordinary Daily at 12,o'clock. H. W. Tea l! Buggies from£35. ;r . | : ),. :;■■■'£ -iP # ArTn#MSJEEij C% LJPEWEIiLEB, -at 5-o'eloofe " AN© . . Pony Phnetons, Expressesr, Tfadesman's Carts and every other description X j used, doojr torth> $ew Zealand-Cloth- A Good and Every (Next ojilf the best ofmaterials ; ; of vehicle at equally low prices, and theabove ing.Factory) Comiort^mlilbe-iQtm^at .well-known Bestau^ant. 'A TheL Sqoare, Paljmerston North,; ia;Folding. , N.B.— The above pricesi ihclnde ': V ; -v : "STANDARDS' ,;" :; : UMaiden Bace.ViSO Vards.T-To. be '-'V;..; ."-.'■ ■:. :■". , pf-;, .;■;;. ■!> Woi ai adTe^ti«ed *ace. Ist prize'M, - f ■'..{BAEEE3r aa«Kß .A : always A large selection of Furniture PRIVATE BOARDING * HOUSE, -instocks :i/ I ST-j FeILDING. MAT.CHBBTEB U/. ;.s «.'';' V '-'. JT Pictures Framedin every gtyle.- : j Best Bread ,deljyereldJ)aii# o all; parts of tlie Town at|3d Alarge' varietyof Mouldingsto choose j^- rub . . " ..from.: ;."" ;.. ; per 41b loaf. Doors and Sashes of every,descriptip^" Confectionery MidI^^try of allkinds kept onhand orlmade to_order,. ...-..:--.: made.to order^ .of now' building prices. As he is aDirect. Importer, from England and America of all IS therefore in a position supply a much articles used in yehicles l r r i CAMPBELL PLACE, WANGANUI, s{CMtrnkn),. i: "BUCKI NGHAM P'X tA C fe '" : Tite Square, Palmerston North, -' : r l £P81C58./., i)tp;:KlE!SOB . A.RNiss t 1 1 L l-VXmot-M,-.BENJ3TET./'Z\ ■■■.-.";-.HISTOiRY iDH EvMAQRISv, ,vn. !■"■ ; - "'"" " ' year 162Q tp:tl}e 3.igning pf'tfie' '' .-From the "' ,". . . ;..,.:...HOP BIIJTEBS.''J . Treaty Waita'ngi'iiriß4p,' by i J : i; ■ '' . 1 J> of will receive prompt attention. NfeW'«PURB; u '-'■' ';" v r:';: I; Ti£fc V.%jjr^ly''Ak)V>ERTffe KR " & . a n l ' '^TndM'AS'WAYTH'GUDGEdNi 'j; -WTt T 'QTl'i' I' '(T'TTW a'T> icFrST? t^kWff ' ix SqpMM^R^EAL^ffAZETTE "' .:-^-.-' :iv:r=- ,n-.:/ -i.-:i -v.MANCttES^Bß^llE^^'';^',,'' ■"'■"'■ ''''";'.';,, ,- , V^eetliexiracW^.:; |. 'the^est 'd^lpeftt-^Mnftila * ' t)f;the Hemin.escerncejs,:bf thje' 150 yards.— lst pnz*Author f ; ; 17. Lftdies,Bace, -t ' Zealand, Has just l'.a; larga! and Vel^assiprtQdjStQck' of ' I daiz'eftertilJfisHed'ii!t ; £d, 7inl lOr. 'Entrahffc'gsr.rNe* > ,-. . ...;. War.in JS{t;ws;Zes.]fiM'"\ " .: j ! ISiliiidi aM' pSrtictttaW'doneon^airiiri'g^WEKKLY P-^HpES $ The Ab.br-" Contents s jntrddu^tipn # 18":fHmiile.v22ftyard>ivJißncLr eap.— vl() LADIE^'? JO"W.N'i -L !CM:B-N'S/. AND ; 4 [ ; ; AVEßg* : W66,t; I.jExcHXii&!, cerningIfllia ofeSaterMo'etgar^sofStock, hurdh^s^tjjein.hj^h. ..lsfepvizerLs^2nd : i^ines tfF-NeW Zeaiiarifl;Migrationof the "-tj spechii-'drrier ■rom/thf*'beß.ti,Makcrs jji.Now .Zealand.. snmlar securities-^all ;:j 'v; ;.;" ■ ,'k.; .;" C^qp Liens7~and; thejMabri ss. ' £2, ; IOsT .-" Miiori 1 !Traditiori of JEntraneb Bac'e4 LONDON, ■ 3i^L at/d QaaHty |ißfqual;cd. in..^.U'"!??/ , : i -.vv;,;.:;; -." ,'7.. prices "-petitl^n^'' 4f»d ;Vdjnaiiaii^nWi .;,,. : ''tiJ.TltinSinK'i-iißh-Junip.-^st^prize m fßJfnk:his ; Toliungas,; B^apri,Superst,itiipn^ ; Npteii received, V to j Has ust in addition G«' %l.tli-lU!-ll'f: ."■h'-f'titiio- lio^tiJ fVolll14s.6;1. , _■ .. .; j '"'.'' Toas, or"Great Fighting Men ;' .Maftiitii". SHIPPMG A COMMISSIONr MEE- ruptcy, for the -whole Colony, b^i^£3 a 30s, 2ad 10s, Srd.oki Eitrance %%..'.,'.. do.fy Competition. Tuwefcyiof otter,useful }TDaff(jr,V/ ealtji'PgiiVoi^-liiile; JRo&rd. Shboter^'iie 03s. will (Witchcraft) V Causes 'of' War ' -20^ Walking, , 1-n\i!e,^liaud:icivp-— l?t "' Jv* ■■■s! of Ti l ; -"" I Large andVaried Stock:of GENEBAii: Mtlia ft. >: -■"■ H'_.ir_l: _.'.r' ;TJiel ' "'":"■■ JSatives; TrfpUi>jand Thi LineplHqually^hedpv '-to«r prize'Ls,.2.MdX2,3rdLi; 4!h7o'VteiTe:) ,.4_ Bp;anditj . Warlike^ !j J'tQi order;rimy jdescription of Yekfr e6ojm^e^W.^e besi and <J ; and-'i)ahci%' Shoes at frem'Ss.up-:- j MEBCHANDISE, a Splendid' Ad- Character, of the M.aQri&; M^apri ;Mpdef :iQtHIP trance58V- "The t*'inuer bf'the'Wb < Xi^e,u f^ps' T>y^l]>i'ng v> t ' ■ ■■ : j r obtaining the reliBi-iibisli and JOobtinenta/l -Gaods cheapest medium for j. "■"'"'l" ::;". .■■'■■.".".■■ ;::[> ■.' ■ h;:- ->; :i"i J 6f': '. walking;tO'Jp«y*ls:'jard6iMnhl»y.v r .:.". \ , -iV-u .-. : '.: W'ar|are ;'.Former Inhabifahifs 'ofthe^ r{tJ ff-''enii'-6ne-ii riarKolvftitedv': -v; I cciii?.-eomikfssionv seleet4d able, Ample.,an 3early information, so ' ; -^ "■-J v,.ij...- j;.- .-., ; An«k latid Periiasuia ; A Fragment; 5 of, .ti^on S?^ pei; :2\i fiLurdl?s,. 440 yards,- ha«dicap.^-} '; : '' '""'^ of "sortnient ti,3rd10?: lEariy-Doys. j Destructipp.pf $gatiwh^rtj; by- buyers with? Colonial fi^efieiic£ "jrize Ls.'2na j Ift ; Annual Subseri^ion—^kb Guinea. il2li['l - li Pafierhangihg8111 ,;■'.■■"? ' Raids!pf Ngajaih^; ; Baids ' o{ Waikatd \ " M*«H- »ttee?luilf-nttre.-^l*P ]>yiad ' I Ngaiiaw'a ; Te WherowHerofs" dt' (.' Sample .Copies,sent Fije.*, on.applicaEaids of T^,iiuArlA* 3ed}losi^ :Mowi? .©niyit h||lf ; ,v,-- ."■>.s"■<■ ■■ .:-*"■" ;{,J ~i_: .■ i.r- I-.-.- -..■■* ■■ . ',^jghe^t 1 ! P roduct iDri^s. f flpon.l t>. tionttfthe Prdprfeforsi' -' I K A ' J. f . ■<-■ . ;,;..,., Attack on'PukiTangiora :-Dtffdfeteo^tff^e ..periCeht..co.mjn»B^P».- iiOwdersi tenDe caatefrexcludad^.. ,>:.i.!ilp»'-T>BAtJ3E>* CQIfl by! WiKmtSVi Fjght of.at^roaj f 150 yard*, handicap; "23. Consolation. JNamo -; rf of ■ <>r accompaniedby "> Credit .DMCtricj .j|(iihiI■> '■] -i it >i fJurisfcVurcli, Attack ot Tangahoe by WaV'a^oa > X'Aft ".fetters,: /'Drafts ICiS!OWNc I^!2ntflili!3rd lOs^Khj THE KOTJEP VA3SIV. or Or to Mr Carthesr,.Bookseller,Feilding. Fights ; The Greili* 1pftTt-Tbnlittah«6 !in .'"', ;^« ?;«' Ji: of the"! tranes4(.' Anil ii:i:t o-uli .v ::';J: j TribaVi i'' . ■■ :i 6l.d ' .. ; : 'Chief WaHaiWa. "-'" "■'/ 'i -v-.i'i'i< ij"i JPro'dncei: 'Opj^ti-^dHcies of 'lnstttance,! " piust' be' -_j ':„-.-:: V-.-. ..,.-, . . , ,. -j■■:"; :->" : ...<1 ..':. ,' :' ! Nomjnatign8f ;for J t.... fi ._ "■; _;/ 12thDecember'. » Bvp. Clpih^jextrai, %Qli ,wrt ¥?*s*}s? Pf-., 7J! sent in"by SaYur^ay, for floating car^es^to-^s^ sfe^M^s* ) ; f'e»cb)'e*€ht to b%i>paid iJ -' j* h-^^ J^t:'■ :-::i'j:l .fie"" BprenfelT'ChleiofPcVomerLo im Jfw* >!imi^* foT .;":'■i.i.---.--:;":■" .f!; 1 f Taupo Quay, Wam»4nui, .. .:;■■" ;:;;"";;";; j ,:;/" .Yarnishe^,. onhoW-iWtfrnl1 ftflcompanied by aLstatfej. &01. ' .apd r;^estjtQinste!r.,B,anK, .or Ajgi raI: A f j r. s " Of of rSPHTNG^GOQUS from:the ." '.;'. io- ;: ■■: :.■;■ i.>:i::!;-:\r »;; :■■■■■" ■"■< iv t)."-iiNi> otsWh'-Pobire,",*Jie-paet Tec,qiyo]l tttedtoiF -uiblic perforJiaiiceslfor a ]ar.gi&s Stdct Sift woo {TosS^ 1 *6^^f%ay, ttef, inebl<i^d)i jnph.jd.atei ]!Le«iii^:r'JP^«Vii^ii"i»c<']a<i.i«g:'ioiiti3B spleiidirt Ti.VDIB^r^BQ'JTd'- from- SAN Canter;?;i .J.v.iu BT-'-Waikori!* two years ■^""7T ! Pdw^i.t.M lonial Banks. .a.iiMi "»/■.! " ' '' ' ;j ~ P/icf^j bury, and ItafiSrLrB3rarGrass Seed, 2d amii^caUtiesMAUfV^^-* 11^-' .....„, iA'M.fcHieiAM Kr'tiW^aW oi:M?tiiuii;r qnote ~ L <! ' ! Gurrent^nc^ljistsF^fGdu^ : »-.t the mpind.ergO^jeatrance fee.on.accegtairQe^. ""' !v!Ladi'es^'Kid,-M«;;Si "Mte; d;TIWhite, and Onlers received Btas Office V; "' (3d Siipraeut to 16T"^ per pair. . f^r ' j "s -of >rlicV' samples ports, ? bkfvginu: from(8:^ and "necessary AiPirect ! ,anyi j allkind¥ 6f bcfok-binainV^ { ">■'■■'" i "Lefff.Jh^, per, 6d f'i , b<«li*!hjKid aud ? iLea|io.n .■ O&^fro&i^^i^lSa 'iftdies* - Hiirff "vents poat>entries. /Hrj;. j i. r:OAMABU^BLE '^T^iOESi J .«.:.(. SJ. .I^j;;.':-.-v.: > J i uc ?is^ .■".'; iii;:^..^ | inf9irmat|onjonrapp]i pa!r;v;! :H«-Ji'^'- ;-^^-- M mliiWe naiifca on , ' * -.'ft-.-;! ' *a '""■""! .;, . Send,for,mnyle? " Color* :i Ti4;E)iES'iSflt)E3 for Ev.Bning;.:Weai'i and- '| spb«« Mrrle^wm. far^e d^oHmsnrof '.'""'." JF^'pd.'Oa'es.'V':. CiiAF^'."!"..Okjpn's,',' )j^CTQj^iA^^^>)^p>GMffl. '> r_!RL(K) UH/JAWS- W.^f » 3lHfp ,3 ft cdndtaed «S«er ttkeiprmiect rtiletW«hi < 3JO iJ_SHIXTA. " Also to airiYQifSilwge assortmeit ip«i*iHigni^lhl*titealSpttiftsv:j;pb*aifi«fcl< Ohoice^lLinefi itf"G-r'oceriei,, i' via? itlPPE^x^j^AE-TOlo^ /: ? Vegetable and Flower Seeds fr»ni?itbe swrnta|ijipKcßa«; ptHer' nialcea .equally loyr.^ Ihe y^.'n A,14SK..ior Chamberlai^'B^fLOtMi.. >{'.«< oi Ii J ! -mAINi^GI'AIJ^^BKEAiKING | vcoloO OU4-W- ij<xJ& ajjo^-a^l .aDrafns JtJJlsl^pAfethftgsftfnd,;; B?w mm.i»mintsißr(iadiM2elbat^,raa^njlny B^tHCJof.b.:--ts}»<iftt^¥.ftV^ls per pair, owji imift-e, V""'.. '."",,.>, t ■"..!' i XjL aamitted to be the oest n application. PriceListsoah "jo.iFor .#gi>ajrs,fofcc fK>fe^.:,.,^is.J^t»'^^ljyjArit .hjis.^o'^ecJual'fln^tiie^Co^f. ;"; i ' i7 : ( r: ,3!fee;¥wwatu. ■■..g^'i .g ,v; ;:;.,,- ,.f ,?..,.; V".,' -. - 7 . r, [i ■, "janl-lB lei /S^; ;j£'^t;!:<: :.«/> cre|e)d )jfS"A.° 't i %l J fo o§aitkW«pdt ;;1 r .O<r.i">} -.T -iNoTEhTHE! iA'jDpgESS^—^ '„. ,V .._;",., I -.* I";/'' IKKlfitf on S J.. f . j tne uav. t atj6ii*^durt(ni!le^ ftdiii f^rifehVfis prf i 'ls? *hi?di and Admission at -gates.— AduSs 3Cha^b^r^i^Tie^h«;.'qnl^l||ili[^rafc is Iron «nd^rass^'ou^o!ePsyEngineerß pared -tb 'ftr^io'3or'hreak^hotsea Makers. ronunder-J^e^ j^^^,Adjnissiou t< Boiler" znnohtrodijtfJedjtetCis.. .ni. //■■>« /ii *""" Jjlaaies and child-rez lawn.— :Grentleine^ls ' " free 1 i ■Xiil§T iil£->.,,'-"-V iJi^iilJ^ f-° 2 J "tiT-V ! fttffiJSI M* Bill Jiaving engaged snitap^e- {Jus fjf.«<}i ku g flcpnamieal Knnjjes at reduced prices, l^m^ie^ng'tirln^am^e^^nthJ cd jW L.«s ia ,^i,« BEAii^H-' i F<D.B» viAiLß.i-^'-^-- \-: .:-.'- i ;, tHe;«y^iell#eßßeMfel Inui 6 io stooil Boi fl->'v>;l " l^e- %j'st-«Bd- olieafeet-rangeß~in--t'f -iz-q T bsa good Flour, gixirt« f c<mHncnc« at 'Waim-iic^-^'j .L " ffiarßet.>T *i J£ rf / ]}i; ■:..- -Ti-i B»MDuG©a©BEHtBB®v Iftirdfe -iftci»g;^ L-^ioirp j .'l^o hraUifKonirSeoiJ ' -; i..-f-r?- .lei c:'J v: ;..:rjr .!M nphePnisWrify tho^Bloof", c^risfit^^irCEWsofSera'of tfie''T.i>^vS*ftmrteMHK»dhevs " « Orders gpio^|alj||jattended to. ■; i;J-f.'>naa«>iE«JS eJWjjiwifcdc^yand'restore tohealth Pebilitatatetffflawlitetyhb '";;a>»gßw!Jk'e\l«raJnftftr *^» la^laij.ol^iSl," v | l li FenJil«B'yl!«H U or Children to ajßemfAltti4;feiniilVei3h)pJft.ir|,t.^i{M^lbnlal ißßii'i and If X./ orfninotheiJr.Pic -< ■©otihry, Builder,Acveoi-werofSherwill-street, .dujqe at gri9ey,tiia^wUl;.de^coja^et -f Makiao 4^aid.A U M A W ■.ti^,.^.,.i*'i>*'--.t!'u;:i'jiii".':iT:i sw:i:!:r«'y ' Brakes, dopi>le;-iiM aiogleBuggies; 1$Sp and* tJicefs! ait is!"famb'os 'ffcir G6uL:And£hett^aU^v^]?<^^'^W r,s;^ d*ughs, Brohcliitis, llJiMatj.,' FEn,DINOfSTEAJ».IELOUR (-j ''Cnest'ithitsnoeCfnai;' Cofds. ! >*.?. MILL. f.v,' G\andu]ay ,"„. ,f:.)<\-/!ii; veliiieleß^aiidiiqGitet-aidiiig tMSd^e '7/ rr?/ ■■':' *!>:'■.t and otHe» ' rairSHn an^[jEp][ncpnirac.ted ap&,stif -Hismotto igtiie^f'Njnibie.'Ninepenoe." 'fr|psl ' :^isea^s-^ l 'Tu'i («.:"■■"■■'; I-.J r--u-.t.ti!i::--tiixii"ll 1 and han^g^h^jrsesalgaj^rdafLV^^ r ■$^ellinfes/-ah^ u ; r 1"->■■ jdintaita^s-lm^aicfiarni'.;:^/'7 -'lV q e Spfs'S" L E " Drays, &c.,-*ra^de a»#»paired -wit ,^;«. ;" .wn.^ .^.ii—x.>.ford '^ iathy ''3nl^ at %<s<?**?*> &c, ac r ;":,■ -.'!> ,i Ti'eo:iri latf4o x-ixmrr .1/ .'A F---S Sillrwbr^ Mulberrr; )< :"!:,"' .fo^aU^^^^.^^.lla, Sir?e(j,X^h, Mlid/aw !trty ;: ; commodated, ttntP" commercialtravel J !<iDjay be had »f all {^e^nf-.yei\d9rs^tlirqugh^, V.' : oti^e; j■' :.4*ir|^^rfiii>r*ttgl(^&biw!eagf W, ila»^'3.«-e'ac)f: a^d soil J^-PHOBNIXifFOUNBR^SO Ji6X 6r the il.|i^ 'inatUraAllasra^iarhiohi govaiTi it riS^BE^N'AB]3>^»G6J«I*UPi^ ' f>& ,©(IRP Propwbtpbs. ;Jiab?l«,,Oft. ttb> $a&J.a»df, Bpxej. Ij£; ; v>^plfa|leW'«lio^ia ibqlc lefs'i^&Wa«^fro*fi ROBEBSa?O>Ka ; J <iO 1 , ,i,.'vr /", pja'fih&isbo^e^t^iatied/l l;h ; ", lit^Gi^r^iw^olldigestJLO^ftnd^utri-, London, not' nv-^i fW rallrfsß-is "o^S'Oif^d-Streeti .-tWi WP«ioM>: is|t» "-".^ydTiovEEi^; ''''ri.Alp^/^i'-^APH^fe,^ district .i^ho " p '' " : T.ecei^d ■-- ■ : . .. T idai^BH^N'^ I^.^ 1 l ;_; n r r V^e' ■ . ■' %jl - - I ■ : ■ '■■ J JO^' *■ .. .. : ... K;;rj;ri3N ,;: v; !w^'.': ; -^ ...l'ainte: - - . — - \:Z\ . l '" r .. 'Wfri'M^'S" ri '■ . . . <%f # ; ■ I P^enV.^WsPSf-^v&V^:'M - ■ **' .. ■ t &ime ■-■" 1 r: aa-foUb^^^l^r' . * * af ! 1 j fflffin\v&g IVx - r "'clu^sj^a^shep!.!^^,!;; ■ r*kts&* ( «, VisHI^AMS^'ANip^POUJjiJRY . obasiii^r — .. ] , qBApFU^-^^FQjBTING. ooc®te f Wed**W^ i&^es, freet^Jafe^Vi out"^tftf. f^ o^"f>**^ — -ijj; i,»t fotod-e«?ii!o;ii.'il{ yjii 3r. Garryiig brisiijpsaaJGiHfciiuiedas.-;; lxiiia«Jiitkerfco-.>iit ]°urf»loti It* .OsilfJ ii«i3S4ai*dO JiJ -""fiiTOtjlflU ' r_ l ■"' ..t....p.|iT — liun'-ivft (J - "ALsflßi JXjL l Wl»l !!■! <ll*i Ttjn^ .;";" .''jji-^jo '-j-jo/'iiifJ^.'_^X'» ;>yan A .Biioeki^' ilry©^&l»Be#ef ii iou f»'is aiowo4!— — __ «*'>i]<m.»;l^ of'iT '^t^6^r^f^e^ted>''f t ''Toy ilie seveibpnien^Sf a^^oie.s»je Bh ! u , ■at - ->" j ■-?""in PRINTING all it^l^aacliefe &s.QOtfe& JOB itihe-i:Star ß'^ , Tiojf SAi^aAiM^^^itak. ■ 1l>W&: in 'Watcl»AaicerS 'and Jewellerp ; l Ofijoe f.;.-GJiJarges*-, veiy '- 036todnbaiali g iandH»ii<prpperfy riouriaiatdxr&ajiacrd. -n )t<swdfcitt'<ihd«olDnsi?iuaj Bee artici^*ilfc iheM^ivil^iServio^fiG t- Boans or Peas, on4fe?efpt^Cf^P.g)^ s>H)h_<i izqtffeia fwnufxxjBi^t .( iOß&e*xprifitttinpa.lUll^ull 3x.'.m odT "), fin^afcijfeo'ttlieiriaclva i-y/ < tii .MtiCdfetsiin^ly'wiib^hoilia^wateuif ri fCiisfcoraers wili T ri: ,T<'^»<r/>t^.%^ai£d&e $t ''> r''» s, flfr'ptttfkßte'b^^mer mili&^afcHtf *'■ ri»Belledf(fclmfiK-r^> 446 oJi ,y*b«oM 1 i . vrork'G-uarfti^e/e/i. i-jvo/. (>I E^s^mates " Ij^eenkppp^teA AM^t^Je^artn^itf; [grjc^^aifcatokuesfoafljmiic^ti^^ i 'the7 fl^ «! «. -.»di !!? toft*N ! //iSWJf** Mj;®D.i,>W.auga.Aiu.j ,,. L O^^VO^r-E p^'«f a^pni.uih^'djs^f*.. ? t^i'^v " 'Nfwf^Wiwnft^nd^ and;. possibly spppljr. atl.4,nfpraiatiQs[ Ml" Liana rAgenfS"&pd Auctioneers. f^isl>ict' »t lowest v Vsi^s.?Jt Hewill from,this !<Jate,,T?e: the iC,p.njp'au»;Jß.,Bayer ■-■ '; ?? PtmtßEß? fe-->CrA^rireTEßiA"f'i=. |: B/lf,<u^rU Solicitor,";. ::r,-::? i:;fiEcJWlE^fesrfey;! v :"of '\£JP' , fo.r,.CasJv „,,;,,-,,:,. BuUer .: ! '■■" _i\V^X; X^1 Q: ■■■■■ -■-'*■ .v ,/ ..":'."!■■■.;;«;jPgHjjlNfr^AKD HiIiOOIJBE, r Packing done 1 (> "■ ; ; A . ' ( ! , :? " 4 or* jfchgiiShorteet'insotic^ ?» > JA^Tt-Vi of JalHdescripti6iiß.iiji- #a*inJ'lmde|-j - -f &ftiikWiQfibltsi fefeSptJg our- Foxton-New^toQMMWaM 0 - m&BseJ6i selves well-fortified- with pure blocd collections rat mue^pmmdo anypo i^ H!!?^!»9MP* l<i }!^^' orSers prompuy»t:.^^a to..^, j " 6fc u i! / Hoisesßlio:* W from 44 JiJliJ£, li li3-ii *r .JSl' g?.^ I," i{We'sl"l(oaißible,' i Jobbing doneTjftl?: *■-■ rtstT ns ready to attaololtffrHfeft ? ".J-rf^ov^.^dnftiaYff %M. ij around f&Jtfk'Wedl^r <ari(3hmb#*afiTOfi& there is S^BSffp«B?? asW^ may esea} e^ .77M ft. ar*lgrij>and' l s -a)*u<-J ■■■„'* well:seleistacL ; . ; proportions of Vi: " Business next to JHe )Hifpes StoreinKTOiboltiUroE^i^. by hfiteritiiMn to-othtnnes^ stei^^ood', .^otfteiansMipJfo.ti^rit'/ft fair[«fefefreTof O'iers t "S'etrers 6f ■"Kufcl^i?*pfea^eflfifflfia[-" S^l^.ofe^nciGpfe^ay; suitablefor [ESTABLISHED 294fEi«S.«]* cl .11107 Offi 7(1 fiOilUt BOOfi!*! - (U:us: rx.l siW.&'GI&V Kyi im-^ y.-ff ! ,;r.-3;;--;.i,T'Mii tii ■"'"i f«>.3i» jTvoIT .ffcreaMa^Sßlev'^wi^a fc'mibmijearn or hcrse^power, A Small Boil| b^afe|e4*fefcfaiinayi)swfdhb wA, J .i'l m&BtO 8 3 - "[ ' *.. r-«ffirßfi«ff. ygSa>iKe. s&mokml Nobth^ PALMEKgTON Maik-st. r- .mahyaho^vyHdootte-'&ib^tiiHjt kafe* r J th§ opdifiy)HSaMf 1^! rtfelr'^ ik * 3 CQ]leGtiftnß-QfJh&ck6i<se * /2\EF-E-B8 ' AMX#a^^a^tu%ktt'df-4Sp^eay'a to order. (sNifca»iEQflid j, o IKloWer .Seeds nallypuilt ur nniiij strong enougn t o \J P^f^bbl^Pijge^Vittt^rMShet '" suit all sizes of gardens, containii g motion, the Afco^^^^M^^^^feSPK Table Jjattfps, Holloware, and numer. ■Ordsre dfelivei:qd/(t©i any/!s»ik<P>.r!»i Sj bestInmarket atreduced all tha^a?lqtt?sil#nfc3*ift6 seaap: i. ] 1 [ 6Tlr»oTiridiu«<Bstriefethtttlie b#skJp>iss( ( - - : - rtna nne ja ivitol- EO ; IH4SHEMNiA^iootiaesitQ:!!!! >> " inliaWtairfiaiofli^Wingftiidttfti o4' <Bfeck^mitii'9XiShj(ipiiaaa,,. - T c»-'« ft-*;>-.qa , «f i\fi nuyilirrrrn—hr, u i^W-A caii'^^^liWdVl- ' '^ iSnTBiiN-€ iW'S-'l©."? Yrfifrfl'OO^ 1 JET" ; -QBEKBia;Nft3?loJßho-«o^ :; —— .^\^Wfr:M>&s* t OIIT gfl-g %6^^ ■" | Sepfemlier'6tti?lß^. , ■ y';, : 1 - %' THE FEILDING STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1885. AMEM6AN SADDLERY DEPOT, MONEY. SHIPPING NEWS. Febgosson stbeet. Foxton, This Day. competent workmen I The Jane Douglas sails for Wellington turn out all on Saturday at 10 p.m. We havo received the October number of the New Zealand Industrial Gazette, whichis as usual very interesting. We learn with regret that Mr F. Eoeis atpresent confined to his room with an attackof inflammation of tholungs. If G. A. Sala cannot be induced to lecture in Feilding or Palmerston, it wouldbe a good plan to make arrangements for a special train to Wanganui. A meeting of the committee of the Feilding Benevolent Society willbe held this evening in Mr Bray's office at 8 o'clock. The business will be ordinary, and to considerthe Hospital andCharitable Aid Bill. To-day is the anniversary of that once celebrated,but nowalmostforgottenfireraiser, GuyFawkes.Ifthis herohadlived in these times he would probably have been either a liberal insurer of house property or apopularlecturer. Very severe frost was experiencedhere We publish to-day the train arrangements for the Prince of Wales' Birthday. The ultra-fine " rompled." CABLE NEWS. Sporting Beaton ladies say THE MELBOURNE CUP. BSUTEB'S TELEGBAMB.] London,November 3. The high class people of Thibet never WON BY SHEET ANCHOR. wash nnd never take their clothes off. A Ll»vd's telegram from CapetownanCOMMERCIAL. Happy Peoplr! nouncei the arrival at that port of the THE FASTEST TIME ON EECORD. Tmgev Bros, were the success- Coptic with thelost of tyro blades of her Messrs LONDONMARKETS. [heUTEBS TEiKGBAMS.] ful tenderers forpaiating the GospelHall propellor. The C«ptic left Plymouth on in Warwick street. Melboubke,November 3. (PEB UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION.) October Auckland. 10th for It is understood that Monday next Cup, 2 miles. Wellington, November2. Melbourne The returns in connection with the will be observed as ■ close holiday by The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Mr Loughlin's Sheet Anchor r."l French electionsshew that200 member* Mr the business people of Feilding, have received the folAgency Company — Reid's GraceDarling 2 lowing telegram: London, 30th ult. Captain Edwin telegraphs: Warnings pledged to aiti-Eepablicprinciples have Mr O'Brien's Trenton .'.i ,\&f 9 for to been depressed. gales Austraafter from 12 16 hours have elected. The tallowmarketis The other starters were Acolyte, lianmutton and beef have each declined been sent to ail places south of Napier The Grand Jury havingconsideredthe Bosworth, Blink Bonny,' Sntißner, The and Plymouth. per Is cwt sincelast report. market New case brought against Mr W. Stead,editor is dropping, and the prospects of some A womai whose husband wa» blind,| of tke Pall Mall Gazette, for the ab- Brown and Rose, Cerlstf anW&tfe, are unfavorable in consequence of the being asked, "Gin her husband widna , First Chester, Coriolanus, Cyloptr, supplies being in excess of the current feell it dull, no'bein able toraad?" Na, duction ofthe girl Lilly Armstrong «n demand. na," she answered, "ho diina feelLthat. which charge he wascommitted*ftr trial Despot,HilltdpjDunlo^^KjtlNubfcles, I readthe Scriptures to him every day, at the preliminary investigation hag j Liverpool,Lgsbia,.ILoid Exeter, NOTICE. an' mony's the bit I putin forhis quid." found a truebillagainst theaccused, and denfeldt,Lord Wilton,Mfi^oMinervajl!|^' hist night and this morning. The damEyrestreet A residentmborrowed aj the ease will be accordingly proceeded1 Plausible, St. John,.Prometheus, fit. Subscription* andad- agedone to the potatoecropsis extensive, to shoot a cat to cure it of its with at theCriminalCourt. vertising accounts to Septem- whileplantssuch as pumpkins, melons, pistol Lawrence, Storaoway," Thunderbolt, poaching proclivities. The sagacucumbers except where under cious animal(we refer to. the cat) appears Mr Gladstone it announced to open Tom Brown,.Win^,.Velocipede, War— ber 80th, are requested to be paid and glass havebeen cut down to theground. to have lorthwith. scented its danger for it took hit electioneering campaign at Midlo- wick, and Yellow Hammer,' one grape, vine in Mr Towler's On CURTIS, KIRTON & of Stevens and thian onNovember18th. " The fieldgot away wjth.^eple^djd charged. and Manawatu Counties, for from orchard,particles of ice were discovered refuge on the parapet Proprietors. hanging in great numbers. Gorton's warehouse in Fergusson street, The Covhcil General ofNewCaledonia J. HERBERT HANKINS, three to five years at the option of for throe days start, where it remained and have petitioned the French Liverpool, Brown-^aad^Eoie, Feilding Star Office, Solicitor, Palmerston N- theborrower. Government Arsenal, andSt. Jpjin, being_qufcßSt Dr Monckton who \% in the Commis- three nights. The cat is stillliving. 2nd, November 1885. toannex theNewHebrides. / Loans promptly granted if approved. sion of the Peace for the colony and is Some complaints havebeenmade to us H A w Interest, 7 up to 8 per cent. The latest news from the Soudam on their, legs. Passing Vthft^fefnd, now avititor to Feilding in connection of the non-delivery of certain telegrams with the New Zealand Government for personsresident withinthe prescribed shows that the rebels are steadily ad- Prometheus,~First-6hester, Thunderper annum. WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, NoCommission charged to borrowers. Insurance has kindly placed his services distancefrom the post office. We 'have vancing^ to thenorthward. Abw Hamed bolt,,and Trentonmaintained the front as a J.P. at the disposal of the clerk of made enquiries from Mr Halliday, the Manchester Street. No Valuation fees. them, as well as rank,Liverpool lying^aßdutfSeventh, theCourt untilthe appointmentof other postmaster, and find the errors were it now threatened by THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 1885. No charges whatever except for necesKoresko, a town between the first and and going very strongly,; j,A$ Jo&tyt gentlemen to the positionis gazetted. entirely owing misconception Adjoining the Premises of the Old to a and sary deeds. secondcataract of theNile. Frvldihq Star Office. We understand that MrE.H. Wright arenot likely to occur again. neared the bridge over&e Saifaiiftt&r Apply direct to the Agentat Feilding, Signs of the Times The result of the annual mamioipat river, at thebaxsk remains in the same conditionhe was imiSverrecently "Cotopaxi, a volcanoinEdnador D. H. MACARTHUR. mediately after the attack heis now suf- began a serious eruption. Streams of "lectioßi show that the majority of those pool went througho^'the Hor^eßf^ig^t^L 'his That feeling of utter helplessness fering from. There are, however, some lava, with ashesand stones, overwhelmed electedare Tories. 85,000 ACRES slight signs of a change for the better. part of Chimbo, situated near Cotopaxi, Farther emigration of Germans toNew past the scraping-shed,-f6lktired by which has for the past year or two Deep OF sympathy is expressed on all and 100 houtes were destroyed. The Nordenfeldt, Treaton/ LAND exercisedsuch a paralysing influence sides with Mrs Wright who is naturally, number FOE WELLINGTON. FIRST CLASS of killed is uaknown. Guaya- Guinea willbo disoouraged after the end andSheet Anchor; in theprqernapc^, FOR SALE over themindsofmanyof themostener- very much grieved at the suddenprostra- quil reports state that the eruption began of this year. IN THE MANAWATU CO-OPERATIVE Cairo,November 3. but as the field swept round tie hone at 1 a.m., sounding- like incessant disgetic of our fellow colonists appears tionof her husband. j STEAM SHIPPING COMheavy MANAWATU. by charges artillery. Messrs of At times given One more chance is of the threatening at- turn into the straight liverftstfF d&d In conseqnenee to be giving place toa spirit of energy PANY. Limitbd. mHE EMIGBAJST & COLONISTS' Summers and Mayhew to the public of |there was a continuousroar. Guayaquil titudeof the Arabs, the second battalion away to nothing, andj^eet 4gifh£r In Otago and Canterbury it is now Feilding of purchasing articlesfrom their is 133 miles, fiea Cotopaxi. DOUGLAS, Capt. of theDurham Light Infantry have been! took command of therunnings Trenton »HE S.S. JANE r\JL Fraser, will sailfor the aboveport AID COBPORATION observable that landed propertyis a extensivestock of fancy goods, atprices ordered to proceed jap theNil*. comingrVery ffist on th© ffave the above quantity of land For marketable commodity, and although whichare simply astonishing. The cutNew Goldfield (circumstances permitting). Sale, in sections varyingin size from 100 lery, glass, and crockery-ware are all San Fbakcisco, November 2. ; lying third. A magni^cent^raoejen10 Saturday p.m. On at to 500 acres in the MANCHESTER the fictitiousvalues obtainable five or really first-class, and are being sold for ThePacific mailsteamer Zealandia ar- suedfrom the distance p^^&omet be(FBB UNITEDPBBBS ASSOCIATION.) BLOCK, MANAWATD, the most ns- six ago arenot reached, yet sales can lessthanhalf their cost price. The shop rivedhere yesterday from Auckland. Wkllington, This Da;. Freight atlow rates. in theNorthIsland. by Wednesdaynext. inß<district must becleared tween Trenton, N6Vdenfeldt]q This will W. G. ROBINSON, received inThe landis of the best auality,and in be effected at a price. The Government have ReceivedNovember.5,1*10 a.m. Darling, and.Sheet AiicherViDut the the sitting of the Bankruptcy Agent, Foxton. many cases has very valuable Timber permit struggling farmers and others DuringMonday, London,November 4. last named held his own gatnelj'io Court on the Official Assignee formation of a new field of gold in upon it. to relieve themselvesof their burdens : beforehisHonortheChiefJustice Rivertondistrict,but the extentisnot Arrived at Plymouth Garonne from the finish,, distancing The ManchesterBlock is the centre of of heavily mortgagedland, andeither brought amatter which his Honor Judge RichIndustry, Gordon, Timber threeMr of Inspector the Manawatu Australia. by half a length, the same;inssEyal expressedan opinion shouldbe known. fourths of tho Saw Mills in thatCounty enable them to make a fresh start in mondhad STEAM TO WELLINGTON. brought before the Court. The estate of Mines, who is travelling in Lake Per Merchant Shipping and Under- separatingthe secondand thirdhotses, being situated on the Block. life, or allow new men to take their J. B.Harperhad had to pay costs to the has been asked by writers Association, arrived Motley Trenton coming veryiatjiat'th^fjdi&h. fI'HE B.S. TUI, CAPTAIN POPE, The land is opened up by roads, in places and work the land profitably debtor's solicitor, he said £30 odd; a Wakatipu district j metalled, railway and the the Government to report on the new from Auckland,July 20. many cases 1 willsailfor Wellington— amount— servicesnnI simply monstrous for Madbas, November 4. Then followed Nordenfeld^LiverpooL of through general the and so add to the wealth On an early date. fromFciton to Patea runs : discovery. connection withadjudication. HisHonor Major General Prendergast and the and Brown and Hose 'all m>aJbtMch. settlement. the country. Men are beginning to did not make any remark. Wellington Taking into consideration the quality Passengers taking Beturn Tickets by troops under his command, forming the The time, 3m|n^9|^Bd^ Times. The Pohangina Roefs this line have the optionof returning per of the soil,its accessibility and proximity discern that the worst is over, or that second detachment '. of the expedition est on record for!the M^lboQfnffii^ap TheManchester Rifles met for drillon "teamers Huiaand Stormbird, either via to .Railway Communication, theland on theyactually know the worst, which in The Hall, ASSOCIATION). army force for service m Burmab, em-; by one and a quarter Tuesdaynightin the Public when (PKB UNITED PBKSS the Manchester Block is by far the cases of this kind,amounts to thesame Wsngnnui or Foxton. each was handed a present copy to-day Rangoon. , the member barked for cheapest offering Wellington, betting pest jrasras now to would-be Norember4. at the i^fc^|if Co., and ' Messrs Skelson thing. Where two such provinces as of the rules of the corps, for which a getiler. of Field, WangaI, surveyor, PalmerstonAgents. Mr H. C. Nordenfeldt:& to Trentoi ' and Pe?The populationof the Block i« at pre- thosementioned above begin to clear receipt was taken. Any member whois ■ui, AUSTRALIAN NEWS. A. C. BISHOP, has addressed a letter to Dr Hector pot 8 to 1 Liyerpool 10. to' ly'Sheet absent from parade in future, without the gloom which has leave, Agent, Fftxton. sent about 3.500. every case,under re Pohangina reefs, in which he states will be fined in Anchor, Grjsjce' Price, 60s per acre. 45s per acre of themselves of — CBIUTKBS TKIBOBAMB.I can remain on mort- overshadowed them for so long, itis thefollowing scale: Commissionedoffi-1 that after spending a,week ia examining IWITEA STREAM SAW-MILL, the purchase moneyupwards and Rose 16 to 1, Aco|yie anaiKit November Mklbopbnk, 4. if desired,at safe to assume that other parts of the cer, 3b; non-commissioned officer, 2s t thelocality so far as vegetation allowed gagefor3ye^rs and FEILDING. 7 per cent., and further, in order tomeet colony, which have even superior private, Is. Thesefinesmayberecovered he found no indication of quartz reof. The returns for the Copare the largest Nubbles 20 to 1, others 25 to 59 to 1. mtheß.M. Court. on record. The New the views of settlers who desire to use all advantages, will, P. & J. BARTHOLOMEW, and in fact they are It isnot oftenthatprofessionalcreditors He kai strongreasons to believe some of theircapitalim improving theirpurchase, 1 Sydney, November 4. whosechance At one lime "was ditueh Proprietors. the Corporation will refund the 15s per beginning to look at their future as aredone full justice to; a man'sdoctoris the assertionsmade, repeating the *rig- His Eminence CardinalMoron arrived fancied, wpuld TOTARA, RIMU, & WHITE PINE acre in the shape of afurther advance on not gallop'a havinga brightercoloring. Wegather usually the last creditor he pays. On iual prospectors' claims, are untrue, and to-day from Europe,and met with a most never Suppliedin any quantity. mortgage at 7 per cent, when the purprominently^ showed Saturday in the Bankruptcy Court, His only circulated to deceive. Dr Hector enthusiastic reception. ; juierac^ Timber delivered to order at all tbr chaser has completed improvements on from the speech of the Chairman of Honor theChief Justice saidthat inhis states that he knows the district, and Sir Alexander Stuart, ex-Premier of while Trenton>-covered bimsellswith value, the land to thai withoutfurther Directors of the Bank of New Zea- opinion a debtor who did not pay hisI townships on the Coast. New South Wales, will shortlyproceed glory by the' part he took Ip expense for deeds, Ac. This to thebona land, make in Auckland a few days doctor was dishonest. In a case before that the stone is much the sameas found to England. fide settler who necessarily improves bis mendous struggle, and. unier^great Albany,This Day. him, man whowas inreceipt of £3 per' at Teruwhiti, Wellington, and further TIyTAKINO STEAM SAW MILLS. landis equivalent to allowing the whele ago at the half-yearly meeting of week,aand The victory is a goodone married, had neglectedto pay that there is noreason t» be sanguine. difficulties. yesterday Chuaan arrived after' The of the purchase money to remain on shareholders, that it had been long his medical man. His Honor said he W, W. CORPE, Proprietor. October 2nd. noon with Londonmails to for Ballarat of the To-day's Chronicle says: We may at 7 per cent., or arrangements consideredsuch asmost dishonestdebts. Totara and allother kinds of Timber mortgage winning can be made with the agent by which apparent to the bank that its large Press. Anchor that Sheet and say to our mind it bat been made j (dressedand undressed). improvements to be effected within one and increasing resources and operaIn Vienna one day recently an officer abundantly clear that the Pohangina INTERPROVINCIAL NEWS Carrigan £7,000. The victory proved year can stand in the place of th* 25 per tions necessitated a wider field than atone containsboth gold and silver. It Anchor, who is')Hi'[&.biirrdle Ordersexecuted promptly at theabove cent, deposit (timber sections excepted). New Zealand offers. Looking at the betanother a large sum «f money that he has [PER UNITED PBESB ASSOCIATION.] { Sheet yet, however, to be determined ceuld not empty a quart bottle of Mill. The purchasercan alsohave the privilege whether the precious metals are to be Auckland, Norember3. ; racerr to h^:^''gt^. of payingoff at any timethe wholeor part assets of the bank (£14,800,000) it champagne at one draught. Ho asked found in payable quantities, and for ' T to to think thematter over, A disastrous fire occurred■'■the town* therebeen a coupleofnioie ßtrMeß STEAM SAW of the purchase money, such part tobe was obvious they could not befully for half anheur 7 that it is to know that satisfactory reason returned, Trenton, granted. , which wai Wh#n he o'clock both and Grace "hfp Wangarei go Darling of about 2 tbii proportionate not less with Mills, £50, and Pianino than a employed in New Zealand, therefore he took thechampagne, drank it off, and the claim-holder* in the district have morning in the Exchange buildings* the must have beaten hiipj [fbos^bjßiflg reductionininterest. Taondi Near Feilding. joinedtogether to getout a ton »f stone property ef Mr E. Calfit.' aid occupied Full information supplied to intending, they had. to employ two and a half claimedthe money. He was asked why and send it to the Thames fur testing. by Clark and Walker, merchants, and the first time that Mick O'Brien<has it took him *o leng to accept the bet. " purchasers application on to the Com- millions in Australia,,and about four Totara,Rimu,Matai, andWhitePine snid, "I wa« n»t onite «ure It would be feolis't for anybody, to Hughe* and George, solicitors, Woll" he were pilo^i^ home, the wiMejlnpfa Office, Feilding. ' .pany's incur large expeaditure on tsje faithef totally destroyed. felUw; it, suppliedin any quantities. coin, millions in and in London. that could de.tr 1 my Thus 1 do so . PltM of Block andanyinformation re> bourne Cup, he,washearmyCfiopgratuthe tests that have been made up to the A letter was read to-day at theHar- latedfor his excellent dispija^ o{ jopkquiredsent free toany address on appli- it would be seen they had over, seven wenthomefirstand triedtheexperiment." prevent equally time but it would be ; and Co., "yship. Dressed Timber of Every Description cationby letter to tho Agent, Emigrant millions sterling not represented in Oneresult of theexhibition by MrMe? silly to condemn and abandon the field bour Board from L.D. Nathan "J. Williams, who had'the agents, announcing thatthe. Shaw;Saville, Limited, 4n<l Colonists'Aid Corporation, always on hand* of at Wellington Duff thehorse reel haa a on Grace Darling, -larger before a test on and more satismount <rode Zealand, " or would represented,only New if and Albion steamers Company's Feilding. ' beenthat hehas secured an order from f factory scale has been applied. Teuton not make Auckland in future a port'olF splendidly. The punishment referring coin. to the ; present in In brigade fire down for one similar to o ADSETT, Propriator. H. south calltillprovided with a suitabledepth of received in the race #a» sdmething A. ATKINS, depression of thecolony nouneasiness it. This is tobeerectedunderthe superwaterat the wharf,as the steamers when terrible:' Noriehfeldt was,Wellplaced Oddfellows' Ball of to Cummins, ENCOURAGE M)CAL INDUSTRY. vision andhas be Captain AUTMORIIEB ANO LICENSEO SURVEYOR. shouldbe felt onthat account. It had finishedm time for the Napier eompetitloadedand coaled drew26ft. The letter throughout the.race,a^ulfinisliea'^rith ■ been a matter of wonderhow quickly tion. MrMcDuffintendsmaking another The officers and member* of the was referred to the works committee. I remarkable gameness ponside^^his by buyingyour Clothing at November 4. ieavy import. at Wanganui Brigade for the foruse the HE NKW ZEALAND COTHING The %^ §s^s^cond thecolony recoveredfromperiodsof deFeilding Lodge of Oddfellow* will The official inquiryinto the Wairaripa ATKINS A CLERE, andi a quarter'faster! than Miirtdni factory: competition. This latter is to be made Chalmers, placeat fire is to take Port to} presion, notably, and Irom the very se- according to special instructions to be celebrate the anniversaryof theLodge Henry's 1888 Oopi Which until now Cnr. Emuneers,ARCHITECTS, a Surveyors,; vereoneof 1876. Population intheOld givenbyCaptain Cummins. We trust to onFriday, the 20th instant, by abaU. which pertthe steamer sails t«x4n»rrowi. was the fastest on record-. White's Largem dtockin Colony the to select WAMANUI. WDGWATIT. WsLUXTOif, November4. I ' " Country was now gettingso dense that hear of MrMcDuff securing a largenum- This event promises to be one of the stables £s delightedwithNbrdenleidt's from. .;. Redwoodand the Her.Fathers performanoe. Nordenfeldt ber oforders in this line.— Herald. Bishop season, of the inasmuch as neither measure best -Clothing Factory made to at etofWidat have, people outlet, must an the and ' ; left fer Sydney * XiLERE, c Genteneire and Sauseau F. <U J. jMio prices. It is understood that the- name* of labor nor expense will be "pared to to-day per Te Kapo. Trenton I(K|- iffl&yTh* no time | very there was doubtIna little ASSOCIATE ROYAUNSI. BRITISH ARCHITECTS.! the commissioners who willrepresent this make it so. Mr Norberg^s Band has Agents for the Wonderful Wertheim TheUnited States corvette Enterprise ring have been bardhit By we should see an influx of good immi- colony at the Indian add Colonial Ex- been engaged, while Mr Gould.has leaves . SewingMachine*. forNew Yerk,via Valparaiso,toL; B.C. P.. Ed. grants seekingto establish themselves, hibition, to b« held infLondon next year undertaken the catering. The.tiokets morrow. TYB. JOHNSTON. CANTERBNEYRACES. VAUtnwtbjr beakch, thb s^cakb. SURGEON, in anew home. Thatmight belooked to completetheiist,arearfollows *-»Bir will be only 10s 6d for a lady and The WairarapaandEastCoast Pastoral MJ XixßotTOjr F.D. Bell willact as "xeeuttv* commis- gentlemen, extra ladies 2s 6d each, and Argieultural BhoW was opened at ' Fiiumvo. Bom.' asure , upon guarantee as. of a return sioner; Dr VonHaut. «9mmts.siener in andmaybeobtainedjromMr ; witid p*MB AaipCTATioj*.^ : Irn. b^wamFjohnston, May bo consulted at fa* was attended by day. beCarterton to and ' *' Carthew -'" '-"' : charge of exhibM*/S and the following Chsistchubcr, Novemb|; 4. ._.''; : , tween the hours of 9 and 10 a.m., aid 6 of prosperity to the colony. Looked gentleman unfavourable weather. The total numwillact as boaorarj commis- or any member of thecommittee. .In- ber of entries were 488, being 100 in Captain Webster ha*, been backed for and 7 p.m. .;. , \-,. a light figures at in liberal -the we have principal beissued to the BE N V 8...T.!T Public Vaccination, Ist Friday in sioners. Lord Normanby,Bir Janet Fer» vitations wiU of last year. The show itself all available.moner ;at lOOite 14 to win Jjunrjcoveßß. | January, April,-July, quoted show that, at the least, gassbn. Mr Dalgetty (London partner officers of the Lodgesin other parts of advance suocessfal, rmr but the attendance theNew Zealand Cup. . and October. was r Cub*.itreet; Wellington N.Z , may limited; the firmof Dalgetty and Co..of Dun* the district, and crowded house The following is the latestbetting:— this bank alone has a sum of four! of 'V New -' . . edin). Or Walter Bitler, Mr Donald be expected. i Arrived Barque Easteball, Zealand Cup^-CaptainWebster 100 Captain "-' : B*B■*■ woo r. millions to be employed m New Zea- Larnaoh ;: (of tfc« Bank ©f New South Evans, 108 days, from1LtverpooL -■- :■ to15 taken, AdmuustratprlQOito|l!tteieD, ( land so soon as available channels are Wales), andtheHon. William Guborne. Wapiti, Lochiel,ajwl DyxJti**,November4V'■ \ Canterbury Memoranda. ' ' Xhrby— Stoneyhurst 2Hrfl t openedby which' it may be conveyedj We are glad to learn thatthe report —~o' . ,;"■ ." Cempany'i WANGAMI. The iNationa]! . Pumlade 4 to 1, Hermitage5 to 1, Blink and MayhewVtfearingsale length c. ELiiERY over the and breadth of circulated inFeilding as to the demise Summers premium the of to,bf Bonny, Spriti TigariTim»r andijETertoa ' annual reportshows the -; '"/ ■':-' : L2U.QO6; interest, L14.590.j. losses PUHOFOBTE, Louis Brown in Wellington, was is still goingon. land. This willbe far better towards, Mr gtock B. Jacluon will hold a tale at entirely foundation. : Our P. Working without .auexpepses.LSB 703. Th« ; HarmoniumandCabinet OrganTuner assisting «r creating generalprogress 163.967103,55 thorityappearedio.beundoubted, andthe Waveriej to-morrow. . . per cent,to the premium in* loss is '. and Repairer. drapenr Authorised and Licensed Surveyor. sale oom, Sports surrounding even The ÜberaTpublib a works polof .the. ease (j. makes four visits in than circumstances^ ceime. llavinf paid a dividend inMarch information without menced a few dayaago by lorT. B.WWarlr last, absorbing accept led us to the the directors is d« icy, which now understood to mean L7354... tbo year between Wanganui i Offices at theManchester RoadBoard the slightest suspicion of its inaccuracy. ton v istQl beiug continued. recommend afurther distributi*B, be* :[&*>* lO^.OWitjfM^RBSTOOTEOTij. and Palmer*ton, calling: at all the increased taxation for the people. The Infact the wording of a telegram from MrBl J. Gottrellis preparinghis <n«^ not Office, Feildinjf. liering such a policy will gyri better On Monday last washeld price list which*willappearinafewdaysi results on future operations. rown and country dißtricti(, having confidence which is now germinating MrBrownhimself was the origin of \ at the Halcombe ameeting apimportant to Foresters hotel for the purrumour. was to this An notioo: withy CHRISTMAS CARDS. him a (rood supply of all kinds in tiie south, and the encouraging It effect "Come T pose of considering theadvisablenesa pears to-day relatireto theopening"' ofthe of material lor repairingPianos* Har- address, quoted'above, madein Auck- downat once expectundergo operation." " CHRISTMAS CARDS. Revolt inRoumelia of holding the■usual annual sports in The operatorat this end wroteit Come JUTenileCourt onMonday next! \ ; CHRISTMAS CARDS. raoniuuis, <fee down at once expect under operation." MrBeadinghas been appointedFeild-> Halcombe at Christmas time. land, gradually spread must theirinby Pianos tnned the year. [BMJMM* TMMBAMS.I The word expect," was written so as ingagent lor Hardens Fire Eztinguishr | Mr Crabb Was voted to thachair. Islands, over both and create to read _" expired," which explains the ers».,- .....; \-. . ."■/.: '.;A':' ', desirous of sending Orders maybe leftcare ofH. I.Jcnes, fluence Lohdoh,November2. * The balance sheet of last years' Christmas Cards to theirfriends .Wanganni and at the Stab office, an easiness in the money market to misconception. The foot of Mr Brown's Sterens and (Jorton will hold a stock TheHoumeliah Archives'haw now sports was f read and adodted. Jt being at the foot of themessage sale at Palmerston on Tuesday :next. at Home should, do so by the Mail Feilding. whichithas longbeen a stranger. -It name beenremoved to Sofia, in Bulgaria. ] showed a or«dii baladoe of£2 18s W. appear was not noticeduntil the first, passionof Several important additions tor , which leaverhere onFriday next and " is apleasure tonote that:better times griefbad subsided. ■■"■-.■ A letter was read from MrD.H. day. : MAIL NOTICES. ; AirtveK inLondon Deoemberlß. Maoftrthur with referenceto^Balooimbe are at hand, and that the evidences of Mr D. McKay George, the circum- Purify thebload,eleaw* the stomach, Received November 5, 1*10 a.m. Co*mim«opi,K pjyoveniber 4. hbldinglhe sports on the same day as sWeefen the breath with HopBitten. 'FRISCO MAILSERVICE. their approach are certain andunmis- stances of whosebankrupted have caused and I have a Splendid Collection of Feilding: After s»me discussionit was Inwards— The 'Frisco matt is due at European a good deal of interest, was finally dealt AmericanCo/aonly genuine. Notice.—are The Powers not in takeable. Willis's Chromo Cards of New : Feildingon November18. Advt. Thatthedayb« altered to the ' Monday, question, , with on when resolved. Bulgarian his order of accord on the disand ; , Zealand Scenery, in Plush, Outward* The 'Frisco mail closes at in Hop charge was granted, conditionally upon Quick nerveand balmy sleep die proposed conference is delayed in Ist of January. and invalids. sleeple** Local and General News for ladies Satin, andPlain Bitten, FeildingonNovember6. it not coming into operations for three Amerieaa, oonsequence of Prince Alexander, of The followinggentlemenwere^lectod DIRECT STEAM SERVICE. Notice. Pbotog of New Zealand Burton's months. The bankruptdidnot appear to adv»._ C6^make thegeaaihe. : Bulgaria, ; using all his influence for! as Bports Conimittee :— Messrs lacey, : at Feilding Inwards— Mail arrives on Cholera has made its appearanoe at approveof thedecisionof theCourtin the : .-.-■■■■:■ -'. outrats,mice, Views of the unfohbetween Bul- J. Heappy, W;. Bell,B.Anderson, H. , November12. solidity "Bough on clean the Bats/ Bilbao,in the northof Spain. least, and indignantly remarked that he Orabb, J. Eiley, 3. Purldss, and Shailer'sPhotos of Local Scenery roaches, ants, bed-bußs,'^ies, andBbumelia. garia indidnot-sec why a stigma should be cast bettles. English and Europeanmail, Seriousrioting has occurred at Copen- upon Also— A Large Collection of ThenextFrancisco, mole*, jack-rsbbitii,gophskunks, "eets, News from Servia states that Song Coutts. Mb J. Heappy to be Secrehim in that way. His Honor the Will close at this hagen, the capitalcity of Denmark, and English XmasCards. New via San Druggists. ilo«es, ,Moss H.' Co,, Milan has proceeded to Pirot on the tary and Treasurer. ers. \ pointed ChiefJustice out that Friday, November, on 6th at 7 thedebtor office the a revolutionis regarded as probable. " Designs Adtt. " *v '" had failed, whileconducting alarge busi- Sydn«Y, Gensral Agents?— westernside of the frontier where the Ecsolved, That all other matters p.m.; money ordersandregisteredletters Monday, November, complete the 9th of being The above coUectioir is the best at 4 p.m. Buehu-Paiba.' ness, to keep hisbooksproperly. EventQuickC beleft in the hands of the Committee the Princeof Wales birthday willbeob- ually Mr'Georgeremarkedthat '-it might cure,, ail annojing kidnej, bladder, and head quarters of the Servian Army is who will meet to-night (Thursday),to that has been on view, and a great Prmceof Wales' Birthday.— -The Post served situated. holiday asa close ■ Drag withthebanks {improvement on previons years. and Telegraph Office, Feilding, will ob- andGeneralGovernmentoffices. Tie law,, but' it was not justice." His urinary diswwes. New Zealand a programme. . i It.is considered that war between arrange . Advt. ' The Honorrepliedseverely that if the debtor Company.— " Mustbe seen to be fullyappreciated. serve aclose holiday on Monday, the 9th. committee will canvass"for subBulgaria and *eakServia is inevitable unof the Decline of Man." Ner»ow«. meeting Wanganui The first in Ids he Monday on had been sober senses when usually despatched inst. Mails ; . scriptions. impotence, n^xniil d<*bil- less statQi quo be restored. at 8 p.m. District Board for Hospital and Charit- madeSuch a remark as that, he would i«.'if, dy*peptin. VVpllh* Health Rene«er This "was all the business, and a by A M pARIHE W, -will close on Saturday Lr^L IBo6kßeller, mirrd The Interßation&l on Sou;B6r ity, ipf able Aid held the conference „! probably sharply if. will.be r have been dealt with. Halliday,. to-day H. vote of thanks to the Chairman ter:.."..* ". . Wanganui, at Thereupon Mr George very wisely left DruKg'itt*.— -Peltrtn, Grimwadeand Co radian affair* will assemble to>morrow, Acting Postmaster. Iough Council Chambers, ' " ' . ■'■*'■ -"'.—-~^ .." street, Agents,- Wellington.—Advt. November sth. : minated the proceedings. Feilding. November noo'ni the chamber." 2, 1885. Feilding, Manchester For Investment on Security of Freehold Lands. am prepared to Town Properties acceptedif ample m the best style. work margin offered. i prepared to advance large ori A trial solicited for Single and Double Buggy Harness. terms small sums on favorable Bridles, Breastplates,and Spurs at | very to borrowers. low prices. Interest, <H aud 7 per cent —acThe best all-over Hogakin, and ; per required 9 I cording to amount Demi-Saddles made to order. cent, small sums. j Colonial large A stock always on hand to expenses, as to and enquiry I invite from. choose borrowers can thencomparemy terms Buggy, Trap, and Dray Collars with otherlender's totalcharges. Jones' Leading Ihuve £4000 and £2000 of local made to measure. bought. Horse-hair All tlie Chains. £1000 cent, in sums of money at 7 per and upwards. The £2000 1can break above articles at prices that cannot into smaller sums at 1\ or 8 per cent. be defied. HENRY, Proprietor. C. BAKER, A. SOUTHEY EMIGRANT AND COLONISTS' Solicitor, Palmebstow Nobth. AID CORPORATION (Limited). MONEY TO LEND Corporation will make advances on Mortgage on rural Any Sums on Rural Land, curtent rates. No Commissions lands within the Rangitikei, Oroua, HAVING JAM THE IN R K. S .. . ... — " No'-v-^ — OVERDUE The Feilding Star. co^rs^i GK^el)arlfn|, 'ou&de^LtinVl . — Gx^ Jt)ft|ling — — — was'^¥ast- ■ , D^b^'Jan^J^wn Zea^^harM^yJip^l, JJrarft^-a'nd fl^e^tre- — — divißion^ibe^wfiSr :^^Sv^^ MANCHESTER — ■ ■ , 11 '■■ ■ ■ . ■ I S^tr ' . " AJ. * \f -j * . Gilbert, 1 ■ — - Insurance ""''' Halcombe " EE. r PERSONS w . " "' — . — — " J^L . .. ■" '-■ — " , , * THE HBILDING STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, ISBS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10th. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. PALMERSTON BOROUGH SALE YARDS. NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS.I The Native Land Question Free Trade v. Protection ISSUE TO BE FOUGHT AT THE ELECTIONS. [pee united phess association.] ArcKLAKD, November 3. . KNOWN.— The FaGrenade Fire WANTED Extinguishers of W. Reading, who Sole Agent for ,_.,.. ......— Sa4dlery KNOWN. mous Hand may now be had is THIS SPACE Feilding. A large meeting of natives took ANTED DressGoods in printed Foulard, French Nuns' Veiling,Melanges, Zephyrr . *HB CKITED PBBSS ABBOCIATIOIT. place at Mangarongo on Saturday. A andHarness aremade to-©rdejf Cloths, Canvas Cloth, Ottoman Cloth, Black Coburg, Spun Silk. " : AND DuNEDi», November 4. GORTON ; Ngatimaniapoto premises of the on the at Pringl&'a,Feildjn^ large section " A deputatipafromtheManufactures' will sell by public auction as document giving over their above Plain and Check Sateens, Ginghams, Black Percale, White and Cream is signed a ANTED KsQ Association waitedonSir Julius Yogel lands to Tawhiao. Te Wheoro read Oatmeal Cloth, White and ColoredSatin Stripes, &c. MessrsFraser Bros^iofjiwaj-'; 20 fat bullocks Capes, Besites, to convey a resolution expressing supBlack &c. Jackets invariety, New Stockenette Beaded Silk Derby saying that huri, . received an assortment tit. 25 2-yearmixed have Flowers, port-andsympathy of the:Government a letter from Lord Feathers, Laces, Hats, trimmedand untrimmed, new shapes. 30 mixed cattle Seasonable Goods direct f^om iflie''x j policy-for fostering local;industries. all matters wrong before 1862 the Collars, Gloves. '. | that presure Imperial-Government wouldputright, 1 100 hoggets |Home markets. Also, a large st^ck The Treasurer suggested Hosiery, Calicoes, SheetiHgs, Tablecloths, Shirtings, Toilet Covers, [.of Wool Packs, and a stock" 6i.Imshould; be broughtrto bear- on the and all things that were wrong after i 150 mixed sheep : RESERVED Quilts, &c. jproved Sheep Shears at greatly '^|& 200' ewes and lambs Clothing Department. Men's Suits from 18/6, Men's Coats (serge) from membersp and it was stated that an 1862 thay would instruct the Colonial 200 ewes withlambs duced prices. effort wottld<bemadenext-election to Government to.put.right. When Mr Men's Tweed Trowsers from 8/-, Men's Mole Trowsers(white andcolored), ".'" .">";.-I ,^-"'-:"r! 6/9, 100 hoggets Boys' Suits from5/-, Youths' Suits, Hats from 1/6. makewmdidates declarefor free trade Ballance meets the natives they may TTTANTEDKNOWN-rThatPringltf or.'-pr«Ftection. Regarding the next : Men's, Ladies', and Children's Boots, best makers. VV bas a lot of Cheap Saddles; refuse money for their .land, which exhibition,Sir Julius Yogel said- the they Grocery, Ironmongery,Crockery, Saddlery. Bridle&, Whips^ and Spurs, iRepairs to him, their STEVENS & GORTON, FOR giving propose, Government hadnot decided between! object being to afford no excuse to j Tea from 15/- per box, Galvanised Iron,Fencing Wire. neatlyexecuted on the shortest notice. Auctioneers, -and , Christchurch, and- ;the Government, for holding any lionj '^hougbjfejithat a ■friendly rifle match bntheirland. They are much exercised Feilding,Bulls andPalmerstonN. TXTANTED might settleit. Vy w.G; P. Maiisi-now jmakjng [ at readingin the papers thata gentleRE EMAN B. JACKSON'S (Butter Kegs, Tallow,Casks. Repairs ' Feildikg. Stores, man-has been appointed as purchaser T? Wholesale and Retail SAIiES E. J. COTTRELL. done with neatness ..and despatch, Wellington Bankruptcy Court of native lands for railway purposes, 1 FobSTOCK Novembbb. iNote the address-b^ ;,r :11\" fl r and think the appointment should not i ! C. P. MAI- Makino Road. Wellingtoh;Novetnber 2. have been made till they, had dis- Waverley "";;...■ ■"' Friday, *■! Nov. 6 ij; cussed, matter and to the storekeeper, agreed the Harper, Ik.Te B. (St. Hill street..,Wednesday, Nov. 11 'fTTHE Brinsmea'd7 Rosew^p©* .anji ■■.... / ; ' X Walnut Friday,Nov. 20 Waverley Bul^s— Mr Shaw for debtor. Mr lands beingsold. Wehave just opened alarge consignment.of C^taiePianos^in'stboic/ FIRST SHOW and theLChappell J^iaaett.es, withcheck Chapman opposed the discharge on St. Hill street... Wednesday,Nov* 25 Advertisments action,trichord, with aUtlie latestrimAndat St.HillStreet everySaturday, OF behalf of some six or seven creditors, provements, atpCollier.& Co.'s.Music for Horses, Drays, Harness andPoulBRMEMBEB THIS. for the Summer Trade. on the ground that the debtor had GOODS, Sellers, Wanganm. -.. SPRING try. Y,O T F U ARE SICK. produced a fictitious "balance-sheet to commence at Hill Street Sales : St. '& bit kfiep^none Ex Direct Steamers. f^OLTAEB; aome of Ac creditors, and had thus If you are sick, HOP BITTERS will |noon ; Waverley at 1.80 p.m. \J . first-classY guaranteed aid Nature in making you well instruobtainedcredit. Assumingthebalance- surely BestMarkets. Personally in the selected 1 orolr JACKSON, FREEMAN R. ments, f made to order when all else fails. this district a lot of sheetreferred to was.true, there was againyou We have into useless carefully importing avoided requrrenieiitl well, jr^e^rery Auctioneer, Wanganui feel the bF' colon comparatively Waverley. If are but trad the B. HAMILTOI* instrument being"selected, rubbish. .property:valuedat £1:400 unaccounted the need of a grand tonic and stimulant, ,by, accred' Dress largevariety We invite our of New Materials inspection of a new Jia-''nCv easy till you are made Begs to inform the residents of ited'and competent for. He was alsosaid to be guilty of never rent AND IGORTON, STEVENS tbe being by use of American Co's Feilding and adjacent districts that a breach.' of faith in not filing his BITTERS. WHOLESALE Organs;andHarmoniums his first direct shipments of Spring " petiion as Sgreed upon at a meeting Ifyou areHOP dyspeptic, costive or or are At from 2/6 theDress. Tuned,'RepairedandRenovated and ummer Goods have been opened Corsets, special value, 3/9. Grey Calico, 1/10 per dozen. White Calico, 2/9 of his creditors. Examined by Mr .suffering from any of the numerous disup, and await your early inspections in Tone and Touch- by Competent of stomach or bowels, itis your own Sheeting, dozen. White Twill per Chapman, the debtor admitted pro- eases 12£ d. Tuners^ -Pianosi tuned bya^tEe year. faultif you remain ill, for Am. Co.'a AND | We are showing a choice assortment of Trimmed. Hats. Children's from Country districts-visited periodically. ducing a "balance-sheet to Messrs HOP BITTERS DRESS FABRICS Collier& Co., Music Sellers^ Wangaj6d each. Laces andDolmans, Cretonnes, Carpets andFloorcloths. * General Importers, Turhbutt, Smith and 00. That are a sovereign remedy m all such comin all' the leading and most nui. Department is now stocked with Mosgiel, Kaiapoi, and I Our Clothing ■■ you are wasting away with plaints: If — FEILDING. showeda balance of £368 14a 4d in any form of Kidney Disease, stop temptBoys'. Men's, Youths', and Excellent value. Well shrunk fashionable textures and Oamaru Clothing colorings ; the best range of Yj' CQUiTSK% beforemadeup. bis favor. He obtained goods from ing Death this moment, and turn for a S.andG. arenow offering the whole Dressmaking on the premises in charge of Miss Johnsok, who has had Co.'s . Dress Goods ever exhibited II easy system of TimeTaymeht, the firm on credit. The debtor was cure to American BITTERS. HOP Fit and style guaranteed. experience. of their Extensive Stock at Reduced in Feilding. . payable, by! /small monthly^iij^St considerable the length as to examined at some If you are a frequenter,ora resident of Peices, and being purely wholesale ments, to every instrument in stock/ Cheap; Prices Very difference between his statement to j a miasmaticdistrict, barricade your system against the scoiirge of malarial, can offer special inducements. Second-hand Pianos and the .Assignee, andthe balance-sheet epidemic, Satteens, &c. Prints, Zephyrs, biliousand intermittent fevers, Harmoniums, guaranteed sound having Mr Shaw abovereferred to. by the use of American Co.'a in endless variety, including all the and stand well,maybehad at.Collier ~ The following are some of theleadput some questions to the debtor, HOP BITTERS. new designs for the Season, all at & Co.'s, Music Sellers, Wanganui. rough, pimply, or sallow inglines, viz. attempting to show that the goods If you have Popular CheapPrices. skin, bad breath, pains and aches, and supplied byTurabull, Smith and Co. feelmiserable /JOLLIER & CO. have m stock thi generally, American HOP TEAS— Stevens & Gorton'sBlend(splendid value). hadbeen forced uponhim, Mr Lang, [BITTERS wi!l give you fair skin, rich NEW RIBBONS V_^ celebrated Hqeling & Sprangen.burg iron-framed,; upright, and'bversweetest breath, health and 50 CasesPure Indian,10 to 251b NEW LACES accountant' 'for Messrs Turnbull, blood, theIn they cure ALL Dis« strungpianos;seven octaves/trichord, short, comfort. tins. 28th, I New MONDAY, shall show all Goods for SPEING On andafter the NEW GLOVfS check Smithand Co., said the balance-sheet eases ef the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, and 50 Half-chests. well-known 300 B»xes action.. Also, the and SUMMER WEAR. HOSIERY Newfeld's was-stated by the debtor to be a true Liver,Nerves,Kidneys, &c, and NEW iron-fr,iEimed: Piaiibs and crystal finent white Foule, SUGARS 10 tons Striped Beige, Cheveron Plain and Veiling, Cashmerettes, Nun's * NEW FLOWERS Pianinos. For good and well-made statement of his actual position, and will be pavl for a £500 Homespun. All woolFrench Cashmeres. Ditto 10 tons finest white moist case they willnot cur« NEW HATS Pianos these instruments cannot? be Galateas, that upon the 'strength of that state- o" help,or for anything impure or injuDitto 5 tons brown. Drilletts, Indigo. Checks, printed, WASHING DRESS GOODS.— surpassed, and, are; far preferablelo RICE Best andsecond qualities check, and plain Satteens, Scotch Lawns, Robe Prints, black* and white ment goods weresupplied. HisHonor rious found in them. well-known style of doing busi- the many cheap insfrumen^by GerOur JAMS— Nelson you Oatmeal, &o, If are «ick*with that* terriblesickcream &c. Zephyrs, against Satteens, not think the Tufted andFrench did that evidence " ness— selling for Cash only^-has. makers, so absurdly,jpu|fed^attd ness Nervousness, you will find a Balm SOAP -XXX and Household JACKETS' & "DOLMANS,— liaaies' :Stockinette Jackets, Sioillienne Silk proved entirely satisfactory both for man the^bankrupt was sufficiently specific. inGilead" in the use of American Co.'» CAWDLESr-Sperm andx.thera advertised. Capes, Ottoman silk and cloth Dolmans. KEROSENE— IOO Cases, 150 test. Buyerand Seller.; At.tthe same time he did not think HOl> BITTKRS. New Hats, New Bonnets, Ladies' and Children's Cotton' and Cashmere Dairy rock and eearse : SALT bedridden, wife, That invalid poor, %1 ANTED KNOWN.— Whitloek's that' the books had been kept with sister, Feathers, Flowers, and Seed silk Hosiery. white a"fid coloured Handkerchiefs. ▼ ▼ mother or daughter, can be made 700 SACKS of OATS— Feed Barley celebratedDelfil Chu|ney,and This Season White,, proper- exactness. He would grant a the picture of health by a few bottles of 100 Sack* of Chick Wheat and HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY.— Crash' Towelling, Oxford Shirting, famous Worcedtershire Whitloek's Bran, CKeaper and! Pollard, and Oatmeal we will sell discharge, to take effectin sixmonths. American'" Hop' Bitters, costing but a and Scoured Calicoes, White Shee.ting, plain and twilled, Half-' Grey, Relish, are equal in quality t6T anyPOTATOES Early flukes (limited value show .better thanhereScarlet, Tablecloths, Cardinal, trifle. Blue and White' "bleached and White 'quantity); 15. tons prime Der-: , '!.;' .; : thing that cari~bs imported, and are youlet them suffer P , ; tofore. . " Flannels. North Island Trunk Railway ('leanse,Will 1 went ninch cheaper. / These J"Sauc'e¥ -are Purify and -Enrich the Blood - . Cretonnes, White and ColoredCounterpanes,ToiletCovers,Linenand Cottonj Million Loan HAMS & BACON, prime. with from ipure JVegetabl<» Towels, Lace Curtains (very cKeap),"Lace in Cream, Biscuit, and Coffee; Dressmaking r manufactured FENCING WIRES— 2S t«n», Noa. 6, ' '""'" [ittvj^Tßb'PßiSss Association.] Productions, ,haye .great stomachio AMERICAN HOP BITTERS, " Children,! Lace', Aprons for Shades, Black Spanish Diaper Pinafores and 7, and 8 m all its Branches, under tie well-; propertied'and peculiat'Edst^ndrare And you will h*veno sickness or suffer■ ./ sto4 Barbed GaUanised Ladies' and Children's Underclothing,Children's Costumes,Boys' Jersey; known management of Mrs Donkin. stronglyrecommended by th*Jledi6al ing or doctor'sbills to pay. /.."r!''^/WEiifi»OTONy.Novvrijber.2. -" ! 2 to 4 BarbedBlack "' >i^ { j'A ■-■■"> g^TSee if the htime of Dr Souleis blown ! Wedding and Mourning Orders, a ,-, Su?tS. "The following telegram has been m Profession. d \ "■« STAPLES--1& and'li inch D.P. bottlerif notit is counter eit. Snitsin all Sizes.! Kaiapoi Boys' ever? andVictorian Tweed Suits. reasonable. alifcy. CLOTHING— Prices L i pee Cooper's & McDougal's j forwardedby^thePremier to theChairSHEEP = .RASS DlP— I EVERYTHINGIWW. \ ,; j SEED of every useful variety, "VTEW ZEALAND man of the Auckland Chamber of .-.,'-■" CHRISTMAS CABDSI "^^ , in any quantity. J. B, ■« v ; IS _ 'Commerce:— Wellington, 2nd No-' ! 50Boxes Currants Jwm Altf^HTß*fiTli*R ejTRSETJ RAND'display /^i of at KeadAKX) QarJs Raisjns «i»n£ber,. 1985.-^1am inreceipt ofyour FIB^ 50Boxen Kleme TX 7by Willis, Burton, and " ia&'Si \X: "*«? / packs Wool . telegramconveyingresolutions passed other Colonial Makers. Plush, Silk, ' PXLMLBSTOIi' AdDßEßSttt— ,\nbi:i )..'■': Ofißces-riCppier of Quay and FORGE, MODEL SHOEING FEILDIkG desired, Volvet, Hamd-painted, Plain, &c, &c. "'";■' at,CJi^]^toi Commence. .As , , .., THE; Grey street, Wellington. agencies. ■;'■' . r I Capital,£l,ooo,OOOrpai'd4p^2oo,OOp Manchester Street.r | r X; skalLc "übjnit ,them ta Cabinet. Thousands to choose from. Startling warehouse: Sheep -Dip (cost Lubricant £3 Peacock* TAYLOR begs to announce to parents and;gtjardians; Reserve-ftmd,- £150,000. Meantime, you will allow me to point Prices! peri.poo gallons) that he is still Shoeing Hacks -Remember I Mail closes To-morrow. Agencies in Feilding,Halcpmbe andCalcutta Tea Association t Pal> Australian - merston out that-t^e^pecial allocations made at tHe low price of 6s per set. Court and-Bulls. 1patent acme barbed wire 7 ' I REMOVAL. foe (1f^lwJiys, in 1882r in the New CQURT LOYAL FEILDING A.O.F. NOTICE OP General Blacksmith's work donein will-' be ..opened on the 9th company, timabu. ■■'" R. M. SIMPSON -■. ~; : Zealaad ;;Loan;.Act, at the time the the best style at the lowest charges. next. !" v,;.. ,""■■-(.-;. 4 Barbed GalvanizedSteel Wire November Manager. Members of the above Court 4 Barbed Galvanized: Steel Wire, pig-! All work guaranteed. of joining apply Children desirous Notth'lsUiho!Railwayloanwasauthor-^ requested are to attend at the proof, | cwt, :BgHqfOL,v in reels A large supply ■of Chains of all to the underaigned/fifom whom afl PREPAEATORT ised,haye.Ao^bis^n kept. The;three Foresters' Hall on Mondaynext, the ,Archimedian \Vire Strainers kinds, Miaul Rings and Wedges, T BEG to notify to the inhabitants information can be obtained.r, ' by [Mrs ,andl;the Misses Conducted > expended, lbeen and ,9th Strainers, millioa loaii'has: with stops met.. at ,6 p.m. to assist in open- i Concave Wire foster; Bolts, Spade Handles, &c,, &c. t i-&M,& : Barbing Tools .. Seta the special%llpcaj|ons for the toVLitfr- ing the Juvenile CoUrfc. of Feilding and the Surrounding .;. " ■; iBir;npw ;jgpen.:^.,.,U(r,:f JOHN TAYLOR, Loose Barbs and Spanners,See. " HHohSlß'j^ijM A Ni J ing,amongst.etherrailways, have been THOMAS W:E. : Proprietor. I O "" FOSTER, Districts thai I have opened my "P ;1 Manchbstep smßUi, ;.■ ;. } /^iEEAT.care willbetaken,w4th the Secretary. only partially iexpended. There is Theabove are thebestandcheapest DRAPERY SALE EXTRAORDINWHOJtESALBBBOpugEvDEALEB1 \JT: -manners and mora^ training .of due to, Ae-Giaigo- Central about -MANOHESTES BOAD BOAED. iarticlesof their kind yet offered to the | ARY WAREHOUSE, NEW ,.i; . " ): the Children. £20^,000;, io the (jreymouth i commenced on |public. . . of Hides,.TaUqw Cash Purchaser, ' and TheRudiment^ of Drawing taught. ' SATURDAY, 17th, 1885, mENDEBS will bd the OCTOBER by received Fungus. r Eeefton;>to the NapierWoodviile at the j Tertiaß^ .perjq-uartex,: \ Qne Guinea. ■■ A Seduction is now made on all : Fob a. Fbw Days Only, Agent inNew Zealand for Messrs L» .-,Music ;LeeapnarrriPiw^lorie,\ ,;Two Sole about £106-200, &c, and to fulfil ihe jL'° above Board up to Saturday, 1previous prices. "" of CORNER OF MANCHESTER AND Broch & Company,Pyrotechnists. "\ engagements made in the 7thinstant-— &,}!£ ;/ "solemn r: ' GOODS, Sale, G LIBH jfet Potatpesjor EN j Further purticulars. on appnoation of i 882;" we proposed Early Seed Loan' For Stumping andClearingabout 1 STEVENS & GOETON, BOWEN STREETS 35 chains of Reid'sLine. Purchased in Transit. i i;}>-y.,ir:<.i,:-i:'uvotes, but these were defeated, and ill -i=y}z-:'H '■■. Agents, BOABSI-dON- ■afci-.i. iif-t The, Per s.B. Doric .»■"" 80 cases OTAMAKAPUA i; 't ' Cottage, Manawatu and Bangitikei. Per s.b. Tongariro | > 28 cases A Large Stock of Furniture qf TBACTSNoS. i,«* 3.; protest r You .wiUalso -pardon me Specifications may be seen at the { Pers.s.Arawa lTcasep' saying that,piir,.proposals''regarding Board's office, Feilding. . N.B. On hand, a few tons Prime ; BUSHFELLING AND FOBWATIOIjT everydescription on exhibition. railways for'&B Auickland Provincial The lowest or any tender not neces- Derwent and FlukePotatoes *i ■'■ to the insufficiency of for seeot : n: OiP BBlßLE r.ff«A€|ka Jwttjdj r&oie liberal than had sarily accepted, _ Accpmmodatipn District .; in-the Palmers; early. i ' Apply eyeß^.begnj proposed, including not tonNorthtPremises,alarge assortment I marked on the outnide aii XMP.O;rtPE:P;m th<? RibKcPound, J. W. BADE. 'ENDEBS^ CHARLES BRAY, irtijy a vigoroug prosecution of the be receired by me ajt J. off Derby.street, Feilding,bythe abore, will peered shipments THE LAST CHANCE. i of the above will be I Engineer. : 'at Saturday, Eauger^pixttxe^tfri^/^ctobei^lSSS, Northerii Tirtinfc Line,{ but jjlbo the this office until nion to thepublic ofFeildingand surround, MILK I NEW MHjKJ " NEW 7th.. '-■ ;-' ; -y^ foe Bay M«re^nl?rqlwn ft noj viable of theline fromHelensyille Norembir at undersigned, districts, to our the give ing <by e^nsion TTTEare determined Plant and specificntions may bp ioen brand,.blot^honnear.shoulder, wmte Ac1 As to^floating' the «Jhe milfibn Monday, after November and the BoroughCoaacil Office,Palmerston ' Btajp,on^^ore^iaad,^^^4fabpirt,l8jDaon|hi loan we will KaVe to meet at least Friends,Customers, and the General COLONIAL WHOLESALE PRICES^ 2nd, the undersigned will de- at "r North; orion application).to €. Field, iv Old. of the' £150,000 end financial'\ .■-:,...-" !.-..vvft;^,)d owing to the fact that the purchase liver milk to all parts ol the Borough charge of road party.near the ground. ) PuV.lic year to pay contracts on the Northern NEW ZEALAND BAILWAYS. has beeneffected at a large discount at 2idper qoart. Best sweat milk. The lp»f»t »r any tender not...will ' pujblfc .auqtaon bii'Tu'es, Trunk One, andtrpm what are(we t« accepted1 on the English Factory.Prices. ,: j neee«Bariljie .1 will taw^bjfof_Novembeir_lßßs^ ONE MORE CHANCE EOBINSON, Makino Road. R. at jjw> day, tiie 17th take the money/ 'I Frtm other lines ? A.MABCHANT. | WANGANUI SECTION. Purchases can alsobeeffected at my y ;\v, ,: i .'■"'. Chief Sur«ejro?. can asstbe youthat whateveris done on I \ 12 o'olooit; tiodni iB-^ccdidance with "" Of buying really Excellent, Useful, Establishment,, Palmerston North, ' % ? Surrey Office, Wellington, goodfaith will be kept for the prose- PBINCE OF WALES' BIBTHDAY. ! and the Impounding-Act. : the same favorable terms. j Ornamental 1 .Octob*!; 22nd,.1886. : Eably eutioiiof titija line which we believe to PREinsKS situ■\:<' '-uJ^JOHNTTUENEB,^the to Qomb undereigned having leased.. :■.» .1 Pouadkee.pei:. urgent a I FANCY GOODS necessity, be work of and. atedbetween JlrLewers' 'store andMr" Monday, November 9th, the WATEB ' ' Sections 49 to 62, begs to notify FED^DING ' C think ourpast actionsufficiently shows . to owners S. Daw's LiveryStables. ordinary 4.15 p.m. train from OLEO'aRAPHS ''"■"'-'" ;'; 'and'" l of Cattle that all care will / WALTON, that. ;Iambound tosay,however, that Wanganui to Hawera andFoxtonwill TEOS. R. same, rasponsiKimbpUon GtASSWAKE Sf jaa taken of without ANUFACTORY. Road. CORDIAL ACRES in. pur efforts for railway extension in be detained until 5.15 p.m., and will Draper. be CUTLERY biliiyi Fenced with a ring fence, House, Auckhwddid not eeem.tomeet with "leave all intermediate stations one Edinburgh Is, MATHEW charges— JEWELLERY Cows horses SUMMERS & Grazing : , with150 acresin grass. muchlsapport fromthose from whom: hour later thanusual. Square,Palmerston North. , to notify that theyhave reIs 6d per week. CBOCKEEY For particulars apply . might have Beturn Tickets from and to all 13th, the Auckland district 1885. October cently enlarged the premises at : STAR OFFICE. GEORGE WIOKHAM, expectedsympathy.— Bobert Stout." Stations, issued an Saturday, Novem~~ ~~" the above well-known Factory, and ONE WEEK ONLY. STATIONERY, W. READING'S ber 7th, and Monday, November 9th, and SMITHFIELD BUTCHERY have introduced additional Plant NOTICE. BOOK, AND FANCY GOODS The Tuiand Jane Douglas will be available for return up to and Evbbt Abticlk Bklow Cost Pbiob! improvements, which willenable (The Oldest Established Shop in the ether EMPORIUM. including Tuesday, November 10th. Collision persons indebted .to me are them to produce every article in the Borough of Feilding), O. B. HANKEY, SUMMERS AND MAYHEW. requestedto paytheir accounts trade of the best possible quality, and Corner of Manchester o) Grey streets. Old Store, Manchester Thompson's : \PBB^^TOirIED PBESS ASSOCIATIOK. large, DistrictManager. Street, Feilding. forthwith to Mr Jameß Stevens. Post- to complete all orders, however ' '■'.'■'.'..■;.. , /'WBjaiirGTOH, November 3. < >; master, on or before,"the.lOth daj of at the shortestnotice.-E, 8,. G I CHARD ' > The inquiry . unto the collision PPPFELLQWS* \ November, otherwise 'the amounts ANNIVEBSABY Their longcelebrated ! PIIOPBIETOB. ; : Tyi balx?, ;'■ Lkmqwadi!, and Jane ■;;': .;y;v' ■':.-" GmoßttA^, steamers., Soda-water, between:!^ &c,includingnewest and hea^ wiH'l*'suelJ for Ip the RvM. ' ' * Oourt, ' Anij VABidtrer FEtnr Coedials,'&0., Douglaiß was continued ,torday, and Musio;'Accordions,, 'withoutiorther^notice.' Sheet to Victoriaand ' -f?\ DESIRES '} Rifles wjll parade Cpncertinas, and Violins. Splendid ft 7.-.fr-- '"/'.■" T:MF.'REEVE. "ffiM* further evidence was taken the, VP^IJMINABY NOTIOE, fTIHE jkanchester Stillholdth>ir own agairistall comers, ' --Ijr*' na»k hiß nu. ,".-.j5» next, questionofadjournment arose, when Tuesday inst., of ; on tbe10th ; ; rendering quite'ni<the necessity im- merbus customers fer their kind A ,BALL will bo held on Friday, lot ofDolls andToys ofalldescriptions.. October. Slat, 1885. counsel for the captain of" the Tiii JljLto;ceie- at 7 p.m. sharp for company drill at porting these goods into the district. patronage accdrded him >during 'the November,1885, 2tffii on the Coast for Cheaper House No ■,;;■;': : BttLt&l that? he should require till hraie-the Anniversary:of the Feilding the Town Hall if th6leather is wet, Stationery, School Requisitesj^nd past, and hopes for. a continuance of to enablebjun tobring Thursday N.B._The undersigned arethe sole ; , PaiticuUrs in thepaddock oppositeBeHve's Hotel Fancy Goods; and no better quality evidence,from.» Palmerstori^ North" in Lodge «f .Oddfellows. attend,; and ,W behatlianywhere. -■'■ r; to purchase Railway'Adyerl^ing Contractors for .willappearnextissue, , . . _.-/ ",y . j if finei'Volunteers must bis client's favour, unless the Bench all, or either, of the Town the £me" between Foxtonj, New Ply- Customers waitedon daily for orders.. attendpunctually, to take advantage " 1 The Depart-,, Fancy Work Ladies' ; was satisfied >frpm the evidence taken iBENEVOLEINT SOCIETY. of the daylight. Captain's parades meht;;&o.V is under the personal SeotionspHalybmDe, Nos^7l6, 717, ,mouth, and Waitora, covering a disr thatthis clientwas nottoblame. The will^tie held bn the same day and comprising, Prime,;Beef;Mutton, and Pork always r 200 miles, ' " 725, 'l:>. 718, 719, 720, 721, 724, taiice Vof pve Reading. oi usual monthly meeting,of the hourV and under the flam»-booiditidris Bupervlisioh magistrate replied"thatr the Bench,■ ; 7"28,729, ;r. Stations,;and all-orders ■>:' i i. >- oo band. .. 727, ; ] : _ ' ■ >_ ;.;; _ 780. more thai 50 Book CirculatingLibrary and The ;be will this had; Gomjnfttee hearing the evidence which held after .'■" week; Roll willbe called and * Feilding,' No for advertisemehtß at any of the staevery Section, ; AlsoTown operation. Exchange isinfull Second ; ; > been. i^dducVd,'^thought the blame eveninginMrBray'sofficeat 8 o'clock. fines enforced^ :; ! '.' W8 ;will receive > Small Goods prpinptJy made dp, 478.; Address vv>: :■'<..:'...-.:,."■. .-, -:■:">...■■;;■ ' tions forwar4fed% ) hand Books Bought and,Sold. :- .' :^j the s; ; slioulders of Captain A fullattendance is-requested; Busjlfesteii^on attention., >■ D.^HhMACABTHUR, LUFF; prompt 1 i ; ANDREW ' Pope,""and, the.; cawT was" vadjourned- "ness-^Ordinary;'«and "to consider the N.B.— Smallprofits and(juickreturns, & MAYHEW. Wellingtbn ■"'": i HospitalandCharitableAidBiU;1885. !":;";" «! -Captaia.Comiuanding. ul untilThursday''Wjtik.,, U:l:i'.;;U^-,i;JUi.i7:i'.'"iJ.'.-~^'l-".:-.'i.';L<liii-i- STUiVENS — w¥T^S? ■ ■ — . % KNpWK.-^Tiia^ 1& D. R. LEWERS. J: —— .. HOUSIT MANCHESTER ... r NEW & FASHIONABLE DRAPERY . . ■ 20 CASEJ3 AND BALES ■i* 6000 YARDS TO SELECT FROM, PIANOS, MERCHANTS . . . . — . CHRISTOPHER BROWN. THE CASH EXCHANGE. — . — Cde^tten^tn^r GOOD NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. — — . — ■ ' "' . , - „ HAMILTON, F|[RNITUREJ J JDHN . . . .. .^?^'6d0 - -. v . OWING .. . at^e . .. Guineaaii^iatt^?t. . - .- . - , ——— ~. j . , l .; : . ...... ... — . ■ j . MABtN^E: . ""*""■" dfF^oresters . , COMPAQ . ffIIIARE. AJUVENILiE THE - * ■ ON*- ■ ■ . v THE ON ; 4:UU BEG ' ALL - * HUNDRBDSo;tNoyels,Noyelettefl,- ■' JL V v . , . : ET> . ■ ■ ; THE WAlKPEPi^Ofiersu — , .... ■ - r VSUMMEBS * _.._ v. . __..., TV \ T?.SDAY- 2T.iT; ..^.-^.^ 5. 13R5, Ts'OYKMBBR - ' HO U S B THEATED FOR THE WRONG?THE CHAMPION B 2\T GLISH WELLINGTON COMPLAIiST. PUBLIC THE HOTEL, Ridgway Streftt, ENDYMION TO FARMERS AND LEVERS OF THE WORLD. AWAHUEL GENERALLY. Tt is at all times hard to' lbae:dn^e' *" WANGANUI. DAWSON, & CO.'S, whom we hold dear, biitii;is terribly WONDERFUL ENGLISH NEW PROPEIETOKSHIP. NOTICE. B S IB B V, so when we have"the1 consciousness Business, ismaker ofall WATCHES. that but tor mistaken treatment the McCLENAGHAN begsto The Celebrated Entire Horse PA- mHE Undersigned, in connection with his other Unequalled and 1* one mtgbs have been with us Pbopbietbess. loved notify to the settlers in the celebrated throughout this, district, including Rangitikei and still. In somecases the fact tbftft&e travel the will in use in general PAPA Implements Agricultural of district, and the travelling public Manawatu districts during the present kinds the world as tho most Rollers, plain, segment, and Private Board and Lodging. sufferer is treated for- tlie wronsr com-y. Wool Presses of any desired pattern, Land Movegenerally, that he has just assumed season. perfect-made. or lip plaint is known in sufficient time tQFarmers Wool Drays, ; Weipbt any desired width Cambridge, or the proprietorship of the above welk Leadstown and Fern Flats, MonmentsFull Capped and Good Accommodation for Gentlemen. admit o[ fhe patient beii^savedjand, for all kmds of Agricultural with harvesting tops if required. Castings Jewelled in Rubies, known first class hotel, formerly car- day; Bulls, Tuesday; Sandon and Machines Horse-shoeingForgeid connection notice. I the following is* a case in pomt:— -,,r on the shortest supplied neS on byMr Samnel. Fine White Enamel Kept. Halcombe, Wednesday ; Feilding, A little more thaa two year8 asfo^j competent workmen. First Class Cook by work executed branch and the above with proprietor'sintention Dials, Gold Hands, "It is the new A Thursday; Makino Road, Friday ; lady in New- York was giv#nj beautiful to.introduce into the business allij Marton, Saturday, £7 10s and Sunk Seconds, BathBoom. to die of consumption. Her iofl4t! up necessaryimprovements,narid to make j Papapa is the sire of the following English Superbly Finished. parents took her to Paris; [asrft ias^t > country horses IN STOCK AND IN PROGRESS— Hunting \ Hall Marked Sterling of the ttfl&-one^f the bestappointed Moderate. (winner resort, hoping toi fihd confer; akti&Lr Tenna '.—Director and Dray and Cambridge; None, Koilers, segment, , plain, but the WellingtonHandicapHurdles),Tally- Cool Presses; Laad Every hotels'bn the coast. Silver Lever Silver Casescapable of iarrestipg!' " physican there ' Spiritß, General Wheelwork. of the Wauganui Handifor Watch worth £7 10sTHOS. W. PILCHER, best brands of Beerj. Wines* i rapid the strictestof Either- anpnoiiett " (winner ho CPinmission,Forwarding and dreadful disease;- Iritbisi their.hope«i : 200 of this Watch and other Liquors will be kept.. £3 15s. cap), Ringleader (winner of PalmerSold Weekly. BeCustoms Agent, were blighted, 'bat- fortunately!laway ston Handicap), Maid of Eccleston uccommodation for Travel- (winner wareof Worthless Im- - ! W ELLIN G TON. of the Palmerston Maiden), in thai? distant^,foreign icity«fcheijr?7|net!^^ Tfce^beßfc --' '- "'■" lers, Drovers,-&o. Eceleston, itations. See particu- instructions from Country Districts with a description of a tiewiimeth'o^i: and Pastime, Rebecca, promptly attended to. lars inour magnificent of treatingByspepyw; which-gmanated other Racehorßes. BOILERMAKER, IRON BLACKSMITH, (dass Biliiards. ENGINEER, MILLWRIGHT, New Illustrated Pamfrom t])e Sfount; Xfebaffon itb^HMfliPfj I, WHEELRIGHT, G, A M E 8 K N ci AND BRASS FOUNDER AND . \"T . phlet. : £5 5s per single mare, Terms the State of MiwJKerk^__lhe thought HOTEL, jtf Watchmaker, WORKS, THE DENBIGH IRON WANGANUI .;t^eVipar^;otS;. of^fpis helpless guaranteed; £8 10s cash. struck Silversmith, I FEILDING. Gold ahd Taupo Quay, Wanganui. &;irl tist.nerhans their^au«;hl«r youn.' D.MoBETH, Owner. C Manufactxiredeii- MANUFAIvriIHIiNG JEWELLER tirely in.our ownwork-.. ; ROE.......,Proi»r;btob. r Electro-Plater,' ..i was afflicted withlndige^tion^rDvs--,1 Setter, Diamond An shops. These Superb pepsia, and nidt Gilder, and r : Best c so, there ni%ht 4ie' a £8 8s Hunters are the iJf ller ) Hotel is replete with every ;; ;.:-:c6anc^ " ■*" 'ibuhj .■'■au-a '5 K n g 1i sh ) Made. Allwith3pair Cuba Street, Wellington. Hunter for ,ExtraJewels,and Real of the Seigle's-Ciita*.ifgsyJjip> > I Some Travellers. Comfort for TO STAND THIS SEASON £4 15s. Chronometer Balance, Ailkinds of work done for the traded mad^ especiallyfjio^^thejCjir^i^^j., travelthe Eangitikei andManaHighest Class, Co..Room, thoroughbred |pepsia? was,obtained Districts, ' :the: jGood Bath ' wata WANGANUI, pare with any watch: i m: to the patient, aiia ihe."result .w.ujj Tiorse Bj Special Appointment, ; imarv^lou^V-fbiWay^Hh^^akugWeY' OM-E-D ES." LKoldretailat 8Guineas. «D I The BestBilliard Robp bnthe Coast, ' ; GLOTHIEK, AND OUTFITTER, DLXON, TAILOR, . , wit^ an accomplisHed markier. I GEORGE livesin the eninymentof'gooa'hfealW.^ Wonderful Most Plorer, fValue Open Face Diomedes is by Totara, jrat of DlO- Begs to announce his SECOND SHIPMENT of West of England and The 'fact- wa&, ;tire -^atienft.ha3ii*|«nj[ : Waters; Manufacturer of JErated by Double ** Siraco, direct from London. by Sir Hercules. Totara is old > ; Worjdc Xx treated for the; vfoqg,acomplaijat4 a»dl Cordials, Banaple Rooms, separate from the ; -k»des, TWEEDS 1 A in and Heruutes, ; , .". Watch !Banuockburn tl£ out of Waimea, by: Sir --she;.wMl tr^tM^oDxgHSljgiai Crystal main bnilding. Cuba btbbkt, Wblukotokt.. «": >, 6s Has Strong £6 ont of Flora Mclvor, by Emigrant. Old " '-■'"■' jySo in Stbclc,-^v for his celebrated Ginger Ale i^,/:;^ Dipmedesby Hesperus, oatot Diomedie jßng 1i 8 h Front,HighBezal, will was tha andtake no other. The busi- symptoms of corisumptiQii vamsTieq.1 Kaiapoi, Roslyn, Mosgiel, arid Oamaru, Tweeds, Good Stabling Accommodation. by W«atherbit. Old Diomedes Ohrystalfront j Last as Long as any e413i> carried; sire of jtapapo,,Malyina. Economy, irid onasiusual byMrsDixon. ITH'is'^ ' Huntrr, much Recom- 'ness i; Levor for tire damofMauWaimea, hire, Agenj, . Parawhenua. Puriai, Mx .. Ar'th^^jH^ countr'v is full of-sufferfb^ bte^Sfffids* Suits, from .£3, and the Unrivalled Suits at £4 10s. Trousers and Vests Horses and. Traps on mended. Price only Auckland. £3 10s. and Wainui, all of oka,Papapa, <;"■ \ '.., : . -\[ that are being treated:iordljiier^ilom?15s. Trousers fr»m 18s. ! 'lOs. Worth £6 Nathan. from £1 £3 races important several have woit - Special Brew:of Ale onDraught. whom ,plaint, Hercules; 6s, splendid See New by Sir Wover, the on turf. I ;FiRKVVO,PD IFIREWOOD Disprdf r^, Ac,,3&fe.$&*$?&&& ONE TRIAL SOLICITED. |jWatch Pamphlet. ! Ployer the dam of Malvina, Hercules, they -are afflicted wjth Jjnaigestioii in, Ales, other fast horses. o'Connell, 61 and 'ITießest^rands T A triumph of Util! Wines^and Dan : PALMifilt beps to notify !some of its vspf°fbrnii tfnifffll^ RATES. Totara; the sire df'lionglands, winner of MEASURE AT LOWEST Spirits onlyon hahd. SUITS MADE TO Convenience, and ity that he is prepared to give the sum fenffer«>rs ! wouiH^'SfetSa 'fAf# the GreatAutumn Handicap* April,1878, Winding and Setting inhabitants oi the Borough the a- van- th^y-were the *ATCHELAR'B KOYAL HOTEL, and1879 ; also Volunteer, -secondinheat shrunk, guaranteed, throughly properly^weatwd fwpißfg* and all materials workmanship I The best bands without the tageof getting their Firewood very :pepnia. ;;:;-.Chan?pagn»^takes, and ran a dead j'.i uy.vutod Gon^-Eeßil> Dunedm, in using "Plate an pr" with Matsfor* Queen's A £12 10s trouble of cheap. Kata, Matai, TawaandMixed PALMERSTON. Plate, l\\ lllusthe, key.Timeru Maiden See dinary and won English FINGER. j VVo^d- in 4 or 2 foot lengths, or by in 2m. 46 j5.,and.Plying Stakes,f KeylessHun--S tfatiJTi of these, with horse or>bulloofc dray loads, as.xaMost Popular.Hostlery oh mttes, mile, in lm. 17^., at the Wellington ■'■-■tfer for : PEOPEIETQR. Position: and: Method Iquired, will'be delivered to any part the Coast. Jockey Club Meeting, 1880; also Mer' i The^dlyi»mjideW£Mmg%sdiiuxl Wbiding,, ot in four at £6 103. notice. A Handicap ;ot the t<wn on the shortest Spring lin,"winner of the newly published larg;e- stock'of splendid wood now on ■'. ' i":;." !ii-''3 'r.uimu'i: LeiJqqusj Its Reputation is still Unsurpassed. Wanganui ; also Totara, winner of the Warch Pamphlet,Post hand. t Note my address— '', , .-..,.. i Eangitikei Hunt" "Club Steeplechase, iejldiagiPitt<H5,5 l>j.sf ?hedial l;Fre6. for Four Stamps, ■'■' Napier and Wairai-apa poaches ar- Wayerley Handicap Hurdle Eace, and TpEspAY,: PALMEH,: JAMES' T^vw^j^mmz Maittiwatu'HandicapHurdles at Palmer.., rive and depart daily. , , .aftprnoons. Stewakt Dawson " f(fe.Co.'s Suburban Boad. Keildin«f .; ». "-■iii buy; j.o ..' him nsw&i Model . New Dioniede3 himself is the winnerofthe ; Good Stabline for Horses. Watch for Railway T-HI S SPA GE Wanganui Welter Weight-for-age HurJ. FEN'IW, Tra,mand Reform, New Year, : ,a i©EWVJJSiip^QaeftisTgppjxjoma+cfa Servants, , . Race, -beating dle BUOKiIS'GEAM PALACE. NEXT Proprietor. , Dhudeen,JPa'roell, and Christmas; won Conductors, A /Bus ■' '.;■. "" . :.' _.IS "■ . ■■■: the TurakinaHandicap Hurdles, beating £10 10s. Watchmen, Coachmen HOTEL, BEG to announce receipt of new consignmentper Royal Mail Steamer PeT-<}ttarter .L-diiq*{ ;s -ftovo?-f'oo^. ie^J'Ba large-field; and ran a good third for and others responsible oi West of England,Scotch, and other Home Tweeds. Also just re- Official Engquarterpos.ted SteepleBESERVEB ifc jfeL-fJ Joußi.fp Wanganui Grand National : the .:six month* Roslyn, Mosgiel, Oamaru and other lish for A ccarate Time. 10,0 , 13 .0 ; XIMBOLTON ROAD, FEILDING chase, carryingI,12st. 71bs., giving the ceived, splendiji assortment,of Kaiapoi, sfiwinths j/opdriy %^-'»#^ : winner,Ruahine lst.slbs., andthesecond Colonial Tweeds. Snits from £i. . Trousers and Vests from £2. Trousers Railway Le-V Every Hailwajf Em:,;>iiye»r: r bih ojl. in'sO qQii& jifigi^ pldye should rea-i.'p>rveir, horse,Dhudeen, 2st. slba., theroby.show- fromj2ss. rNo females' work. , . i. Je«f ,R»BM ? Silrf 7:1.ft.J oillJLxi^ ticulats of our, New ing that he is a weight carrier, and has Iqr I H A 8T?It B exceptif>nnlly,good staying power. Lever, shrunk, Railway Goods thoroughly ..£6 iOs. .'.. Model to " .Dioniedes: was awarded first prize at if only -realise the p R 0* P R IE TO R. th« Waheanui A. arid P. Association's Wan^d^pi^^^^^h Fit, Style, and Workmanship guaran.eed. Perfection of this Supr order, and the best Suits made to to NEW ADYERTisEMENT. improve sire best calculated show as a RertionTqasli ; isMboaXei. pWatoh. . er-lativoof " Travellers,BoaTc(ers,'and Visitors the breed saddlehorses. Adreftiieifient«^Bl|ilr idenlfir% Pasiial: ,:.,■." dinary READING, !-'. Xt r aor value uo' SOLICITED. WILLIAM bay ' with black ONE TRIAL in.sertiftn,'.anc[ %u:«ril&;h each conDiomedes is a— rich receive special.attention. (.worth high, -with, im£10 IDs. spcutire insertion. Advertixements points,stands 16| hands ' r^ENER AL COM MI S 8,1ON ' i« 7 STEVENS, Proprietor. mense.bone and, muscle, gopd action, j \jf ; W. do[,nj>t appear,-jij^cojßsqqutiTe Open Face, £5 10s. <fee:,; Ditto .AGENT, v; ;J. 1one of whic^i Superior Billiard Room. be old, andis considered to years , issues will be cliarjjed fnlf raxef. " C of The Acme Per-! Stobb| cross-country the best i'HosnTSON's Old Standing AdvertiseihVn'ft as per arrange* ' - " horses' in Now fection,. Jewelled . in I All Liquors are of Best Selected Zealand. RICHAKD MILHAM, Ma,nq^ester j ;S<ieet,>,'Feil6^ug. \^ILLIAM_I)IXON, : .Brands. Diomedes will trarelas under:^ Six pairs of Rubies,' ' BWICKLAYERi Mondays— Ashurst, via Ashurst road. AND DECORATOR, JOB Fxj»ansion-Chro-j Real PRINTING: Properties ■L--:.:qr;: _; Houses and inTofwn and J lyurr^-.v t\ n till lv aain Tuesdays— Ashurst to Pfllmerston. street, Fitzherbert . Good Stabling. forw nonieter. JJalance.i kind of Job.Pnp'A ETory by j>ost, arded ori K done st l«wi for to let. Paljnersfon fo Sandon. sale^and Wednesdays— Pistrict NORTH, :; in aujd STQ& Timed Position J Pope "pPALMEf leftwith Messrs Pear ] ; ;:; ;aml TinirsSays^Bulls^LowerRangitikei. Equitable' Ageht ta the Fire a l_;k- it Beautiful Ploin Pol- MarineInsurance Association^ of Newi Boroagh Council and JR«adrSoard><B«ioltk ji Next door to Beck's Cordial Factory; son, Bowen*street, will be punctually Fridays Halcombe. " ished Cases> Etega^tj Zealand. " I Gilding.; attended to. attended to. : Saturdays— Country ' f Mkkinorbad-to ' Orders: 66MMERGIAL WOTEL A '■> i^'Edtimiktes : A Ten Guinea. Pials, ,Gold Hands,! "Agent to the FEn^DiNO Stab 'Office,! Orders received for ,'Jqtboerr Sumps, given; i' Terms-^Single.rMare,. £3 10s ; two 01 English* and Centre Seconds,] 1 ifed€iving advertisements, orders! Moderate charges,good workmanshipJobbing .w^ork executedpromptly. ( PAI4MERSXON NORTH. ;, \ Labelslot JiopiP/aciiftwyiinte&MU tße ' " '■■''' fl>ne owjier, thebqna fide property of "Hunting ■{ ike m«sfc' Magnific'eafi tfdr l ' ! i i jftfAf for &c. pay. YOUNG,' printing, "' ■ . \ .P%?«w»llii Jib uov .oxnLffLseM serVice, '"'■=...; ' | Vaeli, on first E. 'L By P.N. ever'niadej £3 ; ESTABLISHXD 1874. .Chrpnograph Watch tHei West Coast able January,J856, F:B:^A Laocfr' Exchange andj 0?.. .a w.\&fse i®jfi3r<ais. jaxii iuo FEtJITEBEB, SEEDSMAISr, CQKN- ' : 'Tne PremiwrHotel tor qf " WorthjHsa Beware ; lever , Agency chandlee; M Apply the oVner, Wait "GeneraT: S, J to W|'L VlWv: F 0 E 1 i;-f :;-, , .G. , 'Kvery ,I £6 iss. rfmihitatiws^ Lemons,Bananas,and, /'a. «ANNETT, t'aDiished'in connection withthe busij "Tlie ' F&uftW^iB 4»fiW%Btaffie*a .:, ; Feilding.; j Watchmaker, Jeweller & Optician.I /^RANGES, VP«rson should.:sqc >nesßv $m* affording r;t^6j /ra^an^g oi ;!r tbrouehf the fpUrfwin)poJgc&i*«^«K> :,' j Plantains'. Th? Sqitabe, Palmehston North \J' Illustrations:of iihese fapiht^jiing. j andCooking Appleß. Oo|eoa-j , o: .WOiiLERMAft <■"&'■ H^TOHESON ifcho' supply' of, all kindf tisements:— ; " A LWAYS in Stock. English, Eating Superb 'Watches in .y -*■' Nuts] .,"*r| AiRTHUR BIiDDELL to inj i: Barcelona., Brazil, beefs andPea i ag^d'Requiri^enisVj, nuts, J!| , ■:&k6qmES."' ' ■ : :' . ; Swiss; ;ii \ fioanciefi ; and Watches American? l£3L n#w BpTeodid : 5 e^ir 'g«neralW the i-'iiuWic *''JXr WHOIiES^LK WINE AND SPIRMj New Season's Garden Seeds. Mnkntol-aot;? j.^)aME:jßenterihy)Jilha » : " and Clocks. ''Wafcfi PWphlet; Sent that he has opened the newly-built M'EROHAi^TS Breezea Prolific and Peer J Weojdin'gRings. &.Ke§pers, i Potatoes— Ul " flj#WS«j!!!l 101-raolfeßHSMbtjqa Qih ' Jewellery, .P^pst Free; .for' Fojii : ; in)-.;j _", ,- .. Commercial and 'Ktfmily Hotel. . I less Canib.ridge Kidney, Snowflake Cheltenham ' Mr.Curnn yy\' Guns and Revolvers. '■ l BIRECT^IMPORTERS;' ';[';« BffPflteHSeW 10 * «S Q « r^^i ' -Fluke, L-JSS3PBAwkhuH Early Gooderich and Shaw. ' Arms andtfell ;Oats^ fWiHf receive^eveVr Licensed to'repair The Squabb', ;PAiasß»Bx6it North, 5». ? /pffiS JLnsiitJi.tiQii_ isjiow ppen.tc BiiWsMt'!' ./) fia^qMrMinisettj c!du3ft^ WA-V-E Brani Pollardj. FQwlsh W.hjßat! --». Diito Open Face* £5 I '\'-'"- aidv'ißYtdrs ;O^'^»'A!LsE-4 Ammunition. 1 j F atfention and obtain theconifortfl -jOhnff. :L1 i ,^ Meial doneki r -None -BK6uld hesij JL"; ihepubHOiindet t^fe:new^ulee; ::'■' = ' " I JjL< Mr JBLI-Jones „ a home. -r el -":. ' Stationery—^Prayer-book . I & 6d The Heading-Room daily from 1( .Wnneanui for'«ri( Books Instruments, Sewing tate to send " :" Mathematical l! ■ f O; Lome; Oarrick j (yj Whislfies : CJha'^Res' Moderate.: i.m:.lill,l]O|)jn.vfifee. SfJHn/.fllTi 'M«lbouMfli .i<ji!.«i G»*doni<fc;<2atialt3& Feiithers Cleaned, Dyed^jinr Machines and5 any kind of light j 'OS6:ich , % Bleiia^Kiltoarnock, , of".thpß^ Marvellouf &c), ;. Priva^Rdclttisfer1FjE.miliesJ' j :n,'i :. u-. ' " :J ' 60$ ,/.-.-".■ < Gurled'. / riihe liibraryjfe>itd»elißßue<.'oiboJks ' f The.easej ;fi repaired. : v: machinery : <v- i.n*«,.:-i ,00^9014 iuoda ' ;', i ■■[ , First Maks'SWniple«n*Bifliarc :i\f>om\i r'",; '" jj^r-it|o4en ! :i-; I'-uiV'/JLJ- V; ::../;■;■■ . AgentYates' Celebrated Seeds, Agen on iuesdays, fhursdayvr jandr :SaifiuT/. ng,and A Dome"Ri BtAi 0 -apif Braßt^ies, >"' ' " }"■ | Paddocfe Jfogl, jig® i Henneßsey/s.jiic^froni Stables Times ! Spectacles of assorted sizes. i , KCewCZeaQna £3 ./OS. . ;Bterlin^Site Ever) ■4sjr.*fsm-}Q rWß^te^.RiWwsW 1frou 72s tb^Bs p6f dozen | Baiter,,Dye Works, Wellington, Sterling W. Hili j vV'a&fr Warranted j Subscriptioi) tQjhe Library,payab Jb-.i.:i: ;iofj r«-i<w v-joii! lifJ .actor , A Porter in -attendanceon the arrival ; Porlj,irpm48^ to 60^pef dozen ; r ; Hamilton's,Manchester-st'. : AgenfeKendrfck's Drain Time-keeper Next to Mr Correct aiiß Ei'lil)1J£ Nc€rt tS#ift.fS, T ver^Dofiahce^ HOG per aidzen S^epj, 48s tp ; of-eveir'traife.f :/ f 6( J ! ,m a4vj»nce,. JPsrße^ann,Hrn,.10r..?s Rubber §tamp Co.,.Lon^pn!Tun'ier fOT a nd unde: Unequalled r pc English Ginger 80s '; and 'bystgrs. eve^weekj. quarterly for .one,jb.pok ;, BAW ANP '- "!,■/ ';? 'l&o&eti.'/.'. :>''!J.7;r-:H-i"j;i \J .;» '!:;C'OMMIBBIOJJ. Aq^H, ;■-.... , j Fresh" Fish every Sa,turday.^ i ■r, ..Sausages; Pork or iOs half-yearly for three bpoks. ! -v!IWJ I>4i##WfP4«J i -KiM^lwn^Efega.^:. " ;" »il-a7.«'»liiit Stem*, 16s pe* *■*■>. Eriglieb.Ale' and RQa3; Feilding/; f Kimbolton % ~ an« RngraveqrCases Near-Feilding, I ; RAILWAY TW& LICENSEDTLIO BEOEEB.;;' ;;;y,; dozen ABRIDGED wey^ton j Dials', : :.^ :t!N^2u^.>^ Beautiful mos ; "bt^din°Ale :MBfe)uWiofe r" j "'yfy&yf: "W&WKVVJ ' ' /f ;.., '_■■" ■;.-/?/:;. i ? g WiLMS Strbot^ I; ) /./. f J )WetfUjrfjliiWatches -Office— (Jolohial Ale's, dozen; DYE/ per WELLINGTON . ■":.. ' Other : [SV J.!d^Mlt'AN;'PBOPKiBTOB. ;i .■■>:>.::cn -.:■■>. ! EBtfibli'sh'e'6*'lß6Bf;- r -itU i.t t^«e Watch Pamphlet, -."i-.v.uij..-.::! SOUTH. inHxilk br2sMper'gaU% ' l ■■ <'"!"s-: ?-'-W. Leave New^E4ymottt^itt 7-26 a.m. fo ■'( ili^/wslufl mmi auil mil io xioiafialia uu j& ofwaescriptionfi applied Timber OvWcryMUt?£MM BARBtBRV^'" "^■^■""i tfoi<> : at 11.0 a.m. '■' 'f 'i! !rateß.-'^ ""'■'= ■: ■>- ■< Assorted dQzengi-p/pthe.Fa'boye ;sen^ (T. NpT|9JB T)F"REMUyAJiv. j Wangftiruiv^rrivinu -:"; jj y lbwWVcurr^nt 11.10 carefully.pafcked- to;..'aayi/,addr^ss;.oii' ; LeaJ^H»w«ira^s||^9^^nd MDYEiR^ANP^CLEA^ER^^ I < ? W' GWJd-Totftr&ifor A and Two Certificates f andj SUyer Medal 'receipt of cheque or P-.O^orderi i--i .-' caiM^at^aira-ano-Wa^erley, a.m., An^ ;; r -iirrn / : .describe the Valu » : building purposes. | Dy'emgV' ?"'"'""«♥ -Merit fcir jn&rjii ptiblfc that the oeg ; w " j : : of thes s#pls^'Bl?d^eJ'Cbriiiracts ! !i b * OrdewI 'i JLL ; and after this date' '■ their business T)CfO"©iiLEN and^ixecl fabric "," !il'iof LeaTeWaneairaiTttß a.m.&nd4.15p.m i^e¥al^a^aH'Mth^ ;lf ;'\ Grode'rfes aft'Wholesale;Rates. bn .-/I Sonau'oted'ii^ their wUrbe for LA 5.5 p.m LEVERS LeK&MmR aV3W«« &n2f ! Cloaks. Ulsters;; $c:v' gleanedlanfl iilys'J ; NEW PREMISES FBiLDiNO MU3SC9ERY, .1 j ''I? ' 'til'tiforpt The^'-areOcf LeaveTurakina-st 9.45 a.m. and 5.4 A M'^N JLA L M ABOH, t teeautHuliy/]}^ Kimboltop Hotel, .IjA V-:1hililOi(' I ' " * " next the Fefidia^ U.'l f "*■■■" -aiTJAV/ -10 30711il«ll A LadJetfir..; ;Jtbe<}vfefljfi Bast, m» 'SpAnlßTflKf ' b.eing ' !.MtofecK u^: J3ye< Leave Marton_atJ.o.2o a.m., and 6.2 )« EUTHEBFORB beps to TombstonesinVnni#from £3 upto £50. "■' 1 , ; :Clothes Seven Rents' 7 *SHERWCLI|"t Jil^M'KWi ?* Dips-built, bein^ sUßenor .!.;".:.! th«nl£ his numerouscustomers 1"Gement/Sheep "' " ■"! k:*i -^ < -i '.;■; =.!:■ !Auotionlers. Pressed, and Rep>hI fed:1:W/l6oK''iil a Guinea Enif- rw»l CWnsftrtfifton. W.y foR tlitrty .years held* tho ffrsl; place m m eWri- Msprct tobftek'. c'" ) '"" Lady t>| for the. te.vpxsr so r liberally accorded 'mVcW&aV Wf Huni^^^vWUl^verj lish ! Feildibgi'Septeniber -' 12^885: r:fetr6Wrw?naWffl^Wmffe!lAWlli»\ts. himduring the past t.eii years. l (JEM:B^Ki.xifir'?T@:MfP:^-KfAJNC:a '-i- :' ior our Magnifi ;—^ .;■:.]; i} (_ U ..--,■ tt ji.^d .-■ : !"■ ii. .:,- ■/'_ i! d.. ";! ;/. /")/. j ah'd' Feather^leaned an1 f6"r;-63vi8s/ J;JBend UlttStidtdd) Strai^a"ts f " -""^ n^srabH^H cfdm^iamrtfdlriniagfrpomidisHOUBE AN!) cent ?air-5 BOABDIJSJJ&' | FOR SALE.Ii.i Dye^.anyXolourr jrfl PROPERTIES fl led He w'oSil'd itsk' tliem not W r .\v\{, vy. "oUeav^ii^ildibttlairttiSOf a.H« aweU7>£ ) Jirdolr«'dJituraaob r bo*relsJcaLJUrffl&!JtlbHic, facis' y> 7'-!>i read TpMfttpiflnd V-BXKEBY.a .\ -2" shopsf anjcl "fJ w |fid,Glpyep-^an|d:' away by any"misleading'i>rice' lists. ! 1 'T.'-.A r-Ai ij.;i;-r:nv>fi <■* k) ri€ ■^iSiWtfA^'-^^'' p.m.; and on Satondayrf4ri£ftlmeJ?B&i I!!infc^{OQPatiag;(andponf^iQifei^lfiXaftfrmf^o \r'A'A"A)()'ii'l auout *hose; it wi lf jonlj* Agenfe for ManawatuDistrict. j\_ dwellings, parb of s«ctUn> =KJ7, f € oljiibO mnul aloAnT crwh'il _kcJl ; rppay every I.ad r' XOiBN:GOjULPf teg* rs^peptf^lly i0 Young, Storekeeper,Feiklin \ Mx E^ T aft, , l&40 will j, w^l-icnowii Establishment tl :l an His"' " no'Le^e-^ftimer^on I.nii_dJT t,,[.. 2s 9d, 4^. f|d. riAV.'Q iwUQf^a»?[(?eqnire 1 l&JJjfaßHftv/oVI or all '9j, >thank his friends,and tke pjihlic -Six splendidbuilding sitesm.Msmche.*- ;1 "-'''::i JfeSs? lls» i;i v^ be caqdncied;f?r ~fike-.,faip?fi $>n the.yof;Eeildicg andvißUiTQiuAdiiig, Chemists^Tropneari^^ -M*.-JOHN Woodcock, s tcr street, soctipn; lQ3ri44 feet frontag^,: -"ttt&fi'/ LWfitch to now do so. ; flistrici by prlnpipjes as'.iri'tlie p(ist, [> for the.yery-lihpmL.Rapport same " Lff^Hpfii^ttM' f)f£S iuT oriT d terms easy. (rat?*? Pfrtn.j anoLfrom ! cHLaw^-a atS.sspoi :Me'Wftt'tae Lowest m'b^h'^ac'e^il^'w^rth^^b, { v«»av^ oFWesV'oKftnglanl Goodis-roQinp4 House with <me acre vr : made One Box Jjoi^e^'s B 41 Pills ii^ supplymgthe ytbree th§ jinontbi "6i?SpSfftyi himdniiiing BJest ' » ' i» a ®B>eVi to QUITS %%$ ; .Prices. !? :: ■■'.'"''!^uviV ;" Mnhei warranted to cure^lldischarges fromthe mm v arriving i tt at4.:^rpLuiyi£feiilWSisShui, hopes by and MUZ** 17 3BUTHSRIPORD, > ; ibli&WUHor< k§ iterlf/i HENRY" /M^uir^d UrWM^fiffiHSj.a ' jVpTders,-cojnm^iedtp/ hinij.Jio ;roprif a a Distance. PartiesIJfvißfilit Proprietor.. A iv inlprAved -fatt», Kivriteay *9O acf©s, First-clasSaWtthfeyß fvt Beavers f< r rS>» .to. , ffiftlacO^rafeeia^frqmMJM __j_j_j^h_:j-J-l s ,}[ .ff-— f Icontinuance ottheßprne, ,j, u\ j iSi "nSjaSflyiKalfirilgrasiii.d tj no ."-A-.-.tir] l ml,Mr# B^fes, 4s'frl effif)4.'b^bli 6li3mists ;;4^ioomedihow^/gQtfd.repfir{ c a.m., NEWi jB.U'EQHERY, for Palmer XoaveFoxfon gt B^U Mfedi^fl^ WidOMif^iSf)le KIMBOLTOK-BoAD, FbILDING. t :.!" ." /.>Thft.beat ■. Brea^ioni^eAfrpm^espe-' stoß only, and4.25tm«' for Wanganui. lsPbe;:liiinoom!7andr:!^idldhd deUyered ijo way station, pqSfivSf^Aff^ffu.d:[-Proi^WrJt, LeavePalmeistwr6.40 a.m., and 5.4 51 1 v \. *r.,ibr;y Cut this-sqnareontandforward " !all pari« .of thei^Tpwnj iw& [Blurbs; at J-roofntA Un%l^ood^ep'air/!'Utdot! p^W^piAys '*& n-qii^jTtr T.^.^^^?fpWaWetfer onl 'Countiei 3fl!img>.(fof^/UnpifltaiiJ&gfctfd, . -,\ ;, {w, tatfirafol land.^aaßtohe-jtre^t, ' offer " aKhoJeM^of.ajlothej.^o^lte^^8 MgOJl>.'-Ufci:<*«« v^tlJftteeTG:P.O.,t . PER^b^LOA.F.;.,^; i invi^d. i«n i '. p ;;,r6D. . pi 84,« i-io&pon SEGUREiFARI)q^KS?,{ i "VFOTIFiES ii).the inhabitants and IHa'cre «ff 4to^Wec6Mn House tyii -.j-iij ')!i; > IIihA^ddfncbi^itiil 2*ißdi»&4G% jhii rr\~v;. >\\) ■■l^^,! MaErn6,To,b(>,»<>ld i '» J^*- y:S-J Tf. .-.-WTrH-f-JiJji-Jif. ) c-/i i:j3l :-Feildingaid itß ;surroundings,;"■!' rUeap. r Xieave Halcombe p.ZO&.m.an 7.aopnr * iflreet, Allkinds of-Confe"choneryiand:Pas- Section 'W Q,\tWW 4 roomedIifnnHE imidieißigufA-iiß.^reEaicgcLjfo^ thafehe has noWi opened th*Butchers J .try>madelto,pi;derf . ;, O /ij'-. ;,' / ! aeoomttifidate., |", i:ilMV?slartS» fAr?I hous», 1 acre ofinint, offar invitad. Shop lately.inithejoecupjafypn;Jo.fj Mi, 'Weddingsj Picni^,, JW.m. I*hd< 'ff^feH c ; Pdr 1 ;624;i*4Mway^aSiiiiutB:1fbre ""iiL'i' t i9.'4a Road, moderMe, Balls^^nd flilSWtiorf a^p^merjly/ Feildi Mill be. .m7*nidei3&p'/m. Whisker, Charges ' ; "W. Kimbolton Leave Turaki^a ;..'.J«l'»i-{f> " ties/supplied,with,.ey.ory.,;E^gupte,qn vfißtt.-,i«J.n T.i!Jh* ■(-;" rr,; ' ^ j ij^jß^erfjf^c'ai-e-Mtt^o 10«3^R«fli«, a,nd5.15,pjn.i >n" >.«!t-t V>:'ili! ij'-i: . .v J-.'i i-::i ! Y7 Leave "FowloU '] liior. " " , jnoderate.terms, ; S^ctiibn.44;.Tft«nui.,rpad,< ; f i.-n; j'i-l^iagcesi^nj -;sv w ,t«e; :n■>■■/Deliveryit!y»rd% if required,;., ;' There will be- no Middlemen's 's r i-Erivttte Boardjersj VVwill,fin.a all n . -.!::.!.* :>." »-.ri-:: "// ;,r.;pranr4citah = >i-t isij'i if*7 r-.<? .'u-r l'f~ -f't~ j " pi-ohtii, a <pbsir fehiprefore Ishall be in: .!,.-" j],!.i .11. i. lm:u./...-,ii;^lvt.i,iGrey '$W»et, ~.and;t,654 a 394 "Sections ,a, .Honie;r>af,this^weljlvOQmfbrts,.pf ' ■:-rr i;^iFjeildmg. ? > tion to supply Prime Joints of Sleat '„. ;,' ;^ff^;,;'^,r;^;;,j ''■ 1 street,. .; -glinted Duke. .'' :''"''.■ and puli>l»Bbed.l^ft?.P«)pW^" i^lT^Vrtfa, 'ind 4^^^p.te.^'Std!ppiu| at! EstablitOiment.... ;^ . ; \ 1a Section:]96nE^»tstreot, &'a«-reiiJ A I T i.f: f>oiil9s')^iißin!r "Siii'AvCKi,Asv>.'-!l-, ; ; . --1 known at greatlyBednced Prices. n> *'-.vi;' i^'y^ iuin'w-. j ;Ha'wera^"^u CALpWEL^RafI-'A AV P*ty* ,A Other Colonial &W<i LWi\; Mi ' ; *\s^ Sections 363 nn<l 364* BeatLie m%sjJ Small Gbods,' iredh >fthdi< clean, guaranteed. :'OnlyjSaturdaja ionly(.passengers ;frpm " X^--ir^pr^a^d^<»'i^fPnj^ffi^' STBKEI^j DppfBDIN. .. ;_. , ,,, | tAwii'A 34i act-ets w?.h«ood 4-roomed cottage; ceive;alimited r tmieiXinfrbj:,;j^lie> m^p^nig Manchester and BownnStreets. F«la m^de up daily by an experienced IPalnieNton ßotal4ecadb, of-iiPupils '27, for SfDWEr. To ' Cdiftrii's 1>: utchets ' ■""■;"-■/'>-'"'<''>-■-■■-■■■■'■>■" bt<be.soldjcheap. GOODBKHERE, i; "J :ilneiPiaiiofbrle::nunibe'r Wymofth / WKCouniyofManawate:!lSie*,!2ealdD<i MBBBpiraini.. iRo a"nd* % Manufactory--Liverpool,EnglindY by fw^ie&ii train at 11.50 a.m Wanganui on for orders. learin£ waited Families Fe.l«'ing. on application. _>PBppßparoa. " F. R. LINTON. I ■■".■■' ..- STEWART, "PRELIMINARY HENRY "^ -j^j- I y 1 ■ - - BHIP, DAVID MURRAY, r > r - . CHILES filiil? t^nsii'm^flonTan^f iGKEO- FLXG-E^ AND . I' !( MELBOURNE HOUSE, . ' ■ . . ; ( - - ■ - ■ --. -■ . - ■" mMbmfonmm ASK ■ ■ . ; > ; I'^ ■ JAMES . THE . . GEOEGB , - ■ ! : . Tailoring, Clothing, and Outfitting Estalslment, - -.":-" ■ I -. ■ ■""" ; - ■ _ ■ ..;".. r .. j». ,1. i;jai; ; . ; ; PAINTER — . ORDERS t — { 5 . ( i. ... ■ .^ — - . t ■ * - ■■ j r-«j ; .. "■ i ■ . t r . L 4 ... 1 ; 1 A'-W^W.#&^' ■■ ( i; I . ... ■ i < : :! ■" ; : ■ ," "' . j. : . BITN-NTTHORPE . > i ■■■■ ■■ * ;" ": im- ■ "■■■■■: | "■ la^eiHiocl^ ( - i - ) M^SRY i a*N 1;! s:herwi£l ( "., - lJ ; "^ALCOM^E '^ ;! ; ■ ■ ; : i > WORKBi. , i V^ALc'oiifi^ i ( :l:'.jli '.■■■- t ) t ■;; ; ; ... ;i! . ■ ■ .. . f^^lFl hi;; il- . ; . 1 t ■"-■■ ! m>M&f.M Seave'^afcdniTJe J ,w, I - ) ■ | |1 : ■ 1 t%.&.Varwiclf { 6Em ; "■ t .3aß&^ 4oHoXfcfeo^iv l 1 AI - _J' Vji-,.:i j:;> ! :j ., ; ":;; r ■ 1 j . ' - * ) "' ■■■if i; i ; .» 4 1 ■ ll . 1 j Ji t .. ( ■ ; . j» Mit^ij. ' ■ j . ; 1 '■' # -■ ■ ■ -■.