1 ! .._— 1“ .. .— ------- ---- . - .. -- .— .. . . . . . . ..- - —.. —..—- —- . - —. _.—. .— .. . ----- -- — - ...- -. ..- ---- -—— -L”. .,; ” — .— .--@ -aiA?aE ..- :.. 1 : .—-— ._ - ,. .-. — -“ — %— 0! -- — : : : : M % .. ,— . b ---- .,.,“. - r — : : : : w — -- — — * — .- — — . — “ — : .; : ; : . : : : . ...: .. + : _~ ,_. +- ,.+.,– ,J! —. , ,: .....- 5 --. . : : : : .. .: ;. : : : : : {.. -& J : : : : : : $ ‘; -: .- : : : : ~:, m. .._ . r — — t. M — ..:: : + . : : : : .— . + . :: :: : : :. : :.. — . — — — — r — : : : : : — 7 — : : : : : : : : — m : — — : . : — “ — — m — — — — . - :: : 0. -: --- .-. . — — 0. — : : : . .. — m -. — : . — .: + :-.. : 1 E : : :* :: ..: . ~ :. .% -$” .:: . : : : . .-=.— : . . “ : ,:. M : .; : : : : m:... E -. 8! : . : : ---- --* : . : : — —. . —-. . .. . . .———---- ————---- --—- ------— ——- .. ——— —— . -— . . . . . .. -4- -5- TO E413+NOVINGMWP -$ 6 (.) Now 1 would like tdk ●bout your l.at .ddr.ss tit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ir, u+lo,enuctwu ADDREis mm accmc.lation wad (b) hho else mcl.dmg AT 9.1 or rented ●t th. BEIM MOVINOGiWP 1 (. HOHOF PSKxws Hwsmioul wbydId &“ud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d.cMmt98we? Tim Homo mm OD ii -w m USvcd, ~-,t) w PEEziEE I 7. 1 time you mvd? lived n wur hcuaehold at the tie . ....... ? ............... TICSMOPINGG+WF RITFB DSTA1lS IN APPRWTIIATXMI is fhat I ;jq:f;fy’:, ~~, .,” t. .— I 0 I — 12 I I =+=1 12 I 12 12 I 121 I ,$.. . IIF N@iE TNAN(MZ RCASCPIGIVUI AT 4.7 dSK Q.8 — , I MOVINGCSW7 2 (.*: , t) ! 1 d HCHOF ~ONS I HW~III 0 12 I H 12 I m 12 I 12 — 12 1 -- I 12 12 1 , u —L -. A ~V12WS h&#ehold , c =1 - 1s there ● c.nzinuiw i head of “+ TER ! WIZUIZI AGAINSTHW 0? !WSVIWS HW6EHOI.DIN CXOLJT1 BOX AT C 6 HO14CO$J7 Yes . . . 1 AKKQ. 9+18 No 2 CO TO PRMSNT Acu&OmN . . . Fs-6- moz (03M!K! 1 AT Xmmmxml lU AU OJNTIISIINGNWl,s 9. How long so. did ycu live OF — at yaw last mEx 14. Q. A,) address? LSTYEAU ZEUS. . .. .. . 15. so . . . lFLf.WIHASIYSAS~G 10. Did you O- it .x rent ouud/wa# Ll@n# ., Rente+suted free LSTOUN 10mGss 11. WE30ENSn/mls Did you o= 1 2 1? m mm fa. u m70a.12 LS7LO0 ha (.) ●. LSTkEASC it lemebold? ..... ................... or freehold? ...................... (.. did Y.m pay eitherf a d.tr or ground lurden)? ............... 1. z mm ‘4. u 16. 3 enfmaca w fb Hw many m-ma bmw there 12. was it rented (provided) furnished SXCUGIX+ or unfurnished? fiunished LSTFURA) Partly ...... ... fulnielled unfurnished kha did P (W was it retit it mtided 3 ....... 2 LS7REWT OSGANISATIGNS kal AufbOrity ~F=rCYwWV PraMw AS Housing Association or M.siLm 1 ....................... .. 2 or L%aritable . 3 Scottish special ..... 4 . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . ... . .. . . .. .. . . . 5 (SP~) Association ltust E8ployer Other .arstisafion Musing did (I@ I Wt check), an, of fbo,e road m m Uzu m. ............. ... 0 ....... 6 . ... .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . ... . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 18. cuckd), rn.au usei ; .. .. . . . W R- let ! , or -&let m or Smm Lxr/sm-Im x ..i —g ~s7Lm ,. , 7 mplo,er ................................. 8 m , toflet x so . . ,,( .. . .. . . 9 ~’ / sm/sxwm/rim mm ‘~ NW GO IQ PSZSWl ooma.18 . . . .. . . MWHT CWS @lLY AS $4ABX0 ................................. ....... .................. garages, ,. ... ~,, ~~rsu44ic I?AsYsmms 5L41mmmfSIi o.SIAnEG-* JOIQ:IF A RGONIS m/ZG&lX? ~ SA4SSD Re3atire Other tiitidual w ~Pakwoftiem-, or tie bath (sbcwer) or flush with another bciweb.ld? ,. plDmtuALs NAWJSSASY 2 3 ; Ls7Rootis 6 .......................... &U.pc.ratica Za..tnrie., Latbroms, entirely for tusiness. ~’rn. from? by?) New mm 1 1 ., 17. 13. MK (a) W IUQ.16 Ofher r-am. ~E Sssmm ● ~zim? in year Xast Utchen (L mom h which y- PMM?+Mx, 10 21!42S8bm it ,,.! ,4 ! !, , inside JOlr ac~u la .: ouzsida yam ●ccomcdat h! An8ide tbs tui3dim@ .. ... .xnSide the bui3ding7 . . . . . . . INDXVXWAL PIUMPt m Cmxmsm ftur APPLIES mc s. \ it? : “ S+th (bhoier) Flush toilet kred ,bared ... ..... \ Ac4WMGATXOli SSCPXGU, PAGS 8 1 z m m PmmsT A—TION SSCTION, PA~ 8 . . .— .———. . _——. ——-—. -- .. . . J-. .A.. . . . -.. . — —— 3’0 AU HCIM2T!OUIS IF ~v~ ~o~ mm ASK cw HWSEtKU = 1 w.. mm this 13s.z, 17-19, 25, 25, 274 ZNITHU w AIM POmTIAL W= SCC710N bmldlw first 1 hilt befor; 19197 . . . . . . . . . between 1919 ad 19447 19450rl. t.fl ..... .. DK . . . . . . . . AC . . EHOUS& I m . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 3 . . . . 2 I I 1 2 1 m YOU -.. r- t~~ I 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7 HOUSE/FUT E7C. Dins/i.hying oldtJt40us I E Rents/re.t free ....... ...... ; 1 2 1 -m TW.SC WNINO/BUYIW 3- ~ Y~ .- OU?JLCASE it lasehold? ......... or freehold? ........ (or do y.. p.? either c.r g-d burden)? . . S .... .... la ... ... ..... ....... ................... duty ................... 1 2 3 0 1 4. : Do you Oul it %SMNMOAT outrlghff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...! or are yal hying it on a ..rtga6. .rl.an? ......................... MO (.) (b) 5 (MY LTAt+T NW =ch w.. rcur 2a.t mmtdme.t on ycur 10U or .ortsage, including any endanent immnce prehm aeces mry to .0, er the lmn/mOrtga’e? NW Lang a period 1 just cbwi.j d. ycw recei ~AT6ReB ●* (kuwr U7 R,.. ●ea Ir m O a . rate E rebate (h, w. a permd does tills 4 Ep T.. ,.. ‘2 5 6 As ,U.,, vi ,:’f~ ‘ L S=2cLd. ““” ... ” ”.’ ” ..:: . ”; ”,”,”,”,.:” ““”.”~-.. .”””i” ”:” .J,@$,g , . ~~my,’j ‘. ‘ [ Rdatin . . . . . . . ..o. .. . .. .. ..%...i....... .,-, Employer ‘f NO m n-bin 10. ( do you receive? 1 cover? ( 7 !,, 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -$ ocher 2nd171Au2’ .’. <.”..... . . . . . . . . ...! r.k@e7 kcBf17E Nc- mch 1 mm ). 10 9 . - Yei M. JJTb4> om 1. 21 ;3 ....... * (a) long A!UlN7.. MoaTrln did this cover? 2 i RUTIIM mm Does yuur hmdlomi 3HDxvInms live (mDm in this /. ANiko@ LYOIEJT- 7-9 AT Q. q) 2ui2d@? .! ‘. I i ! : ram ‘.. N. . . 1 2 .. +.. A= .-i u: -... 2 ~ i? 8 . . . .- :0 *# *“... I 1 1 I 1 I ( 1 1 : 1 1 g., ..- ..- M’-. - ~,, ..--,, \ - . . . . .- . . . . . ..: ::: . . . ..” :. .. . . . ,..<- . . --- ~e ‘- : -C4m. !,: . . .. . . . .“--, .”l I << I _ :3””: 22 ~.,: ...-:. ---.:.. -~-—:;- 7 ,.. a? .p 26. -i4- -is; arm ALL Nwsl!tmm Da ya liar. in yam (part of .Ccomodatioll *) foAILuKmlmq 1. lsmPlmAL. aw PROW? 27. W4TSroRC electtic ntgbt or any other storage f.am of heatnra? cetmnl c ● wT+l Are any of the follcuing items nomally available for .s e in your ac~ation? - .. 8A~ atd & k cock.. Electric u.lNC~E lTPA!S STLWSD WI Usrlsn S2PAIR . .U .ewrate ISDIVIWALrridae PRCUPT exclud. Vao.uu cleaner ‘setTvs.t RLESSR9 .ti bdMWiMh - T ... . . . .V.~’%%W.tl, la ../%~9\~.. 1 WCARS Sw-y Nmmmfa Sm71cn Pm 15 (i ad 0W42124 . .. .. .. . : 0.%”1t U : .““”””iimmi”: ..................”:””””””””” ............. :. ●“” -e .. . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . wmrtm.+ \ I wmm KwmPJm W32m ?Aw15 ............. 1 2 3 “k c00ds0r13J . . . . . . . . . . . . B02b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k.ugbl~bcu mwbuererk’?; stolen gOOds (ad cdl) womb b total? Nil are there? &mN . .. . . .. . (b) _ lNCUJDEANY PXOBY wmm IF N~y AvA1mw PO% m W INFWMNT M ~sW OF TSS HLW32SOU!. KKCI.W2 VBIIC~ USEDSO~Y KW TNS u1n OF @mm 1 Ccms (d oom 1Psc8BmAScN8 (i) ....... ,,L, - /1 .................................. = PACE 17 = ~~ K?miac 2 . . . . . . . ~X Swrms ~ 12 so . . . t~n0ne7 KnUmA2 12 IT km Or-= ASK (a) com ~:. 12 Yes . . me? e ,., 2 1 --4 ius’ihi8b@Awd$ 12 Mmtbs? 1 P29 12 1s tbe.ra a car or van n.armallv available for use by YW or m-krs of &r bcus&d? 1. there Ibunnytkea during tbe hat .. No . . . pm2AafdA1241 i2ilhz+ , 2W w! re8 20 N“+M+ ,... .. ... . 12 12 ‘~ .....TV...... rented . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radio/truuistor (a) ,:, (.) lj deep free% . ...<.. or ●t2ap2d #atb347 I?m .p2m-drie.#Vg~f7 - (AU.’ A:’ “::,: ‘,,., ‘ ..WS.%W.K... 12 cocker .. ~t!uM329M* bcm T3ng bare) h m7b0d~ got tnta this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..wi2hout yuir Nmdrur Bm. pemiaeim mid stolen heatin@ Ye# ‘m 2S. am EmMH!!c ~:;<’ “(*ll;t) ............................. ~. lJnder&5 . . . . . . . . . g5 and u0derf,25 . u E25 ■ m . t-w. . elm Elm. ~ emo e2w. . am Llom ● C9YW elom andover ... \ . . . . . . ... .. ..... . .. . . ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... . . . . . . . . 0 ,. . . . . . . . . ..... ..... .. ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . . . . . . . . I 1 2 3 4 . . . . . . . . : 7 8 1 1 1 2 3 — o 1 2 ) ‘8-N i I -2 I--” ---- ..- ----------- $EIN . ● +3uW4.,” ,! .-.% -.. -.. -. -,—.. - :. . ..-* —. . . . .. . . . . . . ..: . ... * . . . -18- 0’ Ccm m = -19- m = 7. 5. Would anyone else join m wha is not living ENTIX NO. OF PEiXMT. 1P - ‘= .here acw? Why have ycu 4 - .. ...... ~“~ Uhat have you done .&t A% t~ to fird Nave YOU ●pplied stmeuhere to tkcamcil? ~ IiTO? mlwLA ........... rea M “. a.,, . . . . . . . . . . . ..dwAdgA nmnovxsomam ., ,1::,’ sol m ~ to x.? HPuuY ..... ~N;MovE1 ., ,: ,:. 6. 1 TO AlLW3U7SWIS OTOAPRIVAti”~ =, ~ew 1 ., -, WJYMDW ; yiiougz”;i. 12 1; 12 1: 12 1: ... 12 1: ,.. 12 1: .,”:: ! — AN7N0T mTILMrAl NW. p Cdvertiaed ““”=ti”=-:’:, or replied ~~~m~cu M’m(mmT) !-’%+’”?’;/ to (.x) ,~:aq!?!ub’ SPC+iTANEWSLY B or to rent? . . . . . . .%lye~fl......,. .... 12 1: ~ 1 ,-. m — I IF Wf12iMAN UiEPEASUi OIm ~~ 8.’ ATQ.7 ASKQ.8 . . . . ..* ... WA . . . mV3 m or immuiom SlamUU , ;,. z, :NLWcmxxnAa PAIR ,,, m “’;”’ ; , ‘ tit.ii *F””ai OW+l for ~<,? b ,* 1’ 1 — 0;., . f :; ;. B— [q”’-” ““”’”” ,, ,., MllitiMov”E-. .’. . ..! : i:: ~ ;“. , . ,WUW ... ,.1 ,. s ,.. . ;: t m (cd) (ei;iJ m“” +“j. “-’”” ,,, i! j ; ~ .: ,,,. , <! m OF SwmioulSCN12DUU. NW Cm B&X PAGE. ~..!: j,, , .,d, >+~?>& ~ .’? ,,, ,, — 1 I I I 1 i ]. !/ * ‘k ,,i, :. ~ Z.sm .,-, ● > - . .... . . . .—.”2- . -.-. -- ------ —_--. .N 1? 8 . ----— --- el?i? 888 —’ --”- . -- -. --- ..m*-el. .- ...-— + (c .. . . .. —- “ ---- ------ :.:.. O.N-*”V---O. .: .—, .- ::: .>. - . . . -----.“..J -. ----- -. .,, , 1’ . — :: :: ., ., :: :: :: . :: :, :: :: :: :“ :. :. :“ :: :: .: . — . a d —— 11 . 12 -. u ,...., . i?. ● .,,., ● ::. ::: ::: . . ::: ::: . . ::: 0:: 1.. a~: ‘ , 0 .3; XAZ a d s -2- -3cow 70 ffK6E WWKDIGMST UEFX (CODED1 AT Q,l~ — -rLJosoBs last week dld you have any other paid Job or b.sueas u additxcm co the one you h“. JU,t told = about? 4 Llll Yea . . No .. 1 2 kSK (a) comas Y- . 2 — ASK (a) caT0Q7 IF Y= (a) OccupatMJn . . .. . Industry . . . .. . .. . OFF, USE . . “L t mssrlm PsmFT 11 . . . .. . 111 .. m e.ploye e . self-uployed . 1 2 5 we want to @ a picture of the people work . . .11 the Jobs that tbq are self--played). x extenrhu m m a.7 5 . .. . .. ● of tiys . week they d. (except when 7. ,, .. .. . .. < of my. I Pei-..ad 00 KOQ. over ~ ~hOfid be mllocated t. the day on whch ● ost of the hours were do”. l!axa of “o .. . 4 +?3 8. Shfts ..,,.. ;1 ❑ tier how (lh.nbang of ● ll cbe ]ob. you do . . M upl.yee) many days d. y.. U.U1lY work over a given period? Include my days wbch you regul.rly work as overtbe ● nd ● ny days when you work part of the day only, kin exclude any days when YW are %. call,, only h 1, SkT/SUk_f ......... ...... . . .. ,. TO AIL EJE’IJ3Y= IF SEW SHPLOYEDIS AU JOS5, MA . . . . . . . enry &iT/Sill? .1. . . . . . . .‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c-V other 0.0 in 3?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :$=.* ofteuth tit? .. ........ ...... (smY’Y) — ,-. . 6.. [~ ● !O In addition do uIy pdd to tbi, do y.” OVertti.? Ye* . . No . ..’ USUdlY 1 2 ASK(a) G+3TOQ9 .. . .. mma9 1 0 com Q 10 count re~ai-dl. s a of hours worked (a) h average -ny days worked? how over the 1.s= 6 ■onths ● week would you say you DmYs~ Other (SPECWY) + 9. i ...... 8 mm Q.6 . . .,/14 $ NW lCWUdoe. it U8UllY b YOU t. ,.t fr~ hcgc t. work? ~ ~~i~’ H ~ !*,* ~ Nrs..; . . . . . ..mn.. ........ Wxkat . .. ....... N. .aiul place of work . . . . . +! -5- e -4ml 33iPlAlm 11. mm,wumm-w 10. 1 Xm fmm Ware you away fnu work at a33 3ast week because v.. were ill or had an accident? - 12. 46SIJK Yes... 1 2 AsA(+(.) s 9.11 falx I?212FmPfmP8, Does yourmployer my you anytNnA wbw you are off sid17 nJA.. %lckplq~ s 933! 0.13 1 2 3 ;.;:; ●Does your taployer mm . private ~ica or superunu.tier. schme for people in pour kid of job? PENslo*;.~;: EXCf.WE SYAn”C$UBUAYPIDP#WIIX! AsDmNPsUn PA2mEs7s x I I ,,,, ,.. 1 2 3 . ASK (a) SSEO.13 IF m (.) (a) kY.u any Kltimal In.urance for last week? F4d, SicAm**a Sac+ fit (i) Did this inclufe or wsre youalso W (till t~. include . . w133 y.. my suPPlmen2ary ( I Md this period llvst week? of absence 1 2 4 US=N9 [ ● 13. since this prrioi of absence first began, how my * days have you ken away (not o.urtting any in this current week)? — .,..,.,.:. ,.~~ Ma . . . .1 2 SYZQ.13 . + , Nm s ............ long emagh . ............... ............... . . . . . . . . .:, . . . . i.” .. .. ...i . . . . ... ... ... .. . .. .. . DNA . . %.. .,, ,., A= (c) . SFX Q.13 wufxiiYK3scu9rti . ... Insurance cc+m-itution ycur behalf? Iwr~c*” rat. for “ - ---~ .- lUOMffIW w cmtritution m ;. Q.11 w ma.14 Z paid mll m contribution :“-”:. ‘S*cia3 Sate . . . . . . . ,, ‘.:DK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~*a;) .. . .. . mm (i) ASK (ii) ~. Sotoldemqh .. ...... Mot been with the fim T.mold ............. ,T-wraryj ebm3y . . . sot Intel-e ate r. . . . . . Dth.r rez,sma f-~) w w WY t~.fill ~: . cmt ribt ion or the s cid marric.i w-co (widows ? I (c) 1 2 PWwtlAoi msAsRmDAnDuxrAwm ~,&$@EDIATQ.l J . 1 2 so . . . (ii) WY are yai not h the sc~? . ,. 4 ,.. . . L... .+ ,. (i) ,, cOntributio.7 1 2 end Yes.., No..., ,en ,, ., ..:, re . . . ... (b) 1? m 1? w Yea.., No... also be @d) allowance 7 PFWSYOU to the scheme. belons ....,,.,’ ● ● Pai’2, c.rti33Ymb w ,! .$$ + ~ .... .... ..... . . . .. ASK (a) mm O.14 . ~ Yes . . No . . . AW. (i) w mQ.14 IF m (i) IF IN mm OIPE 3?ASY Am nsrtw DATES ~ AVSRMS KMKTW2 tWS SACH b’uK I r 1s tMs the fuil Nati.~ “iikiurkce contribution or the special rate for married women (widcws)? Ml NY contribution .... Special Nate . . . . . . . . . . . . M ...................... GO TUO.14 I -7- -6- CODE . ‘M ALL FJ@fAWKSYAI&ISEWWIANED If.m long have yself-employed (i. 14 bee. with your WI. ycur present Job)? 15 mployer/ L-ssm chmn 6 months . 6 ■onths b% less than 1 year 1 vear tut 1.s. N (a)-(d) Save Yca refaincd any wn.i.n rights frm my (other) pre.ious job which YW .r. either drw%ns ncu or will ●ble to dr- in the future? ExLum NM W than 2 years 1 2 s7Afs mAwAlm Pnslws S67! PAYWEN7S W70Q.15 10” years m Ye.r. (a) than 20 rear. HW many chmge. of =P1.ye. tive PI ude in the last 12 ■onths7~ IF NO PRSVIWS wUIf?WJT mm ,0,, (b) tut less or .Ore HW dxd you ~ W“ 11 through 30 16 W IAS.? 12 ifWfH5, hear .bcut your present which of the .tatwenU . . this cud ca.s .e.rem t, on the whole, to what YW cM* abcut ycur pre.ent (ui.) job? 7oBsfiT 3.b - _ Upl.Fent exc~f?a H ‘AR . private empl.~ent aLencY7 an ti.wusme”tq . . relat.v. or frmti? . d,r.ct appl~catlon t. M employer? or ,“ some other W,T7 (SFZS21PY) RWMIW PSCIHPT BUT CODE 0ss ONLY HANZIINYfWUWf UQDA EC H AA) 1 2 3 4 :-: 1., -. I : . Are p leavitu (c) D.d you have . period without before you routnl your pre.ent Na . . . .. (STAYS CAKNDAS, 4 WTXLY STC) scheme rm ●t +. m- . mcwm d,d you rece,ve a refund . . . c.ntr, but. on> --’ ,,3 Qlenhmc (Mb. FtnsT. “J ,Asr (i) 1::::s <oh &t) transfer y-r penmm rights t. ywr pr . . ..t ].b7 d.d y.. ret... MY pension r.6hts .Imsh y.. me ether draw.~ nw or ..11 be able to draw m the ~u~re, X TO fm Sw PACE 14 UAVE2 by pre,laus 2 x all e.plopent w (d mm SEA J 31 PAOS 13 y 1 PREv PE?JS Yes No No prev.o.s mnmtum ~ 1’ Dxd not lod 1 Ifm I ha, IT m (I) when ym left ycur e.ploye r dld YOU 41 job)? I %= to . Fnalon e.plOy.r’ ~ ,,. CD m (d) ~OBLOObf Dld YCUbelow y... pr.v.0.s ,, mr.cusly thi*ing of ‘-’ your present e.ployer (%f+plqed 1s= (i) 1 2 ~ IF m (1) turlw that peried wi thaw w.*, h.m 10IIS were YOU~ look~u for W* before YOU f~~ your pre...t lob’ (d) . . . dissatisfied work . Job? 70BUWCHP Wonths very sat,sfid Fairly satl.fied Neither satisfied Rather dismtisflcd < . +i~ Very dims. tiafled 4 — z— 1’ 1 1 Of YOUZ 1 sow co m ‘Q 15 NW SSSQ 31 PAGE13 —------- .. .. .. . . ... . . . . . . .. ..-. -...—... .-..-.-—- .. . .. ., -.. . -8- T0TH3SE_m~UMKfAST= 18. X..,.. lkuing -9- (mom4ATQ.1~ To Au rakf m PU were lookdng fc.r turk bst the seven &y8 endinA la8t SUIAY ‘=’*‘““’(YO.th~lopent ‘h‘b ‘“‘“ Wfice? -’rwere you on the books of a private @ weak. 21. Fm)wf did you tie ‘“’-- 2 33 TO Q.SO ...... 2 haf/lfPw ......... 2 UK49Vg& ............. ..... -P1OYMIW agencJ7 were you awaiting did ,0” or NP17 to ●d?erti.ements? a direct aPPTOaCb m a p199vCtiVe employer? ...... 2 .... 2 TO ffnd work? (SPSCIPY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 rbe mmlts do aqthinA else of 3%5 At Q.1) (- WlmI did PU h.t work? t/fAwPE)( lNDIPIU.WL did you adrertise uwAw3ama j .ab applications? mtwf As NP2msAsY < , ,, fass thm s wok WI . . . . . . . . . . . . he week but less fbm 1 mntb . . 1 month bt less fban 3 maths . . 3 mntiu but legs thm 6 mntba . 6mntb# but lena flun lyear ... he year ormm. ag., . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 TO Q.22 ., 22. SW Ai6 you Sfop W*? 23. km you rerainad h p&wiOn J@ita fm. a pmvAms job ticb P. are either dnwiq now m will be able to dr.v in the f .UIre? S5 Q.31 pm 13 ~< ....................................................... ....................................................... TO TISSE WAIT1ffi TO STAST 19. A SW JOB (03M ~ AT ~ol~ rat week were you or. the kooks of an Ihplopeat Rciunse (Youth EBPloymmt Office)? Yes . . . .... : 6P4?LOY;Y ‘?: ● 20. Oid YOU &,”, Ur.C+lojnnt OF benefit o EWXAIDEsTATECRAIUAT~ _IOm AIIDYAIUPWIMHS ,,, ,,> . ,. ..’”;:,.. .,., ,., .,,, ,,, IV” (IIWW, any for bat week? ASK (a) 00 TO Q.21 Yes . . . m ... ( ● uwta-lPtlEfu mm (a) %$ Did k. inclwde or were you .ISO paid (Uill this include or ti13 you also he paid) any SUPPkW.tary allowance? / ‘f Yea . , m ,. 1 2 GCl‘TO Q.21 “’’””+’ (e*;t] Yes . . m ... .!! .:./ ,.. , . . i.: .-j 1 2 ,SES Q.31 PM 13 _____— _ . .._.. — . . .. . .. —- -. .—. . .. . . .. . . .—.. ----- 24 Last week ul~ Lb” C“’’’’”ca ~ werey.. EPIPLOYED ww co SChO.1 .r =Uese 2s Have y.. ..... .. .. . mar done any paid work? , IY Yks (a) MI.. did you fimmh pm 1 . ‘; TD M . *-RUOW “: 1 2 fiat Job were You doing when YOU stopped 3 AT Q.M1 REYINSO (03DEYI 26. I * ‘K(b>(d)o’o ; (i). /tit ! -Ocalration ‘“ YOtU usudjob? ..: . . . . . ..!.. ..... .... 1 2 ISK (b)-(d) Industry work? cm. m. .1s . ..’.... Y.8 . . . NO . . I .@&*” {r ............ . , . . . w vAatnaLts 3, Q- . . L . . (~) &LL ? ~. *Y tid YOU at.P Ou? 111 rr . . r . ‘e’”p c m , ., ......... ... ... . IF 70 DR 0~, ● ~ MA . . . .. . . . .. 1 2 . ;SS Q.27 .3. 25.rkam l-u . Nil )gp. :, DR mD~ 2 AT Q StS,INA Y.* . ,=. .- fE. Did You dnw, or will you drw, benefit for 3ast .eek7 . . . .. . , am LEISURE PffiE 14 M m Q.28 w m Q.29 . . ;’ “0 “ Yes . [:,; ;;: ASK (.) CD m Q.29 L EIMUCIWPB= (.) 1, ,) 1 IJrm , any tmt@.yment wmk7 Pre~.uwy/to atu-t a fully ’... :. To get -rrmd/chan,ye of dc..e. tic rmpm.ibihtiea 111 h,alth/accadent . . . Retmed - PRCtlEwhezher volunmy or c09pul SOry Redundancy/Job f itmshcd Dther (SPECIPY) ... I EZEMPCX ..... ..... . . . . 1 4, .:, . ‘?’ uat week were ym on tbe kooks of ‘m ~loment sx~e (Y.utb hpl.apmt Dfficm )7 . .... ;ss Q.27 ,SK (,) . . . . . {h” ...... ...... .... .. .. ..... ..... ,, @* 1 ‘ 2, .... ...... 70 Y7iC6ERETIRED. IMPmG IKWSE. m mma SLVmYmNOmm ‘MST 69 Y3Y.NSm mmm H (CMDE713-5 AT Q.24). ~Dm m 5mLmm NOT NASACM MC., ::t:~O&:t 11 IP + suPmmnfJuJmT, fl PROBE Four .... ~loyee .. . ,df enployed IF NkN.4m, (c) . UITI( cOmalwcB W-6 .... i’ ; .... 1 Industry EE Q.27 fJ >...... e@Oyee . . . .. . . . . ... elf. employed with employees . . . self - ~loyed without ~loyees . us x R6?7/R~.D ......................... .. EE Q.% 1( You tdd m what job YOU.me doinc wb.n y.” ,topped work, wa8 tbt tha job you did for MM of your .orkin# MY.? \&a 1 2, II mA . . . -, O.-pat ‘ET Ye. . . . Ho . . i be yew tat leas thin 5 years ?ive” y.... but le.. than 10 Y.U. ●’. . . . . . . . . Ten year, ormr. ) P6?JS Am I .% (a)-(d) M! Q. 27 Job? h you cm.ider yourself t. b. a seasonal Ye. worker - that IS someone who re~ona No to work put of tbe year 001Y7 n- I + & PDMIm9 ● 4 300 i) (b) . w.. JMI retied MY Ptrdom rIgbt8 fprcdaii job W* YOU .~~er .,. dr~ti m till be able to draw in tbe future? mwrs amn mMUAm fmw m PAYlm17s k.. cbn Imnth as. .... . . . on. .onth hit 1.s. than b months . Six month. but 1.s. than 1 YCU . . L4SY (ew;t % lmt (d) P I .. ~ mDE mm (NA ~ ~ m ) permanently unable to work? . . . ... . .. . . . . . rctlred 7 keeping h.”,.q . . .. ... . . or were YOU dmng s.meibiq else? (SPECFf) . 1 -11- -10TO TRf6& mDm fdd this inclwfe or wem you *1.. ptid (will this include or will y.. .1.. be pud) My 8uPPk9entU7 dlcu-CC7 . ~ ; ‘ { 1 . Yes . No . ~ 1 2 u’ S0 m Q.29 I I I I I { ! t , I I i I 1 t 1 ) 1 E 8“ ““ “’ ;~l -e+ ; i :: .e4 ::. ~ ,4: .:n’i :: :: :: .: E -. :.. ., c ~, 2 t ~ . . ~“?” .- .. . .- —. —.: ,:: :? :: .:: ..- 5.: d -. . ,, ,.,...,, “’:<.,, . .- . ... ...., .. .. -, ,., -: ~ . ., .i “:! 1! E! e -- ..,- —— .. . . —.-. ..-— -. ( -14- ) IT7ED aU . ..—. —— . . -15- ,Whjngw I!Z!E&a lea NO 1 2 . . (a)A(b) mmaz AS IF Y7LS (a) *ere mDE ALL XTIATAFPLY dXd y.. lx 8. for your Idid.y? . . ... mAlu.d (excl 1.1. .f lb) Scotxalld .. . . .. . waXe. .. .. ..... . .. ... . . I Northern Xreland . . . . . . . . . Atrmd (Xncl Isle of Man, . . ..... QuMel 1.1.s, Sire) .-,. ● Lstenirq to recOdS/WWO ON Y xl 1 2 Y xi 1 2 I I 2 xl 1 2 Oing out for =al (not in ..... . ...... .. tiorkinc hours) Y xi 1 2 OIIIS out for a drink (..t XII “Orkxns hmuw) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r x! 1 2 x ~ 1 , 2 z . .x , ~ ,x , x x thers (SFiXXFY) .. ....... .... . ... .. . .. . .... ... .... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . ... . ....... . .... .. . . .. .,. .. ... ... . .. . .. ... .. .. .. . . . . .. . ... .... .. ..... ........ .. ,, , , !4 2 1 4 2 1 4 2 I z 4 2 1 , z 4 2 1 1 2 4 2 ! 2 1 x 1 2 x 1 2 4 2 1 x 1 2 4 2 1 x 1 2 4 2 1 x 1 2 4 2 1 r J L PFU3~ ~ 5UR ACTUALACTIVXTX AND_SD RmC Y XN 031 OPmSITS IT OR (c) (b) (Apart fro. those you have ahedy menmmed) IMm You done my of the act,vitma lMted on th.i. card m the 4 weeks ending last Eumhy? ssmRD DSTAILS DR mm -1XF IAl ACT1VXT1C5 (.) Md w .i&tiH. vhiXe . . h.XidaY.j other tue, .r ●t s-e UUUW XABt Sundey? mDE mCS A~VXTY x xs mx Opmslm or both, , in the 4 weeks ,- . mNE IN mXJfM (C) (1) KTR LUSI ACTXVXTfuPIDa lHR (SPLf2XPX)1 SXCWT . . TSXXE mm ONLYON mxmw ABmAD MSNTXONM, SRIG —] 9?9 s&m#kTxml (c) ;, 1. , ‘, ~! I mNE, fNiL-x your holiday Xi+ [A&AD])!m liw MY kn the 4 weeks ending Xmt Smd.y7 days did you .Itititi m 5 ormre days . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ‘a, less ofmn than tlmt~ (PmBE) (4 days . . . T.{2 or 3 days .lhG ‘liE APPR3PRL.-; .... . . . . 4 ...... .. 2 1 . .. .. IO~Y one dv ‘h CCDL IN mX (c) (IL) , mi~ 2 IN mm (c)(,) mR uu+ AcTIVXTy mNE mm SEE (C) (11) ! ! (i.) (APrt 1- MINTS AS NmXS*SY Ds’F USE mw 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .— .... . . .. ... .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . ... . .- . . . . ... . .... mu Os-fss mLxDAr ASiOAfI UK -r ...... I Hot (aw:vfc- &ctiTixy dme .............. muxmr Y L U. are Sneer’emt=d in the thin.ss peqde do m ;heir lexmr. tim - wbrn fhey are not -*in&, at school or ..11.s., or lc+km& after the house and f mily Can you tell . . At mart of things ~ ham done m Y... sPare the Sn the 4 week. mdmg lam Smd.y? Ds (ii) 1 L#itSn& or .Ymerxaiuiw fri=xa / faly ............. ......... . (w+ w) (a) rdlq .Cxl ........... ......... ta radio WrMAQ OR m P, h?rclPm 0, S-ATM 2 1 Lint+ .. ‘E (.) Alms mm DBCSXFTKW OF A~~fl l,d 1*. yea to think abut the 4 wcks emllns lut WV. luring these 4 weeks did YOU stay .-Y fro= h-a for one night or lower on g kmd .1 hol,day? 1 .. (c) (i) (a),(b) mm ~ .. . J AGAINSTm A~vTTY 1 I J ISEE EUJCATIW WE 16 —.—— ._ _______. .._ ___ . . .._ .. ____ ,____ .._ - . _.-+-,..- ______ -!7- -16- w — ---- WX30ATXDN 0 ) ‘xNGSlfw mm mm )13X7XONEG.aAssE9 (.) m X.wwm Ar. Y.ni at presentattendh4 my sort classes CUIWIY for recreatirnt. durim x he yw 1 2 &’.: at pmscnt .ttendin.z full-tire? PRGNPT ( including rem,timal .. .......................... 2 m m 4.3 L rscowsed trade ....................... ‘3 s Cdyin’ or preparing m your oan exuination 0. qmlificati.m? 5 APPLIS5 for ...... (b) vixbin 6 t. tber.ext6mambs? bt 1.3*S thul -“*, m-more DO yuu expect vacation W* 1 WNNXNO PSDMPT bk.n do YCU think this - Sea30r S.c&&y’ (L% ““” . .......................... LlnIlt [fzG7xAm - Grant-ded] mbool . . ,, Im3epm3at mhool (#g YubXic SI%WO1‘ti “ “‘‘r’ B@ar@laxes, plivate school) ............... Spedaxdlonl (for bO@taX Sclmbl Au16ic+ped, school & c) (sPmIFf) Imf, —?= [XCC4L AOfiDRIT! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...!.. . ,. ..,.,, begin? within fhemxt 6-tbs? ..... 6 mnfhs tut 1.8s tb.m I year ‘from ...? .................... or more xhan 1 year fr09 now? . AIRUXIXhGPKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Co<&t . . . . . ..~ ......... ......... ......... 8 9 !E2 1.8. . 8 9 (, : 11 13 ‘ $ 13. ,. IMtitnta@ollege of Aduxt Sdu.XtAm (Tem-lmr Trait@g . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... . . ,., :i.. 1 2 3 MO GXYE I&M) L..,..,.., ; .... J“; ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...!... 1 2 (i) n m Q.3 ~, s 00IXe@) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...”..’...’./.. COlxege (SPWXXY mm [6 , ; .. [A, rea . No . . 7 7 ,, Giliremit, or will school] s&OOl] education W ~ (i) ~— [= selmtive) selective) C0X3ege of ~tim 6 ..... .................. ‘ear fnow? xa do my IW-t-tiM before tben7 Oucvflc 6 z=mins I AT ......... than 1 year fr091m .,7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. 6 other ycur YuX1-tbe wT[N2 L%8pMmuim mlmol (incxudfrlg 5A &“ “’ College) ..................................... 00 m Q.4 PAM 18 ~>wIL~J@ crnplete nJ.OE — !. NON%OF XNESB (INGIAIDSSANWXW/_ -8 SlGDRit2 AT UIRK NOW) . . . . . . . . . Da Y.. cx~ct )DE 5 other 4 Ft13&T3fW (03~ _ IDE — 5 4-year rmedial, i-eceivitI.s any other fom of education such as by c.rrespmdence, private tutor, et. ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 lfULSE ATYLXDINGA ~LhJIZ.EXXi .lJbJ 19 .,* ‘.:, ,- ~Oimct m 3GQ.2 F1S2’Y WA? . .............. (3.. SBE %8 w 00 T0Q.4 PAW 18 ..-. &_+&,+_ 54. 1(b) 1 IF NSX~, Arm YOU xakins .pprmti..,bip? mfm mc SGNmfw PrC4fPT SS a .Ck%?::ol%u . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . 0P part-the classes)? Am —---- 1(b) OR UNX!UI 1NLYIV3 WAL (a) S5 of the r 1 (b) — sm7xLM ‘“Y “’G*“-””-’M” 6UC-FWC TGIW2.9BAGS049 -- , ., i AXfGtADYNEITIONEG, DNA . . . . . . -. . .. . - -” Is ; i; 16 17 18; 18 ; W, m, mm Q.4 ____ . .. -.--— .—4—. . . .. . -- ..—. . ————— . . .. -— -18- ODE 3DE what type of mlmol or co31eSe Xaw ●ttend f.lX-ti-e7 did P .GW<4 ‘*W 0’ “-lntemediate/Sisber ‘-’ ‘h”” Cm’’%mrd) Gmde/A12-aSe/ViXk&e 3 .... t 3 b secondary POdem [SmTL4fM - Junior secondary (3.r 4-year selective) school] ...... .. ...... .... 5 ,5 bpr=hemive 46 I ) . . ...1 6 Gramar [s03~D - sem.r second-y (6 year select.ve) =chool] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 D.rect 8 8 9 9 10 10 #chml G-t (2ncl. [SMTWM Stih Yom collog. - Grmt-aided] mhool . ... school [NDT ‘xUSrNfCAL mI.L$G?.] . . . . . . . . . . . . Special school (for Imndicappti, fsn, hospital mhml &c) [WML AU~MTY] Scbrnl..cside riacdsal, ............. UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ocher school .... ~. 12 , 12 not yet $ . i. 13 }. & . *. 11 11 13 (SPECXFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of Educat.m m lK . or umvers.ty outside Un*verslty cmllqe (Teacher Other college m K How 03d ..= M Mich 17 . . ym. hem you left Qs S-7(b) grawam l– 20 .. I 1 I Niddle i I I b ~T1&I /sAvT ATTXllGm m TW3SE AT’TmDXlS3 lDSD 16-20 AT Q 3 OR Q 41 ATHDi / (a) (b) H.. of ~ old we- bhcb tem did w. 2m ( you when you attend eft tlut full-the? (.) w DAX [DNA m AssED AWDyl )S3 SS% Q.8 ~ ~~ — .elect,ve)l Gmot ‘ i- ... . . x x --- ,1 x x x 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ‘3 3 3 3 3 /. ~.. junior) . ... ... -,JhOr ,cl..tive) Sixth h- . . I 3 3 3 3 3 , 4 4 4 4 , ~; 1 . . . . . 1’5 College) . .. . .. . 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 CL8i 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 I -6} ... . [S03TUND - Grmtaided] Lwher(Spsc,m) + d~d you leave? Uhen IS your b.rtbday? H ,.. . - San.. S.amdarY [SMTWM I school? 1NTN31WCE . .. .. ... . . . ... . .. .. . . . . ... . =, . ‘ . “1 7 , .$ .. II ~1 13J4 *I>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. ,! ....~. ... , & special m%1001 (for WiaP*, reudinl, hospital mhool etc) [LDCALAUXWSXTXI . . .... . y ‘- - k2 ‘;J;J Uhat tme (mcl . , ,,7 Independent (e& hibxic !lchml m Ehw/ wales, primt. XhcOl) ...... ..... . . [lNCL. PSIVATENGR5mY, PREP , ON i+ ‘ SP~L -m] x — / .. . .. modem [~~ (3 or 4-year “- G-r (d-year T When is your birxhdayq . .},. . . .. t ..: n Veq Orcup . . .. .. .. .. . . c-prehensive “’:~v%f== 1 school seconds..ondcm Direct UIISS mms~ . .... pmtofa MmiwSchml II fnfants, &SmrY (include [WL AUTWSXTX] d ther.d school Gay fl.r.my/Play ! HOMLSCH “/!42 II IASLSCH - -g bJIFMcH ... .. . .. . LT~PE ASK 19 ASD GIVE NAM2) . . . term did(xtm lNT~wCE (c) ,.. . , (b) m W 18 (SPECIFf TYPE .. Callege) .. . (a) Timning COL acmtd nur.ery school [-L AUNRfTx 1 nm. pi-t of . P*I’Y school,. I College ,IL5 ON M 7 ‘* Independent school (eg Fublic School in s@nnd/ . .. ....... . . ..... . ..... wales , private .Chool) Te.+umcal A.% Q.5 Tlmi s= Q.8 . . ~! ... t 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 — a n.. .08 ,, “. ,, .,,, f f mR TS+DSEAT SC303L (CODSD1-13 (b) When M Is birf~7Hpfiv NN SEE Q 9 HTH I i. a -2 + E L-– . . :: :: :: :. :: :: :: :. :: :: :: . r- . . . -— — .—— -—— ..— .. .. . ...— -23,. -32- , Cms MDZ ~ 1 x 1. what country we= wuBo&N you born? , . 1 2 . . tiglmd . Sc.atlmd . . wale s N. Ireland , . tit,id. m (GIVE mism . .. .. .. .. HM . . . . . .. .... . .... m mmmr) .. .. . . . . . mm - :. z Q.A Ass h) ‘~ . t “. “: , Inium-y .... . . . .::,::’ .. W LWTSIDEUS (03DS0 Z AT Q.11 (.) h 1 ~ .- ., uWS Ill’,”. - 1. Inforuntts IF Yfs GNs PmYal IF NO Rmo-x f.ther e+loyee . self- mpl.yd . elf- “played t. . .. . 3 In what country born? TO WIMM fHLY ..... MOO Ass Qs. 2&3 k would y.. usual job? . . . your father describe Oc.amation . . . Pll . . BoRy ODTD ClfBX Q.B , , , , I ‘ DHA1 f), fiat wad pm WOllmng life, — Your fatbarts ~ Imsbud,. ~ ocmpatic.n for ‘ x W’m HsALffi PAGE24 Y co m (.) most of hi! ~,$ - ?ASEq . w. ‘m Hcu’m PACE ’34 ; 3 with mplovees wi th..t employee. @o”” m the 6 2. ., Aa&\oguH ti WhAt Ytid YOU~ in the Mimed Smgdo=? lN~~~ household .:;! . w IF SSSQ6 ‘ “ ‘.””ud’”c-pa’i”n I .2 ..’, P19$c~/l&s Idumtv Industry . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . e@. ye. . . self - employed with -ployees .. se3f - .apl.ay.d without employ. es B. lNIEiVI~ h.us.h.ld (3WJX- IS infcruntt a ..tber m YEi cm i. ~ . ,,, ,, . . mployee self- espl.yed self- mployul 1 2 3 * ; 3 ti th aployee. without wpl.yeea the . Pmscw No. . d IPNORING+1MQ4 4 1“ .kt country bm-nv . ..s your mother . . . . . Mf160AN . . Ird”stl-y .! ) Sm Q.5 employee .. ‘ s.1 f– arpl. ycd with m.ployees .,; f . . ..loyed w,thw. t e.ployees 1 2 3 A CJ3m HSALnf ME 24 -2s w“ M- (G;hc( yJ$ql’-” ,-& - ?+ 1. w, bsve j.. hmimg the seven day. ending 7esterdaX listed on this card? ; “ IN~~ = the hcwehcdd Indigestion .. —,—.- i?cJ& ,. -die. ..:................................ 1 z Dthm painkillers ...................................... 3 Cald or cnngestionmlievers ........................... 4 Cough tixfures ......................................... 5 Vitti pills ................... ....................... 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wwmwntmmmm, imw~ FDN mm CATECDNY IN Wx BmOu. (.) TAKm s x - W., tbe brand -? AND (d-(d) 2? NDT KNWN :,-, my .Nldmn 96in umler ,. ,.. e,... b yw (or ‘iaj of jiar lonsLstmdiIu i13nesa, child. dia.bi uder ‘*6) liiii or Imfimitw { ‘.. .......... . No cuao#J dND mm ,. ‘h I*1 (2nr0rmnt) (rnfomant)........... Yes (&ychi2d) 02TA219 .......... ~.(ti,-}:;::...,. I tit 1? m (.) Ulut is the utter wit;” mom m mu DXYNIS ~ *j* x ‘1 2 !,, ‘ \. ~ ‘: 1 2 19s (a)-(c) n mQ.3 lm 26 1(.)-(.) CN JINK SCNEDULE xl m Q.3 (child)? DINO cm ● ic AEK (b)-(d). o“ a do:tirii pmaRiPtiwl? have y.. taken . . . . dw~ CNLY, dSK (d) FDN WJ.RE/PIU@OWDENS (d) NW WY . . . . . tablets/pills/powders eroding ye,temiay7 Are them ,,, was in itY (RI= -YE LxssEDDNEx37.@. FNCtlE~ANY OYNEllMANtifYFSC#TNIE Cd_ TAKRi MKLISCSEtHMYE mDINO YFS~Y, ANDmm DETAILS ON SE&4SA7S LINE. What YtxI E4CZ4MJND/lYFE T(b) Did YOUget it (.) Kc+ many times , , tbe semn have you take. (b) ATDXRY D. RJT~ ‘RE-COD= lNGED AT !. 1 , - mmia.2mos25; ASX 13UE3TIME ., ]6 in thawehdd . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . so cbi3dmnuwler YesNzin codes ringed on this Scbdure . . . . . ...<. Naia CQ&Saringed on another schedule . . . . . . . ‘,. ‘. taken my of the sorts of ●.dicims ..plr.” .: CODE ~ NANDMFIMNMTCASOM - Uu.c I days eding during yesterday? the .qe” (c) days . .j (d) I m. BMND NANE/ Cmmz’, G USI was .ttle seen; m$ w mcmil,s FllmulIPTIDl YES ND (b) ......... ...................... 12 1 2 ad 9phint 3rd mp2aint , ,, ,,, :WZ.YCS, . . . . . . . . . 1 1 No . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 let m . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . tlMS (CUO?i ‘~ (Cbildis) activities ) tit ymlr dn my way? .-. ______ . ( . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .... .. . . . .. ......... ..................... 1’2 12 1 1 2 2 ............ ............... ............ ............... 1? m (i)WI. dif(alom mlm.ulm ) first to 3idt ymw (tildt a) mtirities? 24SS fima 6 DOOW w ......... .. 6 mafba iut leas tbm I year aflfi, 1 year hlt less tbul 2 YWtr# ago . :Yearaht ly than :Years ago ..”. 0 + ......... ..... ................ 12 1 2 . .. .. ... . .. . .. . .. . . ... .. . .. 5 12 1 2 .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. (ii) ......... ..................... 12 1 .. . .. .. . .. . .. 2 * “’9 .Ioe . ... .. ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... ........... ormm . ........................... 370HB2ST N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,..,,,,.. ,.,. ]0 ......... ..................... *w.””- yeara 20 M cc+mider tbnt (CW?13 mN&AlliT) MmIts ymir (CMMI S) activities cmpm-e.i most people of your (child, s ) own age? with Yes . . . . . . No . . . . . . . ... .... .. NWMIU (c) PAGE 26 Cti~~l~lr ;1 2 1 2 I I 1 ! ,. &----y . _— .-. -.—. — - , ‘s .:. . .—---- . 4 2 . . ., .._ ‘1 _-<. ~ i:ii:- . . _—-—— .. . . . . :: 01 . < 25” —.. .—. --. ,.. 4. Lliring the 2 weeks emiing lut “&ay, apart frm visits to ● hospital, did YM (m any of yam children under 16) talk to . doctor for my reason at dl? / Yes ~ :a%Lr, 1 * (d & (b) :,~~~~:~ti?””””””” ...............““ : :a;: No (All children) ........... .. ,.. IF (a) . 2 mm 30 (f) (b) PME 30 00 ?0 9.5 ,(U ~ m M)occklfir“. SW .UIy times did y.ni (or ymr .Mldren) to him in these two weeks? P* talk Info-t LASK (c)-(g) (c) ,0 b. scu housetmld outside L .%~k ................ . ,,1 - 4 k.’ 8.. #!3,1 i ~ ,“ J-/ Cal@me? .tyalr. RvNsfsQ 2 PRCMPT inb L, . .;(0 ........ lam week? . . . . . . ............ ...... ....,. ltae? . . . . . . . .. . . . . Wrg*Fyf ~.). ..fi, .. +:... .F. ..< . . ..<.4.1q.4.. (SPECIFY)? ,,, ,.. . . . . 2 . q..... 3 d . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ~~ $W? ~i ,0. - hcusebold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. H*.’*. @ E 16 or me 4 m m 4,5 PAGE30 Was tNs consultation or the weeA before? kid. ,,. k. b, (c lom~d (c) otlmr -“1”) ‘ ......................................... 1 ...... N .~ ,,. or w elsewberc -“ Other ■ember of .%me..e - UMciali.tY..WJ.W.Y?;,+JS.’ 2! ‘CA j 16 in household w tM . ~ ?d mm. — this ........................ Child mder or wu m Cmc h wh-ase behalf “.S .masultatim made? .. susfinm c:y 0“ (b) MU this camultation utder tha ““” Naticrd Sealth Semi..? . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.u,,~:~;~:; or paid for privately . . . . . .?”~; ..:.’... ... ,,.. ,,. ,,, ..’ ,..f,~,,{, uu tbd doctor,w ,,”. ,.o. ...*.o#cr {, t W ( ic fmily doctor)? ,ti%w.,+~+.in (d ‘ (I--7 (Infomht) . . . . . . . . . . . . . cmE ~. ,+) m I . ● ~ 2 ,, I x“ (d) CODE ALLnAAT’ APPLY cm,”,,. ,0. Whit W.. the cms”ltatim ●i.mifl PSOSS FCR FULL DSTA1f9 lNCfllDINO CAUSS S_ illness/dis.bility u Q. 2 . . . . . . . ● Q. 3 . . . . . . . . . Same ill.ess/injury Other (SPSCIPY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n“ - ,.,,. ,,\ ; ,-”,, ~, ;,... .. ..!.6; “(, 1 2 3 ,W, ;.,..—. ,, .. ..,,.. .,*. is . . icum mwtimw pmt of ● group fnaetiC8~= ~ ~ d Smauws it is houstd in a Was the surge~ Sm3th titre. you (child) went to, in . Nea3th Centre? ... ,,. ., ..,+,... , ,, .;.?. f YOs .,+. . ,,.., .,., ,,, , No ,.., . . !,l x ... . . . ,:ri,r W, ,, :,..,. (i) SOmtiws . surgery IF tTS GIP% NAPZ.”ANOAfImSSS . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . f + :’”” $’ g (. 1 2“ d- .- 5x-- ““ ● ● , l-l + &f’ * ● .._— Qd I& L *O ‘J 7C3’ — — — . . . . . I I i-is —. ..,- ‘“ 1 .— N cm” -3z -33! %% . . . . . . ~Y= ~m tk -ths of . . . . . . . . . . . (or w 03 por m. c.ut+atitnt de~t under 16) ●ttend M a patient the aaudff hospitil (a~t from ante or wst-nmal dinka)? , ChudNn ‘; of i . 30SBNSI hid m“th was this? How many the, did YOU (child) attend in that tjn ‘“ %%% .. aNldl&) .. . ...:. ‘mlW3nmTSUnrn&T - 1 k“ ~ (2M3d) seen ● doaor in -t out-patieats deparfmcat before+ ●bout t6i9”” ~~t.c.=will~the~~~~g (,) ~i r= (a) (b) no (all or are you waiting ? .::::::fl cr”’l ( nlfolunt) “O(nlfofunt, Xu ,, , m .1 YC+I(or of your -drea mder 16) he an ap~fnt=ent depar-t for an appointment to sw ● doctor ~ m mt-mtier.ts Yes (AaIy child . .. . .. . - ‘* 7. .—. month? 8(a) ON . w&nL L & lo Q.9 ASK (i)-(ii) SWI before . . . . . . . . . . . . pti,t ,* ............. oPrlasT u (s) nmth~ (b) No. of tins Imlmta I c)prn~l is Oince ycu (CbLld) cold that an w.poimfaerit nadd be -de for YOU (child )1 (i) Ii.m lms it uerc OPFJOI oPhJo3 ~ ..... I ..... . OPMAIT b,. tbml OMW* ............. :,c::2,3 :,,, -l-ad “::’ m ‘our r W* aOkk) ti’& ;;.-j ! ,.! cms (c) ~-~ , Oid YOU (child) make this (all of f.bece) ric.it(s) as a Sstioml Health patient .............. or were mm -de IF COl%2 - (i) 11, IFnss?mts .s a primt. wtient? ... “oPpRW Hw WY make as ● of these priv.te tiaits did y.. patient? /, 00 m 9.8 2 = ,, (i) .*, appaintint sad. following . spell ...%. .s M in-patient? .,. . ,~....* ‘ ,,, “ ““”(JM”I+) y’0 . .......”..”.......... ..................... - (child) -. f -:.:.: T ,.+,:C j.. no. m v19- I ,.. , ....... 00 m 4.8 . ... . ,., ,, . . . . . . . . .I h ,’. ,, f ,,,” ~ 9. Am pi (or w of your children mier 16) at present on a; ~ W&J%lMnt) waiting list for *SS108 to hospital a an in#.(&~t), i,’ pttie.t (apart f t-am ● straight f.mu.f maternity ! ., bm&iW)? ..,, I PAPPT k-.:: NO I? m”’ n (a) EXQSIDE VOLUNTARY WAITING I’m I .,, ‘; now low”’ba,e . lW, ; I‘m ,. children) ,- k 1 .1.: ..... than one week *pleted weeks ~ (d .,&%?’Rr34 Ssfmn 9(.) ON ,, ? ; \ I .. 1 + --l 2 PISS Sclimulx M m S~lNO =1ON PACE 3d you (Chiti)”’bdon tbe waiting list (that is how long is it since would have t. the d.ctor said you (child) go into hospital when a bed was available)? ,p~~l~ss ?0 a.9 -+-i. ( *, :<, ,,. .:\ (All, ... 3(.;:. 4 .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. } NOWCO 2’0 SMOKINGSECTION PAGE u ! ..- ‘“ I 0 -. : .I’4 0 ---------. --+. -. — .“ 1: 0. !3 —.—. 0 — d* = .. !--’---s.-65 . .. . .. —— Qb d u : i -26- Cls” ‘o lATQ. ~ 7UALLWiG SAVS~SMXSG(01GSAl 10. YCWmake cdzus ~ of w kind 1:r“ 1: Ail (a) SW*’ ran Ov*r m-l, aw Yes ..... ‘“ 1 b ...... m WI (.) mmdmmuamu mmormzmmmm -20 A6cut b Mint vu ‘ “! [m2a1ATa, @’, i.” c2Gd2snlx12s Do not 9A. ‘“ 2 2. At th9 2AM of yau pr”ent muri.’.hcu S911# c621drm did ym tk2cAt rou wwt.d i. ●ll? meditm .0 dzu2-.t k’. ;:..+’ m “1! -k’ b’..:$$;:, . . . . . .. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. L. . . . . . . . . . ,,. N.. mnked Am. month ‘wm 13.12’ .,’ tbm Le., ,/0 ml 2WT ?h-h”ky% usually E02. .* A:”& ● It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., do you week About bcu man, m2ni.zuMcl@r, nok, in ● 90ntb7 b,. 60 ,OU usudl, mzr.iat”lu ~c’u%.~ .. .. I : .. . /1 S2S 1N7mvIKim iO LxsmssLLQ ................ Sm da YOU ‘omit) . gi.enb Was inforntio. W .df -cowletiom? ● IF18mmm, . ., . . ..! . . . . . . . . . qoestiw+ng mA, -W-Pi-i- elwo pm...% duriq zbi. . .. Ml RAMII.Y mmmA71Lll ME 3? .. )s (.) yn .: .! - ,.” V ZUW, PL4A.?4 S18G —x: rzsdszdm ,>, rmbwzrnwdnm (e+) ,?(!. ,..’~ MOZknr. ..t . . . . . . . . . . . . . mtlnr rem m awlrvriwrmwsws . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. .... ... ... ... .. D@tkmcu ......... B Sm old .erw ~ 6, h ,, 8~PwA2E u- a5 2— PLS6SS AWA!SR Q. 8 3+ PLEASE 42SWR a 6 ti ticdwl ;! rocntlaw*- w had YUIr last CUM? ~ “ill - J??*:bnl 06 yal . 9 . Mhat wu tba ate of birth am+ sex of ●ll h-n .li,. to ycu i“ ,our pre.ent ,u’riw.? Q.7 . . . . . . . . . . . .. H0UPLM.%9A#SlKR b“ w, F~tiki4:T.!!. 1a, t +6#aa#$d ~A9 7b * !“ cb22drca n IAA< DAIS w U-M* Ssx I Pm mm mm -1~ l.t ch21d WW.b!Wl M child FAA414n% . . . . . . . . . .AM& .. .. M child Fw!?!!$. “TH’: r~rn$f~l Iv . .W!Y?. . .. ... ... ... .... . . ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... . 1 -.:... -,44 Fit4VAl r 1 . <$s. tlAaAk~ w ●#48fA .. . . . . . . . . mm AIL *< Glder .ibl@, .. . ?lMT APPLX G2bm elder rdmir. rmln:y;blly ;::::::: N(1H .SKltFA,I,,,Y ,NF’””},lT, ON ,,KE ,, . , FAHLAST1 5. I ;, SS2 m2LLLl Imm2L4mul n107’ RN FflHmluw ....... ..... 9ec.2ier.1 ~ 1.s (a) 1 J<’ or aw8stimin2 ....... SMEVF?? ~ UVCU ;, ,~,c’;: (.) . Sss b. b,: XaGn. PLrAs2 RmG —--- ! , ‘~ ,> tbul 1 . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. _kedaueek B. ; ‘“’ F4MbJAtJ7 ...... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., lb. _ked in a wntd ~ 1F4c22sms Is Amsm (a) About hcw =MY miniatwm ciw’a .s-11, de a week? A. MfiEMTM Mmm . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . “.*? No. nokad GQmot d. -h-,? dndhmnny cMldrmdoyc.u~th2* YOMw211 lm.. born t. YOU2n a21 h yaw pr..cat _rrAaA.? ,1 nmm. :: of ,CW PNsant ~~, ..! ...* mu,, mediu, or LUS. CIWS do’yca 90ke in a month? ~cf~~~*M usually 12. tlw d,t, :, 1. ‘“E mcm12niT 11. m = 12 m :’ o~qclq~k+-:~’w!,:::”:,, ‘[“ ,1, ,. ti nIuci44a+ti**d-k,,,.,,.,1,“b , mwy@H i~dtye~t ..rms. ...... ●ll MII.dAY.? ●t CIGRR ,1 ,! .— ..liL ..”--,- FfIrnSEkll tg —.-. ——L .—— — I -— --—-— a . ———_—— . “ I ● J 23 . := ,,1 t- 31’ mos v 3NDSS ImxfYmD IR W3D3WS P~SIDN ,. 1s pm 10. NAY30NAL3Nsm2Aws Mmsmssf (d) Ar Q. 1) Auorftm, (SC4MICE pansion paid mA . . . . . . . . . . . ,..,. m ● thr.wgh 1. POsr office a knk . .. .. ......... –2 I ,. MM ~ PAID 3fKNIH IflK MS? would you pref e, w ban your pension payable into a bank account? D?FICE lmQ.7 )m ir. (4) for 1 2 .... 3 lmQ.8 X (a) ) m 4.:8 .mm (i) ● this? ,; 23. !, .. f,, ,,w..,. ,:: h. 13ked for SOmOWle YOU l-t tlv d2d P collect &“: .:. (,: i.! f:, ~j it yoursi2fi COzhcted , ~. ; i Ye* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 — j 1 2 3 h.’ --e+dd ham c021ecfu3 it . mdlaue t0ca120c.t it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . ... . .. . . .. .. ... . . .. . . (SSCIFY) dlich L20w&eki i., ‘ah Cud tu Wllect you? Ptmim Onrr tyou bA?l.02 to aim tile E4CA of. * ‘“* to time? !“, ~zie,! ,You A * weakly order. ~, Yom ~ CA&.”’”. ““ , ,/ YI*C;. i 1 would you pi%fer m have your Pensim made payable at the cud of each mnth, thmt i, =0.tb2y in arrears, ins-ad of each week as at present? 2 Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 NO d2ff erence{flf IF2R90NNOD~ (a) !buld it fait :,..,< 2 S/m you better ,,, NUSNmO PmWT .... to k paid !L ...’:’: four weekly? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...< Cazmdar mmbly?. . . . .. . . . . . ...... no diffemme7.. , or wuld it tie ‘“ ... .V.ry 1 .,,’ ● ‘1 2 B lmQ.9 1 2 3 — — ..., lmQ.9 mma. lz *-’I you prefer your pinion to be paid at the office only 0... every tm weeAs instead of week as at As (1) mm Q.12 , :, ., Post . - .>, ti.ld ~ (a) F, (b) it (a) AS (a) h.% (b) 72 IF w) (b) Are there ally sPccia2 masons *Y fm wmld “ not prefer u he paid m.mtb2y in arrears? 1. 2CU pmuh -It some Other ,.. 170Q.8 i. U0u2d your ,aE 43 — SPS.izlreasons , t3m Q.11 m (a) IYm ams made No difference/hi ew .:. .“. Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . them ,., (CDDSD 1 A? Q. 6) No.................. IF ND (a) tie 2 m yw fhraugb ftl PENSION~S 1 IWEm ia Pm x — Present? Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO difference/fS .... IYfNlm Q.22 (b) would YOU13ke t. I?DQ.1O have 0..7 . .. Yes . . . . . . . . . . . No . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 mm Q. 12 . . P44E 01%17r~D ~ . 13DE 12 If hat you needed mf orutmn do y.. thh atuu t dramng YOU muld your to fmd do - pension out ~~ut mm-amC+ux ‘t 1s ‘ms 3NmmlAnT Look m pens... took Ask at Post Off Ice Ask at S.x.al Sec.rlcy Ask relat.ves/fr.cr.da CODEoNE ONLY other 1 mme13 : A.% (a) 2 Of f,.. . . (sFECm) . . . (i look ~ m U3km PAOE 10) ,, IS TNE 3sYURUST _ ,. .. ‘. No . . 70 OR OVU (W); = ~.?_ (MMA3X)? 65 OR On coma]] As (i) . . c Ask at Socm3 inok ● Office . Ask relatzves/frlcr.is other (SmmY) IF 03DSD 2-5 (a) HaY 11..< che notes check, do YOU think m your P..SMII hook, (z) m m Q.14 : AS WXKING, 15. pmm..era b ati31 2 — fN3 my y.” took? p=~l; & . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 14 @ ● it is me it is .c. of ,Yh. Feason. ,“ 372EY (a) Is it the nin any paid W* TO TKLSE UXU3310 16. ycu fmd m helpful If the pens... ore reformation, e~ther stout penamr.s, anythms C1SC7 Benef Its, c., ablt Yes No Never w. w. IF YXS (a) !$,alar$ took c.ntamti or other Staze 1 . .. thou~ht about 2 IC 3 AS. (m) m m lNT Ilmx PAOE 43 of Infer.ama. do you dunk .t sho”id ra IT CH2CI x Ty 1 2 . W-ts do with it r..... dms t do or not? why y.. at presmt, ~ ?. * Yes . . No .... (mDED 1 AT 3MFUllfmt Q 1 2 — m m Q.14 Wa”ld . wrk Y.*, No, 1 llU my ham tho uoum of emwus are above ● certdn 1* this w.. of the . ..s..s *Y YOU do., t do: my ammult p-d umk at ptmment or i. M n.tbfms t. d. -Cb it?c SM. ‘*. 1= 14 ;EE Q. 15 low Sss Mm PACL their pummn rcducd if ttheir (a) or not? 1S there any partm”lu r....” would” Bt look m your p.m... 2 — om :HEIX C ;EE Q 15 k’ 1s ‘nm mmmfIXT BEE3V3W SIPP~TASY BFNWIT (YES AT INmME Q 5)7 at Ye. N. IF 1 B 5 you wauld look 2 1 2 1 2 security . DW SSE BKX ACE om HEIX B — Ask at Post Off Ice PJ3t4fONE ONLY 1 Yes. . N.’-. . . . I I reason why y.. P.s... book? Pasmn .. 1, If you waned to bnov s... dung bout .aflmr State ~ that mght be avulable, &t do you think to fmd out abut ,c? YOU would do ~ Look m . .. mmq13 13 Q 5 IPm 1s there any particular would., t look m your UIAEt PmlANF313T-i mDED 2 AT ~KD~mT at Yes No (i) e Yea B fF CODm 2-5 (a) hY 1 JUSt check, do YOU think YOU wuld the notes m your pens... book, or not? DDE 1) & > S0.. pmsimers Am still W* UY have die ammt of fhar pe.aim roiuced if them eaminLm me abve ● upon bes this xule have my effect certain amount the wc of W* YCU do, or has it no effect? ... t Yea, mom effect . . . No, no effect 1 . 2 Im SEE PWX PAGE .. ~ -— ..-, .. -. mm ,. “. 7. ., ,> ,.,.. .— ,. ,.. ,. -.. .-.,.. ., ,. >: ., ~ i, . . - -.