Q&A AirpOl1 Rezoning Jackson Municipal Airport August 7, 2009 I. What are the reason~ for re-zoning, why is it necessary? Reasons for re-zoning the Jackson Iv/imicipal Airport include: • Proreo people and property on the ground • Minimize injury fo aircraft and occupants • Prevent the creation afflight hazards • Protect forfullIre airport o.pansion (in 20 yr. master plan) • Provide for the fl-l HI re economic development of surrounding area • As of J973, to conlinue WillI federal and slate funding (95% federal, state 70%) airporFs must be zoned properl)' to maimain funding eligibility • A survey revealed that in a 5-year period, 72% of new or expanded manufa(."tu ring !JusilU'sses were located within} 0 miles ofa public oirport 2. What does the re-zoning process consisl of? In general. it consists offonning a Joint Airport Zoning Board made lip of two representatives each from The City, COllnt)' and (lny impacred Township. There will be aT least two public hearings. A review and approval of the ordinance is required by Mn/DOT Aeronautics and receipl oj a commissioner's order by the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation. There will be a pre-zoning meeting for Ihe near property owners to expre.~s their questions and c:oncems and 10 hear abo/lt The zoning process prior to beginning Ihe re-zonil/8 proce~·s. J. Can City trade farm land for farm land or docs the City have (when (he expansion happens - not (he rC-7.oniog) 10 buy (he farmland The Cify will need /0 purchase [he farmland. However, if the City has OTher {armland available for purchase after the airport properly purchase, that can be /legoliClted after. 4. Will propeny owners be paid for improvements to their property after zoning if they inves.t in improvementll to (heir propcI1y"? (example - new kitchen remodel) Yes. During 'he land (lclj"isition process, the residellts and businesses will be compensated jor (I value ulfheir property and buildings (home or busilless) basnl on the current improvements and based on comparable propC!rties. It wit! take huo tlCWllnl Ihe zoning at the time oftlte appraisal. The residents lind businesses will {lIsa be compensated for "equal or like" property, ellen ~f the "like" property is more than the appraised value of rhe taking property. This offsets the affects of the zoning rest riCliof/s. 5. Are property owners (when ex.pan~ion actually occurs) paid at fair milrket appraised value., or replacement value? The [arm properlv owners are cmnpensated Oll the foir markel apprahed m/lle pIllS WI)' damages (angle rows. etc). The residents and business (or relocarioll are compensaTed also on fair marker appraised valut' with relocation costs and replacemem costs. F:\.Ajrpor\~Vi\CK\T41IOt257\PT"O,·ma,i()n\QA . Alrpor1 Raomng. Rev {v2.1 l.doo: 6, What improvements can I make to my property after the re-zoning? Most residems and business that exist before the re-zoning are culled pre-existing lIses. Improvemenrs fo these propenies can occur provided the improvement does nor creale an increase in hazards to aviation other than wllat existint? witholll the improvemellt. So each improvement is evaluated against this slalldard. If the height a/a building is to be higher, then thaI might be considered an increase in hazard. If it is remodeling a kitchen inside the building. then that would not be an increase in aviation hazards and would be allowed. 7. How much money have taxpayers of Jackson paid each year to fund airpol1 operations? Cit)' of Jackson has never conrributed to the ai/po,., operatiolls. Operations are paid for through funding by MnDOT Aeronautics. rent receipts from farmland renr and reI/tal fees from hangar leases. Large projects are paid by 95% Federal Aviation Adlliinistrationfund. Cif») did use 1-90 TlF money to construct the first 8-plex hangar g. With maintenance expenses going up each year - how will the airport fund future longer-bigger airp0l1 runway? The maimenQnce fund for the airport is now capped by MnlDOT III Ihe 2008 levels due fo bl/dgel constraints. Presently, the crackjilling and pal'emenl maintenance costs which are the largest maillienance costs, urefill1ded by FM at 95% with 5% local. After the airport expansion, these federal fimds Ivill still be (lvailable Through the City's federal entillement fl/nd. The Cit)' lVould cominue 10 receive maintenance funding from Mn/DOT. 9. Why do we need a longer runway with technology changing -l.:an't planes land on a shorter runway? There are I/ewer jets now COIning 011 the markel, called Very Light Jets (VU) which seat 4-6 {)Qssengers. However. these jets (Ire simply replacing the older turboprops Clnd nOlthe larger business jet with 8-12 pOHeI1Jjer::.. The ullimate nrmvoy length of 5. 000 feel will (lccoll1l11odate the larger corporate jeTS. A/lother reason is lO Illre and keev businesses and industries in the: community 10 provide local jobs and fax base. Also, Ihe FBO would be able 10 expand his business to work 0/1 larger planes which he is not able 10 do !lOW because of the shorl runwa.v. Final!.v. insurance re:qlliremenf.\ for Ill/? larger corporare jet include a minimum 5.000 foor runway or greater. 10. If IDOd owners want to sell (heir land or humestead - can the City enter into <.It) agreement of right of firsl refusal'? Yes. The propert)' may be {)urchased with ciryjunds Wlli I federal Iwuls are avuilable and the property becomes "eligible ,. for federal fundillg. Eligibililv would require all Environmental Assessment as well as operations justiFying the nlnwuyexpanslon. F \_t\.rponsVACK\T411 OJ l57\Pr",cnl:.\;on\Q A . A,rpon RCZOJlIlll; 2 Rc\' (v2.1 ).do<: II. Seems to me, we will never get enough airplane traffic to satisfy federal requirements of touch downs/take offs to get money to expand runway­ so why rez;one? Granted the air traffic is d()~vn due 10 fhe current ecor/om)'. However. like all down turns. thi::; will cycle and operafions and business growth will pick LIp again. We are rezoning to protect Ihefuture oj the airporlwhen the operatiolls develop. To not zone would guarantee the airpon could not npand when needed. This '\lould hinder growlh oj the airport as well as The City when altracfing fUllIre businesses 10 the COfl 1/111 m it)'. ]2. To drive 30 miles from Worthington or Fallmont doesn't seem very far or any further than flying into Minneapolis/51. Paul and driving 30 miles to a suburb­ why rezone? The expansion is for the local busincsse.v located in Jackson and Jackson COllnt)'. Often business owners and clients desire a direct j7 ig 111 in10 and out oIthe bl/sil/ess location due TO cost of t!"(lvel lime. Each community develops their own needs Jor their airport. It is the desire of the City oj Jackson to develop this public asset to enhance the growth of The bWiinesses here in Jackson. 13. It was estimated in 2005, that if the airport where to expand, it would cost at the time about $1.634 million to buy just land needed + cost to do longer runway - What percent will Feds pay, State pay & City pay? Where or how would the City likely fund their portions? Based on the existing fl/nding bill the FAA will pC/.v 95% of the costs. This' is subject ro stay rhe sarne or may change fa 90% as reauthorization is underway in Congress. The City would pay the remaining 5%. The City will likely sell bonds for their share of the costs. 14. Will r be allowed to replace or put up a new garage on my land after rezoning? If expansion of runway happens - would I be paid for that improvement? The addirion of rhe garage will have to be evalualed based 011 whether it will create an increase in hazard to aviation or not. Ifit is placed sllch rhat the garage is behind the house. away from the rIInway approach, then perhaps il would not be an addiTional hazard to aviation. Ir all depends on the specific site condiTions. Yes you would he compensated for the "alue of the garage at rhe time of the appraisal based 011 comparable properties. 15. Whal will happen with (he township road to the north of the present runway? Based on the Master Plan, 8id" Street will be relocated around the Runway Protection Zone of the north approach. 16. How are aviation grants and expenses paid and where does the money come from? Funding for all aviation improvements, whether funding through FAA or STale, come fi"om Aviation Gas Tax. Aircraft Registration Taxes and Airline Ticket Taxes. F'lj\Jrp<JrlsVACKIT41101257\Pre<CIl'JllOnIQ A . J\Lrpon Rez""ioJ; Rev (v:'.1 ),do': 3