PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 53, Number 1, November 1975 FACTORS AND ROOTS OF THE VAN DER POL POLYNOMIALS F. T. HOWARD ABSTRACT. The van der Pol polynomials V (a) are defined by means of oo xlexa\jox(ex + 1) - 12(e* - l)]-1 = 1 V (a)xrt/n\. n=0 In this that paper new properties neither V', (a) nor K, of these polynomials ,,(a)/(a ~ 1/2) " are derived. has rational n = 2 • 3™, m > 0, or n = 3m + 3 , m > t > 0, or n - m(p -3), ber, 3m < p, then rational the field. rational V (a) It is also field. and V ,,(a)/(a shown Finally, that - 1/2) are both if n = 2 , then possible factors n van and that p a prime irreducible V (a) of the It is shown roots, if num- over is irreducible der Pol the over polynomials are discussed. la Introduction. fined by means The van der of the generating Pol numbers V , V., can be de- function 2 U ; V2> ••• OO 6x{e*+ 1) - 12U* - 1) Zo "nl This definition is apparently bers in a problem three variables. bers are closely due to B. van der Pol [l2j, concerning The present related defined in terms subject of a number others. (The early the smoothing and unsmoothing writer out [7J that of investigations history (1.2) defined a = (.-If"1 of functions of which has [S>L Carlitz can be found been is the [2], [4], and in [l4, p. 5 • 2ln~lV 2n/(2n)\. the van der Pol polynomial 1)- num- the van der Pol num- and which fe], function these (v), a function function by Kishore of the Rayleigh -—-=£v(*)* 6x(ex+ function of the Bessel 502].) In fact, for « > 1, ^(3/2) In [7] the writer pointed to the Rayleigh of the zeros who used 12(e*-l) „=Q " V (a) by means of "! It follows that Vn (0) = Vn , and (1.3) v'>>=zrW""r> Received by the editors September AMS (MOS) subject classifications 27, 1974. (1970). Primary 10A40; Secondary 12D05, 12D10. Key words and phrases, van der Pol numbers and polynomials, tion, Bernoulli and Euler polynomials, irreducible over the rational stein's irreducibility criterion, Eisenstein polynomial. Rayleigh funcfield, Eisen- Copyright © 1975. American Mathematical 1 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see Society 2 F.T.HOWARD (1.4) V ia) = (-l)nV n In [6] it was proved 0 and 1, and 0 and 1„ It was that x = 0, x = x/i, and shown that der Pol polynomials have Bernoulli and Euler polynomials. example. The first al factors (a) properties • • • + c,a then (e) to those n V (a)/(a - XA)has c Q, . . . , c for in V5. of the roots we prove and ration- the following: roots. no rational are integers, c , . . ., c, 2], and [ll], are listed - l/2) has ~ ^ that the van of the well-known In particular V 2n+l(a)/(a on the lines [10, Chapter no rational between roots. a factor of the form c + k > 0, c, / 0 (mod 5). ^as a factor are integers, of the form cQ + c^a + then if c_ ^ 0 (mod 5), we c. = 0 (mod 5) for all i > 0. ff n = 2 • 3m, m > 0, or n = 3m + 3', m > t > 0, or n = m(p - 3) where p is a prime and 3m < p, then over the rational Preliminaries. terms, we examine & lemma. the lemma for V +,(a)/(« V (a) is irreducible The van der Pol numbers of 2, 3, and 5 dividing lowest V (a) and - Vi) are irreducible field. (f) If n = 2 , & > 0, then following it appears \i\, roots a = M, between Thus our investigation V (a) has or ^2n+l(fl^fl , k > 0, where must have when [l], including roots we continue where (d) If V2n(a) roots, van der Pol polynomials V2 (a) nor c .a + • • •+ c,ak its similar See two real no nonreal plane. of the van der Pol polynomials. (c) Neither powers real eight If n is even ' exactly paper (b) If n is odd then 2. three V n (a) has x = 1 in the complex In the present (1 - a). for n > 0, V 2 (a) has V2 + {(a) nas exactly also n [6], Ui. the roots and factors Since 2V, In V.,In . Similar are rational the denominator are known over the rational and the exact of V , when Because this V information + l)V congruences b is reduced will of V (a), we incorporate ., = -(in+1 field. it into the for n > 1 [7], we shall In obviously ' hold for to be useful state V,,2n +.,.l Lemma 2.1. (a) // n > 1 then 2V2n = 1 (mod 4). (b) If n> 1 then for b = 0, 1, 2, 3V2n = & (mod 3) «'/ 2n = b + 1 (mod 3). (c) // n > 0 //>en 5"V2n/(2«)! (d) // p is a prime, = 3" (mod 5). p > 3, /Ack /or k > 0, pnVn( 3)/[n(p - 3)]! = (-12)" (mod p). When proving of Eisenstein's Lemma 2.2. coefficients p) for all irreducibility theorems, we shall use the following version criterion. If f(x) - c and if there i > 0, c ^0 + c.x is a prime + • • •+c p such (mod p ), then f(x) x" that is a polynomial c. with integer ^ 0 (mod p), c. = 0 (mod is irreducible over the rational field. Suppose f(x) is a polynomial with rational coefficients. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see If there is an FACTORS AND ROOTS OF VAN DER POL POLYNOMIALS integer ses h such that of Lemma ly an Eisenstein Lemma hf(x) 2.2, then 2.3. coefficients // f(x) = c. + c x -t-• • • + c x" Proof, is a prime if f(u/b) and satisfies f{x) an Eisenstein is irreducible i > 0, then we must have coefficients call polynomial and if there p) for all has integer we shall ft is easy = 0 where u and b are integers, to see that if f(x) satisfies the above induction integer. number reduced on i, we can show that each the denominator Assume an integer, r, (u, b) = 1, paper of p dividing 2.4. Let hypotheses, then r. is integral for we use the notation Now, (mod p); that using is, p does cn = br. 0 at f(x) is an 0 , - ur^, and since looking p terms. i = 0 since c, = br, (mod p). Now, ) lowest c. (mod p), which is impossible this n > 3 with nonzero to its This is true I must be integral Throughout Lemma of r.. true for i = k — 1; then that bx - u divides est power integer b £ 0 (mod p). We can write r. is a rational not divide with c„ ^ 0 (mod p), c. = 0 (mod f(x) = (bx - u)(r0 + r,x + • • • + rn_ xxn~ each field. is a polynomial that Clear- b = 0 (mod p). u £ 0 (mod p). Now suppose where the hypothe- polynomial. over the rational p such 3 c, is (mod p), we see (see [l3, pp. 74—77]). h tI \ \ c to mean p h is the high- c. f(x) -c+c.x+.-.+ integer c x" coefficients. Suppose be a polynomial f(x) has of degree all the following properties: (a) There is a prime p such that cQ £ 0 (mod p), c{ = 0 (mod p) for all i > 0. (b) // pki ||ii c i'., i > 0, then kn —i,>k "■ ' > r — ,, k.i > k.., - 1,' k.i — > k.., - 1. — i +l i+2 n—2 (c) f(a) = 0 implies /(l - a) = 0. T^ew we can conclude that f(x) has no rational roots. Proof. We know from Lemma 2.3 that if f(u/b) = 0, then b = 0 (mod p). By hypothesis (c) we can write f(x) = (bx - u)(bx - b + u)(r0 + r. + • • • + r _ 2xn~2) where each r. is a rational i number reduced to its lowest terms. Since c i. = u(b - u)r.i - b r.i-l , + b r.i-2 .,, we can prove show that since if p || c., then cQ = u(b - "Vn. u(b - u\. p by induction on i that each p - b r{_x + b r._2> || numerator of r.. || numerator Suppose r. is integral of r.. This (mod p). Now we is true for i = 0 it is true for all /' < z'. Then and by part (b) of our hypotheses Now since License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see we have c. = we must have 4 F.T.HOWARD c T = b2r n-i. we have A-b2r n-4 n—i a contradiction We shall make , + u(b - u)r n-2 of hypothesis use , and (b). of the well-known c n-1 , = b2r Therefore facts , - b2r n- 3 f(u/b) n-2' ,, £ 0. in the following lemma [5, pp. 263, 271]. Lemma 2.5. // p is a prime and m = aQ + a xp + ■• ■ + ajin r=bQ (0 < a. < p), + b1p + --- + bnpn (0<b.<p), then O'w(n)-C) <-°dw(b) // pk || m\ then k = (m - a 3. Rational Lemma rational 2.4, roots we shall and factors prove that - a^-«„)/(? - l). of the van der Pol polynomials. neither V2 (a) nor V' +l(a)/(a By using - Vi) has roots. Theorem 3.1. For n > 0, 5nV2nia)/i2n)\ 5nV2n+1(a)/(2n+ Proof. = 3" (mod 5), 1)!= 3"_1 + 3" • a (mod 5). By (1.3) we have 5"V, (a) 2n (2n)! » 5rV, ,„_, = y_2z_L_fl (2r)! ' (2« - 2r)l r=0 2" -2r (3-D y 2r + 1 . ^ (2r+ 1)! ' (2b- ■>_fl2n-2r-l 2r- 1)! Now by Lemma 2.5(b) we see that if 5k \\ (2b - 2r)l or 5k || (2b - 2r - 1)!, then k < n - r except for the case r - n. Thus by Lemma 5nV, (a)/(2n)! = 5nV, /(2b)! = 3" 472 The proof is similar Corollary. Zn for V, then V (a)/(a we have (mod 5). +\(a)' For n > 0, 5"V2n + 1(a)/(2B + l)!(a - V) = 3" Theorem 2.1(c) 3.2. // n is even — Vi) has then no rational V (a) has (mod 5). no rational roots. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see roots. If n is odd FACTORS AND ROOTS OF VAN DER POL POLYNOMIALS Proof. of Lemma by the When corollary V {a)/(a 3.3. j (a) =c- by Theorem 3.1 that no rational roots. 3.1 and by Lemma all the hypotheses If n is odd, 2.3 that if u/b b = 0 (mod 5). We can now proceed 2.4 to show Theorem we see V (a) has to Theorem - Vi), then of Lemma form n is even, 2.4 are met and that V (a)/(a // either + c.«+•••+ where is a root of roots. - Vi) has c., . . . , c, we see as we did in the proof - Vi) has no rational V2 (a) or V2 +1(a)/(« c ,a 5 a factor are integers, of the k > 0, c. ^ 0 (mod 5), then c. = 0 (mod 5) for all i > 0. Proof. Suppose 5) for some V 2 (a) does m > 0. Then have such a factor f(a) where c £ 0 (mod we can write (3.2) 5nV2n(a)/(2n)\ = f(a) ■ g(a) where (3.3) each 5nV2 g(a) = rQ + r:a+ r.i a rational number (a)/(2n)l is integral reduced • • ■ + r2n_ka2n~k, to lowest terms. (mod 5), and since Since each the coefficient coefficient of a' r i.c 0 + r.i— ,c, on i to rprove l I +• • • + rnc 0 z'., we can use induction (mod 5). Thus by Theorem 3-1 we see that f(a) divides that tegral contradiction. The proof for Theorem form 3.4. f(a) =c» Neither + c.«+•••+ V' V, in +.(a)/(a (a) nor c, a of in (3.2) is r.! is in- 1 (mod 5), a — lA) is similar. V, 2nTi where .,(a)/(a - ]/2) has c ., . . . , c, a factor are integers, of the k > 0, c, ^ 0 (mod 5). Proof. Suppose V2 (a) does write (3.2) and (3.3). we can use induction Thus by Theorem 3.1 we see criterion and Euler method f{a) /(«). of <z on i to prove that a factor that again we can in (3.2) is ci/i + Ck-1T' 1 r. divides Then ,_ is integral (mod 5). 1 (mod 5), a contradiction. +1(a)/(fl - Vi) is similar. 4. Some cases ibility such Since the coefficient + ... The proof for V. have of irreducibility. to obtain polynomials. results Carlitz concerning [3] used With the aid of Lemma on the van der Pol polynomials. Eisenstein's the irreducibility 2.1, we shall It is perhaps irreduc- of the Bernoulli use useful the same to recall that Vn (a) is monic. Theorem V (a) and 4.1. Let V +,(a)/(a n = m(p - 3) where — Vi) are irreducible p is a prime over and the rational field. Proof. We have " /(m - Dp + p - 3m\ pV„{a) = p'£ ( \ )Vra License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 3m < p. Then • 6 F.T.HOWARD In 17J it is proved that [p, 2(p - 3)),... if r is in any of the half open . Vim- l)p, mip - 3)), then p2Vr = 0 Thus by Lemma (mod p), 2.5 (a) and Lemma V (a) is an Eisenstein show that V +,(a)/(« Vf is integral [0, p — 3), (mod p). Also 0 <r <m(p - 3). 2.1 (d) we have pVn(a) ~ pVn 4 0 Thus intervals polynomial, - Vi) is an Eisenstein (mod p). and in a similar way we can polynomial. In that case also we first prove that pmVn + l(a)/(n+ l)! = «(-12)m + 6(-12)m-1 (mod p), so pmVn+1(a)A(n+ and the theorem l)\ia-V2)]^(-n)m (mod p), follows. Theorem 4.2. // n = 3m + 3', m > t > 0, or if n = 2 • 3m, m > 0, then V (a) and Proof. V .,(a)/(a Let — Vi) are irreducible over the rational n = 3m + 3' or n - 2 • 3m■ In either case, field. by Lemma 2.5 (a) and Lemma 2.1 (b) we have 3V (a) = 3 Y ( n V an~r = 3V =2 Thus V (a) is an Eisenstein polynomial. 3Vn+1 Aa) = 2a+2 and so 3V +,(a)/(a Theorem 4.4. (mod 3), (mod 3). Also 3Vrc +iAa)/(a - }/2)= 2 (mod 3) — Vi) is an Eisenstein polynomial. If n = 2 , & > 0, «/>eB V (a) z's irreducible over the ration- al field. Proof. By Lemma 2.5 (a) and Lemma 2.1 (a) we have n (2k\ 2Vnia) = 2 £ I 1 Van~T = 2Vn = 1 (mod 2), r=0 since /2A l We can now see that 1= 0 V (a) (mod 4) is an Eisenstein if r is odd. polynomial and the theorem fol- lows. If we examine V (a) rc for 0 < b < 100, the theorems — — License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see of this section tell FACTORS AND ROOTS OF VAN DER POL POLYNOMIALS 7 us that if n is even, n 4-.22, 46, 62, 66, 72, 74, 82, 92, 98, then Vn(a) is irreducible over the rational field. Also, if n is odd, n ^ 23, 47, 63, 67, 73, 75, 83, 93, 99, then V (a)/(a - Vi) is irreducible over the rational field. 5. The first 8 van der Pol polynomials. V0(a)=l, V,(a) = a--, 2 V 2Xa) = a - a -i—, 5 w ( \ = a-a3 K,(a) 3 2 +-a-, 3 3 2 1 5 20 V 4,(a) = a4 - 2a3 + -a2-a-, 5 5 ,, / \ 5 5 4 y Afl) = fl-a 5 2 .. 3 + 2a ^-a-a 350' 1 2 1 2 70 ,jv Xa) l \ = a 6 - 3a ? 5 + 3a -, 4 -a-a 3 6 ,/f\ 77^21574+—a-a-a V Xa) = a-a ' 2 5 +-, 32 1 140 3 1 + —a 70 h-, 1050 70 I3 4 32 +—an-a-. 20 10 1 1 150 300 REFERENCES 1. J- Brillhart, On the Euler and Bernoulli polynomials, J. Reine Angew. Math. 234 (1969), 45-64. MR 39 #4117. 2. L. 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