359 Australian Journal of Entomology, 1997, 36: 359-364 Mitochondria1 Sequence Characterisation of Australian Commercial and Feral Honeybee Strains, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), in the Context of the Species Worldwide S. KOULIANOS* and R. H. CROZIER School of Genetics and Human Variation, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic. 3083. *Present address: ETH Zurich, Experimental Ecology, ETH Zentrum NW, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland. ABSTRACT The history of honeybee (Apisrneliifera) importations and management in Australia is largely anecdotal and therefore a survey and characterisation of this agriculturally important insect is of value. We give information on the genetic composition of 42 feral and commercial strains by sequencing sections of the ATPase 6, cytochrome oxidase 111, cytochrome b and ND2 mitochondrial genes to determine the relationship of the strains to each other. O u r phylogenetic analysis shows novel associations between A . 0 7 . inellifera. A . in. scutellaia, A . m. ligusiica and A . m. caucasica. Introduction The "English black bee", Apis mellifera mellijiera L., was first introduced to Sydney in 1822. In 1831, swarms were sent from there to Tasmania by Dr T. B. Wilson. By this time they were well established in the Sydney area. During a journey by the explorer James Stuart Laurie to rescue Burke and his party, it was noticed that honeybees were also common in the bush ". . . pasturage is abundant and the bees find a convenient domicile in hollow trees" (Laurie 1853). The bees had spread throughout the state of Western Australia by 1881 (Coleman 1956). With the advent of migratory beekeeping in the 1896 (Smith 1964), bees became well established as feral colonies throughout Australia. In addition to A . m. mellijiera, A . m. ligustica bees are now extensively used by apiarists and A . m. caucasica and A. m. carnica have been used in bee breeding programs. T h e history of bee importations a n d management in Australia is largely anecdotal; occurrences are determined by human activities and classifications are usually based on the judgment of apiarists. Therefore, a survey and characterisation of both feral and commercial strains of this agriculturally important insect are of value. Here we present a characterisation of Australian feral and commercial honeybees based on DNA sequences from the ATPase 6, cytochrome oxidase 111, cytochrome b and ND2 mitochondria1 genes. All reference material (see Table 1) was amplified for the size polymorphic COI/COII region, and restriction digests of the NDI /ND4 region were checked against published restriction maps because of the difficulty in locating reliable reference populations of certain subspecies status in Australia. The DNA was sequenced from single bees, allowing the development of rapid diagnostic tests for particular lineages. Once the information was available in terms of the sequence of nucleotides of mtDNA, new lineages were identified as such to the extent allowed by the variation actually uncovered, and their relationship along the maternal line t o other lineages was determined. Materials and methods Bees were supplied by the University of Western Sydney, the Department of Agriculture (Western Australia), The Department of Agriculture (Tasmania), Dr M. Schwarz, Dr D. Paton, Crestline Apiaries, T. Brown, G. Wheen, B. White and R. Stephens Apiaries. A . m. mellifera specimens were collected by Dr B. Oldroyd and SK. The areas which were sampled are indicated in Fig. 1. A . m. scutellata specimens were supplied in alcohol by Dr H. G . Hall (University of Florida). A . m. mellifera and A . m. ligusfica reference specimens were sent to the US Department of Agriculture in Baton Rouge for identification (for methods see Oldroyd el al. 1995). Total DNA was extracted from single bees by modification of standard procedures as reported by Crozier et al. (1991). The ATPase 6/COIII, cytochrome b, ND2 and COI/COII regions were amplified using primers in Koulianos and Crozier (1996) designed from the known complete sequence (Crozier and Crozier 1993) and Taq polymerase (United States Biochemical Corporation) in a Perkin Elmer Cetus thermal cycler for 35 cycles under the following conditions: denaturation at 92 "C for 1 min, annealing at 53 "C for 1 min, extension at 70°C for 1 min. The NDI/ND4 region was amplified for 30 cycles under the following conditions: denaturation at 92 "C for 1.5 min, annealing at 50°C for 1 min, extension at 70°C for 5 mins. All products were purified with Millipore Ultrafree units. The C O I / C O I I P C R product was sized by electrophoresis on a 2% agarose gel against a x 1 7 4 cut with HaeIII. The bands were visualised by ethidium bromide staining. The NDI/ND4 region was digested with PvuII, SpeI and Ndel as 360 S. KOULIANOS and R. H. CROZIER recommended by the supplier (Promega). The digested fragments were separated on a 2% agarose gel and visualised by ethidium bromide staining. Direct sequencing of the ATPase 6/COIII, cytochrome b and ND2 gene regions from single-stranded PCR product was achieved by standard procedures (Kessing et al. 1989; Koulianos and Crozier 1991). Divergence between haplotypes (d) was estimated by the method of Galtier and Gouy (1995). Phylogenetic analyses were carried out using the maximum likelihood method implemented using the program DNAML in PHYLIP version 3.52 (Felsenstein 1993) and maximum parsimony using PAUP version 3.1.1 (Swofford 1993). Maximum likelihood trees were obtained by searching for the best tree with global rearrangements. Parsimony trees were obtained by the branch and bound method. Support for the nodes was estimated using a minimum of 1,000 bootstrap replications. The transition/transversion ratio used for both methods obtained by maximising the likelihood was 5.4 for the whole data set and 4.0 for the reduced data set containing haplotypes of known heritage. Further, we used the LogDet transformation (Lockhart et al. 1994) with the inclusion of all sites implemented using the program SplitsTree 1.0 (Huson and Wetzel 1994) to avoid sequences being grouped on the basis of their nucleotide composition alone. The Kishino and Hasegawa (1989) test was used to determine whether the parsimony and maximum likelihood trees were significantly different from each other. Results The 13 haplotypes found, voucher specimen identity codes (IC) and the locality of the colonies are shown in Table 1. The distribution of the Australian haplotypes is shown in Fig. 1. The haplotypes are named by a three-letter code which is dependent on the variation found in the three mitochondria1 regions sequenced. For example, in AAA, the first A represents allele A of the ATPase 6/cytochrome oxidase 111 region, the second A represents allele A of the cytochrome b region and the third A represents allele A of the ND2 region. This coding sequence is maintained for all haplotypes. The actual nucleotide sequences are accessible from GenBank (accession numbers U72266-U72289). 12 haplotypes in total were I / Fig. 1. Regions sampled and corresponding haplotypes in Western Australia, South Australia (including Kangaroo Island), New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. Note that AAA and AFI are A. m. ligustica, ACE and ACF are A . m. caucasica and BEB is A . m. mellifera. Table 1. The 12 Australian haplotypes found. The 13th haplotype (CGK) represents the Africanised bee. Identity codes (IC) for voucher specimens kept at La Trobe University are also given. Numbers in brackets represent the number of colonies sampled which had that haulotyue. Haplotype Origin Commercial and feral colonies from NSW, WA and AAA (13) IC: ABYG-I; ABYU-I; ABZB-I, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, Victoria of unknown or ligustican heritage (our 10, 12, 14, IS; ABZV ligustica reference). Feral colonies from Tasmania. AAJ (2) 1C: T-8, 1 1 Commercial colonies from NSW of unknown heritage. ACC (2) IC: ABYG-2; ABYU-2 Colonies from Krasnopoliansky in Russia of Caucasian ACE (2) IC: ABZN-3, 4 heritage (our caucasica reference). Colony from Krasnopoliansky in Russia of Caucasian ACF (1) IC: ABZN-2 heritage (our caucasica reference). Commercial and feral colonies from NSW of unknown ACG (4) IC: ABYZ-2; ABZA-I, 2; SYDNEY heritage. Commercial colonies from Tasmania of ligustican heritage AFI (2) IC: T-49, 52 (our ligustica reference). Feral colony from WA. BAB (1) IC: ABZB-I 1 Feral colony from WA. BBB (1) IC: ABZB-19 Commercial and feral colonies from Kangaroo Island of BDD (8) IC: ABZO-I, 2, 3, 4, 6 , 7, 10; ACAO ligustican or melliferan heritage, and a feral colony from SA. Commercial colony from NSW of unknown heritage. BDH (1) IC: ABYZ-I Colonies from Tarraleah in Tasmania of melliferan BEB (4) IC: Tas-81, 86; W-22, 23 heritage and feral colonies from Victoria (our mellifera reference). A. m. scutellata CGK (1) IC: ABZR-4 CHARACTERISATION OF AUSTRALlAN HONEYBEE STRAINS 361 too have been found to be morphologically A. m. mellifera (for results see Oldroyd et al. 1995). The number of nucleotide substitutions between haplotypes varies from 0.07% to as much as 2.17% (between BBB and CGK). The nucleotide diversity (Nei 1987) for haplotypes (weighted by their relative frequencies) was equal to 0.004. The mean divergence (Galtier and Gouy 1995) between the mtDNA lineages is shown in Table 3. Divergence between mtDNA haplotypes was always higher between than within lineages (only distances between haplotypes of known origin are shown). Phylogenetic trees were inferred from the sequence data using maximum IikeIihood, parsimony and LogDet transformation methods. Fig. 2 contains trees obtained for the whole data set. The best tree obtained by maximum likelihood (a) differs slightly from that obtained by maximum parsimony a n d the LogDet transformation (b); tree (b) was not significantly worse than tree (a) by the Kishino and Hasegawa (1989) test. The major difference between the two trees is the position of the Africanised haplotype (CGK); DNAML clustered CGK within A . m. ligustica whereas parsimony and the LogDet transformation recognised it as a distinct lineage. Maximum likelihood, parsimony and the LogDet transformation returned the same tree (Fig. 3) for the reduced data set containing haplotypes of known heritage only, except for minor differences in the length of branches. found in the Australian honeybees. Haplotype AAA was identical in sequence to A . m. ligustica in Crozier and Crozier (1993). The 13th haplotype (CGK) is from A . m. scutellata. All reference populations show size classes that are consistent with that subspecies (Table 2). These size classes result from different combinations of t w o sequence fragments named P and Q in Cornuet et al. (1991). The Q sequence is observed in our A . m. ligustica reference populations (AAA and AFI). It is also found in our A . m. caucasica reference populations (ACE and ACF) and all other northern Mediterranean races (Garnery et al. 1992). The other sizes (PQ, PQQ and PQQQ) are known in A . m. mellifera and several African races (Garnery et al. 1992). Therefore, we can distinguish A . m. mellgera and African haplotypes from those of the Northern Mediterranean species. The PQQQ sequence is observed in our A . m. melliferu reference population (BEB) and the P Q sequence is observed in A . m. scutelluta (CGK). The presence or absence of BglII, HindIII, PvuII, SpeI and NdeI restriction sites are also shown in Table 2. All reference populations show restriction patterns typical of their subspecies, except the population from Tarraleah, Tasmania which differs from published A . m. mellifera maps (Garnery et ul. 1992) by 1 NdeI site. Tarraleah bees were described by Ruttner (1976) as true A . m. meflifera on morphological grounds; our samples have been sent to the US Department of Agriculture in Baton Rouge for identification and they Table 2. Restriction site and length polymorphisms for the Australian haplotypes and A . m. scutellata. Presence of a restriction site is indicated by + and the absence by - . Presence/absence of PvuII, SpeI and Ndel sites was obtained from the restriction digests of the NDl/ND4 region. Presencelabsence of BglIl and Hind111 sites was obtained from the cytochrome b and ND2 sequences, respectively. Corresponding restriction sites of Garnery et a/. (1992) are shown in brackets. The length polyrnorphisms result from different combinations of 2 sequence fragments named P and Q in Cornuet et al. (1991). Bglli (b) Sample Hindlll (0 Pvull (a) Spel (C) SpeI (t) Ndel (u) Ndel (v) Length Poly. + i + AAA + + Q + AAJ + + ++ + Q ACC + + + Q ACE + t + Q ACF + ++ Q ++ ACG + + ++ Q AFI + ++ + + Q + BAB + ++Q BBB + + ++ PQQ + BDD + + t PQQ + BDH + + + PQ BEB ++ + +PQQQ CGK + + t PQ Note: AAA and AFI is A . m. ligustica, ACE and ACF is A . m. caucasica, BEB is A . m. mellifera and CGK is A . m. scutellata. - - Table 3. Distances (Galtier and Gouy 1995) and standard deviations within and between the lineages A ( A . m. scutellata), C ( A . tn. ligustica and A . tn. caucasica) and M ( A . in. ineNifera). Only distances from haplotypes of known subspecies status are shown. C A . m. ligusrico A . m. caucasit,a m. ligustica C A. M A A. m. caucasica A. m. mellifera A. m. scutellata SD 0.001 I = 0.0013 M .. A A . m. tiiellifera A . tn. scutella 0.01 18 SD = 0.0011 - 0.0072 SD = 0.001 1 0.01 80 - 362 S. KOULIANOS and R. H. CROZIER (A. m. scutellata) CGK (A. m. melliferu) BEB BDD BDH BBB (A. 111. ligustica) AA BAB AFI (A. m. ligustica) (A. m. caucasica) ACE ACF (A. m. caiicasica) U 0.00 I (A. m. mellijera) B EB BDD 100 BAB (A. m. ligustica) AAA 5 1 AFI (A. m. ligiistica) 59 (A. m. caucasica) ACE 1 ACF (A. nz. caucasica) U 0.001 Fig. 2. Relationship of the 13 haplotypes to each other. (a) was obtained using maximum likelihood. (b) was obtained using parsimony and the LogDet transformation. Length of branches were obtained by the usertree option of maximum likelihood. For (b) numbers at nodes are bootstrap percentages (1,000 replicates). CHARACTERISATION OF AUSTRALIAN HONEYBEE STRAINS 363 When considering length polymorphism of the region. Although different from BEB, the region between the cytochrome oxidase I and I1 restriction sites are compatible with A. m. genes, restriction data and phylogenetic analysis mellifera except for the HindIII site which is of the sequence data, then it seems likely that: usually absent. I , A A J is A. rn. ligustica because it has the same length polymorphism and restriction sites, and Discussion differs only by one base from known A . rn. Ruttner et al. (1978) grouped the honeybee ligust ica; 2. ACC and ACG are A. m. caucasica because subspecies into three lineages based o n they have the same length polymorphism and morphometry and phylogeography: lineage A restriction sites, and differ only by one base from included subspecies from Africa; lineage M both ACE and ACF. Further, a high bootstrap included subspecies from northern Europe, Spain, value supports their inclusion with A. rn. Portugal and northern Africa; and lineage C included subspecies from eastern Europe, northern caucasica; Mediterranean and the Middle East. Distances 3 . BAB is A. rn. rnellifera by the ATPase 6, COIII and ND2 fragments, but A . rn. ligustica by between the lineages obtained from A. m. the cytochrome b fragment. It has the sequence ligustica, A. m. caucasica, A. rn. mellifera and A. fragment Q which is compatible with A . rn. rn. scutellata reference populations in this study ligustica and all other northern Mediterranean are similar to those obtained by Garnery et al. races, but not with A. rn. rnellifera. It differs by (1992) and Arias and Sheppard (1996). Again the one restriction site from our data and published divergence between A and M is greatest, followed maps (Garnery et al. 1992) of A. rn. ligustica and by C and M, and A and C, respectively. Also, by two from published maps of A. rn. rnellifera mtDNA variability found is much higher between lineages than within, which is consistent with the (Garnery et al. 1992); 4. BBB is A . rn. rnelliferabecause it has the same existence of long term barriers to gene flow during restriction sites as BEB and differs by only 4 of the Pleistocene (Smith 1991). The phylogenies presented here do not agree 21 base changes from known A . rn. rnellifera. It also has the sequence fragment PQQ which is with those from previous molecular studies. The main difference is the terminal position of A . rn. compatible with A. rn. rnelliyera; 5 . BDD is A. rn. mellifera from the phylogenetic caucasica on lineage C, which is clear in Fig. 2. analysis and the length of the size polymorphic Lineage C is largely unresolved in Arias and region. Therefore there are at least two restriction Sheppard (1996) by parsimony and neighbour site differences (HindIII and Spel) between it and joining methods, and from our reanalysis using published maps of A. rn. rnellifera (Garnery et al. the LogDet transformation method. However, A . 1992); and rn. caucasica consistently joins the base of lineage 6 . BDH is A. m. rnelliferafrom the phylogenetic C under both parsimony and neighbour joining analysis and the length of the size polymorphic (using distances calculated according to Kimura (A. tn. ligustica) AAA 78 (A. m. ligusticu) AFI U 0.00 1 Fig. 3. Relationship of the six haplotypes of known origin. The tree shown is that obtained using maximum likelihood, parsimony and the LogDet transformation. Length of branches were obtained by the usertree option of maximum likelihood. Numbers at nodes are bootstrap percentages (1,000 replicates). S. KOULIANOS and R. H. CROZIER 364 (1980)) methods in the analyses of Cornuet and Garnery (1991) and Garnery et al. (1992). This alternative is significantly worse from our data by the Kishino and Hasegawa (1989) test. Reanalysing the sequences in Garnery et al. ( 1 992) using the LogDet transformation method results in a tree more congruent with ours; A. m. ligustica becomes basal to both A. m. caucasica and A. m. carnica. If this is the case, then there is no clear correlation between the geographic distribution of lineage C haplotypes and their phylogeny because the more derived haplotypes are from the Caucasus and Austria (rather than Italy and Austria). High AT content has been reported for all honeybee mitochondrial genes (Crozier and Crozier 1993). Differences in nucleotide frequencies may result in some methods of phylogenetic inference/estimation returning erroneous topologies (Lockhart et a f . 1994). The LogDet transformation can compensate for the effects of biased nucleotide compositions (Lockhart et al. 1994). For example, using mitochondrial sequences from Apis species Lockhart el a f . (1994) were able to show that parsimony and neighbour joining methods grouped the sequences according to their A, G, C, T contents. However, after transforming the data using the LogDet method, the resulting tree was congruent with those from other biological data. Similarly, we find that honeybee intraspecific phylogenies are affected by differences in base composition bias. These results emphasise the warning of Lockhart et al. (1994) which expresses a need for caution when reconstructing trees from taxa with differing nucleotide frequencies, and that many published studies should be reconsidered. Acknowledgments We thank the University of Western Sydney, the Department of Agriculture (Western Australia), the Department of Agriculture (Tasmania), Dr H. G . Hall, Dr M. Schwarz, Dr D. Paton, Crestline Apiaries, T. Brown, G. Wheen, B. White and R. Stephens Apiaries for supplying the bees, Jean-Marie Cornuet for critical comments on an earlier version of the manuscript, and the Australian Research Council and the Honey Research and Development Council for grant support to RHC. References ARIAS,M. C. and SHEPPARD, W. S. (1996). Molecular phylogenetics of honey bee subspecies (Apis rnellifera L.) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence. Mol. Phylo. 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