Studies of Higgs Boson Properties in Future LHC Runs Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions, March 23, 2014 Hideki Okawa (Brookhaven National Laboratory) on behalf of the ATLAS & CMS Collaborations LHC Program LHCC open meeting, Dec. 2013 LHC 13-14 TeV (2015-2022) • • • √s=13-14 TeV. Will surpass the design luminosity in Run 2. Twice the design lumi. in Run 3. Expected integ. lumi. ~300 fb-1 HL-LHC 14 TeV (2025-2030s) • • √s=14 TeV. 2009 2010 2011 Run 1 2012 2013 2014 LS1 2015 2016 Run 2 2017 2018 2019 LS2 2020 2021 Run 3 2022 2023 2024 LS3 2025 Run 2035 4,5,... LHC start-up, √s=900 GeV ~25 fb-1 √s=7-8 TeV, L~6×1033 cm-2s-1, bunch spacing=50 ns Towards the design energy & luminosity √s=13 TeV commissioning √s=13-14 TeV, L~1.6×1034 cm-2s-1, bunch space=25 ns ~75100 fb-1 LHC Injector upgrade √s=14 TeV, L~2×1034 cm-2s-1, bunch space=25 ns ~300 fb-1 HL-LHC upgrade; interaction region, crab cavities? √s=14 TeV, L~5×1034 cm-2s-1 ~3000 fb-1 σ(Higgs@LHC) > 50 pb w/ √s=14 TeV, cf. σ(Higgs@e+e-)~ 0.2-0.3 pb w/ √s=250-500 GeV The luminosity will increase by a factor 5 from the initial design. Expected integ. lumi.~250-300 fb-1/year & ~3000 fb-1 after a decade of operation. Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 2 the predictions in Refs. [13], including the error estim identified and removed inconsistencies in the calcula corresponding changes in the error estimate are at th mH > 500 GeV the changes increase for some deca values of the BRs are not affected. Higgs Physics@Future LHC The fermionic decay modes are shown in Tab together with the total width are given in Table A.8 to full uncertainty) is also presented graphically in Figur mass range (right). 10-1 Search for BSM decays (invisible, t→cH) WW bb gg ττ ZZ cc 10-2 Search for CP-violation in the Higgs-sector Higgs BR + Total Uncert [%] • • • • Sensitivities to rare decays: H→μμ, Zγ 1 LHC HIGGS XS WG 2013 • Higgs Yellow Report Higgs BR + Total Uncert [%] • Precision measurements of Higgs couplings 1 1 γγ Zγ 10-3 1 Search for additional Higgs bosons µµ Higgs boson pair production & self-coupling 10-4 80 100 120 140 160 180 1 200 MH [GeV] Fig. 2: Higgs branching ratios and their uncertainties for ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-007 (right). 2.1.3 λHHH BR Correlations for Higgs masses close to 12 In this section, we focus on the error correlations for th two-fold: Varying the input parameters within their er widths and the resulting BRs in a correlated way. Mor 5 Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 3 Projections • • Benchmarks: √s=14 TeV. 300 fb-1 (3000 fb-1), μ=60 (140) for LHC (HL-LHC) • CMS: 7 & 8 TeV results are extrapolated to 300 or 3000 fb-1 at √s=14 TeV assuming μ: average number of p-p interactions per bunch crossing. ATLAS: Dedicated MC samples with response functions given for the expected detector & object performance for benchmark scenarios; or extrapolated the 7 & 8 TeV results. Response functions are applied to the MC truth distributions. the same detector & trigger performance. Emiss x,y Resolution μ-dependent Missing ET resolution 160 ATLAS Simulation Preliminary 25 ns bunch spacing 140 CMS Systematics • Scenario 1: same systematics as Run 1 (w/ & w/o theory uncertainties) • Scenario 2: theory systematics 50%, experimental systematics scaled by √(integ. lumi.). Parametrisation Z’ 120 t t, µ = 60, MinBias, µ = 60, 100 J3, µ = 60, pile-up (µ=60), calib. noise pile-up pile-up noise noise (µ=60), calib. (µ=60), calib. 80 • 60 40 20 0 • 1000 Hideki Okawa 2000 ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-007, ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-009 3000 4000 5000 6000 ET [GeV] ATLAS Systematics • Basically the same as Run 1. Some uncertainties from data-driven estimates are scaled with √(integ. lumi.) w/ & w/o theory uncertainties. Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 4 Higgs Measurements ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-007, ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014 Can measure all the production modes w/ 3000 fb-1 6 ATLAS Simulation Preliminary ∫ L=3000fb-1, s = 14 TeV 5 ttH-like category 4 3 2 ttH,H→γγ Events/GeV / 3 ab-1 Entries/1GeV H→ZZ→4l VBF WH ZH ttH ggF Background 300 250 200 ∫ -1 L dt = 3000 fb 150 50 0 ween 115 and 130 GeV. 0 The total uncertainties on the corresponding estimates are also given. Fig100 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 3 shows the invariant mass distributions of the lepton quadruplets coming from the various Higgs duction mechanisms and background for the di↵erent category selections. m4l[GeV] Category ttH-like ZH-like WH-like VBF-like ggF-like ttH WH ZH VBF gg Z W diphoton ttbar ATLAS Simulation 100 1 ggF 3.1 ±1.0 0.0 22 ±7 41 ±14 3380 ±650 Sensitive to Top Yukawa coupling from both production & decay VBF 0.6 ±0.1 0.0 6.6 ±0.4 54 ±6 274 ±17 True Origin WH ZH 0.6 ±0.1 1.1 ±0.2 0.01 ±0.01 4.4 ±0.3 25 ±2 4.4 ±0.3 0.7 ±0.1 0.4 ±0.1 77 ±5 53 ±3 ttH 30 ±6 1.3 ±0.3 8.8 ±1.8 1.0 ±0.2 25 ±4 Background 1.6 ±1.0 0.06 ±0.06 13 ±0.8 4.2 ±1.5 2110 ±50 • 110 120 130 140 150 diphoton mass [GeV] More than 100 ttH,H→γγ signal events could be observed with 3000 fb-1. ble 1: Mean expected number of events in each category assuming mH = 125 GeV and 3000 fb 1 of a. For each category, various Higgs Hideki Okawathe expected number of events from the Moriond QCDproduction & Highmechanisms Energy Interactions pecified. Estimates are given in the lepton quadruplet mass interval between 115 and 130 GeV, along 5 CMS Projection CMS Projection Rare Decays & Signal Strength Expected uncertainties on Higgs boson couplings -1 300 fb at s = 14 TeV Scenario 2 κW κZ κZ g κt κτ H→μμ: 7.0σ significance w/ 3000 fb-1 w/ ATLAS. Probe coupling0.05 dependence on0.15 0.00 0.10 expected uncertainty lepton-flavor. Events / 0.5 GeV κW κb 3000 fb-1 at s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 3000 fb-1 at s = 14 TeV Scenario 2 κγ Rare Decays κ • Expected uncertainties on Higgs boson couplings s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014, CMS NOTE-13-002 ×10 3 Events / GeV κγ -1 300 fb at g 1010 κATLAS Simulation Preliminary κsb = 14 TeV 109 -1 H µµ, m =125 GeV H κ tL dt = 3000 fb 8 Z µµ 10 κτ tt 7 WW µ µ 10 0.00 6 10 0.05 120 Background SM Signal B-only fit 100 s = 14 TeV 80 ∫ Ldt = 3000 fb -1 60 40 0.10 ATLAS Simulation Preliminary 20 H→μμexpected uncertainty H→Zγ 5 10 0 • 80 investigate the loop structure. 100 120 140 200 1000 25 800 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 25 30 30 35 35 mµµ [GeV] ATLAS Simulation Preliminary 40 45 50 55 60 mllγ -mll [GeV] 40 45 50 55 60 mllγ -mll [GeV] CMS s = 14 TeV: Projection Ldt=300 fb-1 ; Ldt=3000 fb-1 Expected uncertainties on Higgs boson signal strength 3000 fb-1 at s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 3000 fb-1 at s = 14 TeV No Theory Unc. H µµ Scenario 1: same systematics as Run 1 H → WW H → ZZ Same systematics as Run 1, but w/o theory unc. H → bb H→ τ τ 0.10 0.15 expected uncertainty (VBF-like) κW H ZZ H WW (comb.) H Z Signal Strength • hashed: w/ current theory unc. (comb.) κZ κg κb κ(incl.) t 1.5 κτ H 0.05 Expected uncertainties on Higgs boson couplings (comb.) κγ H H→ γ γ 0.00 160 180 (Events - Fit) / GeV Figure 12: Estimated precision on the measurements of kg , kW , k Z , k g , kb , kt and kt . The pro104 p H→Zγ: s2.1σ w/ jections assume = 14significance TeV and an integrated dataset of 300 fb 1 (left) and 3000 fb 1 (right). 103 -1 w/ ATLAS. Can 3000 fb The projections are obtained with the two uncertainty scenarios described in the text. 102 CMS Projection H→Zγ , Z→µµ/ee 0.15 (comb.) 0.00 0 0.05 0.2 0.4 µ/ µ • 3000 fb-1 at s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 3000 fb-1 at s = 14 TeV No Theory Unc. Signal strength of main channels (H→γγ, H→ZZ, H→WW, H→ττ, H→bb) could be measured within ~5% (~10%) without (with) theory uncertainties. Similar0.15 precision between expected uncertainty ATLAS/CMS 0.10 Hideki13: Okawa Moriond QCD & High(left) Energy Interactions Figure Estimated precision on the signal strengths and coupling modifiers (right). p 6 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.00 expected uncertainty 0.05 0.10 0.15 expected uncertainty Higgs Coupling Fit Figure 12: Estimated prop precision on the measurements of kg , kW , k Z1, k g , kb , kt and kt . The jections assume s = 14 TeV and an integrated dataset of 300 fb (left) and 3000 fb 1 (right). The projections are obtained with the two uncertainty scenarios described in the text. ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014, CMS NOTE-13-002 Higgs couplings are extracted from σ × BR assuming CMS Projection that total width Γtot equals the sum of SM channel widths ( · BR)(i Expected uncertainties on Higgs boson signal strength ff) = H i · 3000 fb-1 at -1 3000 fb at ff CMS Projection Expected uncertainties on Higgs boson couplings s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 s = 14 TeV No Theory Unc. κγ tot i: Higgs production process, f: Higgs decay product H→ γ γ • κZ κg H → ZZ Coupling could be measured within ~5% H → bb (~10%) without (with) theory uncertainties. H→ τ τ s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 3000 fb-1 at s = 14 TeV No Theory Unc. Scenario 1: same systematics as Run 1 κW H → WW 3000 fb-1 at Same systematics as Run 1, but w/o theory unc. κb κt Energy Frontier κ τ • 0.05 0.10 0.15 expected uncertainty F Minimal coupling fit 0.00 with a universal couplings 0.05 0.10 0.15 to 0.00 expected uncertainty be in this situation, in which the picture of the Higgs boson may be very di↵erent from that in the weak vector bosons & fermions is also provided. since the other particles in the sector are heavy, it is difficult to conclude this except by precision Figure 13: Estimated precision on the signal strengths (left) coupling modifiers (right). 1.4 Best Fit and Standard Model p 1 and Scenario 1 are w/ theory w/o theory -1an The projections assuming s 3000 = 14 TeV, integrated dataset of 3000 fb Sensitive to various BSM models w/ fb . sizes of Higgs boson coupling modifications are shown in Table 3-1. More details of these1.3estimates68% CL 95% CL compared with a projection neglecting theoretical uncertainties. in [23]. ment. • Snowmass, Energy Frontier Report, 2013 Model V b 1.2 1.1 4.5 Spin-parity 1 Singlet Mixing ⇠ 6% ⇠ 6% ⇠ 6% 2HDM Besides testing ⇠ 1% Higgs⇠couplings, 10% ⇠it1% 0.9 determine the spin and quantum numbers is important to Test of universal coupling Decoupling MSSM 1.6% <as 1.5% Simulation Preliminary of the ⇠ new0.0013% particle as⇠accurately possible. The full casevector study has been presented by CMS 0.8 to weak bosons vs ATLAS s = 14 TeV, Ldt = 3000 fb Compositewith the ⇠example 3% ⇠ separation (3 9)% ⇠ 9% SM Higgs boson model fermions of of the and the pseudoscalar (0 ) [7]. -1 0.7 0.95 boson1 are presented 1.05 1.1 the Top Partner ⇠ the 2% prospects ⇠ 2% ⇠ +1% CP-mixing0.9 Studies on of measuring of the Higgs using H! ZZ ⇤ ! 4l channel. The decay amplitude for a spin-zero boson defined as e 3-1. Generic size of Higgs coupling modifications from the Standard Model values in classes of new Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Interactions ⇣ Energy ⌘ cs models: mixing of the Higgs boson with a singlet boson, the two-Higgs doublet model, the Minimal ⇤( 1 ) ⇤( 1 ) 1 2 ⇤ ⇤ ⇤(2),µn ˜⇤(2),µn V 7 BSM Rare Decays (invisible) ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014, ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-015, CMS NOTE-13-002 χ From ZH→ll+invisible ATLAS χ H Z Z "− q "+ • • • CMS CMS 300 fb-1 [25,28]% [14,18]% Higgs-Portal Interpretation -1 [12,15]% [7,11]% 3000 fb-1 [8,16]% BR(H→inv) [6,17]% limit could be3000 mapped fb to bounds on the coupling of Higgs-dark matter (DM) & DM-nucleon cross section for Higgs-portal DM models Higgs invisible decay SM invisible decay: BR(H→ZZ(*)→4v)=0.12% fb-1 With 3000 of data, sensitivity reaches BR(invisible) < 10%. Similar sensitivity from coupling measurements. (h BR(h 10-38 10-39 10-40 10-41 10-42 10-43 10-44 10-45 10-46 10-47 10-48 10-49 10-50 10-51 10-52 )= 1 Higgs-DM coupling ) (h (h ) ) + (h 10-38 10-39 10-40 10-41 10-42 10-43 10-44 10-45 10-46 10-4710 10-48 10-49 10-50 10-51 10-52 DM-nucleon xsec 2 h N SM ) ATLAS Simulation Preliminary ZH ll+invisible Higgs-portal Model for ATLAS Hideki Okawa Outstanding sensitivity for low-mass dark matter within Higgs-portal models. Hideki Okawa ATLAS 300 fb-1 [23,32]% [17,28]% DM-Nucleon cross-seciton [cm2] • From couling measurements DM−Nucleon cross section [cm2] q Higgs-portal Ldt=3000 fb-1 s=14 TeV, Model Scalar XENON 10 XENON 1T CRESST CDMS 1 ATLAS 3000 fb -1, scalar DM ATLAS 3000 fb -1, majorana DM XENON 100 DAMA/LIBRA CDMS 2 CoGeNT ATLAS 3000 fb -1, vector DM Majorana 102 103 DM Mass [GeV] • Very good sensitivity in mχ<mH/2 region. ZH → ll+invisible ATLAS Simulation Preliminary s = 14 TeV, ∫ Ldt=3000 fb -1 • Significantly exceeds the limits from the direct detection experiments for the low mass region. • LHC could provide complementary results to the DM experiments. Vector USLUO Annual Meeting, November 8, 2013 DAMA/LIBRA 3σ CDMS 95% CL XENON10 XENON 1T -1 -1 ATLAS 3000 fb , vector DM 1 Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 10 8 CRESST 2σ CoGeNT XENON100 -1 ATLAS 3000 fb , scalar DM ATLAS 3000 fb , majorana DM 102 103 DM Mass [GeV] 88 BSM Rare Decays (t→cH) H t γ 2500 ATLAS Simulation 2000 Preliminary tt cH( )bW(had) 1 CLS γ events / 5 GeV ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-012 -1 Expected, tight jet p cuts T Expected, tight jet p cuts, conservative bkg Full simulation, 8 TeV T Truth level 8 TeV Truth level 14 TeV 1500 ATLAS Preliminary L dt = 3 ab , s = 14 TeV Expected, loose jet p cuts T Expected, loose jet p cuts, conservative bkg -1 10 T 1000 10-2 500 c 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 diphoton-jet mass [GeV] -3 10 1 1.5 2 2.5 Br(t • Seach for flavor-changing neutral currents in top decays using ttbar processes. Look for peak at γγj invariant mass & W(→lv, jj)j. • SM value is BR(t→cH) = 3×10-15. For BSM, BR(t→cH) could be enhanced to ~10-5−10-3. • With 3000 fb-1, the expected limit reaches BR(t→cH)=1.2−1.4×10-4 Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 3 cH) (x104) 9 CP-mixing Spin-parity 18 ( ) (H→ZZ * →4l) 5 Discovery Potential: Supersymmetry des testing Higgs couplings, it is important to determine the spin and quantum n Table 4: Estimated precision on the measurements of ratios of Higgs boson couplings (plot he new particle as accurately as possible. full case study has been b multiple Higgs boson CPThe violation can lead tobythe 125 GeVpresented Higgs ratio of partial width. It will be&replaced by a plot of ratio of couplings the time of • Presence ofshows p the pre-approval. Uncertainties are 1/2). These values are obtained at s = 14 TeV using as an admixture of CP-scalar and pseudoscalar state. h the example of separation of the SM Higgs boson model and the pseudoscalar ( an integrated dataset of 300 and 3000 fb . Numbers in brackets are % uncertainties on the measurements estimated under [scenario2, scenario1],of as described in the text. boson are presented us dies on the prospects of measuring CP-mixing the Higgs Provides a new L (fbsource ) k · k of / kCPk violation /k k /k beyond k /k k SM. /k k /k k /k k /k k /k • ⇤ ZZ ! 4l channel.300The decay amplitude for [6,9] a spin-zero boson as [4,6] [5,8] [4,7] [8,11] [6,9] [13,14] [22,23] defined [40,42] ([6,8] [2,5]tests [2,5] [2,3] [3,5] [2,4] H→ZZ [3,5] Most3000 precise available with the *)→4l [7,8] final [12,12] state CMS NOTE-13-002 ⇣ ⌘ Projections of the expected 2 ln2L values ⇤(assuming 1) ⇤(2)300 1 ⇤ ⇤ from the fits ,µnfb and 3000⇤(fb1) are A( H !shown ZZin)Fig. =15.vA 68% (95%) a1 mCLZlimit e1 eon2 the +contribution a2 f µn off f can be achieved + a3 fatµnthe level f˜⇤(2),µn . 1 1 g Z H g Z W Z b Z t Z Z g t g µ 1 1 • Zg Z 1 a3 of 0.07 (0.13) with 300 fb and 0.02 (0.04) with 3000 fb . The analysis is limited by statistical uncertainties up to a high luminosity, but all sources of systematic uncertainties are preserved loop CP-even SM tree process CP-odd contributions in the projections. contributions (BSM) 1 ATLAS uses 8D fit with kinematic variables to extract ɑ2 and ɑ3 (=-2g4). 4 (g )/g • 1 Z 2 ATLAS Simulation Preliminary 1.5 8D Fit: g /g 4 1 1 ɑ3: coupling to CP-odd contributions CMS uses Matrix Element likelihood approach. ATLAS: fa3< 0.15 (0.037) CMS: fa3< 0.13 (0.04) w/ 300 fb-1 (3000 fb-1)@95%CL Hideki Okawa 0.5 0 fa3: fraction of CP-odd contributions -0.5 -1 -1.5 3000 fb-1: 68%-95%CL 300 fb-1: 68%-95% CL -2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 CMS NOTE-13-002 ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-013 Figure 15: Distribution of expected 2 ln L for f a3 for the projection to 300 fb 1 (green, dotted) Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions and 3000 fb 1 (magenta, dot-dashed). 2 (g )/g 4 1 10 alues. Spontaneous symmetry breaking leads to mixing between the singlet state and surviving state of formance of this channel. he doublet field, resulting in two CP-even Higgs bosons, where h (H) denotes the lighter (heavier) of 300 fb−1They couple to fermions 3000 fb−1 he pair. The two Higgs bosons, h and H, are assumed Coupling to be non-degenerate. theory unc. Allreduced unc. Noby theory roweak singlet nd vector bosons in a similar way to that of the SM Higgs boson,All butunc. eachNo with a strength a un κH IV 0.35 0.31 0.25 Type I scale factor, Typedenoted II III Type ommon κh and Type κH respectively. The constraint of unitarity0.31 implies that the SM Higgs sector involves the addition of an electroweak (EW) singlet (β − α) sin(β − α) sin(βTable − α)1: Expectedsin(β − upper α) limit on κH with 300 and 3000 fb−1 at √ s = 14 T 95% CL 2 2 t Higgs field of the SM. Both fields acquire non-zero vacuum expectation κ + κ = 1. (1) and without the inclusion of theoretical uncertainties in the coupling measurements H cos(α)/ h singlet α)/ sin(β) cos(α)/ sin(β) cos(α)/ sin(β) sin(β) An additional (1) Additional electroweak (EW) (“H”): singlet couples to etry breaking leads to mixing between the singlet state and surviving state of α)/ sin(β) − sin(α)/ cos(β) cos(α)/ sin(β) −the sin(α)/ cos(β) bosons & fermions as a SM Higgs boson with mass mH (not degenerate with the 125 in two CP-even bosons, where h (H) denotes lighter (heavier) In this model,Higgs the lighter Higgs boson h has identical decay modes to of those of the SM Higgs boson, α)/ sin(β) − sin(α)/ cos(β)todenoted − non-degenerate. sin(α)/ cos(α)/ sin(β) GeV Higgs boson as cos(β) “h” here). Coupling strength is reduced by a sons, h and H, are assumed be They couple to fermions ut with production and decay rates modified according to all new decay modes, BRH,new , as common scale factor (κ or h H). with a strength reduced by a lar way to that of the SM Higgs boson, but κeach 2 ×σ ght Higgs boson h to weak vector bosons (κV ),=up-type 2 × σquarks (κuσ),H down-type = κ H,SM κimplies H ed κh and κH respectively. The constraintσofh unitarity that h,SM h BSM Higgs Bosons • ), expressed asUnitarity ratios to the corresponding SM expectations. Constraint 2×Γ Γ = κ 2 2 h,SM h h κ + κ = 1. h H ΓH κ2H = × ΓH,SM (1) 1 − BRH,new (2) BRvh,i respectively, = BRh,SM,iwith their BRH,i = being (1 − BRH,new ) × BRH,SM,i quire vacuum expectation values, v and ratio 1 2 er Higgs boson h has identical decay modes to those of the SM Higgs boson, 2 + v2 = v2 = (246 GeV)2 . The Higgs sector of the Unitarity requires that v Here σΓH,SM , ΓH,SMthe , andtotal BRH,SM,i denote the cross section, total width, and branch cay rates modified where σ denotes theaccording production denotes decay width, BR denotes the branching 1 to 2cross section, decay mode (indexed predicted a SM m Higgs ± ),boson with mass mH . ribed byTwo parameters: fourdecay Higgs boson masses (mi)h ,SM mHHiggs , mAfor, and His atio, and isix indexes the different modes. (2) Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM): sector extended by an 2 Consequently the overall signal strength, namely the ratio of the overall rate of p σ = κ × σ h h,SM e α For of the two neutral, CP-even Higgs states. A discrete Z symmetry [26] is 2 h theadditional heavier Higgs boson H, new model decay modes such asrelative H → to hh areofpossible if masses: they are doublet. Generic with 6measured parameters (4that Higgs boson mh, in the channels a SM Higgs boson withkinematcorresponding m 2 meteraccessible. m12 the Higgs potential is zero. Gauge fixes the couplings cally case production and are modified with respect to those = ; tan κh ×β;its Γh,SM mHin, Γm mthis mixing angle of decay h invariance & H:rates α). Includes MSSM for Type II. of a SM (2) H± h A,In σh × BR h the branching n Higgs bosons bosons relative to heavy their SM values to be Higgs boson withtoa vector mass equal to that of the Higgs boson as a function of ratio ofType =Type κ2 II Coupling strengthµh = Type I • BRh,i = BRh,SM,i (σh × BRh )SM h κV sin(β − α) sin(β − α) sin(β − tion cross section, Γ denotes the total decay width, BR denotes the branching κu cos(α)/σsin(β) cos(α)/ s (5)H cos(α)/2 sin(β) ! " H × BR 2HDM /gSM µH = = κH 1 − BRH,new = cos(β − α) erent decay gmodes. κ cos(α)/ sin(β) − sin(α)/ cos(β) cos(α)/ s (σH × BRH )SM HVV d HVV oson H, new decay modes such as H → hh are possibleκl if they are cos(α)/ kinematsin(β) − sin(α)/ cos(β) − sin(α)/ for h and H respectively. 2 denote the SM Higgs couplings to vector bosons. se its production and decay rates are modified with respect to those of a SM V As given in model 1 of Table 18 in Ref. [10], the expected precision on κh impro Table 2: Couplings of theratio lightofHiggs boson h√to weak vector bosons 11 Hideki Okawa QCD & High Energy Interactions gqual condition is the satisfied fourboson typesMoriond of(2.5%) −1 −1 to that of heavyby Higgs as a2HDMs: function of the branching with 300 fb to 2.5% (1.6%) with 3000 fb at s = 14 TeV with (with SM g2HDM /g hVV hVV = sin(β − α) BSM Coupling Studies H→γγ, H→ZZ→4l, H→ Zγ, H→WW→lvlv, H→ττ, H→μμ channels used ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-015 Additional electroweak singlet (“H”) • • w/o theory uncertainty Precision of κh improved by 3.2% (2.5%) with 300 fb-1 & 2.5% (1.6%) with 3000 fb-1. Scale factor for another EW singlet is excluded as κH < 0.35 (0.31) with 300 fb-1 & κH < 0.31 (0.25) with 3000 fb-1 at 95% CL. 4 3.5 3 Expected 95% CL Limit ATLAS on 2HDM Type I s = 14 Ldt = 300 fb-1: All unc. Ldt = 300 fb-1: No theory unc. Ldt = 3000 fb-1: All unc. Ldt = 3000 fb-1: No theory unc. Simulation Preliminary TeV tan tan Two Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM) 4 3.5 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Expected 95% CL Limit ATLAS on 2HDM Type II s = 14 Ldt = 300 fb-1: All unc. Ldt = 300 fb-1: No theory unc. Ldt = 3000 fb-1: All unc. Ldt = 3000 fb-1: No theory unc. -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 cos( - ) Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 0 Simulation Preliminary TeV 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 cos( - ) 12 Direct Searches for H/A 1 Heavy Higgs decays depend highly on the parameter region. Various search channels are needed. Object and event selection H→ZZ→4l & A→Zh→llbb are sensitive for low tanβ cases & provides complementary sensitivities to coupling studies. ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-016 Events / 10 GeV 50000 -1 Ldt = 3000 fb s = 14 TeV 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 200 300 Hideki Okawa A Zh, mA = 360 GeV tt Zbb+Jets Z+Jets ZZ 0.1 5 0.1 BR(H± ) • BR(A) 4.1 tanβ=2.5 A → tt̄ A → bb̄ A → hZ A → ττ BR(H) • A. Djouadi & J. Quevillon, arXiv:1304.1787 1 Mh = 126 GeV H → tt̄ H → hh H → bb̄ H → WW H → ττ H → ZZ tanβ = 2.5 0.01 0.01 140 CMS PAS FTR-13-024 200 300 400 500 210 MA [GeV] 300 400 500 MH [GeV] Figure 4: The decay branching ratios of the heavier MSSM Higgs boson H ± (right) as a function of their masses for tan β = 2.5. The program with modifications so that the radiative corrections lead to Mh = 126 G H→ZZ→4l gauge bosons in the case of the H state) not too suppressed, ma appear. The branching fractions for the H/A/H ± decays are show of their masses at tan β = 2.5. They have been obtained usin A→Zh→llbb search [65] assuming large MS values that lead to a fixed Mh = 126 G A→Zh→llbb does not significantly depend on other SUSY parameters, provided supersymmetric particles are kinematically closed as it will be im ATLAS Preliminary, Simulation following8 , where the main features of the decays are summarised 400 500 600 700 – Sufficiently above the tt̄ threshold for the neutral and the tb t mA [GeV] Higgs bosons, the decay channels H/A → tt̄ and H + → tb̄ beco 13 Moriond QCD & High Energytan Interactions β< ∼ 3 and do not leave space for any other decay mode. Note Summary • • • We discovered a Higgs boson with the Run 1 LHC data. Future LHC data with 300 fb-1 and HL-LHC data with 3000 fb-1 allow us to: • Pursue precise measurements of the Higgs couplings; deviation from the SM Higgs boson predictions would indicate new physics • • • Search for rare events (BSM decays, CP-violation) Search for additional Higgs bosons in the high mass region. Measure Higgs pair-production & self-coupling With these precision measurements, we may be able to discover underlying physics beyond the Standard Model. Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 14 backups LHC Luminosity f ·N L= 4· · 2 f: Bunch crossing frequency, N: number of protons in a bunch, ϵ: emittance, β*: amplitude function CERN Courier, Aug. 2013 F.Bordry, LHCC Open Meeting, Dec. 2013 and β* ≤ 0.5 m Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 16 Detector Upgrades To cope with the radiation damage of detector components, limitation of bandwidth, improve granularity & coverage Phase-0 upgrade (2013-2014) • • ATLAS: Insertable B-layer (IBL), Level-1 topological trigger, Fast Track Trigger (FTK) CMS: 4th muon end-cap station, new detector consolidation Phase-1 upgrade (2018-2019) • ATLAS: High granularity Level-1 calorimeter trigger, New small wheel for Level-1 muon trigger • CMS: New Level-1 trigger system, new pixel detector, new photo-detector & electronics for HCAL Phase-2 upgrade (2023-2025) • • ATLAS: New silicon tracker & forward calorimeter & electronics, level-1 track trigger CMS: New tracker with Level-1 capability, DAQ/HLT upgrade, replace end-cap & forward calo; possibly extension of muon coverage & EM preshower system Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 17 Upgrade & Performance CMS NOTE-13-002 11 Phase 2 Upgrades to the CMS Experiment Improvement of CMS trigger efficiency for Higgs channels with Phase-1 upgrade (2018-2019). • 34 CMS Simulation s = 14 TeV, L = 2.2 × 10 cm-2s-1, 25 ns WH → eνbb WH → µνbb Upgrade H → τhτh Current H → eτh H → µτ h H → WW → eeνν H → WW → µµνν H → WW → eµνν H → WW → µeνν 0 20 40 60 80 100 Efficiency (%) Hideki Okawa 18 Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 34 -2 -1 Signal Strengths ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014 Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 19 4.5 17 Spin-parity Coupling Scale Factors CMS Table p 3: Precision on the measurements of kg , kW , k Z , k g , kb , kt and k1t . These values are obtained at s = 14 TeV using an integrated dataset of 300 and 3000 fb . Numbers in brackets are % uncertainties on couplings for [Scenario 2, Scenario 1] as described in the text. For the fit including the possibility of Higgs boson decays to BSM particles d the 95% CL on the branchingCMS NOTE-13-002 ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014, fraction is given. L (fb 1 ) kg kW kZ kg kb kt kt kZg kµµ BRSM 300 [5, 7] [4, 6] [4, 6] [6, 8] [10, 13] [14, 15] [6, 8] [41, 41] [23, 23] [14, 18] 3000 [2, 5] [2, 5] [2, 4] [3, 5] [4, 7] [7, 10] [2, 5] [10, 12] [8, 8] [7, 11] CMS Projection ATLAS Hideki Okawa CMS Projection 300 fb 1 3000 fb 1 3000 fb at s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 300 fb at s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 Expected uncertainties on Expected uncertainties on unc.: Theory unc.: Theory 3000 fb at s = 14 TeV Scenario 2 300 fb at s = 14 TeV Scenario 2 Higgs boson couplings ratios boson couplings ratios All Half Higgs None All Half None 1 3.2% 2.7% 2.5% 2.5% 1.9% 1.6% κ g• κ Z/κ H κ g• κ /κ H 2 V = Z = W 3.3% 2.8% Z 2.7% 2.6% 1.9% 1.7% κγ / κZ κ /κ F = t = b = ⌧ = µ 8.6% 7.5%γ Z7.1% 4.1% 3.5% 3.2% κW / κZ Z Z 8.4% 7.3%κ W / κ6.8% 6.3% 5.0% 4.6% κb / κZ κb / κZ W 8.0% 6.7% 6.2% 6.1% 4.8% 4.3% κτ / κZ 3 t 11% 9.0%κ τ / κ Z8.3% 7.0% 5.6% 5.1% κZ / κg d3 = ⌧ = b 18% 14%κ Z / κ g13% 14% 11% 10% µ 22% 20%κ t / κ g 20% 10% 8.1% 7.5% κt / κg Z 8.0% 7.0% 6.6% 5.2% 4.3% 4.0% 0.00 0.05 0.10 W 0.15 7.7% 6.8% 6.5% 0.00 0.15 4.9% 0.05 4.2% 3.9%0.10 expected uncertainty expected uncertainty t 19% 18% 18% 7.7% 6.7% 6.3% 4 d = ⌧ = µ = b 16% 13% 12% 11% 8.2% 7.2% Figure 14: Estimated precision on the measurements ratios of Higgs boson couplings (plot g 8.9% 7.9% of 7.5% 4.3% 3.8% 3.6% shows ratio of partial width. It will be replaced by a7.8% plot 9.3% of ratio couplings by the time 13% 9.3% 5.9%of 4.2% p Z are 1/2). 79%The 78% 78% 30%assume 30% 29% of the pre-approval. Uncertainties projections s = 14 TeV and an Z 6.7% 6.2% 4.9% 4.4% integrated dataset of 300 fb 1 (left) and 30008.1% fb 1 7.1% (right). The projections are obtained with the W 7.9% 6.9% 6.5% 5.9% 4.8% 4.4% two uncertainty scenarios described t in the text. 22% 20% 20% 10% 8.4% 7.8% 5 d3 = ⌧ = b 18% 15% 13% 15% 11% 9.7% ( i ) ,µn ( i ) ,µn ˜ µ 23% 21% 21%of a11% 8.5% with 7.6%polarization vector where f (f ) is the (conjugate) field strength tensor Z boson 11% Higgs 9.1% field. 8.5% 6.9% 5.5% 4.9%models 0+ and 0 ei and v the vacuum expectationg value of the The spin-zero 13% 9.3% 7.8% 9.4% 6.1% 4.6% correspond to the terms with a1 and a , respectively. 3 Z 79% 78% 78% 30% 30% 29% Nr. Coupling -1 -1 -1 -1 p the overall rate Four independent numbers the process in with Eq. 300 (2),and provided Table 18: real Expected precision describe on Higgs coupling scale factors 3000 fb 1 atthat s = 14 TeV Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions is treated separately and one overall complex phase is not measurable. For vector-boson for selected parametrizations, assuming no new contributions to the Higgs total width beyond athose in the Standard Model. The Higgs total width can still di↵er from its expected value in the Standard Model 20 ding the possibility of Higgs boson decays to BSM particles d the 95% CL on the branching on is given. b 1) kg kW kZ kg kb kt kt kZg kµµ BRSM 00 [5, 7] [4, 6] [4, 6] [6, 8] [10, 13] [14, 15] [6, 8] [41, 41] [23, 23] [14, 18] 00 [2, 5] [2, 5] [2, 4] [3, 5] [4, 7] [7, 10] [2, 5] [10, 12] [8, 8] [7, 11] Higgs Coupling Ratio Fit ATLAS Simulation Preliminary MS Projection s = 14 TeV: Ldt=300 fb-1 ; Ldt=3000 fb-1 Expected uncertainties gZ on Higgs boson couplings ratios κ g• κ Z/κ H ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014, CMS NOTE-13-002 -1 s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 -1 s = 14 TeV Scenario 2 300 fb at 300 fb at Expected uncertainties on Higgs boson couplings ratios WZ κ g• κ Z/κ H κγ / κZ κW / κZ tg κW / κZ κb / κZ Z κτ / κZ κZ / κg µZ 0.00 0.05 gZ s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 3000 fb-1 at s = 14 TeV Scenario 2 Scenario 2: theory unc. 50%, other sys. 1/√lumi κτ / κZ κZ / κg 3000 fb-1 at Scenario 1: same systematics as Run 1 κγ / κZ κb / κZ κt / κg CMS Projection κt / κg 0.10 0.15 0.00 expected uncertainty Z 0.05 0.10 0.15 expected uncertainty e 14: Estimated precision on the measurements ofCoupling ratios offitHiggs couplings (plot withoutboson assuming the 0.78 s ratio of partial width. It will be replaced by atotal plotwidth of ratio of Higgs couplings of the (Z )Z p boson,bysothe time more model-independent. e pre-approval. Uncertainties are 1/2). The projections assume s = 14 TeV and an 0.2 3000 fb 0.3 1 (right). The projections are obtained with the 1 (left) and rated dataset of0300 fb 0.1 X uncertainty scenarios described inXYthe = text. • Y Hideki Okawa (i ),µn ˜(i ),µn Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 21 Yukawa Coupling Yi ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014 Yukawa Coupling ATLAS Simulation Preliminary 1 mf Yf = f v mV YV = V v t Z -1 Ldt=300 fb Ldt=3000 fb-1 10-1 g W 10-2 -3 Y: Yukawa coupling, f: fermion, V: weak boson, m: mass 10 s = 14 TeV µ 10-1 1 10 102 mX [GeV] Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 22 Table 4: Estimated precision on the measurements of ratios of Higgs boson couplings (plot shows ratio of partial width. It will be replaced by a plot of ratio of couplings by the time of p the pre-approval. Uncertainties are 1/2). These values are obtained at s = 14 TeV using an integrated dataset of 300 and 3000 fb 1 . Numbers in brackets are % uncertainties on the measurements estimated under [scenario2, scenario1], as described in the text. L (fb 1 ) k g · kZ / k H kg /kZ kW /kZ kb /kZ kt /kZ kZ /k g kt /k g kµ /kZ kZg /kZ 300 [4,6] [5,8] [4,7] [8,11] [6,9] [6,9] [13,14] [22,23] [40,42] 3000 [2,5] [2,5] [2,3] [3,5] [2,4] [3,5] [6,8] [7,8] [12,12] Coupling Scale Ratios CMS Coupling 300 fb 1 3000 fb 1 Projections of the expected 2 lnratio L values from assuming 300 fb 1 and 3000 fb 1 are Theory unc.:the fits Theory unc.: Half contribution None All Half ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014, shown in Fig. 15. A 68% (95%) CL limitAllon the of fNone at the level a3 can be achieved 1 7.6% 7.1% 6.9% 4.1% 3.3% 3.0% VV 1 CMS NOTE-13-002 of 0.07 (0.13) with 300 fb 1 and 0.02 (0.04 ) with is limited by statistical 8.5% 7.7% 3000 7.5% fb3.7%. The 3.2% analysis 3.0% FV ZZ 10% all9.3% 8.9% of 6.1% 4.7% 4.1%uncertainties are preserved uncertainties up to a high luminosity, but sources systematic 2 4.7% 4.0% 3.7% 2.8% 2.0% 1.6% WZ in the projections. 9.4% 8.6% 8.4% 4.5% 3.9% 3.6% FZ uu 13% 11% 10% 6.3% 5.0% 4.5% 3 10% 8.9% 8.5% 4.6% 3.8% 3.5% Vu 11% 9.1% 8.2% 7.1% 5.6% 4.9% du ⌧⌧ 22% 18% 16% 17% 14% 12% 4 12% 11% 9.8% 9.3% 7.2% 6.4% V⌧ 12% 9.6% 8.7% 9.1% 7.0% 6.1% q⌧ 24% 22% 21% 12% 9.6% 8.8% µ⌧ gZ 6.4% 4.4% 3.5% 4.6% 2.9% 2.0% 5.1% 4.6% 4.4% 3.0% 2.3% 2.1% WZ 18% 18% 17% 7.0% 6.1% 5.8% tg 5 13% 11% 11% 10% 7.6% 6.6% ⌧Z 22% 21% 20% 9.2% 7.2% 6.3% µZ 12% 11% 11% 5.9% 5.0% 4.7% gZ 11% 6.9% 5.1% 7.1% 3.9% 1.8% Z 78% 78% 78% 30% 29% 29% (Z )Z 6 22% 16% 13% 14% 8.3% 5.4% 11% 6.9% 5.1% 7.1% 3.9% 1.8% Z 11% 7.3% 5.6% 7.4% 4.2% 2.2% W 27% 23% 21% 14% 9.7% 7.7% t 15% 12% 11% 10% 7.7% 6.7% ⌧ 21% 20% 20% 7.2% 6.6% 6.3% µ 18% 13% 11% 11% 6.8% 5.0% g 77% 76% 76% 29% 29% 29% (Z ) Nr. ATLAS Figure 15: Distribution of expected 2 lnof L f a3Energy for theInteractions projection to 300 fb p1 (green, dotted) Hideki Okawa QCD & for High Table 19: Expected Moriond precision on ratios Higgs coupling scale factors with 300 and 3000 fb 1 at s = and 3000 fb 1 (magenta, dot-dashed). 14 TeV for selected benchmark parametrizations without assumptions on the Higgs total width. In model 23 CP-mixing ( ) (H→ZZ * →4l) ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-013, CMS NOTE-13-002 Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions 24 eliminary ΓH ΓH ΓH ΓH nent • Higgs Width Limit < 30 GeV = 1 × Γ H ,SM = 10 × Γ H ,SM = 100 × Γ H ,SM = 1000 × Γ H ,SM p ATLAS Simulation Internal Preliminary 3 ΓH ΓH ΓH ΓH Interference real component after detector smearing 2 Tγ γ < 30 GeV = 1 × Γ H ,SM = 10 × Γ H ,SM = 100 × Γ H ,SM = 1000 × Γ H ,SM ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014 1 SM total width of 4.2 MeV of the 126 GeV Higgs is not measurable at the LHC due to 0 its experimental mass resolution. -1 • Finite width effects causes the Higgs invariant mass peak to shift due to the -2 interference between H→γγ & diphoton continuum. 125 130 135 140 -3 110 145 150 m γ γ [GeV] dσ / dm γ γ [fb/GeV] d / dm [fb/GeV] • CMS limit from Run 1: Γ eal interference • ATLAS expected limit: Γ 115 120 2 1 1 140 m γ γ [GeV] tot < 920 MeV (200 MeV) at 95% CL with 300 fb-1 (3000 fb-1). (b) Real term after detector smearing 30GeV GeV <<30 p ppT<Tγ 30 GeV γ Tγ γ Γ HΓ=HH1==×11Γ×HΓ,SM ,SM HH,SM Γ = 10 × Γ = 10 Γ H =HH10 × Γ H ,SM ,SM HH,SM Γ = 100 × Γ = 100 Γ H =HH100 × Γ H ,SM ,SM HH,SM Γ = 1000 × Γ = 1000 Γ H =HH1000 × Γ H ,SM ,SM HH,SM 2 2 2.5 135 < 6.9 GeV at 95% CL. ATLAS Internal Simulation Preliminary ATLAS Internal Simulation Preliminary ATLAS Internal Apparentreal mass shift Interference component after detector smearing 130 tot 4 44 3.5 3 3 3 125 Δ mH [MeV] 120 Tγ γ 4 dσ / dm γ γ [fb/GeV] p 1000 ATLAS Simulation Preliminary ∫ L dt = 3000 fb -1 , s = 14 TeV Expected mass shift in the SM Expected mass shift due to interference Statistical ⊕ Systematic one-sided 95% CL Neyman belt Statistical one-sided 95% CL Neyman belt 500 0 1.5 0 01 -500 0.5 -1 -1 -1000 0 -2 -2 -0.5 -1 -3 -3 110 110110 Hideki Okawa 115 115115 120 120120 125 125125 130 130130 135 140 135135 140140 [GeV] mγ m [GeV] γ -1500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Γ H / Γ SM H Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions (c) Apparent mass shift 25 Higgs-Portal Interpretation 100 Higgs decaying to DM DM-nucleon scattering in Higgs-portal DM Model χ χ χ Our analysis λhχχ λhχχ h h fN χ N Direct DM detection experiments (XENON, DAMA, etc.) N (a) (b) • The limits on BR(H→inv) could be mapped to bounds on the coupling of • The Higgs-portal is a particular type of DM models, where DM interacts through the couplings to Higgs. Figure 65: Feynman diagrams for the decay of the Higgs boson into dark matter particles (a) and scatmatter off (DM) & DM-nucleon cross ofsection Higgs-portal DM tering Higgs-dark of dark matter particles of a nucleon with the exchange a Higgs for boson (b). The Higgs-dark mattermodels interaction vertex has a coupling constant of λhχ χ . In the scattering diagram the Higgs-nucleon coupling strength is parameterized with a form factor, fN . σχScalar N = λh2χScalar χ m4N fN2 ! " (25) have reported an observation of a dark matter signal, including CRESST [62], DAMA [63], and χ NT [64]. The most recent observation from the CDMS collaboration [65] provides compellingχ nce an 8.6 GeV dark matter particle. Not all of the observations are consistent with each other and λhχχ results are disputed by the community. Direct detection experiments make no a priori assumption the mechanism by which dark matter particles interact with Standard Model particles, but it is le that the interaction is through the exchange of a Higgs boson. If dark matter couples toλhχχ the Stanh h the Higgs mass then Model through the Higgs boson and the mass of the particle is less than half s to the dark matter particle will enhance the invisible branching fraction. Under the assumption fN ark matter couples to the Standard Model only through the Higgs boson we aim to place limits Higgs invisible Higgs-DM coupling DM-nucleon xsec imentary to the direct detection results ondecay the mass and interaction cross section of the dark matter χ N e. (a) (b) ggs Portal models [66, 67, 68] make a simple, ad-hoc extension to the Standard Model by introg a new particle that couples to only the Higgs boson. The interaction strength is introduced with Figure 65: Feynman diagrams for the decay of the Higgs boson into dark matter pling constant, λhχ χ . Within this model and decay process can be compared by ex(h the scattering ) BR(h )= tering of dark matter particles off of a nucleon with the exchange of a Higgs boso (h ) + (h SM ) 65 shows feynman diagrams for both the ng the limits in terms of this coupling constant. Figure matter interaction vertex has arules coupling constant of λhχ χ . In the scattering diagra and scattering processes where λhχ χ appears in both diagrams. Using the feynman for these coupling strength in is terms parameterized with a form factor, fN . ms the Higgs partial width and scattering cross section are determined of λhχ χ . The Higgs width for the decay to darkconsider matter particles for the scalar, vector, scalar, and fermion cases is given in We three DM types: vector, majorana fermion ions 22, 23, and 24 respectively. Mapping & DM-types (h Γ Scalar ) (h → χ χ ) = λh2χScalar v2 χ 64π mh 2 h ! " 2mχ 1− mh #2 $1/2 ! " #2 $1/2 2 Vector v2 % & λ 2mχ hχ χ 4 2 2 4 1 − m − 4m ΓVector (h → χ χ ) = m + 12m χ h χ 256π m4χ mh h mh ΓMajorana (h → χ χ ) = 2m λh2χMajorana v h χ 32π Λ2 ! " 2mχ 1− mh #2 $3/2 N (22) = σχScalar N σχVector N(23) = λh2χScalar χ m4N fN2 ! " 16π m4h mχ + mN 2 λh2χVector χ m4N fN2 " ! 16π m4h mχ + mN 2 2 Majorana λ m2χ m4N fN2 hχ χ Majorana σχ N (24) = ! " 4π Λ2 m4h mχ + mN 2 he partial width is a function of only the Higgs bosonThe mass, the section dark matter the vacuum 1474 cross has mass, an additional dependence on the nucleon mass, mN an tation value, and the coupling constant. Note the introduction of a cutoff scale, Λ in the fermionic 1475 which quantifies the coupling strength between the Higgs boson and the Nucleon. In this case the Higgs interaction operator has dimension five and is non-renormalizable. A cutoff 1476 termined using lattice calculations and suffers from large theoretical uncertainties [ s added that assumes the presence of new physics at a higher energy scale which would produce a Table 2: Couplings of the light Higgs boson h to weak vector bosons (κV ), up-type quarks (κu ), down-type quarks (κd ), and leptons (κl ), expressed as ratios to the corresponding SM expectations. 2HDM & Heavy Higgs Both Higgs doublets acquire vacuum expectation values, v1 and v2 respectively, with their ratio being denoted by tan β ≡ v2 /v1 . Unitarity requires that v21 + v22 = v2 = (246 GeV)2 . The Higgs sector of the 2HDM model can be described by six parameters: four Higgs boson masses (mh , mH , mA , and mH ± ), tan β, and the mixing angle α of the two neutral, CP-even Higgs states. A discrete Z2ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-015 symmetry [26] is assumed such that the parameter m12 in the Higgs potential is zero. Gauge invariance fixes the couplings strength Typebosons I II relative to their TypeSM IIIvalues to be Type IV ofCoupling the two neutral, CP-even Higgs to vectorType bosons κV κu κd κl sin(β − α) sin(β − α) sin(β − α) 2HDM SM ghVV /ghVV = sin(β) sin(β − α) cos(α)/ sin(β) cos(α)/ sin(β) cos(α)/ SM g2HDM = cos(β) cos(β − α) cos(α)/ sin(β) cos(α)/ sin(β) sin(α)/ HVV /g− HVV cos(α)/ sin(β) − sin(α)/ cos(β) − sin(α)/ cos(β) Here V = W, Z and gSM hVV,HVV denote the SM Higgs couplings to vector bosons. The Glashow-Weinberg condition is satisfied by four types of 2HDMs: sin(β − α) cos(α)/ sin(β) (5) − sin(α)/ cos(β) cos(α)/ sin(β) Table 2: Couplings of the light Higgs boson h to weak vector bosons (κV ), up-type quarks (κu ), down • Type doublet to vector bosons, the other couples to expectations. fermions. The first quarks (κdI:),One andHiggs leptons (κl ), couples expressed as ratios to while the corresponding SM doublet is “fermiophobic” in the limit of zero mixing. •Both TypeHiggs II: Thisdoublets is an “MSSM-like” model, expectation in which onevalues, Higgs doublet to up-typewith quarks acquire vacuum v1 and couples v2 respectively, their ratio and the other to down-type quarks and leptons. 2 2 2 2 denoted by tan β ≡ v2 /v1 . Unitarity requires that v1 + v2 = v = (246 GeV) . The Higgs sector o • Type III: This a “lepton-specific” model, where thefour HiggsHiggs bosonsboson have the same (m couplings 2HDM model canisbe described by six parameters: masses mA , and m h , mH , to as in the Type I model leptons as in Type II. Higgs states. A discrete Z2 symmetry [ tan β,quarks and the mixing angle α ofand thetotwo neutral, CP-even assumed thatisthe parameter m12where in thethe Higgs is zero. Gauge invariance fixes • Typesuch IV: This a “flipped” model, Higgspotential bosons have the same couplings to quarks as the coup of theintwo neutral, CP-even Higgs bosons to vector bosons the Type II model, but with lepton couplings as in Type I. relative to their SM values to be 2HDM SM and= The couplings of the neutral Higgs bosonsgto fermions vector bosons /g sin(β − α)in each of the four types of hVV hVV 2HDMs, to the QCD Higgs& couplings inInteractions the SM, are summarized in Table 2 [32]. Hideki Okawaexpressed as ratios relative Moriond High Energy 2HDM SM g W and /g Z bosons, = κcos(β − α) quarks, κ for down-type The coupling strengths are denoted κ for the for up-type 28 low tanβ Heavy Higgs GeV, and low tan β, tan β < ∼ 5. As in the case of A, the cross section for pp → tt̄H is suppressed compared to the SM case while the rate for pp → bb̄H is not enough enhanced. However, in this case, the vector boson fusion pp → Hqq and Higgs-strahlung processes q q̄ → HW/HZ are also at work and have production rates that are not too suppressed A. Djouadi & J. Quevillon, arXiv:1304.1787 < compared to the SM at sufficiently low MH values, MH ∼ 200–300 GeV and tan β ≈ 1. √ s = 8 TeV tanβ = 2.5 Mh = 126 GeV σ(pp → Φ) [pb] 10 ggA ggH bbA bbH Hqq WH ZH 1 0.1 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.001 200 400 MA [GeV] 600 800 1000 ggA ggH bbA bbH Hqq WH ZH 10 0.01 140 √ s = 14 TeV tanβ = 2.5 Mh = 126 GeV 100 σ(pp → Φ) [pb] 100 140 200 400 600 800 1000 MA [GeV] Figure 3: The production cross sections of the MSSM heavier Higgs bosons at the LHC with √ √ s = 8 TeV (left) and s = 14 TeV (right) for tan β = 2.5. Only the main channels are presented. Hideki High Energy Interactions TheOkawa higher order corrections are Moriond includedQCD (see&text) and the MSTW PDFs have been adopted. 29 24 LHC & Other Colliders Snowmass, Higgs Working Group Report, 2013 Table 1-20. Expected precisions on the Higgs couplings and total width from a constrained 7-parameter fit assuming no non-SM production or decay modes. The fit assumes generation universality (u ⌘ t = c , d ⌘ b = s , and ` ⌘ ⌧ = µ ). The ranges shown for LHC and HL-LHC represent the conservative and optimistic scenarios for systematic and theory uncertainties. ILC numbers assume (e , e+ ) polarizations of ( 0.8, 0.3) at 250 and 500 GeV and ( 0.8, 0.2) at 1000 GeV, plus a 0.5% theory uncertainty. CLIC numbers assume polarizations of ( 0.8, 0) for energies above 1 TeV. TLEP numbers assume unpolarized beams. Facility p s (GeV) R Ldt (fb 1 ) LHC 14,000 HL-LHC 14,000 ILC500 250/500 ILC500-up 250/500 ILC1000 250/500/1000 ILC1000-up 250/500/1000 CLIC 350/1400/3000 TLEP (4 IPs) 240/350 300/expt 3000/expt 250+500 1150+1600 250+500+1000 1150+1600+2500 500+1500+2000 10,000+2600 5 7% 2 5% 8.3% 4.4% 3.8% 2.3% g 6 8% 3 5% 2.0% 1.1% 1.1% 0.67% 3.6/0.79/0.56% 0.79% W 4 6% 2 5% 0.39% 0.21% 0.21% 0.2% 1.5/0.15/0.11% 0.10% Z 4 6% 2 4% 0.49% 0.24% 0.50% 0.3% 0.49/0.33/0.24% 0.05% ` 6 8% 2 5% 1.9% 0.98% 1.3% 0.72% 3.5/1.4/<1.3% 0.51% d = b 10 13% 4 7% 0.93% 0.60% 0.51% 0.4% 1.7/0.32/0.19% 0.39% u = t 14 15% 7 10% 2.5% 1.3% 1.3% 0.9% 3.1/1.0/0.7% 0.69% Hideki Okawa Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions /5.5/<5.5% 1.45% 30 Higgs working group rep