Current fluctuations and silicon oxide wear"'out in metal . . oxide~ semiconductor tunne~ diodes K. R. Farmer, R. Sa!etti,a) and R. A. Buhrman Department ofApplied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-2501 (Received 11 January 1988; accepted for publication 17 March 1988) We have studied the behavior of very thin oxide (- 20 A.) metal-oxide-semiconductor tunnel diodes under high electrical field bias. These devices do not usually experience catastrophic breakdown, but can be worn out at high fields through the creation of a low barrier tunneling path. The effective area of the path increases during stress, while the barrier height remains essentially constant at - I eV. The formation of the path is correlated to the presence of multilevel switching fluctuations in the diode current. The same complex fluctuations and excess currents are seen in oxides up to 70 A where the fluctuations show up as noisy precursors to catastrophic breakdown. Recently, by studying current fluctuations in very thin insulator (~20 A) metaI-oxide-semiconductcr CMOS) tunnel diodes, it has been shown that trap-trap interactions arise in the Si02 layer at high electric fields and that the collecti ve action of a group of traps plays an important role in the device behavior. I In this work we show that catastrophic breakdown does not usuaUy occur in these devices. Rather, the oxide can be progressively worn out at high fields by an efIect correlated to the presence of very complex multilevel fluctuations in the device current. The currentvoltage (1- V) curves of a stressed device show the presence of a tunneling path that can be well fitted by a Fowler-Nordheim (FN) equation with a barrier height of ~ 1 eV. Higher levels of field stress increase the effective area of this low barrier path, but do not significantly change the barrier height. Furthermore, the same complex fluctuations and creation of "leakage" paths are seen in thicker oxides (up to -70 A), where complex fluctuations show up as noisy precursors to catastrophic breakdown. The devices we have studied are 1-2500 2 AI.Si0 2 pSi tunnel diodes formed in windows etched through a thick add oxide. Prior to the final oxidation, the wafers were cleaned under a class-1 0 hood using a standard RCA process with a final dip in buffered HF and rinsed in de-ionized water to a bath resistivity of at least 16 MO em. The tunnel oxide was grown by a rapid thermal oxidation process,2 resulting in barrier thicknesses of 16-70 A as determined by ellipsometry, tunnel conductance measurements, and for the thicker oxides, accumulation capacitance measurements. A room-temperature curve plotting current versus voltage (I-V) for a fresh device is shown in Fig. 1 (a). It is in good agreement with that expected for a nonequilibrium minority-carrier diode with an ~ 18 A ( ± 1 A) oxide. 3 Below -0.3 V, this characteristic is equivalent to that of an abrupt n-p diode with an ideality factor equal to 1.3. From -0.3 to ~ 1.1 V, increased conduction through the diode is limited by the semiconductor as the surface of the silicon moves from inversion to accumulation. Above the fiatband voltage, -1.1 Y, conduction is mainly due to the direct tunneling of ,,) Al~o with Centro Studi per Metodi e Dispositivi per Radiotrasmi~sioni, Consiglio Nazionalc delle Ricerche, via Diotisaivi 2,56100 Pi;;a, Italy. 1749 Appl. Phys. Lett 52 (20), 16 May 1988 electrons from the aluminum to the silir.:ou through a trapezoidal barrier. 4 In thicker oxides FN tunneling arises at higher fields, exhibiting the usual oscillations due to electron wave reflections at the Si02 -Si interface. 5 We carry out our experiments using a Hewlett-Packard 414GB picoammeter/dc voltage source and a Wentworth MP-920 probe station. We stress the diodes by applying a constant negative voltage to the aluminum electrode. \'fiIe measure /- V characteristics before and after stress, and monitor and record current fluctuations during stress. The effect of fields up to ~ ! 5 MV / em in devices with < - 20 A barriers is not usually catastrophic breakdown of the oxide, but a progressive wear-out as measured by the increased device conductance. This is shown in Fig. 1(0) where we plot five J. V's taken on the same device before stress and after stress at various voltages. In these measurements the stress was maintained until the gradual increase in conduction saturated. It is important to note that, although the electric field is quite high, the stress voltage is relatively low; thus electron energies do not approach those needed for such processes as FN injection into the oxide conduction band and impact ionization. The stress-induced excess current in the region above the flat band voltage can be fitted by the FN formula 1= AV 2 exp( -- B IV) as shown in Fig. I (c), where the accuracy of the fit increases with increased excess current. Thus the "leakage path" that is created in this process appears to be a region of the oxide that has a significantly lowered effective tunnel barrier, but is not a path dominated by hopping or metallic conductivity. If we arbitrarily take the electron effective mass m" = O.Sm e , the barrier height of the weakened oxide region as determined from F:N" plots of Fig. ! (c) is E" ~ 1 eV. We find this to be a very general result. Incre8.sing the level of stress only increases the effective area of the low barrier region and does not significantly alter E". In Fig. 1 (b) the effective areas of the increased conduction regions range from 1.1 X 10- II to 1.5 X 10 - 10 cm~. Stress experiments on numerous other devices, with oxide thicknesses up 50 A, invariably yield FN-Hke excess currents with fitted values of Eb within 10% of 1 eY. We particularly wish to note that a recent experiment with pGlycrystalline silicon gate, 50.4 oxide capacitors has also found that an excess current path is generated with a barrier height 0003-6951/66/201749-03$01.00 (C) 1988 American Institute of PhySiCS 1749 Downloaded 22 Apr 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 0. 106 1(a) V -4 ~ -6 (f) <:J L 0.. I io::X+PX 3 , -8 (l) I X=V-VFB E 2.99 Volts I « -10 '--" CJ'l 0 ..-l 4.1 -12 ioceqV/nxT, n=1.3 -14 ril 0.0 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 Q.. 2: -3 0.149 L--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' o O.l a.. -4 E 3.680 « -5 '--"" I (c) 1604 V 3.61 Volts I I 01 0 3.14 Volts (!) ~ -.J V o -2 O.l (n) L. E Volts "..-.... (f) 0.163 (;) -6 -7 0.9 1,7 1.3 2.1 2.5 2.9 3,644 -3 ..--... N > -4 "- '"v -5 (f) () x <i> '-" Q) 0 -.J -6 -7 . ~ .. " --~.. "~~~~'. ~.~ ~ -8 0.35 0.55 0.75 0.95 1.15 1/V FIG. 1./- V characteristics of 18-20 A MOS tunnel diodes: (a) Unstressed device; dashed lines show an exponential n-p diode fit below O.3V and the Simmons formula fit above the flat band voltage. (b) Unstressed device (solid line) and increasing excess currents after stresses at 3,3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 V, respectively. (c) Excess currents plotted in a Fowler-Nordheim plane and their fits. of 0.9 eV. Other experiments with such thick oxides have also revealed an increased excess current with stress, but it was not indicated whether this current had a FN character. 7 Insight into the mechanism for the formation of this low barrier tunnel path is gained by closely mon.itoring the diode current while under constant voltage bias. At low to intermediate bias we observe stable, low-frequency, two-level and multilevel switching fluctuations similar to those previously reported. 1.8 These fluctuations have been identified as being due to the slow trapping and emission of electrons at individual and strongly interacting groups of trap sites in the oxide. At higher biases the stahle switching noise is replaced by large and very complex switching events which arise at random intervals in time. These events we term "wear-out events." These events are also composed of dear switching between discrete levels f as shown in Fig. 2(a) L but they evolve in time and eventually terminate in a permanent 1750 Appl. Phys. Lett, Vol. 52, Seconds 32,8 FIG 02. Complex fluctuations in the diode current during stress at (a) 2.'19 V, (b) 3.14 V, and (c) 3.61 V. , "" ~ "'. L--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......I o Volts Noo 20, 16 May 1988 change of diode resistance. As the bias is increased, the time between such individual events becomes shorter, and eventually many events begin to superimpose (Fig. 2(b) J. Finally, at the highest bias aU that can be observed is a steady and noisy degradation of the oxide as it is stressed [Fig, 2 (c) 1. The strong correlation between the ococurrence of wearout events and the creation of the excess current path is shown in Fig. 3. Here we plot the diode current versus time for a 20 A device biased at 2.9 V. The current is almost constant in the first minutes of stress; later, two isolated events occur; then continuous complex fluctuations arise, Note that the mean value of the diode current begins to in- 90 I I ~~ V 80 (fl v l.- v a. E 70 0 0 L. U ~ 60 V 2.9 Volts 50 0 4 8 12 16 20 Minutes FI G. 3. Values of the diode current vs lime during stress at 2.9 V to show the correlation between the complex fluctuations and the increased current. Farmer, SaleHi, and Buhrman 1750 Downloaded 22 Apr 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see crease at a significant rate just at the onset of the continuous complex fluctuations. As indicated above, once continuous fluctuations commence, the oxide current grows rapidly, but then it tends to saturate over time at a fixed voltage stress. The values of the saturated excess current are approximately exponentially dependent on the applied voltage, as can be seen in Fig. 1 (b). When the excess current in a stressed device saturates, the fluctuations do not cease, indicating that trap occupancy is still strongly fluctuating, but at this stress level there is no further degradation of the oxide. Low-frequency noise in devices before and after stress has also been measured. Spectra of the current noise power Sf have a good stationary l/fbehavior, and the values of Sf at a fixed frequency are proportional to /2. Voltage stress causes the noise level to increase, indicating an increase in the number of active but stable traps. For example, the noise level rose by almost an order of magnitude in one device after stress at 3.1 V until the excess current saturated. The interpretation of the wear-out events is that they occur when a randomly initiated change in occupancy of a trap or group of traps in an already strained oxide induces an instability which initiates chaotic filling and emptying of interacting traps.! This process continues until the oxide reaches a more stable condition where the local strain has been reduced. The process can result in the breaking of oxide bonds, leading to the creation of spots through the oxide which have locally reduced barrier height. This could be the case if, for example, Si-Si bonds were formed during wearout, as has been suggested. 9 Similar experiments have been performed for thicker oxides (up to 70 .A..). In these devices the oxide failure is ultimately due to catastrophic breakdown. But both the formation of excess current and the complex fluctuations are still present. The complex fluctuations are detectable minutes to milliseconds before breakdown, with this time decreasing sharply with increasing voltage and thickness. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show two examples of current fluctuations preceding breakdown in diodes with oxide thickness of 43 and 69 A, respectively. Figure 4(a) shows dearly that the complex fluctuations stilI consist of discrete multilevel switching. Because these noisy phenomena always precede catastrophic breakdown, they are undoubtedly correlated with this destructive event. It is possible that these oxides can be destroyed when electrons trapped in the oxide can discharge through the more conductive path that is created once an instability arises. We have studied very thin oxide ( ~ 20 A) MOS tunnel diodes in which catastrophic breakdown does not usually occur. Rather, the oxide can be progressively worn out at high fields. The resulting excess current can be described using the Fowler-Nordheim equation with an - 1 eV barrier height that remains constant during stress, while the effective area of the low barrier "region" increases. The creation of this excess current path is completely correlated to the occurrence of complex multilevel fluctuations in the device current. 1751 4.80\ .V 5.6 Volts (a) I I [J) I Q) L (!) 0..0.80 E 0 16.0 0 g 20.3 V 0 Z 9.0 Volts (b) 19.9L-________________________ a Seconds ~ 0.95 FIG, 4. Complex multilevel current fluctuations preceding electrical breakdown in MOS diodes with different oxide thicknesses, (a) 43 A and (b) 69 A, Excess current and complex fluctuations also occur in thicker oxides, where catastrophic breakdown is the ultimate mode offaHure. The multilevel fluctuations invariably show up as precursors to this failure, suggesting a correlation between the noisy phenomena and breakdown. In conclusion, we suggest that a process involving traptrap interactions can provide a low electron energy mechanism which accounts for the wear-out of very thin oxide barriers and possibly the catastrophic breakdown of thicker oxides. We thank B. Soave, J. Nulman, and S. Kugelmass for their essential contributions to the diode fabrication process. research was supported by the Semiconductor Research Corporation, and by the National Science Foundation through the National Nanofabrication Facility and through the Cornell University Materials Science Center. 'K. R. Farmer, C. T, Rogers, and R. A. Buhrman, Phys, Rev. Lett. 51!, 2255 (1987). 'J. !'>lulman, J. P. Krllsius, and A. Gat, IEEE Electron Device Lett. EDL~6, 20S (1985). 'M. A. Green, F. D. King, and J. Shewchun, Solid-State Electron. 17,551 (1974). 4;. G. Simmons, J. AppL Phys, 34, 238 (1963). 'J. Maserjian, J. Vae. Sci. Techno!' n. 996 (1974). "T. N. Nguyen, P. Olivo, and B. Ricco, in Proceedings afthe IEEE 1987 International Reliability Physics ::')mposium (Electron Devices and Rdiability Societies of the IEEE, New York, 1(87). p. 66. 7J. Maserjian and N, Zamani, J. App!. Phys. 53, 559 (1982). "n. Neri, P. Olivo. alld B. Ricco. Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 2!67 (1987). "1,. A. Weinberg and T. N. Nguyen, 1. AppL Phys. 61.1947 (1987), AppL Phys, Lett., Vol. 52, No. 20, 16 May 1988 Farmer, SaleHi, and Buhrman 1751 ..•-..•-.... "•••;•.•.• ........n.•_•.":;..>;...... .. •• .-. ••. , ..• ';-;-.".-. " ••.•.•;'"••••• •••••• ...·.:.·.·.·.·.-, •.•.•.•.•.•."'"....... ••-•..•. Downloaded 22 Apr 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or....."copyright; see ,..v,..·.·.-.-.-.-.~,.-..·.·.~?·."'·.·.·.·.7.-.- "'7'".~.~.:.~.:.:.;>; ~.v.·.y .".-.~ >;0; ••••" ........-.-••