Department of International Economic and Social Affairs Population Studies ST/ESA/SER.A/107 No. 107 Step-by-Step Guide to the Estimation of Child Mortality If~'l ~ United Nations NewYork,1990 NOTE The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. ST/ESA/SER.A/ 107 UNITED NAnONS PUBLICAnON Sales No. E.89.xIII.9 01900 ISBN 92-1-151183-6 Copyright © United Nations 1989 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America PREFACE aimed at promoting widespread understanding and use of the estimation methods developed in the various population fields. Though the Guide is simpler and less comprehensive than other manuals covering similar topics, it does not sacrifice substance to simplification and thus provides a solid basis for understanding all the intricacies of the methods available. It is thus useful both for the demographer wishing to master those methods and for the non-demographer whose aim is to become familiar with their main traits. To accompany the Guide, a program for microcomputers, named QFIVE, was prepared by the Population Division expressly to apply the Brass method as described here. * Special thanks are due to Kenneth Hill of Johns Hopkins University, who wrote a preliminary version of the Guide. It was later expanded by the Population Division, in order to make its contents more accessible to those who are not familiar with recent demographic techniques. Acknowledgement is also due to UNICEF for providing part of the financial support that made the Guide possible. In 1983 estimates of the levels and trends of infant mortality for all the countries of the world were first published by the Population Division of the Department of International Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, with the support and encouragement of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the assistance of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations regional commissions (United Nations, 1983a). Since then, those estimates and projections have been updated twice by the United Nations (United Nations, 1986 and 1988). Recently, an additional indicator of child mortalitynamely, mortality of children under the age of 5-was added (United Nations, 1988). Because of the lack of reliable vital-registration statistics in most developing countries, the available estimates are often obtained by the use of indirect estimation methods. Aware of the possible problems in the interpretation and use of such methods, UNICEF, which has played an important role in disseminating information about levels and trends of mortality in childhood, requested the Population Division of the United Nations Secretariat to prepare the present guide to the estimation of child mortality in order to familiarize a wide audience with the estimation methods most commonly used and their strengths and limitations. From a demographic perspective, the Guide is closely related to the series of Population Division manuals *Inquiries concerning the QFIVE program should be directed to the Director, Population Division, United Nations, New York, New York 10017. III CONTENTS Page PREFACE...................................................................................................... 111 INTRODUCTION . Chapter I. INDICATORS OF MORTALITY IN CHILDHOOD..................................................................... Life tables.......................................................................................................... Measurement of mortality in childhood.................................................................. Cohort versus period measures of mortality in childhood......................................... Model life tables................................................................................................. Observed patterns of mortality in childhood and the model life tables........................ II. DATA REQUIRED FOR THE BRASS METHOD '" Nature of the data required................................................................................... Children ever born and children dead................................................................. Total female population of reproductive age........................................................ Compilation of the data required........................................................................... The case of Bangladesh........................................................................................ III. RATIONALE OF THE BRASS METHOD Allowing for the age pattern of child-bearing.......................................................... Derivation of the method...................................................................................... Estimating time trends of mortality........................................................................ Limitations of the Brass method associated with its simplifying assumptions............... IV. TRUSSELL VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD.................................................................... Computational procedure...................................................................................... A detailed example.............................................................................................. Compilation of the data required........................................................................ Computational procedure.................................................................................. Estimates of mortality in childhood by sex.......................................................... V. PALLONI-HELIGMAN VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD Data required...................................................................................................... Computational procedure...................................................................................... A detailed example.............................................................................................. Compilation of the data required........................................................................ Computational procedure.................................................................................. Estimations of mortality in childhood by sex....................................................... VI. INTERPRETATION AND USE OF THE ESTIMATES YIELDED BY THE BRASS METHOD Which version of the Brass method should one use? Use of information on the pattern of mortality in childhood to test the adequacy of mortality models What are the consequences of using the "wrong" model? Analysis of data from successive censuses or surveys.............................................. Overall observations on the use of the Brass method............................................... VII. BRASS-MACRAE METHOD.......................................................................................... Nature of the basic data Derivation of the method and its rationale.............................................................. Limitations of the Brass-Macrae method Application of the Brass-Macrae method Data required.................................................................................................. Computational procedure A detailed example.......................................................................... Comments on the results of the method.................................................................. v 3 3 5 6 7 10 13 13 13 14 14 14 22 22 23 23 23 25 25 27 27 29 32 34 34 34 38 38 38 45 46 46 46 48 50 53 56 56 57 57 57 57 58 58 59 Page ANNEXES I. Coale-Demeny model life table values for probabilities of dying exact age x, q(x) II. United Nations model life table values for probabilities of dying exact age x, q(x) III. Relationship between infant mortality, q( I), and child mortality, Demeny mortality models IV. Relationship between infant mortality, q(l), and child mortality, Nations mortality models between birth and . 61 between birth and . 68 4qt, in the Coale- . 79 4ql, in the United . 80 NOTES ..•......•••...............•.•......................•.....................•.............................................. 81 82 83 GLOSSARy •.................................................................................................................... REFERENCES . TABLES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Example of a life table . Estimates of the probabilities of dying by ages 1 and 5, q(l) and q(5), by major region, 1950-1955, 1965-1970 and 1980-1985 .. Correspondence between observed proportions of children dead by age group of mother and estimated probabilities of dying . Coefficients for the estimation of child mortality multipliers, k(i), Trussell version of the Brass method, using the Coale-Demeny mortality models .. Coefficients for the estimation of the time reference, t(i), for values of q(x), Trussell version of the Brass method, using the Coale-Demeny mortality models . Calculation of the sex ratio at birth from data on children ever born, classified by sex, from the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey . Application of the Trussell version of the Brass method to data on both sexes from the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey . Application of the Trussell version of the Brass method to data on males from the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey . Application of the Trussell version of the Brass method to data on females from the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey . Coefficients for the estimation of child-mortality multiplers, k(i), Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method, using the United Nations mortality models . Coefficients for the estimation of the time reference, t(i), for values of q(x), PalloniHeligman version of the Brass method, using the United Nations mortality models . Application of the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method to data on males from the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey .. Application of the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method to data on females from the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey .. Application of the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method to data on both sexes from the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey .. Comparison of estimated infant and under-five mortality in Bangladesh with the available mortality models . Estimates of infant and under-five mortality in Bangladesh, obtained using the Coa1eDemeny mortality models . Estimates of infant and under-five mortality in Bangladesh, obtained using the United Nations mortality models . Estimation of under-five mortality in Tunisia from data from successive censuses, using model West and the Trussell version of the Brass method . Estimation of under-five mortality in Ecuador from data from several sources, using model West and the Trussell version of the Brass method . Estimation of the probability of dying, q(x), for Bamako, Mali, using the BrassMacrae method . Estimation of the probability of dying by age 2, q(2), for Solomon Islands, using the Brass-Macrae method . 3 6 23 26 27 29 30 32 32 36 37 41 44 45 47 48 49 51 54 58 59 FIGURES 1. 2. Typical shapes of the l(x)' and Iqx functions of a life table Relation between cohort and period measures shown by a Lexis diagram vi .. . 4 7 I f Page 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Relationship between infant mortality, q(l), and child mortality, 4ql, in the CoaleDemeny mortality models . Relationship between infant mortality, q( 1), and child mortality, 4ql, in the United Nations mortality models · Comparison of country-specific estimates of infant and child mortality with the Coale.. Demeny mortality models Comparison of country-specific estimates of infant and child mortality with the United .. Nations mortality models Under-five mortality, q( 5), for both sexes in Bangladesh, estimated using model South and the Trussell version of the Brass method .. Under-five mortality, q(5), for males and females in Bangladesh, estimated using . model South and the Trussell version of the Brass method Under-five mortality, q( 5), for males in Bangladesh, estimated using the South Asian model and the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method .. Under-five mortality, q(5), for males and females in Bangladesh, estimated using the . South Asian model and the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method Comparison of the estimates of under-five mortality in Bangladesh, obtained using models South and South Asian . Infant and under-five mortality for both sexes in Bangladesh, estimated using the four .. Coale-Demeny mortality models Infant and under-five mortality for both sexes in Bangladesh, estimated using the five United Nations mortality models .. Range of variation of the possible estimates of infant and under-five mortality for both sexes in Bangladesh . Under-five mortality for both sexes in Tunisia, estimated using model West and the .. Trussell version of the Brass method Under-five mortality for both sexes in Ecuador, estimated using model West and the Trussell version of the Brass method . 8 9 10 11 31 33 43 44 47 50 51 52 53 54 DISPLAYS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Possible combinations for the compilation of the data on children ever born and children dead by age of mother required by the Brass method........................................ Possible combinations for the compilation of the data on the total number of women of reproductive age required by the Brass method.................................................... Tabulation of data on children ever born and children surviving as appearing in the report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality........... Tabulation of the female population by age group and marital status as appearing in the report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality....... First step in the compilation of data on children ever born and children dead for Bangladesh. .................................. .................................................................... ... Second step in the compilation of data on children ever born and children dead for Bangladesh. .................................. ....................................................................... Compilation of data on the total number of women by age group for Bangladesh ........ Alternative compilation of data on the total number of women by age group for Bangladesh (data rejected in the application of the Brass method) Worksheet for the compilation of data on births in a year by age group of mother for the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method.................................................... Tabulation of data on births in a year as appearing in the report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality.............................................. Compilation of data on births in a year by age group of mother for Bangladesh.......... vii 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 35 41 42 INTRODUCTION this Guide. Another useful source of information on indirect methods is chapter III of Manual X: Indirect Techniques for Demographic Estimation (United Nations, 1983b). The aim of this Guide is to provide the reader with all the information necessary to apply two methods for the estimation of child mortality. It does not presuppose familiarity with demography or with basic demographic measures. The reader is introduced to the basic concepts encountered in the measurement of mortality, the typical indicators of mortality in childhood, the rationale underlying the methods described and the data required for their application. The procedures followed for the actual application of each method are described in step-by-step fashion, and some guidance is provided regarding the interpretation and use of the estimates obtained. The Guide should be especially useful for persons who are engaged in programme activities aimed at reducing levels of infant and child mortality in developing countries and who require measures of such mortality to identify target population groups for whom mortality is high and to assess programme impact in terms of mortality reduction. The conventional measurement of mortality requires information on the number of deaths and on the population subject to the risk of dying. Typically, the first type of information is derived from registration systems that record deaths as they occur; the second is obtained mostly from censuses. In the majority of developing countries, either registration systems do not exist or omission and other errors are so common that measures based on the data produced fail to reflect properly levels or trends of mortality. Over the past twenty years, considerable advances have been made to compensate for the lack of reliable vital registration data. A number of methods based on information obtained exclusively from censuses or surveys have been developed, and census and survey data have become more commonly available. In this Guide two methods that use retrospective information on the children that women have borne will be described. The first, known as the Brass method (Brass, 1964), has proved to produce reliable estimates of child mortality in a variety of circumstances. The second, known as the Brass-Macrae method (Brass and Macrae, 1984), relies on information that can be obtained less expensively, and it promises to be useful in evaluating the impact of local projects. Because both of these methods rely on information that is only indirectly related to mortality, they are generally described as indirect estimation methods. Other methods also exist for estimating child mortality, but they either require considerably more information than those described here or have proved less reliable. The reader interested in obtaining more information about such methods may consult the list of references in This Guide contains all the instructions necessary to apply two versions of the Brass method, named the Trussell and Palloni-Heligman versions after the persons who derived them, and another method, developed by Brass and Macrae. Since the Guide is intended for use by persons who need not have formal demographic training, it also includes an introduction to the basic demographic concepts involved in the estimation of mortality in childhood and detailed descriptions of the nature of the data required for each method. The Guide is divided into seven chapters. The first discusses mortality measurement in general; the next five are devoted to different aspects of the Brass method; and the last focuses on the procedure proposed by Brass and Macrae. The Brass-Macrae method is treated in a single chapter because of both its relative simplicity and its recency. At the time of writing, the Brass-Macrae procedure is still in the process of being tested, and its efficacy cannot be guaranteed in all cases. The Brass method, on the other hand, has been used for more than two decades, has already given rise to numerous variations or refinements of the original procedure and, despite its known limitations, has performed well under a variety of' circumstances. It is therefore recommended that every reader become acquainted with at least one version of the Brass method. Although the material in this Guide has been presented in the simplest way possible, the Guide's content is not necessarily simple, and the reader should not expect to master it in a single reading. As with any learning process, an understanding of the intricacies of estimating mortality in childhood can be acquired only incrementally, by working and reworking through examples and by consulting several times the chapters discussing the rationale behind the different methods and their limitations. To master the basics of the Brass method, it is recommended that the reader work through chapters I to IV in order. The aim should be to master chapters II and IV, on the data requirements of the Brass method and the application of one of its variants, while becoming familiar with mortality measurement in general as discussed in chapter I and with the strengths and limitations of the Brass method as presented in chapter III. Only after becoming thoroughly familiar with those chapters should the reader proceed to chapter V, in which a second ver1 Chapter III. Rationale of the Brass method This chapter describes heuristically the theoretical underpinnings of the Brass method and explains why the method works even under conditions of changing mortality. The limitations of the method and the possible biases that may result from violations of its basic assumptions are also discussed. Chapter IV. Trussell version of the Brass method This chapter describes, in step-by-step fashion, the application of one version of the Brass method, that proposed by Trussell. This version uses the Coale-Demeny model life tables, those most widely used to date. A detailed example and a brief discussion of the results provide the reader with practical information on the use of the method. Chapter V. Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method This chapter describes a second version of the Brass method, that proposed by Palloni and Heligman. This version uses the United Nations model life tables for developing countries. Aside from describing the additional data that this procedure requires, the chapter provides a detailed example and briefly discusses the results obtained. Chapter VI. Interpretation and use of the estimates yielded by the Brass method This chapter compares the estimates obtained by using the Trussell and Palloni-Heligman versions of the Brass method. The problem of selecting an appropriate model life table is discussed, and the possible biases introduced by selecting the "wrong" model are assessed. In addition, the chapter considers the problem of comparing and assessing estimates obtained from different sources. Examples are given of how the estimates yielded by the Brass method can be used to determine mortality trends in childhood when data from difference sources are available. Chapter VII. Brass-Macrae method This chapter describes the basic data needed to apply the Brass-Macrae method, explains why it works and discusses its possible limitations. The procedure to apply the method is then described and illustrated with a detailed example. The results obtained are discussed in the light of the limited information available on the general performance of the method. sion of the Brass method is described. Chapter VI, dealing with the interpretation and use of the estimates obtained, may be read early on, but the reader will find it more useful after chapters IV and V have been mastered. Chapter VII, describing the Brass-Macrae method, may be studied almost independently from the rest, though it should not be read without some familiarity with the concepts presented in chapter I. The Guide is accompanied by a program for microcomputers, named QFIVE, that applies both the Trussell and the Palloni-Heligman versions of the Brass method. Although the program can be used without a complete understanding of the Brass method, it is recommended that it be used only after mastering, at the very least, chapters II and IV. The computerized application of the estimation method is meant to free the analyst from the drudgery of longhand calculations, but it cannot replace the analyst's insight into the use and interpretation of the estimates obtained. Such insight can only be gained by understanding how a method works and why. The text of this Guide is meant to lead the reader to that understanding. For the benefit of those interested in a more detailed description of the Guide, an annotated outline of its chapters follows. Chapter I. Indicators of mortality in childhood This chapter presents the demographic concepts used in the estimation of mortality in childhood. The life table, the basic demographic instrument for the measurement of mortality, is described in detail. Attention is then focused on the main indicators of mortality in childhood. The importance of considering mortality levels over the age range 0 to 5, rather than the age range 0 to 1, is explained. Through the discussion of model life table systems, the reader is introduced to different patterns of mortality in childhood. Examples of estimates for specific countries are used to illustrate the variety of existing patterns. Chapter II. Data required for the Brass method This chapter discusses in detail the data required to estimate mortality in childhood by using the Brass method. It provides worksheets to aid the user in compiling the data needed. By working through a detailed example, the user becomes familiar with possible variations of the basic data. 2 Chapter I INDICATORS OF MORTALITY IN CHILDHOOD The population for which the effects of mortality are represented by a life table is an example of a cohort. A cohort is a group of persons experiencing the same event during a given period. For instance, all persons marrying in 1974 constitute a marriage cohort. Similarly, all persons born in 1923 are a birth cohort. A life table represents the survivors of a birth cohort. However, the birth cohort represented by most life tables is not a real one, since it would not be possible to complete the life table until all the members of the birth cohort had died. For instance, a life table representing the survivors of the 1923 birth cohort could not be completed until some time around 2013 or 2023. Consequently, demographers resort to hypothetical birth cohorts, that is, cohorts that are a theoretical fabrication and that do not really exist. Thus, a period life table represents the effects of mortality on a hypothetical cohort that is assumed to be subject during its entire life to the mortality conditions prevalent during a given period. Given the number of survivors of a hypothetical birth cohort by age-the l(x) values-it is easy to calculate the number of deaths occurring from one age to the next. LIFE TABLES A life table is the demographer's way of representing the effects of mortality. A complete life table consists of several functions or sets of numbers, each representing a different aspect of the impact of mortality. 1 Table 1 provides an example of a life table. The core of the life table is the set of values shown in column 3 under the heading I (x). Letting x denote age, those values represent the number of survivors by age out of an initial number of births (100,000 in table 1). Thus, according to the life table in table 1, out of 100,000 births, 86,874 persons survive to age 10 and 71,074 to age 50. These ages represent "exact ages", that is, the 71,074 survivors are persons alive at the exact moment at which they reach age 50: they are not a day older or a day younger than exact age 50. The typical shape of the 1(x) function is displayed in the upper panel of figure 1. The number of survivors decreases markedly from birth (exact age 0) to ages 2 and 3 and then declines fairly slowly until around age 60, after which the decline accelerates: TABLE 0 ................ 1 ................ 5 ................ 10 ................ 15 ................ 20 ................ 25 ................ 30 ................ 35 ................ 40 ................ 45 ................ 50 ................ 55 ................ 60 ................ 65 ................ 70 ................ 75 ................ 80 ................ EXAMPLE OF A LIFE TABLE lex) ndx qx "Lx nmx ex (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 20 100 000 91 823 88041 86874 85980 84703 83052 81 194 79 119 76798 74175 71074 67015 61765 54539 45 151 33352 20545 8 177 3781 1 167 894 1277 1651 1 858 2075 2321 2624 3100 4059 5250 7226 9389 11 799 12807 20545 .0818 .0412 .0133 .0103 .0149 .0195 .0224 .0256 .0293 .0342 .0418 .0571 .0783 .1170 .1722 .2613 .3840 1.0000 94238 357424 437289 432 136 426708 419388 410 617 400784 389794 377 432 363 122 345 223 321 951 290761 249225 196255 13 474 102911 .0868 .0106 .0027 .0021 .0030 .0039 .0045 .0052 .0060 .0070 .0085 .0118 .0163 .0249 .0377 .0601 .0951 .1996 57.50 61.59 60.18 55.96 51.51 47.25 43.14 39.07 35.03 31.01 27.02 23.09 19.34 15.77 12.53 9.61 7.13 5.01 Age x (1) 1. Source: Ansley J. Coale and Paul Demeny, Regional Model Life Tables and Stable Populations (Princeton. Princeton University Press. 1966. p.17 number of survivors to exact age x number of deaths between exact ages x and x + n nqx probability of dying between exact ages x and x + n nLx number of person-years lived between exact ages x and x nmx age-specific mortality rate for age group x to x + n ex expectation of life at exact age x l(x) ndx 3 +n Figure 1. Typical shapes of the l(x) and ,qx functions of a life table Survivors of 100,000 female births by age, 1(x) Thousands of survivors 100 90 I- "" 80 ~ "-_ 70 -------_. ............... f- ---------- 60 - -- 50 -40 I- 30 ~ 20 ~ 10 ~ "- ""- "" "" "" "" " "".. , , I I _ _--L_ _...L-_----lL.--_.......L_ _.....L.._ _..L..-_----lL.--_---' I I I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 I OL.-_~ Age Probability of dying at each age, 1q x Probability of dying .20 .18 ~ .16 I- .14 ~ .12 I- .08 .. .06 .. .04 .02 l II ,f-\:, ~ o "-- 10 ~I I 20 """ I _ - - . . . - - -.........., 30 40 50 Age 4 l / l l l , l .10 - l l II I I I 60 70 80 90 lived by each member of that cohort will then be that total divided by the initial cohort size (the radix, denoted by 1(0). Such an average is known as the expectation of life at birth, eo, an index that summarizes mortality conditions at all ages. In table 1 the last column shows values of the ex function, that is, the expectation of life at exact age x. The first value is eo; the others represent the average number of additional years of life expected by each of the survivors to exact age x. The nLx function also allows the calculation of another important set of mortality measures: age-specific death or mortality rates. Death rates measure the velocity at which deaths occur in a given population through time. Their numerator is the number of deaths observed at a given age or for a given age group during a certain period, and their denominator is the time or duration of exposure to the risk of dying experienced during that period by the population being considered. In the case of a life-table cohort, the time of exposure to the risk of dying is provided by the number of person-years lived between one exact age and another, that is, by the nLx function. Hence, the death rate between ages x and x + n, denoted by nmX' is defined as Consider ages 20 and 25. In the life table displayed in table 1, 1(20)-the number of survivors to age 20-is 84,703, and 1(25)-the number of survivors to age 25-is 83,052. Hence, the number of persons dying between ages 20 and 25 equals the difference between those numbers, that is, 84,703 - 83,052 = 1,651. Note that the number 1,651 appears in the line corresponding to age 20 under the column headed ndx' a notation that stands for the number of deaths occurring between ages x and x + n. Thus, sdzo = 1,651. All the other numbers in column 4 of table 1 are calculated in the same way. Once the number of deaths occurring in the hypothetical birth cohort in each age interval is known, the probability of dying in each age interval can be calculated. For instance, if 1,651 deaths occur among the 84,703 survivors to age 20 during the next five years of their lives, the probability of each dying before reaching age 25 is 1,651/84,703 = .0195. The number .0195 appears in the line for age 20 of the life table under the column headed nqx, which is the actuarial notation for the probability of dying between ages x and x + n. The lower panel of figure 1 illustrates the typical shape of the probability of dying at each age, /qx. Note that the probability of dying is generally high among children under age 5, and especially among children under age 1 (i.e. infants). It falls to a minimum around age 10 and rises gradually up to age 50 or so. Thereafter it rises steeply until very high levels are reached in old age. Although this Guide is concerned mainly with the estimation of probabilities of dying between birth and certain ages in childhood, nqo, it is worth defining here the rest of the life-table functions, which are displayed in table 1. Their derivation requires the introduction of a new concept: the time lived by survivors between exact ages. Consider again the interval between exact ages 20 and 25 and note that 1(20) is 84,703 and 1(25) is 83,052 (that is, out of 100,000 persons born alive, 84,703 survive to exact age 20 and 83,052 survive to exact age 25). Clearly, each of the 83,052 survivors to age 25 lives five years between exact ages 20 and 25, for a total of 5 x 83,052 = 415,260 years lived. However, the 1,651 persons who die also contribute some years lived to the total. Assuming, for simplicity's sake, that all those who die do so at the midpoint of the interval-that is, at exact age 22.5-each one therefore contributes 2.5 years of life, for an additional 2.5 x 1,651 = 4,128 years lived. Hence, the total number of years lived between exact ages 20 and 25 by the hypothetical cohort under consideration is the sum of those quantities-419,388. This value is denoted by s~o and, in general, the nLx function represents the number of person-years lived by the hypothetical life-table cohort between exact ages x and x + n. The nLx function is the basis for the calculation of a valuable summary measure of mortality conditions, the expectation of life at birth. If the nLx values are cumulated from birth to the highest age to which anyone survives-say 100-the resulting sum will be the total number of years lived by the hypothetical life-table cohort during its lifetime. The average number of years (1.1) Put another way, nmx is the number of deaths of persons aged x to x + n per person-year lived by the hypothetical life-table cohort between those ages. Note that this measure is intrinsically different from nqx, which represents the number of deaths of persons aged x to x + n per surviving person at age x. In other words, death rates are measures of deaths per unit of time of exposure, whereas probabilities of dying are measures of deaths per person exposed. As columns 5 and 7 of table 1 show, the quantitative difference between the two measures is substantial, largely because nmx is a rate per person-year while nqx is generally a probability over a period of five years. MEASUREMENT OF MORTALITY IN CHILDHOOD The estimation of mortality in childhood has traditionally focused on mortality below age 1 because, as shown in figure 1, mortality at early ages is highest among infants (persons under age 1) and because measures of mortality for the age range 0 to 1 can be obtained solely from registration data when those data are reliable. However, given the lack of reliable registration data in most developing countries and the widespread use of indirect methods to estimate mortality in childhood, attention has slowly shifted to the measurement of mortality over an expanded range in childhood. Thus, UNICEF has recently been publishing sets of estimates of mortality in childhood that include not only infant mortality, 1qo, but also under-five mortality, sqo, for all the countries of the world (see, for instance, UNICEF, 1986, 1987a, 1987b, 1988a,and 1988b). Such a shift has come about mainly for two reasons: first, the realization that in many countries mortality levels among children older than 1 can be substantial, and, second, the fact that the most widely used indirect method of estimating mortality in child- 5 span of interest corresponds to childhood only or, more specifically, is the age range 0 to 5, the drawbacks of dealing with real cohorts are less serious. Consequently, measures of mortality in childhood referring to real cohorts, called cohort measures, are relatively common in the literature. In order to interpret such measures correctly, the reader should be aware of how cohort measures differ from period measures, which refer to hypothetical cohorts that reflect the mortality conditions prevalent during a given period (a year in most instances) . Consider the problem of counting the deaths occurring before age 1 to the cohort born in 1979. Since the dates of birth of the members of that cohort are likely to span the whole range of dates between 1 January 1979 and 31 December 1979, in order to count all deaths before age 1, it is necessary to observe the cohort from 1 January 1979, when its first members are born, to 31 December 1980, when its last members become 1. In other words, a two-year observation period is necessary to estimate the incidence of mortality among cohort members aging, on average, one year. Now suppose that, rather than being interested in the deaths occurring in a particular birth cohort, one wants to know how mortality affects persons under age I in a particular year, say 1980. Note that persons under 1 in 1980 include not only those born between 1 January and 31 December 1980, who will clearly be under age 1 during the whole year, but also those born in 1979 who will be under age 1 during at least part of 1980. Thus, to measure mortality among persons under age 1 in 1980, information is needed on deaths occurring in 1980 among members of two birth cohorts: that born in 1979 and that born in 1980. The Lexis diagram (figure 2) provides a graphic illustration of the relation between cohort and period measures. The horizontal axis of the diagram represents time in calendar years, while the vertical axis represents age. Then, the diagonal lines in the diagram represent the trajectory of persons as they age. Thus, the line AE hood, the Brass method, produces more reliable estimates of under-five mortality than of infant mortality. Note that the indices used by UNICEF are probabilities of dying between certain ages: infant mortality is the probability of dying between birth and exact age 1, I qo ; child mortality is the probability of dying between exact ages I and 5, 4ql; and under-five mortality is the probability of dying between birth and exact age 5, sqo. Throughout this Guide probabilities are used as indicators of mortality in childhood. To simplify notation, probabilities of dying between birth and exact age x, instead of being denoted by the standard notation, xqo, are denoted by q(x). Note, however, that in referring to the probability of dying between exact ages 1 and 5, also known as child mortality, the traditional notation 4ql will be used, since the age span in this case does not start at birth. To give the reader an idea of the values that infant and under-five mortality estimates may take, table 2 shows average estimates and projections of mortality in childhood for the major regions of the world during the periods 1950-1955, 1965-1970 and 1980-1985. Note that the more developed regions exhibit consistently lower infant and under-five mortality than do developing regions. Africa, in particular, is characterized by very high mortality in childhood. Recent estimates prepared by the United Nations Population Division (United Nations, 1988) show that infant mortality, q( 1), currently varies from a low of 6 deaths per 1,000 live births to a high of over 150 deaths per 1,000. Under-five mortality, q(5), varies between 7 and over 250 deaths per 1,000 live births. Hence, in countries with the highest mortality, slightly more than one out of every six children dies before the age of 1 and one out of every four dies before reaching age 5. COHORT VERSUS PERIOD MEASURES OF MORTALITY IN CHILDHOOD It was stated earlier that, in constructing life tables, demographers often use hypothetical cohorts because of the practical constraints inherent in following a real birth cohort through its entire life. However, when the age TABLE 2. ESTIMATES OFTHE PROBABILITIES OFDYING BY AGES 1 AND 5, q( 1) AND q(5). BY MAJOR REGION. 1950-1955, 1965-1970 AND 1980-1985 Probability of dying by age I (per 1,000 births) 1950-1955 1965-1970 World ............................ ,.,., ........ More developed regions ................ Less developed regions .................. 156 56 180 103 26 117 Africa ......................................... Latin America .............................. Northern America .................... " ... East Asia ..................................... South Asia, ............ ,..................... Europe ..................... ,.................. Oceania ...................... ,................ Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 191 125 29 182 180 62 67 73 158 91 22 76 135 30 48 26 Major region Probability of dying by age 5 (per 1,000 births) 1980-1985 1950-1955 1965-1970 1980-1985 78 16 88 240 73 281 161 32 184 118 19 134 112 62 11 36 103 15 31 25 322 189 34 248 305 77 96 102 261 131 26 106 219 35 67 36 182 88 13 50 157 17 40 31 Source: Mortality of Children under age 5: World Estimates and Projections, 1950-2025, Population Studies, No. 105 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.88.XIII.4). 6 represents persons born on 1 January 1979 who reach age 1 on 1 January 1980, while line BF represents persons born on 31 December 1979 who reach age 1 on 31 December 1980. That is, the parallelogram AEFB represents the cohort born in 1979 as it ages from to 1. Since squares of the type BEFC represent yearly periods, it can be seen that, as the 1979 cohort ages, it spans parts of the 1979 and 1980 periods. Conversely, in the 1980 period (BEFC), parts of two cohorts find themselves in to 1: the one born in 1979 and the age range represented by the triangle BEF and that born in 1980, whose triangle is BFC. Thus, the deaths of children under age 1 in 1980 comprise deaths of some children born in 1979 and of some born in 1980. ° ° Figure 2. Relation between cohort and period measures shown by a Lexis diagram Age ;-------,-------,------:1 2 1 OIL..1979 o c B A ----J .....I'... ~:....._ 1980 1981 Year This example illustrates how period measures represent the combined experience of different birth cohorts, whereas cohort measures represent the combined experience of cohort measures during different periods. The Lexis diagram illustrates this by showing how the cohort diagonals cut across periods while the vertical bars representing periods cut across different cohorts. In this Guide, the aim is to obtain period measures of mortality in all instances. However, to understand how those measures are derived, it is often necessary to consider the interplay between cohort and period indices. MODEL LIFE TABLES In many countries where death registration is incomplete or non-existent, adequate life tables cannot be constructed from the available data. Indeed, little may be known about the actual age pattern of mortality of their populations. Model life tables, which represent expected age patterns of mortality, have been developed for use in such cases. A number of model-life-table systems exist, but in this Guide only two will be used, the Coale-Demeny regional model life tables (Coale and Demeny, 1983) and the United Nations model life tables for developing countries (United Nations, 1982). The Coale-Demeny life tables consist of four sets or models, each representing a distinct mortality pattern. Each model is arranged in terms of 25 mortality levels, associated with different expectations of life at birth for females in such a way that eo of 20 years corresponds to levelland eo of 80 years corresponds to level 25. The four underlying mortality patterns of the Coale-Demeny models are called "North", "South", "East" and "West". They were identified through statistical and graphical analysis of a large number of life tables of acceptable quality, mainly for European countries. The United Nations models encompass five distinct mortality patterns, known as "Latin American", "Chilean", "South Asian", "Far Eastern" and "General". Life tables representative of each pattern are arranged by expectations of life at birth ranging from 35 to 75 years. The different patterns were identified through statistical and graphical analysis of a number of evaluated and adjusted life tables for developing countries. Model life tables play a crucial role in the estimation of mortality in childhood. They underlie the derivation of the estimation methods themselves and serve in evaluating the results obtained. Thus, to make proper use of model life tables in estimating child mortality, it is necessary to be familiar with the characteristic patterns that they embody, especially at younger ages. Figures 3 and 4 show one way of comparing those patterns. In both graphs the values of infant mortality, q( 1) (the probability of dying by exact age 1), have been plotted against the values of child mortality, 4ql (the probability of dying between exact ages 1 and 5), for each model. Thus, each curve in figures 3 and 4 represents the typical relationship between infant and child mortality in a given life table model. With respect to the Coale-Demeny models for both males and females, figure 3 shows that for any given value of q(l) above .15, model East produces the lowest mortality between ages 1 and 5, 4ql, followed by West and then North. Model South's pattern at young ages overlaps that of East for very low values of q( 1), crosses that of West for intermediate values and goes beyond that of North at high values of infant mortality. In other words, model East is appropriate for populations where the risks of dying between ages 1 and 5 are low with respect to those of dying in infancy, whereas model North is appropriate when the former are high with respect to the latter. Model West, falling in between those two, is a good compromise as an "average" model. Figure 4 shows the equivalent comparisons for the United Nations models. Notice that, in contrast with the Coale-Demeny models, the curves do not intersect and that the order of the models varies by sex. However, the proximity of the curves corresponding to all the patterns 7 Figure 3. Relationship between infant mortality, q(l), and child mortality, 4q., in the Coale-Demeny mortality models 4q1 Males ...------------------------------, .35 f- .30 ~ .25 I- .20 ~ .15 f- .10 I- .05 4 I I I I .20 .30 .40 .50 q(1) Females q1 .-----------------------------, .35 .30 .25 .20 .15 .10 .05 O~-..::~---L .10 L..._ .20 __L .30 8 ........ .40 __L .50 ___l q(1) Figure 4. Relationship between infant mortality, q(l), and child mortality, sq«, in the United Nations mortality models Males South Asian .20 " """, .18 ,',1" Latin .16 ,~ ,,;'/ American ,~ .14 ,'/ ,'~ ,,~ ,'~ ,j~ .12 ... ... ... ,~ ,'/ .10 .. ,~ ~~ ,~... .08 Far Eastern L~··· ..... .. ....... ~ ; .06 .04 .02 OL.......oa:::..Jc:;;....--1_---1._---L._.....L.._....L-_.J.-_.J.-_.L...-_L.---.l_--..._..... .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 q(1) Females .20 Latin American, .18 .16 I / I I .14 .12 .10 .08 .06 .04 .02 0L.----L:.:...-.....L._..J-_..L...----1_--'-_...L-_..J..-----I_---I-_--I-_..J..-----I .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 9 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 q(1) in general may consult chapter I of Manual X: Indirect Techniques for Demographic Estimation (United Nations, 1983b), chapters 1 and 2 of Regional Model Life Tables and Stable Populations (Coale and Demeny, 1983) and chapters I to IV of Model Life Tables for Developing Countries (United Nations, 1982). except the Chilean one implies that the United Nations models are less differentiated at younger ages than the Coale-Demeny models. The marked differences existing between the Chilean pattern and all the others should be noted, especially since the Chilean pattern is "more East than East", in that it represents the experience of a population whose mortality risks between ages 1 and 5 are very low compared with those below age 1. The importance of these models and their distinctive traits will become evident during the description and use of the methods presented below. Those interested in obtaining a more detailed description of model life tables Figure 5. OBSERVED PATTERNS OF MORTALITY IN CHILDHOOD AND THE MODEL LIFE TABLES To give the reader a sense of how well the mortality models available reflect the actual experience of different populations, figures 5 and 6 compare the relationship Comparison of country-specific estimates of infant and child mortality with the Coale-Demeny mortality models q1 4 .20 r--------------------------------, .... South .... ... .. .. •••• .15 ... ~ I North // .... /~ ...~/ / .. .~/ , ~.. .. //... / . .. .... X / ,.,. ,. ,.,.,. west Bangladesh/ .... Nepal,' .. . .10 - / Indonesia // / / // ..," .'.' /'. ..j / Haiti,.,.'" . , ',., /East ,. // .,." // ~,/ -: Kenya ,;lPeru ,.,-'" /// Guatemala*. / / .. ,.,.'" Lesotho...: • ,/,/ Turkey * .05 ~ Colombia ~/ Thailand JI / ..."~' ' """,,--./ ,. ~ Panama -:;4 .~' ; ,_' / ...".s:~ .AI~'!:.:.~ I .05 ...," ,.'.. .. ,/ // ,/ ,/ ",./ • Barbados* ,/,/. //,/ Turkey // .."Barbados* ¥"'" ,. fIIII""" .~' .,~:." .,..... »: .... ,// y. /" Venezuela Korea./ o .. ,/ ~ ..,/'/ Costa Rica I .10 I I .15 .20 q(1) left); for Guatemala the estimates used refer to 1975-1980 (see Mortality of. Children under Age 5: World Estimates and Projections, 19502025, Population Studies, No. 105 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.88'xm.4). For the mortality models (North, South, East. West), see Ansley J. Coale and Paul Demeny, Regional Model Life Tables and Stable Populations (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1966). .. *Estimates obtained from sources other than the World Fertility Survey. Sources: For most countries, the estimates shown are those referring to the period 0-9 years before the World Fertility Survey and published in Shea O. Rutstein. Infant and Child Mortality: Levels, Trends and Demographic Differentials, Comparative Studies, No. 24 (London, World Fertility Survey, 1983); the upper right estimate for Turkey was obtained from a multiround survey (1966-1967 Turkish Demographic Survey); the estimates for Barbados were calculated from vital registration data referring to 1945-1947 (upper right) and 1959-1961 (lower 10 q( l) and 4ql used here were obtained from the births and deaths of children under age 5 occurring during the 10 years preceding each survey. Bearing in mind that the accuracy and reliability of the country estimates displayed in figures 5 and 6 may vary, it is useful to consider the degree to which they can be approximated by existing mortality models. Figure 5 shows that the Coale-Demeny models provide excellent approximations for a few countries: Colombia is North, Thailand and Venezuela are West, Bangladesh is South, and Costa Rica and the upper point for Turkey are East. For a few other countries, the models provide very good between the infant and child mortality typical of the different model life tables with that observed in selected countries. The data for most of the countries depicted were derived from the set of World Fertility Surveys carried out during the second half of the 1970s. The estimates for Barbados and Guatemala and one of the estimates for Turkey were obtained from other sources. For the most part, the estimates of q( l) and 4ql plotted in figures 5 and 6 were derived from the fertility histories of women interviewed. A fertility history is the series of dates of birth and, if appropriate, dates of death of all the children a woman has had. The estimates of Figure 6. Comparison of country-specific estimates of infant and child mortality with the United Nations mortality models q1 4 .20 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , / Latin American ,/ South Asian .15 / II //,l III General / II 1 //:11 ••••••• Far Eastern - - - Chilean / , " / / ,/ / ,/ I / I I I I Bangladesh " II / • .10 ....../ ,,........ I , .. " . " ,,' / Indonesia " Kenya Guatemala*. .05 . . "" " " ,/ ", ",,- ,,"" "/.... / /. Lesotho / / /. ,,'." Turkey*~" .,," ,," " r" Turkeya/. Barbados* /' ,'/. ,,'"h h ,,",," Thailand """ ,," .,,'" ."."." !-.....,...:; Barbados* " ........~.... Costa Rica OL..-....====-_----.... .L..:..:.:..:.;:;,:;:.:;..:...;.:,;,. Venezuela .05 ,I" /(. /. ,,' /.... Colombia /:/./. Korea " ' ..L..- ..J- .15 .10 ....L..- .20 ~ q(1) ity of Children under Age 5: World Estimates and Projections. 19502025. Population Studies, No. 105 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.88.XIII.4). For the mortality models (Latin American, Chilean, South Asian, Far Eastern and General), see Model Life Tables for Developing Countries, Population Studies, No. 77 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.81.XllI.7). *Estimates obtained from sources other than the World Fertility Survey. Sources: For most countries, the estimates shown are those referring to the period 0-9 years before the World Fertility Survey and published in Shea O. Rutstein, Infant and Child Mortality: Levels. Trends and Demographic Differentials. Comparative Studies, No. 24 (London, World Fertility Survey, 1983); the upper right estimate for Turkey was obtained from a multiround survey (1966-1967 Turkish Demographic Survey); the estimates for Barbados were calculated from vital registration data referring to 1945-1947 (upper right) and 1959-1961 (lower left); for Guatemala the estimates used refer to 1975-1980 (see Mortal- 11 though in particular instances one set of models provides a better fit than the other. Thus, while Costa Rica appears to be exactly East and Venezuela and Thailand are clearly West, Panama is Latin American. There remain, however, countries that are not adequately approximated by any of the models used here. Indonesia, Guatemala, Lesotho and the upper point for Barbados are some examples. To a lesser extent, Peru and Haiti also belong to that group, although they are closer to the United Nations models than to the Coale-Demeny models. These comparisons show that the models generally provide good fits for the data observed on actual populations. However, and perhaps not surprisingly, the real world exhibits greater variety than is captured by available models. Even though some of the differences between the models and country-specific estimates may arise from errors in the basic data, it is certain that different mortality patterns exist. As will be seen, one of the challenges in using the Brass method is to make allowance for the appropriate mortality pattern in each case. approximations: Korea, Panama and Kenya are close to North, and the lower point for Barbados is close to East. There are other countries, however, for which the approximation provided by the Coale-Demeny models is less satisfactory, though compromises may be reached if a single model needs to be selected to represent each of them. Thus, for instance, Guatemala and Indonesia may be approximated by model North; Peru and Nepal by South; Haiti by West; and Lesotho, the lower point for Turkey and the upper point for Barbados by East. Figure 6 shows the same comparison between the United Nations models and country-specific estimates. It is interesting to note that some of the countries that were fit very well by the Coale-Demeny models are no longer close to any United Nations model (for instance, Korea, Colombia and Kenya). On the other hand, some countries whose estimates are relatively far from the CoaleDemeny models are close to certain United Nations models (e.g., Nepal fits the General pattern and Turkey is close to the Chilean). Among the rest of the countries considered, the majority can be fit relatively well by either the Coale-Demeny or the United Nations models, 12 Chapter II DATA REQUIRED FOR THE BRASS METHOD At least since the 1940s, demographers working in developing countries have been aware that the proportion of children dead among those ever borne by women in a given age group is an indicator of mortality in childhood. The actual proportion observed is known to be largely determined by two factors: the mortality risks to which children are exposed and the duration of exposure to those risks. In 1964 William Brass proposed a method that permitted the estimation of mortality risks by making allowance for the duration of exposure, and thus it became possible to derive estimates of various values of q(x)-the probability of dying between birth and exact age x-from the observed proportions of children dead. As suggested above, data on children ever born and children dead were available in some developing countries long before an estimation method was devised. Even today, the power of the Brass method stems not only from its theoretical underpinnings but also from its use of data that are relatively easy to obtain and whose reliability is generally acceptable. As with any other estimation method, the quality of the basic data used as input largely determines the quality of the resulting estimates. It is essential, therefore, to ensure that the highest standards are adhered to at all stages of data-gathering. Although this Guide does not purport to be a manual for data collection, it is important for the analyst to have a clear grasp of what is being measured and of how different questions can be used to best advantage. Not only is such understanding necessary to avoid errors in the application of the estimation method, it is also an asset in evaluating the estimates obtained. How many are still alive? How many living children do you have? How many children have you had who were born alive and later died? Set 4. How many children do you have who live with you? How many children do you have who live elsewhere? How many children have you had who were born alive and later died? Notice that the answers to each set of questions will yield, in some cases by addition or subtraction, the number of children ever born and the number of children dead that each woman has had. Notice also that only those children who were born alive should be counted as "children ever born". Abortions and, particularly, stillbirths should not be included. Among the sets of questions presented, set 4 is generally considered to produce the best results, because, by focusing attention on both the children present and those absent, it leads to a lower level of omission. Set 3 is also recommended because, by avoiding the direct use of the concept of "children ever born", it may be easier for the respondent to grasp. Sets 1 and 2 may yield imperfect data when respondents fail to understand that children dead should also be reported as ever born. They may also lead to errors in societies where the qualifier "born alive" is construed to mean "still living". However, in societies where explicit mention of dead children is not acceptable, set 2 may provide the best means of gathering the required information. In some surveys or censuses, the sets of questions presented here are posed separately with respect to male and female children. Data on children ever born and dead by sex are useful not only because they allow the estimation of mortality by sex, but also because they permit further evaluation of the quality of the data, as will be explained later on. Certain surveys may produce data on children ever born and dead by gathering information on the fertility history of each woman. Roughly speaking, such information consists of the dates of birth of all children a woman has had and the dates of death of all deceased children. Complete fertility histories allow the calculation of the total number of children ever born and dead for each woman and thus permit the application of the Brass method. They also allow the application of other procedures to estimate child mortality and consequently provide several opportunities to check the internal consistency of the data. However, fertility histories involve conSet 3. NATURE OF THE DATA REQUIRED In its simplest variant, the Brass method requires three pieces of information: the number of children ever born, the number of children ever born who have died (children dead) and the total female population of reproductive age. Children ever born and children dead The information on children ever born and dead is normally obtained as follows. In a surveyor census, women in a given age range (15 to 49, usually) are asked a certain number of questions about their child-bearing experience. The sets of questions that may be used include: Set 1. How many children, who were born alive, have you ever had? How many of those children have died? Set 2. How many children, who were born alive, have you ever had? 13 siderable data-collection efforts and are very costly. For that reason, they are not considered typical data sources for the information needed to apply the Brass method. Being aware of the variety of ways in which information on children ever born and dead may be gathered is important because the analyst must be prepared to convert existing tabulations of the actual items of information collected by censuses or surveys into the format required for estimation. Although those data are often tabulated according to such characteristics as labour-force participation or education of women-which may allow the analysis of differentials of mortality in childhood by socio-economic indicators-the Brass method requires only that data on children ever born and dead be classified by age of mother. The traditional five-year age groups-15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44 and 45-49-are typically used for tabulation purposes and produce the data needed for the estimation method. calculating the ratios of male to female children ever born. Those ratios are estimates of the sex ratio at birth, that is, the average number of male births per female birth. That number is a biological constant that varies little from population to population and is generally found within the range of 1.03 to 1.08 male births per female birth. As the example in chapter IV will show, values of the sex ratio at birth that deviate markedly from the range of expected values indicate possible deficiencies in the basic data. THE CASE OF BANGLADESH The case of Bangladesh will be used as an example in the application of two versions of the Brass method, so it is appropriate to consider here the nature of the data available for that country. In 1974 a Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality conducted in Bangladesh included questions on children ever born and children dead. Display 3 reproduces the tabulation of such information appearing in the published report. From that tabulation it can be inferred that questions such as those constituting set 4 (see p. 13) were used to gather the basic information and that they were posed only to evermarried women (that is, single women were not even asked the questions). Consequently, although the second column is labelled "total women", those numbers should not be used in applying the estimation method. Note that even if the table failed to indicate that only ever-married women were involved, the analyst should raise questions about the total female population shown, since, in a country like Bangladesh where fertility has hardly changed, it would not be expected that the number of women aged 15-19 would be smaller than the number of women aged 20-24. The very small size of age group 10-14 would also be highly suspicious and should prompt further clarification of the true meaning of the data presented. Display 4 presents the published tabulation of the female population by age group and marital status. The numbers of women appearing in the second column, labelled "total", should be used in applying the Brass method. Note that, as expected, the number of women declines steadily with age, at least until age group 55-59 is reached. The worksheets (displays 1 and 2) can be used to compile the information necessary for the application of the Brass method. Consider first the data on children ever born and dead. At first sight, it is unclear whether the tabulations in display 3 include the numbers of children ever born needed to apply the Brass method. The required numbers can, however, be calculated from the available data on "children at home", "children away" and "children dead". The first step is to copy the available numbers onto a reproduction of the worksheet in display 1, as shown in display 5. The next step is to calculate the missing data, children ever born, as the sum of columns 2, 4 and 5 of the worksheet in display 5. A completed worksheet, containing all the data required, is Total female population of reproductive age Turning now to the third item of information needed for the estimation procedure-the total female population of reproductive age (l5-49)-the reader must be warned that it is a source of multiple errors. Problems arise because the method assumes that the data used are representative of all women aged 15 to 49, irrespective of their child-bearing or marital status. In practice, some women fail to provide the information sought, thus becoming cases of "non-response". More importantly, some women are purposefully excluded from providing information, as in countries where it is considered inappropriate to ask single women about their child-bearing experience. Yet, tabulations of the data on children ever born and dead usually include a column headed "total number of women", often without explicitly indicating that only women actually providing information are included. Mistakes arise when those numbers of women are used in the application of the method, which requires that all women, irrespective of whether they provided information, be considered. COMPILATION OF THE DATA REQUIRED Although, as stated earlier, the Brass method requires a minimum of information-the number of children ever born, the number of children dead and the total female population of reproductive age-that information is collected and published in a variety of ways.2 To aid the analyst in compiling and organizing the data required, two worksheets have been prepared (displays 1 and 2). The worksheets show items of information often found in actual tabulations. The analyst can obtain the information necessary to apply the Brass method by addition and subtraction (the appropriate combination or combinations of items are indicated in the heading of each column). Note that the worksheets make allowance for the availability of information by sex, although data for both sexes combined are all that is needed. As indicated above, when data by sex are available, not only can mortality be estimated for each sex separately, but also the internal consistency of the information can be checked by 14 Display 1. Possible combinations for the compilation of the data on children ever born and children dead by age of mother required by the Brass method Children Age group a/mother Children ever born Children Children dead surviving Jiving at home Children living elsewhere (/) (2) (3) (4) (5) (2)+(3) (/)-(3) (2) + (4) + (5) (1)-(4)-(5) (4)+(5) 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 15 Display 2. Possible combinations for the compilation of the data on the total number of women of reproductive age required by the Brass method 7htal number of women Ever-married women Single women lIbmen of stated parity lIbmen of not-stated parity (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (2)+(3) Age group of women (4)+(5) 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 number of women as derived from information contained in the original tabulations (see displays 3 and 4). Display 8 illustrates how the worksheet in display 2 may be used to compile data on the total number of women by adding the number of ever-married women copied from display 3 to the number of never-married (single) women copied from display 4. Note that the resulting total numbers of women differ, albeit slightly, from those copied directly from display 4 and shown in display 7. Such differences arise because although all ever-married women were asked about their child-bearing experience, some failed to provide the information requested and were therefore excluded from the numbers presented in display 3. Since it is suggested that all women, irrespective of reporting status, be used in applying the Brass method, the numbers in display 7 will be used in the examples presented in chapters IV and V. presented in display 6. Note that the computed numbers of children ever born shown in column 1 of display 6 are the same as those appearing in the original table (display 3) under the heading "total births". Although the data on children ever born and dead could have been copied directly from the published tabulation, it is sound practice to check the internal consistency of published data by carrying out calculations such as those illustrated in displays 5 and 6, especially when one is unsure of the meaning of certain labels ("total births" in this instance). Turning now to the data on the total number of women by age group, recall that they should be obtained from display 4. Display 7 illustrates the compilation of those data using the worksheet shown in display 2. The worksheets in displays 6 and 7 now contain the basic data required to apply the Brass method. It is of interest, however, to explore here the consistency of the data on total 16 Display 3. Tabulation of data on children ever born and children surviving as appearing in the report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality BANGLADESH BANGLADESH CENSUS 1974 RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY OF FERTILITY AND MORTALITY DE FACTO TABLE 8 : EVER-MARRIED ~EN BY AGE GROUP, WITH TOTAL CHIlDREN EVER BORNE, NUMBER AT HOME, NUMBER ELSEWHERE AND NUMBER DEAD, BY SEX OF CHILDREN ALL EVER-MARRIED AGE GROUP OF WPlEN TOTAL 0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60+ N.S. TOTAL MLE BIRTHS ONLY 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 SO-54 55-59 60+ N.S. I TOTAL 'O'EN CHILDREN AWAY CHILDREN DEAD 0 327 349 989 587 S66 846 801 061 559 615 0 1 811 215 365 997 384 1 937 955 2 261 196 2 490 168 2 415 023 1 959 544 1 920 863 1 137 721 3 233 015 0 9 483 700 18 570 045 109 036 220 904 859 071 724 149 032 419 869 0 0 11 047 38 921 82 780 124 046 176 698 268 130 291 071 352 615 263 461 998 608 0 1 003 117 165 529 877 1 047 294 1 204 582 1 333 957 1 291 745 1 030 737 1 018 383 591 871 1 667 762 0 TOTAL BIRTHS CHIlDREN AT HOME 204 6 671 1 160 919 4 901 382 9 085 852 9 910 256 10 384 001 9 164 329 6 905 673 5 963 087 3 257 428 8 136 608 0 4 866 921 227 3 820 649 6 927 908 7 126 473 6 974 267 5 472 460 3 664 328 2 601 163 1 206 148 2 102 978 0 17 018 632 68 876 212 40 822 467 259 2 019 2 521 2 573 2 003 1 766 1 473 1 128 1 040 601 1 631 24 83 219 522 919 1 276 1 281 1 441 913 2 800 4 112 597 248 2 S07 018 4 675 978 5 109 487 5 435 726 4 883 599 3 714 957 3 211 030 1 769 751 4 410 239 0 12 983 983 36 319 145 23 877 392 2 607 377 9 834 376 FEMLE BIRTHS ONLY 10-14 2 565 15-19 479 678 1 526 643 20-24 25-29 2 063 505 1 759 823 30-34 35-39 1 601 696 40-44 1 330 442 45-49 992 793 888 514 SO-54 496 594 55-59 60+ 1 303 670 N.S. 0 2 565 563 671 2 394 364 4 409 874 4 800 769 4 948 275 4 280 730 3 190 716 2 752 057 1 487 677 3 726 369 0 1 757 452 191 1 882 429 3 382 004 3 345 614 3 049 196 2 148 736 1 271 179 761 131 291 729 359 109 0 0 13 280 44 428 137 209 398 541 742 868 1 008 716 990 730 1 088 446 6S0098 1 802 007 0 98 200 467 507 890 661 1 056 614 1 156 211 1 123 278 928 807 902 480 545 850 1 565 253 0 32 557 067 16 945 075 6 876 323 8 735 669 TOTAL 4 SOl 1 557 2 106 1 792 1 635 1 369 1 047 955 545 1 468 104 436 318 496 082 100 382 791 877 625 217 111 448 199 614 767 S07 842 262 899 164 170 0 TOTAL I ~EN 12 445 923 3 469 1 938 3 545 3 780 3 925 3 323 2 393 1 840 914 1 743 808 Source: Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), p. 37. 17 Display 4. Tabulation of the female population by age group and marital status as appearing in the report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality BANGLADESH BANGLADESH CENSUS 1974 RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY OF FERTILITY AND MORTALITY DE FACTO TABLE 3. POPULATION BY SEX, AGE GROUP. MARITAL STATUS AND NUI'BER OF P1ARRIAGES F E P1 ALE S WI[)(IlED DIVORCED AGE GROUP TOT A L NEVER PlARRIED P1ARRIED 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 10-7. 15-79 5 490 429 6 199 640 4 615 449 3 014 106 2 653 155 2 601 009 2 015 663 1 711 680 1 419 515 1 135 129 1 048 558 601 412 697 117 325 222 329 326 122 956 113 871 18 411 1 410 5 423 801 6 114 626 4 353 919 912 130 121 364 28 426 8 365 4049 3 511 3 555 4 183 2 987 6 614 5008 4 156 1 519 3 121 12 949 256 611 1 928 736 2 415 049 2 462 803 1 811 682 1 519 415 1 204 957 827 838 617 085 288 310 227 089 90506 48 907 18 157 10202 4943 408 5961 5 937 4 141 31 412 48 242 19 334 115629 177 037 262 790 296 957 422 448 312 740 460 656 227 922 273 108 103 037 101 696 71 515 411 15356 68653 62586 33 422 15 426 8 936 6 764 6 196 3665 1940 1917 1 192 594 183 411 207 TOTAL 34 366 124 17 061 120 13 868 828 3 001 633 227 448 MARRIED 0-4 5-9 ONCE ONLY 10-14 15-19 20-24 Z5-Z9 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 SO-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-14 15-79 80-84 85+ N.S. 8 815 18 132 213 551 1 952 378 2 366 653 2 383 749 1 810 194 1 580 278 1 289 195 1 003 347 923 454 538 306 621 909 289 210 293 183 110 013 102 649 11 890 819 3 121 12 166 253 839 1 859 246 2 Z66 382 2 282 639 1 693 882 1 414 313 1 051 554 736 408 541 170 251 196 Z04 649 81 399 43 514 16 592 9608 4 736 408 5 754 5366 4 741 Z9 878 45335 12 445 104 368 158431 232 574 262 710 373 598 219 945 415 710 201 009 249 015 93 421 92 630 66 947 411 15 637 185 12 739 422 2 700 348 TOTAL ~ 85+ N.S. TOTAL 805 968 408 14 971 62864 54356 28 073 11 166 6 759 4 860 42Z9 2686 766 1 5SO 802 594 EVER-P1ARRIED NOT STATED OR EVER-P1ARRIED BUT PRESENT P1ARITAL STATUS NOT STATED 51 540 66 128 44 8ZZ 13 115 5 914 3 024 4561 2 183 1 553 583 1 177 1 435 781 594 2 561 163 718 183 207 695 390 580 592 718 715 207 399 411 201 194 Z94 3 721 Source: Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), p. 28. 18 Display 5. First step in the compilation of data on children ever born and children dead for Bangladesh Children ever born ChiJdren dea4 Children surviving (1) (2) (3) = = (2)+(3) Age group of momer ~ '" -S = (2) + (4) + (5) Children living at IUJme (4) Children living elsewhere (5) = (1)-(3) = (1)-(4)-(5) (4)+(5) 15-19 215 365 921 227 24327 20-24 997384 3 820649 83 349 25-29 I 937 955 6927908 219989 30-34 2 261 196 7 126473 522 587 35-39 2490 168 6974267 919566 40-44 2415 023 5472 460 1 276 846 45-49 I 959544 3664 328 1 281 801 15-19 117 165 469036 11 047 20-24 529877 I 938220 38921 25-29 I 047294 3545904 82 780 30-34 I 204 582 3 780 859 124046 35-39 I 333 957 3925071 176 698 40-44 I 291 745 3 323 724 268 130 45-49 I 030737 2393 149 291 071 15-19 98200 452 191 13 280 20-24 467507 1 882 429 44 428 25-29 890661 3382004 137 209 30-34 1 056614 3345614 398541 35-39 I 156 211 3049 196 742 868 40-44 I 123 278 2 148736 I 008 716 45-49 928807 1 271 179 990730 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Source: Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Iertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), table 8, p. 37 (reproduced in display 3 above). 19 Display 6. Second step in the compilation of data on children ever born and children dead for Bangladesh Children ever born Children dead Children surviving at home Children living elsewhere (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) = = (2)+(3) ~ ~ ~ ~ = = of mother (2) + (4) + (5) (1)-(4)-(5) = (4)+(5) 15-19 I 160919 215 365 921 227 24327 20-24 4901 382 997 384 3 820649 83349 25-29 9085852 I 937 955 6927 908 219989 30-34 9 910 256 2 261 196 7 126473 522 587 35-39 10 384 001 2 490 168 6974267 919 566 40-44 9 164 329 2 415 023 5472 460 I 276846 45-49 6905673 I 959544 3664 328 I 281 801 15-19 597 248 117 165 469036 11 047 20-24 2 507 018 529877 I 938220 38921 25-29 4675978 I 047 294 3545904 82780 30-34 5 109487 I 204 582 3780859 124046 35-39 5435726 I 333 957 3925071 176698 40-44 4883599 I 291 745 3323724 268 130 45-49 3714957 I 030737 2393 149 291 071 15-19 563 671 98200 452 191 13 280 20-24 2394364 467 507 I 882 429 44 428 25-29 4409874 890661 3 382004 137 209 30-34 4800 769 I 056614 3 345 614 398541 35-39 4948275 I 156 211 3049 196 742 868 40-44 4280780 I 123 278 2 148 736 I 008 716 45-49 3 190 716 928807 I 271 179 990730 ~ ~ (1)-(3) Age group Children living Source: Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), table 8, p. 37 (reproduced in display 3 above). 20 Display 7. Compilation of data on the total number of women by age group for Bangladesh Total number of women Ever-married women Single women Ufmten of stated parity not-stated parity (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Uhmen of = (2)+(3) = Age group of women (4)+(5) 15-19 3014706 20-24 2 653 155 25-29 2607 009 30-34 2 015 663 35-39 1 771 680 40-44 1 479575 45-49 1 135 129 Source: Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), table 3, p. 28 (reproduced in display 4 above). Display 8. Alternative compilation of data on the total number of women by age group for Bangladesh (data rejected in the application of the Brass method) Total number a/women Ever-married women Single women lIbmen of stated parity lIbmen of not-stated parity (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) = (2)+(3) Age group = of women (4)+(5) 15-19 2992 166 2019436 972 730 20-24 2642682 2 521 318 121 364 25-29 2601 922 2573496 28426 30-34 2 011 447 2003082 8365 35-39 1 770 149 1 766 100 4049 40-44 1 476 893 1 473 382 3511 45-49 1 132 346 1 128 791 3555 Source: Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), tables 3 and 8, pp. 28 and 37 (reproduced in display 4 above). Total number of women calculated as (2) +(3). 21 Chapter III RATIONALE OF THE BRASS METHOD The Brass method derives estimates of q(x)-the probability of dying between birth and exact age x-from the proporti?n ~f children dead among those ever borne by women III dIfferent age groups by allowing for the duration of exposure to the risk of dying. The duration of exposure is related to the age of the woman and to the timing of child-bearing. On average, the older the women, the longer ago their children would have been born and the longer the children would· have been exposed to the risk of dying. The basic relationship between the proportion of children dead by age group of mother and the probability of dying in childhood can be illustrated by a very simple example. Suppose that all women have all their children at exactly age 20. Suppose further that mortality risks are constant over time. The children of women of exact age 22 will have been exposed to the risk of dying for exactly two years, so that the proportion dead will be exactly the probability of dying by age 2, q(2). Proportions dead of children ever born for women of exact ages 23 and 25 will similarly estimate q( 3) and q( 5). Note that it is the age of the women in relation to the time of· child-bearing that determines the children's duration of exposure to the risk of dying and thus the relationship between the proportion dead and some q(x) value. If mortality is assumed constant, the measures of q(2), q(3) and q(5) will be applicable to any point in time during the period preceding enumeration. Now let us consider what would happen if mortality were falling. Assume again that all women have all their children at age 20 and that we are considering women aged 22 in 1978. Then the proportion dead of the children borne by those women would estimate q(2) for the cohort of children born in 1976. With mortality falling, this cohort value would be somewhat lower than the q(2) in effect during 1976 (which would reflect the experience of children born during 1974, 1975 and 1976), but somewhat higher than the value for 1978 (which would reflect the experience of children born in 1976, 1977 and 1978). The q(2) for the 1976 birth cohort would thus estimate the value of q(2) for some time point between 1976 and 1978 (somewhat closer to 1976 than 1978 because most of the child deaths for the cohort born in 1976 would have occurred close to birth). Similarly, the proportion of children dead for women aged 23 in 1978 would estimate q(3) for the cohort of children born in 1975, approximating a value of q( 3) for some time point close to that date. Thus, when mortality has been changing, information on the proportion of children dead can yield not only estimates of child mortality but also estimates of its trends. The above example is, of course, greatly oversimplified. In practice, women start to bear children at different ages and have subsequent children after variable birth intervals. The proportion of children dead for women of a five-year age group represents a complex average of different probabilities of dying for varying periods. That complex average, however, depends largely on the age pattern of fertility of the women consideredwhich determines the distribution of children by duration of exposure to risk-and on the level and age pattern of mortality risks affecting the children. ALLOWING FOR THE AGE PATTERN OF CHILD-BEARING The age pattern of child-bearing plays an important role in determining the relationship between the proportion of children dead among those borne by women of a particular age group and the children's probability of dying. To return to the simplified example above, if all women had their children at age 18 (instead of age 20) the proportion of children dead of women aged 22 would estimate the probability of dying by age 4, not age 2. Since in a life table the probability of dying by age 4, q( 4), must be greater than the probability of dying by age 2, q(2), a given proportion of children dead for women aged 22 would indicate lower mortality risks in an early-fertility population than in a late-fertility population. Put another way, the children of women of a given age in an early-fertility population would, on average, have been born longer ago and would therefore have been exposed longer to the risks of dying than children of women of the same age in a late-child-bearing population. It is for this reason that fertility patterns must be taken into account in converting proportions of children dead into probabilities of dying. The Brass method makes allowance for the pattern of fertility in a population by considering the lifetime fertility of women in different age groups. The measure of lifetime fertility used is called average parity, which is defined as the average number of children ever born per woman of a given age group. (It is calculated by dividing the total number of children ever borne by women of a given age group by the total number of women in that age group.) If fertility has been constant, the average parity of women now aged, say, 15 to 19 will be the same as the average parity five years ago of women who are now aged 20 to 24. Thus, the current distribution of average parities by age group can be used as an indicator of the shape of the lifetime fertility distribution that needs to be considered in converting proportions of children dead 22 was later relaxed through the work of Feeney (1980), Coale and Trussell (1978) and others. Those authors showed that if the rate of change of mortality over time was approximately constant, the reference date of each q(x) could be estimated by making allowance for the age pattern of fertility by means of the P( 1)/P(2) and P(2)/ P(3) ratios. Since the measurement of child mortality trends is a major objective of this Guide, the use of the Brass method to detect or quantify changes in such trends resulting from programme activities requires further discussion. The procedure for estimating the reference dates of q(x) values assumes that mortality has been changing steadily over time. A programme that speeds mortality decline will invalidate this assumption. Such a change in trend will have a greater effect on the proportions of children dead of younger women-a higher proportion of whose children will have been exposed to the recently lower mortality risks-than on the proportions of children dead of older women. It will also have some effect on such proportions for women of any age having significant numbers of recent births. Consequently, the Brass method will smooth out any sharp change in trend, transforming it into a gradually accelerating decline and thus making it harder to associate a decline with programme activities. It should also be noted that the Brass method is unlikely to indicate any change in trend until at least two years after the change occurs. This lag arises from the observation, discussed in greater detail below, that mortality estimates based on reports of women aged 15-19which reflect the most recent mortality-are generally unreliable. into probabilities of dying in childhood. Specifically, using P(l), P(2) and P( 3) to denote the average parities of women in age groups 15-19, 20-24 and 25-29, respectively, allowance for the pattern of fertility is made by using the parity ratios P(l)/P(2) and P(2)/P(3). Note that, because parity ratios are used, the actual level of fertility does not matter, only its age pattern. For example, the greater P(l)/P(2), the earlier the pattern of child-bearing. DERIVATION OF THE METHOD The actual derivation of a Brass-type estimation procedure involves the use of simulation to generate proportions of children dead, the probabilities of dying that they are related to, and the parity ratios P(l )/P(2) and P(2)/P(3) that link them. Regression analysis is used to derive estimation equations, which make the application of the procedure straightforward. It is worth nothing that there are several versions of the Brass method. They differ mostly in the type of models used to simulate the quantities of interest. The two versions described in this Guide are those proposed by Trussell (1975) and by Palloni and Heligman (1986). They differ mainly in that the former uses the CoaleDemeny regional model life tables to simulate mortality, while the latter uses the United Nations model life tables for developing countries. Both versions are presented here in order to provide the analyst with a wide choice of possible mortality models. Table 3 indicates how all Brass-type estimation procedures link estimated q(x) values with the observed proportions of children dead by age of mother, denoted by D(i). As indicated in the table, an estimate of the probability of dying by age I, q( I ), can be derived from the proportion of children dead reported by women aged 1519, D(l); the probability of dying by age 2, q(2), can be obtained from the proportion of children dead for women aged 20-24, D(2), and so on. TABLE 3. LIMITATIONS OF THE BRASS METHOD ASSOCIATED WITH ITS SIMPLIFYING ASSUMPTIONS The Brass method is based on certain simplifying assumptions that may not be entirely satisfied in practice and that have implications for the interpretation of the estimates obtained. The Brass method assumes that the mortality risks of children of women who do not report their child-bearing experience are the same as those of children whose mothers do. Aside from the problem of women who do not provide information, women may have moved away from the survey area before being interviewed or may have died. Thus, the estimates obtained assume, among other things, that the survivorship of children is independent of that of their mothers. The method also assumes that fertility has remained constant during the 30 or 35 years preceding the survey or census. If fertility has been changing, the parity ratios will be affected, and the allowance made for the age pattern of child-bearing will not be correct. In particular, if fertility has been declining, the parity ratios will be too low, indicating a later age pattern of fertility than the actual one and leading to an overestimate of child mortality. Perhaps the most basic assumption of the method is that the reported proportions of children dead are correct. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN OBSERVED PROPORTIONS OF CHIL- DREN DEAD BY AGE GROUP OF MOTHER AND ESTIMATED PROBABILITIES OF DYING Age group Age group index a/mother 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 . .. . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Proportion of children dead Estimated probability afdYing by age x D(i) q(x) D(l) D(2) D(3) D(4) D(5) D(6) D(7) q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(l5) q(20) ESTIMATING TIME TRENDS OF MORTALITY The method originally developed by Brass assumed that mortality was constant, so that cohort and period probabilities of dying were identical. That assumption 23 aged 15-19 would be too high and therefore would If some of the children that have died are reported as being alive or if dead children are omitted to a greater extent than living children, the mortality estimates obtained will be too low. If, as is generally the case, omissions and other errors are more prevalent among older than younger women, certain patterns in the data may indicate that errors have occurred. For example, the mortality estimates based on reports of women aged 40 and over may fail to increase with age of mother at the same pace as those based on the reports of younger women. Furthermore, the average parities of women aged 35 and over may not increase with age (or may actually decrease at older ages), indicating possible omissions of dead children. Lastly, the Brass method assumes that mortality risks among children depend solely on their age and not on other factors, such as age of mother or birth order. If, for example, the mortality risks of children borne by young mothers (under age 20) were higher than average, then the proportion of children dead reported by women overestimate overall mortality levels. In addition, the estimates derived from data on women aged 20-24 might also be upwardly biased, since a significant proportion of the children reported by women aged 20-24 would have been born when the women were 15-19. By age group 25-29, however, a high proportion of all children would have been borne by mothers aged 20 and over, so that the effect of the abnormally high risks experienced by children of young mothers on the estimate of q( 5) would be small. In practice, child mortality estimates based on reports of women aged 15-19 and, to a lesser extent, on those of women aged 20-24 are generally unreliable, often being higher than estimates based on reports of older women. The detailed example presented in the next chapter illustrates this effect and shows why the Brass method is not capable of providing reliable estimates of very recent mortality conditions (those prevalent during the two or even three years preceding interview). 24 Chapter IV TRUSSELL VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD Step 3. Calculation of the multipliers, k(i) The basic estimation equation for the Trussell method is This version of the Brass method was developed during the late 1970s by T. J. Trussell (United Nations, 1983b, chap. III). It is based on the Coale-Demeny model life tables, and it has the advantage over earlier versions of producing estimates both of probabilities of dying from birth to different ages in childhood and of the time point to which each probability refers. The following section presents step by step the computational procedure to be followed in applying the Trussell version. The case of Bangladesh is then used to give a detailed example of its application. q(x) k(i) CEB(i) FP(i) (4.1) these women, and FP(i) is the total number of women in the age group irrespective of their marital or reporting status. Although parity values are needed only for age groups 15-19, 20-24 and 25-29-P(l), P(2) and P(3), respectively-it is worth calculating the whole set up to age group 45-49 in order to check the quality of the basic data. Note that the denominator, FP(i), should include even those women who did not respond to the questions on children ever born (those of not-stated parity). Their inclusion is based on the assumption that they are childless, an assumption supported by, evidence from a large number of surveys showing that the vast majority of younger women reported as being of not-stated parity are, in fact, childless. q(x) P(2) P(3) (4.4) = k(i)D(i) Step 5. Calculation of the reference dates for q(x), to) As explained earlier, under conditions of steady mortality change over time, a reference time, t(i), can be estimated for each q(x) estimated in step 4. This reference time is expressed in terms of number of years before the surveyor census and is estimated through the use of coefficients applied to parity ratios. As before, the coefficients were estimated by regression analysis of simulated model cases. The estimating equation is t(i) Step 2. Calculation of the proportions dead among children ever born The proportion of children dead is given simply by the ratio of the total number of dead children to the total number of children ever born (including those who have died) for each age group. Thus, CD(i) CEB(i) + c(i) Calculation of the probabilities of dying by age x, q(x) Once D(i) and k(i) have been calculated for each age group i, estimates of q(x) are obtained simply as their product, as already indicated in equation 4.3: where P(i) is the average parity of women of age group = P(l) P(2) Step 4. i, CEB(i) is the total number of children ever borne by D(i) = a(i) + b(i) Thus, the mortality measure q(x), the probability of dying by exact age x, is related to the proportion dead D(i) by a multiplying factor k(i) that is determined by the parity ratios P(l)IP(2) and P(2)IP(3) and three coefficients a(i), b(i) and c(i). These coefficients were estimated by regression analysis of simulated model cases. Table 4 shows the coefficients for the seven age groups of women, from ages 15-19 through ages 45-49 (i = 1, . . . ,7), and for the four regional families of the Coale-Demeny model life tables. COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURE = (4.3) where Step 1. Calculation of average parity per woman Average parity is the average number of children ever borne by women in a given five-year age group. It is calculated as P(i) = k(i) D(i) = e(i) + f(i) ~g~ + g(i) ~i~~ (4.5) Table 5 shows the coefficients e(i), f(i) and g(i) for use in equation 4.5 for each age group of women and for each of the four Coale-Demeny model-life-table families. Once values of t(i) are obtained, they can be converted into actual dates by subtracting them from the reference date of the surveyor census expressed in decimal terms, as illustrated in the detailed example below. (4.2) where D(i) is the proportion of children dead for women of age group i, CD(i) is the number of children dead reported by those women, and CEB(i) is the total number of children ever borne by those women. Step 6. Conversion to a common index Steps 4 and 5 provide estimates of q(x) for ages x of 1,2,3,5, 10, 15 and 20 and of t(i), the number of years 25 TABLE 4. COEFFICIENTS FOR THE ESTIMATION OF CHILD-MORTALITY MULTIPLIERS, k(i), TRUSSELL VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD, USING THE COALE-DEMENY MORTALITY MODELS Age group a/mother Age group Index Coefficients Age x of children a (i) (/) (2) (3) (4) b(i) (5) e(i) Model North ...................... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 1.1119 1.2390 1.1884 1.2046 1.2586 1.2240 1.1772 -2.9287 -0.6865 0.0421 0.3037 0.4236 0.4222 0.3486 0.8507 -0.2745 -0.5156 -0.5656 -0.5898 -0.5456 -0.4624 South ...................... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 1.0819 1.2846 1.2223 1.1905 1.1911 1.1564 1.1307 -3.0005 -0.6181 0.0851 0.2631 0.3152 0.3017 0.2596 0.8689 -0.3024 -0.4704 -0.4487 -0.4291 -0.3958 -0.3538 East ........................ 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 1.1461 1.2231 1.1593 1.1404 1.1540 1.1336 1.1201 -2.2536 -0.4301 0.0581 0.1991 0.2511 0.2556 0.2362 0.6259 -0.2245 -0.3479 -0.3487 -0.3506 -0.3428 -0.3268 West ....................... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 1.1415 1.2563 1.1851 1.1720 1.1865 1.1746 1.1639 -2.7070 -0.5381 0.0633 0.2341 0.3080 0.3314 0.3190 0.7663 -0.2637 -0.4177 -0.4272 -0.4452 -0.4537 -0.4435 (6) Estimation equations: = aU) + b(i) P(1) + c(il P(2) P(2) P(3) q(x) = k(i) D(i) k(i) Source: Manual X: Indirect Techniques for Demographic Estimation, Population Studies, No. 81 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.83'xm.2), p. 77. ried out by linear interpolation between tabulated values, as explained below, Suppose that an estimated value of q(x), denoted by qe(x), is to be converted to the corresponding qC(5) where, of course, x =1= 5. For a given model-life-table family and sex, it is first necessary to identify the mortality levels with q(x) values that enclose the estimated value, qe(x). Thus, the task is to identify in the appropriate table of annex I levels j and j + 1 such that before the survey to which each estimate applies. In order to analyse trends and facilitate comparison both within and between data sets, each estimated q(x) is converted to a single measure. Although any index from the model-life-table family can be used for that purpose, it is suggested that a measure of mortality in childhood that is not particularly sensitive to the pattern of mortality be selected. The common index recommended is the probability of dying by age 5, q( 5), also called under-five mortality. The use of infant mortality as the common index is not recommended because, as will be seen, the estimates of q( 1) obtained from the conversion are very sensitive to the mortality pattern underlying the different models. The q(x) values corresponding to the mode1-life-tab1e family being considered can be used to carry out the required conversions. The tables in annex I contain the necessary values of q(x) ordered by mortality level and expectation of life for each of the Coale-Demeny families of model life tables (see chap, I) and for males, females and both sexes separately. The actual conversion is car- (4,6) where qj(x) and qj + 1(x) are the model values of q(x) for levels j and j + 1, respectively, and qe(x) is the estimated value. Then, the desired common index qC(5) is given by where h is the interpolation factor calculated in the following way: 26 TABLE 5. COEFFICIENTS FORTHE ESTIMATION OF THE TIME REFERENCE, t(i)a, FORVALUES OF q(X), TRUSSELL VERSION OF THE BRASSMETHOD, USING THE COALE·DEMENY MORTALITY MODELS Age Age group of mother group Index Coefficients Estimated f(;) (5) g(i) (6) Model (I) (2) (3) e(i) (4) North ... ,.. ,... ,.. " .. " .. , 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(l5) q(20) 1.0921 1.3207 1.5996 2.0779 2.7705 4,1520 6,9650 5.4732 5.3751 2,6268 -1.7908 -7.3403 -12.2448 -13.9160 -1.9672 0.2133 4.3701 9.4126 14,9352 19,2349 19.9542 South.. ... ,.. ,... ,.. ,.. ,... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(l5) q(20) 1.0900 1.3079 1.5173 1.9399 2.6157 4.0794 7,1796 5.4443 5.5568 2.6755 -2.2739 - 8.4819 -13.8308 -15.3880 -1.9721 0.2021 4.7471 10.3876 16,5153 21.1866 21.7892 East, .. "." .. ,... ,.. ,.. ,... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(l5) q(20) 1.0959 1.2921 1.5021 1.9347 2.6197 4,1317 7.3657 5.5864 5,5897 2.4692 -2.6419 - 8.9693 -14.3550 -15.8083 -1.9949 0.3631 5.0927 10,8533 17,0981 21.8247 22.3005 West." .. ,.. " .. ,... ,..... , 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(l5) q(20) 1,0970 1.3062 1.5305 1.9991 2.7632 4.3468 7,5242 5,5628 5,5677 2.5528 -2.4261 - 8.4065 -13.2436 -14.2013 -1.9956 0.2962 4.8962 10.4282 16,1787 20,1990' 20.0162 q(x) Estimation equation: (')+f(,)P(l) (,)P(2) tt( t' ) =el l--+g l-P(2) P(3) Source: Manual X: Indirect Techniques for Demographic Estimation, Population Studies, No, 81 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.83.XIII.2), p. 78. a Number of years prior to the survey. h = qe(x) - qj(x) qj+I(X) - qj(x) assess the consistency and general trend of the estimates, as the example below illustrates. (4.8) A If the data on children ever born and children dead are for both sexes combined, the model qj(x) values should be taken from the tables for both sexes combined in annex I. If, however, the data are for male and female children separately, the estimated values of q(x) will be sex-specific, and the conversion to a common index should use the model qj(x) values from the tables for the relevant sex, also presented in annex I. Step 7. Interpretation and analysis of results Once seven estimates (one for each age group i of women) of the selected common index-q C( 5 ) as suggested above-have been obtained, it is recommended that they be plotted against time. As noted in step 5, the t( i) values can be converted into reference dates by subtracting them from the surveyor census reference date (or the approximate midpoint of the field-work), and the qC(5) estimates can then be plotted against the resulting dates. Graphical presentation of the results is essential to DETAILED EXAMPLE Compilation of the data required The data gathered by the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality will be used to illustrate the application of the Trussell version of the Brass method. In chapter II, the data necessary to apply the method were compiled in displays 6 and 7 (they are shown here again for convenience). Since the basic data are available by sex, they will be used to check the internal consistency of the information on children ever born. Table 6 illustrates how the sex ratio at birth is calculated from the data on children ever born for different age groups of mother by dividing the number of male children by the number of female children ever born. The sex ratio at birth is biologically determined and varies relatively little, ranging usually between 1.03 and 1.08 male births per female birth. Table 6 shows that up 27 Display 6. Second step in the compilation of data on children ever born and children dead for Bangladesh Children ever born (/) = (2)+(3) Agegroup of mother ~ -s = (2) + (4)+ (5) Children dead Children surviving Children living at home Children living elsewhere (2) (3) (4) (5) = = (/)-(3) = (1)-(4)-(5) (4)+(5) 15-19 I 160919 215 365 921 227 24327 20-24 4901 382 997384 3 820649 83349 25-29 9085 852 I 937955 6927908 219989 30-34 9910256 2 261 196 7 126473 522587 35-39 10384001 2 490 168 6974267 919566 40-44 9 164 329 2415023 5472 460 I 276 846 45-49 6905673 I 959544 3664 328 I 281 801 15-19 597 248 117 165 469036 11 047 20-24 2 507 018 529877 I 938220 38921 25-29 4675978 1047294 3 545904 82 780 30-34 5 109487 I 204 582 3 780 859 124046 35-39 5435726 I 333 957 3925071 176 698 40-44 4 883 599 I 291 745 3 323 724 268 130 45-49 3714957 I 030737 2393 149 291 071 15-19 563 671 98200 452 191 13 280 20-24 2394364 467507 I 882429 44428 25-29 4409874 890661 3 382004 137 209 30-34 4800769 1056614 3 345 614 398 541 35-39 4948275 I 156 211 3049 196 742868 40-44 4280730 I 123278 2 148 736 I 008 716 45-49 3 190 716 928807 I 271 179 990730 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Source: Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Iertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), table 8, p. 37 (reproduced in display 3 above). 28 Display 7. Compilation of data on the total number of women by age group for Bangladesh lOral number of women Ever-married women Single IWmen flbmen of stated parity (I) (2) (3) (4) flbmen of not-stated parity (5) = (2)+(3) Age group = of women (4)+(5) 15-19 3014706 20-24 2 653 155 25-29 2607009 30-34 2 015 663 35-39 1771680 40-44 1 479575 45-49 1 135 129 Source: Bangladesh. Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Iertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), table 3, p. 28 (reproduced in display 4 above). In this example mortality will be estimated for both sexes combined, so parities should be calculated using the data on children ever born of both sexes appearing in the top panel of display 6. Each parity P(i) will therefore be obtained by dividing those numbers by the total number of women shown in display 7, age group by age group. Thus, for women aged 25-29 (i=3), to age group 30-34 the reported numbers of male and female children ever born yield sex ratios at birth within the expected range. Over age 35, however, the sex ratios at birth are too high, implying that too many males were reported relative to females. Such a pattern suggests that the data on children ever born corresponding to older women (aged 35 and over) are probably affected by the omission of female children, though misreporting of the children's sex also could give rise to the same pattern. P(3) = 9,085,852 = 3.4852 2,607,009 TABLE 6. CALCULATION OF THE SEX RATIO AT BIRTH FROM DATA ON CHIL- DREN EVER BORN. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FROM THE 1974 BANGLADESH Column 3 of table 7 shows the complete set of average parities by age group. Notice that they do not increase steadily with age. In particular, the average parity for women aged 45-49 is lower than that for women aged 40-44, which is not consistent with the existence of constant fertility in the past. The increase in the average parity from age group 35-39 to age group 40-44 also seems too small. Such a pattern of change with age in the average parities, coupled with the high sex ratios at birth noticed among the children of older women, strongly suggests that there are omission errors in their reports of lifetime fertility. Because dead children are more likely to be omitted than live ones, evidence of omission requires that the resulting mortality estimates be interpreted with caution. RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY Age group of mother MaLe children FemaLe children ever born ever born Sex ratio at birth (1) (2) (3) (4) = (2)/(3) 15-19...................... 20-24 ...................... 25-29 ...................... 30-34 ...................... 35-39 ...................... 40-44 ...................... 45-49 ...................... 597248 2 507 018 4675978 5 109 487 5435726 4883599 3714957 563 671 2394364 4409 874 4800 769 4948275 4280730 3 190716 1.060 1.047 1.060 1.064 1.099 1.141 1.164 Computational procedure Step 1. Calculation of average parity per woman To apply the method, average parities are used to calculate the parity ratios P(I)/P(2) and P(2)/P(3). Thus, parities need to be calculated only for women aged 1519, 20-24 and 25-29. However, it is good practice to calculate parities for all seven age groups of women, because they can reveal problems with the basic data. Calculation of the proportions dead among children ever born The proportions dead, denoted by D(i), are calculated as the ratios of the number of children dead to the number of children ever borne by women of each age group i. Such ratios are obtained in this case by dividing the entries in column 2 of display 6 by those of column 1 Step 2. 29 TABLE 7. ApPLICATION OF THE TRUSSELL VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD TO DATA ON BOTH SEXES FROM THE 1974 BANGLADESH RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY Age group of mother Age group index (i) Average parity P(i) Proportion dead D(i) Multiplier k(i) Age x Probability ofdying by age x, q(x) reference t(i) Reference date (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (/0) 15-19...................... 20-24...................... 25-29...................... 30-34...................... 35-39...................... 40-44...................... 45-49...................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.3851 1.8474 3.4852 4.9166 5.8611 6.1940 6.0836 .1855 .2035 .2133 .2282 .2398 .2635 .2838 0.9169 0.9954 0.9907 1.0075 1.0294 1,0095 0.9973 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 .170 .203 .211 .230 .247 .266 .283 1.2 2.6 4.6 7.0 9.6 12.4 15.5 1973.1 1971.7 1969.7 1967.3 1964.7 1961.9 1958.8 .294 .248 .230 .230 .229 .237 .239 <t(5) Step 5. Calculation of the reference dates for q(x), t(i) The time reference t(i) for each estimated q(x) in number of years before the survey is calculated according to equation 4.5 from the two parity ratios P(1)/P(2) and P(2)/P(3) and the three coefficients e(i), g(i) and h(i) that correspond to the model-life-table pattern selected. In the case of Bangladesh, the coefficients shown in the second panel of table 5, corresponding to the South model, will be used. Considering once more age group 3 (women aged 25-29), one gets for both sexes combined. Thus, for women aged 25-29 and i = 3, D(3) = 1,937,955 = .2133 9,085,852 Results for all age groups, i = 1, ... ,7, are shown in column 4 of table 7. Step 3. Calculation of the multipliers, k(i) The multipliers k(i) are calculated for each age group i using a set of coefficients from table 4 and the ratios of average parities P(l)/P(2) and P(2)/P(3). Those ratios can be computed from column 3 of table 7: P(l) P(2) = .3851 1.8474 = .2085 P(2) P(3) = 1.8474 3.4852 = .5301 t(3) = 1.5173 + (2.6755)(.2085) + (4.7471)(.5301) = 4.59 That is, under conditions of steady mortality decline, the estimate of q( 3) obtained from the proportion of children dead among those ever borne by women aged 25-29 would refer to a period nearly four and a half years before the survey. Since, in this particular case, the survey's field-work was carried out mostly during April 1974, the survey's reference date can be taken to be 1974.3-15 April corresponds to day number 105 in the year, which, divided by the total number of days in a year, is 105/365 = 0.29, a figure that is rounded to 0.3 in decimal terms. Hence, the reference date for the estimated q( 3) is The regression coefficients a(i), b(i) and c(i) in table 4 are specified for each family of the Coale-Demeny model life tables. The South family has been selected for use in this example, so that the coefficients in the second panel of table 4 will be used. For each age group i, k(i) is computed using equation 4.4. Thus, for age group 3, in which women are aged 25-29, = 1.2223 + (.0851)(.2085) + (-.4704)(.5301) = .9907 1974.3 - 4.6 = 1969.7 or towards the end of the calendar year 1969. The other values of t(i) and the reference dates calculated from them are shown in columns 8 and 9 of table 7. Step 6. Conversion to a common index In order to study trends in child mortality, the q(x) values obtained in step 4 need to be converted to a common index. Under-five mortality, q(5), will be used here as the common index. The conversion is carried out by interpolating between the q(x) values of the model life tables presented in annex I. The table used for interpolation-table A.I.lO-is that for model South and both sexes combined (the values it displays were derived assuming a sex ratio at birth of 1.05 male births per female birth). As an example, consider the conversion of the estimated qe(3) to a qC(5) according to model South. The complete set of k(i) values is shown in column 5 of table 7. Step 4. Calculation of the probabilities of dying by age x, q(x) The q(x) is computed for each age group i by multiplying the proportion of children dead, D(i), by the multiplier k(i). The correspondence between x values and i values is shown in table 3. Hence, for age group 3, in which women are aged 25-29, x is equal to 3, and q(3) is given as q(3) Common index Multipliers based on South model. Sex ratio at birth = 1.05 P(l)/P(2) = .2085 P(2)/P(3) = .5301 k(3) Time = k(3) D(3) = (.9907)( .2133) = .2110 indicating a probability of dying by age 3 of 21.1 per cent. The probabilities of dying, q(x), for all seven age groups of mother are shown in column 7 of table 7. 30 qC( 5) values are fairly similar for most of the period The estimated value of qe(3) is .211. According' to table A.I.lO, this value falls between the q(3) of level 12, q12(3) = .22564, whose qI2(5) equivalent is .24592, and that of level 13, ql\3) = .20640, whose q13(5) equivalent is .22430. Substituting the qj(3) and qe(3) values in equation 4.8 to find h, the interpolation factor, one obtains h = .21100 - .22564 .20604 - .22564 = .7469 The qC(5) equivalent for the estimated qe(3) then derived using equation 4.7 as follows: qC(5) = (1.0 - .7469)(.24592) 1959-1970 and that they increase markedly after 1970. Therefore, taken at face value, those estimates imply that in Bangladesh mortality in childhood increased during the early 1970s after varying within a narrow range during the preceding decade. Such an interpretation is not correct. As figure 7 indicates, the estimates referring to recent periods (1972 onwards) are those derived from the reports of younger women (age groups 20-24 and 15-19) and hence reflect the higher than average risks of dying to which the children of those women are subject. Furthermore, given the evidence available on the existence of omissions of children ever born in the reports of older women (aged 35 and over), it is likely that the estimates referring to periods furthest in the past (1959-1965 or thereabouts) may be biased downward. As a result of both biases, the curve displayed in figure 7 probably fails to reflect the actual trend of under-five mortality, q( 5), in Bangladesh. Unfortunately, the true trend cannot be derived with certainty from the data available. However, it can be established with a high degree of confidence that during the 1965-1970 period under-five mortality in Bangladesh was approximately .230, that is, during the late 1960s slightly more than one out of every five children born would die before reaching the fifth birthday. = .211 is + (.7469)(.22430) = .230 That is, in the South model life tables, the qC(5) corresponding to a qe(3) of .211 is .230. The complete set of qC(5) values equivalent to the estimated q(x) values is shown in column 10 of table 7. Step 7. Interpretation and analysis of results Once the values of the common index qC(5) have been derived for all age groups of women, they can be plotted against the reference date for each estimate, as shown in figure 7. That figure shows clearly that the estimated Figure 7. Under-live mortality, q(5), for both sexes in Bangladesh, estimated using model South and the Trussell version of the Brass method • • 1964 1966 Reference date Source: Table 7. 31 1968 1970 1972 1974 Another conclusion that can be drawn from the estimates available so far is that mortality in childhood in Bangladesh probably did not change much during the 1960s. Of course, given the downward bias that probably affects earlier estimates, such an assertion cannot be made with absolute certainty. As the next section will show, the availability of further evidence may modify this preliminary conclusion. That is, the average parities are calculated by dividing the number of male children ever born by the total female population, as in equation 4.9, and the proportion of male children dead, Dm(i), for each age group is calculated by dividing the number of male children dead by the number of male children ever born. Steps 3 to 7 are then carried out as indicated in the computational procedure. Female mortality in childhood is estimated in the same way, substituting female children ever born and dead instead of the corresponding male children. Tables 8 and 9 show the results of applying the Trussell version of the Brass method to the Bangladesh data classified by sex. Figure 8 plots the estimated under-five mortality, q(5), for males and females. Note that for most age groups of mother the male estimates of q(5) are higher than those for females. Since higher male than female mortality is the rule in most countries, the 1961-1974 estimates for Bangladesh seem acceptable. However, the reversal of the relationship between male and female mortality for the estimates derived from age group 45-49 is suspect, being in all probability caused by errors in the basic data rather than by the actual reversal of mortality differentials by sex. For that reason, the estimates derived from the reports of women aged 45-49 should be disregarded, even when they refer to both sexes combined. Estimates of mortality in childhood by sex As shown in display 6, the data on children ever born and surviving for Bangladesh are available by sex of child. It is therefore possible to estimate mortality by sex. To estimate male mortality, for instance, the procedure to be followed is essentially the same as that described above, except that parities and the proportions dead are calculated only on the basis of male children. In algebraic terms, letting the subindex m denote male, in step 1 equation 4.1 becomes CEBm(i) J>m(i) == (4.9) l'J>(i) and in step 2 equation 4.2 becomes co.u, D (i) - - - m - CEBm(i) TABLE 8. (4.10) ApPLICATION OF THE TRUSSELL VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD TO DATA ON MALES FROM THE 1974 BANGLADESH RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY Age group Average Proportion Age group 0/ mother index (i) parity Pm(i) dead Dm(i) Multiplier k(i) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) 15-19...................... 20-24...................... 25-29................ 30-34...................... 35-39...................... 40-44...................... 45-49...................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.1981 0.9449 1.7936 2.5349 3.0681 3.3007 3.2727 .1962 .2114 .2240 .2358 .2454 .2645 .2775 0.9104 0.9957 0.9923 1.0093 1.0312 1.0112 0.9988 Age x (6) 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 Probability of dying by Time reference Reference index age x, qm(x) (7) t(i) date (8) (9) q~(5) (10) 1973.1 1971.7 1969.7 1967.4 1964.8 1962.0 1958.9 .301 .256 .241 .238 .236 .240 .236 .179 .210 .222 .238 .253 .268 .277 1.2 2.6 4.6 6.9 9.5 12.3 15.4 Common Pm(l)/Pm(2) = .2097 P m(2)/Pm(3) = .5268 Multipliers based on South model. TABLE 9. ApPLICATION OF THE TRUSSELL VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD TO DATA ON FEMALES FROM THE 1974 BANGLADESH RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY Age group Average Proportion index parity dead P/i) (1) (i) (2) (3) Dt) 4) 15-19...................... 20-24 ...................... 25-29 ...................... 30-34...................... 35-39...................... 40-44 ...................... 45-49 ...................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.1897 0.9025 1.6916 2.3817 2.7930 2.8932 2.8109 .1742 .1953 .2020 .2201 .2337 .2624 .2911 Age group of mother ~(l)/P/(2) Age x Probability of dying by age .r, q/x) Time reference Reference Common index k(i) t(i) date q/(5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.9238 0.9952 0.9890 1.0056 1.0275 1.0078 0.9957 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 .161 .194 .200 .221 .240 .264 .290 1.2 2.6 4.6 7.0 9.7 12.5 15.6 1973.1 1971.7 1969.7 1967.3 1964.6 1961.8 1958.7 .286 .240 .218 .221 .222 .234 .243 Multiplier = .2072 t (3) = .5335 Uultiphers based on South model. (2)/P 32 Figure 8. Under-five mortality, q(5), for males and females in Bangladesh, estimated using model South and the Trussell version of the Brassmethod q(5) .35 ~------------------------------- .30 e. .... .25 • .20 .15 -Males ••••• Females .10 .05 OL....._.L-_.L-_.L-_.L-_....L..._........_ 1958 1960 1962 1964 ........._ ........._ ........_ --"-_--'"_---I._................_ L . . . - _ L . . . - - - I 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 Reference date Sources: Tables 8 and 9. underestimate mortality and hide or minimize the decline that has taken place. It is likely that the same biases may be operating on the estimates for males, especially if one accepts as improbable the reversal of the sex differential implied by the estimates derived from the reports of women aged 45-49. If the conclusion that female mortality declined is accepted on the basis of the arguments presented above, the earlier conclusions regarding mortality levels for both sexes combined must be revised to reflect a decline in those levels, albeit slight, between the early and the late 1960s. This example demonstrates the importance of analysing all available evidence before reaching definitive conclusions about the reliability of the different estimates yielded by the Brass method. As in the case of the data referring to both sexes, the estimates derived from information provided by younger women (age groups 15-19 and 20-24) seem to be biased upward and must be rejected. From the remaining estimates, it can be concluded that during the 1962-1970 period under-five mortality among males in Bangladesh remained mostly constant at a level of 238 or 239 deaths per 1,000 births, while that among females might have decreased slightly, from about 234 deaths per 1,000 births around 1962 to about 220 towards the end of the decade. The existence of such a decline may be further supported by the fact that our earlier analysis of sex ratios at birth showed that female children were underreported among older women. If, as is likely, the omitted female children were dead children, the estimates for females derived from women aged 40-44 or 45-49 would 33 Chapter V PALLONI-HELIGMAN VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD Another version of the Brass method was developed in the early 1980s by A. Palloni and L. Heligman (1986). It is based on the United Nations model life tables for developing countries and, like the Trussell version, produces estimates of the probabilities of dying from birth and of the time to which those probabilities refer. It differs from the Trussell version in that it uses information on births in a year in addition to the data required by the Brass method. The additional data are used to compute the mean age at maternity, an indicator of the average age difference between mothers and their children. This chapter starts by describing the additional data requirements of the Palloni-Heligman version. It then describes the steps of the computational procedure to be followed in applying it and ends by providing a detailed example of its application to the case of Bangladesh. DATA REQUIRED The data required to apply the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method are essentially the same as those needed for the application of the Trussell version, namely: 1. Number of children ever born classified by age group of mother; 2. Number of children dead classified by age group of mother; 3. Total number of women (irrespective of marital or reporting status) classified by age. However, the Palloni-Heligman version requires an additional set of information: 4. Number of births occurring in a given year classified by age group of mother Information on births in a year is used to estimate an indicator of the timing of child-bearing, namely, the mean age at maternity (that is, the mean age of the mothers of the children born in a particular period), denoted by M. When information on births is not available, a rough estimate of M may be used in applying the Palloni-Heligman version (a convenient estimate is M = 27). The first three items of data listed above can be compiled using the worksheets presented in displays 6 and 7 of chapter II. To compile the data on births in a given year, display 9 has been prepared. Note that the information on births need not be available by sex of child and that it is important to establish whether the information was derived from a registration system or from a survey or census. Generally, it is assumed that a registration system records births as they occur and consequently that the age of mother recorded by the registration system is her age at the time of the birth. Surveys, on the other hand, usually obtain the necessary information on births by asking whether or not a woman gave birth during the year preceding interview. When such data are later tabulated by a woman's age at the time of interview, a systematic bias is introduced in the timing of births. To correct that bias, it is assumed that births occur uniformly throughout the year. Hence, on average, women aged 17, say, at the time of interview would have been aged 16.5 at the time they gave birth. For that reason the exact-age groups listed in the lower panel of display 9 referring to census or survey data have been shifted back half a year. COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURE The application of the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method is very similar to that of the Trussell version. To maintain comparability with the latter in the numbering of steps, step 3 is divided here into two parts: 3 (a) and 3 (b). Step 1. Calculation of average parity per woman Average parity is the average number of children ever borne by women in a given five-year age group. It is calculated as PC) I = CEB(i) FP(i) (5.l) where P(i) is the average parity of women of age group i, CEB(i) is the total number of children ever borne by these women, and FP(i) is the total number of women in the age group irrespective of their marital or reporting status. Although parity values are needed only for age groups 15-19, 20-24 and 25-29-P(1), P(2) and P(3), respectively-it is worth calculating the whole set up to age group 45-49 in order to check the quality of the basic data. Note that the denominator, FP(i), should include even those women who did not respond to the questions on children ever born (those of not-stated parity). Their inclusion is justified on the assumption that they are childless. Step 2. Calculation of the proportions dead among children ever born The proportion of children dead is given simply by the ratio of the total number of dead children to the total number of children ever born (including those who have died) for each age group of women. Thus, . CD(i) (5.2) D(I) = CEB(i) 34 Display 9. Worksheet for the compilation of data on births in a year by age group of mother for the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method Source aOO " .s g .~ ~ - reponed Exact-age group Midpoin: of age group of nwther of mother at birth of child a exact-age Births in a year group 15-19 [15,20) 17.5 20-24 [20,25) 22.5 25-29 [25,30) 27.5 30-34 [30,35) 32.5 35-39 [35,40) 37.5 40-44 [40,45) 42.5 45-49 [45,50) 47.5 15-19 [14.5,19.5) 17 20-24 [19.5,24.5) 22 25-29 [24.5,29.5) 27 30-34 [29.5,34.5) 32 35-39 [34.5,39.5) 37 40-44 [39.5,44.5) 42 45-49 [44.5,49.5) 47 S! ~ f::: '"es ~ a «The notation [x,y) indicates that exact ages at the time women gave birth range from x to y, exclusive of the latter, that is, age y is not quite reached. where D(i) is the proportion of children dead for women of the age group i, CD(i) is the number of dead children reported by those women and CEB(i) is the number of children ever borne by those women. the sum by the total number of births (excluding those to women of not-stated age). Thus, 7 E (B(i) M Calculation of the mean .age at maternity, M (Palloni-Heligman version only) The value of the mean age at maternity, M, is estimated from the number of births occurring in a given year classified by age group of mother. As indicated earlier, when those data are compiled for use in the estimation procedure, it is important to establish whether they were obtained from vital registration (a registration system) or from a census or survey. M is calculated by multiplying the midpoint of each age group by the number of births to women in that age group, summing the resulting products, and then dividing Step 3. mpti ; = _i=_1---::;-7 E B(i) _ i=1 where the symbol E denotes sum, B(i) denotes the number of births to women in age group i and mp(i) is the midpoint in years of age group i. The values of mp(i) are shown in display 9 and clearly depend on the type of exact-age group being dealt with. The term "exact-age group" is used here to denote the true range of variation of the ages of mother in each reported age group. Generally, women belonging to a given age group, say 20-24, are all those whose age at 35 last birthday was 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24, that is, women whose exact ages may vary anywhere from 20.0 to 24.99 . " without quite reaching 25. The notation [20,25) is used to denote that range of exact ages. The midpoint of that range is 22.5 years. [20,25). As indicated in that display, the midpoints of those intervals are also moved back by half a year. Step 3 (b). Calculation of the multipliers, k(J) The basic estimation equation for the Palloni-Heligman version is the same as for the Trussell version shown in equation 4.3: As noted above, when the data on births in a year are obtained from a vital registration system, it can be assumed that the reported age of mother is her age at the time she gave birth. In contrast, in surveys or censuses gathering information on the births occurring during the year immediately preceding interview, mothers were on average half a year younger at the birth of their reported children than at the time of interview. Hence, as shown in display 9, the exact-age groups of mothers are shifted back by half a year-for example [19.5,24.5) rather than TABLE 10. q(x) = k(i) D(i) (5.4) but the equation to calculate k(i) now includes M as input: k(i) = a(i) + b(i) ~g~ + c(i) ~~~~ + d(i)M (5.5) Table 10 shows the coefficients a(i), b(i), c(i) and d(i) for the seven age groups of women, from ages 15-19 COEFFICIENTS FOR THE ESTIMATION OF CHILD-MORTALITY MULTIPLIERS. k(i),' PALLONI-HELIGMAN VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD, USING THE UNITED NATIONS MORTALITY MODELS Age Coefficients group Age group Index of mother Model Age x of children a (i) h(i) (5) eli) d{i) (6) (7) (I) (2) (3) (4) Latin American .. "" .. "."."" 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 0.6892 1.3625 1.0877 0.7500 0.5605 0.5024 0.5326 -1.6937 -0.3778 0.0197 0.0532 0.0222 0.0028 0.0052 0.6464 -0.2892 -0.2986 -0.1106 0.0170 0.0048 0.0256 0.0106 -0.0041 0.0024 0.0115 0.0171 0.0180 0.0168 Chilean """." .. " ..... "" .. ",,. 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 0.8274 1.3129 1.0632 0.8236 0.6895 0.6098 0.5615 -1.5854 -0.2457 0.0196 0.0293 0.0068 -0.0014 0.0040 0.5949 -0.2329 -0.1996 -0.0684 0.0032 0.0166 0.0073 0.0097 -0.0031 0.0021 0.0081 0.0119 0.0141 0.0159 South Asian .".""" .. "" .. "". 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 0.6749 1.3716 1.0899 0.7694 0.6156 0.6077 0.6952 -1.7580 -0.3652 0.0299 0.0548 0.0231 0.0040 0.0018 0.6805 -0.2966 -0.2887 -0.0934 0.0298 0.0573 0.0306 0.0109 -0.0041 0.0024 0.0108 0.0149 0.0141 0.0109 .,Far Eastern."""."""""""" 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 0.7194 1.2671 1.0668 0.7833 0.5765 0.4115 0.3071 -1.3143 -0.2996 0.0017 0.0307 0.0068 0.0014 0.0111 0.5432 -0.2105 -0.2424 -0.1103 -0.0202 0.0083 0.0129 0.0093 -0.0029 0.0019 0.0098 0.0165 0.0213 0.0251 General ............................. 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 0.7210 1.3115 1.0768 0.7682 0.5769 0.4845 0.4760 -1.4686 -0.3360 0.0109 0.0439 0.0176 0.0034 0.0071 0.5746 -0.2475 -0.2695 -0.1090 0.0038 0.0036 0.0246 0.0095 -0.0034 0.0021 0.0105 0.0165 0.0187 0.0189 Estimation equations: k(i) = a(i) + b(i) ~g~ + c(i) ~g~ + d(i)M q(x) = k(i)D(i) Source: Alberto Palloni and Larry Heligman, "Re-estimation of structural parameters to obtain estimates of mortality in developing countries", Population Bulletin of the United Nations, No. 18 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.85.xm.6), table 2B, p. 17; figures 10 column 4 have been corrected. 36 = through ages 45-49 (i 1, ... ,7), and for the five regional patterns of the United Nations models. However, in the Palloni-Heligman version, the values of e(i), f(i) and g(i) appearing in equation 5.6 are based on the United Nations models (see table 11). Once the t( i) values are calculated, they can be converted into reference dates by subtracting them from the reference date of the census or survey, as illustrated below. Step 4. Calculation of the probabilities of dying by age x, q(x) Once D(i) and k(i) have been calculated for each age group i, estimates of q(x) are obtained simply as their product, as already indicated in equation 5.4: q(x) Step 6. = k(i) D(i) Steps 4 and 5 provide estimates of q(x) for ages x of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 and of t(i), the number of years before the surveyor census to which each estimate applies. In order to analyse trends and facilitate comparison both within and between data sets, each estimated q(x) is converted to a single measure. Although any index from the model-life-table family can be used, it is suggested that a measure of child mortality that is not particularly sensitive to the pattern of mortality be Step 5. Calculation of the reference dates for q(x), t(i) An estimate of the time reference, t(i), of each estimated q(x) value is calculated by applying the coefficients in table 11 to the parity ratios P(l)/P(2) and P(2)/P(3) in the same way as for the Trussell version: t(i) = e(i) + f(i) TABLE 11. P(l) P(2) + g(i) P(2) P(3) Conversion to a common index (5.6) COEFFICIENTS FOR THE ESTIMATION OF THE TIME REFERENCE. t(i): FOR VALUES OF q(x), PALLONI-HELIGMAN VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD, USING THE UNITED NATIONS MORTALITY MODELS Age Coefficients group index Estimated J(') g(i) (2) q(x) (3) e(i! (I) (4) (5) (6) Latin American " ..... "."""" 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(15) q(20) 1.1703 1.6955 1.8296 2.1783 2.8836 4.4580 6.9351 0.5129 4.1320 2.9020 -2.5688 -10.3282 -17.1809 -19.3871 -0.3850 -0.1635 3.4707 9.0883 15.4301 20.4296 23.4007 Chilean ,," .... " .. "" .. " .. ,," ... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(15) q(20) 1.3092 1.6897 1.8368 2.2036 2.9955 4.7734 7.4495 1.9474 4.6176 2.6370 -3.3520 -11.4013 -17.8850 -19.0513 -0.7982 -0.0173 4.0305 9.9233 16.3441 20.8883 23.0529 South Asian ."."." .. " ... """. 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(l5) q(20) 1.1922 1.7173 1.8631 2.1808 2.7654 4.1378 6.4885 0.7940 4.3117 2.8767 -2.7219 -10.8808 -18.6219 -22.2001 -0.5425 -0.1653 3.5848 9.3705 16.2255 22.2390 26.4911 Far Eastern" .. "" .... """" .... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(10) q(l5) q(20) 1.2779 1.7471 1.9107 2.3172 3.2087 5.1141 7.6383 1.5714 4.2638 2.7285 -2.6259 -9.8891 -15.3263 -15.5739 -0.6994 -0.0752 3.5881 9.0238 14.7339 18.2507 19.7669 General .. " .. "" ... " .. "" .. " .... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(15) q(20) 1.2136 1.7025 1.8360 2.1882 2.9682 4.6526 7.1425 0.9740 4.1569 2.8632 -2.6521 -10.3053 -16.6920 -18.3021 -0.5247 -0.1232 3.5220 9.1961 15.3161 19.8534 22.4168 Age group of mother Model 40-4t Source: Alberto Palloni and Larry Heligman, "Re-estimation of structural parameters to obtain estimates of mortality in developing countries", Population Bulletin of the United Nations, No. 18 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.85.XIII.6), table 5A, p. 19. "Number of years prior to the survey. Estimation equation: t(i) = e(i) + f(i) PO) + g(i) P(2) P(2) P(3) 37 compiled in displays 6 and 7 (reproduced again here). In this example, estimates of the risks of dying in childhood will be estimated for male children. Hence, the data of interest are those referring to male children ever born and male children dead in display 6. To apply the Palloni-Heligman version, it is also necessary to compile information on births occurring during a given year. Display 10 shows the published tabulation on that topic. Note that the 1974 Bangladesh survey gathered information on the time of occurrence of the most recent live birth of each ever-married woman and that such information was tabulated by year of occurrence. The analyst is thus apparently faced with a choice of which time period to use. Note that a woman who had a child in April 1972 and another one in March 1974 would report only the latter birth. Consequently the data for the period April 1972 to March 1973 do not cover all the births during that year. It is therefore necessary to use the most recent period-in this case April 1973 to March 1974, the year immediately preceding the survey. Because of the type of information gathered (the date of the most recent birth), only the most recent time period will cover all possible events (births) in a year. The worksheet presented in display 9 may be used to compile the data on births in the year preceding the survey. Display 11 illustrates a completed worksheet. Note that data on births in a year for both sexes combined are adequate for the application of the method even when estimates of mortality by sex are desired. selected. The common index recommended is under-five mortality, q( 5) . The q(x) values corresponding to the model-life-table family being considered can be used to carry out the required conversions. The tables in annex II contain the necessary values of q(x) ordered by mortality level and expectation of life for each of the United Nations models and for males, females and both sexes separately. The actual conversion is carried out by linear interpolation between tabulated values, as explained below. Suppose that an estimated value of q(x), denoted by qe(x), is to be converted to the corresponding qC(5) where x =1= 5. For a given model-life-table family and sex, it is first necessary to identify the mortality levels with q(x) values that enclose the estimated value, qe(x). Thus, the task is to identify in the appropriate table of annex II levels j and j + I such that qj(x) > qe(x) > qj+l(x) (5.7) where qj(x) and qj+l(X) are the model values of q(x) for levels j and j + 1, respectively, and qe(x) is the estimated value. Then, the desired common index qC(5) is given by qC(5) = (1.0 - h) qj(5) + hqj+l(S) (5.8) where h is the interpolation factor calculated in the following way: h = qe(x) - qj(x) qj+l(x) -qj(x) (5.9) Computational procedure If the data on children ever born and children dead are for both sexes combined, the model qj(x) values should be taken from the tables for both sexes combined in annex II. If, however, the data are for male and female children separately, the estimated values of q(x) will be sex-specific, and the conversion to a common index should use the model qj(x) values from the tables for the relevant sex also presented in annex II. Step 1. Calculation of average parity per woman Average parities are computed by dividing the number of children ever born by the total number of women, age group by age group. In this case, only male children ever born will be used, since male mortality is being estimated. As an example, the average parity of women aged 35-39, Pm(5), where the subindex m indicates that only data on male children are used, is calculated below: Step 7. Interpolation and analysis of results Once seven estimates (one for each age group i of women) of the selected common index-qC(5)-have been obtained, it is recommended that they be plotted against time. As noted in step 5, the t(i) values can be converted into reference dates by subtracting them from the surveyor census reference date (or the approximate midpoint of the field-work), and the qC(5) estimates can then be plotted against the resulting dates. Graphical presentation of the results is essential to assess the consistency and general trend of the estimates, as the example below illustrates. A P m(5) = 5,435,726 = 3.0681 1,771,680 The full set of parities in respect of male children is shown in column 3 of table 12. At the foot of the table, the values of the relevant parity ratios, Pm(l)/Pm(2) and Pm(2)/Pm(3) also are displayed. Note that, as in the case of both sexes combined, the average parity decreases from age group 40-44 to age group 45-49, which suggests the existence of omission errors. Step 2. Calculation of the proportions dead among children ever born As in the Trussell version, the proportions of children dead are calculated by dividing the number of children dead by the number of those ever born, for each age group of women. Again in this example, only male children are considered, and hence the subindex m is used. Thus, D m(5), the proportion of male children dead among those ever borne by women aged 35-39 is calculated as follows: DETAILED EXAMPLE Compilation of the data required The 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality will be used once more to provide an example. The data on children ever born and children dead and the total number of women have already been 38 Display 6. Second step in the compilation of data on children ever born and children dead for Bangladesh Children ever born Children dead Children surviving (1) (2) (3) = (2)+(3) Age group cf maher ~ "" '1S = (2)+ (4) + (5) = Children living Children at home elsewhere (5) (4) living = (1)-(3) = (1)-(4)-(5) (4)+(5) 15-19 1 160919 215 365 921 227 24327 20-24 4 901 382 997384 3 820649 83349 25-29 9085852 1 937 955 6927908 219 989 30-34 9 910 256 2 261 196 7 126473 522587 35-39 10 384 001 2490 168 6974267 919566 40-44 9 164 329 2415023 5472 460 1 276846 45-49 6905673 1 959544 3664 328 1 281 801 15-19 597248 117 165 469036 11 047 20-24 2 507 018 529877 1 938 220 38921 25-29 4675978 1 047294 3545904 82780 30-34 5 109487 1 204 582 3 780 859 124046 35-39 5435726 1 333 957 3925071 176 698 40-44 4883599 1 291 745 3 323 724 268 130 45-49 3 714957 1 030737 2393 149 291 071 15-19 563 671 98200 452 191 13 280 20-24 2394364 467507 1 882 429 44428 25-29 4409874 890661 3382004 137 209 30-34 4800 769 1 056 614 3345614 398 541 35-39 4948275 1 156 211 3049 196 742 868 40-44 4280780 1 123 278 2 148 736 1008716 45-49 3 190 716 928807 1 271 179 990730 ~ ~ ~ 1 Source: Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Iertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), table 8, p. 37 (reproduced in display 3 above). 39 Display 7. Compilation of data on the total number of women by age group for Bangladesh Total number of women Ever-married women Single women flbmen of staled parity (1) (2) (3) (4) flbmen of not-stated parity (5) = (2)+(3) = Age group oj women (4)+(5) 15-19 3 014 706 20-24 2 653 155 25-29 2607 009 30-34 2015663 35-39 1 771 680 40-44 I 479575 45-49 1 135 129 Source: Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Iertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), table 3, p. 28 (reproduced in display 4 above). D m(5) Step 3 (b). = 1,333,957 = .2454 5,435,726 Table 10 shows the values of the regression coefficients a(i), b(i), c(i) and d(i) needed to calculate the multipliers k(i) for each regional pattern of the United Nations model life tables. In this example, the South Asian pattern will be used. As equation 5.5 shows, for each age group i, k(i) is computed as the sum of a(i), the product of b(i) and P(1)/P(2), that of c(i) and P(2)/P(3), and that of d(i) and M. Thus, for age group 5, in which women are aged 35-39, The complete set of proportions dead is displayed in column 4 of table 12. Note that, as expected, the proportion dead increases with age of mother. Calculation of the mean age at maternity, M (Palloni-Heligman version only) Step 3 (a). The mean age at maternity is calculated using the data compiled in display 11. As equation 5.3 states, M is the ratio of two quantities: the sum of the products of births times the midpoints of the age groups of mothers, and the sum of births. Both are calculated below: 7 E B(i) mp(i) i=1 = (320,406)(17) k(5) Values of k( i) for all age groups are shown in column 5 of table 12. Note that, as in the Trussell version, all values of k(i) are close to 1.0. + (237,297)(37) + (95,356)(42) + (38,124)(47) =60,358,600 E B(i) i=\ = 320,406 Step 4. Calculation of the probabilities of dying by age x, q(x) The probabilities of dying by exact age x are computed by multiplying the proportions dead D m (i) by the corresponding multipliers k(i). To estimate qm(10), for example, + 609,271 + 561,493 + 367,833 + 237,297 + 95,356 + 38,124 = + (.0231)(.2097) + (.0298)(.5268) + (.0149)(27.07) = .6156 = 1.0395 + (609,271)(22) + (561,493)(27) + (367,833)(32) 7 Calculation of the multipliers, k(i) 2,229,780 qm(10) = (1.0395)(0.2454) = .255 Then The full set of qm(x) estimates is shown in column 7 of table 12. M = 60,358,600 = 27.07 2,229,780 40 Display 10. Tabulation of data on births in a year as appearing in the report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality IlAHGLAllESH CENSUS 191.. RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY Of fERTILITY AIIll ItlRTALITY OE fACTO BANGlADESH TABLE 10. CHILDLESS \OlEH APRIL 13MIlCH , .. APRIL 12MIlCH 13 BEfORE APRIL 12 1973 H.II. 1912 H.II. NOT STATED ..5-'9 50-Sot 55+ H.S. 315 530 2 031 6O.t 2 530 026 2 511 51.. 2 ODS 083 1 161 .t.tO 1 ..,5 299 1 130 992 1 00 611 2 2..9 2M 819 211 22.. 1 166 887 Cl 225 15993.. 19049 51 6..9 ..9513 39 ..53 .to 848 103 126 204 6842 320 .t06 609 211 561 ..93 361 833 231 291 95 356 38 12.. 8 102 6 599 3 896 219 069 ..92 384 503986 326 551 223 ..28 105 316 36184 1.. 115 6 115 16563 261 832 818 863 1 222 501 1 131 139 1 181 018 1 151 209 9.t1 263 891 732 1 845 939 615 G 19 169 33 199 36 961 21 99.. 10852 6681 2910 1 233 1 139 151 166..9 31 22.. .., 792 31 909 18633 11 651 .. 119 .. W 2049 IS 1l.tO 26992 .., 860 .... 895 .to 008 .... 503 "9 ...., 61 219 76 17.. 283 031 TOTAL 11 121 2..2 2 393 112 2 251 923 1 933 02.. 9 5.t2 3.tO 1..1 212 996 689 975 CHILD UNDER 15 15-19 ALIVE 20-2" 25-29 30-3" 35-39 ..5-'9 50-Sot 55+ H.S. 2.. 863 159 221 1 90S 11.. 2 21.. 326 1 , ..5901 1 53.. 253 1 236 6O.t 901 .tiS 801 333 1 528 511 204 5635 280716 552 ..53 513 568 33.. 935 213951 86 .t6.. 33 2..1 1 138 .. 881 3 097 200 ..11 .t6.. 519 ..,3 360 306 ....5 201 ..10 96 C" 32210 13 313 5 219 13 191 236 600 808 529 133 113 036 ..13 015 109 02.. 122 816 039 150 316 ..10 130 204 .t08 11M3 29 221 35018 21 039 10038 6 .t89 2 910 1 233 935 751 15637 35 8.tO .t66OO 30816 18050 10042 3 561 3 9.t3 1 635 1 169 821.. 15 206 12007 10 193 9095 13053 19 .t04 30 610 105 111 TOTAL 1266.. 5..1 2 033 588 1 802 S38 8 305 092 131 000 166 9..1 225 382 UNDER 15 15-19 20-2" 25-29 30-3" 35-39 1 201 39 690 56 818 ..7 925 32898 23 3.t6 8 892 .. 883 96.. 1 712 199 18658 27 865 30 626 20106 16018 8 9.t2 ",51" 1 .t02 1556 3366 2.. 821 7033.. 88 551 95 119 105369 132691 131 848 W 16.. C5 ..22 ..11 2 126 3972 I got9 955 8'" 192 ..5-'9 50-5.. 55+ H.S. 6 588 99 582 188 309 200 113 111 766 119 181 186 209 181 285 192 331 598 805 ..11 204 1 012 1384 1 192 1 033 S83 1 615 618 204 ..1.. 1 216 13 215 21 936 29930 27 655 33 051 33 811 39 ..22 ..2603 159 ..97 TOTAL 2 010 652 218 335 130 .t86 1 235 096 10212 8055 G GROUP TOTAL UIIO£R 15 15-19 20-2" 25-29 30-3" 35-39 ~ .to...... CHILD IlEAO ~ CHILD H.S. UIIO£R 15 IS-19 20-2.. 25-29 30-3.. 3S-39 .to...... ..5-'9 50-Sot 55+ H.S. TOTAL Source: EVER-M/lRIEO lOlEH 8Y fIa GIlOlJ', DATE Of LAST 81RTH NIO SURVIVAL Of CHILD TOTAL lOlEH AGE 1 1 1 1 1 12 855 591.. .. 118 3 1..1 2361 2351 2 913 2 169 3093 18 156 m 396 316 192 381 2 152 56125 ..11 183 201 58217 .t68 12 855 5503 .. 118 2958 2 160 2351 2 511 2 393 2901 11 169 Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), p. 39. TABLE 12. ApPLICATION OF THE PALLONI-HELIGMAN VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD TO DATA ON MALES FROM THE Age group index Age group of mother (1) 15-19...................... 20-24 ...................... 25-29 ...................... 30-34 ...................... 35-39 ...................... 40-44 ...................... 45-49 ...................... Pm(l)/Pm(2) P m(2)/Pm(3 ) Average parity 1974 BANGLADESH RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY Proportion dead (i) (2) Pm(i) (3) Dm(i) (4) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.1981 0.9449 1.7936 2.5349 3.0681 3.3007 3.2727 .1962 .2114 .2240 .2358 .2454 .2645 .2775 Multiplier k(i) Age (5) (6) 0.9598 1.0278 1.0091 1.0240 1.0395 1.0204 1.0069 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 = .2097 = .5268 Probability ofdying by age .r, qm(x) Time Reference index date q~(5) (7) I(i) (8) (9) (/0) .188 .217 .226 .241 .255 .270 .279 l.l 2.5 4.4 6.5 9.0 11.9 15.8 1973.2 1971.8 1969.9 1967.8 1965.3 1962.4 1958.5 .311 .268 .249 .241 .237 .244 .245 M = 27.07 years Multipliers based on South Asian model. 41 Common reference Display 11. Compilation of data on births in a year by age group of mother for Bangladesh Source and reported age group Exact-age group of mother at Midpoint of exact-age of mother birth of childa group 15-19 [15,20) 17.5 20-24 [20,25) 22.5 25-29 [25,30) 27.5 .~ ~ 30-34 [30,35) 32.5 s: 35-39 [35,40) 37.5 40-44 [40,45) 42.5 45-49 [45,50) 47.5 15-19 [14.5,19.5) 17 320406 20-24 [19.5,24.5) 22 609271 25-29 [24.5,29.5) 27 561 493 30-34 [29.5,34.5) 32 367 833 35-39 [34.5,39.5) 37 237297 40-44 [39.5,44.5) 42 95356 45-49 [44.5,49.5) 47 38 124 .g Births in a year l:: " S ~ :; '" .... 0 '" :; ~ Source: Bangladesh, Census Commission, Report on the 1974 Bangladesh Retrospective Survey of Fertility and Mortality (Dacca, 1977), table 10, p. 29 (reproduced in display 10 above). a The notation [x,y) indicates that exact ages at the time women gave birth range from x to y, exclusive of the latter, that is, age y is not quite reached. Step 6. Conversion to a common index The estimates of qm(x) for different values of x are now converted into equivalent estimates of q:;' (5) using the South Asian family of United Nations model life tables for males. Consider, for example, the estimated probability of dying by age 10, q~(lO) = .225. Using table A.II.3, one can identify the two life-table levels having q( 10) values such that: Step 5. Calculation of the reference dates for q(x), t (i) Again using the South Asian model, the coefficients needed for the estimation of t(i) are obtained from the third panel of table 11. Following equation 5.6, t(5) is calculated below: t(5) = 2.7654 + (-10.8808)( .2097) + (16.2255)( .5268) = 9.01 q~(10) That is, the estimated value of qm(10) refers to a period approximately 9 years before the survey. A more illuminating reference date is obtained by subtracting each t(i) value from the survey's reference date expressed in decimal form-1974.3 in this case (see step 5 of the detailed example for the Trussell version). Hence, the reference date for qm( 10) is: 1974.3 - 9.0 > q~(10) > q~+1(10) Those values are q~\ 10), which equals .25794 and whose q~\5) equivalent is .23986, and ~~\1O), which equals .24715 and has a corresponding q~ (5) of .22989. Using equation 5.9, the interpolation factor h is obtained as follows: = 1965.3 h All estimated values of t(i) and the reference dates derived from them are presented, respectively, in columns 8 and 9 of table 12. = .25500 - .25794 .24715 - .25794 = .2725 Then, making use of equation 5.8, the desired qC(5) is calculated in the following way: 42 = (1.0 = .237 q~ (5) The full set of of table 12. (.2725)( .23986) q;;, (5) + On the other hand, estimates for the earliest period may be biased downward, since they are derived from information provided by older women. But the estimates for males considered in isolation do not provide clear evidence of the existence of such biases. If no further information were available, it would be relatively safe to conclude that male mortality changed little during the 1960s and to adopt as a reasonable estimate of its level the mean of the under-five mortality estimates associated with age groups 25-29, 30-34 and even 35-39, namely a qm(5) equal to .242 for the period 1965-1970. It should be noted that such a value is very close to that estimated in chapter IV using the Trussell version-a qm(5) of approximately .238 or .239 (see pp. 32-33). The following section will show that the sex differentials in mortality estimated using the United Nations South Asian model lead to the same conclusions reached when analysing the sex-specific estimates produced by the Coale-Demeny South model. (.2725)( .22989). equivalents is shown in column 10 Step 7. Interpretation and analysis of results The estimated probabilities of surviving by age 5, q~ (5), are plotted against their respective reference dates in figure 9. Note that the general trend of the resulting curve is very similar to that obtained using the Trussell version with model South (see table 8 and figure 8). Once more, under-five mortality, q( 5), varies within a fairly narrow range between 1958 and 1970, only to rise sharply for the most recent period (1970-1973). Again, this apparent increase is probably spurious, since it is likely to be caused by the higher-than-average mortality characterizing the children of younger women. Figure 9. Under-five mortality, q( 5), for males in Bangladesh, estimated using the South Asian model and the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method q(5) .35 .30 1: 5- 49 \ 140~441 .25 .20 .15 .10 .05 0 1960 1970 1965 Reference date Source: Table 12. 43 1975 TABLE \3. ApPLICATION OF THE PALLONI-HELIGMAN VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD TO DATA ON FEMALES FROM THE 1974 BANGLADESH RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY Age group Average Proportion index (i) parity P,li) dead D,1i) Multiplier of mother k(i) Age x (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.\897 0.9025 1.69\6 2.3817 2.7930 2.8932 2.8109 .\742 .\953 .2020 .220\ .2337 .2624 .291\ 0.9688 1.0267 \.0070 1.0233 1.0396 1.0208 1.0070 2 3 5 10 15 20 Age group 15-\9 ...................... 20-24 ...................... 25-29 ...................... 30-34 ...................... 35-39 ...................... 40-44 ...................... 45-49 ...................... Pf(l)/~(2) Pf (2)/ f(3) Probability by age x, q/t) Time reference Reference Common index I (i) date q/(5) (7) (8) (9) (/0) .169 .20\ .203 .225 .243 .268 .293 2.5 4.4 6.6 9.2 12.\ 16.0 \973.2 \971.8 1969.9 1967.7 1965.1 1962.2 1958.3 .296 .253 .226 .225 .225 .240 .25\ of dying \ \.I M = 27.07 years Multipliers based on South Asian model = .2072 = .5335 Figure 10. Under-five mortality, q(5), for males and females in Bangladesh, estimated using the South Asian model and the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method q(5) .35 r-----------------------------115~191 .30h---~ 140;44 . .25 I 35; 39 1 I ••••••• I 30; 34 I ······~ ~ I 25;29 ·.···tt· [ 20-2~ I I ... •11 ..• •• .20 .15 -Males .10 ••••• Females .05 _ O~_"__ 1958 _I___....&...._......._ 1960 1962 ........_ __L._ 1964 ___"'_ ___"'_ _ " '_ _L _ _ L __ 1966 Reference date Sources: Tables \2 and 13. 44 1968 _I___....&...._....&...._ 1970 1972 _ ' _ _..... 1974 caused by errors in the basic data and should be disregarded. In both sets, the estimates for females show a somewhat clearer declining trend during the 1958-1970 period than those for males. According to the Palloni-Heligman estimates, under-five mortality among females may have declined from approximately .240 in 1962 to around .225-.226 in 1970. According to the Trussell version, the decline during the same period would have been from .234 to .218. The magnitude of both declines is nearly the same, though the starting and ending points differ slightly. Such consistency is determined both by the basic data and by the similarity of the South and South Asian patterns used to derive the estimates considered here. In the next chapter, the effects of choosing different mortality models in estimating mortality in childhood will be considered in some detail. Estimates of mortality in childhood by sex Tables 13 and 14 present the estimates of q(5) obtained by applying the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method to the Bangladesh data referring to females and to both sexes combined (using in all cases the South Asian model). In addition, figure 10 presents a graphical comparison of estimated under-five mortality by sex. Figure 10 should be compared with figure 8, which shows the estimates by sex yielded by the Trussell version. Both sets of estimates have the same overall characteristics: with the exception of estimates derived from the reports of women aged 45-49, the estimated under-five mortality of males is, as is generally the case in most countries of the world, higher than that of females. The reversal in the trend observed for age group 45-49 is likely to be TABLE 14. ApPLICATION OF THE PALLONl·HELIGMAN VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD TO DATA ON BOTH SEXES FROM THE 1974 BANGLADESH RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY Age Age group of mother (/) 15-19 ...................... 20-24 ...................... 25-29 ...................... 30-34 ...................... 35-39 ...................... 40-44 ...................... 45-49 ...................... P(1)/P(2) P(2)/P(3) M group index Average parity Ii) (2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Proportion Common index Multiplier kli) Age P(i) dead Dli) Probability ofdying by age x, qlx) Time reference Iii) Reference date (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.3851 1.8474 3.4852 4.9166 5.8611 6.1940 6.0836 .1855 .2035 .2133 .2282 .2398 .2635 .2838 0.9642 1.0272 1.0081 1.0273 1.0396 1.0206 1.0069 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 .179 .209 .215 .234 .249 .269 .286 1.1 2.5 4.4 6.6 9.1 12.0 15.9 1973.2 1971.8 1969.9 1967.7 1965.2 1962.3 1958.4 .304 .261 .238 .234 .231 .242 .248 = .2085 = .5301 Multipliers based on South Asian model Sex ratio at birth = 1.05 = 27.07 years 45 q'(5) Chapter VI INTERPRETATION AND USE OF THE ESTIMATES YIELDED BY THE BRASS METHOD Through selected examples, this chapter discusses some of the most common problems encountered in using the estimates yielded by the Brass method and offers guidance regarding possible solutions to them. The reader must be forewarned, however, about the tentative nature of the solutions proposed, since they respond to problems arising from the lack of reliable information on the incidence of mortality over time. In other words, the strategies described attempt to reduce remaining gaps in knowledge but cannot eliminate them altogether. models in estimating mortality in childhood for the same population. Given this state of affairs, it is nevertheless important to provide the reader, first, with tools to test the adequacy of the different models when information on the pattern of mortality in childhood is available and, secondly, with some sense of the magnitude of the errors that may arise if the best model is not used during the estimation process. These points will be considered in the next two sections. WHICH VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD SHOULD ONE USE? Use of information on the pattern of mortality in childhood to test the adequacy of mortality models The reader who has become familiar with the Trussell and the Palloni-Heligman versions of the Brass method presented in chapters IV and V above is probably asking which version to use. To answer that question, it is necessary to determine the best model to use for a given population. Consider again figures 5 and 6 in chapter I. Those figures illustrate how the mortality patterns in childhood of different populations vary and how the patterns of certain populations are close to a given mortality model and not to others. Thus, if one knew, for example, that the mortality pattern in childhood of a given country was close to the Chilean pattern, the answer to the question posed above would be immediate: use the PalloniHeligman version of the estimation method with the Chilean model. Unfortunately, for most populations whose mortality in childhood needs to be estimated indirectly, it is not easy to establish the model that most closely approximates the prevailing pattern. Demographers faced with this quandary have developed certain rationalizations to justify the use of different mortality models and, hence, of different methods. For instance, it has been argued that in populations practising prolonged breast-feeding, mortality in infancy-below age I-is likely to be relatively low with respect to mortality at older childhood ages-from 1 to 5-and, consequently, that it would be appropriate to use model North (that is, the Trussell version). It has also been suggested that, in the absence of reliable information on the pattern of mortality in childhood, the use of "average" models such as West (Trussell version) or the General pattern (Palloni-Heligman version) would be adequate. In practice, determining the best model to use for a given population is still more an art than a science, and it is common to find that different analysts use different Available information on the pattern of mortality in childhood may take different forms, but only two possible variants will be considered here: (1) reasonably reliable estimates of infant and under-five mortality and (2) infant- and child-mortality estimates. First, note that the two combinations mentioned above are equivalent, since under-five mortality, q( 5), may be derived from infant mortality, q( 1), and child mortality, 4ql, as follows: q(5) = q(1) + (1.0 - q(1»4qt (6.1) For example, in the case of Bangladesh, estimates of infant and child mortality may be obtained from the 1975-1976 survey carried out as part of the World Fertility Survey programme. The estimates referring to the 0-9 years preceding the survey and derived from the information gathered in the fertility histories of interviewed women are q(1) = .13275 and 4ql = .09130. Under-five mortality is then obtained as q(5) = .13275 + (1.0 - .13275)(.09130) = .21193 The adequacy of available mortality models for representing mortality in Bangladesh can now be assessed algebraically, as well as graphically (see figures 5 and 6 in chapter I and annexes III and IV). The algebraic approach makes use of the tables in annexes I and II. It consists of using equations 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9 to find the q(5) values associated with the estimated qe(1) = .13275 for each of the mortality models available. For instance, according to model North for both sexes combined (see table A.1.9), the two values of ~(1) surrounding qe( 1) are qll(1) = .14076 and ql (1) = .12744, whose corresponding values of under-five mortality are 46 qll(5) = .23793 and qI2(5) equation 5.9, h = = .21533. .13275 - .14076 .12744 - .14076 TABLE 15. COMPARISON OF ESTIMATEDINFANT AND UNDER-FIVE MORTALITY IN BANGLADESHa WITH THE AVAILABLE MORTALITY MODELS Hence, using = .60135 and, using equation 5.8, qN(5) with q"(I) = ,13275 Ratio of model q(5) to q"(5)b Model q(5) associated Mode/ = (1.0 - .60135)(.23793) + (.60135)(.21533) = .22434 Values of under-five mortality corresponding to the estimated qe( 1) for all the available mortality models are presented in table 15, together with the ratios of those values to the estimated qe(5) = .21193. Those ratios indicate how well the models fit the estimated values. A ratio of 1.0 indicates a perfect fit. In this case, both the South and the South Asian models provide an excellent fit, a conclusion already reached through the graphical comparison presented in chapter I. Figure 11 presents a comparison of the estimates of mortality in childhood obtained in chapters IV and V by Coale-Demeny models North South East. West . . . .. .22434 .21315 .17619 .20009 1.059 1.006 0.831 0.944 United Nations models Latin American Chilean South Asian Far Eastern General . . . .. . .22109 .16863 .21304 .20727 .20922 1.043 0.796 1.005 0.978 0.987 "Estirnates of qe(i) and qe(5) were obtained from the 1975-1976 World Fertility Survey. b A ratio of 1.0 indicates a perfect fit between the country estimates and the mortality model. Figure 11. Comparison of the estimates of under-five mortality in Bangladesh, obtained using models South and South Asian q(5) .35 , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 5 ; 1 9 1 .30 .25 I~5-49 I 140~441 1 130~341 35; 391 e···················~··........... ~ I 25;29 ~........ 120-2~ I ....• 1 ..••.. •• ..... ------ .20 .15 - .10 Coale·Demeny South ••••• United Nations South Asian .05 o L...- ......... 1960 ....a...- ......... 1965 1970 Reference date Sources: Tables 7 and 14. 47 ~ 1975 x 9) estimates of under-five mortality. If data for males, females and both sexes combined are available, the number of estimates of under-five mortality is multiplied by 3, yielding 189 values. If, as in tables 16 and 17, more than one common index is used for exploratory or evaluation purposes, the number of estimates increases again, in this case doubling, to 378. It is useful for the reader to become familiar with the many possible estimates, since, with the widespread use of computers, arrays of the type presented in tables 16 and 17 are common: In fact, in the case at hand, those tables display only a subset of the estimates routinely produced by the QFIVE program. Generally, graphical displays offer the best tool to analyse the various estimates available. Figures 12 and 13 display graphically the sets of estimates for both sexes combined produced by the Trussell and Palloni-Heligman versions, respectively. It is apparent from those figures that the estimates of under-five mortality, q( 5), are generally concentrated within a narrower range than those of infant mortality, q( 1). The possible variability of the different estimates is illustrated in figure 14, in which the highest and lowest estimates associated with each age group of mother are plotted. The grey areas in the display represent, albeit roughly, the range of variation of possible estimates. using models South and South Asian in applying the Brass method. Note that, as expected, the estimates are very similar: they display a similar trend and are usually within 0.01 points of one another. This example shows that, if the appropriate model is used, it makes little difference whether estimates are derived using the Trussell or the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method. What are the consequences of using the "wrong" model? To assess the consequences of using the "wrong" model, let us suppose that the nine mortality models used in this Guide represent all possible mortality patterns in childhood. Although, strictly speaking, that assumption is false, since there are patterns of mortality in childhood that do not fit existing models (see chapter I), it nevertheless allows us to explore the sensitivity of different estimates to the choice of model. To explore the variability of estimates with respect to the use of different models, we consider again the case of Bangladesh. Tables 16 and 17 present the complete set of infant and under-five mortality estimates for that country derived by applying the Trussell and Palloni-Heligman versions of the Brass method to the 1974 data classified by sex. Application of the estimation procedures discussed in this Guide potentially yields a total of 63 (or 7 TABLE 16. ESTIMATES OF INFANT AND UNDER-FIVE MORTALITY IN BANGLADESH. OBTAINED USING THE COALE-DEMENY MORTALITY MODELS Male Both sexes Female Age group Reference of mother Reference date q(5) q(l) date q(5) q(l) Reference date q(5) q(l) North ...................... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1973.1 1971.7 1969.8 1967.6 1965.1 1962.5 1959.7 .297 .254 .228 .221 .214 .218 .215 .177 .151 .135 .131 .127 .129 .127 1973.1 1971.7 1969.8 1967.6 1965.2 1962.6 1959.7 .304 .261 .238 .229 .221 .221 .212 .186 .158 .145 .139 .135 .135 .130 1973.1 1971.8 1969.8 1967.6 1965.1 1962.4 1959.6 .290 .248 .217 .213 .207 .214 .218 .167 .142 .125 .122 .119 .123 .125 South ...................... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1973.1 1971.7 1969.7 1967.3 1964.7 1961.9 1958.8 .294 .248 .230 .230 .229 .237 .239 .170 .149 .141 .141 .140 .144 .145 1973.1 1971.7 1969.7 1967.4 1964.8 1962.0 1958.9 .301 .256 .241 .238 .236 .240 .236 .179 .157 .150 .149 .147 .150 .148 1973.1 1971.7 1969.7 1967.3 1964.6 1961.8 1958.7 .280 .240 .218 .221 .222 .234 .243 .161 .141 .131 .133 .133 .138 .142 East ........................ 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1973.1 1971.6 1969.6 1967.2 1964.5 1961.6 1958.4 .254 .235 .225 .228 .228 .238 .241 .187 .174 .167 .169 .169 .176 .178 1973.1 1971.6 1969.6 1967.2 1964.6 1961.7 1958.5 .261 .242 .235 .235 .235 .241 .238 .197 .183 .178 .179 .178 .183 .180 1973.1 1971.7 1969.6 1967.1 1964.4 1961.5 1958.3 .248 .229 .214 .219 .221 .234 .244 .176 .164 .154 .158 .159 .167 .174 West ...................•... 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1973.1 1971.7 1969.6 1967.3 1964.7 1962.0 1959.1 .273 .244 .228 .227 .224 .230 .229 .182 .163 .152 .152 .150 .154 .153 1973.1 1971.7 1969.7 1967.3 1964.8 1962.1 1959.2 .279 .250 .238 .235 .231 .234 .227 .192 .172 .164 .161 .159 .161 .156 1973.1 1971.7 1969.6 1967.2 1964.6 1961.9 1959.0 .266 .237 .217 .218 .216 .226 .230 .172 .153 .140 .141 .140 .146 .149 Model 48 TABLE 17. ESTIMATES OF INFANT AND UNDER·FlVE MORTALITY IN BANGLADESH. OBTAINED USINGTHE UNITED NATIONS MORTALITY MODELS Both sexes Male Female ARe group '1 Reference Reference date q(5) q(/) Reference dare q(5) q(l) .307 .268 .248 .239 .232 .230 .230 .189 .167 .157 .152 .148 .147 .146 1973.2 1971.8 1970.0 1967.8 1965.3 1962.5 1958.9 .264 .229 .223 .218 .223 .235 .142 .127 .124 .122 .124 .129 Model mother date q(5) q(l) Latin American ........ 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1973.2 1971.8 1970.0 1967.8 1965.4 1962.6 1959.0 .316 .266 .239 .231 .226 .227 .232 .179 .155 .142 .138 .135 .136 .138 1973.2 1971.8 1970.0 1967.9 1965.5 1962.7 1959.1 . 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1973.0 1971.7 1969.8 1967.5 1965.0 1962.2 1958.6 .268 .245 .232 .231 .229 .237 .238 .199 .185 .176 .175 .174 .179 .180 1973.0 1971.7 1969.8 1967.6 1965.1 1962.3 1958.7 .272 .251 .242 .239 .235 .240 .235 .210 .196 .189 .187 .184 .188 .184 1973.0 1971.7 1969.8 1967.5 1964.9 1962.1 1958.5 .262 .239 .220 .223 .223 .235 .241 .188 .174 .162 .164 .164 .171 .175 South Asian .. 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1973.2 1971.8 1969.9 1967.7 1965.2 1962.3 1958.4 .304 .261 .238 .234 .231 .242 .248 .179 .157 .146 .143 .142 .148 .151 1973.2 1971.8 1969.9 1967.8 1965.3 1962.4 1958.5 .311 .268 .249 .241 .237 .244 .245 .188 .166 .155 .151 .149 .153 .153 1973.2 1971.8 1969.9 1967.7 1965.1 1962.2 1958.3 .296 .253 .226 .225 .225 .240 .251 .169 .149 .136 .136 .135 .143 .148 Far Eastern . 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1973.1 1971.7 1969.9 1967.7 1965.3 1962.7 1959.4 .304 .260 .236 .227 .218 .218 .210 .183 .160 .148 .144 .139 .139 .134 1973.1 1971.7 1969.9 1967.8 1965.4 1962.8 1959.5 .325 .271 .247 .235 .223 .219 .209 .193 .166 .160 .153 .146 .144 .138 1973.1 1971.7 1969.9 1967.7 1965.3 1962.6 1959.3 .284 .249 .225 .219 .213 .218 .212 .172 .155 .136 .134 .131 .133 .130 .. 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1973.2 1971.8 1970.0 1967.8 1965.4 1962.6 1959.1 .302 .261 .237 .229 .223 .224 .226 .181 .160 .147 .143 .140 .141 .142 1973.2 1971.8 1970.0 1967.8 1965.4 1962.7 1959.2 .297 .263 .246 .237 .231 .228 .228 .191 .172 .162 .157 .153 .152 .152 1973.2 1971.8 1970.0 1967.8 1965.3 1962.5 1959.0 .286 .259 .227 .221 .216 .220 .227 .171 .147 .132 .130 .127 .129 .132 Chilean General "Not available. These examples demonstrate the relative "robustness" of q( 5) as an indicator of mortality in childhood when it is estimated by the Brass method. An estimate is said to be robust when its value is not severely affected by deviations from the assumptions on which it is based. For the Brass method, q(5) is more robust to the choice of mortality model than q( 1). This observation allows us to provide a partial answer to the question posed at the beginning of this section. The immediate consequence of choosing the wrong model is that the estimates obtained of under-five mortality will be biased. However, so long as only q(5) is used as the common index, the magnitude of those biases is likely to be small, particularly for age groups above 20-24. If a different common index is opted for, robustness may decline. In particular, estimates of infant mortality, a very popular indicator, are especially sensitive to the choice of model and may be severely biased when the model used deviates markedly from the mortality pattern actually prevalent in the population under study. In conclusion, if reliable evidence allowing an educated Figure 14 illustrates an important point: no matter which mortality model is chosen in applying the Brass estimation method, the errors that may affect the resulting estimates of q( 5) are likely to be smaller in both absolute and relative terms than those affecting q( 1). To give an example, suppose that the Chilean model is chosen to estimate mortality in childhood in Bangladesh, instead of the South or South Asian model. Then, considering only the most reliable estimates-those associated with age groups 25-29 to 35-39-one would obtain an estimate of q( 5) for both sexes combined close to .231 and a q( 1) of approximately .175, instead of the .230 and .141 values yielded by model South. If the South estimates are indeed correct, then the Chilean model will still estimate q( 5) fairly accurately but will overestimate q( 1) by some .034 points, or 24 per cent. At the other extreme, if model North were selected, q( 5) would be about .221 and q( 1) about .131, so that although both values would underestimate the South values by some .009 or .010 points, the error in q( 5) would be 4 per cent, as opposed to 7 per cent in q(l). 49 Figure 12. Infant and under-five mortality for both sexes in Bangladesh, estimated using the four Coale-Demeny mortality models q(x) .35 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , ..,.. .30 ,25 ;~ -.:;..,. ......~ _.._...----- .,..;' ..... ~.::....~==:-=--------- .......................................................... " -_.---- .«,~' Iq(1)l .20 ----------.15 ~I ~/ .. ---------------.. . --_--/ , ~;-;, ._-------------------_ ... _-----------------~~~~~ ...................................................................... .10 .,I.';" ........ North ----. South - - - East .05 --West Ol....-_ _.L-_ _....L.. _ _.......L 1958 1960 1962 .L-_ _....L.. _ _.......L_ _- - l l - - - _ - - . . J 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 Reference date Source: Table 16. estimates derived from the reports of older women (aged 45-49) in 1975 (yielding an estimated q(5) of .240 for early 1963) and those obtained from the reports of women aged 25-29 in 1966 (producing a q(5) estimate of .245 for mid-1962). Such consistency is responsible for the relative smoothness of the trend suggested by the two curves in figure 15. Tunisia is thus a fairly exceptional case, in which the high consistency of the estimates derived from independent sources allows the analyst to adopt them at face value as indicators of the evolution of mortality in childhood. That is, disregarding the q(5) estimates associated with younger age groups of women (15-19 and 20-24), it can be concluded that under-five mortality in Tunisia declined from 283 deaths per 1,000 births in late 1951 to 245 deaths per 1,000 births in the early 1960s, reaching a level of about 192 deaths per 1,000 births in early 1972. The second example is provided by the case of Ecuador, where data on children ever born and surviving are available from three sources: the 1974 and 1982 censuses and the 1979 National Fertility Survey carried out as part of the World Fertility Survey programme. Table 19 presents the data available and the estimates they yield choice of mortality model is lacking, errors in the estimates obtained are likely to result. Such errors, however, may be minimized by using q(5) as a common index, as has been suggested in previous chapters of this Guide. ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM SUCCESSIVE CENSUSES OR SURVEYS In this section, the cases of two countries having more than one source of data on children ever born and surviving are discussed, in order to provide the reader with some guidance on how to evaluate and use the estimates obtained. The first example is the case of Tunisia, whose 1966 and 1975 censuses gathered the information necessary to apply the Brass method. Table 18 presents the basic data and the estimates of under-five mortality obtained by using the Trussell version with model West. The estimated q(5) values are plotted in figure 15. The most striking feature of those estimates is the declining trend they display. Since the estimates derived from the reports of younger women (mainly age group 15-19) are clearly biased upward, they should be disregarded. Another noteworthy feature of the estimates for Tunisia is the high degree of consistency noticeable in the 50 Figure 13. Infant and under-five mortality for both sexes in Bangladesh, estimated using the five United Nations mortality models q(x) .35 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , .30 .25 ..__ ........ ._._-----~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------ .20 ~ .15 ......... Latin American .; .10 •••••• South Asian ---- General .05 ------ Far Eastern - - Chilean OL..__ _ 1958 ~ __ 1960 ~ _ ___L 1962 1964 L.._ _ __J . . _ ._ ____L__ _- - ' 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 Reference date Source: Table 17. TABLE 18. ESTIMATION OF UNDER-FIVE MORTALITY IN TUNISIA FROM DATA FROM SUCCESSIVE CENSUSES. USING MODEL WEST AND THE TRUSSELL VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD Age of mother Number of Children Children ever born surviving Reference dale Estimated women 15-19...................... 20-24 ...................... 25-29 ...................... 30-34 ...................... 35-39...................... 40-44 ...................... 45-49 ...................... 188751 151018 154431 147782 130005 99455 83371 24212 165 738 377 961 532099 560830 444 159 357 875 1965.5 1964.3 1962.4 1960.1 1957.5 1954.7 1951.7 .275 .250 .245 .245 .252 .271 .283 15-19...................... 20-24 ...................... 25-29 ...................... 30-34 ...................... 35-39 ...................... 40-44 ...................... 45-49 ...................... 307400 244 010 168 800 136650 151 910 135 830 113 030 9800 145010 355750 471 590 674 140 686760 573820 1974.5 1973.7 1972.3 1970.6 1968.6 1966.2 1963.1 .282 .193 .192 .197 .208 .227 .240 q(5) /966 census 28716 205527 485203 701 786 763285 639682 544345 /975 census 11620 168780 425400 578450 852 160 908660 796250 Note: The census dates were 3 May 1966 and 8 May 1975. Sources: Tunisia, Ministere du plan, Institut national de la statistique, Recensement general de la population et des logements du 3 mai /966, vol. I, tables 17, 27 and 28; unpublished tables from the 8 May 1975 census. 51 Figure 14. Range of variation of the possible estimates of infant and under-five mortality for both sexes in Bangladesh q(x) ,.---------------------...... .30 .25 .20 .15 1958 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 Reference date Source: Tables 16 and 17. directly comparable with those obtained from the reports of older women in 1979 (age groups 40-44 and 45-49). The latter, however, may be biased downward because of the omission of dead children that tends to affect the reports of older women. Therefore, the noticeable difference between the 1974 census estimates obtained from women in age groups 30-34 and 35-39 and those derived from women in age groups 40-44 and 45-49 at the time of the 1979 survey does not invalidate the former. It is noteworthy that in Ecuador the degree of upward bias affecting the estimates derived from the reports of younger women is minor. In fact, for the 1982 census it is hardly noticeable, though this outcome may be the when model West is used. The different sets of estimates are displayed graphically in figure 16. Note that, for Ecuador, the estimates obtained from different sources cover overlapping periods and are therefore more directly comparable with one another. As figure 16 shows, there is relatively good agreement between the estimates derived from the 1979 National Fertility Survey (from women in age groups 25-29 to 35-39) and those obtained from the 1982 census (from women in age groups 30-34 to 40-44). The 1974 census estimates covering the same period are noticeably higher, but some are derived from younger women (age groups 15-19 and 20-24) and may be biased upward. For earlier periods (1965-1968), the 1974 census estimates are 52 Figure 15. Under-five mortality for both sexes in Tunisia, estimated using model West and theTrussell version of the Brass method q(5) .28 r-------------------------------------..., • •• •• •• ••• • •• • •• •• .26 •• •• -----~,--.. 11966 census I •••••• ••••••• .24 •• . •.... " ,...-----...,>, I" 11975 census .22 ' .L.- 1956 --'- ....... 1960 1964 I " " "" .20 .18 ' - - _ - L 1952 ,, ,, ,, ,, , '-- 1968 , I .............-. J' --L- 1972 ---' 1976 Reference date Source: Table 18 result of preliminary adjustments to the data (see table 19). Although the estimates for Ecuador display considerably less consistency than those obtained in the case of Tunisia, it is still possible to infer from them the likely trend that mortality in childhood has followed through time. Estimates that could be used to determine that trend include the 1974 census estimates derived from age groups 30-34 to 40-44, the 1979 National Fertility Survey estimates derived from age groups 25-29 to 35-39 and the 1982 census estimates derived from age groups 25-29 and 30-34. The trend determined by those estimates implies that under-five mortality in Ecuador declined from about 173 deaths per 1,000 births in late 1962 to some 103 deaths per 1,000 births in mid-1978. First, in populations for which reliable information about the prevalent pattern of mortality in childhood is lacking, there is always uncertainty about which mortality model to use in applying the Brass method. Although the use of q(5)-under-five mortality-as a common index reduces possible biases in the estimates obtained, they cannot be guaranteed to be accurate. Second, the availability of a variety of mortality models gives the Brass method flexibility dealing with cases where independent evidence on the mortality pattern of the population involved can be obtained. Third, given the upward biases that usually affect the estimates derived from the reports of younger women, estimates referring to recent periods usually have to be rejected as inaccurate. Thus, the most reliable estimates produced by the Brass method usually refer to a period between three and ten years preceding the time of interview, which limits their usefulness for the timely evaluation of the effects of health or development programmes. Fourth, the power of the Brass method is increased when it can be applied to several data sets referring to the same population. The availability of independent estimates covering overlapping periods allows the analyst to OVERALL OBSERVATIONS ON THE USE OF THE BRASS METHOD To sum up, the five chapters describing the nature of the Brass method, the latest procedures available for its application and the problems faced in making use of those procedures and in using or interpreting the estimates obtained highlight the following features of the methodology as it now exists. 53 TABLE 19. ESTIMATION OF UNDER-FIVE MORTALITY IN ECUADOR FROM DATA FROM SEVERAL SOURCES. USING MODEL WEST AND THE TRUSSELL VERSION OF THE BRASS METHOD Age of mother Number of Children ever born women Children Reference date Estimated surviving 52040 309499 518 758 628909 729996 686 136 547994 1973.5 1972.2 1970.4 1968.1 1965.6 1962.9 1959.9 .177 .160 .157 .160 .165 .173 .176 262 1422 2364 3084 3350 3078 2624 1978.8 1977.5 1975.6 1973.3 1970.8 1968.0 1965.1 .142 .127 .125 .137 .135 .153 .156 82995 412 349 679249 799253 826430 815408 716214 1981.8 1980.5 1978.6 1976.4 1974.0 1971.4 1968.5 .077 .081 .103 .112 .128 .136 .135 q(5) 1974 census 15-19 ...................... 20-24 ...................... 25-29 ...................... 30-34 ...................... 35-39 ...................... 40-44 ...................... 45-49 ...................... 353 781 295702 225738 180190 164 258 139074 109861 15-19 ...................... 20-24 ...................... 25-29 ...................... 30-34 ...................... 35-39 ...................... 40-44 ...................... 45-49 ...................... 1680 1377 1074 883 717 586 480 15-19 ...................... 20-24 ...................... 25-29 ...................... 30-34 ...................... 35-39 ..................... , 40-44 ...................... 45-49 ...................... 440255 394682 316908 252622 204 310 168940 137524 58368 354693 605308 746534 884760 853 736 700675 1979 National Fertility Survey 288 1585 2672 3568 3913 3728 3255 1982 census' 87940 442309 750573 898 869 955762 965 187 861 021 Note: The census dates were 8 June 1974 and 28 November 1982. The reference date for the National Fertility Survey was taken to be 1979.75. apreliminary data. The number of children surviving declared by women aged 15-19 has been adjusted. Source: Ecuador, Ministerio de Salud Publica, Encuesta Nacional de Salud Materno 1nfanti! y Variables Demogrdficas-Ecuador 1982, 1nforme Final, Torno II (Quito, 1984), pp. 65 and 93-94. Figure 16. Under-five mortality for both sexes in Ecuador, estimated using model West and the Trussell version of the Brass method q(5) .20 1 4;- 49 1 • 140~441 • .15 .10 1 . 35 39 ; 1 I2O=24l r3O=34l .....·......l .••••. · ~ ,------.J, ~ GH9l ~~~~ ck I ~0-341 ~ .---::.:.....,.:9'.. -.::.:.~. ••.. 135-3~ I ~ .-----------------, 45-49 40-44 1 25,29 [ 1 20 -;4 -i~<=y~:~······ 35-39 . .--- 1 •••• .. I!B!J ~---~, ~ 20-24 ~~, ~ ~ ""---e~ --1974 Census .05 ······1979 National Fertility Survey -----1982 Census OLL- 1960 L- 1965 ----l L- 1975 1970 Reference date Source: Table 19. 54 ~=_----= 1980 1985 check their consistency and select those less likely to be affected by extraneous biases. These observations underscore both the strengths and the limitations of the Brass method. They do not reflect, however, the successful record that the method has had in allowing the estimation of mortality in childhood in populations with poor or defective data sources. During the more than twenty years of its existence, the Brass method has been instrumental in permitting, for the first time in history, a world-wide assessment of levels and trends of the mortality of children (see United Nations, 1988, and Bucht, 1988). 55 Chapter VII BRASS-MACRAE METHOD its performance under a variety of circumstances. Hence, the conclusions presented in this chapter are necessarily tentative and may err on the side of caution. This chapter describes a method proposed only recently by W. Brass and S. Macrae (1984) to estimate mortality in childhood. The Brass-Macrae method is in some ways complementary to the original Brass method. It has the advantage of producing estimates for recent periods (about two years before the time of interview) and is based on data that may be collected at relatively low cost. Its main drawback is that the data it uses may not be representative. Indeed, since the Brass-Macrae procedure envisages that only women about to give birth will be asked about the survivorship of their previous child, the children whose mortality is being measured may not be representative of all children. In cases where only women giving birth in hospitals or in government clinics are interviewed, the data will be even less representative of the total population. Strategies to make the data used more representative and efforts to understand the possible biases to which they are subject or to devise means of eliminating such biases are currently being pursued.' Yet, it is likely that those efforts may result in a considerably more complex estimation procedure than the one presented in this Guide. Simplicity is an important advantage of the BrassMacrae method, and thus may be worth maintaining even at the expense of full representativeness or perfect accuracy of the data. So far, the method has been largely applied to data gathered in specific areas-a given town or city or even a given hospital. 4 Consequently, it has been clear from the start that the population under study was not representative of the whole population of a country. In certain circumstances, nationally representative data may not be required, as, for instance, when a programme to improve child nutrition operates only in a given region. In such cases, the Brass-Macrae method may be used by programme managers to monitor changes in child mortality only in the region of interest. It can also be argued that, for purposes of monitoring change, biases affecting the Brass-Macrae estimates may be discounted as long as they remain constant. The researcher must, however, be aware of the possible sources of bias, in order to be able to ascertain the likelihood of biases remaining constant through time. Owing to its recency, the Brass-Macrae method is still in the process of being tested. Several organizations, including UNICEF, the Latin American Demographic Centre (CELADE) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, are currently engaged in experimental applications of the method and are trying to determine how best to gather the basic information needed for its use. 5 Although the method seems promising, it is still difficult to judge its efficacy or to evaluate NATURE OF THE BASIC DATA The Brass-Macrae method derives measures of child mortality from information obtained at or near the birth of a child about the survival of the mother's previous child (and sometimes about the child born prior to that one also). Unlike the Brass method, the information used in applying the Brass-Macrae method is derived from administrative sources (such as health-centre records) rather than from population censuses or surveys. The additional costs of data collection are thus small, since all that is generally required is the addition of two or three questions to an existing administrative form. The questions could be: 1. Have you been pregnant before? Yes/No 2. If yes: Was the child of your previous pregnancy born alive? Yes/No 3. If yes: Is that child still alive? Yes/No An advantage of these questions is that they require very simple answers that do not even involve numbers. In that respect, they are likely to elicit more reliable information than the questions used to gather the data required for the Brass method. As already mentioned, the Brass-Macrae method uses data that do not necessarily reflect the mortality experience of all children in a given population. In particular, deaths among the last-born children of all women in the population remain unrecorded. Also, because women are interviewed only at the time they give birth, the experience of the highly fecund is more likely to be recorded. Biases arising from such selectivity will always be in operation, even if all women giving birth in a country are interviewed. However, there is reason to believe that in populations where fertility is still moderate to high, the resulting biases would be minimal. In general, it is not expected that the data necessary for the application of the Brass-Macrae method would be obtained from a nationally representative sample. A hospital or clinic is the typical setting envisaged for the collection of the basic information, although it has been suggested that midwives aiding in home deliveries might be trained to gather the necessary data. Such an approach to data collection would be mandatory in countries or regions where a majority of women give birth at home. Although nationally representative data may not be necessary for monitoring and evaluating local interventions aimed at reducing mortality, it is still important to define 56 the target population and take steps to ensure that the data gathered are in effect representative of that population. LIMITATIONS OF THE BRASS-MACRAE METHOD Because of the data it uses and the simplifying assumptions made in its application, the Brass-Macrae method has certain limitations, which are discussed in some detail below. First, the data used exclude information on all lastborn children. Such exclusion is not serious in highfertility populations, but in those populations where completed family size is small (two or three children per woman), a large proportion of first-born children will be included in the data used for estimation purposes, and their mortality experience may not be representative of average mortality levels in the total population of children. However, in contrast with the Brass method, the Brass-Macrae approach is based on data on recent births of all orders to women of all ages and is therefore less likely to display the biases associated with the increased mortality of children whose mothers are very young. Secondly, the Brass-Macrae method as described below makes no explicit allowance for changing fertility and mortality conditions. Fertility declines due to significant increases in average birth intervals will lead to overestimates of mortality when the proportion dead of previous children is simply equated to q(2). Mortality declines, on the other hand, will startto be reflected in the q(2) estimates only two or three years after they occur and will be fully reflected in those estimates only five years after their inception. Thus, as with the Brass method, sharp declines in mortality will appear as a smoothed downward curve, but, in contrast with the Brass method, the downward trend will not pre-date the inception of mortality change. Thirdly, a single application of the Brass-Macrae method does not allow the estimation of trends in child mortality. Data relating to several years of observation are required to obtain some indication of trends. Fourthly, since the Brass-Macrae method does not rely on data obtained through surveys based on probabilistic samples, the estimates it yields often do not refer to the total population of a country or even of a region. Biases due to the selectivity of the population under consideration (that using health clinics, for example) are likely to affect the estimates obtained and should be taken into account by the analyst in making comparison with estimates yielded by other methods. DERIVATION OF THE METHOD AND ITS RATIONALE It is easy to understand intuitively how the method works. Let us assume that all live-birth intervals are 2.5 years long and that every woman is asked at the time of delivery whether she has previously given birth and, if so, whether the previous-born child is still alive. Then, each previous child will have been exposed to the risk of dying for exactly 2.5 years, and the proportion dead will equal the cohort probability of dying by age 2.5, q(2.5), provided that all last-born children have the same mortality experience as children whose birth is followed by that of a sibling. In practice, of course, birth intervals are not all exactly 2.5 years long, though almost all are within the range of one to five years. Thus, the proportion dead of previous children represents a weighted average of the probabilities of dying between birth and ages 1-5 for cohorts born between one and five years before interview, the weights being the proportions of women having each length of birth interval. Using models of birth intervals and mortality in childhood, Brass and Macrae found that the proportion dead of previous children is, in most high-fertility populations, a close approximation to the probability of dying by exact age 2, q(2), and that the proportion dead of nextto-previous children is a close approximation to the probability of dying by exact age 5, q( 5); Since the proportions dead are strongly influenced by the age pattern of mortality in childhood-that is, most child deaths occur at very early ages-the q(x) estimates obtained from them are reasonably robust to variations in birth-interval distributions. Adjustments can be made for the effects of such variations if the necessary information on average birthinterval lengths is available. Brass and Macrae found that the proportion dead of previous children approximates q(0.8z), where z is the length in years of the average birth interval. For average birth intervals of 30 months (2.5 years), the proportion dead corresponds to q( 2). Because the distribution of birth intervals by length varies little with respect to fertility level, the method is not overly sensitive to changes in fertility, especially because fertility declines are mainly due to a reduction of completed family size rather than to the substantial lengthening of birth intervals. The estimates of q( 2) and q( 5) yielded by the BrassMacrae method refer to different birth cohorts and may be equated to period estimates provided that some allowance is made for the timing of deaths. Aguirre and Hill (1987) have estimated, on the basis of declared dates of birth and death for previous and next-to-previous children, that q(2) refers to a point approximately two years preceding interview and q( 5) refers to a point between three and four years preceding interview. Although those estimates of timing refer to a particular case, they provide a good indication of the rough reference dates of the q(x) estimates obtained. ApPLICATION OF THE BRASS-MACRAE METHOD Data required The Brass-Macrae method estimates probabilities of dying in childhood from proportions dead of previous and, if data are available, next-to-previous children, the information being collected from women at or just after the birth of the most recent child. Hence, the only data required are the following: 1. The number of women giving birth who reported having had a previous child, irrespective of their age, marital status etc.; 2. The number of women giving birth who, having had a previous child, reported that that child had died. 57 If questions on the survival of the next-to-previous child are also posed, then the following will also be needed: 3. The number of women giving birth who reported having had a child before the previous one; 4. The number of women giving birth who, having had a child before the previous one, reported that that child had died. Note that there is no need for information on the number of children ever born or the total number of women. The data needed can be easily collected at the time of delivery, and it is not strictly necessary to compile a year's worth of data to apply the method. Since any seasonal variation in child mortality will be largely smoothed out by variability in birth intervals, as long as a sufficient number of events are recorded, there is no minimum length of time for which the data-collection exercise must be maintained. As noted earlier, however, data collection must be maintained over a period of years to estimate trends in child mortality. mortality pattern prevalent in early childhood in the population being studied (see chapter I). Having selected an appropriate model-life-table family from annex I or II, one needs to identify two mortality levels, j and j + I, whose q(2) values enclose the estimated qe(2) so that qJ(2) = NPCD(l) NPC(I) qC(5) h = NPCD(2) NPC(2) h)qi(5) + h qi+ I(5) (7.4) = qe(2) - qi(2) (7.5) qi+ I(2) - qi(2) Once qC(5) is calculated, it can be compared with the qe(5) obtained in step 1. Since the latter refers to a slightly earlier period than qC (5), under conditions of declining mortality qC (5) should be lower than qe(5). The example presented below illustrates such a comparison. A detailed example The data for this detailed example were collected in five health facilities in Bamako, Mali, starting in January 1985 (Hill and others, 1985). A specially designed form was used to gather information about all deliveries and the previous two live births that each mother might have had. Table 20 shows the number of previous births and next-to-previous births recorded, and the number of children who had died by the time of observation. (7.1) TABLE reported a previous child. Cases of non-response, where the mother does not report the survival status of the child, should be excluded from both the numerator and the denominator. The probability of dying by age 5, q( 5), is similarly calculated by dividing the number of women reporting a next-to-previous child dead by the number of women reporting a next-to-previous child. Thus, e(5) = (1.0 - where qi (5) and qi + 1(5) are the model values of q( 5) at levels j and j + I, respectively, in the selected family of model life tables, and h is an interpolation factor calculated as follows: where qe(2) is the estimated probability of dying by age 2, NPCD( I) is the number of women with a previous child dead, and NPC( I) is the number of women who q (7.3) The desired value of qC (5) is then obtained as Computational procedure The computational procedure is very simple, consisting of, at most, two steps. Step 1. Calculation of the probabilities of dying, q(2) and q(5) The probability of dying by age 2, q( 2), is calculated by dividing the number of women reporting a previous child who has died by the total number of women reporting a previous child. Thus, qe(2) > qe(2) > qJ+l(2) 20. ESTIMATION OF THE PROBABILITY OF DYING q(x), FOR BAMAKO. MALI. USING THE BRASS-MACRAE METHOD Previous Next to previous . .. Number of births Number deod Probability of dying (1) (2) (3) 4775 3737 679 620 .1422 .1659 Source: A. G. Hill and others, "L'enquete pilote sur la rnortalite aux jeunes ages dans cinq rnaternites de 1a ville de Bamako, Mali", in Estimation de La mortalite du jeune enfant (0-5) pour guider les actions de sante dans les pays en deveioppement, Seminaire INSERM, vol. 145, (Paris, 1985), pp. 107-130. (7.2) where the symbols have the same meanings as before, but refer to next-to-previous rather than to previous births. Step 2. Conversion to a common index In cases where estimates of both q(2) and q(5) can be obtained, conversion to a common index is necessary to compare them. For consistency's sake, it is recommended that q( 5) be used as the common index, just as in the application of the Brass method. It is therefore necessary to find a value qC(5) equivalent to the qe(2) estimate obtained above. As with the Brass method, a model-lifetable family must be used to perform the necessary conversion. Ideally, the family used should reflect the Calculation of the probabilities of dying, q(2) and q(5) For each class of previous births, the probabilities of dying are calculated according to equations 7.1 and 7.2 by dividing the entries of column 2 of table 20 by those of column I, as shown below: Step 1. q q 58 e(2) = "(S) = 679 4,775 = .1422 620 = .1659 3,737 The resulting qe(2) and qe(5) estimates are displayed in column 3 of table 20. Step 2. Conversion to a common index Using q(5) as the common index, qe(2) needs to be converted into an equivalent measure of q(5). For both sexes and a sex ratio at birth of 1.05 male births per female birth, the Coale-Demeny North model-life-table values in table A.I.9 show that the estimated qe(2) value is enclosed by q13(2) = .14701, whose q13(5) = .19235, and by q14(2) = .13158, for which qI4(5) = .17113. U sing equation 7.5 to estimate the interpolation factor h, h = .14220 - .14701 .13158 - .14701 Mention has been made of the potential use of the Brass-Macrae method to assess trends in child mortality in specific subpopulations. Perhaps one of the best examples so far of that use is provided by the data gathered through the birth-notification scheme operating in Solomon Islands during the period 1968-1975 and analysed by Brass and Macrae in their 1984 article. Table 21 presents the basic data and the q(2) estimates derived from them. Although for earlier years the q(2) estimates vary in an unexpected fashion, the full set of estimates shows sustained mortality decline. Indeed, if the likely reference dates of the estimates are taken into account, mortality in childhood seems to have been cut almost in half between 1968 and 1975. = .3247 This value of h is then used in equation 7.4 to find the corresponding qC (5) as follows: qC(5) = (1.0 = .185 .3247)( .19235) TABLE + (.3247)( .17113) 21. ESTIMATION OF THE PROBABILITY OF DYING BY AGE Number of previous Note that this qC(5) value is considerably higher than the qe(5) value obtained in step 1, namely, .166. Such estimates would imply that under-five mortality among the children of interviewed women increased from .166 in 1981-1982 (three to four years before interview) to .185 around 1983 (about two years before interview). The unlikelihood of such an increase suggests that the estimates obtained may be subject to selection biases that affect their accuracy. Aguirre and Hill (1987) argue that qe(5) is more likely to be affected by those biases, since it is based on children whose mothers are older on average and who seem to represent only the better educated and socially advantaged group of the population (older Bamako women who have already had several children tend not to give birth in clinics). For that reason, qe(5) is lower than expected, and it would have to be rejected as a valid estimate of under-five mortality for 1981-1982. On the other hand, there is no reason to reject qC(5), which, at 185 deaths per 1,000 live births, would be an estimate of the 1983 probability of dying by age 5 among the children born to women who attended health clinics in Bamako. COMMENTS ON THE RESULTS OF THE METHOD As stated earlier, experience in the use of the BrassMacrae method is limited, so no firm assertions can as yet be made about the validity of the estimates it provides. In the example presented above, the inconsistencies discovered should raise doubts about the accuracy of the estimates obtained. However Aguirre and Hill (1987) note that the estimated q(2) value of .142 is in line with estimates obtained, using the original Brass method, from a large survey conducted by the Sahel Institute among a representative sample of Bamako households. Note that estimates obtained by applying the original Brass method are needed to validate the Brass-Macrae results. The assessment of new techniques in terms of the old is. to be expected and will probably continue for a few years. For that reason, the reader should .become familiar with both methods. 2, q(2), FOR SOLOMON ISLANDS, USING THE BRASS-MACRAE METHOD Year of notification 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 .. . . . . . .. . Probability of dying births Number dead (I) (2) (3) 1769 2400 2796 3030 3861 3369 2390 4472 209 255 331 281 333 228 159 .1181 .1063 .1184 .0927 .0862 .0677 .0665 .0590 264 q(2) Source: W. Brass and S. Macrae, "Childhood mortality estimated from reports on previous births given by mothers at the time of a maternity: 1. Preceding-births technique", Asian and Pacific Census Forum, vol. 11, NO.2 (November 1984), p. 7. By permitting the estimation of child mortality over a period of years, the data for Solomon Islands provide an example of a more realistic use of the Brass-Macrae technique than does the case of Mali. Even if the estimated q( 2) values are not perfect, their declining trend is indicative of the changes taking place and might serve as an adequate evaluation tool. It is important, however, to confirm that the representativeness of the basic data has remained constant through time, especially in view of the variability evident in the numbers of women providing information (see column 1 of table 21). Brass and Macrae noted that "some selection bias is likely since the births notified may be to women who are better educated or otherwise socially advantaged" ,6 but they discounted the effects of that bias. The existence of such selectivity could be assessed by gathering additional information on the women giving birth, including their age, parity, educational level, work status and usual place of residence. The distribution of reporting women according to those variables would shed light on the likelihood and possible extent of biases stemming from changes in selectivity. Clearly, because of its simplicity and flexibility, the Brass-Macrae method deserves attention. The tests it is being subjected to will, it is hoped, show that the selectivity and other biases that may affect the estimates it yields may reasonably be discounted by analysts 59 interested in assessing programme impact. It is unlikely, however, that the Brass-Macrae method will replace the original Brass method as the main technique providing national estimates of mortality in childhood. It is in providing estimates for selected subpopulations that the Brass-Macrae method has the greatest potential. 60 ANNEX I Coale-Demeny model life table values for probabilities of dying between birth and exact age x, q(x) TABLES Page A.I.1. A.I.2. A.I.3. A.I.4. A.I.5. A.I.6. A.I.7. A.I.8. A.I.9. A.I.10. A.I.ll. A.I.12. North model values for male probabilities of dying, q(x) South model values for male probabilities of dying, q(x) East model values for male probabilities of dying, q(x) West model values for male probabilities of dying, q(x) North model values for female probabilities of dying, q(x) South model values for female probabilities of dying, q(x) East model values for female probabilities of dying, q(x) West Asian model values for female probabilities of dying, q(x) North model values for probabilities of dying, q(x), both sexes combined South model values for probabilities of dying, q(x), both sexes combined East model values for probabilities of dying, q(x), both sexes combined West model values for probabilities of dying, q(x), both sexes combined TABLE Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... A.I.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . NORTH MODEL VALUES FOR MALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 qi x) eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(10) q(15) q(20) 17.6 19.9 22.3 24.7 27.2 29.6 32.0 34.5 36.9 39.3 41.8 44.3 46.7 49.1 51.5 53.9 56.3 58.8 61.3 63.9 66.4 68.9 71.6 74.4 77.3 .37117 .33923 .31056 .28459 .26089 .23913 .21904 .20041 .18306 .16686 .15167 .13744 .12411 .11228 .10074 .08955 .07874 .06833 .05836 .04885 .03981 .03130 .02353 .01606 .01056 .45216 .41659 .38401 .35397 .32613 .30021 .27596 .25322 .23181 .21161 .19251 .17444 .15672 .14080 .12544 .10995 .09527 .08145 .06844 .05622 .04476 .03405 .02516 .01690 .01096 .50142 .46363 .42867 .39617 .36581 .33735 .31058 .28533 .26146 .23883 .21734 .19694 .17656 .15814 .14046 .12293 .10632 .09063 .07584 .06189 .04874 .03635 .02659 .01766 .01134 .56587 .52518 .48711 .45138 .41773 .38595 .35588 .32735 .30024 .27443 .24983 .22639 .20251 .18084 .16010 .14031 .12145 .10348 .08638 .07011 .05462 .03979 .02876 .01883 .01193 .62135 .58040 .54145 .50437 .46899 .43520 .40287 .37191 .34222 .31373 .28635 .26008 .23311 .20839 .18463 .16186 .14006 .11924 .09935 .08037 .06224 .04490 .03219 .02084 .01303 .64586 .60516 .56616 .52877 .49289 .45842 .42527 .39338 .36266 .33306 .30452 .27703 .24884 .22285 .19778 .17366 .15051 .12831 .10706 .08673 .06727 .04863 .03487 .02255 .01408 .66959 .62944 .59070 .55331 .51722 .48238 .44871 .41617 .38470 .35426 .32481 .29635 .26736 .24042 .21429 .18903 .16466 .14120 .11865 .09700 .07621 .05622 .04062 .02674 .01702 61 TABLEA.I.2. Level 1 ,.. ,.. ,..".",."".",., 2 ".".".""".""""" 3 ".".".""".""."", 4 ."."""""".".""" 5 ."."."""""".""" 6 "."""."."""""". 7 ".".".".".""""", 8 ".".".".".""""." 9 ".".".".""".""", 10 ".".".""".".""", 11 "".""".".""""." 12 ".".".".",.".",.,., 13 "".".""""""."." 14,."." .. ,.. "."" .. "." 15,.".".".",."., .. "." 16 .. ".".".",.".,." .. " 17 .. '." .. ,..""".,.""" 18."."."""""".".". 19 """"""""."""". 20 "."""."."""""". 21 ".".",.".",.".".". 22 "."."""."""""". 23 ".".""".""".""" 24 """.".".""".".". 25 ".".""".""""",,, SOUTH MODEL VALUES FOR MALEPROBABILITIES OF DYING, eo q(i) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(IO) q(15) q(20) 19.9 22.3 24.7 27,0 29.3 31,6 33,9 36,2 38,5 40,6 42,9 45,1 47.4 49.6 51,9 54.1 56.3 58,6 61.2 63,7 66,1 68,5 71.0 73,6 76,0 .33555 .31122 .28925 ,26924 ,25089 ,23396 .21828 ,20368 ,19004 ,17752 ,16642 ,15559 .14502 .13475 .12478 .11513 .10581 ,09676 ,08618 ,07610 ,06605 ,05605 ,04617 ,03648 ,02822 .46045 .42918 .40024 ,37330 .34813 .32449 .30224 .28122 ,26132 ,24318 ,22532 ,20812 ,19155 ,17558 .16022 .14545 .13125 ,11733 ,10112 ,08735 ,07420 ,06167 ,04980 ,03863 ,02943 .51806 .48359 .45143 .42131 ,39298 .36625 .34097 .31699 .29420 ,27346 .25249 .23235 .21300 .19442 ,17657 ,15944 ,14299 ,12693 ,10835 ,09300 ,07845 ,06472 ,05184 ,03988 ,03016 ,56599 ,52885 .49402 .46124 .43029 .40099 ,37319 .34674 ,32155 ,29866 ,27510 ,25251 .23086 .21099 ,19017 ,17107 ,15275 ,13502 ,11472 ,09817 ,08248 ,06770 ,05391 ,04118 ,03094 ,60074 ,56317 ,52756 .49374 .46154 .43083 .40148 .37339 .34647 .32152 ,29600 ,27145 ,24786 .22518 ,20338 ,18242 ,16228 .14275 .12079 ,10291 ,08604 ,07024 ,05561 ,04223 ,03155 ,61600 ,57843 ,54267 .50857 .47599 ,44480 ,41491 ,38622 ,35865 ,33299 ,30675 ,28147 .25711 .23364 ,21104 ,18928 ,16833 ,14798 ,12520 ,10655 .08896 .07251 .05727 ,04336 ,03229 .63801 ,60052 ,56461 ,53016 ,49707 .46525 .43460 .40507 .37659 ,35007 .32276 .29637 ,27086 .24261 .22242 .19946 .17730 ,15574 ,13164 ,11186 ,09320 ,07575 ,05962 ,04494 ,03332 TABLE A,I.3. Level 1 """.".""".""",,, 2 """"""."""""", 3 ".".".""".""""" 4 """".".""""".". 5 ".""""""""""". 6 "".".""""""."", 7 ."."."."""""".". 8 "."."""."""".",, 9 ".".".""""""."" 10 ",,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, 11.""".".""""""." 12 .".""".",.""""." 13 " .. ,.. "." .. " ..""",. 14 ".".".",."""""", 15 ".".".""".",."",. 16".".".",.".",."",. 17"".",.".",.".",.,., 18 ".".""""""""",. 19",."."."""""."", 20 """."."""""".", 21 "." ..".",."",.".", 22.""""."""""""" 23 """"""""""".", 24."""""""""""." 25 """""."."""""" q(X) EAST MODEL VALUES FOR MALEPROBABILITIES OF DYING, q(X) eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(15) q(20) 17,4 19,9 22.4 24.9 27.4 29,9 32,3 34,8 37,2 39,6 42,1 44.4 46,7 49,0 51.3 53,7 56,0 58.4 60,7 63,0 65,3 67,7 70,2 72,7 75.3 ,50506 .46449 ,42751 .39356 .36222 .33314 .30604 ,28069 ,25691 ,23453 ,21359 ,19438 ,17584 ,15796 ,14077 .12426 ,10842 ,09328 ,07883 ,06506 ,05143 ,03892 ,02760 ,01782 ,01011 ,57037 ,52896 .49039 .45430 .42040 ,38844 ,35822 .32958 ,30238 ,27648 ,25130 ,22804 ,20561 ,18401 ,16324 ,14329 ,12414 ,10558 ,08773 ,07087 ,05534 ,04135 ,59752 .55576 .51654 ,47956 ,44459 .41143 ,37992 .34991 .32128 ,29392 .26698 ,24203 ,21799 ,19484 ,17258 ,15121 ,13067 ,11082 ,09173 ,07363 ,05729 ,04262 ,02971 ,01885 ,01052 ,62736 ,58522 ,54527 .50731 .47117 .43670 ,40376 .37225 ,34206 .31309 ,28421 ,25741 ,23159 ,20674 ,18285 ,15991 ,13786 ,11671 ,09643 ,07700 ,05977 ,04429 ,03072 ,01936 ,01074 ,65321 ,61153 .57165 .53345 ,49679 .46159 .42775 .39517 .36379 ,33353 ,30305 .27477 ,24744 ,22104 ,19557 ,17104 ,14741 ,12467 ,10282 ,08182 ,06351 ,04692 ,03241 ,02033 ,01120 ,66440 ,62306 ,58336 ,54519 ,50846 .47308 .43897 .40605 .37427 .34357 .31267 .28390 ,25602 ,22903 ,20295 ,17776 ,15345 ,13003 ,10748 ,08578 ,06675 ,04944 ,03424 ,02153 ,01190 ,68063 ,63989 ,60054 ,56253 ,52579 .49025 .45586 .42256 .39030 .35904 ,32767 ,29830 ,26973 ,24198 ,21506 ,18899 ,16375 ,13936 ,11583 ,09312 ,07290 ,05438 ,03800 .02416 .01354 ,0~896 ,01847 ,01037 62 WEST MODEL VALUES FOR MALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING, q(X) TABLE A.I.4. Level 1 ,......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(JO) q(i5) q(20) 18.0 20.4 22.9 25.3 27.7 30.1 32.5 34.9 37.3 39.7 42.1 44.5 47.1 49.6 51.8 54.1 56.5 58.8 61.2 63.6 66.0 68.6 71.2 73.9 76.6 .41907 .38343 .35132 .32215 .29546 .27089 .24817 .22706 .20737 .18895 .17165 .15537 .13942 .12453 .11136 .09857 .08621 .07430 .06287 .05193 .04091 .03075 .02144 .01332 .00711 .49692 .45848 .42310 .39033 .35985 .33135 .30463 .27948 .25575 .23329 .21200 .19178 .17088 .15167 .13477 .11836 .10210 .08666 .07204 .05821 .04492 .03325 .02281 .01395 .00734 .53102 .49135 .45454 .42020 .38805 .35783 .32936 .30244 .27693 .25272 .22968 .20772 .18466 .16356 .14502 .12708 .10944 .09264 .07668 .06153 .04715 .03469 .02364 .01434 .00748 .56995 .52888 .49043 .45429 .42024 .38806 .35758 .32865 .30112 .27489 .24985 .22592 .20039 .17713 .15673 .13707 .11816 .09999 .08256 .06585 .05011 .03666 .02479 .01490 .00769 .59898 .55789 .51907 .48231 .44742 .41425 .38263 .35246 .32361 .29599 .26952 .24412 .21685 .19200 .17012 .14897 .12855 .10888 .08996 .07177 .05464 .03996 .02697 .01615 .00829 .61840 .57742 .53849 .50142 .46607 .43230 .40000 .36905 .33936 .31084 .28343 .25704 .22853 .20266 .17982 .15766 .13623 .11553 .09556 .07634 .05826 .04266 .02881 .01727 .00886 .64324 .60260 .56369 .52640 .49062 .45625 .42320 .39138 .36074 .33118 .30266 .27511 .24544 .21833 .19429 .17088 .14813 .12609 .10476 .08416 .06469 .04766 .03242 .01959 .01015 TABLE Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... A.I.5. NORTH MODEL VALUES FOR FEMALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(X) eo q(i) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(iO) q(J5) q(20) 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 42.5 45.0 47.5 50.0 52.5 55.0 57.5 60.0 62.5 65.0 67.5 70.0 72.5 75.0 77.5 80.0 .31973 .29202 .26715 .24461 .22405 .20517 .18774 .17158 .15653 .14247 .12930 .11695 .10549 .09502 .08488 .07508 .06565 .05663 .04801 .03982 .03205 .02465 .01823 .01218 .00781 .40293 .37069 .34121 .31408 .28896 .26560 .24378 .22332 .20409 .18595 .16881 .15261 .13681 .12190 .10753 .09395 .08113 .06904 .05764 .04689 .03677 .02713 .01964 .01287 .00813 .45415 .41911 .38680 .35684 .32892 .30280 .27827 .25517 .23336 .21271 .19313 .17456 .15609 .13860 .12187 .10612 .09129 .07733 .06417 .05178 .04007 .02889 .02065 .01338 .00837 .52217 .48342 .44735 .41363 .38199 .35220 .32408 .29747 .27223 .24825 .22543 .20372 .18169 .16094 .14136 .12290 .10550 .08907 .07355 .05886 .04492 .03150 .02217 .01415 .00873 .58336 .54353 .50584 .47010 .43613 .40378 .37292 .34343 .31521 .28818 .26225 .23741 .21178 .18739 .16436 .14264 .12213 .10276 .08444 .06706 .05054 .03455 .02402 .01509 .00918 .61121 .57130 .53325 .49691 .46215 .42885 .39692 .36627 .33680 .30846 .28117 .25493 .22788 .20191 .17730 .15401 .13197 .11110 .09132 .07253 .05463 .03728 .02573 .01607 .00971 .63767 .59794 .55977 .52307 .48775 .45374 .42095 .38933 .35880 .32932 .30083 .27334 .24517 .21784 .19180 .16705 .14354 .12121 .09996 .07973 .06043 .04166 .02860 .01789 .01080 63 TABLE Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... A.I.6. 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... q(X) eo q(1) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(/O) q(/5) q(20) 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 42.5 45.0 47.5 50.0 52.5 55.0 57.5 60.0 62.5 65.0 67.5 70.0 72.5 75.0 77.5 80.0 .30700 .28449 .26415 .24563 .22865 .21298 .19847 .18496 .17234 .16065 .15044 .14047 .13075 .12130 .11214 .10327 .09471 .08639 .07715 .06801 .05890 .04987 .04096 .03226 .02486 .44469 .41367 .38496 .35824 .33324 .30978 .28769 .26682 .24705 .22823 .21077 .19397 .17781 .16226 .14732 .13295 .11899 .10546 .09199 .07930 .06717 .05564 .04472 .03450 .02614 .50808 .47315 .44059 .41008 .38140 .35435 .32876 .30450 .28145 .25935 .23855 .21860 .19948 .18112 .16351 .14661 .13025 .11411 .09906 .08475 .07122 .05849 .04661 .03564 .02679 .56057 .52240 .48664 .45301 .42128 .39125 .36278 .33571 .30993 .28511 .26155 .23900 .21741 .19674 .17692 .15793 .13971 .12209 .10526 .08964 .07493 .06117 .04842 .03676 .02745 .60018 .56140 .52462 .48966 .45635 .42456 .39415 .36504 .33712 .30969 .28367 .25873 .23481 .21185 .18982 .16865 .14832 .12869 .11051 .09359 .07778 .06311 .04965 .03746 .02783 .61944 .58060 .54354 .50812 .47421 .44169 .41407 .38046 .35158 .32315 .29599 .26990 .24483 .22073 .19756 .17529 .15385 .13312 .11408 .09637 .07985 .06458 .05063 .03805 .02817 .64448 .60571 .56844 .53256 .49799 .46464 .43246 .40137 .37132 .34185 .31318 .28556 .25896 .23334 .20866 .18489 .16198 .13978 .11924 .10038 .08285 .06672 .05205 .03891 .02867 TABLE Level SOUTH MODEL VALUES FOR FEMALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. A.I.7. EAST MODEL VALUES FOR FEMALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(X) eo q(/) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(/O) q(/5) q(20) 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 42.5 45.0 47.5 50.0 52.5 55.0 57.5 60.0 62.5 65.0 67.5 70.0 72.5 75.0 77.5 80.0 .42785 .39330 .36180 .33288 .30618 .28141 .25833 .23674 .21648 .19742 .17960 .16300 .14703 .13169 .11698 .10290 .08942 .07657 .06433 .05268 .04093 .03063 .02144 .01360 .00755 .50168 .46469 .43029 .39814 .36796 .33955 .31270 .28728 .26315 .24019 .21787 .19683 .17668 .15741 .13897 .12135 .10431 .08809 .07270 .05811 .04450 .03284 .02266 .01418 .00777 .53306 .49504 .45941 .42588 .39422 .36426 .33582 .30876 .28298 .25837 .23414 .21121 .18929 .16834 .14832 .12920 .11074 .09316 .07646 .06058 .04616 .03389 .02325 .01446 .00788 .56794 .52877 .49177 .45671 .42341 .39172 .36151 .33264 .30503 .27858 .25223 .22720 .20330 .18048 .15871 .13792 .11806 .09908 .08095 .06362 .04824 .03522 .02401 .01483 .00802 .59930 .56000 .52252 .48671 .45243 .41958 .38806 .35776 .32861 .30054 .27232 .24536 .21956 .19487 .17126 .14867 .12705 .10635 .08653 .06754 .05101 .03704 .02508 .01538 .00825 .61558 .57636 .53877 .50269 .46803 .43468 .40256 .37159 .34172 .31287 .28388 .25599 .22923 .20357 .17899 .15543 .13284 .11119 .09043 .07051 .05316 .03852 .02602 .01590 .00849 .63645 .59744 .55981 .52350 .48843 .45452 .42173 .38998 .35923 .32943 .29964 .27058 .24262 .21573 .18990 .16509 .14124 .11834 .09633 .07519 .05651 .04090 .02757 .01678 .00892 64 TABLE Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... II .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... a With sex ratio at birth of WEST MODEL VALUES FOR FEMALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(X) eo q(1) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(IO) q(/5) q(20) 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 42.5 45.0 47.5 50.0 52.5 55.0 57.5 60.0 62.5 65.0 67.5 70.0 72.5 75.0 77.5 80.0 .36517 .33362 .30519 .27936 .25573 .23398 .21386 .19518 .17774 .16143 .14612 .13171 .11831 .10548 .09339 .08177 .07066 .06004 .04994 .04034 .03093 .02262 .01516 .00894 .00445 .45000 .41443 .38171 .35144 .32329 .29700 .27235 .24916 .22729 .20660 .18700 .16837 .15061 .13280 .11636 .10064 .08581 .07180 .05857 .04608 .03441 .02740 .01623 .00939 .00460 .48801 .45064 .41601 .38375 .35357 .32524 .29885 .27335 .24949 .22685 .20532 .18481 .16508 .14504 .12676 .10934 .09291 .07740 .06276 .04891 .03615 .02575 .01679 .00963 .00467 .53117 .49176 .45494 .42042 .38795 .35730 .32831 .30082 .27470 .24983 .22611 .20346 .18152 .15894 .13873 .11959 .10146 .08429 .06799 .05251 .03840 .02714 .01752 .00994 .00478 .56544 .52555 .48794 .45237 .41865 .38661 .35611 .32702 .29922 .27263 .24715 .22271 .19900 .17441 .15227 .13126 .11132 .09238 .07439 .05725 .04165 .02928 .01877 .01055 .00501 .59028 .55022 .51217 .47596 .44144 .40847 .37693 .34671 .31773 .28989 .26313 .23737 .21229 .18613 .16260 .14020 .11890 .09864 .07935 .06094 .04426 .03102 .01981 .01107 .00522 .62507 .58051 .54214 .50535 .47002 .43606 .40339 .37192 .34158 .31231 .28404 .25673 .23010 .20251 .17716 .15297 .12990 .10789 .08689 .06683 .04842 .03386 .02154 .01197 .00560 TABLE Level A.I.8. A.I.9. NORTH MODEL VALUES FOR PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(X), BOTH SEXES COMBINED" eo q(1) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(/O) q(/5) q(20) 18.8 21.2 23.6 26.1 28.6 31.0 33.5 36.0 38.4 40.9 43.4 45.9 48.3 50.8 53.2 55.7 58.1 60.6 63.1 65.7 68.2 70.7 73.3 75.9 78.6 .34608 .31620 .28938 .26509 .24292 .22256 .20377 .18635 .17012 .15496 .14076 .12744 .11503 .10386 .09300 .08249 .07235 .06262 .05331 .04445 .03602 .02806 .02094 .01417 .00922 .42815 .39420 .36313 .33451 .30800 .28333 .26026 .23863 .21829 .19909 .18095 .16379 .14701 .13158 .11670 .10215 .08837 .07540 .06317 .05167 .04086 .03067 .02247 .01493 .00958 .47836 .44191 .40825 .37698 .34782 .32050 .29482 .27062 .24775 .22609 .20553 .18602 .16657 .14861 .13139 .11473 .09899 .08414 .07015 .05696 .04451 .03271 .02369 .01557 .00963 .54455 .50481 .46772 .43297 .40030 .36949 .34037 .31277 .28658 .26166 .23793 .21533 .19235 .17113 .15096 .13182 .11367 .09645 .08012 .06462 .04989 .03575 .02555 .01655 .01037 .60282 .56241 .52408 .48765 .45296 .41987 .38826 .35802 .32904 .30127 .27459 .24902 .22271 .19815 .17474 .15248 .13131 .11120 .09208 .07388 .05653 .03985 .02820 .01804 .01115 .62896 .58864 .55011 .51323 .47790 .44400 .41144 .38016 .35005 .32106 .29313 .26625 .23862 .21264 .18779 .16407 .14147 .11991 .09938 .07980 .06110 .04309 .03041 .01939 .01195 .65402 .61407 .57561 .53856 .50284 .46841 .43517 .40308 .37207 .34209 .31311 .28513 .25654 .22941 .20332 .17831 .15436 .13145 .10953 .08858 .06851 .04912 .03476 .02242 .01399 1.05. 65 TABLEA.I.IO. Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... a SOUTH MODEL VALUES FOR PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(X), BOTHSEXESCOMBINED" eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(10) q(15) q(20) 19.9 22.4 24.8 27.2 29.6 32.0 34.4 36.8 39.2 41.5 43.9 46.3 48.7 51.0 53.4 55.8 58.1 60.0 63.1 65.6 68.0 70.5 73.0 75.5 78.0 .32162 .29818 .27701 .25772 .24004 .22373 .20862 .19455 .18141 .16929 .15862 .14821 .13806 .12819 .11861 .10934 .10040 .09170 .08178 .07215 .06256 .05304 .04363 .03442 .02658 .45276 .42161 .39279 .36595 .34087 .31731 .29514 .27420 .25436 .23589 .21822 .21022 .18485 .16908 .15393 .13935 .12527 .11154 .09667 .08342 .07077 .05873 .04732 .03662 .02783 .51319 .47850 .44614 .41583 .38733 .36045 .33501 .31090 .28798 .26658 .24569 .22564 .20640 .18793 .17020 .15318 .13678 .12082 .10382 .08898 .07492 .06168 .04929 .03781 .02852 .56335 .52570 .49042 .45723 .42589 .39624 .36811 .34136 .31588 .29205 .26849 .24592 .22430 .20358 .18371 .16466 .14639 .12871 .11011 .09401 .07880 .06451 .05123 .03902 .02924 .60047 .56231 .52613 .49175 .45901 .42777 .39790 .36932 .34191 .31575 .28999 .26525 .24149 .21868 .19677 .17570 .15547 .13589 .11578 .09836 .08201 .06676 .05270 .03990 .02974 .61768 .57949 .54309 .50835 .47512 .44328 .41274 .38341 .35520 .32819 .30150 .27583 .25112 .22734 .20446 .18246 .16127 .14073 .11978 .10158 .08452 .06864 .05403 .04077 .03028 .64117 .60305 .56648 .53133 .49752 .46495 .43356 .40327 .37402 .34606 .31809 .29110 .26506 .23993 .21571 .19235 .16983 .14795 .12559 .10626 .08815 .07135 .05593 .04200 .03105 With sex ratio at birth of 1.05. TABLE A.I.ll. Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... a With EAST MODELVALUES FOR PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(x), BOTHSEXESCOMBINED" eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(15) q(20) 18.7 21.2 23.7 26.2 28.7 31.2 33.6 36.1 38.6 41.0 43.5 45.9 48.3 50.7 53.1 55.6 58.0 60.4 62.8 65.2 67.6 70.0 72.5 75.0 77.6 .46740 .42976 .39546 .36396 .33488 .30791 .28277 .25925 .23719 .21643 .19701 .17907 .16179 .14515 .12917 .11384 .09915 .08513 .07176 .05902 .04631 .03488 .02460 .01576 .00886 .53686 .49761 .46107 .42691 .39482 .36459 .33602 .30895 .28324 .25878 .23499 .21282 .19150 .17103 .15140 .13259 .11447 .09705 .08040 .06465 .05005 .03720 .02589 .01638 .00910 .56608 .52614 .48867 .45337 .42002 .38842 .35841 .32984 .30260 .27658 .25096 .22700 .20399 .18191 .16075 .14047 .12095 .10221 .08428 .06726 .05186 .03836 .02656 .01671 .00923 .59837 .55768 .51917 .48263 .44787 .41476 .38315 .35293 .32400 .29626 .26861 .24267 .21779 .19393 .17107 .14918 .12820 .10811 .08888 .07047 .05415 .03987 .02745 .01715 .00941 .62691 .58639 .54768 .51065 .47515 .44110 .40839 .37692 .34663 .31744 .28806 .26042 .23384 .20827 .18371 .16013 .13748 .11573 .09487 .07485 .05741 .04210 .02883 .01792 .00976 .64059 .60028 .56161 .52446 .48874 .45435 .42121 .38924 .35839 .32859 .29863 .27029 .24295 .21661 .19126 .16687 .14340 .12084 .09916 .07833 .06012 .04411 .03023 .01878 .01024 .65908 .61918 .58067 .54349 .50757 .47282 .43921 .40667 .37514 .34460 .31400 .28478 .25651 .22918 .20279 .17733 .15277 .12911 .10632 .08437 .06490 .04780 .03291 .02056 .01129 sex ratio at birth of 1.05. 66 TABLE A.I.l2. Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... a With WEST MODEL VALUES FOR PROBABILITIES OF DYING, q(X), BOTH SEXES COMBINED a eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(IO) q(15) q(20) 19.0 21.4 23.9 26.4 28.8 31.3 33.7 36.2 38.6 41.1 43.5 46.0 48.5 51.0 53.4 55.8 58.2 60.6 63.1 65.5 68.0 70.5 73.1 75.7 78.3 .39278 .35913 .32882 .30128 .27608 .25289 .23143 .21151 .19292 .17553 .15920 .14383 .12912 .11524 .10259 .09037 .07862 .06734 .05656 .04628 .03604 .02678 .01838 .01118 .00581 .47403 .43699 .40291 .37136 .34202 .31459 .28888 .26469 .24187 .22027 .19980 .18036 .16099 .14247 .12579 .10972 .09415 .07941 .06547 .05229 .03979 .02908 .01960 .01173 .00594 .51004 .47149 .43575 .40242 .37123 .34193 .31433 .28825 .26354 .24010 .21780 .19654 .17511 .15453 .13611 .11843 .10138 .08521 .06989 .05537 .04178 .03033 .02030 .01204 .00611 .55103 .51077 .47312 .43777 .40449 .37306 .34330 .31507 .28823 .26267 .23827 .21496 .19119 .16826 .14795 .12854 .11001 .09233 .07545 .05934 .04440 .03202 .02124 .01248 .00627 .58262 .54211 .50388 .46771 .43339 .40077 .36969 .34005 .31171 .28459 .25861 .23368 .20814 .18342 .16141 .14033 .12015 .10083 .08236 .06469 .04830 .03475 .02297 .01342 .00669 .60468 .56415 .52565 .48900 .45406 .42068 .38875 .35815 .32881 .30062 .27353 .24744 .22061 .19460 .17142 .14914 .12778 .10729 .08765 .06883 .05143 .03698 .02442 .01425 .00708 .63218 .59182 .55318 .51613 .48057 .44640 .41354 .38189 .35139 .32198 .29358 .26614 .23796 .21061 .18593 .16214 .13924 .11721 .09604 .07571 .05675 .04093 .02711 .01587 .00793 sex ratio at birth of 1.05. 67 ANNEX II United Nations model life table values for probabilities of dying between birth and exact age x, q(X) TABLES Page A.II.1. A.II.2. A.II.3. A.IL4. A.IL5. A.IL6. A.IL7. A.IL8. A.IL9. A.II.IO. A.II.II. A.ILI2. A.II.I3. A.II.14. A.II.15. Latin American model values for male probabilities of dying, q(x) Chilean model values for male probabilities of dying, q(x) South Asian model values for male probabilities of dying, q(x) Far Eastern model values for male probabilities of dying, q(x) General model values for male probabilities of dying, q(x) Latin American model values for female probabilities of dying, q(x) Chilean model values for female probabilities of dying, q(x) South Asian model values for female probabilities of dying, q(x) Far Eastern model values for female probabilities of dying, q(x) General model values for female probabilities of dying, q(x) Latin American model values for probabilities of dying, q(x), both sexes combined Chilean model values for probabilities of dying, q(x), both sexes combined South Asian model values for probabilities of dying, q(x), both sexes combined Far Eastern model values for probabilities of dying, q(x), both sexes combined General model values for probabilities of dying, q(x), both sexes combined TABLE A.II.I. Level I .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... II .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . 68 69 70 70 71 72 72 73 74 74 75 76 76 77 78 LATIN AMERICAN MODEL VALUES FOR MALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(x) eo q(1) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(IO) q(15) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 .20429 .19839 .19260 .18690 .18129 .17577 .17033 .16497 .15969 .15448 .14934 .14427 .13927 .13433 .12945 .12464 .11988 .11518 .11055 .10597 .10144 .09697 .09256 .08821 .08391 .07967 .07550 .07138 .06733 .06335 .05943 .05559 .05181 .04812 .04452 .26825 .25985 .25161 .24352 .23556 .22774 .22005 .21249 .20506 .19775 .19056 .18348 .17652 .16967 .16293 .15630 .14978 .14337 .13706 .13086 .12476 .11877 .11289 .10711 .10144 .09588 .09043 .08510 .07988 .07478 .06980 .06495 .06022 .05563 .05117 .30174 .29204 .28251 .27316 .26397 .25494 .24607 .23735 .22878 .22036 .21209 .20395 .19596 .18810 .18039 .17280 .16535 .15804 .15086 .14381 .13689 .13010 .12345 .11692 .11054 .10429 .09818 .09221 .08639 .08071 .07518 .06980 .06458 .05952 .05463 .33663 .32562 .31481 .30420 .29376 .28352 .27345 .26355 .25383 .24428 .23490 .22568 .21663 .20774 .19901 .19043 .18202 .17377 .16568 .15774 .14996 .14234 .13487 .12757 .12042 .11345 .10663 .09999 .09352 .08722 .08110 .07516 .06940 .06384 .05848 .36840 .35637 .34454 .33291 .32147 .31022 .29916 .28829 .27760 .26709 .25676 .24661 .23664' .22684 .21722 .20777 .19850 .18940 .18048 .17173 .16316 .15476 .14653 .13849 .13063 .12295 .11546 .10816 .10106 .09415 .08744 .08094 .07464 .06857 .06271 .38433 .37187 .35961 .34754 .33567 .32399 .31249 .30118 .29006 .27912 .26836 .25778 .24737 .23715 .22711 .21724 .20755 .19804 .18871 .17956 .17059 .16180 .15320 .14478 .13654 .12850 .12066 .11301 .10557 .09833 .09130 .08448 .07789 .07152 .06539 .40543 .39248 .37973 .36716 .35478 .34258 .33057 .31874 .30709 .29561 .28432 .27321 .26227 .25151 .24093 .23053 .22031 .21027 .20041 .19073 .18124 .17194 .16282 .15389 .14516 .13662 .12829 .12017 .11255 .10455 .09708 .08982 .08280 .07603 .06950 68 TABLE Level 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... I .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... II .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... (continued) eo q(/) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(!O) q(/5) q(20) 70 71 72 73 74 75 .04100 .03758 .03426 .03105 .02795 .02499 .04686 .04270 .03870 .03486 .03120 .02771 .04991 .04537 .04101 .03685 .03289 .02914 .05331 .04836 .04362 .03910 .03481 .03077 .05709 .05170 .04655 .04165 .03702 .03265 .05950 .05386 .04847 .04335 .03849 .03393 .06322 .05721 .05147 .04601 .04084 .03598 TABLE Level A.II.!. A.n.2. CHILEAN MODEL VALUES FOR MALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(x) eo q(1) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(!O) q(/5) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .23869 .23135 .22413 .21702 .21003 .20314 .19636 .18968 .18310 .17661 .17022 .16393 .15772 .15161 .14558 .13964 .13379 .12803 .12236 .11677 .11128 .10587 .10055 .09532 .09019 .08515 .08021 .07537 .07063 .06601 .06149 .05710 .05282 .04868 .04466 .04079 .03706 .03348 .03006 .02681 .02374 .27532 .26628 .25741 .24870 .24015 .23176 .22352 .21542 .20748 .19967 .19200 .18446 .17706 .16979 .16265 .15564 .14875 .14200 .13537 .12887 .12249 .11624 .11012 .10412 .09826 .09252 .08692 .08146 .07614 .07096 .06592 .06104 .05632 .05175 .04735 .04312 .03906 .03519 .03151 .02802 .02474 .29384 .28395 .27426 .26475 .25542 .24628 .23730 .22850 .21986 .21139 .20307 .19491 .18691 .17906 .17135 .16380 .15640 .14914 .14202 .13506 .12824 .12156 .11503 .10865 .10241 .09632 .09039 .08461 .07898 .07352 .06822 .06309 .05814 .05335 .04875 .04434 .04012 .03609 .03227 .02867 .02527 .31352 .30277 .29223 .28190 .27178 .26185 .25212 .24258 .23323 .22406 .21507 .20625 .19761 .18915 .18085 .17273 .16477 .15697 .14934 .14188 .13458 .12745 .12048 .11368 .10704 .10056 .09426 .08814 .08219 .07642 .07083 .06542 .06021 .05519 .05037 .04575 .04134 .03714 .03317 .02942 .02590 .33309 .32155 .31025 .29917 .28832 .27767 .26724 .25701 .24698 .23715 .22752 .21807 .20882 .19976 .19089 .18219 .17369 .16536 .15722 .14925 .14148 .13388 .12646 .11922 .11216 .10529 .09861 .09211 .08581 .07971 .07381 .06811 .06261 .05733 .05226 .04741 .04279 .03840 .03425 .03034 .02667 .34705 .33505 .32328 .31173 .30042 .28931 .27843 .26775 .25729 .24702 .23696 .22710 .21744 .20797 .19869 .18961 .18072 .17202 .16351 .15519 .14706 .13912 .13137 .12381 .11644 .10927 .10229 .09552 .08895 .08258 .07643 .07049 .06477 .05927 .05400 .04896 .04416 .03960 .03529 .03124 .02744 .36922 .35656 .34413 .33193 .31996 .30820 .29666 .28533 .27421 .26331 .25261 .24211 .23182 .22173 .21185 .20216 .19267 .18338 .17429 .16541 .15672 .14823 .13995 .13186 .12398 .11631 .10885 .10161 .09458 .08778 .08120 .07485 .06874 .06287 .05724 .05186 .04674 .04189 .03729 .03298 .02895 69 TABLE A.II.3. Level I .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... I .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... q(X) eo q(I) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(IO) q(l5) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .22680 .22045 .21419 .20803 .20194 .19594 .19002 .18416 .17838 .17267 .16702 .16143 .15591 .15044 .14503 .13968 .13439 .12914 .12396 .11882 .11375 .10872 .10375 .09884 .09398 .08918 .08444 .07977 .07517 .07063 .06617 .06179 .05750 .05329 .04919 .04519 .04131 .03755 .03393 .03045 .02713 .30531 .29613 .28709 .27818 .26939 .26072 .25217 .24373 .23540 .22719 .21908 .21108 .20318 .19539 .18771 .18013 .17265 .16527 .15800 .15083 .14378 .13683 .12998 .12325 .11664 .11014 .10376 .09751 .09139 .08540 .07955 .07386 .06831 .06293 .05772 .05269 .04785 .04320 .03876 .03454 .03056 .34498 .33437 .32390 .31357 .30339 .29335 .28344 .27367 .26404 .25454 .24516 .23592 .22681 .21782 .20897 .20025 .19165 .18319 .17486 .16666 .15860 .15068 .14289 .13525 .12775 .12040 .11320 .10616 .09929 .09258 .08605 .07971 .07355 .06760 .06184 .05631 .05100 .04592 .04109 .03652 .03221 .38328 .37132 .35952 .34788 .33640 .32507 .31389 .30286 .29199 .28126 .27069 .26026 .24999 .23986 .22989 .22007 .21041 .20089 .19154 .18234 .17331 .16444 .15574 .14720 .13884 .13066 .12266 .11485 .10724 .09982 .09262 .08564 .07887 .07234 .06605 .06001 .05423 .04873 .04350 .03856 .03393 .41247 .39965 .38699 .37448 .36213 .34993 .33789 .32600 .31427 .30269 .29127 .28000 .26889 .25794 .24715 .23653 .22607 .21577 .20564 .19568 .18590 .17630 .16687 .15764 .14859 .13974 .13109 .12265 .11442 .10642 .09865 .09112 .08383 .07680 .07004 .06355 .05736 .05146 .04587 .04060 .03566 .42365 .41055 .39761 .38482 .37219 .35970 .34737 .33519 .32317 .31130 .29958 .28802 .27662 .26537 .25429 .24337 .23261 .22203 .21161 .20137 .19130 .18141 .17172 .16221 .15289 .14377 .13486 .12617 .11769 .10944 .10144 .09368 .08617 .07893 .07196 .06528 .05889 .05282 .04706 .04164 .03656 .43606 .42271 .40950 .39643 .38352 .37075 .35813 .34566 .33333 .32116 .30914 .29727 .28556 .27400 .26261 .25137 .24030 .22940 .21867 .20811 .19774 .18754 .17753 .16772 .15809 .14868 .13947 .13048 .12172 .11320 .10491 .09688 .08911 .08162 .07441 .06749 .06088 .05459 .04863 .04301 .03775 TABLE Level SOUTH ASIAN MODEL VALUES FOR MALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. A.II.4. FAR EASTERN MODEL VALUES FOR MALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(X) eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(IO} q(l5) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 .16455 .15873 .15304 .14746 .14200 .13664 .13139 .12624 .12119 .11623 .11137 .10660 .10192 .09733 .09282 .08840 .08470 .07982 .07566 .07159 .06760 .20614 .19819 .19044 .18287 .17548 .16827 .16122 .15434 .14762 .14105 .13464 .12838 .12226 .11629 .11046 .10477 .09923 .09382 .08855 .08342 .07843 .22919 .22008 .21120 .20254 .19409 .18586 .17782 .16999 .16234 .15489 .14762 .14053 .13362 .12689 .12033 .11394 .10772 .10167 .09579 .09007 .08453 .25567 .24528 .23515 .22528 .21566 .20628 .19714 .18824 .17955 .17110 .16286 .15484 .14702 .13942 .13202 .12482 .11783 .11104 .10445 .09805 .09186 .28513 .27346 .26208 .25098 .24015 .22960 .21931 .20928 .19950 .18997 .18070 .17166 .16287 .15431 .14598 .13789 .13003 .12240 .11500 .10784 .10090 .30681 .29434 .28217 .27028 .25868 .24735 .23630 .22552 .21500 .20475 .19475 .18502 .17553 .16630 .15731 .14857 .14008 .13183 .12383 .11608 .10858 .33721 .32377 .31063 .29777 .28519 .27289 .26086 .24911 .23763 .22642 .21547 .20479 .19438 .18422 .17433 .16469 .15532 .14622 .13737 .12880 .12048 70 ~ (continued) TABLE A.II.4. Level 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(/O) q(/5) q(20) 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .06370 .05989 .05617 .05254 .04901 .04557 .04224 .03901 .03588 .03287 .02998 .02720 .02455 .02203 .01965 .01740 .01530 .01335 .01155 .00990 .07358 .06887 .06430 .05988 .05559 .05145 .04746 .04363 .03994 .03641 .03304 .02983 .02680 .02393 .02123 .01872 .01638 .01422 .01224 .01045 .07915 .07394 .06890 .06403 .05932 .05479 .05044 .04626 .04226 .03844 .03480 .03135 .02809 .02503 .02216 .01948 .01701 .01473 .01265 .01077 .08586 .08007 .07447 .06907 .06388 .05888 .05409 .04950 .04512 .04095 .03699 .03325 .02973 .02642 .02333 .02046 .01782 .01539 .01319 .01120 .09419 .08771 .08146 .07544 .06965 .06410 .05878 .05369 .04885 .04425 .03989 .03578 .03191 .02829 .02493 .02181 .01894 .01632 .01394 .01180 .10132 .09431 .08755 .08104 .07479 .06878 .06303 .05754 .05231 .04734 .04264 .03820 .03404 .03015 .02652 .02318 .02010 .01729 .01475 .01247 .11244 .10466 .09715 .08992 .08296 .07629 .06989 .06378 .05796 .05242 .04719 .04225 .03762 .03328 .02926 .02553 .02212 .01900 .01618 .01365 TABLEA.II.5. Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... GENERAL MODEL VALUES FOR MALE PROBABILITIES OFDYING. q(X) eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(JO) q(/5) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .20001 .19387 .18785 .18192 .17609 .f7036 .16471 .15915 .15368 .14828 .14297 .13773 .13256 .12747 .12244 .11749 .11261 .10779 .10305 .09837 .09376 .08922 .08475 .08035 .07602 .07177 .06759 .06349 .05947 .05554 .05170 .04795 .04430 .04075 .03731 .03399 .03079 .02772 .02478 .02200 .01937 .25388 .24542 .23713 .22900 .22101 .21318 .20549 .19793 .19052 .18323 .17608 .16905 .16215 .15538 .14872 .14219 .13577 .12948 .12330 .11725 .11131 .10549 .09978 .09421 .08875 .08342 .07821 .07314 .06820 .06339 .05873 .05420 .04983 .04561 .04155 .03765 .03393 .03039 .02703 .02386 .02089 .28242 .27275 .26326 .25396 .24485 .23590 .22713 .21852 .21008 .20179 .19366 .18569 .17787 .17020 .16269 .15531 .14809 .14101 .13408 .12729 .12064 .11414 .10779 .10159 .09553 .08963 .08388 .07829 .07286 .06759 .06249 .05756 .05280 .04822 .04383 .03963 .03563 .03184 .02825 .02488 .02173 .31326 .30233 .29161 .28110 .27080 .26069 .25078 .24107 .23154 .22220 .21304 .20406 .19526 .18663 .17819 .16991 .16181 .15388 .14613 .13855 .13113 .12389 .11683 .10994 .10323 .09670 .09035 .08418 .07820 .07242 .06683 .06143 .05625 .05127 .04650 .04196 .03764 .03355 .02970 .02610 .02274 .34387 .33184 .32003 .30845 .29708 .28592 .27498 .26424 .25371 .24337 .23324 .22331 .21357 .20402 .19468 .18552 .17656 .16779 .15921 .15083 .14264 .13465 .12685 .11925 .11185 .10466 .09767 .09090 .08434 .07799 .07187 .06597 .06031 .05488 .04969 .04475 .04007 .03565 .03149 .02761 .02400 .36121 .34866 .33633 .32422 .31233 .30065 .28919 .27793 .26688 .25604 .24540 .23496 .22472 .21469 .20485 .19521 .18578 .17654 .16751 .15867 .15004 .14161 .13338 .12537 .11757 .10998 .10261 .09546 .08854 .08185 .07539 .06917 .06320 .05748 .05202 .04682 .04189 .03724 .03287 .02879 .02501 .38482 .37165 .35870 .34597 .33345 .32114 .30903 .29713 .28544 .27395 .26266 .25157 .24069 .23001 .21954 .20927 .19920 .18934 .17968 .17023 .16100 .15197 .14316 .13456 .12619 .11805 .11014 .10246 .09502 .08782 .08088 .07419 .06777 .06161 .05573 .05014 .04484 .03983 .03514 .03075 .02669 71 TABLEA.II.6. LATIN AMERICAN MODEL VALUES FOR FEMALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(X) Level e" q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(l5) q(20) 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .16750 .16339 .15935 .15537 .15144 .14757 .14375 .13998 .13625 .13256 .12891 .12530 .12172 .11818 .11466 .11118 .10772 .10429 .10089 .09751 .09415 .09081 .08749 .08420 .08093 .07767 .07444 .07123 .06804 .06488 .06174 .05862 .05552 .05246 .04943 .04643 .04347 .04055 .03767 .03485 .03209 .24014 .23350 .22697 .22055 .21424 .20802 .20189 .19585 .18989 .18402 .17823 .17252 .16688 .16132 .15582 .15040 .14504 .13975 .13452 .12936 .12426 .11923 .11426 .10935 .10451 .09973 .09502 .09037 .08579 .08128 .07684 .07248 .06819 .06398 .05986 .05582 .05187 .04803 .04428 .04064 .03713 .28091 .27276 .26475 .25688 .24913 .24152 .23403 .22665 ,21939 .21224 .20519 .19825 .19142 .18468 .17804 .17150 .16506 .15871 .15245 .14628 .14020 .13421 .12832 .12252 .11681 .11119 .10566 .10023 .09490 .08967 .08454 .07951 .07459 .06977 .06508 .06050 .05604 .05172 .04753 .04348 .03958 .32422 .31447 .30488 .29546 .28620 .27710 .26815 .25935 .25069 .24217 .23379 .22554 .21742 .20944 .20158 .19385 .18624 .17876 .17139 .16415 .15703 .15003 .14315 .13640 .12976 .12325 .11687 .11061 .10448 .09848 .09261 .08688 .08129 .07584 .07054 .06539 .06040 .05557 .05091 .04643 .04213 .36255 .35150 .34063 .32995 .31944 .30911 .29895 .28895 .27911 .26943 .25991 .25054 .24132 .23226 .22333 .21456 .20593 .19745 .18911 .18091 .17285 .16494 .15717 .14955 .14207 .13474 .12756 .12054 .11367 .10695 .10040 .09400 .08778 .08173 .07586 .07016 .06466 .05935 .05424 .04934 .04465 .38118 .36955 .35810 .34685 .33577 .32487 .31415 .30360 .29321 .28299 .27293 .26303 .25329 .24371 .23428 .22500 .21588 .20691 .19810 .18943 .18091 .17255 .16435 .15630 .14840 .14067 .13310 .12569 .11844 .11137 .10447 .09774 .09120 .08483 .07867 .07270 .06693 .06137 .05602 .05090 .04601 .40680 .39437 .38212 .37007 .35820 .34652 .33501 .32368 .31253 .30155 .29073 .28009 .26962 .25931 .24917 .23919 .22938 .21973 .21025 .20093 .19178 .18280 .17398 .16533 .15686 .14856 .14044 .13250 .12475 .11718 .10980 .10262 .09564 .08886 .08230 .07595 .06983 .06393 .05828 .05286 .04771 TABLE A.II.7. Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... CHILEAN MODEL VALUES FOR FEMALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(X) eu q(1) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(l5) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 .21831 .21287 .20750 .20220 .19697 .19180 .18669 .18163 .17663 .17168 .16677 .16192 .15710 .15233 .14759 .14290 .13824 .13363 .12904 .12449 .11998 .26540 .25805 .25083 .24373 .23673 .22985 .22307 .21639 .20980 .20330 .19690 .19057 .18433 .17818 .17210 .16610 .16017 .15432 .14854 .14283 .13720 .28914 .28081 .27263 .26459 .25669 .24892 .24128 .23375 .22635 .21906 .21188 .20481 .19784 .19097 .18421 .17754 .17097 .16449 .15810 .15181 .14561 .31380 .30445 .29527 .28627 .27742 .26873 .26019 .25180 .24354 .23543 .22744 .21959 .21186 .20426 .19677 .18941 .18216 .17504 .16802 .16112 .15433 .33696 .32669 .31662 .30673 .29702 .28749 .27813 .26894 .25990 .25102 .24229 .23371 .22528 .21699 .20883 .20082 .19294 .18520 .17759 .17011 .16276 .35412 .34321 .33251 .32201 .31170 .30158 .29164 .28187 .27227 .26285 .25358 .24447 .23552 .22673 .21809 .20959 .20125 .19305 .18500 .17709 .16932 .38324 .37126 .35950 .34795 .33660 .32547 .31452 .30377 .29321 .28284 .27264 26263 .25279 .24313 .23363 .22431 .21516 .20618 .19736 .18871 .18022 72 TABLE A.II.7. Level eo 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 q(1) .11550 .11106 .10665 .10228 .09795 .09365 .08938 .08517 .08099 .07686 .07278 .06875 .06478 .06086 .05702 .05324 .04954 .04591 .04238 .03895 TABLE A.II.8. !.Rvel 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... .39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... q(2) (continued) q(3) .13164 .12615 .12073 .11538 .11011 .10490 .09978 .09473 .08976 .08488 .08008 .07537 .07075 .06623 .06181 .05750 .05330 .04922 .04526 .04144 .13950 .13349 .12756 .12173 .11599 .11034 .10478 .09932 .09396 .08871 .08356 .07851 .07358 .06877 .06408 .05951 .05507 .05077 .04661 .04260 q(5) .14765 .14109 .13463 .12829 .12206 .11595 .10995 .10406 .09830 .09266 .08714 .08176 .07650 .07138 .06640 .06157 .05688 .05235 .04798 .04378 q(IO) .15554 .14846 .14150 .13468 .12798 .12142 .11499 .10870 .10254 .09653 .09066 .08494 .07936 .07395 .06869 .06360 .05867 .05392 .04934 .04496 q(J5) q(20) .16170 .15422 .14688 .13969 .13264 .12574 .11898 .11237 .10592 .09961 .09347 .08749 .08167 .07602 .07055 .06525 .06013 .05520 .05046 .04592 .17190 .16375 .15576 .14794 .14029 .13280 .12549 ./1835 .11138 .10460 .09799 .09157 .08535 .07931 .07347 .06784 .06241 .05719 .05219 .04741 SOUTH ASIAN MODEL VALUES FOR FEMALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(x) eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(JO) q(J5) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .20275 .19788 .19307 .18831 .18362 .17897 .17438 .16983 .16532 .16085 .15641 .15202 .14765 .14332 .13901 .13474 .13049 .12626 .12206 .11788 .11372 .10959 .10548 .10138 .09731 .09326 .08923 .08522 .08124 .07729 .07337 .06947 .06562 .06180 .05803 .05430 .05063 .04702 .04348 .04002 .03664 .28410 .27649 .26897 .26155 .25423 .24699 .23985 .23278 .22579 .21888 .21204 .20528 .19859 .19197 .18542 .17893 .17251 .16616 .15987 .15365 .14750 .14141 .13539 .12944 .12356 .11774 .11200 .10634 .10076 .09526 .08985 .08453 .07930 .07418 .06917 .06427 .05949 .05484 .05033 .04597 .04177 .32720 .31804 .30901 .30009 .29129 .28260 .27403 .26555 .25719 .24892 .24075 .23268 .22471 .21684 .20905 .20136 .19377 .18627 .17886 .17155 .16433 .15721 .15018 .14325 .13642 .12969 .12307 .11656 .11016 .10387 .09771 .09167 .08577 .08000 .07437 .06890 .06359 .05844 .05347 .04868 .04409 .36998 .35929 .34874 .33833 .32806 .31792 .30791 .29804 .28829 .27867 .26917 .25980 .25054 .24141 .23240 .22351 .21474 .20609 .19757 .18917 .18089 .17274 .16471 .15681 .14904 .14141 .13391 .12655 .11934 .11228 .10538 .09864 .09206 .08566 .07943 .07340 .06756 .06192 .05650 .05130 .04633 .40323 .39145 .37982 .36834 .35701 .34582 .33477 .32387 .31310 .30247 .29198 .28162 .27140 .26132 .25137 .24156 .23189 .22235 .21296 .20370 .19459 .18563 .17681 .16814 .15961 .15124 .14304 .13500 .12713 .11943 .11192 .10459 .09746 .09053 .08380 .07729 .07101 .06496 .05915 .05359 .04829 .41669 .40450 .39246 .38057 .36883 .35724 .34579 .33449 .32332 .31230 .30142 .29068 .28007 .26961 .25929 .24911 .23908 .22918 .21944 .20984 .20039 .19109 .18194 .17296 .16413 .15545 .14696 .13863 .13049 .12253 .11476 .10718 .09981 .09265 .08572 .07901 .07253 .06630 .06032 .05461 .04918 .43606 .42327 .41064 .39815 .38582 .37363 .36159 .34969 .33794 .32634 .31488 .30357 .29241 .28139 .27052 .25980 .24923 .23882 .22855 .21845 .20851 .19872 .18911 .17966 .17038 .16127 .15235 .14362 .13508 .12674 .11861 .11069 .10298 .09551 .08827 .08128 .07454 .06806 .06186 .05594 .05031 73 TABLE Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... A.H.9. 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... q(X) eo q(1) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(10) q(/5) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .14593 .14183 .13781 .13387 .13000 .12619 .12244 .11875 .11511 .11153 .10800 .10451 .10107 .09767 .09431 .09100 .08772 .08448 .08128 .07811 .07498 .07188 .06882 .06580 .06281 .05985 .05694 .05406 .05122 .04842 .04566 .04295 .04028 .03767 .03511 .03260 .03016 .02779 .02548 .02325 .02110 .19139 .18529 .17934 .17351 .16782 .16224 .15678 .15142 .14617 .14103 .13598 .13103 .12616 .12139 .11669 .11208 .10756 .10311 .09874 .09445 .09024 .08610 .08203 .07804 .07413 .07029 .06653 .06284 .05923 .05571 .05226 .04889 .04561 .04242 .03933 .03632 .03342 .03062 .02792 .02534 .02288 .21636 .20913 .20207 .19517 .18844 .18186 .17543 .16914 .16298 .15696 .15106 .14529 .13963 .13409 .12866 .12333 .11812 .11300 .10800 .10309 .09828 .09358 .08897 .08446 .08004 .07573 .07151 .06740 .06338 .05946 .05565 .05194 .04834 .04485 .04147 .03821 .03506 .03204 .02915 .02639 .02376 .24413 .23563 .22734 .21926 .21138 .20369 .19618 .18885 .18168 .17468 .16784 .16115 .15461 .14821 .14195 .13583 .12984 .12399 .11827 .11268 .10721 .10187 .09665 .09156 .08659 .08175 .07703 .07243 .06796 .06361 .05939 .05530 .05134 .04752 .04383 .04028 .03687 .03361 .03050 .02753 .02473 .27285 .26310 .25361 .24435 .23532 .22651 .21792 .20953 .20134 .19335 .18554 .17791 .17047 .16319 .15607 .14913 .14234 .13572 .12925 .12294 .11678 .11078 .10492 .09921 .09366 .08825 .08299 .07788 .07292 .06812 .06346 .05896 .05462 .05043 .04641 .04255 .03885 .03533 .03197 .02879 .02579 .29366 .28307 .27275 .26268 .25286 .24329 .23394 .22481 .21591 .20721 .19872 .19043 .18233 .17442 .16670 .15915 .15179 .14461 .13760 .13076 .12409 .11759 .11126 .10510 .09911 .09328 .08762 .08212 .07680 .07164 .06665 .06184 .05720 .05274 .04845 .04435 .04043 .03670 .03316 .02981 .02665 .33631 .32403 .31205 .30035 .28892 .27777 .26688 .25624 .24585 .23570 .22579 .21612 .20667 .19745 .18844 .17965 .17108 .16272 .15458 .14664 .13891 .13139 .12407 .11696 .11005 .10335 .09685 .09056 .08448 .07860 .07294 .06749 .06224 .05722 .05241 .04783 .04346 .03932 .03541 .03172 .02826 TABLE Level FAR EASTERN MODEL VALUES FOR FEMALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING, A.n.lO. GENERAL MODEL VALUES FOR FEMALE PROBABILITIES OF DYING, qt x) eo q(/) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(IO) q(I5) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 .16449 .16030 .15617 .15210 .14810 .14415 .14025 .13640 .13260 .12884 .12512 .12144 .11780 .11419 .11061 .10707 .10356 .10007 .09661 .09318 .08977 .22558 .21905 .21265 .20636 .20018 .19410 .18812 .18224 .17645 .17074 .16513 .15959 .15414 .14876 .14346 .13823 .13308 .12799 .12298 .11803 .11314 .25960 .25172 .24399 .23641 .22897 .22166 .21448 .20743 .20050 .19368 .18697 .18038 .17389 .16751 .16123 .15505 .14897 .14299 .13710 .13130 .12560 .29698 .28762 .27845 .26945 .26063 .25197 .24348 .23514 ,22695 .21890 .21100 .20324 .19562 .18813 .18077 .17354 .16644 .15946 .15261 .14588 .13927 .33384 .32313 .31262 .30231 ,29220 .28228 .27524 .26297 .25358 .24436 .23531 .22643 .21770 .20913 .20072 .19245 .18435 .17639 .16858 .16091 .15340 .35454 .34312 .33192 .32092 .31012 .29953 ,28912 .27890 .26886 .25901 .24933 .23983 .23049 .22133 .21233 .20349 .19482 .18632 .17796 .16978 .16175 .38628 .37379 .36152 .34946 .33762 .32598 .31454 .30331 .29227 ,28142 .27077 .26030 .25002 .23993 .23001 .22028 .21073 .20137 .19217 .18316 .17434 74 TABLE Level e" 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ..............•........... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ................•......... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... TABLE A.II.11. Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... q(J) .08639 .08304 .07971 .07640 .07312 .06987 .06664 .06344 .06027 .05713 .05402 .05094 .04790 .04490 .04195 .03905 .03620 .03341 .03069 .02804 A.II.lO. (continued) q(2) .10833 .10359 .09891 .09430 .08976 .08529 .08089 .07656 .07230 .06813 .06403 .06001 .05607 .05223 .04848 .04483 .04128 .03785 .03453 .03133 q(3) .11999 .11448 .10906 .10373 .09850 .09337 .08833 .08339 .07855 .07382 .06919 .06467 .06026 .05597 .05180 .04776 .04385 .04008 .03645 .03297 q(5) .13278 .12642 .12018 .11407 .10808 .10221 .09647 .09086 .08538 .08004 .07483 .06976 .06483 .06005 .05542 .05095 .04664 .04251 .03854 .03476 «to, .14604 .13882 .13175 .12484 .11807 .11146 .10501 .09871 .09257 .08659 .08078 .07513 .06966 .06437 .05926 .05434 .04962 .04509 .04077 .03666 q(/5) .15388 .14618 .13864 .13126 .12405 .11701 .11014 .10343 .09691 .09056 .08439 .07841 .07262 .06702 .06163 .05644 .05146 .04670 .04217 .03786 q(20) .16569 .15723 .14895 .14086 .13296 .12525 .11774 .11042 .10330 .09638 .08968 .08318 .07690 .07085 .06502 .05943 .05408 .04898 .04412 .03953 LATIN AMERICAN MODEL V ALVES FOR PROBABILITIES OFDYING. q(X), BOTH SEXES COMBINED a e" q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(/Oj q(/5) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .18634 .18132 .17638 .17152 .16673 .16202 .15737 .15278 .14826 .14379 .13938 .13502 .13071 .12645 .12224 .11807 .11395 .10987 .10584 .10184 .09788 .09397 .09009 .08625 .08246 .07870 .07498 .07131 .06768 .06409 .06055 .05706 .05362 .05024 .04691 .04365 .04045 .03733 .03428 .03132 .02845 .25454 .24700 .23959 .23232 .22516 .21812 .21119 .20437 .19766 .19105 .18455 .17813 .17182 .16559 .15946 .15342 .14747 .14160 .13582 .13013 .12452 .11900 .11356 .10820 .10294 .09776 .09267 .08767 .08276 .07795 .07324 .06862 .06411 .05970 .05541 .05123 .04718 .04325 .03946 .03581 .03230 .29158 .28263 .27385 .26522 .25673 .24839 .24019 .23213 .22420 .21640 .20872 .20117 .19374 .18643 .17924 .17217 .16521 .15836 .15163 .14501 .13850 .13211 .12582 .11965 .11360 .10765 .10183 .09613 .09054 .08508 .07974 .07454 .06946 .06452 .05973 .05508 .05058 .04624 .04206 .03806 .03423 .33058 .32018 .30997 .29993 .29007 .28039 .27086 .26150 .25230 .24325 .23436 .22561 .21702 .20857 .20026 .19210 .18408 .17620 .16847 .16087 .15341 .14609 .13891 .13187 .12498 .11823 .11163 .10517 .09886 .09271 .08671 .08088 .07520 .06969 .06436 .05920 .05423 .04945 .04486 .04048 .03631 .36555 .35399 .34263 .33146 .32048 .30968 .29906 .28861 .27834 .26823 .25830 .24853 .23892 .22948 .22020 .21108 .20212 .19333 .18469 .17621 .16788 .15972 .15172 .14388 .13621 .12870 .12137 .11420 .10721 .10039 .09376 .08731 .08105 .07499 .06912 .06347 .05802 .05279 .04779 .04303 .03850 .38279 .37074 .35887 .34720 .33572 .32442 .31330 .30236 .29160 .28101 .27059 .26034 .25026 .24035 .23060 .22103 .21161 .20237 .19329 .18438 .17563 .16705 .15864 .15040 .14233 .13444 .12673 .11919 .11185 .10469 .09772 .09095 .08438 .07802 .07187 .06594 .06023 .05476 .04953 .04455 .03982 .40610 .39340 .38090 .36858 .35645 .34450 .33274 .32115 .30974 .29851 .28745 .27656 .26585 .25531 .24495 .23475 .22473 .21489 .20521 .19571 .18638 .17723 .16826 .15947 .15087 .14245 .13422 .12618 .11835 .11071 .10328 .09607 .08906 .08229 .07574 .06943 .06336 .05755 .05199 .04671 .04170 a With sex ratio at birth of 1.05. 75 TABLE A.I1.12. CHILEAN MODEL VALUES FOR PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(X), BOTH SEXES COMBINED a LRvef eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(lO) q(l5) q(20) 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .22875 .22233 .21602 .20979 .20366 .19761 .19164 .18575 .17994 .17421 .16854 .16295 .15742 .15196 .14656 .14123 .13597 .13076 .12562 .12054 .11552 .11057 .10568 .10085 .09609 .09139 .08676 .08220 .07772 .07332 .06899 .06475 .06059 .05653 .05257 .04870 .04495 .04131 .03780 .03441 .03116 .27048 .26227 .25420 .24627 .23848 .23083 .22330 .21589 .20861 .20144 .19439 .18744 .18061 .17388 .16726 .16074 .15432 .14801 .14179 .13568 .12967 .12375 .11794 .11222 .10661 .10110 .09569 .09040 .08521 .08013 .07517 .07033 .06561 .06102 .05656 .05224 .04806 .04403 .04015 .03643 .03289 .29155 .28242 .27346 .26467 .25604 .24757 .23924 .23106 .22303 .21513 .20737 .19974 .19224 .18487 .17762 .17050 .16350 .15663 .14987 .14323 .13671 .13031 .12404 .11787 .11183 .10591 .10012 .09445 .08890 .08349 .07822 .07308 .06808 .06322 .05852 .05397 .04958 .04535 .04129 .03742 .03372 .31366 .30359 .29371 .28403 .27453 .26521 .25606 .24708 .23826 .22960 .22110 .21276 .20456 .19652 .18862 .18086 .17325 .16578 .15845 .15126 .14422 .13731 .13053 .12390 .11741 .11105 .10484 .09878 .09286 .08709 .08148 .07602 .07072 .06558 .06062 .05582 .05121 .04677 .04253 .03847 .03462 .33497 .32406 .31336 .30286 .29256 .28246 .27255 .26283 .25328 .24392 .23472 .22570 .21685 .20816 .19964 .19128 .18308 .17504 .16715 .15943 .15186 .14445 .13719 .13009 .12314 .11636 .10973 .10327 .09697 .09085 .08489 .07911 .07350 .06808 .06284 .05779 .05294 .04829 .04384 .03961 .03559 .35050 .33903 .32778 .31675 .30592 .29530 .28487 .27464 .26460 .25474 .24507 .23558 .22626 .21712 .20815 .19936 .19073 .18228 .17399 .16587 .15792 .15014 .14252 .13507 .12778 .12067 .11373 .10696 .10037 .09397 .08774 .08170 .07585 .07020 .06474 .05949 .05444 .04962 .04500 .04062 .03646 .37606 .36373 .35163 .33974 .32808 .31662 .30537 .29433 .28348 .27283 .26238 .25212 .24205 .23217 .22247 .21297 .20364 .19450 .18555 .17677 .16818 .15978 .15156 .14352 .13567 .12801 .12054 .11326 .10617 .09929 .09261 .08614 .07988 .07383 .06801 .06240 .05703 .05190 .04700 .04235 .03795 a With sex ratio at birth of 1.05. TABLEA.II.13. SOUTH ASIAN MODEL VALUES FOR PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(x), BOTH SEXES COMBINED a Level eo q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(IO) q(15) q(20) 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 .21507 .20944 .20389 .19841 .19300 .18766 .18239 .17717 .17201 .16690 .16185 .15684 .15188 .14697 .14210 .13727 .13248 .12774 .12303 .29496 .28655 .27825 .27007 .26199 .25402 .24616 .23839 .23071 .22314 .21565 .20825 .20094 .19372 .18659 .17954 .17258 .16570 .15891 .33631 .32640 .31663 .30700 .29749 .28811 .27885 .26971 .26070 .25180 .24301 .23434 .22579 .21734 .20901 .20079 .19269 .18469 .17681 .37679 .36545 .35426 .34322 .33233 .32158 .31098 .30051 .29018 .28000 .26995 .26004 .25026 .24062 .23111 .22175 .21252 .20343 .19448 .40797 .39565 .38349 .37149 .35963 .34792 .33637 .32496 .31370 .30258 .29161 .28079 .27012 .25959 .24921 .23898 .22891 .21898 .20921 .42025 .40760 .39510 .38275 .37055 .35850 .34660 .33485 .32324 .31179 .30048 .28932 .27830 .26744 .25673 .24617 .23577 .22552 .21543 .43606 .42298 .41005 .39727 .38464 .37215 .35982 .34763 .33558 .32369 .31194 .30035 .28890 .27761 .26647 .25548 .24466 .23399 .22349 76 TABLE Level ('() 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 a With q(1) .11836 .11374 .10914 .10459 .10008 .09560 .09117 .08678 .08243 .07813 .07388 .06968 .06554 .06146 .05744 .05350 .04964 .04586 .04217 .03859 .03512 .03177 A.II.13. (continued) q(2) .15221 .14559 .13906 .13262 .12627 .12001 .00385 .10778 .10182 .09596 .09021 .08458 .07906 .07368 .06842 .06330 .05834 .05353 .04888 .04441 .04012 .03603 q(3) q(5) q(IO) .16905 .16140 .15386 .14645 .13915 .13198 .12493 .11801 .11123 .10459 .09809 .09174 .08554 .07951 .07365 .06796 .06245 .05714 .05203 .04713 .04245 .03800 .18567 .17701 .16849 .16011 .15189 .14382 .13590 .12815 .12056 .11314 .10590 .09885 .09198 .08531 .07884 .07258 .06654 .06073 .05516 .04984 .04478 .03998 .19959 .19014 .18085 .17172 .16276 .15397 .14535 .13692 .12867 .12062 .11277 .10512 .09769 .09048 .08350 .07675 .07026 .06402 .05804 .05234 .04693 .04182 q(15) q(20) .20550 .19573 .18613 .17671 .16745 .15837 .14947 .14076 .13225 .12393 .11583 .10793 .10026 .09282 .08562 .07867 .07197 .06555 .05939 .05353 .04797 .04271 .21316 .20299 .19300 .18318 .17354 .16409 .15482 .14576 .13689 .12824 .11980 .11159 .10362 .09588 .08840 .08117 .07422 .06754 .06116 .05508 .04932 .04388 sex ratio at birth of 1.05. TABLE Level 1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... A.ll.14. FAR EASTERN MODEL VALUES FOR PROBABILITIES OF DYING. q(x), BOTH SEXES COMBINED" eo q(I) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(IO) q(15) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 .15546 .15049 .14561 .14083 .13614 .13154 .12702 .12259 .11823 .11394 .10973 .10558 .10151 .09750 .09355 .08967 .08585 .08209 .07840 .07477 .07120 .06769 .06424 .06086 .05755 .05430 .05112 .04800 .04496 .04200 .03911 .03630 .03358 .03095 .02841 .02597 .02363 .19895 .19190 .18503 .17831 .17174 .16533 .15905 .15292 .14691 .14104 .13529 .12967 .12417 .11878 .11350 .10834 .10329 .09835 .09352 .08880 .08419 .07969 .07529 .07101 .06683 .06276 .05881 .05497 .05124 .04763 .04414 .04077 .03753 .03442 .03144 .02859 .02589 .22294 .21474 .20674 .19895 .19134 .18391 .17666 .16957 .16266 .15590 .14930 .14285 .13656 .13040 .12439 .11852 .11279 .10720 .10174 .09642 .09124 .08619 .08127 .07649 .07184 .06733 .06295 .05871 .05461 .05065 .04683 .04316 .03964 .03627 .03305 .02999 .02708 .25004 .24057 .23134 .22235 .21357 .20502 .19667 .18853 .18059 .17285 .16529 .15791 .15072 .14371 .13686 .13019 .12369 .11736 .11119 .10519 .09935 .09367 .08816 .08281 .07762 .07259 .06773 .06304 .05851 .05414 .04995 .04593 .04208 .03841 .03491 .03160 .02847 .27914 .26841 .25795 .24775 .23780 .22809 .21863 .20940 .20040 .19162 .18306 .17471 .16657 .15864 .15090 .14337 .13604 .12890 .12195 .11520 .10865 .10228 .09610 .09012 .08433 .07872 .07331 .06810 .06308 .05825 .05362 .04919 .04497 .04095 .03713 .03352 .03012 .30040 .28884 .27757 .26657 .25584 .24537 .23515 .22518 .21544 .20595 .19669 .18766 .17885 .17026 .16189 .15373 .14579 .13806 .13055 .12324 .11615 .10926 .10258 .09611 .08985 .08381 .07797 .07234 .06693 .06174 .05676 .05201 .04747 .04316 .03908 .03522 .03159 .33677 .32390 .31132 .29903 .28701 .27527 .26380 .25259 .24164 .23095 .22051 .21032 .20038 .19067 .18121 .17199 .16301 .15427 .14577 .13750 .12947 .12168 .11413 .10681 .09974 .09291 .08632 .07997 .07388 .06803 .06243 .05709 .05200 .04718 .04262 .03832 .03428 77 TABLE (continued) A.II.14. Level e" q(1) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(10) q(15) q(20) 38 39 40 41 72 73 74 75 .02139 .01927 .01726 .01537 .02332 .02090 .01863 .01651 .02434 .02177 .01935 .01711 .02552 .02276 .02019 .01780 .02693 .02395 .02119 .01863 .02820 .02503 .02210 .01939 .03051 .02700 .02376 .02078 .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... a With sex ratio at birth of 1.05. TABLE Level I .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 .......................... 5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 .......................... 11 .......................... 12 .......................... 13 .......................... 14 .......................... 15 .......................... 16 .......................... 17 .......................... 18 .......................... 19 .......................... 20 .......................... 21 .......................... 22 .......................... 23 .......................... 24 .......................... 25 .......................... 26 .......................... 27 .......................... 28 .......................... 29 .......................... 30 .......................... 31 .......................... 32 .......................... 33 .......................... 34 .......................... 35 .......................... 36 .......................... 37 .......................... 38 .......................... 39 .......................... 40 .......................... 41 .......................... a With A.II.15. GENERAL MODEL VALVES FOR PROBABILITIES OF DYING, q(x), BOTH SEXES COMBINED a e" q(l) q(2) q(3) q(5) q(10) q(J5) q(20) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 .18268 .17750 .17239 .16738 .16244 .15757 .15278 .14806 .14340 .13880 .13426 .12978 .12536 .12099 .11667 .11241 .10819 .10403 .09991 .09584 .09182 .08784 .08391 .08004 .07621 .07243 .06870 .06503 .06141 .05785 .05435 .05091 .04754 .04424 .04101 .03787 .03482 .03185 .02899 .02624 .02360 .24007 .23526 .22519 .21795 .21085 .20387 .19701 .19028 .18365 .17714 .17074 .16444 .15824 .15215 .14616 .14026 .13446 .12875 .12314 .11763 .11220 .10687 .10164 .09650 .09146 .08651 .08167 .07692 .07228 .06774 .06331 .05900 .05479 .05071 .04676 .04294 .03925 .03570 .03230 .02906 .02598 .27129 .26249 .25386 .24540 .23710 .22895 .22096 .21311 .20540 .19783 .19040 .18310 .17593 .16889 .16198 .15519 .14852 .14197 .13555 .12924 .12306 .11699 .11105 .10523 .09953 .09396 .08851 .08319 .07800 .07294 .06802 .06323 .05859 .05410 .04975 .04557 .04155 .03770 .03402 .03052 .02722 .30531 .29515 .28519 .27542 .26584 .25644 .24722 .23817 .22930 .22059 .21204 .20366 .19543 .18736 .17945 .17168 .16407 .15661 .14929 .14212 .13510 .12823 .12151 .11494 .10852 .10225 .09614 .09018 .08438 .07874 .07327 .06797 .06284 .05788 .05311 .04852 .04413 .03994 .03595 .03217 .02860 .33898 .32759 .31642 .30545 .29470 .28414 .27379 .26362 .25365 .24386 .23425 .22483 .21558 .20651 .19762 .18890 .18036 .17198 .16378 .15575 .14789 .14020 .13269 .12535 .11819 .11120 .10440 .09778 .09135 .08510 .07905 .07319 .06754 .06209 .05685 .05183 .04703 .04246 .03813 .03403 .03018 .35796 .34596 .33417 .32261 .31125 .30010 .28915 .27840 .26785 .25749 .24732 .23733 .22754 .21793 .20850 .19925 .19019 .18131 .17261 .16409 .15575 .14759 .13962 .13184 .12425 .11684 .10963 .10262 .09581 .08919 .08279 .07660 .07062 .06486 .05934 .05404 .04899 .04418 .03962 .03532 .03128 .38533 .37269 .36007 .34767 .33548 .32350 .31172 .30014 .28877 .27759 .26661 .25583 .24524 .23485 .22465 .21464 .20483 .19521 .18578 .17654 .16750 .15866 .15002 .14158 .13335 .12532 .11751 .10991 .10253 .09537 .08844 .08174 .07529 .06907 .06311 .05740 .05196 .04678 .04189 .03728 .03295 sex ratio at birth of 1.05. 78 ANNExm Relationship between infant mortality, q(l), and child mortality, in the Coale-Demeny mortality models 200 4Q., .. . . . .. . . . . ... ISDUIQ · · // ..... ..... // //~ // ~ ./ .... / / ..- / 150 ..../ / ..-/ .~ / // / // 100 / // / // // // / / /1' .. ..... ..- ..- ..... .. ..- ..... ..- ..... ..... ..... 50 // // / // // // o .i ,~ L __ .. . ~ =1:;;.-===_-_-_-_- .... -- ..L 50 --l L l- .J.. 100 150 200 250 ...J q(1) q 4 1 ANNEX IV Relationship between infant mortality, q(l), and child mortality, in the United Nations mortality models 4q\, ,----------------------------------, 200 150 00 o 100 50 50 NOTES I For a description of how a life table is constructed in practice, see Henry S. Shryock, Jacob S. Siegel and others, The Methods and Materials of Demography (Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Commerce, 1973), vol. 2, pp. 429-461. 2 To understand the type of data collected, it is recommended that the analyst refer to the questionnaire used to gather the data and even to the instructions given to interviewers or enumerators. Unfortunately, those documents are often not published together with the tabulations of the data. However, whenever they are accessible, it is recommended that the analyst indicate how the information on children ever born and surviving was collected when presenting the results obtained from applying the Brass method. 3 See, for instance, Alejandro Aguirre and Allan G. Hill, "Childhood mortality estimates using the preceding birth technique: some applications and extensions", CPS Research Paper 87-2 (Centre for Population Studies, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, September 1987). 4 See, for instance, A. G. Hill and others, "L'enquete pilote sur la mortalite aux jeunes ages dans cinq maternites de la ville de Bamako, Mali", in Estimation de la mortalite du jeune enfant (0-5) pour guider les actions de sante dans les pays en developpement. Seminaire INSERM, vol. 145, 107-130 (Paris, 1985); and Alejandro Aguirre and Allan G. Hill, op. cit; W. Brass and S. Macrae, "Childhood mortality estimated from reports on previous births given by mothers at the time of a maternity: 1. Preceding-births technique", Asian and Pacific Census Forum, vol. II, No.2 (November 1984); and Miguel Irigoyen and Sonia M. Mychaszula, "Estimacion de la mortalidad infantil mediante el metodo del hijo previo: Aplicacion en el Hospital Rural de Junin de los Andes", paper presented at the IUSSP Seminar on Collection and Processing of Demographic Data in Latin America, Santiago, 23-27 May 1988. 5 See Irigoyen and Mychaszula, op. cit., and Aguirre and Hill, op. cit. 6 Brass and Macrae, op. cit., p. 7. 81 GLOSSARY hypothetical cohort: A construct representing a cohort that does not number of births in a given year to women in age group i number of deaths between exact ages x and x proportion of children dead expectation of life at exact age x really exist. Most life tables represent the effects of mortality on hypothetical birth cohorts (see cohort). +n infant: Person under age 1. infant mortality: The probability of dying between birth and exact age expectation of life at birth 1. Denoted by q(l) or by 1qo . age group of mother or age group of women (see table 3 for the correspondence between different values of i and specific age groups) number of survivors to exact age x infant mortality rate: The number of deaths of children aged 0 to 1 per person-year lived by those children. Denoted by ity. It consists of several sets of numbers, or functions, each representing one particular aspect of the incidence of mortality in a population. mean age at maternity: The mean age of mothers at the birth of a group of children, usually those born in a given year. It is denoted by M and used in the application of the Palloni-Heligman version of the Brass method. not-stated parity: Refers to women who do not report the number of children they have had. parity: Number of children ever borne by a woman. Abortions and stillbirths are not counted. parity ratio: The ratio of average parities for women in different age groups. Those used in the Brass method are P(I)/P(2) and P(2)/ number of person-years lived between exact ages x and x+n age-specific mortality rate mp(i) M P(i) nqx q(x) q(l) \qo midpoint in years of age group i (used in calculating the mean age at maternity) mean age at maternity average parity of women in age group i probability of dying between exact ages x and x + n probability of dying between birth and exact age x infant mortality infant mortality sqo q(5) under-five mortality 4ql child mortality t(i) reference date P(3). proportion of children dead: The ratio of children dead to children ever under-five mortality born, usually calculated for different age groups of women. Denoted by D(i). radix: Initial number of births in a life table subject to the mortality conditions it represents. The radix is denoted by 1(0) and it is usually 100,000. reference date: Date to which estimates of mortality in childhood refer. Expressed in number of years before the surveyor census gathering the basic information. Denoted by t(i). reproductive age: The age-span during which women are able to conceive. The reproductive-age span is usually set to range between exact ages 15 and 50, that is, 15-49 in completed years. robustness: Characteristic of estimates that are not greatly affected by deviations from the assumptions upon which their derivation is based. An estimate is said to be robust to assumption A, when deviations from that particular assumption bring about only small changes in the value of the estimate. sex ratio at birth: Average number of male births per female birth. It varies between 1.03 and 1.08 male births per female birth. standard five-year age groups: Age groups of the following type: 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19 etc. under-five mortality: The probability of dying between birth and exact age 5. Denoted by q(5) or sqo. weighted average: The weighted average A of quantities Z(I), Z(2), ... ,Z(n), using weights W(1), W(2), ...• W(n), is calculated as follows: age-specific death rate: See age-specific mortality rate. age-specific mortality rate: Number of deaths of persons aged x to x + n per person-year lived by the population in that age group. Usually denoted by nmX" average parity: Average number of children ever born per woman. Denoted by P(i). birth interval: The time elapsed between the births of any two consecutive children of a given women. child mortality: The probability of dying between exact ages 1 and 4. Denoted by 4qt. The equation relating 4qt to infant and under-five mortality is 4qt = (q(5) lmo. life table: The demographer's way of representing the effects of mortal- - q(l» "* (1.0 - q(l» cohort: A group of persons experiencing the same event during a given period. A birth cohort is the group of persons born during the same period (usually a year). exact age: A person's age at the exact moment of reaching a certain age, i.e., not one day younger or older than that age. expectation of life at age x: Average number of additional years that a person aged x is expected to live under the mortality conditions represented by a life table. Denoted by eX" expectation of life at birth: Average number of years that a newly born n person is expected to live under the mortality conditions represented by a life table. Denoted by eo. r; W(j)Z(j) A fertility history: Set of dates of birth and, where appropriate, dates of = .:.j_=_l::-- r; W(j) j=! death of all children borne by a woman. 82 _ REFERENCES Aguirre, A., and A. G. Hill (1987). Childhood mortality estimates using the preceding birth technique: some applications and extensions. CPS Research Paper 87-2. Centre for Population Studies, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 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A re-estimation of the multiplying factors for the Brass technique for determining childhood survivorship rates. Population Studies, vol. 29, No. I, pp. 97-108. United Nations (1982). Model life Tables for Developing Countries. Population Studies, No. 77. Sales No. E.81.XIII.7. ___ (l983a). Infant mortality: world estimates and projections, 1950-2025. Population Bulletin of the United Nations. No. 14. Sales No. E.82.XIII.6. ___ (l983b). Manual X: Indirect Techniques for Demographic Estimation. Population Studies, No.8!. Sales No. E.83.XIII.2. ___ (1986). World Population Prospects: Estimates and Projections as Assessed in 1984, Population Studies, No. 98. Sales No. E.85.XIII.3. ___ (1988). Mortality of Children under Age 5: World Estimates and Projections, 1950-2025. Population Studies, No. 105. Sales No. E.88.XIII.4. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) (1986). Statistics on Children in UNICEF Assisted Countries. _ _ (1987a). The State of the World's Children, 1987. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ___ (1987b). Statistics on Children in UNICEF Assisted Countries. _ _ (1988a). The State of the World's Children, 1988. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ___(1988b). Statistics on Children in UNICEF Assisted Countries. 83 ·~1 1"""'")1\ ":"\.;""":':" .,.sJ.1.;r ~ ~I. ~WI . .L..;i Js. J..,.....-I 4...).$ ~ ~ ~j?IJJ>J ":"~I.;r i~II""'~\ ..:..IJ.J....;;;" ~ J~I ~ ~ ~) .!lJJ-!."'; ~ ~I r--" i~1 r-'~I : JI...,..:.>I) ~ J-.\..;;.,rJ1 in fiiJ llIU't. ft IIIil iii fJ .&~~~~&~~W3~~~~~H~.~.~~o~~~~~~~~.~m~~8~K~ .&~il~mo HOW TO OBTAIN UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATIONS United Nations publications may be obtained from bookstores and distributors throughout the world. Consult your bookstore or write to: United Nations, Sales Section, New York or Geneva. COMMENT SE PROCURER LES PUBLICATIONS DES NATIONS UNIES Les publications des Nations Unies sont en vente dans les librairies et les agences depositaires du monde entier. 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