Name of the module: Advanced Mathematics for Electrical Engineering Number of module: SCE Credits: 3 Course Description: The course aims to introduce students into advanced ECTS credits: methods of solution of partial differential equations, in particular special Academic year: 2015- 2016 functions and numerical solutions. Semester: Fall Hours of instruction: 3 lecture hours + 1exercise class hour per Aims of the module: Students will learn analytical and numerical methods week to solve partial differential equations. Location of instruction: will be defined. Language of instruction: Hebrew Objectives of the module: The course aims to provide the student with the ability to formulate problems of Electrical Enginnering on the Cycle: First cycle Position: a mandatory module for mathematical language 1st year graduate students in the of partial differential equations , to use special methods to solve them and Department to analyze the solution. of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be taken on Fall semester Field of Education: Electrical Engineering and Electronics Responsible department: Electrical Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to: Engineering and Electronics General prerequisites: Grading scale: the grading scale would be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 56. Lecturer: Prof. Shimon Levitsky Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-6 Email: Office hours: Monday, from 9 to 11AM. 1. Understand the scientific language of advanced mathematical methods. 2. Formulate problems of Electrical Engineering in the form of differential equations. 3. Solve basic exercises. 4. Explain the solution and to use it to advance Engineering projects. Confirmation: the syllabus was Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in class is mandatory (at confirmed by the faculty academic least 80%). advisory committee to be valid on Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists of 2013-2014. lectures and exercises. Last update: 01.01.2015 Assessment: 1. Exam 80% (or 100% for the student who did not take a quiz) 2. Quiz 20% (not mandatory) 100% Work and assignments: Student will conduct 12 home works related to the exercises in the class. Quiz: midterm, open questions. Exam: at the end of semester, open questions) . Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignment and individual work: at least two hours per week, 10 hours before quiz and 24hours before exam. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: Week Lectures and [Book] 1 First order partial differential equations [1,2] 2 Second order equations, canonical forms 3 Wave equations: general solution 4 Special functions, orthogonality 5 More special functions [2-4] 6 Laplace equation, harmonic functions 7 Boundary conditions, oscillations 8 Dirichle problem 9 Maximum principle, fundamental solution 10 Numerical solution 11 Finite differences equations 12 Accuracy and various approximations 13 Summary of the course [1,2] [1,2] [2-4] [2-4] [1,3] [3] [5] [1-5] [5] [5] [2-4] Exercises: Required reading: .2001 , הטכניון – מכון טכנולוגי לישראל, מבוא למשוואות דיפרנציאליות חלקיות, יעקב רובינשטיין,] יהודה פינצ'ובר1[ [2] Duchateau P., Zachmann D. W. Partial Differential Equations, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1999. [3] Boyce, W.I and DiPrima, R.C. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value ed ., 2001. [4] O'Neil P.V., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Book/Cole Publish. Co., 5th ed., N.Y., 2003. [5] Mathews J .H. and Fink K.D. Numerical Methods: Using Matlab, 4th ed., 2004. Problems, J. Wiley & Sons, 7th Name of the module: Advanced Topics in Physics for Electrical Engineering Number of module: SCE Credits: 3 Course Description: The course aims to introduce students into main ideas ECTS credits: of the physics of the microworld. The course is divided on two parts. The Academic year: 2015- 2016 first part of the course is related to quantum mechanics, whereas the second Semester: Fall part describes the basics of statistical mechanics. Hours of instruction: 3 lecture hours + 1exercise class hour per Aims of the module: Students will learn the basic laws of quantum and week statistical mechanics Location of instruction: will be defined. Objectives of the module: The course aims to provide the student with the Language of instruction: Hebrew ability to formulate and understand problems of quantum and statistical Cycle: First cycle mechanics, to analyze physical phenomena in the microworld and its Position: a mandatory module for applications; to solve typical exercises of the course based on the laws of 1st year graduate students in the quantum and statistical mechanics, use special methods of solution Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be taken on Fall semester Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, Field of Education: Electrical the students should be able to: Electronics 5. Understand the scientific language of modern physics Responsible department: Electrical 6. Formulate problems of quantum and statistical mechanics. Engineering and Electronics 7. Solve basic exercises. 8. Explain what are the principles of physics in basic electrical micro Engineering and General prerequisites: devices, such as diodes, n-p transitions, tunneling junctions, etc… Grading scale: the grading scale would be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 56. Lecturer: Prof. Victor Kagalovsky Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-6 Email: Office hours: Monday, from 9 to 11AM. a Confirmation: the syllabus was Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in class is mandatory (at confirmed by the faculty academic least 80%). advisory committee to be valid on Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists of 2013-2014. lectures and exercises. Last update: 01.01.2015 Assessment: 3. Exam 80% (or 100% for the student who did not take a quiz) 4. Quiz 20% (not mandatory) 100% Work and assignments: Student will conduct 12 home works related to the exercises in the class. Quiz: midterm, open questions. Exam: at the end of semester, open questions) . Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignment and individual work: at least two hours per week, 10 hours before quiz and 24hours before exam. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: Week Lectures and [Book] 14 Introduction to basic math 15 Basic ideas of quantum mechanics: wavefunctions, operators, expectation values 16 [1] [1] Schroedinger equation: free particle and particle in a box [1] 17 Tunneling [1] 18 Harmonic oscillator 19 Hydrogen atom 20 Photons and interaction with matter 21 Basic ideas of statistical mechanics 22 Thermodynamics, work and energy 23 Ideal gas 24 Distribution functions: Gibbs, Maxwell-Bolzmann, [1] [1] [1] [2] [2] [2] Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein [2] 25 Chemical potential, low temperatures 26 Solid state [2] [2] Exercises: Required reading: 1. "Quantum Mechanics", Eugen Merzbacher, 3rd ed., Wiley &Sons (1997). 2. “Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics", Frederick Reif McGraw-Hill Series in Fundamentals of Physics, (1965). Additional literature: 1. "Quantum Mechanics", Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, and Frank Laloe, Wiley & Sons(1977). 2. "Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic Theory", Volume 3, L. D. Landau and L. M. Lifshitz, 3rd ed., Elsivier's Science (1977). 3. Statistical Mechanics: A Set of Lectures, Richard Phillips Feynman, Westview Press (1998). Name of the module: Mathematical Physics Number of module: SCE Credits: 3 ECTS credits: Academic year: 2015- 2016 Course Description: The course aims to introduce students into main ideas of mathematical physics. The course consists of four parts: variational calculus, additional topics in ordinary and partial differential equations, and integral equations. Semester: Spring Hours of instruction: 3 lecture hours + 1exercise class hour per Aims of the module: Students will learn advanced mathematical methods to solve physical problems week Location of instruction: will be defined. Language of instruction: Hebrew Objectives of the module: The course aims to provide the student with the ability to formulate and understand problems of physics, to address them in a proper mathematical way; to solve typical exercises of the course based on the laws of physics, using special mathematical methods of solution. Cycle: First cycle Position: a mandatory module for 1st year graduate students in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be taken on Fall semester Field of Education: Electrical Engineering and Electronics Responsible department: Electrical Engineering and Electronics General prerequisites: Grading scale: the grading scale would be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 56. Lecturer: Prof. Victor Kagalovsky Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-6 Email: Office hours: Monday, from 9 to 11AM. Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to: 9. Formulate physical problem in mathematical language. 10. Solve basic exercises, using various methods of mathematical physics. 11. Use variational calculus as well as differential equations in the projects of Electrical Engineering. Confirmation: the syllabus was confirmed by the faculty academic advisory committee to be valid on 2013-2014. Last update: 01.01.2015 Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in class is mandatory (at least 80%). Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists of lectures and exercises. Assessment: 5. Exam 6. Quiz 80% (or 100% for the student who did not take a quiz) 20% (not mandatory) 100% Work and assignments: Student will conduct 12 home works related to the exercises in the class. Quiz: midterm, open questions. Exam: at the end of semester, open questions) . Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignment and individual work: at least two hours per week, 10 hours before quiz and 24hours before exam. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: Week 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Lectures and [Book] Basics of variational calculus [1,2] Conservation laws and corresponding mathematical equations [1,2] Approximations bases on variational calculus [1,2] Linear ordinary differential equations [1,2] Space of solutions, wronskians [1,2] Fourier spectrum, Green's functions [1,2] Partial differential equtions [1,2] Dirichlet problem [1,2] Poisson and Laplace equations [1,2] Special functions [1,2] Integral equations of two kinds [1,2] Laplace and Fourier transforms [1,2] Perturbation's series [1,2] Exercises: Required reading: [1] Arfken, G.B. Weber, H.J. Mathematical Methods for Physicists (Academic Press). [2] Riley, K.F. Hobson, M. P. & Bence, S. J. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering (Cambridge University Press). Name of the module: Advanced Linear Control: SCE Credits: 3 ECTS credits: Course Description: The course introduces students into key ideas and design methods known in Advanced Linear Control. Academic year: 2015- 2016 Semester: Fall Hours of instruction: 3 lecture hours + 1 exercise class hour per week Location of instruction: will be defined. Aims of the module: Students will gain knowledge in design methods and analysis tools for advanced linear control systems. Furthermore, the student will be acquainted with mathematical concepts required for advanced courses such as: nonlinear control, adaptive control and robotics. Objectives of the module: The key objective is to provide the student with a set of skill set to analyze complex control problems. Language of instruction: Hebrew Cycle: First cycle Position: a mandatory module for 1st year graduate students in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be taken on Fall semester Field of Education: Electrical Engineering and Electronics Responsible department: Electrical Engineering and Electronics General prerequisites: Grading scale: the grading scale would be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 56. Lecturer: Phd. Yoram Horen Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-6 Email: Office hours: Monday, from 9 to 11AM. Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: 12. Understand the main ideas and methods in the design and analysis of Advanced Linear Control such as the design and operation of Luenberger observer and Kalman filter. 13. Formulate mathematical models of real systems using state-space models and canonical forms. 14. The student will be able to determine whether a system is controllable and/or observable and consequently deduce its stability properties. Confirmation: the syllabus was confirmed by the faculty academic advisory committee to be valid on 2013-2014. Last update: 01.01.2015 Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in class is mandatory (at least 80%). Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists of lectures and exercises. Assessment: 7. Exam 8. Quiz 80% (or 100% for the student who did not take a quiz) 20% (not mandatory) 100% Work and assignments: Students are required to hand in 6 home exercises related to class tutorials. Quiz: midterm, open questions. Exam: at the end of semester, open questions. Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignment and individual work: at least two hours per week, 10 hours before quiz and 24 hours before exam. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: Week 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Lectures and [Book reference] Introduction to basic ides of Advanced Control [1] Characterization and analysis of linear control systems with state variables and its presentation in a matrix form [1] Construction of a mathematical model of a physical system [1] Time domain analysis of linear systems. Frequency domain analysis using Laplace transform [1] State space Analysis and trajectories [1] Characteristic polynomial, Calay Hamilton Theorem, and Jordan matrices [1] Exponent of matrix, Eigenvectors and eigenvalues [1] Controllability and Observability of feedback systems [1] The separation principle and characterization of linear filters [2] Solution to the Riccati equation. Luenberger Observer and its properties for systems with deterministic disturbances. Introduction to Kalman Filter for feedback systems with unknown state variable and random noise [2] Kalmnan Filter as the best linear filter for Gaussian distributed random variables [2] Effects of quantization on feedback systems. [2] Exercises: Required reading: 3. 4. "Liner Systems Theory ", F.M. Callier and C.A. Desoer, Springer Verlag (1991). “Linear Systems “T. Kaliath, Prentice Hall (1993). Additional literature: 5. 6. "State Space and Input-Output Linear Systems” D.F. Delchamps, Springer Verlag (1988).. “Linear Systems Theory “W.J. Rugh , Prentice Hall (1993). Renewable Energy Sources Name of the module: ` SCE Credits: 3 Course Description: The course will explain the advantages of using renewable ECTS credits: energy, its applications and challenges. Academic year: 2015- 2016 The course will provide the students with wide knowledge about renewable energy sources with emphasize on wind turbines and solar panels. Additional energy Semester: Fall Hours of instruction: 3 lecture sources such bio-gas, hydro energy, waves' energy and fuel cells will be explained. Aims of the module: hours 1. To reveal the students to the importance of the renewable energy sources. Location of instruction: will be defined. 2. To expose existing and new emerging renewable energy technologies. Objectives of the module: Language of instruction: Hebrew 1. To specialize students in the field of renewable energy of all existing Cycle: First cycle Position: a mandatory module for kinds. 1st year graduate students in the 2. To prepare the student for their future integration in the development and Department maintenance of wind turbines, solar cells, fuel cells, hydro power plants of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be and their accompanying equipment. taken on Fall semester Field of Education: Electrical Engineering and Electronics Responsible department: Electrical Engineering and Electronics General prerequisites: -Power plants and substations. Grading scale: the grading scale would be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 56. Lecturer: Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-6461582 Email: Office hours: Sun, 10:00-12:00, building 34, room 106. Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to: 15. Understand the importance of renewable energy sources and their high scale integration into the grid. 16. Understand the mathematical model of the wind turbines and solar panels. 17. Simulate in Simulink the wind turbines and solar panel and their integration to the AC grid through inverter. 18. Understand the principles of bio-gas, hydro, fuel cells energy and waves sources and their application. Last update: 01.01.2015 Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in class is mandatory (at least 80%). Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists of lectures and exercises. Assessment: 9. Exam 10. Exercises 100%. 10% 100% Work and assignments: Students will submit two homework tasks related to the exercises in the lessons. Exam: at the end of semester, open questions. Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignments and individual work: at least two hours per week and 24 hours before the exam. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: 1. Introduction to renewable energy- advantages, world annual grow and applications 4h 2. Solar panels-introduction, development of mathematical model 3h 3. Integration problems of solar power stations and solutions 3h 4. Simulation of solar panels and integration (Simulink) 4h 5. Wind turbine-introduction, structure development of mathematical model 3h 6. Integration of wind turbines, reactive power consumption and solutions 3h 7. Simulation of wind turbines 4h 8. Hydro energy source, hydro power stations 3h 9. Bio gas energy source 3h 10. Fuel cells 3h 11. Waves energy 3h 12. Bio-Diesel 3h Exercises: Will be assigned throughout the semester Required reading: [1] Patel R. P., Wind and Solar Power Systems, CRC Press, 1999. [2] Simoes M. G., Farret F. A., Renewable Energy Systems, CRC Press, 2004. [3] Jenkins N., Allan R., Crossley P., Kirschen D., and Strbac G., Embedded Generation, IEE Power and Energy Series 31, 2000. [4] Schlabbach J., Blume D., and Stephanblome T., Voltage Quality inElectrical Power Systems, IEE Power and Energy Series 31, 2001. Name of the module: Power Systems Economics Number of module: SCE Credits: 3 Course Description: The student will learn about the basic concepts of ECTS credits: different energy sources, and statistical information on energy use in Israel Academic year: 2015- 2016 and around the world. The student will also learn about the basic principles Semester: Fall of renewable energy, energy conservation, and efficient use of energy. Hours of instruction: 3 hours. Location of instruction: will be Aims of the module: defined. The students must get general knowledge about efficient use of energy and Language of instruction: Hebrew study some implementation techniques. Cycle: First cycle Position: an elective module for 1st Objectives of the module: The main objective of the course is providing year graduate students in the students with general knowledge about economical perception and Department environmental aspects on the use of energy. The students will realize the of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be importance of the efficient use of energy, and will study some taken on Fall semester implementation techniques. Field of Education: Electrical Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, Engineering the students should be able to: and Electronics Responsible department: Electrical Engineering and Electronics General prerequisites: 19. Understand the main data on the use of energy in Israel and around the world. 20. Understand technical, economic and environmental aspects on the use of the main renewable energy sources. Grading scale: the grading scale would be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 65. Lecturer: Dr. Marcos Roitman Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-6 Email: Office hours: Monday, from 9 to 11AM. 21. Understand technical, economic and environmental aspects on the use of the main fossil energy sources. 22. Realize the importance of the efficient use of energy. 23. Understand implementation techniques for the efficient use of energy. Confirmation: the syllabus was Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in classis mandatory. confirmed by the faculty academic Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists the advisory committee to be valid on laboratory experiments. 2013-2014. Assessment: Last update: 01.01.2015 11. Exams/Quizzes 12. Final 30%. 40%. 13. Class Presentations 20%. 14. Participation 10%. 100% Work and assignments: Student will conduct 8-10 home works related to the exercises in the class. Tests: open questions. Exam: at the end of semester, open questions. Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignment and individual work: at least two hours per week. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: Week Lecture 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 General Overview - Introduction, Different Energy Sources, Present Global Situation, Statistical Information on the Energy. Main concepts of Power System Generation -Fossil Fuels and Hydro Power Plants. Main concepts of Power System Generation Nuclear, Biomass, Geothermal, Tidal, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells. Main concepts of Power System Generation - Wind Energy. Main concepts of Power System Generation - Solar Energy. Economic Aspects - Renewable Energy Power Plants, Comparison with Conventional Sources. Cogeneration - Motivation and Characteristics. Energy Conservation - Economical Aspects. Efficient Use of Energy - Residential Use. Efficient Use of Energy - Illumination. Efficient Use of Energy - Commercial and Industrial Use. Efficient Use of Energy – Economic Aspects. Energy in Israel - Present Situation and Prospective. Exercises: Required reading: 1. G. Masters, Renewable and efficient electric power systems. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2004. 2. N. Jenkins, Allan, Crossley, Kirschen, Embedded Generation. The Institution of Engineering & Technology, London, UK, 2008. Name of the module: Advanced Topics in Power Electronics Number of module: SCE Credits: 3 Course Description: The course provides knowledge about converters ECTS credits: modeling, design of control systems, modern rectifier technology, soft Academic year: 2015- 2016 switching techniques, multi-level inverters, AC and DC drives. Semester: Fall Hours of instruction: 3 lecture Aims of the module: Students will learn the modern design of power hours electronic supplies. Location of instruction: will be defined. Objectives of the module: Language of instruction: Hebrew 1. To provide the student with the knowledge of power electronics Cycle: First cycle fundamentals so that students acquire the understanding and skills needed Position: a mandatory module for to design practical power electronic systems. 1 year graduate students in the 2. To develop students’ knowledge in the area beyond the level of Department introductory courses. st of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be taken on Fall semester Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, Field of Education: Electrical the students should be able to: Electronics 1. To understand and design resonant converters. Responsible department: Electrical 2. To understand and design Ac and Dc drives. Engineering and Electronics 3. To understand and design rectifiers. 4. To understand and design multi-level inverters. Engineering and General prerequisites: Grading scale: the grading scale would be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 56. Lecturer: Prof. Saad Tapuchi Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-6475726 Email: Office hours: Sunday, 14:00-15:00, Dean's office. Last update: 01.01.2015 Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in class is mandatory (at least 80%). Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists of lectures. Assessment: 15. Exam 80% (or 100% for the student who did not take a quiz) 16. Quiz 20% 100% Work and assignments: Quiz: midterm, open questions. Exam: at the end of semester, open questions. Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignment and individual work: at least two hours per week, 10 hours before quiz and 24hours before exam. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: Week Lectures [Book, Chapters] 1 Steady state analysis - Equivalent circuits [1, ch.3,4] Modeling Losses and Efficiency. Switch realization 2 Continuous and discontinuous conduction mode [1, ch.5] 3 Converter dynamics – AC equivalent circuit [1, ch.7,8] model, converter transfer functions 4 AC and DC equivalent circuit modeling of the [1, ch.11] discontinuous conduction mode 5 Controller Design. PWM and Frequency control [1, ch.9, 2, ch.6] 6 AC voltage controllers [2, ch.11] 7 AC and DC Drives [2, ch.15,16] 8 Voltage and Current control [1, ch.12] 9 Modern rectifiers [1, ch.16- 18] 10 Resonant converters [1, ch.19, 2, ch.8] 11 Soft switching [1, ch.20] 12 Multilevel inverters [2, ch.9] Exercises: Bibliography: [1] Robert W. Erickson and Dragan Maksimovic, "Fundamentals of Power Electronics" ,2nd Edition, Kluwer Inc., 2001. [2] Muhammad H. Rashid (Editor), Power Electronics Handbook, (Academic Press), Third Edition, Pearson Education International, 2004 [3] Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and Willian P. Robbins, Power Electronics, 2nd ed., New York: John Willey & Sons, 2003. Series in Engineering) 2005. Advanced Topics in Power Systems Name of the module: SCE Credits: 3 Course Description: This course provides students with the advanced knowledge ECTS credits: that is used in high voltage electrical power system analysis. The students will Academic year: 2015- 2016 learn phenomena such as short-circuits and over-voltages, frequencies and voltage regulation and power systems stability problems Semester: Fall Hours of instruction: 3 lecture hours + 1exercise class hour per week Aims of the module: 1. To expose students to advanced topics of the analysis and design of power systems. 2. To teach how to recognize the anomaly in systems behavior and methods for Location of instruction: will be prevention and treatment of such problems. defined. Objectives of the module: Language of instruction: Hebrew 1. To provide the students with knowledge about the advanced analysis of Cycle: First cycle power systems. Position: a mandatory module for 2. To teach the students to understand the problems of the abnormal st 1 year graduate students in the behavior of power systems, analyze physical phenomena in power systems Department and solve typical exercises of the course based on the advanced methods of of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be extreme situations and special methods of their solution taken on Fall semester Field of Education: Electrical Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, Engineering the students should be able to: and Electronics Responsible department: Electrical 24. Understand the scientific language of modern Power Systems Engineering and Electronics 25. Formulate problems of abnormal behavior. General prerequisites: 26. Solve basic exercises. -None. 27. Explain the principles of extreme behavior of Power Systems Grading scale: the grading scale would be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 56. Lecturer: Prof. Arieh Shenkman Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-6475801 Email: Office hours: Wed, from 14 to 119PM. Last update: 01.01.2015 Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in class is mandatory (at least 90%). Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists of lectures and exercises. Assessment: 17. Exam 80% (or 100% for the student who did not take a quiz) 18. Quiz 20% (not mandatory) 100% Work and assignments: Students will submit four homework tasks related to the exercises in the lessons. Quiz: midterm. Exam: at the end of semester, open questions. Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignments and individual work: at least two hours per week, 10 hours before the quiz and 24 hours before the exam. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: 1. Review of the basic material of power systems analysis 3h 2. Power distribution of and energy losses in power systems 3h 3. Reactive power and it influence on the correct behavior of power system networks 3h 4. Very complex network analysis and it solution using iteration methods 3h 5. Power Systems Optimization 3h 6. Review of the abnormal events and problems in power systems 3h 7. Symmetrical and non-symmetrical short-circuits 3h 8. Surge voltage effects 3h 9. Problems of voltage control 3h 10. The frequency regulation and optimal distribution of the power supply of generators and power plants 3h 11. The static and dynamic stability of power systems 3h 12. The static and dynamic stability of power systems (cont) 3h 13. Review lesson 3h Exercises: Will be assigned throughout the semester Required reading: [1] Gonen, T., Modern Power System Analysis, John Wiiey & Sons, 1998 [2] Shenkman, A., Transient Analysis of Electric Power Circuit Handbook, Springer, 2005 Additional literature: [3]. Lakervi, E. & Holmes, E.J., Electricity Distribution Network Design, Peregrinus/IEE, 1995 [4]. Nasar, S.A., F.C. Trutt, Electric Power Systems, CRC Press, 1999 Smart grid Name of the module: SCE Credits: 3 Course Description: This course will provide the students with wide knowledge ECTS credits: about smart grid structure, new concepts and ideas. The course will concentrate on Academic year: 2015- 2016 electrical and electronics systems of the smart grid, communication infrastructure and methods for data transmission, machine learning algorithms that are used for Semester: Fall Hours of instruction: 3 lecture data mining and cyber security. Aims of the module: The main aim is to reveal students to new emerging hours technologies of smart grid in different fields and to cause students to be a part in Location of instruction: will be the future development and integration of these technologies. defined. Objectives of the module: To familiarize students with smart grid modern Language of instruction: Hebrew technologies and to prepare them for taking part in the future integration of Cycle: First cycle these technologies in Israel's grid. Position: a mandatory module for Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, 1st year graduate students in the the students should be able to: Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be taken on Fall semester 28. Perform simulations of micro-grids and AC power grids. 29. Will know common machine learning algorithms for data mining, prediction and malfunctions identifications. Field of Education: Electrical 30. Understand the cyber security issues in smart grid. Engineering 31. Know how to choose appropriate communication infrastructure for smart and Electronics Responsible department: Electrical Engineering and Electronics General prerequisites: -Power plants and substations. Grading scale: the grading scale would be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 56. Lecturer: Dr. Dmitry Baimel Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-6475872 Email: Office hours: Sun, 10:00-12:00, P327. grid. Last update: 01.01.2015 Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in class is mandatory (at least 80%). Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists of lectures and exercises. Assessment: 19. Exam 100%. 20. Exercises 10% 100% Work and assignments: Students will submit two homework tasks related to the exercises in the lessons. Exam: at the end of semester, open questions. Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignments and individual work: at least two hours per week and 24 hours before the exam. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: 1. Introduction to smart grid 2. Power transmission, SCADA systems 3h 3. Integration of renewable energy sources 3h 4. Smart metes and PMUs- structure, working principle, deployment 3h 5. Communication infrastructure 3h 6. Communication protocols 7. Data mining algorithms 8. Consumption prediction algorithms 3h 9. Malfunction prediction and identification algorithms 3h 10. Cyber security in smart grid 3h 11. Micro-grids, principle of creation 3h 12. Simulation of smart grid- part 1 3h 13. Simulation of smart gridpart 3h 3h 3h 3h 2 Exercises: Will be assigned throughout the semester Required reading: [1] A.B.M Shawkat Ali, "Smart Grids- Opportunities, Developments and Trends", Springer, 2013. Additional literature: 1. IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid Name of the module: Laboratory of Electric Drive Number of module: SCE Credits: 3 Course Description: The course aims to introduce students into measuring ECTS credits: and control of parameters of different kinds of the electric motors. Using of Academic year: 2015- 2016 tools for starting, braking and speed control of electric machines. Semester: Fall Hours of instruction: 3 hours. Aims of the module: Location of instruction: will be During the laboratory the students use the measuring computerized defined. equipment. The mechanical parameters (such as Torque and Speed) are Language of instruction: Hebrew measured by means of recording equipment. It can also provide the Cycle: First cycle information computerized measurement equipment allows to record and to st Position: an elective module for 1 process the parameters of measurements by means of computer programs. year graduate students in the Department of Electrical Objectives of the module: The course aims to provide the student with the Engineering and Electronics to be ability to understand and to apply practical skills in the field of electric taken on Fall semester drive. Field of Education: Electrical Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, Engineering the students should be able to: and Electronics Responsible department: Electrical 32. Understand the technical language of electric drive. Engineering and Electronics 33. Ability to use of electric machines for different purposes in industry. General prerequisites: 34. Analysis of basic methods of motors control. 35. Design of possible control functions of electric drive. Grading scale: the grading scale would be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 65. Lecturer: Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-6 Email: Office hours: Monday, from 9 to 11AM. Confirmation: the syllabus was Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in classis mandatory. confirmed by the faculty academic Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists the advisory committee to be valid on laboratory experiments. 2013-2014. Assessment: Last update: 01.01.2015 21. Exam 40%. 22. Tests 20%. 23. Participation 20%. 24. Reports 20%. 100% Work and assignments: Student will conduct 8-10 reports related to the laboratory experiments. Tests: open questions. Exam: at the end of semester, open questions. Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignment and individual work: at least two hours per week. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: Week Laboratory 67 Safety 68 Introduction to basic equipment. 69 Determination of the basic parameters of the electric motor: moment of inertia and friction coefficient. 70 DC motors: start, transients, dynamic characteristics, braking. 71 Squirrel cage induction motor: torque vs speed characteristics at different voltages. 72 Squirrel cage induction motor: transients. 73 Squirrel cage induction motor: different methods of starting (direct start, soft start, VFD start). 74 Squirrel cage induction motor: different methods of braking (frequency braking, dynamic braking). 75 Round rotor induction motor: methods of starting, braking and speed control. 76 Synchronous motor: methods of starting, braking and speed control. 77 Introduction to brushless DC motor. 78 Introduction to single phase induction motor. 79 Final exam. Exercises: Required reading: 7. Austin Hughes“Electric Motors and Drives. Fundamentals, Types and Applications” Third edition. 2006 “Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics", Frederick Reif McGraw-Hill Series in Fundamentals of Physics, (1965). Additional literature: 1. 2. Name of the module: Advanced Industrial Electronics Number of module: SCE Credits: 3 Course Description: The course is based on the skills, principles and ECTS credits: concepts of the basic undergraduate electrical engineering courses in Academic year: 2015- 2016 electric circuit analysis, power systems, industrial electronics and Semester: Fall electromagnetic fields. It applies them to the design of modern power Hours of instruction: 3 lecture electronic system so that these systems will operate compatibly with other hours + 1exercise class hour per electric and electronic systems and also comply with various governmental week regulations on radiated and conducted electromagnetic emissions. Location of instruction: will be defined. Aims of the module: Students will learn how to deal with interference and Language of instruction: Hebrew to prevent it through the design of the system. Cycle: First cycle Position: a selected module for 2nd Objectives of the module:. The objective of this course is to learn how to year graduate students in the design power electronic systems for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Department EMC is concerned with the generation, transmission and reception of of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be electromagnetic energy. These three aspects form the basic framework of taken on Fall semester any modern design. Field of Education: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Responsible department: Electrical Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, Engineering and Electronics the students should be able to design system which is electromagnetically General prerequisites: compatible with its environment. That means: Industrial Electronics 36. It does not cause interference with other systems. Electromagnetic Fields 37. It is not susceptible to emissions from other systems. Power Systems 1, 2 38. It does not cause interference with itself. Designing for EMC is not only important for the desired functional Grading scale: the grading scale performance; the device must also meet legal requirements in the country would be determined on a scale of before it can be sold. 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 56. Lecturer: Dr. Svetlana Bronshtein Contact details: room 336 Office phone: 08-6475776 Email: Office hours: Monday, 14 – 15 p.m. Confirmation: the syllabus was Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in class is mandatory (at confirmed by the faculty academic least 80%). advisory committee to be valid on Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists of 2013-2014. lectures, exercises and project. Last update: 01.01.2015 Assessment: 25. Exam 60% 26. Project 40% 100% Work and assignments: Students will conduct project related to the course. Topics of projects will be obtained during 4 weeks after the start of the term. Exam: at the end of semester. Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignment and individual work: at least twothree hours per week, and 24 hours before exam. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: Week Lectures [book, chapter] 80 Introduction to EMC [1-ch.1] 81 EMC Requirements for Electronic System [1-ch.2] 82 Signal Spectra [1-ch.3] 4 Transmission Lines [1-ch.4] 5 Nonideal behavior of Components [1-ch.5] 6 Conducted Emissions and Susceptibility [1-ch.6] 7 Radiated Emissions and Susceptibility [1-ch.8] 8 Shielding [1-ch.10] 9 System Design for EMC [1-ch.11] 5-13 Project [1-6] Exercises: once a week, 1 hour Project: from 5 till 13 week Required reading: [1] C. R. Paul, "Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility", John Willey&Sons, Inc. edition, 2010 [2] European EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, 20.07.2007 [3] International Electro technical Commission, CISPR 22, 2003-2003; [4] MIL-STD-461E 1999 [5] ANSI C63.4-2003; [6] Papers in journal and conference publication Matrix Analysis and Accidental Processes in Power Systems Name of the module: SCE Credits: 3 Course Description: This course will provide the student with the mathematical ECTS credits: knowledge that is commonly used in high voltage electrical power system analysis. Academic year: 2015- 2016 Aims of the module: Semester: Fall Hours of instruction: 3 lecture hours + 1exercise class hour per 1. To give students the relevant mathematical material from a practical approach and a power system analysis point of view. 2. The students will have a better understanding of the different mathematical week theorems in such topics as the algebra of matrices and statistics and probability Location of instruction: will be theory and their use in power system analysis and design. defined. Language of instruction: Hebrew Objectives of the module: Cycle: First cycle 1. To provide the student with the matrix analysis of power systems and Position: a mandatory module for understanding of problems of accidental processes in power systems to 1st year graduate students in the analyze physical phenomena in power systems and its applications Department 3. To solve typical exercises of the course based on the methods of of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to be accidental processes and statistical methods, to use special methods of taken on Fall semester solution. Field of Education: Electrical Engineering and Electronics Responsible department: Electrical Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to: Engineering and Electronics 39. Understand the scientific language of modern Power Systems General prerequisites: 40. Formulate problems of quantum and statistical mechanics. 41. Solve basic exercises. Grading scale: the grading scale 42. Explain what are the principles of matrix analysis and accidental would be determined on a scale of processes in electrical circuits and devices, such synchronous generators, 0 – 100 (0 would indicate failure transformers; transmission lines, etc… and 100 complete success 0 to 100), passing grade is 56. Lecturer: Prof. Arieh Shenkman Contact details: room, building Office phone: 08-64758710 Email: Office hours: Wed, from 14 to 119PM. Last update: 01.01.2015 Attendance regulation: attendance and participation in class is mandatory (at least 80%). Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The module consists of lectures and exercises. Assessment: 27. Exam 80% (or 100% for the student who did not take a quiz) 28. Quiz 20% (not mandatory) 100% Work and assignments: Student will conduct 4 home works related to the exercises in the class. Quiz: midterm, Exam: at the end of semester, open questions. Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students are expected to do their assignment and individual work: at least two hours per week, 10 hours before quiz and 24hours before exam. Module Content\ schedule and outlines: 1. Algebra of matrices. 3h 2. Algebra of matrices (cont.). 3h 3. Basic equations of network analysis in matrix form 3h 4. The graph theory and its application to the analysis of power system networks 3h 5. Linear transformation in analysis and solving problems in power system circuits 3h 6. Iteration methods and their use for solving power system networks 3h 7. Iteration methods and their use for solving power system networks (cont.) 3h 8. Optimization methods in power system analysis 3h 9. Accidental processes in power systems 3h 10. Accidental processes in power systems (cont.) 3h 11. Statistical and probability methods and their use in power system analysis 3h 12. Statistical and probability methods and their use in power system analysis (cont.) 3h 13. Review lesson 3h Exercises: Will be assigned throughout the semester Required reading: [1] S. Lipshutz , "Linear Algebra", McGraw Hill, 1991. [2] Sheldon M. Ross , "Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Scientists", ELSEVIER, 2004. [3] A. Shenkman, "Topological methods of circuit analysis", in the book "Circuit Analysis for Power Engineering Handbook", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998 Additional literature: Richard Phillips Feynman, "Statistical Mechanics: A Set of Lectures", Westview Press (1998).