ECTS credits for the academic year 2016-2017 INSTITUTE OF MODERN LANGUAGES ENGLISH STUDIES (filologia angielska) University of Applied Sciences, Nysa BA in English Studies Specialization: English Teaching FULL-TIME STUDIES TABLE OF CONTENTS - ECTS credits for each course ....................................................................... p. 2-7 Description of the courses ............................................................................. p. 8-17 1 Each individual module or course has a credit value which contributes to the total ECTS credit in the academic year / semester. Abbreviations used: L: Lecture P: Practical class S: Seminar (Discussion class ) 1st semester: winter Course title Type of course and number of hours Assessment Course obligatory for completion of the semester ECTS credit value A. General courses Elective Subject Etiquette in Public Life Industrial Safety Rules and Ergonomics 15L credit no 1 15L credit no 1 15L credit no 1 30P credit yes 30P credit yes 30P credit yes 30P credit yes 30P credit yes Culture and History of English-Speaking Countries 30P credit no 3 Practical Phonetics 30P credit no 2 B. Practical courses Practical English (150 P), which covers the following courses: - Practical English: Listening - Practical English: Grammar - Practical English: Reading - Practical English: Writing - Practical English: Speaking 17 C. Faculty courses D. Specialization courses 2 Psychology Pedagogy Text Analysis 45L 45L 30P credit credit credit no no no Total: 2 2 1 30 3 2nd semester: summer Course title A. General subjects Elective Subject Intellectual Property Safety B. Practical subjects Practical English (150 P), which covers the following courses: - Practical English: Listening - Practical English: Grammar - Practical English: Reading - Practical English: Writing - Practical English: Speaking Foreign Language Type of course and number of hours Assessment Course obligatory for completion of the semester ECTS credit value 30L 15L credit credit no no 1 1 30P credit yes 30P credit yes 30P credit yes 30P credit yes 30P credit yes 30P credit no 1 30L credit no 2 15L credit no 2 10 C. Faculty subjects Culture and History of English-Speaking Countries Descriptive Grammar Descriptive Grammar Introduction to Linguistics 45S credit 30L credit no 2 30P credit no 2 60L credit no 3 D. Specialization subjects Text analysis Psychological and Pedagogical Training in 4 Teaching Preschool and School Students Voice Training PsychologicalPedagogical Practice 30L 3 weeks (min. 30 hours) credit no 1 credit no 5 Total: 30 5 3rd semester: winter Course title Num ber of hours Type of course B. Practical subjects Practical English (90 P), which covers the following courses: - Practical English: Speaking - Practical English: Writing - Practical English: Grammar Assessment 3 P 0 0 yes credit 0 yes credit 3 Practical Foreign Language C. Faculty subjects P 9 credit 3 P ECTS credit value yes 3 P Course obligatory for completion of the semester 0 yes exam 3 3 Descriptive Grammar L 0 exam 3 Descriptive Grammar History of English Literature History of English Literature Introduction to Linguistics D. Specialization subjects Didactics and Methodology of English Teaching Didactics and Methodology of English Teaching Teaching Practice S 0 no 4 no 5 credit 3 L 0 exam 3 S 0 credit 3 L L S 0 no exam 3 0 3 0 3 0h exam 2 no 4 credit no credit no 3 Total of ECTS points: 30 6 4th semester: summer Course title A. General subjects Physical Education B. Practical subjects Practical English (90 P), which covers the following courses: - Practical English: Speaking - Practical English: Writing - Practical English: Grammar Practical Foreign Language C. Faculty subjects History of English Literature History of English Literature American Culture and Literature American Culture and Literature D. Specialization subjects Didactics and Methodology of English Teaching Written Translation Teaching Practice Numb er of hours Type of course P Assessment 30 credit cre dit. P P 30 30 cre dit. Course obligatory for completion of the semester no 1 yes Pract ical English Exam cre dit yes 9 yes P P 30 30 L S 30 30 exam L 15 exam S 30 credit S 30 credit no S 30 90 hours credit no credit no - ECTS credit value credit credit no 2 no 5 no 4 2 1 6 Total of ECTS points: 30 7 5th semester: winter All the courses are obligatory Course title A. General subjects Physical Education B. Practical subjects Practical English Module (60 CP) consists of: - Practical English: Speaking - Practical English: Writing Practical Foreign Language C. Faculty subjects History of English D. Specialisation subjects Text Analysis Written Translation Oral Translation Diploma Seminar Type of course Num ber of hours Assessment P 30 P 30 P 30 P 30 exam L 30 exam S S S S 30 15 30 30 credit Course obligatory for completion of the semester credit Yes credit Yes ECTS credit value 1 8 credit Yes Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes Yes credit Yes credit Yes credit Total: 30 ECTS points 3 3 3 5 8 6th semester: summer All the courses are obligatory Course title B. Practical subjects Practical English Module (60 CP) consists of: - Practical English: Speaking - Practical English: Writing Practical Foreign Language C. Faculty subjects Contrastive Grammar D. Specialisation subjects Voice Training Intercultural Communication Oral Translation Diploma Seminar Diploma Thesis Type of course Num ber of hours Assessment Course obligatory for completion of the semester ECTS credit value P 30 exam Yes P 30 exam Yes P 30 credit Yes 2 L 30 exam Yes 3 P 30 credit Yes Yes 1 S S S - 30 15 30 - credit credit credit credit 6 2 Yes 1 Yes 5 Yes 10 Total: 30 ECTS points 9 Description of the courses 1st semester: winter Practical English: Listening This course aims at developing students’ listening skills at FCE and CAE in different language situations and context. Students will be engaged in a variety of tasks while listening, including answering questions, doing gap filling exercises, choosing the right answer, matching speakers with the opinions / statements, completing multiple-choice tasks, etc. Students will also have an opportunity to familiarise themselves with habits and customs in the English-speaking countries. Practical English: Grammar The course aims at developing students’ skills and knowledge of English grammar. Students will learn how to distinguish between grammatical rules, and how to apply them in different situations. Students will be able to construct grammatically correct sentences in order to use English fluently. By doing practical exercises, students will be able to use English more accurately in speech and writing. Practical English: Reading Students attending this course will have an opportunity to improve their reading skills. They will be able to read for gist and details, understand vocabulary from context, and summarise a text in their own words. Reading cross-cultural texts will improve students’ awareness of the foreign culture. Practical English: Writing The goal of this course is to improve students’ writing skills. The course aims to introduce students to basic stages of the process of writing (such as collecting ideas, narrowing the topic, arranging information, etc.). Students learn how to describe people, objects, places, using the following points into account: the purpose of writing, audience, and style. Special attention is paid to the formal rules of writing. Practical English: Speaking The goal of the course is to develop speaking skills by engaging students in discussions, presentations, reporting, etc. Students will improve their competence by expressing their own opinions, commenting other people’s opinions, and analysing texts. Culture and History of English-Speaking Countries The aim of the course is to introduce students to fundamental facts, figures and opinions on the lifestyles and attitudes of the people of English speaking countries. The following topics will be covered: geography, history, weather, climate, transport, communication, education, government, media, symbols, patrons, flags, emblems, language, tourists’ attractions, institutions. Practical Phonetics The course aims at developing correct pronunciation of English vowels, consonants, and diphthongs. Student will produce sounds by imitation, and will recognise them in isolation and in minimal pairs. They 10 will learn phonetic transcription so as to be able to decode pronunciation information in dictionaries and other lexical resources. Text Analysis This course will help students improve the skills of text analysis. After completing the course, students will be able to evaluate texts critically by giving opinions on the text content, the author, and the function. Students will be able to select information, draw conclusions, understand implicit information, and prepare their own texts with a specific target user in mind. By in-depth analysis and discussion of texts, students will have a chance to develop their knowledge of the foreign countries and improve their intercultural competence. 2nd semester: summer Practical English: Listening This course aims to develop students’ listening skills at FCE and CAE in different language situations and context. Students are engaged in a variety of tasks while listening, including answering questions, doing gap filling exercises, choosing the right answer, matching speakers with the opinions / statements, completing multiple-choice tasks, etc. At the same time, students have an opportunity to improve their knowledge of habits and customs in the English-speaking countries. Practical English: Grammar The course aims at developing students’ skills and knowledge of English grammar. Students will learn how to distinguish between grammatical rules, and how to apply them in different situations. Students will be able to construct grammatically correct sentences in order to use English fluently. By doing practical exercises, students will be able to use English more accurately in speech and writing. Practical English: Reading Students attending this course will have an opportunity to improve their reading skills. They will be able to read for gist and details, understand vocabulary from context, and summarise a text in their own words. Reading cross-cultural texts will improve students’ awareness of the foreign culture. Practical English: Writing The goal of this course is to improve students’ writing skills. Students will learn the basics of text structure, and use appropriate stylistic and lexical devices determining the quality of a text. Students will be able to identify the main parts of a paragraph: topic sentence, the main body, a concluding sentence. By writing their own texts, they will learn the skills and tricks of the writing art. Practical English: Speaking The aim of the classes is to develop speaking skills with emphasis on correct pronunciation in order to prepare students for the participation in English academic courses. Through graded conversational practice, students build up their vocabulary needed for discussion of various aspects of the modern and past life and habits. 11 Foreign Language In this course students learn a foreign language. The goal is to improve the linguistic competence in four linguistic skills at the level sufficient for communication in a variety of everyday situations. Languages currently on offer include German, Spanish, Russian, Czech, and Dutch. Culture and History of English-Speaking Countries The course focuses on the key phenomena of English-speaking countries. The issues discussed include the national identity, national symbols, religions, holidays, and British and American lifestyles. By in-depth analysis and discussion of texts, students will have a chance to develop their knowledge of the foreign countries and improve their intercultural competence. Descriptive Grammar The course introduces students to the description of the English language grammar, specifically of the pronunciation and morphological structure. The course covers the classification of English consonants and vowels, transcription of sounds, the description of speech organs, selected features of English accents, pronunciation norm and variants of speech, and selected aspects of connected speech. Students will learn the basics of inflected and derivational morphology, such as morpheme, allomorph, derivative, compound, etc. The aim of the course is to help students understand professional literature, analyse and describe linguistic phenomena, and use terms correctly. Introduction to Linguistics In this course, students will study various aspects of linguistics, with the focus on the properties of the English language from a synchronic perspective. Students will learn basic trends in English linguistics and theories of language origin. They will learn fundamental terminology and concepts that will be helpful in the discussion of language. Text analysis The course helps students upgrade their skills in the analysis and interpretation of texts while developing the art of argumentation. Students will be able to select information, draw conclusions, understand implicit information, and prepare their own texts with a specific target user in mind. The course is also intended to help students improve their linguistic competence by expanding their vocabulary, improving speech fluency and pronunciation. Psychological and Pedagogical Training in Teaching Preschool and School Students (course in Polish) This course is intended to teach students selected psychological issues of child development and implications for teaching. Students will learn selected theories on the development of mind and intelligence, and will be able to use this knowledge for performing teaching tasks. Voice Training (course in Polish) For future teachers, it is essential to learn fundamental strategies of voice training, which will be helpful in speaking in class. This course provides students with this knowledge as well as other information relevant to safety in educational institutions. Psychological-Pedagogical Practice 12 Psychological-Pedagogical Practice is held outside the university, in pre-schools. The goal is to let students familiarise with the real pre-school environment. This is a great opportunity for students to gain experience in teaching English to children. Students will learn the organisation rules and the records of the teaching process. 3rd semester: winter Practical English: Speaking In class, students develop their communicative competence while working with prompts (illustrations, graphs, charts with statistical data, articles, advertisements, etc.). Subjects for discussion include the human being and the environment, education and work, hobbies, leisure activities, social problems, world issues and progress of civilization. Practical English: Writing The goal of this course is to improve students’ writing skills. Students will learn how to use appropriate lexical and stylistic means to achieve their goals in writing. They will practise writing descriptive and analysis essays. Special attention will be paid to the formal rules of writing, intelligibility, grammar, and vocabulary selection. Practical English: Grammar The course aims at developing students’ skills and knowledge of English grammar. Students will learn how to distinguish between grammatical rules, and how to apply them in different situations. Students will be able to construct grammatically correct sentences in order to use English fluently. By doing practical exercises, students will be able to use English more accurately in speech and writing. Practical Foreign Language In this course students learn a foreign language. The goal is to improve the linguistic competence in four linguistic skills at the level sufficient for communication in a variety of everyday situations. Languages currently on offer include German, Spanish, Russian, Czech, and Dutch. Descriptive Grammar This course introduces students to the basics of syntax and semantics. The former includes the structure of the English sentence, the classification of phrases, the identification of a phrase, the function of a phrase in a sentence, types of clauses. The latter deals with the following topics: defining meaning, differences between sentence, utterance and proposition; the notion of sense and reference; sense relations: polysemy, monosemy, homonymy, synonymy, hyponymy; semantic fields, componential analysis; paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations. The course, which consists of lectures and discussion classes, helps students understand professional literature, analyse and describe linguistic phenomena, and use terms correctly. History of English Literature The course deals with the history of the English language . The aim is to focus on the development of the English language from its earliest time to present. It discusses the historical study of language, culture and historical linguistics, inner and outer history of the English language (Old English, Middle English, Modern English), language change and variation. Students will analyse a variety of literary forms and discuss their 13 topics, conventions, philosophical and cultural tenets. The course will help students understand basic concepts of literary history and the interrelations between literature and philosophy. Introduction to Linguistics In this course, students will study various aspects of linguistics, with the focus on the properties of the English language from a synchronic perspective. Students will learn basic trends in English linguistics and theories of language origin. They will learn fundamental terminology and concepts that will be helpful in the discussion of language. Didactics and Methodology of English Teaching The course provides students with the knowledge of foreign language teaching theories, approaches and methods and their practical implications. It covers Grammar-Translation Method, the Direct Method, and various other methods known under an umbrella term of Situational Language Teaching. With this knowledge, students will be able to manage the teaching process themselves. Teaching Practice Teaching Practice is held outside the university, in schools. The goal is to develop teaching and tutelary competence. This is a great opportunity for students to gain experience in the teaching process in a real school environment. Students will learn the organisation rules and the records of the teaching process. 4th semester: summer Physical Education The course aims at developing psycho-motor skills, increasing body efficiency, and promoting healthy attitudes and habits. Students will take physical exercises, and participate in team sports and games. They will have an opportunity to do athletics, gymnastics, as well as play basketball, volleyball, and handball. Practical English: Speaking The goal of the course is to develop speaking skills by engaging students in discussions, presentations, reporting, etc. Students will improve their competence by expressing their own opinions, commenting other people’s opinions, and analysing texts. Practical English: Writing The goal of this course is to improve students’ writing skills. Students will learn how to use appropriate lexical and stylistic means to achieve their goals in writing. They will practise writing argumentative and persuasive essays. Special attention will be paid to the formal rules of writing, intelligibility, grammar, and vocabulary selection. Practical English: Grammar The course aims at developing students’ skills and knowledge of English grammar. Students will learn how to distinguish between grammatical rules, and how to apply them in different situations. Students will be able to construct grammatically correct sentences in order to use English fluently. By doing practical exercises, students will be able to use English more accurately in speech and writing. Practical Foreign Language 14 In this course students learn a foreign language. The goal is to improve the linguistic competence in four linguistic skills at the level sufficient for communication in a variety of everyday situations. Languages currently on offer include German, Spanish, Russian, Czech, and Dutch. Didactics and Methodology of English Teaching The course provides students with the knowledge of foreign language teaching theories, approaches and methods and their practical implications. It covers Grammar-Translation Method, the Direct Method, and various other methods known as Situational Language Teaching. With this knowledge, students will be able to manage the teaching process themselves. Written Translation (course in English and Polish) The course is intended to help students deal with Polish-English and English-Polish translation. Students will learn translation strategies and techniques, and will be made aware of the problem of equivalence and cultural issues relevant to translation. The majority of texts are of general type, but there are also others that deal with specialist topics and require the knowledge of professional terminology. Teaching Practice Teaching Practice is held outside the university, in schools. The goal is to develop teaching and tutelary competence. This is a great opportunity for students to gain experience in the teaching process in a real school environment. Students will learn the organisation rules and the records of the teaching process. 5th semester: winter Physical Education The course aims at developing psycho-motor skills, increasing body efficiency, and promoting healthy attitudes and habits. Students will take physical exercises, and participate in team sports and games. They will have an opportunity to do athletics, gymnastics, as well as play basketball, volleyball, and handball. Practical English: Speaking The course is intended to help students speak in public and to overcome stress related to this situation. Students will present their diploma papers and discuss the presentations in group and with the teacher. The main goal of this course is to prepare students to the presentation at the diploma exam. Practical English: Writing The course aims at developing students’ writing skills in the context of diploma paper. The following issues will be discussed: the research study, the goal, structure, references, paraphrase, criticism, citations, synthesis, avoiding plagiarism. Practical Foreign Language In this course students learn a foreign language. The goal is to improve the linguistic competence in four linguistic skills at the level sufficient for communication in a variety of everyday situations. Languages currently on offer include German, Spanish, Russian, Czech, and Dutch. History of English 15 The course aims to provide students with the fundamentals of the history of the English language, specifically the characteristics of the stages of the development since Old English to Modern English. The course introduces students to the historical context of the language progress, and to selected grammatical and phonological properties of language change. Special emphasis is laid on the presentation of writing monuments in the context of social-cultural issues. Text Analysis This course will help students improve the skills of text analysis. Students will be able to evaluate texts critically by giving opinions on the text content, the author, and the function. Students will be able to select information, draw conclusions, understand implicit information, and prepare their own texts with a specific target user in mind. By in-depth analysis and discussion of texts, students will have a chance to develop their knowledge of the foreign countries and improve their intercultural competence. Written Translation (course in English and Polish) The course is intended to help students deal with Polish-English and English-Polish translation. Students will learn translation strategies and techniques, and will be made aware of the problem of equivalence and cultural issues relevant to translation. The majority of texts are of general type, but there are also others that deal with specialist topics and require the knowledge of professional terminology. Oral Translation (course in English and Polish) In this course, students will develop interpretation skills and learn the principles of note-taking. Students will deal with Polish and English texts. They will be able to apply different translation strategies and select the most important facts for translation purposes. The course will also help students improve their memory. Diploma Seminar The course provides students with the content knowledge and abilities necessary to prepare a BA diploma paper in a selected research field. The student will have basic knowledge of the field and the methodology of the research. After formulation of the research problem, the student will be able to select a method and tools necessary for the solution of the problem. 6th semester: summer Practical English: Speaking The course is intended to help students speak in public and to overcome stress related to this situation. Students will present their diploma papers and discuss the presentations in group and with the teacher. The main goal of this course is to prepare students to the presentation at the diploma exam. Practical English: Writing The course aims at developing students’ writing skills in the context of diploma paper. The following issues will be discussed: the research study, the goal, structure, references, paraphrase, criticism, citations, synthesis, avoiding plagiarism. Practical Foreign Language 16 In this course students learn a foreign language. The goal is to improve the linguistic competence in four linguistic skills at the level sufficient for communication in a variety of everyday situations. Languages currently on offer include German, Spanish, Russian, Czech, and Dutch. Contrastive Grammar A fundamental notion in contrastive research is language transfer. The same phenomenon has also been a central issue in applied linguistics, second language acquisition, and language teaching. The objective of this course is to provide an interface between the EFL methodology courses and the linguistic courses in their program. Voice Training (course in Polish) For future teachers, it is essential to learn fundamental strategies of voice training, which will be helpful in speaking in class. This course provides students with this knowledge as well as other information relevant to safety in educational institutions. Intercultural Communication This goal of the course is to improve students’ intercultural competency while working with texts (and other prompts, such as illustrations and graphs). Students will discuss texts and give opinions on cultural issues. Students will be able to select information, draw conclusions, understand implicit information, and produce their own texts. Oral Translation Students will develop interpretation skills and learn the principles of note-taking while translating (from Polish into English, and English into Polish). They will be able to apply different translation strategies and select the most important facts for translation purposes. The course will also help students improve their memory. Diploma Seminar The course provides students with the content knowledge and abilities necessary to prepare a BA diploma paper in a selected research field. The student will have basic knowledge of the field and the methodology of the research. After formulation of the research problem, the student will be able to select a method and tools necessary for the solution of the problem. 17