System Connection of very large variable speed drives for compressor purposes K. Krüger, M. Loskarn, C. Unger, R. Witzmann and contractual agreements on an overall Summary viable and economic system design is For environmental as well as for economic highlighted. reasons, large compressors with a power rating of 10 MW and more are increasingly Using fed by electric variable speed drives. The commissioned plants, possible mitigation connection of such drives to the public measures as well as general experiences medium or high voltage grid requires a will be presented. To ensure that every thorough entire time certain limits for system disturbances system mainly in respect to voltage will be met, filters have to be co-ordinated stability and harmonics to avoid any with actual and future system conditions disturbances of adjacent loads. taking into account possible outage as well consideration of the examples from recently as loading conditions of the feeding grid. The paper summarises the basic The consideration of transient operational behaviour of such compressor disturbances such as starting or stopping drives with special consideration of system the drive are important especially for the perturbations. Steady state and transient design of the auxiliaries. Examples from fundamental simulations show typical problems which frequency interaction between the feeding system and the drive are discussed. Harmonics and interharmonics produced by the drives are described and the impact of imposed limits have to be taken into account. SYSTEM CONNECTION OF VERY LARGE VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES FOR COMPRESSOR PURPOSES K. Krüger, M. Loskarn, C. Unger, R. Witzmann Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany Abstract - For environmental as well as for economic reasons, large compressors with a power rating of 10 MW and more are increasingly fed by electric variable speed drives. The connection of such drives to the public medium or high voltage grid requires a thorough consideration of the entire system mainly in respect to voltage stability and harmonics to avoid any disturbances of adjacent loads. The paper summarizes the basic operational behaviour of such compressor drives with special consideration of system perturbations. Using examples from recently commissioned plants, possible mitigation measures as well as general experiences will be presented. To ensure that everytime certain limits for system disturbances will be met, filters have to be coordinated with actual and future system conditions taking into account possible outage as well as loading conditions of the feeding grid. The consideration of transient disturbances such as starting or stopping the drive are important especially for the design of the auxiliaries. Examples from simulations show typical problems which have to be taken into account. This paper discusses the principal considerations necessary for the connection of large drives to the I. INTRODUCTION transmission system. Discussion focuses on meeting the requirements of power factor and compatibility of harmonic and interharmonic levels in the system. Examples from recently commissioned plants are presented. During the recent years, electric drives became a serious alternative to gas turbines mainly for compressor applications in the range of several ten Megawatts. Main advantages of electric variable speed drives are e.g. significantly lower maintenance costs and the lack of any local air emissions (1). Such, traditional gas-turbine drivers are gradually being replaced by modern power electronics-based solutions. The technical and economical constraints for such large drives limit the design possibilities. Most drives feature a 12-pulse thyristor rectifier on the ac system side, a current source dc-link and a 3- or 6phase synchronous motor fed by an inverter as shown in Figure 1. A high-speed compressor is connected either directly to the motor or via a gear. To avoid disturbing other loads and interfering with the operation of sensitive equipment, power quality requirements are set by the feeding utility to achieve long term trouble-free system operation. In most cases, special measures will be necessary to meet these requirements (2), (3). At the present time, passive filter circuits are typically used to meet in particular power factor and harmonic limits. MV or HV power supply converter transformer Ddy5 12 pulse rectifier dc-link 12 pulse inverter M synchronous motor Figure 1: General configuration for multimegawatt variable speed drives II. STEADY - STATE FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY SYSTEM REACTIONS Fundamental currents on the ac system side of the drive are mainly determined by the load characteristic. Therefore, as a first step, motor torque and speed values have to be derived from possible operational conditions such as different flow, pressure or physical properties of the material to be transported. Normally, these different operating conditions translate into an envelope in a shaft power-versus-speed diagram as depicted for an example in Figure 2. Generally, these curves z follow a P = rpm law with z normally in a range between 2 and 3 . This diagram acts as a connection between the industrial process and the electrical power supply part of the installation. It will be taken as a basis for the design of the entire drive train. The second important input variable influencing mainly the system reaction of the drive converter is the minimum ac operating voltage determining the firing angle reserve and thereby the reactive power 1,0 power factor demand of the drive. Such, large operating voltage variations may cause additional costs for larger filters, transformer coils etc. The reactive power demand at nominal voltage for the converter driving a motor load according to Figure 2 is shown in Figure 3 for a minimum design voltage of 90 % of the nominal value. The power factor values are given in Figure 4. At full speed, a power factor better than 0.9 could be achieved by reducing voltage variations to less than 5 %. min. load 0,8 max. load 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 0 active power (MW) 25 2000 4000 6000 speed (rpm) 20 min. load max. load 15 Figure 4: Drive power factor III. TRANSIENT FUNDAMENTAL - FREQUENCY SYSTEM REACTIONS 10 5 For the design of the auxiliaries of a compressor plant, transient voltage variations due to the drive operation have to be limited in order to avoid any disturbances mainly of the LV load connected. Figure 5 shows some calculation results in respect to fundamental voltage changes caused by a large drive. Voltage sags as well as swells may affect mainly electronic systems, lighting and small variable speed drives. In the case, the disturbances induced by the operation of the large drive exceed the withstand capabilities of some auxiliaries, there are several ways to make the different loads supplied by one power system compatible to each other: 0 0 2000 4000 6000 speed (rpm) Figure 2: Drive shaft power demand reactive power (MVAr) 25 20 15 10 min load max. load 5 0 0 2000 4000 − reduce the voltage changes caused by the large drive − reduce the sensitivity of the disturbed load − protect individual sensitive loads by certain measures such as UPS systems 6000 speed (rpm) Figure 3: Drive reactive power demand In most cases, only the drive as source of the disturbance will be considered in respect to any mitigation measures. However, in many cases, the other two alternatives might be less costly and may be implemented easily if considered early enough in the planning process. 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 0 10 20 30 40 50 -0.10 time(sec) Figure 5: Voltage variation during drive start IV. HARMONICS AND INTERHARMONICS Variable speed drives with a power rating of many megawatts are equipped with 12-pulse rectifiers 20 min. load 15 max. load The harmonic and interharmonic voltage level 10 5 0 0 2000 the system reach levels of several promille of the rated voltage. Especially in the former case, only some individual speed points are critical which can be avoided easily by the drive control. Figure 8: Typical system impedance impedance in Ohms 25th harmonic current (Amp with the typical 12-pulse characteristic harmonics. It has to be taken into account, that the percentage of the individual harmonics varies significantly from one operating point to an other (Figure 6). 4000 6000 speed (rpm) 100 10 1 0,1 10 Figure 6: Harmonic current versus speed Additionally, especially on weak systems, the harmonic injection of the drive itself depends on the filter configuration requiring appropriate modelling tools especially in the case of unfavourable system conditions (4). percentage of fundamental current For the consideration of the harmonic injection into the system, non-characteristic harmonics have to be taken into account as well. There are many factors influencing the occurrence of such noncharacteristics. First of all, remaining 6-pulse th th th th characteristics (5 /7 , 17 , 19 etc.) are caused mainly by an imperfect cancellation of the harmonics of both bridges due to unsymmetries in the 3-winding transformer. Unsymmetries in the feeding voltage can lead additionally to triplen rd th harmonics (3 , 9 etc.). The level of even harmonics is generally quite small and has to be considered in the case of poorly damped resonances only. Figure 7 shows a typical harmonic spectrum of maximum harmonics to be considered for the investigation of the harmonic levels due to the drive operation in the system. 100 1000 10000 frequency in Hertz achieved in the feeding system depends not only on the injection but also on the impedance of the system at the respective frequency. The impedance of the feeding system may vary significantly versus frequency and can not be determined by the fault level only (Figure 8). Additionally, different switching and loading conditions may lead to substantially varying impedances. The thorough determination of the system impedance under different conditions is a serious task required before the beginning of any project with large converters involved. The following main parameters should be considered: − actual and future status of network expansion − different generation and loading conditions (e.g. maximum winter and minimum summer load) − outage conditions Figure 9: Example for an harmonic impedance envelope The most suitable way of presenting the results is by definition of impedance envelopes at the point of 140 10 120 8 100 6 80 4 60 40 2 20 0 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 order number Figure 7: Typical harmonic spectrum of a 12pulse variable speed drive Interharmonics are caused by the incomplete smoothing of the dc current and occur at frequencies varying with the motor frequency. Interharmonics are mainly important in the case of a ripple-control system run by the supply company. Also flicker may be an issue under unfavourable conditions. In both cases, interharmonic voltages in 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 R in Ohm common coupling (PCC) for as much frequencies as possible (5). At least, all odd order numbers should be covered. To cover uncertainties in the model, a certain frequency band around the frequency under consideration should be considered in the calculations. Figure 9 shows an example for an impedance envelope for one individual frequency under different switching conditions. consideration of harmonic limits for rare overload conditions, or p.f. limits for rare low-load conditions) − applying fixed Var instead of p.f. limits for lowload operating conditions V. IMPOSED LIMITS Independent on the drive characteristic, the permissible level of interaction with the ac system is limited according to the requirements of the feeding utility. In many cases, maximum limits for reactive power exchange, harmonic current injection and/or resulting harmonic voltage distortion must be held typically at the PCC and require any special filter measures. Most common standards are summarized in Figure 10. For large converter applications, it may save much money to start discussing early enough the cost impact of harmonic and p.f. limits. In many practical cases, a slight reduction of the conditions where limits have to be met may reduce substantially the effort for the filter equipment. The following contractual changes may be applied without or with a slight impact to the utilities transmission system or other loads only, and had already helped in the past reducing filter costs: − Shifting the PCC for the purpose of observation of limits from the border of ownership to the next node in the system where other loads are connected − Excluding rare outage conditions from the cases where limits have to be met − Allowing to exceed limits by a certain percentage for rare operating conditions (e.g. IEC 61000 voltage distortion frequency-dependent limits for individual distortion, THD limit, identical limits for LV and MV current distortion no limits interharmonics Communication line interference (I*T) frequency-dependent recommendations not covered It has to be taken into account, that the implementation of a large converter load with filters in the system may have a substantial impact to existing installations in the grid even if the disturbing emissions are quite low under steadystate conditions. The following effects were already observed: − Overloading of existing compensation units in the transmission system due to energization of the new converter transformer − Increase/decrease of the voltage distortion produced by other already existing loads due to changes in the system resonance conditions − Voltage sags and swells during drive start and stop which can not be compensated by the slower utility voltage regulation VI. EXAMPLES A typical drive configuration with associated filters is shown in Figure 11. The total size of the filter plant in terms of MVAr depends on the p.f. requirements. The number of individual filters required is mainly determined by the harmonic limits. In many cases, filters are tuned to all lowth th th frequency 6-pulse harmonics (5 , 7 , 11 etc.) followed by a high-pass filter in order to damp higher-frequency resonances and to take higherfrequency harmonic currents. IEEE - 519 frequency-independent limits for individual distortion, THD limit, limits depend on supply voltage level individual and total limits depending on frequency, voltage level and short-circuit-to-load ratio not covered 3 categories between 10.000 and 25.000 Figure 10: Common international standards VII. CONCLUSIONS ~ ~ M n: 5 7 11 13 Figure 11: Typical filter circuit configuration Filters may be connected generally either to a dedicated converter transformer winding or to the feeding busbar. In most cases, the former alternative is less expensive in the case of a direct high-voltage infeed without any intermediate medium voltage level. The connection of filters to an additional winding requires a specific design of the converter transformer in order to optimize the filter effect. In the case of an unfavourable system configuration consisting on an inductive system impedance together with the capacitance of a feeding cable, the system may behave as a filter circuit itself. In this case, single-tuned filters in parallel to the converter load are unable to filter harmonics sufficiently especially when the system resonance condition is close to a powerful th th harmonic as the 11 or 13 . In such cases, the system impedance has to be increased artificially by a parallel blocking filter (Figure 12). utility system parallel resonance blocking circuit 13.8 kV ~ filter bank Large variable speed drives are becoming more and more attractive, especially for pumping and compressing applications. Prior to the connection of such drives to the ac system, careful investigation of their effects on the feeding system is required. However in most cases, there are solutions to reduce these effects to such an extent that the limits set by the utility will be met. To obtain the most economical solution for the mitigating equipment, a close co-operation between utility, operator and manufacturer of the plant is required. ~ variable speed drive M Figure 12: Filter connection at a dedicated winding and blocking filter VIII. REFERENCES 1. Oliver J.A., Samotyj M.J., Dec. 1999 "Electrification of Natural Gas Pipelines – A Great Opportunity for Two Capital Intensive Industries". IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, No. 4 2. Loskarn M., Tost K.D., Unger C., Witzmann R., 1998 “System Connection of Large Cycloconverter-Fed Mill Drives – Experiences and Mitigation Methods" th 12 CEPSI, Pattaya, Thailand 3. Duchon G., Schultz W., Unger C., Voss L., Lockley B., Leuw J., 1997 “Experience With the Connection of Large Variable Speed Compressor Drives to HV Utility Distribution Systems” IEEE Summer Meeting, Berlin, Germany 4. B.K.Perkins B.K. 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