MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist 11 WEST 53 STREET, NEW YORK 19, N. Y. TELEPHONE: CIICLI $.8900 Boccioni Drawings and Etchings 1 YOUNG MANONTHEBA~'KOF A RIVER. 1902. red and green chalk and white 2 3 11 STAIIDING~nJDEGIRL. (1907). paint ink) below right portion PIANIST ANDLISTNER. (c. with #36.) Pencil of drawing. ,1'61.1216 8 (1907). board, (With graffiti of the composition, whi te wove, 4 9116 x 5 7/8". 944a (Mounted on ivory bristol on white wove, 7 5/16 x 4 9/16". along the sections in pen (W-73E) Pencil on ivory smears of blue and orange oil 1907). Pene ' 1 on (vl-l1, ) 1907). Pen and brush and black ink, (~J-162) BUSTOF A MAN;STUDYFOR TPE PIAIUST IN "PIANIST AMDLISTl'illR" (c. 1907). Pencil, pen and black ink on buff wove, 3 3/4 x 5 3/8". (W-193) " 6101023 9 ,61 1025 9a. 0 STUDYOF HAN'S FOREARl'-I.(c. 1907). STUDYOF HANDS. 12 3/8 x 13 15/16" wove, (W-129) STUDYFOR THEPAINTING: "lHLANESEC"lJNTRYSIDE" (c. 7 x 7 1/4". on white (W-130) "'610957a 6 (Mounted with #63.) 7 Soft pencil HOMMAGE TO ~lOTHER(VEHERIAJ·IO LA IIADRE). (1907). folded Pencil (W-63) WOMAN RESTINGCHIN ONHA@. and India S 1 61. of on buff wove, 11 11/16 x 8 9/16". STUDYOF ARMWITHHANDill'STING ONSHOULDER. (1907). 16 9116 x 7". , 610978b (Mounted with #95.) gcuache, Black chalk with traces (W-11l2) wove, 9 7/8 x 5 11/16". I from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis Winston 161.1053 ;' 61.1052 '(Also olE 6l-7j see separate check list.) THE MUSEUM OF MODERN, ART Pencil on buff laid. (W-140) (.T-137) MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist 2. 10 4 9/16". /61.973b 11 (Mounted wi th #14.) v61.991a 12 (Mounted with #13.) 1610991b (Hounted with #12.) HEADOF A BULL. 13 15 ,,61.1022b (Mounted with #15.) 16 0 '61 962b (Mounted STUDYOF A BULLIS HEADA~m LEG. 6 1/8 X laid. 4 9/16". "'61. 987a (Mounted 1907-08). Pencil on white (W-5) 1907-08). (c. 1907-08). Pencil Pencil on White wove. (W-4) on \~hite wove, 5 7/8 x WONANREADINGA B00K; STUDYF0R "THE STORYOF A SFN"STRESS" on White wove. (lQ08). (W-18B) on white wove. (W-187) wove, 7 x 6 11/16". Pencil (H-30) wove, 6 7/16 x 6 7/16". KNEELINGMAN. (190B). 20 EMBRACING COUPLEON A CLOUDOVERA LAKElNITH FLOATINGHEADS. Pencil, pen, Pencil brush with India Pencil (W-196) 19 with #22.) wove, HEADOF A YOUNGWOMAN;STlIDY FOR "THE STORYOF A SEAIISTRESS" (1908). on buff '61.1020 (c. SEATEDWOMAN;STUDYFOR "THE STORYOF A SEAHSTRESS" (190B). on buff 18 on white YOUNGWOMAN READINGA B00K; STUDYFOR "TtlE STORYOF A SEA1'STRESS" (190B) • Pencil with #42.) Pencil (~J-7) STUDYOF A BULL'S BODY. (c. rouno on white 'wove, 6 3/16 x (1907-08). STUDYOF THE FORELEGSOF A BULL. Pencil 17 Pencil (W-46) ..61.973a 14 HEADOF A BULL. (Mounted with #110) 4 9/16". (Vi-2) 16101022a (Mounted with #16.) (1907-08). on white wove, 9 13/16 x 12 13/16". (H-74) (1908). ink and traah on White wove , 6 9/16 x 4 3/4". (W-20) 21 SHEETHITH THREESTUDIES OF A RF:CLINPTGNUDE, A'm A RECLPTIHGCIJUPLE. 1908. Pencil, pen and black 6 5/16 x 12 1/8". /61.987b 22 (Mounted with #200) ink with blue and ochre wash on white ruled paner, (~1-87) DJW.!ATICC()l\'[POSITIONOF A TREE (1908). White wove, 6 1/2 x 4 1/16". (~1-21) Pen and brownish-black ink on MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist 3. 161.1032a23. ftS. (Mounted with #29.) '/61.1018 161.1029 161.956 24. 26. BOCCIONI'S MOTHERIN BED. Pencil; to). !':'. .. (1-1ounted with #23.) . and India board, wove, 14 3/16 x ink on white Pen and black 9 3/8 x 11 11/16". wove, 9 7/8 x 6 5/8". ink on white ink over (W-202) Pencil, pen, brush (W-72) THE THREEFATES, STUDYFOR THE "ALLEGORYOF THE HATIVITY" (1908). 8 9/16 x 7 1/16". on white wove, buff welte, 7 13M x 4JA" e and bPOwn dnk (w-9Q1- DOCCIONI'S SISTER IN A SHA.~ ~~ITING. 7 1/2 x 5 3/4". (\1-79) -foe.a-. .... MJl.N-GGWr-RGN<~9Fi-A-W€)MA.p,J'".. on tan wove, /c,1.949a 30. ~" ., (Mounted with #31.) brush STUDYFOR THE "ALLEGORYOF TIlE NATIVITY," 1908. en 161.1032b 29. ~.' pen, on ~mite bristol Pencil 26. wove N-172) ALLEGORICALFIGURE\rITH LEDGER. (1908). pencil 27. ink on white (H-8) and India '61.958 Pen and black AGITATEDCRmm SUPJWUNDI~lG AN E0UESTRIANSTATUEON A HIGH PEDESTAL. 9 1/2". 26. i.l{. 7 5/8 x 6". (discolored), 1908. 25. ;\'". (1908). (ca. 1908). Pen and black ink (.1-173) SHEET OF STUDIES\VITH THREELA~mSCAPESA~m TVJO ALLEGORICALFIGURES. (ca. 1908). Pencil, pen, and India wove, 6 1/2 x 6 -13/16". ink on buff (\J-28) '61.949b 31. (Mounted with #30.) SHEET OF STUDIES HITH SKETCHOF PI'TDOIv A~m FOLIAGE, ANDSTUDYOF ARM. (ca. 1908). Pen and black ink on white laid, 5 3/8 x 7 13/16". (W-69) 32.Jh. HEADOF A HORSE.IITH BLINKERS (ca. wove, 6 1/8 x 3 15/16". '61.9Ma 33. (Mounted ,!I. with #104.) 161.91~6 1908 - 09). 35. 1'. ink on white (W-52) Pencil, pen and India OLD\-IOMAN EATING. (1908 - 09). 5 13/16". .161.939 Pen and India SHEET OF STUDIES WITH BUST OF WOMAN ANDTWOFIGURE CCJlIIPOSITIONS. (ca. 34.:l6. 1908). ink, x 7 3/8". Pen and ink on buff laid, (W-71) 6 15/16 x (W-191) PORTRAITSTunIES OF A YOUNG}IAN. (1908 - 09). on buff 61/2 laid, 7 1/16 x 6 7/16". (W-195) Pen and black ink MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist Ii. '61.944b 36. (Mounted with #8.) ,/ 61.1038 31. .. PORTRA1TOF A YOUNG "OllANLEA~TIFG I)" HERHAlm. Pen and brownish black ink '\" W0I1AN LEANINGONA CHAIR (BOCCIo/II'S SISTER). (ca. 15 3/1+ x 11+9/16". VI' STUDYOF A W"'lANIN A LOOSERODE. (ca. 14 13/16 x 16 1/1+". 1908-09). buff wove, 5 1/16 x Ii 3/16". OIl on white wove (discolored), ,,61.103 6"8 oJ. (ca. 1909). (1I1-191i) Pencil (W-1S) 1909). Pencil on buff wove, (W-121) WORI<J.f.AN v 61.969a39.,', STA"lDHTG l'KEm! 1'TITHCAP. (Mounted 1,ith #40.() (ca. 1900). Pencil on white wove, 1 x 3 3/4". W-39) / 61.969b40. :::, (Mounted with #39,) FIGURE OF AN OLDI{OIlAN. (ca. J909). Pencil wove, 7 x 2 7/8~. on wl'ite (W-38) IVORKMAN v 61.1031a.l • .':'i, (Mounted with #98.) 4 161,962a 42. ' TWOMENIN :J~lCHAIRS. (Mounted with #17.) 11/16". 44. REAR or CAP. (61.981 48., " 1909). Pencil (1909-10). x 4 1/2". RECLINING~~LE ~mDE. (ca. wove, 61/2 x on white wove (discolored), Pencil on white wove, 1 1/16 x 1909-10). Pencil and crayon (W-26) 1909-10). Pencil on buff wove, 11 7/8 x (W-139) BODYOF A HORSE. (ca. 6 1/16". on buff (W-119) 1909-10). Pencil on white wove, 4 7/16 x (W-151) HORSEIN HARlffiSS,nTH COLLAR. (ca. (discolored), /61.975b 49. (Mounted .lith #79.) Pencil STMmING,lORK!-1AF '11TH IIRNSrOLDED. (ca. 7 7/16". , 61.990a 41. (Mounted with #82.) 1909). (1oJ-41) on white wove, 615/16 ( 61.1024 46. (ca. A HALKIlrGFIGURE. 4 7/16". (ca. (1rT-206) 6 7/16 x 4 5/8". / 61,941b 43.: (Mounted with #59.) ,/ 61.976 HEADOF A~11lnTH 4 9/16 X 7". (W-44) Pencil on white wove 1909-10). Pencil on buff wove, (W-4S) HARNESSED HORSE\'lITH FEEDBAG. (ca. 1 x 9 1/16". 1909-10). MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist /610968 5. 50. BUILDINGWITHNOTE: PER IL FORl,ETO(?). wove,S 1/2 x 4 3/8". Pencil on white (W-73D) ,610966a 51. (Mounted 'od th #60.) ARBORllITH TREES1'1 THE '"lACKGRnur'D.(1908-10). '61.1026b52. ': (Mounted with #$3.) RECLININGF~~ALE~~DE. (1910). Pencil on white wove, 7 1/16 x - 61.1020053. : (Mounted with #$20) RECLININGFENALENUDE. (1910). Pencil on white I?OVe, 61/16 "6101055 54. ~, SELF PORTRAIT. 1910. (discolored), 9 7/16". 6 1/16 x h 1/2". 161.1059 55. : " 61.979 57 •. 58.,. h". X CROvIT) on white wove,S wash on Pencil on doub1e- 61.966b 60., (Haunted with #$10) PLANT(ca. Pencil h 3/16". 1910). Pencil on white (ca. 1910). Pencil on white wove, on white wove (discolored), 6 9/16 x (\"-31) DISTANTROCKY HILLS (ca. 6 5/8". (W-33) (W-77) (W-178) 1910). Pencil on Hhite wove, 4 3/16 x (W-82) TREE1,IITH URNAT EACHSIDE. h 5/16 x 613/16". 1610957b 63 .:' (Mounted with #6.) (1910). IN FRONTOF A HIGH CORNER BUILDING. (1910), 6 7/16 x h 3/32". 62. c',. over rrey (1<1-123) 3/h x 5 l/h". WALKING MANIN A 'lUYPLEDSUIT. /610960 Charcoal (W-168) 61.94Ia 59.: : . (Mounted <lith #h3.) ,610953a 61. . (Mounted with #78.) ink on ~Ihite wove , STUDYFOR THEPAPITING "1I0DERNIDOL": PORT:tAIT0F A I,TOMAN.(1910). wove, 8 15/16 x 7 1/6". I (1910). 18 5/16 x 13 1/8". white Hove, h 7/8 Pencil J 61.95h x 9 7/16". (W-122) HEADOF A YOUNG \-/OIlAN VITI' A Un.GE HAT. ruled on white wove (\rl-24) Grey wash and pen and black YOUNG \~alAN READING(umS). rough white wove, 1/61094Ob 56 •. (Mounted ~Iith #68.) Pencil (W-199) 10 3/16 x 8 11/16". I (1908-10). (ca. 1910). Pencil on white Have, (W-76) STUDYOF TREESvliTH TIm KNEELnTG FIGURES".rID URN. (ca. on white wove, h 1/2 x 67/8". (W-75) 1910). Pencil 1 1 MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist -'61.942 .;61.965 6. 64.' LANDSCAPE l!ITH GEESE. (ca. buff laid, 65. 1910). 5 3/4 x 10 1/2". W~lANA}IDA MAN. (ca. Pencil 1910). on white wove, 5 9/16 x Pencil (vl- 36) 4 3/16". SEmED Wa-WI LI:A'TBTG ONHErrELBOW, (ca. Black, 1910), about 15 7/8 x IS Black, l~hite and orange chalk 11/16 x 13 7/8". HEADOF A WOMAl'l (BOCCI01JIfSSISTER). wove (discolored), WHEELBfillROW. x 4 3/4". 47/8 (ca. 1910). Black, (ca. YOu/TG W~'!ANSEWING. (ca. 6 11/16"'. 71."! ." 72.' paper (discolored), Pencil on white chalk on paper white and oranre (W-213) 1910). Pencil on rough white wove, 9 3/8 x 1910). Pencil on two joined 16 3/4 x 12 13/16". BUSTOF A HOliAN HITH A PLACK/i!\T. 7 x 4 3/8". 73.' 1910), (W-l71) CURLYHAIREDCHILD. (ca. rule (101-212) (W-169) toned dark brown, 13 7/16 x IJ 111/16". 70 •.. white and (~f-125) 13 1/2". on paper toned dark brown, /61.1014 1910). orange chalk and black ink on paper toned dark grey, "'61. 940a 68. ',. (Mounted with #56.) ink on (W-167) SEATEDWOHAN READI1'lG. (ca. .' 61.937 and pen and black (ca. 1910). sheets of white (1'1-6) Pencil on white wove, (W-41) CURLYHAIREDCHILD. (ca. 1910). Pencil on wbite wove, 6 3/4 x 4 3/16". 1910). Pencil on white ruled (1v-29) "61.1019 74. " CURLYHAIREDCHILD. (ca. 8 1/4 x 8 3/1.1". (W-62) colored), 75 •. ' MA}! WITHBALDHEADArm MOUSTACHE.(ca. 5 3/4 x paper (dis- 5 1/2". Pencil on white wove, (.v-61) WOMAN RECLINING, (ca. 8 15/16 x 9 9/16". 1910). 1910). (W-200) Pencil on tan wove (discolored), MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist /61.955 7. 77. ',. CRaID IN FRONTOF CORNERBUILDING. 7 x 9". /61.953b 78. _f' (Mounted with #61.) '61.975a 79.(Mounted with ./ 61.977 CORNERBUILDInG \'JITH CHIM!'TEYS. (1910). x 7 1/16". 4 9/16 HAmmSSED HORSE. #49.)( ) W-43 80. - ~. Pencil on white with India (1910). Pencil on white laid, ink on white x 6 3/16". wove, 4 7/16 (1910). 3 7/8 x 6 7/8". Pencil on white colored), 84.· (1910). 3 7/8 x 5 15/16". Pen and brush (W-97) 4 1/2 x 7". wove, Pencil on white Pencil on white wove (dis- Pencil on white wove, (IV-40ft) STUDYFOR "THE CITY RISES" 8 1/4". x 5 13/16". (v[-50) STUDYFOR "THE CITY RISES" '/610985a 83. (Mounted with #81.) wove, 4 13/16 HORSE AND CART>lITH FIGURE TIT A LArIDSCAPE. (1910). wove, wove, (W-l) THREE HORSESTT<;IJDED TJY MEN; STONEPA1TEME~!T. (1910), /61099Ob 82. (Mounted uith #47.) 61.986 Crayon on white (W-85) -610985b 81. .: MAN LEADINGA HORSE. (Mounted with #83.) (W-42) v (1910). (1910). 5 1/2 x (\-1-34) SHEET OF S'l'UDIES PICLUDIW; THO CCilIPOSITIONSKETCHESFOR "THE CITY RISES" ANDTlfO FOR A SCE'IE fJF AN URBANCRffi>1D. (1910). white wove, 5 7/16 x 7 1/16". Pencil on (W-40) / 1.921 86.' .' STUDYFOR "MOURNING" (1910). pencil I 61.988 87. with Pencil, grey wash on buff ~10ve, 91/8 wove (discolored), 88. 88ao J 610989 89. 6 1/16 x 8 3/16". (loT-54) x 18 7/16". ." .. Registered white wove (discolored), Pen and black 8 1/4 x 6 1/16". STUDYFOR "THE LAUGH". (1910-11). white (\-1-98' COMPOSITIONSKETCHFOR "MOURNING".(1910). 6". ** and orange Pen and ink on double-ruled STUDIES OF HEADSFOR "MOURNING"(1910). ruled 161.961 and blue SW.-ETOF STUDIES FOR "lmURNING"lolITH HEADOF OLDHOMANA~1DCURSORY SKETCHOF HEADft~JI)HAIIDS. (1910). '/61.947 charcoal Pencil ink on doub1e- (W-181) Pen & ink on white wove. (W.84) on white wove, 4 3/8 x (\v-91) as a loan in "Futurism" Exhibition (Exh. No. 685), but exhibi~d with Exh, 686. MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist 8. 90• . .', 5 7/8". 6 1/16". **9l.a. ·61.922 .' 61.984a 92. " (Mounted with #93.) on white wove, 4 1/2 X (ltJ-73F) STUDYFOR "TI-lERIOT" 161.1054 91. Pencil STUDYFOR "THE LAUGH" (1910-11) • (1911). Pencil on white wove, 6 1/8 x (\>1-23) STUDY FeR "STATES OF !'aND: (1911). THE FAREVlEllS". T'l'10 IIORKlIEN;STUDYFOR "THE STIlliET PAVERS" (1911). / wove partially Pencil on white on white (W-61/58/320A) 5 3/8 x 8 1/8". discolored, Pencil • 61.984b 93 •. (Mounted with #92.) }lANLAYINGPAVP1GSTOI'ES; STUDYFOR "TI'l': STREETPAVERS" (1911) • • 61.1033 PORTRAITOF ynUMGMAN. 1911. 94. Pen and black 11 3/4 x 9 3/4". oJ wove, 5 12/16 x 8 3/16". ink on white Pencil wove, 47/8 9 1/4 x6 x 4 7/8". 61.1031b 98. : ", (Mounted with #Ll.) 61.1017 black 102 •. ; 'L Crayon on white 5 1/16". paper, wove, 6 9/16 x 1911). Pencil on (vl-207) 8 3/16 x 12 1/8n• Pen and (W-56) ink on ,~hite ~10ve, 11 7/8 x 8 7/16". the letterhead Pencil on white paper, 83/8 on white of the Savoy Hotel, BUST OF BOCCIOHI'S}IOTHER. (1912). (Mounted with #103.) x 69/16". Pencil (W-11) stationery London. on buff (w-153) laid pasted (11/-48) BUSTOF BOCCIONI'S MOTHER (STUDYFOR "ABSTRACT DIMEiIlSIONS"). (1912) • 10). ~~ (Mounted with #102.) Registered 1911). white wove , 7 1/16 x ink on white bearing ** laid, ( HEADOF PIETROMASCAGNI. 1912. 101. 61.983b on white ('-1-70) Pen and bro.mish-b1ack /61.983a Pencil ANAt1TICALSTUDYOF A v·rO}~AN' S rEAD AGAINSTBUILDIHGS. (1911-12) • 100 •. :/ /61.1027 on buff ANALYTICAL STUDYOF vJ(]olAt'SI'.ATfDON A DIVAN. (1911-12). 99•• ., 61.1016 (,-I-flo) 1911). HEADOF A BALD-HEADED HAN InTH MOUSTACHE.(ca. discolored v Charcoal (01-19) STREET1;/ITHHOUSES. (ca. 97. 4 7/16". i 1/2". wove, (W-209) LANDSCAPE WITH LCMBUILDH'GS. (ca. / 61.952 and p,rey wash on ivory ANALYTICAL STUDYOF \mI'A~l'S PTl.0FJLF.. (1911). ,61.978'cl.. 95. (I1ounted with #4.) (W-61/58/320A) Pencil on bui'f laid as a loan in "Futnrism" pasted on white paper, Exhibition 8 5/16 x 6 9/16". (#685), but exh , uith Exh , 686. (\0/-92) MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist v 9. 61.94& 104. (Mounted with #33.), ANOTHER FEllALEHEAD(cNK). white '61.980 (1912). 6 1/2 x 8 S/8". laid, Pencil, brown ink on buff 106. wove, 4 (\01-18) lS/16 4". x (1912). Pen and (W-68) Pen and brownish-black ink on ~lhite wove, 12 3/16 x 8 1/4". (\-1-27 ) STUDYFnR THE SCULPTURE"HEAD- LIGHT - v1:LNDOI.j''' (1912). 107. on white wove enve Lope , S 11/16 x 4 3/8". { 610993 61.938 laid, 13 x 9 1/2". (vi-58) white 110. wove, 6 x 4 1/4". ,;61.1028a 111. (Mounted with #113.) paper, (c. Pen and black 1913). from the Taverne HEADOF BOCCIONI'SriOTHER. (1914). Pen and brownish de l'Hermitage, Pencil, pen and India Nash on rough white wove, 12 1/4 x 9 1/2". ink, and (1-1.25) on lined stationery Savini, S 3/16". (W-175) from the Ristorante ink on white paint), laid 11 lS/16 PORTRAIT01" SILVIA. heavy tan paper, 116. 8 1/16 x -'en and ink oil 61.1039 ink on HEADOF A MANNITti HOUST1I.CHE.(1914). black l1S. ink on reddish- (\Ol-9S) lIilan, CARICATlffiE OF PORTLYNANWITHCIGARETTE. (c. 1914). ~ 61.103S ink on (10/-174) blue-black 61.1028b 113. (Mounted with #111. ) 1912). 6 3/16 x 6 1/16". white stationery S 3/8". **112 (c. MAN AT A CAFETABLE, PARIS. lined Pen and blue-black (\-1-192) BOCCIONII S J10TFERSElfI'IG. tan oiled Pencil ('"1-13) OLDWOMAN 1'1 FULL GOWN. (C. 1912). 109. ,61.972 Pen and ink ANALYTICAL STUDY I" SHOULDER A''D BREAST0F A \'IONAN. (1912). 108. on white J ink on ANALYTICAL STUDYOF ,"J01'1AN'S HEAD AGAINSTTfIE LIGHTWITH WnmnWFRANE• (1912). 61.967 .161.917 pen and India HEADAGAINSTTHE LIGHT (B0CCInNI'S SISTER). lOS. • 61.1037 I ANALYTICAL STUDIES01" TIlE HEADOF BOCCI0FItS )I0THER(PENCIL) A~'D (smears of ochre, x S S/8". (19lS). Pencil, and crimson grey wash, and black ink on (101-131) PORTRAIT OF BOCCInNI'S MOTHER. (19lS-16). on buff wove, approx. ed as a loan in "F'uillrism" Exhibition green, Brush and (1-.1-208) 25 3/8 x 18 9/16". and blue watercolor blue, 8 1/2 x Black chalk, 25 x 20 1/4". red, green (W-128) (#68S), but exh, with Exh. 686. • MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist 61.1010 61.1011 1.0. Prints 117 :'l:~ ]}IPRESSIONOF VENICE. (1906-07). black, 3 11/16 x 5 5/8". ~'\:~ 119 '........ 18 15/16 x 12 9/16". in brmmish black 121 " .. (1907). color, . 61.999 8 1/4 x 12 1/8". printed 11 3/8". I , 61 1006 0 1908). (ca. 1909). printed in brownish black 61.1015 126 J.2", Etching 1909), 127 "i .:.... ill 1909). Etching and drypoint " 128 .' ........ " and drypoint (W-160) Etching and printed in brownish (w-156) W~IANSEATEDONSnFA (GISELLA). (1909-10). Etching LANDSCAPE \J.[THINDUSTRIAL PLANTS. (1909-10). HALECADAVER, "THEDROlrlNED MAlT" (1909-10). and drvpoint (W-I00) Etching printed in brownish black on white wove, 3 9/16 x 5 15/16". , 61.997 (1"-99) Etching printed brownish black on white wove, 3 7/8 x 5 13/16", in (W-59) , / 610994 129 •.;;(),. in (v,-101L) in brownish black on white wove, 9 5/8 x 13 1/4". , 61.995 printed on white wove, 7 3/16 x black on cream wove, 5 15/16 x 11 3/4", J Etching in black on white wove, 6 lS/16 x S 7/16". STEVEDORES,(ca. 125 i2,;, in brownish black (W-159) SHEETOF STUDIESWITHFIVE PORTRAITS. (ca. drypoint in brownish black (W-124) THE KllIONO:PORTIlAITOF nillS. 123 12l. (\01-12) (W-1S7) LOVERSAND~lANS IN A LANDSCAPE.(ca. 122 printed Etching printed on white wove, S 13/16 x 9 1/4", 61.1217 Etching and drvpoint Etching S lS/16 x 9 3/16". MANLYINGIN A FIELD. in (w-55) on whi te wove , 14 S/8 x 12 1/8". ONTHEBEACHAT LIDO (1907). on white wove, 61.1004 and dr-vpoant, printed BOCCIOI1I'S}lOTHERCRnCHETING. 1907. printed in brownish- (W-133) HARIASACCHIREADING. 1907. brownish black, Etching printed SEATED WOMAN HOLDING FAN. (1909-10). Etching and drypoint brownish black on white wove, 9 5/16 x 5 15/16". (1,[-57) in I MoMAExh_0686_MasterChecklist -- 61.1012 61.1009 61.1002 -,--- - B"CCI("\~lI'SI10THERAT A TABLE. 1910. 130. black on whi e wove, 5 3/8 x 4 HEADCJFA BOY. 1910. 131. 5 wove, 135. 1/2 x 5 137. printed Gtching / 61.974 printed in ?-\ \ (lil~) 1910). Etching printed and drypoint. in black (11-165) on ivory (.~-) 5 Etching 1/2 x 4 1/2". 1910). Etching 15/16 x 3 5/16". in brownish black printed in brownish (\1-22) printed in brownish black (W-210) (c. 1910). Etching and on cream wove, 5 1/4 x 3 3/4". THE LOVERS(LANDSCAPE WITHSl1ANS). State 61.945 brown on 1~hite Etching 1910). YOUNG WOIIAN STANDING A'10NGSTTREES. Registered, v (c. 1910). YOUNG WOMAN READING. (c. drypoint 138. in reddish W'lG'l, 1/16". on white wove,S on white wove, \ 61.1003 printed nOCClnllI'S I\OTHERSE\\fING. (c. 1910). black 136. 5 NOTHER. (c. in brownish (XILl1mi,1'1-166) 9/16 x 9 1/16". WONM'WIT CIG/IRETTEvIRITIl'G. Boccrr~m's printed (\'I-53) brown ink on whi te wove , 134. Etching S/R". vlnNANANDCHILDAT THE TABLE. (c. 132. 61.1007 '61.996 Etching wove , 5 1/2 x 5 1/16". 133. , 61.1005 ---.-' --- 11. 61.1001 ,61.1008 - - 2. Etching. (W-I0) 8 3/16 x 7 5/8". but not exhibited: SEWINGMACHINESTUDYFOR "SEANSTRESS",1908, 9 1/2 x 6 1/2" STUDYFm PAINTING"LAUGH",4 1/2 X 6" (W-67) (W-197) (\1-161)