Windshield defroster

Dec. 8, 1942.
F. c. HUND
Filed March 24, 1941
2 Sheets-Sheet 2
FPA/YK C. #wvo
Patented Dee. 8,1942
Frank C. Bund, Berea, Ohio, assigner oi one
halr to Simon P. Bittner, Berea, Ohio
Vapplication Maren 24,1941, serial No. 384,920
' lz claims. (ci. zii-40.5)
floor of the airplane. Above the instrument board
This invention relates to improvements in
there is the usual windshield comprising in the
windshield defrosters, that is to say. means for
present instance a central stanchlon I2 and side
clearing windshields of automobiiesand airplanes,
stanchions I3. The upper and lower rails of the
more particularly the latter, of snow, ice and frost
îiollecting upon them during cold weather opera
In airplanes especially, moving through clouds
windshield frame are shown at i4 and i5. These
`stanchions and rails are suitably grooved to take
windshield glasses I8 and i1 in the usual man-y
The complete windshield may incorporate
l ner.
at a high rate of speed, moisture collects and con
denses very rapidly and forms a thick coating. ' further glass panes i8 and I3 which however
have no connection with the present invention.
It has been common practice heretofore to play
On the central stanchlon of the windshield
a blast of warm air directly against the rear of
frame I mount a manifold 20 which is preferably
the windshield in front of the pilot who is han
constructed in two parts, one of which is an '
dling the controls. thereby clearing away a small
inner plate 2i shaped to nt the surface of the
area. perhaps six or -eight inches in diameter.
Such an area .is too smallto give good visibility 15 stanchlon and. provided with a peripheral ilange
22 and a plurality of spaced forwardly extending
for landing and the hose which conducts the warm
bosses 23. This plate may be secured to the
air to the windshield interferes with vision more
stanchlon I2 by screws 24. The manifold «also
or less.
comprises an outer member 25 with a peripheral
One of the objects of the present invention is
to clear of! thoroughly a relatively large area, 20 flange 26 adapted to meet the flange 22 and a
nipple 21 for the reception of a flexible hose 28
providing good vision »and thereby assisting in the
through which warm fluid, preferably air, may
prevention of accidents at landing.
be supplied to the manifold. In case warm air
Another object is the provision of novel means
is used it should be supplied'under pressure so '
for eiîecting an equal >application of heat to a
large window surface in order that there may 25 that ñow will be positive and relatively rapid.
The outer member 25 is mounted upon and held
be no blind spots or spots which are but partial
in place with respect to the inner plate 2| by
ly cleared.
Another object is the provision of means for
means of a plurality of screws 29 which rare
mounting a defroster frame such that it may be
quickly installed and as quickly removed or re
threaded into tapped openings in the bosses 23.
When the heating fluid is warm air it may be
supplied from the heating system of the air
plane. By way of `example I have shown the hose
23 connected into a larger conductor 30 which,
through branch conductors 3| and 32 leads to
the two sides of the cockpit. 33 represents'a
steam radiator into which the air to be heated
Other objects and features of novelty will ap
pear as I proceed with the description of that
embodiment of the invention which, for the pur
poses of the present application, I have illustrat
ed in the accompanying drawings, in which
Fig. ‘l is an elevational view of an airplane
windshield equipped with my defroster.
Fig. 2 is a fragmental view of the same on a
larger scale.
cabin of the airplane. The conductor 30 is cut
intothe conductor 35 as indicated in the draw
Fig. 3 is a cross sectional view taken substan
tially on the line 3-3 of Fig. 2.
Fig. 4 is a detail sectional view taken on the
line l-I of F18. 2.
flows from a conductor 34 and from which the
warm air flows through a conductor 35 to the
In order to provide heated air for the defroster
at times when the airplane engine is not run
ning, I may employ an auxiliary heating appa
Fig. -5 is a i'ragmental section corresponding ' ratus comprising a fan 36 driven by an electric
motor 31 which blows air through a casing 3B
to that of Fig. 3 but on a larger scale.
over an electric heating coil 39 therein. This
Fig. 6 is a diagrammatic illustration in plan
casing is connected with conductor 28 as shown,
of means commonly employed in airplanes for
but may be closed against back draft by a flap
supplying warm air to the cabin and cockpit,
valve 40 which is pivoted at 4i. A lever l2 fas
and showing- a take-oil for supplying warm air
tened to the valve is arranged to be moved by
to the defroster.
the pilot through a flexible cable I3. Auxiliary
Fig. 'l is a vertical sectional view taken sub»
heating equipment of this kind is not essential ,
stantially on the line 1-1 of Fig. 5.
to the invention, and when present may be used
In the drawings I have indicated at i0 the
instrument board of an airplane and at Il the 55 at infrequent intervals only.
As shown herein I may provide two defroster
units, one on each side of the central stanchion of
the Windshield, although the invention in most
of lts aspects applies equally to a single unit.
Each of these units comprises a frame made of
tubing the forward face of which at least is flat
in order that good contact may be had with the
glass of the windshield. -Preferably and as shown
herein the tubing is rectangular in cross section.
It is made up into a frame which may conform
more or less with the shape of the windshield
glass. As indicated in Fig. 2 the upper and lower
sides 44 and 45 of the frame and the inner side
46 are all intercommunicating, and the outer side
4l is separated from the sides 44 and 45 by par
titions 48 and 4S. A defroster glass 50 is mounted
in the defroster frame opposite windshield glass
i6, and a second defroster glass may be mounted
in the other frame opposite windshield glass I1.
Describing one defroster frame only, since they
are duplicates except as to rights and lefts, the
side 46 is provided with a series of openings or
ports 52 in the wall which faces the interior of
the frame, which ports connect the interior of the
tubing with the space between the glasses I6 and
i5. Preferably these ports are directed forwardly
at an angle toward the glass I6. In the tubing
of the sides 44 and 45 a similar set of ports 53
are formed but in this case the port area per
Means may bey employed for distributing enter
ing fluid in the manifold. . One such means is
herein illustrated and consists of small baille
plates 65 spaced along the length of the flange
mouth 58, 5B having tongues 66 soldered or other
wise fastened to the flanges 59. These baffles pro
ject into the manifold progressively further from
the bottom to the top in order to better guide the
warm air into the hollow defroster frame at the
upper end of the manifold which is furthest from
the entering end and thereby effect an even dis
When the device is in operation warm air under
considerable pressure is delivered from the ports
52 and 53 into the space between the glasses i6
and 50. It flows through said space partly in
response to said pressure and partly in response
to the suction exerted through the discharge
ports 54. By spacing the ports 52, 53 and 54
vclosely and regulating their size the flow of warm
air into the space between the glasses will be
substantially uniform from the three side mem
bers 44, 45 and 46, and with suitable pressure and
suction in the lines 28 and 56 these warm gases
will sweep completely through al1 of the space
between the glasses, effectively and evenly heat
ing the forward glass I6 and providing clear
vision over the whole surface within the defroster
Having thus described my invention, I claim:
unit of length is somewhat greater than that 30
for the side 4G. The side 41 is also provided with
l. In a defroster for windshields, a manifold
ports 54 and the port area for this side per unit
secured to a windshield frame stanchion, a de
of length is considerably greater than that of the
froster frame formed of tubing placed adjacent
sides 44 and 45. A nipple 55 attached to side 4l
the glass of the windshield, a defroster glass car
and communicating with the interior of that side 35 ried by said frame, said tubing having openings
receives a conductor 56, and this conductor com
therethrough communicating with the space be
municates through a further conductor 5l with
tween the windshield glass and the defroster
an air pump (not shown) or other vacuum induc
glass, one of said frame sides having a flanged
ing means.
mouth on its outer wall, said manifold having a
The inner side member 46 of the frame in its 40 slot to receive said flanged mouth whereby warm
outer wall has a mouth 58 which is surrounded
fluid may be introduced into the tubing of the
by a flange 59 projecting outwardly. This flanged
mouth when the unit is assembled on the wind
shield extends through a slot in the side wall
of the manifold 20. In order to seal this joint a
rubber or other gasket 60 surrounds this flanged
mouth and is compressed between the manifold
and the member 46. Another gasket 6|, prefer
ably made of sponge rubber, extends all the way
around the frame between the latter and the
windshield glass I6 for sealing the space between
the two glasses i6 and 50 and for providing a
yieldable cushion for the frame. The mounting
of the inner end of the frame is effected by the
insertion of the flanged mouth 58, 58 into the
slot of the manifold, and the opposite end of the
frame may be supported by any suitable means,
as for example by small brackets or clips 62 se
cured to the upper and lower windshield frame
members by screws 63 or the like. Cbviously
frame through said manifold and whereby the
frame side carrying said mouth is held in posi
tion, and means for securing the defroster frame
to the windshield frame at a point remote from
said manifold.
2. In a defroster for windshields having a
frame with a central stanchion, a manifold se
cured to said stanchion, a pair of dei'roster frames
each formed of tubing placed adjacent the glass
of the Windshield, a defroster glass carried by
each of said defroster frames, said tubing having
openings therethrough communicating with the
space between the respective defroster glasses and
the Windshield glasses, one side of each of said
defroster frames having a flanged mouth, said
manifold having a slot on each of its side walls
to receive the flanged mouth of the adjacent de
froster frame, whereby warm-fluid may be intro
duced into the tubing of each of the said defroster
therefore the removal of a defroster frame may 60 frames and whereby the frame sides adjacent
be effected very quickly by loosening the screws
said manifold are held in position, and means for
63, swinging the clips 62 out of the way and mov
securing the two defroster frames to the wind
ing the frame endwise a short distance in order
shield frame at points remote from said manifold.
to withdraw the flanged mouth 58, 59 from the
slot in the manifold.