Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Boot: Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes INDEX TO NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED IN ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 1818-1897 Compiled by U. S. National Youth Administration Newspapers Indexed: AE or AME * LA .1 ... Liberal Advocate MR ; .... Monroe Republican RDA 1 ... RDAT 4 Rochester Daily Advertiser & Telegraph RDD l Rochester Daily Democrat RDS I Rochester Daily Sun RDT 1 RGLA I. . . . .Rochester Gem and Ladies' Amulet RO I Rochester Observer RR 1 . . . Rochester Republican RT X WaorWMA • • • • Anti-Masonic Enquirer . . Rochester Daily Advertiser Rochester Daily Telegraph ... \ Rochester Telegraph Working Men's Advocate 1861-1897 RDA 1 Rochester Daily Advertiser RDD I Rochester Daily Democrat RDU I Rochester Daily Union RR 1 . . . . Rochester Republican UA -I Union and Advertiser Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DRYER, RUFUS K. DRYER, RUFUS F. Married ttargnretta Cunningha« Resigned ** Joint executor of entftte ef Ruby Keeler UA, D 17, 1897, UA, 0 2 8 , 1B75, 3 - 4 9-4 C:JA DRYER, UBS. TRUMAN (NORTH END, OKLAHOMA) DRYER, RUFUS K Died See Keeler, Rufus UA F 5 , 1897, 3 - 6 JC:RZ DRIER, MBS. W. R. DRYER, WILLIAM C. Died. DA Je 2, 1873 2-5 (VICTOR) Elected delegate to Locofoco State Convention RDD, S 3, 1851, 2-3 MLH DRYER, WLLIAT C. (VICTOR, ONTARIO d o . ) Democratic (Barnburner) candidate f o r P r i s o n Inspector i n New Ycrk s t a t e RDD, S 16» 1353, 2-3 DRYER, TO. C. Democratic delegate from Ontario County to State Convention UA, 8 6, 1859, 1-5 PJW:ARO PDiKLH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DRYER, WM. C. (VICTOR) Chosen delegate from Second Assembly DRYER, WILLIAM C. Died (i oo1. ) UA, F 21, 1891 , (VICTOR) 6-4 D i s t r i o t to State Democratic Convention, UA F 22, 1864 2-5 # PR:HR VR:JS ^ DBIER WILLIAM C. (Victor) DRYLEWSKI, JACOB Died Conmeneed s u i t f o r # 1 0 , 0 0 0 f o r UA F 24 1891 5-7 a l l e g e d i n j u r i e s received while in the employment of contractor constructing East Side Sewer UA, 1695, 10-1 F PR:AA DRYSDALE, WILLIAM T. DRYSDALE, WILLIAM T. Infant daughter died Infant daughter died UA, Je 1, 1892, 2-6 UA, Je 2, 1892, 5-6 AS:FD A8:FD 1MB DUANE, FRAI^CES REBECCA DTOJE, CATHABHIE LIVEIGSTOIf (SCHKSCT.ADY) Death Obituary UA RDU, 0 4 , 1 8 5 2 , 2 - 5 ABO RL:RZ F 9 , 1877, 2-6 — — ^ — Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WANE, MARY (ALIAS HESTER SEDGEWICK) DUBBELBEIS, LOUIS J . Died in Penitentiary Will admitted to probate VA9 Ag 50, 1858, 3-3 UA, Up 25, 1895, 6-7 VR:AR0 CCPMI DUBBLEBEISS, SAMUEL DUBBLEBEISS, i Listed as Dem. supervisor of Irondequoit. Died UA, Mr 6, 187?, 2-3 UA, S 19, 1871, 3 - 4 MHMJfAB t DUBELBEIS & SCHWEDER AJC:JMG DUBELBEISS, CHARIES Married Lizzie Suess (1M Furnaces on Buffalo St. destroyed by fire UA N 10, 1832, 2-2 RDU,. 0 27, 1856, 3-1 DUBELBEISS, EDWARD DUBEL3EISS, LOUIS J. (IRONDEQOUIT) Died. Died UA UA, Mr 9, 1895, 10-2 SLrLR D 17, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUBLEBXE0, SAMUEL DUBELBEISS, LOUIS J. (IRONDEQUOIT) Lifted as Supervisor of Irondequoit. Died UA, Mr 8, 1871, 2-2 UA, Ur 9, 1895, 10-6 NT:MB DUB2LBEISS, SAi:UEL SR. DUBLEBEI3S, SAiiUEL Obituary. Pioneer. Listed as Democratic member of the new Board of Supervisors of Irondequoit DA, Mr 8 , 1 3 7 2 , UA Jl 9, 1875, 2-5 2-5 JCLIlRZ JGM:AB •• DUBELBEISS, SAMUEL DUBELBEISS, SAMUEL SR. TO contest legally against the Bay Railroad Company1 s proposition to run the line thru his property* Died UA Jl 9, 1875, 3-4 UA, Jl 9, 1879, 2.2 NT:UB Jom;rz DUBELBEISS, SAMUEL M. Harried Etana Kanheueer. DUBELBEISS SCHROEDER & CO. (li") Made iron column for the Rossin Hotel in Toronto, largest ever made in the city. UA, Je 1, 1882, 2-4 RDU, Ur 51, 1856, 3-1 ITSMB MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUBLE, IDA DUBLIN Died UA, 0 10, 1889, 5-7 (N. ROCH. Fires See Fires DO BOIS. A. F. DUBOIS, ASA Married lira. S a l l y Sleight. Hi Ap 29, 1897. 7-U Arrested for murder of Reuben Crutchfield (1 col) UA, My 24, 1884, 2-5 CC^AB DUBOIS, ASA Tells his story of how ahe shot Reuben Crutchfield (6 ) UA, My 26, 1864, WBOIS, ASA R«l«a«ed froa Auburn Stat* prison after serrlng 2 yamrt of a ten year sentence. K . Ap. lU, 1887, DUBOIS, ASA Visited by mother and s i s t e r UA, My 29, 1684, 2-4 DU BOIS, G. J Appointed to Pultneyville Methodist Eplsocpal Church UA, Ag 24, 1859, 2-2 PJW:ABO OCiIO (3") Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUBOIS, IDA U. DUBOIS,, ISAAC See Pratt, Carl ton F. Killed by a train UA (4«) 1894, 12.4 IB:RZ J1;RZ DUBOIS, ISAAC DUBOIS, LEON Hew York Central Railroad censured In death (£ c o l . ) UA, Ag 9, 1894, Married C a r r i e L. 5-2 UA, AP 2 5 , Sprague 1695, 6-5 JLtAA DUBOI3E, ISSAC (GATES) DU BOIS, JENNIE E . Limited letters of administration granted on estate. UA, S 11, 1894, See D e c k e r , I s a a c A* 6-2 GTZ:AB DDBOI8, NETTIE E. DU BOIS, MRS. SALLY See Tut t i e , l i l i e s Died In Lima RDA, Ja 20, 1853, 2-8 OC:RZ 1 MC • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUBOIS, SARAH J. DU BOXS, SALLY (Mre.) Set Van Hauton, Robert Died in Lima. BSD, Ja 2 1 , 1853, 3.3 MS CB • DUBOIS, WILLIAK DU BOIS, WILLIAM Son of, died. UA, 0 Died 2, 1893, 5-1 DUBROW, UARY J. My 1 , 1895, 6-2 DUBUQjtfE, JOSEPH Will admitted to probate UA. Mr 5, 1895, UA, See Collins, Chas. E. 6-4 du CHAILLU, PAUL DUCAH, CORNELIUS Died To lecture on the "Land of the Midnight Sun." (1") » , D 2, 15S2, 3-6 UA, Ja 11, 1876, 2-7 CMP:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUCK SHOOTING DUCK SHOOTING 0 15, I860, 2-1 Hathew Plyn and John Lauder both of Greeoa bagged 68 duck In one day not counting some 25 that were lost (1") UA, N 4, 1873, 2-4 PW:1SB Mi DUCK SHOOTING ' DUCKENFIELD, ENOCH S. (PHELPS, ONTARIO CO. ) Coroner renders v e r d i c t of death by Coneaus Lake Sport In full aring at Conesus. (3") apoplexy UA UA, D 1 5 , 1860, 2 - 1 0 30, 1882, 2-6 JD:RZ FD:MC DUCKEKFIELD, GECR&E DUCKER, HENRY E . Died in Waterloo Bicycle projector and originator of bicycle tournaments visited Rochester UA UA Mr 28, 1889, 2-6 Ap 2, 1861, 3-4 cc/c;:v JDPtJDP •••• DUCKET, RICHARD Drowned In Erie Canal Obituary. UA UA CMV 0 6, 1858, 3-2 (GREECE) DUCOLOK, PETER HMiHR (2") J l 22, 1882 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BUDDY, DUDLEY, CCIT37AELE Harried Bridget Hlgglns (Le Roy) UA House entered by robbers; $103 taken J l 19, 1892, 7-1 RDA, Ap 10, 1851, 2 - 6 PD KH!.! JDP.'RZ DUDI£Y, CONSTABLE DUDLEY, A. H. (WARSAW NEW YORKER) House entered and $103. taken Elected Treasurer of the Publishers and HDD Editors Association of Western New York Ap 10, 1E51, 2-6 UAt Je 22, 1866, 2-2 FD:AR0 cav ••I DUDLEY, CARRIE Admitted to practice in United Stages Courts (BATH) See Harder, George UA, My 1 9 , I 6 o 4 , 2 - 4 JS:MAL IB:JI 1 DUDLEY, E. L. Made President of Fairoort branch of Cosmopolitan Building and Loan Associa tlon IC1I, N 3, 1892, 3-4 DUDLEY, PRESIDENT E. L. (FAIRPORT) 1 M 1 Visits Rochester and s t a t e s t h a t Falrport has had no cases of smallpox as rumored (i Col.) 1 UA, J e 19, 1894, | JS:JI 6-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BOOK**, B . R. (FAIRPORT) DUDLEY, REV. F . H. Formed partnership with D. 0. Baker (Falrport) in the baking powder butlneea ( i I n . ) 0A, 18, 1896, See Moore, Dr. E. L . 2-2 [XJZ DUDLEY, REV. HORACE F. DUDLEY, H. A . Whig delegate from Wyoming County t o Died S t a t e Convention UA My 8, 1884, 2-2 (WARSAW) RDD, S 18, 1852, 2 - 4 LG:RZ ABO DUDLEY, REV. HORACE P. (WARSAW) DUDLEY, JAIRUS K. Died Died i n Terra Haute, Ind, VA, My 5, 1884, 4-2 RDU, J a 5, 1856, 3-2 COC:FD DUDLEY, JOHN E . CB DUDLEY, JO30BH (BATH) Member of Orpheus Glee Club, died Married Lucy Craus UA, 0 1, 1866, 2-1 UA, Ag 31, 1892, 7-2 ME:I SC:JI (Bath) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUDLEY, LEE DUDLEY, LZB8IE Arrested for possessing counterfeit money "Never Despair1*, a poem f o r the Democrat HDA, tfr 20, 1851, 2-6 RDD, Kr 7, 1854, 1-7 DUDLEY, LUCIEN H. DUDLEY, LIBBIE Writes poem for Daily Democrat Died RDD, Ap 19, 1854, 2-7 UA, 0 7 , 1 8 9 3 , 2-7 HAli:UC I?:FAD DUDLEY, LUCIEN H. DUDISY, LRS. 1'ARY A. Died UA, 0 7 , 1893, Death (Te r r e H a u t e , I n d . ) 5-2 HDUS E r 22, 1855, 2 - 4 IS:FAD ••• DUDLEY, IfELINDA H. Died UA IL:RZ DUDLEY, RICHARD C . , J R . Died My 1 6 , 1 8 9 3 , 5 - 2 UA, D 22, 1890, 5-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUDLEY, RICHARD C , JR. Ditd DUDLEY, SAMUEL L (BRIGHTON) Married Cloe A. Stivers (Rochester) UA, D 22, 1890, 5-7 RDD, Ap 14, 1852, 3-3 ARO DUDLEY, SAMUEL L. DUDLEY, SARAH H. See also Donelly, Lemuel L See Howland, Dr. Charles E, ARO VR/CMV DUDLEY, T. 0 . DUDI£Y, T. 0 . Horse k i l l e d by fragment of rock hurled Elected president of the Cartraen's Benevolent Association by b l a s t in State S t . UA, J a 5, 1861, 2-5 HDD, Ap 9, 1852, 2-6 NC^ARO DUDLEY, T. 0. Son of, Injured while c e l e b r a t i n g fourth of J u l y UA, J l 5 , 1862, 2-2 fd;mmm m^Hmi DUDLEY, T. 0. Elected president of the Cartmen's Assoc* UA, Ja 3 , 1863, 2-4 me jramra Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUDLEY, T. 0. DUDLEY, T. 0. Account of Hillsdale calamity And wife, and child, killed vfaen roof and walls of grocery In Hlllsdale orashed in UA, 0 3 , 1866, 2-4 UA, 0 1, 1866, 2-1 ME:L1AL MEiMAL • DUDLEY, W. H. DUDI£Y, 7>!E0DCRE 0 (la) Harried E l i s a b e t h Ray Gives speech on r e t i r i n g from Chair of UA, D 18, 1889, 5 - 4 Carmen's Mutual Benevolent Association RDD, J a G, 1^51, 2-5 JH:HR DUDLEY, WALTER DUDLEY, W. H. Died House owned by him damaged t o extent o f $3000 when kerosene exploded on a stove UA, P 26, 1895, (FAIRPORT) UA, N 16, 1893, 3-4 MC:TL Hi DUDNEY, GRACE Died a t B a l d w i n s v l l l e , IBlJI 1 1 1 DUEFEE, NELLIE See Newton, Charles UA S U , l g g g , 6-5 SL:LR | CLUI • 1-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUELS, MRS. ELIZABETH BEASLEY DUEL, I'YRA Died See Hunn, A.Z. UA P 4 , 1897, 6 - 3 • CJ:RZ .-•» SC.-A3 -••••• i . . . . •••i'-mmi^a-sr DUELL, MRS. ELIZABETH A - * * * * ! DUELL, HOLLANDER R. (CORTLAND) Died Admitted t o p r a c t i c e In t h e United UA States D i s t r i c t Court F 3 , 1897, 3-6 UA My 25, 1867, 2-7 CG:JI DUELL, J.W. (REPUBLICAN) Nominated for Municipal Court Judge DUKLL, HART B. Bron^it action for dirorce against her misband, Walter Daell. UA, Mr 4, 1881v 2-6 UA Ap 2, 1»97. DUELL, MAY DOgLL, MARX See A l l e n , E l l a s See Esmack, John J. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SOXLL, VAWR 9— DUELUKG, Dtttll, Mary R. Hall, Jane (Rochester) rrent to Buffalo to fl£ht a duel r;ith* Catherine Hurley FtDU, Ag 13, 18S2, 2-3 ramai DUELLING Cooper, of "Dally Union" c h a l l e n g e d Kr r Beach of t h e "Orleans Republican" to a duel. DUELLING Ed. setting forth foolishness of this custom. UAf J l 2 4 , 1867, 2 - 2 RDU, 0 9f 1856, 2-1 mhin s NT DUELS in Greece challenged nan to duel; declined UA, Ja 3, 1868, 2-4 Account of the first duel that took place in Rochester in 1825 between an American army officer and an Englishman. UA, Jl 14, 1883, 2-2 CUP:IIB CPsMAL DUEXPELUANil, LOUIS C. DUEMPELUANN, LOUIS C, And wife sold to Anna C. Burgle property on Baden St. for $1,600. Died UA UA, D 21, 1895, 6-7 0TZ.-HR J a 9, 1879 2-7 UC:FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUEMPLEUANN, EMMA M. DUEPPIUS, HERMAN W. See Summerhaya, J. E. Died UA, 0 2 3 , 1 W . 5 - 3 CC:HH DUERBAUM, DIETRICH DUEPPLE, JOSEPH Died Convicted of non-support UA, S 16, 1897, UA, S 6, 1893, 5-6 6-2 IB:HR DUERKI3, WILLIAM DUERBAUii, DIETRICH Will a d m i t t e d t o p r o b a t e , Will p r o b a t e d . £ col. UA J e 1 8 , 1886, 2 - 3 Ua. D 5 , lgoJj., g - 1 IV:RZ JL:LG DUERR, CHARLES DUERR, MARGARETTA Harried Jennie Hoeffler Died at East Rochester UA, My 1 9 , 1886, 2-4 UAf D 4, 1876, 2-5 TBsTD WM»ABrt Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , MARY ANNA DUERRHAUM, ANl^'A E. (MRS. JOHN) Letters of administration issued on estate Dltd OA, Mr 8 7 , 1897, 1 6 - 3 UA, Jl 21, 1892, 5-2 CP:AA JP:FD DUFF, DUESTCN, EH. ^ See Smith, James H. B u i l d i n g a mafcmouth c a n a l b o a t HDD, Kr 2 8 , 1 8 5 1 , 2 - 7 ceo Tnnm VIE DUFF, REV. aOEERT 21. Entered his charge DUFF CABLE COITANY Head o f 3 L . M a t t h e w ' s Annual statement filed in county clerk18 office Church Mission UA, Ja 19, 1881, UA, S 1, looo, 2-4 FD:AHO VC:AB I DUFFET, W* H» DU?FSN, SARAH ATo give Concert at Corinthian Hall RDU Ap 30, 1853, 2-6 JD 1 Received patent for dish rack. 1 UA 1 NT:HR Ap 8 , 1 8 7 1 2-1 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFETT, MAIDA ELLEN DUFFBT, W. H. Died Oranted patent for dish rack UA Ap 29, UA Ja 19 1893 2-7 1871, 2-5 AA CCPjJI DUFFETT, WILLIAM H. DUFFSiT, V/L. H. And wife are In Buffalo* Married Hellen M. Norton UA, Ja 10, 1884, 2-2 UA, Ja 18, 1884, 3-7 OC:HB CCjAB DUFFEY, EDWARD M. DDFFEY, PETER (Brockport) Will admitted to probate UA, D 27, 1892, Murdered Austin Noble 5-1 OA 0 8, 1860, 2-5 AA PV.':DS •Hi EUFFEY, PETER (BROCKPORT) Indicted for murder. UA, 0 1 2 , 1 8 6 0 , 2-5 DUFFIEf ELIZA J . Died UA, D 2 9 , 1 8 9 2 , 5 . 4 PW.MB JDPlHR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DIWI2LD, D BETHIKB (Detroit) BUPFXELD, AMELIA Itarrled JTary S Buell (Rochester) Reported missing fro* home. Believed to have been abducted RDU, Je 30, 1E54, 2-6 HA, My 1 0 , 1877, 2-3 CF:AR0 OUTFIELD, GEORGE DUFFIELD, JANE fWoeral held Oft., » 30, 1S969 Reported missing from home. Believed to have been abducted 6-* UAf My 10, 1877, 2-3 CF:ARO DUFFIELD, W.F. Obituary (5") DUFFIELD, W. F. His memory respected by the Supreme Court and Bar. (7") UA, D 15, 1880, 2-6 UA D 17, 1880, 2-5 JD:RZ GZ:FD •• DUFFIELD, XI. F. State stenographic convention adopted resolution expressing their sorrow because of his" untimely death. (2-) DUFFIN, D. Operates shoe factory RDA, F 21, 1851, 2-3 UA, As 26, 1881, 2-4 CHPU2 ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DuffIn, Henry (Rochester) DOPPIN, HENRY Harried Mary Elizabeth Sheridan Married Mary Elizabeth Sheridan (Rochester) RDD, Jl 10, 1851, 3-3 RDA, Jl 10, 1851, 2-7 DS MPS MS DUFFIN, JOHN DUFFIN, HENRY Will leave for California from New York Former resident, died "at Hermosillo, Mexico UA, Ag 19, 1857, 3-1 UAV Ag 24, 1868, 3-8 MM;FD DUFFIN, SARAH 1000 persons attend concert RDD, F 7, 1853, 2-5 DUFFIN, SAfcAH A. Article lauds her talent RDU, Ja 21, 1853, ^5-6 ARO DUFFIN, SARAH A. Concert at Corinthian Hall well attended. DDPFIH, SARAH A. Gave concert in Corinthian "all, RDA, My 4, 1853, 2-5 EDO, P 5, 1853, 2-6 FG/UB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFIN, SARAH A Will give concert Bee Gleeion, William H. RDU, P 20, 1854, 2-4 DUFFNER, JOHN DUPFHT, SARAH C To give concert at Corinthian Kail •Grocery store robbed, small amount of cash taken HDD, F 2, 1853, 2-7 UA, F 13, 1860, 2-1 ARO ab;mmm DUFFT, CHARLES DUFFNER, JOHN L e t t e r s of administration i s s u e d on e s t a t e Entered and robbed at raid-day. UA, Je 10, 1861, 2-2 UA, FD:KB D 1, 1897, 6-7 CCP:EQ ••I DUFFUS, JOHN Married Letltia Miller UA, 8 16, 1871, 3-4 1 DUFFY, MRS . ALLEN 1 Died 1 UA LJr 25, 1SS9, 2-5 • MHM.'AB 1 JDPUDP Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFY, ANNA (URS. PATRICK A.) DUFFY, ANNA Dl«d Ditd UA, J# i e , 1894, 8-3 0A, Je 99 1893, 9-3 JL:JA •I DUFFY, ANNIE DUFFY, BARNEY Died Account of h i s mental d e l u s i o n . UA, F 17, 1877, 3-6 RDU N 30, 1855 3-2 JCiu.'JMG DUFFY, BESSIE (liRS. JOHN) DtTPFY, BRIDGET Died UA, D 26, 1895, 7-2 Fined 310 for a s s a u l t and b a t t e r y RDD, S 2 5 , 1851, 2-5 T:LH FT^JA DUFFY, BRIDCffiT DUFFY, BRIDGET Died* UA US] Died. Ap 4, 1383 2-2 UA MS'HR Ap 4 , 1883 3-8 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , MRS. BRIDGET DUFFY, MRS. CATHERINE Ditd UA, Ditd My ?, 1894, 6-4 UA, Ag 16, 1893, 5-5 JL.-AA IB.-JI DUFFY, CHARLOTTE LOUISE DUFFY, MRS. CATHERINE Died Died **. Ag 1 7 , 5-1 N 22, 1894, 3-4 JL:TL 3C:JI DUFFY, CORNELIUS DUFFY, CORNELIUS SstPte suing Bell Telephone Company for damaging their block on South Avenue by use of tripods on the tin root, causing it to leek UA UA, My 11, 1380, JD:JI Died UA My 16, 1884, 3-3 L:O:RZ DUFFY, CORNELIUS J. DUFFY CIDER COMPANY Annual report filed UA UA My 17, 1834, 5-7 CC:JI Ja 18, 1887, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes wrrr, i. DUFFY, ED. Suffer* lost of brlok barn in fire. Granted license by Board of Commissioners , P 12, 1855, 5-1 UA, Je 10, 1858, 3-2 FD:ARO DUFFY, EDWARD DUFFY, MRS. EDWARD He and his family left for the Centennial Exhibition, and then " leave for Europe from Ne*r York (l") Obituary UA, 0 28, 1878, 2-2 UAf Jl 3, 1876, 2-8 CL:A6 DUFFY, EDWARD DUFFY, EDWARD Died at St. Catharines, Ontario (7 in.) UA Ja 25, 1887, Died in Canada UA Ja 26, 1887, 8-2 2-3 CC:RZ CC:JT •• ••• DUFFY, EDWARD DUFFY, EDWARD Funeral services held. (4») Will a d m i t t e d t o p r o b a t e , UA UA, F 9 , 1887, 2 - 6 Ja 27, 1887, 2-2 CC:UB CC.'RZ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFY, ELIZABETH Died bonrioted of stealing tools from John Cody, DUFFY, ELLEN (EAST BRIGHTON) UA, Ap 13, 1833, 3-7 DUFFY, ESTHER Died. Obituary UA, N 12, 1885, 2-3 UA, F 12, 1397, 8-4 CC.'HB AJC.-AB DUFFY, FRANCIS A. (BRIGHTON) M a r r i e d C a t h e r i n e Murphy UA, N 5, 1897, 8-4 DUFFY, FRANCIS V. Obituary UA, D 28, 1875, 2-2 oop;mmm CCP:TL DUFFY, FRANK His r e p o r t s on damages to the b r i d g e s i n Brlgiton are l i s t e d •bout $1,000 DUFFY, FRANK Adjudged an indigent l u n a t i c by Judge Werner UA, UA, J e 7 , 1869, 3-3 8L:AB UW:JI Ap 10, 1893, 5-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFY, HANNAH ( i i R S . JOHN) t DUFFY, HENRY (HROCKPORT) Married Rose Shaughneesy , AP &Kt iSi?3, 3-7 tfS:FD UA D 17, 1SS5, 2-3 JG/OIV DUFFY, HENRY (3R0CKP0RT) DUFFY, HENRY W. Died Died In Avon UA, F 29, 1838, 6-2 UA, J e 1 9 , 1878, 3 - 7 JD:A3 DUFFY, ISA WILMARTH DOFFY, HUGH filed Died in New York UA, 0 15, 1894, RDD Je 15, 1352, 2-2 MUjJI DUFFY, JAI/iES DUFFY, J. H. (MRS* GEORGE) (PITTSFORD) (ROME, N.Y.) Died His daughter may die of burns sustained i n fire UA, Mr 24, 1858, UA, Ag 1 4 , 1880, 3-7 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFY, JAKES sum, Deolared an indigent lunatio in County Drowned in the oanal at Brookport, ( l In, UA J i 7, i6Skt 2-2 Court (*") UA, Ag 25. 1892, JM:HR DUFFY, JAMES T. DUFFY, JAt.ES L. Died Died i n Buffalo UA, D 2?, 1896, 10-2 UA, S 6, 1888, 2-5 IDP:AA SL:HR DUFFY, JANE FRANCES ( LIRS EDWARD) DUFFY, JESSIE Died Died UAf 0 28, 1878, 3-7 UA, D 15, 1875, 3-5 CLtARO wmm DOFFY, JOflM Died UA, 0 8, 1864, 3-1 CG:JMG CCP:ARO DUFFY, JOHH Sentenced to Auburn prison for 5 years and seren months for hi£hw y robbery UA, Mr 26, 1866, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFF*, JOHN (BROCKPORT) DUFFY, JOHN Died Married Kate Compton (Brockport) UA P 26, UA 1870, 3-8 Mr 9, 1876, 3-8 AJC:R2 MP:JI ••I DUFFY, JOHN B. 1 DUFFY, JOHN H. Died UA F 12, 1889, 2-6 Died OA F 2, 1874, 3-5 GZ:BZ SL:RZ DUFFY, JOHN THOMAS DUFFY, JOSEPH Died. Died UA, Ja 27, 1876, 2-1 UA, F 4, 1876, 3-5 AA:JHG CMP:MB DUFFY, JULIA (Mrs. Henry) DUFFY, JULIA E. Died UA, See Donovan, Joseph A* 0 9, 1888, 2-6 00: JI (Toronto, Ontario) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFY, KATI2 A. DUFFY, KATE F. Died (2") See Lynch, John UA, 0 14, 1379, 2-3 DUFFY, LAURENCE Married Agnes Berges in Palmyra. UA, F 10, 1987, 6-3 DUFFY, LAWRENCE J. Died UA, Mr 2, 1888, 2-2 CC.'L-B JG-.A3 DUFFY, LOUISE (MRS. JOHN) DUFFY, LAWRENCE J. Died Died UA, Mr 2, 1888, 8-6 UA, N 21, 1894, 8-3 JL:TL JQ:AB ••• DUFFY, KRS. KARY Obituary di") UA, D 27, 1881, 2-2 DUFFY, MARY A. (MRS. JOHN) Died UA, J« 14, 1893, 3-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFY, MARY ANtf (UR3. MICHAEL) Died DUFFY, MARY SIMPSON (MRS. THOMAS) Died UA 0 7 , 1875 , 3-4 i CP:RZ —— UA, Je 10, 1886, 2-3 • ( CL:FD DUFFY, MICHAEL DUFFY, MICHAEL See Maloney, Tim Presented with a s i l v e r tobacco box by the Union Hose Co, No. 4. UA Ap 24, 1862 2-3 JS:JS CL:FD •1 DUFFY, MINNIE U. See Stockton, Joseph C. DUFFY, MINNIE T. (MRS. DANIEL J.) Died UA, S 1, 1893, 5-2 CL: Z IB:HR DUFFY, PATRICK Elected Steward of Engine of the Hibern1A Fire Co* #1 HDD CMV D 16, 1&52, 2-5 DUFFY, PETSH Trial for murder begins UA, Ap 8, 1861, 2-3 (AVON) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFY, PETEH DUFFY, PETER Jury selected; 10 witnesses examined Convicted of manslaughter. UA, Ap 9, 1861, 2-1 UA, Ap 10, 1861, 2-1 CCrllB ce;renn (OGDEH) DUFFY, ROSE DUFFY, PETER Died Sentenced to Auburn for seven years for manslaughter. UA, Jl 5, 1892, 8-1 UAf Ap 13, 1861, 2-5 10I:FD HI DUFFY, ROSE A. |# See Gallaher, Anthony DUFFY, KA^AM TERESA Died UA, N 20, 1894, JL:TL FOlFD ••• DUFFY, TERRENCE DUFFY, THErESA See Monaghan, James Died ( 3 " ) UA, A P 2 4 , 1 8 8 4 , FD;JS • J LG:APO 3-3 6-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFY, THERESA H DUFFY, THO1IAS (MFS. *.V ALT En) Died Body found In a s t a t e of decomposition In the Buck Harsh Pond. (2 N ) UA, Ap 25, 1884,?-7 UA LG:A.-0 # DUFFY, THOMAS Married Kattle F, Lynch UA, Ap 2S, 1S75, 3-5 D l e d a t Osvrego, N. Y UA, Je 26, 1877, 3 - 5 2-7 CUP:HR DUFFY, THOMAS F a t a l l y Injured when he s l i p p e d beneath l o c o m o t i v e wheels UA, DOFFY, THOMAS Ap 6, 1675 Ja 2, 1S77I 2- 1 * DUFFY, THOLiAS Obituary (3^") UA, Je 27, 1877, 2 - 2 DUFFY, THOivlAS S t r i k e n ?rlth p a r a l y s i s VAf My 5 , 1884 9 3 - 3 UA, Mr 1 0 , 1386, 2 - 4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFY, THOMAS (AVON) Dltd. • Died F 2 , 1667, 2-2 UA, 8 29, 1694, 8-2 i CC:MB JL:FD DUFFY, THOLLAS DUFFY, THOMAS Will admitted t o p r o b a t e UA, DUFFY, THOMAS My 1 9 , 1^96, See Q u i n n , Wm< 7-2 JM:MS rnhni; mnni DUFFY, .V.B. CIDEP COMPANY DUFFY, W. B., CIDER COMPANY Annual r e p o r t of finances f i l e d w i t h county c l e r k Annual report UA Ja 12, 1891, UA, J a 1 6 , 1883, 2 - 3 ti \ AB DUFFY, WALTEft D . PR:JI DUFFY, :<;P.S. WALTE? B Recovering from attack of inflammatory rheumatisn (1 H ) Died UA, Uy 26, 1882, 2-5 UA, Ap ? 4 , 1 8 8 4 , ?.-2 WT:FD (5^") 5-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DOTTY, MRS. WALTER B. DUFFY, WALTER B. Xn imorlaffl by Ladies• Charitable Aid Boolety UAt Ap 30, 1884, 2.4 Sold property on State Street to Rochester Distilling Company, also property on Charlotte Street* Total sale $26,000. UA, Jl 19, 1884, 4-2 GTZ:MB CC:FD DUFFY, WALTER B. DUFFY, WALTER B. Harried Loretto Putnam UA, D 21, 1891, 2-6 Granted extension of time in which to complete inventory for A. G. Yates for whom he is acting as assignee. (2") UA JL:RZ VJ:HR DUFFY, WALTER B. DUFFY, WALTER B. Awarded a verdict of .^68,729.10 against H.H. Warner (2») UA, My 16, 1893, 5-1 F 16, 1894, 6-4 Authorized to receive offer of S i l v e r Lake Ice Co. to s e t t l e claim of A. G. Yates for $30,000. (1") UA, Jl 15, 1895, 7-6 V?:AA JS:JA DUFFY, WALTER B. DUFFY, WALTER B. Nominated f o r P r e s i d e n t i a l e l e c t o r for t h e 31st d i s t r i c t of New l o r k on t h e Democratic t i c k e t 11") UA, S 28, 1896, Barn damaged t o $1,500 by f i r e UA, D 28, 7-3 JDP:AA ALJTL 1896, 8-2 (3") Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUFFY, WM. DUFFY, WALTER B. See - Walter, James !• Arrested for grand larceny for entering •tore of J. Kelly and stealing UA, Ja 28, 1862, 2-3 JD:LR DUFFY, WILLIAM DUFFY, WILLIAM Sent to Monroe Penitentiary for 2 Jumped Into the canal Intending to drown himself but he wns pulled out by William B. Young, Jr. year8 for burglaryr UA, Jl 13, 1893, UA Mr 31, 1862 2-1 2-6 PW:JS IB:FAD DUFFY, WILLIAM Saloon closed on Judgment of $120 UA, N 9, 1895, 8-5 DUFFY, MR. & MRS. WM. Await examination for series of thefts. UA, My 28, 1858, 3-1 FD:MB 8C;JA •• DUFFY, WM. * BRIDGET Charged with larceny for series of robberies. DUFFI, WILLIAM H. Died UA, D 13, 1888, 2-5 UA, My 31 f 1858, 3-3 rD:MB SL:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes n m r HALT WHISKEY COMPANY DUFNER, JOHN lent into reoelTershlp aooount girti; liabilities $200,000 or perhaps more (12") His qualifications for supervisor discussed UA, H I S , 1886, 2-? UA, Mr 2, 1874, 2-2 OTZ:ARO OTZ:HR t# JOHN, SR. DUFNER, JOHN Bled Obituary (Illus.) (3") HA, D 2 7 , 1890, 2 - 6 UA, D 27, 1890, 5-6 8C:HR SC2FD •• DUFKER, LOUISE ISABELLA 0UFNER, JOHN See Cook, Charles S. Will admitted to nrobate U&, Ja 19, 1391, 6-7 , KABT (URS. JOHH) Sled Died Vk HfcJBP DUFMER, MARY (MRS. JUHN) As 23. 1^97. UA PR:JDP A* 23. 1897. 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes wrotm, A. DUFUR, HENRY U. Harried Bottle Smead (Avon) UA, Ap 16, 1892, 2-5 The w r e s t l i n g match between Dufur and Duncan C# Rose took p l a c e a t the Gr*»nd l a s t n i t e , Dufur was v i c t o r i o u s . ( 7 " ) UA Ap. 27, 1883, 1OI:HR USlLR DUGAN, CATHARIKE (ivlRS. CORKELIUS) DUGAw, CATHAPJIiE tiR3. Died. Died UA 2-3 Jl 21, 1884, 3-5 UA Funeral d e s c r i b e d , J l 2 2 , 1884, 2-2 LGrPZ GZ:RZ DUGAII, ELIZABETH ANM DUGAM, DANIEL llissir.s, Information wanted by Died UAt Je 6, 169^, Sarah Rust 6-2 UA, S 3, 1861, 2-4 FD:ARO JL:EQ DUGAN, ELLEN (MRS. ROBERT) Died from i n j u r i e s received in recent f a l l * UA DUGAN, EMMA Died UA 0 29, 1886, 2-4 F 7, 1695, 3-6 GZ:RZ JMtHZ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUOAN, HANNAH DUOAN AND HUDSON See q u i g l e y , P a t r i c k . fhe« faotory burned; loss at #2,000 (3 liu) 04, N 19 9 1895, 9-1 JD:1IB JI:JI •• DUGAN, JAMES Married K i t t l e Me Dermott UA, 0 29, 1692, in.) DUGAN, JOHN Harried Ellen R e l l l y 5-3 RDU Ja 2 3 , 1855, 3-3 DS • f DUGAN, JOHN JOHI* Harried Kary Me Manus Died UA UA, Ag 6 , 1692, 2-2 Ap 24, 1363, 3-7 MBH:Afi MHM:JI DUGAN, JOHN (ROCK GLEN) DUGAN, JOHN C. Married E l i z a K e i l t y (Le Hoy) UA, Ja 21, 1897, Will admitted to probate UA, 7-^ JI D 7, 1892, 5-3 in.) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WGAN, JOHN C. DtfOAM, JOHN 0. JUdlolal settlement of will Died UA 04 P 13, 1894, 2-5 J* 9, 1886, 2-3 JDP:RZ IB:JI DUQAN, JOHN W. DUGAM, LARRY Married Annie Heath (Canandalgua) UA, Je 7, 1*9^, 7-3 Died from Injuries received from a fall on the sidewalk HA, Mr 11, 1881, 2-3 JL:EQ CL^AB •I DUGAN, HARY A. DUGAN, MRS. U.J. See Llnehan, George F. Died UA, N 20, 1872, 3-7 CP:MB DUGAN, UARY J . DUOAN, MARY E . Died Pled UAf F 15, 1896, 9-5 UA, Mr 1 1 , lS7k, 3-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes NOAM, MICHAEL O o n l t t t d tuiolde by drowning in Erie Canal, VA DUOAN, MICHAEL W. Died 8 12, 1889, 2-7 UA P 14, 1876, 3-5 AA:JI DUGAN, PATRICK DUGAN, MRS. THOMAS Store entered and $100 groceries stolen Arrested in Albany and brought t o Rochester on a charge of p e r j u r y (£ c o l ) DA, F 2, 1863, 2-4 UA, N 15, 12E:AR0 IB:ARO DUGAN, W. E. DUGAN, MRS. W.E. Given a present from fellow workers on being through wort at P Cox & Bros. Co. Died a t Patchogue, Long I s l a n d UA, Mr 8 , 1880, 2-7 UA, C 14, 1892, 2-1 JK:FD ••• DUGAN, WINNIE DUGAN, WLI. A r r e s t e d , t o g e t h e r with George tfenman, and s e n t to Canandalffua on a charge of having s t o l e n some a r t i c l e s f r o * a dwell i n g house t h e r e Died in Buffalo* UA, Ja 14, 1890, 5-4 UA, S 26, 1879, 2-4 AA:MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUC»LUAM, UAROAKiJT DUGANE, COLO1IEL Appointed Chief o f t h e Bureau o f Military Statistics • • . Vox, Sally* for $125 damage* for i n j u r i e s r e o t l r t d when atroek fcy tne l a t t e r ' • b i c y c l e . 01 My 2b. 1896. 7-b UA, S 21, 1866, 2-2 ME:MT JM.-JUP •i DOCK)ALE, C. R. See Morton, H. U. Sold land in Gates to Helen U# Norton (Warsaw) for $1,500. UA BUGDALE, .,;.!. (GATES) DUGDALE, CHAS. R, Ag 11, 1876 DUGDALE, \.i:. 2-7 (HCCIJITTER) Married Martha ZTeely M a r r i e d Martha !Teely HDA, Ap 7 , 1853, 2 - 8 RDD, Ap S , 1 8 5 3 , 3 - 3 AHO 0UGGAN, DAIJIEL (Rochester) ARO DUGGAN, DAVID (FAIRPORT) Taken t o the Utica Insane Asylun l a s t evening. Married Mattie Me Guire UA, D 3 1 , 1878, 3 - 4 UA Ja k, 1890 Feirport. 1 AA:LR • (Fnirport) at Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUOGAN, ELLEN (MRS. MORTIMER) XWGGAU, ELLA Died, E a r e a , W.J. UA, Mr 18, 1881, 3-8 CL:HR IHJGGAN, KARTIN Died suddenly Died in Charlotte. UA, Je 28, 1858, 3-2 OA 0 18, 1888, *-7 FD:MC •i DUGGAN, ROBERT C. DUGGAN, UORTIIIER Died. (1") Wed UA, S 26, 1890, 5-5 UA Jl 14, 1884, 2-3 SC:KB DUGGON, ANNIE LAURA DOOGIM, ALLEN funeral 0At F 8, Died (i m . ) 1895t 6-3 UA Je 28, 1886, 8-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUCKJID, MARY E.J. DUXER, WILHELMINA Died I n New York City. Died UA 0 1 6 , 1682, UA., Mow. 5, 1888, 8-4 JD:LR 3-6 • DUI3, JOHN Pronounced an Indigent lunatic; will be sent to State Hospital PC:PAD DUKE, C. E. Incorporation papers f i l e d . UA Ag 30, 1590, g-ll- UA, Je 16, 1892, 5-3 :C:JDP DUKELOW, Coranissioner reinstated him. Suspended from the service because of unnecessary brutality, in treatment of prisoners. (?••) DUKELOW, POLICEMAN Received $^0 gift in appreciation of faithful service, (l in.) UA P 10, 1875, 2-2 UA, J a 12, 1876, ?-"* ARO •1 Dukelow, Catherine See Dukelow, Peter DUKEL07/, CHARLES D. B. (CAI.'ANDAIGUA) Harried Catherine Kingston UA, Ap 2, 1883, 3-8 DS iiPS in 8 mmm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 8UEEL0W, ELLEN DUKELOW, FANNIE (MRS. THOMAS) » • • Sherry, Prank Eaton Died UA, Ap 1 3 , 1696, 3-7 JL:JI VM:TL DUKELOW, FANNY DtJKELOV, J . J. City b i c y c l i s t ; portrait UA,. My 1, 1897, 18-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUKELOW, PETER A. HK1L0W, P. J. Married Jennie L. Kllng Brtakt fomer bioyolt reoord on trip fro* Buffalo. (9j«) UA N 18, 1892, 5-1* » 0 19, 1891, 7-1 TJ:FAD Dukelow, Peter (Rochester) DUKELOW, PETER J* Died Harried Catherine, Dukelow (hochesterj UA, Uy 1 1 , 1 8 8 7 , 3 - 4 RDD, Jl 14, 1851, 3-3 OS MPS DUKELOW, PETER J. DUKELOW, RICHARD See Riley, George S. Died UA, JA JgjJl DUKELOW, RICHARD DUKELOW, THOMAS m i l admitted to probate UA, J e 2 1 , 1895, 6-2 J e 26, 1395, 6-3 Attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head: expected to recover (18 in.) UA, JLJJI Ap 18, 1895, 7-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , THOMAS DUKELOW, DETECTIVE TH.^MA8 asssa ***** Ap 19, 1895, 6-5 JL:TL Retired because he is unable of performing active duty (Jcol) UA, My 28, 1895, 7-3 JA fltJKHX)W, E3UDETECTIVE THOMAS Pensioned. UA j e (2") 1 1 , 1895, 9-3 • DUKELOW, THOMAS 'Appointed policeman UA, S 18, 1868, 2-2 JL.-RZ HHU:AB DUKELOW, THOMAS Suspended from city police force because of unnecessary brutality in treatment of prisoners (l col*) DDKELOW, URSULA See ConnelL, Francis UA, Ja 6, 1876, 2-3 cap;' DUKES, CHARLES ZEB Disd. UA^ F l f 1892, 5-6 AS: MB DD1AN, DR. S«e German "Real* School Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WILANY, MRS. LOUISE DULLARD, PHILLIP See Drlnnen, Martin. 3-7 OTZ:HR JCM; DULLEY CASE DULLIGAN, LAWRENCE Granted a patent for his life-saving net for oars Ro(blester D a i l y Union end A d v e r t i s e r editorial on scandalous proceedings in the case. UA, Jl 19, 1895, UA J a 1 7 , 1689, PC:LR DULLINANE, CATHERINE DULMAGE, MARY L. Died UAt See C r o s s , O.U. J r . My 4 , 1895, 2 7 - 5 CCP:JI DULOHERTY, DAVID (FORMERLY OF ROCHESTER) DULOHERY, DANIEL Died Died i n Keene, N.H. UA, CO.-JA F 19, 1897, UA, 6-5 JA My 2 4 , 1895, 7 - 3 7-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes OtfLOHERY, MARGARET DULOHERY, MARY Died UA, 0 1 4 , 1805, ?-4 Died UA, D 7, 1893, 6-6 8C:JA •• DULOH, DR. JL^FD DULON, DR. Delivered an address in German e.t the Died. Obituary* Centennial Anniversary of the great UA, Ap 13, 1870, 2-3 Humboldt UA, S 14, 1869, 2-3 HP:UB JG:FD •i DULOH, HI* DDLON, RUDOLF Addressed citizens of Buffalo at Humboldt Centennial Obituary* UA, Ap 15, 1870, 2-2 UA, S 16, 1869, 2-5 MHM LM 0ULPANTE, THEODORE Died Jr.. Prc'u^ed p-«»f»f» of nuslc entitled UA, Je 23, 1890, 5-6 bDA, D ?A, 135-., 2-6 JCMJFD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IKED t o Omaha and batik in a wagon. 15 1890 Indicted for burglary U") KDA, Jl 12, 1853, 2-5 5-6 SCtAA, ARO XMfcQf, JOHN DUUAR, ALEXANDER Convicted o f burglary HDU Sentenced to three years for grand larceny J l 1 2 , 1853, 2-6 UA D 11, 1885, DU MAR, ALEXANDER 0DIZAR9 ALEXANIS31 Infant of, died Discharged from J a i l a f t e r a 1 4 month sentence UA Ja 25, 1887, UA F 16f 1889, 2-7 2-5 PC CC:JI DUMBAU, CHARLES A. AY, ZILKA K. See Morley, John R. Died UA, fcy 1, 1896, Jilt: A 6-5 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUKKE, HENKlETTA DUUBOLTEN'S METROPOLITAN OPERA TROUPE Concerts at Corinthian Hall announced. (AD) Died UA, Ja 16, 1895, 3-4 RDD, 0 8, 1853, 2-7 FD:UI«H DUI&iER, FLOSSY DUMBER, MARY Died UA, Died. My 1 8 , 1 8 9 3 , 5-2 UA, N 26, 1886, 2-5 GTZ'.UB JL:JA DUI&iOND, DAVID DUMOND, ALONZO M. Vs. Elijah Shaw, Special Sessions Married Libbie A. Vincent. Court case UA Je 15, 1863 3-7 UA, Je 27, 1860, 2-4 MHU:ARO DUMOND, FRANK Of the Rochester Art Club, s a i l e d for Jerusalem nhere he w i l l p a i n t p i c t u r e s . (4-) UA JL:RZ MHL1:JS DU i»dOND, FRANK Well kno-vn R o c h e s t e r A r t i s t ; p h o t o UA, Ap U , 1694, 6-5 iCtEQ Mr 9 , 1895, 2-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes fiUUQHD, FREDERICK IELVILLE Harried Lou 1 M Adelaide 0A, 0 3 1 , 1891, 2-7 Dumond, Isaac 1 Broke leg while loading sleigh RDA, F 10, 1853, 2-4 c JC > JBP:HR DUKOND, JENNIE LOUISE See Fruitig, William DU1IOND, LOUISE ADELE (MRS. FRED MILVILLE) Died i n P a r i s . UA, S 12, 1894, 6-2 JL:AA IB:JI DU1IOND, THEODORE DUMONT, C. T. Arrested for stealing pipe from Dr. Uoore Died UA, UA Ag 13, 1895, 6-2 8C:TL Ag 2 0 , 1887, CL:JI •• DUUOIIT, JS2IKIE L. See Armstrong, Duane DU IIONT, JOHN E. Won two f i r s t p r i z e s at the Amateur Photographer 1 8 Exhibition in London. (i) UA, N 14, 1885, 2-5 JGlHR PR:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes . JOHNS. DUMPER WAOON BOX honored Barter of the Rochester Arts and t Society vae awarded a Parle trophy. Bee X n r e n t l o n t c *. 1697. VC^JI DOBPHREY, (small boyy Death R0O, 8 18, 1854, 3-2 •C DOIIPHY, WILLIAil Died In iionroe County Penitentiary UA, Ag 5, 1869, S-5 DUMPHY, ANNA Died UAf J a 2 7 , 1893, 5-4 JAiHR DUUPKE, REINHART Died from injuries received recently In fall from a scaffold UA, Mr 1, 1897, 10-2 CG.-JA SOHPEg, REINHART Died 0A, Mr l f 1897, 7-4 DUMPTKE, RHINE Fatally injured when he fell off a wall (3") UA, N 4, 1896, 6-2 JPJFD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUN, R.O. & CO. DUNAKIN, ANDREW See Bradetreet, J.M. & Co. (AVON) Obituary UA, Ag 13, 1S7*1., 2-1 «N:AB* •• (CAKISTEO) DUNBAX, CHARLES R. DUNBAR, MR. (ROCHESTER) Died Injured when assaulted by son-in- UA, Mr 26, 18e6, 8-4 law, Henry Me Coy RDU, Ja 22, 1855, 3-1 ARO IBfFD DUN3AR, ANNA DUNBAR, ABBY (GENEVA) Arrested for larceny, attempted to escape but recaptured. Died UA Jl 26 1892 5-2 UA, D 26, I860, 2-2 JK:AA DMN3AR, CECILIA DUNBAR, HENRY Died UA Jl Arrested for receiving stolen 26 1092 5-2 chickens RDU, Ja 22, 1855, 8-1 J1UAA ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUN BAR, JAuSS OUNBAR, HENRY His r e a l naipe revealed as Eaop Thomas; f u r t h e r f a c t s concerning h i s family and criminal h i s t o r y U* 0 10, 1873, 2-2 Taken to Auburn on charge of prand larceny. UA 0 2k t 5-7 1/6 Col. WN:JI ja,i:JDP DUHBAR, HAHY C. |DUNBAR, NELLIE M. (FAIRPORT) Died See Kilmer, H. A. (Waterville) UA, 0 9, 189?, 5-4 IB:HR (HOLLEY) DUKBAR, REV. WILLIALI DUUBAR, PATRICK Began a c t i o n a g i n s t the Rochester Railway CoSpany to recover $5,000 damages for injuries Arrested when caught shoplifting. Huch stolen merchandise was found at his home. (2/3 col.) UA, Mr 8, 1879, 2-4 UA, Jl 11. 1895, 6-6 0OHBAR, REV. WII. (HOLLEY) DUNBAR, REV. WU. (HOLLEY) More stolen goods found in his home. Arrested for stealing p^ods; thought to be insane; released on bail pending trial Mr 11, 1879 2-2 UA, Mr U , 1879, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNBAR, REV. WU. ( DT5NBAR , REV. .VM. Examination in Police Court on oharge of lnroeny postponed to await doclnlon of Orleans County Court on Dunbar's sanity UA Mr 25, 1879, 2-3 The shoplifter oarson declared Insane b y iHlbibn Judge ; sent to State Asylum at 1Jtlea 1 UA, Ap 7, 1879, 2-6 • CUP.-JT i C :P : AI DUNBROW, AUGUSTUS DUNCAN, Bee Walker, Oliver Escaped from county Jail; re-captured. UA, Ag 19, 1863, 2-2 me;nnnm AB:MB DUNCAN, CAPT. DUNCAN, ANNANIAS Stabbed to death Pioneer, died in Irondequolt RDD, UA Je 20, 1859, ?-2 iiy 18, 1852, 2-1 CB DUNCAN, MRS. CATHERINE r.n.::Ds DUNCAN, DORA Died Died UA, D 23, 1876, 3-7 UA Ap SL:AA wn 25 1892 5-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WBCAH, EDWIN H. Dlad In P e n f i e l d Ag 16, 1853, 3-4 DUNCAN, ELIZABETH V. See Ba'ter, Dr. C.W. SV:MC DUECAK, GEO. W. (POOGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.) DUNCAN, GRANT (1IUUFORD) Married Libbie A Keenly Died XJk9 P 19, 1868, 3-7 UA, 0 19, 1888, 6-2 CPzUkL DUNCAN, IDA DUwCAN, J.K. See Hill, Albert A. (Three Rivers, Mich.) Once taught school i n Rochester, a r r e s t e d i n Chicago for drunkenness UA, Ap 2, 1860, 2-5 LF:FD DOXCAM, J . M. (WARSAW) Granted a p a t e n t f o r t h e Manufacturing of salt. UA J l 2 , 1**5, 4 - 2 ZB:LR DUNCAN, J . M. (WARSAW) Granted patent f o r furnace grate UA JG:JI J l 11, 1885, 1-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNCAN, J . M. WniCAM, J.M. (WARSAW) (SILVER SPRINGS) Granted S a l t graining apparatus* Granted p a t e n t f o r s a l t hopper UA, 8 3 0 , 1866, 3 - 1 UA, J l 1 6 , 1 8 8 5 , 2 - 3 CP:UB CCP.-AB DUNCAN, JOHN DUNCAN, JAUES See Sloan, John Discharged In Police Court of the charge of seducing lirs. Catherine Ovens. UA D 3 0 , 1878 2-2 CL:HR DUNCAN, JOSEPH DUNCAN, JOSEPH S u f f e r s concussion trtien h i s head s t r u c k bridge near liaybee's Station (MENDON) And wife, sold to F r i t z Stlenfeldt (Plttsford) land in Mendon for #3,300 UA, Ap 19, 1862, 2-4 UA Ap 9, 1877, 2-6 JCM:JI JD:FP S^H DUNCAK, JOSEPH DUKCAI'', KITTIE See Sanford, George R. Died UA, S 1 0 , 1 R 8 1 , 2 - 1 1 c mp irm • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNCAN, UR3. MARY DUNCAN, MARY E. Inquest held In death of her infant; ver- Bee Chapman, Lewis R. dict of death from natural causes returned UA J a 5, 1964, 2-2 NT:JI DUNCAN, MARY ELIZABETH 8ent t o House of Refuge f o r vagrancy TJAt J l 1 5 , 1878, 2 - 2 cl OUBDI DUNCAN, MRS. MARY WILLIS (HAVERHILL, MASS. ) Died UA., My. 2 3 , 1 8 8 8 , 8 - 5 JC:FAD DUNCAN, MINNIE DUNCAN, RICr-ARD Died at the Penitentiary, UA Ag 9, 1872 3-7 Home damaged w en unVn-vrn nersons atte-pted to set fire to it (2 W ) UA, N 18, 1876, 2-1 DUNCAN, ROBERT Drowned in canal back of House of Refuge. UA, Je 21, 1884, 2-2 HR DUNCAN, ROBERT Died UA, P 1 8 , 1892, 5-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 11 ROBERT J. DUNCAN, DR. 8.1. Di«d * Interesting facts of his suooessful career given (fc col) *P 2. 1«97. 10-2 UA, 8 3, 1855, 2-2 J.G.-ARO DUKCAK, H2V SAMUEL DUNCAN, REV. DR. S. W. Accepted p o s i t i o n t o become p a s t o r f o r Second B a p t i s t Church. (3") Declined offer of Presidency of Vassar College UA, S 4, 1383, 2-5 UA 8 12f 1885, 2-2 LR.'HR DUNCAN, REV. W. S. DUNCAN, REV. SAMUEL W (D.D.) (CINCINNATI) Elected president of Vassar College (1") A call was extended to hirr; to become pastor of the Second Baptist Church. (2«) UA, S 2, 1885, 2-2 UA JG.-ARO Ap 12, 1883, 4-1 ChlPSP.Z DUNCAN, MRS. WM. C (Former Rochesterian) DUNCAN, WIL1JAM A. Gave an exhibit of h i s p o r t r a i t s at Power's Block Died i n Detroit UA, Ap. 7 , 1863, 2-4 UA, Ja 1 0 , 1377, 2-7 SE.'AB pjw:mam Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WWCHBAOH, ANTOM DUUCHE, EBEKEZER ftltd. Sold property in I'endon to Angeline Shatr for $6,000,00 tHLt J l 89, 1884, 2-2 UA SDNCHEV ELENEYER LIr 27, 1877, 2-6 DUHCC13, VARY 2 . Sold land In lie ndon to Angellne Shaw for $6,000 See Davis, S . Livingston UA, lfr 24, 1877, 3-4 •'LH DUNDAS, KR. DOKCOUB, HANCY Donated $20 t o Fireman»s B e n e v o l e n t Death Association* H0A, Ap 2 7 , 1853, 2-8 DOTDAS, C V. (ROCHESTER) B a m and c a r r i a g e destroyed by f i r e . HINT, D 2 4 , 1853, 2 - 3 HDU, D 28, 1353, 2-5 DUNDAS, C. Y.'. Home burned* RDU, My 271 1854, 2-6 SVAIB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUHDA8, CHARLES DUNDAS, CHAH1FS V.'. Died Elected President of Monroe County UA Mr 13, I860, 3-4 Savings Bank RDA F 5, 1351, 2-5 AB:DS ^ • :LM: : DS DUimAS, CHARLES \7 DUNDAS, CHARLES T.'. Appointed President at annual r.e-tir.g ofEonroe County Savings Institution FDD, F 6, 1851, 2-4 Employs 25 to 30 men in woolen factory RDA, F 17, 1851, 2-3 VT.H DUKDAJ, SHAS. *S. DUNDAS, CHARLES W. Brick barn burned; believed incendiary Clerk, name appears In directories of HDD D 26, 1853 2-6 1827 and 1858 UA Ag 4, 1858, 3-1 CMV DUNDAS, MRS. CflAS. W. DUNDAS, CHARLES W. Leaving to aiake h i s home at Frederickshars, Virginia UA Je 21 f 1859, 2-3 Obituary. OA VC:HR 1 PA, 1874 8-5 * Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUXJA3, CHA3. W. See Hamilton| Samuel DOTDAS, HEPSIE II. (MRS. CHAS. W.) filed at Port Washington, L. I. DA • 21, 1874 DUNDAS, JAS. H. Admitted to the Bar* 3-5 RDU, S 2, 1856, 3-2 PW.MB DUNDAS, JOHNNIE DUNDAS, JAKES LI. (BUFFALO) Death (LINDSAY, ONTARIO) Died i n Rocheeter UA F 1 6 , 1889, 1-7 UAf 0 17, 1859, 2-6 UA, 0 18, 1859, 2-3 PC :RZ PW:NT "DUKDEE WAREHOUSE" DUNDEE RECORD Purchased by George D. A. Bridgeman. Offered for sale UA, Ja 3, 1665, 2-3 UA 0 18, 1862 3-3 FD:KAL Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNDON, JAMES Committed; awaits action of grand Jury* UA, S 28, 1866, 2-5 (WARSAW) DUNDON, JOHN Hanged himself* UA, 0 9, 1893, 7-2 me Imam IBrAA DUHDS, C. W. & CO. DUNDUS, W. A. (EAST HENRIETTA) Woolen factory damaged by fire Married Isabel Springer ROT, P 8, 1854, 2-5 UA N 5, 1889, 2-1 CB DUNFEE, 1'JIGGIE DUNFER, Died Killed in railroad accident UA, Ap 2 1 , 1893, 5-2 HDD DUNHAM, ALICE See Keefe, Patrick Je 22, 1852, 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WJHHAU, D. FRANK , D. WATSON Obituary ( i o o l . ) "*» •» 1897, (TROY) Harried 8* Augusta Gorton 6—3 UA, O 28, 1870, 3-5 CCP:EQ CO:ARo •Hi DUNHAM, DENNIS D. Sentenced to the penitentiary, on charge of forgery UA, My 28, 1894, 6-4 (GARLTON) DUNHAM, EVA R. Died UA, F 1^, 1896, SC:AA JS:JI Hi DOIHAM, FRANKLIN DUNHAII, FRED H. (BATAVIA) Died in Orangeville Married Fannie W. Randall (Staford) in Batavia RDA, JSy 6, 1853, 2-7 UA, Ap 24, 1890, 7-3 CB (E:FD DWHAM, G* W. Obituary. DUNHAM, GEORGE M. (1") UA, J« 22, 1889, 2-5 Was arrested and charged embezzling from the Union View and Publishing Conpany (lfc in.) * UA KU:JI Jl 5, 1882, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNHAM, OfiRSHDU DUNHAM, JAMES Died in Falrport Died in Clyde. UA UA D 19 # 1859, 3-3 DUftHAM, MRS. JAMES (ROSE) Died UA Ja 7, 1687, 8-4 DUNHAM, JASPER P Married Mary E. Pierce Mr 2, 18879 6-2 UA, D 28, 1868, 3-8 MAL:ARO CC:JI DUNHAM, JOHN (HON.) DUNHAM, JOHM Died in Hamilton. Died HDD, Ky * B , (HAMILTON) 1852 RDA, Hy 19, 1852, 2-1 » / MB KLH DUNHAM, MRS. MARY PIERCE See Parnsvorth, Lott DUNHAM, MAURICE EDWARDS (BOULDER, COL.) Married J e a n e t t e A. Bennett (Lima) UA, J e 2 , 1 8 9 2 , 7 . 2 JM:RZ Afl'lTD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNHAM, i'ORGAN DUNHAM, MORTON R. Died Died. UA Mr 2 0 , 1879 3-9 DUNHAM, REED N. UA, Ap 2 3 , 1886, 2-5 DUNHAM, SUSAN (MRS. D. Died i n Seneca C a s t l e Died UA, J l 2 8 , 1886, 8-4 UA, F I S , 1894, FRANK) 6-6 JS-.JA DUN1GAN, WILLIAM Died Patented a new hydro-carbonated process which doubles power and cone. UA, S 27, 1S93, UA, 3 2,1871, 2-2 IB: FAD DUKKHORST, FREDERICK EDWARD DUNK, FRANCIS Died Died UA Ja 18, 1897, 3-5 UA, Ap 27, 1595, 7-6 C: RZ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes E. DUNKHCR3T, Died UH5. H. J . ) DDNKIN, MARTIN (4 N ) Warrant issued for his arrest* Charge >_ UA., J R . 6, Ift92, 5-6 fighting* ROA Jl 23, 1851, 3-2 JL FAD •I DUNKIN, WINFRED (PALMYRA) DUNKLE, CHARLES See Greene, Fred H# Escaped from Monroe County Jail; $50 reward offered for his apprehension UA, Ja 11, 1860, 4-3 GTZ.-JI ;.IH:.::AHO DUNKLEE, JOHN W. DUNKLE, CHALES See Johnson, Lyman Testified for taie defense in the John B. Robertson murder trial UA CMV PW:DS DUNLAP, Ja 16, 1668, 3-1 1 DUNLAP, LiKS. Sentenced to Auburn State Prison 1 And son of Mr. Powers injured when for manslaughter 1 runaway h o r s e s drawing carriage of UA, F 3, 1860, 2-2 1 Mr. Rosecrans ran into buggy owned 1 by Mr, Powers. 1 UA D 8 , 1866 2 - 3 1 JD:JS • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNLAP, A. B . (OVID N . Y.) Dunlap, A. B. Married Kary A. Wright (Ovid (Ovid, N. Y. ) See also Dunlop, A. B. (Ovid) HDD, J l 8, 1853, 3-4 AB DUNLAP, AIJRILLA DUNLAP, URS. AURILLA Declared an Indigent lunatic; sent to Rochester State Hospital. Died UA, UAf J l 5 , 1 8 9 2 , 2 - 2 Je 24, 1992, 5-3 JL.-AA DUNLAP, MRS. BELINDA E. DUNLAP, CARRIE Her body has been brought beck to Rochester. (2") UA (VICTOR) Kesel, George P 21, 1S78, 2-3 MM:JI AD'.BZ wmm DUNLAP, MRS. ELIZABETH Died UA 8 15, 1896, 7-2 DUIILAP, GEORGE E. (NEV.T JERSEY) Carried E l i z a b e t h Linthicum RDA$ J l 15 t 1853, 2-8 AL:RZ !'LH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNLAP, HELEN M. DUNLAP, HENRY Case against Daniel W. Powers dismissed UA, 0 2 2 , 1895, (V7ATERTOWN) Criminal history (4 ool.) UA, 0 6, 1873, 2-6 7-3 FT.-MC DUTILAP, I R A DUNLAP, IRA Harried Linda Hasting Electee cp.shier of t.,e Rochester UA, J l 13, 13 60, 3-3 ExcliP.nre Be.nk UA, A; 29, I 8 0 I , 2-2 JS:R0 r..G DUNLAP, KRS. IRA DUNL/P, IRA (Boston) Foraer resident; obituary (2") Died UA, F 1 1 , 1878, 2 - 2 UA, Je 19, 1876, 2-2 ad DUNLAP, IRA B. Reported to be seriously ill in San Francisco; not expected to live. UA RZSHR F 9, 1878 2-6 DUNLAP, J. BOYD Married-Permelia N* Fosmire UA GZ/CCP A0 19, 1868, 3-8 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNL1P, MARTHA , MARTHA Will published Provisions o f h t r w i l l glren i n Surrogate Court. (10") UA, F 29 1892, 5 - 5 1 * , 8 1 6 , 1 M 2 , 2-5 A S : MB JD:AHO PUNLAP, LiARY DOMLAP, MARTHA V i l l i s i n d i s p u t e ; Attorney General Hancock ire. Daniel W. Powers ( 1 1 / 3 C o l . ) Will proved; l e t t e r s testamentary issued to John Craig UAf UA, S 15, 1863, 2-3 Ja 1 8 , 1894, 8-1 .TTT.E! DUNLAP, MARY UONLAP, MARY I n t e r e s t i n g case on h e r w i l l . Funeral n o t i c e UA, F 8 , 1892, 5-6 UA, Mr 2 7 . 1**6, SL-.MB DUNLAP, NANCY DUWLAP, VAHCY Died Died 0 A . , Mr. 4 , 1889, [ifAD 5-4 UA., l l r . 4 , 1 8 8 9 , FAD 8-6 (10s) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes helps to settle the •state (6* in.) A report of her estate; list of assets DUNLAP, NAKCY SOMUP, NANCY Heirs s t i l l contesting her will (10 in.) Powers, Daniel W., accused of misrepresentation in proving her will.(l| col UA9 UA Mr 2 1 , 1896, 7 - 3 JL:JI FT:PZ DUNLAP, R03ERT DUNLAP, ROBERT Died I n Y7atervliet, Albany County RDD D 18, 1851, 2-6 Sou^it by h i s wife £E:AB DUNLAP, L-RS. THOilAS 0UMLAP, 8. Coroners Jury decided he died trou asphyxia Ag (1 in.) 6 Died. UA, Ag 4 , 1863, 3-7 " 6 ab:nam JM:JI (LOCKPORT) UA, J a 7>9 1 8 7 7 , 9.-4 FD:DS UA, S 26, 1895, 6-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , mi. (OVID) Killed by the falling of timbers at a raising. DUNLAP, WILLIAM C. (OAXFIELD) Pound dead on his farm* UA 8 22, 1891, 7-5 U*» Je 18, 1863, 2-3 JDP:RZ DUNLAP MANUFACTURING COMPANY Certificate of Incorporation filed in County Clerk's office UA, IZy 26, 1891, 5-7 DUNLEVY, ISIS. ELIZA DUNLAP TILL Open letter from Theodore Bacon to D. W. Powers; searching review of the record given (3 col) UA, My 7, 1892, 5-1 DUNLEVY, MRS. ELIZABETH Died Obituary, UA My 20, 1884, 3-7 UA Ag 29, 1874 2-2 JD:HR ••I DUNLEVY, JOHN See Warren, Aldioe G. DUNLEVY, 1IAJ0RIE ESTHER Died 04, J l 30, 1888, 8-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNLEVY, THOMAS DUMLEVY, IIAYORA E« Ditd Ditd «*. Jl 30, 1668, 2-4 UA Ag 11, 1888, 2-4 GTZ:JDP GTZ:AB DUKLOP, CAPT. Towed the schooner lfH.P. Murray" into Rochester, port from 75 miles out on the lake UA, S 19, 1872, 2-3 (OVID) Karried Kary A- Uright in LeRoy RDD, Jl 8 f 1853, 3-4 MLH vcjfliinni Dunlop, A.fi. DUNLOP, H2V. A. 3. (Ovid) DUNN, See also, Dunlap, A.B. (Ovid, N.Y.) (SODUS) Injured by falling icicle UA, F 22, 1862, 2-1 DUNN, MRS. Fatally injured in fall down •talr*. RDU, Ap 2 , 1855, 3 - 1 DUNN, MRS. Appointment as r e g i s t r a r only temporary says Mayor UA, JC:TL Ap 7, IS96, 6-5 DUNN, ADELA ("TEST HENRIETTA) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes See W i l l i s , Hark (Ouster, Dak.) (LYONS) DUNN, ALFRED Died UA, Ji !« LG:FD DUHN, ALFRED DUNN, ALLIE Died i n Lyons DA See Angevlne, Geo. 0 J l 1 6 , 1686, 8 - 4 LQ:FZ •• DUNN, MRS. ALMIRA (LYONS) DUNN, ANASTASIA Died UA, Died Mr 6 , 1893, 7-1 UA, Ja29, 1889, 2-4 JAIAA DUNN, ANTHONY DUNNf BERNARD Married Louisa Labigan, Becomes foreman of Aotive Hose Co. #2 UA, II 2 6 , 1886, 2-6 i n p l a c e o f Janes Cochrane irtio resigned, UA, Ap 1 3 , 1869, 2 - 2 Z:MB A7.*llB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, BRIDGET Dltd UA, Je 7, 1886, DUNN, tiRS. BRIDGET Died UA (WEST HENRIETTA) DUNN, BYRON Died. N 16, 1£8Q, UA, F 28, 1873, 3-7 GZ:KB DUN:;, KRS. C. A. DUNN, C. A Died (2") Arrested for stealing a coat and pair of pant8 from the store Brittenstool and Son (l in.) UA, 0 2, 1873, UA N 27, 1877, CL:JI DUNN, CAROLINE (BROCKPORT) Will admitted to probate UA, N 4 , 1896, 6-3 DUNN, CARRIE E. See Wilder, V. H, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes OiTRSRIME DUNN, CATHERINE (UR8. WM. ) DUd (1 i n . ) DA H 82, Sent to the almohouse 1890, 3-4 UA, S 12, 1895, 6-1 8C:JI DUNK, CHARLES , CATHERIHE L01RY M a d In Chicago, Died UA, M r 6, 1896, 6-3 UA, J a 3 , 1 8 8 4 , 2 - 2 CClMB JGXJI DUNN, CHARLES (SPENCERPORT) DUNN, CHARLES A. Died Uarrled Fanny H. Andrews (Spenoerport) UA, Ap 27, 1891, 7-3 MM:FD t DUIN. CHARLES A. (ELGIN, ILL.) (FORMERLY OF ' ROCHESTER) Mad. UA, Ja 4, 1884, 3-7 CCtHR UA, 0 17, 1872, 3-6 OTZ:ARO , CHARLE8 THOMAS Died UA, JM:JI Ap 1 5 , 1896, 7-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, CHARLES W. DUNN, CHARLES W. P e t i t i o n s f i l e d for decrees of Judioial settlement on eetate Decree of Judioial settlement granted OA, Jl 22, 1892, 5-4 UAf 8 14, 1892, 2-2 JEP:VB JDP:JI O D U , DEHMIS CHOHBOXE FALLS) DUNN, EDWARD Six year old son died of alcoholic Obituary poison from whiskey UA D 3, (2s in.) 1881, 2-2 OA, My 12, 1864, 2-2 MBsJMG CL:JI DUNN, EDWARD See Breeze, John DUNN, MRS. ELIZABETH Died UA., Uy. 13, 1889, 2-5 wn JDP.'FAD DUNN, ELIZABETH (GENEVA) Died UA DUNN, ELLEN Death. Ag 25, 1890, 7-4 UA, Je 18, 1858, 3-3 FD:UB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, D H L * If. DUNN, ELLEN Sat Eatry, lia ad Died UA, 8 5, 1688, 2.4 DUNN, DUNN, FANNIE H. (MRS. CHARLES A.) EUGENE Died i n S p e n c e r p o r t . Died UA, 0 1 , 1 8 7 3 , 3 - 4 1*96, WN:IS f ALlEQ DUNN, FHANK (WEST HENRIETTA) Harried J e n n i e Crosby of same p l a c e . UA, N 1 0 , 1882, 4 - 1 DUtfN, FRANK (2") (SOOTTSVILLE) Married, Jennie Kelly (Scottsville) UA. N 1S91, 7-3 JDIUB VJ:EQ DUNN, GEORGE E. (GENESEO) DUNN, GARFIELD Married Miss. A* J. Nolan Attempted s u i c i d e by hanging h i m s e l f UA N 2, 1889, 2-1 UA, JM:RZ AflfJA Mr 1 , 1897, 8 - 4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, GRACE DUNN, GRACE E. Died See Banker, Clark W. UA, Jl 29, 1878, 3-7 DUNN, HAROLD C. DUNN, H . E . Died Appointed superintendent of the Bradstreet Mercantile Agency «*. f 3, 1893, UA, D 5, 1889, 5-6 5-2 JM:FD JA:JI •• DUNN, HAROLD S. DUNK, HAROLD G. Died Died UA, D 5, 1889, 8-6 UA., Ja. c, FAD JM:FD Mi DUNN, HARRIET NEWELL JO:JI DUNN, HARRIET NEWELL (MRS. SAMUEL) Died Died UA (HRS. SAMUEL) Mr 7 . UA JG:JI Mr 8, 1888, 8-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes A , HEURY Arrested for setting fire to school house UA, N 1 ? , i 8 6 0 , 2-1 DUNN, HENRY MARCUS Married Emma ' . Kent UA, Je 19, 1874, 3-5 GTZ:ARO DUNN, HIRAM (RIGA) Died UA, J l 31, 1376, 3-5 DUNN, HIRAM Arrested on charge of f o r g i n g bank notes ( £ ) UA, 0 1 , 1892, 5-6 pwjtpmra JP:FD DUNN, HIREtf DUNN, HIRIAU (WEST HENERITTA) Confessed judgment In favor of Charles Watson f i l e d In county c l e r k s o f f i c e (1") Harried Hattie E. Reed (Oakfield) UA, UA, P .9, 1866, 3-7 0 13, 1892, 5-2 HD:AB , HOUBR W. DUE!!, HUGH Dl«d in Pen Yann K i l l e d v-hile r i d i n g on beer t r u c k ; UA inquest being h e l d , MS 3 t 1887, 3-3 UA, J l 7 , 186-, H-4 XBSR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, CAPT J. E. Dirnr, JACK Guilty of Assault and Battery Advines friends that he la now working for Ur. Storms at 79 Main St. HDA UA, S 22, 18G6, 2-3 Mr 14, 1851, 2-6 Jd;mmm D i m , JiuJEB (PI7TFFCRD) DUNN, JAMES (WEST HENRIETTA) Appointed to Lock by Canal Board Harried Margaret R. Martin (West 3DU, F 9, 1854, 2-5 Henrietta) UA, Ja 3, 1860, 3-3 KHII.'ARO DUNN, JAMES DUNN, JAMES (CHURCHVILLE) Injured in tp.11 over precipice on Takes over management of Exchange Hotel Brown's Race UA, Mr 4, 1365, 2-1 UA, Je 25, I860, 2-2 HD.-AHO FD:AHO DUNN, JAMES DUNN, JAKES (V/. Hi2JRIETTA) Died Died In West Henrietta* UA UA, Jl 19, 1^75. 3-5 JGU:AB nco *tiR J l 20, 1875 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, JAMES nnm, JAMES Has sold property to Geneva and Lyons Railroad, West Shore and New York Central* Death 1*. Ap it (LYONS) , 3-7 UA, Ja 23, 1884, 2-2 CC.-HR VCiARO OUMH, JA1ZES Harried H e l e n S t r o u s e (AVON) (Avon) DUNN, JAMES PMarried Mary E . Doyle HA, Ap 2 4 , 1890, 7-4 BDA, Ap 3 0 , 1 8 5 1 , 2 - 7 FL:MLH JCIirFD DUHHy JAMES P . Married Mary E . Doyle HDD, Ap 3 0 , 1 8 5 1 , 3 - 3 DUNN, JAMES P. Died at sea* UA, N 21, 1865, 3-9 NT:MB DSsttLH MMMV DUNN, JEANIE B. See Ferguson, Fred L. (NEW YORK) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, DUNN, JENNIE (CHARLOTTE) Died Died UA, Ag ? , 1890, 5-4 UA, D 6 , 1890, 5 - 4 SC.-jffi wm DUNN, JENNIE DONN, JENNIE C . (LYONS) See Ho I n t y r e , Wm. (Sodus) See Church, Edward N. CCJJI DUNN, JENNIE C. Bee Shoulder, Glenn K. DUNK, itRS. JOHANNA Died UA (£") N 1, 1679, 7-7 Mi:FD ••• DUNN, MRS. JOHANNA DUOTT, J0H1T (POUGHKEEPSIE) Married LScgaret Ann Keenan Funeral held. RDA UA Mr 2 1 , 1894, 6-2 JBlfiZ l ^ 1 1 , 1852, 3-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, JUHU (Poug-iKee; 3 l e ) DtTIU, JOICT Married liar par « t Ann Keemn Leased the. American Hotel a t Lima RDA, My 1 3 , 1852, 3-2 RDA IJtyc , 1863, 2 - 5 MC DUNK, JCE1T Crushed h i s h i p between tiro railroad cars RDU, S 5, 1854, 2-5 DUNN, JOHN DUNN, JOHN R.D.U. Ap 1 9 , 1356, 3 - 3 DUNN, JOHN (RIGA) Tavern destroyed by f i r e , $2,500 loss Married Amelia J . Martin. estimated UA, D 20, 1367, 3-8 UA 0 20, (Le Roy) 1864, 2-1 CC?:MB FD:JI ••i DUNN, JOHN Sold land i n P l t t s f o r d to John Weitzel UA, H 7 , 1868, 2-2 gz;mwm DUIiN, JOHN Kilipci vhen s t r u c V b y a t r a i n UA W Ih, 186C, 5-7 (l"), Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, JOHN DUNN, JOHN Arrested on an assault oharge; reviewed (6f m . ) UA Mr 2 3 , 1692, (LIMA) Funeral held UA, N 29, 1892, 7-1 5-6 JP:FD SL:JI DUNN, JOHN A. DUNN, JOHN Died. Illustrations UA, S 29, 1876, 3-5 UA, 0 7, 1393, 13-6 JDlUB FAD DUNK9 JOHN E. DUNN, JOHN EDWARD Died Discharged a clerk in his store because UA he was a "Democrat." 0 10, 1873, 2-4 UA, Mr 5, 1664, 2-3 TN:JI DUNN, JOHN T. DUNN, JOHN T. Democratic nominee for Constable Fourth ward Democratic candidate for in 4th ward Constable RDU, Mr 5, 1855, 2-1 MC UA, Ur 2, 1857, 2-1 , JOHNNIE Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Died from injuries received trtiile eatohing train rides (1") DUNN, KATE VENABLE (CLYDE) See Seeley, Or. Frank N. (Mansfield, Ohl$ UA, Je 9, 1S92, 5-3 IB:A A SL:HR* KIWI, LA"RENCE DONN, LAWhENCE Death Back broken when he vras pushed UA N 27, 1857, 3-5 down stairs by Frank Penny DA, N 2, 1868, 2-2 OS DUNH, IiAWREHCE Died o f broken back caused by f a l l DUNN, LEO Died UA, H 3 , 1 3 6 8 , 2 - 1 DUNN, LIZZIE See H e b e r l i n g , 16, DUNN, LOUIS E. F. l l s r r l e d Uagdalena Meyer UA, N 15, 1697, 10-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, MRS, LOUISE SHERWOOD DUNU, LOUISE II. Died; interment at Scottevllle Cast against her mother, Mrs. Royal C, Knapp, still on trial, (t ool.) UA, Uy 85, 1895, UA, N 3-5 10, 1893, 6-3 IB:AA DUUN, U. J. See Gardner, Addlson DUNN, M.S. Married M.E. Lyday (Rush) UAf Ap 16, 1875, 3-5 DU2IK, KAGGIE DUNN, KAHCUS L. Died. UA, Je 25, 1881, 3-3 (HARTLA!!)) Harried Karion 0. Carpenter HDA, S 28, 1852, 3-1 SV:i:LH DU33, !L/LRCUS L. (Hartland) Married liarion 0. Carpenter EDD S 23, 185., 3-3 Dunn, Jane,- Dunn, I.^ria, sentenced to 60 days jail for receiving stolen property 1DD, S 2 0 / 1R53, 2-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes . MARGARET DUNN, MRS. MARGARET Death. u Died *. Ap 1, 1873, 3-4 ua, Mr 22, 1875, 3-5 OTZ:UB DUNN, MRS. MARGARET DUNN, MARGARET (UR3. WILLIAM) Died i n Parma Died UA F 1 2 , 1896, 3-6 UA, J e 1 2 , 1977, 3-9 DUNN, MARGARET L. See G i l l i e , James W< Died UA, DUNN, MARGARET My 24, 1895, 7-3 JA DUNN, MRS. MARGARET L Died in Warsaw (&") UA, S 6, 1880, 4-2 DUNK, MRS. MARGARET R, See Peck, Lewis H. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, MARTIN DUNN, 1MRXA (FAIRPORT) Died *•• Olattead, Charles. UA, Ag 20, 1888, 2-4 DUNN, MARY A. DUNN, iuARY A. Died. Died. UA, Mr 6, 18^4, 2-2 UA, Mr 6, 1884, 3-3 CC:HR DUNN, MAHY E. (uRS. THOMAS) DUNN, MARY ANN Died Death UA, S ?, 1896, 6-4 RDU, N 19, 1855, 3-3 JA DUNN, MARY J. DUNN, kARY ELIZABETH See Harmon, William See Williams, Marvin Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, MATTIE 8tt Elohenger, Charles 8* (BC0TT8VILLE) Died In Rochester* (&«) UA, Jl 3, 1891, 2-6 8C:HR DUNN, IIATTIE (SCOTTSVILIE) Died In R o c h e s t e r . f o r Interment (1"} Remains brought here DUNN, MATTIE A. Died. (1«) UA. Jl 3, 1891, 5-3 UA, J l 7, 1891, 7 - 4 KIC:FD DUNN, MICHAEL DUNN, MICHAEL (LE ROY) Married Ellen Brennan Married Kargaret Tully (It*) UA N 19, 1858, 3-4 UA., Ag. 1, 1890, 7-3 DUN*, MICHAEL C. DUNN, MICHAEL C. Married Hamnell, Maggie Married Maggie T. Hammell 0Af Ag & , 1887, 2-3 UA, Ag 31, 1887, 8-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, KICHAEL C. DUNN, HIKE Died UA, Committed for disorderly conduct Jt 2, 1894, 8-2 RDA D 8, 1851, 3-1 DS JS.-JA DUNN, NORA mm, MHINIE See Cherry, Wilfred H. Jr. See H l l b e r t , Charles FO: MB JO:HR DUNN, PATRICK DUNN, 07EH Brought t o P e n i t e n t i a r y from (GENEVA) Sentenced to Penitentiary for selling liquor without a license. Canandalgua• UA, Je 24, 1858, 3-2 UAy J e 6 , 1860, 2-5 mhm;tg PD:MB DUNN, PATRICK (SCOTrSVILLS) DUNN, PATRICK Died UA Hy 8, 1880, 3-9 Cete, Gedrge (Belcodc), Scott Kunson (Mumford), Bishop ILvrshell (Kuraford) John U. H. Ch&se (liu;aford); authorities refuse to furnish heedetones for their arevee unless proof was furnished that they had served in the Civil UA JD:JT WT'rRZ Je 12, 18J0, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WWII, PATRICK (LIMA) Med DUNN, PATRICK See Harder, John W, &*• Mr 1 0 , 1890, 2-2 DUNS, R.B., COMPANY DUNN, RHODIE Died I n Brockport Annual reports filed UA My 1 8 , 1888, 5-2 UA. Ja 30, 1896, 7-5 SC.-AB JC:JDP DU5H, RICEABD Police Court Case H3A, Ag 30, 1852, 3-2 VIM DU»H, ROTH Died OA, F 8 , 1896, 3-7 Iff :FD DUNN, ROBERT W, (WEST HENRIETTA) Died UA Ap 7, 187?t 3-4 SCM:JI DUNN, S. & SONS Dyehouae damaged by f i r e to extent of |2500 (3") UA, N 20, 1880, 2-1 GTZ:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, URS. 8.J. DUMB, SAMUEL See Hotohklss, H.M. (Poultney, Vt.) S e e L u l l , Orren ¥C:AB HP:AB DUNN, SARAH J . DUNI, MRS. SARAH See Cook. William B Severely bruised while trying to board an e l e c t r i c car, UA, Ap 14, 1897, 8-4 10f:j0 •• DUNN, DR. SHERV/OOD (PARIS) M a r r i e d L o u i s e D. Knapp DUNN, SIMON K i l l e d when run over by t r a i n UA, Mr 3 0 , 1 8 9 2 , 7 - 1 UA, S 29, 1897, 7-3 A8:FD ••• DUNN, SUSAN Died a t Home of Industry, UAf Ja 2, 1896, Granted patent f o r domestic package dye 8. 7-3 UA, J l 2 9 , 1886, 3 - 4 JCJAA Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ram, t. B M COMPANY DUNN, T.B., AND CO'iPANY Qtrtifioate of incorporation filed* Vk$ Ja 84, 1891, 5-2 Annual report filed UA, Ja 31, 1395, 6-4 JA DUMB, THOMAS (ROCHESTER) DUNN, THOUAS Arrested for robbery in Buffalo Died UA UA Ap 16, 1672, 3-4 Ag 19, 1858, 3-2 AJC:RZ DUNN, THOKAS (WEBSTER) DUMM, THOMAS Died Died UA UA 0 2, 1890, 2-6 0 16, 1886, 2-7 SC: JDP GTZ:JI , THOUAS DUNN, W. S. Will admitted to probate UA, Ja 28, 1891, 7-4 Robbed of an English s i l v e r watch and a d o l l a r in money. UA J i 17, 1879, JCMJLVR 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNN, WILL (LB i c y ) WILLIAM Murdered toy John Welgle in a b i l l i a r d argument His charge against Franklin Pierce Vk9 Ja 13, 1873, 2 - 2 answered RDA Jl 24, 1852, 2-4 JD:ARO DUHH, WILLIAM Oesooratlo nominee for Constable In Attempt made to steal p gs from Seventh Ward premises of above UA P 27, 1857 3-1 UA F 3, 1859, 3-1 DS MC DUNN, KRS. WII. Died. UA DUNN, WM. Ag 4, 1884, 3-7 DUNK, S3R & LiRS. WILLIAfc (V/EST HENRIETTA) Celebrate f i f t i e t h wedding a n n i v e r s a r y (3-) UA, Ja 4 , 1686, 6-4 JD:A.-C DUNN, W . (W. HENRIETTA) DUNN, WILLIAM Died Died "A., Ap. 23, 1««7, S-3 UA., Ap. 2 5 , 1 8 8 7 , 2 - 7 FG/FAD FG/FAD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WNN, WILLIAM (CHUHCHVILLE) DUNN, WILLIAM Died UA. Uy 3, 1893, 7-2 (BROCXPORT) Died UA, Mr 22, 1897, 2-7 CP2AA DUNN, WILLIAM See Starring, Mary DUNN, WILLIAM S. Married Isabella Hanks, UA Je 6, 1888, 8-4 DUNN AND SALMON DUNN, Wli. W. Harried Haggle Haman (Toledo, Ohio) UA, Ja 26, 1874, 3-6 Certificate of bond filed UA, D 29. 1892. 5-1 DUNNE MRS. ELLEN DUNN & WOOD Clothing store broken into and ransacked UA Ur 2, 1867, 2-4 Died UA S 12, 1877, 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNNE, JAMES Ditd in Ban Jose, California. UA, DIMKER, MR AND MRS. BEFNARD Both succumbed to injuries received fhen P 6, 1694, 6-2 St. Peter and Paul's school building collapsed UA, Ja 8, 1869, 2-2 Mkk wn; iro DUNNIGAM, KRS. JULIA DUHNER, BERNARD Died Resolutions of St. Francis Xavier UA, Uy 17, 1890, 5-5 Society regarding death of Dunner and his wife in St. Peter and Pauls School-house disaster UA Ja 11, 1869, 2-4 «BT:JI ™ DUKNI GAN, TH Oil AS (AIJ3UHK, M. Y. ) M a r r i e d Llary Kane (Penn Yan) UA, J s 2D, 1 8 9 1 , DUN. TNG, (D'JMDEE) See Warren, Arthur (penn Yan) 2-5 PER.'HR DUNNING, DR. Suffered §500 loss in fire. UA, Ja 17, 1861, 2-2 DTJi:iril"G, AIAI3CIT Tannery in rebster destroyed by fire HDD, F 2, 1S54, 2-7 I'LH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNNING, ALAN SON ('7SB3TERJ Died *** DUNNING, CATHERINE Died * , 6-2 UA. Ja 4, 1892, 5-3 H:Rz LF:FAD DUNNING, CZAR DUNNING, CATHARINE M. A, See King, George E . The o r i g i n and p r o g r e s s of h i s pharmacy and reason for h i s s u c c e s s . (25") UA D 24, 1881 6-6 FL:KLH DUNNING, CZAR (BROOKLYN) DUNNING, CZAR Died. (PARMA) Died; formerly of Rochester UA, Mr 4, 1884, 2-1 UA, D 2, 1896, 6.6 LG:1IB JDP:TL DUNNING, DAVID (LEICESTER) SO b u s h e l s of wheat were s t o l e n from barn UA, 0 2 4 , 1865, 2-2 TRJAB t DORA See Gtffard, J. netson Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNNING, EGBERT B. DUNNING, EGBERT B . Died Appointed postmaster of South Gates UA Fl6, 1888, 8-6 U*. T X.1S76, 2-1 JG:ARA HHM:ARO DUNNING, EGBERT B. DOWNING, EGBERT D. Died Died UA F17, 1 8 8 8 , UA JG:ARA JG:ARA DUNNING, ELECTA (UHS. T. H.) DUNNING, ELIZABETH M. See Lyon, Edmund Died HDD, F16, Mr 1 7 , 1 8 5 4 , 3 - 3 CB DUNNING, FLOYD DUNNING, FREDERICK H. H a r r i e d Carrie S i c k l e s Died UA, J l 2 , 1 8 8 6 , 7 - 2 R.D.U. FG:ABO Je. 11, 1856 • 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNNING, GEORGE P. (New York) DUNNING, OIRARD Married Delia A. Wilder Obituary (2") UA, Mr 5 , 1862, 3-6 UA, F 18, 1892, 5-5 to 6 SL'.FD DUNNING, HENRY L . DUNNING, HICKS (WEBSTER) Skull fractured by horses heels. Died UA UA, Ap 27, 1860, 2-2 N 1, 1869, 2-5 mhm , MRS. HIRAM DUNNING, H07ARD D. Died See Stay, John R. UA, J l 28, 1893, IB:JI ••i DUNNING, IDA (CHILI) Died UA, Ap 9 , 1866, 3-7 ccptmam 5-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , j. D . DUNNING, DR. J.D. (i.;c:moE co) (WEBSTER) Harried Hattle A. Curtice (Webster) Graduated from Buffalo Uedical College UA, D 12, 1872, 3-7 RDD F 27, 1852, 2-3 AFV:ARO DONNING, J. M. DUNNING, JOHN (WEBSTER) Listed as Vice President of Athenaeum Society UA My 4, 1870, 2-3 Vs. E. Howard Curtice for $5,000 damages for assault (& col.) UA, D 22, 1896, 7-3 JDP:EQ UP'.JI DUNNING, JOHN M. Obituary DUNNING, JOHN M. n (3£ ) Died (??«) UA., Jl. 13, 1391, 5-6 UA. , Jl. 14, 1891, 5-6 FAD FAD DUNNIWG, JOHN M. DUNNING, JOHN U. Will admitted to probate, Will admitted to probate, UA UA Jl 16, 1891, 5-7 LR Jl 21, 1691. 5-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNNING, JULTA DUNNING, JULIA Died. UAt Ap 8, 1883, 3-8 IDS UA Ap 3 9 1883 3-8 omn MS:HR DUNNING, JULIA DUNITDTG, LAK3IKG f i l l admitted t o probate Tannery and d w e l l i n g d e s t r o y e d oy fire UA, J l 1 8 , 1890, 5-3 RDU» F 1, 1854, 2-5 FD:I:LH SC:HR DUHHING, MICHAEL DUNNING, NATHAN (WEBSTER) Harried J a n e Webster (Webster) (MT. MORRIS) Died. UA J a 4 , 1887, 8-4 HDDt Uf 6 , 1 8 5 1 , 3 - 3 DSlfsMLH CC:LR DUNNING, R. Married Mrs. J . P r a t t ( P e r r y ) DUNNING, RAYMOND F . (3 l i n e s ) Died UA, S 10, 1 8 9 0 , 7-4 8C:HR UA a:JI Ag 1 0 , 1887, «-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNNING, REYNALE DUNNING, REYNOLD F. Died Died in Cumnlnsvllle Ap. IS, 1887, 8-5 OA Agg, 1857, 2-6 CC:FAD CL:JI wm DUNKING, W. 3. DUNNING, W. B. (GENEVA) Received patent for shaft coupling UA Received patent for a railway rail D 31, 1869, 2-6 Je 19, 1869, 2-3 cf;mmm JD:JT •• DUNNING, W. B. DUNNING, W.B. (GENEVA) (GENEVA) Granted patent for Steam Boilers Granted patent for Magazine 8te< Boiler* UA, Ap 29, 1886, 3-2 UA, 8 30, 1886, 3-1 GP:UB CL:FD DUHXIHS, W. B. See P a t e n t s DUNNING, WILLIAM (Indianapolis) Formerly of Rochester; was killed by explosion UA, 0 6, 1869, 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNKING & HUMPHREY FLOUR MILL DUNPHY, ANNA . KO.XR1S) Died Destroyed by fire UA, Ja 27, 1893, 2-7 N23, lto$, 2-3 JA:HR DUNPHY, RICHARD DUNPHY, Died UA, (BATAVIA) Died from i n j u r i e s r e c e i v e d when h i s hend came in contact with a p a s s i n g t r a i n . llr 12, 1894, 6-6 UA JS:JA THOMAS ' Jl 1S79, 2-2 JCM:LVR DUNSHEE, CARRIE L. DUNSBACH, CHARLES Bee Roades, Fred B, Arrested on c h a r g e of t h r e a t e n i n g h i s faDlly (2i") UA, N 1 1 , 1892, 5-3 8E:RZ AS:FD DUISHEE, CARRIE L. fee Rhoades, Fred. DUNSHES, CORNELIUS E. Died UA (2 i n . ) My 25, 1883, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUNSHEE, HOhACE 3 . DUNSHIRE, JOHN (EAST MENDON) Married Miranda «. Died *>•» My 8 , 1873, 8-8 TJA Ap 30, 1872, 3-6 gts;mmm NEWSPAPERS *DunatBhle Chrotilcle", Bedford, England] DUNTON, MR. Contains a r t i c l e s reprinted from the Rochester Daily Union Article e^lains why they did not accuse him oflarceny RDU, N 17, 1855, 3-2 &A, M 2, 1861, 2-1 NT:LM DUNTON, CRETTIE DUNTON, BINGHAM (MIDDLESEX) See Wetmore, Ed, Shot self in hand UA, S 21, 1861, 2-1 AB:MC DUNTON, IIRS. E3UTLY (3ATAVIA) Died 1 1 DU1ITC1C, VJ&I A. See Hecington, Stephen UA, F 2 9 , 1 8 8 3 , 3 - 5 PC.'AB 1 VLH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes I | DUNTONIAN ACADEMY Business flourishing Mr SO, 1858, 3-3 DUNWELL, CHARLES (LYONS) DUVWELL, ALUERON(LYONS) Ditd UA 117 14, 1884, 4-1 DUNWELL, JAKES W. Appointed t o n a r a l acadeny at Annapolis Nominated for Supreme Court Judge; brief biography given (2cols) on recommendation of Judge Cowles UA, S 8, 1895, 7-1 UA, Je 4 , 1 8 6 9 , 2 - 3 SC:JA Sfl DUNY, MARY E. W Died UAf OVETTE, TRONSSANT Died Ap 26, 1393, 5-2 (1") UA, Jl 2, 1895, 2-6 SC:HR DUPEROU, DANIEL H. du PAUL, VERNEY ilan who s e l l s equipment t o gamblers i n t e r viewed UA. D 1 , 189*, 1 2 - 1 See Duperou, Kate (ALBION) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes mmou, DU PLANT?, YACENT a divorce degree against •1 H* Duperou. (!•) 0A, Jl 8, 1884, 2-2 (HONEOYE FALLS) Deliberately shot his wife* UA 0 11, 1856 3-3 P1I PWll DUPLAMTY, XACEKT DUPLANTY YACEHT (HOtfECYE FALLS) Refused to escape during break at He killed his wife in 1859 but was de- Monroe County J a i l clared insane. The UA believes that he UA, D 1 3 , 1858, 3 - 1 will soon be released from the Utica Insane Asylun UA F n t 1867, 2-1 CC:ARO DUPRE, JOHN ALBERT DUPUY, HORATION A. Married Maria R. Wilder in Rochester Died UA, Ja 21, 1858, 3-6 UA, Ag 9, 1895, 6-6 FT:JI (Philadelphia) fd;mmm •• DOPUY, THEODORE A. DU PUY, DR. WILLIAM Died in Newcastle, Pennsylvania ($ in.) See Burke, UA jmv CLjJI D 15, 1881, 2-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURAN, JOHN Died at AVAICM, Pa. UA, N 2 5 , 1891, 2-6 DURAND, MRS. DR. D0RA3D, DR. Died See Wesley, A. FH, Ap 3 , 1685, 3-2 LF:FD DURAND, MRS. CATHERINE DURAND, DH. ALBERT E. V Married J a n e L. D yer- Died. UA, o 1 5 , 1873, 3 - * HDU, D 4 , 1856, 3-5 MUMB DURAND, CHARLES Died UA Ja 11, 1896, 6-2 DURAND, ELLA See Jennings, Emmett H. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURAND, EMHA 8. (MRS. OEO. L.) (F AIRPORT) DURAND, DR. F . B. V. Sled. Died. «A» Ag 15, 1890, 5-4 UA, J l 80, 1885, 2-2 SO:MB JQ:12B • DURAND, F. L. DURA1ID. P- L. Appointed guardian of James Post Appointed City Attorney vice L» ?arrar UA 8 16, 1861, 2-5 HDD, Ap '-, 1S54, 2-4 DURAND, F. L. DURAND, F. L. Office entered and robbed of $250 in Stolen papera found in office of cash and bonds Isaac Butts UA Mr 12, 1866, 2-1 UA Mr 14, 1866, 2-1 CCP:2I DURAND, F L. See Colenan, Stephen, 1 1 Died. UA, Ag 2 61879, , SE:MB WHlHR (ROCHESTER) 1 DURAND, FRANK E. 3-7 1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURAND, FRANK M. (CANANDAZOUA) Obituary (li«) DURAND, PRSDERZCK LUDORICK Harried Lydia wllhelmina powers. VA, Ja 14, 1893, 1-3 Ag 24, 1852, 2-6 PAD DURAtfD, FREDEHIGK LUDORICK DURAND, FREDERIC L. Married Lydia Y.r. Powers see a l s o Durand. F r e d e r i c k Ludwick HDD, Ag 2 5 , 1852, 3-3 KLH DURAiiD, FH.L DERICK LUDV/ICK DURAND, FREDRICK LUDWICK see a l s o Durand, F r e d e r i c k Ludorick Harried Lydia r i l h e l m i n a Powers RDA, Ag 2 5 , 1852, 3 - 1 SV:KLH DURAND, H. 8 . Wins prise for the best sophomore declamation at Yale. DURAND, HENRY 3 . Received patent for portable siphon UA J e 1 2 , 1891, 6-5 UA, J e 30, 1879, 2-2 PW:MB SC:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WRAND, J. E. DURAND, J. E. Lit ted as 1st Ward Commissioner of Deeds at a meeting of Common Council. Retiring president of the Board of Education gave banquet to the members UA UA, Mr 30, 1888, 3-2 F 22, 18?? 4-? Jc mmm DURAND, JOHN DURAND, JOHN Will admitted to probate. Obituary (Sa) UA D 9, 1891, 5-4 UA, V 25, 1891, 5-3 JAI.'RZ JL:FD DURAND, JOHN E . DURAND, JULIA M. Harried Lillle C. Me Connell See Scott, James UA, D 20, 1894, 3-4 DS DURAND, i-Ar.TKA R . D U R A M D , 113 IZAHTKA 3 . Died UA., J e . 1 3 , 1690, Died. 5-6 UA Ap 5, 895 .JLlJH 3-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes MAUD, MARTHA S, DURAND, MARTHA 8 , U t t e r s of administration issued on • • t a t t (2 inT) Judicial settlement Issued on estate* <6") OA, My S9 UA 1895, 6-2 CCPtJI 8 28, 1896, 7-4 AL:RZ •• DURAND, MARY DDHAMD, MARTHA 8 . • o r e t a x e s imposed on e s t a t e Gave piano r e c i t a l VA, UA, Je 1 0 , 1891, 6 - 7 0 20, 1896, 7-4 (1") SCiFAD AL:JI •I m^H DURAND, MARY DURAND, MICHAEL See Mulligan, Dr. Edward W, Drowns in Lake near Parma Corners RDA, Jl 6, 1853, 2-5 ARO IB:HR MICHAEL (PARMA) Drowned in accidental fall overboard Jl 6, 1853, 2-6 DURAND, KICHAEL Drowned n^ar Parma Corners ROD, J l 7, 1853, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURAND, DR. T. V. P. WRAND, Sucoeeded T.V.P. P u l l i s , r e t i r e d , as Coroner Arrived in Rochester with her troupe A? 4, 1852, 2-5 CB UA, JBL 2 , 1866, 2-3 fd;mnm DURAND, THOMAS V . B. Elected Coroner for llonroe County UA, N 4, 1868, 2-5 DURANG, ELEANOR Died UA, J a 2 2 , 1 8 9 4 , 8-6 DURASSSL, uRS. L. S. DUPBERGSR, .ECRGE Died UA, Ag ? 6 , Boot end n!*.oe s t o r e e n t e r e d :.nd robbed 1892, UA, J a 30, l S o l , 2-5 FD:i:C AlkB DURBERSER, CECROE Seriously injured in f-11 from Funeral held scaffold UA, Je 15, 1861, 2-3 UA, Je -2, 1061, 2-2 FD:ARO PD;;.:C Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DORBIN, J. P., REV. OURBIN AND HUDSON Missionary Secretary of Methodist Signed contract with Rochester Power Company to put up a shoe factory for the company Church will deliver a Missionary Address in 8t. John's Church UA, S 2, 1892, 5-1 RDa, Ja 25, 1853, 2-5 JDP:JI sM DU 3ELLE, GEO. 0. J. DOWEL, WILHEIil AUGUST Death in York Died UA 0 10, 1886, RDD 2-3 Lty- 18, 1853, 3-3 GTZ.'JI ••• DU HEI2£, DR. GLOHGE O. J. (York, ir. Y.) DU RELLER, GEO. 0. J. Died in York Centre, Livingston, Death RDA, My 17, 1853, 2-7 , i"iy 2 0 , 1863, 2-5 CB DO RELLER, DR. 0. J. DURET, M'LLE 1IARIA Died in York FDA, Commended on performance in "Jack 3 Sheppard" Uy 20, 1853, 2-3 RDU, My 1, 1855, 3-2 fdjmmm CB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DORFEr, DUfiFF?, ilr. Sleeted Superintendent of the Poor. RDU, H 8, 1854, 2-2 ARO Pupils give a concert RDD J e 27, 1861, 2-4 RC:DS DURFFE, 2iR. His concert given before a thronged DURFEE, KR. Concert l a r g e l y attended audience RDD, liy 29, 1852, 2-5 RDU, F 1, 1S63, 2-5 CB FD:KLH DURFEE, PROF. To conduct Old Folks' Concert at Geneva. RDQ, J a 7 , 1856, 3-1 DURFEE, A. W. DURFEE, PROF. Old Folk 1 a Concert at Dansville receives large audience* RDU, S 26, 1856, 3-2 DURFKE, A. V Vinegar factory destroyed, l o s s Republican nominee for Police $1500 Justice UA, 0 3 , 1859, 2-2 UA Kr 1, 1861, 2-3 PJW:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WRITE, A* W. Bob* stolen from hie carriage near the Central Depot, UA, 0 17, 1862, 8-1 DURFEE, A.V7. Item on single freight rig made by Rochester tradesmen UA, Mr 12, 1872, 2-2 AJClARO ••• DURFEE, ADDISON W. DORFEE, ADDISON W. Elected Overseer of the Poor Succeeded by Mr. Fulton as County SuperRDU H 16, 1854, 3-1 intendent of the Poor UA Ja 2, 1858, 3-3 CUV CUV DUHFEE, ADDISOIC ST. DURFEE, ADDISON V. Appointed Overseer of tfie ?oor of the City of Rochester Sued by City of Rochester to recover a bounty bond for $600 UA, Ap 4, 1864, 3-6 UA, Mr 29, 1866, 4-6 FDllIAL HRIEE, ADDISON V. (80DUS) DURFEE, ADDISON W. Died* Died 0A, Ja 9, 1384, 3-4 UA CClMB CC:JI Ja 10, (30DUS) 1884, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BURPEE, ADDI30N W, DURFEE, ADDI3CN W. "Old School Boys" adopt resolutions on bis death Died in 3odua UA Ja 11, 1884, 3-7 CC:JI UA Ja 12, 1884, 2-3 CC:JI DURFEE, ^LLEZr (PAK.IYRA) DURFEE, ADDISON W. Llarried Phebe B. TKayer (Palmyra) See Fish, Henry L, i n Palmyra HDD, « 18, 1853, 3-4 JGR:JI DURFEE, ANNA DURFEE, B. W. W i l l admitted to probate. UA, Ja 3 , 1890, 5-3 Concert given by J u v e n i l l e s f u l l y attended. HDA, Vy 6 , 1852, 3 - 1 FE/HB AA:SC DURFEE, B. W. DURFSS, 3 . ?.'• Opens Singing.School His c o n c e r t w e l l attended RDA RDD, 0 2 6 , 1852, 2 - 4 0 2 , 1852, 3 - 2 FOtJD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DORFEE, B. W. DURF2E, PROF* B. y/. To ltoture at Corinthian Hall To teach in Lockport RDA, Ja 17, 1853, 8-6 RDU, Je 17, Ifc53, 2-4 l!LH MC DURFES, BLANCHE DURFS3, B. W. Preparing an "Cld Folks concert" See Wlnore, Arthur (Canandaigua) RDU, Mr 2, 1854, 2-5 DURFEE, BRYAN Committed for stealing from A. R. Pritchard^ store RDA, Ky 16, 1S53, 2-4 DURFE3, BRYAN Arrested for stealing from trunk factory RDU| My 16, 1353, 2-5 SV:i:LH KLH , REV. C. S . (GEHESEO) SEES UA Ja 6, 1888, 7-2 DUKFEE, C W. Proposes repitition of his Junvenille concert RDA Vy 20, 1852, 3-1 P GiRZ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURFEE, REV. CHARLES S. (EAST BLOOMFIELD) DORPBB, CLARA Died WA Died D 87 t 1887, 6-2 TJA, D 23, 1867, 3-8 CPfBT MM:R2 DURFEE, DR. DANIEL DURFEE, DANIEL (Dr.) Died in Penfield Died In Penfield RDA, D 17, 1851, 3-2 HDD D 13, 1351, 3-3 DS FL:KLH DUHFEE, 1H. E. ". lurried Lucia 1.:. Figbie RJ)D ** 24, T 5 2 , 3-3 DURF2S, G2CT.GZ H. (I.:arion ",/ayae Co, (East Penfeild) DUHFEE, S. IT. (UARICST) L'«arried Lucia I'. Higbie (East Penfield) RDJJ JT 24, 1852, 2-5 DURFEE, GFORGE H. Death Died HDUj 0 4, 1£52, 2-4 RDD 0 4, 1852, 3-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURFEE, MARRY DURTEE, HARRY 0* Difd Railway train express messenger glren lanttrn by friends UA, My 6, 1884, 3-3 U*. Ja 6, X*76, 3-4 eap;anm DURFEE, HENRY R. (WAYNE OOUHTY) DURFEE, HENRY R. Republican, elected to Mew York State Elected Superrlsor of Palmyra Assembly UA UA Mr 2, 1887, 2-6 M 10, 1870, 3-4 AB/CMV CC:JI DURFEE, HIRAM (HALWORTH) )U?.?32, J H. (Albany) M a r r i e d Mrs. Susan F i n d l e y (Waiworth). parried H?len A. Lathrop (Perry UA, 0 3 0 , 1 8 8 0 , ROD, N 8, 1853, 3-4 4-4 rc DURFSS, JAEISS H, (EO!TECYE) DUHFEE, JAS. H. (HQMEOYE) Karried Kary.L Davis (Honeoye) Married I^ary L. Davis (Honeoye) RDA Mr 21, 1853 2-8 RDD CLV UP 2 2 , 1853, 3 - 3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURFEE, LEMUEL DURFEE, MARY J. ^Keober of State Assembly from Wayne Co. See Wescott, Warner UA, J ft 5 , 1864, 3 - 2 vr:aam MC DURFEE, rALTEL DURFEE, 3. W. Injured by ligritning that struck Died in Sodua UA Ja 11, the congregational church in 1884, 4-1 Lockport HDU, I# 23, 1853, 2-5 CC:JI DURGAN, MRS. D. (NUNDA) Died. DURGAN, F.J. Sworn In as lawyer in Appellate Court (2 N ) UA, F 6, 1&66, UA, F 7, 1896, 6-3 101 :MB JM:FD DUROEE, J* E. & CO* Cause of fire not ascertained. RDU, Mr 15, 1855, 3-1 DURGIN, MRS. BRIDGET Died. UA, 8 2 3 , 1886, 2-6 CC:MB MHM:MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUROIN, CHARLES E. DURGIN, DEARBORN B. Karried Sarah Fenwiek Arrested on grand larceny charge (2*") UA. D 7, 189U, 7.6 UA, 0 27, 1881, 2-4 JL:LG CL:AB DURGIN, DEARBORN B. DUROIN, DEERBORN G. Ordered ejected from his home UA, 0 5, (1") 1896, 7-2 His trial delayed (7") UA, D 2, 1896, 6-4 AL:A*. JDP:TL DUP.GI4, ELtfER E. DURGIN, DEARBORN R. Died Accused o f runnlngr fake r e a l e s t a t e b u s i n e s s (1 c o l . ; UA, Ag 1 1 , 1896, UA, Ag 16, 1890, 5-5 7-1 SC:TL sc:sc DURGIN, H. J. Received patent for a wood lathe rest UA, D 31, 1869, 2-6 DURGIN, HEHRT J. Granted a patent for a slidefer extension tables• UA, IOCS JO liy 7, 1897, 13-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WRMM, WILLIE DURHAM, XfiH 0. Awarded prlie for elocution. (1") ***• Jl 22, 1890, 5.3 Arrtited for swindling furnltur* d»al«r« wltn worthiest entclct. 10". UA J l 2U, 1897. 10-b 8CXSC DURHAM, JOHN (BATAVIA) DURHAM, ROBERT Coaunitted s u i c i d e by h a n g i n g h i m s e l f Married Frank E. r.alcora UA, 0 6 , 1 8 8 5 , UA, J e 1 4 , 1 8 7 5 , 2-2 3-5 JD:ARO SCAB DURHAM, THEODORE DURHAM, THEODORE Mayhew, Levi, (Batavia) executed by hanging See Mahew, Lev! for murdering Theodore Durham; summary of the execution UA, My 5, 1366, 2-1 CC.:AB FD:JS DURICK, URS. ELLEN (CHARLOTTE) Died SC.'FAD Died (f«) UA., S. 15, 1890, DURICK, JAMES 7-1 RDU D 1, 1853, 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURKEE, A. W. DUH1SG, THOKAS Sent t o the i:ouse of Refuge Charged with selling #ilskey without a lioente (2/3 ool.l IOU, J a 3 0 , 1854, 2-4 UA, D 13, 1892, 5-3 JDP:HR DIRKEE, KATIE DURKEE, LENA L. See E l l i o t t , German a. (Hamlin) See Dipole, William L. SC:SC DURKEE, KARY (GENEVA) DURKEE, MILAN U. Died Admitted to practice as attorney and counsellor in courts of New York State UA, Ap 15, 1886, 8-5 , S 15, 1871, 2-6 AJCzsZQ DURKEIT, ROBERT LI. (LYOIJS) " A r r l e d Kary Ann Ryan UA, D 2 7 , 1 8 6 9 , CF:A?O 3-4 (Lyons) DURKEE, VERNON J. Hade assignment of Jewelry b u s i n e s s to I r a L. Ward of P l t t s f o r d UA, J a 26, 1897, 7-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes OUHKEE, VEBON J . DURKEE, W.H. Hied l l e t of assets and liabilities; failed Appointed extra dispatcher on the. Rochester and Pittsburg Road (4" ) <*. UA, 8 It, 1065, 2-lJ- '15, 1897. 7-2 JO-.ARD CO.-EQ •• •• DURKEE, MRS. WILLIAM (HAMLIN) Died &A, My 6 , 1 8 9 1 , 7 - 4 DURKEY, 8HUBEL (LYONS) Died UA N 1 0 , 1887, 6-1 CL:RZ MM:HR DURKIN, MRS. BRIDGET DURKIN, JOHN (PALMYRA) Died. Died. UA, 8 2 4 , 1 8 8 6 , 2 - 6 UA, Ag 13, 1891, 7-4 LA:MB CCiMB DURDH, JOHN M. 0ues ex-wife return of furniture valued a t $500. (1") UA DURKIN, T. (GENEVA) Died UA N 22, 1893, 2-6 6 1 9 , 1894, 6-2 JL:RZ IL:RZ • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURKIN, MICHAEL HJHKIN, UARY ANN Died Died UA, Je 2, 1677, 3-4 UA, Ur 14, 1872, 3-3 W i l y QUITO AJC:ARO DURKIN ALLEY DURISON, EDWARD Ximate o f S t . Vary's Hospital reported •isslng (li") See Thompson S t r e e t UA, Jl 10, 1891, 5-4 peg; mom MCtHR DUHLAND, REV. (HIMBODS) BORLAND. L. H. Died UA, J e 2 9 , 1891 7-3 Harried Sarah E. B a i l e y (Livonia) UA SC:HR AJ!, JCH>: Awarded s t r e e t sprinkling contract for «l,102.50 0 11, 1867, 3-6 CP:JI DURNEY, HENRY R. Former Rochester printer, emnloyed by Detroit Free Press for 22 years; biographical sketch UA, Ap 18, 1884, ?-2 UA AJC.'AHO a:\r Mr 11, 167S, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURNEY, WILLIAM DURNEY, JANE U. Obituary Death ROD Mr 14, 1855, 2-5 UA, D 17, 1878, 2-6 ol m m m DURNEY, WILLIE W. DUKNEY, WILLIAM A. Died Died UA, D 16, 1878, 3-9 i; i s , igs°, 5- mmm JilrJDP DU ROCHER, HELEN M. DURNHERR, JOHN Died Died UA, Ag 16, 1893, 5-5 UA Jl 11, 1892, 5-4 1885, 2-3 IB:JI DUROCHET, (Pranfort) Death RDO, Ag 31, 1854, 2-4 HHM:MC DUROSS, EUGENE Obituary UA I AJC:JI 0 15, • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WRR, CHARLES DURR, FRITZ Died Elected Trustee In the Charter OA J a 10, 1890, 5-2 at Dansvilie UA, My 9, 136?, 2-2 AA:JI DURR, JOSEPH DURRANT, LIBBIE Drowned whl^e bathing at Niagara Fall9 Died in East Bloomfield UA, Ag 5, 1861, 2-5 UA DCRRBAUM, ELIZABETH F 6, 1865, 3-8 DORRENBERO-Ert, EDWARD Died* Married Katie Jacobs DA, F 1 1 , 1892 f 2 - 4 UA, Ap 2 0 , l&3k, J3:JI •Mi DORRY, FRANK R. (CANANDAIGUA) Was dlsalseed as cashier of Ontario County National Bank for obtaining a signature on a promissory note of #200 by false pretenses. (3a) DU8INA, HILTBRED Died UA, 0A, Ja 23, 1888, 2-5 EQ:JA Jl 1, 1897, 6-2 14-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DU RUIBSEAU, UISS DURUSSEL, ANNA See Hancock, Charles J . Celebrated e l o c u t i o n i s t passed t h r u C i t y UA, J a 1 8 , 1878, 2-5 NTlARO AJC.'AB DUIWELL, ALEXANDER (HENRIETTA) DURVILL, WILLIE Obituary Died at Red Creek UAf Ap 12, 1877, 3-2 . UA D 3 , 1885, 2 - 1 vnsouun JG:RZ DURYEA, ALICE E. H. DURYEA, GEORGE Declared insane by S h e r i f f ' s UA Juries, Plans to establish drug business in St. Louie. J l 1 6 , 1891, 5-7 UA, F 16, 1858, 3-3 FD:JS V.CJDP DUP.YBA AI:D FCRSYTH (ROCESSTSR) DUFvYEE, lift. Editor of the *:i~r York " na^azine, tanufactured the first standing press for bookbinders RDA, D 17, l55iJ, 2-3 HDD, J e 1 7 , 1S54, 2 - 4 MB I'LH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes i-iYtfii, G. Whig nominee for supervisor from Delegate to ',/hig County Conventi n Sixth Y/ard ID"* S oC, 1852-C-3 RDD, Kr 4 , 1854, 2-3 DS DURYEE, C. DURYEE, C. Klected Superintendent of the Duryee & Elected superintendent of the Duryee & Foreyth Manufacturing Co. Foreyth Manufacturing Co. RDU RDU D 16, 1854, 3-1 CMV DURYS3, CHAUNCEY Ja 25, 1856, 3-1 CMV DURYSS, CHAUITCSY presented rith silver plate at Mechanics' Banquet S k e t c h of Duryee a p p e a r e d H u n t 1 s "Merchant" RDD, Ap 7 , 1 8 5 1 , 2 - 6 ROD, S 6 , 1 8 5 1 , 2-4 in LH DURYEE, CHAUNCEY DURYEE, CORHELIUS (:erry) Obituary Fatally injured in fall from wagon RDU, f 8, 1856, 3-3 uron upturned pitchfork RDD Ag 16, 185L, 2-4 ARO DS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURYEE, ELLA H. DURYEE, GEORGE Granted liquor license in Rochester Died V* f My 8, 1855, 2-1 D 29, I885, 2-3 AJC/CMV DURYEE, GEORGE fd; (ROCHESTER) DURYES, f/EORGE Married M?.ry E. itathev.-s ('.Varsaw) Not connected with Duryee Swindle RDU, 0 25, 1856, 3-5 as had be-=?n reported UA Je 21, 1859, 2-3 KAK :K DURYEE, HARRIET D. See Schuylsr, Hamilton P DURYEE, HARRIETTS D. Died UA, D 24, 1878, 3-9 ARO DURYEE, JAMES DURYEE, JA11ES E . Brought to court on charges of extracting letters of Oliver Butterfield from mail. Dismissed after trial but reprimanded for disreputable business conduct. Married Harriet D. Flsk in Rochester RDA, Ag 13, 1351, 2-5 RDU, Mr 1 7 , 1855, 3 - 1 MS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURYEK, JAKES B . DURY3S, JAISS E. AND CO. «!5ii! h e r of New York progress K shows P 2, 1853, 2-4 Pirn formed in California by James fi. Duryee (Rochester) RDU, Kr 17i 1864, 2-5 PDtKLH KLH DURYEE, JAMES E. WRIEE, JAKES E. Plre in his store believed work of incendiaries* Returned to Rochester from California. , 0 3Of 1854, 3-2 RSU, Mr 14, 1855, 3-2 HT DS:MB DURYEE, JAMES E. DURYEE, JAMES E. Poraer Rochesterian arrested at Mewburg^i as forger & confidence man. Was not in drug business in Rochester as was heretofore stated* UA, Ja 18, 1862, 2-2 UAf Ja 20, 1862, 2-1 FG:MB POlMB (BOSTON) DURYEE, JAKES E. DURYEF, JALiFS ELLIOTT (hOCHF.STSR) Convicted of forgery. US My. 2, 1862 COiJS Carried H a r r i e t , 2-1 D. F i s k (Rochester] RDD, Ap 2 3 , 1851, 3 - 3 JRF Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURYEE & DOTY fiUHfSE, HR3. PERLINA S e l l novel and cheap gas subs t i t u t e for house l i m i t i n g . Died UA, Ap 9, 1397, 6-3 mi:JA RDU, J a 1 0 , 1856, 3-1 MB DURYEF. F03SYTH cc CO DURYEE, PCr.SYTH £ CC. Engage in manufacture of scales, letter Gave supper party for Mechanics; pre< presses and warehouse trucks sentations made* RDA, F 21, 1851, 2-4 PDA, Ap % 1851, 2-6 FD -ARO DURYES, FCRSYTH CC1TA1IY DURY33, FCBSYTH Leading manufactures of s c a l e s cind locks Praised by Rochesterian for scale manufacture P.DD i:r 3 1 , 1852 2-5 RDDf 1^ 1 6 , 1851, 2-4 FD:!rLH slHsl DUHYSiS Ai.TD FCE3YTH CUHYEE 1 FORSYTH Sianufactured farmers • Hay S c a l e s Scale manufacturing business pro- HDD, Ap 2 8 , 1852, 2 - 5 gresses rapidly RDA My IO\ 135?, S-8 KLH DS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURYEB AND FOKSYTH DURYSS A::D ?C Their safes withstood fire At Blossom Hotel To aid the ra:jiufacturir.£ of "fire proof" scales to their l i s t of manufactures RDD HDD, Ja 24, 1854, 2-5 10, 1G52, 2-4 ralh 2XH DURYSS AI:D FCRSYTH DURYEE A FORSYTH MANUFACTURING CO. Organised Receive l e t t e r praising "Fire Kin£,M safes RDU D 16, 1854, 3-1 PUD, Ily 13, 1864, 2-3 CUV DURYEEftF0R3YTH MANUFACTURING CO, DURYEE & FORSYTH Elect officers Msjiufncturlnff Co. suffer heavy loss in RDU fire Ja 25, 1856, 5-1 RDU, Ag 2, 1856, 3-1 CUV DURYEE & FORSYTH MANUFACTURING CO. PW:MC DURYEE & FORSYTH MANUFACTURING CO. Suffer $40,000 loss In fire Buffalo newspaper RDU, Ag 4, 1856,; 3-1 companies progress comments on RDU, Ag 18, 1856, 3-2 PW:MO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes AND P0R3YTH MANUFACTURING COMPANY DURYEE & FORSYTH CO. Purchase buildings on Water St. for Metting of Trustees held. t #22,000 S 20, 1856f 3-2 UA, Je 11, 1857, 3-3 MB PW:KC DURYEE & FORSYTH DURYEE & FORSYTH COKPANY Received silver medal at State Fair in Buffalo for their scales UA 0 9, Received two Solver Medals and two Diplomas as premiums at State Fair in Buffalo 1857, 3-2 UA PM 0 15, 1857, 3-2 DS •I DURYEE & FORSYTH MANUFACTURING CO. DURYEE & FORSYTH MANUFACTURING COMPANY Hove offices and plant to Water Street Article commends firm UA, Ja 9, 1858, 3-5 UA, Mr. 17, 1858, 3-1 fd;mmm FD.'UC DURYEE & FORSYTH iiFG. CO. DURYEE & FORSYTH Safe of their construction withstood fire UA, 0 25, 1858, 3-4 Manufacturing Co. Forsyth, Orrin, claims that company did not sell its good will UA, S 2, 1359, 2-3 PJtf:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DURYEE ft FORSYTH 1.ANUFACTURING CO. DUHYEE, AND PORSYTH MFO. CO, •418 tax canceled by committee In Their safe manufacturing business said to be in a flourishing condition Common Council UA, Ap 6, 1861, 2-2 UA, Ja 11, I860, 2-1 >w; m m DURYEE & FORSYTH MANUFACTURING CC. DURYEE AND FORSYTH Destroyed by fire. Loss $40,000, See also, Duryea and Forsyth, UA, Ja 2, 1862, 2-3 DUSART, AGNES See Sponlble, £• DUSCH, JOHN G. Died UA Mr 31, 1893, 5-1 JA : JR DUSENBERRE, GEORGE B. DUSCH, OTTO J. Died. (1 In.) U* Je 23, 1*79. 2-2 Died In Geneva 0*, Mr 17, 1884, 3-4 ^ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUSEK3ERRE, OECRGE B. DUBENBERRY, HUNK M. Ontario County Bar A s s o c i a t i o n make resolutions in his memory Married Ilida Banford UA, Ji 16, 1884, 3-4 UA, Ur 24, 1084, 4-1 c c nufiio cc:PD DUSENBERRY, K.H. (EAST BLOOiuFIELD) DUSEN3ERRY, SARAH Home and barn destroyed by fire; loss $1,000 Died UA, Ap 14, 1887, 6-2 UA, Jl 26, 1SS9, 2-6 CC:FD DUSENBERBY, V. HARRISON Admitted to practice in Supreme Court DUSENBEKY, ALICE L. See Mabbett. Fred A. « 6, 1867, 2-4 CGsJMS DU8EMBERY, SABASTIN F. DUSEN3ERY, LRS. SOPHIA filed Died. OA, Ap l f 1889, 6-3 UA SMlHR GTZ:HR Ag 20, 1880 3-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DU8ENBURO, 8. W8ENBURQ, Lost all his tools, valued at 0100.00 In Lowensteln Biook fire Hutohlns, UA, 0 11, 1864, 2-2 UHU.'AB DU8ENBURY, CLARA G. DUSZIBU-IY, E ^Jied in .jebster Bee Bruce, Alex. H. RDD, D 24, 1852, 2-3 ;C DUSSN3URY, ELIZA J. See He Yean, William H. DUSENBERRY, EMILY E. Died UA, D 28, 1895, 9-3 FT:JA 1N:HR , W88 EIOIA J . , Mrs* Charles DU3ENBURY, FRANK M. Married Allda Sanford UA, Je 14, 1884, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUSETBUHY, HGIUCE DUSBNBURY, DR. J. (GATES) Set Lilly, X Obituary UA Uj 14, 1864, PJWjJI DUSENBURY, MRS. J. E. (CHILI) DU3Ei:BU?.Y, JOHIJ E. (PCRTVILL) Obituary !>.rried Hi-.ttie A. Foster (Crili) at UA, S 29, 1864, 3-6 Chili UA, Jp 20, ia-,1, ?-5 eg;ana FD::..C DUSENBUFY, JOHN H. Granted Federal pension DUSENBURY, JOSHUA UA, c My 15, 1895, 1-3 Killed in explosion during Atlantic able Celebration. Ag. 18, 1858 UA Put DUSENBURY, MARY C. F. DUSENBURY, UERITT Died Arrested for counterfeiting UA 0 28, 1891, 5-6 UA, Jl 22, 1864, 2-2 GG:ARO JBP;RZ 3-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUSENBURY, SARAH DU3ENBURY, SAUJEL Died on JA JPitteburg } 5 by trRln Buffalo, Rochester, line. UA My 2 3 , 1 8 8 7 , UA, J l 26, 1889, 8-6 8-4 CC.-LR VB:HR ••• WSEHBURY, MRS. SARAH DUSENBURY, STEPHEN Died UA, J l 27, 1889, 2-5 Died UA., Jl. 30, 1991, •B:HR (BYRON CENTER) 5-6 FAD DUSHELL, FRANK DUSHANE, MARY A. (MRS. WILLIAM) Died Died UA UA, J e 2 1 , 1 8 9 7 , Jl 24, 1884, 2-2 7-4 1OCRF DUSPEY, FREDERICK SAMUEL Died Died In Geneva UA UA Ap 7, 1869, 3-5 IB:RZ KPsJl Jl 10, 1B93, 5-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH DUSTSH, SALLY ANNA West, Rev* Mr., assumes pastorship Stt Sanford, L.H. ROU Ja 25,1866, 3-1 MS CMV DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH DUTCH REFORM CHURCH Pastor and trustees In dispute, UA, Mr 17, 1357, 3-3 Struck by l i g h t i n g ; s l i g h t l y damaged UA, J l 23, 1897, 6-6 EQ:JA DUTCHTOWN DUTCHER, CORA B . See Germantown (AVON) See Colson, J o h n M. GTZ:JI DUTCHER, DELIA (DAKSVILLE) Awarded $ 3 , 0 0 0 i n b r e a c h o f p r o m i s e suit against Frank Culbertson, of Groveland. (2N) DUTCHER, FLORA A. See Jones, Henry H. UA, F 11, 1387, 2-4 CP:MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUTCHER, HELEN E« 8«e Orehard, William H. (Niagara F a l l s ) DUTCHER, JAY Died UA Mr 1 3 , 1 8 9 6 , 6-4 JC:RZ DUTCHER, LIBBIE A See Scofleld, Irvln J DUTCHER, LOUIS Sworn In court a s lawyer a f t e r having passed bar examinations h e l d a t Syracuse UA, D 1, 1896, 7-2 JDP:TL PJWrASO DUTCHER, KAHY E. DUTCHER, SADIE See Thomas, W«, Died UA, 0 5, 1896, 11-2 KHillARO JUP:JI 0UTCHER, EI-LIAIi (Avon Harried Eliza 21. Streeter (Chill) DUTILH, EUGENE Elected trustee of Mutual Life Insurance Company RDD 0 15, 1852, 2-3 RDU CMV Je 6, 1855, 3-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUTTON,BXMDEY (COHOCTOM) Emma Hatoh (Oohooton) , 1896, 2-3 JGlRZ Hit leoturc on ourrency criticized and praised UA, N 20, 1857, 3-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUTTON, CARLOS Appointed Deputy fuperintendent Resigns as Superintendent of the of the :rew Y 0 r k central R.H. Roohester Division of the New York Ag iof Central Railroad RDU D 11, 1854, 3-3 CMV BUTTON, CARLOS DUTTON, CARLOS Presented a Service of Plate by Roch- Receives communication of appreciation for services on retirement. ester ft Syracuse Division of N.Y.C. R, ROD, Ja 5, 1855, 3-3 RDU Jl 2,1855, 3-1 ARO DUTTOK, CARLOS DUTTON, CARLOS Appointed Superintendent of the Rome ft Watertown Railroad. Assumes Superintendency o f Watertown ft Rome R. R« RDU, Mr 3, 1656, 3-1 MB RDU, lir 1 0 , 1856, 3 - 1 MB DUTTON, CARLOS DUTTON, CARLOS Appointed Superintendent of Potsdam and Watertown Railroad R e s i g n e d M s p o s t of S u p t . o f t h e Rome 1 and Watertown R, R, t o become r e s i d e n t of Rochester UA, Ja 4, 1860, 2-1 UA, Ja 3, 1859, 3<-l MAM:AR0 ftb;mmm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BUTTON, CARLOS Died. UA Je 11, 1874 DUTTQ3, CARLTON 3-4 DUTT01T, CARLTCH Married Eliztteth 1. Kendall (Buffalo) in Buffalo New member of f i r m of Carpenter and Dutton p 2 , 1854, 2-7 RDU, Ag 10, 1853, 3-2 MC DUTTON, CARLTON (ROCHESTER) DUTTON, CARLTON Elected Alderman from 10th ward Elected Gd, Jr. Warden of Knigits PDU, Mr 5, 1856, 3-1 Teoplar at Buffalo UA, S 10, 1857, 3-2 MAM:AR0 ABO BUTTON, SIR CARLTON _ (ROCHESTER) DUTTOi:, CARLTON Elected Grand Senior Warden of the Obituary* Knights Templar UAf Je 20, 1862, 2-? UA, S 16, 1858, 3-1 CG:ARO VRlARO (BUFFALO) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes CJOLTCCT DUTTON, MRS. CARLTON Death S e e Carpenter, E. D. RDU 0 2 3 , 1852, 2-5 CKV RC:DS DUI10K, DOL_:E DUTTOH, KRS. CARLTON Appearing at Corinthian H-=ll in Le- Died vees of "The Little Fairy RDA, 0 2 5 , 1852, 3 - 1 SV:E1H UA L T 14, 1860, 2-5 AB:DS DUTTON, DOLLIE DUTTON, DOLLIE Uidget, will appear at Corinthian Hall Letter fron Dr. J. H. Warren marvelling UA, Mr 17, 1860, 2-4 at her perfection UA Mr. 19, 1860, 2-5 um/cwr DUTTON, DOLLlfi DUTTON, ELIZABETH PEASE To again visit Rochester UA, Ap 2, 1860, 2-5 (KRS. GEORGE) Died. V* FU Ag. 9, 1858 3-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BUTTON, ELON B. DUTTCK, C-ECRGE Died in Utica , F 8 0 , 1860, 5-4 22, 1864, 3-2 MAM: HC BUTTON, GEORGE DUTTCN, GEORGE Receives license as Minister of Presbyterian Church* Purchases Interest in "Rochester American" UA, P 10, 1859, 3-2 RDU, 0 27, 1856, S-3 BUTTON, REV. GEO. (UTICA) DUTTON, GEORGE Pomer Roche atari an died at Utlca See Brotsch, Victor, BA, Jl 12, 1864, 3-9 HR DUTTON, HARRY B. BUTTON, GhACIA B. See Hoyt, U.G. (Erie) Committed suicide by shooting himself with a revolver UA AB/CMV Ap 30, 1867, 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BUTTON, HARRY B. DUTTON, MRS. HABRY B . Died UA My 1, 1867, 3-7 UA, J e 7 , 1 8 7 6 , 3-5 CF:AB DUTTON, HATTIE E. (LOCKPORT) See Flagler, Lieut. Charles W. DUTTON, HOWARD Died UA, My 26, 1S97, 3-6 FD:JS DUTTON, HOWARD Died UA, My 26, 1897, 6-4 DUTTON, JANE E. And husband sold to Ann E. Bronson executrix, land on H o l l i s t e r Street for $1,700 UA, F 2?., 1877, 2-3 SE:AB JL:EQ ••• DUTTON, JOHN II. Cossltted sulolds by shooting biflMlf. Je 25, 1884, 2-2 DUTTON, JOSEPH A. (LIMA) Married K i t t l e M. Fleming of Greece. UA Je 1 9 , 1895, 7-4 CCP:lg Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BUTTON, MRS. LORISA B. Death DUTTON, LOUISA C . Ste shuler, Eliaha D« * 25, 1853, 8-5 MT.H DUTTON, KRS. LOUISE DUTTON, (2Irs.) LOUISE B. Died Died RDA, 0 2 6 , 1 8 5 2 , 3 - 1 RDD 0 26, 1852, 3-3 F1:DS DUTTON, MARSHALL H. DUTTON, LOUISE 0 . See S h u l e r , E l i s h a Died UA, Ag 5, 1889, 2-3 VB: DUTTON, hlARVIN O . f JR. Died. UA, J l 1 8 , 1 8 7 7 , 3 - 5 DUTTCK, i'.ARY A. See Cutting, Churchill H. (New York) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BOTTOM, VARY EVALXN DUTTOM, NETTIE Bee Hyde, Hamilton Obituary ROT Ja 15, 1855, 2-7 NT:MG 06 • BOTTOM, OLIVE B. DUTTON, OLIVE B . Will admitted to probate J u d i c i a l s e t t l e m e n t granted on e s t a t e UA, Je 25, 1887, 8-3 UAf Ja 7, 1596, 6-4 CC:HR DUTTON, MRS. OLIVE BILLItfGS DUTTOM, OLIVIA C. See ehaoe, Oeo. s* Obituary. UA Je 21, 1887, 8-5 MC CC:LR SCTTOM, OLLIE Denies charges made in Police ^ews; Writes letter to editor Sf-n*:^r.ri<3 to ' v >nroe County for f! yrs --TL?. 4 ninths for F 19t 1B68, 2- 3 CFsKAL 'JA, LIr 1 7 , irr,rt "-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUTTON, OLLIS L. BUTTON, OLLZB Union and Advertiser wishes she has a fair trial UA Jl 16, 1873, 2-2 Writes to Editor about orime. Cites own oase and appeals for oharity. UA, Ja 5, 1872, 2-3 ACrllQ CF:JI BUTTON, OLLIS T. DUTTON, SALLIE M. Letter-writer signed "Chaplain" answers to plea for charity* See Thomson, Clifford. UA, Ja 6, 1872, 2-3 AC: KB DUTTCK, SARAH EVELYN DUTTCT, ;.;;. »hig nominee for Assemblyman from Died UA, Mayne County lly 13, 1895, 6-5 HDA, 0 1£, 1F51, 2-4 ARC OOTTO*, WILLIAM H . ••ported missing. UA, J e 2 4 , 1889, 2 - 4 DUTTON, HAB10W AND CCKPANY R a i l r o a d c a r manufactures o p e r a t i n g i n Rochester RDAf Mr 2 4 , 1852, 3 - 1 0L:KB MLH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUTTON, HCRTCNftCO. LUTTOII, 'iCK u CO. Car manufactory at Hudson S t . and \/orkiaen tht Rochester ft Syracuse Railroad has Presented become of great importance! n o b l e t t o LIr- De^raff , Ap 1 5 , lfc.-34, 2 - 5 BOA F 2 , 1853 2-6 DUTvONFIELD, (Ontario Co.) DUVAL, BLANCHE Killed by wife. UA, D 12, 1360, 2-3 UA, J l 1 2 , 1 8 7 7 , 3 - 4 :F:ARO DUYJL, C. L. Harried Vary R. Smith ( S . Rutland, N.Y.) i n Rome, H. Y# UA, Ap 1 7 , 1858, 2-3 DUVAL, EDITH Sent t o "Door of Hope" f o r disorderly Conduct (2i") UA, Mr 18, 1895, 7-2 FD:MB JA HJTAL, UBBIS Hitting from vMl to attend ohuroh terrioet failed to return VA, JLSJX DUVAL, ORVAL Died UA, 0 6, 189^, 12-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DUVAL, 3AUUEL DUYCHZ'CH & CTIH21S ve BURKE, P. Y, C i r c u i t Court Case Disputing with Henry Singer over payment of pair of shoe8 PUD Ify 8, 1851, 2-4 ua, F 5 , 1878, 2-2 c:,r/ NI:FD DUZENBUHG, JOHN Returns to Rochester after living Seriously burned nhen playing with In CalifDrnia and New York, K. Y. powder hDU, My 2£, 1853, 2-2 RDU, F 20, 1855, 3-2 CB FD:2IC Dwenelle, John W. See also DwineLle, John DWESTCOTT, JOHN HOWARD (SARATOGA COUNTY) Obituary (7") UA, F 23, 1895, 3-4 k 8 1C :FD D'JIGHT, DH. Jloved to incorporate the Philological DWIGHT, REV. DR. Distinguished missionary to preach here Society at Central Presbyterian, First UA, Jl 29, 1870, 2-6 Presbyterian and Brick Churohes UA, D 14 f 1861, 2-1 NT:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DWIGHT, JUDGE DIIOHT, REV. OR. Review of their Missionary sermons D 16, 1861, 2-2 Comnenoes his first Clrouit Court here* Ed. comments* UA, F 2, 1869. 2-2 IT:ARO BWOHT, JUDGE (Canandaigua) DWIGHT, DR. B. V/. (CLIOTCtf, N.Y.) Democratic Party nominated him for re- Scheduled t o preach a t t h e F i r s t Presbyterian Church election to both the vacancy and the full UA, J l 30, 1870, 2-5 ten BA, 0 6, 1869, 2-2 JG:FD vc,incam MIGHT, CHARLES C. DWIOHT, CHARLES C. Editorial concerning his candidacy for Judge of Supreme Court (Republic an). (3H) Nominated f o r Judge of Supreme Court on Democratic t i c k e t ; b r i e f sketch of career (§ col.) UA, 0 2 , 1891, UA, 0 6, 1891, 5-4 4-2 SC:HR SC:FAD •• BSJIGHT, JOHN S. DVIGHT, GIBBONS Died Local manufacturer of p i a n o s , p r a i s e d UA for .the e x c e l l e n c e of h i s product Mr 1 , 1889, 8 - 6 UA VB:JI 0 29, 1864, 2 - 2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Dwight, Vkry J . DI7IGHT , SUSAN V. See Brooke, Hugh T. See C l a r k , Lot DWINELL, IDA S. DWIGHT, THEODORE W. Died See R o c h e s t e r , C i t y of, Damage S u i t s UA, Ja 8 , 1897, 6-6 FD:IIAL SC:JI DWHIELLE, J . W. D7TINELLE, Died In B e r k l e y , Cal. UA 2-2 D 4 , 1877 House emtered and robbed , C 2 7 , 1853, 2-6 CB CIlHR ••i DWINELLE, J. W. DWINELLE, Jr. W. (aocbester) Horse Injured and bugf*y badly damaged Eleoted Grand Representative to when express wagon struck bug^y and Grand Lodge of U. S. of I. 0. 0. F. frightened the horse UA Ag 23, I860, 2-5 RDU, Je 24, 1856, 3-4 MM:DS • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes :, ma. j w. DWINELLE, J. TT. (PORIAERLY OP ROCHESTER Frustrated attemnt to rob her home *K 5, 1862, 2-1 Hade donation of v.*»luaMe books to the library of Hamilton College UAf JL 18, 1870, 2-2 AB LM DWINELLE, DR. JA1IES (BALTIMORE) DriHELLE, JCHN T;. Married Mary E. Bovditch (Baltimore) Given Complimentary Supper after return from California UA f N 26, 1860, 3-5 KDU, Je 8, 1853, 2-6 JS-.XB DWXHELLE, JOHN W. DWINELLE, JOHN W. Elected President of the Rochester Arrived home after long stay in Ban Francisco. Bank ROT, Jl 10, 1856, 3-2 UA, N 1 2 , 1857, 3 - 3 PW:MC SC:MB DflMELLE, JOHN W. DWINELLE, JOHN w. Resigns as President of Rochester Bank Admitted as a counsellor of the United UA States Supreme Court Je 3, 1859, 2-1 UA PW/CMV PW/CMV D 27, 1859, • 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DW1KELLE, JOHN W. DWXNELLE, JOHN W. Delivered funeral oration uoon the late Senator Broderlck an chapel of New York University Formerly a well known lawyer of our olty; now of San Franolseo, is at the Oeburn House* UA, Ap 30, i860, a.2 UA, Je 21, 1870, 2-4 FP:Jl» fd;ramn WIHELLE, MRS. JOHN W. (SAN FRAKCISCO) Dw nelle, John W. H Died (1 ) UA Se 0 28, 1873, 2-1 also Dwenelle, John W. WN.-R2 DWINELLE, SA.MUEL H. D77INELLE, SUSAN Formerly of Rochester, nominated for Judge of Supreme Court of California by Republican State Convention (l In.) UA S 19, 1873, See Flske, *heophilus 3-3 JRF IF:JI , BLAHCHE DWINNELLE, D. W. Died UA, Returns to Rochester after four years S 12, 1895, 6-2 In El Dorado fcDA, My 2 6 , 1853, 2-5 CB FT.-J-S Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes r. WINNELLK, JOHN W. Purchased residence of c. Johnston, on Eleoted Grand Representative to National Fast Ave.; x I H reside there Convention of X.O.O.F. RDU S 23, 1853, 3-4 Je 9, 1655, 3-1 CMV DWINNELLE, JQHM W. DWINNELLI, JOHN W. Bnlogy (IS") UA, F 7, 1881, 2-5 An account of his tragic death and a brief biographical sketch (?2") UA, F 11, lggl, 2-5 CL:ARO D..YER, Killed in railroad accident at Lancaster F 3 , 1852, 3-6 DWYER, CORNELIUS Killed by train HDA, F 5, 1£52, DWYER, ELIZ53ETH EST Charges P h i l i p Be Dermott with robbery Died UA, D 1 5 , 1 8 6 0 , 2 - 3 UA, i l r 2 0 , ' • 6 7 6 , " AA:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DWYER, FRANK , FRANCIS J. (FORMERLY OF ROCHESTER) Arrested on charge of stealing a bioycle Arrested for robbery in Buffalo Jl 25, 1862,8-5 UAt My 24, 1897, 9-7 JL:EQ VR:AB DWXER, JOHN DVXER, JAMES Released from assault charge Arrested for murder of Jane Kelly. UA, UA. Mr 31, 1896, 9-6 0 11, 1858 3-2 PU JC:EQ DWYER, JOHN DfYER, JOHN Indicted for manslaughter UA Convicted of manslaughter In the 4th degree. 0 18, 1858, 3-6 UA D 17, 1858 YR/CMV DWTER, JOHN 1 1 UA 8 18, 1894, 6-6 DWYER, JOHN Will (PERINTON) admitted to probate* *A, My 17, 1897, 7-4 • 1 J L:JO 3-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DWYER, JOSEPH F. , JOSEPH P. Died in California. Dl«d In B o l t t City, Idaho UA, Mr 16, 1881, 2-1 HA. Mr 1 2 , 1881, 3-7 CL:AB CL:HR DWYER, m i E (GENEVA) See Kane, Thomas A, See Kane, Thcm.is A. DWYER, MARGARET See F o l l e t t , Harry DWYER, MARTIN (Avon) Requiem mass t o b e h e l d f o r him a t Immaculate Conception Church* UA, S 3 , 1 8 5 8 , 3 - 2 VR:MB UiilJO DWYER, MARTIN A DWYER, KARTI1J A Death Obituary 0A, Ag 25, 1858, 3-5 UA, Ag 26, 1858, 3-2 ARO ABO INKER, WARY UA Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes N 16, 1891, 5-4 SITTER, MART S. Tht minor was given the right to sue, as a poor person, the New York Central Railroad Company for damages for injuries received* UA Ag 31. 1897. 6-5 JDP.'RZ ?R:JDP 9KER, MICHAEL DWYER, MICHAEL Store e n t e r e d and robbed* Identified as man who was killed at Brown St. crossing. UA, Ap 3 , 1858, 3 - 2 UA., Ap. 16, 1887, 2-5 FQ:KB FAD DWYER, MICHAEL Arrested on charges of burglary UA. D 7, igo.1;, g-3 JLfLG DWYER, NEIL Died UA (2 in.) Ja 10, 1890, 5-7 AA:JI siHI m, SAPA G-FRTR-;T)E DWYES,,JOHN See O 1 Connell, Refused to escape during break at Monroe County Jail UA, D 13, 1858, 3-1 CC:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DXAA, GEORGE W. A property to ?W c. Ibpkins tor >5,100.00 TO.SOP 8 0 , 1B71, 2-3 Died UA, N 6 , 1 6 7 1 , 3 - 7 MM:JMG • DYE, EDWARD Arrested for horse stealing UA, Ja 19, 1801, 8-1 Gives lecture on "Beauty Defined and How Attained" (2") UA, DYE, TOLLIAU Ap 27, Ap 30, 1896, 6-4 DIE HOUSES Harried Carrie B. Ide (Medina) UAf PLATT (3AW FRAwCISCO) DYE, 4 in city 1893, 7-1 UA 8 15, 1830, 2-6 EW:AA JD:JI DTEIMG A r t i c l e p r a i s i n g the work done by Mr. Leary** Fancy Dyeing Establishment UA, 0 2 9 , 1870, 2-4 C0:ARO seriously hurt in fall fron Railroad bridge S 8, 1852, 3-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DYER, 121, DYER, ABEL Xnjurtd in f a l l from raised «ay of Rochester Loekport and Niagara F a l l s Railroad Whig, elected Supervisor of Brighton RDA, Mr 4 , 1852, 2-3 RDA, S 9 , 1852, 3-2 MLR FD:JD DXER, CAROLINE F. DYER, CHARLOTTE JANE See Douglass, George W. Died UA,ttr26, 1872, 3-4 93 AJC.'AB • s^ DYER, CYRUS DYER, DANIEL E. (SPRINGWATER) Died i n Webster Died HDD, Ap 20, 1852, 3-3 UA, S 12, 1892, 2-1 FL:ARO JDP:HR DYER, EDWARD G. (UR. AND MRS. ) DYER, EDWARD S. Charged with g r o s s c r u e l t y on t h e i r 11 year o l d d a u g h t e r ; humane s o c i e t y investigating (&col) Married Florence A. Ridder in Batavia UA UA, 7L:JA Jm 5, 1893, 5-6 (BATAVIA) Jl 29, 1892, 7-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DYER, MRS. ELVIRA CHAPMAN In Webster Diid. Ap 20, 1S52, 3-3 UA, Ja 21, 1884, 3-4 AHD CC.-HR DYER, URS. ELVIRA Brief obituary. UA, Ja 22, 1884, 2-2 DYER, EMILY S. Will admitted to probate in Surrogate Court. UA, My 3, 1886, 2-7 DYER, FfiAuK E. See teaciejewslri, Albert DYER, HATTIE See Knapp, Elmer JDP: AA HR:JI DYER, REV. HIRAM Died i n Ogden. UA, Ap 13f 187<>, 2 - 3 DYER, HORACE ELY Died UA, J a 3 0 , 1871, 3-6. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KSR, J. DYER, JAKES Challenges George Inight to hornpipe Died ooateet. UA, 0 13, 1875, 3-5 UA, Ap 17, 1869, 2.3 OZ:MB CCP;AB Hi DYER, JAiiES B. (SPENCERPORT) DYER, JANE L. Died See Durand, Dr. Albert E. V. UA, Ja ?2, 189^, S-6 NT JS:AB BYER, MRS. JEANETTE (PENFIELD) DYER, JOHN Died H e i r t o money l e f t by h i s mother b e i n g eought by s u r r o g a t e court UAf Jr. 2 , 1894, 3-2 UA, Ag 1 5 , 1878, 2-4 JD:ARO MM:HR DYER, JOHN Sought by S u r r o g a t e , h e i r t o monev l e f t by h i s mother iho d i e d In March UA, Ag 1 5 , 1878, 2-4 1 DYER, L . LOOMIS 1 Died UA, S 1 JL:FD moin 24, 1894, 6-5 • , LAURA Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Died DYER, LtlTU E. UA, 8 12, I860, 3-4 DYER, LIZZIE L. See Allen, Alexander E. See Jarr±rd, Robert DYER, LOUISA L Sold to Laura E, Webster, property In Parma for $1,000 UA , 1877, S- JCMrARO •• DYER, L^HIA (ISS. EDVET H.) died HDD, DYER, K0SE3 Chandler, name appears i n d i r e c t o r i e s of O 24, 1863, 3-4 1827 and 1858 UA Ag 4 , 1858, 3-1 CB CMV HOSES 9 Owned Front St. lot in 1819 DYER, MOSES Died >, 1662, 2-2 UA, Jl_23» 1859, 4-3 PW:UC vyciiv Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DYER, MOSES DYER, K03ES See Sage, Jennie Died UAt Ag 9 , li\6P.9 3-6 , NELLIE DYER, NINA (CHARLOTTE) See Puleston, Ellis Died "*. M 29, (Charlotte) 1593, 6-3 JM:RZ •• DYER, PIEBPONT DYER, PIEPPONT See Calligan, Patrick See Cullogan, Patrick Pf/CLT DYER, RUSSELL DYER, RUSSELL Brought to penitentiary for assault and battery Sent to Identify body of Wm. Morgan in Oct. 1827 UA, My 26, 1863, 3-2 UA, F 11, 1864, 2-1 VR:l'AL tnh«;i i Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes MRS. SADIE L. DYER, WM, Mtd D 7, Arrested for operating a gambling den in 1896, 10-5 the Masonic Hall, UA D 7, 1866 2-1 JH>:JI JD:JS DYER, WILLIAM DYER, WILLIAM Files dissolution of partnership papers against William H. Clark, his partner (2«) Died «*, 0 19, 3-7 UA, Ap 19, 1895, 6-5 AS:EQ JL:TL DYER, WILLIAM DYER, WILLIAM Funeral held Died UA, UA, 0 0 19, 21, 1896, 7-2 AL:AA DYER, WILLIAM AIJD SON WILLIAM AND SON C o n t r a c t o r s , employees s t r i k e for baok wages; return to work a f t e r settlement ( 1 in*) UAf TflD f-TT 1896 » 7 - Employees appeal t o t h e Executive Board f o r the wages due them ( l c o l . ) UA, N 19, 1896, 8-1 WILLIAM AND SON Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DYER, WILLIAM AND SON Employees not paid yet (7M) f0r » 20, UA, 1896, 7-4 JDP:US 1896, 6-5 JDP:TL DYER, WILLIAM Ax.rD SON DYER, WILLIAM AND SON Employees a n t i c i p a t e payment of back wag-es, v i s i t t h e single bondsman who won't concede (6 H ) Bonds an nuts up money to ray the Companies1 employees; commora council criticized (§ col.) UA. N 24, 25, 1^96, 10-5 UA, D 5, 1896, 11-7 JDP:JA ••• OVER, WILLIAM AND SON DYER, WliiTHROP faployees aak advice of the Executive Death Board; Bay sue (4 In.) UA, My 5 , 1357, 3-5 UA, 0 7, 1896, 10-5 PJ;V:ARO JK>:JI DYER GLASS & PIC1URE FRAME ELPOEIOU OS 1 DYSRS BLCCK Robbed of $50 1 purchased b. janes i:clntosh RDU ^e 14, 1855, 3-2 1 RDU, tir 2 4 , 1S54, 2-4 KLH t1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DYOERT, DAVID P. DYK, JACOB (50DUB) Arrested for assaulting h i s daughter Married Edith Tremper (Clyde) (3*") **. ' • h. 189*. 6-3 UA, 8 3 0 , 1892, 7 - 3 JLXEQ ™ JP:FD ^•-•••••••••mm^m^m^BmMmMBmmMm^m^mMmm^mM ran, ELLEN Committed sulolde by Jumping from window UA, Mr 27, 1893, 8-2 JA:HR ^^imwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwa^mwmwmwftwmwBwmwmwmwmwmwmwaBwmi DYKE, HARRIET (MRS. REV. J . ) (SODUS) iA I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 Obituary UA N 1 , 1887, 6-4 CL:RZ W DYKE, JAMES M. See I'.c iaughlin, James U Discharged from Auburn State prison by means of habeas corpus UA, Ap 6, 1868, 2-2 JDsJMS CB mwflmwB— Dykeman, Herbert C. (Saat Henrietta) Married Llllle Salth (Mendon Center) UA, Jl 2f. 1939. 5-2 CL DYKEUAN, KRS. HORACE (SHORTSVILLE) Died i n Ann Arbor, Michigan* UA, Mr 6, 18731 2-3 GZsMB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DYKES, REV. G.A.L. DYKEIAi:, P . H. Has charge of Rochester office of Great testern r.ailroad Speakes on "Negroes" at African Methodist Episoopal Church UA, 8 28, 1894, 6-4 RDU, Ap 5, 1854, k-5 SVlLLK JL:FD •Hi DOTES, MRS. 1IARY E . DXKINS, FRED W. S e e Tuoker, C. F« Died i n Denver, Colorado Ag 2 , 18«6, 10!:HR •I DYKINS, FREDERICK Died a t Denver, (FOHiiERLY OF ROCHESTER) DYKIKS, MRS. UARY W. Died Col. UA, l l r 1 8 , 1 8 8 4 , 2 - 2 UA, Ag 6 , 1 S S 6 , 2 - 3 LG.'ARO DTKINS, PHILIP (BATAVIA) DYKINS, PHILIP Died Married Izora B. Emery 04, 8 3, 167*, 3-7 UA, Ja 1 2 , 1881, 3 - 7 CLtiMQ 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes DVKXN8, THOMAS K. DYKINS & CROSS Died Item on groeery store theft UA, P 14, 1880, 3-4 UA Uj 20, 1876, 2-3 AJC/CMV VTLK, JOHN JACOB JR. DYLVA3, GEORGE Married Louis* Victoria Slebert 0A, 8 2, 1895, 7-2 Arrested for participating in a riot UA, Mr 2 1 , 1896, 9-1*- JClECi DYSLIN, UARY ESTELLA DYHE, PHEBE L . D i e d i n De 7 1 t t , K. Y. UA Ag 1 4 f 1376 See Leach, P a t r i c k 5-5 3L:MB DY30N, CHAS. H. DYSON, MRS. ELIZABETH H a r r i e d L i z z i e A. Conner. Died UA, J a 9 , 1 8 8 0 , 2 - 2 UA, J « 1 7 , 1 8 9 1 , 6 - 6 VC:MB BR:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Kaon, D*80Nf UAMIE MRS. ELIZABETH See Dempsey, Timothy Dltd UA, Ja 19, 1801, 6-7 DYSON, MARY (ISIS. THOUAS) DYSON, REBECCA (MRS. FRANK A. PRONGAY) Died Died UA, Ag 20, 1862, 3-6 UA, N 30, 1896, 7-2 TR:ARO JDP:TL DYSON, ROBERT DYSON, ROBERT Found guilty of perjury in court Sent to Auburn for 2 years 6 months UA for perjury. Mr 19, 1862, 2-3 UA Mr 31,1662 2-6 PWIJS JS/CL1V | DYSON, STELLA Took the f i n a l vows of the order of St. Joseph, a t Nazareth Convent (WEB3TER) DYSON, WILLIAM 1 Died. 1 UA, Ja 23, 1886, 2-6 UA, Ag ?5, 1^86, 2-5 1 M3:UB • CC.'ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAGAN, JAMES IA0AN, CATHERINE Drowns in Genesee River at Charlotte Ditd 0 10, 1891, JM:JI sunn EAGAN, JENNIE EAOAN, JAMES See King, John C. Died UA UA, Je 29,. 1859, 2-1 5-? J e K9 , k-2 GTZlHR EAGAN, 1IRS. JOHN EAGAN, JOHN Appointed Wheatland delegate to Democratic County Convention at Rochester (GATES) Was killed when she was struck by a locomotive UA, My 15, 1872, 2-1 UA, 8 7, 1864, 2-3 FD.-ARO JCUlARO EAGAN, JOSEPH EAGAN, JOHN Delegate from the first ward; city Democratic Convention. Died UA Ja 1S76, 2- RDU 0 1*, 1853, 2-5 CB:LR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAGAN, JOSEPH W. IMAM, J08EPH P . Appointed assistant in poor department Married Amelia Elizabeth T. Predmore HA, My l f UA, 0 21, I860, 2-1 1897f 1 1 - 2 GZ:FD EAGAN, KATY EIOIA EAGAN, MARGARET Death UA J a 1 1 , 1 8 5 8 , 3 - 6 fbn case against the city for personal injuries when Justice Adams declared that i t was not necessary to serve notice of injury within 15 days after the accident occurs. UA, Je 22, 1892, 5-1 AA OS EAGAN, MARGARET (MRS. JOHN) Died UA, My 3, 1895, EAGAN, MRS. MARY See Dow, Ephraim 6-3 CCP:JI EAGAN, iiARY A. Died UA, S 3 0 , 1 8 7 0 , 2 - 4 EAGAN, PATRICK Account of funeral given UA, Ag 6, 1691, 5-7 LA:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAGAN, THOMAS IAOEM, PETER filed VA, Kr 6 9 1896, 3-5 (PERINTON) His body was found lying near a rail, road track; he had erldentally been killed by a train (8*) UA, Mr 15, 1881, 2-5 • JO:J1 EAGAN, WILLIAM Son of, died OA, ^ 5 , 1884, 2-2 EAGAN, WILLIAM Died UA, 0 10, 1888, 2-7 l g mmm EAGAR, JOHN (BATA7IA) EAGEN, ANTHONY (VICTOR) Died Examined i n Court f o r a i d i n g a d e s e r t e r UA, D 9.7, 1 8 6 9 , 2 - 3 t o eaeape UA Ap 2 8 , 1864, 2-3 PJW;JI EAGEN, CATHERINE (1IRS. JEREMIAH) Died UA ZB:HB JU:JI 0 10, 1891, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAOEN, PATRICK EAGER, JOHN If. Died Obituary. UA kg 4, 1891, 2-5 UA, Mr 9, 1869, 2-5 EAGER, JOHN M. Eager, Mary W. Obituary; poem entitled "Greenwood See Stringer, Thomas in Winter" • (1/3 column) UA F 11, 1870 2-5 MMM JD:flR EAGER, BAY EMILY (MRS. JOHN E. ) (BATAVIA) EAGER DISTILLERY AND BREWERY Died. UA Ap 10, Totally destroyed by fire. b JG: LR EAGERIAF SOCIETY Officers elected for the ensuing year UA, I* 7, 1864, 2-2 UA N 15, 1862 2-4 CG:JS EAGIN, JOHN (MEDINA) Died UA, 0 31, 1892, 7-2 PJV/.-AHO JM:AB (BATAVIA) IAGLE, COL. P. T. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAGLE, COL. F. T. Dlftd Obituary U") OAt 0 17, 1887, 1-7 UA, 0 17, 1687, 8-5 ib l b anon • EAGLE, COL. FREDERICK P. Died. UA, 0 19, 1887, 8-4 EAGLE, LEO B. Died UA, Je 27, 1894, 6-5 IB:1IB JL:FD LE B;J:K O F -icc^r TE3 iil'K CF :lCCI!LE7La Declares a dividend of their capital Quarterly report indicates true stock of 5~ condition of Bank HDA, Ja 30, 1152, 2-6 r .J ..i »J EAGLE BAIiK OF HOCHESTEh EAGLE BANK r e p o r t I s s u e d March 2 7 , Quarterly report g-iven. RDA, Ap 24, 135^, 2-5 RDA, Ap 2 4 , 1 8 5 2 , 2 - 5 ARO 1852 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAGLE BAITK OF ROCHESTER BAGL3 BA1TK, ilOCHSSTBR Bacon, L» 3 « , e l e c t e d p r e s i d e n t Bacon, L. S. elected President REA, Ap 30, 1852, 3-1 RDD, Ap 29, 1852, 3-4 £AGI£ BANK OF ROCHESTER 2AGL3 2Aia C? IICCHEST3R Quarterly report Quarterly report HDD, J l 15, 1852, 2-5 RDU C 15, 1852, 2-5 ARO SAGLE BANK EAGL3 BANK CF ROCHESTER Declare 5% semiannual dividend Declare a semi—annual dividend of HDD, J a 7, 1853, 2-4 5% RDU. Ja 7, 1853, 2-3 JD EAGLE BAIJK OF ROCHESTER EAGI£ BANK CF ROCHEBTEK Quarterly report Quarterly r e p o r t RDD, Ja 10, 1853, 2-7 HDO, Ap2 6, 1853, 2-5 ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BAC1E EANK OF ROCHPSTER Flection off Officers Five percent dividend declared , Je i EAGLE BANK OF ROCHESTER Quarterly report RDD, Jl 9, 1853, 2-6 04, 19f3, 2-5 CB EAGLE BA11K OF ROCHESTER Quarterly Report Resources and liabilities as of June, hjci: oi ROCHESTER Quarterly r e p o r t on finances HDD, 0 7, 1853, 2-7 1853 reported RDU Jl 9, 1853, 2-7 CLV 2AGLE EAITK CF ROCHESTER Officers elected L i s t q u a r t e r l y report , Up 29, 1854, 2-4 TDU, Ap 6, 1854, 2-6 EAGL3 3 A I X OF RCCK33TSR EAGLE BANK quarterly report of .*arch, 1864 Purchased Watts property at Buffalo and Exchange Streets. HDD, Ap 8, 1854, 2-7 RDD, Ap 1 3 , 1854, 2-5 PD/IIB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAGLE BANK EAOLE BANK OF ROCHESlFfi Quarterly Report Beolaree 5* dividend Resources and liabilities. Jl 6, 1854, 2-5 ROD, Ap 13,1855, 2-3 un RJP EAGLE BANK OF ROCHESTER EAGLE BANK Quarterly Report Officers elected at annual meeting RDU RDU, Ja 11, 1855, 2-5 Je 5, 1865, 3-2 ARO CUV •• EAGLE BANK EAGLE BANK Declares 10^ dividends Financial statement shows capital $200,500 amount distributed $255,000 RDU Je 21, 1855, 3-2 RDU, Jl 13, 1855, 3-3 DS EAGLE BANK Declared 5$ dividend. EAGLE BANK Semi-annual dividend of &f> to be paid stock-holders. RDU, D 10, 1855, 3-2 RDU, Ja 2, 1856, 1-7 NT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BANK EAOLE BANK (Brighton) Bo»M of Qlreotors elected Reoelred in deposit at Metropolitan Je 10, 1856, 3-4 at par UA 0 20, 1857, 2-3 ARO DS EAGLE BANK EAGLE BAHK Is new financial Roberteon, John B., resigned as cashier DA • 3 f 185? 3-1 UA, 0 3, 1857, 3-1 PM EAGLE BANK Meeting held for annual election of directors. UA, Je 1, 1858, 3-5 EAGLE BAAK Consolidation #r lth Manufactures Bank rumored UA Ap 16, 1859, 3-3 FDlUB EAGLE BANK OF ROCHESTER _ Vs. John Pierce, Judgement for Plaintiff, $175.59 UA, Ja 12, I860, 2-2 UHU:AR0 EAGLE 3A\TK Crombie, John, purchased ten shares of8took from Judge Palmer RDU, N 10, 1856, 3-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAGLE BANK EAOLE BANK BLOCK Stocks sold at £.55 on the dollar $40,100 Insurance held on destroyed DA Jl 27, 1858, 3-2 property UA M 27, 1857, 9-2 DS DS • EAGLE BOAT CLUB COASTING CUJBTXEAGJ Organized for winter; officers elected (1") Bee Boat Club, Eagle UA, N 7, 1892, 7-3 EAGLE FLOUR MILL EAGLE FURNACE Burned; damage placed et $1000 Jones, S. C. 4 E. owners; statistics UA, N 13, 1880, 2-2 RDA F 14, L351, 2-3 DS GTZ^AB EAGLE HARBOR Postmasters Waters, 0. S., appointed UA EAGLE SOCIAL CLUB To c e l e b r a t e i t s fourth annlrersary with a s l e i g h r i d e p a r t y . 0A, F 9 , 1886, 2 - 3 0 24, 1866, 2-3 UM:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SACLE ECTSL 8A6LS HOTEL Receives net. coat of paint Commended for entertainments RDU, S 27i 1852, 2-4 RDAf H 1» 1852, 3-2 FD:MLH EAGLE HOTEL (GENEVA) Damaged by fire UA, My 2, 1857, 2-3 EAGLE HOTEL Office and reading room overhauled; other improvements made UA, Ag 19, 1859, 2-1 PJWARO EAGLE HOTEL Walbrldge, S.D. makes improvements in hostelry UA, Ap 29. }859, 2-3 EAGLE HOTEL Balustrade ripped off by gale UA, Ja 2, 1862, 2-3 mmsflmm EAGLE HOTEL D.W. Poners, making improvements on this hotel UA, Ap 17, 1862, EAGLE HOTEL (PALMYRA) Sweeney, John H. bougit this hotel UA Ap 28, 1862 2-1 EAGLE HOTEL Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAGLE HOTEL Preparing to close; boarders taking rooms Dining POOH slightly burned by basement oren at Osburn House UA, 8 SO, 1862, 8-2 UA F 9, 1863, 2-1 UHM.-JI EAGLE HOTEL BLOCK EAGLE HOTEL BLOCK Subject of 5125,000 litigation Undergoing changes to adapt it to RDU, F 21, 1856, 3-1 mercantile purposes UA Ap 18, 1863 2-1 MHM-.JS EAGLE SOCIAL CLUB SAGLS SALOCi; Held party at Cowley's Hall; sucoessful; committee listed Tracy, J e r r y , take3 over :nanageni«nt RDU, N 22, 1852, 2-4 EAGLE SOCIAL CLUB Large attendance at masquerade ball* UA, My 30, 16*1*, 2-1 1 1 EAGLES, EVA D. R. See Brigge, Irving w. UA, K 17, 1885, 2 - 2 AJC.'HH | SC.'HR i1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAGLES TWo bild eigles reported seen in the Irondequoii Bay region UA, Jty 2 3 , I8o4, 2-2 RDU 25, ie55 3.2 EAGLES A 7 foot eagle was shot near Elba, Bald Bagle shot on the Wadsworth UA D 17, 1877 2-4 Estate Measured 7 feet, wing spread* UA, My 25, 1865. 2-3 JR:MB JD:HR BAGLES EAHUE, JOHN Hirahfield, Marcus and W. H. Yerkes arrested for killing a bald eagle at Conesus Lake. (6") Died in Adams Basin UA, Mr 28, 1876, 3-3 UA, Ag 30, 1881, 2-3 PTT:MB Eakins, DrSuffered loss in Orphean Buildings fire UA, My 30, I860, 2-2 FD MHH EALES, CAROLINE A. See Andrews, Newton B* (l") EALE8, FREDERICK V/ALTER Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Died EALEfl, JOSEPHINE 8«e Whitney, James Ha UA, Mr 7, 1870, 3-8 EAI£S, LUCY B. EAI£S, LUCY B, Died Died UA, Uy 1 1 , 1887, 3-4 UA, Uy 1 1 , 1887, 8-5 CC.-HR CC:HR EALS&, I'ARIA LOUSA Died Died UA N 3 , I 8 6 0 , 3-3 CG:DS wmm EAMES, E. N. Building destroyed by fire, loss #2,000.00 UA, Mr 5 , 1 8 8 8 , J g mmm EALY, JOHN E. 8-4 0 4, 1893, 5-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAKES, FRANCIS L. (NEW YORK) EAfcES, JEW!*IE D. (Watertown) Harried Sarah Wright (Rochester) at Hudson, New York See Beach, Lafayette (Rochester) UA, 0 3, 1874. 3-4 EARDLE, J . E. EAHES, W.J Married Mary J . Groves (3 a ) UA, My 27, 1880, 2-2 Married Ella Duggan UA, Je 28, 1871, 3-4 JDiTilG KARL, MR. (RUSHVILLE) EARL, ALICE See Taylor, Bert Hotel was destroyed by f i r e through Lt* Frank Chamberlain's house which was set on f i r e UA, D 18 f 1861, 3-3 AB:ARO LG:JI ••M EARL, BURTCN Died UA, N 2 1 , 189? r on chsrfe of bjrri^ry at il?orx's liunhor Yard. rCU, Ap J, .353, 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EARL, CALVIN Guilty of petit larceny; Sessions Sentenoed for 3 years for Robbery Court case RDU, S 25, 1854, 3-1 HDU, S 19, 15-54, 3-2 ARO EARL, CLAUDE (HERSEY, MICHIGAN) (FORMERLY OF ROCHESTER) EARL, D. Carpenter, presented $200 bill for '"ork on Front Street city bldg. at Common Council meeting Drowned in Horsey river. (3") UA Jl 13, 1886, 3-2 UA 0 5, 1881, 2-5 rasz CL:JT EARL, DUANE EARL, DUAHE Harried Mrs. Ella P. Smith UA Jl 14, 1873, Granted absolute divorce by wife Ella P Earl, upon a charpe of adultery 3-7 UA, 0 25, 1P.75, 2-5 CCP.-A5 EARL, EDWARD Married Ella J. Story Account of his last minute confession. (2 col.) UA Jl 11, 1588, 2-3 UA CL:Ji<P R2 0 14, 1881 , 2-3 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes CARL, EDWARD Arrested on burglary charge. UA, N 14, 1692, (2") EARL, MRS. ELIZA 5-3 UA, My 31, 1*97, 7-5 JL:AA Mii.'RF ••• 1ARL, F. T. EARL, ELLA P . Granted absolute divorce to husband Duane Earl upon a charge of adultery Married Mae Henrlcua (1") UA, Ag 21, 1896, 6-6 UA, 0 25, 1875, 2-5 ALlTL CCP:AB EARL, J . R. (PALMYRA) Died UA, •I IARL, JA1IE8 Died P 1 1 , 1893, 7-2 UA, Mr 30, 1896, 7-2 JAlAA JCjJI EARL, JOHN R. LARL, JOHK R. Promoted to position of Postal Car Clerk UA^Jl 2, 1868, 2-3 GTZ:LiAL Died UA, 0 12, 1893, 7-2 (PALMYRA) URL, M. ALICE Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EARL, U. H. Stt Taylor, A. Burt See Rogers, S« A* EARL, MARIA H. EARL, HARY JAKE See Vedder, John See Pardy, Isaac EARL, PRINCE EARL, REUBEN (MENDON) Oldest man in Erie County (died) Will proved UA, 0 1 , 1866, 2-2 UA. D 20, 1861. 2-1 me:mam EARL, ROBERT Died (!') UA, S 9, 1890, 7-3 (ALEXANDER) I.iarried I.i*s. Ardella A . Eandford in Uoneoye Falls TOD, :; 10, 1852, 3-3 FLrA'^O SC:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EARL, W1LUAK CARL, WILLIAM I.M. Injured In fell from scaffold Died l a LeRoy ( l a ) RDU, S 3, 1856, 3-1 UA, 0 2 6 , 1888, 6-3 ARO 8L:FD mmmmmmm EARLE, A. E. EARL, WILLIAU H. Married Hlnnle 'tfillieras UA., S. 18, 1890, (1/2") 7-1 (KEETING, PA.) Married Carrie Kramer (Nunda) UA, Ap 1, 1889, 6-4 MU:HR EARLE, ANDREW (PITTSPORD) EARLE, BE!:J (K3T.' YORK) His *lfe sued him for divorce Died in California UA, N 21, 1894, 8-4 HDD, J e 30, 1852-2-4 JD JL:TL EARLE, E1IIIA See B a i l e y , William EARLE, JOHN Sentenced to the House of Refuge for burglary UAt My 9, 1877, 2-5 LO:RZ CF:ARO » LIONEL Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EARLE, W. L. Died Reoeived patent for packing device UA, 0 6, 1891, 8-7 tJA, J a 16, 1891, 7-3 KC:HR •i EARLE, WILLIE EARLES, ROSE Was k i l l e d when he was struck by a falling timber Died DA, My 1 4 , 1886, 3 - 3 UA, N 18, 1890, 5-7 CL:HR CCP:HR EARLEY, ELIZABETH EARLEY, HELEN Died (PENN YAN) See Dooley, P a t r i c k UA, Ap 17, 1872, 2-7 JCU'.FD wmmm EARLEY, LENA (PRATTSBURG) RL:JI EAH^L, C. See Fox, Sidney P. •Opened up a grocery store RDD Kr 13, L852, i>-4 ee DS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes &*• MTTLE iw; EARLY, REV. UR. Preached the funeral sermon at the TDU, Ja 21, 1855, 2-5 services oonduoted In St. Patrick's Church for Capt. French UA Ap 10, 1865, 2-1 JGR:JI EARLY, VERY REV. FATHER EARLY, AMELIA M Vicar General of the Diocese of Rochester, text of sermon preached Sold land In Clark son to Catharine A. R l s l e y for $1350 at funeral of the Very Rev. Father Bede. U*, Ja 1 7 , 1579, 2 - 7 UA, Ag 18, 1870, 2-6 CCPrARO EARLY, AMELIA H. (CLARKSON) Sold land In Clarkson to Edward J. llockford for $12,000 UA Ag 31, 1831, EARLY, CATHERINE (LR3. DAiJILL) Fatally Injured In fall downstairs, UA F SO, ie84, 2-2 2-6 LG:PZ PW:JI EARLY, JAtlES On t r i a l for Incest UA My 30, 1859, 2-2 EARLY, JAMES Clothing caught on fire and he was badly burned U A , Je 6, 1864, 2-3 HE: JUG Rfi'DS rEARLY, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes REV. JAUES EARLY, VKHY REV. J.U^S t'.. Leotured at Albion for the benefit of Sailed for Europe on Cunard Steamship the Benevolent Society of Catholic Cuba Churoh UA, Jl 31t 1671, 2-2 UA P 7, 1867, 2-1 JD:JI •I EARLY, REV. JAUES U. EARLY, VERY REV. JALES K. Received donation of $700 from his lloved to Buffalo. UA, Ap 24, 1876, 2-7 parish, prior to his departure UA, Jl 31. 1671, 2-3 AJC.-MB EARLY, REV. JAMES M. Hie will settled EARLY, JAMES W. (f col.) U*f S P2, 1*93, 5-3 (CHILI) Died from injuries received when clothes caught fire UA, Je 8, 1864, 2-1 PJW:AR0 IB:FAD EARLY, LEONARD (PRATTSBURO) Died 1 EARLY, MARY 1 See Neff, (PRATTSBURO) William 0A, Ag 2 9 , 1891, 7-4 0C.-AB 1 SC:JI • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KARL*. THOMAS EARLY, THOMAS Escaped in Jail break at Monroe Escaped convict, recaptured County Jail UA Ap 11, 1659, 3-3 0*, D 13, 1858, 3-1 CC:ARO DS • EARLY, TH0HA3 Found not guilty of incest charge OA S 10, 1859, 2-3 EARHSHAW, CHAPLAIN Died* UA, Jl 20, 1885, 2-2 JG:MB PW/CKV ••• EARKSTON, W. (SEKECA FALLS) Secretary from Seneca County of EARTH. THE 8tate Sabbath School Association Squires, Rev. L. H. preaches on "A World Cooling Off" (?/3col.) UA, 8 3, 1859, 4-2 UA, N 16, 1S96, 10-3 PJ17:AE0 Ms^ EARTHQUAKES Charlotte EARTHQUAKE Slight tremblings felt in city on 0. 26. Reports of slight convulsions UA, 0 27, 1860, 2-1 0Af My 22 f 1871, 2-1 JD LM FG:MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EARTHQUAKES EARTHQUAKES Letter to editor telling all minute Monroe County and surrounding terri- faets of the rumbling tories experience two distinct treniors UA » 0 29, I860, 2-3 UA Ja 8, 1867, 2-1 FG:LIC wm EARTHQUAKE EARTHQUAKES Shodi f e l t in Rochester. Slight earthquake tremors felt here (2") UA, D 19, 1867, 2-1 CCPH.B UA, N 5, 1877, 2-6 CL:AE EARTHQUAKES EARTHQUAKES Rochester Number of citizens declared a slight earthquake occurred Feb. 7. F 9, 1878 2-7 RZ.-HR EARTH'S CHEATICK Broekport and Churchville severly shaken by what is believed to have been a slight earthquake UA, F13, 1S95, 1-1 UC:EQ lARWELL, WILLIAM (MEDINA) Squires, Rev. L.H., preaches on the creation of the earth (« c o l . ) Married Agnes Kusba UA, H 9 , 1896, 13-3 UA, Ag 29, 1 8 9 1 , 7 - 3 JP ;FD 8C.-AB (Medina) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASON, CLARA (COLORED) EASON, LUELNE H. Died, aged 108 years old (CANISTEO) Died UA, S 30, 1879, 2-3 UA, lly 8 , 1886, 8 - 4 IB:ARO GC:ARO EAST, BENJAMIN F. (CHARLOTTE) Harried Louie U. Fowler (Chicago) EAST, BLANCHE ELOISE Bled i n Chicago. UA, Ap 2, 1883, 3-8 UA Ag 5 , 1884, 3-9 JG:LR EAST, GEORGE 7/. EAST, DR. FREDERICK (ROCHESTER) Harried Susie De Vlsser Deceased, account of a d m i n i s t r a t o r settled UA, 0 27, 1893, 5-2 UA, J a 20, 1864, 2-3 IB:FD ••• EAST, HENRY EAST, HENRY Left with family for Thousand Islands Received patent on Coffin case (1 l i n e ) and Montreal UA, Mr 4, 1876, 2-7 UA Ag 1 7 , 1869, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1A8T, HENRY Oharged with t e l l i n g game out of season, \99) 1 A 8 T , HENRY Obituary; UA 0 • , 1890, 6 . 6 UA, portrait. My 8 , 1897, 1 3 - 1 8C:RZ 1CI:JO EAST, HENRY EAST, HENRY V l l l proved UA, Appeal t o be t a k e n on h i s My 2 4 , 1897, 9-3 UA, N 6, 1897, 11-2 HM:EQ CCP:TL EAST, HENRY EAST, HENRY See Dlehl, Jacob, See Me A l p i n e , Bel den R. WN:HR VC: J I EAST, HENRY R . COMPANY 1 Accused of State Agriculture Department of selling immitation butter ( 3 | In.) UA, KC:JI F 28, 1895, 1 EAST, HENRY R . COUPANY F i l e d financial r e p o r t UA, Ja 20, 1897, 6-4 8-1 CG:JA • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes •AST, JOHM (aPBMCERPORT) EAST, MARY (IBS. JOHN) DUd of sun-stroke Died OA . *• 88, UA, D 3, 1875, 3-5 1870, 2-8 JCII.'FD EAST, MARY (URS. JOHN) EAST, NELLIE (SPENCERPORT) Mad Brought t o I n s a n e Asylum i n t h e c i t y , when she t h r e a t e n e d n e i g h b o r s , UA, D 4, 1875, 3-5 UA, S 8 , 1879, 2-2 SE:MB EAST, SARAH EAST, SU&UiAB {CHARLOTTEJ Sled Ul Ap 29. 1697. > 5 MU:JDP , V. SbSatMAM (CttABLOT-Ut; EA?T9 THOIIAS Harried L i d d i a A - Loomls UA J l 2 9 , 1858, 2 - 3 DS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAST, THCl'AS And wife, Bold to Ellen A. Murray, land on Second St. for $400 EAST, THOMAS See Hurray, Ellen A. UA, Jl 27, 1881, 2-6 CL;FD C-lPiFD EAST, WILLIAU S. EAST AVENUE Died. Article stressing Improvement of street. UA, F 18, 1886, 2-4 UA, Je 3, 1858, 3-1 IB2HB EAST AVENUE Ordinance to lay flag sidewalks on East Avenue passes City Council FO:1EB EAST AVENUE Ordinance passed for sewer by Board of Public Works. (5") UA, Ap 20, 1S75, I1-5 UA, Ag 24, 1859, 2-1 PV:MC EAST AVENUE Injunction served against contractors for East Avenue sewer by Brighton Plank Road Company dissolved by consideration of 5l,5OO. (2") WN.-MB EAST AVENUE Account of improvement work on East Ave, UA, Ap 25, 1076, 2-7 UA, S 16 f 1875, 2-1 AJC:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAST AVENUE Residenta of, demand a macadam road or sewer8, because of t h e unsanitary condition of t h e s t r e e t (10") UA Ag 22, 1889,, 4-2 UA, Ap 6 , 1886, 3-4 • J d nnvp JDPlJDP EAST AVENUE EAST AVENUE Editorial concerning proposed improve' ment of s t r e e t (10") UA, D 22, 1890, 4-1 Editorial answering l e t t e r c r i t i c i s i n g use of asphalt in proposal improvements (1 c o l . ) UA, D 23, 1890, 4-1 SC:FD 9C:FD EAST AVENUE EAST AVENUE Residents and business men complain of use of street as public market. (1& col's.) (Illus.) UA, 0 2, 1891, W.H. Jones and Son c o n t r a c t o r s completed brick pavement on East Ave. (4 H ) UA, 0 20, 1891, 5-4 6-5 SC:PAD VJ'.FD EAST AV2KUE EAST AVENUE Photograph of winter view Mr 3 , JSxJI EAST AVENUE Surfaoe of East Are. near Main Street has rsoently been repaired and now it is worn out. (3"). 1894, 15-1; 13-6 Photographs UA, P 2ht , 16-1 1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAST AVENUE EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Bad condition of pavement explained to Executive Board Sunday services commented upon UA, UA, N 20, 1871, 2-4 Ap 12, 1395, 3-5 CMP:AR0 EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Temperance meeting held; Rev. Morehouse spoke. UA Will hold annual pew renting. UA Ap 22, 1876, 2-2 F 14, 1873, 2-6 JDJRZ EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Couthoui, Jennie, gave some readings last evening. (I11) UA, 0 1C, 1877, 2-1 EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Couthoui. Jennie, gave readings last night. (£N) UA, N 21, 1877, 2-1 VC:KB EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Morehouse, Rev. H. L., resigns as its pastor UA B U T lt*'AM Je 27t 1*79. 2-2 Porter, Rev W. H. (Erantford, Cnt.) accepted a call to take over. UA, Ja 12, 1880, 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHUhCH Trustees to erect new edifice at Ueigs and Park Avenue; lot to be purchased for $8,500 (1/5 C ol) DA, My 86, 1882, 4-1 I AST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Meeting of the soolety of this church held; resolution adopted to ereot Ba new building in the summer of 1884 (2 ) UA, My 30, 1883, 4-2 VC:FD EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Society met l a s t nirfit to take a c t i o n on t h e question of a s i t e for a new church. UA J e 1 3 , 1B83, To be erected a t cost of $40 y 000 UA 2-3 N 3, 1883, 2-2 LR:JI EAST AVENUE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EAST AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Seoond annual session to terminate on J l 2 , Audience room w i l l be errected on the corner of Meigs & Park Are. UA, J l 1, 1858, 3-3 UA, My 29, l*6ll, 2-1 Bimm EAST AVENUE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTION EAST AVENUE COLLEGIATE INST TUTE Examinations to commence Mr* Hard, Miss Marsh, Prof. Surbridge, and Prof. Bracket added to teaching staff. N 13, 1858 3-2 UA UA F 5, 1853, 3-2 PM OS 1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · IndexesCOLLEGIATE EAST AVENUE INSTITUTE 1A8I .AVENUE INSTITUTE Summer sessions begins Examinations and exercises at UAf Ap 29. 1659, 2-5 School H*» f 12, 1859, 3-1 KAM:ARO E A S T AVr:::uE II.CTITUTE Baised bea'itif'O. flasr, erectrd in Review of closinr exercises front of institute J UA, Je 27, 1551, 2-3 S Croo s-, KT:I/.C SAST AVEilUE IIISTITUTE EAST AVENUE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Text of 3?-dvation addreos given by Description of school given Rev. J UA, Ag 30, 1862, 2-3 T Coit UA Je 28, 1361, 2-3 VR:AB ••I j'sz: AVizruE PIATIK :<OAD EAST AVE OUUIBUS See Transportation Monroe County residents protect coopaniet s practices HDD, Uy 20, 1853, 2-4 U!:NT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAST AVanjE, SHADE ASSOCIATION Meeting held; resolved to plant •bad* trees along street. EAST AVJJliUi SHADE ASSOCIATION Resolves to plant shade t r e e s along t h i s avenue i'ron Liberty r o l e to home of Cliver Culver lfr 1, 1852, 3-1 RDD, I y If 1352, 2-4 KLH EAST AVENU3 ^ A33CCIATIC1! Gonnaence putting shale trees along avenue HDD, ty 8, 1852, 2-4 MLH EAST AVON Presbyterian Church, built in 1812 to be repaired UA Jl 26, 1866, 2-1 ISElJl EAST BEhGEn EAST AVON Post Office Fires Discontinued See Fires UA LK:NT F 10, 1862, 2-3 1HH/JI EAST EAST BLOOMFTELD Congregational Church Bev. Mr. L. D. Chapin was installed as new pastor Rev. Shaw preached the sermon UA , Je 12, 1869, >1 Churches Congregational Church, Rev* L. D. Chapin (Ann Arbor, Mich.) installed as pastor VK GZ:JI Je 16, 1869* 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IAS? BLOOMFIELD EAflT BLOOUTIELD Heotions 38 ohlldren of the Tribune'• Freeh Air Fund here (It in*) Democrats score victory by a 58 major- UA UA Jl 25, 1885, 1-5 Mr 4, 1875, 2-6 AJC:RZ JG:JI EAST BLOCilFIELD EAST BLOOMFIELD History Jails Founded in 1789; first white settler was John Adatis; Myron Adams, pastor of Plymouth church in Rochester is a direct descendant. (1&N) UA Village voted to erect Jail, UA Mr 6, 1875, 2-2 Jl 6, 1876, 2-7 AJC:RZ GTZ:RZ EAST BLOOMFIELD EAST BLOOIJTISLD, VILLAG3 OF Monument Postmaster Soldier's monument dedicated. 2/3 col, Hobert, H., appointed UA HDA, Je 11, 1853, 2-2 0 21, 1868, 2-3 r-Tu wm EAST B^JJLFI^LD Postmasters Hobart, a. appointed EAST BLCCKFIELD Postmasters Hobart, H . , appointed HDL, Je 13, 1353, 3-4 RDUt Je 1 4 , 1S53, 2-3 1XH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAST BLOOUFIELD EAST BLOOUTIELO Postmasters Postmasters Hobart, Harvey appointed Postmaster. HA 0 SO, 1 8 6 6 , 8 p l t x , A* £ • • s l s o t s d . (i> UA, 8 9 , 1885, 4 - 2 2-1 JO:UB EAST BLOOMFIELD EAST BLOOMPIELD Supervisors Superrisors . Collins 9 Guy, elected RDA Mariner, Myron, (Republican) elected Ap 15, 1852, 2-1 OA Mr 2, 1887, 2-6 CkV L^OOMFTELD ACADEMY ./ Ap. r o p r i a t e d £:2OO by r e g e n t s of the University RDU, Ja i l , L355, 2-5 BAST CAFISTEO (STEUBBN COUNTY) post office name changed to Adrian BDD, K 24, 1852, 2-3 MLR EAST BLCCKFIELD INSTITUTION Receives $212.76 from income of the SV-te L i t e r a t u r e Fund RDA, Sr 4 , 1852, 2-3 EAST CANISTEO See Adrian Central Library of Rochester andEAST Monroe CLARKSON County · Indexes CLARKSOi: Post Offioe Churches Xethodist Episcopal Church re-dedlcatory Ooodberlet, Joseph, appointed postmaster* UA Ja 3 1 , 1887, 7 - 2 services ^ere held last Tuesday UA, D 24, 1863, 2-2 CC:RZ ANY, HENRI A. EAST GAINES Accused by S t a t e Agriculture Dept. • f s e l l i n g immitatlon butter (3* i n . ) VA, T 28, 1895, 8-1 Post Office Perry, S.C. removed as iostmaster RDA 0 17, 1853 2-6 EAST G3T7E323 CC:T3RS!TCS EAST GENESEE ANnUAL CONFERENCE Janes, Bishop, presided at session In session at Phelps; appointments held at Psnn Yan of pastors and elders S 4, 1851, 2-3 UA, 3 1, 1869, 2-3 KL" EAST GENESEE CONFERENCE EAST GENEVA BRICK CO^PAiNY (GENEVA) Stock company formed. List of appointments announced by UA J l 1 6 , 1891, 7 - 3 Bishop Binpson. UA Ag 25, 1871 maun 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BAST HENRIETTA aEUhlETXA Ohurohts Churches Congregation Churoh had a Dusloal and dramatlo entertainment; the programme i s given. (3 N ) Baptish church destroyed by fire; valued at $2000 UA, 8 20, 1871, 2-2 UA, Ap 26, 1866, 7-2 CL:HR SAST HENRIETTA Sleotiona EAST HENRIETTA Fires Results listed. (2«) See Fires OA Mr 4, 1886, 7-2 B:RZ LK:NT EAST HENRIETTA EAST HENRIETTA Supervisor Postmaster Hozeltine, Harvey V. appointed Nichols, Almand (Republican) elected, UA, Ap 6, 1861, 2-2 UA EAST, HENRY R. COMPANY EAST MAIN STREET BRIDGE Certificate cf incorporation was filed in County Clerk's office UA, My 29,. 1894, J8:JA Mr 4, 1886, 7-2 See Main Street Bridge 6-6 JI Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes POSTAL SL.'VICE EAST MENDON East Pembroke Fires Babcock, Reuben, appointed FoFtmaster See Fires RDU cTa 2 0 , 1R54, 2 - 4 LH:NT EAST PENFIELD EAST RIGA , Fires First Presbyterian Congregation See Fire8 Rev. Chauncy Cook installed as Pastor, RT, Ja 2, 1821, 3-3 111: NT EAST ROCHESTER EAST ROCHESTER Town rapidly developing Into an industrial center (i/6; Uethodist Episcopal Sunday School organized at No. 5 Union Place. UA, S 14, 1885, 2-1 UA f Ag 15, 1872, 2-2 NT:ARO EAST ROCHESTER EAST ROCHESTER Street Railways Street Railways Meeting held to discuss street oars for East Rochester (5 in*) Will be built in East Rochester in the spring (2$ in.) UA UA 0 18, 1886, 2-4 0T2:JI 0 19, 1886, 8-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KAST ROCHESTER GAR SHOPS EAST ROCHESTER Stook company with one-half million capital to open building for manufacturing and running of extensive oar shopa. (l>) UA Strikes Switchmen believed to have ended strike (2/3 ool) UA, Ag ?5, 1892, 5-5 Ja ?, 1882, 2-1 SC:AB MT:RZ us EAST RUSH CAST ROCHESTER Bridges Lelghton Iron Bridge & Pipe Works Bridge over Honeoye Cresk conpietad See Lelghton Iron Bridge and Pipe Works UA 0 28, 1869, 2-6 ARO EAST RUSH EAST RUSH BRIDGE y Memorial Day Large bridge over Honepye Creek oollapses; had been infuse for four or five years UA, Ag 25, 1669, 2-2 Observances held with appropriate s e r v i c e s UA, Je 3 , 1889, 6-2 SL:FD WKU EATT RIJEH 1 EAST Postmasters AHO RUSH, VIDJIGE OF POSTMASTERS Loomie, J e s s , a ppointed Crosby, John B.f appointed RDU, D 1 0 , 1853, 2-5 UA Jl 3 , 1857, 3-2 | DS EAST SIDE ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Rochester Railway Go. bought the franchises and stock of the new oompany EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK for $ioi,ooo. Bill to Incorporate t h i s bank Introduced UA, lly 1, 1893, 5-2. in the New York State Assembly UA, P 20, 1869, 4-3 UW:CL PJtf: ARO EAST SIDE SAVINGS BAXK Meeting EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Held meeting at Osburn House; elected of trustees held at Osburn House; duties and responsibilities of P. M. Bromeley, president the trustees discussed UA My 11, 1869, 2-2 UAf Ap 27, 1669, 2-3 JD.-AB C-T/C..V k EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Being chartered by the Legislature last winter this bank is about to open at Main and Clinton. P. M. Bromley is President and P. B. Vlele, Sec. Louis E r n s t / h a s been elected a Trustee t o f i l l a vacancy UA, 0 14, 1869, 2-2 UA, 0 4 , 1869, 2-3 HOT I X WN:FD EAST SIDE SAVUTS B^TIK Will open in second story of the Vashington Block, Kain and North Clinton Streets. UA 0 30. lBt# EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Elected o f f i c e r s . UA 2-2 •<TN:HR 0 30, 1869 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IAST 81DE 8AVIN0S BANK Toner officers reeleoted at their annual •eetlng - tJA, Ja 5, 1870, 2-2 EAST 8IDS SAVINGS BANK Bill to amend oharter passed by the Assembly. UA, Ap 14, 1870, 3-2 HAL Iil EAST SIDE SAVINGS Publicly announce that no officer of their institution has ever purchased counterfeit bonds as previously announced in the papers* UA EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK lieeting for the election of officers was held last night. UA, Ja 11, 1872, 2-6 Ja 23, 1871 2-2 CP:HR EAST SIDE SAVINGS 3ANK Report of annual election; deposits between $400,000 and $500,000 JU:KB EA3T SIDE SAVINGS BAIiK Bromley, P. II., resolutions on h i s death. UA 0 6, 1874 2-6 UA, J a 7, 1873, 2 r l GZ:FD EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Officers elected a t annual meeting. UA, J a 5, 1*75, 2-2 JD:HR EAST SIDE SAVINGS BAflK Bnerson, Wm. H., president t r i e s to use h i s position to make debtors •ote for him for State Senator UA AJC:JMG RL:JI 0 30, 1875, 5-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAST 8IDB SAVINGS BANK EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK taerson, Wm. N,, president, used his position to make debtors vote for him for 8enator, Directors of bank called •••ting to remove him OA H 1, 1875, Henry S. Hebard elected president* ( l in UA Ja kt 1876, 2-1 3-3 RL:JI EAST 8IDE SAVINGS EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Officers elected at meeting of Board of Trustees; Henry S. Hebard named President. (&) UA, Ja 6, 1876, 2-4 Re-election of 1776's trustees; names given UA, J a 12, 1877, 2-3 CP:MB EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK y» J»J , alias B.C. Qulnn arrested In S{. Louis, Mo. wanted for swindling the Rochester Bank EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Eighth anniversary; P r e s i d e n t ' s report on s t a t i s t i c s (6i in.) UA N 2, 1877, 2-1 UAf My 9, 1877, 2-2 CF:AHO CLrJI EAST SIDE SAVINGS BAi'K EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK List of officers elected Sold to A.II. Lindsay, land f o r 01030,00 UA, J a 25, 1879, 2-6 UA, Ja 10, 1878, ?-5 Jd mrnm RZ:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EABT 81DE SAVINGS BANX SAST SIDE SAVINGS BAiiK Ll«t of o f f l o e r s eleoted, Table shoving financial condition UA UA, P 12, 1880, 2-8 J a 6, 1880 2-5 ID:HR RL:FD wm EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Annual election of officers held, listed Officers re-elected UA, Ja 9, 1333, 4-3 UA, Ja 6, 1881, 3-3 SAST 8IDE SAVINGS BANK EAST SIDE SAYINGS BANK Elected officers* UA, Ja 8, 1884, 3-4 Trustees held annual meeting; officers chosen (1") UA, Ja 6, 13 S6, 3-4 CC:1IB EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Elected o f f i c e r s UA, Ja 1 1 , 1887, 8-5 JD:ARO EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Annual reports listed. UA, F 5, 1087, 2-4 CC:MB 00 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SAVINGS BANK, EAST SIDE BANK, EAST SIDE Annual Meting of the Trustees held; offloere elected (i{ in.) OA J * 10, 1888, Elected officers. UA, Ja 14, 1890, 7-3 3-2 AA.MB J»:JI ••I EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Elected officers. Chase, Benjamin E . , e l e c t e d t r u s t e e of bank i n p l a c e of Araunah U o 8 | ^ HA, Ap 8 t 1890, 6-7 UA, My 1 9 , 1891, 5-4 CC:MB SCAB EAST SIDE BANK EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Breweter, Henry C., to be p r e s i d e n t ; c a p i t a l to be $100,000; to be located a t Stone and Main S t s . Elected officers. (1") UA, JA 10, 1893, 5-4 UA, Ja 3 1 , 1693, 5-2 t FAD JA:HR EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK List of financial resources Report of financial condition UA, Ap 29, UA, S 22, 1S93, 1893, 13-1 PAD 5-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAST SIDE SAVINGS BAMC EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Uoseley, Jlrah B., elected president. UA. 0 3, 1893, 5-3 Annual meeting of stockholders held; offioers eleoted (8 in.) UA, Ja 15, 1895, 8-2 IB:AA wmm EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK AT:JI EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK Elected officers. (1/3 col.) UA Elected officers Ja 14, 1896, 6-4 UA, Ja 12, 1897, 8-4 J:R2 SC:JI EAST SIDE SAVIiGS BANK See May, J.J. EAST SIDE SAVINGS I-ANK See Qulnn, J.C. WN:JMG EAST SIDE SAVIKC-S'BA.IK See Upton, Charles E, EAST SIDE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Organized; o f f i c e r s l i s t e d . UA N 2 , 1881, 2-1 JO:LG CLiPZ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EAST SIDE S t ' I K C S AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Officers eleoted at meeting; l i s t i (1") 1AST 8IDE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Offlotrt tltoted* UA N 3 , 1885, 4-2 UA N9, 1382, 4-1 JD:RZ AJC:RS •1 1AST 8I0E STAR CLUB EAST SICE TAXPAYERS Eleotion of offloors (1") UA Jo 13, 1884, 4-4 Meeting; East Main bridge topics discussed (If) UA, S 3, 1892, 2-1 JM:FD LG:RZ EAST SIDE TPVKK SEWER CONSTRUCTION Meeting held; officers elected. UA Ap 23 1692 EAST VICTOR Fires 5-5 See Fires SL.-AA LM:NT EASTER CELEBRATION EASTER Account of Church services in Episcopal and Catholic Churches. List of musical programs to be played in various Rochester churches. (2/3 col.) UA UA OTZrKR Ap 6, W ^ i CP:HR Ap 15, 1876 2-3 i Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTER Ohurohes llet their programs. UA (1/3 col.) EASTER Account of services to be held at churches in city given. (& col*) Ap 19, 1878, 2-4 UA Ap 20, 1S7*. 2-5 JB:R2 EASTER EASTER Celebrations to be held List of Services in various churches; Services are made up of music UA, Mr 27, 1380, 3-2 UA, Ur 27, 1880, 2-5 RL:FD EASTER EASTER D e c o r a t i o n s a t the v a r i o u s churches; sermons preached; masonic s e r v i c e s UA, Mr 2 9 , 1 8 8 0 , 2 - 4 EASTER SUNDAY Naples Celebrated i n homes and churches i n Naples. UA, Hr 3 1 , 1 8 8 0 , 1-5 EASTER How i t was o b s e r v e d in t h e churches o f Rochester (20") 6 parties reported for Easter lionday; enjoyable times had by many (5 a ) UA, Ap IS, 1M1, 2-U. UA, Ap 19, 1881, 3-3 GL:ARO VCJAB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTER EASTER Editorial of Easter celebrations in the- various churches and countries. (6 ) List of ohurohes and their programmes for Easter are given (3 ools.; UA, Ap 16, 1892, 6-2; 12-3 UA, Mr 2 4 , 1 8 8 3 , 4 - 3 VC:UB SL:HR EASTER OBSERVANCES Account o f t h e observances in^ttte v a r i o u s churches g i v e n ( 7 " ) EASTER Services h e l d in City churches UA, Mr 26", !«&?, UA, AP 1 9 , i g 9 7 , 9 . 1 EASTER SUNDAY EASTER LION DAY CHURCH Wardens and Vestrymen e l e c t e d UA, Ap 3 , 1 8 6 6 , 2 - 1 lluslo t o be played i n leading churches given UA, llr 3 1 , 1887, 3 - ( 3 - 4 ) CCP:UAL ;:ARO EASTERLY, SOLOMON EASTERBROOK, WOOD & BRONSON (LYONS) (GENEVA) Description of funeral. Patent on willow peeler was reissued to UA them UA 8 13, 1862, 2-5 JD:RZ Jl 21, 1880, 4-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTERLY, SOLOMON H. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Murdered h i e wife and mother-in-law and then committed s u i c i d e , Monroe Chapter 57: annual meeting held: list of elected officers UA UA, D 21, 1883, 4-3 Jl 19, 1880, 2-4 JD:RZ ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Ruth Chapter No. 56; elected officers. Ruth Chapter #56, installed officers. UA, Ja 9, 1884, 3-2 UA, Ja 23, 1884, 4-3 CC:IIB CC:HR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Ruth Chapter enjoyed a social at the residence of Mrs* H. J . Warner* UA, O 2 , 1885, 2-3 JG:HR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Itonroe Chapter gave social in Cox building UA. 0 30 f 1885, 4-4 ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Ruth Chapter h e l d meeting; an o f f i c i a l T l s l t received from o f f i c e r s of the Grand Chapter of the S t a t e . ( £ • ) UA, 0 28, 1885, 2-1 JG:HR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Monroe Chapter e l e c t e d o f f i c e r s a t their annual meeting UA JO/CUV JOJ D IS, 1SS5, 4-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ORDEK OF EASTERN STAR ORDER OP EASTERN STAR Ruth Chapter sleoted offloors. (2") Monroe Chnpter elected o f f i c e r s . UA D 23, 1885, 4-3 UA Ja S, 1S*6, 3-2 JS.-RZ ORDER EASTERN STAR Ruth Chapter e l e c t e d EASTERN STAR, ORDER OP officers Golden Rule Chapter has been organized In this olty* List of officers appointed (3* in.) UA, J a 13, 1886, 3-2 UA I3:PD 1886, 3-2 IB:JI ORDER OF EASTERN STARS ORDER OP THE EASTERN STAR "Golden Rule" chapter several a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r Membership and a f f i l i a t i o n r e c e i v e d UA, Ap 1 7 , Ap 3, , 3.2 The "Golden Rute" chapter met at the home of Mrs. A. J. Warner. Applications for membership were received. (2") UA, Ap 17, 1886, 3-2 AJC:ARO ORDER OF EASTERN STAB ORDER OP EASTERN STAR Golden Rule Chapter No. 59: Installed. UA Je 2 5 , 1 8 8 6 , 8 - 4 IB2RZ Ruth Chapter officers Officers elected. UA D 1 5 , 1886, 3-3 1 OZ.-LR • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Oolden Rule Chapter No. 59 «$ave a pleasant r e c e p t i o n and entertainment a t Damascus Hall (4 N ) Oolden Rule Chapter #59 elected offloers. t D 27, 1SS6, 2.5 UA, N 9 , 1337, 3 - 1 CL MH1? OZ:LQ ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ORDERMEASTERN STAR Roth Chapter elected officers, (f CoJ Monroe Chapter elected officers. UA UA D 14, 1837, 6-2 D 16, 1887, 6-2 IB.-LR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Golden Rule Chapter, officers elected (2 In.) UA Ja 10, 1888, 3-4 Ruth Chapter, gave a concert a t the Masonic Temple. (2£") UA, F15, l g g g , 3-1 JO:ARA JG:JI ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Golden Rule Chapter h e l d a meeting a t nhich Mrs. Mary A. Rhoades past worthy matron was presented a nanasome badge by Mrs. May Milow. Comm i t t e e s were appointed ( 2 l n . j UA Mr 1 3 , ORDER OF THE ?J-STERN STAR, GRAND CHAPTER OF THE ' Paid their f i r s t v i s i t to Golden Rule Chapter at Masonic Temple l a s t eve. ( UA., Nov. 13,, lggg, 1888, PC:FAD 3.! ORDER IA8TBRN STAR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Oolden Rule Chapter, annual oomraunloatlon btld; offloera eleoted for the ensuing far; names listed Oermanla Chapter held first regular meeting; election of officers; addresses delivered (3*") UA, D 12, 1888, 6-3 UA 8L:HR Mr 28, 1889, 3-5 JDPrJDP ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Oermanla Chapter held meeting; initiated 7 new members Grand Chapter held twentieth annual session UA, Ap 11, 1889, 2-4 UA, Je 8, 1889, 3-2 ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Oermanla Chapter No. 72: Officers installed. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Golden Rule Chapter No. 59: Literary programme l i s t e d . (5 H ) UA J e 20, 1889, 3-5 ORDER EASTERN STAR N 26, 1889, 7-3 ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Golden Rule Chapter held meeting; communlcation. (It") Ruth Chapter held meeting; officers elected and listed. (2£" UA UA D 10, 1889, 8-4 D 11, 1889, 7-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ORDER OP THE EASTERN STAR Monroe Chapter Offictrs l i s t e d (1") ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Monroe Chapter 67; meeting; elections and appointments (3&N) OA, D 17, 1889, 6-4 DA, D 17, 1889, 6-3 JM:HR Jlf:HR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Germanla Chapter held meeting; officers elected, etc. <3*") Golden Rule Chapter: Communication; o f f i c e r s e l e c t e d and l i s t e d * (3£ R ) UA, D 19, 1889, 5-3 UA D 24, 1889, 6-6 J1I:RZ JM:HR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR llonroe C h a p t e r p r e s e n t e d handsome emb l e m a t i c p a i n t i n g by E. H. C. G r i f f e n . (3-) UA, J a ?3, 1890, Golden Rule Chapter gave reception UA, F 4, 1890, 6-7 6-5 AA:HR PC.'SC ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Offloers elected Golden Rule C h a p t e r 5 9 : o f f i c e r s (2£«) 0A, D 18, 1890, 6-4 UA, D 2 3 , 1 8 9 0 , 7 - 2 SCAB SC:FD elected Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Ruth Chapter 56: eleoted o f f i c e r s Golden Rule Chapter Eleoted o f f i c e r s UA, D 24, 1890, 7-1 UA. D 1 1 , 189l|., 9-2 JL:LG SCiFD ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Jfonroe Chapter 57 Rath Chapter Offleers eleoted and installed Officers eleoted and installed UA UA Ja 15, 1891, 6-6 PER:JI ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Golden Rule Chapter, f i f t h annual reception h e l d . j a 29. 1691, PR:LR Ja 16, 1891, 6-4 PER:JI CRDER OF THE EASTEHi; STAR lionroe Chs.pter entertainment UA., F 19, 1891, 5-3 P-.-F..D ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR, MONROE Monroe Chapter; state officersN Attend last night meeting (2 ) Chapter 57; Interesting meeting held UA, F 26, 1891, 6-6 UA, My 14, 1891, 6-6 fRsHR SL:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ORDER OF, EASTERN STAR ORDER OF, EASTERN STAR Held literary and musical entertainment UA, Je 11, 1891, 6-5 Monroe Chapter, #57: held musical and literary entertainment UA, Je 11, 1891, 6-5 SC:FD SC'.FD EASTERN STAR, ORDER OF EASTERN STAR, ORDER OF Ruth Capter No. 56, held entertainment (2 in.) Golden Rule Chapter held annual lawn party (l£ in.) UA, UA, Je 25, Je 24, 1891, 2-? SCUI 1891, 7-2 SC:JI ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Golden Rule Chapter, 59, f a i r in Monroe Chapter to g i v e entertainment In a i d of the Masonic Temple funde ( UA, 0 26, 1891, 2-5 UA, N 18 progress (3") JDP.-AB ORDER OF JAST:-:RN_ Germanla Chapter; Officers elected (? H ) UA, VJ:£Q D 17, 1891, 6-7 ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Monroe Chapter, 57, elected officers (1 ) UA, D 24, 1891, 7-4 VJ:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Ruth Chapter, elected offloors (1") DA, D 24, 1891, 7-4 Oolden Rule Chapter Ne l e c t e d o f f i c e r s a t annual meeting. (1 ) UA, J a 10, 1393, 5-4 FAD VJ:HR EASTERN STAR, ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR, ORDER OF THE Golden Rule Chapter, elected officers Ruth Chapter, #56, Installed officers UA, Ja 9, 1894, 7-3 UA, Ja 10, 1894, 8-2 MM:HR MM:HR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ORDER OF THE EASTERN Ruth Chapter 56 Reception held; committees listed. (2§") Golden Rule Chapter 59, o f f i c e r s Installed UA UA, Ja 15, Ap 13, 1894, 8-1 1895, AT:JI JMjRZ ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Ruth Chapter 56 (feraanla Chapter 72 Sutertalned grand officers (4 in.) Eleoted officers OA, Mr 21, 1895, UA, JLUX 8-2 1O-1 8CUI D 11, 1895, 10-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Monroe Chapter Elected officers Monroe Chapter, No. 57 eleoted officers, UA Ja 11, 1896, 9-1 UA, D 28, 1895, 11-4 SC:JA EASTERN STARfRUTH LODGE, ORDER OF ORDER OP EASTER* STAR Golden B o l e Chapter No 59 i n s t a l l e d officers. (2") Entertainment and dinner given. UA, Mr 11, 1896, (1N) 8-1 UA, Ja 14, 1096, 7-2 JC:AA JC:FAD EASTLAND, ROBERT IAJHSB* 8TAR TEMPLE Gscre an entertainment at Collyer 1 Hall. ( f ) Died a t Wyoming UA J a 14, 1 8 9 1 , 7-4 VA, J l 1 3 , 1887, 3-4 PR:JDP EASTMAN, (DETPOIT, i:ICK. ) K a r r i e d Rose Barks (Caledonia) UA J l 19 1893 7-2 EASTMAN, MR. Opens a w r i t i n g s c h o o l i n t h e Arcade RDAt N 29v 1852, 3-2 AA MLH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EABTUAN, UR. KASXMAN, A. R. Has taken rooms in Reynold's Arcade* Slightly hurt in f a l l on slipoery aidetralk. Will Instruct pupils there. UA* P 25, 1861, 2-4 UA, My 2, 1868, 2-5 JD:MB CC:UB EASTMAN, A.R. EASTMAN, PROF. A. R. Three month bookkeeping course offered His business college classes w i l l be at his commercial college organized next Monday UA, N 21, 1868, TA, 0 1, 1868, 2-3 GZIJ1IG PJW:AHD EA3TUAN, ANNE EASTMAN, PROF (Lodl) A. R. See De Land, Harlan P Obituary UA Ap 5, 187?., 2-2 JCM:RZ EASTMAN, BELLE Curtis, Mrs. C. II. WN:RZ I 1 EASTMAN, CHAS. C. 1 Received M.D. Degree, presented by Dr. Towlerat Geneva College 1 UA, Ja f>5, 1866, 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BASTHAN, 1IRS. BLXZAE27K EASTMAN, ELIZABETH Oltd i n Fowlerville Died in Fovlerville HDD, Ap 18, 1861, 3 . 3 RDA, Ap 19, 1851, 2-7 PD KKM DSlMLH EASTMAN, ELVA EASTMAN, ELLEN See Knapp, Joseph M. 8 e « A n d r u s , George JD:1IB UM:FD wm EASTMAN, ET.KA Stranprled t o de^th in barn by asphyx- iation. UA, My fl, 1890, EASTMAN, EMMA KATE Died 7-3 UA, D 5, 1870, 3-4 Afi L M SC:SC Ha EASTMAN, a. EASTMAN, DR. FRED P. Married Lulu Andrews UA, Ap 1, 1892, 7-3 (Seneca Falls) And F. M. Coseett, assignors to Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company granted patent for Detective Camera, UA, D 3, 1886, 3-4 OTZ-.MB AS:A3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IAST1SAN, G. W. EASr/.Ai:, G. '.7. To resume position as teacher of penmanship at the Model lie roan t i l e Op.ve Georpe W. Levia a s p l e n d i d College. r e v o l v e r P.B P. jLift UA, 0 25, I860, 2-3 UA, Ky 1 3 , 1C01, 2-2 AB:i:C CG:MB EASTUAN, GEORGE EASTMAN, GEORGE Chosen s e c r e t a r y of t h e N a t i o n a l Dry Mentioned aa one who hr.a made important Improvements in the art of photography Plate Manufacturers Association UA, Ja 15, 1834, 2-6 UA, Ja 19, 1681, 2-4 cc nnun VC^AB EASTLaAIi, GEORGE EASTIIAN, GEORGE Patent awarded for roller holder, UA Ag g, lgoo, 6-4 Receives patent for photographic film UA, D 5, 1890, 6-5 SC.-AB SC.'JDP EASTMAN, GEORGE Bought home from M r s . Wilson Soule for $110,000 UA, 0 28, 1894, EASTIIAN, GEORGE W. Established Eastman's Uodel 6-6 Mercantile College in Rochester UA, Jl 17, 1858, 3-3 JM:JI VR:UC Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTMAN, OEO • W. EASTMAN, GEO. W. A oard of thanks for the use of his Obituary rooms by the Ladies Hospital Relief UA Ap 28, 1862 2-1 Assooiatlon UA, F 10, 1862, 2-4 FG:J3 JS:ARO # w EASTMAK, GEORGE W. EASTMAN, ISIS. GEORGE W. Evening sessions at his commercial Died in Boston (1&") college will commence October 1st. UA, Ag 27, 1889, fc-4 U&, S 29, 1868, 2-2 GZ:JMG JDP'.AB mi EASTMAN, HENRY C. (WYOMING) Died EASTIviAK, ISABELLA M. See Frost, Edward A, UA, Mr 19, 1890, 6-3 mmm EASTKAN, J . A. Elected Officer of tbe Horticultural Society of the Genesee EASTMAN, J . A . S l e e t e d Vestryman of S t . Luke's Church HDD, Ap 2 2 , 1851, 2-5 RDA, F 10, 1851, 2-7 f'LH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes j. A. VB SUTTO::, H. D. Circuit Court Case RDD EASTMAN, J. A. Refused to have name placed on the City Reform ticket iy 17, 1851, 2-6 RDU, P 24, 1853, 2-2 MLH CLV EASTMAN, J. A. EASTMAN, J. A. Reform nominee for School Commissioner Elected School Commissioner from 3rd Ward. of 3rd Ward RDU, Mr 5, 1856, 3-1 RDU, F £«5, 1856, 3-2 MB MC EASTMAN, J. A. -A37..A::, J A . fleeted Treasurer of Genesee Valley Horticultural Society. Zlvcted crier; te to der.qcr£.tic j i <-" i o: ..1 co; v~ntlon UA, Mr 20, 1858, 3-3 f JA, S 20, 1P.C1, 2-3. JTfcMB ••i EASTMAN, J. A. EASTMAN, J. A. Formed copartnership with N. Van Will probated Voorhis UA, Mr 25, 1890, 5-6 UA, Ja 22, 1863, 2-1 ME.'ARO CC Ml Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BASTION, JAMBS EASTMAN, JENNIE Charged with robbing house of Rebecca Dunbar; Fined $100 in Police Court See Martin, C. A. Bun UA, S 2 6 , I8t>4, 2 - 1 FD:K AB/CM •• EASTUAN, JOSEPH Democratic candidate for Alderman of 3rd ward EASTMAN, JOSEPH Democratic nominee for School Commissioner in Third Ward. UA Mr 5, 1866 2-1 UA, Mr 3, 1865, 2-1 FD:JS EASTMAN, JOSEPH A. EASTLJAN, JOSEPH A. (Rochester) Democratic Third Ward candidate for Appointed Connr" ssioner of Deeds Inspector of Elections by Governor of Michigan RDU, F 28, 1855, 2-1 RDD Ag 12, 1851, 2-3 FD:MC DS EASTMAN, JOSEPH-A. EASTMAN, JOSEPH A. Reform nominee for School Commissioner Democratic nominee for Inspector of of 3rd Ward Eleotions in Third Ward RDU, F 25, 1856, 3-1 UA Mr 1, 1858, 2-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTMAN, JOSPEH A. EASTMAN, JOSEPH A. See Baker, Hiram L« Demooratio nominee for School Com• l s s l o n e r from 3rd ward. UA U r S , 1862 2-8 PWxJS JD:JI •• 1ASTMAN, JOSEPH A. See Holey, Mary Ann EASTMAN, JOSEPH ADDI30N Obituary (8") UAt Mr 8, 1890, 5-* aa mm AJC:AB Hi EASTMAN, MARIA GERTRUDE Died UA, A T 4, 1869, ?-Q 1DU, Ja v , 1£55, 3-6 .. .C IASTMAN, MARY See Fisher, George. EASTMAN, MOSES W. (PENN YAN) Obituary (2£") UA, D 1 7 , 1 8 8 6 , 7 - 2 CC:MB • 1 CCiPD 1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1 EA3TKAN, ORA U. (BHOOKLttO EASTMAN, PETER (ATTICA) Died See Jewell, Edward U. UA, D 6, 1889, 2 - 1 • J1I:FD EA8TKAN, SARAH C. (MRS. GEO. W.) B Died In oston UA, Ag 27, 1889, 8-5 EASTMAN, V. D. Democratic nominee f o r S e s s i o n Jud^e in Wyoming County RDA, 0 2 1 , 1852, 2-2 IffllilAB EASTMAN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE EASTMAN'S BUSINESS SCHOOL (ADVT.) Sketch of growth and developement of the Urges young men to enroll at school (2 pp) C o l l e g e . 1/3 column. UA, D 28, 1865, 2-4 UA, S 2 , 1865, 2-3 XASTIIAN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE EASTMAN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Three professors presented with gifts Ad. by •sabers of the student body; 1/2 ool. UA, N 3 , 1866, 2 - 3 UA GOP/OGP T 17, 1866, 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTUAN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE EASTMAN'S COLLEGE Reoommended i n U. A A. e d i t o r i a l Day and evening sessions in pen- WA, 8 1 4 , 1867, 2-2 •anship and bookkeeping* UA, 0 3, 1870, 2-6 CP:J1IG AB.'IIB EASTMAN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE SASTUAH BUSINESS COLLEGE Operating on full schedule for United with the Rochester Business University by L.L. Wllii business educations 1, 1872, 2-4 UA, 0 23, 1857, 3-1 JCU:ARO FG:MC a^aVal EASTMAN'S CC:.. ERCIAL COLLEGE EASTMAN'S MODEL COMMERCIAL SCHOOL & COLLEGE Institution flourishes Bill introducted In Senate to inUA, Ap 21, 1860, 2-3 corporate school. UA F 19, 1862 2-1 JS:JS EASTMAN COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 1 EASTMAN 'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Short history of school, UA, F 13, 1664, 2-3 1 1 Evening Course in bookkeeping. penmanship, and telegraphy; will begin Oct . 2nd UA, S 30, I6b59 2-1 1 CCPlAB • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTMANS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE EASTMAN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Serrloes of Prof. Eugene Burnett, penmanship teaoher secured 'arty given by students WAS well attended and proved suooessful V*9 F 6 , 1 8 6 6 , UA, Mr 17, 1866, 2-4 2-2 JI:lIAL CCP:ML m j T ' 3 CO;!I.SiRClAL COLLEGE EASTMAN'S COLLIERCIAL COLLEGE Advertised as oldest coaunercial college Evening Sessions ta be held i n t h e world. Founded by Geo. „'. Easunan UA, S 11, 1866, 2-1 UA, S 1 , l o o o , 2 - 3 FD:ARO EASTMAN»S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Attracts many studious young men. UA, 0 6, 1866, 2-2 EASTMAN'S COLiuERCIAL COLLEGES Evening sessions will commence UA S 21, 1867, Sept. 30 2-4 me:man VB : JI EASTMAN COMPANY Certificate of Incorporation filed. (If) UA JnjrZ D 26, 1889, 5-3 EASTMAN COMPANY Ground broke for nev structures on the Boulevard. UA 0 1, 1890, 7-2 SCtJDP Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IUIMAM COMPANY IA8T1CAN COMPANY Officers elected tU Ja 13, 1891, 6-6 Annual report UA Ja 16, 1 8 9 1 , 6-7 LA:JI •• EASTMAN COUPANY EASTI/AN DRY PLATE COMPANY proceedings in suit against Hoover and Gets, of Buffalo, for Infringement of patent (*col) UA, A r t e s i a n well sunk en p r o p e r t y , UA, Ag 20, 1890, 5-3 N 15, 1894, 10-3 mi:JA SC:SC EASTMAN DRY PLATE FILU COMPANY EASTMAN DRY PLATE AND FILM COlfiPANY Awarded a gold medal by the Inventions Exhibition In London* Awarded p a t e n t f o r permanent a r g e n t i c bromide paper UA UA Ag 1 5 , 1885, 2 - 1 D 24, 1885, 4 - 4 JG:JI EASTMAN DRY PLATE & FILM COMPANY 1 EASTMAN DRY PLATE & FILM COMPANY Granted p a t e n t f o r tfeb Holder L a b e l . 1 UA My 2 1 , 1886, 6-2 1 UA., 1 Given patent for roller holder. SC:FAD Ag. 1 , 1890, 6-4 (6") Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTMAN DRY PLATE W0RK3 EASTMAN-HOOVER CASE Stilt a check fop $100 t o the f i r e department f o r the s e r v i c e s rendered during t h e reoent f i r e . Hoover, De Witt C. takes aotlon for $50,000 damages for conspiracy against llyron H. Phelps (3*") **• Flfc, 1388, 2-3 UA, P 24, 1897, 6-2 JG:ARA CG:JA EASTMAN KODAK COUP ANY EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY At the London Inventions Exhibitions, the invention of the dry film of the Eastman Company said to promise a revolution in out-door photography (2/3 Col.) UA Ag 2 5 , 1885, 4-4 Hubbell, W. S., spoke in their behalf at the Common Council meeting, asking the investigation committee not to drive from the city so important an industry. The committee was investigating complaints of smoke and un-N healthy odors from the factory. (2 ) UA Ja 7, 1890, 6-4 AA:MB EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Filed a c e r t i f i c a t e of incorporation; $5,000,000 capital stock (3j") To erect $60,000 building on State S t . , to be known as the Camera works. UA, My 24, 1892, 8-1 UA, SL-.FD EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Je 27, 1892, 5-5 AA EASTKAN KODAK COMPANY Enlarged photos of masterpieces for United S t a t e s Building a t the World Fair Columbian Exposition 12/3 col) Injunction served restraining employees of Eastman Kodak Company from using secret processes in their owi business (8 in.) UA, Ag 5, 1*92, 5-HUA, Ag 31, JMSEQ JMJJI 1892. 5-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY EA8TUAN KODAK COUPANY Commissioner of p a t e n t s r e v e r s e d d e e i s i o n ln favor of Goodwin f o r s o l e r i g h t t o make f i l m s f o r Kodaks; r e c e n t d e c i s i o n i s l n favor o f Eastman Co. (1£"J ln new F 14, 1893, 5-5 UA, Ap 5 , 1893, 5 - 3 CCPlHR EASTMAN KODAK COl^AICY Awarded p r i z e s l n t h e p h o t o g r a p h i c c o n t e s t UA, liy 3 , 1893, 5-4 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Annual meeting of the stockholders held; officers elected (2") UA, J a 23, 1894, 7-2 2IV.-JA EA-TiiAN K DAK CO13>AKY JS:AB EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Filed annual financial statement with county clerk Loses i t s case against Gets and Hoover of Buffalo (l£«) UA Ja 22, 1895, 6-7 UA VHP EASTfcAw KODAK COLPA..Y N 27 t 1896, 6-1 JDP:RZ EASTMAN KODAK COti?ANY Filed annual r e p o r t a s c o r p o r a t i o n New b u i l d i n g begun on S t a t e S t r e e t UA J a 3 0 , 1897, 11-5 UA F 8 , 1897, 7 - 4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ZA8TUAN KODAK COMPANY Asks t h e o l t y t o e x t e n d a water • a l n t o Kodak Park (2j") t>A, F 26, 1897, 3-4 Negotiations are under way for a consolidation of the Amerioan and English branches* UA, My 10, CG:JA 7-2 MM: JO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY IA8TUAH KODAK Industry known the world over; description of their plant on State Street; illusj UA, 1897, je 26, 1897, See Hoover, Dewitt C, 12-1 SASTXAN KODAK CO. AND GEORGE EASTI4AN EASTMAN'S ::ERCAATTILE COLLEGE Description of school and curricu- S e e Anthony,R.A. a n d Hoover,D.C. lum UA F 19, 185?, 3-2 DS 5 1..EHCAiMTILL CC ^LEo-L Advertises the fact that i t was established in 1C42. Points out advantnpes of business education, policy of the school, etc, UA, N 14, 1666, 1-7 UA, 0 2 6 , 1867, 2-2 nt;mmra Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EA3T0N, JALES BASTCN, ALEX. Bought (too* S h e l t o n ' s fcou9e and l o t on South S t . Paul S t . (RIGA) His thirteen year old son died UA, My 2, 1681, 2-2 UA, D 9, 1867, 2-5 CCP:MAL CL:FD EASTON, JAMES (CHURCHVILLE) His p e n s i o n r e i s s u e d UA, My 1 4 , 1895, Obituary 3-6 EASTON, MRS. JAhES (CHURCHVILLE) F u n e r a l held UA, D 1, (CHURCHVILLE) (1") UA N 27, 1896, 1-6 EASTON, JOSHUA (GREECE). Will probated 1896, 6-4 UA, D 5 , 1879, 2-1 GTZ:AB JEP.-LS EASTON, JOSHUA EASTON, MRS. JAMES (GREECE) EASTON, -OREiiZO A. Will admitted t o probate (1O£N) Sold Reservoir premises in H e n r i e t t a UA, D 5, 1879, 2-1 to Christopher Quinn UA, S 15, 1868, 2-3 8C:ARO MHU:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTON, WALTEH Deoeased, accounts of executors finally settled 1ASTON, Wll. (RIGA) Died UA, N 2 4 , 1863, 2 - 4 UA D 2 4 , 1872, 2-6 abjusni EASTWICK, GEORGE EAST'S MARKET Injured by premature explosion of gunpowder Entered and robbed UA 0 20, 1864, 2-4 RDU, N 8, 1855, 3-3 FD:JI •1 EASTWOOD, ALBERT BIC-ELOW Harried Eleanor Haughton Kotley UA, 0 19, 1892, | Gaylord 7-4 A.0 O D , BFKJ;.I:.:N T . Cee Conradt, ^eor.^e F Died , Je 21, 1353, 3-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTWOOD, BENJAMIH TOMPKINSON DUd ' EASTWOOD, C. W. (SODUS) Died Je 20, 1853, 2-7 UA Ja 3 1 , 1884, 3-6 Cl CC.'JI EASTWOOD, CLARA BIGELOW (liWIFORD) Obituary Died. UA, B 12, 1864, 3-1 EASTWOOD, ELIZABETH UA, 0 15, 1891, 6-2 EASTWOOD, LBS. JAMES Received counterfeit t"ro dollar bill In Died UA EASTWOOD, EDWARD Ja 10. 1868, 3-6 and's bounty. UA, F 19, T ^ O 4 , 2-1 EASTVOOD, JOSEPH See Uilcox, Horton Death , Jl 7, 1351, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EASTWOOD, JOSEPH EASTWOOD, JOSEPH Married Julia Louise Dodge (Tuscacora) death . UA, Ap 6, 1864, 3-8 ROD Jl 8, 1851, 3-3 DS vr:mam EASTWOOD, MARTIN EASTWOOD, MARTIN Trial for murder of Edward Bralrton commences Xndleted by Grand Jury for murder of Edward Briarton. RDU, My ?, 1855, 3-2 MXJ, Ja 25, 1855, 3-1 MB fd;mmffl EASTWOOD, MARTIN Murder trial, account of RDO, My 8, 1855, 2-2 EASTWOOD, MARTIN Murder trial, third day session continues. RDU M Y 10, 1655 2-2 FD:PM EASTWOOD, MARTIN EASTWOOD, MARTIN Murder trial continues• ROT, My 11, 1855, 2-3 Remarks upon hearing court's sentence in murder trial RDU, My 12, 1855, 2-5 FD:NT FD:NT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SA8TV00D, MARTIN EASTWOOD, MARTIN Covener refuses stay of execution Sentenced to hang for murder of Edward Brairton. RDU Je 12, 1355, 3-1 , l|y 12, 1855, 2-5 FD:HT DS EASTWOOD, MARTIN EASTWOOD, MARTIN Mot'on for stay of execution Granted stay of proceedings and writ ROD Je 16, 1855, 3-1 of error by Judge Selden RDU Je 25, 1355, 3-1 DS EASTWOOD, MARTIN EASTWOOD, UARTIN Convicted murderer of Edward Brairton Sentenced for manslaughter to state granted a new trial prison for 7 £ years RWJ UA D 15, 1855, 3-1 Ja 31, 1857, 3-2 RK/CKV EAST1OOD, MARTIN EASTWOOD, MARTIN Pardoned from Auburn after serving Takes over p r o p r i e t o r s h i p o f seven years Exchange S t r e e t R a i l r o a d Hotel, UA, llr 26, 1864, 2-1 UA, My 2 , 1865, 2 - 3 JR:MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1AWWO00, MARTIN (WYOUING) EASTWOOD, MARTIN See Brlarton, Edward Twrm&rly of Rochester murdered 0A, D 2 7 , 1 8 7 0 , 2 - 4 ARO CO:AI EASTWOOD, MARTIN Brierton, Messrs (Cousins) EASTWOOD, W. C. Married Ella Bigelow. UA, H 30, 1859, 3-2 EASTWOOD, MARTIN See S e l d e n , Judge EASTWOOD, WILLIAM The origin and history of his shoe store and the line of goods he deals in. ( £ » ) PW:MB IA3TW00D, WILLIAM * SON rad to new and larger location on •» Main St. (1 2/9") F 9, 1893, 8-3 EATEN, MAPY (WILLIAMSON) See Pap.;et, F r e d BttHCOTE, ANN Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EATON,-—~ Will settled in Surrogate Court. Elected Justice of the Sessions UA, Jl 25, 1882, 2-5 RDU, N 12, 1856, 3-1 j minis WN:13 EATON, 3ATO3T, 13. Together vith Mr. Gifford has purchased Shot in Ho well St. by an unknown person. the Blossom Hotel* UA Ap 17, 1863 2-1 RDA Kr 1, 1853 2-4 MHM:JS EATON, EX-MAYOR (OLEAN) Notified t h " t he n l l l be c a l l e d t o answer a charge of r e s i s t i n g an o f f i c e r (I") UAt J l I S , i g g l , 2-3 NC EATC1I, FPXFESSOR Obtains patent for new l e a t h e r tanningprocess RDDf S 16, 1853, 2-5 FD:KLK EATON, A. H. EATON, A . flee Hale, Susan (Brighton) Committed suicide; by shooting self thru the heart. UA, Ap 9, 1863, 2-1 pjw.mam Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1 EATON, IMS. ALUA EATON, A.H. Inquest being held 1 1 (LYONS) Ditd , 1894, 3-4 UA Ja 25 **• Ap 10, 1863, 2-1 1 JA:RZ • PJW:AB EATON, AL&ilRA (KRS. RUSSELL) EATON, ALMIRA W i l l admitted t o p r o b a t e . Died UA Ap 1 UA, 0 4 , 1 8 9 0 , 5 - 5 1891 5-6 FC2AA SC.-AB •i EATON, ALKIRA EATON, BENJAMIN C. Judicial settlement ^ p o i n t e d postmaster UA, Ap UA, 27, 1893, 5-6 AA (I9) UA, 8 2 1 , 18S2, 2-2 6-5 EATOi:, LJ13. CATHERINE Died. UA, N 1 6 , 1G67, 3 - 8 NT: 23 JJ):ARO 1897, CCP:TL EATON, CARRIE Obituary N 10, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EATON, CHARLES H. EATON, CHARLES (PENN YAN) (PXTTSFORD) Harried Ida Jackson (Penn Yan). Harried Hattie Sohuyler (Henrietta) UA, 0 7, 1882, 4*2 UAt F 28, 1874, 3-7 OTZtARO EATON, CHARLES L. (CLARENDON) EATON, CHARLOTTE A. Married Jennie E. True (Greece) See Kempshall, Everard Rev. UA, 0 26, 1883, 3-7 PJW:ARO CCP:HR EATON, 0. W. EATON, DANIEL Secured patent on a straining wire Died suddenly fence UA UA D 15, 1864, 2-3 Ag 28, 1869, 2-3 CG:JI EATOH, DELIA FARGO Died i n W. Brighton UA J e 24, 1886, 8-4 EATON, DWIGHT II. Harried (ONTARIO CENTER) L l l l i e ^ S t e l l a Eaton (Ontario Center) UA, Hff.Ti.Tfl Ap 16, 1897, 10-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BATON, EDWARD A, EATON, EDWIN A. Awarded a Judgment of #16.000 • g a i n s t New York Central for injuries 1896f Ve. New York Central Railway Company for 915,000 damages f o r I n j u r i e s UA, D 11, 1896, 7-3 JDP:JA AL:JI EATON, ELIZA GOODMAN Bee Bell, Willies J EATON, MRS. ELIZABETH SELDEN (WASHINGTON, D.C. Died. UA, My 20, 1868, 3-8 CC:MB JD-.MB EilQlA, EATON, ELLA N. J. See Davis, Curtis R J. Appointed drawing teacher in public school. UA 0 17, 1888, EATON, F . HARRY EATON, EZRA S. (BRIGHTON) Harried Maud Carpenter ( t e s t Brighton) Harried Ida If. Kehrlg. UA, Ag 1 4 , 1891, 2-6 UA, D 5 , 1890, 6-7 LA:MB SC.-JB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EATON, FRED UTOH, FRANCIS (SOMERSET) Married Hattie P e t t i t (Wilson). ©ltd UA, Ja 2, 1891, 8-3 tt*. Mr 1 1 , 1591, 5 - 6 PR:iIB PR:AB EATON, GEORGE (PALMYRA) EATON, GEORGE S. Died «*. Ja 31, Extradited to Massachusetts (1* in.) 2-2 UA, Je 22, 1891, 5-5 AL:AA SC:JI EATOM, GEORGIANNA EATON, GEORGIE A. See Wood, Allen Locke See Blackall, Will J, 6C:FD EATOH, HARHY F. EATON, GILBERT C . Elected president of the village of Charlotte (1«) Died UA OTZiJI Je 8, 1878, UA, 5-6 JA Ja 11, 1895, 8-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BATON, HEBER EATON, HENRY Harried Minnie Wright (3«) See Eaton, Uarilla 0 UA S l ? f 1896, 7-2 WN:MB AL:RZ EATON, REV. HOPACE, D. D. (PALXYPA) EATON, IDA Judgment recorded against her for $139 Died UA, 0 23, 1683, 2-1 UA, N 29, 1895, 9-4 ccp Bunni FT;JA EATON, IDA 12. Suit against first husband's estate; awarded $15,000 (6«) UA, N 27, 1895, EATON, ISABELLA H. (MRS. WILLIAM) Died in Masonvilie, Iowa, former Rochester resident 6-3 UA Mr 20, 1872, 3-6 FT:JA EATON, J. A. EaTON, J. (CHARLOTTE) Left the city after pulling many "shady" deals. (9") * Died Ua 8E:JI Ag 28, 1879, 3-5 UA Ap 11, 1373, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EATO::, J. A. EATON, J. J. JR. Returned to the city end m«de restitution for the wrong he did here. (1") UA Married Ella Owen. UA, 0 22, 1857, 3-6 12, 1875, 2-5 Pff:MB JD:R2 EATON, JAMES EATON, JAMES H. Married Josephine Gardner. UA Ag 2, 1872 See Commercial Travelers Association 3-6 VC:HR JD:FD EATON, liRS. JANE EATON, JANE D. Died Will probated UA, F 10, 1894 8-2 UA, My 2, 1895, 5-2 JS.JA CCPtJI EATON, JOEL EATO*, JOEL Brief obituary (1") Died UA VC:JI lty 3 1 , 1883, 3-7 UA, Je 1, 1883, 2-3 M8:FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EATON, JOSHUA EATON, JC5HUA Eleoted Supervisor of Greece f Mr 8, 1858, 3-8 (5REECE) Elected deler;.-te to Democrr.tic Str.tc Convention from 3rd Assembly Di:tript UA, JP. T.9, 1831, f»-4 PD:APO EATOK, JOSHUA EATON, JOSHUA (CHARLOTTE) Stepping ashore from e. sterjner fell Presented with gift of a gold headed and broke a leg cane by friends UA, Ky 14, 1801, ?-2 UA Ja 7, 1867, 2 - 3 AB:iiC EATON, JULIA L (IBONDEQUOIT) EATON, JOffliUA Obituary Ut See Cole, John H. (Irondequoit) ( i Col.) ^ 2 9 , 1879, S-2 CCP:JI .EATOT, LEVI5 L. (BUFFALO) Iferrled Julia Whitney (Binghamton) HDD EATGH, LILLIE ESTELLA (ONTARIO CENTER) See Eaton Dwight ^. (Ontario Center) F 18, 1851, 3-3 MM: JO CMV Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EATON, LUTHER EATON, LUTHER Died in West Brighton See Booth, Jane UA, Mr 7. 1 M 1 . 3-7 EATOK, DR. L-. B. Died UA (LE ROY) EATON, UARILLA G. (?") fas granted a divorce from Henry Eaton. (*«) S 26, 1895, 2-2 UA, Ag 28, 1880, 2-5 JM:RZ MI EATON, MARY D (HRS. ORTUS C.) EATON, UARY E. Died ln-Perlnton Died UA, 0 4 f 1858, 3-4 UA S 12, 1896, 3-6 VR:ARO 1 EATOM, MAfil Died EATON, UARY GARDNER (MR3. GEORGE) 1 Died 1 UA, Je 17 , 1891, 8 - 6 • D 4, 1851, 3-2 • PI US 1 SC:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EATON, MRS. ilARY J . (BUFFALO) Shot h e r s e l f In the head; formerly of Rochester (2") UA, 0 25, 1895, EATON, NINA See Titus, William (East Henrietta) S-2 JI:MS AA:SC EATON, 0 . C. (FAIRPORT) Married L o t t i e Landon -UA A g 6 t 1859, 2-3 EATCN, ORIS C. Sold land in Perinton to Dewitt C. Tomlin8on Ua, S 3, Ifi69, 2-2 PW/COT BATOff, ORTDS C. (PER IN TON) N Harried Vary D. Parks (perinton) SDD Je 6, 1851, 3-3 5AT3:i, ORTUS C. Appointed Foreman of Scow No. 1 Perinton of Section 11, Erie Canal, RDU, lir 26, 135S, 2-4 FD/XB KSxJL EATON, ORVILLE 3. EATON, ORTUS C. (ALBION, MICH.) Died (BUFFALO) Formerly of Rochester; obituary UA, Jl 31, 1869, 2-4 UA, Ja 30, 1«96, 7-6 jgjomm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes "|A1QV9 MRS. PRI8CILLA 8. (W. BRIGHTON) EATOH, PRIBCILLA. SABLEY (ISIS. LUTHER) 9 1886 9 8-6 VA9 ^> £6 9 16869 8-6 GLlBR CL:HR IA90I9 PRISCILLA. SABLEY (MRS. LUTHER) Tc becoiae j o i n t partner of the Blossom VA 9 Ap 27, 1886, 8-5 Fotel HDD : y 5, 1852, 2-5 AJC:HR ?.- S . EATCII, R. F . (SYRACUSE) Purchases Blossom House To move t o Ttoch e s t e r HED HDA, J l 13, 1853, 2 - 1 Y:r 5 , 1F52, 2-5 1 EATOIf, HKODA E. See Benson, Alonzo Retires as ..roprietor of the Blorfora Hotel HDU, «Ja 6, 1F54, k:- 1 CUV • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EATON, RICE (WEST BRIGHTON) EATON, RICE ( ¥ . BRIGHTON) Home robbed of small sum of money Dltd UA, 8 22, I860, 2-4 UA, Mr 27, 1*66 9 2 - * JS:ARO IBlARO EATON9 RILEY S. (FORMER ROCHESTERIAN) Died In S y r a c u s e . Delegate t o '.11 . i r County Convention UA, Ag 2 4 , 1 8 6 3 , 2 - 3 TJID S 3O, 1S52- 2 - 3 AB:MB EATON, RUSSELL (BRIGHTON) EATON, RUSSELL See German Methodist Episcopal churches Harness shop on Pittsford Road burglarized, property worth $100 stolen UA, Je 27, I860, 2-3 !: ARO EATON, S. HARRY (CHARLOTTE) ARO EATONf SAMUEL Arrested In Boston for Grand Larceny teool) Appointed Boat Inspector for Rochester UA, UA, Ja 26, 1872, 2-1 W.Tl N 14, 1895, 9-1 AJC'.ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EATON, SAMUEL 01 td Died. OA, P ?, 1694, 6-6 UA EATOK, SARAH Obituary (W* BRIGHTON) EATON, 8ALIUEL L« (i^RS. JOEL) (1") Mr 23, 1878 3-7 EAT'-N, SARAK SI3LEY (MRS. JOEL) Died UA, Ag 11, 1883, 2-4 UA, Ag 11, 1883, .1-7 C. P :A3 EATON, WILLIAM M. •ATOM, w+Msv+nm 9 WILLIAM (ITHACA, N. Y.) Pled Isabella IeaJL Harried H. Sidey. (ITHACA) Harried Tillle D. Chesta UA S 1 1 , 1896, 7-2 UA, Ja 22, 1864, 3-8 fR:JB EATON, WILLIE EATON, WILLIE Wrote the poem "Pride" Three complaints charge him with tk Je 8, 1058, 3-1 plagiarism In writing the poem •Pride" U DS DS A Je 9, .18SB, 3-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EATON & UPTON BATON AND GIFFORD Praise Capt. Carter and citizens of Htw proprietQrs of the Blossom Hotel Charlotte for saving their building RDU, Kr 2, 1853, 2-5 from the disastrous fire UA KLH fCUI RATOH & UPTON EAVENS, MARIA (MRS. CALVIN) Pirn dissolved partnership by Eaton retiring; Upton to continue business with Samel H. Barons as new partner. UA 0 28, 1869, 2-5 Ap 6, 1871 Died I n Newark. UA, Mr 1 0 , 1 8 8 4 , 4 - 3 3-4 CC:HR EBoE, tiARY (LE ROY) EAVES, ROBERT See Witter, Charles (Rochester) Died from effects of poison taken by himself UA, Jl 27, 1688, 3-2 CC.-LR CLtAB EBBS, CATHERINE EBBOER, MARY Plaintiff9 awarded $50 in Cpse against John Mayor in County Court. (3*7 Pled Uk, Ag 16, 1«93, 5-2 UA WN:HR XBSJI F 25f 1875 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SBSL, JJSSPH EfiTAHD EBEL, LAWRENCE filtd UA Died D 18, 1897. 13-3 UA, EBENER, JOHN AP 2 9 , 1&93. 5-3 EBER, FRANZ Paroled a f t e r being a r r e s t e d for s t e a l i n g diamond ring Asked arrest of man who he says attempted to k i l l h i s son (3") UA UA, D 28, , ?-3 AJC/GIV DERHARDT, JOSEPH Arrested In Syracuse f o r forgery 3 11, 1897, 9-4 SClTL EBERHARDT, MINNIE (LE ROY) See Goldsmith, Herbert (Le Roy) UA, Ap 4 , 1889, 2-7 BKXRR IBERLE, JACOB EBERLE, JOHN Died Married Theresa S e e l e y OA Jl 13, 1888, 2-4 UA Ap 5, 169**, 6-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EBERLS, NICHOLAS Died EBERLIN, W.F. See Schaffer, J.F. OA, Je 3, 1892, 5-5 AS:FD CL:FD EBERLIN, WILLIALI F. EBERLIN, WILLIAM S . See Schoeffer, John F, Died UA, Ag 3 , 1892, 5-7 CLjFD EBERLING, CAPT. JOSEPH Elected major of the 25th Artillery Died UA, J l 26, 1895, 6-2 OA, N 22, 1871, 2-2 CCP:ABO EBERTZ, JACOB EBERT, LUCY MAY See Vosburgi, Frank M. CCP:EQ Died UA, Ur 11, 1887. 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IBERWKIN, FREDERICK EBSRttIM, MARTHA Ditd fee (ROCHESTER) Tropaan, Oeorge J . 0A9 J l 89, 1889, 2-4 VBJHR AL:JI E3EIWEIH, VALLSNTINE EBERWIKE, GEORGE Die a UA, Hy 1 1 , 1895, 11-4 Wounded when Caspar Dearboldt (both 15 years old) threw a knife at him in an argument. (!•) UA Lry 22, 1875, 2-4 EBLE, CATHERINE EBl£, CATHERINE Letters of administration Issued on estate Died UA J e 1 8 , 1695, 6-6 UA, S 6, 1695, 6-4 CCPlLG ••• EBLE, CHRISTINA (IIRS. JOSEPH) Only case in court so received parole of one year on charge of drunkenness* Died UAf Ap 13, 1891, 5-6 U") UA J a 7 , 1888, 2-3 PC:RZ fC:FAD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EBLE, JOSEPH EBLt, JOSEPH Died. fill admitted to probate, UA, J a 3 , 1 8 9 1 , 5 - 4 UA F 26 1691 7-6 PR:12B E3LE, THERESA EBNER, EDWARD Died Died. UA, Ag 24, 1888, 2-3 UA Ap 19, lggg, 2-5 A-TC:A3 EBHER, MRS. FLORENCE EBNER, JOSEPH Died Died UAf Jl 23, 1891, 5-6 UA MClHR EBNER, OSCAR B. Died JARS EBKZR, WILLIAM See B i l l i n g s , UA, D 8 f 1892, 5-4 JDPJHR Mr 25, 1893. 5-5 V;H:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ECH, JOHN B. I0CLE8, WOOD Is suing Robert Sftlter for $1,000 damages; claiming; e. sound tooth was extracted by mistake at the time a decayed tooth was being extracted. Lack of skill is claimed on defendant's Married Agnei R. Callahan ??6, 1895, 7-1 part. UA My 15, 1879 2-8 CCP:FD ECHLIN, DANIEL (LE ROY) ECHLEUAN, HENRY Died Attempts to commit suicide by drowning; rescued* UA, D 8 , 1892, 7-1 UA, D 19, 1860, 2-3 FD:KB ECHOLS, ::R. ECHTQIEYER, CHARLES Suffers 5700 Iocs in Water St. fire. Died in f i r e 5 days a g o . UA, 0 10, 1865, 2-1 UA.f Nov. lh PAD ECHTENACHER, URS. JOHN S. Died UA D 9, 1885, 2-2 1 1 1 1 ECHT1IAIR, JOSEPH Returned home after an absence of 14 years (2«) UA, F 3 , 1890, 6 - 5 JQJRZ • 1 UM:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes !0K, MRS, BLANCHE ECK, MRS. ANNA M. Dltd. Oitd from ooal gas In her host UA Ja 27, 1886, 8-2 UA, Mr 26, (1/3 ool) 1B96, 10-1 JUxJI H8:LR KCK, MRS. BUI ECK, CARL Xaqnest held on her death; rerdiot of suffooatlon given (1 l i u ) UA, Mr 2 7 f 1B96, 9-2 Died UA, My 18, 1894, 6-2 JUFD ECK, JOSEPH ECK, HENRY His will admitted to probate. E n t e r e d and r o b b e d $60 i n cash taken UA, D 1, 1897, Ap 10, 1879, 2-1 10-2 VC:RZ CCP:BQ, F^T EOC, MRS UICHAEL UA —• (SSKECA FALLS) Died ECK, 8ALIRA Died. UA, ^> 18, 1870, 2-1 UA 0 1 ? , 1 8 9 5 , 2 - NP:UB (IRONDEQUOIT) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ECKART, CHARLES H. ECK, TOk Trainer gave his opinion of future of bioyole racing- (2/3 col.) Petition for proof of his will filed in Surrogate Court. It") UA r DA, My 9, 1694, 6-5 Ag 22, 1895, 6-5 SC:JI •1 ECKEL, JOSEPHINE JULIA ECKEL, BARBARA Died Sled HA, Mr 1, 1892, 5-3 UA, 8 27, 1886, 2-7 LG:FD SL:FD •• •• ECKELS, AUGUST ECKLR, COiCIELIUS Infant d a u g i t e r d i e d . (3/8") CTUIfDA) Leg crashed in railroad accident UA J a 7 , 1888, 8 - 3 RDA, D 17, 1851, 2-4 PC:RZ AHO ECKER, CORNELIUS (DALTOttJ Died. ECKER, ELIZABETH City of Rochester for $5,000 damages for injuries received HA, Ag 19, 1891, 7-3 UA, D 23, 1891, 5-4 LA:MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ECKER, OEOROE EOKER, FRANK E. Died **. Mr u , 1595, Awarded $212.50 in h i e damage s u i t against William V* Lang (2 in*) 3-5 UA, MC:E Ap 13, 1895, 9-4 JL:JI ECKER, HENRY M. See Hicks, Mary U, ECKER, NELLIE E. Died UA, My 31, 1*597, 7-5 ;-.L: : RF ECKER, ROBERT ECKERLE, JOHN Tried to take his life by drinking laudanum (&") $1200 loss In furniture in .^0,000 "Beehive^ fire UA, UA, Ap g, lggO, ?-I|. 0 13, 1896, 6-4 ARO AL:TL ECKERLE, JOHN EGKERLE, JOSEPH A. Died UAf Died Ap 20, 1895, 9-2 V*, 8 16, 1895, 6-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes tCXERLE, JOSEPH A. Lttttrt of administration granted on estate (3 in.) UA, Ja 24, 1696, JC:JI ECKERSON, L. Set Bacon, Austin A* 6-4 VR:MLH ECKERT, CECILIA ECKERT, CATHERINE Died Died UA UA, D 1 ? , 1SS5, JO/CMV ECKERT, CHARLES 1893f 5-2 2-3 JA:AA ECKERT, FRANCISCA Died Died UA P 9f llr UA Ap 26, 1894, 6-2 SJ:JDP ••• ECKERT, PRANK Died UA, Ja 13, 1894, 8-4 ECKERT, IBEDERICK Solicited funds and drinks "by s t a t i n g that h i s son had teen k i l l e d toy a s o t o r c y c l i s t . 6 UA J8IPAD SC:JSP A€ U, 1897. 6-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ECKERT, ROBERT ECKERT, GEORGE Died as a r e s u l t of d r i n k i n g laudanum ( l " ) Obituary Ut9 H 1 9 1887, 2-4 UA, 0 14, 1896, CL:HR AL:MS ECKES, ECKERT, WILLIAM Szamination continued in counter* feiting case (5 in.) Died UA, 8-3 Ky 11, 1895, 11-4 UA, N 27, 1894, 6-4 JL:JI JA ECKES, ANTON ECKES, ANTHONY Arrested f o r passing bogus $5 and Escaped from o f f i c e r s a t Rome. New York ioilie enroute t o Albany t o t r i a l before the United S t a t e s Court UA, J a 19, 1897, $10 b i l l s (|col) UA, N 15, 1894, 8-1 6-4 CG:TL ECKES, ANTON ECKES, ANTON Arraigned on c o u n t e r f e i t i n g charge; portrait (lool) Pardoned by President Cleveland from conviction of counterfeiting. ( ) UA, UA, N 17, 1894, 9 - 1 Ja MW:AA uusJA 31, 1896, 6-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ANTON I0KE8, AOTOM Application for pardon of made by local federal offlolals (3 in.) Sentenoed to 2 years in the penitentiary (1 ool») QA, r 6, UA. Mr 29, 1895, 1896, 8-6 6-5 JLlJI ECKES, ANTON Arreeted in Buffalo for counterfeiting; portrait (2 ool.) UA, D 7 , 1896. 10-1 More information in the Buffalo Express concerning the Rochester counterfeiters (5|") UA, D 9, 1896, 8-3 JDP:TL ECKES, ANTON The Rochester countprfpitf»r was caugit at Buffalo and held for the grand Jury (U-") ECKES, ANTON Escaped afrom Buffalo police at Rome (8 ) UA, Ja 20, 1897, 6-2 D 15, ECKHARD, JOHN 1GKES, ANTON See Smam, John Bekhard Caught at Norwich DA, Ja 21, 1897, 6-4 I CEl Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IODURDT, ARTHUR C. F. ECKHARDT, CASPAR Dltd Obituary UA» Mr 19, 1887, 8-4 UA, Je S3, 1801, 2-1 OClHR CL:FD mamj ••I ECKHARDT, CONRAD ECKHARDT, MRS. CASPAR Obituary UA Dem. oandldate f o r Alderman, 1 2 t h Ward. ($ In.) D5, 1881, 2-2 CL:JI UA Ja 3 1 , 1S91, 5 - * PR:IR ECKHARDT, CONRAD ECKHARDT, OOHRAD Sued br Kettle Falls Land Co. to re* cover $250 assessed on stock See R o c h e s t e r and K e t t l e F a l l s Land Company 04, F 14, 1695, 7-2 JS:HR ECKHARDT, EtIILIE See Campbell, Wm. J r . ECKHARDT, FREDERICK Died UA, W:MB IB:JI Jl 28, 1893, 5-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ECKHARDT, IKVIN J. C. KKHARDT, OEORGE V. Died. Died UA, 0 UA, Je 29, 18S3, 3-3 21, 1896, ECKHARDT, MARGARET 7-2 (ias. CASPAR) ECKHARDT, PEARL Died Died UA, 8 10, 1892, 5-2 UA D 5, 1681, 3-7 JDP:HR TL:JI ECKHART, CHARLOTTE 11. ECKHARDT, TE3SIE Died (3") Died UA, Ap 27, 1894, 2-4 UA, D 14, 1891, 5-4 VJ:JI JL:FD ECKHOLDT, THEODORE ECKHART9 CONRAD CoHuuideivin-chief promoted t o the s t a f f of Gen. Williams. Former Rochesterian was killed in a fall from a scaffold in Elmira. (l") UA UA., 0. 13, 1688, 2-5 CL:RZ 0L:FAD Ag l t 1878, S-l Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ICKUR, BENJAMIN ECKLE, ..R:. Judicial settlement granted on e s t a t e . Death UA P SB, 1894, 2-4 UA, ily 2 , 1861, 2-3 JM:RZ CC:i.lc ECKLE, ABRAM (MENDON) ECKLEBEN, ERNST Died UA Committed suicide by shooting himself. (3") M r 19, 1889, 6-2 UA, My 20, 1892, 2-6 SL:FAD SM:JBP ECKLEE, JOHN EGKLER, ANDREW J Suffered loss of $600 in Curtiss Bldg. fire* Drowned in Irondequoit 3ay UA, Je 17, 1861, 2-1 R0tff Ily 24, 1856, 3-1 FDIARO MB ECKLER, ANITA E. (PITTSFORD) ECKLER, BEIIJALIN Died. UA See Eckler, Jacob Mr 29, 1887, 7-4 LC LR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SCKLER y BENJAMIN ••• lorthrop, Abel a. 'ECXLER, BENJAMIN J. Sold pronerty in Plttsford for $1600 to Frederick Bueh UA, Ap 12, 1876f 2-2 VG.-JI CCP: AB •^ ECKLER, BEHJAXI3 J. Died. UA, J a 5, 1891, 2-7 PR: LIB ECILER, B.J. ECKLER, B. J. Died. UA, Ja 5, 1891, 7-4 PH:1IB ECKLER, BEF.DETT (l^ERIDOW, NO/ YORK) Will admitted to probate Married Carrie Hunt at i'eridon DA, M r 12, 1891, 5-5 UA, Ja 2, 1886, 8-2 JDrAPO ECKLER, DAVID ECKLER, DAVID Obituary Sold limd to Clalr M. Cole for $9,000 UA, Mr 24, 1887, 8-4 UA, Ap 5 , 1880, 2-6 OZlFD (MENDON) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ECKLER, DAVID ECKLER, DAVID Judicial settlement granted on estate UA, See Cole, No*h H. Je 26, 1895, 6-3 hm JA BOLLER, DAVID See Webster, liilo ECKLER, MRS. ELIZA Died UA, F 5, 1884, 2-2 W1:AB ECKLER, ELLA II. See Keith, Vincent A. ECKLER, ETTA il. See Ely, Frank A VC:FD ECKLER, H. Obituary resolutions of Genesee Lyceun at Lima. ECKLER, HARRIET C. Letters of administration granted on estate UA, Ap 12, 1395, UA, D 23f 1862, 2-3. 6-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , HARRY 12. ICXLER, HENRY M (CLYDE) Died at Bolivar Heights, Vaf of typhoid Died (1") M 19, 1868, 3-6 tt, 8 *, 1865, 2-2 JO:ARO ECKLER, MRS. HENRY M. ICKLER, HENRY II. (CLYDE) Died. Died UA 8 5, 1885, 3-7 (*") UA, 0 7, 1865, JO:HR JG:JI ECKLER, J . ECKLER , JACOB (PENFIELD) Suffers $800 loss in Water St. Deceased. Letters testamentary fire issued to Jacob, Benjamin and John UA J l 5 , 1861, 2-5 Eckler In Surrogate a' court UA/ Je 26,, 1860, 2-3 JSIARO • PW:DS ICKLER , JENNIE <[UENDON) ICXLER, JAMES H. Ooaalssloners in Penfield drainage f i l e d statement of expenses 11 i n . ) U*. JBtJl (CLYDE) AP 26, 1*9^ See Blott, Janes 6-3 1 VC:JI m Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ECKLER, MINNIE C. ECKLER, JOHN Married John M. Wing (Mendon, N.Y.). See Eckler, Jnoob UA, Ap 28, 1883, 2-3 r- MS: MB • • ECKLEh, NOAH I 1I Died in Ilendon UA, D 22, 1862, 3-6 w 1 1 1 ECKLER, PEDORA (MRS. BENJAMIN J) Died 1 _• 1 1 ECKLER, ROSA L. UA, 0 26, 1SSO, 3-7 GTZ.-ARO ECKLER, SARAH See Long, George J. • (kRS. JACOB) Died in Kendon UA, Je 9, 1874, 3-5 SC:JI IOKLERS, H. II. ECKLES, ilRS. (1SENDON) Funeral held yesterday Burned severly by flaming alcohol UA in home on Hickory Street 8 7, 1885, 2-1 UA, Ap 24, 1861, 2-1 JS:ARO OCP:JI •OKRXGH, LORENZO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes F.CKRICH, LORENZO Dltd. Died OA 9 Mr 13, 1886, 2-5 UA lir 1 3 , 1386, 2-6 ECLE, ABHAM (KENDON) ECLBCnC MEDICAL SOCIETY Died UA Valley district 25th annual oonvvntlon held (5iB) Jl 22, 1891, 5-4 Mr 20, 12S9, 2-5 MC.-HR SMlJDP IMH ECLIPSE SPORTING CLUB ECLIPSE SPORTING CLUB Officers elected are listed. Meeting held; officers elected and listed (1") UA, Ja 21, 1888, 2-3 UA, 0 10, }889, 6-4 JO: MB JCtf:HR 1 LCLIPF UL, ECLI'rZZ Rochester Two eclipses of sun and tv;o of the moon to appear in Io54 1 5fe ke eperc , obs ei«/ir^-citizen; eclipse HDU 1 find J a 1 8 , 1 8 5 4 , D-4 :•'./; 3 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ECLIPSES ECLIPSE Eclipse of moon described Eollpse of moon predicted to begin at RDU, My 2, 1855, 3-2 9:19 P.M. in Rochester Ap. 30, 1855 PM ECLIPSES ECLIPSES Rochester An eclipse is due tomorrow; a table of Eclipse of the moon predicted cities and time to expect eclipse RDU, 0 24, 1855, 3-1 UA, Jl 17, 1860, 1-7 MC ECLIPSE ECLIPSE Solar eclipse attracts large crowd Lunar eclipse expected D 6 Ui, Jl 18, 1860, 2-2 UA 0 5, 1862, 2-3 JS:AHO ••• ECLIPSE Partial Solar eclipse expected 0 8 Solar eclipse expected Jl 31; will be visible to Rochester. QA 0 2, 1866 UA, Jl 25, 1867, 2-3 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ECLIPSES tCLXPSES Article on partial eollpae of the sun UA, A? 9, 1869, 2-2 wn; Partial eollpse of the fun expected a l i t t l e past noon (£ool) UA, 0 19, 1892, 5-1 JL:JA ECOHCIilC CONDITIONS ECONOMICS CONDITION Rochester Rochester Farmers anticipate c ° o d crops Signs of prosperity prevalent UAf UA, Lly 3, 1360, 2-2 lly 4, 1860, 2-2 f d; Firm ECONOMIC DEPRESSIONS Last signs of the depression of 1857 being wiped away UA, Ag 4, 1860, 2-6 ECCKCUC. DEPRESSION 1860 Ed. in reply to the "Democrat" which accusses the "Union and Advertiser" of attempting to stir up a panic ECCNCL-IIC DEPRESSION 1860 G e n e r a l s u s p e n s i o n of b u s i n e s s expected in J.ess than 30 days UA, N 19, I860, 2-4 Held meeting; address '.lven by president; papers read UA Ag 15, 1892, 5-1 UA, N 20, 1860, 1-4 JDP:VJT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ECONOMIC ENT0NDL00I3TS, ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS, ASSOCIATION OF Papers read, disousaion on k i l l i n g pear t r e e peat and raoaquitoe8 e t c . (2/3ool) Closing meeting; papers read, e t c . UA, UA, Ag 17, 1892, 5-6 Ag 16, 1892, 5-8 JM:JA JM:HR ECONOMICS Ross, prof*, lectured on money at the Free Academy Hall; explained causes affecting prices (lgcol) UA, ECONOMICS Ross, prof. E.A., closed h i s university extension course by discussing "The Honey Question or What i s an honest Dollar", (licols) My &, 1893, 4-1 My 6, 1393, 6-1 Jk ECONOMICS Forbes, Professor George II., of t h e U n i v e r s i t y of Rochester gave a l e c t u r e a t t h e Free Academy Hall on Monetary Science* ECONOMY CLUB, ROCHESTER POLITICAL List of officers elected UA, Ag 22, 1887, 3-2 UA, 0 4, 1893, 7-2 FAD ECZEMA CURE COMPANY Annual financial statement filed i n oounty clerk's office UA, J a 1 0 , 1894, 6-6 101:101 EDDINGTON, JAMES (WATERLOO) Died in Fayette UA My 14, 1884, 4-1 1DDLESTEIN, MRS. BERTHA Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDDY, herself into river; rescued (WOLCOTT) killed Follett (Rose Valley) in . Mr 24, 1891, 5-6 a quarrel RDU, Jl 7, 1856, 2-2 ARO EDDY, MR. EDDY, COL. Played "Macbeth" at the Theatre Probable court martial indicated (6") RDU, F 7, 1854, 2-6 UA. D 5, 1879, 2-3 CB EDDY, BERTIE F. EDDY, COLONEL 111 with an rheumatism; ill when he which threw acute attack of taken more seriously took a dose of morphine him into a stupor ( £ ) Death. UA, N 30, 1870, 3-4 UA, Ja 17, 1881, 2-3 VC.'AB ••• EDDY, REV- CHARLES J8:MC EDDY, E. Married Helen Hurlburt (Scottsville) Noted actor to perform in Rochester UA, N 14, 1860, 3-4 RDO, F 6, 1854, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDDY, EDMUND L . EDDY, ELLA Died 0A9 8 25, 1887, £-4 See Bowers, Charles lb EDDY, MRS. F. IT. Givee remarkable concert while supposedly in a trance. UA EDDY, FLORENCE M. See F l i n t , J« F. S 18, 1895, 6-5 EDDY, FRANK W. Harried Lulu 1!. Billings, UA EDDY, G. H. (FAIRPORT) Harried Minerva A. Albro. Ja 2, 1892, 2-5 UA, 0 10, 1861, 3-6 HT:MB CHlRZ ••• EDDY, GEORGE Killed when he fell from the dome of Wheeler'e elevator. EDDY, GEORGE M« (FENTON, MICH. ) Married H a r r i e t Welds. UA, J a 2 3 , 1 8 9 1 , 7 . 3 UA My 2 0 , 1SS9, 3-2 IOI:MB SL:LR (Medina). r dmr, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDDY, MRS. IDA C. See Preston, James (Spencerport) QRACE A. DUA in Holley. UA i p 3 , 1875 3-4 AA :RR EDDY, JESSY T. EDDY, JOHN V. Married Grace Louise Carpenter (EALLSTON SPA) Awarded $5,000 damages from Central Railroad Company for injuries sustained at a crossing UAf J l 20, 1892, 6-3 UA, Ja 22, 1869, 2-2 pcg;mmm JP:FD ID0ST, JOSEPH (LE ROY) EDDY, JULIAN E. Died Killed '"hen pl-nk he '"as cutting UA, D 4 , 1889, 2-2 struck M m 1 1 the 'JA, 0 10, 1P67, f?-l CCPArB JM:PD 1 EDDY, KATIE BELL EDDY, JUSTUS Married Mary Hellen Coleturn (Charlotte) 1 1 Died UA, As 12, 1871, 3-6 ROD, S 11, 1351, 3-3 1 JRF UHU:ARO chest Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDDY, MARGARET EDDY, LEON LEROY Ditd UA, Mr S0 9 (SUSPENSION BRIDGE) Died 1895, 10-2 JL:JI UA, Ja 27, 1891, 7-4 PERIHR EDDY, MARVIN A. EDDY, MARTIN T. Died Died. **•A P 27, 1895, 7-6 UA, F 6, 1886, £-4 (MACEDON) UM:MB CP:FD EDDY, MARY L. EDDY, LARY C . (LE7IST0N) S e e B a l l , Wm. S . * See Cady, F r a n k (Holley) CG:AB PR:KR ••I EDDY, MINNIE EDDY, N. Died Appointed Postmaster of Waiworth VA, My 20, 1891, 5-6 UA, N 3 , 1866, 2-4 B IC'.A PW:KJL Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDDY, ORANGE A. (HOLLEY) I D M , MATHAM 8. Appointed assistant weather observer UA VA9 Ap 8, 1889, 2-4 8 15, 1866, 3-7 UE:JI CCP:AB IDDY, ORANGE A* (HOLLEY) EDDY, ORANGE A* (HOLLEY) In »emorlan by Bar Association* Died UA Harried Hat tie It. Hendriok My 14, 1884, 4-1 UA My 19, 1884, 4-1 CC:RZ EDDY, ORAliGE A. EDDY, ORANGE A (iiUriRAY) (HURRAY) Democratic nominee f o r J u s t i c e of Democratic nominee for Justice of the Sessions from Orleans County Sessions from Orleans County UA, 0 9, 18r>5, 2-2 UA, 0 20, 1862, 2-4 PJW:ARO PW:SC EDDY, CPArOE A. Listed ( M ?RAY) C G Democratic nominee for co-mty i»fl.-*e ^f O r l e a n s County T ;A, EDDY, PHEBE U Will probated UA, n r o , 1867, r»-3 CCP:TL N 5, 1897, 6-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDDY, 8. 8. IDDX, PHOEBE (MRS. THOUAS) Obituary (2") Sleoted Lieut. Colonel a t Meeting of 54th Regiment ( l i n . ) UA, 8 2 , 1692, 2 - 2 UA Ap 30, 1875, 2-1 JM:FD AJC:JI EDDX, CAPT. S.S. EDDX, LIEUT. OOL. 3.3. Elected commandent of the 5^th Regiment Presented with a badge at a reception In Odd Fellows Teaple l a s t n l g i t . Vk , Ja 21, 1879, UA, Ja 31, 1*579, 2-3 1M:JMG CCP:ARO m EDDY, COL. S. S. EDDY, COL. S . 3 Charged with falsely accusing Major Erbeldlng of stealing regimental property ( 5 " ) Additional charges acralnst hla have been made. (9") UA N 3 , 1879, 2-6 UA, O 2 7 , 1S79, P - * COLO;;SL s. s. EDDY, COL. S . S . Wrote card relating to the uniform fund of the 54th Regiment for 1879. (9*«) UA, Ap 29, 1880, 2-5 Receives l e t t e r on the attendance and otner matters ebout the 54th Regiment rroa ilajor Spaiin (13") UA Ao 30, 1330, 2-5 Rl CC RL:VB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDDY, S.3. Resigned as Chief Captain of the Uniformed Patrlachs EDDY, S.9. See Brlnker, Major General Henry S. UA, D 31, 158.^, ?>-4 VC:A?O EDDY, COLONEL 3A!'UEL S Charges made against Eddy answered by him in newspapers (4a) UA, N 17, 1879, 2-5 EDDY, THOMAS Died UA, Ap 1, 1886, 2-6 EDDY, URS. T«OUAS Died UA S 6, 1892, 5-5 EDDY, THOMAS Died UA, ^> 3, 1886, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes i EDDY, THOMAS H. IDDY, URS VZOLETTA Died UA, Je 35, UA, 0 18, 1897, 3-5 1897, 6-3 101: JO EDDY, WILLIAM EDDY, WEBSTER 8ee Eddy, William And Webster Eddy arrested i n Albany on disorderly conduct charge f o r swindling. UA, F 14, 1878, 2-1 MB RZ:MB BODY, WILLIAM E. Discharged of burgulary charge at Woloott (2«) UAf Strike endp3 by settlement UA A P 5, AP 24, 189*. 1-1 JM:JA ••s^Hsi EDEE, ALONZO (^EEDSPORT) A r r e s t e d f o r abusing h i s family (*") UA, J l 2 7 , 1 8 8 1 , 2-5 EDELFELT, OLIVER Broke neck by Nf a l l i n g out o f baby carriage* (1 ) UA, J l 24, 1886, 5-1 LO:HR , ALICE U. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDEUIAN, CAROLINE Ditd Admitted to the religious order UA Ity 1 4 , 1884, 3 - 7 UA, Mr 20, 1897, 11-6 L&.-RZ -:JA JL * * * EDEUtAN, CECILIA EDELiiAN, E. C. Died. Admitted to p r a c t i c e law UA, D 8 , 1880, 3-7 UA, 0 28, 1897, 8-2 JDiiffi CCP:EQ EDELMAN, ELIZABETH EDELUAN, FRANK Died UAt Attempted to comnit s u i c i d e by Jumping into the canal but was rescued by the bridge tender ( ? i My 26, 1894, 10-2 UA JS:Jl EDELMAN, LEWIS loolnated for alderman of Seventh Ward; portrait (3") (SCOTTSVILLE) N 26, 1S77, RL:JI I 1 1 EDELUAN , LOUIS Married Mary George. UA My 30, 1873 3-7 UA, F 2 7 , 1894, 7-1 J8:AB 1 GT/iHR • P'* in.) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , MRS. MARGARET Obituary EDEL8TEIN, BETSEY a (2 ) OA, Jl 80, Died 1896, 7-6 UA N 16, 1891, 5-4 JDPR EDEN5, ROBERT EDEL3TEIN, GEORGE Sent to Penitentiary for a year for burglary of Morrison's shoe store UA J l 1, 1S78, 2-1 ^ Listed a none soldiers buried at Ht. Hope Cemetery UA, My 31, 1369, 2-4 PJW: ;H EDER, MRS. BARBARA (PALMYRA) OER, CHARLOTTE Died Died UA, Ag 19, 1893, 7-2 IB:JI UA, S 4, 1996, 7-4 AL.-JA Edgar, Dr And Mr, Dill, address 5 churches on Irish conditions UA, N 21, 1859, 2-4 EDGAR, A. Elected President of the Red Rover Fire Co. #3. UA PM D 5, B57 5-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDGAR, MRS. ALICE (BOSTON) EDGAR, ANDREW Died I n t e r m e n t Bowmanvllle, Ont. E l e c t e d foreman of F i r e Company No. 3 UA J e 1 8 , 1 8 9 5 , 6 - 6 RDA, D 6 , 1852, 3-3 GCP:LO FDGAB, A E l e c t e d Ass* 4 foreman a t Fed Rover F i r e Co. No. 3 mlh EDGAR, ANDREW E l e c t e d Foreman of Red Rover F i r e Company No. 3 HDD, D 7 , 1852, 2-4 RDA D 3 , 1551, 2 - 1 MLH DS EDGAR, ANDREW EDGAR, ANDREW Elected Foreman of Fire Company E l e c t e d Foreman of Red J a c k e t Ho. 5 F i r e Co. #5 OA, J a 1 5 , 1659, 3-2 UA D 7 , 1859, 2-3 MAIIAARO ••M EDGAR, ANDREW R. ?T7:DS -AH, AI-i> Z* Sleeted President of Red Jacket Engine Death Co. # 5 UA, 3 6, 1861, 3-4 UA, D 5, I860, 2-4 FD:AR0 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDGAR, ANNA FLORENCE (8CRANT0N, P A . ) EDGAR, ANNETTE J . 8ee Lucas, Fred A* See t i l l e o n , Sylvester JL:RZ cc EDGAR, ANNIE JANNETTE See Lucas, Frederick EDGAR, E:.::A See Storuont, George CC:FD IDGAR, JAMES (CALEDONIA) EDGAR, JOSEPH Died i n Jersey C i t y Died (1") UA, Mr 2 6 , 1884, 2 - 5 UA, Ap 6, 1889, 2-4 JDPxHR EDGAR, LENA EDGAR, LEE (Erocl? >ort) Disappeared fro.'1 b r o t h e r - l n - l r v: L.F See Simpson, Charles Stevens farm UA J l 19, 1861, 2-1 Li-. IDT (Caledonia) AA:SC (York) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDQAR, U. EDOAR, 11. Purchased Janet Cox's Clothing store 8tock of merchandise damaged in fire UA, Ag ? t 1862, 2-2 UA, D 9, 1863, 2-3 MM:JMG ^^ EDGAR, 11ATHEW EDGAR, iSATHEW Died Died (1") UA, Je 19, 1S7S, UAf Je 19, 1878, 2-2 JL.-AB JD:A3 EDGAR, OLIVE HAY EDGAR, OTJVE MARY Died Died UA, Ag 2 1 , 1 8 8 8 , 2-6 U«, Ag 22, 1888, 2-6 C T : A" EDGAR, MRS. THOMAS 0 . EDGAR, S . A . (SYRACUSE) Died. ISarrled Frank Hayden UA ^g 2 1 , 1666, (CALEDONIA) 3-7 UA, Mr 1 1 , 1 8 8 4 , 2 - 3 • CC:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDGCUUBE, ALICE U. EDOCULBE, ALICE Died. Died (3") UA, J e 18, 1875, 2-4 UA, Je 1 5 , 1875, 3-5 EDOCUMBE, C. W. (FORMERLY OF ROCHESTER) An interesting interview with hl» on events that have transpired in the South since the war (1& col.) EDGCUUBE, CATHERINE (MRS. JAMES 0 . ) Died UA, S 11, 1894, 6-4 UA, Mr 7, 1887, 3-1 JL:AA JG:HR EDGE TOOLS EDGE TOOL <k I;.IPLEI4E?TT See Manufacturing Operated by D. R. Barton RDA F 15, 1851, 2-3 VC:JI EDGECOMB, EDWARD F . (KZV HA.YEN, CONNECTICUT) EDGECOHB, (PHELPS) Brewery burned UA My 5 , 1864, Married Helen 0. loonan ML 2-2 PR: JSP S 2. 1897. 9-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDOECUMBE, HENRY J. tDOKCOUB, JAi-.ES 0. (ROCHESTER) Harried Catherine Me Laugh! in Married Hattie a. Ooodell (Spencerport) UA UA 0 13, 1876, 3-4 Ag 6, 1885, 3-8 JO:RZ EDGECUMBE, MRS. MARY Sled EDGELL, DARCAS u led. UA My 31, 1893, 2-2 UA, Uy 21, 1859, 3-2 PU JL:RZ EDGELL, ELIZABETH R. EDG3LL, J . Death S t o r e f o r m e r l y occupied by him l e a s e d f o r Paper H i l l Depot by Mr. I n g e r s o l l BDO, Jl 12, 1855, 3-3 RDD, Ap 1 7 , J.852, 2 - 5 MB :-LH EDGELL, J. EDGELL, JOSEPH His canary stolen HDU, Je 10, 1853. 2-2 Injured by explosion i n f r o n t of Court House UA, 0 2 1 , 1864, 2-1 ?B:ARO MC Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDOELL.JOSEPH EDOELL, MATILDA 8. Died Died UA, Ap 1R, 1*75, 2-1 im UA9 My 6, 1886, 2-4 IB.'ARO EDOELL, MRS. U.S. EDGELL, MATILDA S. Died Died UA, Uy 7, 1886, 2-4 UA, My 7, 1886, 8-5 IB:ARO IB^ARO ••1 EDl>EHT, EDITH EDGELL, MATILDA S. See Conover, W.R, Died UA, lQr 8 , 1 8 8 6 , 2 - 4 . PC.-LH IB:ARO EDGERTON, ALD. EDGERTON, AL^ERUAN His home narrowly escapes destruction Awarded Erie Basin contract due to a fire cracker going off In one of the bedrooms UA CMV UA F 24, 1858, 3-3 ( Jl 7, 1857, 3-1 DS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes tDGERTON, ALUIRA (Nineveh, Broome Co. N.Y.) See D a v i s , D. Hudson EDGERTON, C. A. See Edgerton, C. EDGERTON, C. W. And wife sold land in Ogden to C. A Edgerton for $2,500. UA Je 25, 1878 2-6 8ee Lamport, Henry See Weston, A.H EDQERXON, H. H. EDGERTON, H. H. Board of Education issues 50th annual report for school year ending June 27, 1873. Contains annual address of the Pres. H. H. Edgerton. (3") WNiHR M 22, 1873 And wife sold lftnd t o Louise J . Lemunyon f o r $2,500 EDGERTON, EDNA EDGERTON, CORA MAE UA EDGERTON, C.W. 2-2 I s mason contractor and Kraft & Siebert in charge of carpenter work for p a r i s h h a l l of St. Joseph's Church. UA., Ag. 7, 1889, LP:FAD 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDQERTOM, H.H. EDGERTON, H.H. Awarded 64,000 contract for completing 5 Christ Churoh (1») UA, My 8, 189,% Appointed president of the East Side Sewer Coma i s • Ion (2") 5-6 JL:JA EDGERTON, H. H. See Hunn, Francis S. 6, 6-5 VHP EDGERTON, H.N. New Board of Education r e - e l e c t e d him as president* UA •TMIIFD 9 Ap 7, 1874 2-2 GTZ:HR EDC-ERTON, HIPA1I H. EDGERTON, HIRAM Harried Dora De 7 1 t t Asks supoort from Republican ward committees i n h i s nomination for mayor. UA, My 14, 1868, 3-8 UA. Jl 16, 1895, 6-4 JD:ABO PT:AA EDGERTON, HIRAM H. EDGERTON, HIRAK H. Portrait; may be next Republican oandldate for Mayor Regular Republican candidate for Mayor; Mayor Merton E. Lewis ceased active campaign (2/3 c o l . ) UA, Jl 20, 1895, 7-3 UA, Ag 21, 1895, mfjHR 5C:JI 6-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BQKRXOV, HIRAM H. IDQERTON, HIRAVI H. BoalnateA f o r Mayor UA, 8 £4, 1806, Aikt extension on h i s oontraot for City Hall Work (3 In*) 8-1 UA, 8C:TL Mr 1 0 , 1896, 7-6 JCtJI EDOERTON, MRS. JANE (ELBA) EDGERTON, JEROME (FORMERLY OF ROCHESTER) Pled Building railroad in Midwest DA 0 29, 1886, 3-3 tJA^ 0 23, 1858, 1-5 GZ:RZ VR:MC SDG2RTCK, .;. C. EDGSRTON, R. H. Vhlg nominee for Inspector from Disd First rard UA, D 3, 1867, 3-6 RDD, I'r 4, 1L54, 2-3 CCP:lIAL u c EDGERTON, H. fI. Bids low on Genesee Valley Railroad j o t Died RDU UA, D 4, 1867, 3-6 La* 25, 1853, 2 - 5 CCP:IIAL • i ci.v Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDGERTON, U. C. EDGBRTON, 0. C. Se CO. Suffer flOOO loss when temporary (FOKMEHLY OF ROCHESTER) Obituary UA, 0 6, 1863, 2-1 bridge is carried away by freshet RDD Ja 16, 1854, 2-6 DS ntjmram HM EDGERTON, U. C. (F0R1IERLY OF ROCHESTER) EDGERTON, URBANE C. Died at Jacksonville, 111. Proposition to modify contracts for UA, 0 6, 1863, 3-5 construction of Erie Canal Enlargement; taken up in New York State Legislature RDU, F 21, 1855, 3-1 at;mram FD:MC EDGERTON, URBANCE C. Eledted alderman of First Ward EDGERTON, V. C. Awarded contract by Canal Letting Board in work on Erie Basin. RDU, Je 18, 1856, 3-1 UE, Ja 27, 1858, 3-2 FD:MB EDGERTY, OSCAR S. EDGERTON * SAGE Receire contract to build railroad Died UA, Je 29, 1891, 5-6 in Illinois UA, Ap 13, 1857, 3-4 PW:MC SC:HR (PERRY) BWETT, URS. H. R. (PAIRPORT) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe CountyMRS. · Indexes SDOSTT, H. ROSCOE (FAIRFQRT) Obituary U«. Monroe County Christian Temperance Union adopted resolution on death (8") UA, Ag 18, 1897, UA A« K 1897. 2-4 SC:TL SC:JDP F Z C r.VOf. 1H , J OU nDUli Death Dv o i l i n g ; dac:5t— 6 ky 1DD, Ap 2 1 , 1*53, 3-3 EDGEWORTH, M r s . ROXA C. S e e G e l l , Thomas H. , D 27, 18E^, i*ire« 2- EDGEWORTH, MRS. ROXEY CORNELIA Died UA, J a 2 8 , 1 8 6 5 , 3-8 nnun EDGIHTON, THOS. (SHORTSVILLE) -DG"'C:.TE, Died UA, Ag 6 , 1 8 8 7 , 3-3 in. Upper part of building destroyed by fire; Loss 3200 ";DU, D 27, 1852, 2-4 ! LH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDICK, UELVINA L. Death Ja 21, 1F54, 3-4 Took Judgment for #4,372 by default against Philo H. Edlek UA, Ag 16 t EDICK, P . H. Appointed principal of No 5 School replacing N. C. Par shall. (9$ in.) HA Ag 3, 1S*6, 3-2 1897, 7-4 EDICK, P. H. Write8 l e t t e r to Union and Advertiser concerning alleged punishment without authority ( | col.) UA, D 24, 1891, 6-4 JDP:HR EDILUAN, MRS. MARGARET EDICK, PHOF. PHILO H. Obituary Punished Charles Ineson for being absent even though an excuse was given; the to take steps (1 col.) UA, Jl (2") 20, 1895, 7-6 UA, N 13, 1891, 5-3 SC:AA JP:FD EDINGTON, DR. (GENEVA) « KDHTOER, J « O« Died UA, Ja 2 1 , 1897, Obituary 6-6 UA J a 27, (l£ in.) 1SS3, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes RAi: ? (SETTECA) EDINGTON, DR. I . C. Uarriel Mary Ann Chase (Parma) Married Jennie Bascom. 3DD, Ap 20, 1853, 3-3 UA, A30 Je 6, 1890. 7-2 rcM.sc BDISOM, HENRY T. EDISON, HENRT T. Arraigned on charge of grand larceny by attempting to defraud the German American Bank oat of $5,000. (?") DA fl 16 1891 UA 3 22, 1891, 5-3 5-6 JDP.RZ IDPIAA EDISON, 1IARY J. HOLMES EDISON, JENNIE (PENN YAH) Died UA Sued by German-American Bank for $3,500 See Baeok, Charles Clement (1 i n . ) Ap 16, 16S0, 2-5 JO:UB RLrJI EDIS01I, EDISON, THOMAS His phonograph on exhibition at the Conc e r t Hall on State Street Hi8 phonograph called the great wonder of the 19th century. (1") UA, Ity 20, 1879, 1-9 UA, My 23, 1878, 2-3 JD:MB EDISON, THOMAS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes His phonograph i s causing a sensation aaong the people of Rochester. (11") UA, My 24, 1878, 2-2 EDISON,— Threatens to prosecute companies who have erected telephone poles for Infringement of his patent UA, S 26, 1878, 2-1 JD:UB • en EDISON, THOLIAS Advertises fbr platinum mine; platinum needed to perfect his electric light UA, J l 8, 1379, 3-3 EDISON, THOiiAS A. Letter stating that invention of Hr, Fenn has been used by him, but does not meet with the requirements of the meter for electric light UA, N 2, 1878, 2-1 EDISON, T . A . Workshop James H. suggests used for in- Menlo Park visited by Kelly, Rochester; Kellythat electric system should be city street lighting EDISON, THOMAS A. S e e F e n n , R o b e r t H. UA, D 2, 1878, 2-4 MffiCAB EDISON ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING COMPANY Erected 10 lamps on Spring Street (3") EDISON ILLUMINATING COMPANY Commenced laying i t s wires underground; begun work on Aqueduct St. (2") UA., My. 12, 1887, 3-4 CC:FAD 26, CG.'ARO 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY Tested incandeaoent lamp on Edison S t r e e t ; to offer to l i g h t c i t y with same* Convention of managers held in powers Hotel to*consider progres3 of incandescent lighting; company has right8 to use their system for illumination and for the distribution of current for motive power. (9") UA.t My. 3 , 1887. 2-2 UA, F 10, 1897, 2-7 CC.'IJB EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COLT ANY N e w b r i d g e a c r o s s c a n a l completed (2 N ) UA S 2 9 , 1890, 7 - 4 F^/FAD EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY Erection of poles on Allen St. •topped by Executive Board (1*) UA, 0 31, 1890, 5-5 SC:JDP EDISON ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING COMPANY Extending plant to distribute electricity to oity (11 M ) UA, N 2 , 1 8 9 1 , 5-7 8C:AB EDISON COMPANY And Roohester E l e c t r i c Company might oofflbine. L i s t of o f f i c e r s given* J . Lee Judson, p r e s i d e n t of both companies, d e n i e s rumor of combination UA, J l 1 , 1892, 5-1 ?J:HR EDISON ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING COMPANY Held meeting f o r purpose of t h r e e gas and e l e c t r i c companies consolidating (h col.) HR:FD EDISON TELEPHONE Coincidental theory of Old German reviewed UA, F 17, 1879, 2-3 UA, J l 14, 1892, 5-1 JDPIHR GTZ:FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IDXSON TELEPHONE COMPANY EDISON TELEPHONIC COMPANY To c o n s o l i d a t e with B e l l Telephone Oompany under B e l l Telephone Company UA D 6 t 1879, 2-4 Consolidation of Edison Telephonic Company and Amalgamated District Telegraph Company to manage Bell Company. UA, J a 2 6 , 1 8 8 0 , FG:RZ •• KDITH, GRACE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION, NEW YORK STATE 8ee Jacobus, Ro swell List of officers elected UA Jl 2, 1869, 2-5 AS: MB CG:JI EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION, NEW YORK ST*IE EDITORIAL AI4D TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCfN. Y. STATE Seventh annual meeting held at Meeting held at American Rural Home; list of members present UA Ap 28, 1871, Buffalo 2-4 UA, j e 15, I860, 2-2 CCP:JI EDITORIALS East Side Sewer Question, By II. L. a. (8&«)| EDITORS See Seaver, W. UA., My 4, 1889, 4-3 LU:AR0 JDPlFAD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION EDITORS ASSOCIATION Comsrlttee met at Rone to arrange for annuAl meeting Annual gathering of the State Edltore and Publishers le being held at Ganandalgua. 0Af Ap 12, 1872, 2-4 UA, Je 20, 1870, 2-5 AJC:AB EDITORS AMD PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION EDITOR*S AND PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION List of officers of the State Editorial Association. Met in Osburn House to plan eighteenth annual convention; names of officers given HA, Je 21, 1870, 2-2 UA, Mr 6, 1874, 2-3 EDITORS' AI<D PUBLISr-"2RS1 ASSOCIATION OF KEV YORK Held meeting; resolved to mourn death of James T. Norton. UA F 20, 1866, 2-2 EDIT RS» AiiD PUBLISHERS1 ASSOCIATION WEW YORK STATE Held annual meeting at Penn Yen; list of delegates and officers elected given; adopted resolutions concerning advertising rates UA, Je 22, 1867, 2-1,2 CG:AB BHT0R8 ft PUBLISHERS, STATE ASSOCIATION OF Meribere hold annual aeeting in Lookport; aooount given. 0A WZJHR Je 18, 1874 2-9 ECLRED, STEPHEN (SWEDEN) Sold land in Clarkson to Reuben Paine for 15000. UA, Ap 23, 1877, 2-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IDUAN8T0N, WILLIAM CUYLER EDiviOND, LEV/IS Will probated Disd UA, Ag 4, 1862, 3-6 UA, Ap 27, 1893, 5-6 AA EDVONDS, ALFRED L. Harried Bessie A. UA As 24 1893 5-2 EDMONDS, ALIDA L. (Constantine, Mich.) See Oviatt, Eugene A* IB:AA JD/CCP EDMONDS, MFS. CATHARINE Died EDMONDS, CHARLES Died UA, Jl 18, 1873, 3-4 UA, Ap 2 0 , 1 8 8 0 , 3-4 EIMOMDS, GEORGE Disappeared wtoile on a t r i p to Buffalo* I t i s thought he has gone to ffrmaflf because of crookedness in h i s accounts ( & " ) EDL!OKDS, IDA BELLE Died UA F 23, 1870, 3-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDMONDS, INA BELLE EDMONDS, ISABELLA , Joseph P . See Adalr, Robert JLtEQ EDMONDS, MRS. MARGARETTE A. EDMONDS, JAMES B . Harried Mercy J . Ross (Kalaraozoo, Mich.) UAj8 27, 1862 See Williams, Dr. Henry J. (Mendon) 3-6 VR:J8 JL:EQ EDMONDS, MRS. MARY EDMONDS, MARJORIE Died (GENESEO) Died UA, Jl 27,1889, 6-3 UA, Je 20, 1892, 5.1 • LF:FD ESMONDS, MERCY J . Bee Smith, Louis Ernest V6:HR EDMONDS,, ROSANNA (MRS. ALFRED) Died UA 1 cc:Jl My 4 , 1887, # 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDLIOIIDSt Wit. (NEW YORK) Obituary HDD EDMONDS, mi. Radical nominee for school commissioner In first assembly district S 5 , 1853, 2 - 5 UA, 0 15, 1866, 2-1 Jd;mnm EDISONDS, <T£. E. (ROCHESTER) EDLOKDS, WILLIAM E. Admitted t o t h e New York S t a t e Bar Admitted to practice in U. S. District UA D 8* 1859, 2-4 Court. UA tly 27, 1867 2-5 CG:JS PW:DS EHIOMST, MARION MI (PHELPS) EDliONSTON, A. S. Hands badly crushed between the Died cog wheels in Hall18 Threshing UA, Je 1, 1889, 6-3 Uachine Factory UA, J a 4, 1860, 2-1 MHMIAHO .ED11OHSTON, A. S. Had one hand badly crushed between pair of cog wheels EDyONSTON, ALFRED 01ed In farmington UA, D 30, 1875, Z-l UA, Ja 4, 1860, 2-1 eop; Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes K "taONSTON, AKDREW 3 . Died Vk9 K 1 , 1 8 7 1 , 3 - 6 EDK0N9T0N, ESTHER (Phelpfl) See Wallenbeck, Edward ( I t h a c a ) EDUONSTON, ESTHER EDMONSTON, OWEH See V a l } l n b e e k , Edward Whig nominee f o r S h e r i f f of Ontario County HDD, 0 8 , 1 8 5 2 , 2 - 4 8C:FD EDL1UNDS, CABOLIIJE EDMONDS, See White, Edward E l e c t e d School Commissioner, F i r s t D i s t r i c t by a majority of 750 v o t e s OA N 9, 1869, 2-3 CF:JI EDMUHDS, CATHERINE EDMUNDS, CHESTER R. f i l l admitted to probate i n Surrogate Court. (1") Died UA, OA, Ag 3 0 , 1880, 2-2 Mr5, 1894, t1 WN:MB JS:JI 6-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EWUIIDS, FLORENCE EDMUNDS, GEORGE 0 » t Edward•, Fred A. (ALBION) Hat returned home after hi a disappearance on Je 4 UA Je 16, 1886, 3-2 MH:FO EDMUNDS, LEWIS EDMUNDS, JESSIE C. F a r e w e l l tendered h e r b e f o r e l e a v i n g f o r England on missionary work UA, Died UA, F 20, 1893, 5-2 Ag 2 8 , 1897, 1 1 - 1 1EMUNDS, RUTH (Brighton) EDMUNDS, RUTH Died Died 01 Mr 30 UA Mr 31 1891 2-5 ie91 2-4 FC:AA FCsAA EDMUNDS, RUTH Decree of Judicial settlement Issued on estate. UA, J l 25, 1892, 2-2 EDMUNDS, WILLIAM J. Elected member of the Board of Supervisors* UA llr 2, 1881, 2-6 VClRZ JUPrFAD (REPUBLICAN) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDRIDGE, FREDERICK EDNE*, ALFRED Died tr A, 3 9, 1893, 5-1 EDRIDGE, FREDERICK UA, Jl 5, 1662, 3-6 EDRIDGE, LOTTIE C. Died See Bradfleld, Frank A. UA, P ?t 1881, 2-2 CLfD nVirn • m m m EDRUS, ROBERT EDSALL, ALICE Listed as Civil War Veteran buried at lit. Hope Cemetery. (OSWEGO, NEW YORK) See Byam, A. C. UA, My 31, 1873, 2-3 AL:JI CfiVB EDSALL, CHARLES (ELUIRA) EDSELL, BISHOP HOBART Harried Anna Stanely (Naples) UA N 12, 1880, 2-2 Sentenced for 2 yrs 6 months for grand larceny. UA, D 24, 1857, 3-2 OZ:TZ PWlMB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KD3ELL, HOBART li. EDSON, DR. Arrested for plundering canal boats UA Ag 24, 1857, 3-1 (SCOTTSVILLE) Sells farm to D. D. S. Bro'-m (Soottsville) RDU, P 16, 1856, 3-2 CMV EDSON, DR. (SCOTTSVILLE) Funeral s e r v i c e s held. (3") UA, Je 28, 1333, 2-3 EDSON, MRS. Had a m bruised when a window sash f e l l on her UA, Je 26, 1867, 2-4 PW:MB EDSON. CHARLES L. EDSON, ALBERT H. Reported safe. Arrested for stealing a satchel at the Central Depot. UA My 31, 1862 2-3 UA, N 11, 1864, 2-2 CG:JS EDSO1T, CLELEIT M. CW EDSON, DANIEL Died in !Tew York Died RDU UA, F 2 3 , 1889, 2-5 Ap 8, 1853, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDSON, HEV- E.H. ED80N, REV. E.A. Spoke about Alaska at Nazareth Hall (£•) Relates hie erp*rience <"ith the Eskimo8 (2-1/6 c o l . ) UA, UA S 21,1896, 9-1 8 22, 1897, 10-3 SC:JA EDSON, EDITH 1IAY EDSCK, ELIJAH 8ee P o l e r , F. liar Ion Listed among- soldiers buried at Cemetery UA, Lly 31, 1369, 2-4 8L:Rz EDSON, ELIJAH EDSON, ELIJAH H. Died UA Accepted a s s i s t a n t pastorate of Chrlet Church Ap 18, 1873, 3-8 UA, JD:R2 1 Building occupied by him damaged to the extent of #1,500; insured~(t c o l . ) CCP:TL 1897, 3-7 SC:TL EDSON, REVEREND ELIJAH H. UA, S 6, M 24, 1897, EDSON, EMLIONS J. 1 (Gates) Harried llillie E. Alderman (Tyrone). 1 UA Ja 18, 1872 2-4 13-2 AJC:HR • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDSON, F . I'. EDSCir, F . LI. Gav« d e t a i l s of Charles I'cBe^n' suicide Elected d i r e c t o r of House Telegraph. RDD J l 8, 1£51, 2-4 F.T)Df Kr 15, 1851, 2-3 7R:i'.LH DSzJL wmm EDSOM, MfiS. FAMM KDSON, F . M. Elected t o Board of Directors, House Died. Telegraph Co* OA HDA 21. Ap 7 , 1871 (Gates) 3-8 J l 9, 1851, 3-2 JL NTsflR • IDSON, FRANK (PERRY) Married Maud Giles U* M 26, ED30N, DR. FREEL1AN (SCOTTSVILLE) (Perry) 1S9O, 7-3 The o l d e s t p r a c t i c i n g physlcan in the United States; 87 years old ( ) U*t 0 13, 1877, z-k 8C:JI EDSON, DR. FREEHAN (SCOTTSVILLE) EDSON, FREMAN M. (SCOTTSVILLE) Died; came to Scottsville in 1814 (4") Appointed Assistant Store Keeper UA, Je 25, 1683, 2-5 by Collector of the Port of New York UA, Ap 29, 1858, 3-9 MS:AB FD:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SD80N, GEORGE (AUBURN) BDSON, H . J u c e e t e f u l i n second attempt in e l o p i n g w i t h Anna G i l f o l l e UA Bit Saeh and Blind Factory burned a t Olean, New York 20, i860, 2-2 ROD, J l 26, 1862, 2-5 MLH •i EDSON, HUBERT » SATTIE E. Sea TUunton, Arthur F. (SCOTTSVILLE) Bled UA, 0 2k, 1893, 5-2 IS :AB KDSOfl, J. JOY (WASHINGTON, D.C.) Married Libbie C. Berthrong. UA, Mr 4, 1869, 3-8 MH EDSON, JENI'IE E See Woodln, L.I.'. GZ:MB CF:A?O SD0OH9 IXXXIE V. See Alderman, Chas. S # EDSON, MRS. THANKFUL 0. Died UA My 19, 1871, 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDUCATION EDUCATION Ftmale Education d i s c u s s e d i n length; Female Education article* E d i t o r i a l by a woman s t r e s s e s the RDA, Ap 14, 1851, 2-3 need of female education* RDA, Ap 17, 1S51, 2-4 FD KRU PD KH1I EDUCATION Circular Advocates establishment of Rochester State Superintendent of Instruction Present conditions call for increased attention to female instruction 1T)A, Ag 23, 1853, 2-7 RDD, Ap 18, 1851, 2-3 DS:!.!LH 1 EDUCATION EDUCATIO1I, BOARD OF L e c t u r e on "Present System of P t a t e Proceedings of Regular meeting and Ii6t 1 Education * t o be given by Rev. of members present Creedon (Lockport) RDU, My 5, 1853, 2-4 RDA, Ap 5 , 1853, 2-4 • ARO ARO •••••MB EDUCATION •• EDUCATION Commercial Letter: •How Should Children be Educated" published. Article on value of RDU, N 12 , 1855, 2-3 IT RDU, Ja 11, 1856, 3-1 ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDUCATION EDUCATION Letter on "Our Free Schools—What Rochester They Cost and What They Come To" E d i t o r i a l advocates p r a c t i c a l education. UA Jl 13, 1858, 3-2 RDU, Mr 1 5 , 1 8 5 6 , 2-2 VR:DS NT EDUCATION EDUCATION Letter to the editor on the education of the poor Letter approves of proposed substitution of Wilson's books for present series HA, D 17, 1858, 3-2 UA, Ap 25, 1866, 2-2 ccp •untn EDUCATION EDUCATION Another letter writer takes up the subject of why Board of Education has substituted Saunder's Books Instead of those being used Editorial opposing a national and compulsory system of education UA, D 14, 1870, 3-1 UA, My 2, 1866, 2-4 ccp ;mnn CG;AB EDUCATION EDUCATION Question of how far free eduoatIon should go, and compulsory attendance at school discussed in reprinted article* i col. Article on State aid in Education as a means to prevent crime* UA, Ja 8, 1872, 2-4 UA, Ur 7, 1371, fc-4 RT:UB t JII.-HB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDUCATION EDUCATION L a t t e r w r i t e r "B.B." q u a r r e l s with t h e School Superintendent as t o the v a l u e o f education as a orime p r e v e n t i v e E d i t o r i a l shows t r e n d of education broadening t o include I n d u s t r i a l Health U*, J e 2 5 , 1873, 2-5 UAf p 28, 1874, 3-3 training PJV:ARO EDUCATION EDUCATION Co«pulsbr v education onposed by a c i t i z e n i n l e t t e r t o U.A. (£ c o l ) UA, D 1 6 , 1874, 2-6 U.A. e d i t o r i a l s t a t e s t h a t the prerogative o f t h e parent t o educate h i s children comes b e f o r e e i t h e r church or S t a t e . 1 c o l . UA, Mr 2 3 , 1875, 3-1 VC:AB EDUCATION EDUCATION r, Dr., sermon on the Bible in our public schools. (3 col.) m , J l 1*, 1875, 2-5 Editorial 6tetes that the Rochester Democrat favors the European school system where children are considered the wards of the state. (£ col.) UA Mr 3°. 1S76, 3-2 jdf:MB EDUCATION EDUCATION Letter to editor criticizes statement in Democrat asking for abolition of high echool6 at people's expense and the functions of the State regarding education (2/3 col.) Letter to editor complains of present system of education being used i'i public schools; states it doea not prepare the student for a practical future UA UA, Ja 18, 187^, 2-3 JD:KF. Ag 25, 1377 2-4 NT S Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDUCATION EDUCATION Editorial entitled "Coercive Study" Letter to editor and editor's comment In blaming education on heredity for creating criminals UA, J a 18, 1P78, 3-2 UAt Ja 18, 1878, 3-2 HT:ARO NT:A?0 EDUCATION EDUCATION Editorial on Co-education UA * 7, 1878, 3-2 Letter writer laughs et Buffalo's ettempt to enforce the comoulsory education law. (8") UA RZ:JI JD:RZ EDUCATION United States Commissioner of Education published report of cost of training our Youth. UA Ap 15, 1878, 2-5 S 9f 1878, 3-3 EDUCATION Graded school system criticized; higher schools discontinuance of instruction in trades, handicrafts, agricultural pursuits and other kinds of manual labor (10") UA, D 10, 1883, 2-3 MM:FD EDUCATION EDUCATION Editorial states that large annual expenditure for education has not been producing many results, (t col.) School commissioners and superintendents are holding a tseetinr at the Free Academy (2/3 col) UA, D 17, 1883, 2-5 UA, J a 1 8 , 1884, P-3 Cr»« Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDUCATION EDUCATION Editorial on practical eohooling in •hop-work in our lohoole. UA, N 29, 1886, 2-3 "Citizens' Education Association," organization of such a group proposed to create and maintain an active interest among all classes in matter of general education UA, Mr 14, 1890, 5-5 GTZ:MB EDUCATION EDUCATION Committee on permanent organization for educational reform formed (7#w) UA, Mr 29, 1890, 7-3 Hall, Dr. Stanley, of Clark University, Massachusetts, will adress parents and teachers on child study; portrait (2/3 col.) UA, Ja 16, 1897, 10-1 cc mm CG:TL EDUCATION H a l l , Dr. J . S t a n l e y , gave l e c t u r e on "Child Study; I t s Methods and R e s u l t s " (9") UA, Ja 2 0 , 1897, O'Shea, Prof. IL. V., gave second lecture on •Child Study." UA Ap 30, 1897. 9-1 7-3 CG:TL EDUCATION See Colored Population EDUCATION, BOARD OF Board of Health i s Dreparlng legal action to conppl Board of Education to enforce law regarding vaccinetIon S 13, 139a, 6-1 rJp$Btnm JL:LG Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDUCATION, BOARD OF EDUCATION, COMPULSORY e Rochester, City of Also Schools Grappen, J u l i u s , oharged with f a i l u r e t o send h i e two c h i l d r e n t o school UA, N 9, 1897, 6-6 CCP:TL EDUCATION, JUVENILE A new type of Juvenile education, kindergarten, Is discussed by ronlnent women of Rochester I Col.) EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION School boards of the state to fora an organisation (l& In.) T UA 8 13, 1880, UA, O 1, 1696, 10.4 2-4 AL:JI JD:JI •• i EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION, CITIZEN'S EDUCATIONAL AMD INDUSTRIAL UNION, WOMEN'S Constitution l i s t e d ($ Col.) Has f o m e d a l e g a l p r o t e c t i o n oonmlttee (7 I n . ) UA 6-5 UA, Ap 4 , 1890, CC:JI EDUCATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNION, W0M£K*3 Kutual B e n e f i t p l a n proposed UA, D 1 3 , 1 8 9 3 , 8-2 1893/ 2-3 IB:JI EDUCATIONAL AWL INDUSTRIAL UNION, V Held p u b l i c m e e t i n g ; speech made; p a p e r r e a d («5") UA, VJ:HR 0 17, D 15, 1693, 7-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes VlCMENJ EDUCATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNION, WOMEN1 S EDUCATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNION, Held annual meeting; elected officers; aooount of proceedings (f col.) Annual election held • UA, My 11, 1895, 11-4 UA, My 8, 1897, 13-5 JA EDUCATIONAL LAW VIOLATIONS EDUCATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNION, WOMEN'S Held annual meeting at the Chamber of Comerce; treasurer's report presented Holman, Cornelius arrested (2") UA, 0 31, 1896, 14-1 UA, My 15, 1897, 12-1 »:RF EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION, BUSINESS EDUCATIONAL UNION Joins with Ignorance Club to try to have bakers sell bread for Z4 for benefit of the poor (fc col.) UA, Mr 20, 1895, 6th annual meeting will be held in Rochester. (8*) UA, J l 1 0 , 1884, 4 - 1 9-1 JL:JI EDWARD, E. L. (Mount Morris) EDWARD, FRAIIK Committed suicide. UA, Ja l? f 1890, Sold l a n d t o Adelia R. Hopkins f o r §l,20C 7-2 UA, J l 18, 1876, 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BDl'AhD, FhEDEhICK EDWARD, JCNES Death Drowns i n o a n « l ROD, My 23, 1851, 3-3 RDU, Ag 2 9 , 1 8 5 6 , 3-1 FD US PW:I£C EDY/ARD, OGDEN (OGDEN) EDWARD, THOIiAS Removed from Resident Engineer position Fined i n P o l i c e Court f o r by Canal Board UA, J a 1 8 t 1865, 2 - 1 speeding. RDU, F 7, 1856, 2-3 FD:i£B DS:MC ,.lr\'*'i<?*::*±" BDWARD, WALTER Died. ISA, T 4, 1892, 5-6 EDWARDS, MRS. Book " P h i l i p C a m s c l i f f e or the Morals of liayfair" reviewed UA, Ag 24, 1366, 2 - 4 A8:MB UE.'ARO EDWARDS, REV. UR. EDWARDS, A. W* (GREECE) Returned t o R o c h e s t e r H a r r i e d Sarah K. Davis (Greece) UA, 8 6 , 1 8 6 2 , 2 - 4 UA CL:RZ N 1 1 , 1887, 8 - 3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDWARDS, ADDIE See Cook, A. S. EDWARDS, ALFP.IDA B. (Pitteburg) PERUI CCP.-LVR ••I EDWARDS, AMELIA ••M (Churchvllle) Drowned i n m i l l pond DA, J a 2 0 , 1 8 5 8 , See S e r v l s , S i l a s A. EIT-AELS, A..ELIA See Wllcox, Ernest D. 3-5 fd;mmm , AMELIA B. EDWARDS, AUIELIA B. Lectured a t Second B a p t i s t Church Saturday. (5") Author of "Miss Care""—reviewed UA, D 1 4 , 1 8 6 5 , 2-4 UA, Ja 2 0 , ccp;ranm PC:SC ED WARD 8 , MRS. ANNA (BATH) See Human, George EDWARDS, ARTHUR (Bath) See Cronin, John 1890, 6-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1DWARDS, MRS. CAROLINE EDWARDS, CHARLES Oitd in Adrian, Michigan Arrested for stealing $60 from HDA, Ja 9, 1851, 2-7 C. Foster RDA Ag 25, 1352, 3-2 MLH DS •i EDWARDS, CHARLES EDv/AHD, CHARLES Special Sessions Court Case Feb 21 Died HDD, F 22, 1853, 2-4 UA, My 1 6 , 1 8 7 1 , 2 - 2 CCP.LM ARO 1 EDWARDS, CHARLES E. EDWARDS, DR. DAFYDD Harried E i l e e n llarguette Forte Arrested for stealing tools UA 8 19, 1866, EDWARDS, DE WITT iaS. ELIZABETH Was I n s t a n t l y k i l l e d when h i s head was s e v e r e d from h i s body by an e l e v a t o r i n the Windsor Hotel (7«) JG:JI • SC:HR F 20, 1888, (!£•) UA, J l 3 , 1895,r 3 - 4 2-2 12E:JI UA (CLYDE) Death IDA, ikp 7, 1853, 2-8 2-7 AHO (EHCCKPC^?) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDWARDS, KRS. ELIZABETH (BROCKFORT) EDWARHS, ELIZA:-7?? Death Died i n Brocfcport ROU9 Ap 7, 1853, 2-6 RDD, Ap 8 , 1853, 3 - 3 ARO ARO EDWARDS, SUTR EDWARDS, His license and the license of Anna Giering revoked for selling liquor on Sunday Death BDA, J a 3 1 , 1851, 2-7 UA, S 26, 1878, 2-4 EDWARDS, EUGENE (CHURCHVILLE) EDWARDS, FRANK See Me Quhae, Edward Francis Malt land Married Martha J . Arnold U " ) UA, D 30, 1*96, 7-5 JK>:EQ EDIARDS, FRANK R«o«lTed a badge of the society of the Benevolent Protective Order of Kits ( I s ) EDWARDS, FI.ED A . Married Florence Edmunds UA, D 31, 1889, 2-1 UA, My 28, 1**6, 2-5 IB:HR 101 :FD (KOLLEY) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ARDS, GBOBGE EDWARDS, GEORGE Arrested on burglary charges by Examined by police} Policeman He Lean discovered; part of Critchow's money UL* D 17, 1667, 2-1 recovered additonal evidences HA, D 18, 1867, 2-1 •TiJlflS KTsJIG _ EDWARDS, GEORGE EDWARDS, G E O . Sentenced t o 6 years nt Auburn on burerlarv charge * J Forger caught and brought to city UA, My 1, 1886, 2-5 UA, lir 1 1 , 1863, 2-5 Jd ;n!T.n EDWARDS, GEOHGE EDWARDS, GEORGE Sentenced to five years at Auburn State Prison for forgery (5") (WEST BLOOMFIELD) Harried Lottie Sax by, (East Bloomf ield) UA Ja 28, 1887, 8-5 UA, Uj 14, 1886, 2-5 EDWARDS, GEORGE T. (PORTLAND, ME.) EDV/ARDS, H.W. Harried Carrol C. Sackett Hie h o t e l h e l d up by bandits UA, F 15, 1893, 5-3 UA, AL:JA 0 17, 1896, 11-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDWARDS, HARRIET 8 t t Southgate, William T. EDWARDS, HARRY J . Married Minnie Carl (Cobooonk, Ont.) UA HM:FD Ag £ 3 , 1894, 7 - 3 J1;RZ Hi EWARD8, HENRY G. (CHRUCHVILLE) filed UA, EDWARDS, HENRY 0. QLed 0 29, 1894, 0A, 0 29, 1894, 8-1 MM:JI EDWARDS, ISABELLA EDWARDS, JAMES Accused of s t e a l i n g a watch from Krs. Iiary Kyraes (3 H ) UA 8 4, 1863, 3-6 2, 1896, 7-6 UA, Died at sea on steamer New York JC:JA •••••^••1 •WARDS, JAMES S. (WASHINGTON, D. C.) Married Delia R. Northrop DA, M 29, 1867, 3-8 OCPslfAL EDWARDS, JENNIE GRACE See UC Cullis. James A. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDWARDS, Rev. JONATHAN EDWARDS, REV. JONATHAN Installed as pastor In Plymouth Church Takes over pastorship of Plymouth Church RDU, Ap 19, 1856, 3-2 RDU, F 19, 1856, 3-1 so jinnm KC EDWARDS, REV. JONATHAN Escaped injury when horse collides with buggy EDWARDS, REV. JONATHAN To conduct services at Camp Hill house UA, 0 19, 1861, 2-2 Vk9 Ja 6, 1859, 3-2 MAM:ARO EDWARDS, REV. JONATHAN Resigned the p a s t o r a l charge of Plymouth Church UA, N 1 1 , 1 8 6 2 , 2 - 2 EDWARDS, REV. JONATHAN I n s t a l l e d as p a s t o r of F i r s t Church at Dedham, Mass. UA, J a 5 , 1 8 6 3 , 2 - 1 EDWARDS, REV. JONATHAN Resigned from Plymouth Church and S o c i e t y UA, N 2 1 , 1 8 6 2 , 2 - 3 EDWARDS, REV. JONATHAN (WELLESLEY HILLS, IIASS.) Died; formerly of Rochester (3&N) UA, J l 1 7 , 1894, 6-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDWvRDS, M. A. (MH3. K. W. ) EDWARDS, MRS. W.A. Died. UA 0 14, 1889, 7-7 Jk:LH EDWARDS, MRS. MARGARET 1ABD3, M. ANITA (TOLCOTT) See Johnson, Calrin B. Sl«d UA Ja 15, 1875, 3-5 AJC:JI EDIARDS, MARION (HUSK) See Bushman. D. (Henrietta) EDWARDS, L'ARY Died UA, 0 15, 1R99, EDWARDS, PATRICK (AVON) , House destroyed by fire UA, Je 15, 1867, 2-5 5-6 EDWARDS, SUSAN Died UA, My 27, 1880, 3-7 (Wolcott) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDWARDS, THOUAS EDWARDS, SYLVESTER C. Married Martha If. Herlcks in Sweden Death UA UAf F 6f 1858, 3-6 F 5, 1663, 3-6 FDiARO MHM/CMV I EDWARDS, REV. DR. TYRON (FORMERLY OF ROCHESTER) EDWARDS, THOUAS Appointed President of Wilson Female Death College at Chambersburg, Pa. UA, F 10, 1862, 3-6 UA, Jl 23, 1870, 2-2 AB:MB JS:ARO EDWARDS, REV. TRYDN EDWARDS, REV. TYRON Died in Geneseo UA Ja 30, 1884, «*, 4-1 CC^JI EDWARDS, V.G. Died at Detroit (3 in.) Ja 9, 13 rs:Jl (SYRACUSE) Gare l e c t u r e on Masonry a t Temple, reviewed UA, Mr 1 8 , 1373, 2 - 3 EDWARDS, WILLIAM Deserted h i s wife and two c h i l d r e n a f t e r selling a l l h i s household goods (3 s ) UA, Ag 20, 1885, 2-2 OTZAlRO 6-2 JGlAB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IDWARDS, WILLIAM EDWARD, WILLIAM Died UA P 18, 1888, 2-4 flues wife Amelia f o r absolute decree of divorce UA, J l 19, 1897, 9-2 3C:TL JG:JI EDWARDS, WILLIAM E. , 'n'ILLIi'*i.i F Suing George Bantel and Sons, street sprinkling contractors for damages Died i n Brockport, 1-y 3 , 1S53, 2-7 UA, Ag 10, 1893, 5-2 IB:H R EDWARDS, WILLIAM H. (OSY/EGO) EDWARDS, WILLIAM H. Harried Helen A* Emeraon Married Helen A. Emerson HDA, Hy 15, 1851, 2-7 HDD, My 1 5 , 1851, 3-3 MLH EDWIN, GRACE EDWARDS, WILLIE H. (AVON, N. Y.) funeral n o t i o e . Poen, "Dirage" w r i t t e n by W# H. C, Hossier UA J l 2 5 , 1887, 2-6 i n h i s memory. UA J l 1 5 , 1863 FD:JS (OSV/EGO) 2-4 IB:RZ (Rochester) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDWIN, THOMAS EDZEHTON, RALPH H. Arrested for assault and attempting Died to kill his -rlfd. UA, D 2 , 1867, 2-5 UA, Ag 1, 1866, 2-3 CCP:JMG EBCKHARDT, MRS. (CHARLOTTE) See Gleiaer, Conrad EFFING, MRS. Was a s s a u l t e d by two men w h i l e r e t u r n i n g home from a wedding; men escaped (2 i n . ) UA Ap 1 6 , 1880, JC:R2 EFFING, BARNEY EFFING, JOHN See Haas, Johannes Frozen to death in town of Gates. UA, D 27, 1873, 2-2,(2 inches) GUP: JUG EFFING, «U. H. Died. UA Ja 1 0 , 1887, 2 - 6 CCJLR EFFINGER , MARY Died UA, D 29, 1892, 5-4 JDP'.HR • 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EFFNER, B.C. KFFBRR, MR. Listed as Republican Supervisor of Paint store burned by explosion of Parma. turpentine DA, Mr 7, 1866, 2-3 UA 0 6, 1858, 5-3 CMV KFFNER, HIRAM (PARMA) Receives word that son is on hospital EFFNER, KITTIE Died in Chicago UA, Ag 26, 1865, 3-8 boat recovering. UA, Kg 15, 1862, EFFRIG, LEWIS J. EFINO, ANNA K. (ilRS. JOHN) Died UA, Ap 1, 1895, 3-4 Died , Je 7, 1«97, 3-6 EFING, HUBERT Died UA Jl 5, 1890, 8-3 EFNER, B. CHEDELL Married Kate II. Clute. RDU N 30, 1855 3-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EFNER, CHARLES r:ER, CHARLE3 (NORTH PARMA) lamed postaaeter of North Pnrna. (2 line a) His home *as struck by llfrhtning which caused only slight innage (1 H ) «*. J« 13. l«76 t 2-7 UA, Je 16, 1877, 2-3 wn jmnni EFNER, CHARLES EFKERf CHABLE3 CL:«7T (PARMA) Prohibitionist nominee for Senator Elected President of the Village of Parma UA UA, Mr 18, 1891, 5-7 0 31, 187"?, 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IQAN, EDMOND (BROCKPORT) EQAN, ELLEN P Ditd Died UA> Ap 1 6 , 1 8 8 9 , 6 - 2 UA, My 1 5 , 1S77, 3 - 5 JCM:ARO 8M:AB •••• EOAN, FRANK EGAN, FRANK Shot Samuel Trotsky In the forehead; alnost a murder; Jealousy was .the oause (1 1/3 col.) Thought t o be I n s a n e UA, Ap 1 9 , (6") 1 8 9 5 , 9-2 UA, Ur 20, 1895, 7-3 AS:TL JL:TL EGAN, J. HAMILTON (NEW YORK CITY) Married Adelaide J. O'Connor (Rochester) UA, Ja 9, EGAN, JAMES Died UA F 28, 1894, 6-5 6-1 JU:Z JS:JI ••• EGAN, JAMES D. EGAM, JAtfES Died Obituary UA, UA, My 3 , 1*97, 7-6 lfM:R7 IB:JI N 15, (3 in.) 1893, 6-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1GAN, JJUIES D. EGAN, JOHN (BROCKPOKT) tolioe Benevolent Sooiety adopted resolutions on h i t death (Si") DA, H 17, 1893, 6-3 IB:HR Died UA My 1 5 , l g S 9 , 6 - 2 JTP:JD? •• EOAK, JOHN (LIVONIA) EGAN, JOHN (CLYDE) Died Died UAt Mr 2 5 , i e 9 O , 7-A UA, s i 6 f 1S93, 7-3 ee wit IB:FAD EQAN, JOHN EGAN, JOHN Shoe factory caught fire; loss |l,OOO; partly insured Was r o b b e d b y James Me Gucken ( 3 " ) «*• My 5, UA, 1*9*, ii-i Ap 28 , 1896, 6-1 VM:TL f EGAN, JOSEPH R. EGA:;, JOH:: E . P r e s e n t e d w l t h a gold-headed c i n e by h i s fVllo^ o r d e r s of P . Cor. and Co. ( > ) Died UA, Ag 2 9 , 1 8 8 7 , 2 - 7 UA,.D 2 2 , 1879, 2-2 CL:A?O l b mmn Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EOAN, JOSEPH R. IQAII, LIZZIE Oi«d B p e n o e r , Wm.B. UAt Ag 31, 1887, 2-4 LG:MB EGAN9 1CARGARET *GAM, MARGARET 8eo Cllne, Rosanna See C l e i n , Rosanna PAD EOAN, MICHAEL EGAN, k'ICHAEL Democratic candidate for aunervisor, 4th ward Died UA, F 15, 1894, UA, 7-3 (2") S 3, 1694, 6-5 JA EGAH, WILLIAU (ROCHESTER) Escaped fror. the House of Refuge v-ith the aid of stolen keys; reward offered for his capture. (6M) UA Ag 2 1 , l £ S ? f GZ:LR 2-2 EGA* WILLIAM S captured in Greece r f t e r havin escaped fron the House of Refuge. UA Ag 23, ISfc?, 2-1 EOAN, TO. (GENE3E0) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Died UA Je 19, 1886, 8-5 EOAN, WILLIAM Esoaped during his robbery trial and i t sa t i l l at large; reward offered. (£w ) UA M 29, 1889, 5-7 J1IIRZ IB:RZ •• EGAK, WILLIAM! BOARD, GEORGE (ALBION) E s c a p e d from C o u r t room; r e c a p t u r e d ( 6 " ) Married Minnie Soanlon (Medina) UA UA, Ap 3 , 1S9O, 5-6 F 18, 1896, 3-5 A8:AA CC:JDP EGBERT, CHRISTOPHER, JR. EGBERT, WILLIAM Married Maggie C. Hutchinson UA Arrested on c o u n t e r f e i t i n g charge Jl 13, 1894, 6-5 UA J l 24, 1885, 2-6 JL:RZ IB:JI EGE, REV. JCHK F . Was ordained by Bishop lie Quaid. UA, H 30, 1885, 2-5 EOE, LUCY Escaped from State Hospital rod has not been located (5 i n . ) UA, JG:HR JS:JI F 23, 1894, 6-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KK, MARY EOE, MARY LOUISA Ditd tIA, Ap 90 9 1884, e . 3 Died. UA 3 1 5 , AC:LR CCF:D EGE, iiATHISS EGE, PETER Died UA, Died Mr 9 , 1S95, 10-2 MC:EQ UA, F 21, 1894, JS:JI EGERER, LEONARD EGERER, ANTHONY JR. Died. killed when hi a head struck the bridge under which the train passed. Coroners Jury requested Geo. W. Taylor to 'ntroduce a bill which would provide for raising of all railroad underpasses. (6N) UA, J l 22, 1886, 2-6 UA, Ap 26, 1875, 2-6 WN:ARO LG;HR . MM ••I EGGART, FRANK EGGEL, LOUIS Died Died UA, Ja 2 , 1894, 6-3 UA F 8 , 1 84, 3-8 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , BFPTHA EOOERT, DANIEL Died Died UA J l 19 1897 5-4 I3:AA D 12, 1690, 5-6 SC:JI EOGESDORF, CARL (MT. MORRIS) Died UA, UA Ag 2 7 , 1896, 2-4 EGGLER, CHARLES New day fixed for his execution for the murder of Esther Conklin UA, Ap 22, 1874, 2-6 BCUI EOGLESTON, ANNA K. EG0LE3T0N, See Beesunger Delivers address on "Child Study" UA, EOGLESTCN, CHARLES 29, 1994, 8-5 EGGLETTOU, CHARLES B . Watiorml Association of Stationary Engineers adopt resolution on his death (2*) Death Ag 5 , 1852, 3-3 UA, D 23, 1690, 7-3 SCJFD S CMV Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IQ0LI8T0N, ELLA FGCLFSTON, FORGuS V3. r0".\ Ji '"] u B— Godfrey, Henry Circuit Court Case RDU, Ja 25, 1353, 2-4 R:HR ?D: .C SGGLESTON, GEORGE EOGLESTON, G. W. Nearly killed when thrown from wagon Constable of the 10th ward, honored by serenade, given by the Warbling Nigitingale Club* (1") UA, N 4, 1858, 3-2 UA, 0 18, 1873, e-2 WH:ARO EGGLESTOK, GBO. T7. (BHOCKPORT) Convict in ^uiburn prison, notice of Appointed Deputy-sheriff application ."or his pardon UA, Mr 26, 1669, 2-1 RDU, ^ 7, 18-C3, 3-7 AHO GZ:A?O TCi:, EGGLESTOM, GILBERT Died Died UA WTJ'JI . . " 3 . HAi\"iTAH 0 1C, 1873, 3-4 UA., J a . 9 , 1R92, FAD 7-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EGGL.F3T0N, HAMILTON W. IQGLSSTON, HAMILTON W. Killed when run over by a hack. SON dies after being run over by hack, HDD, \g 5, 1852, 2-5 W)A, Ag 6, 1352, 3-1 MS o EGGLESTCK, HATTIE EOOLESTON, JAHES See Beebe, Allen Arre8ted in plot to throw Cincinnati Express from tracks. UA My 22, 1871 3-3 JD.-HR •I EGGLESTCN, JOHN (ELLECATTVILLE) EGGLESTdT, JOSEPH Died DA Died in Ann Arbor, Mich, D 24, 1885, 3-3 HDD J6:JI Uy 24, !LB53, 3-3 CMV ECGLESTON, JOHN 1 1 Yery 111 E0GLE8T0N , LERA See Dibble, George 0. OA Jl 27, 1858, 3-2 08 # 1 VRlNT • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes •00L18T0N, MRS. MARGARET (PALMYRA) 01 td E0GLEST0N, PAULINE Died M 3, 1893, 8-1 UA, Ag 17, 1895, 7-2 IB:JI MI EGGLE3T0N, MRS. RILEY (FAIRPORT) EGGLSSTCK, ROBEHT D. (G5WEGC CO.) Sentence suspended in United States Cour Died UAf Mp 2 6 , 1892, 7 - 1 UA, My 19, 1864, 2-4 SL:AB BOGLESTON, SMITH Agreed t o meet Casey (Brockport) in a • a t c h game o f pool f o r $50 EGGLESTON, SMITH Defeated Edward Kinney in a $50 match game 183 to 150. UA, F 27, 1886, 3-2 UA Ja 2, 15**, 2-1 AJC/OV 08IS8TOH, STELLA EGGLESTON MAJOR V. S. U# S. Paymaster convicted of embezzling funds (1 col.) , p 3 t 1875, 2-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EOGLESTCN, WILLIA. C. (KtWAHK) ECKiLESTOW, .V,,. GILBERT Carried Uiella i... Clark Died UA, UA, 3 2 , 1 8 6 7 , 0 13, 1697, 7-1 3-8 83:ARC JL.-JA (West Bloonfield) EGGLESTOH *I EGGLISTON, MKS. EVA (WATERTOWN) Destroyed by fire Two children died of burns received in fire UA, S 7, 1869, 2-3 UA, HDU, My 1, 1856, 3-1 of eggs Ky 31, 1852, 2-4 EGO3 EGGS : at 14 cents a dozen L f A, 2-2 Price listed Complaint against high price RDD, Ja 26, 1994, ? 10, 1864, 2-3 Letter from Cele Sealy at Albany describes machine which keeps e^<-s fre?h by revolving them UA, N 20, 1867, 2-3 ntjnnn Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EQXLSTON, GEORGE W. (WINSPUR, N. Y.) EGLER, CHARLES (ORANGEPORT) Married Wattle L. Chappell Killed when struck by a locomotive UA Jl 12, 1866 UA 3-7 Ja 2, 1874, 2-7 AB:JI EGLESTON, JCHK EGLESTON, JOHN (FLATBUSH, LONG ISLAND) Died Delegate to Democratic County Convention. UA Ja 20, 1872, 3-4 RDU, 0 10, 1856, 3-3 NT JCl."i/CUV EGLESTON, TH03. On Vigilance Committee of Young EGLINTON, JAMES Sentenced to s i x y e a r s in Auburn Prison f o r highway robbery, ( i " America in 1827. UA, J l 1 2 , 1876, 2-3 UA, P 11, 1864, 2-1 MB JCMlARO EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND, SOCIETY Summary reed on r«»cent developments in study of archeology ( l c o l . ) EGYPT P0STI1ASTERS UA, Cole, Otis appointed UA H7 9 , 1851, 2-2 JC:EQ Ja 17, 1S96, MXPTIAN EMBALMING COUPANT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes i w j u a l report f U t d i n County Clerk* • EHBERL1, JOSEPHINE offloe* Died UA, Ja 9, 1884, S-5 UA 0 20, 1886, 2-5 GG:UB GTZ.-JI EHERT, WILLIAM J . EHDE, FREDERICK Died (LYONS) Married Margaret Me Carthy (Lyons) UA S 28, 1896, 7-7 UA, i'r 19, 1P77, 2-6 "'N.'AnO AL:RZ KIHGER, MRS. 1HINGER, MRS* GERTRUDE Xnqnttt in her death shoved she died of apoplexy and the assault on her was not a contributing oause of her death (5 in.) n*. Jl 19, 1894, 8-3 Died of apoplexy in State Hospital for Insane; was assaulted by Mrs« Cl el land and it is not known whether she was killed by assault or an accident (f col.) Jl 18, 1894, 6-5 EHLE, G. P. (Dansville) Married Mary J. Poor (Weyland) Term as editor of "Ontario Repository' UA ended D 17, 1863, 3-8 HDU, i:r 16, 1864, 2-5 MHM:JI Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes GEORGE 0. EHLENFELDT, WILLIAM Dltd Married Martha Hattie Witt 0 3, 1868, 2-1 UA, My 21, 1897, 9-2 «JD:JU JL:EQ EHRENZWEIG AND STIFEL EHRBACH, CASPAR $2,500 damage to clothing store by fire Died WA, Mr 25, (MEDINA) 1895, 3-6 UA, S 20, 1869, 2-4 , mnin EHRESUAN, GEORGE F. AH, GEORGE Killed by a train UA Jl 31, 1894, &-1 JL:BZ Coroner's inquest blames his death on his own carelessness; was killed by a train UA, Ag 1, 1694, 5-3 FD •1 t GEORGE EHHGCCD, SUSAK Died Fails in attempt to commit suicide, UA, S 14, 1894, 3-4 UA, 0 7, 1865, 2-1 fiUWARDT, MINNIE (MRS. LOUIS) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EHRHART, ELLENORA Dl«d UA Died. AL:RZ S 14, 1874 3-5 CCP:HR 1HRHART, MARGRET fill admitted to probatt UAf UA 8 26, 1896, 9-5 EHRIC-, GEOROE s ee Buckley, Richard Ag 10, 1896, 6-1 lBCi:ARO AL:TL EHRLICH, ISRAEL EHRIG See Karshn-^r, Viola Will admitted to probate UA, Je 15, 1891, 7-4 SC.-HR EHRLICH, L. A. Opens new store at Main St. Bridge UA, Ap 12, 1871, 2-5 EHRLICH, L. A. (CANANDAIGUA) Sold his business and moved to Rochester UA, 0 1, 1885, 4-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EHRLICH, LOUIS kl EHRLICH, MIRIAM funeral. UA. J a , 2 5 , 1 8 6 6 , 3 - 3 8 t e LlnSheimer, J u l i u s FT:EQ M8:LR EHRMANN, CHARLES EHRLIEH, HENRIETTA Was shot while b a t h i n g i n t h e r i v e r and playing with a s l i n g s h o t . (3") Died UA, Jl 29, 1897, 3-7 UA, Ag 1, 1892, 6-3 IDP:AA SC:JA EHR1IANTROUT, HENRY EHRMANTKAUT, PHILIP Died. Died U A . , Apr. 2 1 , 1891, EHRMENTROUT, CHArLES F. 0 5 , 1886, 2-7 2-7 EHRHENTROUT, FRED I n f a n t eon d i e d . UA CMP:RZ Died Ag 2 4 , 1 8 8 3 , 2-2 UA CC:JI Ja 1 3 , 1887, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WRUENTROUT, THERESA EHRtfENTROUT, MARGARET See Henry J. Rwrmud Hied UA, My 8, 1895, 3-5 CCPtJI WR8TEIN, AMELIA (Mrs. Andrew) EHRSTEIN, ANDREW Died. UA, Died J l 23, 1890, 2-7 UA Ag 15, 1885, 2-5 JG:RZ 8CI8C EHRSTEIN, AI\TTHONY EHRSTEIM, ANTHONY Arrested f o r drunkenness and dli Charged "rlth a s s a u l t i n g h i s ?-fife under the i n f l u e n c e of l i q u o r 0Af UA, turbing the peace Mr 21, 1896, (5 i n . ) 7-2 JLUI 3 10, 1895, 6-5 FT:TL Mi 1 EHRSTCIN, ANTHONY Convicted of a s s a u l t i n g h i s wife UA, 8C:JA S 1 1 , 1895, 1 EHRSTEIN, ANTON Died UA, Ap 6-6 1 i b mram 6, 1886, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IHRBTEXN, ANTHONY EHRSTEIN, ANTHONY Arrtated for aalioloua Bitohief (10 in.) 29, 18961 8te 8ohoen9 Prank 9-5 8C:JI EHRSTEIN, ANTON EHR3TEIN, EMELIA See Ehrstein, Michael, Died UA, 0 8, 1887, 2-6 EHRSTEIN, GEORGE See Rip stein, Anaton Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EIGHELBERO, AUGUST BIR8TEIN, MICHAEL Died Died UA 8 4, 1889, 2-2 JDPtJDP UA, Jl 18 9 1695, 3-6 FT:HR B,~.H<t#*r .- v^i&fBfrr'f EICHEL!IAN, C. W. EICHELMAN C.W. Harried L. E. Oberat. UA Je 23, 1975, 3-4 Elected second Lieutenant of Co. C , 25th Brigade, N.G.S.N.Y. UAf D 11, 1875, 2-2 Ccp;p.ro WN:RZ EICHENGER, CHARLES S. EiCKEUJU, C. W. Married Mary M. Dunn (Lima) 8old out his barber shop to Louis Pfahler. (1 in.) UA UA, S 3O 9 1891, 7-3 0 7, 1876, 2-2 SC:HR Hii/CV EICHER , CHARLOTTE (GATES) IICHEMLAUB, JOSEPH P (ERIE, PA.) Died Married Harriet R. Nientimp (Rochester) UA, Jl 25, 1895 , 3-6 UA, Je 8, 1897, 6-6 • JL:B 1 -T:JA (LIMA) di" Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IXCKHARN, ANNA (MRS. GBO.) Died TJAt Ap 1 , EICHHURST, CHARLES Died (5i«) 1895, 3-4 UA, Jl 27, 1886, 2-6 JL:JI CCHLER, WILLIAM Threatened with imprisonment i f he do«sn*t stop annoying h i s neighbors EICHUAN, ISAAC Obituary UA, N 12, 1872, 2-7 UA, Ag & , 1896, 6-4 GTZ:JUG M:TL EICHMAN, LOUIS EICHMAN3, LOUIS See Ottenberg, Isaac Filed a general assignment in the County Clerks' office. (l£ in.) UA JL:RZ AJC/CMV EICHGRN, ALFRED EICHORK, L1RS. All::A Obituary Died UA, D 30, 1865, 2-3 UA 8 14, 1B97, 6-3 VC:JI N 27, 1874, 2-1 1XCHDRN, ANNA Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Died. UA, Ja 13, 1890, 5-4 EICHORN^ ANNA Letters of administration granted upon estate (l") UA, Mr 1, 1895, 6-5 AA:MB MC:FD EICHCRN, ELLEN (URS. GEOKGE) EICHORH, FHAI^TK G. Died H a r r i e d Mary K. B r e e k e r UA, F 21, 1872, 3-4 UA, S 7, 1 8 8 2 , EICHORN, GEORGE Harried Nellie UeCormiek UA, S 9, 1862, 3-6 EICHORw, 1/AHY See Hunnell, Benton (Evp.naville, Ind.) 3-7 EICHORN, JOSEPH A Married Elizabeth S. Dennlston (Lyons) UA, 0 25, 1864, 3-4 EICHORST, ANNIE Died UA, 0 11, Ig9?f 2-2 IICHHIST . Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes c. s. EICKART, CHARLES H. Died Harried Louisa Oootsman (Webster). (l N ) M» 27. 1697 UA, N 2, 1882, 2-1 rii SICKELBERG, KR. EXCKH*, JOHN Died Home on Vienna S t r e e t burned; estimated l o s s a t $800* UA, 8 Zp Xooo, UA, Mr 1 , 1873» 2-3 GZ:MB EICKERT, A. F. J. Died Died Oa, EICKERT, JOHN Ap 19, 1895, 6-2 UA, D 11, 1891, 5-3 JL:7L EICKERT, JOHN Letters of administration issued on estate EIDUAN, JOHN Died UA, F 4. 1890. 7-4 UA, 8 13, 1892, 2-3 JDP.-HR AA:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EXDT, HENRY EIDT, HENRY Coamitted suicide by slashing throat in boarding house on Stone St. Jury oonoluded inquest by giving verdiot of death by suicide. UA, D 6, 1860, 2-2 UA, D 7, I860, 2-2 CG:I3 CG:iiB H E , HILARIA,. (RUSH) EIE, LOREN (PARIJA) Will admitted to probate. Died UA Ja 27, 1897, 6-5 UA, D ill., 1S9<$, JDPrEQ EIGHME, JAY C. IIGHHEt HRS. EU8EBIA Married Delia Chamberlain (Jamestown) Died UAt UA My 17, 1897, N 2k9 8-3 JL:jO 1«S5, 2-3 JG:JI 2ICEIET. GZ-JMZ JR. (BUI1ALJ) Varrled Sarah Anna Sehllcx.3' UA (POUGHKEEPSIE) D 30, 1897. 9-3 EIGHMY, CHARLES 1 Indicted for murder of Crandall UA Ja 15, 1875, • 1 AJC:JI 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EIGHMY, CHARLE8 3?i?? t r l J d ** Canandalgua for the killing of George Crandall (2") EIGKMEY, CHARLES On trial at Canandaigua for the murder of George Crandall* (2 In.) «*, My 8, 1875, 2-4 UA My 15, 1875, 2-5 PW/CMV EIGHUEY, CHARLES Convicted of murder in the f i r s t degree (4 lines) UA, Uy 2 1 , 1875, 2-5 EIGHMEY, CHARLES (CANANDAIGUA) Confessed murder of George L. Crandall, seeks to implicate Mrs. Crandall and BenJ. F. Webster. (1/3 col.) Je 22, ia75, 2-2 EIGHMEY, CHARLES Governor to hear J. P. Faurot's arcu»rents for coTTriutation of death sentence of Eigimey to life inprlsonraent. (1? in.) UA Ag 2, 1876, 2-2 EIOHMEY, CHARLES The governor refused to eommutate his sentence for murder. 14" ) 9 Wtt:JMG Bl9 , 2-5 EIGKEEY, CHARLES His case was argued before the Governor for a commutation of sentence. No decision has been made as yet by the Governor. (I11) 30, 1876 2-1 EIGHUEY CHARLES The Governor r e f u s e d t o commute h i s death sentence (ll in.) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IXOHMEY, CHARLES EIGHMEY, CHARLES To be executed on Friday ' UA 8 6, 1876, (3 in.) Text of the murderers confession printed. He is to be executed tomorrow (2 Col*) 2-6 UA S 7, 1876, 2-3 ¥N:JI EIGHHEY, CHARLES A r t i c l e describes h i s execution by hanging ( l Col.) UA 3 8, 1876, EIGHUEY, CHARLES / It cost Ontario County $2,357.26 to hang him UA, 0 12, 1876, 2-1 2-3 roran EIGHMEY, CHARLES EIGHMEY, CHARLES See Crandall, George. See Webster, B. F, JD:MB W : (CAKANDAIGUA) EIGHMEYf CHARLES L. Text of District Attorney of Ontario County Edwin Hicks closing remarks in case in which Eighoey was tried for murder of George Cran dell. (1 col*; UA WN:HR My 25, 1875 EIGHMY, IRA L. (BATAVIA) Died UA, 2-4 IBJJI N 7, 1893, 7-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EIOHUIE, JEREMIAH (POUOHKEEPSIE) EIGHTH SOCIAL CLUB Sold land t o Henry 0. Booth for $1,500.00 , 0 12, 1876, 2-6 Organised and tleoted officera UA Ja 28, 1884, 2-5 CC:JI AID SOCIETX, EIGHTH WARD\ Mary S. Anthony presented Mayor Clarkson with $50 f o r Nebraska s u f f e r e r s ( l " ) Annual meeting will be held tonight UA, 0 12, 1875, 2-3 UA, Ap 2, 1875, 2-1 AJCrAfl CCP:A3 AID SOCIETY, EIGHTH WARD ^ Ward Aid Society gave a sociable at No. 2 school house. UA Ap 22, 1876, 2-2 80CIETX, EIGHTH WARD A To hold meeting on Tuesday evening UA, 0 16, 1877, 2-2 CL:HR To have a party at No. 2 School UA Ja 18, 1877, 2-3 WARD UNIVERSAL OUTING CLUB F i r s t p l o n i e h e l d today Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes (fc o o l . ) 1 3 , 1^91;, 6-5 EIIART, OECROE F . Died UA, Je 5, 1693, 5-2 JL:AA JL:LO EIKARX, JOHN J. EIKART, MARGARETTE (MRS. F . W. ) Obituary Died UA N 24, 1888, 2-4 Ua, S 17, 1895, 6-H- SL:RZ IXKERT, CHARLES H. (CHARLOTTE) obit, cii") UA, EILEKGER, RUTH AMELIA Died Ap 2 3 , 1894, 6-4 UA J i 2g f 1879, R- JMjJA EILER, T1LLIAM EILERS, BERNARD Died Will admitted t o p r o b a t e UA, PC:8C Ja 17, 1890, 8-6 UA Ap 22, 1892, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes HUNGER, CORA 12LXNQER, 0 . REBECCA f a g n t r , fr«d p . Died UAt J l 69 1894, 6-2 JMrJI CLlHR EILINGER, HENRY Obituary. UA P 2 , 1872 Died 2-1 UA F 2, 1872, 3-4 AJC:HR EILLIAN, RALPT 3 . Died !»A, S 1 9 , 1893, 5-2 EINBERGER, FRANZ Chief of Police Hayden received a l e t t e r inquiring about Einberger «iio had fallen h e i r to a fortune in Austria (2W) UA, 0 24, 1894, 6-2 IB:AB EINHORN, DR. DAVID IIHSTEIH, EDWARD Memorial s e r v i c e s described (U-*) faed Gas and Electric U g b t Company of lew York to secure the •took assigned to him U i n . ) UA, N g, 1579, 2-1* 0 10 9 PJW:ARO MM:JI 1894, 6-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EINSTEIN EIBELE, MICHAEL See Bier, Signond 3. Died UA JMrRZ WN:HR. EISEMANN, PHILLIP Died UA El SEN ERG, IIRS. See Elsenberg, Henry D 17, 1885, 2-2 EISEr'BERG, GEORGE Died UA Ja 26, 3-4 N 9, 1881, 3-6 EISEK3SR5, HEMRY A r r e s t e d and ve"M In J a i l u n t i l c r e n d e r s v e r d i c t In t h e death of h i s mother L'rs. E i ^ e n o e r g ; v e r d i c t t h n t death r e s u l t e d from n a t u r a l causes UA, 0 29, 1S9O, 5-7 EISENBSR&, JOHI1 Escaped from Insane Asylum UA Jl 11, 1871, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EISENBERG, ilARTHA ELLA EISENBERG, MARTHA ELLA Died °*. Died D IK 1896, 6- UA D 1^, 1696, 3-7 JDPlEQ EJSENBERG, WILLIAM IISENBERG, WILLIAM Charged committing rape on 13 year old girl U i " ) UA, O 24, 1895, 6-5 KI8ENBURG, WILLIAM Shot at officers who attempted to arrest him UA, D3t 1895, 7-3 IISENBERG, WILLIAM Freed from charge of disorderly conduct Found guilty of assault in County Court (1 liu) UA, UA, D 4, 1895, 7-2 AP 14, 1696, 7-6 FT:JI ••• EISENBURG, CONRAD EISEWBRAUM, GUSTAVE W. cc Died And wife sold to Catharine Bauer property on Henrietta Ave. for $1,110, UA, Mr 31. 1890, 6-6 UA My 8 , 1879 2-8 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1I8ENBUR0, CONRAD See Baur, Louis EISENBURO, :.!RS. JOHN Funeral n o t i c e UA, llr 10, 1886, 2-6 EISEKHAUER, JOSEPH F. EISEMHAUER, JOSEPH Harried J u l i a Allman Died UA J a 6 , 1896, 7-2 UA, lly 1 2 , 1896, 7-4 JClRZ EISEHHAUER, STEPHEN EISENLORD, PETER 0. Died Estate under discussion at Surrogate Court (6«) UA., Ja. h, 1S9O, R-6 UA, Ap 12, 1886, 2-5 MS:FD EISENLORD, WM. EISENUAN, MICHAEL Died. F a t a l l y i n j uNr e d idien he Jumped from a t r a i n . (3 ) UA N 6 , 1886, 8-4 UA <DP:RZ J l 1 8 , 1892, 5-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EISENUANN, MICHAEL EISEM-'ANN, OTTO ?§. Mathiaa Koening, decision by Justioe Macomber. Died UA, Ja 14, 1687, 3-4 UA, Ap 4, 1893, 5-1 MB IB.-AB EISENMENGER, JOSEPH Died UA, Jl 13, 1889, 2-5 EISENHENGER, UARTIN Declines Democratic nominee for supervisor of the ?th Ward* UA, F 29, 1884, 2-2 VB:FD EISENMENGER, MARTIN See Eisenmenger, Peter EISENMENGER, MARY Died UA IISEMMENGER, MARY B Died Vl9 Je 19, 1**2, 3-7 (MRS. ADAil) Je 12, 1879, 3-7 EISENMENGER, PETER t o Ma rtln Eisenmenger for ,000, UA, My 5, 1877, 2-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EISLEr, GF.OFGE SI3LER, GEORGE U Received the Bacra^ent of Holy Orders Ordained deacon at St. Joeenh's Provincial Seminary UA, S 12, 1881, 2-1 UA, Je 1 1 , 1881, cmp EISVAN, ANNA EISMAN, GEORGE Will admitted t o probate Died in Jail (4") UA, Ja 2 9 , 1890, 5-7 UA, F 16, 1884. 2-2 aa mm ElSHAN, GEORGE EISUAN. LENA R. Committed suicide by taking laudanum Vs. Edward Tumerand George Delph f o r $150 damages f o r i n j u r i e s l l " ) UA, F 18, 1834, 2-1 D 31, 1896, 7-6 roram M88ENQRAUER, IDA CLARA EI8SENH0UER, KATHRINE Died UA, Mr 2 7 , 1 8 9 0 , ee m Died of paralysis of the brain 5-7 UA Ag 8, 1860, 2-3 1 CG:DS • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EIZAWZAJu£R, STEPHEN EITHINER, JOHN Missing from h i s home. K i l l e d when a bank of earth caved In on him (3") UA Jl 22, 1880, 2-1 UA, Ap 29, 1875, WN:NT .TTVRZ EXERT, ANNA MARY ELAU, CHARLES Bee Lux, John Stables destroyed by fire UA, Jl A8:HB ELAM, J . B. ELAM, JABEZ Arrested for firing two shots from a p i s t o l at Timothy Hlggins. OA 0 10, 1874 2-1 Shoe factory was completely destroyed by fire; loss $6,000; Insurance $900 (7 UA, S 23, 1892, 5-2 JD:HR SLAM, 1IARX Latter* of administration issued upon e s t a t e of Mary Weedon UA, » UC:JA 5 » 1895 » ELAM, :.:ARY E. See Preston, John I. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILAH, MINNIE E, See Exfeardt, Lewis P. ELAM, HI. LINCOLN Died DA 0 20, 1886, 2-6 RZ 1TZ:JI ELB, ELIZABETH ELB, ELIZABETH Petition filed on will Petition filed for probate of will UA, Je 18, 1892, 5-2 UA, Je 18, 1892, 5-2 LF:FD AS:HR ^ ^ < ^ ^ ELB9 GEO. His greenhouse damaged t o e x t e n t of $400 l o s s ; caused by o v e r h e a t e d stove UAf D 1 1 , 1876, 2-?. ELBERT, MARTHA See Wadsworth, H e r b e r t ELBA Hethodist Church; as pastor UA, 0 14, 1869, 2-3 ELBRICH, L0UI3 A. Died. UA, J a 2 3 , 1886, 2-6 213:0 JC:JI W.D. Back l i s t e d Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELBRIDGE, FRANCIS ELBS, JOHN 0. Arrested for picking pocket of lady Married Elizabeth Sweigle passenger on train near Utica. UA, Je 24, 1891, 7-4 UA, Je 7, I860, 2-2 mhm;fg 3C:JI ELBS, ROSE ELCHICK, FLOSSIE See Gropp, Win. A. Died UA Mr 11 1892 5-1 SL:AA ELCHMAN, BELLE See Schulman, Joseph ELD , RICHARD (HENRIETTA) married Margret Garvey R.D.U. AP 14, 1856 3-4 SClPM ELDER, A&NL'S (;J*S. JALXS) Died ELDER, I.31S. ELIZA Death UA, Mr 29, 1867, 3-5 pg:man RDA Ap 1 5 , 1 8 5 2 , 3 - 2 (1 i n . ) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELDER, JOHN ELDER, JOHN Died Eleoted assistant foreman of Hook and UA Ap 30, 1669, Ladder Co« No* 1^ tfA D 3, 1862, 2-4 MHM/JI JDPrJDP ELDERIDGE, LUIS P. ELDER, WILLIAil J . Annie R i l e y (Buffalo) Died in Victor UA, UA, Ap 2 2 , 1857, 3 - 5 S 20, 1897, ELDERKIN, EUNICE 8-2 (MRS. R. A.) ELDERKIN, J . Died UA, 0 10, 1896, Democratic candidate f o r School Commissioner, 16th ward 2-5 UA, Mr 5 , I S * ! , 2-7 AL:AA VClAHO ELDERKIN, JOHN (UTICA) Married Florence Agnes Havlll (Rochester) UAf Je 29, 1892, 5-4 ELDERKIN-TAYLOR SHOE COMPANY Judgments were t a k e n a g a i n s t t h e company. The company was on t h e Terge of failure. (4") UA, Ja 13, 1890, 5-3 AA:MB AA Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KLDEFKIN, TAYLOR ft CO I P ANY Shoe company sold at auction. UA, ELDERMAN, JOSEPH Married Josle M. Sohliok F 3, 1690, 5-4 UA, My 21. 1M*. 3-7 BR:SC CC:AB ELDRED, CAROLINE ELDL'AN, W. GEORGE (MRS. mi.) Died Died. (2") UA, AS 6, 1891, 5-7 UA, Ja 23, 1891, 5-7 (HIMRODS) PR:MB LAIHR Mil ELDRED, FANNIE ELDRED, CLARK (ROSE) Died Died UA UA, F 2 5 , 1 8 9 0 , 7 - 3 Ag 21, 1889, 6.4 WJ:HR JDP:JDP ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ELDRED, MAUD Funeral account given (BROCKPORT) ELDREDGE, ANN AUGUSTA See Collins, Aldeman UA, S 1, 1891, 7-3 CCP:HR (CLARXSON) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELDREDGE, ASEL ELDREDG2, CHARLES Died I n (fetes H 3, Pell into canal at Port Byron and -as crushed between tv;o boats 1868, 5-6 RDD, S 9, 1851, 2-4 AB m ELDREDGE, HARRIET ELIZA ELDHEDGE, ERA3TU8 Death* filed in Penfield, UA, 0 1 7 , 1859, 2-6 UA9 P 29, 1864, 3-8 PW:lIB ELDREDGE, IDA ELDREDGEf PERSIS SARAH Died Died OA, 0 2 0 , 1883, 3-4 UA ceo Bnnn 1878, 3-5 CL:JI 1 EUXREDGE, SETH A . Harried Charlotte Webster 1 UA, 0 2 1 , 1 OGPSEQ N 6, 1897, 9-2 1 ELDREDGE, SETH R!, i Died In New York City UA VC:JI Mr 9 , 1883, • 3-7 ILDR1D, MRS. LEORAND Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EtiDHIDGE,—- ©ltd. h e t l r e s from firm Fairbanks, Eldridge & Co. °* * 17, 1891. 7-3 RDU, Ky 2, 1853, 2-5 SV/ilB PR:LR ELDRIDGE See Rochester Chemical Works ELDRIDGE, URS. (PENFIELD) Died UA nhmi ELDRIDGE, . See Young, Samuel 8 5, 1385, 4-2 ja:JI ELDRIDGE, ALFRED Struck a bridge while standing on R.R. car8; knocked to the tracks and killed. UA A p g, lggg, g-lj. FD:MC ELDRIDGE, AHKE (uRS. LEV/IS) Died UA Ap 7 , JL: MP ELDRIDGE, CATHARINE A. (iv'.RS. T.R.B.) Died In Brooklyn, N.Y. UA, 0 18, 1883, 3-6 ecp Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELERIDGE, CHAFLES D. (PENFIF.LD) P e t i t i o n for probate of w i l l UA F 7 , 1893, 5-2 filed. ELDRIDOE, CHARLES D. t i l l admitted t o probate, UA, Mr 8 , 1893, 5-4 JA:BZ FAD ELDRIDGE, CHARLES S. (CLYDE) ELDRIDGE, CHARLES W. (CHICAGO) Harried Ora Allen (Galen) Formerly o f Rochester; d i e d UA Mr 2, 1894, 5-3 UA, JL':RZ N 23, 1897, 6-6 CBP:TL ELDRIDGE, ELLEN ELDRIDGE, EBEIEZER Death in York, Indiana Brought s u i t f o r $ 1 , 0 0 0 a g a i n s t Frank Ho Cord f o r i n s u l t s (4 N ) RDA UA, J a 15 f 1896, 6-5 Ap 14, 1852, 3-2 SC:HR CLN ILDRIDGE, FRANK A. (BUFFALO) Admitted to the Bar UA Ap 6f 1877f 2-6 ELDP.I3G3, TO. H. D. S l e e t e d member of Monroe County Kedical Society HDD| My 16. KLH ., 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELDRIDGE, I.e. (PENFIELD) ELDRIDGE, IRVEN B. (PENFIELD) Appointed postmasters Married Eliza M. Lovett (Penfield) UA, My 25, 1891, 7-3 UA, Ap 16, 18ei, 3-7 CCPiAB ELDRIDGE, IRVIN B. ELDRIDGE, IRWIN B. See King, Albert H. .See Mllleu£n, Henry HU:AB (PENFIELD) ?C:JI ELDRIDGE, J. B. & G. W. ELDRIDGS, J. B. & G. W. Corrections to "Aldrldge". Have* contract for construction of new building near Main St.Bridge. UA, Mr 28, I860, 2-4 UA, % 27, 1360, 2-4 , J . R. ELERIDGE, J. PRESCOTT Has purchased a grocery s t o r e Oires spiritualistic exhibition in Corinthian Hall and therefore w i l l not leave c i t y UA, Mr 21, 1873, 2-2 RDU, Je 9 , 1853, 2-5 GZJFD uc Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELDHID3E, J.I. « three coluwn scenic cut in the ELDRIDGE, J. R. Tea and Coffee warehouse (illustrated) RDU, advertisement of provisions 0 10, 1853, 3-2 RDA, F 24, 1863, 3-1 CB ELDRIDGL, J R. ELDRIDGE, J R. His advertiseuent for Teas i l l u s t r a t e d Purchases house on North Fitzhugh St with Chinese House PJXJ RDD, Ap 6, 1954, 2-5 IT 28, 1853, 4-1 ELDRIDGE, J. R. ELDRIDGE, J. R. & CO. Took in A. 8. Mann as t partner in hifl grocery business Open store In Buffalo* UA, J a 25, 1859, 3-1 RDU, Ag 2, 1664, 2-5 MLH ELDRIDG2, JAIiES ELDP.I3GE, JA32Z 'JG 2C.) Killed when engine on Erie Railway plunged into a ditch Kissing, description UA, Je 28, 1867, 2-1 ?.DA» I'y 20, 1853, 2-5 I'LH 111 O R ; mm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELDRIDGE, J01CI M. ELDRIDGE, JCHN (BELFAST) Married Lucy A. Shepard (Le Roy) Death HDD RDA, F 1 7 , 1 £ 6 1 , 2 - 7 •LH Mr 17, 1853, 3-3 CLV EIDRIDGE, JOHN R. ELDRIDGE, JOHN R. To sell his goods at cost and will aooept Canadian money and notes of the suspended Free Banks Purchased estate of Francis Gorton for $12,000. UA Ja 16, 1665 2-4 UA 0 13, 1857, 3-1 FD:J3 DS tummnwtto' ELDRIDGE, JCHN ROCHESTER ELDRIDGE, JOHN R. And Henry S. Fitch are organizing ne«v firm in New York City UA Ja 7, 1867, ELDRIDGE, LAVINA lurried Bertha Gooney(Palmyra) it St. Mary's Church BBsRZ » 1889 'UA, Ja 5, 1857, 3-5 2-4 ELDRIDGE, L* E. UA Death. » See Young, James Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILDRIGDE, LEWIS, P . ELDRIDGE, LEWIS P. (MINNEAPOLIS) Poem oocasloned by h i s death printed* Married Minnie Bickford UA, P 9 , 1658, 3-1 UA Ja 25, 1S&3» (3 i n . ) Tr* FD:JS VC:JI ELDRIDGE, 12RS. &IARIA ELDRIDGE, LIBSIE Died in Fairport Died UA, D 1, 1883, 3-8 UA N 2 2 , 1 8 5 8 , VC:AFO ELDRIDGE, MARY 3-1 DS (MRS. FRED) Died. UA, j a 5, 1891, 7-4 ELDRIDGE, MATILDA Died s u d d e n l y UA, Mr 1 3 , 1S3O, PR: MB H;.; :ARO ELDRIDGE, IIATILDA N Died ELDRIDGE, O.H. Entered partnership with 8.A. Millington in the sign-painting business UA, Ag S, JDJARO KM:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BUKIDGE, S . CGATES) ELDHIDOE, SAMUEL S . (7/ARSAW) Died Died suddenly UA, Ja 26, 1892, 2 - 4 OA, N 8 , 1363, 2-2 CG:AB AS:FO MB SLDRIDG3, T . 3 . 3 . (DUTKIRK) Flour mill in Rochester destroyed by ee 'Tare, Writer fire HDD D 2 8 , 1853 2 - 5 NC -ca, v/r.. ELDRIDOE, THOI£AS P . Died of unjuries received in railroad accidert at Syracuse Died Ul H. D 2 1 , 1871I-, 3-3 UA, Ag 19, 18&4, 2-2 JD:JI ELDRIDGE, WILLIAM ELDRIT, UARY ALBEHTI Carried Annie Hibbard Death UA, 0 3 , 1896, UA, Mr 17, 1858, 3-3 10-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes K-EAS, SLEAS, MARY Rescued by her brothers after being rorced to marry Pharia J e b r i e l ; he had disappeared; Shakir Lahood and Joseph xesei* arrested (1/3 c o l . ) See Lahood, Shelter UAf 3 6, 1893, 5-5 FAD IB:HR ELECT! CK CAUrAI^r: ZXPE.VSS Parson, D. Edgar and 3urton H. Dvry file expense statements. (9") VA v 1 1 , 1890, 5-2 ELECTION EXPENSES Oreenleaf, Halbert 8*, John Klnney, George Engert and P . Chamberlain, f i l e statements, ($ col.) UA 8C:RZ SC:RZ ELECTION EXPENSES Van Toorhis, John; Adlebert E. Parka and James A.Baird file statements. (4 ) UA • V 13, 1890, 5-5 15 1890 6-4 ELECTION EXPENSES White, E. H., gives statement of no expenses; John J« Cornell in danger of punishment M for failing to f i l e statement (2& ) tFA,N 17, 1890, 8-2 SC:AA SC:HR ELECT 1C1. Z^EIiSES AIC Waufhton, Hon. Donfllc? ^nc1 Wnifl'n Banc r o f t f i l e s t a t e n > n t of expenses ( ? " ) UA li l g , 1692, 2-1 ELECTION EXPENSES Ryan, William E . , f i l e d statement UA, N 5, 1896, 7-1 JP:FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTION EXPENSES ELECTION EXPENSES 0 9 Orady, Janes II* E«, f i l e d stattaefi of expenses Brewster, Henry C., f i l e d statement UA, N 6, 1896, 7-4 UA, V 1 1 , 1896, 9-2 JP:FD JDP:JI IX£CHOK EXPENSES ELECTION EXPENSES Sehroth, John U«, and lterton E. Lewis f i l e statement of election expenses UA, M 1 1 , 1896, 7-3 ELECTION EXPENSES Sneck, Howard W., f i l e s statement of e l e c t i o n expenses UAf List of election expenses filed by candidates (4U) UA, N 12, 1896, 8-4 ELECTION EXPENSES Hai#it, Jacob S., files statement of expenses N 1 3 , 1*96, 9-7 JDP:EQ ELECTION EXPENSES Duffy, Walter B . , f i l e s statement of e l e c t i o n expenses. UAf H 1 4 , 1896, 11-2 IDPIAA ELECTION EXPENSES Hamilton, John B., filed statement of election expenses UA, I 17, JDP:JI 1896, 7-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIOIJ^ LAW VIOLATIONS ELECTION EXPENSES Haag* Benjamin, filed statement of eleotion expenses Out of town students s a i d t o be i l l e g a l l y registering UA f UA, 117, 1896, 9.2 0 27, 1892, 5-1 JDP-.JI ELECTION LAV/ VIOLATIONS Me Cloy, William, examined on charge o f Illegal voting. (9") UA 0 29, 1895, 7-5 ELECTION LAW VIOLATIONS Wood, Anthony and Isaac Brooks arrested for illegal registration (3 in.) UA, * N 4 , 1892, 5-1 ELECTION LAW VIOLATIONS 3 c a s e s s brought before U. S. Commissioners ( 3 " ) UA, N g, 189?, 5-5 3C:EQ ELECTION LAVS Provisions of np" nrlmpry election whose purnofi** is to effect honest Drlmeries. (1/3 Col) UA Ag ?kt 188"*, 3-? GP:LR ELSCTICJ: Important clauses published RDD, Kr 1, 1851, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTION LAWS ELECTION LAWS !!!£? *"* ^Peryiaore; powers duties given H 4, (2/3 Col.) 1892, 5-4 JM:JI N 5, 1892, 5-6 ELECTION LAWS Changes in laws explained (8") Explantion of ballot rules (2 cols.) UA, 0 26, 1895, UA, Jl S9 1895, 6-5 11-1 SC:MC SC:FD ELECTION LAV/3 ELECTION LAWS Election district boundaries and polling places for registration In Rochester listed (7 cols.) 0 g, UA, JM.-JI ELECTION LAWS UA, Instructions for officials and Toters given (l Col. 7& in.) 1596, D i s t r i c t boundaries and p o l l i n g plnces f o r r e g i s t r a t i o n in Rochester listed (7 c o l s . ) 0 9, IS96, U-l AL.'Ey, JC:EQ ELECTION LAWS ELECTION LAWS District boundaries and polling places for registration in Rochester listed. (7 ools.) UA, 0 10, 1896, 4-1 District boundaries and registration polling in Rochester listed ... f ,places . 17 col.) UA, 0 15, 1896, 4-1 AL:AA AL.*Fn Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes •LECTIO* LAWS figures on registration in Monroe County Siren. (1 col.) WA 0 1 9 f 1 8 9 6 , 1 0 - 1 ELECTIONS L e t t e r to e d i t o r - subject; "Registry Law ve Board of Registry" UA, F 18, 1863, 2-2 FG:ARO A:B2 ELECTIONS New Registry La- explained UA, 0 1 1 , 1866, 2-2 ELECTIONS Uain Interest in fight for police Justice; reports of ward actions. (15") UA.t Mr. 5, 1889, 2-5 PC:FAD ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Letter to editor concerning election laws (4"). Both parties ready for special election for alderman from 20th ward. (2k*) UA UA, 0 28, 1390, 4-2 SC^JDP Ag 25, 1894, 8-4 JLiAA ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Registration tomorrow UA, 8 28, 1894, 6-5 Speolal committee considering the adoption of the llyers ballot nachlne for Municipal elections (£eol) UA, im:JA 0 3, 1894, 7-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Voting at the noil© alow because of the m u l t i p l i c i t y of b a l l o t s ; returns from various warda (?>£ c o l a . ) UA, N6, 1P94, Bnrbour, Rev, C. A. denounced t r i o k y campaign t a c t i c s UA, N 4, 1895, 8-3 6-1 SC :MC ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Results of municipal elections in each ward given (9 Col.) Many complaints concerning several c i t i z e n s conduct during campaign <* Col.) UAt UA, H 6, 1895, Pages 6 and 7 SC-.JI N 7, 1895, 7-5 SC:JI XLECTC088 B i l l providing for the holding of t o « i e l e c t i o n s In the f a l l defeated (4 ) Mr 5, 1896, 6-6 "Times" cannot pnblish election notices for the city (l/3 col.) 0 8, 1897, 6-5 JClJI IXJEOTZOBS (CHURCHVILLE) Offloer* elected at village charter •leotlon (2 liu) UA, Wt 6, JOtJX 1896, 2-7 List of defective ballots thrown out in Rochester in 1895 (£ col.) UA, 0 23, 1896, 6-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS Hubbard, Rev, Warren C •Eleotlon Contest of " reaches on («) ELECTIONS P o r t r a i t s of officers elected for Monroe County; a r t i c l e describing the event (1 c o l . ) UA, N 2 , 1696, 13-2 UA, N 4 , 1896, 6-1 t JP:FD JPlFD ELECTIONS Question as to who will distribute the patronage in Rochester (& col.) ELECTIONS Barbour, Rev. Clarence A., given sermon on the presidential election (1 col.) UA, N 9, 1896, 9-6 UA, N 9, 1896, 13-1 JP:FD JP:FD ELECTIONS Ballots ELECTIONS BALLOTS Errors printed in candidates names cause Engraved voting ballots prepared by rany confusions political group to fraud votes HDD, 0 10, 1852, 2-3 RDD N 10, 1853, 2-2 DS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS The Union asserts that money was the chief factor in the outcome of the election of Harrison and Morton; also comments on Eallot reform (1 col) UA, Ja 21, 1689, 4-2 Slf.'AB County Clerk receives enraple official ballots (?") UA 0 ?7, 1390, 5-1* Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Ballot Boxes Betting *5 -l^i 0 ! 6 tesoribing the operation of a •tuffed Ballot Box used in California UA advises against betting in the coming national election for president, , Jl 1, 1856, 2-3 UA Jl 12, 1872 2-1 ,VC:HR ELECTIONS J ELECTIONS Bribes Bribery E d i t o r i a l ; C a l l s a l l who accepted money Editorial deplores fact that $30,000 was f o r v o t e a s "thorougily demoralized, distributed to voters in Rochester; callc oorrupt, rotten" recipient8 "thoroughly demoralized, UA N 6 , 1858, 2-1 corrupt, rotten" UA VR/CISV N 6, 1858, 2-1 CMV m -urn- yi fELECTIONS ELECTIONS Bribe 8 Prominent Republicans arrested for bribery at the polls (6*) Brighton 1 Vases of winning candidates listed. 1 UA Mr 3. 1»97- 10-3 UA, N 2, 1880, 2-2 JD^FD ELECTIONS \ CQ:J1)P 1 J6LKCTIOHS Cain C a n v a s s e r s , Board of O f f i c i a l Canvass as p r e r e n t e d by HDD, IT 2 1 , 1£53, 3 - 1 1 List of 1 Uk | CGsJBP successful candidates given. Mr 3. 1897. 10-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS County Canvass Offieial oanvass for eleotlon of Estimated oanvasa for G O T * Lieut., Representatives to Congress, Justioe 0or» Comptroller, Canal Commissioners, of Sessions, and Coroners giren. Inspeotors of State Prisons and UA, N 17, 1870, 2-3 Represent at Ires in Congress given* UA, H 17, 1670, 3-3 CO: KB CO: MB ELECTIONS ELECTION Official State Canvass of votes in Nov. election for Secretary of State UA, D 23, 1871, 2-1 Caucuses Letter on "The Caucus System", nnd how (Suppl.) it worked last fall. UA F 26, 1362 2-3 f EIECTICI5 ELECTIONS Charter Charter Time and place of polls for city Editorial asks for selection of worthy men* Election ROU, P 15, 1855, 2-1 *' 28, 11 C, 2-1 MB ELECTIONS ELECTIONS OF 1859 Charter Election, 1863 Republican victorious in Charter election* Controversy between Republicans and UA, Mr 2, 1359, 3-1 Democrats regarding various candidates and party differences UA PU MHM/CMV Mr 2, 1863, 3-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS tomtit e of charter eleotlon; viotory • * Deaooratlo party ourbed by Labor nerora Party. ELECTIONS Charter Pre-election editorial; Democratic administration boosted* (1 col.) 0Af Mr 8 f 1871, 8-1 UA Mr 4, 1872, 2-2 ELECTIONS ELECTIONS, CHARTER Charter The I s s u e s o f t h e c i t y reviewed, f o r next c h a r t e r e l e c t i o n : C i t i z e n ' s Committee, E l e v a t i o n o f N. Y. C. H. R.f Cit Ex- tension. UA F 14, 1874 UA, Mr 4, 1874, 2-3 2-4 GTZrARO GTZ.'HR ELECTIONS, CHARTER ELECTIONS Charter Election Charter election and the Caucus systen discussed UA Returns for 14 wards given; trr. Clarkson, republican mayor elected; ilr. .Allen, Justice of the Peace, elected F 7, 1863, Tabular form showing number of votes each nominee received (2i Col.) UA Mr 9, 1887, 2-5 2-2 CC:JI icyj, cc: Gi.c- ELECTIONS Charter Returns of voting that took place yesterday* (2 cols.) UA*, Mr. 6, 1889, 2-5 Editorial expanding article in Rochester Daily Union in support of i:r. Huson; Dr. Carpenter, rhi£ nominee praised for forcer acconh.lfshc.snts RDO, N 3, 185.,, 2-3 POsFAD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Dlttriot* dirn^nointed rit' turnout of conprespionrl elections In t e several states; had expected sweeping victory; failed to lncrea e treir minority In the House Tht number reduced i n the fourth, tenth and fourteenth wards UA, J l 21, 1891, 6-5 L>A, 0 9, 1878, ?-l ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Districts New election districts planned. P r o h i b i t i o n t o p l a y prominent part in eleotions of Editorial. (13&") UA., Jl- 24, 1891, 7-1 UA J l 2 , 1885, 3 - 1 FAD IB:LR ELECTIONS Letter to editor concerning election I*-*. UA Editorial concerning election of officials. (1 2/3 col.) 0 2, 1890, 6-3 UA, 0 11, 1890, 4-2 ELECTIONS E d i t o r i a l c r i t i c i z i n g men who eo around asking voters their sentiments, (5«) UA, 0 1 4 , 1 9 9 0 , 4 - 1 8C;MB Concernlne duty of citizens with right to vote T* col) UA, 0 5, 1K92, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Editorial concerning registration (7 in.) Letter to editor advocating change in federal Administration (84 in.) UA UA, 10, F 19, 1894, 4-1 1890, 4-2 SC:JI SC:JI ELECTIONS Frauds Frauds Doy, John, arrested and charged with illegal voting at late election. RDU, D 1, 1853, 2-4 Registration frauds charged by U & A. Republican party accused. UA, N 1, I600, 2-2 jd:mam ELECTION FRAUDS ELECTIONS Frauds UA accuses Republicans of fraudently naturalizing voters; cites 6 inoidents and names the men involved UA Champion, Daniel, a r r e s t e d by U. S« officers for illegal voting at the last election. UA Ap 21, 1877, 2-6 0 28, 1868, 2-2 JDPR:Z ELECTION FRAUDS ELECTION FRAUDS MoNamara, P a t r i c k , was arrested S c o t t , James, was a r r e s t e d f o r i l l e g a l v o t i n g during the recent e l e c t i o n (3 i n . ) DA, D 4 , 1876, 2-1 UA WNtAB WNJJI D 13, 1676, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 2LSCTIC : ELECTIONS The Statute provides that the General 2lecj:ion shall be held the Tuesday following the f i r s t ronday in "oveiaber. Graft Cheating done by both p a r t i e s f o r p e r s o n a l gains brought before the c i t i z e n s , a c t i o n demanded, (6") UA P 1 7 , I5c<3, 2-1 ?>DA, 0 17, 1853, 2-3 VC:L?. ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Henrietta Glendon, John (democratic) UA, Illegal Voting elected Ur 5 , 1896, 6-1 Horthrop, George, arrested for swearing false statements on his eligibility as a voter* ROT, Ap 10, 1855, 3-2 RM:1® JC:JA ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Illegal Voting Illegal voting; Rev- J Watts is center of controversey Ed. urges that illegal voters be RDU, D 3, 1856, 2-1 Indicted regardless of political party. UA, D 3, 1864, 2-1 ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Illegal Voting Illegal Voting Ed..discussing illegal voting and the Three men held for illegal voting by United States Commissioner. action taken by Grand Juries UA UA D 23, CO:JI 1864, 2-1 GTZ:HR D 31, 1872 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes •ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Ulegal voting Alexander, Ed. J . f arrested. (2") UA Illegal Voting Livingston, John, was arrested yesterday, D l f 1876, 2 - 6 UA D 2, 1876, 2-4 ELECTIONS Illegal Voting Parlour, In. P., was examined before United States Commissioner J. D. Husbands on charge of illegal voting in 2nd Ward UA Ja 5, 18*3, Inspectors cannot legally act as poll clerks. (5") UA, 0 13, 1890, 5-2 2-2 SC:UB ELECTIONS Notice listing inspectors of election, (2/3 col) Complaint8 about inspectors (1 in.) UA, 0 17, UA 1890, 3-7 SCMI sc:SC •• N 10, 1890, 7-4 m ELECTIONS ELECTIONS 50 of then sworn in Labor Reform Party warns public against bogus tickets to be distributed on election day headed "Working Ken's Ticket11 0Af 8 26, 1894, 7-2 UA, N 1, 1871, 2-4 Inspectors JLlTD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS List of districts for Monroe County,polling plaoes and Inspectors of elections. \O 0018*) ELECTIONS Lttter from voter concerning rights of voters, (l£ ool.) UA 0 7, 1890, 4.4 UA«, 3. 15, 1390, 6-2 8C:RZ SC:FAO ELECTIONS Notice to election inspectors (2/3 col) UA, 0 9, 1890, 1Q-7 Strong voting in all city wards; city treasurer Valentine Fleckenstein reelected (1 col.) UA, Mr 3, 1891, 5-4 SC:FD ELECTION Outcome of voting in vicinity towns listed (2& cols.) UA, Mr 4, 1891, 7-3 Results of past elections in the state and Monroe County; figures for comparison (& col.) UA, N 3, 1891, 5-5 PR:HR ELECTIONS Local returns in Rochester and lion roe County listed (6 cols.) Results; comparison of vote of senatorial candidates (5") UA, M 4, 1891, 5-2 UA, N 7, 1891, 5-4 JDPlHR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Ward nominations H a t e d ; oity nominations given , P 8 9 , 1892, (9-1-7) (10-1 * 2) UA, Mr 3 , 1892, 9 - 1 - 7 ; 10-1,2 SL:FD SL:KR ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Deputy Marshals and supervisors keep v i s i t i n g the U.S. commissioners f o r t h e i r back pay f o r serving curing e l e c t i o n s (£ c o l . ) Ufc, City nomination l i s t e d ; Ward nomination listed H 26, 1S92, I n g a l l s , John J . , l e c t u r e s a t Washington Rink; p r e d i c t s c o n f l i c t between opposing elements of society UA', D 1 3 , 1892, 2-1 5-6 JDPlEQ JDP:HR ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Municipal Candidates f i l e d statement of expenses (5 i n . ) UA9 N 15, 1893, C i t i z e n s i n t e r v i e w e d on t h e q u e s t i o n of municipal e l e c t i o n s as proposed by a member of t h e Common Council and Board of S u p e r v i s o r s ( | c o l . ) 6-2 UA, N 24, 1891, 5-7 JDP :HR SC:JI ELECTIONS ELECTIONS ^ National National nar a Editorial on the forthcoming; elections U, S. Grant reelected; Republicans sweep the city and county UA, 0 23, 1860, 1-6 UA, N 6, 1872, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTION National Liberal Republican gives his views on the outcone of the recent election, UA, N 7, 1872, 3-2 Nominations Lists of candidates for various parties ( 2 pages) UA, 0 26, 1897, 14-2 VC:HB CCPiEQ wmmm ELSCTIOICS ELECTIONS Polls Polls Polling places listed. Locations of polls in the ten HE*, Mr 2, 1852, 2-7 BDD, N 8, 1853, 2-4 FT/KB I'C ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Location of voting booths given POLLS N 5, 1855, 2-1 Location of voting places In e»ch of the 12 wards UA 0 1 2 , 1859, 2-3 PV,f:DS CliV ELECTION'S ELECTIONS POLLS Polls List of places for registration List of polls In city wards UA P 14, 1860, 2-3 UA, 0 10, 1860, 2-2 CG:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Polls Polls Citizens of sixth ward protest location of poll. Citizens of 6th Tf&rd have been browbeaten into polling; place by UA, 0 27, 1860, 2-5 Republicans UA, 0 29, 1360, 2-1 FG:1IB FG .' C ELECTIONS ELECTIONS TOLLS Location of election Polls Location of polls and hours listed UA, N 4, 1861, 2-3 UA N 5, I860, 2-5 n t jrarau ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Polls 1 Polls Major Nash s notice to policemen as to their duties at the polls during election Special deputy marsh»lls chosen for elections listed. (2") UA, N 4, 1861, 2-4 UA, 0 18, 1882, 4-3 at JD:HR ELECTIONS Polling Polling: places for wards designated by Coaaon Council UA, 0 4, 1864, 2-2 ELECTIONS Polling Places Looatlon of the polls in Hie 14 wards are listed, UA N 6, 1865 CCP:E8 fd;i 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Polling Places Polls Location of polls in each ward. List of places i&ere the e l e c t i o n p o l l s UA, * 5, 1866, 2-5 are located UA Mr 4 , 1867, 2-4 JD:1IB ELECTIONS List of official polling places given. ELECTIONS (fool. ) UA P Polls 27 1892 5-5 Notices of polling places l i s t e d UA, 0 16, 1S77, 8L:AA (SIV:ARO ELECTION REFORUS ELECTIONS P e t i t i o n t o l e g i s l a t u r e f o r adoption of llyers voting machine; l i s t of a few prominent names on p e t i t i o n Primary Editorial on rules and regulations regarding primaries UA N 2 0 , 1889, 5-6 UA, Je 2, 1894, 3-1 JII:RZ AJC:A 0 mUMi ELECTIONS Registration ELECTIONS Increase in registration over 1858 reported Registration E d i t o r i a l attacks ne^ Registry UA, 0 2 2 , 1859, 2 - 2 UA, 0 19, 1859, 2-2 PW:MC pw Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTION REGISTRATION REGISTRATION Editorial points out defects In Evil8 of registration law, pointed new Registration law out — UA N 7, 1859, 2-2 illustration recent election used as U A N 9 , 1859, 1-5 PW:DS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Registration Registration Editorial protests costs involved In enforcing registry law Editorial claims registry failed to Justify expense UA, N 18, 1859, 2-2 ELECTIONS UA, N 19, 1859, 2-3 ELECTIONS Registration Editorial attacks registry law Registration Editorial urges early registration, UA, 0 10, 1860, 2-2 UA, F 27, 1861, 2-1 PJWIARO ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Registrations Registration Registration of absentee soldiers urged Rochester Democrat portests against the in editorial registration of absent soldiers UA, N 1, 1864, 2-1 UA, N 2, 1864, 3-3 PJWIARO p.Tor* Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Registration Registration Editorial comments on the bad work done In proTidlng places to hold the registration; The absence or refusal of Registrars to do their duty is also scored. Registration taking plaoe for fall •1totions. UA, 0 30, 1868, 2-1 0A, 0 18, 1865, 2-1 CCP:ARO OZ:HR ELECTIONS Registration Last day of Registration* UA, 0 SI, 1668, 2-5 Registration U.A. says Democrats want the Registry Law repealed in order to prevent frauds at elections UA, N 16, 1S69, 3-1 ELECTIONS Registry, Board of ELECTIONS Registration Locations where they met. UA, lir 2, 1877, 2-3 Notice to r e g i s t e r for voting UA, 0 16, 1S77, 2-1 Given as 12.200 for 15 of the 16 ward3. iff") 17,162 voters have registered In the city. UA UA Mr 4, 1878 2-2 N 3, 1870, 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Figures given by wards Comparison of population of Rochester, Buffalo and Syracuse according to registration UA UA Registration 0 31, 1SS5, 2-3 N 2, 1S85, 2-2 n/fT,:v ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Notice of r e g i s t r y and v o t i n g n l a c e s . ( 2 / 3 Col) UA 0 ihf 1590, g-7 E d i t o r i a l concerning ] UA, 0 17, lgoo f ff. (7") 2^] SC.-LK ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Letter to editor concerning registry workers C ) Registry for wards given. UA UA 0 ?7, 1^90, 6-7 0 ?5, SC:JDP ELECTIONS H a t of d i s t r i c t s f o r Monroe County; registration from each ward l i s t e d . (1& c o l ) Report on registration for each ward (3") UA F 29 1892 UA, 0 21, 1895, 9-2 5L:AA 5-142 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS S u p e r v i s o r s , U.S. EI.EC?IO:T, Vote Prize Federal o r d e r i n g granting them $25 instead of $30. (S«) 6th ,/ard won C5C~<" i.rize for UA, Ja IS, 1883, 2-4 casting largest increase of v o t e s . Money '..ill ; e d i s t r i b u t e d to poor of the w arcj RDIJ, 7 25, 1J54, 2-5 NT:KB ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Voting The vote of Rochester in detail listed (1 page) UA, N 3, 1896, 1-1 Article explains operations in voting, qualifications, e t c . disapproves methods of Registry Law too open to dishonesty UA, 0 26 f 1861, 2-2 jp: J NT:ARO ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Wagers Churchville c i t i z e n will roll a barrel of apples from Churchville to Rochester as a result of an election bet. v WHZQS Nominations for uonroe County named 0 13, 1851. 2-2 UA, N 8, 1872, 2-2 VC.-KB •• ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Genesee County GEHESEE COUHTY Additional returns RDD N 10, 185o, 2-8 DS Enow nothings sweep county RDU, N 10, 1854, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTION ELECTIONS Livingston County Livingston County Result of town e l e c t i o n s ; 12 r g 2 d 4 Locofoco Supervisors elected Result of elections held Ap 1» 1851 HDD, Ap 3 , 1851, 3-4 RDD, Ap 4, 1851, 2-5 S'.LH o ELECTIONS SLSCTIOITS Livingston County Livingston County County e l e c t i o n r e s u l t s * T.higs elects Board of Supervisors RDA, Ap 5 , 1851, 2-5 RDD, Ap 9, 1853, 2-2 D3 KHE JD ELSCTIO::3 ELECTIONS Livingston County LIVINGSTON COUNTY Returns of t o n s for Assembly Additional returns HDD, N S, 1£53, 3-5 N 10, 1853, 3-8 DS ELECTIONS ELLCTIOIIS Livingston County L i v i n g ton County Hindoo tickets defeated O f f i c i a l canva£6 RDU, Ap 3, 1856, 3-1 TU)D, 'J 19, 1C53, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIC::S Livingston County Monroe County Official Tote Results of election UA, H 12, 1857, 3-4 RDD PW:MC 1.5- 6, 1851, 2-5 rvv ELECTIONS ELECTION Monroe County MONROE Results of election, Ib51 Majorities of RDD, II 6, 1851, 2-3 given candidates RDA N 13, 1S51, 2-4 ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Llonroe County I0NR3E COUNTY. Official canvass O f f i c i a l Canvass RDD IT 25, 1851, 4-2 RDA N 2 1 , 135 L, -2-5 ELFCTIC:JS ELBCTIC1IS Monroe County llonroe county AIL Whigs except Clerk elected n Result cf election in Towns shov County Locofoco victories RDD, N S, 1852, 3-4 RDD i:r 4, 1852, 2-4 FG:.'..C Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS tdonroe County Lonroe County Unofficial returns show Whig T/hig pluraties estimated at 1,000 majority RDU RDD, N 4, 1852, 3-3 BLECTICHS IT 4, 1852, 2-1 ELECTICirS Monroe County llonroe County Official canvass of results in Monroe Official canvass County HDU i; 11, 1852, 2-2 HDD, H H » 1852, 2-3 Ft: JO FLFCTI^iJS EI£CTIONS iionro° Co. Monroe County Official returns .i:io- ?.Mg majorities Corrections in the official canvass. hDA, :; L5, 1352, 2-2 HDD, N 12, 1852, 2-4 FG/MB :. C ELECTIONS Monroe County Official canvass ;LZGTION3 llonroe County, 1852 Official canvass given BDA, H 15, 1852, 2-4 RDU, N 17, 1852, 4-1 FDiUC J/.LH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BLSCTION RETURNS ELECTION RSTUftNS Totals give Democrats decisive victory Konr«e County Democrats have control of Board of RDA Mr 3 , 1853 2-3 Supervisors • RDA Kr 2 , 1853 2 - 1 NC •C ELECTICS £I£CTICII5 Uonroe Ccuity Uonroe County Returns of voting as to wards andt ov/ns Returns show V/hig Party ticket victorious for asseufcly election RBD, !I 9, 1853, 3-5 HUD, II 9, 1853, 3-5 CB CB Honrae County ELECTIONS Monroe County r.etiarnr of rl«C'ions froa f>.rch county II - Whig victory in county and state ticket called a brilliant achievement. F.SJ, 3 3, l'35o, 2-5 ROD, N 10, 1853, 2-2 2Ionroe County konroe County Stute ^Lrction returns given Returns of *» Lection lis* rDU, N 15, 195£ P.DU, ^ 10, 13E3, 2-4 MC • i-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes LLECTI01& Monroe County Monroe County County El^et'on, ed'torial on Official canvas? hDU, N 16, 1853, 2-4 :r 16, 1853, 2-5 AHO SLS3TICN3 ELECT ICICS Monroe County Monroe County Official canvass of votes given 13,733 votes cast in recent Special election 3DU» F 21, 1854, 2-4 ?J)U, F 23, 1854, 2-4 LIU LH ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County Monroe County Official canvass Official canvass RDU, N 15, 1854, 3-1 HDU ARO N 16, 1854, 3-1 CESV ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County Monroe County Totes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd districts Official canvas8 for Assembly listed RDU RDU N 17, 1854, 3-2 CMV N 22, 1854, 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County Supervisor, returns from the town's , Mr 7, 1955, 2-2 Monroe County Report of reoent e l e c t i o n . RDU, Mr 1 2 , 1 6 5 5 , 2 - 1 DS:NT FD:MC ."smH ELECTION, Monroe County ELECTION, Monroe County Official vote of county Final r e t u r n s RDU, N 16, 1855, 5-2 , N 14, 1855, 3-2 ELECTION ELECTIONS Monroe Oounty Ifonroe County Official canvas8 for late election given. Pepublicans victorious in 1856 RDU, N 26, 1855, 4-2 RDU, N 5, 1856, 2-2 UA NT MT ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe bounty Monroe county Results for Assembly-Ben looks Democratic* UA PM • 4, 1857 '•o Democratic and one Republican Assemblymen elected. M 5, 1857 2-4 3- 1-2 1/ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County Uonroe County Offlolal canvass Entire Republioan County ticket elected. UA • 5, 1857 UA, N 12, 1857, 3-3 3-2 PB PW:MC ELECTIONS Monroe County ELECTIONS Monroe County Official canTass Editorial: "Few Words Upon the Ensuing OA, M 19, 1867, 4-3 Election" UA 0 30, 1658, 2-1 VR/CMV ••• ELECTION ELECTIONS UONROE COUNTY MONROE COUNTY Republicans leading In early returns Resuit8 in various wards UA N 2, 1858, 3-1 UA N 3, 1858, 3-1 DS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County 1I0HR0E COUNTY DS Returns from Webster, Greece and Canvass of the three Assembly districts fheatland made; Republican majority 2,200 UA N 4, 1858, 3-3 UA VR/CMV N 9, 1858, 3-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County MONPOE COUNTY Official canvass of 1858 election pub- Republican lished estimated at 1,500 OA N 12, 1858, 4-1 VR/CMV majority in county ^ UA N 9, 1859, 2-2 PW:DS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS ilonroe County Ilonroe County Excerpt8 from o f f i c i a l canvass Excerpt3 from o f f i c i a l canvass UA, N 1 6 , 1859, 2-4 UA, N 17, 1859, 2-2 PJW:AHO PJW:ABO ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County Ilonroe County Official canvass In full Official canvass as prepared by the Board of County Canvassers UA, N 21, 1959, 4-3 UA, N 20, 1866, 2-4 rae;mmm ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Ilonroe County Returns Total votes for the Governor from the Election day news and trend in voting given. County UA, N 5, 1872, 2-1 UA AB/CUT M 10, 1870, 2-3 VC:MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County Monroe County Every oitlien urged to vote as his vote •ay be of greatest importance. Returns from the towns and wards of Rochester given. UA, N 5, 1872, 3-1 UA, N 6, 1872, 2-3 VC:MB VC.-I3 ELECTIONS EI£CTIONS Monroe County llonroe County O f f i c i a l canvasser's report for 1872. Report of County Canvassers show 3,000 • a j o r l t y for Grant in County. UA, N 16, 1872, 2-3 UA, K 15, 1872, 2-2 OTZ:Jiia ELECTIONS Vmroe county llonroe County Canvassers gire report sa 1872 election, published with additional statements UA O f f i c i a l canvass for 1874 given UA, N 24, 1374, 4-3 H 27, 1S72, 4-4 ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County Monroe County Returns of e l e c t i o n given ( l 9 i " ) Official Returns UA* N 7, i e 7 7 , 2-3 UA CL:AB N 6t 1878, • | CL:JI 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County Monroe County Official returns of votes cast in eounty List of supervisors elected from wards and towns. UA UA, Mr 5, 1879, 2-4 N 14, 1878, 2-6 CMV:MB ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Konroe C o u n t y Monroe County List of ell town officers elected State and County election returns. Democrats gain. (2i c o l , ) UA, Mr 5, 1884, 8-4 UA K 4, 1885, 2-3 AJC:RZ ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County 1st Assembly D i s t r i c t - F . A. Defendorf. 2nd • " - E. W. Maurer 3rd • • - G. W. Slme UA N 4 , 1886, 1-3 Monroe County Tabulated results of the election. Democrats make a clean sweep of this county (2 2/3 Col.) UA N 9, 1887, 2-4 GZ:LR ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Results of elections In Uonroe County and vicinity. (2 cole.) Complete e l e c t i o n r e t u r n s f o r Monroe County (4^ C o l . ) UA*, Mr. 6, 1889, UA PC:FAD 3-3 SC:JI N 5, 1890, 5-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Returns from Monroe County towns \2/Z Col.) Official vot9 of Monroe County ( £ in.) UA N 5, UA 1890, 6-4 3C:JI N 10, 1990, 5-4 SClJI ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County Monroe County Supervisors e l e c t e d ; names l i s t e d UA, Mr 2 , 1892, 5-7 E l e c t i o n s r e t u r n s from C h i l l , Greece, Hamlln, Parma, P i t t s f o r d and Riga UA, Mr 2 , 1892, 7 - 1 SL:HR SL:HR ELECTIONS Monroe County E l e c t i o n r e t u r n s from Sweden, Irondequoit B r i g h t o n , Mendon and Ogden UA, Mr 2 , 1 8 9 2 , 7 - 2 Monroe County Election returns from Rush, Perinton, Penfield, Gates, Wheatland, Webster, and Clarkson UA, Mr 2, 1892, 7.2 SL:HR ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Monroe County Fairport Election returns from Churchvilie, Fairport, Scottsville and Spencerport List of successful candidates UA9 Mr 3, 1892, 2-5,6 UA, ar *tra t CG:EQ Mr 10, 1897, 10-2 _v Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes HKTIONS XLECTIONS Oreece List of successxul candidates given. List of successful candidates given. UA UA Mr 3, 1897. 10-4 Mr 3, 1»97. CGiJTJP ^^rw"Ji^HPPJ*^™^^*^^p*JU(WBwByi^^^^Ws»^'^ 1LBCTI0US SLKCxIOHS Henrietta BaalIn List of successful candidates given. Successful Republican candidates listed. UA UA Mr 3. 1897. 10-4 Mr 3. 1897. 10-4 CG:JDP ^^ : ELECTIONS Mendon Irondequolt List of successiul candidates given List of successful candidates given. Hi UA Mr 3. 1897. Mr 3, 1897. 10-4- i>: JDP ELECXIOUS Ogden List of successful candidates given List of successful Republican candidates given. UA Mr 3. 1897. UA Mr 3. 1897. 10-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS KUCTI0V8 Penfield Perinton L l t t of successful Hepubllcan candidates. L i s t of successful candidates given. UA UA Mr 3 , 1897. 10-5 CO:JDP Mr 3 , 1897. 10-5 CG:JBP SUCTIONS Pittsford List of successful Democratic candidates given. UA Mr 3. 1897. 10-5 L i s t of successful candidates given Mr 3 . 1897. 10-5 CO:JDP SUCTIONS HJECTIONS Sweden Bash L i s t of suceeaeful candidates g i r e n . XJA lir 3 , 1897. 10-5 L i s t of e l e c t e d candidates Mr 3 , 1897. 10-5 CQ'.JTSP 2LBCTI0US Webster L i s t of flocceaafxil candidates g i r e n . UA Mr 3 . 1897. 10-5 2L2CTI0TTS Ontario County Canandaigua e l e c t e d a Seneca a TThig Supervisor HDD, Ap 4 , 1851, 2-5 CO: JSP Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes El£CTIOttS ELECTIONS Ontario County Ontario Names of supervisors elected in the Vhigs hold majority in Board of Supervisors various towns RDD, Ap 1 1 , 1851, 2-4 RDA Ap 15, 1852, 2-1 CMV ELECTIONS ELECTIOHS Ontario. County OHTABIO COUNTY Hindoo tickets defeated Additional returns RDU, Ap 3, 1856, 3-1 RDD N 1 0 , 1853, 3-8 DS nsnni ELECTIONS Ontario County- ELECTIONS Orleans County Democrats gain four towns UA Mr 7, Returns fron towns given 1SS3, , Ap 4, 1851, 2-5 ELECTIOHS Orleans Cour>ty Orleans County Whigs hold majority Returns of towns for Assembly ZDD, H 4 , 185 2, 2-3 RDD, IT 9, 1853, 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Orleans County ORLEANS COUNTY Returns Know nothings sweep county RDD N 10, 1853, 3-5 RDU, N 10, 1854, 3-4 DS JRO ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Orleans County Editorial criticize "Daily Union" opinion of Orleans County Special Election ORLEANS COUNTY Several toTis give Republicans large edge UA N 9, 1859, 4-3 RDU, Ja 3, 1855, 2-3 PD:ARO W MM ELECTIONS ORLEANS COUNTY Republicans victorious but 1858 marring greatly reduced Orleans county complete returns; names listed UA N 11, 1859, 1-6 UA, N 11, 1870, 3-3 ELECTIONS Tfoyne County Results in the totrns given RDD, Ap 5, 1351, 2-2 VRlWLH County Locofoco victorious in Palmyra and Lyons? trin in Arc alia RDD Ap 9, 1852 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EI£CTICNS ELECTIONS 'Jayne County WAYNE COUNTY Returns of towns for Assembly Additional returns If 9, 1853, 3-5 RDD N 10, 1853, 3-8 DS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Wayne County Wayne County Whigs sweep counties Republicans have large majorities RDU, N 10, 1854, 3-4 UA, Mr 5, 1857, 3-3 ARO ELECTIONS ELECTIONS WAYNE COUNTY Wayne "aunty Republicans carry several Republloans hold good majority. UA I 5, 185? UA N 9, 1859, 4-3 2-3 Pit J ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Wyoming, County of Wyoming County CkV Eight towns elect Whig Supervisors Resuit8 given RDD RDU 1ST 4, 1851, 2-5 CUV N 8, 1855, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIC::S ELECTIONS Rochester, 1851 Result of elections HDD UP 6, 1851, 2-5 * Rochester List of officers given and election returns corrected HDD L!r 7, 1851, 2-3 C-T/ ELECTIONS ELBCI10US Rochester ROCHESTER Complete vote for State and Locations of polling places given RDD Lr 2, 1852, 2-3 County offices RDA U 3, 1951, 2-5 DS ELECTIONS ROCHESTER Early results riven HDD Y* 3, 1852, 3-3 Entire Democratic City ticket victorious* RDA, Mr 4, 1852, 2-3 CB ELECTIONS Rochester Rochester Stllnell, Hsnblin elected raayorj Enter Locofoco ticket victorious Offie!' Canvass on City Ticket shows Democrats victorious riDA, lir 6, 1852, 3-1 RDD, Mr 4, 1852, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS hochester Rochester Polling places listed RDD, 0 18, 1862, 2-7 Editorial, on intoxication and indifference at last election RDD, N 4, 1852, 2-5 PD:JD ••• ELECTION RSTDRHS ZLECTIC1T3 Rochester Democrats make an almost clean sweep o: Rochester city. Official results in police Justice contest RDA Kr 2, 1853 2-1 RDA, Je 10, 1853, 2-5 ELECTIONS •F.och^^ter Measures in refernece to the coming Polling places lifted election adopted hDU, li 7, '_^n, i-S RDU, * 6, 1854, 2-2 1LC SLSJTIO 3 B1ECTICES Rochester Election meeting held at City Hall and l i s t of appointments for rards given RDD, F 6, 1B54, 3-5 I3IKLH Rochester Record broken \>:hen 7,266 votes were cast RDU, P 16, 1854, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BLECTICICS EL2CTICNS Rochester Rochester S i x t h Y.'ard r e c i e v e s banner f o r c a s t ing most v o t e s i n proportion t o votes cast in F a l l / in canal elections Returns for city election RDU, tr 9. 1854, £-5 PDU, P 21, 1854, 2-5 • riH 3IECTI0HS SLSCTICirS Rochester Rochester Votes for mayor listed Results of 1852, 1853 and 1854 elections reviewed* RDU, 0 9, 1854, 3-2 RDU, t:r 10, 1854, 2-5 ELECTIONS ELECTION Rochester Rochester Vote on Gubernatloral candidates. Early results. RDU, N 8, 1854, 3-1 RDU, N 8, 1854, 2-2 NT AfiO ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Roche ster Rochester City election, detailed reports Votes for Governor listed, of , N 8, 1854, 3-1 RDU, Mr 7,* 1855, 3-1 NT FD:MC Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rochester Rochester Letter giving a citizen's views Charter eleotion, further on the election detailed returns on RDU, Mr 7, 1855, 3-2 RDU, Mr 8, 1855, 3-1 FD:MC ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Returns Returns First results of State and City eleotion given Justice of the Suprene Courts; results given RDU RDD « 7 , 1855. 2-2 QCV N 0, 1655, 2-2 CMV ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rochester Rochester Fusion ticket sweeps city. Further returns in mayorailty election RDUt Mr 6, 1856, 3-1 RDU, Mr 5, 1856, 3-1 ARO MB ELECTIONS Rochester ELECTIONS Rochester, City of Official canvass RDU, Mr 8, 1856, 3-3 Republican victory in 1856. RDU, N 5, 1856, 2-2 ARO NT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rochester Rochester Spring election held in orderly fashion Official canvass. UA Mr 5, 1857, 3-1 UA, Kr 6f 1857, 3-3 CUV PT:NT ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Roohester Rochester Early returns very Inadequate. Day passed off very quietly. &A M 4, 1857 2-4 UA H 4, 1857 3-2 PM • ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Roohester Roohester Plnal Results in local elections give Democrats victory. UA « 5, 1857 Polling places listed UA 5-2 Mr 1, 1858, 3-4 PM CMV ELECTIONS ELECTIONS .Rochester ROCHESTER Democrats victorious in 1858 charter Early returns indicate Republicans eleotion have carried city UA, Mr 3 9 1858, 3-1 UA N 8, 1359, ?.-?> FDJMO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rooheater ROCHESTER Offioial convass of charter election Report on the opening of the UA °olls Mr 9, I860, 2-2 U A N 6, 1860, 2-1 CG:DS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS ROCHESTER Lincoln carried city by 975 UA N 8, 1860, 2-1 Rochester Charter elections discussed in editorial. UA F 25, 1861, 2-1 CC:HB CG:DS ELECTIONS Rochester ELECTIONS Rochester, 1863 List of Pol"? s for different wards for charter election List of polls and their locations UA, Mr 4, 1861, 2-7 UA Mr 2, 1863, 2-3 MHM/CMV nha;mmm ELECTIONS Rochester ELECTIONS Rochester 8 hour dp.y mentioned as campaign issue; 1 paragraph 8,268 votes were cast In recent election, UA, 0 21, 1365, 3-3 an Increase of 600 over 1867. UA 3CP:LrAL MR 6, 1868, 2-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTION ELECTION Application made reauiring election inspectors to meet for purpose of correcting registry lists (6H) Tabular form of the number of rotes each UA, 0 22, 1896, 9-7 nominee received Returns UA, N 9, 1870, 2-3 AL:JA ABlARO ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rochester, City of Returns In local and State contests DA, I 4, 1874, 2-6 2 U.S. Supervisors of elections appointed for city UA, 0 8, 1578, 2-3 C1IP:AB ELECTIONS ELECTIONS _ Rochester Rochester Complete returns on city and ward tickets, (li col.) Councllmen e l e c t e d and h o l d o v e r s l i s t e d . UA, Mr 5, 1879, 2-4 UA, Ur 5, 1879, 2-3 WN:1£B CMVrilB ^ — •mmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rochester Rochester New councilmen elected and holdovers listed. L i s t of School Commissioners e l e c t e d yesterday and the h o l d o v e r s . UA, Mr 5, 1879, 2-4 UA, Mr 5 , 1879, 2-4 WN:KB CMV:MB • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rochester Crediting accidentally the winning number of vote6 cast to the wrong candidate, gave position of Inspector of Election to EcJ^prd Englehardt, whereas, Slgmund Rosenberg ves rightfully elected to said oosltion. Hatter will be taken before Grand Jury Returns To be shown on an illuminated sheet by means of a stereootlcon in front of the U and A office UA, N k, 1879, 2-1 UA, Mr 1?, 1879, 2-6 PJW:ARO ELECTION Rochester Comment on the progress of the city elections. Returns Complete resane g i v e n . (1 c o l . ) UA N 3, 1880, 2-3 Kr 2, 1880, 2-2 Democratic aspirants to c i t y offices boosted by the UA Democratic t i c k e t s p o l l i n g a l^rge vote in a l l wards; ( j c o l . ) N 7, 1882, 2-3 , Mr 7, 1881, 2 - ( l - 6 ) ELECTIONS P i t t s , E. L. (Rep.) e l e c t e d from 29th Senatorial D i s t r i c t . UA N 4 , 1885, 2-3 ELECTIONS Returns O f f i c i a l returns compared with the returns published Hi n the UA a f t e r the e l e c t i o n . (5 ) UA, N 16, 1885, 2-1 SL:RZ JG:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Results given: Mr. Baker elected Congressman; Mr. Benton e l e c t e d D i s t r i c t A t t o r n e y ; Mr. Deffendorf elected l e t D i s t r i c t Assembly; Mr. Mourer elected 2nd d i s t r i c t Assembly; Mr. Sime elected 3rd d i s t r i c t assembly ( l £ Col) O f f i c i a l count given. UA M 6 , 1886, 8-4 UA N 3 , 1886, 2 - (5-6) GZ:LR ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rochester Rochester Early r e t u r n s shor- I.:ayor Parsons leading Alderman E l l i o t (l£ c o l ) Official figures given. UA Mr 9, 1SSS, 2-7 UA, Mr 5 , 186b, 2-5 Je* ramm ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rochester Rochester P a r s o n s , C o r n e l i u s R . , chosen f o r t h e s e v e n t h t e r m . Democrats t a k e t h e Common C o u n c i l s . O t h e r r e s u l t s given (2* Col.) UA Mr 7, 1SSS, Mr 7, JG:JI ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Results of e l e c t i o n published PRSKR UA 2-5 J&:JT UA, Mr 3 , 1891, 1-4 E d i t o r i a l on the r e - e l e c t i o n of Cornelius R. Parsons (£ Col.) (4 cols*) L i s t of election r e s u l t s published UA, Mr 4, 1891, 6-3 7-1 P:HH (4 c o l s . ) (lj cols.) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS MOTIONS Roohester loob«tt«r Returns from fifteenth ward; f i r s t , second, third d i s t r i c t s l i s t e d Charter •lection listed from each ward. (taidldaUt for COMOII Council, Board of Idueation etc. are listed. OA Mr 9 UA, Mr 12, 1692, 5-1 1892 6-1*7 ELECTIONS Rochester Rochester Carroll, William, voted mayor; C. A, P h i l i p s ' statement l i s t e d ; expenses of ward candidates l i s t e d Additional statements filed (6") UA UA, Mr 16, 1692, 5-3 of exnenees 6-? w r 13, JS:Eti SL:HR Ha ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rochester Rochester L i s t of expense statements f i l e d . (3") UA, lir 14, 1894, 6-2 Reports of an Investigation before the Grand Jury because of election irregularities (l£") UA, Mr 1^-, 189^-, 6-5 AA ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rochester Statements UA, Mr 15, of expenses 1894 f filed. 6-4 (7") Democrats victorious; Republican machine smashed; list of offices won by Democrats (2 cols.) UA, AA CCPJTL N 3, 1897, 9-1 t Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KLSCTIO:;S .I-CTJ JKS Sdltorial concerning resulte of September flection. 8" UA iJpw York State D 20. 1«97, 6-2 canvass, :, LSe.i, 4-1 ELECTIONS ELECTION New York State IFev York f t s t e Results given O f f i c i a l f t a t e Canvass RDU, N 10, 1855, 2-4 TITT, Ja "., If .54, 3 - 1 ELECTIONS ELECTIONS New York State New York State Editorial exorting citizens to Every citizen urged to vote, as his vote may be of greatest importance, give more attention to strte elections UA, N 5, 1872, 3-1 UA, 0 19, 1860, 1-6 VC:MB CG:KC ELECTIONS, STATE Results listed. (1 col.) UA, N 6, 1874, 3-4 State Returns Complete o f f i c i a l returns show TildenGovernor, Angle - Congressman, elected by more than 1000 vote majority. UA, N 7, 1874, 2-2 JO: MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Mew York S t a t e State State officers elected UA Cook, Frederick, doing milt or Seoretary of State: Briggs ahead for Senator. (1* ool.) (l5i") N 8, 1877, 3-4 UA M 3 , 1885, 8 - 3 S T AJC:RZ . ELECTIONS ELECTIONS New York S t a t e New York State State Officers elected. Chart of those elected. Complete r e t u r n s . T JA N 5 , 1885, 4 - 4 UA N 4, 1385, 3-3 A.T7.- ELECTIONS Towns Dispute over d*y s e t f o r election UA, F 10, I8b4, 2 - 1 ELECTIONS Voting r e s u l t s of e l e c t i o n at Lyons, Clyde, Sprlngwater, Uacedon, Conesus, Avon, and Falrport ( i o o l ) UA, Mr 1 1 , 1 8 9 1 , 6-6 VR:YAL PRlAB ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Avon Avon Teoperence advocates were defeated (3 Officers elected are l i s t e d UA, Mr 22, 1888, 8-4 UA, Ap 3 , 1630, 1-5 JG:FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Batavia Bergen Denoorats won a sweeping v l o t o r y Result8 of the election given V* UA Mr 7 , lggS, g-1* Mr 8 , JG:JI ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Brockport Brighton O f f i c e 8 about e q u a l l y divided between • Republicans and Democrats UA Mr 7, 1*88, Results of elections given UA 3-1 JG:JT Mr 7, 1SSS, 6-lJ- JG:JI 1 am**? urn *" "f?^;?*^-' ELECTIONS •'-•• <••«$»*/ ELECTIONS Brockport Caledonia The Republicans elected most of their ticket Officers elected are l i s t e d UA, Mr 2 1 , 1888, 2-5 UA, Mr 14, 1888, 7-2 Jg" m-nni JG:FD ELECTIONS 1 ELECTIONS Charlotte Election o f o f f i c e r s ; names given UA, Mr 1 8 , 1891, 7-2 Chill 1 Democrats take nearly a l l offices UA Mr 7 , 1 JG:JI 18*S8, • 3-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Fairport East Bloomfleld Tickets nominated by eleotors are elected Results given UA Mr 7, lggg, 2-7 UA, Mr 4 , 1892, 6-5 SL:HR JG:JI ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Pairport Gates Qiarter election he!2: l i s t of officers electee' ( 3M 3 UA, Mr IK, 1&SU-, 7-2 Democrats take n e a r l y a l l t h e o f f i c e s UA Mr 7, 1SSS, 2-7 JS:EQ ELECTIONS Oeneseo ELECTIONS Greece Republicans elected t h e i r e n t i r e ticket UA, Mr 14, 1888, 7-2 Results of the e l e c t i o n given UA Mr 7, I6«g, Jg main ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Holley Officers elected In the recent charter election are listed UA, Mr 26, IMS, 7-1 JO:ARO Holley Results l i s t e d . UA Ap 7, 1S90, ?- 2-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Xrondequolt Result8 of the recent e l e c t i o n given BA Mr 7, 1888, 8-4 Le Roy Results of e l e c t i o n given UA Mr 7, 1S8S, 3-1 JG:JI ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Le Roy Lima Democratic party v i c t o r i o u s Democrats e l e c t t.-eir whole t i c k e t UA Ap 2 , 1S90, ?-? UA, Mr 1 5 , 1888, 7-2 CC:JDP ELECTIONS Lyons Entire Democratic t i c k e t e l e c t e d The Democrats elected txieir whole ticket with good majorities UA UA, Mr 1 4 , 1888, 7-2 Mr 7, JG:JI •••i ELECTIONS Maoedon Democrats win with large m a j o r i t i e s UA JO:JI Mr 7, The Democrats e l e c t nearly a l l their ticket UA Mr S, 1838, 6-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTICKS ELECTIONS Medina Results l i s t e d Mt. Morris (3H). Democrats e l e c t e d n e a r l y a l l t h e i r UA An ? , 1590, 5-7 ticket UA CC:JDP Mr 14, 1888, JC-:JI ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Newark Newark L i s t of c a n d i d a t e s f o r v a r i o u s tot»n Democrats landslide posts UA 2-5 F 25, 1879, UA 2-5 GTZ:JI Mr 7, 1338, JG:JI ELECTIONS ELECTIONS North Parma Results of the recent charter election given UA, Mr 2 2 , 1888, 8-4 Ogden Democrats have a- small l e a d over t h e Republicans UA Mr 7, 1SS8, 3-1 JG:JI :FD ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Pen Yan Palmyra Results l i s t e d . UA Ap 2, lgQO, ?- Officers elected in t h e recent c h a r t e r election are l i s t e d UA, Mr 21, 1888, 7-2 JOiFD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Perlnton Penfleld Captured by the Republicans OA Mr 7 , 18SS, 3-1 Republican t i c k e t e l e c t e d except one constable UA 3-1 Mr 7 , JG:JI ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Phelps Pittsford Eh t i r e democratic t i c k e t e l e c t e d Democrats suffer a bad defeat UA UA Mr 7 f 1SSS, 2-7 Mr 7, 1SSS, 3-2 •G:JI ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Pittsford Result of town e l e c t i o n s (3 c o l . ) Use of Keyers voting machine inaugurated UA, S 16, 1892, UA, Mr 4, 1896, 9-lto3 5-4 JC:JA ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Rush UNION R e s u l t s of t h e e l e c t i o n given UA JO'.Jl Mr 69 1***, Additional r e t u r n s *-5 RDD N 10, 1853, 2-4 DS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Wayland Webster Officers elected; names gl'ven Republicans take a l l but two o f f i c e s UA, Mr 1 8 , 1 8 9 1 , 7 - 2 UA Mr 7, 1S8S, 3-1 JG:JI ELECTION I ELECTIONS WESTERN NEW YORK Wheatland First polling place was the home 2 Respublleans and 1 Democrat elected of Timothy Hosmer (Avon) UA Mr 7, UA D 2,1857, 2-3 JG:JI ELECTION DISTRICTS 5th Ward Caucus held, elected officers listed Alderman Rauber has completed districting of 5th ward; results given. UA UA Mr 4, 1687, Ag 9, 1891, 2-5 ELECTIONS ELECTIONS 7th Ward, Rochester Seventh Ward Jordan, Christopher, Whig, elected Special elections for Supervisor and school commissioner UA, My 3, 1859. 2-4 Alderman RDU, My 24, 1855, 2-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELFCTX0N8 ELECTIONS 8th Ward I 5BSJJtorB o f ele 11th Ward ctiona in 1st district or 8th ward indicted for rece"vine B woman votes. Error in election retvrns, candidate for constable, A.W. Van Slyck really elected UA, Hr 8, 1H72, ?-l UA Ja 22, 1873, 2-4 ELECTIONS ELECTIONS 12th Ward 12th Ward Has new election districts Aldermanlc election next week UA UA, S 22, 1894, 8-1 Jl 23, 1891, 7.5 JD:JI JL:FD ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Fifteenth Ward 15th Ward Knobles, Joseph W., elected Alderman. Defeated J. Killer Kelly. (2M) Voters adopted resolutions favoring Alderman Kelley (2£N) UA, Jl 3, 1877, 2-7 UA, Mr 3, 1892, 5-3 CF:11B SL:HR ELECTIONS ELECTIONS 16th Ward Lewis, Uerton E., Republican—944 Wright, A. C,, Democrat—417 for Alderman in special election Twentieth Ward Balloting favors Richard J. Decker for alderman UA, UA, My 16, 1890, 7-3 JC1I:HR .TT.r.TA S 25, 1894, 6-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTIONS ELECTIONS Wards 5Onlnatlon 11 steel ll9ted Wards » °ity nomination UA, Mr 1, 1892, (9-1-7) (10-1 & 2) Reports from twenty separate polling places. UA Mr 8 1892 5-244 SL:AA ELECTIONS ELECTIONS See Sabbath Observance See names of towns. ELECTPIC BOILER COLTANY ELECTIONS & REPROBATION Letter writer asking editor if Rev.Mr. A new enterprise manufacturing boilers for steam and hot crater heating; (1 col.) Finny 1 s sermon on "Elections and Repro- UA Jl 20 1893 7-3 bation" is correct. It contains "many Inconsistencies and contradictions. RDU Ap 16 1856 3-2 BP:fD IB:AA # • ELECTRIC COTERIE ELECTRIC LAUNDRY COMPANY New organization held meeting; officers elected; listed (1 in.) UA 13, 1882, 4-2 Incorporated UA, CO: EC JD:JI Ja 26, 1897, 10-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTRIC LIGHTS y L_f? n e 8 H«• Negotiated with Edison exhibition at iiain and StPte. Refused. H ;f; Maxim, another inventor, asked and will come to Rochester to show his light... \X oolj ELECTRIC LIGHTS Edison, Thomas advertises for platinum sine; platlrvin needed to perfect his electric light UA, Jl 8, 1879, 3-3 UA, Ja 1*, 1879, 2-3 QTZ:ARO ELECTRIC LIGHTING Fa: A3 ELECTRIC MACHINES Inventions See Grand View Beach R a i l r o a d MCtEQ VC:JI ELECTRIC MEDICAL SOCIETY Meeting; r o l l c a l l ; secretaries reDort communications read, etc. (»•) UA ELECTRIC KEDICAL SOCIETY Officers elected. UA S 8, 1892, 7-3 8 7, 1892, 2-2 JlirRZ Jli:RZ EI£CTRIC PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY D i r e c t o r s and o f f i c e r s chosen UA, D 30, 1890, 6-5 SC:FD ELECTRIC PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY Devey, l # H . , f u r n i t u r e company, ejmual financial atateaent OA Ja 10, 1891, 8-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTRIC RAILWAY ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY COMPANY, R0CHE8TER (5N) Annual report* A. T. Soult says Company intends to give people of Roohester and Charlotte the aocomodatlons to •hloh they are entitled UA, Jl 30, 1890, 6-6 2-6 CL:JI 8C:SC ELECTRIC RAILROAD COIIPAIIY ELECTRIC RAILWAY L e t t e r from n. r e c t o r advocating ,, ng of t r a c k s In South S t . (4 ) Line from Rochester to Falrport projected (5") ''A, UA, 3 1 , 1891, 5-6 C 29, 1P90, 5-6 ELECTRIC RAILWAY ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY SSenb^rs meet to for-u Mutual Benefit & Accident Insurance Co. (5 M ) New street oar tickets sold UA, N 2, 1891, 5-6 UA, K 1 7 t 1891, 5-6 ILtCTBlC RAILWAY COMPANY ELECTRIC RAILWAY COLPAKY Closes Hay ward Park barns (2 in*) The repair shop collp.psed; It was found that the iron scraoers 'vere too heavy. UA, 0 5, 1891, (i) 5-4 UA Jl 25 1893 5-6 IUGTRXQ RAILWAY SYSTEM Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Roohttttrlana visiting- o i t y of Boston t o i n v e s t i g a t e e l eo t r i o railway; re- ELECTRIC SIGNAL COMPANY Titwtd (4$ o o l s j Directors elected new o f f i c e r s a t meeting 0A, Jt 17, 1889, 5-5, 6-5 to 6 UA, My 15, 1694, 6-3 8L:HR fLECTRIC STREET CARS ELECTRIC TRAINS Opening of electric street car given, UA Je 29, 1889, 2-3 SL:JDP See Inventions VC:JI ELECTRICAL CANNON ELECTRICAL ILLUMINATION Cannon firing sixty times a minute Possibility of a radical change in methods. 14*") to be exhibited at Corinthian Hall UA, Mr 4, 1893, 5-6 UA N 13, 1658, 3-3 ELECTRICAL WORKERS, NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF Local Union, 1|4 Held fourth annual ball; display of electrical devices; committees (£ col.) UA, H 25, 1896, 11-1 J1P:TL EiiECTRICTIY Successful experiments In harnessing electricity to operate small machines seen as having great future possibilities in more extensive lines; Interesting account of experiments and views on electricity. (2/3 col.) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTRICITY BJBCTRICITY Kelly, James H. has been using eleotric lights in his shop since the time they were first demonstrated in Rochester. Edison*s invention not used. Lighting Editorial states that Clinton M. Sail (Troy) claims to have made more advanced discoveries in electrical lighting than Edison and all the others. Editorial is somewhat doubtful about his statements UA F 3, 1879, UA F 6, 1879, 2-2 2-4 CP.-RZ ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY E l e c t r i c l i g h t successfully Into an office in Buffalo Inventors still trying to improve and make it useful for lighting (9£ B ) introduced UA, Ap 9, 1880, 3-2 UA, Lr 17, 1680, 2-5 RL:FD ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY Edison, Thomas A., approaching the perfecting of h i s e l e c t r i c l i g h t . Northern Electric Light Co. offered to i n s t a l l e l e c t r i c l i g h t s in Washington (4") Electric lights are to be introduced on all floors of Powers 1 block. Also in Geo. W. ParsallU cigar and fruit stand UA, F 26, 1881, 2-2 N 18, 1881, 2-2 ELECTRICITY Dispatches on successful exoerienents in utilizing eleotirlety ia e. ^otor (19^-) Editorial urges that all types of wires be laid under ground. (£ Col) UA N 27, 1*83, UA, Jr 12, 1R83, 4-3 AJC:ArC LP 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY Edison Elootrio Light Company, convention of managers held in Po?/ers Hotel t o consider progress of i n oandescent l i g h t i n g ; company has r i g h t s to use t h e i r system for i l l u • i n a t i o n and for the distribution of current for motive power. (9H) Convention of Edison electrical delegates; distribution of pcver by eleotrlcity explained; delegates held banquet, visited Powers Art Gallery (12") (14") UA, F li, iee?, 3-3, 3-5 UA, P 10, 1887, 2-7 CC:UB MM: 13 ELECTRICITY Arey, Professor A. L . , spoke a t monthly meeting of Academy of Science on Modern Applications of E l e c t r i c i t y ; suggested u t i l i z a t i o n of Niagara F a l l s er; exhibited e l e c t r i c a l motors A) UA P 15, ELECTRICITY Proposed charter amendment providing that all telegraph, telephone and electric light wire and cables used in the city be placed under the surface of the streets. UA Hr 10, 1887, 2-3 ie87, 3-2 ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY Definitions of e l e c t r i c a l terms by the M 8Upt. of the Brush Electric Light Co. (4 ) Advantages of electricity told in article by Shirley Dare (2&col.). UA. t Ag. 7, 1889, 2-4 UA S 14, 1889, 9-5 LBP:FAD mtimm ELECTRICITY Electric execution law sustained UA, Mr 21, 1890, A-l ELECTRICITY 3j»rnes, George R., w i t n e s s e d execution by e l e c t r o c u t i o n o f Kenroler; says f a l l ' j r e due to machinery and t h e way i t *as used ( 1 c o l • ) • kg 9 , 1*90, «5-6 CO IBB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes PRIGITY ILECTRIOITY Editorial concerning putting wires underground, (l col) UA, 0 8, 1890, Expert eleotrlolans discuss putting telegraph and telephone wires underground (1 ool) 4-2 UA, Ag 31, 1891, 5-3 8C:AB ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY Series of leeturee to be given by Dr. Charles Forbes in the University Extension Course (3a) Forbes, Dr., discussed e l e c t r i c a l phenomina, at Free Academy Hall; i l l u s t r a t e d h i s explanation with experiments UA, D 2 9 , 1 8 9 3 , 7 - 1 UA, Ja 24, 1894, 7-3 •J:PD JA 'ELECTRICITY. ELECTRICITY Forbes, P r o f e s s o r C h a r l e s , gave a leoture on e l e c t r i c motors at Free Academy Hall ( l 5 Col.) OA, Mr 7 , 1894, Forbes, Dr. Charles, gives hl« second lecture in the new course at Free Academy Hall (l?col) Mr 2 8 , 1894, 8 - 1 UA, Lr 14, 1894, 8-1 7-1 ELECTRICITY UA, Forbes, Dr. Charles, delivered l e c t u r e at Free Academy. (1 c o l , ) ELECTRICITY Aooount o f paper prepared on t h i s s u b j e c t by University extension o l a s s members (4/5 o o l . ) UA, Uy 17, 1894, 8-1 JL:FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELECTROCUTION ELECTROCUTION Rochester Herald comments on heathenism of e l e c t r o c u t i o n ( I " ) . Union and A d v e r t i s e r defends e l e c t r o c u t i o n s (5 M ) UA J l 1 5 , 1 9 9 1 , 4 - 1 UA J l 1 5 , 1891, 4-1 l'C:JEP C:JDP ••I ELELORI:GE, V/ALTER Died UA, N 7 , 1 8 9 2 , 5-3 ' - : . .0 ELEPHANTS JiMbo's remains brought to Rochester by Prof. Ward. UA, 8 2 3 , 1855, 2-1 While mounting the skin and bones of "Jumbo", an elephant, Prof H. L. Ward found a great many coins in the stomach of the animal; the process of mounting described. (6±") S 24, 1885, 2-2 ELESTON, CHARLES ELETESON, Sentenced to f i v e y e a r s i n Auburn f o r receiving stolen goods. UA, My 11, 1878, 5-3 OTZlMB (5*) Burned by exploded lamp UA Ap 29, 1863 2-2 wELETBON, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELEVATORS CHARLES Arrested upon return to Rochester for burglarly committed 4 years before Kline block to have elevator, water pipe laid from Holly system thru Minerva alley to supply the elevator. UA UA, F 10, 1879, 2-2 Ap 4, 1879, 2-2 GTZ: ELEVATORS ELEVATORS Patent air cushion which makes elevators stop by themselves at ground floor to be tested with persons on It at tfhltcorab House New air-cushion elevator at Whitcomb House successful when tested. UA, Mr 6, 1880, 2-4 UA, llr 4, 1880, 2-2 RL:UB RL:FD ELEVATORS ELEVATORS Factories See, Accidents Connolly, James Indicates in a letter the importance of elevators in factories <i col.). UA F 28, 1889, 3-4 CM:RZ ELEVATORS, GRAIN ELEVATOR Charlotte Cost, capacity, and specifications of new grain elevator at Lower Landing RDU, 0 3, 1855, 3-2 MC Charlotte Rankln, Mr. frame of his elevator partially completed. UA Ag. 2, 1858 3-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELEVATORS, WATER POWERED ELEVATORS, GRAIN Whitney's elevator it doing a trenendous business UA 8 4, I860, 2-3 Hurley, F. J. and Company, installed tht first elevator operated by water in this olty. UA Ap 23, 1877, 2-1 FG:DS ELGIN CREAMERY COMPANY OF HONEOYE FALLS 5LGAR, MRS. E. Died. Filed articles of incorporation UA Ap 5, igggf UA, D 21, 1894, 10-4 JC:LR EI£ICHAUF, JOSEPH 0. ELI, CHARLES PERRY Stricken with apoplexy while at work; condition dangerous UA, Je 8, 1897, 6-4 Died UA, Ap 28, 1868, 3-5 CF:NT JL:TL Fight with wife causes murder claim; discharged from Police Court UA, D 14, 1867, 2-1 ELIAS, ABRAM Opened $5,000 s u i t against c i t y for i n j u r i e s received by h i s wife UA, nt;ramm 8C:JA S 20, 1897, 7-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe · Indexes ILIAS,County THERESA ELIAS, PETER T S . Hochester. City of, f o r $10,000 damages f o r i n j u r i e s sustained from a f a l l through a plank walk. Married Sarah Branat UA, Mr 20, 1886, 2-4 Vk IB.-AB kg 2. 1897. 7-2 SC: JDP EUCOTT HALL BLOCK ELIOT, AUSTIN (BAT AVI A) Slightly damaged by fire; Incendiaries Einisted, Fred Law, "Hospital Transport" reviewed. suspected UA, Ag 4, 1863, 2-3 UA F 6, 1865, 2-3 ELIOT, GEO. E L I S E , MDLLE Wrote book entitled "Rora«il«" and no-» on 8 ale And T. V. P. Jones, concert to be held UA, Ag 11, 1963, 2-1 for their benefit UA ELITE CLUB 1863, 2-2 ELITE CLUB Election of o f f i c e r s Officers elected UA, 0 5, 1333, 4-3 UU:FD Mr 12, UA I JO/CMV D 15, 1885, 4-2 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELITE CLUB ELITE CLUB At the neetlmr i t ~ae decided to re-orcanize the organization chanrln.- i t from a social club to an independent German Military Company Reorganised under new name of German Orenadiert (2") UA, Ap 20, 1886, 2-3 UA, AR 20, 1886, 2-3 HR ELITE CLUB ELITE CLUB Elected new officers; held 12th annual reunion* UA D 7f Officers elected UA, D 3 , 1888, 2-6 1886, 3-4 SL:AB 1 ELITE CLUB ELITE CLUB Elected officers Elected o f f i c e r s UA, OA, D 7, 1891, 7-4 D 10, 1S95, 9-5 JL:FD ELITE SOCIAL CLUB ELITE SEREKADERS Officers chosen » Officers elected (1?-) UA S 27, 1890, 7-2 JA, D~18 , 1879, 2-3 • # a t , ATJfl | SCJJDP Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELITSON, MRS. CATHERINE KJTC SPORTING CLUB Iltotod offloors UA 0 10, 1890, ({ in.) Died. 6-6 UA, J e 1 0 , 1675, 3 - * AJC:MB 8C:JI ELIZABETH, JOHN ELIZABETH, MARY Sentenced for drunkenness and abusing his infant child (lH) Died In Greece ilr UA, S 3, 1864, - wm' mm && ELIZABETH, REBECCA ELIZABETH STREET Died. Walk is being relaid and road UA, My 2 9 , 1 8 7 1 , 3 - 8 bettered RDA Jl 26,1862, 3-2 CO.-UB ELIZABETH STREET ELIZABETH STREET Ordinances passed in Common Council for improvement of Fitzhugh Street and Stone sewer in Elizabeth Street Complaint8 of condition of Elizabeth St. from West Main to Hill St. received by Executive Board; worst street in city UA UA, Ag 3, 1893, 5-1 Ag 1 6 , 1872, 4-3 3 Col. ELXZABETIN, FRANCIS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Died. ELKINS, HAROUERETJT LOUISE See-Peeples, Rev. H. Clay UA, Ja 2, 1891, 7-4 PR: MB ELK8 Benevolent Protective Order Organized at the new Oeburn House* UAt Ja 5, 1884, 4-3 CC:HR 5 sen Initiated into newly established Rochester Lodge of the Benevolent Order of Protective Elks UA Ja 7, 1884, 4-2 CC:JI ELKS ELKS Appointed Chaplain, organist and guard, Contributed $10.00 for Western flood sufferers. UA UA F 11, 1884, 2-1 F 25, 1884, 2-1 CC:LR ELKS Will hold meetings on Tuesday evenings here after. UA, Mr 10, 1684, 2-1 ELKS, BENEVOLENT PROTECTIVE ORDER OF Rochester Almy, Elmer E., Treasurer, was presented with an edition of Bulwer'a novels UA, Ap 2 3 , 1 £ 8 4 , WN:APO CC:HR 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELKS Annual election of officers of Rocheoter Chapter UA K 5, 1335, 2-4 ELKS LODGE Roohester Gave social entertainmsnt (1") UA, Ja 4, 1886, 2-6 JD:APC ELKS, ROCHESTER LODGE OF Mew members admitted at special •eetlng. Names given ELKS, (LOCAL LODGE) New o f f i c e r s e l e c t e d ; account. (3") UA N 4 , 1886, 3-2 UA, S 3, l8S6 r 2-3 GZ:LR LG:ARO ELKS ELKS Roohester Lodge, completed arrangements for excursion to New York (2 i n . ) UA Ag 18, 1**7, 3-2 Rochester Lodge left on their excursion to New York over the Erie road (4N) UA, Ag 27, 1887, 3-2 lb mmm CLUl H I S , BENEVOLENT A PROTECTIVE ORDER OP Rochester Lodge No. 24 elected annual officers. Officers elected. UA, ELKS, BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF * UA My 16, 1889, 3-2 CL:ARA JDP:JEP Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELKS ELKS Meeting; election of officers R o c h e s t e r Lodge No. 2 4 r a i s e d | 5 0 for Johnstown sufferers UA» Je 6, 1889, 2-6 UA, lly 22, 1890, 6-4 ajc;ab ELKS ELKS, ROCHESTER LODGE OP tore entertainment at Damascus Temple (3 lines) Held "Lodge of Sorrow" to memory of departed members. (4") UA 0 6, 1890, 6-3 8C:RZ UA., D. 8, 1890, 6-4 SC:FAD •• ELKS ELKS Name8 of officers elected listed Meeting to be held; degrees conferred. UA, Mr 19, 1891, 6-6 UA J a 5 , 1892, 5-2 CH:RZ • ELKS Rochester Lodge #24 Annual Meeting held; officers elected E«, Roohester Lodge #24 elected officers UA, ltr 16, 1893, 6-2 B. P . 0 . UA, Mr 17, 1892, 6-6 SL:HR • CCP'.HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELKS, ROCHESTER LODGE OF ELKS U t t of offioert eleoted Rochester Lodge elected officers. (3") OA, UA, llr V 2, 1893, 6-4 1894, 7-4 JS:AA IB:JI ELKS, ROCHESTER LODGE OF ELKS Stag s o c i a l h e l d UA, 16, S 28, Rochester Lodge No*24 1894, 8-3 Held annual lodge of sorrow UA D 3 , 1894, 9-2 JL:AA JL:R2 ELKS ELKS, ANCIENT ORDER OF Flour City Ruling No. 206 R o c h e s t e r l o d g e moved t o new q u a r t e r s on Front Street UA, My 1*, 1897, 6-1 Elected o f f i c e r s UA, My 1 1 , 1897, 6-2 JL:EQ JBl:BF ELKS, BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE, ORDER OF ELKS, BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF Arrangements made f o r formal opening of new q u a r t e r s ( 2 / 3 c o l . ) New q u a r t e r s formally d e d i c a t e d (8") UA, UA, 8C:JA S 2 1 , 1897, 6-5 SC:TL S 25, 1897, 11-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLARSON, DELOS SLLAII, JA1IE8 Married lire* 0* £• Pugb • • • Barnard P« Smith, for 110.000 danagee for i n j u r i e s ( l | In.) UA, D 7, 1896, UA, Jl 16, 1887, 8-5 ' 12-1 JDP:JI CL:HR ••• ELLAS, FRANCIS 3. JR. Admitted to practice In Supreme Court of N. Y. 3. UA (GILBOA) ELLEidS, CHARLES P . Died UA F 8 , 1897, 7-4 0 4, 1662, 2-3 UHU/JI ELLEU8, JOHN CG:RZ ELLEMS, iJARY A. Died Married Bridget Cummlnge UA., J a . b , 1890, 5-6 UA, Je 4, 1874, 3-5 HM;AR0 ELLEMS, MARY A. Died* UA, Ja 7 f 1 8 9 0 , 5 - 5 AA: S'AD ELLEN, JULIA see Murphy, E l l e n Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLEKBECK, J . U SLLi'.lT'CCD, REV. Bee S t u l t r , Uichael Called t o y a s t o r a t e of rashington i t . Church i T)U, S 6, 1854, 2-4 1IH. DDS ELLENTOOD, REV L31. ll ELLEilV/COD, REV- Ilr. Pastor of Central Church preached LJ Delivered sernon a t the funeral of in Auburn yesterday Irl Orlando Hastings UA, Jl 16, I860, 2-4 M UA Zr 2 3 , 1861, 2 - 4 1 J3:i:c 1 JS/C. V ELLENWOOD, DELL D. ELLEMWOOD, REV DR. Rev. Ellenwood and Rev. Kellogg (India) addressed meeting at Auburn (CLYDE) Committed to the Buffalo Insane Asylum UA, Mr 12,1886, 7-1 UA, P 10, 1872, 2-7 AJC LM IB:FD •• ELLIir.7CCD, F. F. (33LVID ::-^) To preach a t - a s h i n c t o n S t r e e t Church ?J)U, i - ELLENWOOD, REV. F. F. Pastor of Central Presbyterian Church, returns from Liverpool. UA 0 1 7 , 1862 UAL:JS 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes (ROSE) ELLENWOOD, 0. W. ELLENWOOD, REV. F, F. Died Received t i t l e of Doctor of Divinity UA, Ja 22, 1896, 3-6 from the New York University UA Je 26, 1865, 2-2 SC:HR m ELLENWOOD, IRENE See Taylor, C. D. Died UA, F 1 0 , 1894, (BROCKPORT) 3-2 (• JS:JA ELLER, FRED (ROSE) ELLENWOOD, ORLANDO ELLER, JAIvIES Committed suicide Accidentally shot Then mm went off UA, 3 9, 1878, 2-2 UA, Ag 17, 1363, 2-3 JS:ARO CP:AB •••I ELLER, JOHIC (BItOCKPORT) ELLER, JOHN (BROCKPORT) And Fred Heinhart arrested for stealing Died UA two barrels ?? flour from Railroad Depot 0Af Ja 30, 1863, 2-1 UE:AHO JCiJDP Je ?9, lSgg, 7-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLERBECK, R. E. ELLERBECK, R. E. Reoeived a prize for expert c,nd Won prize in Skating Match held at graceful skating at match held Floating Bridge by Rochester Slating Club UAf P 27, 1860, 2-3 UA, Ja 28, 1860, 2-1 ELLER3ECK, R. 2. ELLEP3ECK, R.E. Presented 'vith Colt revolver by Proves successful in skating meet at members of the Union Bassball Club Washington UA, S 4, 1851, 2-4 UA, F 4, 1867, 2-3 FDIAHO ELLERM3, JOHN FRANCIS Died ELLERS, MARY See Neblny, John UA, 3 2 4 , 1 8 8 1 , 3 - 4 CL.-FD ELLERY, MARGARET ELLERY, F.M. !• visiting the South where yellow ferer sufferers are (9") UA, 0 1, 1888, 3-3 SL:AB Died. (MRS. WILLIS C.) (5 lines) UA, Jl 14, 1890, 5-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLERY, MATTIE Bee Van Dusen, Robert P. ELLERY, WM. T. Admitted to the Monroe County bar UA, Je 10, 1869, 2-1 ELLESTON, SAMUEL ELLET, ELIZABETH FRIES LUMMIS Arrested for counterfeiting checks Obituary purporting to be drawn by Mr. Phelps UA, Je 5 , 1877, Z- ( 8 1/2") UA, Ja 2, 1863, 2-1 MElARO ELLET, MRS. ELIZABETH FRIES EL-.ET, ISABEL A see Account of funeral in Hew York City. (2 1/2" Jackson, THOtlAS UA, Je 6, 1*77. 2-6" NC WH:JMG ELLETSON, CHAPLES ELLETSON, CHARLES Arrested for possessing stolen goods. Arrested in Batavia for horse stealing UA, AP. 7, 1863, 2-1 UA pjwjmara VB/CMV Ag 2, 1864, 2-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLETSON, CHARLES ELLETSON, SAM (JORDAN) Arrested for dealing In counterfeit Arrested for train robbery in Rochester postal currency UA Ap .9, 1863 2-3 UA, 0 28, 1864, P.-4 VB:JMG PJW:JS ELLETON, SAu (PARliA) The "Denocrat" s t a t e s that E was in court roon *^hen P«rna urgl suspects nere examined, .U & A says he WAS not UA, Ur 3 1 , 1864, 2-1 ELLIAT, EUGENE Married May S t e e l e «Af ELLETSON. SASI Involved In burglary at Parrca a r r e s t e d on bench warrant In Brocknort and take: to Hochestsr UA, Ap 1, 1864, 2-2 ELLIBATH, CATHERINE See Plumb, Asa Je 26, JL:EQ ELLIC0T9 JOSEPH Surveyed the Holland Purchase UA, 0 21, 1858, 3-4 VR:MC SLLIGOTT, il- J & CO. see Morse, O r r i n Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KLLIOOTT, FRANK , ELLICOTT, JOSEPH (B'.TAVIA) Writes of t h e Mary Doty breach of p r o . •lee case as he sees I t Business failed. Ul UA IS73, 2-6 Col. ELLJCOTTf LETTIE H. Ur 29, 1857, 3-2 ELLICOTT, RACHEL See Fowler, Robert Jr. See Sadler, W. H. p JW: ARO ELLIXAN, HENRY In fair way to recovery after he had almost drowned In Brown's Race UA ILLINAN, MARIA Died UA Ag 21, 1894, 5-6 D 20, I860, 2-1 ELLINGWOOD, L. L. ELLIBCWOOD, KATE Death. UA, My 13> 1857, 3-2 Listed as Civil War Veteran burled at lit. Hope Cemetery. UA, lly 31, 1873, 2-3 CF:UB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLXNQ'A'OOD, REV. it. ELLINGWOOD, 3. L. Installed as pastor of Washington Listed among soldiers burled at Lit. Street Church RDU, Ja 10, 1855, 3-1 Cemetery UA, Uy 31, 1869, 2-4 ABO ELLINWOOD, REV. DR. ELLINWOOD, *EV. tiR. Pastor of the Central Church, returned from Europe UA My 3, 1865 2-3 JSR.-JS Late p a s t o r of C e n t r a l Church h a s a c c e p t e d p o s t as S e c r e t a r y of the Church E r e c t i o n Committee UA,. 0 1 5 , 1866, 2-3 Jdjmram ELLINWOOD, CHESTER (FOSE) ELLINWOOD, REV. F F. Seated as supervisor of Hose S a i l e d f o r Europe* UA, N 11, 1885, 2-1 UA, J l 1 0 , 1862, 2 - 3 VR:MB AJC.-AB ELLINWOOD, REV. F . F . HJJNWOOD, MRS. F. F. Death UA Ag 3 0 , 1864 2-1 See Brewster, John H, (ROCHESTER) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLINWOOD, HARRIET H. ELLINWOOD, HENRY P. Death Married Helen M. Allen (Honeoye Falls) UA, J a 2 0 , 1857, 3-5 UA Je 12, 1863 3-7 Rli:ArtO MHM:JS ELLIOT, Reeeiyed a s e t of o f f i c e desk furniture made of Scrantorn coal from the Mayor of Scrantorn. ( i » ) ELLIOT, ALICE See Woodgate, Edson UA, J a 20, 1888, 2-4 JL:EQ ELLIOT, ANDREW J. ELLIOT, ANDREW J. Sold land in city to Patrick Twamley 'for $3,500.00 See Twamley, Patrick UA, F 3, 1877, 2-2 8e;mnni ELLIOT, FRANK E. ELLIOT^ GEORGE Died UA, Died My IS, 1S96, 7-2 UA, F 5, l«91, 5-6 PRjAB JM:MS (PEMBRAKE) ILLXOT, GEORGE W. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIOT, HENRY N farewell address of, given. (1O ) DA Bee Relse, Geo. J, Ja 25, 1888, 4-1 JO:RZ ELLIOT, J . D . ELLIOT, REV. J. W. Appointed District Secretary of Central and Western New York of the American Bethel Society. Given a vratch by f e l l o r workers UA, Ag 13, 1666, 2-1 DA, My 28, 1858, 3-4 FD:MB ELLIOT, JOHN ELLIOT, MRS. JAMES Died And wife sold land in Hamlin to Henry Billings for §3,500. UA, Ja 4, 1886, 2-6 UA ELLIOT, JULIA Died* DA, J l 2 1 , 1886, 7-1 Ap 16, 1378 (BERGEN) ELLIOT, UARY (MRS. THOMAS) Died UA, N 30, 1875, 3-5 LGJHR 2- JOM;FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes i ELLIOT, VARY ETILY Se« S t r e e t , Robert H. ELLIOT, PAULINE Died r.t P u l t n e y v l l l e , N.Y, UA, S ?, 168£, 3 - 6 KLH ELLIOT, W. GEORGE Died; woodcut (ROCHESTER) (i col.) ELLIOT, W. GEORGE Died UA, Mr 18, 1891, 6-4ft5 UA, Mr 1 9 , 1891, 6 - 3 FC:FD •mmmr&mm-^ i "i' ',':' mi ' i" "mi ELLIOTT, (ALDERf'AN) ELLIOTT, DR. (BROCKPORT) House burned, loss $1,500 UA My 23, 1862, 2-1 HI8 delay i n proceeding with the Investi g a t i o n o f t h e p o l i c e and e x c i s e boards due t o a search for f a c t s and witnesses (11*-) UA, 0 1 4 , 1887, 4 - 1 ib ramro ••• ELLIOTT, ANNA M. I ELLIOTT, MJTJSTUS G. Died Operated distillery in Pittsford in 1816 UA HDU alffaBV Mr 13, 1894, 6-4 CLV 0 7 , 1852, 2 - 2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIOTT, BERTHA M. ELLIOTT, BERTHA M. Died Died UA, Ag 1 5 , 1893, 2-7 UA, Ag 15, 1893, 5-1 FIXIOTT, BRITttT (MRS. ELLIOTT, BURRETT R. Died Arrested and charged w i t h f a l s e p r e t e n s e i TTA, F 2 . 1872, 3-4 UA J e 12, 1865, 2-3 KAL/CMV EILIOTT, CHAS. G. ELLIOTT,CALVIN 3 . (CLYDE) Married Pugh, Minnie B. Married EUa F . matters (Clyde) UA, UA 0 18, 1591*, 6-1 N 2 9 , 1872, 3-6 MM:EQ ELLIOTT, CHAFLLS G. ELLIOTT, CHARLES G Listed as t r e a s u r e r of Clyde (Democrat) elected Treasurer of UA, Mr 15, 1883, 4-2 UA, f.ir 13, 1:184, 4-1 PV7:AB PJW:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIOTT, MRS. CHARLOTTE E. Bled. UA Ap 2, 1877 (BUFFALO) ELUOTT, DANIEL Brother of a R o c h e s t e r woman, waf k i l l e d I n s t a n t l y by t h e premature explosion of a oartrtdge* 3-4 DA, Je 19, 1872, 2-1 JC11:1IB JCM:HR ELLIOTT, ELLIOTT, DAVID HENRY nttZl "The Dying Lfaiden" Carried Isabella UcVickar RDD DA, Ap 13f 1872, S-6 Ur 11, 11-54, 2-4 AJCIA5 ELLIOTT, EDGAR HOYT ELLIOTT, l i r a . Died Elizabeth Died DA, 0 19, 1889, 5-4 DA, J l 2 5 , 1 8 6 2 , 3-6 VF:AB JM:HR ELLIOTT, ELIZABETH A. Died (NEWARK) t ELLIOTT, ELLEN A. See Young, William Stacy UA, Uy 8, 1886, 8-4 IB:ARO i MLH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIOTT, MRS. ELLEN E. E L L I O T T , EMMA Pell on pavement In a fit and died aa a result Died UA, UA Ag 28, 1894, 5-2 0 26, 1896, 18-? AL:JA ELLIOTT, EVA (CLAHKSON) Dled.fron the e f f e c t s f a l l i n g into a ELLIOTT, F. R. Journalist for UA and Express attempts suicide by laudanum i n Syracuse. I7 i n . npil of boiling water UA Ag 3 , 1876, 2-2 UA, 0 20, 1^,65, 5-1 AJC/C:.-V ELLIOTT, FRANCIS MAY ELLIOTT, F. R. •The Hand Book of Practical Landscape Gardening;" Rochester publication, reviewed. Died UA, Ap 19, 1889, 2-4 UA, Ap 23, 1877, 2-5 WN:MB SM:HR ELLIOTT, FRANK Arrested on suspicion of being implicated in Dbnoghue Liquor store robbery (2") 0Af 1896, 7-4 ELLIOTT, FRANK Arrested on a charge of stealing a bicycle fron Fred A. Zeltler UA, My 25, 1S97, UM:RF Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIOTT, FRANK J . 1LLI0TT, FRANK E. Died i n Buffalo. IS, 1*96, UA 3-5 JM:EQ My 19, 1887, 2-7 CC.-LR ELLIOTT, FRANK W. (ROCHESTER) Harried Sarah A* Fisher in Batavia (Batavla) ELLIOTT, GEO. Fatally injured in railroad accident RDU, My 21, 1355, 3-2 ELLIOTT. GEORGE Robbed of $40 and a rp.tch and chain valued a t $300 a t t h e ffaverly House (-) ELLIOTT, GEORGE Both Democratic and Republican business men endorse him &s candidate f o r Layor (2^ c o l ) Ag 1 0 , 1877 UA, Ur-3, 1883, 3-1 ELLIOTT, GEORGE (HAMLIN) Married Mary Stewart (Hamlln). UA My 18, 1888, 5-2 ELLIOTT, GEORGE A. Arrested for threatening to kill hie wife. UA, Jl 20, 1895, 8-3 FT:AA in • T H D Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILLIOTT, GEORGE A, ELLIOTT, GEORGE G. at released by his wife from the charge of threatening to k i l l her (EAST PEL3rCKE) Died UA, Jl 23, 1895, 6-2 UA My 1 1 , 13P2, 7 - 1 FT:JA SL:RZ ELLIOTT, ALDERMAN GEO. W* ELLIOTT, GEORGE W. (PHILADELPHIA) Married Kittle S. Murphy His views on proposed Park systea reviewed (£ col*) UA UA, N 15, 1886, 3-2 Jl 7, 1873, 3-8 (TT7 • WR ELLIOTT, GEORGE W. BXI0TT 9 ALDERMAN GEORGE W, Ll3t of citizens behind his nomination for Hayor (1 col) flays that he does not wish to beooae a candidate for the Mayor•• office UA P 20, 1888, UA, F 28, 1888, 2-4 2-6 PC:HR JG:JI ELLIOTT, GEROGE W. liore names r e q u e s t i n g h i s nomination (4") UA, F 2 9 , 1889, 2-7 PC:AB • 1 ELLIOTT, GEORGE W. Accepted the nomination for Mayor by the citizens ( " col) UA, Mr 2, 1888, 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes E L L I O T T , GEORGE W. ELLIOTT, GEROGE W. Eleoted Member of the Roohefter Hlttorloal Society An editor'%1 endorsing *nd commenting on his nomination for Mayor by the Democratic City Convention (1 col) UA, 0 1 1 , 1888, 2-4 UA, Mr 2, 1888, 4-1 SL:HR JGjAB ELLIOTT, GERMAN G. (Hamlin) ELLIOTT, MRS. GRACE FRENCH Married K a t i e Durkee. UA, Ag 7 , 1890, See Boucher, James Halstead 7-4 3C:SC ILLIOTT, ISABELLA ELLIOTT, J. E. Deed to the property of Mrs. Mlna E. Griffen set aside. 8". Suffered l o s s In Brockport fire UA. UA, liy 20 , Ag 31, 1897. 6-U 1862, 2 - 3 FG:ARO ELLIOTT, JAKES E. ELLIOTT, LIRS . JA!.IES Died UA, JD:ARO Ja Died - (I") 1886, OA 3-3 # | CC:JI Jl 51, 1886, 2-6 ELLIOTT, REV. JESSE Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes (PERRY) ELLIOTT, JOE Obituary. UA, Mr 3 1 , 1 8 8 0 , 8-5 T r i a l Coraraenoed i n t h e Court of S e s s i o n (6 N ) UA, lly 1 1 , 1886, 2-7 RL:UB ELLIOTT, JOHN ELLIOTT, JOHN Died in Auburn* Died UA Mr 9, 1872, 3-6 ELLIOTT, REV. JOHN H. UA, S 2kt 13*5, 2-3 ELLIOTT, JOSEPH Aooepts assistant pastorship of Central Presbyterian Church (1 ool.) Arrested on suspicion of passing counter, felt money (1"; UA, UA V 9, 1696, 0 27, 1882, 2-3 JWlJl ELLIOTT, JOSEPH ELLIOTT, JOSEPH Pound guilty on a charge of forgery in the Court of Sessions. He is to be sentenced to-morrow (11") Sentenced to a term of 15 years in Auburn State prison for forgery (2") UA, My 13, 1886, 2-7 UA, lly 12, 1886, 3-4 CLlHR HT•APD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIOTT, LIZZIE ELLIOTT, JULIA Di«d in Brookport. Died UA, Jl 23, 1886, 8-4 UA Ag PA 1893 2-7 AA LO:HR ELLIOTT, LIZZIE ELLIOTT, LOTTIE Died See Walker, Frederick K, UA Ag PA 1893 5-2 IB:AA IB:JI ELLIOTT, HAGG-IS J , See S t o n e , Geo. ELLIOTT, MARIA See Berry, D. M. IILH •• ILLIOT, MICHAEL Died UA fB: JSP ELLIOTT, MATHEW Married Adelaide Bora As &. 1897. 6-2 UA., M. 1 5 , 1689, JM:FAD 5-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIOTT, NOAH B. ELLIOTT, O.W. Died. (2") Inproves well known livery sand boarding •table on Water 8treet* (I ) UAf N 6, 1873, 3-5 UA F 7, 1SSS, 3.3 *C:LR ED.'ARO ELLIOTT, 0. W. ELLIOTT, DR. ROBERT M. See Parker, Charles Married Alzina L. Todd (Gasport) UA Ag 3 0 , 1894, 5 - 3 ELLIOTT, SARAH ELLIOTT, 8AM J. Sea Howard C* Benhaa rou^it suit ageinst Rochester Railway Company to recover $5000 for injuries received in alighting from a car UA, j e ill, 1295, 6-H MV:JG ELLIOTT, i l P S . SAR/VH AivTN Died UA, F 9.9., 1896, 9-7 ELLIOTT, SARAH U. Awarded $14-000 in s u i t a g a i n s t S t r e e t Car Company ( 2 " ) Je IS, JC:TL CCP:EQ 1S95, 6-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIOTT, SARAH M. LLLIOTT, GX<u Jew t r i a l denied In case won by Roohester Railway Company UA. D 7. 1895, -ee :.:arsliall, ,/illiaia 9-3 o FT:EQ ELLIOTT,tf.B. ELLIOT, '.VILLIAiJ Received patent for cooperage Harried Grace Thomas UA UA, N 20, 1894, 6-2 Mr 12, 1870, 2-3 ELLIOTT, WILLIE Died UA, 0 2, 1874, 3-7 ELLIS, (HENRIETTA) Still alive; 55 days after suicide attempt UA, My 25, 1957 3-1 Jd;nmm ELLIS,—— Suit against him brought by Mr, Tower s e t t l e d for $25. UA, J l 12, 1860, 2-3 J8:MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS,-. New Board of EduoAtion re-elected him as superintendent. UA Ap 7, 1874 2-2 ELLIS, OR. Shot Haas at Dansvllie and is indicted for murder. His trial to be in the Autumn UAt Ag 21, 1873, 2-1 GTZ:HR ELLIS, ER. (HENRIETTA) Lecture or. Abolition of r lavery Stii: living, 51 days after suicide "ITV, cra 7, LS54, L:-5 attempt. UA ELLIS, 11R. (HEi'IRIETTA) Death UA, Je 23, 1657, 3-2 My 19, 1857, 3-4 ELLIS, UR. School Superintendent, read a paper ent i t l e d "No recess In Schools" before the National Educator»s Convention (2 c o l s ) UA, F 13, 1884, 4-1 PT:::c ELLIS 9 1IR. See C o l e , John cc mmm ELLIS, MR. & MRS. (VICTOR) Celebrated 5 0 t h wedding anniversary UA, D 3 1 , 1 8 7 3 , 2 - 1 , ( 1 l / 2 i n c h e s ) CMP:0ifG Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLI8, MRS. ELLIS, MRS, Charged «rith attempting to poison her husband who*is 111; also Ms attending physlolan and physician's daughter Dismissed from charge of attempted poisoning of her husband UA, 0 16, 1874, 2-3 UA 0 20, 1874, 2-3 JD:JI ELLIS, MRS. (WAYLAVD) ELLIS, PROF. (Geneva) Died Daughter drank swallow of sulphuric acid UA, Mr 6. ie9O# by mistake. UA Will recover. JE 9, 1866, 2-5 CCP/CCP ELLIS, SUPERINTENDENT OF PU3LIC SCHOOLS Refused appointment of Superintendent of City Hospital. UA Ja 16, 1872 ELLIS, SUPERINTENDENT E d i t o r i a l on E l l l e 1 testimony being omitted in school board I n v e s t i g a t i o n , 2-1 U UA in.) F 10, 1S75, 2-5 AJClHR ELLIS, ELLIS, ADELINE Listed "-s Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of I'onroe County Will admitted to probate UA, 0 5, 1P70, 2-2 UA, CCP:JA Liy 21, 1895, 7-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, ANGUS MAC DONALD ILLX8, ADELINE M. (MRS. JAMES) H a r r i e d Alma Boorman Died UA, UA, My 2 0 , 1 8 7 5 , My 6, 1895, 7.3 3-5 t se CCP:JI S K 7 AUGUS1E A (Charlotte) ELLIS, ANN M. See Reinhart, Joseph C. See Wood, George N ELLIS, B. V. ELLIS, B. V. (LYONS) Appointed Postmaster of Lyons In place Appointed Postmaster in place of John of lir. Han a, resigned Hand, resigned, UA UA ILy 4, 1865 Ap 28, 1865, 2-2 J3R:J3 JGR:JI ELLIS, BENJAMIN Stole $15 and horse and wagon from employer eloped to Canada with a woaan and her 2 children 1 ELLIS, 1 1 1 L3 C. H. Left for Batavla to stake out the grounds for the Johnson Harvester Co::prny (3«tpvip) for the rnnpp.nie UA UA, 3 21, 1678, 2-2 GUP:ARO 2-2 Ap ?, 1*532, 2-1 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, CAIRA DORA (LYONS) ELLX8, CAROLINE B. Died in California* Olid UA UA Mr 26, 1878 3-7 (BRIGHTON) Jl 27, 1887, 2-6 IB:RZ GTZ:HR ELLIS, CARRIE E. ELLIS, CHARLES f . M. See Benjamin F, Voy Married L i l l i e M# O'Laugilln UA Ag S I , 1894, 5-5 VJ:ViIP JL:RZ ELLIS, CHARLES S. ELLIS, CHAUNCEY W. Coaplalnt a g a i n s t e s t a t e of Michael F l l o n dismissed (3") U*, J l 25, (BERGEN) Married Harriet U. Walker (Bergen) RDD 1«97, F 17, 1 8 5 1 , 3 - 3 CUV SC:M3 ELLIS, CHESTER ELLIS, CHESTER Arrested by Waterloo officer for robbery Brought to Penitentiary from Waterloo near Waterloo to serve a sentence for larceny UA UA, J e 15, 1860, 2-2 PD/Ci:V Je 13, 1860, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KLLX8, CHLOE A. ELLIS, DANIEL AMD BOLIVAR Letters of administration of estate issued UAt Ag 16, 1897, Buy f a r o o f I r a E, Humphrey i n V i c t o r UA, BIT 1 9 , 1 3 6 9 , 7-7 PER:TL 2-1 HZ:ARO ELLIS, D. C. E s t a b l i s h e d lui-iber yard on Established a lumter-yard on St. Paul S t r e e t . North Street RDD, Je 10, 1854, 2-4 RDD, Je 10, 1352; 4-5 .a3 ELLIS,. D. C. ELLIS, D.C. Purchases Hardware Store from Removed his hardware store to new C. M. Lee location RDU, 0 1, 1856, 3-2 RDU D 9, 1856, 3-2 FD:AR0 ci.:v ELLIS, D. C. 1 ELLIS, 1 Paint and Oil dealer—suffered $6,000 1 D. C. Listed as supervisors of the 10th Ward. UA Mr 9, ,1870 2-2 loss in fire of 1858 UA Ag 18, 1858, 3-1 1 JCM:HR 08 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KLLI8, D.O. Appointed Superintendent of the Bank Department by the Gorernor ELLIS, DANIEL < (VICTOR) Harried A l i c e Turner (Viotor) UA, F 20, 1886, 8-4 &A, P 14, 1873, &-1 CCP:HR ••• ELLIS, DE WITT C. (Rochester) ELLIS, De^ETT C. Admitted t o t h e New York S t a t e Bar Married Eliza S. Haseltlne (Henrietta) UA D 8 , 1 8 5 9 , RDO Jl 3, 1651, 5-3 2-4 DS ^•^±m£*&f<*!*£:->•:•>;& ELLIS, DEWITT C. ELLIS, DE BJITT C. L i 8 t e d as Supervisor of the tenth ward UA, Mr 8, 1869, 1-4 Bank Superintendent's t r i a l by Senate at Saratoga begins. Charges preferred by Gov. Robinson. (5M) UA, Jl 17, 1877, 3-1 CFlLIB PJW: JRO •1MB ELLIS, DE WITT C. SLLIS, DEV/ITT C. Died. UA Obitunry. ^* (7") 0 1 9 , 1- '69, 6 - 7 Died UA, JCM:SC 0 21, 1839, 5-5 ELLIS, E. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, EDGAR R. Appointed p o s t m a s t e r of Bath. And A* L. Lehnkerlng received patent for photographlo film support UA, J 1 . 2 0 , 1865, 2-1 UA, 0 29, 1891, 6-7 PW:SC JDP:HR ELLI8, EDNA UARION ELLIS, EDWARD Died UA, Found in Boston 8 5, 1895, 6-2 UA ELLIS, EDWARD N 5, ELLIS, EDWARD N. Died i n Auburn. 1883, 2-3 (FAIRPORT) His whereabouts unknown. He has been missing for several days (2 in.) UA 0 1?, 1888, 2-4 UA, Jl 6, ELLIS, ELI AS :?. 1 ELLIS, ELIZA CATHERINE Admitted to the Konroe County bar 1 UA, Je 10, ie69, 2-1 1 UA, | CO:JA Died F 2 3 , 1897, 3-6 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELIZA CATHARINE (MRS. ELI8HA B . ) Died Died UA, ELLIS, ELIZABETH F 24, 189?, 3-6 CG:JA UA, 0 11, 1893, 5-2 IB:HR ••I ELLIS, Elizabeth (Canadaigua) See Vincent, Frank (Canadaigua) ELLIS, FLORENCE L. (WEED3P0PT) See Embry, Frank 7T, C-TZ:FD ELLIS, FRANK See Ruadel, George. ELLIS, FRANK J. Married Catherine Warren UA, Je 10, 1886, 8-4 ILLIS, FRANK J. (BUFFALO) ELLIS, FRANK J. (BUFFALO) Died Died; Interment in Rochester. UA UA F 28, 1889, 2-4 F 28, 1889, 8-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, FREDDIE L. DE WIT7E ELLIS, G. II. \warded diplonus for best, assortment of pianos at State Fair held in CJi^y Died UA Ity l f T863 3-7 UA, 5 24, I8o4, 2-1 MAL JS:JS ELLIS, MRS. GEORGE (RUSHVILLE) ELLIS, GEORGE JR. (NEWARK) Died. Harried C h r i s t i n e H o l l a r (Newark) UA UA, Ja 29, l«9lf 7-3 PR:LR J l 15, 1892, 7-1 iHR • £0 ELLIS, GQ§. H. ELLIS, GEO. H, Review of complimentary dinner he gave Tribute paid him by the Watson Weekly to his friends. Jouraal of Art for hl9 parlor music store UA Je 11, 1864 2-3 UA, N 1, 1864, 2-4 V5AAR0 CG:JS ELLIS, GEORGE H. ELLIS, GEO. H. Making many improvements in his Parlor Received a gift from his employees. Music Store. UA, D 27 , 1864, 2-3 UA D 16, 1864 2-2 CG:MB CG:JS • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, GEOHCE H ELLIS, GEORGE H. Gave musical entertainment in his Geneva Returns to Rochester from Syracuse where home he had conducted business in music trade DA, Je 4, 1866, 2.4 to take up offices in the new Power's Block UA N 3, 1869, 2-3 BJW:AEO ELLIS, GEORGE H. ELLIS, GEO. H. Plans removal of Music rooms on Opened new music store second floor of Power's Block to UA, M 14, 1870, 2-5 larger quarters on the first floor« UA, Ag 19, 1870, 2-2 FD:MB ST. BLLIS, GEO. H. ELLIS, GEO. H. Controversy with Henry S. Hackle on Letter to Henry S. Hackle on debate over Weber and Steenway pianos superior merits of Weber and Stelnway UA, Ag 9, 1871, 2-3 pianos* 01 AG 2, 1871, 2-4 MHM/CCP ELLIS, GEORGE H. Letter from A. Weber, shows falsity of WBU Hackles' statement that he had been ELLIS, GEO. H. Recipient of autographed letter of Charles Dickens* UA, Ja 5, 1872, 2-1 offered agency of Weber pianos. UA Ag 19, 1871 2-4 AC: MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, GEORGE H. ELLIS, GEORGE H. Purchased a team of horses from P. T. Barnuau UA Mr 16, 1872 Purchased prize ox weighing 4,000 pounds 2-7 UA, Mr 26, 1872, 2-3 AJC:HR AJClAB ELLIS, GEORGE H. ELLIS, GEORGE H. Exhibition of the Six-in-Hand brought out a large crowd; the team was attached to a band wagon on which the Hadley's band was s i t u a t e d . Manager of the Great Musical Carnival gave a good display of a band wagon with ausic drawn by six horses, UA, Ap 23, 1872, 2-5 UA, Ap 24, 1872, 2-4 JM;iffi ^ F.LI I S , GEO. H. ELLIS, GEO. H. Article from the Buffalo Courier commenting on1 his Great Carnival team and Mr. Ellis ability. (£ col.) UA Description of h i s Great Carnival Tean in Lockport as printed in the Lockport Union My 8, 1872, 2-4 UA, lly 10, 1872, 2-3 JCU'.JRO JCK/cnv ELLIS, GEO. H 1 ELLIS, GEO. H His alx-ln-hand Carnival Team paraded In the s t r e e t s of Medina and Albion (1/8 ool) 1 1 1 Paraded his great Carnival team In the Streets here. He has received a request to visit Utica OA, My 1 1 , 1 8 7 2 , 2-2 1 UA, My 13, 1872, 2-3 jCM.'ARO JCM:ARO • ELLIS, GEORGE H. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 2 f f e r f r o m Canada's Ibrty-ninth Regiment Infantry Band to play at the Carnival free. UA, Je 1, 1872, 2-5 ELLIS, GEORGE H Article on his visit to Albany by the Albany Times UAf , 1872, 2-5 JCHilffi JCli:ARO ELLIS, GEO. fl. Democrat tried to mislead his creditors on the receipts of the Musical Carnival which Ellis sponsored. 1/3 col, UA, Jl 8, 1872, 2-2 FC:JUG ELLIS, GEO. fl. Supposedly did not make any profit on the Musical Carolv-<l. UA, J l 9,1878, 2-4 VC:£JP ELLIS, GEO. H. ELLIS, GECRGE H. Attempted to coirmit suicide by drorning himself In the canal, but was rescued by a policeman (1O£ in.) Declared bankrupt by the United States District Court UA Jl 17, 1872, 2-4 K 27, ELLIS, GEORGE H. 1877, 2-3 ELLIS,GEORGE H. Public concert to be given for his benefit at Concert Hall, (If) Concert at Concert Hall netted $154.25 UA, D 8, 1877, 2-4 UA CL:MB D 19f 1877 2-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, UR3. GEORGE H. ELLIS, GEO. H. Obituary. UA Committed suicide by shooting himself; obituary (9 i n «) Mr 19, 1879 2-7 UA 1863, 2-3 VC:JI CHP:HP ELLIS, GEORGE H. ELLIS, G50 H. Coroner sustained the v e r d i c t of s u i c i d e in h i s death Died UA UA P 2g, Mr 1 , 1SS3, Mrl, 2-2 S L L I S . GEORGE W. ELLIS, GECRGE H. Seriously i l l and in poor fin.inciel condition ( l in.) J l 27, 1863, ELLIS, GERTRUDE B . See K i l l e r , H&rry G (SPENCERPORT) Appointed Superintendent of the Spencerport Canning factory. UA Mr 27 1891 8-2 2-1 ELLIS, H. AND C.S. Brief h i s t o r i c a l sketch nnd description of firm of a r c h i t e c t s . UA D 2h, 1SS1, 6-2 (pa-qe 2. of Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, H. A, ELLIS, HARVEY (WEST HENRIETTA) artloles Displays his excellent works of art at the annual exhibition of the National Aoadeoy of Design in New York. (4«) UA, 3 22, 1860, 2-4' UA Uy 8, 1884, 2-4 Home robbed of several snail JS:ARO • :RZ ELLIS, HARVEY ELLIS, HARVEY Short sketch of career given UA, Mr 16, 1895, (6") 19-1 (UTICA) An architect formerly of Rochester won §60 in a competition for the design of Gen. Grant's monument (£") UA, 0 1, 1885, 2-2 ASjTL ELLIS, HARVEY C. ELLIS, MRS. HENRY Selected as a cadet for West Point by Judge Davis, M. C. (DUNDEE) Died UA, 0 2ht 1893, 7-1 UA, J l 25, 1870, 2-2 AB:MB ELLIS, HERBERT Married Cora If. Tubert 0A, Uj 21, 1886, 2-2 IB:FD (NEW YORK) ELLIS, IDA VIRGINIA See L'artin, Ho sea Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, IS*AC (LOCKP^RT) Was re-elected chief of Police (* UA, Ap 21, 1880, 2-3 ELLIS, ISABEL (MRS. HENRY) (Vlotor) Died UA, Ja 26, 1875, 3-8 RL:AB ELLIS, ISABELLA (MRS. ELIAS) (NEW YORK) Died UA, Mr 20, 1893, 2-6 ELLIS, J A. H. Invented with the aid of John Mitchell, a railroad car ventilator RDU, Ag 26, 1854, 2-6 MLH ELLIS, J.H. Elected president of the St. Andrew1s ELLIS, JAT.ES (CANADEA) Society Denth UA, Je 5, 1^69, 2-2 UA, S 1?, 1361, 2-2 GZ: JUG 1LLI8, JAMES H. Married Addle Van Keuren ELLIS, JAMES H. See S k i l l c o r n , Thomas UA, 0 6, 1870, 3-5 AB 1M CCP:JS • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, Uarrled Theresr* Florence Hoss ou, 6-6 ELLIS, JOHN Present at meeting of Veterans of War of 1812 ROT, D 30, 1854, 3-2 MLH ELLIS, JOHN (HENRIETTA) ELLIS, JOHN (HENRIETTA) Committed suicide. Report of suicide declared false UA, Ap 1, 1857, 3-1 UA, Ap 9., 1857, 3-1 ELLIS, JOHN ELLIS, JOHN (HENRIETTA) (HENRIETTA) Still alive after suicide attempt S t i l l a l i v e though there seens to be no chance of recovery UA, Ap 4, 1857, ELLIS, JOHN Died in Plttsford UA, J l 16, 1864, 5-5 UE:AR0 UA, Ap 14, 1857, 3-4 ELLIS, JCHTI S Acquitted of horse-fitealing RDD, hlr 17, 1864, 2-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, JOSEPH 1LLIS, JOSEPH (BRIGHTON) Died Claims to have discovered how to UA, P 27, 1891, 7-4 Manufacture Ink identioal with that used by the and en t Egyptians UAf S 25, 1858, 2-2 V?:ARO PR:HR •mm ELLIS, LIEBIZ J . See P e l l i n g , Ita. H. VR: IS ELLIS, LOUIS F. ifi^ ELLIS, LIZZIE C. See Macleod, A. H. AC:HR ELLIS, MARY (MRS. 0. W.) Married Minia Cooper Died UA, S 16, 1887, 2-5 UA J a 6, 1892, 2-5 l b Bnvn ELLIS, KARY AIIN See Amon, George CH:RZ ELLIS, I'AHY J See KcLoud,' Duncan Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, 0CTAVIU8 A. MRS. UERCY J0NE9 (HENRIETTA) Died Identified as the man killed at Fields Railroad track UA, 0 15, 1886, 2-3 Ut, Fl*, 1568, 8-6 JG:ARA MStFP ELLIS, OSCAR ELLIS, R. F. C. P o s i t i v e l y Identified as the nan k i l l e d at Field*s crossing; account (2") Arranged the music of "llay Scottlsch" UA, 0 16, 1886, 2-2 UA, Jl 17, 1858, 3-3 VR:MC MA:FD ••I ELMS, R. F. C. ELLIS, R. F . C. Writes "The Ontario Schottlsch" UA, Ag 18, 1859, 2-3 Composed "The Sylvle Mazourka" UA J l 2 , 1850, 2-2 PJW:AR0 PW:DS ELLIS, RUTHERFORD ELLIS, R. EC. See Valentine, llarvln J . See Robinson, H.G. CO:FD • SC:FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SLLXS, 3. A. ELLIS, S. A. Made the gold-headed canes presented Gloves and portmonnaies stolen, to members of Masonic Fraternity loss estimated from $600 to $1000 UA, Ja 12, I860, 2-1 UA, Je 18, 1860, 2-2 MHM:MC ELLIS, S. A. ELLIS, S. A* Er.rn dentroyed by f i r e Given a vote of thanks by the Baptist UA, lly 4 , l a . ' l , ?-2 Sunday School Convention for being best Sunday School Educator UA Je 8, 1867, 2-4 CC ::: CG:JI •** *,m , s. ELLIS, S. A. CO. A. Becomes superintendent of Rochester schools. Dissolves and Mr. Thomas takes over business of book selling. UA, Ap 19, 1869, 2-3 U A My 21, 1869 2-5 GT2:HR GZ:MB ELLIS, S. A. ELLIS, S. A. Returned from vacation Elected superintendent of schools. Will be paid $1,800 yearly. UA UA Ag 17, 1869, 2-2 PJW:HR Ap 5, 1870 2-4 SLU8, 8. A. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Appointed Superintendent of the Roohester City Hospital. UA, Ja 5, 1872, 2-1 ELLIS, S. A. Eleoted president of the House for Idle and Truant Children Mr 19, 1872, 2-4 UA AC.'UB JCU/CMV ELLIS, S. A. ELLIS, S. A. Elected president of Board of Education Elected Superintendent of the Board of Education UA, Ap 2, 1372, 2-7 UA, Ap 8, 1873, 2-6 ELLIS, PROF. S . A. Lectured for the Odd Fel^o-s, Orient Lodge,, on h i s t r a v e l s thru Maryland. UA ELLIS, S. A. Eleoted Superintendent of Schools. UA Ap 6, 1875 2-3 0 28, 187% ?-3 CMP:HR ELLIS, S.A. Reelected deacon for 3 yrs of the First Baptist Church ELLIS, 3 . A. member of the Executive Board of the Bochester Humane Society UA Ky 8, 1884, 2-1 UA, 0 11, 1£83, ?-l CCP:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, 8. A. ILLIS, 8. A. (SARATOGA) Superintendent of Schools resign*. Presiding at annual meeting of State Teachere1 Aaaooiation; program given (2 in.) UA Jl 9, 1885, UA, Mr 26, 1892, 5-4 4-2 SL.-HR JO:JI ELLIS, S. A. ELLIS, DR. S. G. His memorial tablet mounted in main office of Free Academy UA, N 4, 1897, Elected, alternate from Livingston County to State Democratic Convention. 6-3 UA F o%9 1864 2-4 VR:JS CC?:TL •• ELLIS, DR. S.G. ELLIS, S. L. (LI1U) Delerjte to S t a t e Convention from Livingston County UA, S 5, I6o5, 2-3 (OANSVILLE) Acquitted in trial for murder of J. W. Hbas on grounds of self defense. Before the trial was over a sudden change in public opinion occurred and Ellis was believed in the right contrasting with the earlier attitude of spite held against him. (6N) UA N 24, 1873 2-5 CCP:J1G WN:HR ELLIS, DR. SAMUEL (DAN8VILLE) ELLIS, SAMUEL L, (DANSVILLE) Claim of self defense scored by letter writer. Accused by c o r o n e r ' s Jury of injuring John W. Haas UA, J l 22, 1873, 2-3 UA CPUUO PW/CUV J l 7,1873, 2-6 fatally Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLIS, SYLVANUS A. ELLIS, DR. SYLVANUS A. funeral services held. (2/3 ool.) Superintendent of public I n s t i t u t i o n died; illustration portrait (?/3 col.) UA, Mr 2ht 1896, UA Mr 26, 1896, 8-3 7-? JC:£Q Jll:RZ ELLIS, THOMAS ELLIS, THOLIAS Died. (Ogden) (1-) Coroner's report reveals he died of heart disease UA, F 5, 1878, 2-1 UA, F 5 , 1878, 2 - 1 RZrlSB ELLIS, V.A. ELLIS, W. C. (ROCHESTER) Harried Florence Faats at Weedeport. Appointed Executive Committee members of UA, Ap 15, 1870, 3-8 the State Sunday School Association UA, S 3, 1864, 2-2 VB:JMG NP:UB 1 ELLIS, WESLEY (IONIA, MICHIGAN) Died UA 1 • ELLIS, WILLIAM Married Mary LieLaughlin UA, S 11, 1863,3-7 N 21, lSS5t ?-3 • JO.-JI Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes g u i s , WM. Bltd in Wayne Center. (WAYNE CENTER) ELLIB, WM. Ditd 04, 8 17, 1886, 8-5 UA, 8 24, 1886, 8-5 CG:MB LG:FD K.LI8, WILLIAM S. Crushed to death under a freigh last Rochester, UA Ip 15, ELLIS, WILLIAM S. train at Coroner's jury decided his death accidental* 1897, 6-2 & CO. into operation a nev. railroad grading machine RDD, J e 22, 1853, 2-5 Ap 16, 1897, 9-6 ELLIS AirD CC. Invent grader for use in Railroad construction RDA, Je 24, 1853, 2-4 ELLIS & DELING ELLIS ABD COKPAKY Invented a nev. Shoveling machine Granted patent for cotton planters DA RDU, Je 24, 1863, 2-4 PW;JI fLH F 23, 1871, 2-1 ELLIS AMD HASELTIUE Ii2? Jl» dwn Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes aged by f i r e ; los<? ELLISON, ... •estimated *t about $12,000.00 Drowned in the canal between Henpeek and °A, J a 8 , 1370, 2-1 Spencerport UA mal;mnm Ag 23,1865, 2-2 PW/CI.1V ELLISON, MR. Ellison, Lieut, of the Union Grays Considerably injured when thrown from Awarded prize cup for target shooting carriage. UA, My 30, 1860,?-4 UA J l 16, 1863 2-1 FD MHM FD:JS ELLISON, DELBERT B. ELLISON, FRANK T. Arrested on charge of forgery. (3") UA J a 14, 1888, 2-3 Park coranissloner tfike action In regard to offensive orders a r i s e from h i s bone curing establishment, near Genesee Valley Park UA, Jl 16, 1895, 7-1 PC:RZ PT: E'4 ELLISON, GEO. W. (Hartford, Conn.) Married Kate E. Pritchard (Rochester, N.Y.) UA, Je 20, 1877, 3-5 ELLISON, GEORGE W. Was hit on the head by a revolving pulley and was instantly killed (3N UA, Ap 2, 1886, 3-2 IB:AB FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILLI80N, GEORGE W. ELLISON, GEORGE W. Died Funeral notioa tUf Ap 3, 1686, 8-4 UA, Ap 5, 1686, 1-5 lb nmn IB:FD ••»"««. mpton i- ELLISON, GEORGE W. ELLISON, GEORGE W. Died Died UA, Ap 5 , 1866, 8-4 UA, Ap 7, 1886, 2-3 lb Suicide by drowning UA (LE ROY) ELLISON, JOHN ELLISON, JAT.ES Ag 24, 1865, 2-1 Kicsinr from home UA, F 25, 1887, 2-5 CP/CLT HUSOM, JOHN Uaslng* UA, F 26 f 1887, 2-7 ocm (LE ROT) 1 ELLISON, UARY THOMPSON (MRS. NATHANIEL B) O b i t u a r y (3*' ) UA, | MLHEQ D 2k, 1891*., 7-2 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLISON, N. B. lleoted 2d Lieut, of the Union Guards. UA, D 5, 1859, 2-5 I ELLI80N, N.B. (ROCHESTER) Purchased from Woodruff Post (Lima) a store on Main S t r e e t f o r $7,000 UA, Ag 8 , 1864, 2-1 PW:UB FD:AB ELLISON9 NATHANIEL B. Listed as school commissioner for 14th Ward. UA ELLISON, SAHJEL Death. Mr 12, 1877, 4-8 JOCRZ UA Je 1, 1857, 3-3 JL *«.< m m ELLISON, STELLA MARIA ELLISON, SAMUEL Died J u l y 2 Listed as a Roehesterlan whose name was in the directory of 1834 UA, Ap 1 1 , 1 8 8 7 , UA, J l 3 , 1865, 3-8 2-7 op:mam ELLISON , WILLIAM EDISON, V. F. Elected 1st Lieut, of the Rochester Died UA Union Grays UA N 28, I860, 2-5 JS:DS (GATES) 0 27, 1873, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILLITHORP, ELIZABETH (PITT8F0RD) ELLITHOT, MRS. Died UA, Died V 27, 1894, 2-6 JLUI UA, M 27, 1894, 6-2 JLxJI ELLNOR ELLMDN, CHARLES SARAH AxN' Arrested in theft from John Graham^ Died UA, (PITTSFORO) Ag 1 6 , 189?, store 3-4 UA PER:TL RM/CtlV Letter to Suitor stpt^nrr th*vt V%1*? ^«*s VfS r not t 3rd nan Identified In t e ? robbery, t v .at t v e napers 'nave not done Justice to Mm UA, Ja 14, 1857, 3-1 AD ELLRIDGE, HERMAN A. Died UA Ja 1 9 , 1 8 9 5 , 3 - 4 2, 1864, 2-2 JM:RZ ELLSLER, EFFIE 2LL3IX--.3, THC!.:A3 Acted i n "A Heroine i n Raps" at the Opera. House Democratic nominee for Coroner UA, Ja 20, 1379, 1-9 RDU, 0 9, 1852, 2-2 JDlFD MLH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes *LLSON, JOSEPH (MEDINA) Drowned himself in a well HA, Jl 2, 1886, 7-3 Died UA Mr 1 2 , 1 8 9 4 , 3-2 • JM:RZ rO:ARO (LE ROY) ELLSTON, MRS. ISAAC ELLSWORTH, Col. ELLSWORTH, KR. (PSNN YAN) Received canal appointment P 2 4 , 1853, 2 - 1 Murder a t Alexandria c r e a t e s e x c i t e m e n t in Rocheste * UA, My 25, 1861, 2-2 f d; mrcm T1.H ELLSWORTH, C o l . r .S" JRTrl, C ;L. Poem occasioned by h i s death p r i n t e d Died UA, lly 25, 1861, 2-3 ELLSWORTH, Col. Ruflhvllle people incensed against h i s murder UA ..y 27 ELLSWORTH, OR. C. H. Photograph of his dental parlor. UA, Jl 30, 1892, 10-5 UA, My 2 9 , 1361, 2 - 4 JM:AA •hnjaram Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1LLSW0RTH, DR. CHARLES 8. ELLSWORTH, MRS. E. F. Dentist* aeoounts of business: illustration WAt * 17 t Obituary (3") UA 1894, 18-3 P 12, 1263, 2-7 ZTjSiilkESL ^ ELLSWORTH, EDffARD F. HXSWJRTH, EDWARD F. Elected Supervisor from 6th ward Baa formed co-partnership with Chas. P. UA, barker and taken new store Mr 7, 1894, 8-2 VA, Ja 18, 1867, 2-2 JIlARO JS:JI E r S O R T H , C::T.. EL.IER Copy of hi? l^st letter: except o to hlE affianced bride "Titten at 1 ELLSWORTH, FLORENCE LI. 1 Died 1 UA., Ag. 4, 1990, 5-7 the s Tie time nu li^r.rd UA y ?.8, 18C1, 3-1 ELLSWORTH, GEO. H. Married Susan J . Matteson # UA J l 3 1 , 1868, 3-8 CP:JI 1 ELLSWORTH, HEBE MAGEE (LIRS. E.E.) (PEXN YAN) 1 Obituary (3") 1 UA, Ap 20, 1880,2-2 1 RL.-AB # Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLSWORTH, HENRY M. E1IT..-CRTK, !!L:ntY Married N e l l i e Hartupee. E l e c t e d on the Board cf D i r e c t o r s UA, My 1 3 , 1878, 3 - 5 ^cr the Morse Telegraph Line TTw, r S, 1853, 2-6 GTZ:MB ELLSWORTH, HENRY K. (ROCHESTER) ELLSWORTH, HENRY MASON (ROCHESTER) Married Mary Beecher Hotchkiss (Lyons) M a r r i e d Mary B e e c h e r H o t c h k i s s (Lyons) BSD RDA r 2 7 , 1852, 3-3 JL F 2 8 , 1852, 3-2 SV:JL T^.r ELLSWORTH, ISRAEL ELLSWORTH, ISRAEL Died (iUKPORD) Will admitted to probate UA, C 1 3 , 1879, 5-7 UA N 1?, 1879, 2-2 f GC:FD L S T R T ! , JO'JM (TCI!'! YAK) ELLSWORTH, JOSEPH M. Chron 1r Jl* (TAS a p o l i t i c a l -)O'-er In Rochester man sentenced to 11 months i n p e n i t e n t i a r y by Syracuse a u t h o r i t i e s (2") Y a t e s County) UA, Obituary, r e p r i n t e d fr,om Yates County 1/6 c o l . UA, Ja 2 5 , 1 ^ 0 , 2-2 6C:TL JD: / • S 7, 1897, 6-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLSWORTH, KRS. K. ELLSWORTH, LOUISE (NEW YORK CITY) Died • • • Snyder, Joseph T. (Buffalo) UA, My 17» 1866, 3-7 C6 ELLSWORTH, &ARY D. (iiRS. EDWARD F. ) ELLSWORTH, 1URX ETTA (GENEVA) Died UA 8 t e Hinton, Loria Thorna* F 1?, 188?, 7-7 ELLSWORTH, RALPH ELLSWORTH, ROBERT (FAIRPORT) Alias Perry o. Smith, arraigned on forgery charge; purchased goods, tendered forged checks In payment and received the difference In cash (icol) H a r r i e d Cora Brown ( F a l r p o r t ) UA, 0 6, 1896, 2-7 D 19, 1995, xni:JA ELLSWORTH, ROBERT E. ELLS'-YORTH, R03ERT E. Found guilty of forgery In 3rd degree UA, F 29, JC'.AA 1896, 9-7 (4") Sentenced to p e n i t e n t i a r y on forgery charge (1/3 col.) UA, Hr 2, 1896, JC:JA 7-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLSWORTH, SAKUEL 3. (PEWJ YAN) E^LSTORTH, tfFS. SAMUEL S. Obituary Died UA, Jl 28, 1865, 2-1 UA, Ap 20, 1880, 4-4 (PENH YAN) (1") AB:ARO ELLSWORTH, GENERAL SAMUEL STEWARD (PEN YAM) Obituary (6s) ELLSWORTH, SAHAH B See S h e a , Thomas F . UA, My 7, 1892, 7-1 VC:ARO SL:AB ELLSWORTH, SUSAN J. See White, Randolph A. ELLSWORTH, THOKAS Held for forgery for passing worthless checks (8H) UA, D 23, 1895, 6-5 sejmmm FT:KS ELLSWORTH, TLlOTHY S. See Spencer, J eices E. ELLSWORTH, ' ARNEft (FAIRPORT) Married K i t t i e Foster ( F a l r p o r t ) UA, WN:AB D 16, 1696, ?-li Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLSWORTH, !7Li. ELLSWORTH, 7'ILLIAM Arrested f o r shooting a V.r. Krafts "ho r e s i s t e d being robbed by him. Mr. Krafts l recover. Pleaded g u i l t y to a s s a u l t with i n t e n t to k i l l . UA, P 27, 1867, 2-1 UA, P 2 5 , 1867, 2-2 Jl:«nam Jl:nam ILLS1DRTH, mi. ELL8W0RTH & GRANT Contest over w i l l was oonoluded and admitted t o probate UA M 21, 1890, Award $90,000 contract t o b u i l d the S t e i n , Block & Co. new s i x •tory b u i l d i n g on North and Paul 8treet8 6-7 UA, P 2 0 , 1888, 3-4 JL:JI JG: ELLWANG, CHRISTINA Died. Died UA, ELLWANGER, CHARLES HOUGHTON Ag 3 0 , 1892, 2-2 1LLWANGER, CHRISTIAN PSulclde i n Portland Oregon; l i f e reviewed. UA, Ag 1 7 , 1 8 7 5 , 3 - 4 ELLWANGER, CLARA IDA See Brlgge, Frederick UA M r 3 0 , 1887, 2-7 JM:JA Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLWANOER CORNELIA ELLWANOER, E. F. Bee Fishell, Henry Carried Catherine Streamer (Warsaw) UA, 0 16, 1861, 3-4 ELLWANGER, EDWARD 3. KLLVANGER, E. F. While on visit to Tonawanda was seised with a fit of insanity. (1") UA Married Leah Cress well in Pembroke Pa, UA, My 2, 1884, 2-6 Ag 5, 1884, 2-2 CC:FD JO:LR ELLWANGER, EDWARD S. ELLWANGER, EDWARD S Funeral services held Died UA, Je 23, UAf J e 2 1 , 1897, 6-4 1897, 7-4 MM:AA MMRF ELLWANCJEH, FERDINAND (hUSH) ELLWANGER, EUANUEL B e l i e v e d to have become insane UA, » 5, 1897, 6-2 Habeas Corpus irsued f o r h i s d i s c h a r g e from o f f i c e because of i n t e r c o u r s e w i t h 12 yr- o l d g i r l UA, CCP:TL • VJ:E<4 D 1, 1S91, 2-5 (l") Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , FLORENCE CORNELIA ELLWAls'GEH, G. L i s t e d a3 S u p e r v i s o r from t h e 12th ward See Lllienthal, Albert W. (Yonkers) UA, llr 4 , 1868, 2-4 pw;mnm , GECP.GE E l e c t e d Vestryman of Grace E p i s c o p a l Church 1DD, Ap 2 2 , 1 8 5 1 , 2 - 5 ELLWAKGER, GEORGE Elected to Board of Directors of Union*Bank RDU, Je 10, 1856, 3-4 PD:!'LH ELLV.TL.'GER, 'JEC. ELLWAKGER, GEO. Elected Vice President of Monroe House, reputed to have cost $19,000 to County 'Srvii.f-s Institution build, sold to Geo, H. Mumford for UA, Jr. 15, IX-y , P-3 undisclosed figure UA, F 22, 1862, 2-3 ILLWANGER, GEORGE Ileeted Director of the Avon, Geneseo and Mt. Morris Railroad. UA, F 20, 1863, 2-3 MHM:MB ELLWANGER, GEO. Going to Europe for benefit of his health UA, lly 3 1 , 1865, 2 - 1 UAL:NT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLWANOER, 0E0. ELLWANOER, GEORGE Erreotlng $25,000 home on lit. Hope Avenue. Purchased 70 acres of land along UA My 21, 1866 Lake Avenue for the purpose of 2-3 developing it* UA, M 17, 1870, 2-2 CGP:JS CG:1IB ELLWANGER, GEORGE ELLWAMGER, GEORGE Copy of biographical sketch In Moore* s L i s t e d a s t r u s t e e o f the Monroe County Savings Bank. Rural Hew Yorker. UA UA J a 7 , 1874 2-4 JL 6, 1871, 2-5 AB:HR ELLWANGER, GEORGE Sold land for $2,725 to Abraham Stern, UA My 5 t 1876 ELLWANGER, GEORGE S o l d t o Hary A . H l t c h c o k l a n d in Rochester for $1,300 (*•) 2-3 UA, Jl 13, 1676, 2-2 CCP:HR ELLWANGER, GEORGE ELLWANGER, GEORGE And P . Barry, s o l d p r o p e r t y t o Leonard Reeg f o r # 1 , 1 0 0 UA WNrJI 0 30, 1876, 2-5 And wife also Patrick Barry and wife sold to Jacob Riphener property on Cypress St. for 32,400. Ja 9, 1879 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILLWANGER, GEOHGE ELL'.VANGER, GEORGE And wife, also Patrick Barry *nd wife, •old to Bridget McCabe, property on Cypress St. for ?1100.00 And Patrick Barry, sold to George Brueck, land on Linden Street for $2,235 UA, Ja 25, 1879, 2-6 UA Ag 17, 1881, 2-5 Jd mmra CL:JI ELLWANGER GEORGE See Barry, Patrick ELLWANGER, GEORGE See Broraley, Charles E. ELLWANGER, GEORGE H. Harried Hattle L. Stillson UA, N 14, 1873, 3-7 ELLWANGER, GEOPGE H. Retired from the editorial management of the Post Express (1 in.) ELLWANGER, HENRY B. ELLWANGER, GEORGE H. Back from Europe; expresses his opinion of conditions abroad, (i col.) Harried Mary D. Brooks (Pearl Creek. H. Y . ) UA, UA, F 5 , 1 8 7 4 , 3 - 6 S 11, 1894, 6-4 JL:AA GTZ:UB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLWAHGER, HENRY B ELLWAVOER, H . B . Aocount of h i s funeral * * • AE 9 , 1 3 S 3 , (3W) 2-2 O r a t o r i o S o c i e t y met and r e s o T u t i o n s on death of Kenry B. Ellwanger ( 3 " ) UA, Ae o AJClA^O ELLWAHGER, HENRY B. ELLWANGER, JOHN M a t e r i a l window t o be p l a c e d i n S t . Andrews Church. Text of resolutions adopted by the Onion Star Lodge sympathizing with his relatives UA, 0 4 , 1886, 3-1 OA, S 24, 1867, 2-5 PW.NT GTZ:KB ELLWANGER, JOHN ELLWANGER, OTTO Disgusted with repeated failures to commit suicide. Died UA, J l 5 f 1379, 5-3 UA, 0 16, UM:EQ ELLWANGER, WM. D. ILLWAKOER, WILL T . To s i n g with "The B o s t o n l a n s " i n Boston (*") H a r r i e d Laura Selden UA, Uy 1 1 , 1887, 3-2 0A, Ag 8CJAB CCJHR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLWANGER, Wi/.. D. ELLWAKGER, %'. E M a r r i e d Laura S e l d e n . Died UA My 1 3 , 1 8 8 7 , 8-5 UA, My 12, 186?,, 3-6 CC.-LR CG.-AJO ELLVANGER & BARRY ELLWANGER & BARRY - Commended on cultivation of the white Exhibit collection of Furchias Doran pear RDU Ag 20, 1953, 2-2 RDD 0 15, 1852, 2-5 DS CMV ELLWA1IGER & BARRY'S 1RJRSERIES ELLY.'ANGER & BARRY "Courier & Enquire", of B u f f a l o p r a i s e s Commended by "Kev. York Courier* t h i s Rochester establishment on their agricultural RDA RDD, 0 19, 1852, 2-5 0 19, 1852, 2-5 skill ?D:JD CUV ELLWANGER & BARRY FLV/ANGFR, &. F ;>.-EY hecoi"ed premium at 3n.rnitog.u State New block on State Street opened to the Fair public UA RDU, S 2., L353, 2-6 Mr 8, 1860, 2-2 CB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLVAI'GER V/D BAIlLY ELLWANOER * BARRY Purchased c£ acres of land from James Vick. J r . R e e e l v e l e t t e r o f thanks from RDUf of trees Michigan U n i v e r s i t y f o r donation tT S> 1854, 2-3 UA, My 20, 1858, 3-3 FD:MC K1E ELLWAMGER & BARRY E x p r e s s i o n o f thanks from t r u s t e e s o f Avon f o r donation SLL'VAivGER :•: B RrY, .V.KSSRS. Plp.n t o u r t o Cube. L'A, J r . ^ 9 , 1 8 o l , ^-3 of trees UA My 24, 1858, 3-3 D3 ELLWANGER, & BARRY Returned home from Cuba, UA* F 27, 1861, 2-4 ELLWANGER & BARRY Receive diploma for best fruit exhibit at Oswego from 0 a we go County Horticultural Society UA 0 26, 1863 2-2 NT:JS EUAVANGSR & 3AKRY ELLWANGER AND BARRY Presented a t r e e to University to plant Receive State Fair prize for best in connenoration of 171111am Shakespeare variety of native grapes. UA, Ap 2.3, 1064, 2-1 UA, 8 23, 1864, 2-1 UE:AHO FD:HB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BLLWANGER fc BARRY ELLWANGER k BARRY List of First Premiums they recelTed at Suffer heavy loss in wind and hail storm the State Pair and at the American UA My 21, 1866 2-1 Institute DA, 0 8, 1864, 2-1 CCP:JS CG.-JMG • ELLWAixCxLH & BARRY Description of nurseries, UA, J l 3 1 , 1867, 2-4 ELLWANGER & BARRY Furnished the government grounds a magnificent collection of trees which are to constitute the arboretum UA, Jl 3, 1869, 2-2 hd:mam AB:AR0 AND RARRY ELLWANGER AMD BARRY'S BLOCK Damaged by fire; loss $500* UA, Jl 5, 1870, 2-3 Nurseries o f firm lauded b y "County Gentleman** • UA 7a 1 8 , 1872 a-2 AB:L3 ELLWANGER k BARRY ELLWANGER ft BARRY •lUole Wood" property sold by Ellwanger ft BarrVand not by the Rochester City ft Brighton Railroad Company. UA AJC:RZ Many premiums awarded t h e i r f r u i t and roses at different fairs in which they were shown. UA My 15, 1872, 2-5 GTZ:HR 0 7, 1S72 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLWANGERftBARRY ELLWANGERftBARRY Firm receives first prizes at Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Convention, and the United States Pomologlcal Convention at Boston; in addition, Patrick Barry was eleoted to Presidency of the Centennial Society Received first premium in pear exhibition at meeting of American Pomologlcal Sooiety in Boston, lias a. Patrick Barry delivered essay "How to Grow and keep Pear Trees in Shape* UA, 8 13, 1873,2-2 UA WN:ARO 8 18, 1873, 2-5 3$ in. " CF:JI ELLWANGER & BARRY ELLWANGER & BARRY Win first premiums at State Fair. (2") UA, S 26, 1873, 2-3 Shipped cases of fruit trees and plants to Australia by sailing vessel UA, S 19, lg7g, 2-2 ELLWANGER AND BARRY ELLWAIJGER & BARRY Sold lend to Robert Gruff, consideration $1,900 Sold to D. C. Feely, land on Lake Avenue for $3500. UA, Ag 5, 1881, 2-8 UA, Ap 3, 1880, 2-5 CL:L2 ELLWANGER AND BARRY BLLWAMGERftBARRY Entertained a small party of representatives of the newspaper press of Rochester at their vineyard UA 0 12, U i in.) Received first prize in the horticultural exhibition at Buffalo. UA, N 13, 1885, 2-2 1886, 2-3 JGlHR JQSJI Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILLWANGER AND BARRY ELLWANOER AND BARRY Work on new building delayed due to in* adequate eupply on stone and iron UA, Ag 29, 1887, 2-5 Mayor P a r s o n s h a s s i g n e d t h e agreement by which the c i t y accepts the g i f t of land for a public park from them UA, Ja 31, 1888, 2-4 l b BIBB JG:HR ••• 1LLWANGER AND BARRY ELLWANGER AND BARRY Dedioate new street to c i t y (2 in*) DA, Mr 6, 1896, See Cobb W. H. 6-5 JGxJI ELLWEL, GILBERT (REED 1 3 CORNERS) Harried Jennie Wolthart (phelps). UA, Mr 6, 1886, ELLWOOD, ALICE V. See D o l a n t y , Frank L . 7-3 IB:UB ELLV/COD, GECRC-E ELLWOOD, E. BUSH Visits Rochester. Collection of old coins described UA, Ag 3, 1860, 2-4 UA, D 1 , 1859, 2-2 PW:13 cgjmmnt Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELLWOOD, THOMAS ELL1T00D, THOMAS Sold property on Brown's race for 511,000 to H. Wheeler Davis S t r i k e n with D a r a l y e l s UA, N 6, 1894, 6-4 UAf Ap 10, 1876, 2-7 LlfrTL ELLY, FREDERICK SLLflOOD, THOMAS See Selye, Louis Died OA, « 23, 1894, 6-4 JL:JI BLLT, HOMER C. ELM BEACH PARK ASSOCIATION Listed as Supervisor of Men don. Elected officers (1") UA, Mr 8, 1871, 2-2 UA J l 15, 1891, 7-2 HT:MB r.C:JDF SLM STIHS3T Sever t o be constructed , 5-6 HDD, J e 16, 1864, 1-1 KLH JD:LR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BU3I700HP, Oa. ELUENDORF, AUGUSTUS Office i n Perm Yan s e t on f i r e HDD, Died i n Palmyra F 2 3 , 1852, 2-4 UA, Mr 1 1 , 1659, 3 - 1 HAM:I£C CB ELMER, ELIZABETH ELKEKDORF, ED1OJ1ID (DUTCHESS COUNTY) Died Died UA, Ag 17, 1893, 5-1 RDU, 0 9 , 1856, 1-7 IB.MI NT ELMER, GEORGE (LYONS) ELMER, THOUAS Married Rosa Martin (Lyons) UA Jl 5 9 1895, 2-5 Injured «hen he drove o v e r a h i g h bank* R1XJ, S 2 7 , 1 8 5 6 , 2 - 3 VP:RZ ELMIRA First national Bank Bryan, P. V (former Rocheeterian) re- elected Cashier UA F 18, JGR:JI 1865, 2-1 Hethodlst Episcopal—First Church Rev. S. Van Benschoten, listed as pastor UA, 3 4, 1867, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EliHIRA Churches ELUIhA Methodist Episcopal—Heddinr Church Rev. C.Z. Case, iloted at pastor Description of its schools parks, public bulld'ngs, etc. UA, 3 4, 1867, 2-P OA, 0 8, 1878, 2-4 CIiP:A6 ELMIRA 1LMIRA Bee Jail Breaks See Robberies TC:JI DAILY ADVERTISER APnounoed that it will oharge for advertising church, society, and charitable notices* ELMIRA,FEMALE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Article on Its foundation RDU, F 2 f 1855, 3-2 OA, J a 2 , 1884, 2 - 4 CC:BB ELVIRA FEMALE COLLEGE COMMEHCEluENT ELMIRA FEMALE COLLEGE 50 ladies from this institution arrived prof. Henry Fowler and A. C. Hendr'cks at Rochester en route to Canada for of the 0. of B. attended scientific excursion OA Jl 13, 1858> 3-2 UA, Jl 1, 1862, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELMIRA REFORMATORY ALMIRA FEMALE COLLEGE Campbell of Central Church (Rochester) Representative of the Union and Advertiser and Rochester gentlemen visit the reformatory (9 in.) UA, Je 28, 1866, 2-2 UA, D 2, 1892, -Annual oration delivered by Rev. Dr. 5-2 NT:ARO JL:JI 2LL3RA-SCDUS BAY RAILROADS ELMIRA k WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD Work at a Standstill because of broken Work on road progressing. agreement RDD, D 20, 1853, 2-5 HDD, o 20, 18^3, 2-3 CB MB EUiORS, GERTIE Died. (1") UA, J a PI, EUIORE, GERTIE Died.. t, 2-3 UA, Ja 22, 1884, 3-7 CC:HR ILMORE, GEORGE G. (LE ROY) Died UAf J8SJI ELMORS, H.L. (North 3er_en) Married A.L. Matoon (N,?exg«n) Mr 10 f 1894, 3-3 RDD, ja 5, 1853, 3-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELMORE, JONATHAN (BERGEN) ELMORE, HENRY Court of Sessions Case. UAf Je 3, 1868, 3-3 Dltd UA JA 15, 1692. 2-6 FO:MB AS:JDP ELMORE, NELLIE MAY ELMORE, JOSEPH W. Has started divorce proceedings against his wife, (i col.) UA Died UA, Ja 2 1 , 1876, 3-5 Je 2^, 1S79, 2-3 ELMORE, L1RS. SUSAN ELLJRE, Died Granted a d i v o r c e from Joseph Elmore; g r a n t e d a Judgement f o r t h e c o s t s . UA, Ja 18, 1884, 2-6 UA, J a 10, 1880, 2-6 VC:MB ELMORE, WILLIAM JR. (LE ROY) ELMS, JOHN Died in Cleveland, Ohio* Tools stolen from his shop UA, Ja 23, 1891, 7-3 UA, MM:KB F T : NIC S 11, 1895, 8-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EUiSTED, FRED LAW F..V.V3O2, "Hospital Transport" reviewed 0A t'nte froM sevrnth wnrd t o the c ! t y . Ag 4 , 1 8 6 3 , 2 - 3 D°L:Dcr^tfc Convpntion FDD, 0 5 , 1353, 2-5 ab:mam &M ELUWCOD AVENUE ELEilWOOD AVENUE Bridge Bridge Construction *>f the b r i d g e d i s c u s s e d a t Board o f Supervisors meeting F 17, 2-5 South Park photograph UA JG:AA ELOPEMENTS ELOPUENTS Greek, P e t e r , thought t o have eloped w i t h Mrs. Maurer U c o l . ) See Greek, peter UA, J l 2 1 , 1894, 9 - 1 ICiiFD M?.I:JA IL0PEMOT8 ILQPEMENTS Bonker, Henry, leaves h i s wife and elopes with another woman (1* i n . ) 04, 0 17, 1894, Kennedy, Mrs. P . f « , eloped with another Bali though her husband i s living (3 In.) 6-3 4p 1 8 , JLsjX JLiJT 1895, 0-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELOPEMENTS (=?ROCKPORT) ELOPEUENTS Bperl, Buna, l e f t her husband. Michael Bperl; went away with another man (14 8 ) Halbrook, Wlllard 0., eloped with Sarah Gertrude Damson (Rochester) and were married (2/3 col.) U*» UA, My 8, 1895, 7-3 Ap 24, 1895, 7-1 JL:TL JA ELOPDIENTS ELOPEMENTS • a n Auker, Fred eloped with liarle Sngelhardt ( £ c o l . 1 UA, My 8, 1896, G-k Goodman, Max, e l o p e d w i t h Annie Prensky UA, Fg, 1*97, S-5 JHiHS ELOPSKEXTS ELOPEMENTS Craig, Charles, deserted h i s wife and eloped with Mrs. nice (Syracuse) UA, N 30, 1897, 8-1 Robertson, Charles D.f UA, N 30, ie97, 8-1 CCP:EQ CCP:EQ • • ELPHICK, GRACE ELOSTEIN, CHARLES Held on $1000 b a l l for Died threatening UA, Ap 2 2 , 1 8 9 1 , 5 - 5 t o k i l l wife RDU, N 8 , 1854, 3-1 ARO deserted h i s wife and eloped with ^rs. Hattie Nicholson (Syracuse) (l l / 3 col.) FC:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ttPHRICK, ETHEL ELSERf JOHN Died UA See Huddleson, Peter Ap 12, I692, A3:JI 5-1 # • CL.-JI ELSESSOR, LOUIS ELSEY, LENA On trial for burglary In the Court of Sessions was acquitted Died. UA t N 13, 1875, 2-2 UA JCM.-FD MY 8, 1867, 3-7 PG/CCP ^ ELSEY, '.7ILLIAI: '—Mil "!,ll",[,•' (LOCKPORT) ELSHEILER, D. Died several days after he was stabbed by his wife. Watch and Jewelry store damai?ed by fire In four story block owned by H. S. Potter UA, Jl 27, 1680, 2-1 _ U A , N 6, 1867, 2-3 JD:iIB ELSHEI:.ER, :.:- & :.PS. DANIEL C Celebrated 50th anniversary of rrarrip.re ELSHEILER, DAMIEL C. Assignment f i l e d ; a s s e t s $ 6 , 0 0 0 ; l i a b i l i t i e s at $3,500 (4") UA, Ap 24, l*i£4f ?-2 UA, Ap 26, 1892, : A3 5-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IL8HEIIIER, DANIEL C. ELSHEXMER, L. P. Assignee f i l e d sohedule of a s s e t s * liabilities I x o n e r a t e s Board o f Education supply oommittee from blame in clock purchasing frauds. (2& c o l . ) UA, My 5, 1892, 5-4 UA 8C:IB AJC/a!V ELSHIftiER, ALLEN C. ELSH1IER, L. P . Died UA Ag 17 F 15, 1S75, 2-5 Harried Nellie HcMullen. 7.296, 6 - 2 UA, J a 10, 1872, 3-3 ALiVttP J1I:UB ^ ^ ELSMORE, THOMAS (PITT5FCRD) iiiiHwnwi, I ii mm* ELSNER, HENPY L. (3IRACUSE) Democratic nominee f o r c o r o n e r Harried Pauline D. Rosenberg of Rochester (3") RDA, 0 1 1 , 1 8 5 2 , 2 - 1 UA, Ja 6, 1881, 2-5 JD:AB MLH ELSPEIMER , D. C. EL8NER, SIMON L. Married Minnine B. Wolf UA, F 26, 1891, 6-2 PR:HR (4-) Opens Jewelry store UA, S 9, 1891, 6 . 6 SC:HR (8") Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes H-STQN, A. D. To take ohargo of olty trade of Lan«y and Barker Company in wrapping papers. (f«) ELSTON, ALFRED J. Married Hary A* Ives UA, Ap 8, 1897, 13-3 VA 8 8, 1891, 5-2 SC:RZ ***iBW^ ELSTON, KAY (LE ROY) See Kellogg, Charles F. (Le Roy) ELSTOH, LUKE Died UA, 0 10, 1863, 3-7 IBIAA n 11 (nmin ELSWORTH, ELMER ELS7WRTH, RAYMOND Was sentenced to 5 yrs. at Auburn for forgery. (13") Died UA., Mr 26, 1867, 3-5 ELSWORTH, WILLIAM UA N 21, 1887, 8-3 ELTER, HELEN l£C HAHOK Plea on his behalf made by an acquaint- Died ance of his family UA, N 6 , 1 8 9 1 , 5 - 4 UA Mr 5,1867, 2-4 YJ:FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes O.TER, JOHN Killed in riot at Jail-in Howard rape ease tfc, Ja 3, 1872, 2-2 ELTER, JOHN Maennerchor Rochester funeral In a body arranged to attend UA, Ja 4, 1872, 2-1 AJC ELTER, JOHN FUneral services held, UA, Ja 5, 1872, 2-1 Coroner18 Jury called to Investigate cause cause of his and Henry Merlau's deaths UA, Ja 8, 1872, 2-2 ELTER, JOHN Coroner1s Inquest continued. UA, Ja 9, 1872, 2-5 Coroner's Jury decides that he died after being shot by members of the 54th Regiment* (2j col*) UA 1I:UB ELTER, JOHN Assaulted with an Ice pick by William Hoover* UA, Ja 15, 1896, 6-3 Ja 16, 1872 AJC:HR ELTON, ALEX T. Harried (PALltfRA) Susan Withers (Palmyra) In Palmyra UA, Mr 6 , 1863, 3 - 7 FD:ARO FAD 2 - 3 , 4, 5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELTON, NATHANIEL ELTON, JAKES Died Obituary* UA UA Jl 31, 18B2, 4-3 2-4 # HE:LR ELTZ, GEORGE ELTON, NATHANIEL Arrested in Indianapolis for theft in Rochester. (1") Died in West Bloomfleld. UA Ap 3, 1883 Ap 4, 1383 3-8 UA, Jl 23, 1890, 5-5 sc:sc ELWANGER, GEO. ELVERT, CATHERINE Elected vestryman of Grace Episcopal Given employment by Industrial Home for Poor Children. Church RDU, N 10, 1855, 3-2 ROD, Mr 29, 1853, 2-5 NT ELWANGER,, GEORGE ELWANGER AlID BARRY Elected Vice President of Monroe *>end trees to Oregon via mail County Savings Institution. RDU, Ur 10, 1853, 2-4 UA, Ja 7, 1863, 2-3 ME; MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELWAlfQER & BARRY ELWANGER u liARRY Awarded a silver cup by the Ohio Purchase property of Jas. Vick Jr. on State Agricultural Society for the New Main and Goodman Streets best specimen of pears RDD Ur S, IF54, 2-6 0 5, 1853, 2-5 CB CI.V ELWANGER & BARRY ELWANGER & BARRY Building in nursery destroyed by fire UA Thought to be the greatest nursery in the world* F 28, 1859, 3-2 UA, Ur 30, 1659, 3-2 CC:MB MAU/CMV ELWANGER AND BARRY ELWANGER & BARRY Purchase State St. lots from Samuel Wilder for $56,500. Have largest v a r i e t i e s of grapes at UA, Je 9, 1859, 2-1 Grape Grower1s Fair at Canandalgua UA, 0 8, 1868, 2-3 GZ:ARO ELWANGER AND BARRY Sold residence on lit. Hope Avenue to W.C. Crum ELWANGER & BARRY On Mt. Hope Ave attempt was made to burn the packing houses; no damage UA, S 23, 1869, 2-3 UA, J e 5 , 1 8 7 1 , JD LM 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELWANOER AND BARRY NURSERIES SLWANOER AND BARRY fold land to Agnes W. Peek for •l,900 The origin and growth and different departments in which the nurseries are divided. (52") UA UA N 5, 1878, 2-5 D 2 4 , 1881 6-7 EL'-zELL, DYER KLWELLy ~ (RU3KVILLE) Died. Drlren out of Minnesota by Indian UA J a 27, 1^90, 7-5 troubles, died at Irondequolt UA F 5, 1863, 2-1 PC:LR /Mfii iriii ni r ELWELL, GRACE See Trotter, Harry Livingston VJ:HR ELUELL, WILL'OT P. • '••"' ELIELL, MARTHA M. See Maears, Frank M, JG:HR ELWOOD, DR. His home to become a female academy; Took Judgment a g a i n s t llarsenus H, Brlggs on two promissory n o t e s UA, flT girls of all religions may become J a 1 6 , 1897, 9 - 6 pupils RDU Ag 2, 1855, 3-1 CO:EQ DS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes • ELV/OCD, DR. ILWOOD, OR. 8e< a l s o Elwood, Dr J o h n B, Mentioned in reminieoenoes of an old pioneer UA My 2 0 , 1875, 2-* • /fVV ELWOOD, AGNES R . EL100D, LIEUT. A. Hew head of Company C , 54th Regiment, presented with r i n g by company UA See Devens, A. Lithgow My 1 9, 1876, 2-6 wn nmus • AJC/cmr EL1TO0D, ANNIE E . ELWOOD, CAPTAIN ALFRED See B a i r d , John A. Resigns as commander of the Hancock Guards UA, Mr 23, 1872, 2-6 PJW: ARO CCPlHR ELfOOD AUGUSTA LUC EWE (idRS. JAMES L . ) ELWOOD, BRIDGET Died. OA, Mr 3 0 , 1 8 7 2 , 3 - 6 Fine remitted and released from Penitentiary UA AC:MB Jm 2 0 , 1 8 8 0 , 2 - 1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELWOOD, E. D. IXJOOD, CHARLES A. Marrltd Orao« 0. williaM Elected on Executive Committee for the 0A, Democratic Young Men's Association Ag £4, 1895, 7-2 RDU S 30, 1853, 2-6 CUV ELWOOD, E. B ELY/OOD, E . B . (ROCHESTER) Appointed notary public by governor Elected Treasurer of the Rochester Athenaeum & Mechanics Association. RDD l.lr 10, 1854y 2-5 RDD, Ja 12, 1854, 2-3 ELWOOD, E. B. ELWOOD, E. B. Elected director of the Western Emigration Society Appointed delegate to Anti-Nebraska Convention at Saratoga. RDU, Jl 22, 1654, 2-5 RDU, Ag 12, 1854, 2-5 SC:NT ELWOOD, E. B. Local bank cashier goes West to aocept offer in banking establishment ELWOOD, E. BUSH1IELL Appointed Notary Public RDA, F 20, 1852, 2-2 RDU, P 19, 1855, 3-1 ARO FD:MC Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EU'OOO, 3 . BU3HNSLL , F. >U.^!:.T' ^ Appointed Notary rublie Fleeted representative to the Judicial HDD, Cmvention to Ye 'i«ld at Geneva F 2 0 , 1852, 2 - 6 EDU, 0 5, 1653, 2-5 o CB CB ELWOOD, ESHRAIli B (ROCHESTER) ELWOOD, F. V/. Elected to the Board of Directors for the New York State Printing Gave a d d r e s s t o Park P o l i c e ; g i v e s warning on l i q u o r u s e , r e s D o n s i b l i t y to public; courtesy required (l/? col.) Telegraph Co UA, Ap 2 , I896, 5-2 BDD, Jl 28, 1853, 2-5 JClEQ ARO EL1OOD, GEORGE 11. ELWOOD, GEORGE U. Married Mary 3. Chancy Son of, died. DA, M 20, 1882, 3-6 O S , 18^3, 3"^ 1 \ • I j JD:FD ELWOOD, I. R. Chosen Secretary by Directors of House Telegraph. RDA DS:JL # CCPrHR J l S, 1851, 2-4 ELWOOD, I . R. Elected director of rouse Telegraph. RDD Jl 8, 1851, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELWOOD, I. R. I. R. Kltettd to Board of Director*, Rouse Elected Dlreotor of New York State Tolograph Co* Printing Telegraph Co. Jl 9, 1861, 3-2 RDU, Jl 25, 1856, 3-4 JL ARO ELWOOD, I. R. ELTCOOD, I. R. Elected Secretary of the New York Elected Director New York and Mississ- St*te Printing Telegraph Co. ippi Printing Telegraph Co. RDU, Jl 25, 185.% 3-4 RDU Jl 26, 1855, 3-3 ELWOCD, I. R. One of corporators of Pacific Telegraph Company UA, Ap 16, 1861, 2-2 ELWOOD, I. R. ELWOOD, I. R. Was elected Secretary and Treasurer of the Pacific Telegraph Company UA, 0 28, 1861, 2-1 ELWOOD, I. R. Elected Director of Pacific Telegraph Recovery from Illness doubted Co. UA - UA, P 22. 1862, 2-3 F 27,1863, 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILwOOD, MRS. X. R. ELWOOD, DR. I . R. See Oorsllne, Daniel Leaves f o r New York en route t o lurope, UA, 8 1 4 f 1864 f 2 - 1 PW:lIC FD:MB EL./COD, I£*vAC H EL.7OOD, ISAAC R . Elected recretary of ;the 3oard of 11 One of f i r s t d i r e c t o r s of Rochester TTater V'orks Y £tate Printing Telegraph Co RDA, J l 27, 1S53, 2-5 RDU> 0 9 , lSix2, 3 - 1 o I'LH ELWOOD, BAAC R (ROCH] A.10 ELWOOD, ISAAC R. Elected to the Board of Directors for Elected Attorney of Six Penny Savings the New York State Printing Telegraph Bank Co RDD, Ap 21, 1854, 2-4 RDD, Jl 28, 1853, 2-5 ARO MAM:HC ELWOOD, ISAAC R. ELWOOD, ISAAC R. Elected Secretary of Mew York and Appointed Attorney of the Six- Mississippi Printing Telegraph Penny Savings Bank RDU, Jl 26, 1855, 3-3 UA, S 25, 1857, ?-3 HHM:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SLWOOD, ISAAC R. ELWOOD, ISAAC R. Appointed to Board of Directors Elected 8eoretary-Treaaurer of of Pacific Telepraph Company Paoifio Telegraph Company DA, Ap 18, 1351, 2-4 UA, Ap 18, 1861, 2-4 MR\t:AhO 101 U:AR0 ELWOOD, ISAAC R. ELWOOD, ISAAC R. Was a Director in the Pacific Injuredfchenstruck by runaway horses and Telegraph Co. organized here wagon UA, 0 28, 1861, 2-1 UA, F 18, 1863, 2-1 FG:AR0 NT:MC EL100D9 ISAAC R. ELWOOD, ISAAC R. Recovering from injuries received Condition reported worse. In accident. UA, P 26, 1863, 2-4 UAt P 21, 1863, 2-2 ELWOOD, ISAAC R. ELWOOD, ISAAC R. Obituary resolutions by North American UA - P 28, 1863, 2-1 Telegraph Association UA Mr 3, 1863 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELWOOD, ISAAC R. ELWOOD, DR. J.B. Obituary Resolutions by Western Union Sells Mt. Hope Avenue land to William Telegraph Co. H. Knapp, (Westfield) for $16,000 UA UA, S 6, 1864, 2-1 Mr 5,1863, 2-3 VB:JMG MHM/CMV ELWOOD, JAMES L. ELWOOD, JOHH Dangerously ill Guardian appointed but not named UA Ap IP, 1859i 3-2 UA, Mr 19, 1364, 2-4 ME: JUG DS ELTCOD, DR. JCHJT B. ELV.OOD, JOHN B. Building damaged by f i r e Building damaged by fire HDA, Je 3 , 1851, 2-6 RDD Je 3, -351, 2-5 FL:t'LH DS ELWOOD, JOHN B. ELWOOD, DR. JOHN B. Physician, name appears in directories Obituary of 1827 and 1858 UA, Uy 24, 1877, 2-3 UA CUV Ag 4, 1858, 3-1 (Spencerport) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELWOOD, r>R. JOHN B. Ex-mayor o b l t u n r y ; r e s o l u t i o n s by Common Council on account of h i s death ELWOOD, ELIZABETH G. Bee Boholey, John B . UA, Uy 25, 1877, 9.-7 WN:AB CP:Jl ELn'COD, DR. JCh*i B . ELiiiOOD, iQTTY Returned from Florida A r r e s t e d by p o l i c e f o r r o b b i n g home of Win. Kidd UA UA, S 24, 1866, 2 - 1 Lr 2 1 , 1661, 2-1 ELWOCD, KITTY ELWOOD, KITTIE Stolen a r t i c l e s found in her residence r e t u r n e d t o oTmers Arrested on larceny charge UA, S 25, 1866, 2-2 UA, S 26, 1866, 2-1 Jd;mmm ELWOOD, KITTIE Attempts suicide on way to Jail UA, S 27, 1866, 2-1 : NT See Dittmeier, John Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELWOOD, IIAOGIE ELWOOD, MRS . MARY ORISWOLD (ONEIDA CASTLE) t e s t i m o n i a l s by Mayor and others on hmr skating exhibitions at the rink t ool. OA, Ja 25, 1869, 2-5 Obituary ( 3 H ) UAf Mr 31, 1 S S 1 , 2-6 • vc;ARO peg; ELWOOD, 0 . JAMIS L . Died UA Ap 1 5 , 1 8 5 9 , ELTOCD, S . D. Brought l a r g e s t r.ug^et of g o l d t o Rochester RDD, J a 1 7 , 1&51, 2-5 KUTOOD, S . DOW Harried H a r r i e t II* Bartons HDD ELWOOD, SARAH A. See &lbbs, Walter Ja 2 4 , 1 8 5 1 , 3 - 3 VR:ARO our •• OJTOD, THOMAS See Robinson, Oliver. ELWOOD, W. M. Married Lucy Bennett UAf CCP.HR (FARGO, N. D. ) 3C:TL S 25, 1895, *-* (Honeoye F a l l s ) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SIAOQD, vnt. Se« Ruby, George ELWOOD, WILLIAM E. Convloted of r e c e i v i n g s t o l e n p r o p e r t y ; sentence not yet pronounced. UA Ap 3 , 1878 2-5 RL:HR ELWOOD, WILLIAE E. ELWOOD AND ARMSTRONG Sent to Auburn for 4 years for receiving stolen property. (1") Flour mill burned with loss of ^8,000 (1/5 col.) UA UA, Mr 1, 1879, 2-5 Ao 13, 1873, 2-4 EL1OOD BLOCK To be r e b u i l t ; planned by J.G. Cutler UA, F 1 6 , 1879, 3 - ELWCOD BLOCK ELWCOD BLOCK Corner of Main and State, this building being torn down to make way for a new building. (1/6 col.) ELY, First occupant takes offices Expected to carry Orleans Co. oyer UAf 0 P5, W 9 , 2- Mr. Clarke, by a large majority. UA, 0 28, 1862, 2-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, ELY, DR. Elected Supervisor from Brighton UA U r 2, 1864 2-1 Son breaks leg In fall into river bed. RDU, Ag 26, 1854, 2-6 NT PJW:JS ELY, .JIR. ELY'S, DR. Dodges, Col. Angles, propositions for Barn burned. debate UA, Ap 4, 1857, 3-2 UA PW:T 0 20, 1858, 2-1 VR/CMV ELY, MRS. ELY, COMMISSIONER Arrested for passing counterfeit money. R0O, Ap 15, 1854, 2-5 Wm. B, Hall, insr^etor of 1st district, 8th Ward before U. S. Commissioner, charged him for allowing women to vote UA, Ja 6, 1873, 2-2 FD/HB GZ.'FD ELY, SUPERVISOR (MENDON) Erroneously reported, killed as result of accident UA F 27, 1872, ELY, A. P. Letter to editor suggesting his resignation from the Republican party and positions 2-2 UA AJC'.JT VC/CltV Jl 16, 1872, 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILY, ABBIE ELY, ABRAHAM P . Died at Palrport Died UA, 0 29, 1885, 3-7 UA J l 1 6 , 1 8 9 1 , 5 - 5 l ELY, DR. ALBERT HE1IAN (NEW YORK CITY) .'C:JDP ELY, ALEXAirDER Harried llaud Louise Merchant (Rochester) (8 i n . ) Death reported at Pioneer Festival RDU UA 0 8, 1891, 0 7, 1852, 2-2 6-7 8C:JI ELY, ALEXANDER Esq. Nominated ^ude-e for Southern d i s t r i c t o f Cal. UA, J l 1 , 1861, 2-4 ELY, ALEXANDER P. Replaces James L. Clark as U.S. Commisrloner UA, JL 18, 1870, 2- cc nnm ILY, ALEXANDER R. Architect of Rochester University building died at h i s residence in fareraingham, Mass. UA, J l 6, 1SS1, 2-2 ELY, ALFRED Elected delegate to the Episcopal Convention at Utica RDU, Ag 3, 1854, 2-5 CL:UB MLH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Cleoted to Board of Directors, Considered as Republican candidate City Bank for mayor RDU, Je 10, 1856, 3-4 .UA- T) 27, 1856, 3-4 AO AHO ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED To deliver orp.tion at ^lyde Jl 4 Sells the "Frontier Hills11 to UA Jl 3, 1857, 3-2 Joseph Hall and George J. Whitney for |60,000 UAV Ap 14, 1858, 3-2 DS ELY, ALFRED Excerpt8 from his 4th of July ELY, ALFRED Leaves for Washington to take Congressional seat. Speech published UA, N 29, 1859, 2-2 UA Jl 7, 1858f 3-3 DS ELY, ALFRED E,Y, ALFRED Placed on committee of Claims of the of Representatives Introduces bull for improvement of Genesee H-rbor UA, F 13, 1860, 2-2 UA F 15, I860, 2-2 AB:DS HON. ALFRED Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, HON ALFRED Spending a few days at hie home in Left for Washington to resume his Rochester plaoe in the House UA UA Mr 19, 1860, 2-4 Mr 9, 1860, 2-4 UHLi/CLV ELY, HON. ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Returned from Washington; favors Named Republican candidate for repeal qf Reciprocity Treaty Congress UA, Je 29, I860. 2-2 UA, S 26, 1860, 2-3 ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Elected to Congress Leaves for Washington UA, N 14, 1860, 2-3 UA N 30, 1860, 2-2 ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Representative of this district to Con- Arrived home this norning gress arrived from Washington; does not UA believe Committee of Thirty-three will adjust existing difficulties UA D 20, 1860, 2-2 Kr 23, 1861, 2-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SLY, ALFRr.D ELY, ALFRED W1J.1 lenve for v/r.shington UA, i.r 28, 1861, 2-3 cc.mmm UA, Kr 30, 1861, 2-6 cc;mnn ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Expected home from Washington tomorrow UA Left for Washington Ap 24, 1861, 2-4 Greeted at the station by a large number of friends. UA, Ap 25, 1861, 2-4 JS/C;:V Mil ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED •Diary While at a Richmond Prison", for His speech on the conduct of the war sale at E. Darrow & Bro. Book Store severely criticized in editorial. UA UA, Je 3, 186??, 1-4 My 7,1862, 2-2 ELY, ALFRED ELY, HON. ALFRED His speaeh on the Canal Locks enlarge- On reception oooaittee of Monroe ment made In the House of Representatives County Fair published. UA, Jl 23, 1862, 2-3 UA Jl 7, 1862 1-7 JS:J8 VR:AB CONGRESSMAN ALFRED Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes CUT, ALFRED homo Jl 86, 1862, 3-6 Not the "Ely" who has been corresponding with lfr. Badger of North Carolina. UA, Ag 15, 1862, 3-2 VR: 'RO wr;mm ILY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Claims he haa not received any letters His speech to wounded soldiers at from O O T . Btanlej of North Carolina. Washington given. UA Ag 19, 1862 3-1 UA Ag 19, 1862 4-1 VR-.J8 ELI, ALFRED VR:JS ELY, ALFRED Left for Chicago to attend meeting of His Republican opponents hold meeting corporation of Pacific Railroad. Resolve to defeat him a t a l l c o s t s UA, Ag 29, 1862, 2-3 UA, 0 21, 1862, 2-1 ¥R:AB ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Daily Democrat after favoring him Opposes Freeman Clarke's nomination for for 4 years has thrown its support Congress to Freeman Clarke* UA UA, 0 25, 1862, 3-1 PW:MB Pl/Ctty 0 31, 1862, 3-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EuY, HON. AJKhED Ji, RON. A-FKED Arrived in Rochester from Washington Left for Cashing ton UA, D 27, 1862, 2-1 DA N 28, ia6^, 2-1 m h.T:: ~jf. ELY, ALFRED Left for Washington Favors construction of canal Ja 5, 1863, 2-3 UA, Ja 21, 1863, 2-2 me;mma ••• ELY, HON. ALFRED Arrived in Rochester from Washington UA 9 Ap. 3, 1863, 2-3 ELY, ALFRED Elected Director of Rochester City Bank. UA, Je 9, 1863, 2-1 mhm!— CP:KB ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Appointed by C o m en Council as af;ent To look after Orleans County rlpfrts in the conscript matter at Washington, to Washington to eonplete work concern'.ng UA, Ag 3, 1863, 2-1 City's credit on the draft UA, Jl 31, 1863, 2-2 FD:AFX) ab;mam Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Letter to the Committee of Common Ran over ohlld named Burns Council about the excess of Volunteers. UA, S 2 1 , 1863, 2-3 Preamble and resolution adopted by Committee. UA, Ag 24, 1863, 2-2 AB:MB ^^ AB ^ ELY, ALFRED Sold Jonathan H. Child the Gene see Falls Hills for $15,500. UA, J l 1 4 , 1864, 2-2 • - " ^ ELY, ALFRED (ROCHESTER) Republican candidate from Brockport for nomination to the Republican Congressional Convention UA, Ag 12, 1864, 2-3 • -3 ( .''*''^?^Wrwfifl^l^P^|PH!^»^^flHRr? ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED I d . suggests h i s enlistment i n To testify before military commission army t o s e t example for o t h e r s . concerning the treatment of prisoners, UA UA, Ag 1 9 , 1864, 2-1 FD.-MB ELY, ALFRED AG 10, 1865, 3-4 CCP/CCP ELY, HON. ALFRED Has declined t o run f o r Con press Purchased large interest in the stock UA, Ag 24, 1866, 3-2 of the Farmer's and Mechanics1 Nationa l Bank; chosen president UA UE:ARO :JI Je 18, 1867, • 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Appointed manager of Houoe of Refuse Rome damaged by fire. UA. Ja 18, 1868, ?-3. UA, J l 1 4 , 1868, 2-4 CG:JL'G • ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Declined nomination as Confer©ssional representative; Letter to Ed. from Republicans sqys no one ever thought of hin as a candidate; calls him a •played-out polltlcan" Republican farmers penned l e t t e r t o UA, 3 5, 1868, 2-3 Congress; farmers c a l l Ely a " P o l i t i c a l the Editor concerning E l y ' s declination of the nomination as candidate for Bankrupt" UA, S 1 1 , 1368, MHUiARO ELY, ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Appointed Secretary and Treasurer Editorial concerning his depth of the Western House of Refuge , UA, My 19, 1892, 4-4 (?H) •lee Isaac Hills, resigned. UA, Ja 2, 1869, 2-2 FD:MB 3C:HP ELY, ALFRED ELY , ALFRED Obituary; illustrated S t . Luke's Church adopted r e s o l u t i o n on h i s death (3") UA, My 19, 1892, 5-4 UA, Uy 25, 1892, 7-4 3L:HR I SC .FD • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ALFRED ELY, ALFRED betters of administration issued Huaphrey. George H # , presented to Circuit Court a memorial of the late Alfred Ely (9 in.) VA, AS:HR Je 6, 1692, SL.-JI ELY, MRS. ALFRED ELY, ALFRED Gave $500 t o Chamber of Commerce See Mudge, Alfred relief fund UA, F 20, 1894, 6-5 ARO dee cue 11, ueorge C. ELY, ALLEN GRIFFIN Death RDD, F 18, 1852, 3-3 ELY, ANDREW ELY, ANDREW A r t i c l e on h i s i n v e n t i o n of a stench trip for sewers (l/3 col.) UA, MP 22, 1876, 2-3 Jcmj romro Obituary UA, 0 (4«) 21, 1896, 7-6 5-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ILY, MRS. AKOELINE ELY, ANDREW Ditd. Funeral held UA, 0 ?2, l a 9 6 , UA, Ap 16, 1884, 3-8 9-3 CC:RR •• ELY, AUGUSTIK B. ELY, UBS. ANGELINE Obituary Married (h*) UA, Ap 1 7 , 1684, 2-2 AJC:AHO Elizabeth Aldrlch UA, Je 9, 1669, 3-6 GZ-.FD ELY, AUGUSTINE , MRS. CAROLINE Obituary See Fay, Cyrus UA, Ap 26, 1892, 5-2 CB SL:AB •i ELY, CAROLINE C. And others pold property on North tfest corner of East Ave. and Culver St. to Lewis Chase and other, for $10,000.00 ELY, CAROLINE CCFJIZLIA Died UA, My 3 0 , 1 8 9 2 , 2 - 7 UA, Je 5 , 1883, 3 - 8 as;hr ELY, CAROLINE CULVER Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes See Smith, Oorham ELY, CARRIE L. See Steinperger, Albert B. AJC:HR ELY, CHARLES ELY, CHARLES AUSTIN (NORTH RUSH) Death in Lyme, conn. Married Eliza Parley (Chili) RDU| D 29, 1854, 3-2 UA, N 3, 1897, tILH ELY, DA'IEL See Hobble, A. C( 3-4 CCP:TL m ELY, DARWIN (WEST HENRIETTA) Party was held in Ely' s barn by the West Henrietta social club* UA, Jl 12, 1883, 2-6 CliP:lS ELY, DARWIN S. Harried Erin Bushman in West Henrietta UA, M 21, 1862, 3-6 ELY, DARWIN 3. (RUSH) Sold land in Rush for $6,500 to John Hetger (Rush) UA CCP:HR Ap 27, 1876 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, DAVID ELY, DR. DAVID Death Died t*, B 9 t 1857, 3-3 UA, Ja 8 , 1875, 3-4 MAM:APO J e n nunrn ELY, DAVID ELY, DAVID Decree of J u d i c i a l settlement issued on e s t a t e Died UA., N. 1 5 , 1Q89, 5-4 UA, D 19, 1892, 5-2 Jii:FAD ELY, I.IARCUS J. ELY, FRANK A. See F i e l d & Allen Granite CO, Died in Murray, New York UA Died Died Je 5, 1693, 5-2 UA, Je 29, 1871, 3-4 JD:JMG JL:AA Ap 30, 1894, 6-4 ELY, DELL* A. (I;^S. 3.D.) SLY, SAMUEL D. DA, (FORMERLY OF HENRIETTA) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, E. 3. ELY, DEHISCE! J ('JHSST HEUlilETTA) Married Mary j a n e Browi Barna on fire, loan .$2,500 (2«) RDA, S 13, lfcsi, 3-2 UA, 0 21, 1882, 2-5 J d nur.m AHO ELI, E. W. (WATERLOO) Harried 8u8le Love. ELY, EBiN Elected director of Hocheater City Bank UA, Je 25, 1889, 6-3 ?.DA, Je 11, 1851, 2-S 1001:10 'I.H ELY, E3EN. Elected to Board of Directors of ::LY, l-lectod d i r e c t o r cf t h e R o c h e s t e r Cit; City Bank RDU, Je 10, 1856, 3-4 ?^D, Je 1 1 , 1F51, ?-2 MC EIA, EBiJEZEh Chosen Director of Rochester City ELY, EBENEZER Elected to Board of Directors, Ban's. Rochester City Bank RDA, Je 3, 1852, 3-1 RDO.Je 12,1955, 3-3 UC DS i Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, EBENEZER ELY, EBENEZER Broker, name appears In directories of Elected Vioe President of Monroe 182? and 1858 County Sayings Bank DA UA, Ja 5, 1859, 3-2 Ag 4, 1858, 3-1 MAM:AR0 CMV ELY, EBENEZER Elected Vice President of Monroe County Savings Institution ELY, E3EKEZER Elected director of tve Rochester City UA, Je 10, 1862, 2- UA, Ja 11, I860, 2-2 ELY, EBEKEZER Elected director of Rochester CityBank. UA, Je 9, 1863, 2-1 ELY, EBENEZER Died, came to the Genesee Country around 1812 UA, Mr 2 6 , 1870, 2-3 NP:AB ELY, DR. EDWARD T. Further biorrapMeal Jata UA, Mr 2", 1370, °-2 Appointed house p h y s i c i a n a t C i t y Hospital on r e s i g n a t i o n of Dr. Malloy UA OTZ/CKV My 2 1 , 1873, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EDWARD ! • t ELY, EDWARD T. phyeiolan at the City Hospl5*u° r e a u r a e studies in the College or Physicians and Surgeons Graduated from College of Physician* and Surgeons of New York *** UA, Ur 6, 1874, 2-1 8 16, 1873, 2-5, 1 in. GTZ:AR0 CF:JI SLY, ELIJAH y to 'T.r Obituary A l l i s r'cr RDU, i: 9 , 1854, 3 - 1 IXH ELY, ELISHA ELY, CAPTAIK £LISHA Died in Allegan, L^ Died i n A l l e g a n , > i c h i ^ a n RDU, N 4, 1854, 3-1 N 4 , 1854, 3 - 1 1!LK ELY, ELISHA Published first directory of Rochester Population was 7, 669. Ag. 4, 1858 PM 3-1 Served as Sunday School Superintendent in 1818 UA, Ur 19, 1866, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, 3LISIIA ELY, ELISHA Listed as Captain of the Rochester Blues Story of arrival in Rochester with In 1818 Preston Smith UA, Ap 19, 1870, 2-5 UA, Ja 15, 1869, 2-3 AV:SC ELY, ELISKA. D. Death reported at Pioneer Festival HDU 0 7, 1852, 2-2 ELY, ELIZABETH ELY, ELIZABETH Died UA Je 10, 1889, 2-7 ELY, ELIZABETH Died Died UA UA Je 10, 1889, 8-4 ELY, ELIZABETH Obituary (5") UA, Je 14, 1889, 2-6 Je 12, 1889. 8-5 ELY, ELILY F . Vs. Angel A. Welcome d e c i d e d f o r defendent (3") UA, SL:FO iv:: JA_ Ap 30, 1896, 6-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, EUIA FLORENCE (MENDON CENTRE) ELY, ENOCH A. (LE ROY) Died Died UA, 0 4 , 1 8 7 7 , UA, My 3 , 3-5 1*92, 7-2 QL;FD ELY, ERASTUS U. ELY, ERASTUS U. Married Mary Grace E l y UA, J l 20, 1895, Confessions of Judgment f i l e d 8-4 UA, PT:JA N 8, 1895, 6-6 SC.-JA ELY, ERASTUS U. , Judgment of $336 recorded against him in favor of Alonzo A. Diamond UA, N 12, 1895, See Webster, I.:r. & tfrs Ell la D. 9-3 ELY, FRANK A. (MURRAY) Married E t t a V.. E c k l e r (Mendon) UA, J a 2 , 1 8 7 9 , ELY, ERASTUS U. 3-7 ELY, GEORGE (CHICAGO, FORMERLY OF ROCH.) Married Marienne Page at H a v e r h i l l , Masa RDU OTZ:KB CMV D 27, 1855, 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes E-Y, GEOhGE H. ELY, GEORGE H. Cf th*» Granite LiII recommends M a r r i e d Hannah H. W e l l s i n Perm Yan th*» Indiana Bran Separator RDD, KP 20, 1852, 3-3 RDD Mr 13, 1350, J-6 o DS ELY, GEORGE H. (CLEVELAND) Died; formerly of Rochester UA, Ja (2hn) 2 6 , 1894, 6-4 AL:AA ELT, GEORGE HER^Y (CLEVELAND, OHIO) Died UA Ja 26, 1894, 6-6 JA:RZ ELY, GEORGE P . Died SLY, H. UA Ja 5, 1897, 10-5 F i r s t miller in Rochester IIDD, l ^ 3 , 1S52, 2- JA:RZ ELI, H. C. Forms copartnership with Geo. Williaas (Henrietta) in grocery and liquor trade. 0A, I 18, 1865, 2-5 HTSMB ELY, HANNAH Died. UA (MRS. H01IER C. ) (*•) N 30, 1883, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes SLY, HA:,I:AH H . O.T>J. GSCRGS H.) Died in renn Y^n Lpoke a t titeting held a t I'all HDD, J a 8, lf.51, 2-& iy 1| 1C.64, 3-4 ELY, HARVEY ELY, HARVEY Member of Ant:-Uason~c State Miller, name appears In directories of Central Committee In 1828 1827 and 1858 DA Jl 26,.1853, 3-1 UA ELY, HARVEY Obituary Ag 4, 1858, 3-1 ELY, HATTIE A. See Van Doom, Frank UA, N 24, 1862, 2-3 ELY, HEKAN ELY, HEUAN B. Died in Elyria, Ohio Death Obituary RDU, 0 22, 1956, 2-4 HDD F 4, 1852, 3-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, HENRY ROSENCRANTZ ELY, HE1IRY Died. See F i n n e y , R e v . C* G. UA, S 2 7 , 1 8 5 8 , 3 - 4 O MLR ELY, HERVEY VR:MB ELST, E3R'/EY Submits proposition for a l o c a t i o n of the Foundling l e f t on h i s doorstep turned over to far.ily in Henrietta by poormaster Genesee Valley P.ailroad through the c i t y ?J)U HDD, Kr 2 3 , 1851, 2-5 0 26, 1852, 2-5 KLH SLY, HERVEY Famed v i c e p r e s i d e n t of j u v e n i l e TV tr-. Reform S o c i e t y 'Irantei! t-r.t^nt for ne\.- .process t o dry f l o u r - HDD, My 1 6 , 1853, 2 - 5 HDD, Je 10, 1S5-1, "-4 ELY, HERVEY ELY, HEHVEY Moves to Erie, Pa.; Rochester resi- Participated in defer se of Rochester- dent since 181:* v l l l e in War of 1312 UA Je 24, 1859, 2-2 UA Je 24, 1859, 2-2 pw:DS PW:DS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, HERVEY Suffering from an attack of epilepsy. ELY, HERVEY Obituary resolutions by Merchant Millers of Rochester- 0At N 22, 1862, 2-5_ UA, N 25, 1862, 2-2 MHM:NT ELY, HERVEY Urged adoption of hydrostatic scale in 1851. ELY, H0I.ER Died from injuries received when his wagon passed over his body. UA, F 26, 1872, 2-1 UA, F 17, 1864, 2-1 VR:MB ELY, HOLIER C. Listed as Democratic c.ember of the new Board of Supervisors of Lendon. Hr 6, 1872, 2-5 ELY, HOMER C Elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Elected supervisor of Mendon UA, Mr 5, 1873, 2-3 ELY, HOMER C. Democratic nominee for the position of member of the Assembly of the 1st Assembly District , 0 20, UA, 0 25, 1875, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , HOMER c. ELY, IDA F. (;.;EWDCN) Democratic candidate for Sheriff u See Hannahs, Charles L. *, 0 18, 1878, 2-3 IB-.LR *&***. mwm- . E U , J. D. (OMAHA) ELY, JOHN H. Forner Rochesterlan, died at Brighton. Arrested on charge of false pretenses Short biographical sketch. UA, Ja 14, 1868, 2-3 UA, Ag 19, 1870, 2-2 JD:JI.:G ELY, JOHN W. ELY, JOHN W. Died UA, Died Jl 13, 1896, 7-4 UA, Jl 11^, 1896, AL:JI ELY, JOSEPH (NE7: YORK) ELY , JOSEPH"FIELD Investigation of his alleged stabbing of John Moynlhan to be held Carried Harie B . L'oore (Philadeohla) UA, lly 7, 1893» 2-5 UA, J L 9 , 1870, 3-6 AB UI • vo mmnn Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, JOSEPH FIELD ILYt JOSEPH FIELD Joraer resident of Rochester died In Brooklyn. UA Died, Eulogy by S t . Louis paper g i v e n UA, F 26, 1873, 2 - 7 Ja 88, 1873, 2-4 OZ:RZ ELY, KATHERINE ELX, JOSEPH T. Died Delivered the Salutatory at Commence UA, S 28, 1 8 8 1 , 3-7 ment exercises of Trinity College. UA, Jl 2, 1864, 2-3 MB CL:FD :LY, L. D. ELY, L. D. 3lecte<i trustee or 5t. Feter^s Presbyterian Ccn^r Ration (BRIGHTON) Harnesses and robes s t o l e n from premises. UA, J a 2 4 , I 8 6 0 , 2 - 1 RDD, II 8, 1853, ii-5 Mi!: MB ELY, L . D . ELY, L . D . Elected Republican Supervisor of Appointed to County Central Committee Brighton. of Republican Party UA Mr 5, 1862 2-2 UA, 0 14, 1862, 2-1 JS:JS MHM:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes t L. D. ELY, L. D. (BRIGHTON) Elected Supervisor of Brighton Renominated for supervisor at UA Mr 4, 1863 2-2 Republican oaucue. UA, F 29, 1864, 2.3 ELY, L.D. (BRIGHTON) Mentioned a possible Abolition Party nominee for County Clerk. ELY, L. D. See Campbell, Robert. UA, 8 2, 1864, 2-3 ELY, LA RUE P. (ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. ) Died; formerly of Rochester UA, J e 7, 1*95, 3-5 ELY, LINUS (CLYDE) (DECEASED) The glass factory belonging to his estate destroyed by fire. UA, Jl 5, 1865, 2-4 CCP:EQ ELY, LOI-ENZO D. Obituary. (2") UA My 23, 1881, 2-2 :LY, LUCIWDA DAVID) (HENRIETTA) Early pioneer—obituary UA, D 14, 1878, 2-3 o l ramm CL:RZ (URS. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, LULA (HENRIETTA) ELY, LUCY Died Died D I S , 1SS5, UA 2-3 My 11, 1880, 3-7 JD:JI ELY, MARIA (MRS. WILLIAX C . ) ELY, MARY GRACE (CLYDE) See Ely, Erastus U. Died. UA, P 1 8 , 1 8 7 8 , 2-1 RZ:MB :JA ELY, S. P- & G. H. ELY, PHILARA GRIFFIN (MILLER) Died Receives $6,150, damages because of UA, Jl 6, 1869, 3-4 diversion of Genesee river for canal purposes RDU, Mr 7, 1856, g-2 ABlARO AP.O ELY, SAMUEL P- ELY, SAMUEL P Purchased Anson House's mansion on South St. Paul St. Gives testimony at the Brairton Murder Trial. RDU, Ap 23, 1855, 3-1 RDU, My 11, 1855, 2-3 NT FD:NT 5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, SHELDON 0 . ELY, THERESA Dltd UA, See Wheeler, Steven, N 2 5 , 1895, 7-1 FT:JA WN:HR ELY, DR. W. S. 1 L I , REV. W. A. Paper on origin, propagation, treatment and prevention of cholera read before Central New York lie die al Society, Baaed new pastor of African Methodist Episcopal Church UA, 0 30, 1894, 9-2 UA, Je 18, 1872, 2-6 JCUHTB MM:JI mm* ELY, DR. W. 3. ELY, DR. W. S. Presented Instruments for application of medical powder to diseased surfaces. Dr. Moore (Rochester) commented favorably on Dr. Ely's instruments at Syracuse meeting of the society UA D 18, 1873, R e t u r n s from New York. (I 11 , ry 2 4 , 1 8 7 5 , 2 - 5 2-6 AB:JI EuY, W. W. ELY, DR. W. W. (ROCHESTER) On Board of Trustees of Plymouth Con- E l e c t e d P r e s i d e n t of t h e Monroe County Medical S o c i e t y . gregational Society RDU, My 1 1 , 1855, 3 - 1 UA Ap S3, 1863, F' PDlNT MHM:JI • 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and MonroeELY, County DH. · Indexes 'V. , Dh. I. W. Lilted as delegate to Hational citied *s author of a map of the Adirondack Convention of Uedical Society. UA, i 9, 1672, 2-2 UA, Je 15, 1865, 2-2 jcm jiumm MU:UB ELY, DR. T7. 7. ELY, DR. ¥.¥. Returned in better health after a trip to the Adirondacka. UA, 8 27, 1872, 3-6 His letter describing the Adirondacks and Ampersand Mountains, reprinted UA S 3, 1873, 2-4 VC:J12G ELY, LR3. DR. W ELY, DR. W. IV. Returned from North Woods trip.(* Obituary UA UA, Ag 31, 1878, 2-2 S 27, 1373 2-3 WN:HR ELY, DR. W. W. Obituary UA Ur 28, ELY, DR. W.W. (1/3 Col.) 1879, 2-2 Poem written in memories UA, Ap 5, 1979, 2-7 1 Col. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY, WILLIAM c . (Clyde, N. Y.) ELY, WM. C. Home entered and robbed Obituary. (6") UA N 1 , 1858, 3-2 OA, 8 24, 1886, 3-2 La MB DS • or, in. c. (CLYDE) Died. OA, 0 4, 1886, 8-3 E L Y , W&i. BI. With J . L. Luckey, caught large quantity of black-bass a t Nine-Mile Point (1") .UA, J l 18, 1876, 2-2 OTZ:MB ELY, HI. 8. ELY, DR. WILLIAM S. Presented with sword, sash, belt, straps, Married Helen L. Gamwell (Providence, R. I . ) and revolver by his friends UA, Ag 2 , 1894, 5-4 OA, Ag 22, 1862, 2-4 VR:ARO Patent sewer trap to aid faster flow of sewage. F 4, 1879, 2-3 ELY KILLS Fly owner of large/t mill in Rochester; 63, .OJ barrels of flour manufactured during year HDA F 13, 1351, :-4 OTZ:RZ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELY HILLS ELY MILLS Article concerning the sale of mill. UA, Ap 10, I860, 2-4 Two attempts made t o burn old m i l l s on S t . Paul S t . UA, Ap 15, 1861, 2-3 FD:iIB ELY FLOORING MILLS ELYEA, MRS. ALICE A. Completely destroyed by fire; 165,000 loss UA Ag 25, Commences action against Lehigh and Retsof Salt Mining Co. f o r an accounti n g (2") UA, N 4 , 1896, 7-3 1870, 2-3 JP:FD VC:JI ELYEA, JOSIE (i^RS. W.G. ) (LE ROY) Died ELYN, JOHN (EAST BRIGHTON) Died UA, S 2 3 , 1 8 8 1 , 3-8 ELYN, SOPHIA (MRS. JOHN SCHROEDER) Died UA Ja 17, 1896, 6-2 SLZE, FREDERICK Taken to t h e h o s p i t a l when he was found c u t t i n g himself with a r a z o r while in a fit of insanity (7 in.) OA, 0 9, JC:RZ MM:JI 1894, 6-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ELZKNBECK, MICHAiSL Arrested for an attempted assault on a girl named Bauman* UA, My 20, 1865, 2-5 EMANCIPATION ACT Editorial states that proposed Emancipation Aot is unconstitutional* UA, D 13, 1861. 1-4 nhm.maai NT: MB EUANCIPATION EMANCIPATION CELEBRATION E d . s t a t e s i t I s f ? o l i s v for peon e to Rochester by p a s s i n g r e s o l u t i o n s or other statements Douglass, Frederick, addressed a large audienoe in literary exoercisea; account of proceedings• (5 cols.) UA, J l 16, 1*562, 1-4 UA, Ag 7 , 1 8 8 5 . 1-1 t h i n k t h a t they can emancipate t h e negroes VR:AB EMANCIPATION DAY EMANCIPATION DAY Colored people celebrated yesterday with a largely attended ball at flour City Hall. Colored people held an emancipation parade and celebration at Lyons yesterday. (5>:H) UA, Ag 3, 1832, 3-4 UA Ag 2, 1873. 2-1 EMANCIPATION DAY Account of its observance in Rochester. Parade in morning. Literary observance in afternoon* Fred Douglass present* EMANCIPATION DAY Observance reviewed. (10}") UA Ag 2 , 1888. 2-5 UA Ag 6, 1885, 2-3 J0:R2 OTZ:JDP Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMANCIPATION DAY EMANCIPATION PROCLAUATION Aooount of suocessful c e l e b r a t i o n UA, Ap 6 , 1 8 9 1 , 5-6 Issued by President Lincoln UA, S 23, 1862, 4-1 VR:ARO LA:HR MANCIPATION PROCLAMATION Editorial comments on reaction of • various papers toward It UA S 24, 1862, 2-1 EliAIiCIPATION P Editorial hopes that results of proclamation will be as great as Lincoln expects. <-»A, Ja 10, 1665, 2-1 VR/CMV EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION Editorial states results are not those Letter writer says that soldiers are not that have been expected; few slaves have in favor of recently issued proclamation deserted, etc. UA* Ja 22, 1863, 2-2 UA Ja 15 f 1863 3-1 ME:JS \sii\i:zjp\ 101: P.-.0x*:ATIOI; Controversey over whether president or Congress should have issued ProclamaLion; UA claims if« w^s an infrinriment of the National Legislature UA, F 24, I8o4, 3-2 VB:*YAL EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION 13th anniversary celebrated at Iron African Methodist Episcopal Church Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMANDRAUT, PHILIP D1AN0N CLUB Wat arrested for inflicting injuries to Joseph Rupert, #iloh night prove Offloers e l e o t e d fatal. UA, Ag 29, * UA, Uy 16, 1870, 2-6 AJC:ARO AV:UB EUANON CLUB Held musical proTi-am a t Heddlng Church. Elected officers, T JA L'r 17, 13G5, 2-5 UA F 13, 1886, 3-2 I3:EZ IB:RZ EIIANON CLUB EIIANON CLUB Officers elected. annual meeting. List of officers elected UA, Uy 8 , 1 8 8 6 , (I") UA, F 7, 1887, 3-4 2-3 IB:ARO QUNON CLUB ELIAN?'*: CLLrB Officers elected o j e n l r g 1T?1H by t^ pro|?ramre of t h e rr.usteal e n t e r t a i n m e n t Riven (3") UA, J l 9 , 1 9 9 7 , UA 8-4 \ CL:JI Ag I \, 1«87, 3-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes CLUB a tuooesaful entertainment EMANON CLUB Elected o f f i c e r s . UA.f Ag. 8, 1889, 2-6 JG:ARO LF:FAD EMANON CLUB El-IAirjEL CIRCIE OF THE STATE Held meeting; musical entertainment: Annual f e s t i v a l ; p r o c e e d i n g s g i v e n play(l-). RDA, UA 0 30, 1889, 6-4 J a 2CJ, 1853, 2 - 7 CB JK;JDP ••I EUAi-.'UEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH To i n s t a l l new pastor (? UA J e ?6, 1 .t«, 2-7 EUANUEL PRSSJYTERIAK CHURCH Root, Rev. J UA S. 9 I n s t a l l e d P S p a s t o r J e ? 7 , l&$$, 3-2 JC.'JDP EMAHUEL SOCIETY Entertained frlenda at a picnic and dance at Oeraanla Hall* UA, Ag 7 , 1 8 8 5 , 2 - 1 ZMB2ZZLE:.3NTS R o b e r t s , Anson, a r r e s t e d f o r em b e z z l i n g '::. C» F o s t e r RDU> My 16, 1853, 2 - 5 JOlHR SVtKLH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENT EMBEZZLL'tffcNT Lyon, Lyman J. f —arraigned In Buffalo for eelling oysters belonging to Thomas Grannie Jr. (Rochester) • Gregory, Jereniah, a r r e s t e d on- comp l a i n t of Mrs. I arian Cranwell. RDU, N 4 , 1856, 3-1 RDU, lly 17, 1656, 3-2 MB NT • Embezzlement E!*EEZZLEI.:EKT One Police Court Case. One P o l i c e Court Case UA UA, % 22, 1857 3-1 My 16 f 1857, 3-3 JL SL'SEZZLEl'ZNT EMBEZZLEMENT ROCHESTER One Police Court Case. UA My 30, 1857, 3-2 One Session Court ^ UA Je 1, 1857, 3-2 JL EMBEZZLEMENTS EMBEZZLEMENTS Sanborn, Alonso, sentenced to Auburn Woodward, William, charged with State Prison for four years embezzeling property from canal UA, Je 6 f 1857f 3-1 boat UA, My 29, 1858, 3-3 1IC FD:UC Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENT EUBEZZLEUENT Rochester Person who attempted to swindle Ryan & Co., out of $1000 arrested in Hamilton, Ohio. 1 Polioe Court case UA, N 26, 1858, 3-4 UA, 0 17, 1859, 2-2 t1 f ••—r-—'—rnf EMBEZZLEIENT EMBEZZLEMENT One police court ca.se UA, 0 24, 1859, 2-5 EMBEZZLEMENT One Police Court case UA N 9, 1859, 2-5 EMBEZZLEMENT 1 Police Court Case One arrest UA UA, 0 10, 1860, 2-4 D 27, 1859, 2-3 PW/CI>:V EKBEZZLEEXNT AI:D FRAUD E1.3EZZLEL.ENTS Rochester Rochester De Reu, Capt. Edward, swindled many Rochesterians • UA, 0 1 8 , 1660, 2-1 PW:UB • 1 arrest UA, 0 23, 1860, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENT AND FRAUD EMBEZZLEMENT Parrington, E. W., arrested on charge of embezzling funds of •Alert Hose Co. #1. Farrlngton, E. W.—-in Jail facing charge of misusing funds of Alert Hose Co* #1. UAf 0 30 f I860, 2-2 FGtlffi UA, 0 30, 1860, 2-4 FG:MB EMBEZZLEMENT Rochester 1 Police Court Case. One Police Court Case UA, 0 30, 1860, 2-2 UA, D 7, 1860, 2-3 FG:KB CG:ARO : zz.r r...fT A^D FPA;:I: P.CCHSS^SR 1 P o l i c e Court c-.se UA, J - f'7, lS '""itr", Jo': J , a r r e r t e o for obtain- in;; -:?QO fro^i Sirr-or. Brown VA J l 17, lfvJl, ?-3 ELiBEZZELLENT and FRAUD Rochester Rochester Clark, Andrew E. ar^e-ted for f a l s e p r e t e n s e r | 'lumber of p r r e s t s , UA, Ag 1 , 1 8 6 1 , 2 - 2 UA, A~ 2, 1361, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENT Rochester EMBEZZLEMENT Connolly, Andrew, arrested for embezzling 180.00 from B.O'Brien Forde, Edward, and John K. Anderson charged with swindling public in UA, N 25, 1861, 3-4 colleotlng funds for benefit of Irish Brigade UA, 0 21, 1861, 2-4 NT:MC EMBEZZLEMENT 1 Sessions Court Case 1 trial in Sessions Court UA UA Mr 25, 1862, 2-3 Mr 26, 1862, 2-3 JS/CKV JS/C^ EMBEZZLEMENT E:.I32ZZLE:.ENT OF PUBLIC K O K E Y Rochester 1 session court acquittal Two cases in D i s t r i c t Court UA, My 2?., 1362, 2-2 UA Mr 27, 1862 2-2 EMBEZZLFJ1FNT EMBEZZLEMENT 1 c-.se in Circuit Court UA, My 29, 1862, 2-3 Rochester Blumensteel, Moses, arrested for defrauding John Vickery of $500 UA, Ja 31, 1863, 2-5 FG:tiT PJW:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENTS 1 arrest In Police Court Roohester Blumenstein, Moses, on trial in UA, Mr 29, 1864, 2-3 Court of Sessions. UA, Mr 26, 1863, 2-5 UHM:MB vr;mmm •mm] EMBEZZLEMENTS EMBEZZLEMENT Rochester Roohester Sibley, Augustus H, arrested, for misap- One arrested in Police Court propriating $3,800 while employed by the UA, 8 14, 1865, 2-4 American Express Co, UA Jl 15, 1865, 2-1 MAL:JMG CP:JI EMBEZZLEMENT Rochester Ricker, D.A., charged with embezzlement by Jabez B. Norris EMBEZZLEMENT James Wimble, a r r e s t e d UA, J l 1 8 , 1866, 2-3 UA, Ap 23, 1866, 2-2 KE:AB EMBEZZLEMENT EMBEZZLEMENT One arrested in Police Court One case tried in Police Court UA, Jl 19, 1866, 2-3 UA, N 21, 1866, 2-4 ME:AB MB:ABO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENT Uiohaels, •lOO from James H. UA 20, 1867, 2-3 UR Frederick , arrested for taking Barrens, Hennessey, Kartin, arrested UA, J e 15, 1867, 2-6 CG:AB PG/CCP 1 arr* sted in Police 1 arr«8t in Police Court UA, 0 8, 1B67, 2-5 UA, H 25, 1867, 2-2 9 CCPii.T CCPtMAL EilBEZZLS'^MT 1 examination in Police Court. 1 arrest. UA UA MR 21, 1868, 2-6 UR 2 3 , 1 8 6 8 , 2 - 3 CF/CCP EUBEZZLEkENT EMBEZZLEMENT 1 arrest in Police Court Rochester UA, My 2 3 , 1 8 6 8 , 2 - 7 Me Gorry, John, was arrested for embezzling $600 from Ryan and Dempsey , UA, Ap 28,, 1868 • CF:ARO S-2 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENT EMBEZZLEMENTS Rochester 1 a r r e s t i n Lookport* UA Wilson, Jesse, appropriated for his UY 2 6 , 1 8 6 8 , 2 - 3 own use $100 belonging to Jaqulth and Reed UA, S 21, 18G8, 2-5 JD/CCP •r»;.-«npw^^-v w#°# •• •»., E1IBEZZLELENT EMBEZZLEMENT Rochester Rochester Charles Pelley is wanted by Sanderson Jullua Eckler was arrested; and Thorn for obtaining ehromos to the by llr. Yale with misuse of funds Talue of $79 UA, N 21, 1868, 2-4 UA chnrged 0 19, 1868, 2-2 GZ.-JLIG EMBEZZLEMENT EHBEZZLELIFKTS Rochester Waldron, E. C , (Buffalo) arrested on 1 case in Oyer and Terminer Court UA Ja 20, 1869, 2-3 complaint of M.H. Kills who charged him with embezzling ^500 UA, Ja 8, 1869, 2-5 WN:AR0 MALtJI EUBEZZLETIENTS 1 caae tried in Sessions Court UA, Ja 26, 1869, 2-6 Clark, Charles C., arrested in Massachusetts and tr^ufr^t to Rochester to stand trial UA, Ja 29, 1369, 2-3 peg; Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENT Howard, I . 0 . , a r r e s t e d on oharge of entitlement; dlsoharged. EI.:BEZZLE:3:::T Anderson, wm. R., arrested In Ne* York UA, Ja 13, 1870, 2-5 VA9 Jl 19, 1869, 2-2 FD:MB UAL: RO EMBEZZLEMENT Rochester Van Volkinber^h, Amelia, rr.aae a complaint yesteruuy that Darwin Lewis, a clerk, in her store sold a quoj.ity .f tin worth $33-CO and converted the proceeds for his own use Win. Mo Crone Is charged with convert- UA, IT 24, 1&70, 2-4 Wilson to hi8 own use ing $100, the property of Fould and UA Je 4, 1870, 2-2 NP:JI mm**- ^ EMBEZZLEMENT W.A. Franklin, arrested for taking $50 froa his employer 0Af Je 10, 1870, 2-2 Carroll, John, arrested for embezzling •oney from Gormley Bros. UA HP:ABO BiBEZZLELlENTS Chretin, George, b e l i e v e d to have embezzled $1^00 fron Van Ness Collection Agency. UA, Ja 2 7 , 1S71*, 2 - 2 JL 6, 1871, 2-2 MHM/CCP EUBEZZLEHSNTS Rochester Roodenburg, Chas. J , found g u i l t y of embezzling $12,000 from J . B. and C. A. Sweeting Co. UA GTZ:HR Ap 10, 1874 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLING- EMBEZZLEMENTS Roohester Ooons, Daniel, former employee of 0. P. Hunts & Co., arrested for embezzling the firm's money. UA My 27, 1874 Williams, John, absconded with premium money of several insuranoe companies. UA, Jl 3, 1874, 2-6 8-1 VC:HR EMBEZZLEMENT EMBEZZLEMENT Allen, Franklin J., arrested at the depot on charges of embezzlement. UA D 11, 1874 2-3 Rochester O a l t , — , o f Simpson & G a i t , c h a r g e s A r t h u r E r 6 k l n e w i t h e m b e z z l i n g t h e firm of $kO ( 2 " ) UA, 29, 1 2-? WN:NT JD:HR EMBEZZLEMENT Metzger, Clara, was dirce'd of $150 by two confidence men (4W) UA, D 21, 1876, 3-3 wn mmm EMBEZZLEMENT Schneider, Frederick, embez^led $25.00 from the Rochester Brewing Company UA, Ja 3, 1878, 2-3 Felix, Joseph, prrested on f- c:;p.rge of embezzling $300 from t,he Allenennla Aid end Lorn Aesocietion ^ UA, D 12, 1877, 2-5 cl ramn EMBEZZLEIiENT Shepardson, Eugene A., teller at the Rochester Savings Bank, arrested for embezzling the bank of $9000. UA Ja 9, 1878, 2-2 EKBE2ZLE::EI '7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENT KcGulre , Barney prreeted for pleylng the confidence ••• rme on P woman In Arcedi©. (2«) UA Bartels, Charles, arrested; released on ball to await aotlon of Grand Jury. Ap 16, 1873 , 2-2 VA, 8 7 , , 2-k GMP:JMO EUBEZZLSTIENTS EMBEZZLEMENTS S t a u b , William, was c a u g h t and a r r e s t e d f o r e m b e z z l i n g goods from W i l e , S t e r n & Cornpany P r o v o s t , George W. t a r r e s t e d f o r alleged misappropriation of $2,000 c o l l e c t e d for ToTtm of Rush UA, Ur 5 , 1880, 2 - 2 UAf N 30, 1878, 2-2 CMP:ARO RL:FD EMBEZZLEMENTS EM3EZZLELENT Novelty Supply Co., two trusted employees secured from $1000 to $2000 Havens, Silas H., suspected of embezzling money belonging to Louis Bogner; he cannot be found UAf Mr 22, 1880, 2-3 UA, Ur 29, 1880, 2-6 EMBEZZLEMENTS Farley, Fred, disappeared with $80 of h i s f i r m ' s money. (2") 1 EuIBEZZLELIrlKT William J , Tower, p r e s i d e n t and b u s i n e s s manager of the Co-operative P r i n t i n g Association of Rochester which publishes the Telegram, a r r e s t e d on charges of embezzlement ( l / 3 col) UA S 9 , 1880, 2-6 UA, Je 5, 1&S2, 2-3 JD:LR \ NT:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EVBE2Y1! EMBEZZLEMENT Itanham, George M., was arrested and charged embezzling from the Union View and Publishing Company UA (lfc In.) Jl 5, 1882, Xngraham, Alexander, charged with embezzling $82 from Elias Gault OIL Ja K, 18831 2u4 2-4 HM:JI EUBEZZLEKENTS EMBEZZLEMENTS Jenkins, T. B., and his sons William B. and J. Bennett, quarrel and accuse each other, of embezzling from several insurance companies, revealing information damaging to their reputations. UA, Ja 13, 1883, 2-4 Rochester Vincent, Edward P . , charged with embezzling $69*7^ froa the flrrn of Hennessey Bros. UA Mr 29, 1&*3, 2-6 NT:1'B ..S:LR EM3EZZLEUEMT Rochester Begf?ie, J»me^, arre=ted for uslnp? ^65.63 of h i s employers money for h i s c m use Payner, Laurence, charged "»lth embezzling 30 bales of cotton valued at 3l,6OO, UA Je 14, 1683, 2-1 UA, Ap 2, 1883, 2-4 EMBEZZLEMENT EMBEZZLEMENT Rochester Adams, Robert K., leftN with $800 of employer's money. (5 ) UA H 28, 1883, 2-4 Halsoy, Jesse, arrested on a warrant and charged with appropriating money belonging to N. Clark and Nathan Aldrich of Canandaigua while acting as their ag«nt (t in.) UA LR:LR JO:JI 0 8, 188C, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENTS Roohester 8p«ngler, John, and Charles B. (toss, arrested for using money belonging to Columbia Loan Association (7& i n . ) UA Ja 18, .1887, Miner, John F., Arrested. (8 - ) UA My 23, 1887, 2-6 2-7 CC.-LR CC:JI EMBEZZLEMENTS Darts, George W., charged with emb e z z l i n g $665.41 from the government. EIIBEZZLEUENTS Hirsehberger, William, arrested on a charge of embezzlement. UA, Je 25, 1889, 2-4 UA Je 2 0 , 1889, 2-5 8L:RZ EMBEZZLEMENT WBZZZLTA2 Lo^e, Eu/?pne, held for prand Jury. l& S 20, 1890, 6-"* Cunningham, J. Frank, charged with stealing from his employers, Minges & Shales Co* UA, My 2, 1892, 5-1 SCrAA EMBEZZLEMENT Walker, Louis N s , charged with eabezzllng his employer (9 in.) UA, JL:JI My 2 6 , 1893, 5-6 Langworthy, Thomas B . , charged w i t h appropriating to himself $67,^0 UA Je 19, 1«93, 5-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZLEMENTS EMBEZZLEMENTS Rochester Patterson, William B., took funds amounting to $1,000 from the United States Banking Company, arrested in Chicago (J Col.) UA, J l 27, 1693, P a t t e r s o n , William, c h a r r e d embezzling $400 from U.S^ Baking Powder Co. (1") UA, Ag P, Ifl93, 5-2 5-1 VJ.-AB IB:JI EMBEZZLEMENTS EMBEZZLEMENTS P a t t e r s o n , John J , f i n e d $50; he took $500 from the United S t a t e s Baking Powder Company Dettinger, Carl, accused of theft and falsifying the books of the Vogt Manufacturing and Rochester Coach Lace Company UA, S 1 3 , 1893, 5-5 UA, J a 22, 1894, 8-1 JS:HR T3:AB EMBEZZLEMENTS EMBEZZLEMENTS Rochester S c h r o e d e r , George, a r r e s t e d on charge of a p p r o p r i a t i n g t o h i s o«n u?e 3100 b e l o n g i n g to J . D . ilontgonery, B r « n t f o r t , Ont. ) "(2") P e o p l e s , George, confessed to embezzling money from Garson, Meyer and Company ( £ ) UA UA, F 26, 1S9*. 6-2 MM:EQ JS:AB EMBEZZLEMENTS EHBEZZLEt^NT •Talker, Lewis K . , found g u i l t y of a p p r o p r i a t i n g employees money f o r h i s own (1^"T Walker, Lewis N. was sentenced to four years in Auburn Prison for embezzling the sum of $31.00 from his employer, George C. Staub. UA, UA, JA J e 22, 1895, 11-2 Jl VP:AA 8, 1895, 9-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBEZZELMENT EMBEZZLEMENT Hurray, Alfred, absconded with fund* of Metropolitan Life Ineuranoe Company, Batavla Office (2 I n . ) *At D 13 f 1895, 6-3 C o l e , F . A. c n s h l e r a t Monroe bounty Savings Bank l e f t town an A a s h o r t a g e on h i s books ( l / 3 c o l . ) UA, My 19, 1«96, 7-1 8C:JI EMBEZZLEMENT EMBEZZLEMENT B r i g g s , Uarsenu8 H . , a c c u s e d of b e i n g In default of $5,000 t o Rochester and Charlotte Turnpike Co. (6 a ) UA, J a 2 , 1897f# 9-4 Thompson, Thomas J . , ( C h a r l o t t e ) , Charlotte village treasurer arrested for allegedly attempting to embezzle $100 from the treasury. (3") UA, Je 5, 1*77, 2-2 1N:JMO 8C*.FD EMBEZZLEI,IElvTT EMBEZZLING Le Roy H u l b e r t , C D . , a r r e s t e d f o r embezzling $1.50 from J . S . Beach Cone, Martin 0 . , a r r e s t e d a t Lyons f o r a l l e g e d embezzlement from C o n t i n e n t a l Insurance Company. 0 2 1 , 1874, 2-7 UA, Ag 5 , 1871, 2-3 EMBEZZLEMENTS EKBEZZLE EKTS Plttsford Pike Station Merrill, Homer, arrested for defrauding Flint, John E., arrested In Rochester on charge of misappropriating ©603.79 belonging to State Line Railroad M. V. Breemer. UA, Ky 28, 1680, 2-3 UA, P 19, 1868,2-1 CF:MAL • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMBFZZLEI'EKTS EMBEZZLEMENTS YORK Syracuse P h i l l i p s , Lieut. Lucius A. arrested Roberts, E. C , arrested, hfld by in Medina for embezzlement of money Rochester police and horses from the Government. UA Mr 19, 1860, 2-4 UA, F 2O, 1863, 2-3 MHLI:DS :BLI:;G, HERBERT Eli ELI HO, EDWARD See R o y s t o n , (CKURCHVILLE3 Died BenJ. UA Ag 25 1893 7-2 AJC.'AB EMBLING, MRS. MARTHA JANE Died BLIliG, KABX A. See Hoffman, William H, UA, Mr 24, 1887, 2-6 EliSLOW, ELIZA See Kearle, John EMBLOW, WILLIAM J. Married Bmna Rose UA, 0 1, 1896, 9-2 ALlJI IB:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , CAE0LIN3 E&iBRY, DELIA T. Dl«d Died i n V* A« 12. 1897. 6-U ( ! 3 S . NORKAN L . ) Victor UA, Mr 1 8 , 1872, 3-8 AJC:ARO PH:JDP EMBRY, FRANK W. EMBREY, DELI, T. (Mrs. Noraan L.) Died in Victor, short obituary. Appointed agent of the Merchants' Dispatch Transportation Company U* Mr 22, 1872, 2-5 UA Ja 2, 1874, 2-5 A3: EKBRY, FRANK W. EUBRY, GEO, L. Harried Florence L. E l l i s (UTeedsport) Died i n V i c t o r UA, My 9 , 1876, 3-9 UA, Ur 2 1 , 1 4 7 4 , 3-3 GTZrFD EMBRY, NAPOLEON B . EU3HY, H.H. ilarrled E. Male De tiarmo UA, Je 1*5, 1881, 3-7 CL:ARO Died. UA My 1 , 1876 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EltBRY, NAPOLEON D. (VICTOR) EUBRY, NELSON V. (Viotor) Married J u l i a A. Loveland (Victor) Married Carrie R. Uoul (Victor)* UA D 83, UA 1864, 3-8 Ja 18, 1871 3-8 COlJI EUBRY, NORUAN L. EMBRY, NORMAN L. (Victor) Married Delia Tomlinson (Mendon) (VICTOR) Died in Flint, Mich. UA, N 12, 1886, 8-4 RDD, Mjl, 1352, 3-3 MS GTZ.-HR EUBRY, PHILIP R. (VICTOR) ELBRY, SARAH W. (MRS. THOS.) Died. Died UA, S 25, 1880, 3-8 UA, F 23, 1887, 8-6 EMBRY, MRS. THOMAS EL3RY, THC::.AS (VICTOR) Died* Elected President of the Constitutional UA, * 26, 1887, 3-3 Union Association of Victor UA, Jl 31, 1863, 2-1 FD:ARC Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes •KB**, THCI.:AS E3RY, THOMAS (VICTOR) Obituary Died U A N 6, 1890, I SC:JI ElIBRY, THOMAS ROSCOE (3$ I n . ) N 6, 1890, 5-4 SC:JI EMBURY, CHRISTINA Died UA UA 2-6 (VICTOR) Died J l 28, 1866, 3-7 UA, Je 9, 1897, 8-5 UUlRF KMBUET, CHRISTINA Y, Or.HIE Will admitted to prolate. UA i (V.^ESirR) Smith, John R. (Ont-rio) S 2. 1897. 7-6 CG.-.IC EMBURY, P . AUGUSTUS EMBURY, RICHARD (PENFIELO) D i e d a t Buck Chuck, N. J . Will admitted to probate UA, J l 1 1 , 1 8 9 3 , UA, Jl 6, 1892, 5-1 FAD 5-4 MHU:AB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes HIBURY, RICHARD Deoree of J u d l o U l settlement granted, UA, r 69 1894, 6-2 EMBURY, MRS. ROBERT See Embury, Giles AL:AA *um-<'••**- • ' H » . i » i ) i n i i ^ EMENON CLUB EMBURY, Tl-iO^S (PFNFIELD) Committed suicide by hanging (1") UA, S 26, 1889, 6-3 Eleot offioera UA F 25 1*91 6-6 PR:AA EiiEURICH, JOHN JOSEPH See Oroh, Nicholas EI1ENS, DR. ALFRED Married Ruth L. Burtless (Scottsville) UA EUENS, DR. ALFRED (SENSCA FALLS) N 15, 1863, 3-6 EMENS, ARVILLA HCSMER (MRS. HEKRY) (RIGA) Died at Seneca Falls. Died UA, Ja 3, 1891, 3-4 UA, Jl 3, 1894, 7-1 JM:FD PR: MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMENS, JAUES JIA P. (MRS. JAMES V. ) Sold property to Henry K. Dow (Dunkirk) for $2,600.00 Died. UA, Ap 10, 1878, 2-7 PC:LR Jd mmm EL!ENS, JA1IES 11. EKENS, Atternpted s u i c i d e proved unsuccessful. (3") Says that h e was robbed of $80 In Buffalo after someone had drugged a glass of ginger ale he had drank from. (2i") UAf J l 2 1 , 1831, 2-3 UA See Boker, Hlchael Failed In h i s s u i t t o get $?50 a l l e g e d l y dup h l a by Mrs. Mary S t . John for commissions for s a l e s , A g 1, 1*9*. EMENS, SU3AM 5-5 (MRS. W. W.) (RIGA) 1 Died DA Ag 2, 1882, 2-3 EI/.ENS, JAI.1ES 1.:. BIENS, JAMES U. UA JAMES U. EMENS, MRS. SUSAN Died i n Riga 0 19, 1886, 8-4 UAf 0 2 2 , 1666, 8-6 • [ FG:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMENT, MRS. MAGDALENA EMENTFOUT, CHARLES Died I'arrowly escaped drowning w hen he fell "•ith a companion throurh ice in the river. &A, D 9, 1887t 10-6 UA, Mr 1, 1877, 2-1 CL:HR FlfER, ANTHONY Summons and complaints in p a r t i t i o n s u i t against Catherine Eichael3 f i l e d . UA J l 28, 1883, 2-2 EVER, ANTHONY Married Delia A s p e n l e l t e r "A, My 29, 166k, 2-1 AJCffi CCrAB IMSM QIERICH, GEORGE EMER, GEORGE _ Arrested on Indictment of 1 s t degree robbery Died UA, AP 2 1 , 1 S 9 7 , UA, Ja 25, 1897, 7-6 CO:GP •HI EUEnlCK, CATHARINE (Mrs. George) See VanScoy, Isaac Died UA, 9M;8C ZtlKRICK, ELIJAH Ap 1 8 , 1889, 2-7 rahm;nmm # Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EUERICK, JOHN J . Sold a l o t to Nloholaa Oroh for $1,300,00 HA, 0 11, 1876, 2-2 EUERICK, LUCINDA F. Trust and Deposit Company of Onondaga Company ordered to pay her $2,500 a year UA, S 20, 1897, 7-1 SC:JA EMERSON, ALDERMAN EMERSCN, KR. Long report on his lecture "Anglo-Saxon Race1* Announces his intention to resign at next meeting of the Common Council. (1") UA Jl 9, 1875, 2-2 ROD, D 1, 1852, 2-4 MLH EMERSON, ALD. Resigns his office as Alderman. (2") UA, Jl 15, 1S75, 3-2 EMERSON, ALD. Resigned. UA, Jl 111., 1875, 2-3 SM2KS0H, COL. (ALBION) 3H30:i, CAPT. Veteran of T.'ar of 1812 present at meeting* Former commander of the 151st ir.Y.V. has purchased lumber yard of G. Hyland and Company. RDD, Ja 13, 1854, 2-4 UA, Ap 7, 1866, 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMERSON, ASA Pr EWEHSCK, ASA J . Sentenoed to the Iwonroe County P e n i t e n t i a r y #o?\ * e o r » 6 nonths on burglfry cherge UA, D 5 , 1877, 8-3 Sold l o t on Spring S t r e e t t o Frank Taylor UA, Ag 3 1 , 1869, 2-4 Cl EMERSON, B.C. EMERSON, B . C . Married M. B e l l e Upper Married M. Belle Upper UA, Mr 2 3 , 1886, 3-2 UA, Mr 2 3 , 1886, 8-3 IB:AB EKERSON, BESSIE AJC:AB EMERSON, E . A. (Charlotte) See Baxton, B Purchased property from J . M. Kirk for $3,000 UA, Mr 27, 1871, 2-3 CCP:FD WN:ARO EIIERSON, ELIZABETH EMERSON, ELIZABETH Death Will proved l*A, D 1 6 , 1861, 3-5 UA, D 2 0 , 1 8 6 1 , 2 - 1 AB:ARO NT:MC Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ElIERSON, ELIZABETH E.G. , ELIZABETH E.G. llore about her strange l i f e (12") Obituary (I?") UA, Mr 9 , 18e6, 2-5 Mr 8, 18S6, 2-5 IB:FD w , L:-IS. ELIZAB:-:TH S-. G. Siore about her strange l i f e . EMERSON, ELIZABETH K. (15") See G i l l e t , E U p h l i t UA Mr 12, 1396, 3-5 o CB AJClRZ E..EF.3CiM", EL'ILY Died See Chp.nln, Ch«nrlec T . UA, S 1 ? , 1 8 8 , 3-7 [, ERASTU8 (BERQENX EMERSON, REV. F. F. (WELLSVILLE) Becomes pastor of Brockport Baptist 0A, O 19, 1887, 7-2 Church UA Ag 17, 1866 , • | CCP:JI 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMERSON, FRANK W. EMERSON, FANHIE See Bush, William C. Married Marion Otis UA, F 6, 1894, 6-4 BJERSON, G. D. Invented new gearing An>.'ted {rur.rcif.n of Hp.rriet Bri Ap ^ (Ogden) UA, S 1 1 , 1869, 2-3 UA, lly 1, 1061, ?-4 EI2ERSON, GEORGE EMERSON, MRS. GEORGE (CHUHCHVILLE) Listed as Civil War Veteran buried at lit. Hope Cemetery. Died UA, lly 31, 1873, 2-3 UA, S 30, 1895, 2-3 CF:12B EMERSON, GEORGE OZRO KHERSON, GEORGE 0 . Obituary. Died (f i n . ) UA 0 H» UA (4") D 12 1890 SC:AA 8C:JZ (Bergen) (BERGEN) 7-1 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes GEORGE W. (RIGA) Orpha Moaler (Byron) D 20, 1872, ?-7 VC:RZ ElIERSON, HARRY (4 N ) Zndloted f o r grand larceny UA, 8 24, 1897, 6-7 SC:TL QIERS0N, HARRY B. Arrested in New York on larceny Charge (3") UA, EMERSON, HELEN A. S«e Edwards. William H. S 20, 1897, 8-3 BMERSON, HENRIETTA See Wormer, Morgan R. sar, IIUGH Lurried Jane Lackvood HDU, tir 11, 1853, 2-6 EMERSON, HUGH N. Llarried J a n e Lockwood HDD IT 12, 1L53, 3 - 3 (ROCHESTER) Killed by William N. Griffith. UA, 0 IB:AA 2, 1893, 5-1 (£ col ) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes i EMERSON, HUOHEY H. EMERSON, HULDAH U. Married Ida J. Button Died UA UA, S 3 0 , 1695, 6-3 P 19, 1874t 3-6 EtfERSCN, 1OIS. IDA J . EiiEhSuli, J . £ . D u e l l i n g b a d l y danaged; l o s s $ 3 , 5 0 0 ; p a r t l y i n s u r e d (3 M ) UA, 0 15, 1897, 6-5 Granted patent for po-ishing UA, Ag 34, 1372, 2>1 VC;-B JL:JA (RIGA) EMERSON, J.ll. EMERSON, J M. (RIGA) Died at Riga (2M) Barn destroyed by f i r e , UA, Ag 9, 1880, 2-6 UA Ag 1 9 , 1871 2-5 MHM:JS EMERSON, J . II. (RIGA) EMERSON, JUDGE JAZANIAH Obituary. (5"> Died UA Ag 25, UA Je 27, 1871, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes fBMBRSON, JA4AKXAH EUEHSOil, P;1OF. L.O. Died Will conduct rauelc f-3 8tlv*.l here; to be UA, J e 2 8 , 1871, 2-2 assisted by Ues3rs. Black, Munson, Penfield and Schuyler UA, II 6, 1853, 2-2 IOI:Ji:G ELERSCN LILLIE EMERSON, LINEA SHERIDAN See Bebcock, Horace J See Van Voorhls, John EIIERSON, 1IRS. MARY COLE EKERSOK, HARIOi: Died See Jamieson Samuel E1SERSON, CAPT. PRIliZRS See Burbank, A* ( 3 T . LOUIS, 110. ) (SPENCERPORT) (1") UA, JL 19, 1892, 7-1 EKEP.SC!?, RALPH V.ALDC Visits Rochester to lecture before Athenaeum FDD, P 6 , 1 8 5 1 , 2 - 4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , RAV.'H VfA^DO EKERSCN, RALPH V.ALDO To deliver second lecture before Athenaeum Arrived :n Fochester to give a lecture RDA F 7 , RDD, F 7, 1851, 2-4 . 8 5 1 , 4-Z o LPH JALDO EKERSON, R.LFH VALDO Has as topic of l e c t u r e , England, i t s custons, and sketches of i t s r u r a l life To lecture in Rochester RDD, F 2, 1852, 2-4 HDD, F 8 , 1 8 5 1 , i--4 O 1!LR SKERSON, RALPH WALDO Lectured on "./earth" HDD, F 5, 1852, 2-5 Is to deliver a lecture Konday Evening in Corinthian Hall RDA, N 27, 1852, 3-1 KLH ELSRSCT, l E1ERS0K, RALPH WALDO To address Athenaeun !T 2£, 1S52, 2-4 Has accepted invitation to lecture in Palmyra RDA, N 29, 1852, 2-4 CJIT MLH Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BMSRSON, RALPH T.ALD3 Lectured at Corinthian Hall on the AngloSaxon Race RDA, K 30, 1852, 3-2 EMERSON, RALPH 7/ALDO , II ./ALDO Account of his lecture before Athenaeum on Anglo-Saxon race :: 30, is.52, 2-1 EMERSON, RALPH V/ALDO Celebrated writer lectured on Review of his lecture before the •Culture" at Atheneum Ladles' Anti Slavery Society RDU, F 16, 1855, 3-2 RDU, P 22, 1855, 3-1 EMERSON, RALPH WALDO Notice of lecture taken from the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser. UA, Ja 26, 1860, 2-3 ELIERSCK, RALPH V/ALDO Lectured on Morals and Manners at Corinthian Hall UA, Ja 27, 1860, 2-3 MM: MB EMERSON, S. S. AND B. C. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO To lecture in Rochester this evening. UA, Ja 8, 1863, 2-3 Carriage manufacturing Company failed; plant taken over by Harvey A. Moyer ISyracuse) (2B) UA, Ag 12, 1896, 6-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes I EMERSON, SARAH ELIERSON, MRS. SARAH A. Died in Utioa. Died UA, Ja 16, 1862, 3-6 UA 1876, 3-5 • FO:MB JD:JI EKERSON, SARAH L . EMERSON, SHERIDAN Receives the Houston property =s a result of H. Lr. Hill«s decision. (5") UA 0 24 , J l 19, 1802 See Van Voorhis, Arthur ?-4 H^HR SC:JI EMERSON, COL.W. EMERSON, W. Listed as delegate to the grand Received p a t e n t f o r Canal Boat encampment of G.A.R. at Binghamton UA, J a 2 1 , 1 8 7 1 , 2-2 UA, D 30, 1869, 2-5 PJW:AR0 NT:ARO •mmmmmB ELiERSON, W.U. See V/ygant, A l n i r a ELIERSON, COL. WL1. Appointed United States Custom Collector UA HM:ARO Ag 20, 1869, H-l Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMERSON, WILLIAM Died UA Aspersions against the Rochester State Senator regretted by UA; asks Emerson to vindicate his own honor and that of his supporters. (& col.) » S 23, 1&/2, 2-2 UA, J a 28, 1876, 3-1 ab;mram EMERSON, COLONEL WILLIAM EMERSON, WILLIAM Lost $1,200 in 513,000 fire UA Ap 16, (5 in.) 1880, 2-2 Obituary. 1 col. illustration (2/3 col.) UA My 11, 1894, 5-3 HIER80N, COLONEL WILLIAM Reoord of Emerson as Colonel of 151st r e g i a e n t reviewed (1 o o l . ) See Smith, John, DA, My 1 2 , 1894, 11-1 E1ER80N, HI. H. 00 EMERSON, *W. K. Has purchased a l a r g e orange grove in Orlando, Orange C o . , Florida Listed as Vice president of the East Side Savings Bank. 0A, Ap l f 1884, 2-2 UA 0 30, 1869 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes D L E R S O N , Wll. H. EUERSON, WU. N. Thrown from oarriage when horse became Listed as Vice President of East Side Savings Bank frightened at a railroad crossing and UA, Ja 7, 1873, 2-1 bolted UA Jl 19, 1871, 2-2 GZ:FD LHL./CI.V EMERSOH, WM. N. ELERSON, WILLIAM N. Tries to use position of President of East Side Savings Bank, to make debtors vote for him for State Senator Nominated for Senr.t~r by t-.e Republican County Convention UA, 0 8, 1875, °-2 UA EMERSON, WU. N. 3-2 EMERSON, WILLIAM N. Used position of President of East Side Savings Bank to make debtors •ote for him for Senator. Directors of bank called meeting to remove him N 1, 1875, Republican, was e l e c t e d Senator from Monroe County t o New York State Legislature UA N 4, 1875, 3-4 3-3 RL:JI EMERSON,tflLLIAlIN. Republican, elected "rom this district in the Senate of the Ne^ York State Legislature RL:JI EMERSON, WU. N. Sold t o Martin Lanfer land for | l . 0 0 0 UA, J l 2 1 , 1«76, UA, H 5, 1875, 3-3 RL:AB 1875, RL:JI CCP:AB UA 0 30, AJC:AB 2-k Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes WILLIAM N. wife eold for 310,000.00 EMERSON, WILLIAM N ; to Helen C. Snlth D 6, 167?, 2-6. C l BUHL* Married Krs. Mary E, Chapin UA, 0 1, 1893, 2-2 NTIAH0 EUERSON, WILLIAM N. DiM in Knoxville, Tennessee; obituary log- J EUERSON, WILLIAM N. Died a t K n o x v l l l e , Tennessee UA Je 6, 1 8 9 1 , 2 - 3 UAf Je 3, 1891, 6-5 SL:RZ SC:HR **mm^!^t^:--^<fflt'*-~ tw^wgaw*^^ EMERSON, mi. N. See Smith, J u l i a Ann (Brockport) -m- EUERSON, W..:. R. See Smith, John C, WN:ARO PW:JI EEEPSON QUAFPIES EUERSON & POND ghting among employees. Lumber yard and b u s i n e s s o f f i c e c o n s i d e r a b l y damaged by f i r e . UA , Ag 23, 1890, UA, D 1 7 , 1 8 6 0 , 3 - 1 FD :12B • sc:sc 5-4 ) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMERSON STWEET EUEHSON STREET Ordinance p a s s e d f o r a s p h a l t improvement. (2t») P r e s i d e n t s be^in wotlon a g n l n s t c i t y for unjust asseamente UA, UA, Ag 2 2 , 1890, 6-3 S 28, 1892, 5-1 SC:SC Emerson Streetsfor construction of bridge over canal at Emerson Street passed. City surveyor He Clintoch to consult State Engineer Schenck to renew l i f t bridge across Emerson Street (3H) UA My 22, 1872, 2-1 UA, D 21, 1893, 6-6 •.JC:RZ VJ:JA ^BRIDGES EMERSONS PLANNING MILL Emerson Destroyed by fire. Lose $6,000 Bill Introduced in State Legislature to appropriate $1,000 on condition that the city appropriates $1,000 to last year's appropriation to build a new bridge RDU, Mr 6, 1856, 3-1 UA, F 7, 1894, 2-3 ARO EMERY, (PITTSPORD) Married K i t t e Bogardus (Churchville) UA JA:RZ (ALBICN) EMERY, A. iVA See Riley, Elijah Mr 2 3 , 1 8 9 3 , 7-2 CMP:RZ P Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes !;EY (V.'EBS"EF) EMERY, E. BLANCHE Died Died r.. 12, Ifi9f>, 2-5 UA, Je 30, 1892, 5-2 JI:AB FAD EMERY, MRS. ELIZABETH EMERY, ELIZA Died See Miner, Henry UA, Mr 18, 1890, 5-6 DS EMERY, ELIZABETH Will a d m i t t e d t o p r o b a t e UA, Mr 2 4 , 1690, 7-2 EMERY, QIMA A. Letters of a d m i n i s t r a t i o n granted UA, D 16, 1S95, 7-2 ec mm EMERY, I . S . Death ? TDD, : 11, lt'52, 3-3 General freight and passenger agent of the Buffalo, Rochester it Pittsburg Railroad talks on the benefits of the Interstate law (5& a ) UA, Jl 14, 1887, 2-4 IB:AB , I. s. Amount of insurance given. UA , 0 ?i, igq0| Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BiIERY, I. 3. U lines) 3C:SC v/itnepses testifying before Jury into cause of depth. (?/3 coi; UA, 0 21, lgQO, 7-2 3C:SC EUEKY, I . S . EMERY, REV. ISAAC W. (WEBSTER) Knights of Maccabees adopted resolution on h i 8 death Died UA, 0 2 3 , 1890, 5-6 UA, Ag 24, 1885, 2-2 CCP:FD E1IEHY, ISAAC W. EMERY, MRS. ISAEELA Will admitted to probate In Surrogate Court. Died in Byron, N.Y. UA, F 19, 1886, 2-4 RDD, F 20, 1852, 3-3 US CCP:1IB , ISAIAH S. Committed suicide by cutting his radial artery (1 l / 3 col.) UA, 0 20, 1890, 5-5 JL:FD Ei.ivhY, ISIAH S. Candidate for Conprees killed himself• obituary. (Illus) (l-i col) ' UA, 0 20, lgQO, R-^,6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ElERY, JESSE J. , IZORA B > Died Philip UA, JDlARO S 9, 1897, 6-4 SC:JA B2EBT, JUDSOK {ROCHESTER) k i l l e d when he was run over ty a train a t Bergen. 1"Hi EMERY, LEVI Coroner's inquest to be held My 27. 189b. 6-1 UA Ja ?6, 1SS3, 2 - 1 GTZ/C:V EMERY, LEVI (EA3T ROCHESTER) Coroner's verdict on h i s death clears ilr. Rice of any blame UA Jp. ?? f 1ZZ?, ?-l EMERY, LEVI W. Died as a result of Injuries received in a buzz saw accident at the East Rochester railroad shop (3 i n . ) UA Ja 22, GTZ.'JI VC:JI EMERY, LEVI W. E2JERY , LOTTIE J I n v e s t i g a t i o n in hia death started by the Coroner (2 i n . ) UA VCtJI Ja 2 3 , 1883, 1883, See Nientinp, John T. 4-1 CC:LR • 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMERY, MEAD , MARY JAUE Married Emily M* Dunn Died UA, Ap 25, (*•) 1894, 6-4 UA, Ap 1 0 , 1 8 6 3 , 3-7 JS:AA JS:AB •Hi EMERY, ORA EMERY, PH0E3E P. See Smith, John MRS. CHAUNCEY) Died UA, My 2 1 , 1892, 2-3 IB:HR •• EMICH, AUGUST EMERY, WILLIAM G. Married Bertha Zimler. Died from injuries. UA, Ja 21, 1890, 5-4 (3 l i n e s ) UA, S 2 5 , 1890, 5-3 SC:MB PC:SC EMIGRANTS, KANSAS EMIGRANTS, KANSAS Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Society Rochesterian Joins emigrant train i8sue8 call for emigrants RDU, Jl 19, 1854, 2-6 RDU, Jl 10, 1854, 2-6 MLH • DS:MC Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMIGRANTS, KANSAS , KANSAS Anthony, D. R. describes lot of Kansas emigrants. tarty arrived safely at the mouth of the Kansas River on Jl 29, 1854 RDU, Ag 15, 1854, 2-6 Ag 8, 1854, 2-2 NT SC.-MLH Et:ic-RAirrs, EMIGRANTS, KANSAS Large crowd cheers emigrants as they pass through Rochester Letter writer describes trip west RDU, Ag 16, 1854, 2-2 RDU, Ag 31, 185-V2-4 NT -• » " i-'i iert-ric .£. declare int-.-ition c v i c i n i t y -rouths leave for Kanras *;.D:*j f. 27, 1C54, 3-'cl lf.r i.jen frOM Boston i&rl.ocheater 28, en route t o t. ! Z..i,;rail"t" . 1 i' ociety met; 20 to C 'or Tanr as in near future , 3-1 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes S13GRANTS, KANSAS EMIGRANTS, KANSAS Thirty men l e f t Rochester for Kansas* Serpell, Mr. Arrives stfly in "Lawrence City", r-f Kan Kansas with party of men from Rochester. RDU, 0 9 , 1854, 3-2 RDU, 0 31,1854, 3-1 NT EMIGRANTS EMIGRATION Hundred's pass thru Rochester Missouri, Rochesterians In UA, Je 10, 1857, 3-1 Potter, Stone, tell8 of trouble he had with secessionists in Missouri. UA Mr 28, 1862 2-1 PJW:ARO PW:JS EMIGRATION Thirty emigrants from Ne?r York arrive here on N. Y. Central. UA, Jl 5, 1860, 2-7 I EE-IGRANT 9 1 I Me Cafferty, Jame<* , emigrant from England, sick and 7-?stitute, sent to County House. 1 UA Ag 3, 1885, 4-4 1 JD:RZ • JS:HB EMIGRATION The official statistics of emigration place Rochester third in number of emigrants from each port in the U.S. with 3,268 persons leaving through the Genesee Harbor HA, N 1 9 , 1869, 3 - 1 mttKBttk 1 1 j ] EMIGRATION W. F. Gray states that emigration is now high and will continue to be for years to cone UA NP:JI 2-5 My 5, 1870, • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes Emigration B *ownell, an Poy E., Th^nas H. Pritehard °* H.J. DaW v i i i go to either Nebraska °.£ Winneeotft on a prospecting tour. ; they find suitable encouragements, *U1 return, t«ke their families and together *lth additional S or 1? families *H? migrrte and establish a colonv in the West (p" col) Ed. oomment on those having the urge to "Go West.11 States the foolishness of leaving such an enterprising community for unknown and dangerous territory. (1/3 c o l . UA, Mr 3, 1884, 2-2 0*, Mr 17, 1*579, ?-7 NTlUB IMIORATION EMIGRATION SOCIETY, WESTERN Iteigrant travel along the New York Central railroad Is on the decrease; not many pass through the city UAf Jl 10, 1896, Elected o f f i c e r s RDU, J l 2 2 , 1854, 2-5 7-4 AL:JI EMIGRATION SOCIETIES See Kansas Emigration Society, Monroe County. EMILIE, MRS. MARY (E. PENFIELD) Died MCM, M 1 2 , 1891, 2 - 3 LM:MB EMILY, KARL ELULY, LOIS Found after wandering away from home. Died UA My 31, 1888, 2-4 UA, JCtJVP UP 3, 1896, 7-2 EMLEY, CHARLES Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes U t t e r s of administration issued, UA Mr 10, 1893, 5-4 EMLIKO^R, WILLIAf! Dlsmessed from charge of a s s a u l t UA, N 1, 1895, JA:RZ FT:KC EMMA L. MC GALL See E t t e n h e i m e r , E. S. and Company EMMANUEL CHAPEL Opened for services for the first time after its dedication a week ago UA, H 28, 1874, 2-4 JDPrECi EMMANUEL MISSION CHAPEL Account of s p e l l i n g b e e . ( $ c o l . ) UA, Ap 2 2 , I*§7f5, 2-3 EaOCANUEL CHAPEL C o r n e r F r o s t and Plymouth Avenues, g a v e entertainment; program reviewed. Ap 20, 187*» *- WN:MB j M U N U E L CHURCH FrograM of entertainment to be held 0A9 Je 2, 1687, 2-4 EU11ANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Formally organized in chapel corner of Olean Street and Plymouth Avenue (2 In.) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EMMANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Otltbrated f i r s t anniversary Treasurer1a report UA UA, Ap 6, 1889, 3-2 My 4 t 1888 3-1 JC:RZ MU:HR EMMANUEL PRES3YTARIAN CHURCH Second a n n i v e r s a r y o b s e r v e d by f r i e n d s and membera of church* (4 H ) UA., Mj 3 , 1889, ELIuANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Resolution P<?onted. UA A p 2?, 1890, 6-^ 3-6 CC.-LR JDP:FAD •Hi EHKANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHVRCH EMMANUEL CHURCH Large congregation a t song s e r v i c e . Cantata presented. UA UA D 8 1890 5-3 My 29 1891 6-5 8C.AA SClAA EH.Ai;uEL PRESEYT:-.HIAI; CHURCH •Harvesters Class" elected officers UA, 0 1, 1892, 6-1 EICHANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Meeting; action taken on resignations of elders communications; resolutions etc. (l£ Col.) UA, JM;.TI Ap 4 9 1894, 9-3,4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EiftAtfUEL CHURCH EMMANUEL CHURCH B o o t , Rev. James S . , p o r t r a i t ; biography (2 I n . ) Jl 13, 1895, 10-1 Large amount of money raised for Improvements ( V ) UAt J l 29, 1895. 6-6 VP:JJ •* -^^^gkm<^-'u^m>*t^m • HQCalUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EMMANUEL CHURCH Adopted r e s o l u t i o n s of respect on death o f J M e W. Hubbard (4 U ) Root, Rev. S.J.. resigned as pastor (2/3 col) UA, UA, M 18, 1896, 9.3 JDP:TL S 20, 1897, 8-3 SC:JA ••1 Emmens, John EUEXAWUEL CHURCH Held for murder of Lyman Parker Awarded contract for stained glass windows of new edifice to L.S. Chapln UA, S 21, 1897, in Nunda RDD, S 29, 1853, 3-5 6-5 JC ac;Ja ••• BfttBUCKS, GEORGE EMLIERSCN, AMOS Will admitted t o probate ( l " ) UA, J l 15, 1^97, 7-* Arrested on Arson charge when he attempted t o burn down h i s s t o r e UA, S 1 3 , 1873, 3-4 WN:ARO PR:TL (CHARLOTTE) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes OUER30N, AMOS (CHARLOTTE) EMMEBSON, ELLEN A See Collins| Horace T Cleared of arson charge when it was discovered he had no motive as he carried no Insurance; decided the work of an inoendlary OA 8 15, 1873, 2-6 EMMETT, GEORGE (PERRY) .-.ccidently shot by pistol in his Married Ida Rapalee pocket UA, N 7, 1889, 1-7 RDU, *> 12, 1*53, 2-4 SiliETT, J.K. •Celebrated comedian stops at Rochester 5n way to Lockport ( l " ) EIIHONS, BD:JAUIN F . Died in Ogden UA My 10, 1875, 3-5 EUL:O:IDS, K i l l e d Tyman Parker a t ZTunda IDA, S 29, 1F53, 2-2 EiHONS, CORA A. (SENECA FALLS) See Haines, Uatthew D. (Seneca Falls) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMAIONS, FRANCES S. DOI0N8, OEOROE See Garbutt, William F. Wat found frosen to death by roadside where outter overturned UA Ja 29, 1864, 2-2 MS I Jl E£:OKS, JOHIl BAITISTE Sentenced to thirty diys in jail for robbing Peter Cornell EUIIONS, NELLY J . See Benson. Prof* W. U* RDO, Ji 10, 185?, 2-5 BOIONS, SIDNEY EMJ-iONS, 0LIV3R (SAiJF BLOOMFIELD) Died i n Geneva Married S l l e n S t i l e s (S^st. Blooiatield) UA, J l ? , 1886, 8-4 UA, J e 2 , I3t>5» 1UL:KT LG:FD EUO, DANIEL Died in Dansville EI.!IiONS, W. VV. Can give information to interested parties on stolen horses fcund UA, Mr 25, 1887, 8-5 n Pottsville (Pa.) and sup;os?3 to tslong in LJonro? Cc. (N.Y.) RDD J l 1, JVB:DS GZ:FD t Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes MRS. CHARITY EMORY, DAVID (MIDDLESEX) Married Anna Menyer at Middlesex J l 88 f 1887 f 8 - 4 AJC:RZ UA Ja 11, 1890, 2-3 AA:RZ ••• EIIORX, EUGENE 8ee Grimes, Cora EMPEROR, JOHN (CORNING) Murdered C a l l i h a n with b l a d e of l a r g e k n i f e i n a d i s p u t e over an unnamed woman UA, P 6 , 1866, 2-2 UHU.-12B JI:SC EMPEROR, JOHN E1IPEROR, JOHN Has been arrested f^r killing Edward More d e t a i l concerning h i s a r r e s t Calllhan in Corning UA, P 10, 1866, 2-3 UA, P 9, 1866, 2-1 CCPIAB UH&I:AB EKPEROR, SHIELD EMPIRE BOAT CLUB Participant in John Brown's raid-former Rochesterlan See Boat Club, Empire UA, 0 21, 1859, 2-4 LM:MB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EUPIRE CLUB EMPIRE HOTEL (MEDINA) $16,000 damage to building by fire Meeting held; entertainment was furnished by aeabers UA, 3 20, 1369, 2-4 UA, 0 18, 1888, 6-3 nhin l EMPIRE HOTEL SIvIPIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Front ft Mumford s t s . Letter to Editor of Union Ordered t o construct Iron f i r e escape by Fire Marshal! Walter. UA, F 19, 1895, 7-1 OS AA EMPIRE KII1GHTS OF RELIEF lj-th consul organized UA JL 26 RDU Ag 2, 1855, 2-3 o f f i c e r s chosen. 2" 1S9'3 6-3 EMPIRE KNIGHTS OF RELIEF Security Council No, 5 elected officers, (I*") UA., S. 17, 1890, 7-4 8C ara SC:FAD EMPIRE KNIGHTS OF RELIEF Friendship Council No. 1 1 : Meeting and election of officers, KNIGHTS OF EMPIRE RELIEF Opened c o n v e n t i o n i n R o c h e s t e r . ( 4 " ) UA UA, Ja 24, 1891, 5-7 PR-.MB JDP:RZ » 16, 1891, 5-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes OP RELIEF, EMPIRE f i r s t annual convention held; delegates *i«ted; election of o f f i c e r s (5M) u EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Mayor Smith takes over agency for Monroe and Livingston county *» N 17, 1891, 5-7 UA, Je 4, 1869, 2-4 GZ:JMG JP:FD EMPIRE HILLS EMPIRE MOULDING WORKS See Oerling and Brothers Filed a certificate of incorporation; capltol stock is $50,000; trustees appointed UA, II 26, 1890, 5-4 EUPIRE MOULD IN 0 VORKS S e e Kramb, John EMPIRE OPERA COMPANY Play picked nine games of baseball for purposes of. raising money for Infant's Summer Hospital* (2/3 c o l . ) UA, Ag 23, 1894, 7-1 JL:LG 21PIRE ORDER OF LIUT'AL AID EMPIRE ORDER OF MUTUAL AID Security Lodge #9 elected officers. (1") UA Lodge No. 9: passed resolutions on the desth of eon of John A. Chempney, a member Jl 2, 1979,. 2-4 2-3 VC:RZ GC:JI Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ORDER OP EMPIRE ORDER OP MUTUAL AID - Orand Lodge of the State Aid held convention at Odd Fellow •• Temple, Meeting of the offioere of the State Lodge held in the Oeburn house \2m) UA, p 18, 1881, 2-3 CL:ARO UA, Ja 17, 1S82, 2-4 AJC:HR AID, ELPIRE ORDER CF i: AID HMD -AOCIPENT -ADDOOIATIOH -fleeted officers^ Security Lodge No. 9 UA Bram&n, H. T., District Deputy, installed officers. (1") UA Ja 26, 1887, 3-4 Ja 26, 1886, 2-6 IB:?Z EMPIRE ORDER OF MUTUAL AID KID OOQIOTIKS Genesee Lodge No* 36: Annual election of o f f i c e r s held; names l i s t e d . UA Empire Order of Mutual Aid Elected officers at session in Syracuse; Orand Secretary chosen from Palmyra and Grand Trustee from Rochester. (8") D 10, 1888, 6-3 UA SL:RZ . EEPIRE ORDER OF MUTUAL CC.-RZ H.1PIRE ORDER MUTUAL AID Grand Lodge will hole 1 session in Rochester. ( Genesee Lodge #36 elected officers UA, D 8, 1887, 6-3 FG:HR Ja 27, 1887, 3-2 UA, Ja ?9, SC l&'.P, 2-6 L annual col) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ORDER MUTUAL AID EMPIRE ORDER OF MUTUAL AID Steele, John M. chosen Grand President of Grand Lodge. Grand Lodge; seoond day's s e s s i o n at M«w Osburn House* (10") UAt UA, j a 30, 1889, 2-4 Ja 31, «-5 SII:SC AIP, EMPIRE onoDn or convention opens UA, Ja 27, 1891, 5-6 EMPIRE PHOSPHATE COMPANY Liet of Rochester lncorporators of company (2 a ) UA, MY 29, 1891, 5-5 J EMPIRE PRESSED BRICK COL!PANY EMPIRE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Filed certificate of incorporation Annual election of officers held. (1") UA, UA Mr 4, 1881, 2-5 Jl 2e, 1893, 5-4 IB:JI EMPIRE STATE DEAF MUTE ASSOCIATION Account of the f i f t h b i e n n i a l convention of t h e organization a t City Hall; l e t t e r by Mayor wilder and a d d r e s s by Dr. Oallandet given. UA WN:RZ Ag 27, 1873, 2-4 EMPIRE STATE DEAF MUTE ASSOCIATION Text of oration by John R* Burnet at yesterday's afternoon session; Seth Green's speech. UA Ag 28, 1873, 2-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IMPIRE STATE DEAF MUTE ASSOCIATION IF MUTE ASSOCIATION, EMPIRE STATE, 8econd day—afternoon session. Text of Mr. Johnson's eulogy on the late D P . Harvey Peet. List of officers elected. Secretary, Henry A. Rumrill re-elected. OA Officers eleoted for ensuing year UA, Ag 30, 1875, 2-1 Ag 29, 1875 , 2-2 CCP :AB ADEAF MUTES A SSO CUT ION, EMPIRE STATE Ei!PIRE STATE INSURANCE CC. Forned, a e e t l n g h e l d i n Powers Hotel Conrention unprecedented success; account ( l Col.) UA Ag 3 1 , • UA Mr 3 0 , 1887, 3 - 3 2-5 LR GTZ:JI EMPIRE STATE INSURANCE COMPANY Held a Meeting to organize, 11 at of officers elected (7") UA, 8 1 5 , 1887, 2-5 INSURANCE COMPANY, EMPIRE STATE The new company leased fine quarters in the Powers Block; financial condition of company is sound; officers listed (3") UA, F 1, 1888, 2-5 lb JG:HR EMPIRE STATE INSURANCE COMPANY HIP IRE STATE INSURANCE COMPANY Opened i t s new offices in No. 1^7 Powers Block for business Meeting of stockholders: ratify directors plan of 50£ assessment (l£N) UA, D 4, 1889, 7-2 U*, Mr 29, I***, 2-^ JM:FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County ·THEATER Indexes EMPIRE STATE INSURANCE COMPANY Notice of voluntary dissolution filed i Elaborate deoorations and rich effect* about the theater* (9 a ) UA Ja 13, 1693, 3-3 UA, Je 21, 1895, 6-4 CJ:RZ JA EMPLOYEES MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION by Employees of Burke, Fltzalaaons & Howe Company last nightt. 1890, 5-3 EMPLOYERS1 PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Meeting held in Comedy Hall. Action was taken on the labor situation. The report of the committee. (1 col.) UA Jl 13, 1882 4-1 1/ :SC HL':HR EMPLOYERS P?X>TECTIVE ASSOCIATION EMPLOYERS • PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Take a stand against the union In the John Kelly shoe manufacturer affair. They ray an employer hr^s to employ labor without Interference froTi the Union.(1 Col) Member listed. An interview with F. E. Delongy, labor leader, given. Their constitution is given. (17") Jl 17, 1882 UA Jl 14, 1882, 2-3 EMPLOYERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION r. Br. t advisee the association in a s o w n at the United Presbyterian Church to arbitrate with the Labor Union. (ll a ) UA Jl 17, 1882 4-1 E1.PL0YERS1 PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Bolton, Thos. and Co., a member of the association comments on the labor sltua tion in a letter to the UA. (9") Jl 18, 1882 2-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1 EIPL0YER3 PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION A letter to the UA Denouncing this as Boolatlon as communistic, (11") UA Jl 19, 1882 2-6 EU>L0YER3» PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Unable to effect a reconciliation over the existing difficulties with the Knights of Labor. (3") UA EMPLOYER1 S PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Jl 22, 1882 2-3 EMPLOYER'S PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION A letter commenting upon the labor trouble brought about In the John Kelly factory. (10") A report of what the employer's and employees committees attempted to accomplish. (1 col.) UA, Jl 24, 1882, 2-3 UA, Jl 24, 1882, 4-1 EMPLOYER'S PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION An e d i t o r i a l defending t h e i r stand on t h e Kelly labor t r o u b l e . ( 1 c o l . ) rlvp hundred "l?bor^rs v/ UA, J l 2 5 , 1 8 8 2 , 3 - 1 , 2 , hDA, D -Jl, 13!5J, "3-5 HH:L3 EMPLOYMENT 100 laborers wanted for work on canal , Jl 14, 1855, 3-2 EMPLOYMENT Shortage of mechanics noted UA, Ag 9, 1859, 2-2 PJW:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMPIRE THEATER STATE INSURANCE COMPANY Elaborate deoorations and rich effects about the theater. (9 N ) Notioe of voluntary dissolution filed UA Ja 13, 1893, 3-3 UA, Je 21, 1895, 6-4 CJ:RZ JA EMPLOYEES MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION EMPLOYERS* PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION E s t a b l i s h e d by Employees of Burke, Fltzslmmon8 & Howe Company l a s t night 7 Vk Ja 24, 1890, 5-3 Meeting held in Comedy Hall. Action was taken on the labor situation. The report of the committee. (1 col.) UA Jl 13, 1882 4-1 Hi::HR \2 :SC EMPLOYERS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Take a stand Against the union In the John Kelly shoe manufacturer affair. They cay an employer hr.s to employ labor without interference froii the Union.(1 Col) UA EMPLOYERS1 PROTECTIVE ASE Member listed. An lnt Delongy, labor leader, constitution Is given. UA Jl 17, 1882 Jl 14, 1882, 2-3 HM:LR EMPLOYERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Sankey. Dr.. advises the association In a sermon at the United Presbyterian Church to arbitrate with the Labor Union. UA El.PLOYERS1 PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Solton, Thos. and Co., a member of the association comments on the labor situation in a letter to the UA. (911) (11") Jl 17, 1882 4-1 UA Jl 18, 1882 2-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1 E1PLOYERS* PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATIOM EMPLOYERS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Committees from the employers and employees a s s o c i a t i o n s are chosen for the purpose of s e t t l i n g the present d i f ficulty. (12") A letter to the UA Denouncing this as. Boolatlon as communistic. (II") UA Jl 199 1882 2-6 UA H.!:KR J l 1 9 , 1882 4-3 K:':HR EMPLOYERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION EMPLOYER'S PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Unable to effect a reconciliation over the existin? difficulties vdth the Knights of Labor. (3") A letter commenting upon the labor trouble brought about in the John Kelly factory. (10") UA UA, Jl 24, 1882, 2-3 Jl 22, 1882 2-3 J WIVE ASSOCIATION EMPLOYER'S PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION uit the employer's and l l t t e e s attempted to . col.) An e d i t o r i a l defending t h e i r stand on the Kelly labor t r o u b l e . (1 c o l . ) UA, J l 25, 1882, 3 - 1 , 2 , », 4-1 I FIVP hundred l?.tor*»rs v/^ EMPLOYMENT 1 100 laborers wanted for work on canal 1 ROU, Jl 14, 1855, 3-2 hDA, D -J:1, 1352, "3-5 - • 1 nimn ^^^ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMPIRE THEATER EMPIRE 8TATE INSURANCE COMPANY Notloe of voluntary dissolution * lied UA, J e 2 1 , 1895, 6-4 Elaborate decorations and rich effects about the theater. (9 a ) UA Ja 13, 1893, 3-3 CJ.-RZ JA EMPU)YEES MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION - E s t a b l i s h e d by Employees of Burke, Fitzsimmons & Howe Company l a s t night t. 8*7 J UA, Ja 24 f 1890, 5-3 ELPLOYERS1 PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Meeting held In Comedy Hall. Action *as taken on the labor situation. The report of the committee. (1 col.) UA Jl 13, 1882 4-1 / :SC Hi::HR EliPLOYERS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION EMPLOYERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Take a stand against the union in the John Kelly shoe manufacturer affair. They cny *n eiroloyer has to employ labor without Interference froTi the Union.(1 Col) Member l i s t e d . An i n t e r v i e w with F. E« Delongy, l a b o r l e a d e r , g i v e n . T h e i r constitution i s given. (17") UA Jl 17, 1882 2-3 UA J l 1 4 , 1882, 2 - 3 H.\!:LR EMPLOYERS* PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Sankey, Dr., advises the association in a sermon at the United Presbyterian Church to arbitrate with the Labor Union. (11•) UA Jl 17, 1882 4-1 EiPLOYZRS1 PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Bolton, Thoa. and Co., a member of the association comments on the labor situation in a letter to the UA. (9») UA Jl 18, 1082 2-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1 EMPLOYERS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION A letter to the UA Denouncing this aseoolation as communistic. (11") UA Jl 19, 1882 2-6 EMPLOYERS* PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Committees from the employers and employees associations are chosen for the purpose of settling the present difficulty. (12") UA Jl 19, 1882 4-3 KI'.'sHR EMPLOYERS" PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION EMPLOYER'S PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Unable to effect a reconciliation over the existing difficulties r*ith the Knights of Labor. (3") A letter commenting upon the labor trouble brought about in the John Kelly factory. (10») UA UA, Jl 24, 1882, 2-3 Jl 22, 1882 2-3 HH:HR EMPLOYER'S PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION A report of what the employer's and employees committees attempted to accomplish. (1 c o l . ) EMPLOYER'S PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION An editorial defending their stand on the Kelly labor trouble. (1 col.) UA, Jl 25, 1882, 3-1, 2, UA, Jl 24, 1882, 4-1 HL'OS EHPLOYUENT 100 l a b o r e r s wanted f o r work on o a n a l hundred l a b o r e r s r-rited, hDA, D 2:1, 1852, :l-h RDU, J l 1 4 , 1 8 5 5 , 3 - 2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMPLOYMENT EUPLOYMEUT Shortage o f mechanics n o t e d UA 500 Shoemal:ers v/anted t o work oh » Ag 9 , 1 8 5 9 , 2 - 2 array s h o e s UA, A"; 2 7 , IS 6 1 , 2 - 4 PJW:ARO A 3 : ARC EMPLOYMENT Democrat a t t a c k s and Union and A d v e r t i s e r defends fro Canadian l a b o r e r s who r e f u s e t o work f o r 0 2 2 . 0 0 a nonth UA, Ap 2 2 , 1 9 6 4 , 2 - 1 100 laborers wanted to work for Mr. Mills, a state contractor UA Ag 16, 1864, 2-2 me; n EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EMPL01CJENT Number o f unpraployed In t h e c i t y lncreaaIng dally (V5 col.) . Ag 1 6 , 5-2 Chief of Polioe Hajden thinks they should be licensed to protect the unemployed against swindlers (3B) UA, 0 12, 1894. 6-4 JL:LO EMPORIUM T CFFICE See Looking Glass Emporium Has been opened at 37 Exchange St. for 6 month3 (3 M ) UA, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMPRESS EUGENIE EHPCSIUK BLOCK Bee Fashions Purchased by Cven Gaffney SDD, Ap 22, It 52, 2-4 KLH r j p mmm EMPY, HENRY (CHURCHVILLE) EfiffllCH, PHILLIP Charges wife (Catherine) with bigany. Charges son-in-law with abduction (£ c o l . ) UA, Ap 6, 1858, 3-1 UA, Will admitted to probate UA, Jl 20, 1892, 5-3 7-5 JC.-JA FD:MB EKSLEY, AMOS Mr 4, 1896, 1 El!SLEY, AMOS W i l l refused by probate UA, J l 28, 1892, 2-2 JM.'HR • JP:FD EKSLEY, BSKJALTH EMSLEY, ERNEST Died Petitions filed for probate of will UA, P 17, 1892, 5-3 UA, Jl 2 2 , 1 8 9 2 , 5 - 4 JDP.*VB • SL:FD Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ElIS-IF, PETEh IUUMD8ON, EtMA Commended on construction of Emancipated slave girl lectured B%tavia-Buffalo R.R. on slavery in South, at Corinthian RDA, N 8, 185J, 3-2 Hall RDU, Ja 2, 1855, 3-4 ABO FD:MC EMD, ALBERT END, ALBERT Sentenced for stealing from his mother Missing from home C2-) UAf UA, 0 9, 1895, 6-1 Jl 10, 1896, 7-3 AL:JI END, FERDINAND END, ALBERT Missing from home; was found UA, Jl 11, 1896, Failed to appear in court on a charge of non-support (2f") (1& In.) 9-3 AL:JI UA, 0 11, 1887, 1-7 lb ENDELER, J. C. EMD, FREDRICK Arrested on charge of grand Larceny for Married Eliza A. Me Colough. UA Ag 8, 1872 3-5 stealing from Pancost, Sage and Company. ' 0A, Jl IS, 1864, 2-1 FJWSARO VC:HR • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENOCH, ELXAS ENDERS, ANDREW Died UA, D 86, 1891, 5-4 Died UA, Jl 21, 1886, 2-3 •J:HR L6:AR0 .•• ENDERS, CHARLES ENDERS, CHARLES Died UA, Jl 26, 1894, Will admitted t o probate. 3-4 UA, S 4, 1894, 3-4 JL:AA JMjJA ENDERS, CHARLES WILLIAii ENEERS, CHARLES Judicial settlement Issued on estate UA, H 11, 1896, 7-4 Died UA, My 10, 1675, 3-5 J d ; "mm JP:FD ••• ENDERS, MATILDA ELIZABETH EMDERS, JOSEPH Died. Died UA, Hr 8 , 1893, JA:FAD UA, Ag 1 2 , 1 6 9 1 , 2-6 5-1 LA:VB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes 1NDERB, PHILIP 1NDERS, OTTILIA (MRS. CASPAR) Qualified at Comi ••loner of appralfal (1* in.) DA, Mr 28, 1896, 9-2 Obituary OA, 3 9, 1887, 2-4 CL AB JM;JI ENDLER, JACOB ENDCWiiENT ASSCCIATICiJ, LIEN'S Died UA, 0 28, 1893, 5-3 Formed in Warsaw; purpose is to see that all its niembers get a certain amount of money to get married o n when they want to; dues charged (14 ; UA, My 13, 1881, 2*5 VC:AB IB:FD ENDRES, FRANK (CHARLOTTE) KNDRES, NICIJOLAS Married Minnie Jannick (4") Died. UA UA S 11, 1896, 7-2 Ja 8, loL'o, 2-7 AL.-RZ EKDRES, OTILLIA Sold land to Llertna and Dora Klrcy for $900 UA, Ap 7, 1380, 2-3 ENDHESS, JUDGE His death severely felt by people of Dans ville UA, F 3, 1870, 3-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes (Dansville) ENDRESS, DR. 8. L. ENDRESS, ISAAC L. Sleeted president of Genesee Valley Died, (i ool.) Telegraph Co. UA P 27,1871 2-4 HDD, Ja 8, 1853, 2-4 t CP:HR ARO ENGEL, ANDREW HTORUS, LEWIS Suspected of burglary in Clarkson; arrested. His body found f l o a t i n g i n Genesee River; b e l i e v e d he Jumped from River Bridge (&col) UA, Vk9 8 7, 1678, My 2 1 , 1894, 8-1 :JMO JA: ENGEL, ANNA ENGEL, ANDREW Coroner's verdict i s suicide while suffering from grip UA, Uy 22, 1894, See John S t r a s s e r 7-2 JAR JL:JA •MB ENGEL, CHARLES A. Died OA, My 1 4 , 1897, 6-6 ENGEL, MRS. DANIEL And h e r c h i l d died from i n j u r i e s r e c e i v e d when a wall of t h e o l d D.R. Barton b u i l d i n g f e l l upon them (l&") UA, J a 1 7 , 18862, 2-2 MHM:ARO Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGEL, EDWARD EMOEL, MRS, EDWARD L. Charged with non-support of h i s family, gave $500 b a i l , t h a t he w i l l support his family in future. Hat to appeal to charity for support HA, 8 26, 1894, 7-2 UA Mr 21, 1879 2-1 JL:FO Cl.iP: HP. ENGEL, ED77ARD LOUIS , EDWARD L. •eserted h i s family H a r r i e d Mary Ann Howard, OA 0 17, 1894, 7-1 UA Mr 1 9 , 1879 3-4 Jl:RZ ENGEL, ED.VIN ENGEL, ELEANOR ROSA Arrested for assaulting Lrs. Haggle Wilson. Died UA, 0 3 1 , UA, LT 28, 1881, 2-3 1892, JM:JI HR ENGEL, JACOB EMOEL, HENRY Charged with picking pocket of Omeda Bachman; discharged Died UA, 7-2 lttl:JA N 15, 1894, 8-2 5-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGEL, JACOB ENGEL, JOHN J . Released from prison by Oovernor Morton; was In prison for burglary UA, F 16, 1895, 7-4 iec:Jl Harried Hay Franpes Soott (3 i n . ) UA, Ap 17, 1895, 7-2 JL:JI •• Hi ENGEL, JOSEPH ENGEL, JOSEPH Photograph of of f l o e and salesroom Died UA, S 10, 1892, 12-5 UA, F 18, 1897, 3-6 CG:EQ JDP:HR ENGEL, LEO ENGEL, JOSEPH Obituary ( l £ a ) UA, F 18, 1897, Died. 6-6 CGUA W J 1 8 , I M S , 2-2 IB:LR ••M HL, -'ILMA:: EMGEL, WILLIAM A . C . Died UA, Ag 1 2 , 1 8 9 2 , 5 - 4 JP:FD iiarriec Kp.te Isabel Anseonb UA S P7, - - 9 6 , 9-2 col Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENOELHARDT, CCNRAD ENGELHARDT, CORA (ALDEN) See Winters, George a* Died UA, N 11, 1885, 2-2 ENGLEHARDT, EDNA RUTH EHGLEHARDT, EDWARD Died. Portrait UA, N 29, 1886, 8-5 UA D 10, 1894, 7.1 EKGELHART, CLARA EMQELHARDT, MARIE See Van Auker, Fred (MRS. ALBERT) Died. UA, Mr 5, 1884, 3-7 LG:L'B ENGELL, JOHN ENGELS, JACOB Died UA Will approved Ja 29, 1884, 2-1 UA, Ap 14, 1897, 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes IMOEMAN, HENRY ENGEMAN, HENRY Committed sulolde by drowning In Hew York Bay (8* i n . ) Jl 9, 1885, (JOHN) A possibility that he was murdered Instead of having committed suicide has arisen (4& in.) 4-3 UA JO:JI Jl 10, 1885, 2-3 JG:JI EKGERT, BERNARD J . ENGERT, FRANKIE V. Died Died. UA, S 2 1 , 1976, 3-5 UA, 8 4, 1875, 3-4 nmm CP:MB ENGERT, GEORGE ENGERT, GECRGE The origin and growth of hie retail coal trade; a list of different kinds of coal he sells. (1$H) Barn on G r i f f i t h Street destroyed by f i r e Loss ^ t - $ 5 0 0 UA D 2 4 , 1881 7-2 UA, N 15, 1869, 2-4 CF:ArO EHGEHT, GEORGE B r i e f biogTflphy rlvpn of Democratic nominee for County Treasurer (5"-cut) UA s ?7, 1890, 5-6 ENGERT, GEORGE A r r e s t e d on change of selling impure milk. UA S 2 6 , 1895, 8-2 JL:PZ • EKOERT, OSO. AND CCr;PAr:Y Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes E d i t o r i a l oonoernine company1R p o l i t i c a l dealings (IS") ENOERT, JOSEPHINE Died UA, C 9, 1890, 4-2 CP:EQ Ei\GERT, MARY ENGERT, MARTIN Charged -lth disorderly conduct and sentenced to six months for drunkenness and neglecting her children Died U*. Ag 1 0 , 15S6*, 2 - 7 UA, LG:AHO 0 3, 1895, 7-2 FTtf.'C ENGERT, VALENTINE ENGERT, SUSAN E (IRONDEQUOIT) Obituary Died UA, M y 7, 186^ f 2-1 I*, F 17, i«79, 3-7 PJW:ARO GTZ^ARO EMGERT, MRS, VALENTINE ENGERT AND FRICK Obituary. UA My 8, 1876 Coal yard office entered and small amount 2-3 of postal currency taken UA CCP:HR JI Jl 1, 1867, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMGFER, THEODORE Died Ua, Jl 1J>, 1884, 2-1 ENOHERT, v Coal yard entered and 2 dollars in pennies stolen UA, r 5 , 1875, KT:KT E9GIHE MANUFACTURY Engine 8 ENGINEER CORPS, NEW YORK STATE Mourn t h e death of t h e i r f e l l o w member 0 , W. Hlchola UA, N 2 8 , 1874, 2-6 VC:FD ENGINEERING Talidlty of Rochester Bridge commission questioned UA ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION, STATIONARY List of officers elected* UA, J l 16, 1887, 5-2 J l 7 , 1857, 2-1 anr ENGINEERS PW:HR ENGINEERS Formation of t h e "Brotherhood of Stationary Engineers of t h e City of Rochester11 officers elected (7") Penal ordinance committee plan t o modify ordinance l i c e n s i n g s t a t i o n a r y UA, Ap 19, 1 M 1 , 3-3 UA, D 20, 1890, 5-5 CL:ARO engineers SC:AB (li") Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGINEERS, BROTHERHOOD OF STATIONARY ENGINEERS, BROTHERHOOD OP STATIONARY Meeting h e l d . (2 N ) Meeting held; resolution by the Common Council requiring engineers to be examined and licensed discussed; •chool of instruction proposed (3") UA My 2 4 , 1881, 4 - 2 UA, Ky 10, 1881, 2-3 CL:RZ VC:AB ENGINEERS, BROTHERHOOD ~;F STATIONARY ENGINEERS, BROTHERHOOD OF Held an excursion to portage; trip described (3-) List of officers elected, UA 0 22, 18G1, 2-1 UA, My 28, 1883, 2-2 CL:RZ VC:FD ENGINEERS OF ROCHESTER, FLOUR CITY BRANCH ENGINEERS, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATIONARY Filed articles of incorporation; trustees listed. UA, Flower City Lodge, 3 Mr 2 3 , 1897, 6-4 Discussed proposed law to promote engineering (3trn) UA, Mr 8, 1897, 6-6 CP:AA EHGII.EFRS, STATIONARY A ENGINEERS, STATIONARY Officers were installed, I Elected UA • UA, JA4, J l ?A, 1S83, 2-5 1 •1 AA officers 1895, 3-5 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGINES ENGLAND See Inventions LILLIAV ADA A. » Died UA, Je 2 5 , 1897, 6-3 Lii:J3 • MMIJG 3,.~- r\^^. ENGLAND El.GLAJ.T) 9 Rochester traveler, aescrites England N. E. Vermind, l e t t e r describing t r i p UA S 7, 1871, 2-3 UA, Je 7, I6o5, 2-3 BULsKT ENGLAND ENGLAND Description of authors visit to Stirling Castle, Wallace Monument, Douglas Room and the Chapel Royal UA Rochester lady writes describing her visit there. (£ col.) UA Jl 9, 1875, 3-3 Ja 20, 1872, 2-3 JCM.RZ ENGLAND Letter writer gives description of Mount Plsgalc near Durham* (1 col*) UA J l 1 3 , 1875, 2-4 ENGLAND 200 men met a t Chamber of Commerce t o oelebrate t h e c e n t e n 1n i a l of the r a t i f i c a t i o n of John J a y 8 t r e a t y with England; Joseph 0* Connor gave address on the "History of American Commerce;* adopted r e s o l u t i o n endorsing the Jay t r e a t y and e u l o g i s i n g the statesmen t o vhom i s due t h e c r e d i t f o r the d e v e l o p ment of American i n d u s t r i e s and commerce (5 ool.) UA, 0 20, 1895, JCil.'RZ UII:JX 10-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , CHARLES WILLIAM Released on charge of drunkenness; rearrested on a s s a u l t charge* Died UA, ENGLAND, RICHARD N 23, 1896, 7-3 UA, P 28, 1896, 7-5 JC:AA JBP:TL #e ••*&$!!#' .'sk^««^^w^(i ENGLAND ENGLANDf DAUGHTERS OF, BENEVOLENT SOCIETY See klgrationa Mourn t h e death of t h e i r b r o t h e r and c o a d j u t o r , Frank Rhoades UA S 11, 1872, 2-6 VC:JI vc E::GLAKD SOCIETY, SONS OF ENGLAND, SONS OF L'eetlng held; election of officers Opening f e s t i v a l h e l d on Exchange S t r e e t UA, Je P5, UA, J l 1 5 , 1874, 2-4 ARO EMGLANDER, DORA ENGLAMDHH, DAISY Died* Died UA, J l 1 8 , 1887, 3-4 UA, J l 8 , 1387, 2 - 5 CL:A3 t Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGLANDER, SOLOMON EKOLAR, HENRY Posted $500 nond on non-support of family oharge. S a i l e d f o r Germany UA UA N 19, 1865, 2-1 UHMUI PC:LR ENGLART, J. ENGLE, EDGAR (JAUESTOWN) Suffers $100 loss in Dansvllle fire Harried Mary B e r l e ( C h u r c h v i l l e ) (2") UA Ap 4, 1859, 3-5 UA, J l 2 , 1897, 2-4 SC:JA DS ENGLE, JOHAKKA Presented w i t h gold watch and chain by George Vauchi an anniversary of quarter century s eHr v i c e as J a n i t r e s s of School #20 <2 ) UA, ENGLEBARTS SIBRINK (CLIliEfi) See Hennekey, Abraham Kr 9 , 1897, 8-5 CG.-JA ••• EMGLEHARDT, UR. See Hallory, James H. CC:1!C Je 2 0 , RL: J l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ EKGLEHA&DT, C. (LYONS) Attempted s u i c i d e ; u n s u c c e s s f u l UA, J l 1 4 , 1 8 8 1 , 2 - 4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes , CHARLES P. ° b l t u « r y (3") U4 . ENGLEHARDT, CHARLES T. Married Marola Lee Clapper (l}N) UA, 0 30, 1881, 2-2 0 19, AL:EQ CL:FD HI EHGLEHARDT, MR & MRS. CHARLES T. Celebrated 5th wedding anniversary UA, 8 30, 1886, 3-5 ENGLEHARDT, CONRAD Assaulted by Frank Smith at Sixth Yard Polls on election night UA ENGLEHARDT, CHARLES T. Died Uk9 0 19, 1*96, 3-7 ENGLEHARDT, CONRAD Died UA, Ap 3 0 , 1 8 9 1 , 5-5 Mr 8, I860, 2-4 MHK/CtlV ENuLEHARDT, EDWARD Declared elected as Inspector of Election by the Common Council after voting results were read by City Clerk. Mistake, (Accidental). Sigmund Rosenberg should have been given the position {h*) UA, Mr 12, 1*79, 2-6 ARC ENGLEHARDT, EDWARD Elected Supervisor from 18th ward UA, Mr 7 , 1894, 8-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMOLEHARDT, EDWARD ENGLEHARDT, FRANK S. Portrait Died. «*» *1 3 9 1894, 9-4 UA, F 14, 1887, 2-4 JM:JI OGLEHARDT, FRED ENGLEHARDT, FREDERICK G, Died I n P u e b l o , G a l . Married Emma N e l s o n UA, Ag 1 7 , 1686, 2 - 4 UA, S 3 0 , 1 9 7 8 , 3-7 LG:MB )T, GEORGE ENGLEHARDT, JOHN L a r r i e d Bawett Hoffman Arrested for having set fire to a building HDD, :r 2 , 1 8 5 2 , 3 - 3 UA, Ap 8, 1861, 2-6 ENGLEHARDT, JOHK ENGLEHART, JOHN I n d i c t e d f o r f i r s t degree *rson Acquitted of arson charge. UA, Ap 9, 1861, 2-2 UA, Ap 13, 1861, 2-5 PW:MB ccjmnin i> Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENOLEHARDT, JOHN ENGLEHARDT, LOUIS Die*. P i c k p o c k e t e d Simon lfahon (3") UA, Jl 11, 1884, 2-2 UA, Je 26, 16$kt 0 JL:EQ PW:HR 6-5 ENGLEHARDT, PAUL ENGLEHARDT, LOUIS Held for grand Jury on pickpocket charge \3 ) Listed as Constable for 6th Ward* UA, Ur 12, 1877, 4-8 UA, Je 27, 1894, 7-1 JCU'.UB JL:FD ENGLEHARDT, WILT,I Ait H. Obituary UA Died (2i») Ag 1 8 , 1892, 5-6 ENGLEHART, ALBERT (INFANT CHILD OF) Ag 1 8 , 1 8 9 2 , 2-7 ENGLER, ANDHEW Died Died CCP:EQ UA JM:RZ ,1I:RZ UA, ENGLEHARDT, WILLIAM H. J e Jf 1S95, 6-? UA, Ja 10, 1 8 9 3 , IB:FAD 5-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENQLER, ANNIE ENGLER, ARNOLD Died Ditd. UA, Ag 24, 1873, 3-6 UA, F 4, 1892, 5-4 cl mraro • ENGLER, AUGUST Died in Youngsto*n April 14, 1876. reMains were moved to this city for reinterment. (£") UA A8:MB A ENGLER, CATHERINE Will admitted to probate in Surrogate Court (!•) UA, Je 1, 1883, 2-3 Ag 2, 1882, 2-4 HM:LR ENGLER, CHARLES Drowned while bathing in canal at lieQuire's bridge. UA, 1, 1889, 2-4 ENGLER, ELIZABETH Died. UA J l 6, 1*35, 2-2 UB:9C ENOLER, HENRY ENGLER, HifiMRY Had his home demolished by the collapse R e t u r n s from Europe of a wall of Washington Hall. UA UA PO/CCP Iff 9, 1867, 2-2 S3, 1873, 2-5 IOLSR, LOUIS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENOLER, LOUISE E. Bottl on Mill Street damaged. Died UA, Jl 19, 1869, 2-1 UA Mr 1 9 , 1 8 9 6 , 6 - 3 JM:RZ EBGLER, NICHOLAS Hurderer of Frederick Haxnm; account (2j c o l . ) ENGLER, NICHOLAS See Boyce, George UA, Ag 2 9 , 1688, 2 - 5 , 6 - 7 CL:AB GTZ:FD EMGLER, THEODORE One of the "Big Three , owners of the Rochester baseball club Died UA, 0 21, 1897, 6-2 UA, Je 7, 1897, 8-4 CCP.-EQ EKGLERT, ALOYKIUS ENGLERT, MRS Swindled out of §250 by ° thieves, no arrests UA, J a 1 6 , 1 8 7 8 , 2 - 2 Died UA, N4, 1 8 9 5 , 3-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGLERT, ANTHONY 6 ENGLERT, ARTHUR 801 ^Jf *., * property on Kelly St. to Julia Krauss for $1,200.00 See Ueisoh, Charles. UA, J e 1 5 , 1877, 2 - 3 WN:UB wnjmmm mm ENGLERT, BAR3ARA ENGLERT, BARBARA Died In Irondequoit See Englert, Kate UA, Ag 20, 187S, 3-7 cl rami mhni nunin ENGLERT, CATHERINE ENGLERT, CAROL INE L . Died In I r o n d e q u o i t See Brown, Joseph J, UA, Ag 20, 1878, 3-7 c l mmrn CCP.'EQ ENGLERT, CATHERINE ENGLERT, CATHERINE Died Died UA, N 11, 1896, 3-6 UA, IDP:AA 1 CG:JI J a 12, (MRS. JACOB) 1897, 12-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes INQLERT, CATHERINE ENOLERT, CELIA Died Will probated UA, Uy 27, 1697, 6-4 UA, 8 1 6 , 1 8 8 5 , 2-3 JL:EQ CCP:AB ENGLERT, CHARLES EMOLERT. CHARLES Listed as Supervisor of 5th Ward. UA, Mr 12, 1877, 4-8 Given set of cameo sleeve buttons and seal ring by members of Rochester Lodge, Ancient Order of United workingmen* UA P 9, 1884, 2-2 EMGLERT, CHARLES Died (Caledonia) (ii«) UA, Ja 21, ENGLERT, CHARLES Died 1890, 2-1 UA, My 12, 1890. 8-A C:8C ENGLERT, CHARLES Married Emma Martens UA, My 2, 1891, 5-5 FC:HR ENGLERT, CHARLES Director resigned Rochester Baseball Club Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGLEKT, CHARLES ENOLERT, CHARLES JR. Re-nominated for member of Exeoutive Board by Demoorate; sketch of oareer given (3 in.) UA, F 22, 1894, 8-2 In Municipal oourt Judgments an error was made; Judgment favored Englert instead of Samuel Brundage (1") UA, Mr 19, 1894, 6-2 JS:JA EMGLERT, CHARLES JR. EHGLERT, CHARLES JR. And five other members of Rochester Club found not guilty of Sabbath-breaking for baseball playing Claimed that the Rev. Charles A. *errill was refused admission to the baseball park because he created a disturbance. 0Af Je 10, 1897, 7-3 UA, ENGLERT, ELIZABETH M. ENGLERT, CHARLES JR. Arrested on a charge of breaking the Sabbath by playing baseball on a Sunday Died. UA UA, Je 17, Je 11, 1897, 6-1 1897, Ap 13, 1887, 2-4 6-1 CC:LR EHGI£RT, GEORGE EiJGLERT, GECRttE Democratic candidate for alderman, 16th Ward. UA., F. 7, 1891, Letters of administration Issued UA, Mr 11, 1896, 5-4 JOlJI 7-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EiiGLERT, I/AS. JACOB EKGLS3T, JACOB Died His hone visited by burglars. $40.00 stolen. UA UA, J a 14, 1897, O 24, 1872, 2-5 ENGLERT, JACOB C. ENGLERT, MRS. JACOB C. Harried Anna Boekmer Sled UA UA, Ja 2, 1894, 6-3 Ap 11, 1S90, *- CC:JDP MM:FD £NGLERTf JOHN S. :!IC-LERT, JOHN S. Obituary Died !TA, 0 1, 1870, 3-2 UA, 0 1 , 1 8 7 8 , 3-9 7-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGLERT, JOSEPHINE (MS. CONKAD) ENGLERT, JOFEPH A. Died. Died UA Ap 23, 1883 2-1 UA, Ag 15, 1888, 2-3 GTZ:AE EHGLERT, KATE ENGLERT, LOUIS And s i s t e r Barbara, drowned in Irondequoit Bay when t h e i r boat overturned Died, (li") UA, J l 14, 1890, 5-6 UA, Ag 20, 1878, 2-3 e l mmra ENGLERT, LOUIS (CALEDONIA) Married Mary Minogue (Caledonia) UA, Ap 12, 1893, 7-1 BMGLERT, MAGGIE C. 8ee Pritchard, inn. H« ENGLERT, KAGDALEKA Died UA, J a 9 , 1 8 9 3 , 5-4 ENGLERT, LIARIA CATHERINE (^RS. PETER) Died UA, J a 2 0 , 1892, 5-7 RL:JI Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes KNOLERT, HAFTIN ENGLERT, UARY Karri«d Enwa Berryman Died UA, fcy 1 6 , 1895, 7-1 UA, My 21, 1892, 2-3 SL:FAD JA ENGLERT, UARY ENGLERT, UARY F. Died UA, My 2 3 , i g 9 2 | J>ied 5_ UA, Ag 1 5 , 1888, 2 - 3 A3 ENGLERT, UARY F. ENGLERT, I.'ARY THEFZSA See L i 1 1 , Jacob J< See Neirocker, Frank HSjHR EMGLERT, .'.IAAX ENGLERT , LIICHA2L Arrested; gives bond for $300 for support of his family Residence burned; $500, loss; fire due to defective chimney. (£") UA, UA JL.-JA N 2 5 , 1892, 5 - 5 1 JD:RZ N 6, 1832, 2-3 • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGLERT, MRS. MICHAEL ENGLERT, MICHAEL Died Died UA, Uy 21, 1890, 5-3 UA, 0 10, 1687, 2-6 JCU:FD ••• IHGLERT9 MICHAEL Obituary. ENGLERT, MICHAEL (2*") UA, Jl 30, 1890, P e t i t i o n for probate of w i l l 5-5 filed UA, 0 20, 1892, 5-3 sc:sc ENGLERT, MICHAEL ENGLERT, MICHAEL Will admitted to probate Judicial settlement granted on estate, UA, UA N 4, 1892, 5-3 SCUI F 4, 1895, 3-4 JL.-RZ ••• ENGLERT, NELLIE ENGLERT, PETER Died Died UA, Mr 16, 1892, 5-1 UA, SLsHR JA:JI F 6, 1893, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGLERT, TILLIE See An sell, Edmund ENGLEHT, VALENTINE Arrested f o r non-support UA, D 2fc, 1S92, SHGZ£RTH, 1IARY (CALEDONIA) See Fsrrell, Judson (Rush) 5-3 JA ENGLISH, VR. • Disappears; under suspicion of embezzling B u e l l and Brewster I n c . UA, Mr 2 2 , l£t>9, 2 - 1 EKGLISH, UBS. (VICTOR) I s being publicly c r i t i c i z e d and slandered by the Victor Kerild because she i s t r y i n g to divorce"her husband; she I s a school teacher i n D i s t r i c t Ko. 1 school (8") UA, D 29, 1863, 2-5 GZMHO VC:A?.O ENGLISH, ALBAN T. E2-.GLISH, PSGF. Resigned as p r i n c i p a l of the P i t t s f o r d Union School ( l £ - ) Married N e l l i e E. Burke UAf 0 14, 1893, 2-6 UA, D 3 , 1SS3, ?- LR:ARO IB:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGLISH, ALBERT R. Married Josie 3. J. Gould. u * Ja 17, 1874 3-5 ENGLISH, ALICE Has been granted a deoree of absolute dlvoroe from Heseklah w. English UA, My 5, 1886, 2-5 OTZ:HR IB:AR0 ENGLISH, FRANCES A. ENGLISH, ED'VtfU) (CANANDAIGUA) See Jonea, William E. Died UA, J l 1 9 , 1 8 6 6 , 2 - 1 1IE:AB EMGLISH, FRED G. SC:HR ENGLISH, GEORGE R. (CHICAGO) Given patent for Thill-Coupling Married Lulu Mo ran UA M 6 , 1896, 8-2 UA, Je 27, 1893, 2-7 CCP;AB ENGLISH, HARRY EHGLISH, HARLAN E. S e l l s land In Greece to Ambrose C. Douglass (Rochester) for $16,000 Burned t o death while p l a y i n g w i t h matches (4 in.) UA, UA, Je 16, 1876, 2-5 JL:JI My 23, 1893, 5-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes tt«-I8Ht MRS. IRENE S. ENGLISH, MRS. IRENE E. Obituary ( l 1 31, 1896, 3.7 1«96, • JDP2EQ JDP:EQ ENGLISH, JAMES -jr. ENGLISH, JENNIE S. Appointed operator in the Medina office of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company 7-2 See Bradt, Willard S UAf S i , 1868, 2-4 ENGLISH, ENGLISH, SISTER M. RAYHIOND Died Died UA, Ag 16, 186 , 3-4 UA ENGLISH, MARY ELIZABETH fOiJS ENGLISH, MINNIE (MRS. JAMES) Died Death UA Ag 3 0 , 1864 N 5, 1887, 2-3 8-1 UA, D 20, 1690, 2-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGU8H, NATHAN ENGLISH, NEWTON Died; formerly of UA, D Greeoe, N.Y. 1890, 2-6 Harried Annie Baker UA, My 29, 1882, 3-6 Mt:APO ENGLISH, ROBERT ENGLISH, ROBERT Died Died UA., NOT. 9, I*** UA., Nov. 10, lggg SL:FAD P C : FAD ENGLISH, IKS. SARAH ENGLISH, MRS. ROBERT Died in Sanduaky, New York UA, g-6 Je 19, 1891, 2-6 Died. UA 0 8 , 1872 3-7 VC:HR sc:Jl ENGLISH, WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, THOMAS Died in Chicago Editorial on his nomination as Vice-Pres., Dem. candidate (9M) UA UA, Je 25, 1880, 3-1 F 7, 1865, 3-8 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL ENGLISH, TO!. H. See School8 Deooeretio Vice Presidential nominee. U* J i 1 0 , 1S60, 3-1 • • GZ:LR ENGLISH BAPTIST iilSSlCi! ENGLISH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY Purchased by German Uethodist Episcopal Church (3") Ninth annual p a r t y t o be h e l d a t Palmer % Hall UA, 0 3 1 , 1890, 7 - 1 UA VB/CKV SL:FD ENGLISH LADIES1 BENEVOLENT SOCIETY ENGLISH INFLUENCE Eleventh annual p a r t y h e l d l a s t n i g h t P a t t l s o n , Dr^ T. Harwood, l e c t u r e d on •The England of t h e American Revolution" a t Brick Church; spoke on Enerlish I n f l u e n c e in government, s o c i e t y and l i t e r a t u r e in America Co") UA, N 8 , 1858, 3 - 3 D 2 0 , 1S95, d e c l a r e d success UA, N 1 4 , 1860, 2-5 S-l JS:UC 10i:EQ HsM ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE REFORMATION ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Young L a d i e s Closed t h e f a i r ; 1 Society a good sum was r e a l i z e d Vhittaker, Rev. J.E., installed as pastor. UA D 2 1 , UA. D SL:LR , 2-h Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Photograph Heldkamp, Rev. C. H. (Sharp ecu r g , P a . ) aooepted o a l l to the p a s t o r a t e . UA, 8 9, 1893, 10-1 UA, N 13, 1893, 8-3 O IB:AA ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE REFORMATION Held a fair; a small sum was netted for the church UA, D 4, 1894, ENGLISH 5C0IAL PARTY 1200 present 5-1 HDD, Ja 17, 1852, 2-4 JA ENGRAVINGS ENGRAVING Dewey, D. II., lectured on art of See Art Engraving before Rochester Historical Society UA, D 10, 1861, 2-1 1ZHU:ARO FG:ARO ETTGB, OECROE (ITEY/ YCHK) FG:JL ENKHOFER9 JOSEPH M a r r i e d A n g e l i c a G« ITichols (Cooperstov;n) Rescued from being kidnapped ( i Col*) RDU UA, Ag 28, !T 2 0 , 1E52, 2 - 5 ALJJI 1896, 8-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENNECXER, LOUIS CKNEGKER, LOUIS LliiL£i! *?*•*••* In the Rochester cont?£^2 hbJyngt hCoB P*ny ^ i c h will be e flrm £2^?.!S Willard, Pitt & Died UA, Ji 29, 1«95, 3-7 under the sane name as neretofore ( 0 8, 1885. 2-6 *' FT:TL KNNELLS, MRS. NOAH Died UAt Ja 27, 1888, 8-5 (NEWARK) ENKIMS, i/IRS. W. W. Fell and broke her thigh bone (1 in.) UA JA:CFD (RIGA) Je 8, 1878, 4-6 C-TZ:JI •**mm- Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes INNIS, BRIDGET ENNIS, DAVID T. A. Will admitted to probate Pied UA, J a 16, 1886, 2-4 UA, Ap 26, 1895t 6-2 JL:TL IB:FD BMIS t 1OIS. E ENNIS, GEORGE (PAIilYRA) Injured when thrown from wagon Discovered body of Michael UcGuane f l o a t i n g in c a n a l . (2") UA, 0 1 0 f 1862, 2 - 3 UA J l 1 , 1879, 1-9 PJW:ARO (LYONS) ENNIS, GEORGE 1 Died 1 UA, J> 28, 1883, 3-5 1 1 EKNIS, LiARiiARET Died, UA, SC:SC (Clarendon) Died i n Sweden. UA My 7 , 1887, 8-4 CC.-LR ENNIS, MARY • (GENESEO) Died U") 0 16, ENNIS, KAR&ARET 1S9O, S-lL UA, D 1 0 , 1889, 2-1 • • " I S , PATRICK (OENESEO) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe CountyPETER · Indexes ENNIS, And others, sold land in Rush for $8675 to James Tobin Ag 6 , 1892, 7-1 I I S , PETER UA, Ap 10, 1879, 2-6 2KKIS, PKOSBA ANN ©led Died. UA My 3 9 1888, 2 - 5 UA, My 3, 1895, 8-4 3, BOBEEff Blad from Injures racalrad in railroad •oeLdant in Albion (PALMYRA) EI!MIS, THOMAS Funeral services held (1") UA, 0 16, 1879, 2-1 04 Ms 18, 1878, 3-2 BXsMS : is, THOMAS See Gallagher, Patrick EHO, CHARLES Death. UA, Ap 16, 1858, 3-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes BNO, PRECIS ENO, FRANCIS Sentenced to 3 yrs, 3 months for Sentenced to three years and three months in Auburn State prison for rape assault RDD, Ja 31, 1853, 2-5 RDU, Ja 31, 1853, 2-5 JD FD:MLH ENOCH, ABRAHAM ENOCH, A. 3. Had pockets picked of $400.00 Listed as Democratic Town Clerk of Henrietta, (l line) UA Mr 6, 1878 UA, Ap 19, 1866, 2-4 2-2 cg;mmm AD:HR ENOCH, ABRAHAM JR. 1 ENOS, MRS. Died in Henrietta Suffered damage in great gale UA UA, Mr 18, 1858, 3-2 O 10, 1867, 3-7 m 1 FD:MG BIOS, MRS. A. ENOS, ARTELIAS Presented with a testimonial by the teachers of the Second Baptist Church Sunday School. And wife sue city for damages sus- UA, Uy 29, 1871, 2-6 RDU, 0 30, 1856, 3-2 CO: MB tained by wife in fall on Scio St. I MAM :MC ™ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENOS, ARTEMAS ENOS, ARTK..A3 Died Loser in 11tlRation against city UA, My 5, 1857, 3-1 UA, N 27, 1858, 3-3 PJW:ARO ENOS, B. F. Appointed census taker in 5th ward. RDU, Ap 23, 1855, 3-2 ENOS, B. F . Appointed C i t y C l e r k UA, Ap 4 , 1865, 2 - 2 iIHLi:ARO ENOS, 1313. B. F. ENOS, B. FRANK (Rochester) Died. UA Married Mary Fulton (Rochester) 0 17, 1868, 2-2 RDD N 7, 1351, 3-3 ENOS, B. FRANK Appointed clerk of City of Rochester 10 year o l d son died 1 I A, A p 4, 1864, 3-6 UA UE:JI J l 25, 1866, 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes a. aarrltcl Carrie Young, F 9, 1670 UA ENOS, B. FRANK Clerk of Police Commissioners, reoelTed diamond pin from Polioe foroe 2-2 UA Ja 2 t 18?5f 2-3 AJC:JI •?*•• ENOS, B. FRANK ENOS, B. FRANK A member of the Sons of Malta, he was presented with a Maltese cross made ty U l l i e Brown (3") Was re-elected police clerk by the Boerd of Police Commissioners. UA Je 11, 1830, 2-3 UA, D 30, 1876, 2-3 wn mnun •.V:':R7 L::CS, ENOS, B. FRANK Short story of life as police clerk; 2 column illustration (l col. 4 N ) UA f Ap 11, 1896, ^t-crcEL CHLBELL Died RDU, Jl 31, 18;;4, 2-L 10-1,2 VM:TL BIOS, CAPTAIN FRANK If. Has written his resignation as commanded of the Rochester City Cadets UAf Je 9, l«*6f 3- TRfHR 2 FHAi.A. U. Married Jennie Tripp UA Ag 5, 1S96, 6-6 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe CountyMARY · Indexes (MRS. ENOS, AHTEMUS) I N 0 8 , MARY (1018. B . FRANK) Obituary filed. UA 0 1 7 , 1 8 6 8 , 3-8 UA, ilr 29, 1880, 2-3 ,:FD EN03, MARY ENOS Died. Funeral held. UA, .Mr 2 9 , 188C, 3-8 UA, Mr 31, 1880, 2-2 RL:MB RL:MB ENOS, 1I0RTEI B. ENOS, SOPHRONIA Died UA (IRONDEQUOIT) Died J l 25, 1866, 3-7 UA, Ap 15, 1891, 5-5 UE:JI EN08, 8QPHR0NIA Will admitted to probate UA, 0 29, 1891, 5-4 VJlHR ENOS, WHITNEY H. (Irondequoit) Administrator accounts settled UA Uy 22, 1860, 2-7 PW:DS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EN08, WHITNEY H. Settlement of estate Obituary. UA, My 2 4 , I 8 6 0 , 2-6 RDD, W -'7, 1854, ?-2 UHliiARO rice, .;;:. H CIICB, WILLIAL; H . Death Died RDTJ, ly 2 7 , 1S54, 2-6 3DU, SXRI, FRIDOLIN Died ENRICH, GEO. Uy 27, 1854, 2-7 (OGDEH) Sold land in Ogden to Sigmund Stettner for $3,^00 UA, Mr 16, 1S80, 2-7 JL:EQ ENRIGHT ENRIGHT, MR. Found wandering In Streets of Coming; thought to be Insane brought to Rochester by h i s father UA, S 10, 1878, 2-6 CMP:ARO A. N. Passed examinations for school teachers UA Ag 23, 1875 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · IndexesDANIEL ENRIGHT, ENRIOHT, ANNIE M. Died. UA ENRIGHT., DANIEL 3-9 ENRIGHT, ETHEL U. Obituary. UA 3 16, 1879 Died S 17, 1879 2-3 UA. D 6, 1891*-, 7-5 JLlLG AA^HP ENRIGHT, HAROLD (BATAVIA) Married N e t t i e L. Fox UA, J e 26, 1891, ENRIGHT, HCNORA (PITTSFORD) (Batavia) 5-4 Sent to Penitentiary for stealing Tiogs UA SC.-JI F 5, 1864, 2-1 VR:JI ••1 ••• ENRIOHT, JOHN ENRIGHT, JOHN Died in Denver, Colorado Died in Denver. (2i") UA UA V 22, 1879, 5-7 M 24, 1879, 3-7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENRIOHT, JOHN F. ENRIGHT, JOHN Ditd in Denver* -Obituary* Under a r r e1 s t ; he b i t off part of Richard 0 Hare's nose UA, My 9, 1893, (if") UA, M 22, 1879, 2-2 5-4 SE:HR JL:JI •^ D ENRIGHT, MARY £ . EKRIGHT, UIGGIE (LOCKPORT) Died; former Rochester woman See Waffle, Charles UA, N 16, 1895, 9-2 JI:JA ENRIGHT, MARY J. ENRIGHT, UICHAEL Committed suicide in Lockport, (EAST UENDON) Swindled in New York city* UA, Ja 25, 1859, 3-3 by taking landanum UA, Mr 8, 1859, 3-1 MALABO •••• ENRIGHT, MICHAEL Died (MENDON) 1 1 ENRIGHT, UICHAEL P. Died <2») UA, 0 26, 1891, 5-3 UA Ja 6, 1888, 7-3 1 JDPlHR • Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EMRXOHT, MICHAEL P. EMRIQHT, MICHAEL P. Ditd Resolutions adopted on his death 0 27, 1891t 5-7 (2") UA, 0 28, 1891, 7-2 •J:HR EMRIGHT, MICHAEL P . ENRIGHT, P. (30N OF) f i l l admitted to probate Severely injures when run over by horse* UA, N 5 , 1891, 5-3 UA ENRIGHT, P- Je 14, 1860, 2-2 2NRI0HT, PATRICK Put nerr brewery into operation at Elected Treasurer of St. Vincent de Corner of F-ct^ry and :ail Streets P».ul Benevolent Society UA K 2, 1860, f>-4 HDU, F 19, 1856, 3-1 CG:DS ENRIGHT, PATRICK Barn and brewery damaged by fire; loss estimated at $3,000. UA, N 25, 1862, 2-1 ENRIGHT, PATRICK P r o p r i e t o r of Brewery, l e f t f o r Denver, Colored©, t o b r i n g home h i s son, John Enright who i s In 111 h e a l t h UA MHM:NT_ (ROCHESTER) SK/CLiV N l g , 1679, 2-3 EMRIOHT, PATRICK Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENRIOHT, PATRICK Intends buildinc brewery on corner of Kill and Factory streets Purchased the Frothingham property on Lake Avenue f o r $11,300 UA, F 12, 1880, 2-3 UA Mr 1, 1SS3, 2-2 V ." • TT RL:FD , PATRICK ENBJ&HT, PATRICK Funeral services. (4H) Died UA, Je 28, 1883, 2-2 UA t Je 25, 1883, tlS'.AB EERIGHT, PATRICK Obituary resolutions *oy t*is Arlon Singing Society^ UA Jl 2, 1833, 4-2 EMRIGHT, URS. PATRICK * Obituary. (2") UA, Ja 23, 1884, 2-1 JD:RZ ENRIOHT, PATRICK See Fro t h i n sham, Mary BRIGHT, THOUAS Severely beaten by a crowd of "rouriis" and lying In a very low condition (?£" ja CL:ARO Vrt.TT 2-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENRICH?, THOMAS ENRIOHT, THOMAS Obituary. Awarded oontraot for the three story addition to his brewery to MoCormlek * Hotchkin J. (2") UA, Je 2?, 1889, 2 - 4 UA, Ag 19, 1885, 2-1 SL:1IB ENRIGHT, MRS. Wil. (BATAVIA) Died UA, Ag 25, Igg6, "^-5 ENSIGN, MR. Fatally Injured, 7/ife killed when train collide! vith tragon near Friendship RDD, S 4, 1851, 2-3 CC:ARO !fLH ••• ENSIGN, 11R. See Genesee River Flour Mill Elected 2nd £ditor, pithonian Society RDD, Ap 4, 18o4, 2-5 ENSIGN, A. J. (Lockport) Married Rebecca H. Oakley (Ce ego' UA N 1?>, 1859, 3-2 nv.na Appointed poetuaster a t Alexander .JXJ, Iftr 3 1 , l£53 f 2-2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EN8IGN, ALBINUS EN81ON, CHANCELLOR (UEDINA) Died Obituary UA, Uy 22, 1890, 5-6 (2-) UA, Ap 11, 1891, 8-2 JCM:FD ENSIGN, CHARLES ENSIGN, BRS. ELIZABETH L« Attempted to conmlt suicide by poisoning (i col.) Died (3") UA, D 9, 1889, 5-7 UA, Ap 25, 1890, 7-3 JM:FD JCU:FD ENSIGN, G. C. ENSIGN, GEOiiGE His store destroyed in fire of 1858 UA Ag 1 8 , (SCOT'SVILLE; Died I UA, Je 25, 1877, 2-6 1858, 3-1 w n jfTi OS (SCOOTSVILLE) ENSIGN, GEORGE Obituary ( 7 | UA, Je 26, 1877, 2-1 un i mnin • 1 ENSIGN, HENRY H. (DANSVILLE) 1 Harried Frances Baird • 1 UA, 1 IOOI:UB Ja 2 2 , 1889, 6 - 1 • ENSIGN, J . Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENSIGN, LUTHER (YORK) Burled Gertrude Basom (Alabama) 0 SO, 1886, 6-2 GTZ:JI ••• Given patent for paper machine f e l t s guide. (6-) UA., Ag. 1, 1890, 6-4 SC:FAD ENSIGN, S. See 2 r o v n , (Chenango County) Beaten out of $57 In gold UA S 26, 1871 2-2 iai:HR ENSIGN, SAPAH K. (I!RS. GEORGE) ENSUANN, ADOLPH Died In S c o t t s v i l l e Died UA, O 5 , 1885, 3-5 UA, D 2, 1895, 7-4 PTxJI EN8OR, ALEEBT W. Arrested on charge of passing acounterfeit In a Chicago National Bank (3 ) ENSOR, ALBERT W. Short biography. (12") " A , Ap 14, 1875, 2-5 0A, Mr 2, 1875, 2-7 PJW.AB0 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes EN80R, ALBERT W. ENSOR, ALBERT W. At present In Monroe County Jail played and beat W. H. Mundy (Seneca Falls) «ho is somewhat known for his prowess. in one as. (6") Dying in County J a i l ( i c o l . ) UA, My 7, 1875, 2-2 UA, Ap 23, 1875, 2-2 WN:MB ajcjnran ^ * * * • « • * . > ENSOR, ALBERT W. ENSOR ALBERT W. May be free from counterfeiting charge according to rumor Obtained a search warrant and found in the home of George W. Mason goods which Mason had stolen from him. (2") UA, My 12, 1875, 2-6 UA My 25, 1875 2-2 jd;mram V:OIiTH, AZSL •BNSWORTH, DR. AZEL Sarly Rochester tavern keeper Oldest pioneer to attend Genesee Valley Pioneer Festival HDD, tiy 3 , 1 8 5 2 , 2 - 5 HDD, 0 7, 1852, 2-6 MLH 1!LH EIISJOHTI!, DR. AZEL E3NVX3TH, DR. AZEL Awarded wooden medal for being Now 93 years o l d , addresses Pioneer Festival oldest pioneer at pioneers meeting; RDU, 0 9 , 1852, 2-5 Absence in Buffalo deferred official presentation t , 0 13, U-63, 2-6 IXH • AH0 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENSWORTH, DR. AZEL (BUFFALO) Won Wood Medal for being the oldest Pioneer at the annual meeting of the BKZV.'CRTHf OR. AZEL Rochester pioneer d i e s i n B u f f a l o P.DD, l'.y 8, 1854, 2-6 Pioneers of Genesee Valley IUXJ 0 13, 1853, 2-5 I^I::::LH CkV NSWORTH, AZEL SMS^QrlTH, *iZKL Organization meeting of "Rochester Died Blues" was held at his house on the HDU, Ity 8, 1854, 2-5 27th March l£l8 UA, Ap 19, 1870, 2-5 CB EMSUORTK, ssneffi x:ra:njA) ENS.VOHTH, GEORGE Harried Itfdia White (Grove) Died In New York RDD, S 3 , 1853, 3-4 UA, D 14, 1865, 3-9 CB ENSWORTH, HENRY B. ENSWORTH, WILLIAM Arrested for stealing jewelry from store Admitted to the bar of Andrew Breaky 0A, 8 7, 1858, 3-3 RDA FD:UC N 2 3 , 1852, 3 - 2 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENTERPRISE "CUNDHY COl'APANY ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY $ 2 , 5 0 0 damage b y f i r e , UA Ur 2 6 , 1 8 ^ 9 , (l") 2-* Annual flnanclp.1 report UA Ja 20, 1891, 5-5 JDP:JDP •Ml EMTERPRIZE FOUNDRY COMPANY Annual reports f i l e d UA, Ja 25, 1896, 8-3 ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY COUP ANY Annual reports filed UA. Ja 27, 1896, 6-1 JC:HR ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY COitfPANY ENTERTAINERS Filed financial report To be taxed "by Common Council UA RDD Ja 27, 1897, 3-5 D 16, 1852, 2-5 CG RZ ENTERTAINERS ENTERTAINERS Blondln, Mons., tight-rope walker will Dutton, Dollie, midget, will ap ear at Corinthian Hall come to Corinthian Hall UA, lir 17, 1860, 2-4 UA MHM/CIiV Mr 8, 1860, 2-4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENTERTAINERS Blondln,—, making arrangementa to Anderron, Prof , n*rlei-.n r.t walk the rope over Niagara River Corinthirn HP.11 for three ni hts UA Mr 22, 1860, 2-? VA k-> 17, 18-1, ?-l MHK:DS ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINBEKT Buokley'a Serenaders and Burleque Opera Troupe to perform in Rochester Concerts Calendar of concerts to take place. UA, S 11, 1862, 2-7 UA Kr 13, 1336, 3-5 AJCIRZ ENTERTAIK:.£NT ENTERTAINMENT Rice, Dan, will again perform in Rochester Martinet*i and Llarsetti Facilles to perform «t Metropolitan Theatre UA, S 19, 1862, 2-5 UA, Ja 18, 1864, 2-8 VR:ARO vr:r.~n ENTERTAINMENTS ENTERTAINMENTS The Yeddo Japanese Troupe showed at the Opera House last night. UA Jl 26f 1873 Barnums, P. T , Drawing Room Aggregation showed at the Corinthian Hall last night (1/5 col.) 2-5 UA, N 1, 1873, 2-4 WN:HR Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENTERTAINMENTS ENTERTAINMENTS Barnuna Drawing Room Aggregation review of the show oast UA, N 3, 1873, 2-4 Morgan's llntt Tableaux and Entertainment was p r e s e n t e d at Corinthian Hall l a s t n i g h t (6 M ) UA, N 1 1 , 1876, 2-4 WN.-FD ENTERTAINMENTS ENTERTAINMENTS Basset, Polly, show at Corinthian Hall last evening criticized as "mendacity.• (3") Shakespearian r e a d i n g s a t Concert Hail l a s t night favorably r e v i e w e d . (3" } UA UA, II 2 1 , 1877, 2 - 5 Ur 2 , 1878 2-2 CLlUB ENTERTAINMENT Coup*8 "equescurriculum" reviewed, (9") ENTEnTAINIIENT enthusiastically P a t r i z l o , E r n e s t , performs mind reading stunt with aid of wife (5 in.) UA, My 2 2 , 1 8 7 8 , 2-2 UA Je 11, 1678, 2-3 JD:MB GTZ:JI ENTERTAINMENTS ENTERTAINMENT Wren Troupe u n e n t h u s i a s t i c a l l y a t Corinthian Hall (2«) UA, Je 1 5 , 1 8 7 8 , 2 - 6 received Goodvin's F r o l i c s appeared a t C o r i n t h i a n H a l l f o r a one n i g h t engagement (3") UA, Ap h, 1 8 8 1 , VC:ARO ?-k Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENTERTAINMENT KNTERTA'lNi.iEiCT Defiance Tent O l l l e t t ' s World of Wheels nnd S p e o i a l t y Corcoany o r e s e n t e d e n t e r t a i n m e n t a t t h e Grand O p e r a H o u s e ^ UA, (V). PI, entertainment 1890, 6-6 0 ?Of lf,v;O t $.1; B?:SC J •>..!•' Jr' SNTERTAINUENTS Programme f o r weak o f Deo. 12 a t ttisee Theater ( 2 o o l . ) List of entertainment to be seen In Rochester theaters during *v9eic of Dec. 19, 1892; portraits (lcol) UA, 0 10, 1892, 4-6 UA, D 17, 1392, 18-3 EilTEHTAl.MiWT London G^i^ty G i r l s a t the Academy of l i u s l e ; r e v l e - e d (2") UA, D 20, 1892, 5-2 ENTERTAINMENT Li?t of progrnnnes at the theaters during iippek of Dec. J?6 (l^col. ) UA, D ?h, 189?, 20-3 ENTERTAINMENT List of a t t r a c t i o n s to be presented In Rochester theaters during week of Jan 2, 1893; portraits (2 c o l s . ) Odell and Page at the Musee theatre UA, D 31, 1892, 16-3 UA, JDPlHR JL:EQ Je 5, 1*9*, 9-3 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT List of entertainment for week ending June 16, 1«9^ (l*ool.) UA, 10-1 Je 9. UA, Je Cinematograph h e l d o v e r f o r a n o t h e r week w i t h nev s c e n e s i n c l u d e d a t t h e Wonderland theatre (6n) JDPrEQ, 7-2 Baldwins s t i l l entertaining populace at the Lyceum (£ col,) UA, AP 7, 1^96, 9-1 VSC:TL ENTERTAINMENT SBTZBTAU&EHT Elephant show and s p e c i a l t y a c t s given at Lyceum (2") My 19, 1696, Morris, Harry; Twentieth Century Maids gare performance; described as lewd and Indecent. 9-2 UA liy 2b. 189b. 9-1 JlfcJDP Jlf:HS ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT Henry, Ki, h i s colossal minstrels to appear at the Cook's Opera House; por trait (3 - ) ALlTL 1894, igo.lt, UA, N UA, 12, ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT UA, Ifcisee Theatre offers a variety of entertainment starring the Bowden Bros, and the Graces. (2") 8 26, 1896, 13-4 The Sisters Leigh to appear at the Wonderland; portrait (3") UA, 8 26, 1896, 13-5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENTERTAINMENT "Hi HenryU Minstrels11 at the Cook's Opera House; reviewed (3£M) UA, 0 2, 1896, 10-3 ENTEKTAIWLIEHT " T r a n s - Oceanic S t p r S n e c i a l t y C o . " t o a p p e a r a t Cooks; reviewed (^ c o l . ) UA, 0 10, 1896, 13-3 AL:MC ENTERTAINS NT ENTERTAINMENT Isham, John W,, h i s Octoroons t o appear a t Academy o f Music; reviewed (6") J a c k , Sam. T«, h i s new C r e o l e company a p p e a r a t t h e academy; r e v i e w e d ( 4 " ) UA, 0 2 7 , 1896, 1 3 - 1 UA, JA 0 31, 1896, 18-5 F T : MC ^!ai^ ENTERTAINMENTS ENT£RTAI!!2.;EMT The Cinematograph at the Wonderland Theatre; reviewed (8") "Cinematograrih" t o reins In f o r a n o t h e r 'veek a t t h e Wonderland Theatre; Dortrait of Jessie U UA, N 5, 1896, 9-4 (7") UA, N 7, ig96f 17-5 JP:FD ENTERTAINMENTS •Big Sensation Double Show at Academy of Music; reviewed (5") The Cinematograph at the Wonderland (5 i n . ) UA, N 1 0 , 1 8 9 6 , 9 - 1 UA, M 10, JDP:JI 1896, 9-1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Indexes ENTERTAIMUENT ENTERTAINMENT flying Jordan* to appear at Cook*8 Opera House; de script ion of Joaie Jordan; illustration 2 col. cut (6N) Cleveland's Minstrels to appear at Cook's Cpera House (5H) UA, N 28, 1896, 13-4 UA, II 24, 1Q96, 10-4 JDP:TL JDP:JA EKTERTAINLXNT ENTERTAIKiCENT •Ward and Yokes" to" appear a t Cook's Opera House (6M) "Hermann t h e G r e ^ t " t o a p p e a r a t t h e Lyceum; p o r t r a i t (3 M ) UA, UA, D 12, 1896, 17-5 D 1 2 , 1896, 1 7 - 5 JBP2JA --PUA ENTERTAINUEHTS Adgie does a "lady and lions" act at the Wonderland Theatre (6") ENTERTAINMENTS See Concerts UA, D 2 2 , 1896 9 10-3 gp:FD •Hi ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENTS See Whltlock's Minstrels Lee f P r o f e s s o r S y l v i a n , a H y p n o t i sMt appeared a t Cook's Opera House ( 3 | UA, N?:<JUG JU.'AA My 1 9 , 1896, 9-2