MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY FACULTY of MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SECTION of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GROUP of MARINE ELECTRO-AUTOMATION PROGRAMME of STUDIES Faculty of Marine Electrical Engineering B.Sc. Programme Section: Electrical Engineering Group: Marine Electro-Automation Unit responsible 1 Sports Department 2 Mathematics Department, Navigation Faculty 3 Physics Department, Marine Engineering Faculty Marine Electrical Power Engineering Department, Marine Electrical Engineering 4 Faculty 5 Foreign Language Department 6 Ship Automation Department, Marine Electrical Engineering Faculty 7 Management Department, Entrepreneurship and Commodity Science Faculty 8 Engineering Sciences Department, Marine Engineering Faculty 9 Marine Telecomunications Department, Marine Electrical Engineering Faculty 10 Chemistry Department, Entrepreneurship and Commodity Science Faculty 11 Marine Propulsion Plant, Marine Engineering Faculty 12 Department of Marine Maintenance, Marine Engineering Faculty L – Lecture, T – Tutorial, Lab – Laboratory, P – Project Fall semester (I) No. Item. Course title/description 1 3. History of electrical engineering Description: The beginnings of electricity - from antiquity. Andre-Marie Ampere. XIX century a period of the great achievements. The beginnings of modern electronics telecommunications and computers. Effect of electrics on the social processes. Great personalities of the polish electrics . 5. Intellectual property and labour law Description: Sources of intellectual property law. Objects of copyright. Protection of copyright and related rights. Agreements (licenses, assignments, copyright). Basic issues in the field of inventions and patents, trade marks. Principles of labour law. Legal features of employment relationship. Ordinal and material responsibility. Working time. Leave. Settlement of labor disputes. 6. Mathematics Description: Elements of algebra. Analytic geometry in space. Differential calculus of functions with one variable. Integral calculus of functions of real variable. 7. Physics Description: Kinematic and dynamic quantities. Periodic motion. Wave motion. Introduction to the force-fields. Deriving the spatial distributions of the fields. Motion in a 2 3 4 No. of hrs. ECTS Unit in points resp. semester 15L 2 6 15L 2 7 30 L 45 T 3 3 2 30 L 30 T 3 2 3 1 MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY 5 6 7 8 9 force-field. Twilight of classical physics. Basis of the quantum physics. Fundamentals of condensed matter physics. Basis of the nucleus-physics. The universality of radiation - the risks to humans and wildlife 8. Basics of Computer Science Description: Organization and principles of computer operation. Operating system. Computer Networks. Utility software. ANSI C syntax, a function call, errors and warning. Variables. Instructions for I / O, type conversion, operators arithmetic. Control statements. Logical operators, Arrays - initialize the array. Strings - string operations, functions. Complex types - structure. 9. Material Science* Description: Conductivity, dielectric constant, magnetic permeability. Classification of elecrtrical materials. Conducting materials. Conductivity of metals. Semiconducting materials. Semiconductors. Dielectric materials. Dielectric materials polarization. Dielectric constant. Dielectric strength. Durability of dielectric materials. Combustibility. Classification and applications of dielecrtric materials. Magnetic materials. Diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic. 10. Basics of Technical Drawing Descriptions: Descriptive geometry objectives. Space objects. Terms of a projection and a projection method. Monge‘s system a graphic representation of geometric elements in orthographicprojections. Adherence of elements; mutual contact. Normalization in of engineering graphic. Applied symbolic representations. Fundamental principles of dimensioning. Management of technical documents. 12. Fundamental of Circuit Theory* Descriptions: Electrical principles, D.C circuit theory. Linear circuit elements, series circuits, parallel networks, potential divider, current divider. Calculation of D.C circuit quantities with the help of circuit laws and theorems. Nonlinear circuit elements. Alternating voltage and currents, waveforms, the equation of a sinusoidal waveform, combination of waveforms, single phase a.c circuits. Revision of complex numbers, application of complex numbers to A.C networks. 46. Ergonomics and HSE aboard a ship Description: Ergonomics - basic concepts, the factor of stress in the workplace, risk assessment and means of dialogue in human-system technical object. Safety with electric network and equipment, first aid. Chemical agents. Microwaves. Safety zones The basic laws of classification societies for the safety and the organization of work on electrical equipment aboard ships. 30 L 4 6 15L 2 4 15L 2 8 30 L 45 T 6 4 2 4 15 L 2 MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Summer semester (II) 1. Sports Description: Heart rate measurement, rest and stress HR and BP results. Volleyball. Basketball. Football. Floorball. Gymnastics. Short distance race. Forces affecting swimmer‘s body moving in the water. Backstroke and breaststroke swimming. Dives from the starting post to the water. 2. English* Description: Repetition of English grammar basis. Communication in everyday life situations. Basis of English phonetics. Basic engineering classification. Electric vocabulary. IT: computer, word processor, folder creation, internet – vocabulary. Co-ordination of computer systems. 6. Mathematics Description: Differential calculus of functions of several variables. Integral calculus of functions with several variables. Differential equations. Number and function series. Vector and scalar fields. 7. Physics Description: Determination e.g.: the density of liquids and solids, the intensity of gravity, moment of inertia, damping coefficient, heat capacity, heat of fusion and condensation resistance, and capacitance load. Verification of e.g.: Lambert‘s law, the lens-equation, depending on the period of the simple-pendulum on its length, depending on the period of torsion-pendulum on the moment of inertia, the second principle of dynamics in a rotating motion, damped oscillation amplitude as a dependence on time. 8. Basics of Computer Science Description: ANSI C Basic language constructs. Conditional statements – If, switch. Iterative instructions – for, while, do while. Rules for passing parameters. Complex types - arrays, structures. 9. Material Science* Description: Measurement of magnetic losses and their components in magnetic materials. Measurements of dielectric constant and tg. Measurements of dielectric strength. Measurements of volume and surface resistivity of dielectric materials. 11. Numerical Methods Description: Number Systems. Interpolation and approximation, orthogonal series, an introduction to wavelet. Basic numerical methods for: solving linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, solving differential equations, searching the extreme, and other selected methods. 12. Fundamental of Circuit Theory* Description: Three phases circuits. Non sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms, harmonic analyses, Dirichlet‘s conditions, Fourier series, Pearseval‘s theorem, The transient in D.C and A.C circuits, Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transforms, a solution of differential equations (operational method). Transmission lines, basic phenomena and quantities, phase delay, wavelength, velocity of propagation, current and voltage relationships 30 T 0 1 2 5 30 L 30 T 2 2 2 30 Lab 2 3 30 Lab 2 6 15Lab 1 4 15L 15P 2 6 30 L 45 Lab 5 4 30T 3 MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 14. Metrology* Description: Definitions of basic metrological notions, the analysis of the error and uncertainty measurement, measurement methods, electromechanical converters, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion, analog and digital measurements of electrical and non-electrical quantities, transmission and recording of measurement signals, computer-aided measurement systems. 16. Electronics and Power Electronics* Description: Semiconductor and optoelectronic components. Diagnostics. Amplifiers. Stabilizers. Generators. Converters. 21. Fundamentals of Control Engineering* Description: Rules of control engineering. Mathematical description of linear dynamic systems. Description methods of elements and control systems. Basic elements of control systems and their properties. Characteristics of typical static and astatic control objects. Identification of properties of the static and dynamic control objects. Structural diagrams. Requirements to control systems. Continuous PID controllers. Synthesis of control system with state object control feedback 24. Digital Circuits Theory and Technology* Description: Numeration systems and codes. Theory of digital circuits. Basic digital circuits. Digital signals and gates, logical symbols. Analysis and synthesis of combinational circuits and sequential circuits. Realization of combinational and sequential circuits. Functional blocks of the average scale of integration. Synthesis of atypical synchronous and asynchronous circuits. Fall semester (III) 1. Sports Description: Crawl stroke swimming, exercises in teaching the body positioning, arms‘ and legs‘ work - on the land, in the water, in place, with the board, and unaided when laying on the water. exercises improving coordination of arms and legs movements and breathing in the crawl stroke. Exercises in teaching return in the crawl stroke - swimming on, turn, rebound, full form. 2. English* Description: Grammar review: to be, to have, there is, numbers, pronouns, adjectives, possesives, nouns, plural, using different tenses. Communicating in simple every day situations. English phonetics basics. Fundamentals of engineering classification. Electrics and Electronics - basic vocabulary. Electronic diagrams: Joining information from the diagrams and the texts, electric symbols. Basics of mathematics (matrix, integrals, differential calculus etc.). 6. Mathematics Description: Laplace transform. Fourier transform. Elements of probability theory. Elements of statistics. 12. Fundamental of Circuit Theory* Description: Introduction to the Mathcad. Multi-loop DC Circuit (star-delta conversion). The principle of superposition and reciprocity. Thevenin ‘s theorem , the characteristic of a nonlinear element. The parameters of equivalent coil circuit with and without iron core. Reactive 30 L 3 4 30 L 3 6 30 L 3 6 30 L 15 T 3 6 15 T 1 45 T 2 5 30 T 2 2 30 Lab 2 4 4 MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 power compensation. Voltage and current resonance and ferroresonance. Three-phase systems. The mean and RMS values. Harmonic analysis of analytic and nonanalytic periodical functions 13. Electromagnetic Field Theory* Description: Basic formulas and theorems of the vector analysis. Coulomb‘s law, and the definition of the values of the electric field for point charges. Electrical and magnetic phenomena. Theory of Magnetic circuits. Mutual coils. Method for determining characteristic quantities of electric and magnetic field. Gauss law and Ampere‘s law for the simple symmetric cases. BiotSavart law. Maxwell‘s equations. 14. Metrology* Description: Calibration and expanding ranges of instruments. Measurements of large resistance and insulation resistance and bridge impedance measurements. Testing of the electromechanical instruments. Rectifier voltmeters. Analog and digital time and frequency measurements. Electronic oscilloscope. Power measurements in single-phase and three phase system. Wheatstone, Thomson and impedance bridges. 15. Electrical Machines* Description: Introduction to electric machines theory; basic principles and concepts, design elements, construction materials, definitions and classification. DC and AC machines; structure, principle of operation, basic characteristics, exploitation properties. Transformers; structure, basis of operation, 3-phase transformers, exploitation properties. 16. Electronics and Power Electronics* Description: Working conditions of power components. Thyristors. Triacs. Power transistors. Power converters. Rectifiers. Safety arrangements of thyristor and transistorsystems. Active and passive power. 18. Microprocessor Control Systems Description: Microprocessor‘s arithmetic. Microprocessor information coding. Architecture of microprocessor system. Microcontroller core architecture, memory map, instruction set. Assembler language. Adressing modes. On-chip peripherials: I/O port, timer/conter, serial communication interfaces, AD and DA converters, watchdog. EEPORM and FLASH memory of the microcontroller. ISP/IAP programming modes. Microcontroller programming languages. 21. Fundamentals of Control Engineering* Description: Dynamic correction of control systems. Composite control systems. Digital control systems. Nonlinear control systems. Extremal regulation. Optimal control. Adaptive control. Game control. 22. Machatronics Description: Force definition. Principles of statics. Planar concurrent force system, space concurrent force system, geometric and analytic conditions of static equilibrium, equilibrium equation. Pair of forces, momentum. Sliding and rolling frictions, frictions of flexible connectors. Friction in rolling bearings of electric motors Permissible stress. Deformation and stress stages. Strength of materials. Static tensile test. 23. High Voltage* 15 L 15 P 2 4 30 Lab 2 4 45 L 3 4 30 L 4 6 30 L 2 6 30 L 2 6 15 L 15 Lab 2 8 30 L 2 4 5 MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY Description: Technic and Engineering. Ionization and deionization processes. Nature and forming of electric stresses, insulation configurations. Break-down strength of gases, solid and liquid dielectrics, discharge development, partial discharges. Exploitation insulation systems. Inner and outer over voltage characteristic, atmospheric discharges, overvoltage and lighting protection. 33 24. Digital Circuits Theory and Technology* Description: Synthesis of combinational circuits, characteristics of digital circuits. Arithmetical blocks. Bistable flip-flops. Synthesis of sequential circuits. Counters and registers of integrate scale. Circuits of time dependences. Circuits of steering a stepper motor, an anchor lift. Steering the crane model with programmable circuits CPLD or FPGA. Computer simulation of advanced digital circuits. 34 26. Programmable Logic Controllers* Description: PLC construction, Hardware, PC-PLC Communication, Editors. Memory organization: memory areas, Data types, addressing. Bit and Byte Access., Programming: logic functions, edge detection, bit memory, flip-flops, timers, counters, wave generators, Program structure: Functions, Function Blocks, Data blocks. Interrupts, Examples: pump control, direction detection, industrial sequence control systems 35 36 37 38 39 Summer semester (IV) 1. Sports Description: Exercises improving coordination of arms and legs movements and breathing in the backstroke, breaststroke and crawl stroke. Teaching the butterfly stroke swimming. 2. English* Description: Developing abilities of using constructions in passive voice in writing on the basis of computer grammatical exercises and authentic handling instructions and in speech on the basis of conversational exercises. Electrotechnology – electric engine, construction and description of functions, ways of connecting: screwing, soldering ,tying wiring, adhesing, gluing, riveting. Automatic systems and transducers. Kinds of alarm systems and their functioning. 14. Metrology * Description: Temperature sensors, differential photodetector, analog and programmable transducers, converters, 4-20mA standard, HART transmitters, measurement channels and their application for selected non-electrical quantities measurements, diagnostics of the measurement channels. 15. Electrical Machines* Description: Electrical machines tests and exercises. DC generator and motor. Single and 3-phases transformer. Squirrel-cage, slip-ring and multiple-speed motor. Synchronous machine properties, cooperation generatorpower system testing, V curve measuring. Selsyns, single-phase and step motors. 16. Electronics and Power Electronics* Description: Laboratory exercises – thyristors; working conditions of power components; triacs; power 30 Lab 30 L 30 Lab 2 6 3 6 15 T 1 45 Lab 2 5 30 Lab 2 4 30 Lab 2 4 30 Lab 2 6 6 MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 transistors; power converters; rectifiers; safety arrangements of thyristor and transistor systems, active and passive power. 17. Electrical Power Generation and Distribution Description: Basic Electric Power Systems. Electrical Distribution Systems. Energy sources. Generators parallel operation. Synchronization. Chapter electrical active and reactive power. Voltage regulators. 18. Microprocessor Control Systems Description: Microcontrollers programming in C language. Typical components of the microprocessor system. Data buses: RS 232, RS 422, RS 485, I2C, CAN, USB. 16 and 32-bit microcontrollers. Evaluation microprocessor system. Compiling and linking of programs in C. Microcontroller ports. Self-realization of complex program using the previously known components. 19. Electrical Apparatus* Description: Environment. Electrical equipment technical characteristics. Safe use consideration. Electrical connectors. Contacts. The electric arc. Electrical protection. Electrical Switchgears. Installation equipment. Cables. 20. Electric Drive Description: Equations of motion. Energy storing. Machinery characteristics – parameters, schemes, equations, power distribution, starting, braking, control. Transient state of electric machine. 21. Fundamentals of Control Engineering* Description: Electric, mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic elements and devices control systems. Pneumatic continuous PID controllers. Pneumatic and hydraulic executive devices. The dynamic properties investigations of the control object. The identification of the control object. Manual tuning of the continuous PID controller. The control system synthesis with the method state variable with poles positioning of closed-loop system. 23. High Voltage* Description: Insulation systems and materials tests and exercises. Electrical static strenght test of air. Low and high pressure air electrical strenght test. Electrical impulse strenght test of air. 25. Power System Control & Automation Description: Development of ship board automation, degree of automation in engine room, essential safety for unattended machinery spaces, centralized control station, control console, layout, controls, alarms, visual displays, data loggers. Bridge control of main machinery, instrumentation for UMS classification. Main Engine and Ancillary Subsystems, Ship Electrical Power Plant. 26. Programmable Logic Controllers* Description: Combinational logic, sequential logic. Digital control systems. Sequential control, Moore and Mealy machine, process controlled and time controlled systems. Description of control systems: states, system variable, transitions, output functions. Control system synthesis. Programming of drive control, system testing by DC motors and 3-phase drives. 34. Control System's Devices 30 L 15 Lab 1 1 4 15 L 30 Lab 4 6 30 L 30 Lab 2 4 30 L 2 4 15 L 30 Lab 2 6 15 Lab 1 4 30 L 2 6 1 4 2 6 15 P 15 L 7 MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Description: Control System's Components: actuators, control elements, control adjustment, power amplifiers, comparision devices. Basis of pneumatic control - basic principles, controllers, pneumatic actuator. Valve control. Autonomous digital PID and Fuzzy Logic Controllers and PID controllers included in PLC structure - principles, structure, maintenance, parameters adjustment. Elements of remote control based on PLC, modems, HMI and SCADA equipment. 39. Marine Electric Equipment Maintenance* Description: Environment. Technical electric drawings reading and using. 43. Marine Main and Auxiliary Machinery* Description: Ship‘s drag, ships propellers, propulsion systems. Ship‘s movement power demand, electrical and heat energy demand. Efficiency of a mechanism and mechanical systems. Construction of marine main and auxiliary engines. Heat balance of engine. Heat utilisation. General efficiency of power plant. Cooperation of engine-hull-propeller. Propulsion characteristics. Auxiliary boilers. Pumps types. Compressors. Filters and centrifuges. Fall semester (V) 2. English* Description: SMCP- standard phrases in marine communication on the basis of IMO materials: international marine alphabet, communication in emergency ( fire, explosion, evacuation). Data of the ship: dimensions of the hull, tonnage, loadlines, marine properties of the ship, planning of the ship, crew. Dangerous materials. Conversational exercises preparing for the interview on the basis of Marlins’ tests. 20. Electric Drive Description: Drive system with DC and AC machine. DC and AC motor automatic control systems. Marine and industrial applications. 25. Power System Control & Automation Description: Visualization of ship power system. SCADA Systems, PLC programming. Simple computation, data processing computers, wired type & stores programmed type computers, computer control (AI, AO, DI, DO). Application of computers on merchant ships for performance monitoring & maintenance data. 27. HMI Engineering Description: HMI destination and application. HMI communication basics: HMI-PC, HMI-PLC. Editing and presentation of PLC variables on HMI. Lamps, Numeric and Message Displays. Switches, keypads. Screens, graphics, functional switches. Alarm windows, animation, scripts. Examples: interfaces for wave generator, drive control. Synthesis of an control system with PLC, touch panel and AC or DC drive. 31. Ship Electrical Drives Control Systems* Description: Equations of motion. Energy storing. Machinery characteristics – parameters, schemes, equations, power distribution, starting, braking, control. Marine and industrial applications. Ship diesel-electric propulsion systems. 15 Lab 15 P 1 4 30L 2 12 45 Lab 1 5 45 Lab 2 15 Lab 6 1 6 15L 15P 2 6 15 L 1 6 8 MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 32. Ship Electrical Power Generation and Distribution* Description: Marine electrical power plants. Shaft generators. Synchronization and work in parallel of ship’s generators. Ship voltage regulators. Protection of ship generators. Emergency power plants. Systems of electrical energy transmission and distribution on ships. Functions and structure of ship switchboards. Ship cables. Power management systems on ships. Main electric propulsion. 35. Marine Power System - Control & Automation* Description: Automation of Ship Electrical Power Plant and Auxiliary systems. Diesel generators. Shaft generator. Turbo generator. Shore supply. Emergency generator. Main switchboard. Emergency switchboard. Consumers. Feeders. Earth Monitoring etc. 36. Ship Deck Equipment* Description: Hydraulic systems fundamentals. Deck cranes. Windlass and mooring machinery. Boat davit. Cargo handling systems in tankers. Hatch covers. Ship stern, side and bow gates. 37. Electronavigational Equipment* Description: GPS, DGPS, EGNOS -theory, errors, gyrocompasses – theory, structure, deviations, logs – theory, structure echosounders – structure, range, integrated bridge systems, azipods - structure, applications, exemplary marine devices of all equipments 38. Marine Communication Equipment* Description: Radionavigation, communications and technical systems. GMDSS. Emergency. Antennas. Radio and telephone communications on ship. Automatic telephone operator. EPIRB. Transceiver. Satellite communications terminals. Signals. 39. Marine Electric Equipment Maintenance* Description: Specifics of the operation and diagnostics. Conduct operational and diagnostic methodology. Standard power cable dimensions. Marine installation equipment. Cable installation technology. Mounting electric equipment and devices. Maintenance and diagnostics. DC machine diagnostics. Asynchronous and synchronous machine diagnostics. Electrical machines repair. 40. Ship's Monitoring Systems and Instrumentation* Description: Types of engine room and deck monitoring systems. Measurement and executive line used in monitoring and control systems. Sensors. Transducers analog and programmable (HART). Diagnostic, repairing, calibration, commissioning of measuring temperature, pressure, level etc. Electronic ship's fire monitoring systems. 42. Ship Structure Fundamendals* Description: General information of seagoing vessels. Law acts. Class societies. Ship main dimensions. Stability and buoyancy. Hull structure. Construction materials. Strength of materials. Structure joints. On board equipment and installations. 43. Marine Main and Auxiliary Machinery* Description: Heat exchangers. Steering gears. Energy on board a ship. Engine fresh water and seawater cooling systems. Lubricating oil systems. Fuel system. Pressure 15L 30Lab 2 4 30 L 2 6 30L 3 6 30L 15Lab 3 6 15L 15Lab 2 9 15L 30Lab 3 4 15L 15Lab 2 4 15L 1 6 30L 30Lab 3 12 9 MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY 65 66 air system. Steam system. Bilge water, ballast water and sewerage. Ship`s propulsion plants. Ship`s power plant maintenance and operation. Main engine, fuel centrifuges supervising. Ship`s power plant simulator. 45. Machanical Wokshop Training Description: Industry safety rules on the workstand. Machine tools. Turning of external surfaces. The machining of the aperture on a turning lathe. Boring with augers. Measurement of thread. Measuring deviation of shape. 47. Enviroment Protection* Description: Basic definitions. Water circulation in the environment. Polution influence on organism. Atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere pollution. Protection of sea ecosystems. Oil pollution prevention. Sewage pollution prevention. Waste pollution prevention. Combating of chemical spills at the sea. 15L 1 12 15L 1 10 6 months 30 30L 2 7 15 L 15 P 1 1 4 4 30 T 4 4 15L 15 Lab 2 4 30 Lab 1 6 Summer semester (VI) 67 48. Seagoing training 68 69 70 71 72 Fall semester (VII) 4. Economics and Managment* Description: Elementary concepts of economics. Main directions of economic development. Market economy. Consumer and behavior theory. Economic accounts and cost & revenue accounts. Policy and fiscal system. Foreign trade and international cooperation. Management of organisation. 28. Computer Area Network* Description: Origins of computer networks. Organization of the ISO OSI reference model. The signals in the network and transmission media. Network topologies. Hardware resources and organization of the network. The basic properties of selected local networks. IEEE 802 Standards. Ethernet, types, media, methods of access to the communication channel. Upper layer protocols, TCP / IP stack. Network operating systems and utilities. Network administration. Safety. 29. Seminar Description: Bachelor’s thesis as the final stage of the first-degree higher education. Types of theses and their specificity: theoretical, experimental, design. The structure and stages of Bachelor thesis. Methods of research, forms of the work. Presentation, firstly the partial results of the diploma work and secondly, of the thesis pursued. E-33. Explosion Protection Engineering Description: Nature of flammable materials. Gas, dust grouping. Temperature codes. Hazardous area (gas, dust). Types of explosion-proof protection for electrical equipment, particularly: Ex d, Ex e, Ex p, Ex i. Combined (hybrid) methods of protection. Wiring systems. Maintenance of electrical equipment in hazardous area. IECEX versus ATEX and North America approach. Ex certificates. 35. Marine Power System - Control & Automation* Description: Automation of Marine Diesel Engines (Temperature control of lubricating oil, jacket water 10 MARINE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY cooling, fuel valve cooling water, piston cooling water & scavenge air, fuel oil viscosity control), Automation of Electrical Power Plant. 73 41. Power Conditioning Systems 15L Description: Overview of the conditioning, methods and 15Lab systems. Introduction to theory of instantaneous power. Series and shunt compensators. DVR systems. Passive, active and hybrid systems. Reserve and uninterruptible power supply systems - classification, structure and the functional possibilities. Energy storage systems. 74 44. Marine Refrigeration Systems* 15 L Description: Ship refrigeration systems. Compressors 15Lab and heat exchangers. Air conditioning. Refrigerated containers. Automatic refrigeration control. Diagnostics. Testing refrigeration installation. Adjusting efficiency of refrigeration compressor. Adjusting thermostatic valve parameters. Testing evaporator under variable load. st End of 1 Stage of Marine Electro-Automation 2 6 2 11 * Subject fulfils STCW requirements for ETO officers 11-2013 11