Simi Settlers’ Amateur Radio Club Short Circuit March 2011 Inside this Issue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Static & Sparks March Program Static & Sparks continued N6R Special Event Results Nets of Interest Club Project Update ACS Corner Coyote Two Moon Pizza Night! February General Meeting Minutes Events Simi Settlers’ Leadership Letter From the Editor Simi Settlers’ Amateur Radio Club P.O. Box 2125 Simi Valley, CA 93063-2125 Simi Settlers ARC Yahoo Group March 2011 Program Static tatic & Sparks General Meeting By President, Rick Galbraith W6DQE March 10th Program K4M Midway Atoll 2009 DXpedition Video Thousands of people once worked on Midway, but today only a handful of dedicated staff and volunteers remain. Their ongoing mission is to bring the atoll back to its natural state and maintain a precious national monument. Working closely with Midway's new caretakers and mindful of the sensitive environmental issues, this DXpedition demonstrated how Amateur Radio is now a welcome activity inside one of America’s most protected wildlife reserves. Included will be comments and pictures from Joe Partlow W6JWP who was stationed stationed, and was first licensed as a Novice, on Midway during the 1970's. Location: Simi Senior Center 3900 Avenida Simi Simi Valley CA Hello Simi Settlers, I am always amazed how fast time flies and even more how there never is enough time in the day for all those projects on my long list. But a member that always seems to make time for our club is Jim Hutchinson KI6MZ. With his h continued efforts in fine tuning our upcoming club building project of the Field Strength Meter, he certainly put on another great presentation last meeting with the testing and comparison of the much talked about HT rubber duck antenna. Showing us that this Field Strength Meter is a must have for the ham radio operator. At our last board meeting Jim talked about presenting this project to our neighboring clubs of CVARC and VCARS. So as of now it looks like we will start building these units in early summer. Continued on page 2... 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2011 Simi Settlers’ Short Circuit Continued from page 1... On the operating front we have been invited again by Richard Johnson N6HJD to participate in the Strathearn Park Simi Valley History Day on June 18th. We will be operating as a special event station using the Club call sign W6SVS which our member Mike Tweedy KV6I is the trustee of the clubs call sign. Frank Valdez KI6OQ is already talking about putting up a 20 meter beam and a long wire for 40 meters hooked to the top of the wind mill in the center yard of Strathearn Park. This will be a good warm up for us as it is the weekend before ARRL Field Day. So we all will have some great opportunities coming up in the month of June. Speaking of special events it was a great honor to be a part of President Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday celebration using the call sign "N6R". Al Febraro W6AAX contacted VCARS regarding the special event, and I am certainly glad he did get the Simi Settlers involved. So Al W6AAX, Frank KI6OQ, Ray KI6LKD and myself all had the privilege of being a part of the great event. Again thank you to VCARS and Peter Heins N6ZE for inviting us to be a part of N6R's centennial celebration. Hope to see or hear all of you at our next meeting, pizza night or on the radio. 73, Rick W6DQE SSARC President N6R Special Event Results Special Events Station"N6R" operated to Celebrate the 100th Birthday of the 40th President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan on Sunday, February 6th, 2011 During three days of activity, 2067 2-way ham radio contacts were achieved with Special Event aficionados & President Ronald Reagan followers. Modes used were SSB, FM, CW, & PSK-data on Amateur Radio Frequencies from 3.5 MHz through 446MHz. 14MHz SSB alone, yielded 1631 QSOs. All 50 U.S. states & all Canadian Provinces were contacted. In addition "N6R" established contact with the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Martinique, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guam, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Peoples Republic of China, & The Russian Federation. "N6R" operations were presented by the Ventura Co. Amateur Radio Society (VCARS) and assisted by members of Simi Settlers Amateur Radio Club (SSARC) as well as other local amateur radio operators. Primary Operators were: W6AAX (SSARC); W6DQE, SSARC Pres.; KE6IMP(VCARS); WB6L (VCARS); KI6LKD, (VCARS/SSARC); KI6OQ (SSARC); KK6UE(VCARS Pres.); KI6YN (VCARS); N6ZE (VCARS Public Information Officer) Administrative assistance by Paul Lunnquist, NS6V. A special "Thank You" to KG6CLT, KI6DJV, WD9DPK, KC6JSO, & KJ6RZ for facility assistance provided on Sunday, 06FEB2011. See N6R on QRZ.COM for complete results: 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2011 Simi Settlers’ Short Circuit Nets of Interest Simi Settlers Sunday Evening Net 147.180 +600 pl186.2 Sundays at 8:30 pm 7.030 MHz CW-QRP Saturday mornings at 9am 3.908 MHz LSB Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday nights at 8pm Condor Connection Monday nights at 7pm (Plays Newsline) 223.940 -1.6 MHz 156.7 Thousand Oaks 224.720 -1.6 MHz 156.7 Frazier Mountain Club Project Update Jim Hutchinson KI6MZ demonstrated his progress on the Field Strength meter being developed as a club project. As part of his demonstration several HT's and antennas were tested with the following results: WI6O: Kenwood th-79 with old rubber duck 16.0db, Pryme long wire 13.3db KJ6HDD: Wouxun with bnc Diamond 13.3db, bnc Slim 10.5db, stock 16.0db, bnc kenwood skinny 13.1db, VX-1 14.7db, VX-3 14.0db; Kenwood f-6 bnc 16.0db, bnc slim 14.5db, sma 36.3db KE6WEZ: VX-8 Stock 23.3db, triband Diamond 16.9db, Pryme-bnc 11.7db; Wouxun with stock 19.1db, Pryme-bnc 11.7db W6AAX: Kenwood f-6 with Diamond dualband 15.9db, Jetstream 17.2db, Diamond triband 14.0db KI6OQ: Kenwood f-6 with Diamond 22.0db, Pryme 18.7db 20 Db 10 Db 6 Db 3 Db 2 Db 1 Db 0.5 Db 0.1 Db 100.0:1 10.0:1 4.0:1 2.0:1 1.6:1 1.26:1 1.12:1 1.02:1 example: If the difference in DB of two antennas is 3 DB, then the power ratio 2.0:1 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2011 Simi Settlers’ Short Circuit ACS Corner Bandit Trail Run Follow up The 3rd Annual Bandit endurance trail run was held on 20 Feb 11 and a group of Ham Radio Operators provided communications support for the event. The race consisted of 50K, 30K, and 15K runs with the runners going to one or more of the aid stations that had radio support. The Ham radio operators assisted in tracking the runners and providing other voice communications as needed. Runner information was mostly passed to Start using packet radio (digital communications) by sending Runner Tracking Reports. These reports were sent to the "SIMEOC" tnc mailbox in the Ham Radio Room at the Simi Valley Police Department. The reports were retrieved by "Start" and placed in a spreadsheet to track the runners. We had radio support at five different stations: Station 1: Was the Start/Finish at Corriganville Park and was manned by Mike Watts - KJ6HDD, Joe Partlow - W6JWP, and Steve King - KE6WEZ. Station 2: Was located at the intersection of the Corriganville and Rocky Peak Fire Road trails and was manned by Brian Fawcett - KG6WHO and Peter Grace - AI6PG, who hiked in from Station 5. They gave Start a "heads up" as the runners started the final decent back to Corriganville Park and the Finish line. Station 1 Station 3: Sal, SAR and Race Volunteer - Picture by Greg W6GRG Station 3: Was located at the intersection of Chumash Trail and Rocky Peak Fire Road and was manned by Joel Wadman - KF6TZN, Greg Riegert - W6GRG, and Salvador Rivera - KJ6AHV. This was an especially "hectic" location with them seeing runners up to three times and from three directions. Station 4: Was located at Evening Sky Drive and the Los Llama Trail head and was manned by Rick Tate - KQ6NO, Rick Slater - AG6AY, Stewart Stone - KG6BOV, and Yoshio. They saw the 30K runners once and the 50K runners twice. Station 5: Was located at the 118 freeway and the Rocky Peak Fire Road trail head and was manned by Brian Fawcett - KG6WHO and Peter Grace - AI6PG. They helped track the 50K runners who had to tack this short loop to make the full 50K. All the Ham operators said they enjoyed the event, were glad to be able to practice and use their equipment in a "real world" type of situation and were willing to do it all again next year. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2011 Simi Settlers’ Short Circuit 4th Coyote Two Moon March 18 - 20 From Dan Dicke Electric th This will be our 14 year supporting these crazies. First ten years were the Coyote Four Play supporting four events. The last 3 years have been one venue in the Ojai mountains. Here it is the first invite to C2M 2011! I can always use more people that would like to learn the use of packet and good training in an always changing environment. Here is the website: This event is a multilevel event. The event has a 100 mile run, a 100 K run, and then the runners have options to run what their body feels like that day. The event lasts 40+ hours. Propagation can and does change many times throughout the event keeping us on our toes which is a great learning experience for all to keep the communication lines open. The mountain top locations can get extremely cold…in the teens with wind chill dropping it from there. Some of the locations have snow. Packing is the layered look due to the temp changes from the day time in the 40’s to night time in the teens. Equipment is crucial with duplicate and triplicate sets of radios, antennas, coaxes, power supplies, batteries, and generators. There is usually around 130 – 160 runners to track. The mountain top locations I try to have at least three operators so that they can sleep in shifts. The “Solid Ground” (Drive in) locations have two operators. Dan And don't forget the ACS Net (ARES/RACES) every Tuesday beginning at 7:05 pm on our local repeater 147.930 – pl 127.3, and then continuing at 7:30 pm on the county repeater at 146.880– pl 127.3. Pizza Night! March 3rd 6pm Toppers Pizza 2408 Erringer Road. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2011 Simi Settlers’ Short Circuit Simi Settlers Amateur Radio Club General Membership Meeting, February 10, 2011 Call to Order: President Rick Galbraith, W6DQE, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Rick welcomed everyone to the meeting held at the Simi Valley Senior Center. The recitation of The Pledge of Allegiance was performed. Four Board Members were present. The total attendance was 20 with 4 visitors. Introductions: The usual round of introductions was not held this month. Announcements: Rick spoke about the Special Event operation to commemorate the 100th Birthday of President Ronald Reagan. Sponsored by VCARS, the call “N6R” was activated for the event. Rick operated on 20 meters from his home station and Al Febraro, W6AAX operated on Sunday from the Sheriff’s station ACS operating room. The reported total QSO count for the Feb. 5th-7th event was 2,067. Stephen King, KE6WEZ, spoke about the Bandit Trail Run that will be Sunday Feb. 20. He welcomed any volunteer radio operators to come by. The event will use the 147.180 repeater for communications. Rick mentioned that the DX Convention in Visalia will be April 15 to 17 this year. Program: For our program this month, Jim Hutchinson, KI6MZ, gave a talk about the prototype Field Strength Meter that he has built. He described the different types of F.S. Meters that exist and the many uses they have. Jim is developing the meter to be a Club project. He described the components the FSM will use and estimated the total parts cost per unit, based on building ten, to be $125.00. A demonstration was given with members testing their HT radios with different antennas. Jim had the display of the F.S. Meter projected at the front of the room. Each member keyed their radio from the same spot across the room from a pickup antenna feeding the F.S. Meter. Signal level differences could clearly be seen with this very interesting demonstration of how useful the Field Strength Meter can be. Break: A refreshment break was taken at 8:38. The refreshments were provided by our Vice President, Frank Valdez, KI6OQ. Member Drawing: The progressive membership prize drawing was held and the name drawn was Ralph “Rusty” Hemenway, K1GGS, who was not present to win the $5 prize. The prize fund will therefore increase to $10 for our March 10, 2011 meeting. Prize raffle: The raffle prize drawing was held with the winners selecting the prize of their choice. The Grand Prize was a battery charger-maintainer. Ray Campbell, KI6LKD, won the grand prize after all the regular prize winners’ tickets went back into the drum. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:58pm. Submitted by: Secretary, John Percival, WI6O 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2011 Simi Settlers’ Short Circuit Events Tuesday, March 8, 2011 7:30pm VCARS General Meeting The Cameron Center 288 Greenmeadow Dr. Newbury Park, CA 91320 – and join to stay on top of developments. Thursday March 10, 2011 7:00pm Simi Settlers General Meeting Simi Valley Senior Center 3900 Avenida Simi, Simi Valley, CA 93063 note start time – we must be out by 8:55pm. Friday, March 11 7:30pm VCARC / K6MEP club meeting Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf 4360 E Main St # E San Buenaventura (Ventura), CA 93003 Next Fox-Hunting Event: March 13, 2011 at Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area For e-mail notification of these events, you can join the southern California ARDF mailing list. More info at: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 7 pm W6JW Santa Clarita Club General Meeting Santa Clarita Senior Center 22900 Market Street Santa Clarita, CA 91321 Thursday, March 17, 2011 7:30 pm, CVARC General Meeting East County Sheriff's Station (ECSS) 2101 East Olsen Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Saturday, March 26, 2011 7 am W6TRW Swapmeet (7am) and Exam Session (10am) Redondo Beach, CA Sunday, April 10 2011, 8:30am Ham Radio License exam session at Ventura County Sheriff's E County Station 2101 E Olsen Rd (Between 23 Hwy & Reagan Library); Community Room, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Walk-ins-Allowed. Contact: Jeffrey M Reinhardt (818) 706-3853 See: for more information Club Picnic How does May 7th sound for a picnic in the park? Come to the next meeting and let us know! Strathearn Park History Day June 18th And the Simi Settlers will be there and on the air. Look for us at the park or on 7.260Mhz and 14.255Mhz for phone or 14.040 - 14.045Mhz for CW. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2011 Simi Settlers’ Short Circuit Simi Settlers’ Leadership President Rick Galbraith W6DQE Vice President Frank Valdez, KI6OQ Secretary John Percival WI6O Treasurer Norbert Rehaut, W9YPM Committee Chairpersons Webmasters Peter Grace AI6PG Edwin Grace KI6LSH Repeater VACANT ex-President Peter Grace AI6PG Newsletter Joe Partlow W6JWP Membership VACANT PIO VACANT Field Day What will you do? Youth Coordinator VACANT Historian VACANT Elmer VACANT (805) 433-4513 cell (805) 285-3063 cell (805) 428-7903 cell KI6KSV Advisor Bill Everett Advisor Jim Hutchinson KI6MZ Advisor Brad Rife Advisor Spencer Smith N6IWY KI6KSY (805) 583-1127 Letter From The Editor Wow! A lot of things coming up in the next few months leading up to Field Day. I really appreciate all the support I've received since I took over the newsletter. I expect to hear from the rest of you and look forward to finding out how you're spending your Ham Radio moments. A few words, a picture, a project whatever you'd like to share. - 73 Joe W6JWP 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .