I E E E TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, AND FREQUENCY CONTROL, VOL. 44, NO. 4, JULY 1997 733 Evaluation of the Material Parameters of Piezoelectric Materials by Various Methods Kin Wing Kwok, Helen Lai Wah Chan, and Chung Loong Choy Abstract-The elastic, dielectric and piezoelectric constants of four piezoelectric materials, including polyvinylidene fluoride, vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene copolymer, PZT/epoxy 1-3 composite, and lead metaniobate ceramic, have been evaluated from the impedance data using five different methods. A method described in ANSI/IEEE Std. 176-1987, though based on formulae derived for lossless materials, is found t o be applicable t o materials with moderate loss. However, for high-loss materials such as palyvinylidene fluoride, the electromechanical coupling constant (&) obtained by the method of Std. 176 is substantiatlly higher than the actual value. Calculations based on a piezoelectric resonance analysis program (PRAP) combine the best features of two earlier methods. In addition t o the impedance at the parallel resonance frequency, impedances at two other frequencies are required for calculation. The PItAP method gives quite accurate material parameters regardless of the magnitude of the loss, but the parameters (including k t ) vary by as much as 15% depending on th(e choice of data. In the nonlinear regression method described in the present work, all the impedance data points around the resonance are least-squares fitted t o the theoretical expression for the impedance. Besides the advantage of requiring no arbitrary choice of data, the nonlinear regression method can readily take account of the frequency dependence of the dielectric constant. constant as real. In this paper, the material parameters of PVDF, P(VDF-TrFE), PZT/epoxy 1-3 composite, and lead metaniobate are calculated from impedance data using five methods: the IEEE Std. 176 method, the methods of Smits [Ill, [la] and Sherrit et al. [13], a software package “Piezoelectric Resonance Analysis Program (PRAP),” and a nonlinear regression method proposed by the authors. By comparing the results, it is hoped that the best method can be found for evaluating the elastic, dielectric, and piezoelectric constants of lossy piezoelectric materials. 11. EXPERIMENTS The samples characterized include PVDF, P(VDFTrFE), PZT7A/Araldite D 1-3 composite, and lead metaniobate ceramic. The PVDF sample (Kynar Piezo Film) was supplied by Atochem North America (now Amp Sensors, Valley Forge, PA). The P(VDF-TrFE) sample, containing 25 mole % of TrFE, was poled at the Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches de Saint-Louis (ISL) in Saint-Louis, France. The 1-3 composite, containing 43 volume % of PZT-7A, was prepared in the Materials Physics Research Laboratory of Macquarie University in SydI. INTRODUCTION ney, Australia. Lead metaniobate ceramic was supplied by American Piezo Ceramics, Inc., Mackeyville, PA. The denLTRASONIC APPLICATIONS of lossy piezoelectric masity, diameter, and thickness of the samples, as well as the terials such as polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), type and thickness of the electrodes, are given in Table I. vinylidene-trifluoroethylene copolymers (P(VDF-TrFE)) One end of a thin wire was bonded to the center of the and ceramic-polymer composites have attracted considersample with silver paste and the other end was connected able interest [l]-[S], so a full characterization of these mat o a HP4194A impedance analyzer. A personal computer terials becomes very important. However, the procedures (486DX-50) was used to collect the impedance data and to recommended in IEEE standards [9], [lo] were designed for calculate the material parameters following various methmeasuring material constants of low-loss materials, such ods. as lead zirconate titanate (PZT), and thus may not be applicable to lossy piezoelectric materials. Several workers, including Smits [ll],[la], Sherrit et al. [13], Xu et 111. REVIEWOF THE METHODSUSED FOR EVALUATING MATERIALPARAMETERS Ohigashi [15], and Koga and Ohigashi [16], have al. [14], introduced methods to determine the mechanical, dielectric, and/or piezoelectric loss. Smits [ll],[la] and SherConsider a lossless transducer plate of thickness L rit et al. [13], considered all the material parameters as and electrode area A. If it is poled in the thickness dicolmplex, and the losses are given by the corresponding rection and its lateral dimensions are large compared imaginary parts. The method of Xu et al. [14] is similar with its thickness, the electrical impedance at thicknessto that of Smits [Ill, [la]. Ohigashi [15] treated the elastic extensional resonance is given by (14) in [lo], and (105) in and dielectric constants as complex but the piezoelectric [17]: Manuscript received August 27, 1996; accepted November 13, 1996. Financial support was provided by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council and the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. The authors are with Department of Applied Physics and Materials Research Center, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 0885-3010/97$10.00 @ 1997 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on November 24, 2008 at 20:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 734 I E E E TRANSACTIONS O N ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, AND FREQUENCY CONTROL, VOL. 44, NO. 4,JULY 1997 TABLE I DENSITIESAND DIMENSIONS OF Density (kg/m3) Thickness (mm) Diameter (mm) Type of Electrode Thickness of Electrode (pm) T H E SAMPLES AND T H E TYPEAND THICKNESS OF THE ELECTRODES. PVDF P(VDF-TrFE) 1-3 PZT/Epoxy Composite Lead Metaniobate 1.78 0.270 14 1.88 0.408 14 3.90 1.06 14 1.55 25.2 Aluminum Gold Gold Silver < 0.1 <0.1 < 0.1 < 10 where B’f is the clamped dielectric permittivity, kt is the electromechanical coupling constant for the thickness mode [given by the positive square root of ( a ) ] , is the elastic stiffness constant at constant electric displacement, ef3 is the elastic stiffness constant at constant electric field, e33 is the piezoelectric constant, p is the density, and f is the frequency. To account for the losses, we will need to treat the material parameters e&, E & , and kt as complex quantities by adding an asterisk as the superscript, e.g., e&, e:;, and IC;. The complex material parameters are assumed to be independent of frequency. It is clear from (1) that impedances Z ( f ) (both the magnitude and phase) at only three different frequencies are required for calculating the three complex material parameters. 6.0 T Ht fR cg Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing the definition of the critical frequencies. Y is admittance, G is conductance, B is susceptance, 2 is impedance, R is resistance, and X is reactance. B.Method by Sherrit et al. [I31 Sherrit et al. [13] defined f P and f s as the frequencies which correspond to the maxima in the real parts of f Z(f ) and Y ( f ) / f ,respectively, instead of in the real parts of Z ( f ) and Y ( f )as in IEEE Std. 176. These definitions are A. The Method of IEEE Std. 176-1981 more appropriate since f p , for example, is the frequency at which the expression in the square bracket in (1) has According to IEEE Std. 176 [(161) and (163) in [9]] a maximum in its real part. Land et al. [18]have shown and ( 3 ) , c g and kt can be determined using the following that the bandwidth at resonance, defined as the difference between the frequency at maximum reactance and the freequations: quency at minimum reactance, is related to the mechanical Q factor (i.e., the mechanical loss) of a resonator. Therefore, to account for losses, Sherrit et al. [13] defined the (5) complex parallel and series resonance frequencies as: where the parallel and series resonance frequencies, f, and f s , are the frequencies at which the real parts of the impedance Z and the admittance Y have a maximum, respectively. For low loss materials, it was noted [9] that f, is very close to the frequency, f n , at which the impedance magnitude has a maximum, while f s is very close t o the frequency, f m , at which the impedance magnitude has a minimum (i.e., the admittance magnitude, (YI, has a maximum). Since the measurements of f n and f m were simpler than those of f, and f s , it was proposed [9] t o make the approximations f n = f P and f m = f s when considering low loss materials, e.g., PZT. where the various frequencies are shown in Fig. 1. After calculating f; and f,* from the observed frequencies ( f p , P f-1/2, f:1/2, f s , f : L / 2 ) , e&, and IC; can be evaluated using (4) and (5) by replacing f P and f s by f; and f,*.Then E$$ is calculated by substituting the calculated and k:, and the observed Z value at frequency 2 f P in cg (1). Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on November 24, 2008 at 20:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. KWOK et al.: MATERIAL PARAMETERS O F PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIALS 735 For materials with low kt (kt < 0.3), the difference between f, and f s is small, so the shifting of the critical frequencies due to a complex E& may introduce significant errors in the calculated values of e& and [13].Therefore, for materials with low kt or large dielectric loss, they eliminated this effect by obtaining the critical frequencies from ~ $ ; f Z ( fand ) Y(f)/(&i?f) instead of f Z ( f ) and Y ( f ) / f afher calculating E!$ by the above procedure. perimental impedance spectra, and the impedance value at f p is used as one of the three data points for the calculation. The user is then required to choose arbitrarily the other two impedance values, Z ( f : ) and Z ( f ; ) , such that f i < f, < f i . Following Sherrit et al. [13], an initial value for e& is calculated from (6) and (4). Using this e!$ value together with Z ( f i ) and Z(f4) , E$$ and k; are calculated from (1). Using Z(f,) and these calculated values of E$$ and k;, a new e& is calculated from (l),and the process is repeated until the values of e&, and k; converge. Generally, it just takes one to two seconds for the calculation. C. Smits’ Method In the framework of the Smits’ method [ll],[la], an initial value of e& is estimated. This value and the observed Z ( f ) at any two frequencies near the resonance are substituted into (1) to obtain E;; and k;. By using these calculated E!: and k; values and an observed Z ( f ) value at a third frequency, an improved e& value is obtained from (1). This procedure is repeated (with the same three chosen Z ( f ) values) until the calculated e& differs from that obtained in the previous step by less than a cut-off value. However, it was found [19] that the calculated results are very sensitive to the initial value of and the Z ( f ) values chosen for the calculation. First, not any three Z ( f ) data points can give convergent results. Second, even if there is convergence, the resulting parameters depend on the initial e& value and the chosen set of Z ( f ) . Although a reasonably accurate initial value of e& can be easily calculated [ll],it is still necessary to make the correct choice of Z ( f ) data to obtain convergent results, so the method is not suitable for routine use by an inexperienced operator. In the present work, Smits’ method [ll],[12] is modified. Instead of using any three Z ( f ) values, we search for three values in the frequency range of 3 ( f n - f,) centered at fo (fo = ( f m fn)/2) in order to obtain best-fit results. This is the guideline used for any material and thickness. The width of this frequency range is different for different materials: about 790 kHz for PVDF, 450 kHz for P(VDFTrFE), 900 kHz for the 1-3 composite, and 240 kHz for lead metaniobate, but it covers the entire resonance peak. Based on experience, we choose one data point at f o , and the other two at arbitrary frequencies f l and f 2 where f l < f o < f 2 . The complex material parameters as well as the difference between the calculated and measured impedance in the above frequency range are then calculated. About 100 data points are chosen for each f i and f 2 , and then lo4 iterations are carried out. The computing time is about 8 minutes. However, if we search for any three frequencies instead of two, the computing time is about 200 times longer and is thus not practical. E. The Nonlinear Regression Procedure (Gauss-Newton Method) The Gauss-Newton method is a regression procedure [20] widely used to best fit experimental data to a nonlinear equation. We first write e&, E:$, IC; as eg = c g ( l + i t a n ~ , ) E:; cg + = & & ( I-itand,) k: = k t ( l + itan6k), (9) (10) where tand,, tanb,, and tan6k are the elastic, dielectric, and electromechanical coupling factor loss tangent, respectively. All the material parameters are assumed to be independent of frequency in the vicinity of the resonance. The impedance of the thin plate (1) then becomes: Z ( f ) = R ( f )+ i X ( f ) (11) where the resistance, R, is ()’ = + L tan 6, 2 r f e f 3 A ( 1 tan2 6,) + Lk; T - U 2rf&f3A S and the reactance, X , is -L x(f= ) 2rfef3~(+ I tan2 6,) F+G + 2 rLk; f e f 3 ~ s )(13) and T = [tanhN sec2 M ( l - tan2 6k) - 2 tan 61,tan M sech2 NI ( M - Ntand,) U = [tan M sec h2N(1 - tan2 6k) + (14) 2 tan 6 k tanh N sec2M] + ( N Mtan6,) (15) F = [tanh N sec’ M ( 1 - tan2 6 k ) - 2 tan 61, tan M sech2NI ( N M tan 6,) (16) G = [tanM sech2 N(1 - tan2 Sk) 2 tan Sk tanh N sec2 MI + + ( M - NtanS,) D. Piezoelectric Resonance Analysis Program ( P R A P ) (8) S = (M2+ N2)(1+ tan26,)(1 + t a n 2 M t a n h 2 N ) Recently, the methods of Smits [11],[la] and Sherrit et al. [13] have been combined in the PRAP (from TASI Technical Software, Ontario, Canada). In this program the frequency f p corresponding to the maximum in the real part of f Z ( f ) is determined automatically from the ex- Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on November 24, 2008 at 20:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. (17) (18) (19) 736 IEEE TRANSACTIONS O N ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, A N D FREQUENCY CONTROL, VOL. Since the mechanical loss is not too high, terms of tanb, of order higher than three are neglected in (19) and (20). The magnitude of impedance (121) and the phase angle (4) are given by: It is seen from (1) that the impedance consists of two components: the baseline (first term) and the resonance (second term). The baseline term, Z,, is: 44, NO. 4, JULY 1997 It should be noted that the impedance and resonance frequency are not sensitive to variation in tan6k (and hence tans,) in the range -0.1 to 0.1, so the different tan 6 k and tan 6, values obtained using different methods are not meaningful. In fact, using PVDF as an example, a good fit to the impedance data can be obtained using the nonlinear regression method and taking tanbk = 0. Except for the method of IEEE Std. 176, the other four sets of measured parameters were used to generate the impedance magnitude and phase angle as functions of frequency using (1).The experimental data and the generated curves are shown in Figs. 2 to 5. The results are discussed in the following sections. L 'O(') = i27rfe3S3A(1 - i tan 6,) ' (23) A. Method of IEEE Std. 176 and the corresponding magnitude, IZ,I, and phase angle, do, are given by: Since only the real parameters kt and c& can be determined using the IEEE Std. 176 method, it is not possible to calculate the impedance spectra for comparison with experimental data. As the parallel and series resonance frequencies, f , and f s , can be directly measured (as the frequencies at maximum resistance and conductance, respectively) using an impedance analyzer, it is not necessary to make the approximations f n = f, and f, = f s . The q50 depends only on tan6, while l Z,l is weakly de- Since (4) and (5) used for calculating e& and kt from f p pendent on tan6,. Equations (1) and (4) show that the and fs are derived from (1) for lossless materials, they are resonance term equals zero at f = 2 f p , so the procedure not valid for lossy materials. For lossy materials, f, should uses an estimated initial value of tan6, calculated from correspond to the maximum value of ( l a ) , and f s should the observed 4 value at f = 2f,. Then the nonlinear re- correspond to the maximum value of the real part of the gression procedure (Gauss-Newton method) [20] is applied reciprocal of (11).It is then obvious that the two equations to fit the observed i Z ( f ) l to (21) to obtain the other ma- involving f , and f s would include all six material parameterial parameters: c&, k t , tanb,, and tan6k. With ters, instead of only cg and kt.These equations reduce to the use of the calculated cg, e&, kt, tanS,, and tanSk, (4) and ( 5 ) only when the losses are negligible. It is seen the observed $ ( f ) are fitted to (22) to obtain an improved from Table I1 that the calculated kt and e!& of P(VDFtan 6, value. The process is repeated until converging val- TrFE), PZT/epoxy 1-3 composite, and lead metaniobate ues are obtained. A program has been written to perform are very close t o the real parts of k t and e& evaluated by the above procedure using 200 data points. After the ac- our method. This is not surprising because these three maquisition of data, it takes about 1 minute to complete the terials do not exhibit very strong mechanical and dielectric calculation. loss in the frequency range under study. For PVDF which In general, all of the six parameters depend on fre- shows a significant loss, the IEEE Std. 176 value of c& quency. Therefore, each calculated material parameter rep- is close to that obtained by our method, but the kt value resents an average within the frequency range where data is substantially higher. Therefore, if the approximations points are used for the calculation. The narrower the fitting f n = f, and f m = f s are not used, the IEEE Std. 176 range, the closer are the calculated average values to the method is applicable to piezoelectric materials with modactual values. In the present work, data in the frequency erate loss as has been well-known and accepted. range of 3 ( f n - f,) centered at f, are used for calculation. In practice, the resonance frequencies f, and f s are often approximated by f n and f m , respectively, and Table I11 shows the results of this approximation. The values of kt AND DISCUSSION I v . RESULTS would be overestimated, especially for materials with high tanb, (low Q,), such as PVDF, P(VDF-TrFE), and lead The material parameters of the samples evaluated us- metaniobate. For the material with very low tanb, (high ing the previously described methods and the piezoelec- Q,), PZT/epoxy 1-3 composite, the overestimation is not tric constant e33 calculated from (2) are given in Table 11. significant. The discrepancy in kt arises largely from the In taking the square root of (a), the minus sign of e33 is difference between (f, - f s ) and (fn- f m ) . The higher the taken for PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE) because of the 180" mechanical loss, the larger the difference between ( f p - f s ) phase difference between the excitation and response in and ( f n - f,) and the larger the error in the electromethe piezoelectric effect, while the positive sign is taken for chanical coupling constant kt [see (5)]. For example, the values of f,, f s , f n , f, are 4.125, 4.075, 4.225, 3.962 MHz PZT/epoxy 1-3 composite and lead metaniobate. €3s3, Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on November 24, 2008 at 20:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 737 KWOK et al.:MATERIAL PARAMETERS OF PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIALS TABLE I1 MATERIAL CONSTANTS OF FOUR SAMPLES DETERMINED BY DIFFERENT METHODS.THERESULTSOF IEEE STD. 176 METHODARE OBTAINED USINGfp AND fs. THEPIEZOELECTRIC CONSTANT e&(= e33(1+ i t a n s p ) ) WAS CALCULATED ACCORDING TO (2). c3"3 Method PVDF Present work IEEE Std. 176 Sherrit Smits PRAP Present work IEEE Std. 176 Sherrit Smits PRAP Present work IEEE Std. 176 Sherrit Smits PRAP Present work IEEE Std. 176 Sherrit Smits PRAP P(VDF-TrFE) 1-3 PZT-Epoxy composite Lead metaniobate kt tan6k E&,/E~ tan& (GPa) 0.146 0.171 0.087 0.147 0.145 0.262 0.266 0.260 0.253 0.258 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.57 0.59 0.334 0.332 0.330 0.334 0.330 0.0362 6.3 0.256 8.7 8.9 8.5 8.6 8.6 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 61.3 61.4 61.4 61.4 61.3 65.8 65.8 65.5 65.8 65.7 - - 5.5 6.3 6.3 4.38 0.309 0.255 0.256 0.106 ~ -0.0325 0.079 0.091 0.0143 ~ - - ~ - ~ 259 259 255 0.0169 -0.0023 0.0056 0.0052 0.0105 0.0229 0.133 (C/m2) tanbp -0.104 -0.023 ~ - ~ 0.134 0.137 0.135 0.051 -0.057 -0.104 -0.103 -0.165 -0.116 0.022 0.033 -0.013 - - - 0.049 0.051 0.050 0.0237 -0.161 -0.157 -0.160 4.57 -0.002 0.007 0.015 -0.016 - 0.0233 0.0224 0.0241 0.063 ~ 4.57 4.53 4.74 4.10 - - 0.065 0.063 0.063 4.04 4.10 4.02 ~ 0.005 -0.001 0.004 0.028 ~ 0.047 0.024 0.026 7 -1.20 6 G s5 h h c: 8 - .i 4 2.0 -1.25 .- 8) z ~ 0.0309 0.0078 0.0319 0.0089 116 116 120 258 2.5 5 0.090 0.090 0.102 0.0420 ~ 0.0087 -0.0084 0.0076 0.0008 3.0 4 2 - ~ 4.27 4.27 4.27 116 0.0184 0.0261 0.0413 0.0074 e33 tan6, 4 L a 32 c E 3 1.5 a 8 3 -1.30 a 2 @ .3- 1.0 c 1 -1.35 0.5 2 4 3 5 . 0 0.5 7 6 ~ , 1.o 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Freauencv - . (MHz) , , Freauencv (MHz), \ b) - -0.25 - -0.50 6 r. C I - $ 5 - 0.4 a - -0.75 'i3, 2 4- - -1.00 3 3 3- - -1.25 A - - c S 0.3 .El. '$ 2a 2$ - . 8 3 i!. - 0.0 d) - - - G . - -1.0 - - j B e. 2 I I I I -1.50 - -1.75 - @ 0.1 - -1.5 3 0.0 -w E 0.2 -0.5 1 Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on November 24, 2008 at 20:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1 -2.0 da 738 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, AND FREQUENCY CONTROL, VOL. 44,NO. 4, 1997 JULY 3.0 2 a) - 25 - G 5 2 1.5 8 23 R H 52 - ‘8 $ 1 2.0 - v 0 : 0 - a -1 10- 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 6 - - -0.50 ,--. c - s 5 - 2 33 s d) - -025 . b) d -2 1 - . -075 0.4 ; c : . c 0.3 a2 2 ’& . % i - 2 - -1.25 g3-E . - 2 I I I I a -150 50 e, 0.2 - -0.5 * G 2 - -1.0 - - B -B 0 a ~ -E - ,E - -1.75 0.0 - v 4 - - - -1.5 I 0.0 I -2.0 TABLE 111 MATERIALCONSTANTS OF Foun SAMPLES EVALUATED BY THE IEEE STD. 176 METHODUSING T W O DIFFERENT PAIRS OF RESONANCE FREQUENCIES. PVDF P(VDF-TrFE) 1-3 PZT/Epoxy Composite Lead Metaniobate 0.171 0.266 0.575 0.332 for our PVDF sample, so ( f p - f 3 ) and ( f n - f m ) are 50 kHz and 263 kHz, respectively. B. Method by Sherrit et al. [I31 0.380 8.92 0.351 0.581 0.414 10.1 61.4 65.8 9.37 10.4 61.4 67.8 spectra [Figs. 2(b) to (d)]. However, for PVDF, the calculated k t , and hence e33, deviate appreciably from the value obtained by our method. It seems that the introduction of complex resonance frequencies into (4) and (5) is not sufficient for obtaining accurate material parameters for materials with high loss. For all samples, the resulting E;; is found to be dependent on which impedance data point is chosen for the calculation. Therefore, we have followed the recommenda- C. Smits’ Method tion of Sherrit et al. [13] by calculating E:; from 2 ( 2 f p ) . For P(VDF-TrFE), PZT/epoxy 1-3 composite, and lead Table I1 shows that the modified Smits’ method gives metaniobate, the resulting materia1 parameters agree with more accurate kt and e33 values for PVDF than the IEEE those obtained by our method, and there is also good Std. 176 method. As shown in Figs. 3(b) to (d) there is agreement between the calculated and observed impedance good agreement between the calculated and observed spec- Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on November 24, 2008 at 20:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. et al.: MATERIAL PARAMETERS OF PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIALS KWOK 739 3.0 7 2 - -1.20 6 2.5 5 - -1.25 1 4 3 - -1.30 2 -1 1 05 I I 2 . I . I 4 3 . I 5 , I . 1.1,35 I -2 0 0.5 7 6 . b) 0.4 - -0.50 7. 2.0 1.5 2.5 3.0 .4 - -0.25 6 - 1.o 4 0.3 3 .g - -1.25 6 8e - -1.50 -0.5 - G . 2 0.2 - - G2 - -1.00 5 0.0 - c : - 3 - -0.75 - - -1.0 - - HA -- - -t c a -1.5 O.’ 2 I I I I - -1.75 tra for P(VDF-TrFE), PZT/epoxy 1-3 composite, and lead metaniobate. For PVDF, the agreement is poor outside the resonance region [see Fig. 3(a)],and this is due to the variation of $‘; with frequency which will be discussed in a later section. D.Piezoelectric Resonance Analysis Program (PRAP) Since this approach is basically the same as that of Smits [11], [la] except that the initial is estimated by following the method of Sherrit et al. [13],it is not surprising that the results [Table I1 and Figs. 4(a) to (d)] are very close to those obtained from Smits’ method. Since the initial value of c& is more accurate, the choice of the two impedance data points ( Z ( f i )and Z ( f i ) , f i < f, < f ; ) is no longer critical for obtaining convergent results. However, the calculated results are still dependent on the choice of impedance data. If the frequencies f i and f; are too close to or too far from f,, the resulting k t , tanbk, tand,, and tanb, could have an uncertainty of 10% or more. The material parameters listed in Table I1 were obtained using the impedance data in the optimum frequency range such that 0 . 2 f R ( f p )< f R ( f l ) f, R ( f 4 )< 0.5fR(fp), where R is the resistance. cg 0.0 I I -2.0 E. Nonlinear Regression Method Good agreement is obtained between the calculated and observed impedance spectra for all samples except PVDF [Figs. 5(a) to (d)]. For PVDF, the poor agreement outside the resonance region is due to the variation of E;$ with frequency which will be discussed below. v. FREQUENCY DEPENDENCE OF MATERIALPARAMETERS In the above calculation, all the material parameters are assumed to be independent of frequency. For P(VDF-TrFE), PZT/epoxy 1-3 composite, and lead metaniobate, the good agreement between the calculated and observed impedance spectra indicates that this is a reasonable approximation. For PVDF, however, the discrepancy between the calculated and observed values, particularly outside the resonance region, implies that the frequency dependence of the material parameters has a significant effect on the impedance. In general, all of the six parameters depend on frequency. However, (1) shows that the impedance outside the resonance region is mainly contributed by the Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on November 24, 2008 at 20:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 740 IEEE TRANSACTIONS O N ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, A N D FREQUENCY CONTROL, VOL. . b) - -025 G . - -050 - -0.75 2 5 - 2 . 3 5 -c "8a 3 E -1.00 - -1.25 0.4 0 4 0.3 2E '2 2 v 0 4 - 3 - Y - NO. 4, JULY j4 0.0 - - -0.5 . - -1.0 - - m 5 3 1997 - 4 6 h 44, - 0.2 - 2 .5 % 2 U - . 2 I I I I a - -1.50 - -1.75 first term so, as a first approximation, we consider only the effect of the frequency dependences of E& and tan 6,. Using an approach similar to that of Brown and Carlson [all, we insert the values of c g , k t , tanS,, and tanbk obtained by the nonlinear regression method assuming frequency-independent parameters (Table 11) and the observed 1 2 1 and q5 values into (21) and (22) to calculate &f3 and tanS, at each frequency. Since the input values of e&, k t , tanb,, and tanbk are not exactly correct, the calculated and tan6, values show appreciable scatter in the resonance region. Therefore, we obtain smooth curves by fitting the &f2 and tan6, values outside the resonance region to polynomials of order 9. Fig. 6 shows the resulting &f3 and tan6, as functions of frequency. Using these results, the other four parameters are calculated by fitting the observed impedance data in the frequency range of 3 ( f n - fm) centered at f o to (21) and (22). We have mentioned that it takes 1 minute to calculate the parameters if they are assumed to be frequency-independent. An additional period of 2 minutes is required to perform the steps treating the frequency dependences of &f3 and tanb,. 3 0.1 - -1.5 I 0.0 lo I -2.0 i 0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 Frequency (MHz) Fig. 6. Variation of for PVDF. E& (-) and tan6, (- - - - -) with frequency Table IV shows that there is 10 to 20% change in the calculated parameters for PVDF (except e&) when the frequency dependences of &f3 and tanS, are taken into account. With the use of this new set of parameters the calculated impedance spectra are found t o agree closely with the observed spectra (Fig. 7). It is necessary to take Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on November 24, 2008 at 20:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 74 1 KWOK et al.: MATERIAL PARAMETERS OF PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIALS TABLE IV MATERIALPARAMETERS OF PVDF CALCULATED BY T W O PROCEDURES. I N PROCEDURE 1, ALL T H E PARAMETERS ARE ASSUMEDT O BE 2, C E , k t , tanbk, AND tanb, ARE INDEPENDENT OF FREQUENCY, W H I L E && AND t a n & DEPENDON FREQUENCY. FORPROCEDURE 2, THE &!& AND tanbe VALUES GIVENIN THIS TABLE CORRESPOND T O T H O S E AT THE RESONANCE FREQUENCY f o (= 4.15 MHz). T H E PIEZOELECTRIC CONSTANT e& (= e33 (1 i tan b p ) ) WAS CALCULATED ACCORDING TO (2). INDEPENDENT OF FREQUENCY. I N PROCEDURE + Procedure 1 Procedure 2 kt tanbk $../eo tan& (GPa) 0.146 0.127 0.0362 0.0435 6.3 6.3 0.256 0.280 8.7 8.7 I -1.15 5 , -1.20 - -1.25 ,U E v -1.30 8 -1.35 -1.40 0 2 4 6 8 10 Frequency (MHz) Fig. 7. Comparison of calculated impedance and phase angle (solid lines) with experimental data (IZI, 0 ; phase angle 0)for PVDF. The material parameters used for generating the theoretical spectra are calculated by the nonlinear regression method taking into account the frequency dependence of &f3 and tan be. account of the frequency dependence of the material parameters because PVDF has a strong relaxation associated with the glass transition within the frequency range of our measurements. VI. CONCLUSION Five different methods have been used to evaluate the material parameters of four piezoelectric materials, including PVDF, P(VDF-TrFE), PZT-7A/Araldite D 1-3 composite, and lead metaniobate ceramic. Although the IEEE Std. 176 method is strictly valid only for lossless materials, we have found that it is applicable to materials with moderate loss, in agreement with generally accepted practice. However, for high-loss materials such as PVDF, the kt value evaluated using this method is much higher than the value determined by the nonlinear regression method. Sherrit et al. [13] accounted for the losses by treating the critical frequencies in (4) and (5) as complex quantities. Consequently, the loss factors for the material parameters can also be deduced. This method is quite successful for moderately lossy materials, but the resulting kt and e33 for high-loss PVDF are too low. Smits’ method suffers from the fact that the results are strongly dependent on the three Z ( f ) values chosen for tanb, 0.133 0.117 e33 (C/m2) tanb, -0.104 -0.091 -0.023 -0.035 the calculation. The PRAP improves on Smits’ method by using a more accurate initial e% value calculated by the procedure of Sherrit et al. [13]. Consequently, the resulting parameters arc less dependent on the chosen Z ( f { ) and Z(fi). However, if frequencies f { and f ; arc too close or too far from f,, the resulting material parameters could have an uncertainty of 10% or more. The nonlinear regression method has the advantages that an arbitrary choice of data is not necessary and that all the impedance data points within a certain frequency range arc given a best fit to the theoretical expression for the impedance to give the material parameters. Moreover, it is quite convenient to take account of the frequency dependences of & and tan 6,. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Mr. S. Sherrit of the Royal Military College of Canada for invaluable discussion. Thanks arc also due to Drs. R. Heintz and F. Bauer of ISL providing the P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer sample. REFERENCES W. A. 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Dr. Chan worked as a research scientist at CSIRO Division of Applied Physics in Sydney, N.S.W., Australia, for 4 years and was responsible for setting up the standards for medical ultrasound in Australia. She then worked at GEC-Marconi Pty. Australia for a year as a senior acoustic designer before she returned to Hong Kong in 1992. She is currently an associate professor in Applied Physics at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. C. L. Choy was born in Malaysia in 1938. He received his Ph.D. in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1968 and then worked as a research associate for 1 year at Cornel1 University. He was a visiting scientist at the University of Leeds and the University of Massachusetts in 1974 and 1981, respectively. His main research interest is in the structure and physical properties of polymers and composites. Dr. Choy is presently Professor of Applied Physics and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science & Textiles at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on November 24, 2008 at 20:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.