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Code No: V0222 /R07
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec- 2010
(Com. to EEE, ICE)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
a) List out of the ideal characteristics of an OP-AMP.
b) Draw the equivalent circuit of an OP-AMP.
c) Draw and explain the type of open-loop OP-AMP configuration.
a) Explain the operation of Schmitt trigger (inverting and non- inverting) using OP-AMP
with a neat Circuit diagram.
b) For a non-inverting Schmitt trigger circuit if R 1 = 100Ω, R 2 =50 KΩ and supply voltages
are +15V and -15V then find the upper and lower trigger points.
a) With the help of neat circuit diagram explain the operation of phase shift oscillator and
derive the expression.
b) Design a phase shift oscillator to have an output frequency of 10 kHz, using 741 OPAMP with a Supply of ±9V.
a) Discuss the operation of FSK generator using 555 timer.
b) Explain the operation of monostable multivibrator using 555 timer.
a) What is the difference between direct type ADC and integrating type ADC.
b) With the help of neat circuit diagram explain the operation of dual slope ADC.
a) Give the difference between open-collector output and totem-pole output.
b) With a neat circuit explain the concept of open collector output with pull-up resistors.
a) Design a 4-bit carry look ahead adder using gates.
b) Write short notes on BCD to excess-3 code convertor.
a) Design a conversion circuit to convert a JK flip-flop to T flip-flop?
b) Write short notes on parallel in serial out shift register.
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Code No: V0222 /R07
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec- 2010
(Com. to EEE, ICE)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
a) Discuss the electrical parameter of an OP-AMP in detail.
b) Draw and explain the closed loop operator of an OP-AMP.
2. a) Explain the operation of sample and hold circuit using OP-AMP with neat circuit diagram
b) With the help of neat circuit diagram explain the operation of series and shunt
regulator using OP-AMP.
c) Draw the basic circuit of IC 723.
3. a) Explain the operation of wide band-pass filter with a neat circuit diagram.
b) Design a wide band pass filter to have lower and higher cut-off frequency of 500 Hz
and 1.5 kHz respectively and a pass band gain of 4. Also, find the Q of the filter.
4. a) Draw the circuit of PLL as frequency multiplier and explain its working.
b) Explain how PLL is used for implementing frequency demodulation.
5. a) With help of neat circuit diagram explain the operation of flash ADC
b) If the conversion time of an 8-bit flash ADC is 10µs. find the maximum frequency of
sinusoidal voltage that can be digitized.
6. a) Draw the circuit of NAND and NOR gates using CMOS logic and explain their operation.
b) Compare the performance of various logic families with reference to power dissipation,
Propagation time delay, fan in and fan out.
7. a) What is a decoder? Construct a 4×16 decoder with two 3×8 decoders.
b) Design a 4-bit comparator using IC 7485 and explain its operation.
8. a) Explain the operation of Master-slave JK flip-flop.
b) Design a MOD-8 synchronous counter using JK flip-flop.
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Code No: V0222 /R07
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec- 2010
(Com. to EEE, ICE)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
a) Draw the pin diagram of ICA741 and explain the function of each pin.
b) List out the effects of OP-AMP with negative feedback.
c) Draw and explain the operator of inverting differential amplifier.
a) Draw a circuit using OP-AMP which can work as adder (inverted and non inverted)
and explain how it works
b) Design an adder circuit using an OP-AMP to get the output expression as
V 0 = - (0.1V 1 +V 2 +5V 3 ) , Where V 1 , V 2 and V 3 are inputs.
a) Draw the schematic diagram of Wien bridge oscillator and derive the expression for
frequency of oscillation
b) Design a Wien bridge oscillator to have an output frequency of 12 kHz use a bipolar OPAMP with ±15V supply
a) Explain the function of each pin in 555 timer.
b) List out the important features of 555 timer.
a) Draw the circuit of weighted resistor DAC and derive expression for output analog
voltage V 0 .
b) Discuss about the parameters of D to A convertor.
a) explain the operation of Emitter-coupled Logic circuit.
b) Design a NMOS NOR gate circuit and explain its operation.
a) Design a full subtractor circuit with minimum number of NAND gates.
b) Implement a full adder circuit using 4:1 demultiplexer.
a) Write short notes on Ripple counter.
b) Briefly discuss about the types of ROM.
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Code No: V0222 /R07
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec- 2010
(Com. to EEE, ICE)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
a) With neat diagram explain the function of each block of an OP-AMP.
b) Draw the ideal voltage transfer curve of an OP-AMP.
c) Explain the virtual ground concept of an OP-AMP.
a) With a neat circuit diagram and waveform explain the operation of an inverting and noninverting comparator.
b) What are the applications and limitations of OP-AMP as comparator?
a) With suitable circuit diagram explain the operation of triangular wave generator using a
Schmitt trigger circuit and an integrator.
b) Derive the transfer function of a first order high pass Butterworth filter.
a) Explain the operation principle of PLL with a neat block diagram.
b) What is the purpose of low pass filter in phase locked loop?
a) Draw the circuit diagram of IC 408 DAC and explain in brief.
b) With a neat circuit diagram explain the function of inverted R-2R ladder type digital
to analog converter.
a) Draw the three stage logic circuit and explain its operation.
b) Design a CMOS NOR gate circuit and explain its operation.
a) Write a short notes on BCD to binary code convertor.
b) Explain the operation of Priority encoder using IC 74147.
a) write a short notes on serial in parallel out shit register.
b) Write the difference between synchronous counters and asynchronous counters.
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