Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Levels Verbs 1. Knowledge List Name Identify Show Define Recognize Recall State 4. Analysis Analyze Organize Deduce Choose Contrast Compare Distinguish 2. Comprehension Summarize Explain Put into your own words Interpret Describe Compare Paraphrase Differentiate Demonstrate Visualize Find more information about Restate 5. Synthesis Design Hypothesize Support Schematize Write Report Discuss Plan Devise Compare Create Construct 3. Application Solve Illustrate Calculate Use Interpret Relate Manipulate Apply Classify Modify Put into practice 6. Evaluation Evaluate Choose Estimate Judge Defend Criticize Justify Academic Vocabulary Journal Students will use the template attached to learn/review the list of Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs. The words will be divided up by each week, and sometime during advisory time on the days that they are not working on note-taking skills, they will need to be learning the vocabulary words. These pages must be kept in their advisory notebook and reviewed consistently throughout the school year. Teachers, as you introduce the words to the students please make sure that you are connecting them to the Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Levels. We need to make sure that we use these words through all our classes and all lessons as the students are learning them and retaining them throughout the year. Week 1 – list, name Week 20 – discuss, plan Week 2 – identify, show, define Week 21 – devise, compare Week 3 – recognize, recall, state Week 22 – create, construct Week 4 – summarize, explain, put into your own words Week 23 – evaluate, choose, Week 5 – interpret, describe estimate Week 6 – compare, paraphrase Week 24 – judge, defend Week 7 – differentiate, demonstrate Week 25 – criticize, justify Week 8 – visualize, find more information about Week 9 – restate, solve Week 10 – illustrate, calculate Week 11 – use, interpret, relate Week 12 – manipulate, apply Week 13 – classify, modify, put into practice Week 14 – analyze, organize Week 15 – deduce, choose Week 16 – contrast, compare Week 17 – distinguish, design Week 18 – hypothesize, support Week 19 – schematize, write, report